AND I-lIS MEN .- W'ilh Some Account of the Roads They T raveled to Reach lIarper's Ferry


,.. .., .... V "J(""J~. " AdI#."•• •• "K"IU," H,,~N.. I L ....lff'I," "PAil"" II,,, .., s ...."" ..... " ··V. S. I<.~rls ... 1 ....(1 .. ,..• • , '8JIS-'."..' '"", ' <,)I.




'1'/", elM/ham, C"",,,I,,, C"'/1'ol(i911- Tlu rC/IIKC 0/ flu /1I;:ili1'ts-J!fm'ollcllls i" lIu /!.(uJ- TdlillJ: G'~rril .$'milll alUl Fl'a,,!.- fl, S""(",, II 0/ llis illl""lioll t,} rI"il SI"I'OY- TI,,, li,~' /riouls .111<1 CIJllllrilors-Jlf"rfill R. Dd"I/(fS /Hisaffre/Ullsioll "'l'/u .L"/lJ:lfC 0/ I~ih", Iy" - Dr. Ross, 0/ CllIU"/Il - If'haI1,'"s m"" IIll>y Ilu Pro. f'isio",,1 COlIstillltioll-ffllKII F(lrbrs 1111,1 1,,'1' u'ill1rls - !Yd,,)' (lllIIosl /11'"1- Thr(nl'illg !'{lrMS off Ihc sUIII 'l'/,C UCOIllP'OIl COIli/illllioll- JlI,'SSa(re 0/ /ru· sl"It' IIICII ftellllilillg Ille lill/( i1,II1f{.

J OHN B ROWN "rrived at the farm of 1\11-. \Vhitnwn. ncar L awrence. Oil the 5th i\'ovemher. On the next day lie sent for J <.>1111 E. Cook and myself. At tllat date I was tcm porari I y absellt and Ilaok, Realr, and P arsons readied Topeka. joining J<.>hn RrOWI1 there, lea viIIA' almost immediately fOI'Tabor, Iowa, with" Colonel Whipple," as Aaron D . Stevens was then know n, Chades \\'. MofIett, from Monlour, lowa, and Richard Rich"rdson, an inlel1ig-enl 111"" of colo,'. \\'ho h,,([ lhe yea,' hefore been assisled rrnm slavery in Mis50UI·i. A her reach i ng Canad ... however, 'S< JOltS " ltOJ"'S. in i\'I"y, ,851:1, h.., does not ;:,g.\ln a ppea,' '" the record. Captain Urow,,'s p,"esc "";,, in K ansa s at this period w .. s known to a very few pcrsulls. Th" SLaLIlS o f th e T el'· ,' ito'-}' wa" by no ",canS n senled 011<:, owi n g to the pcnu"",,y of the L ccOll'lHon Constitution, and It \Va" " favond)le ckmCtll Oil the fn,<: -stalc s ide to have it b elieved thaL John Brown "'as snpposed to be my,,­ tCI-;O""]Y h over; ng along th,> nonller n Ii nCo The aCl; ve ,-esislHn"e;ll this pCI"jod of James :'Ionlgomcq'. aftcr. wtlnls colonel of the Second 501.111, Ca,-oli na Colored Volunteers, to the policy of vOling undc,- 11>" "bogus laws," was keeping south"r" in a state of fer­ mellL, which had, however, a sume;..," t basis i" the exist· ence of plots and ,-u nian 1y cffo1"ts to d,'; vc f,·cc·stalc SCl­ tlc'-H;n thal sc<:tioll {ron' U,cir public [nod enlrics "nd settlcmcnts.' From Tabo,- J oh ll Brown soon movcd to

, Tlle . ~ w.,,·., ",b.,. qu"s';ons e","r~eed in Ihe "pp"~i'i..,n '0 "oting 10'- S,,,,,, ollieers Ulldel" 'he Le~t>,,,p't>n Con.,itn'ion. be.ides 'h,,' 01 the recognition .... f ,lie •. bug"s laws" it di,-"",Iy ;"""I-·"d. [" S"",h",,, )(: .. ,,""s, "~p"d,.llr, 'he oo·., .. II"d "1>1""k I"w" f,ee_ ~1" '''' O " ",o""""y had" str""gholy ~I1l>sti"";"11 (0,. it .. so...;all<:d Ucmoo:rfllic "ne ... h k h wOI;!d II" "e "in '''' l!y ~ ""·,,d "II I he i",,,,',,.,. of 'he sl" ,'e. pnwer. ,. i1 hoI" I"", i "II .• "h"uel i_ '" ,. ",,' "" II Y ".t"hli,h"d. S"",,, ,,( lI,,, ,,'"'''' ~"t;:"dolls p,.".~l',,"ery "'c" ),,,,1 cl'" lid. r""li1~" 11.00 ;",poss;hili')" .. I ",.,Id,,!: K~"5"5 ~ ~l",'c S""". T h" ~I"',,;,d "I ... ",· ClcS <0 ,ht ~ 0""'''0.,,1;'; ",,,,'cm,,,,' ,.,,..,, 'h" J "h" 1I,'"wn f<-cli"g . 'h,,"gh the C~I""i," had '''' p,,,'i,,,,,, ,d",i",,~ wh"t<:v~I'; Captai" l\Io"'g"",e,-y"s oIde",,, n/lh", r'~e .• '''le ~ ~"Ie, ". ",," ' he u,uiring '",sIUi,y "f 'h" N,,,',hcn> "ewsp"I''''' c"rr~~I'<""I""I~ "I J 855 - ·~·7. "hc)' IV cre "u' """'y i" n"",I,clS; 'heir p~"s lOc"",lIy gh"p"d ",,, p"licy "f 'he f,.c,,_~ojl " ,,,I "",i 1.""'''''1'''''' 1" "".' Go,''''''''''' H"bcn J. W~lkc. I"""" Ihis ",,' ,.he," he f,rs' I."", his "'.""e IHACltlNO TO A CU1.\II"' ATJO><. • 55

Springdale, the Qu"kel' comml",;ly he h " .1 selected for tempo ...,, ·y I·esidcnce. \VI"·,, ,,",sembled the pnrly consisteu o f J o l'n B "own himself, I. isson Owen, An"on D wight SI<','en s, J ohn li e ",,; K ;' gi, J o l,,, Edwin Cook, Richard [{ ea I f, Chi, des 1'1" In Iller T idd, \V i II irun 1 1cn ry L eeman, Lll ke F . 1-';" '110 11 ", Charles \V. I\ l ufTc u, with Rie hn"d [{;dlanlsull, eo10l'cd, cleve " '" aiL John Brown uepartcd almost immediately fo ,' t.I' e gast, le:.ving Steve"s i n charge a s ,n;liu.ry ;nstq' clo'·. Be­ f ... ,''! sp." i"g o..:a" ,e the eo"'p"n >" was stren gthened by t h e a ccession of G eO"ge u,. Gill, Steward Taylor, Edw;n C. Geo,'gc B . Gill a"d U,,,rclny Coppoc had enlC"cd K"n """ the p"cvioll", yea,' with thc Eldddge - P e " ry em;gn,"l trains and hnd 'Tlet tl'erein l{ich

1r" ... U.,c, ,,, .h" "nk " r "'''ki''lI" a r,.e .. _ ~'~,,,, De ",,,,,.·,,,,,.. Some "",,0"11" " .. ".,,)' h .. ~", .<: o".ld ... "d 110" ""''''''1:'' o( 'h", !("'p"blic.n p""y a B no' lip IU ,I.e ",c"~"r" or i.s "",,; . ~i,, " ,,. d",y, bll' ,I." .., IV"" "0 h ... I'MI,,,, In ~u.I,,'n;"1J: i, ,, ~ "1J: .. i,,~ ' "" "dn,I"I"r". i"n n ""no.;nc ), Io"ci ".'1'"'''''' .....,"erc;!:"'y." I .. ,hi. w,, ), 'he eo._ . ·e ~I'"'"I,,,,". COl ... ",,1 ,he !rio, .... II ... .."" "I G. \\'. Ih""'''' E ll T 10" )'er . •"",,,,10,, . .. it 1~ ,u,e

" cleve n desperadoes, ,. a s hc jesti "gl y tef"lllcd I,;s fat he,· and tilei,· new \:o,l1rades. John I-I e'''·; K agi, who had visitcd a shon t ime at Camp C'·cek, Nel"·aska, wi lh I,is falhe,· and 5isLC'·, soOn joined the comm"nd, and '·ctllHi"cd wiLh it "ntil thc Chath am, Canada, ,lI0VClllenL WaS made in A p,·il. The Sha,·pc·s rines, revolve,.,;, ammunition and othe,· maLe,·inl which Copt"in B ,·own had found at Tabo,· and taken possession of Were shippeu as height t o n o,·thern Ol,io in J ohn Bro"''', J ,.. ·s, e a,·c. T he o,·ig_ inal i"t<,ntiOI1 was to Lake p <1rtof the men to Ashta· bula County, Ohio, I ["gl, Fo,·bes being expect eu to be '" cha'·ge Lhc,·e, and Colonel \Vllipple (Stcvcns) ,·e,nn;n bchillu among t l,,: Iowa Q""k",·s. \Vitll the ",ithd,·"",.,[ of Fod)e!!, conccnu·ation i ll 10"''' WaS the ,nost ,·casonable p["". T hc mell were Uoa,·ued by tbe l\ l axsons at thc very small ,·alc of one (I o !l~,,· each pc,· week,' tlte cnli,·c cost o f thei,· wintc,··s '·cside"ce nol c x ceedillg $zso. Most of thc "'e" <.lid some wo,·k in a(lditio" to II,c drilli"g"ndgul1 p,."elice they ...;g u_ lady followed. Stevens,.1 VC'·)' competc"t d,·illm',ste'· alld s,,"o,·clsma", fo""d apt pupils. Cook. who was almost a pheBomcnal marksmun ""d h "u a passion h),· fin:",.,,,s, ,·eudily led the ,·ccord at lhe target. Stevens had se,·ved seve,·al yea,·s a,. " U"ited Stales (trag-oon at (,·ontier posts, ""d had le."·tlcd much o f ,·oug), c a", paigning. Iii,. lessons wc,·c .Ii! of a pn.c­ tical order. The,·e was no attempt to m"ke a SCCl"(,t of thei,· drilling-, n"d as Gill shows anu Cook stated i ll his" co"fes~;on,'" the neighbod'ood folks all ""de,·· stood that this band o f c",."est young men we ..." ]>,"".

, Se~ lhe "CCOll'" given by GeOTll'e B. Gill in ,10" Appendix. I on t hei,- secoII,) ,nterv;ewat Topcka in ,857, 1he"e is eve'"}' ,-cason 10 believe that among t hc mell the details o f the intended movement werc matters of .,ftc'· con tidcnce. My o ",n e"pericnce ill"strates this: I ",;os ,d'seIH f,-om L a\\"ren ,,':;: whell Jolin Bl"(lWn rec,."i!,ed his l ittle company. l i e had Icft alr('"ady for Iowa ucfo"c I '-cl",.ned. I mel Realf j"st a s hc WaS Icaving. ;;111(1 we t .. lked without '-ese,-vc, he assuri"g IlIC \hal the P""pose was j u st to prepa,"c a fighting ""cleus fo'· resisliug lhe en{o"cement of thc Lceomplo" Co"Sti l uliotl, \Vloi"h it was thc" expccted Congress migl'l l'")' to impose upon us' Tl,,-ough this advantage was to be (aken of the agitation to prepa,-e {o," a movemcnt .. gains\ sl;... ,c'·y in i\1 isSOIl "i, A"ka nsas, tl,e I"dian Te,.,.ito,·y 'I " d possihly L ouisiana. At K "gi's ,"cqucst (wilh whom I mainl"incd fo,' ucarly t wo ·s' J'''I-: "ROW"':. )"NlrS "" i"'pOrtHIlI, if irregular. c(>,.,-csp ondcncc), I be­ ),:";'" "S}" S\", "n t ic i" \'c~t 1).;:-,1( io 11 () f t 10 e <:0 II d iIi Oil S, r'm,]" "lid topogH.phy of 1I,., Soutl, we>'t, vb; ling" good dc,,) ... r the I ndia" T e q i.ltory. Wilh l'0.-tions of southwest M issouri, weSlern Arkallsns, "",1 no,'lI.","" Tc:<;,,.;, also, under the g u ise of """",ining railrm,d ,'onteS, elC. The h::ttcrs [ wrotc Kagi frollllimclo time wc'-e signed \Villi:.", 1I ,.rrison hy "" llndcrstaljo(ling with him. It \\',,~ lI,is name Alhcrt J l;tzlctt I;"''''efo.-.: Ill<, Virgiu;a courts.' It was un-

' T h~ ""'y w; ' ''cos l>efo.-c 'he VioJ;I"Io", e mu' .. 10" " " u re ,,, Albe,-. H .. zk"·~ I',u",,,ce In .he H ~ ( I'~' · . t'crry nllh. IV"" K ,",." """,ed 11..,,,",. "" l(i~h_A'''e(lc.'' .eh""" ,,,••• ~ ( . whoo" tife lt~.le" I. '''1'''11''..1 '" I•• ,ve .... '·"'1. T I'; ••'"',, U' ''''' i. ",,,..I,, ..,, .he au,h"._ i.y "f Geo.¥c AII.ed ..." .. """, ..1. wh.. lIi,'~. io ... "" ... ing I .. ,.,,, B",..y him",,'I, The 10""" i •• he ",,'hor o{ .he p .• mplol~. "" I Io,.-pe,'" Ferry. pub'i,hc" ",,ACIlING TO ... (;UL.~'I:-:""·'US. ' 59

(Iou\.>tedly the signaluI"e l(, m}" kuers t hat m ade h i nl use th.., name of Ilarrisou WiLe" a rrested. T he~e letlers were captl1l"cd in the carpet-bag at the Virgini" scllUulhouse, and Governor \ Visc himself told me at R i(;hmond in , 857, that two wert: sec,·etly litho­ graphed alld sent to Illany leading 111(;"1' of the South and Southwest as evideno:::o: of the plots thaL were b .. il1g formed. It i5 to be p ,·esumed that these wen: two that gave al1 account of discolltcnL anlong the slaves in southwest Arkansas, 1I0nhwest I.ouisiana, and those held oy theChoct f slavery itseif. T hey serve to prove how charged and vital I',"S t he pllblic mental. ity ill t hose days. A cOl1flict ~cems to h;\\'e been expected, denollllced or tolerated by all sides. I twas t h is condition that enabled JolIn U rowll t o hold his ~mall force togethcl· without the fulle~t confidence to t hem (>I' his part, al1d . at the same time. keep from act il'e s uspicion tho: puulic feeling ;u·ol1nd himself a"d pa1"1)'. T he romls they tr:ll'cled w01l1d neVer havc b ccn so ac(;eS1;il>!c bllt for I he ClllTents that we ... : set in vibratiOIl by the aggression" of the slal'e-holders, I.hci,· le" d cr~, and politicians. H ugh F orbes mllst have left Tabor immediately aflcI· Capt ai n B ro.)\\"l1 left for Kansas, for he was at R ochester, New YOI"k, in Ihe I;HIO:I" pal·t or November. T he latter with h is party ar!"il'e,l at Spl"ingd31e, and , 60 JOliN ",«",.~.

loi"'scJf moved eastward about the 20th inslan t, called '-'bieR)' by the fa ct that For-bes had all'cady beg"" a campai,g-Il against his chief.' H is cat'lier leHers Were addressed to 0 .-. I l owe, Sen.nor SUlUllcr, "lid some other of the more ,..I<.lica] a n ti-slavery men. l ie de- 1l1'lI1dcd tha t -Brown be ",; ( hd,-awn f,"om com"lall~l, and that h e himself 01" some olhe,' person be placed in Ch'''-gi:. E vidently I." thought there ,"'ls a political revolutionary conspl,-acy Oil (,)ot. ()( CO"'"SC such letters p,-o""ced cO"''''Ol ion "lid <.:a ll "cd a lllloyan<: .~. D ,", I I...,,,,,, ""elllS to have 1>",,," most s(:,-;ollsiy atTecl(-d b y (],cm. For bes had '""<:";'-0;:<,1 ~"fli.., i ,,"l cOlllid"n<.:cs f rom John B ,-own 1<'> be <1101" to " pp"c],,,1ld SOm" of t he wcak",· poi"ts, or n,lher lie knew whe ....~ the joints in Ihe a'"mor werc. The (ac~ that tt,,~ Cal'" lain·,; "tools" wcre appal"enLly tl,.: ,. properly·" of Ihc ]\.] assach useus Ka nS"s Com mit tce, "nd til ill B ,-ow II had been mad" thei,· ." ;)gc1I l ,.· would ~cell' tu have causcd a fe~\1· ll"H that body mighl b c charged with a b '·cach of It"Ust if F orbes"s nt1egnliolls sho"ld l'ccu'nc p u blic p,·opcrly. TI,c'·c is nu c\'idclIcc that l'tcssrs. StC;U·IlOS, Ilowc, P ;l1·kc,", Gcn";t Smith, Sanborn, I l ig" gillson, or c\'c n Senalor Sumncr- who k"cw "olbing" of thc Comlllillec·s work except 1.>)' hearsay-were trou bled a s to rcp,·isa]s ,-,n s]a\'ery itself. i\]r. Stca,·"s certainly was "Ot, 010'- Itiggillson, S;)nborll, P ."kcr. D r. 1-1 owe, SOlllet i mcs overwl"ought hy t h c m ut 1; p!ici ty of his laborious dllties, ",as cvidell lly exci t ed hy the p ossi bi I i ty of l·cfleCli,)" s Oil Il,c i 11 tcgri ty of the Ka""" s Aid Committee. of Wllich IIC 1,;)<1 been ;,n aClivc mcm" bel". As a matter of fa ct, the material in John Brow,,'s

' [ ",>1 h~re '".Id"",,! chi~fly I" 1'>1,. S.",bom "s ,. Life ,,,,,I L<:lIclS of John B ruw .. ," ChHP_ X I t., pp.. p S, el ,,/., fur du' e" , e . C_ IU:ACHINt; 1"0 ,\ CULII I~ "rION. , G ,

possession as "ag<.:nt·· was not tll<.: p"·op<.:,·ty o f ""Y cOUl",itlee, hilt of G eorgc I,. Sle"r"s, who had paid fo,· "nd OWIlcd it. Thc relatiuns of (he Massa<.;hu_ Sclls Cu",,,"itlec wc,·c protc<.;led uy I;ncr !ette,·s (1\Iay, ,858) hom 1\1,·. Stca,..,s, Foroes f"',"nd that his !elle,·S t" tl,e mo,·e i"timale f,·ie"ds of Captain B,·own in III;,ss"cI'''se\IS (l iu not produ<.;e the efie<.;l hc soucrlll, "ud he had be.':""" to extend his <.;o,.respond"n..:c of assailmen\ to pul)lic men like Scn,UO'·S \Vilson, 1I"le, "nd Scw",·d,as well as to I I """<.;e G .... ~cle)' uud \Yilliarn Cullen B,·yant, havin£" e"idell\I .,· becn posted 0" the i,lea tloat Ihey as p.u·tyand political leaden, <.;ould I,ave no ,·"Inlions with di,·ect alt"cks on (hc i"stit,,­ lio" of slav<.: .. )". It ",ust loc Oo,."c in mi"d lhaL Ihe aim of the new politics. its pany, "'H! pulicy, was simply to .Ienational ize slave'·)': Jul'" Brown'~ I'"'.­ pOSe to ,.,.,,(1<:,. it ""snfe nnd dang..,rous to hold 51;;tves I,y :tltacks ",I,ich ",ould "Ito\\, the system's ;nlocre"t weakness. l ie ltad nO theo,·y 1.<) SIIbstitutc then:fo,·, except thnt of the D cclaration of J"dcpcncfo'·c th",n, (lI·cnded "II action uy the" fanatics ·· o f the day. Ev<.:ry p"riod has its snec'·. That WaS the way it " JOliN BROWN. sou ,1(led then. Now the tenn is "crank,"' or wors('. Ethics :\I'e brushed aside for ,. pnu.:t;cal .. sueccss, and (ailh is lost in s;Aec,·dotali"",. PL"toe..:,e), lovcs 0.:<;"':­ lllouy,Hlld hiera,-d,ic:.1 fonns a'-c the uHlural produ ... t of class Hnd privilej.{e. The fanatics :,rc denounced; tl,c enu,ks arc derided, but 1o! Time clll "ith John Brow". The Capl<1in left Iowa l;o(c in Deee'nbcI-. Leners had '-c"e1>ed him thc'-e, at Sp"ingdnle, and at \VC,,1 Andove.-, Ohio, vel-Y endy in Jrll'''HI'Y, wilh accounts o f the Bosto n -wise pel·tu,·hation;;. Forhes was at Rochestel', N. Y .• in Novembcr, cnlling on Fre,k.-ick Douglass, prcscnliug a letler f'-olll C:'plain . H.-own . i'o l,-_ Douglass says he WIIS nOI favoraLoI)' i,np,-csse.l, lout he took I,im to a hotel and Iwid his I.>ill wIllIe the,·<;. Ilc also gnve him n lillie l11<.>ne y, and tlll'o"gh a G e"rnan lady f"iend he ....~ceived intl'oductionH also to olhe.- Genna"" in New Yo,-k. F o,' a sho,-t pe.-iod he did n ot Hlt.ack J o h" B,-own, bllllh ;, t "cti,''--''''':': soo" wo,-e off. i'o l r. D ougl"ss did not hC>lit:tle It) sa y IhClt F orb.-s hctr:l}'ed the m(,,,eluent to II.e (lull'o,-itit"s "t \V;tsl, inKton. In that. ho\\"c~'(·'·o I h.-li.o"c he was mis_ n.ken. Then! a,' .. detuil>l of this imbroglio whid, lend tt> show thut Colon~1 F odJes .nust have auo,.t this lillie got i"to rclalio"s with a small coterie of clevcr colore

effons and ass()c;alions of many others of their raCe leaders. They held the theory tloat ,t ""IS the duty of ,,11 educated eolured "'ell tu mould thei,- pe(,ple ;nlo sepanlte and violent n:siSlancc. In their minds thc ,'eaction to "acc oppression and out,-age led to a countcr r"ce contempt, antagonism, and rage. They wanted no hell' from white '

'Alter ,~Ie"i"g ,,,,, I,,"e. Irom 'h" Garibaldia". of J"",,,,ry ~7lb, 'he Cap'"in o,un"es a reply'" b" .,-rilten ,,, F","~~ h)' John . • ~yi"I1'·· I am .. "xi"". 1<, d",.,- hi", Oll, ,,""><~ {llily. ~nd .v""ld ... 1." Hke,o k.<:!' hi,n a li"l" e"~o,,n.ged ~",l MJoida'l "I'''' rill''''''' /~,. "/"" "·,,h ,,/ ""J' rut,." "e ,hen add., Suppose )'"'' •• ,·i,,, Fori",. ,lillO, .. Yo", I,,"er '" "'r la'hn. have d"cided '" ...:I,m, ,,, r"", ", "'" "" •• illi"I'" he should. wi,h "II his ,,,her c"'e<. Iw '·e~"d wi,l, wh .• ' I Mill "I'I""h"". sh'e h~ will"ccep'''~ h'!:hly "rrc"~iv,, ""d h,."hi,,!> . .,-b;l" I k,,",w , (" )011::< I

bent on d elivering h is intended blow. and ca me t o the East determined to ever)' nerve to obt a in the moder"te means needed to begi" with. l ie "ealized t l,,1t his h andfu l of keen-witted. brave, and devoted young 'llen. then at Sp,·ingdaJ .... wldh; heat cd t hrou gh to thc annealing point U)' the f",.,,,.ce of K a n s,' s ",ar­ (""c, we,-e liable to all the cooling inn"cnces' of 1. hei,· years and tempen\lIlen ts. a nd such '1\""' ifying con· dilions as the ~hif l il1g phases of T illle m ighl readily Iwing to hea,' on Ihem. l ie wallted 10 strike. 13esidcs he de~i"cd to use the colored people if poss,ble. It mn",!

h" I" ", •• , ... illlmrdly ,ake kindly to he IMIT"", .. weak" .. ed h i", (C•• p'al .. 13.",.. ,,) with hIs fri"nds ,<.> wh"", 'hey W"'e ""n •. " 'rhl. ", "II I"" ""'.-)' shre w,I ye. "jnoJ I)' roll",,, ring wl,h "II. and close. whh ."gg.,~,;'.g .hat" .11',,11 ol!.Jo may be ...... , ,,, hln. (~""rbe.) il .he relou"" [ ... en.led h ...' it" clfee. . I. closea h .. '''yllll{, .. I du nu, 111 """ to dic.".e .0 Y"" It' h" ,I".. a '0 m". '",I I a", anxi"us '0 ,,,,,],,.•• ,,,,,, hi'" fully 1.0.,10"" w" )(0 ",'" fllnl ..:r, alld 'hall loc I;lad or .he ca r li,·~t inlo.n."';",, "I 'he r"."It," No reply is "1I,,,I,,d tu, ,"U[ " ,·.,."",,,bly ' hercfore. ". ,h" I"c'~ Hho,,". the" "c· Jjuke" h,," no cffc", ._"UI" and Lel< " r. uf J ohn B ro"" ,,," PI'. 4]2- ]4· R""C"';<,'O "0 " CULM.SAT.OS. .6, have been' within the brooding, observ,uH purview of hi. perceptive bn,i,. to understand that they, toO, g rowing in apprehension of larger politic:.l growth, were likely to reel their personal a nimosit y lessened. K no',:ing thei ,- l, e.1pl ... s~ness a s a despised minority the)' might grow timid, more or less di spo~ed to wait U]Jon the changes that t he , · i ~i llg tide of northe1"1' opi n· ion would bring in favO"able drifts townrds them. J o hn B row"comprehcnded with undauTlted clenrness t hat respect was only won by con.pcllill ij" it. A hlow for ("eedo m waS :,Iways a victory. That w:os his view. So he pushed forward on the hnrd ;",d stern "oad I'e I",d hlazcd for I';n.self, A t R ochester ill Janna,'Y lind F ebruary, staying Ht Ihe UOlIglass 1 [ousc for three \\"eck ~, where he ",rotc i"dusu'ious ly, comu:Hillg Ihe misc hief F O"bes's at· tacks wc'·c doing. lie w:.s '''l~ed to visit Bost(>II , but thought il not ,;:,fe fOl· him to pa,.s t hrongh All",,,y and Springfield, wherc he waS ,.0 well know". An ,':< Ir"ct o f a letter to ThOlllas \V. lIigginsoll shows genendly how I", was p~cssing his f ~i"I" l s to thecon­ clusioll of such ass':-tallce as he IIe<'ds Evil1l1lincc pcoplc we"e o f 1\0 "vHiL TI,c two so",'ce:< o f mullelnry support opcn to lriuo, wcn: Gel'rit S,,,ith, lois pcrslJl",1 friend as well as fa;thf,,) a"li,slavcry ,oily, and thc VCI'Y sll1ali eotc";c· of U uslon gentlemen, whose n:,,"cs ",·C li"ked (or· eVcl' with I,;s ,,,,'n, Frank R. Sa"i)OI'n an'ivcd at i\1.-. !;mith's I' esitlcllce Oil the even;"g" of Felon",,'y :I:;', 18SE .....'presenti ng also ;\ l ess,-s. Stcartls, Parke I', Ilo,,"e, ""d Ilig-ginson. It was On this occasion Ihat Joh" 13,..",' " ""fol.krl ill d.-tail 11,,-, [ "lu(Oss of I,is p""pose, with Ihe poss'bl..., "c>;<"\';l1i"" of "0' in wp, ''''III i''g" Il arpc,.·s Ferry, tlIIJllg"h his gc,,,,r.d purport must ha\"c I.. d di"eClly ,I'el-cto. Of the 11,,";0.: pel'sonS ,6, to whom this high-wrought conception was thus presented, Ger.-it Smith "nd F rank 1i 5anl>orn do n61 "ppear to lIu"e ao.:ccptctl it '''Hjuc"tioningly.' According to ;\1,-, Sanborn's "cI-Y i"lcr,,:;tinl{ accounl, the conference Ia"tcd till "ftc,- midnighl. and beg"" as-a'" bridly On tl,c murrow, 1,o.:ing concluded by Gcn-it Smit1, saying: "YOll see ho", it I,,; OUI' dcar old ['-;cnd liaS ",ade lip hi", ",ind t o Ihis co",-s" ",,,I c,,"""( be lurncd fn)m it. \Vc ..: ,,""01 give him up \0 di~ aluIl"; we ",ust suppo,-t 1,;111," Captain Brown ' had """'cd $800, eVe" 8500, as the Cl01"11 Jeft On the :f4th for Bo"ton, to prcs<:"t the matier and rai,..; the oalancc of the :IIllOUIlt. lI l r. Smith's share became Ssoo before

, Mr, S~"I><"" II,,,,,.ioncd Ed'~in Monon .. 0"" who ...... COII_ tided in, ..... he , ilne that g~".I""'M" Wh8 .11 in"''''e "f Mr, S",i.h'. hu""" as a .IIt..,r ,0 his son~, "",I 11" Ioe'ecl "tlll"e"'. lIe '¥U II, dllS~ ­ ",Me of Mr, 5,mlj,,,',,, nlld , ill 'h" f,,,,,iUM rd".ID". he bOl'e, had IIecu"",lily to I>e t,,,.,~d. B," th~ r c is n o ."her e,'ide"~,, ,ill'"~ ,hi~ of M r. M 0"0"'. n"""",a' i"" .. i. h I he ",,,,'c"'''''''. M ,. S",i.h, "Iter,h" lolow IIIa •• «uck '" JI~, · ~,·. I '~ .. )', ha,l ...,,"e'<: ,ccur· renee of" ""rv.",•• rolllole he ",.. I t",en "fflk'cd ,~i,h .. , , he .i",,, 0 1 , he 1""1< Ic&i.I~'i ..c struggle in .h" U n "",1 S,~'u flllllse 01 Rcp. ''''''''''''''''u over 'he ,cp"",t of ,he Mi,..oou r i C",,,pr... ,,i,,,, i" . 8S4 , &,"\ ..". """' ~"~I,, ,I' .h" ;n•• , .. ,.i"" in which h.. was ~ ••, un.'w. The 1.",iI,. tlcc",,,d i, wi"".o """d ~Ir. Monon ... Europe for , ,~O yu, •. No OIlC i" ,.." ...... eitu'""'us or ""''''''',0' ill Juh .. Bro ..'n'. I."",,, d, ·cl ~, """"'., be"id~. Mr. 5""1><",,, , <> h"ve sittg '1uesliott~ were arisittg,l",d 10 be 1'1 ",-,CO where Johtt. JL, and J:.tson, could contl'ol it. Leiters we,-e w,"ittcn (n1ttt Nnnh Elba. asking I{uth Ih.ll Ilenry, her httsballd, might "go to school "-join ill tl,e pell(ling n,id. The i,,<.:idenl had a pathctic eliding itt inducing Olive,- " n d \ Vatsott to voluttteer 011 that wl,icl, was their deat.h-errand. f)u lhe 4th of i\["rcl" lite CHI>!,,;n was ill 130slon, slopping at the American I l uuse, where l,e was visited I,y all his little ci"cle of frie"ds. 'Vltile they "esolved themselves inlo it e('lll,"iIU.:e of ai,1 and "dvio:;e, SanbOl'U is con­ \"inced' Ihat ":"-per's Fen")' "''-IS never ""oned as the fi'-st 0'" chief point of allack. On leaving Boston,

, Sec Chap'",. XII .•. Life "",I J-"',,,,~ of J"I,,, n .. OW,l." Mhlc ,,]S(; TO A (;UI_~IINATION_

Mar.£=h 8lh, 'Ioe carried Willi I,in' SSQO in guld ,,,,,I a~1>"ranccs of ollle'- support. l ie pa~~ed Illrougll New York un the 2<1, p'·eh:.-ring \0 go ro""d rather tilan take Ihe risk of being recognized in weSiern Massa­ chusetts, 0" IhO;! loth of ;\Ian:h, F"edcrick Douglass, I lenry Iligldand G''''uet, of New York, Stcphen Smilh a"d 'Villi:lln Still, o f Philadclpllill, with Jol'n B"oWI1, )1'., met the Captain in confcrcnce at the dwdl;"g of eilher Smith .... r Still. Others may hllve us::cn pn:scllt, hut their "'"11eS al'c nowhcre g;veu, End;c" lctters to his ddc~t son show in parI what must have heel! purpose."" In s"bse­ quent Iclle"s hc withdrew the \V"sl,i"gton suggestion. rcmarking tlmt l,c ha(i but little" faith in p o·ince$."' IIc mentions, however, I"Ht An!;Q1I ~ur1illgame g"'·c him Sso; and thea he directs Johu to go to lIagersto,,"n, M:"·linsb'"-g. lIml eUII /" If'''"fUr's .Ferr)' jnrll ill pursui,,&" thc inquiries hc ..lo.:sin.:d t~ hav"e~ JO"" BROWN . • made. Of COIII·se, the object o f thcsc was to fi"d out tl\e "nde'·ground ,·a;ll·o.l<1 l·outes .. nd stations, to as­ een";,, the perSons who wen:: ..ctually to be relied "1'011, places to stop at, meatH. of conveY"I".;e, and esp<,rj:dly to leal·n of the coJo,ed Inell who could he lnlstcd. The PhilacleJI'],ia Confcl·ellce .must have gone OVer this gt'ound with thc two B l-owns, and tl'e exper;enee of thosc WllO wCre the most active of U, G . R . R. db·ectors in that ~ection, could nOt but have been ve r y "seful. In the earl)' part of Ap,·il, John 131-own vis;ted SI. C"tl":'-;"e, Inge,·soll, H amil­ ton, ancl Chatham, in Can'-Ida \Vest. to pl-epal-e for (he convention he wished to conve"e j"st befo"e he en­ tered on his active wo,·k. l ie ",ali also ,-eponed at Sandusky, Ohio, tlnd Det,-oit, r-,· Iicl,igan, A v isit had heen m:Hle to No,'th Elba, and it "'tiS ,-,,-rangene may naturally "nd er~t"nd. looking at conditions then cxiSling, the"c existed sO llletl'ingof all o"ganiz,,_ tion 10 assist fugitives and of r"sistaun: t u tlt.eir mast.:rs, It was fOlllld all along th" L:,ke !.lord.:rs from Syracuse, New York, to Octroit. l\I;clJiglln, As n.)11<: but colored mc" were admitted into din·ct "nd ]0"" IlROWN . active memhership with this " L ea~"c of F "eedo"',"' it is quite difficult to u'ace its wO"kings, <.>" kn<.>w how (a,' its rami/icHlions exteude(1. One of thc most in­ Icresting phases of slavc hfc, so far as the whites Were en"bled to sec 0" impinge upon it, w as the exten t and ,."pi3

"nd IIl~t Il a ... ·;et hrollgl" (lui sev.., n ,I , hOIlI'I\(\d slav..,!).' J ohn Urvwn always o.;alled hcr "General," and once in t roduced he'" 10 Wendell Phillips by saying ,; I bring you olle .... f the hest nnd bn. vcst penon!) on this conlinent-Gt!Hu·,,' T uhm'111, as we· call her."' Will· iam Lambert, who died in ])etroit a few years since, being \'e'·y nearly one hundred years old, was "nOlher of those of the race who devoted ,hem selves to the work for which J ohn Brown hoped 10 strike" c II 1· min"tillg blow. Be,ween , 829 and ,8G2- lhi,·ty·th,·ce years- ' Villiam is reported to Imve aided in the es· enpe o f 3°,000 slave~. lie lived in D etroit, and was one of the roremo~, rc p res//nlatives of l,is people in both Michigan "nd Ont"rio. Unde,·grollnd.n,ilroad operations euln1inating chiefl y a t Cleveland, San· dusky, and Delroi" led by b,·oad and defined routes through Ol,io, to the borde'· of Kentucky. TI,rough IlInt State, into Ihe he:tn of the Cumberland Mnun· la;n!), n or.hern Georgia, cast Tennessee, and nonll. ern Alabama, the limestone CaVeS of tl,e n :gion ~en'ed a usef"l purpose. And it is "fact t~,at the colored people living- in Ohio we,·e often l>older nnd more de· te .. mined than wns the I"ule elsewhere. T he Ohio. Kentucky roules probably served more fugi tives t han others in the N'l1"lh. T he valley of the M ississippi was the most westcdy channel, "nt il K"nsas opened a bolder way of eseal)C from the Southw<:;st slave section. John Brown k new w h atever was. 10 beJplowIl o f all IIIi9 unrest, and he al!:iO must have kn~\'n of

, .. I b"de. - T he M""". of he. Penpl"." D)· SMah II, H• • ttfo« l. G""'t" R . 1.""1.,,, ...... 1. New V",k. ,S86. M, • . "l" u"'"Hn "I"d o.....,n .fl~ • • he pul>lIc.";on "r t his liltle \·01"",,,. , ,. JOliN I"Il ion served a pUI'pose of so"',, value to the GOvCl"IlIllcnl in t he eadie.- pnrts of tl,e Civil \,Var, n fac t , that lies witliin my OIVII knowledge, and then fell into uisu!:lc, as the h onrs moved swiflC" 10 the one in which the g"lcway of l he Union swung "!!oleiC, und the pathway of the Law opened, to allow

'A lellcr fi'oln 0 •. Alc,"UKlc. Milton Rou, ...... o::tween the '5,h and 27,h 01 0 • • ,,1>0:: •• ' 1''''1'11",1: 'Th"" )'ou will w,,,Io me'o I.>e j" R'ch"..,,,,, hetwecn 'h" 'S,h .",<1 27,h!' li e said: • y,,~, "". I",c' . h"" .he ,"7.h:" .. N ..... ,n .efe,en"e ' 0 'he' Ul>o::ny L""II"c '_1 WA" one <>1 lAd .. m"m1>o::,.,. ,,' h"'Se-vo::rr l. Sm'.h ~,,e,·a.""" .." .hey wc'" c"II.,u­ f,om Erie.o S""d".ky .. "oJ Cleo·"J:.nd. 1 "cvcr had "",,:1. '" (It"", .. nd bu' littl" ,,, do ,.,.h .h", or...... i1>l,' io ... "'1 ...... YI/""·;"c( .. m~A, ...Y. I never h,,,1 ""y mili"... y I".'c or pr"dil"~.i'''', "".1 ,,," lillIe U' do wi,h "r",~d men. ExecI" 10 ,uy frien"s, I w,,~ ",,' k"o .. " as 0",·",. I~.",", n .. d "'y lric.,,11I . ""k I'"I"~ .... ~hid,1 ",e." I frc· '1,,, hc"'" .h" .1 .. Vell .p" .. k of ins,,,,'cc. I.. ,,,,,.y ",ov" "' ''n'~ in pro"."•• , I",. nCO'er any.hing ,Icfini.e. 'rh" III",'''" w" re 'ell"o'c a"y.h',,!,: told .10",,, b)' th""" ;11 .hd.' co"fi,lence," R t:ACUJ='C ' J'O A CUI,MJSATJ ON, ." th~ co·lored t\mel"icHn to re::tch cmancipation and citi~cnship, These were sOllie of the forces John Urown hopcd withollt doubt to use, l i e ne,'cr expected any lIlorc aid frolll tl,em tl",n lhaL wl,icl1 1V0 u ld givc a fi ,·sl im, petlls. I l ad he got away f,'o," H a'"I)er's Ferry and kept in thc mountains for II o r icf perio d, no doubt exists whatever in Illy mind, that I hc,'c would ha"c becn more or less sporadic outbreaks along the cell' tml Jincs I h;\\"c suggested. Thc unde rgro und rail, roaders f"om Ohio alld ill Kentucky could not have kcpt o ut of the struggle. T I,c h Ollle of Isaac I l o l.lclI, Ch;.tha m , Canada \V est, is an old-fashioned red hrick, two,st oricd, comfort, able-looking dwelling, h o u se, neady Sqlll"·C, with brick gablcs higher t h,," the ,'oof, h ;",jllg a b,'oad, outside chimney at cach cnd, with the sid e 10 the streel. Five low, broad windo\\'~ light the par]OI· noo,·, one p onio" of whicl. John Brown occupied, Mr,I Io lden, w h o had n:"ldee! twenty, fivc yea'·~ ill Cunada at the time <)f this visit, is a urnivc of L Ollisi:",a, H man of ~ means and lil..)(':l"al education. I t was ill )"hll Brown's room thnl a committec II1et to examinc the COllslit" , liol1. I) , .. Delany Wi!" c l".irmall, ,,"d J. I I. K"gi and Osbo "lIe P'. Andcr~OIl acted as sccI"I;t,,,·ics. The meetin~ ~ of the convention itself ,,"c,'c ],dd ,n a BaptiSl Church,of which " I I'. M unroe was the pnSlOl;. Q ",bo,.nc p , Ande rson descr ibes somc of tIle incidents as fo llows: .. The tirsl "isit o f John 1I ... "vlI to Chath,"" w,,~ i" Ap,·n, ' 1>58, \Vher"""r he wcui "r",",<1, "hhoul,:"h an enlire ~11"''''J.:"c r. h " 11""1,, a profound ;"'p ...!ss ioll upon those who ~"w 0'· bec;,"'':: "'Cttuainled wilh him, So"·,,, sUl'I'0""d hi", 11 51" ,,1 hUI ,nQ(lc'"II_ ,,6 JOH N I' RO'\VN. ized Qu.,k",., othc '- ~" ",,'id hu";" ..,,,. "",n (,-om' sOllw",h"1",,: ",,.nd" lInd"r the pendant coat ski,"ts of 1>lain b'"o",n !wec,'. wilh o,Ill',"!:"",-",,,,,t,; 10 rn"tch. ,'e \';v"d to those h""",.cd with his ""'I"";"\;lI1cc ,,,,,1 knowing of h is his",ry. Ih" Ill,,,,,'.,,->, of a I'"ri,an uf Ill" II,OS' " " "lIed type." (""A Voice f'-om 1,,,,"1'''''''' F e lTY," ,8(;r.p_ 9.) Dr. DeI""y ill \he R ollins bioR""pily gives a mor," detailed ""COUIlt. The ducto,"s sta'ement scen.s 10 b e at "adan(;c with those ,,»,de by A nderson, Gill, R eal(, find Moffett, who wc'-e P'"csc"L It m"st be borne H' "dnd that CHptain B"own had not only alternative ",,,thuds of a ction II ' hi,; own nlind, but am pIe I"C;:',;O" f 0" n ot d "a wi "g: l he clo,;e a H"" t io n evcn of f"iends to lhe one whi"h he mo,;t d ",;i,..,<1 to put i"to op<::nHiOll, V''', "" :ltu,ck Oil I l arp,,"'s F"""y it,;"lf. [ll the fi,."t place, he kncw that 1-"o,'b",; had ,;ou"cc,; of iufO"lllalion, and wa" disposed lO use thcm adve,'s.:::ly to success, "nd, nc"t, he n cVe" felt Sll,'e of thc way ill which his darill~ conception would bc re- ceivcd, I TI'e "Subten'"nca" I'ass \V"y .• ,'ep,'esented ideas and methods in accord with and enlarging the work on th" lllldeq::!;TOll"cl ,'ail,'oad, T he e,;scnti,11 dif- fc,'"nc" waS that, the rescued fugitivcs or rnnaways shollld be p1a"tcd in 0" ne"rloa North""" 0" \Vestenl community lI u d not b,'ought IIndc" the British nag, One purpose was to educate Nonhc,'n p"ople to de­ feud fugitivcs, aud Lite other would have bl!e" LO Leach 1111! ,'unawaystodcfcnd li'cmsclves, No ,'eport e"ists f,'onl nny olhe" sou"ce of ally such plall !,aving' been

'Sec ApI'en,' i" (or e",r"e' from \he Del"ny biography, '

ho"'lf~ p, Andc"~on was the ol1 ly mnn of Ids .'ace who reported (,'on, Canad:., n .. "c of those who had Brown's cOllfidence 10 a g"cn'er 0" lesser dcgree were "" hand nt t he Kenncdy fa rm, ti,e two Ohio (Oherlin) recruils beillg the f ruits of a Ilea" and prc­ c..,dinK r u gilive slave <.:xciLcment. 11 is not nccess",'y to ""mlllellt Oil this; il is e!)scntial thongh to Slate tIle fact. J ol." Bl'own was at S,)I'i ngdale, Iowa, Oil the 271h of Ap"il, ,858, hnving aro'ived (,'om Canada, 1'ia Chi_ caKo, on the 25th. fo,' the purpose of removillg C:lSl­ ward Ids" band of shepherds," as he lermed them,o,'

n su,'veyt,r s," as tlley lcnned thel11!)clvcs. At this dalc thc BO!)IOII and Pelcr!.>oro friends, according to 1\1t,. Sallborn, cxpectcd to h c;\!' of ., his fl ock" being turncd "loose abolll LI,e 'sth of May." J, 1-1 , K"g i, C. P . Tidd, ;",(1 L. F. P a"sons had prcce~led by a few days Ihe main bod)'. which left \Vest Liberty on the " ,,8 JO"S" "ROWS.

27th. At Clwtham, where they arrived On the 30th just., they WeI"(, joined hy these lh"ce associates. Thc ...~ were in nil of the Bro wn party. i"eluding: tile CapUlin Ilimsclf, thirteen persons, o1le being c"t­ ored. T]'e cOll\'en(ion did not assemble till the Sth of Muy, and there WC I'., only [ony-six p"cscnt, twelve o f whom wer'e white .nCIl. The others wen~ all colored men; O<>ctor Delnny bcillg ti,e only one of any wide rCI>"tHlion, T Il..,r" is " 0 cvirlcncc to silO\\' that D ougia<;s, L ogue". Garnet, St.ephen Smith, G 10nce"(,,,', I ,lOngstOIl, or a thens of tile p,'om i n ell I men of colo" in the Slales wl,o kllew John B,'oWl1, wcrc invited to the Chatham meeting. It is donbtful if their "ppearance wonld h nve been wise, as i\ \\'ould HSSU"­ edly hav" bec" CO"'"l"I1t"d 011 "ud ",'ouscd suspicion, But thc siugular fa(;t remains, looked at in either wny, whether asked or nul, that theil' influence had no visible n:p,'csenlaliuu 0" 1>,'''Se11(;''. J ol' n and Owen B,'own, falhe" and svn, J o1'11 H en"i Kagi, AiI"on Dwight Sleven>;, still known as Cha"les \Vhil'­ pic, John Edwin Cook, Richard R ealf, G eorge B, Gill, Cl",des P lnmmer Tidd, \Villi"m Ile"ry Leemnn, Ch"rles \V, Moffett, L uke F, P a,'sons, I, l[ of I; M "" ,·oe. was p:!" M. Ki"nard, Roben Va,,_ vauken. Thomas M. Sh·inger, john A. Thontrl.s (be­ lieved t o be j ohn Brown's eariie,· eonfid:tnt and em­ ploye at Springfield, Massaclouselts, 'l.fterwanls em_ ployed by Abnl.l,am L ineol" in I,is I llinois I,u,ne and at the \\,hile Iiouse also; he ver fiftce" hours in both days, ,,"d p ""ct ieally con~isled uf nllifyi ng what ), ".I "I ready bccn ag,"ccd upo" ill the va";ous con(eret1ec~ hcld (Iut"i"g the preceding tl"-ee wceks.' The points of (liffereOlce were of n " grcat (:.l11seq"c"(:(', except Olle, Th:'l w •• s " disc"ssi()" of LI,c fo .. ty.~ixl.h ,,,',icJe of thc p,·opo~ed Constitution, which , - "'ad~ a s follow~:

TIn: "'U"CI,ES NOT YOll "I",n: fl',,1< .-HI

" The forcgoing A"lide~ shall not he COttstrued so as i" nny way to cn.-., the overthrow of any Stale G oVC'-""'cnl, 0 '- of lhe G"n",·,,1 ( ; ovcr""'''"t of the Uttited S t "te~, and look to no di;.so]utio n of tl,c .80 )0"" "'«)"'''.

Union. but simply to 1\"'''''U'''<-'1l[ ""d Rep""L And 0111' nag shaH he the ""me t1,a[ 0"" Fatl,e,.s fought u",I.;,- in the R evolnlion." The motion 10 sl!'ike this 0l1 ( Came f,-orn G eoq.~·e J­ R CYIlolds. J Ie is ",cn(iolle..! both by D r. R oss ""d ~'h. Gill, as " leading mem!)"r of the" L"aguc of Libert y." \Vhe" 1oh" Brown, J "" was engaged d" ri "g All).:'",,! "",1 September of the next ycn,- ill the cff"l"t to get the Chatham Convention I1",n logelher for the 11"1"1>""'''' Fe,.,.y movem"nl, he W"O(C f,'om S"ndusky, Ohio, to K agi nl Ch"m bers!>" rg, P e"n"ylvania. that the "Coppel-sll.i(h" was" one of those men who muSt be obtai""d if possihlc." This refe,-"nee is ,... ,,1<;,',,100<1 to he tel I\h. Reynolds. I" the ,\is(;lIssion whi<;h fol_ lowed, R eynolds "'as the only advocate of the motion. r..II". D c!,.n}', Eldcr 1\1 "" ...;oe, and i\-Tr. Kinn"nl, ,oil col. ol·cd. lVel'C sU'en"Ous in opposing: "nd Capt"in B,'own Kagi, and Realf "'''(\c earneSt "rgnlllclIl agaillst the motion. Anide XLVI. was '" fact the keynote of J ohn B "own's position. I-Ie was defending the Union "nd the Govcrllme"t under it, t\1I"eat."ned as hc ,'e"~' ollcd, hy the c.~istence of c1lallc1 slav ..,,·)", having, un· der misapPI'ehend"d p"o\' isions, political powel's which neCessilaled ""d cncouraged the formatio" of a d"n~el ' O"S «lid cont i nuous pl'o-slavel'Y conspinw y. TI,e p""sc"cc of this Article makes cOllsistellt the dccl""ation Sllbse

may he judged, it is ueecss;lry to ;lpp,·t:·h",nd clearly. in o nl ", r to estimate jllstly, tIle menUlI processes of this rellHlrk;:lhle persollality. Certainly, there is noth, ing ""archisl;c in them. The" roads" John Brown mapped Oll t and which he '!ollght 10 travel, ca""ied, in his mind :ll least, the highest respect fOI' 1:1\\" a"d recognized to the full the responsihility 10 social o rder .",(1 equity. Thc difference b etween him (as he sa,v it) a nd the eSlablished "disordcr;· was Illat the latter 11:1<1 ils strength in wrong·doing. :\l1d thre:otened frec in<;litutions 10 the degree that the reser ved rights of th<: citizen could justly be call<:d IIpon fo.· resist, :wce. Kennedy·s motion had the s u pp,,,·t on ly of I. is own \'ote. "Iessrs. Kagi and R ealf wen:• partiCld .. rly vigorou~ and cloquent i., their arguments, a '! Gill and others report. J ohn Brown made the o pening and prin<:ipal specch o f ,lie convention. No orat or, ce,·t,linly no ,·lIdori, cian, ),et he was sententious, logic,,!. {lireCI, ver), apt in illustration, and, like a ll men o ( intellectual reserve, brooding usu"lly o n solitude "nd silence o\'er large issues, quile aphoristic and len;c in expression. )01111 Iho,," n .·c.,d well and tho,,!:l.t dead)' withi" the .leep lines his brain and charact er wrought Ollt (or ;.ction.' In his evidence bdore the

I I" ~h1loJh'-'<-"1. y",nh . ""d ",,,,,1000<1 ,he Bible wa~ his cO,,~' allt .".. 1 y. M r. G i 11 "")' • • h", " '·ol"",c ul • he ··5 .. Yi"t:~ 01 Con f"dll~.' · w~~ one 01 hi. h" e ' I """d , ,,~. H e ,'",,0.1 .• Pitg.illl·S 1""1:.""'55." .he •• Ufe of t'.an k li n." •• A':~op·" I··.I.JI~~.'· .• 1'11I1" • .:II·s Li '·e~:· •• tlil>lt.raphy of W".hill!;'o".·' all Hc,·"h.l.iolll"y m"'erlal. and IlIal'e " ., ud Y 01 M a rlu" ."d SU'" pie, .• c,.. "cr .... N" 1>oleo" ""oJ I lis M",~hals." lbx.e I', .. S" i".s' R"s'," .. It " noolo ",~: ' .. JQ""ph liS:' anll Icv" •• 1 • hcoh.ollical ", ... k.. II".· ,..1 . h ~ '''''.'1>'''''''' .. ",I Wal well infurm"d in clltre,,' hi.,,,'y,,,,<1 ;"ven';,," . • ,8, JOII:;l IlROW N

Senate Committee on the" Ilarpcl"s Ferry In"

.. J uhn Uruwn. on ri~ing." 5"id Realf . o.he CUIll,"inee (II. ¢- 97 of Repon), .. 51,,,,,,1 ""'l fo r Iwen,y or thiny r"ar5 'he idea h:,,1 pu ss"~s,,d hilll like a p"~5ion of giving lif;,·"ty to Ihe 5bn,s, lie s''',ed i"""ed",,"'), ,I".,.",,((er, III". he Ill",le a jour"ey '0 E ngl,,,,,[ in , 85 ' , ill "hieh yo:" r he took 10 ,he I nte rna tional E "hihi'ion '" 1.0... [.. " ~,""pk!!' of wu.. l from Ohio, during which [>C"ioo! he "".d" a tour "I)"" th" Europe"" cun"lIcnl,inspeo;ting ,, 11 (",.,ir,Cfllio"s, ,,,,,I eSI','d"lIy all e:lI'lhwo,.k furts which II<' co,,'d 1,,,,1, with a "i!:'w. "5 he 51''''',1, o f Hp ,;"-i"){lhe knuwlcdgl' , h\l5 I{""inrd, wilh l1)otHanC<)\lsly in his 0"-1\ mi,,

~nd subdivid"d into s",~11 co"'p~nies, aCling simultaneousl)", yel se p ~ r aldy, Ihey wilhstood the whole consolid"led power o f Ihe Rom,,,, Empire O\1"ongl1 " number of years. I n ,,,Idilion \0 this, he s"td he h"d beeome ,'er y f"",iliar with Ih" successful w,.rfnre "'ngo:d by Schnmyl,lhe Circdss;"" chid, againSI tho: ){U"Si,ms; he had poslo:d himself ;n ,·"Iat;on to the "'drs of Toussaint L ·Overture, and th " oll.. :r phas"s o f the warS in 11:o)·li and I he '51,,,,ds round al;oout; and from all theso: IhinJ;:"s he had d.·"wn the conclusion. h elieving, a s he slated Ihere he did believe, and as we all (if I may judge from myselO heliev"d, Ihal upt r yl:lIld and Vir. gini" dow .. Ihro"gh the Soulhern SI"I"", inlo T "nnessee and ;\Iaham". Ihe hilse of his oper,"ions) to "Ct Ul'on Ihe planta lions Oil 'h" 1'1:0;"" lying on ,,;och "ide of Iha, nlllg"" of ' no.",· I:';ns. a"d we should he ahle to es!:thlish oursclves in the f"",· tH:ss"s. a"d if ""y ho""ile "c';o" (, ... would b,,) were taken al{,.,nsl us. either hy 'he ""hi'" of I he ""I,,,ra,,, S tales, or hy the nr'nie" of Ihe Uni'e" SIaleS. we prn,X>5ed '0 def":'1 fi,·s! th" tnilit,a. a"d 1l <·~I. if it were possible.lhe trOOpS of the U"iled SI a tes. ,,,,,I I he" ot·g"" i ~e t he f !"e"d bbek" " nd" ,. I It is I"'" ,. ision· "I constitution. which would carve om for Ih" localily of ,I" iuri"";ctio,, nil thaI mounlalllOUs I<:g,on III which Ih" "beks Wer" '0 be ""I"hllshed, an.1 ". whic h Ihcy were to he t"ught thc useful ""d mceh" .. ic,,1 ',,·b. aud 10 he instruCled in "II 'he "u"iness of Ide. Schools W","e also 10 be eSlahli,,]',,<:ctctl that "u d,e $I,.v"" in th" Southern St"te~ would .h. Ihe """,e. 1·le hdieved. 100. tha' "" "'''''y of the fr"" negroes in Ca""d" as coul(1 a ccomp'"'y hi,." would do 50. , " .. The ~1"n,h<>lder,. "'e'-e 10 h e ]"kc" a s h o~t"g""s . if (I,,'y ...d"".,d .n leI their "I,,,·,,,, !,:"<> . It is" llli~l " ke 10 sUPI'0~c Ih.ll Ihey were to be killed : they w",'" nol ,0 he. T hey were '0 he held " .. hOSlnges for the "afe t rcalrnent of a"y prisoner.. of Joh n U row"',, who Ill;!:"hl ("II inlO the h,,,,tls of 1".>5.;1" pa.'liCS • .. All ,h.., "''''-51,,''chold.,r5 were to he I'r<>1"cled. Those who would not JUI" the oq::-alliz;l(i"" u f 1 0h" 1.lnl"'", hut who would nu' "1'1' os" i I, w"rc t o b<,: 1"'01<:<;1<::<1 ; hut \ 11U~" who did oppose ;1 ",,,,-e 10 he ,n"a,o::d a s the "lavd101.lcn. Ihcm~d,·",.. " j ohn B fO"-" "aid:' continued Ih·"lf. ",,"uninK up the pro. "eedings, " , ha[ h" h"li"\!,,d a sllcc,,~s(,, 1 ;n<:II r "'o1\ could he made; that ;, c o uld b e ""ccessfully ,,,,,;,,,,,;,,,'<1: Ih'" [he lIe"­ ,'r,d sl:",., St"If'" .,o"ld h " fo,'c.,d (f.-o", th" pO~;l;On ;n which 'hey fOll"d th.,msdv",,> to rl.'eog";o:" th" f ...:edo", o f lhose wh .. h"d be"" sl,,,'es w;lh;" th,,;r "CSpeCl,.'e lim;t"; IhM ;"''''edi",cly ""ch rcco!:"ni tiuns We"': ",ade, .hen . he p l"ce" o f all officcr" elt:cted "",Ier this pro";si",,,,1 Co"sl,l""o" l>cc""''' ":0"""\, " n d ".,wel<:c,;ons "'c'-e 10 be Illad". l\lun:,}\'c", no .,,1a rics "'c,'c '0 hc l'"id o f . hal cO'l\'e"liol1 the people p,·e... ""t louk " " o"lh 10 s"l'l>ol'\ Ihat c""sti."\i",,, They d,d ,,'-' s"ch Ih;ng. D.,. lJel"nr. o f ",ho." I ha"e spok"n, 1"'''_ po~e,1. ; "",,,,di Ol lcl)' th" ,,"nvenlion w ,," organ;zcd, I hal "" o;,th should II" lakrn h y ,,11 who wcrc I'r"scn'. not to <1iv"lgt, a"yof Ihe I',·o<;cc.lings '''''t "';J.;lu tra"§pire. whc"""I'"n J ohn IIn>wn rusc :. nd sl:llt'd his ohjeclio,," to such :Ill oalh. II I.' had hi",_ "elf co"sei,·"ti""" serllples "J.:";oi""" I:>ki»g "" 0,"110, ,",, ", :>11 he '·<.''1uesl,,01 ",;os a I 'rot>,;~c Ihat any pc"~"n who ~h"uld then·"f,,,,'

Geo q;~e B. Gill /Jives b r iefly hi~ (ecoll<.'t;lio ll " , w ritten to ,ne . 'IS f..,llow» ; ".~ACHINC TO A CULMIN",\T ION. . 85

-, \Villi,,,,, l\Ium'oe, as p"esident of the co'n-elltion, si~ned !he commissiuns isslled. The sessio,,~ we,'c not fllily ha'·"'o"ious. T here "'Cr e some s'"all points of difference, which werc satis_ factorily adjusted in the end. I only remember a few of the color.. d Ille" : a"""'g"st the'" ",,,5 D,·. M. R. DelallY. J. J. J"cksoll. \V",. C. ~ ' u"roc, of Chath,,,,,. G. J. R eynulds. of San_ dllsky City. T he only whites present were me",t",rs of our party. The ",ost of uS at that ti",e did nOI appreciate the necessity of keeping jour·"als. I a'", howe,·er. indebted to ab­ I"'e"i:oled nO!eS for the prt'cision in my ",."nory on m""y points . .. The '''''in business of !he co""ention was the adoption o f a cons!i\"tion. which Il"own h"d already I"'epared, lind the or­ ganizalion of a I"'o"is;o"a[ go.-c,."menl "",ler that instrument. ~rh c election of officers occurred on the 10th. John Ill-own was. of CUU1-SC. elecled co",,,,,,ndc,'_;n_chid, K"g;. secretary of w"r, Realf, sec'-eta,'y of state. the I'-"as".-., r "'''s Owell Umwn. ""d Ihe seen'tary of the 1reaslIl'y was GCOI"g"C 11. Gill. Me-milers of cong""ss chos"n Wer" Alfred 1\ 1. Ellsw''''!h :"HI Osbon'" P. An,le'·son. color",1. ! am Sur" tha! Brown did not communi. e"tc· the del"ils of his pla"s to the ",,,"'hers or the co,,,,,,"I;o". I1wr" th"" in a "c"y g<'ne]";,1 way, r" call sed by' i l ug!> F orbes's letter of cl01"11<: P . Ander son, in" A Voice fro III Ilarper's F erry" (p. ,6), .. c:ntsed an entire c h ange in the programme for a lime. The old gentleman went one way, the young men another, but ultimately to meet ill Kansas, where the Slimmer was spenl. " Specula­ tion may be idle, but it is reasonably cert"in that lite movement would, ],,,d it then taken place, have been bolder and with more men in it, :IS then: was t hen unquestioned earnestness in Canadll and along the lake bonlers. Superficial students, failing t.} put the"lselves in the other man's place, condem" as in­ sanely in;odcqualc J ohn B,·own's force, while Ills organization has been derided as absurd. The fairest er,tlc,sm yet i>"bli~hcd is found in the admirable monograph on " J ol,n 8rOIl'I1," by Dr. Von llolst.'

1.' john Brown." I.)' I),. ]1~rIl1811" VOII J [ ola •• pmfeuor a' .b., Unive .. ~i'y ,,/ F dehe' l!. in lI~de" (Il .. 1 "I S,ale U .. ive'~il y. 1\b9-I'.a. l<;t;ACIlING TO A CULMINATION, ,8,

That able histol'ical wI'iter speaks o f the" P ,'ovisional Constitution" as ".1 COil fused medley of "hsuI'd because absolutely i"applicable fo,'ms, and of me'IS­ ul'es well c.d<,;ul"tcd fOI' the end in view,- of sound common sense and of absurd syStcm~ltizillg; of cool computation ; enlil-ely ""lional to fOl"lll and" cre<.lte a strong organization" and •. sensible to appoint a Sup"e1lle C01111l1al}(lel'," though ,1I,s,,,'d 10 suppose" lI,al a lillie band, without i"n,uen<,;e, should se<,;retly put their heads tog-ethel", to give 11 constitution t o the United Slates;" this lanel· being. with all due dc(c,'encc 10 Von Ll olst, exactly what tlley did 110t i ntend 0" mc"n 10 attempt doing" The ahsu,'dity of cop)"illg the offic.;cs of the F eder"l COllStitlltioll i:; ve"Y pOl lpa!.>l" to the c";tics, buj. tile logic of it is not quite so pl"i". To Olle who undel,stands that J ohn B,-o",n was above all other lhings .. pl,,;n, believing, AllIeri­ can Cltlzcn, the,·c was th~ COIlI1110ll-SCIIse thought that with thc imp,·essibl., people to be dealt with .llld control lcd, large forms alld :;ounding n.unes 0" titles were of value, espe<.:i'llly if they Jed to su<,;h dil'cct connection with patriotic tel'ms alld ideas as might be likely to affect the minds of o the,' sympathetic.: p ersons, DI". VOII I-I olst, stl"angely cnough ill t h e light ,88 Jorl N !1ROWN. of the I"'"anCO_Pl"llssiuu war, regards as seve.e pro­ ViSIOnS for t"king f"om all who held slaves willingly, and from those who ,Issisted t1lcm, all tlley possessed, whether in free or in slave_holding State"," The n:cog"itioll of" any kind of ncutI'alit)';' the enforcement of "fair 1,-;a1," provisions agnins\" all ustdess destruct.ion of proper-t)"," and forbidding the usc of ill words 0 ,' abuse of" dcfcntcd enemy," arc esteemed by him as p,-oofs of human;!\,. \Vh"t Von 1101st fails lO see IS, that til(;!sC seemingly petty and even contnHlictory del.lils \\'(',"e all u sed upon sl"'cwd conceptions of the limiwtions o f the people to be (" ccd, alld a dear understanding of the COil­ ditions would exist in such (ngilive c,w,ps as shollid be cre'lled. Evcn the lcarncu dOClor sces the significance of providing" fo," " bl"inging together again of sepanlted f~,"'ili es, for schools, and for the funher­ (lnce of' pel"sonal de"nliness:" I n (Ill cl"lticism, (l,e o,ie palpable omi~sion is (be failurc to pcn:cive how r"," '"emoved J ohn Uro,,",,"s mental P,"o..,esses wc'"c {'"om n:vol"tio"a,"y bias 01" lawless intel1(" TI, e t,"ouble is, and strangely, too, that the fut,'" or" and "'; no qllalifiC

1ll0ne)"Illaking, a means ollly for opening new hInds and uuiluillg mOre t owns; something by which deb t ~ could be collected ,,,1<"\ onler maintained, plus the constable and I.h e C;:lllllon. TIl is w:.s not J oh n Brown's conception. r t is no wonue,·, ther efore, that he was deemed" ill~:.lne." It will b.;; obse,'ved III the pap.;;,·s a d opted nnd plans proposed at Chatham, thM certain object:; were defi­ nilely kcpt in view: First. T hat slavery was ,n dcrog:ation o f thc ... R epublic and contrary t o jllst law, its righteous inter­ preta!.i",", and to the PU1'poses of the Ame,'icaTl Union. Secollu. Tltat, thcrefol'e, it wa~ sb\'eholdel's, IlOt liberator~, who we,'e traitors and l'ebels. H elice JOhll B rown's justification of his cons1itution alld his denial , when o n I"ial, of having l'ais.;;u an ;llsu'''-cctiotl. Tlli,·d. ll is puq)ose to organize a utllority among his a(lherents. \Vith this idca ill view, the simple orgallizat ioll J ohn 8ro\\'n projecteu IS seell to be adlllirably auapled for the cond.tions he ;mticip;:\ted c"eatil'g- a widely scattered :;t"le of "esistancc among an ullII'ailled but willing set of people, to a sy>:;tem of oppression,- lltcrI rcsistance being pI'es\l11led to be set ill conditions half lcalling to their own views and necessities. Fonrth. The military plans can be seen by the ne)(ible fOI'm of organizatioll, Seell '" "General Order No. I ,'" to be adapted to al1 insnrgent war" fare. The bands, sections, piatoolls, al.d eornpallies were designed to act separalely or together. In Ihis will also be seen some explanation of why an

, Sec App<:nuix. '9° JOliN llROWN. ;,ttack was made with so s"'nll a force. ElIch one of thnt ba nd was filte

The Chatham Convention adjourned on the 10th o f May, ,858, I\n neti,'e and 1Icrid conespondcnce had bccn p,'ogTes"ing whil .. lhc " Liber;rto r s " wc,'c ill co""cil. 1\ letlcrof Ilugh F orbe .. ,datcd !'Iay 5th, sir owed that I'e ("llowed s,:lmcwlwt clos ... ly ... "eh of lire next moves. John Brown On lhc '4th wrote hi ~ eldest $011 to watel, him clo~e and fo",,,a"d all details .

•. , A Vok" fro." 1I ... .,.,c'. t'" ..' y:· Ilu ~tu" • • 1Ib •• p, 60. REACHING TO A CU I,MINATIUN. '9 ,

F ollowi"g M~. Sa"ho",,'1I n;.lnative' it is stated that G. L. Ste,u·ll s a nd Theodo'·e Pa,·ke,· we,·e fo,· postponing for a year. ,,'It-. Sanbo,·n "';IS in doubt; T. \ V. lI iggill_ son in favo,·of immediate action; Dr, I-'I o\\'e, on the 9,h of, o\Iay, held Ihe same view; on ,he ' Sth he demanded immediale pOSlponement; Gerrit Smitl, on the 71h wished lC> go 110 funher: J Jiggin son, and probably I lowe, suggested Ihal" when Ihe thing is wellstarled, who cares what he (F'orbes) w i ll suy," Steps were takell 01\ r-.Iay ~olh 10 chunge the loca­ tion o f the armS and uwt edal, for" reasons that call - 110t be w ,·itten," A meeling of t h e Capulin's f'·iends. Messrs. SOl ith, Stea'·"S, I I owe, Pa,·k e '·, I I igginson, alld Sl\noorll was held ttl Ihe Revere I i ouse, BOStOI1, on the "4th of May, when.:os Mr, S:lUbo~n wriles, it was "resolved that B row" ouglollO go to Kans:, ,, at once .. · On the 3 ' st insl., tile C a p",in reached U,-,Slon. He was fun of reg~et and 11llH;h lS "to blind Forhe" by going to Kans:,s,:,,,d to t~ansfer lhe p,·ope,·t}' so "" to relielle Il'e i\ i assachusetts Kansas Committee of rc sponsibili t y. "no they i n fut"re were 1101 10 k"ow his plans." To all this, the Capt";,, objected Ihat his force would be demoralized; .. it wo"ld not con twenly-fi\'e dolla,·s apiece to mo\'e his thirteen men

, ,. Life and Lel1er. "I J "h" Brown," 1' . .jw. d "I. f" Life Knd L""",.., uf Jult n Ihuw"," 1'. 46 ~ . JOliN 1I1I0W1'<,

f ,'om Ohio;" he would ~ tn " t if he had but three hu n_ u,'eu dolla,-s, The knowledge F o rbes could give to h is o pponents" would be injlll'iotls, fo" he wished" the m "to uudel-rllte hi m , but s ti ll the i,,_ creased terro,' p,·oduced would pe,' lmps co" ntet"b "l_ a nee t his, .toHI it would lIot ,nake much diffe,·cncc. I f he had l l.e lI1 e;II1"', I.e \\'0111,1 lIot losc a {lay,'· Jliggillson's ,'epo,' t is undouhte' fo,' votillg for or "gni"sl thc w'·ctched in!:lII'1Imenl. The Govel·nor SOO ll aftc,' named Augu!:ll ~d (01' the polling of thi.s foregone conclusio n ,'

I The "0'''. C:OS' uP"" Ih" fin .. t "fJnn 10 fOl'ce ~I,,'·e, - y "1'""" K"", s,,~ ,,,.,, I"Slm"Ii,'''' Th.-y were: Electio" "f dclq,:,,,e~.<> L"""",p. I"" C"n~,;,,,,ional Co",·cn,ioll (".,ponioll"'''''' f,,,,,,I,,I,,,,,). J"n" '5. ,857, ~."oo"o'e~. 1::1"",;"" "I S,,,,,, o lli ee ... ""cr of Cong I "'. ,we.""e", 6.<)08; ' h" pru,.I,,"e r y "",,, numin"tly """"1g.,<1 6.50<)." ""melieMI f.",,· .. Ia'e m;'j"';'y "I 399. Th" C .. n~'i"J\I"n ;,,,,,If w~" n OI .",b.. ,llled ....,1 C,,,,!:,·,,.,, w;,,, ... ked 10 p "uwld,. fu r ,h .. ,. ",. . I,e"er .. ill. ,,, rejecI ,h" ",1",1e- i"~'r, ,," e .. ': II"d. ju"fli,,1'( by ,I", un. ch~tI""g"'1 '·o'e~ on 'h" qu"", I,,,, "with" <.O r .. w;,h""I·· sla'·",y. 'he ""''',,' I'r<>,~';"·ery \"01" ;n 1857 w ..,. 3.733. a"l Ihere wcre "'''''Y .. "mll fr,,"d ~ p"'p",.-"I<:d, ,,,,d :!,soo "",,,,1.1 lie" lib",-"I """,1..-.. T h" Ten';'".I,,1 L.,~is)""H" (f,·.. "_8 100tcl " ... !e,·",1 "" el .. c. ,I"" on Ihe Lecol1'p'"'' Co,,~dl\lliu" . ,,,,<.I I, w'l.Il h d<.l J""" .. ry 4. J(')IIl" nROwN.

But this was not all, nor thc chief inci{lcnt whi<.:h d"dder] J ohn B,·own·s fri"nds and John Bn.>wll himself, that it was a duty .,s wcll ("; th" best policy fOI· him to l·ctUI·" forthwith to Knnsas. On the 18th of Ma\·- , along" the Ca~nC1"l1 hOI·dcl" of L illn COlJllty, SOllt1>el·1l Kans as, cleven peaceable, unarmed cjtj~cns, at wo,·k in licld, (ol·ge, and dwelling, 0'· all thc lllllh,·catencd highway, wc,·e suddenly captured at diff"rent points w ithin a small radills by an anned hand o f lwenly­ fIve ",,,n, wh o appca,..::d to ris" a s it were f,·om th" ground, so s~Hlden and IInexpcctcd W.IS the;,· p'·csence and actioll. [speak f ... .>111 personal knowledge of the terrible deed. known as thc "Mar"is dcs Cygnes·· m"ss"cre. The twenty_five armed Inen were a renl­ nant of thc Buford gang of two ye,\I·s befo'·c. Thcy wel·e led by one Chades I-I ,,,nilton, who \\".,'1 with m<)st of his .,ssoc1ates opcnly shclterNl at F OI· l Smith, A,·kansas, and whose tc,.,.ibl" and unqllalilied act of assassination waS boastingly defcnded .tll .dong the southwest slavc bOI·dcl·s.'

, Ssg; vole "" "s 'IS f"llO\v~: "ga;,,', 'Q.2~b; for, w;Ih ~lal·"'T '38. w;,h"", 25: 10\,,1 '0,3$<) C,, " ~ r ,,~~ S"O"';11,,Ih",·~). L"k", and \\'illia,,, Y ea lo<"l< . Th.,,,,.. ,. J,,,·k>'(>n. Ja",.. ~ '\"""e, L~wis 11""d<;'·5nn. \v. H. B,,,<;I.:e11. 11".11n, Ike.:". and ~b,_ lO<::k. The na"'c~ 01 I;'" ",h",. '''in""" "'·"rt"d' ·cl ~ ''1)P~'H I .. l,e los!-a late llo", ;s I1I" ,·i,,<::d. ·1 h" J l:t,nilwns W",·e me" of "d,,_ ca';"". '·es;d;"g. [ believe, ,,' ",. ,,,,,,,. \\',·s' P";,,,. /I.·lu.: all "I the,n • R£ACBING TO " (;Ul.~"N" ION. '9' These inoff,,"sivc ,nCIl, ekvell ,11 number, were marched to a point near the Snyder forge, an ope" log bui Idi ng,-someti Illes called by the high to': ned cor­ respondents and politicians of those days, "Snydel"s FOI"1," - th<:re rna(le to stand In line, while a volley was fired into them, killing fivc ollu'ight, and wound_ ing five othe'-s• very severely. fl was a lovely aftel'- lIoon, and the scene of Illurdc" IS the centre o f a landscape ,-e"",,·k:,.l)le f o,- its placid feat u res and "'''-al I)eaul),. The (Iced s tartled lI,e country; the No.-th, slow of ,u'ge'-, was "ollscd to p " s>;io natc hc"t; the free­ state people~ who IVere divided into savage (actio,,;;, melted and fu sed tog-ethe,- agai" IInder a comlllOl1 ho,,,,ol' and n single pu q >ose. R obel·t B. Mitchell, " leading free-state conservative. ,'ode with J amcs Montgome,-y, the fighting n.dic,,1 of southe'-" K ansa s. in the cndeavo" ',0 oven"ke tl,c [["milton gang'. At F o,·t Scott, just bcfo,'c this deed, Sheriff Samuel J. \V"lker, of D o"gl"ssconnty. acting:IS d eput}' Uniled St.ates marshal, Imd placed Montgomery ""der fl)'-

we",. I belie ..e. Idll.,_,,,'~' we'-", Willi,,,,, R D' I>crr~"". \villi"m Colpe '~er. P."r;";k R.,,~~, Tho",,,.< Srll1wdl. J "hn F. C"",phcll_ kill.:d at the firM li< .. : _ A~" "nd \Villb", Ha"!<""'r, CI,,,rle~ S"yde'. A"'o~ tlall. "Old Chades F. Reed, " ~1"'I,,,d'~1 circuit ,',da ""d I' r ",,~hcr. Tloe~" we", ,,II ~"\'e "el y "·",,,,01",1 by 'he ~,,,",,olin' . An")~ Iiall lell ""I",,', when ,fo" ",her v<>lley wa. fire,l. ,,,,,I, ( ~i!t,'in!;oIcRlh . eSC"I',,,1 ""hll"' . t " be "ho' 'o'I.:,,'h, as s"," ed ill,h" "A"n"ls of K,,"s,,~.·' "f,er ,n ~"m" l:.Ie .. """(]er nouble. The I "''' I I ai '-g ... ,,·.,R we ,-., n.,' i ve~ of Ceorgia. 1\-1 r, Snyde ,­ was a bo,de,',s',,'" n""" "one of 'he as~i1e

n~Sl, for aelS previously done in de(cllse of his neigh­ bors' and his own ,·;glllS. At (he same lime leaders of the nlflian dement were abo alTest..,tl by this same cool and fearless ot1it:c... r.lontg-01l1cry was released on his parole; the United States Court dischar-g-ed lhe pro­ sluvc,-y c,-imi""],,. No n:wal"{] was offered by allY authority fo,- the capture of the I [amilton m u nler-ers . The Govcnlor of Missouri (lid not feel his juris(iinioll• outraged. and the P,-esirient otTered no rcwal"{!. T he G ove,",,,),' of Kansas contented himself with placlitionists." The 1 ) .. mil10n gang coolly ""d without h"ste made their way fu,·t he,· sonth_ I lean'ecl of tl,e;r movcments clay aftc,' ~h,y, a"cl sao" "ft"r saw t h e leading "ss'lssi" strutting as a hero in tl,e streets of FO,-1 Smith, A,-kansas. One of the most stirring of John G. \\Ihit_ tie,··s lyrics is 1h"t of "I.e !'.]"rais du Cygne," (" The Swamp of 1he Swan .. ) a picturesque name given to the portion of the Osage R iver va11ey by the early IU:/lCIl I NC TO A (:UJ.M1NATION. '9'

Frem; h voyageurs, who served at Chollea,,'s T radi ng P ost , close by which the terrible <.Iced occu rred. The dosing 5lan ""5 o f \Vhittic r 's poem have tha t pl'O­ phet;": t Oile, w h ich in the su preme moments of human conflict , Hlways makc the tnle p oet u 5eer~proclaim­ ing what will be. Il ow prescient are \.h e wo,'ds:

"Not in ,'ain on Ih" . Iial Th" shnde mO,',,5 along' T o poi,u the gTe,,' eont"' !!l5 Of right "",I o f ""'ong: F ree homes "",I f,·.,,, "h"rs, And lields of .-ip" fQ<)d: T he r.,.,

.• On Ih" li"t.,15 of K ""II"" That 1>1<>0<1 s1o:.11 "01 .Iry: l k"cdonh I he h"d ""gel Shall har","'"" go 11)': Ilcneeforth 10 Ihe ""n~ct Ullcheeked on Iwr "'Hy. 5h,,\1 lihert y follnw The """'ch of Ihe ,1:0),,"

The Joh n B ro", ,, mcn werc scaucn,d u fl ~r the ad­ jO""""'ent of the Ch a tham COllvr-nlio n,;' little <.Iis­ couragcd, tOO, a s Stew"rd T"ylo,' \\"I'ote 011 t h e IJth of 1\'Ia)' to D,·. II. C. Gill at Taho,', Iowa, by the "spec! of ",h .. ! was" t he IIlOst c r i t ical point" in their e"deavors. Owen B rown wenl to visit his b"other );oson Ht Akron, Ohio. Coo k left Clevel"nd for the neighborh ood of 11 ""per's Ferr'y, R e alf left Co " New Yo r k, "nd fro'" tl,ere wellt to Engl"lld, n ot to be heanl o f 0" (" o m again unti l ""Tested in , dur_ '98 JOliN IlROWN. ing the winter of 1859-60. Gill, who tells the story elsewhere in a simple l1arr:lli\'c full also of uncon­ scious art, went to work in a Shaker settlement, prob­ ably Lebnnon, Ohio, where Tidd was :dready elll­ ployed. Stc\\"ard Tnylo r went to Illinois where he h:\d acquailllallces. Kagi and Stevens waited Brown's rClurn at Clevcl.tnd. Parsons and .'- Joffett stayed 11 short time in northern Ohio, an(1 then Iissollri thr')ugh Canada back to l-hll"pcr's Ferry, must, with lhe four months o f t he life at , be told in bold outline in the next succeeding pages.