Outstandinq.- . ..Filatures G rossa EX<'l9gerations • • • Quite Contrary Grosse Pointe ews . • ° Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Talley Rant

Enterel! as Second Class MOller GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MARCH 25, t 948 at the Post OIllee at Detrolt, Mlcll, J15'fx,P~r C'if.~r Fully Paid Circulation

------'1 ------,"' Four Escaped Death In IIEAI)I"IN I~S , This Wreckage~Both Park and City I Trial Period 01 ,be Extended For \VI~I~K .Call on County for Bus Concern As Campi/I'd b)' Ih" GrO$S6 POJllJe I~ ell'S City Agrees With Pl1fk and ;Brand Netv Surface, Farms on Prolonging Tes t Thursday. March 18 Three More Months On this date in 1837 was J ------~----- born Grover Cleveland, lwen- I Resolutions Adopted By Two Governing Bodies To Be. The City Councit at It'!: ty-second and twenty-fourlh Followed By Pressure if Immediate Action I meeting on' ",larch 2:!, took President of the United Stales; Is Not Forthcoming In 1858, RUdolph Diesel, in ______I fa\'orable Retian on the re- Paris, German invenlor of the i Definite steps ha\'e been statted towards getting a new' quest of the Lake Shore Coach Diesel enginc ..• in 19H U,S, , pavement on East Jefferson ilVe11l1l'. At the meeting of the' Lines, Inc. thal its ttial per- escort shillS bag four U-Boals; 'Park Village Board of Commissioners held !It 5 o'clock on iod for testing out the revised In I!lH a Japanese suicide of- ! Monday afternoon and at a Grosse Pointe Cil\' Council meet- lensive is smashed and in 1945 , ing held three 110UtS laler, resolution were 'pClssed unanim- far'es schecl41e and the servicl! (:oblenz falls and lhe Germans are in rout. ,ousty, which were identical in theit meaning and almost in which was entered into last I their wording calling on the Count,\' Board of Road Com- winter, be extended for an. PRESIDENT T R U!Ii A N ad- I i missioners to proceed with a Ill'\\' pa\'ement on the avenue. other three months. dl'(,sscs a joint session of the' ; The algllments well' ad"anecd:' ------.----, .. ------The n~w exll'n.

under~tood here." Accessories Reported in I' Piece of Fender Imbeds ,Self in Tree; \ B \ W N t makmg III wlrlen ,lefferson avenue, Latll ence 1 eltee~ .. buslnes~ uld (,nes that were taken out o( Y h' I . T t I W k urg e.ry as 0 as \and then put down a rme moue,n \ a~ent of the 1I'lul11clpal Erp.- \ comnHssion. Th"le has been some One Night in Farms e lC e IS 0 a ree Strange 1.15 It Sounds pa;,e,~ent,'5 bru6he<:i a5iue by \pmyes' Union, was at the City \smau increa5e in "eatin~ capacity THE DRAFT PLAN if adopted. One of the most seri-;;~; automobile accidents in the --- thIS sImullaneou5 aetlOn. Council meeting on Monday but Gro5se Pointers cannot ride will slart 'operation on July I The slripping of accessories I P , t Sundav The theft of a flight of slairs , The argument was advanced in i night, March 22. and at the to or from netro\t any oitener and will tal,.. about J,OOO,OOO om l:: in a long time OC(;UITed at 3:20 a, m on J, , f h r I young men belween 18.21 • from six pa-rkecl atltomobiles M' . h 21 " 1 was reported to the Farms: bolh bodies. thaI lh" 11'J(lelling 0 I' eonclusion uf the generlll bus-' t an ol"lne~ y, .. . . ", • i alC .' '.. • !. _ ,the a'~enue ,5 too much of an elll-, iness of the meeting asked to) The publJcatlOn 1n the DetrOIt veterans of last \Val' exempt. In one mght in Glosse pOlllte,' FlanCJS X. Selfell, aged 30, of f f tl f d . I th I pollce on Malch 19. The un- bryome project and uughl llt'. d' .. 1'1[01'111'111\' wi"] the Illuming papel on Tuesday thai • • • , 8 Union street lilt Clplllens was 0 one 'l \1' en I:'rs plerce( c . ". I" I dd .1. lSCllSS I , - 1 DSR I d b I r Farms alone indicates. '"gO d. , ' f'( , h'ee to the dl'plh of lhree 01' four: usual burglary wus ea~tl~' ex- years In l11alena lZlng. n a I. !'m c()um:i I \' had been he- of gas sl1ppl_1 was one of the his "communists" in the 1948elec-1 0 ~t,C. -, :e 0. lem It.: agmnst a tree between the s,de-. ~m(:s.l ~.tllll,...ht l;jlllght _as t I' bel' of new hous('s in Rrdgemont width is PqllJ\'alant II' a four Jane' for" COllllCl1. ,\ dl~cllss",n. be-. lee'ons alle;:cr! hy the bus com. tion, eyen if it means his own de- the VICinity of tne l11gh school., Wl1lk and cu,b at Ihe northwest fllll .Ias clllshe against It, )'o:rd So:nNime aft"I' he left the hinh'I'av' two in each direction tll'c.'n tiH' l\la.l'or and ;\11'. Pelfeey, p,llly \,'h., it could not put on any feat. • A seventh was reported two: cornci of Lincoln and Jefferson.: scene o( Ihe consl!uctlOn at 4:30 and an',ple to carry Ihl' tlaffle eonllnUl:05':,tl"d' the n\<'I1., lequ",!. I ('onslluction in the Palko to learn the constitutionality of the 8. . .1 II I k ' .. , ... If .. and early l\londay mOlning, \\'ould be If'moved )v ,m,' \1 rr I'll- . '] h .. ,. II b hour law, load reported the theft (If th,' >,,11 1111( nel' In)\,1 rcs. 0 \\ as TI1I're were SIX bnys and two 'T1.llage l~raffl.e . t .. Tn,' hotll ", wage men whIch, t lal t I.' PIOJCLt \\ I e com- , I radin aerJ~1 and two sid" 11IlrJO'" ',)'0 ]1l1l"r! by the p,.I,ce as badly IIlg op('rn to~.. . ~"ll11"lS" th" glOllp seeking a re-: pleted about June I. ._ SENATE DEMOCRATS have' from hiS Pa_c~ard CllPP"I. Ill!oxl<'ated,. A hOlll~' "bollt half girls In the group. the old('~t 21, R I. f' P nl. ed It IS the ~'letch,,] c~nch~'~H1fl:;~ adl'''!!I1l'lI\ o( their arrangements, The numerous complal.nt:. that ~iven up their fight 10 reduce the, Wilham ~neger of .180 Moran fl,1I of \,hlskp" w,," found, un- an't the rest 18 ;Inn 19, e Ie 1'0 IS Jeff.el>')!) a,.en~,~ at tl~'~,.t.Il1'~,\",,_ "'lh lil!' Crt~., held a meeting on have come from reslden,s ahout 54,800,000,000 Repuhllcan tax cut,lo~t IllS rad,alor ornamcnt, 11 sld(' hl0k,'n, tn. the- mi, i\11'!I\OI,,,) Day, Fourth of Ihe heads of the :-'hchigan Sewer LEADERS \~"eal plans for build-: lold the police an oulsid,. mlrlO". n('Oll5 (,1It.1,(',1, , "I 1(1 ',",r" on Sa I. ' I 1 I J t I . . .' , .. , .. t' l' . r)t'II~;.. 1111",,1 \, ~ r, ~ Sl:H~( U t'h lilit' I~I:.nd mconllllUll"ao" ".IH'n ~he '"ckll1g!lght,allPrhrllOldpali.I'd '1'1), ,'.I' "'Il'k Ib,' 11"(" \\.jth aea lOll 0 a'i 'iVbrC'i122th"t ,i tilO'Ollgl1 ,'\.11111-:.-'-- , ,I. 'f' ,', .. ,'"t'". / I I, I lJ 1 I t .T ' lit. tl t b I I'" '., lll' ('>I11.d,J.' ,I"'. ,11. .. \ ". l:.nrls at La(;u:1I dl.l ""eld on night It m tIC unl' \ anl~ ll( .,. 01 t \(' ',,,!l f,,,," 1'1,,1 " Ih Illg p"'lion • ; natlOll ,.. m.lI" I> Ie l.a:;, I ,tv PaJ'k Thr'eatelll::!. ,. ,.,' ". _ D " I 'I f 'r' ( .. I, .,_ fronl Elll npp ., hill; long bl'pn :-;';lInl' night. I ---- (If lhp Cil\' gOI:l~ llllo the pUh!iC ;, I: i' ( \I dl'.l .. ,:J In~iJe a propo t'\: lJh,l ~1.r,. '_'j ~ ,t ~;~' t> _11 to a:"S(H'l~I{('d wi:;1 f h .. ('orJlO\l!lIls(~ On 1hl.' nIght of 2\.Y:~l''''l 1~1d ('.,: I The POl nte pI Ihlle ~("h(.ols will pill k !rH~ J/~! l'li":::Tl( :--.....('JI.'" ('J('l'k :"1 C 'l' ,I ,~l " I '1,1' II, I'j) tJ I ,11 1hE:'\ \1, i.: L n to- ,,('IT. ',',1", h,,' ;,h'."rwI I\'hlie It was pal,~,'d I 'TI ' ,t. ' '11 I \\" I ,a1l1,nalllHl fUI tlH" ,llld nlp~1 t hack lion concPl'n dorng tilt' r,,! ,: \'d- ",," I',,', '.',' '""1' ,,": ,,"~,'m,'nt. I,,:t , Stnekbolm dl'l'1at e tlWII PUI pos ... at thl' high schJ)ll1 bct'le('I; I :.10 I . Ie 'aCd Ion \\, "m on ( r - to eouncl1 .,~ soon as P\ "clicablr,. I I .k nIl., 1'(" 1.( I' ' "! ilf' I" ""' ",. Il, , . d () 30 ' C' 'I" ,"."ll",),nl,1 11','<(',.IlISN In d '£ ) 31 I II I . Q l I ' aoe sewer WOl 1 ,. > ,I '." \'", 11' ,:, '."1" ,! ""1" TI,C'\' J I to rtl'tend thell ('ollnllll's agamst an ,,:, p,m. , "0," " , . nes ay," are I, ,w \cn a c as>es ]\11'. l\l'/T ,"",. to;r! a read)' 'fi ",,, N II' 1- , . I" b "'ll " ",,' ,', , " ' ., ., Iln.. \':." ,,;, .,,' ,." ' ______~_ ,tlw pOl' 1; pnh'l' IH'llOqIl.ll't('r~ at 1 1 I 0 ?OO , .. ~ r Ie ll~j 0 Ing Hun III £'.:-1 ld~ t \l, ,Hit 11\1'l t Pol\' (, I:" f~'\';i)r d,lYS Tlw :\1.1 h: !.:,1!l -..: ", . C.: .. '; illl~' oulSI(k a IH:""', Ion : " . \1 ,I Iti h,' '. "all \\1 I hI' held a., \IS\!a, H're \\,,'\1' o,,'r ~ 11 \lnlCl! 1-' fallmg down on its 'oil,s;,\' JIll" '0',,,' k Till" ,',' ,11 I,,' I""." Ill"n alarml'd h\' th" Cnlllllllllw;1 e(>llfl: :\IERCJ\NTIJ.E J,I('f:XSES 11 p "', ,"11 ... ,:11 i~,''''! 11';'1 t'he f',lIoehia! s"hools alsl1 stalt tlrs. lalge :lIld :'111:.11..111the statc I;alk villa 'I' alllhm itl'" I li"11 ,,,,, "an.: , , ". ,'-' . ,. l In CZ('('l1rl<::.IOV:lkia i-md nl(':-,;-;tlIC on Clerk Norhrll Nf'IT WiiS alllh(ll~ ftl l)1 th( ,\1)11,1 T, t, '.. ,. • \\.hl('h h ....d pullllC': palKlnt: lot.". b' ~11,n~: (,n III I\ ....,(.n dl.:ln.l: t H' Y~'<1' fond .,f :: (' 0:1'" I ',,-.~ Flnlruvl. rtnd hf'.r.lll'nfd h\' Pr(,SI- il.C'd by.the Cltv Connc'd ~I<,nrld\' hl:lc:ic~' ,d;ilill IYVUlcl1,'d. It('\lb};-~ tlh'l1 \\icatloll Ihllr~d(i.\, \vpdnts. Kalflma/n(l I:" on!' of thl." .s III n," Last \\'C'ek ,M,H).-d..;l'l" Ln:~(' "nil ' .\;,~ n'lt \:1.1' Int(>n!ll}n "f :1 f'II:{': ...li'r P _, '. ,,:r .\" (1£'nl TrlJJJ\;Il1', ,<110n): st"nd ... m,t:ht io prOt.ce~l with the ;<1\11"';: ,,' nll' St,'!I' Llqunr SI"re 011 day being the lasl d~y of cIa,'""" !Ilg exam"l<, "f 111.. slln,'s,ful wl'ote to the hondm~ ("Ollll';'rl\' ;, I' (' I': :' 1,:1 th,,:r p'al'u;. d"hnn ,'n.j !\"I :", ". th" sla",1 tl">; Se,1nr!;ma\'la with, j,sllanct' of the mercanlj!" lic('n,,' f\r"l.il"I',,rs wdl resume op(,l'~lton or ,'ul'h enll'rpll~e~, ,\\'hlCh hacks the BOSSI [',mt, ;,,! Ti. ,;: "n~"'Ii"nt ;',,,'.:d l'r1~;1I1 Till' :',I"n(:~, 1'1' C " .- '. the Wf',I"1 n Pll\\ "lS, : taxl's for the ('oming ~'l'al, These \""l',n' "f th!l''''~ t"hlllg pos- on A 111 I i L'ndPI th:, sonal propelly ISi,ggested lilal tl,,, poliel' Il)l)k Village \\'ill takc ,thl' Joh a"'."v !',", l"')" "I,d lh,'" \1.1'1€,",111m!! I.!:' ,\:"h/J"ri "n,., '.., ", ". j\.:'l- Eriilnr 'If tht' COll\nllll1l,'t Oail.v 11lI~jnt'.'" enterpli~l's. 111 11", P"lIlt" '1'111 l'~t,,,lm~n A. S I' S'l Iinto Ihe plartll';d)l1Jt~. o( makiog, from lhe conl'("II ~nd lOll\.; to Ih' !... ,'" ;: Ii',,' add,l!on," h')"r ppl ',1<1". Work"r In London, J(';;I):ns ,mil' The lisl this year will hc lhc B""Il" ,,,,d 1'"",,1,,11 on the rlln. tel' lug I ver Ith ... slll'"ls from NI'(f to Cad'l'llx, hondinl: ('ompan;' In (in"I'" '"'' dldarc.' h,s mlenl1"11 of JOillll1i: "alllr as la~t II'lih nne add,tion, 11 E\C'I.' thing ", d.' ",f,' "na se Badlv MI.splaeed :mcltl''''P. a11<'!n:.tllll( nn('wav _. --- - -.- ---- the C:lthol", f'hilleh, rialr~' har th,lt will 51\01,"p,'n Illl l'lJ!f'. ,dId ,IIi( \ITI. "I\I'n lil"y .'J 1 stl'''I'I~, Ilco th"ll~hl the ad"pllol1 • • • ;'.Iack avcnu(' n('ar Washmgllm. ",~all,rn' d n,', II'lI'pl,' ll[ 1l;"'ChllS, ,of tillS tr"lfll' a! lill1gl'Il\l'nt I11lght 'Teacltel. To",' E'CtO,}.'IP~, Tl'Ul1 ks Intruder Foil.ed PRF.S1D~;NT TRII~I:\:; ('al1~ on ----_._------.. - .Jew('I(>I' Etiwar'1 Pongl • • 0 S D.t P 11 t ° ~il\'er lhat ill sonlf' tlnexpl,I'l\e,1 Th" hudgd "f (;rr,~~1' P"inte Chief of Pollc(' TIII1I '1'",,";,1\ (' 'i1,,,.1 ",' )L,':<,: I", p:!i,' I '.', . 'I 1'\7n ".~la,,(,:~..lItll~,~"h:\I'r'lahrl(1':,I),301'll18~'8eason esp' eo, It 101' ,\\"'~'found th"ir w:t\. Int" II". Cil'. l1a.' I:",.n P1'('I'''t,,(\ (or thr' of th" CI1,V hid, f",r to ",011 f,., :; "1" ,~I,,'11 ~',I' tJ,1! I.'. Il, ,l.").",, , " ~ .111 i' :'~ "~I Thi ... 11.... '- 'I - I 1',lbhl:-,l, (';In ~l1d IIH'nct', lIndpubt. conlin)! YP;lt' i1nd \1 III llfl announ('- :;1 .' \ 1 " i" ~ \1,.1.' r.e: ' .' \! ,'\ n 1" V:r,':l -;:" ''',I. 1 .1.r:~ " ..' ~"~n poet T I 1 , "1-1' .1 Inm'l'1f Ill" .'OUIII,n,I('t of ""1''','' 1,- , I I -'." ,d 1',,' ", " " ;' ,. i :' .. '~~ of IJrllrik 1,,'f!Il, I~Orll', .. l" h" conlract (or fhl' rirNilnll1l1'~ 1I'~,lrd:,,< of lh,. The artidc~ I!r(' fa. t(]O valu. TI,.. ('II;' llIHlitiIlTl" ('If lI){, \,,),1' "hII' f(ll il d\l;np and 1\11', f'on,'(;ro,<,,, P'lInt" B.mk ;1I1r! thl' "a-,Ill's anrl.--,vh"tcv,',' h"PI"'II' to "', "f '~"',")".,.'I"\ ~IIC'll):(,ln 'I~I,! "h,", t: ,., ,.. "." < (o"\, the UN f" dlop II,.. Palr'slille tlart went to 'V. L. Emerv of Dc. 1\';+1('1'. Il,a('z hopr" th,,' ~(JI11P hOllest tlonal Rank llf n..trolt as le~a\ dc, come 1I}I'ir wa,.. \", "f t'il" j, ot 1',"\'1'(' "',in,'I'" j"I,", Ti,' ." 'I,,' "n:- .. pCl'tllwn pll\ BI'1j{'vld the de. trolt at Si.75 per ~'anl. ' It will he tit" t,nh P'IJ,::c ,\'.1111 '.('{llllilcr" \1 liT f,nll !ll"1Il ill1ri re-' pO,'ltalle, f"r, Cll~' flJnd~ f()l' Ihe 'This ,'t'I'\'je .. ""I" d"I'p;'" ,q', ., ) ,1',' ,~,,,:,'d ~,,1i, ,I. "., ,pl:,'n "f h." -,' ,.' I',,' 11" sire to :.yo,d n(('rosal." contacls, Th" work is to start of once, ming' pool in Ihe 1'0111'" C"Jl~'lIIg lurn [hem to hiS store on Kr'J(he- nt'xt tw" ~'(',1(.\ ThiS dr"gn~lion prE'I'\i1tf'd h', ILl' l;r"ll,,1 :,.. !'" " ". "ll ". 111"1""I;Ci oi rC'~'Ll' '.I.t" ~ i.,11t 1 ,',' ,.! '1'1(1 "nri (Continued on Page 2) I and the whole job of placing the IthJs assurance. I val. i ot deposilaJies IS done biennIally, ,Last Mon:lay night a leIter \,

I" ------~~----__---r' _

Page Two G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Thursday, March 25, 1948 ------,------~._----_._------MICHAEl, MARRS BITTEN Spilz dog with black markings, Ii <'ling 91 of our 96 U, S, Senators, BLOOD FLOWS IN TOR- The dog belongs to the residenll Headll'ne's of the Week •sboll's fewer oppo:;ed to the draft RENTS in PALESTINE with 140 Two Cars Tangle On Mack Avenue Michael II1arr,~, aged 10, of 925 at 15003 Jefferson, The animal than 10 universal militatY train- killed in II single day. When James Roberts, of 751 a Hudson driven by Sidney Hi!- Barrington road, was bllten on was taken in ('hnrge by the pollee : ing, but the majority arl' either • • • the right hand on March 19 by il and hrld for examination, ------,------': opposed or non-commit~I .•• dis- ,YUGOSLAVIA offer. compro. West Boston boulevard, Detroit, I gendor! of 344 Ridge road, ______. __ "_"______.______(Continuel! from rage 1) a, m, Leap Year advilnces vernal' position in this election year, is mise on th eAnglo-American- stopped his Oldsmobile to turn I Damage to the Hudson was es- . ,', timated at $125 and to the Olds- 'It rl•rl...... ••••• ~ J'!~ with RLls...~ians and the fear of ('alendar one day. . to await further proof or aect'ssit)' French proposal that Trieste he Illto Stem s Hardware store from! mobile at $20, Hilgendorf as. :- " loss of l:renlly needed AmNicnn • • ,101 either. returned to Italy - wants to trade l\lack avenue at 6 p. 01, on March i Slimed the blame anrl 5aid he " HOW DOES YOUR WARDROBE LOOK?, :- oil reserves in Arabian tenitory SECRETARY 1\1 A n S J{ ALL ~ .'Ionday. ~Ial'ch 22 Trieste for Gol'iZiil, Told it doesn't ': ~. prompted the move, , , we pro- tells Hussia that Communist en-" own Trieste to trade. 20. it was :;truck jn the rear by would pay for the damage, .. , h 1 I On this date in 1934 Congress GENERAL LUCIUS D CLAY ---~._~_...._-_.----~------.. ..: pose t e reviva 0 a mnndate, croachment on free peoples will . , :- .. JI rl . d passes an act guaranteeing the our supreme milita~y '~ "_ Tori,,,! ' .• i"ic :w8n'ory (:>1 ',' ca e 11 tl'usteeshlp, un 1'1' United no hnger be tolet'ated , . ,also independence of the Philippine del' in Germany, say's thCeo~~l~~: :- _. S' Nations, ••• warns Italy that If she goes ('om- I I I f1" r 194"' 194" .. YO'H wMr1rpbe ~nd ;2c.d d:1 ;e' FIFTY THREE PEHSONS ARE llluni,t at the coming elections .~al1l s, e ec IVC ' :>; In " iC. Eisenhower. II THE STHONGLY RUMORED IN Wedneaday. March 24 ~ . ,-. • SOFT COAL OPEn- WASHINGTON that H mediation I On this dale In 183. was born f p•••••••••••••• a ••••••••••••••...... l SPRrNG STARTS at 7>- }' ,A:rO~S 1.lave petiLioned Federal rails the Governnlent will invoke John \\'esley Powen, explorer __ ~_~_~ • ._ l,al I liS , Dlstl'lct Court in Washington to Ihe Taft-Hartley law to end the' of Ihe West and IIr8t man to ::::::=::===:======:======::::::::::::==:::=====:::=:====::====:-=-:-:-:-:-- 'npp~nt,a~ Impurtial trus~e Cor caul walk-out. nal'l~a~ the Grand Canyon; In * * * * * * * * * the Unlteo Mille Workers Wel-, • • 1921 James Cardinal Gibbons fare and Retirement Fund, Ihe' VIOLENCE ON THE IN. died in Baltimore. only Prince real, Issue III the II'nlk out. , , CREASE IN THF: HOI Y LAND of the Church In the United LeWIS ,IS c!emanding a pension for Palm Sunday r~c(Jrds' 26 dead States; in 1942 heavy Jap I l,'" " ) It!. I) I) I N I~ the Imne,rs of $100 per l1,lOntb for over a wide area, 'losses halted their drive on .. .1:1. .J.lil.l1. .:. every JllIner reachlllg sIxty who' • • • Australia; In 1944 American 10- has worked ill the mines for i A TORNADO hits the Govel'll- Inch guns ripped Cassino and In twenty years, , . I:ewls wants to' ment's largest repair airhase at 1945 Pallon stormed over the handle the fund himself, Oklahoma City and ,destroys 50 Rhine, • • planes and badly damages 50 • • of regal quality WARM RAINS have raised others , . , loss placerl hy com- OUR COMMERCE D'EPART- waleI' to flood stage in many mandant of the base at $15,000,- MENT ANNOUNCES there will In sma,.t new topcoats areas in lower Michigan, 000, be no more shipment of goods to One of the linasl collections 01 French furniture, Aubusson sei- • • • • • Russia that could benefit her mili- tee, Dre!den, Meissen, Capi di Monte, S;lvres, Royal Vienna, REPORTED THAT THE UAW A FEDERALLY SPONSORED tarily , , " radar out cold, bronze /lOci cryslal eperg ne, bronzes, ~ilverware, ete.. Modern is making ready to incorporate in conlerence Oft problems of the and antique furniture, its. union members of other CIO aged is urged by a group of busi- THE HEARST NEWSPAPERS, unions who are ahout to break ness mcn and Universily of Mich- strongly out for MacArthur for A" 1s1 Floor Gill/eries Silky, soft-draping gabardine of away from their present union igan [acultl/ members at Ann President, say that within two EXHIBITION ALL WEEK affiliations because of differences Arbor. , , alleged the U, S, is far weeks a Kremlin order to smear CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY really exceptional texture, •. over the third party mOVl'ment behind Britain in this type of MacArthul' will be in full swing. and the European Recovery pro, socia I work, makes these topcoats a gram, • • • REPORTED THE FOREIGN • • • LORETT!, YOUNG shares hon. MINISTERS of Britain and ART SALON featw'e offering, Tailored with THE FOUR-POWER ALLIED ors of ACildemy award with Ron- Fl'3nce will confer with Marshall CONTHOL COUNCIL may have ald Coleman, as best actress of in Washington early in April. plenty of hand-worked held its last meeting ,. , Sokolov- the ye,u' , , . has heen on the AUCTION GALLERIES CO. sky, head oC SOI'iet forces in screen for 20 ~'ellrs, :n pl'ivate life • • • detail .. , III handsome Burley Germany, walks out of confer- sbe is Mrs, Tholl1ils A, Lp.wis, NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUN- 409 East Jefferson Avenue ence afte r a two-hour biller de- The,\' liave three sons ilnct an DRED workers in Hudson plant Brown or Natural Tan. bate over cilrcfulJ\' ~elected is- adopted :imlghter , , , the role of are idle for the second' day in sues rilised by tll,,' Russiilns , , . K"ty in "Thc Farmer's Diltlghter" succession over a dispute involv- Joseph N. DuMouchelle Fitted the personalized Sokolol'sky presents an alreildy \I'on her the Oscar. ing the discharge of 12 spot wel- Auctioneer and ApprtJiser der~, ' prepared written statement say- CHERRY 6255 way by au: experts. 65.00 ing that the Control Council ,,~o Tuesday. i\larch 23 ESTABLISHED 193t longer exists as an organ of gov'l On this date in 1775 Patrick HOUSE BEGINS today its de- emment" because of actions b\', Henr.,' Ilelivered his famous bate on the over.al! $6,125,000,000 17 ye." of ,.nlc .. In the liquidation or .,Ial •• In Mkhlr.n the United Slates, Bl'it.nin and I slleech in the Virginia House of aid to Europe . , . ~4,BOO,OOO,000 /22QQ9PPQQQQQQQOQQ020900PPOPOPPQQQQQQQQOOQQOQQOL YI'anee in western German\' , . Burgesses "Gh'e me Liberty or plus special ai dto China, Greece:

The strain between U. S~ and Give me Death;" in 1889 a . and Turkey and chi Idren's aid. I" Russia further intensified by our: ['residential proclamation open. I • • • ,.r II J! tIN (;,S proposal, backed by Brit~in and I ed the public lantls in Oklahoma REPORTED LEWIS is headed France, thaI the Free State of I as of April 22, heing the star! for another Federal Court in. Men's Wear 617 Woodward TI'iest5 be returned to Italy, I of the present state of Oklaho. junction in his connivance with • • • ma; ill 1909 Tedlly Roosevelt the walkout of the soil coal min. ROl\ALD COLEMAN wins the I stadell his African cxpellition ers. Oscar as the "best acto",,, for his \ an,1 in 19~_" Nazi planes run Other GabardIne Topcoah work in "Doubte Life" at the [rom a battle with American PATROLMAN BITTEN at $60, $75, and $105 Annuat Academy Award dinnp.r. planes over Berlin, Patrolman Harold Beaupre of in Hollywood, .. best supporting, • • • the Farms police was bitten on actress is Celeste Holm, III "Gen-; TilE SENATE VOTES A TAX the left arm on the afternoon of tieman's Agreement." 'SLASH of ~4.BOO,OOO,OOO tn in-' March 20 by a mongrel dog i • • • 'come tnXCS , , . HOllse conell\"- owned by G. F. McCray of 14341

A POLL CONDUCTED BY rence assured, , , will pnss over Yorkshire marl. He was trealed in I , THE ASSOCIATED PRESS COl'. the Prcsident's \ eta, Cottage Hospital.

presents 3 WELCOME SIGNS of SPRING'WEAR with

GOOD NEWS, Mrs, Am.rica! Norltc:. and only Nor,::t:. J'lrtHIS itulf, automnicallr. f'\"UY nilthr at midni.o:hr. ,,'hil. you're .. t•• p! S'Y Sopd~h,..e (0 filS! and muss •• , no more ",'orryinJt ahout exposed foorl. The NorJl:' Stllf)-Fr.'ltrdoe. ,h. iob (or yO" • , • quielly ••• offici , nil)' , •• autnmarically.

;.:"", ,:,,","'." :,~" ... . '.'~'-,;':., Ve.!t ice cuhu and (rann (ood, ft: • .. mlin u(t1y frozen in rhe u4/~d Gilnt SUNLIGHT CHEVIOT SUITS CASUALlY.CUT COVERTS Side Fetner! - 1#1',> Meal r.mains fr.sb in ,h. Coldp.ck -no nu:d to Itmo\"e it! All f~U do is empty rh. H.nd.fro".r it your con\"cn;t:n(t: ••• the e-uy.I&o- h,ndl., non.spill rool.iner rhlt col. c. lects the deCC051 waru. A,

. ,e;,it.:1"~ '~'.:~;;...:M.-'; Thi ~hI! nd~()me cltC"trrc DtftO~1 ",,'a!tr i, Caf' [)tfro~t '9Va(tr neTet Gin cl(')Ck. mO\lnctd on Ihe ried lQ,oIr into (be non. (ollcrt1 in che (old. rdrillculordoOf,tllTn, ,pilllh.nd'C'fro1!(,T ('on- l'>.lIck... '0 .hue', no Ihe mcchani1m off ac ortd IQ rcmo'l:c )our midni~hly ~,,'ilcht! il ;~~~I~~~~d"eC.~:f)"n~~\:mcal\, (,~i.anl Side mo'uhllf (or empl\'in,; frcerrr ktc~" kc cubu ~? (~~~:~~~C:;:IT1ienl. IC "OLlr (onu:nir nce. froHn. Generousl1+ A, Worsted-Tn "Cle.!Ir-Face" Sunlight Cheviot Suih in fhe British See The New Sel'-D-Froster- ~ounge ,Model, .S9. popular "mong progressive men today. Her. IS the SUlt that will make you swing into 'pring and forget the wirlter Exclusively NORGE - at blues. Many patterns and colors. Priced at $53. Other suits from $50 to $75, B, So~ething new irl Covert T0pcOlIh by thll f"mous CresHnit Cod Tailor,. Style anurancll and rllel lalisfactiorl ,'lre yours wherl you choose a, Style crest ~(lvert wit~ i.h flawless causua! cut. M.uterfully 'Jack O'Connor's made to lOsure endurmg woar, ,t ,s priced at $50, Other gllbardines, covert! and tweeds. $40 to $65. Appliances + Radios + Records C. Featuring fha f"mous Knox "Fifteen". " h"t th"t's superlight shape. $53.00 hol~ing. an? richly soft. ~;t~ the inspired touch of Knox' styling. TELEVISION you II find It the most satisfYing hat you ever wore. Priced lit $15. We carry ,'l complete line of Knox .!lnd Stekon hah from $8.50 Home Radio.Phonograph Servia, to $15. $50.00 i 17001 Kercheval, at Notre Dame GROSSE POINTE TO. 1.1655 MEN'S WEAR, Inc. Original Store - 7231 MACK AVE. 16930 Kercheval Avenue IVanhoe 4813

"Appllrel of DiJ/;,W;ol1 jor Men fwd }'Oflllg Men" '!rllllIUTOI' , EItUt'C UIlGlS WASHIU , WATII COOllU Phone TU. 1.9252 Iller_I( WAIII HIATI_S KOMI NfAnU • GAS UNlll5 NOMI 11111115

,,. Thursday, March 25, r 948 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three

We need today eommitt~d I\'s how lIe JI\"P that gl\'es e't J' F · BI t X R S One VT St t hearts more than expert brains. i1lll1l111Jt,' 10 what we say. 1 y Olns arms In as · ay urvey! . If ay ree - ----:-! Against Detroit Drain Plan Results Told I Proves Popular - - If D - H d The pxp<:>rirnpnt of making ,Mayor Ralph Netting Raps Proposal To Move Outlet at rlve ea S Whitller a one-way norlh-bound .• I" : strept from Je[fC'rson to Mark is d h Estimate Cost To Tree Pointe MUnlclpa Itles I workin!: \'('1\' Salisfn<'lol'llv I\lan-' tJ. of $6,000,000 Final Tabulations on Five agC'r Lane of the. Park sta't~cl last j)~t/ At the Cit\' Coullcil~~~;ti~g-~~-Marc:h 22, following a Week Campaign Dis- Th\ltsday. WOODWARD AT STATE' - length\! discussion of the Detroit drainage project which im- closed at Meeting The pllrposp of making it a J nnrth hound thol"(}ughfare onll' Store flours 9:30 to 6:00 : plies a possible cost to Grosse Pointe: or rather the three was to split up the vehicular communities of the Farms, City and Park, of $6,000,000, Mayor Over 9,675 people received traffic commg into the Park frnnl l Ralph Netting expressed himself somewhat explosively. on free chest x-rays during the the Detroit ~Idl' of ~1ack. ; the subject and said the City would not have any part of It. Grosse Pointe X-Ray Survey Because Whitiier is the mnuth! Prescoti Brown, of Mason. ------which was just completed Oi1 i of Outer Dril'e into the P()inte it Brown and Sons who is the con- maximum bacteria count at Ihe lVlarch 12. bore an inordinate proporition of suiting enginee,: for the City, Detroit inlq.ke is only 15,000 pel' Dr. Thomas S. Davies. Town- this traffir, suggested that they wail and see cubic centimeter, whereas W.van- ship health commissioner, an- a coP,.' of the report of the Board dolle, farther down the water nounced that 7,035 of the total x- Rerent CO'Jnts marie h\" the f police at Mr. Lanr'"s ,tl~~estinn of Engineers which Detroit rl'- course \lS\I" IIy. h as a ('o\ln t a rayed werc rcsidents of the .., lainI'd on the job, so that they 22,000. There It IS successfully Township. Twenty-sel'en came show that t1w tnla l \"olume of might make a mOl'e informed treated b,y chI ormatIOn: The from Gratiot Township anr) 4B traffic on WhlltlP!" has heen reo reply to lhecommunication from Grosse Pomte argument IS that from St. Clair Shores. There were duceci abollt 52 !leI' cenl, much ihe Detroit Common Council on during these rare and short oc- 1,639 Detroiters living close to to the satisfaction of the resi- the subject. cassions when the b.aeterir. count the borders who parlicipated in dents on tlwt street. 'N th I motion was' reaches the higher figure ,DetrOIt the Survey. Ife .laid he had leceiven letters ever e e55 a hI .. . te with perfect adopted C'ndorsing Mavor Nell- can c Ol ma., . Eleven questionably actiVe TB and telephone tl1ps>at:es from h,~- ing's views and instru'cling At- safety to the CIty s health. cases were reported from the tween 15 anci 20 householders tornev Medel' to prepare a COIll- The claim is that It I.'; utterly total, with H inactive cases of livin.t: alonl( \\'hltlier commend- muni~ation to Detroit to that preposter~us to expect thes~ small tllbet.eulosis; 137 other pulmon- ing the change. {f t commumtles to assume an Jmpos- ary conditions, and 78 other ab- e ;~e' Droposal to take the sur- sible financial burden merely, to nonnalties. These abnormallies CIZl,b Wl'll SI.ow face iJ~w which now dumps inio avoid a temporary condillon totaled 325, of which 299 were in ~ [- Fox Creek and divert it down reache~ Ihe lugher fig_lll"e De:ro~t Grosse Pointe Township. Rose iJolvl- L',',l-lll to the Conner Creek outlet, re- PreSident James K. Watkm., Final reports by all the chair- U [' volves wholly around Detroit's of the Farms VIllage seni a let- men on the Steering Committee I purp~se to further prntect its own ter to Detroit some days ago to were presented on March 23 at The Optimist Club of Grosse water intake. much the same effect. the last meeting of the group fnr Pain Ie will show the official Rose The Conner outlet would be: _ -EnS the year. Bowl films at the Neighborhood below, or opposite this intake. I GOOD TAXPAl', At that meeting Dr. Davies, Club at 6:30 on Friday, March J while the Fox Creek outlet comes' Grosse Pointe is a land of good, chairman of the committee. again 26, I I'n above I't. reliable steady taxpayers. come I commended the hundreds of vol- These pictures are shown It is acknowledged all around Christmas or famines. City T: ~as- II unteers who made the Survey through the courtesy of ihe Uni- THE GUILT EDGE* that it is only during occasional mer Osius reported at the,n- possible and who devoted hours versity of lItichigan. Victor Hey- extreme downpours, whir'h some- cil meeting Monday night (l;at: nf fh"jr l.imp. :mn "ITon In th" Jig"" athletic personnl'! director Men who count for something COUIll otlthc Guild times do not happen in an entire the collection of taxes to date this: cause. I I and hockey coach will be on hand season, that sanitary sewage over. year ran 97.7 per cent C) f t Ile tota Special mention was made of Edge •. Because eightcen hand opcratioll3 make the I to give a runn1ng ('ommp.nlary on llows from the regular conduits, duplicate. T~is is about t he usua It the se,'\'iees given by the Neigh- this top foothall game. Guild Edge. one "f the world's finest hats. Snapped and gels into the Detroit river,. rate at which POinters perform. borhood Committees. These Com- down in a world full of snap brims, the Guild Edge- . h fi d. f 't' , The showing is open to the pub- II is argued that during the. on,e of t e Irst ut,es [) 1'1 'zen- '1 mittees were headed b.y Dr. Al- lie at no charge. another evidence looks like none of them. Dobbs craftsmaoship and most severe nf these floods the. ship. I bert Law and Mrs. Simley Geor- of the Optimist's slogan _ "A styling ~et it apart, give it distinction. Facl. One ------..------.-- 'gie, in Grosse Pointe Park; Mr" F' d f Ih B .. Arthur Hu~se, !llunicipal Area; l"Ien 0 I' oy. good look will prove it to )'Oll. : Mrs. Paul Kolvoord, Defer Area; ,. , CaJler! !JI'J ~1riJ/(J! j ,Mrs. Richard Distel, St. Clair, MIXIn SIgnals 31 Area; !VII's. John Kenower, Area: IT'S THE DOBBS I. Mrs. Hussel:. Smilh, Area 2,; Cause of Crash Mrs. Hobert King, Area. 3, and In /Jew colol'S for S/II'I'/Jg Jime lor JOlJO((J n1ltJic ~ GIt1 ~aster suit hus a hux i Mrs. F. Rankin Weisgerber, An accident occurred at Ker- : Area 4, all in Grosse Pointe City; CHOOSE THE FAVORITE RECORDS I in Grosse Pointe Farms, Mrs, cheval road at 8:45 a, m. on March jacket that can ho an extra coat : Adam .J. Kisskalt, Area 1; Mrs. 19 when a driver misundcrstood "Easter Hymns"-MGM , Wagner's HParsi'ol"- , C. Watcrman, Jr., Area 2, iVlrs. the signals. of ,.,.Farms Patrolman. . .' Your fovarite collection. I Preiude and good Friday Music H, H. Ivlieou, Area 3; and Mrs, Harold _Eeauplc, 01rectlllg ,rafflc Sv<;h an exhuberant young fashion -Cnoterbury Choir' -Boston Symphony II'I. William Mason, Area 4; in. whIle Kerby School chl!dren were Grosse Pointe Shores, ]\'Irs. A. G, ; erossmg the ,treet. you'll enjoy we/lring it more than one way! Handel's "Messicho Beethoven', Symphony No. 6 Englehardt, Area I; and Mrs. I Eleanor ~L Blum of 360 Bc1an- Complete new recordings b "Pastoral" Swinging jacket over a flared skirt in spice or Jack Williams, Area 2; and in I ger road. dtl\"lng hcr Chevrolet, Victor and Columbia. /' I' Philadelphia Orchestra- coral wool covert, Sizes 10 to 14. 835 Bruno Wolter. Grosse Pointe Woods, Mrs. Hus- '.'thought Beaupre was \Iaving her Bach Conloto No. 78 sell BaudI', Area I; Mrs. Slephen • Ihrough when he s\gnalled for her lellther shoulder bag, 83.50 "J e s u s- Thou My Wearied Seh"bcrl'J 5ymphony No.9 I I iliIagregian, Area 2; and Mrs. Har_lto stop. She ran into a Chrysler VanJ30ven Spint'. Bach Choir of Belhle-' Philharmonic O,chest,o 01 N. Y I'ey Christenson. Area 3. owned and dnven b:;: Alan P. hem and O,chesl,o. I -Bruno Wolter hi-sehool shop, fourth Hoor 41 ADAMS AVE. EAST., . RA. 1605 , All of these chairmen, Dr. I Beebe of 103 Merriweather road. Bach Organ-Chotal Preludes ! ttA Choral Concert"- Davies stated, had many \'o\un-i The Chr~slel' was damaged to Aho ON TH E CAMPUS IN ANN ARBOR Vol I and It-Albert Sweitzer.: Sang. of Faith teers working With them in \the extent 01 $40. leu n a r d de Pours Infantry house-to-hoUse V'SltS, and the Im- OXFORD CLOTHES DOBBS HATS • BURBERRY COATS Chorus-Smet::mo's --Molden" portance o[ thelr work cannot be • Expert -+:: over-estimated. ~ \ \, The sponsoring agencies, the, ~ Phonograhh . Haw Popular Album1- IWayne County Medical Society, i r Ethel Smith-Souvenir Album. : State and Wayne County Health I and Gracie Fields-Souvenir Album i Departments, TB and Health So- A LOllTei'''''.. _y Chri'lophe, L\,n~h-" Minstrel : ciety, .also expressed their ap-. • Radio Boy' ; preclatlOn to all Grosse Pointers at Lou"tz Melchair- l who participated in the survey G Mel Tarme-"The Velvet Fog" ddt Send flowers because her en- Rep~iring •and who joined the fight against 7/Tfff'" _A= Duchin-"Tschoikowski " Perry Como--"S~ntim'1ntal semble isn't complete without a • I Dote" ;;=:~os':~LLIAl\lS HONORED .. ~FY~ 1 V~ fragrant corSc'lge Easter Sunday. Cora;s personalized TUxedo Vaughn Momae-"Dawn Mem- ory Lone" Peggy Williams, daughter of .....~.~~,.'~'~,.F.OR/7' ~tRh ~,A 2-1920 ll Phone you; order now-deliveries Three Suns-'oBlIsy Fingers the David G. Williams' of IIloran ~ .7, <'1 •. ,. ;/ '/ scarf holder Charlie Spivok-"Kreisler Fov- olltes, Sigmaroad, hasPhi, beenan honorarypledged tojournal-Theta ((7~~.;.,."~~,I.,.,.~(;-./'.,,- \\J.\ L..J on Easter morning. -1< istic sorority. at the University at of lI!ichigan. This is her first i"! ~ 15201 MACK Lal'epointr. scmcster in the school of jour- /' nalism. Fresh, Exqllisitely Colorful /"'/'-/"'/"'/"./"-/',/"./"-/"-(". /"./"-/". /". / ...... / ..... / ...... /.:.,/ ...... /"./''''"' OIICI.IIDS ...... / / ". Horn South Amer;ca ...... /

> ri ~ > 3°0 ('arh '$ ;(j~ yv FOR EmER ~ ) IN TIllS NEVi' / Dewy~Fre.'\h and Fragrant ...... '- ? EYELET ? GL\ltDENll\S ,.0 '< Shirt ) 1 "a..h / '- ...... /

...... , "- ensemble for impeccable / A Lovely Selection of < Easfer ~rooming. ) / The ~hirt is ",hire-oo-while Dohhy ...... broadcloth wilh eyelel collar and French / < cuffs. The E}'efer har, Kno( & Bow cuff > Easter Lilies / link~ and ihe popfllar new. pastel slriped.jcrsey ~, ...... tic .fIrc ac:c:cssoricssuggc5Icd to / and all other plants , .'.. f J Spark IIp ,,"nl,lr .l,f.H r / express your fla re for t>erfectinn in ,such ...... ' .. \porl Cl)rn.~ h~nrl~ sam.. ~o)~.n hnlr-Ol fhings. \\;Iheo ordering by mail. ______",•.;~zfg~.i__ de.stgn~d with yo \1 r > < very own initial Jr', please Slale shirr size and sleeve fenglh. t:' ...~,_.--)~ th! n~w tlf'~ ..nl touch > < ff'r ,u.tlrvt'~. 1.20 > $~5 < . • - 0 .. r ~ - . _ '. J " ': ." " '. >". Ih JERSEY TIE .. $2.SIl . r :fjui. ~ @i ~.> <- nit MACK AVE. Bet, Chalmers Marlborough 14432 & "- / / ...... TU. 1-0670 > lf1lnbil1glol/ 8oll1el'd"tI fll (;''''1(/ Rh'sr <- Store Hours: 9 d. m, 10 6 p. m. NT. 0719 ~ .' . < ~; "-/'\/ ...... /"./ ...... / ...... /"-/ ...... /"-/ ...... / ...... /"-/"./"-/",/ ...... /"- /"./ ...... / ...... /"- /"- / I GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 25, 1948 Page Four --~-~------"-_.-_ ..._ ..•.. _------,------Chal'les Kingman, John Lan!!s, JIONORf:rl AT :\1A.NLJL1S Poinle Farms, has been 'lwarded March 17. His fath~r-in .law 1 f S h 1S f t of the patrol check each corner I'l e Y several titHeS a day to insure that D~virl Lippincott, King Patter- the Military Merit Medal and thp. Inhalator Saves George W, 51. Clair, ai(ed 7,1, had Mbem ers 0 C 00 l< all art' on t1ll'ir posts. on time and son Richard Noel' Jav Newber- Cadet David M, Prcston, son Good Conduct Medal to be worn IY,' Bob Richter, 'Her\) Wcsner, of Mr, anu Mrs. D, 11. Pres(on as prescriberl, by the "Vlanliu5 Attacl{ Victim :c~:a~~'e~~I:~~. in Ihe garage with I ~:~i)'lln~~:~(\rd~~~I,S ale properly of 152 Ml'rri,\'l'a\l]('r load, Grosse Patrols Doing Fine "1ork Dick Barton, Rieky Reed, Allan School, Manlius, N.Y. The police llpplied the inhalat- --- .. ------EvelY Firday aftel ~~ool, pa- Smith. Geurge Schlaepfer. David • ,or for ten or flftren I'llnutes and The HH'hard School has a ve,y I to football games and male re- tlOl nH'mbels meet in the gym Bayne, James Kimball, George P.iitll C, Renner, o{ "Ill Barrlng-, revlverl Mr. St ClaIr. At laq active and ('!Ycctive saf~y patlOl cently tlH' amateur hocke,:: fllI,ds. to plav basketball. DUI mg the Schleicher. Pall! Amolrl, nub l<>n. ~rnl in a htlrr~' call for the, repalts he had {ully rccovl'tl'd sponsored b,\' ,John Hammel, II Memlwrstllp of the patrol IS reo basketi)a!l sea'on two safety Broad, Ricky Berard, I"Yar'k Klin. ger, Dick Schumal'her, Dick Lilm- p"lIre wilh their mhalator, on i from lhe ('ffect, of the attack. teachel of gt:Hk ().'\, lie WIl!c'S l'!lllted flom lhe boys 1O glades teams \\'('1'(' fOlllled and played ~ . . . - -- - as follows "boul tlH' work of thl~ 14A to 6/\ who are [(ood ('Itlzens of befole wIldly cnthuslastlc admlr- breehl, Bruee Vollmer, John In- ______fine l'lub. theil' sehool and do theIr be:; I in I CIS among thell' ft'!low patrol quish, Stark Langs, Tom Clarke, I SlOe'e the IlrRt rlay of s('hool. thell' seh'001 I\'olk. They remain lllemiJels and the gills of the Larry Scoville, Jjm Wood, Davie the boys of the Ri('hard S(:hool I on the patrol unless they are sus- Selvice Squad who attended the Gore, Ronny Rolley, Leland Wor- S;]fel,\' Patrol have been helping pended for breaking the rules of two contesls. Refreshments and den, Clark Monison, Bill Lang- 10 make their s"hnol and com- the patrol or the SehUl)\ and if prizl's topped off the afternoon's worlhy, Frank Olney, KlIlt munity a safer place in which to they arc not meeting their re- feslll'it;es. In tile fall the Service Weed. Bob lIembeJ. Gordon Nel- live, Four times a day, rain or sponsibi]ities in the l'1assrooms. Sqllau alld Safely Patrol attend- son, Jay Hook,'r, Jerry DeKey. shine, 23 of the patrol members A re("ord of every boy is kept by, I'd a footbal! game at Grosse ser, Bill Ilembcl, Rie!larrl Keys, take positions on busy corners the palrol sponsor. ! Poinle High Sehool. Jim Darby. l\tax Luft, Charles where childlt-n noss, or at.poslS At present we have 55 mem-[ For nine 10 twelve-year-alds Mannino, Paul ThDllIpson, Judd on the pl,l,grounri. Theil Job IS bel'S who are rllvidcd into "A"I (the range in ages of the boys). Emerson, Bnwe Mo'rrison. Wil.: an ;f:1rO!"tBnt and !"(,sp0n~lhle, C1nd liB" lCa1l15. ~rhc teaniS aJt0l'- tiw tti.:;k th.:lt th(;\" undcI'L:i~~C is liam Krebs. Ch"rle.'\ '.\"'ilc-r, Jeff' onc. I nate in their Jutie's so that they formidable. They' are on their Barrr, Michael O'Neill, Jim 1n .the inl,cresl of safety, the are on a week then off a week, corners at 20 ll1in~tes to the hour, Blean" Bill Totty. Bill Leonard, i A./\.A. has pl'D!l1oted and spon. A vilal part of the progre di'ilpery h"rdware used ei

Young Hen Sill'"•.t, TURKEYS 65ib.

Choice Leg of Spring Lamb Ib. Mc Choice Rib Lamb Chops .....•...... ,lb. 89c Get Your Parade Fresh Ground Hamburg!r , lb. 49c Fresh White Fish _ Ib. 69c Leader at Patrick's "Pre-Cooked Hams" Famous STETSONS litchfield and DOBBSI'.;~d FLORIDA (,~>?' CREAMERY S~e 'nem in !~,e new Sprir.g ~ ORANGES shoaes Y"u'll find nur ,eiec- BUTTER lial", wide and vCried . iu\t Distlnllulshed t1m•• plee~1 3 e whal you'll wont to complete for men and womtn. 92 Score DOZ. 85 YOu" new wardrobe Smart In a('pearanct' •.• Fine Bulovas thoroughly d.p.nd.b",...... Parker Pen Ison " ,.tHlrty of .ql~.l('s to choo.'i:c from. c GRAPEFRUIT IIJl DIAMOND 84 lb. for men .:lnd 'l.;(Hn('n. 5 C SOLITAIRES FOR Famous Beech Nut Coffee , lb. 54c 25 The Patrick Hat 50 Our own rAm01I(' hrant\ I~ 1'('",11\' 67 up Grandee Stuffed Queen Olives, Tall Jar 39c "lnp," In Ihe (e,ti 7:;0 RONSON Spy Ion paral1r, \11' STETS01\T 1'.lodern settm~ 01 14K gold Ir.mrs APPLES WHIPPlo:T LIGHTERS Colonial HOUSEl Pure Strawberry Preserves, the ~hrj~hl diRmond. ~ '12 Oz. Jars 2 for 89c 3 e LBS. 2g 6°0 Birthstone Rings Heinz Ketchup .. , , .. , 14 Oz. Btl. 25c Famous The ,p.rklln~ ,tono of Savoy Sweet Tender Peas, No.2 Cans ... 2 for 57c his or htr b\rlhmonth Large Pineapples sol :n 10K gold, ' Wizard Wick Deodorizer, 6 Oz. Btl. 39c ARROW SWANK ,.39c Autamatic Soap Flake5, , .. Giant Box $1.49 SHIRTS ACCESSORIES Smart, Modern Compacts HEAD LETTUCE 150 up 1 25 Easter 3 for 2Qc i iO 2 liP I 3. up Yor tho dl,erlmln.tln~ Rnl1 F:1R'in Amerlcanll In I mAn, Baskets ISe~ltest" PIMty of the mLlch wo"ttd Allorted ICE CREAM \ whiles 0.1 well as colored and 3.Pieee 1 ! patlerne

I YOft Buy I/,e Bl'JI w/'en You S/'~p al Jal'mJ ,:"I PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE-PHONE TU. 2.5100 I COMPANY ... .", . 7 Trunk Lines to Serve You 16401 E, Wltrren <'It Audubon w. 2-310~~':-,~ i r -4100 E. Jefferson "t Eastlawn Phone MU. 95M 'T!Jc"/o(tJc of rille Si/re,."

I~.... I

GROSSE POINTE NEWS "age Frve Thursday, March 25, 1948 Tail End of A Sucessful Drive JacobAiort

The Way You Want to look

Our Easter

Side-swept Shawl Collar Suit

in JuillliMd's masterful

yarn.dyed wool crepe

-Picture 0)' Fred Runnells The Michigan Department of Health's mobile unit, at its l.a~t stand, o~ a five week campaign in the ,.Pointe, behind the Grosse Pointe .Woods l\~unJclpa~ Btllld111g, on Satur- day, March 13. Close to 10,000persons were X -rayed In the POll1te durmg th~ drive. ~unng the last two days in the Woods more than 700 persons per day were beIng examined.

a farewell dinner at the Univer. sity Club, Parshall Ends Six Yea}~s With the reorganization of the Board, Commissioner William Witness the season's subtle suit I Of Service to G. P. Park Gillett was elected president pro I tern. the position previously held I success: gently curving lines that by President Fritsch. I Howard P. Parshall eomplet('d Mr. ParshaH exprcss('d his d('cp deftly dramatize the soft fem- six years of service to Grosse appreciation of the very pleasant inine silhouette, torso-snug Pointe Park at the meet~ng of the association he has enjoyed with Cunningham Achieves Board of Commissioners on Mon- his fellow members on the Board High Scholastic Rank iacket with softened Shoulders, day afternoon, March 22. of Commissioners. He served four slanting shawl ceilar, hip-rounding He called the meeting to order y.ears on the board as a com mis- W. W. Cunningham achieved a , , SlUner and two veal's as VIllage . ' and directed the Village Clerk" presiden!. • , high scholastiC average at Culver pockets, the graceful windblown William Starnman, to administer I J\'1ilitary Academy durIng the ini- 'the oath of otrice to the new M1". Fritsch spoke of the plea- tial grading period of the second skirt that Juniors love. In grey ,commissioners and to his suc-! sUie it .had given him to. have I semester, according to an aea- cessor, Homer C. Fritsch, the new been pnvlleged to have served I demic report announced bv Col. or tan. Sizes 9 to 15. , President of the Park. Com mis- with 1\'11'. Pmshall and said frank- L, R. Kellam, Director of "Guid- I sioners Bloodsworth and Koenig, ly he WOllld have preferred to ance. who were reelected. were sworn have co~tlOlied .as one of the In the academic rankings, Suit Shop in ,m", the old body adjourned I commIssIoners WIth MI'. Parshall Cadet Cunningham was listed in sine die. Karl V. Goddard the still m the chair. twenty-first place in his class of, new commissioner was unable to. When the meeting adjourned 166 cadets, He is the san of !\II. i

be at t,he meetmg and WIll be I' the new president and the com- and Mrs, Kenneth W. Cunning-, sworn m later. missioners tendered 1\11. Parshall ham of Grosse Pointe. i


Clever J<'lcobson's to contr<'lSt this 1948 fwo-piece dress with a 1620 Pilgrim collar of white birds-eye pique! Rounded shoulders, hand-span waist, full swing skirt, truly the new bell silhouette ... ali very much in Hand-finished vogue this Easter! In McCampbell's buteher linen, a labtex fabric. Brown, grey, aqua. Teen sizes IOta 16. Two-piece Teen IIi Shop In.9.i CHENILLE Navy calf "Jabot" pl.stform sling, 19.95 KNIT DRESS

Eas.er ~il1ged BDd flashed wHh gold

Figure flattering springtime favorite, our nubby knit two- piece classic that feels so comfodable, gently moulds soft contours to give you a new curved look. Its elegant sim- plic;ty 5et off by a shining shoulder emblem, gold kid belt. 'n iade. green gold, mexican red, . blue or navy. Sizes 10 to 18. Under your twirling

mid-c~lf skirts ... ~,l3Vy in 3;').00 the feminine, closed-up look, longer, narrower lasts •.• a feminine F091ing for flounces and swirls .•. Sporh Shop neVI spring, handled softly in wonderful

navy c a If 5 kin. TCCI1-Agcl's' Look for Easter

,\11-"'001 f'fH"f'r' f'oa~

Fu!1 brlel rlnd flelrod. swrl

c1o()'(, 1he Co!lilft <'lohed brief (O(lt that Teons adore I \rl~. for iI:, uI tor beclu ty. In (open. kolly, luggage, or navy; silE's 10 to 16. Generous\"+ l'ee.lli Shop Navy calf "Fan" d'orsay pump, 18,95 .. Kercheval c'lt St, Clair Grosse Pointe

See other Jacobson discretion-an indiscretion which Le' er OX ','for a. charge of S450 pC!' month MARK K EDGAR. I:i'iiClR WOMEN"S PAGES Rill 1/'1' hal'e a secret that doth show us I may say occurs at frequent ,per lIght. lighting commi!lee with power A. PRYOR. ,..E , SIi\G MA.:"lAGER • MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ADVERTI . . . . . lI'/omlerflll rainbows in the raill," intervals-was somewhat assu------i The lights \\'ill be lated <:t 10,- to act. RN FEATLJIlE PAGE. SOCIE1Y (Richard Realf) aged by. the fact that I \,vo~. I To the Editor: :000 lumen" each. ! . ' JANE SCHERMERIIO ...... S 'DInS EDITOR FRED RUNNELLS...... 1 SPOHTS * • * made up for my derelictIons Can you get some action frf'lm! It IS said that the County Rnad 11cn v:ho holel to the phlloso .. JOE FROMM ; , , ' j\'i:>'V'EIrl'lSING No doubt most of you have seen or heard of those en- later in the week. however-l the D. 'P. W. to fill the chuck- ConlJlli,sioll looks \\'ith~fa,:or on ph.\' "I'IlI always right" are al. TOBY CUMMINGS , , ADVERTISING gaging little horrors known as "Antsey-pants" .•. white bee- appeared at the Breadev School I holes from Wayburn easterly on thiS tY[lf' of !aIllP ,IS It IS not, ways wt'OJl~, ARTHUR BLYLER ADVERTISING PATRICIA BOELL...... WANT ADS ~~l~:~~:~s a~~~~fi~1ngal~eO~;~~titt~e;a~~:t ~:~ep~~ni~:ht afat:i :~~~lt~~~:~n1!~~~~~I;1~~~~ 'I ~~~~i~~~I~~?or are you handr-tiffed •• ANN DOOLEY " ,..~ ,.., ci'ReuLATION G.. U~~-T.~'.T-"~E-.•R.. 'S.. " . "0" .~O;-;W;;;;;;-N.;.~S'-.p.;-0.•.U.-.T..• S.• ~::. BETTY SCHROEDER...... NTS Christmas, at which time everyone and his grandfather' as a VISITING MOTHER. As a A Taxpayer. - MARY JEANNE MURPHY ,ACCOU I order2d them like mad to send to someone for a gag. matter of fa0t I might just as I • • • f . FULLY PAID CIRCllLA'l'WN One of the recipIents of this distinctive gift is a local man of well confess here that when my I Editor's Not!': .No, the NEWS' Roo s RepaIred or Replaced Subscription Rate: $2.00 Per Year by Mail. All News and whom there is no whomfr in the busin~s world. He received them daughter, th~n aged six, was I is not handcuffed politically. Hall: Immelliate Service in the Poinle Area Advertisinl( COpy Must Be. In The ~ews OffIce by (anonymo~sly} wi~h startled good.nature and deposited them In the t.aken firmly In hand by a lal:ge the taxpa)'er, who hesitates to: PORCH nECKS RECO \'ERED (Metal or Canvas) Tuesday Afternoon to Obtalll InserttOn That Week. P Eastern Representatl,,~, VICTOR S, GRANDIN, vether reg10ns of his bureau, out or reach or the children. One day yellow bosom and hgrounQdgrI d- sign his name read his issues of WH!TMORE & CO. recently 0111' hero w . \" ht' th t 'k d d 'I per shoes. to test er 1. ., an ' , liS! Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. - Tel. VA. 6-2065. I . '. as ca.g In a a\\ war an. annoymg I the simple question, WHAT IS the NEWS or the last month more Entered as second.class matter at the post office, Detroit dilemma ... I.e., short on I.aundry" a thin~ that happens m t~e best A MOTHER FOR, was pul to her, UlOroughly, he wouhl have seen' PR. 1485 VA. 2.7236 rUIl households. lie eouldn I vcr v well miss a day at the offIce be-. my deranged offspring said just t d:t' I thO b' t 1 •••••• " ••• """ • • "" •••••••• " ••••••••••• • • •••••••• Michigan. under the Act of March 3. 1697. rau h . b I - h hId 't lh ,_ ,_ OING 'ou'r wo e I orla s on IS su Jec, (e- .------.-- ..--.------se ~ was mmus ee-vee-I eez, so e au e ou e an",ey:pan", as ,simply, FOR G manding action; and news stories and deeJlled to wear them. After all, no one but the little man himself NIGHTS. of statements Issued by the Wayne it, *,.. would see them, •. or, so he thought! • • • County Ro:>d Commission. As ..... Organizing Well we mamas discussed Off Ile w('nt to tIle office, not knowing that fate had a dirty trkk ..' '., I' part oC the Commission's s)'slem. 10 Mr. and Mrs. Alger Shelden have gone to Palm Springs , in store Cor him on thai day, He sulIered a bad attack of acute inc1i-I ~ lt~ dthe ~leaddmJstles: th \\, .1.0 Kercheval is maintained by the , for a brief vacation. Here Mr. Sheld.en will seek gestion durin,g the ,afternoon a~d his alarmed associat~s called a o~~ co~l~~esl~nJo~~s~ituti~~a~f eOI~nty,not th~ Village, of ~ro~5e .. to slore up strength for the strenuous. task he w111 face early doctor who llllmedlately had 111mrushed to the hospital for an learning so that our graduating POinte ~ark. The Commlssl.on in April as head of the campaign tha~ IS to put .acl'oss the War examination. When they got him in the X-ray I'oom, he remembered daughters can get a toe in. It has explalll~d that th? severe WIn- NEW Memorial Library project. Meanwh~le deputles h~ h~s left I the horrible underdrawers ... but not until the bustling nurse got a is a very tricky thing these ~ays. t~~ has raIsed .parhcular ha".o~ behind are proceeding with perfectmg the orgamzahon he. good eyeful of them. He wonders what she's telling her friends!! If you say. My daughter IS a \~Jlh a~1Its roads and thai repairs ALL EXPENSE. . t d '" " * normal. well rounded character. are belllg made. as fast as man- .AIR CRUISES TO chaI' e , . th \ tIt f Ihey don't like that; if you say power and materIals are available. To IVlr. Sheld~n, mo.re than to a.ny other person, goe~ e \'e wro e a e tel' to Arthur God rey (WJR, 11 a.m. Ilally), last my child is absolulely fantastic ----- credit for advancmg thIS great project thus fa~'. It carne:, a week and hlow us down if he didn't read It o'er the air. A few days in malh and smells in ~cience, DELINQUENT TAXES mighty appeal to the heart .of e~ery Gr?sse Pomter. Nothl~g laler we started getting letters from people all over the U. S, There they say no, we .don't want su~h The City Council on Murch 22- could be, finer than preservmg m beautlful form a me,?of1~1 isn't any point to all this except that we received more letters In one a lop-sided candIdate. If Ihe girl took the routine annual action of to our own sons who died for their country and hoJdmg m week from people we didn't know, than we've received from our doesn't ~et in the school. of her autholizing the County Treasurer permanent letters the names of our more than 3,000 sons who "fans" in all the years we've been writing thi" column! No man is a first chOIce, then she trIes .her 10 receive the delinquent taxes t . t t t ggle hero to his own valct ... so they tell us. 5econd .. The second has a slIght that have accumulated on proper- wen 1~ 0 1.1.es r.u. \'" '" '" >I< chip because it wasn't the first. ties that have passed into the V11th thIS spmt pervadmg the commulllty. M~. Shelden A If she misses the two and laughs hands of the Stale Tax Board, and can be assured of the whole hearted and enthuslashc support n the columnists are going in for special "gripe" departments It off for the third, there is a return to it its proportionate of all of his fellow citizens in the Pointe. these days, so who are we to wander from the familiar path of our distinc~ coolness. It is touch and shore. ______fellow writers? One of our larger "gripes" occurs every "first of the go whether they word their ad------I Plan now to take that Cdribbcan vacation monlh" when we start paying bills. WHY don't concerns who can missions sheet to please the COlli- you've always longed for. Treat your,elf to a COlellO well afford it, enclose self addressed envelopes for their clients' mittee. Among the interesting Baby's Health C&S AII-Expen,e "Holiday in Havaoo:' Enjoy .:Crime Broadcasts convenience? The only worse offenders are those who DO enclose mamas with daughters in the all its froE'ica! charm. its exotic flowers, its fnvelopes •. , that are JUST TOO SMALL to hold your check and dass a're the beautiful MRS. FRED 1\T. KOPP, R.Ph. quaint shop, and restaurants. Gay carefree The criticism directed at crime radio programs by Inspec- the portion of the billihe company wants returned. Tsk, tsk, tsk. WILLIAM R HI N E LAN D E R Care of a baby's health 1I.1CI11 day' and romantic nights await you this ,um- Sanfortl Shoulls of the Detroit PoliCE: Department.'s We have another gripe wilh the telephone company. WHY •. , STEWART with NANCY, who tor . h th would ralher do a problem in should begin long before it is . mer in Havana - and at a cost so low you 1 born. and continue throughout Juvenile Division is timely. The frequency wit h w llC IS if they must change all the old familiar numbcrs we've becn dialing chemistry than grace a social can hardly believe iI. sort of slush clutters up the air ~as progress~d from a mere j for years ... dil1n't Ihey do it hefore we enteretl all Ihe old ones in column, and MRS. RICHARD I the dangerous days of infancy. nuisance to a real menace agamst the mamtenance of a the new telephone and engagemenl pads we got for ChristDlas? We RODGERS with MARY, who Before and after its birth SIX ROMANTIC N/GHTS normal, healthy mental development. It is a special threat to " put 'em In in ink too! >I< ...... doesn't care a thing about the the doctor shollld he Ih" guardian of a baby's health. the state of mind we are to find in the young men and women The "art" of names fascinates us _ .. hence we have a list of piano and would like to tinker, In the pre-natal perind advis- FIVE GLORIOUS DAYS of the near future. favorites that we enjoy rolling around our speech cords. You may with back-stage lighting effects. I ing tbe mother on diet, exer- So common has this type of so-called radio entertainm~nt like Smilh or Pennyfather or Cribbs or Blount Our choice is varied • • • I cise. and rest ... aiter birth he . t t th I th bIt b h es h I I also sprained my ankle this should be consulted regularly ONLY become that a group of adult radio listeners in t h IS communl y as 0 e peap C e names e ongo ~t t e na:n t emse ves are week-at CARNEGIE HALL. of I on formula. diet, and weight have come to refer to a certain night's program as Murder p~tcnt and at tllnes, SaU;Y. Ou~ long list contams such .nllmes as: all places. If I had been pitching changes. 179~ night. . Dle],ey Byrd, Atwater Kent, Hildegarde DeGrzmme, Ene Elspeth, the body around Rockefeller You may he stlre that your Fare Includes Holel .IId Meal. Inspector Shoults criticism was prompted by the case of a Scotts Cotsworth and Rocco "DIMa:co. Centre on skates, or Vermont on c1oclor will do the utmost to 15-year old boy who confessed he thought he could improve on .... skis, I'd have gotten more fun keep your baby free from ill- the technique of one of his radio crime heroes and planned a O.ne of our. fa"orl~e local wOlll~n called t? tell us this story. •. out of it. GEORGE SZELL con- ness and contagious disease. Telephone n,\nd'llph il!lO $30000 extortion from a business man on West Grand Boule- the kmd of thmg we ve b~en anxIOus to pnnt for 10, these many dueled a ,"agnificent PHILHAR- The reliable druggist will 'd. \ years. ,The woman's slightly under middle-aged husband, recently MONIC concert of TSCHAIKOW- help guard your baby's health Tv onait I.... c.Ny. var dId I ( rt t t i SKY and HAYDN and I suppose too, by supplying lhe neces- A,k your nearest C&S tidet office Or This offensive type of radio entertainment is only slightly I ~V\Op~ a c~711~ 0 t~omeds~ ,h; h~terhfen:dliD a mild WilY with I was floating, at least spiritual- sary drugs and sundries for your travel agent lor complete details. ameliorated by the fact that virtue is always triumphant and liS.. ~sm.ess I e. n e a VIC~ 0 I~ II YSICan, he consulted a Iy, on the way out. Physically his health and comfort. . . h"d TIle offense and real. harm derives from the ps~ chlatrlst and found he was Improvmg under the latter's care. I step"'ed on a piece of ice. 1 find CHICAGO & SOUTHERN A'R L1N,ES cnme pums e . . 0 I ht t d' t 1h b' t f - t " This is the 198 or " serJ~s or Editor- fact that crime is persistently publicized and, to a certam ne n g a a lll~er par~, e su J.ee 0 psychta ry came up and so often it's the physical that Ial Arlvertisements app('artn~ in degree glamourized. ?ur hero. related hIS expenence, addmg tha.t he'~ poOh-poohed the does it! Don't you agree? The paper each week. . . d ." 1 Idea at fIrst but there was no doubt about hIS bemg helped. next night I was going to a Copyright The baneful affect on young developulg ml.n s IS mea d One of the guests at the dinner a beetle-browed. cannon- dance, but instead, hobbling c';llable. The stuff that is drill.ed into youthful mmds d;;f an voiced old man, took over the con;e~s'ation and bored 'everyone along like an old goat. I went nIght are t~e thoug~ts.that stIck ar:d al~ too often! cons_IQt~i: with this opinion of psychiatrists and psychiatry. "A lot of poppy out to eat with a man who loves or unconscIOusly, give bent and duectIon. to t.heIr.later. a . cock" sepmed to be his favorite expression. The ,vho.le thl'ng ,v~s~ meEATforbecausemy finerthat'squalities.what weI did.say A stop should be placed on the ra!1gu~g 0f cn1?e m our nonsensical and any man in his right mind was a fool to be bam- To DINE conjurs up the Ritz. radio entertainment. Instead of presentmg It as a thmg enter- booz!ed by those soandos etc. etc. etc. He elaborated on our hero's • • • MODUFLOW BRINGS THE taining and tolerable it should be pictured,. it. at all, as the personal problem (making him feel a fool the while) ... and said We went to the RED DEVIL, dirty, despicable and cowardly thing that It IS. that what troubled him was just his imagination and what he ought a restaurant which has the best The case in point is only one of thousands ~ever dis- to do is,just plain forget about it ... au infinitum. Italian cooking in town. MARlO, MAGIC OF ELECTRONICS closed which distort and poison the young mmd agamst every. t . The punch of thc story, according to our informant, is some- thea friendmaitreof mine.and Ifpartyouowner,can bearis tenet and understanding of a wholesome an d h ea Ith y socle y. thmg no one \Vas mean enough 10 tell the old codger. As rar back as it. I'll tell you what we had so The plague of juvenile delinquency which now puzzles and any of the guests could remembcr, their mothers and fathers used to you, too, can go there some day TO HOME HEATING alarms the parents of the ,couI?try is in .a measurable degr~e la~gh about t?e old'duffer's fear or germs. He never left the house and get the same thing. First associated with the SOl~tof scnp.t they lIstel: to over the aIr_I Without wea~mg glovcs: .. which he never removed in public for we had snails in hot garlic but- The pictures they see In many mstances stIli further accen- .fear. of catchmg somethlllg. H he stopped in a bar or drugstore ror 'tel'. then manicotti, which is tuate this destructive tendency. • a drlllk, he always took his own paper cup with him, so he wouldn'l thin, thin pasta rolled around a . 1 I t I th t mild cheese and covered with 'marilv at fault for this e.pidemic a.nti-soc.la lave 0 use a g ass a may .not h.ave h.een wa,sher! to suit him! As Those prl J I tomato sauce. Then there was drama are the mercantile houses more mterested 10 sellmg: far as anyone knows ... he IS S'l ILL tnat way about germs. •• spaghelti al c1ente, which means their wares than in bolstering the morals of society. They I but lIE'S all right. HE doesn't need a ps)'ehiatrist! "hard to the teeth." The spaghett' have the final word on the kind of features that a group of "Db l/Iild some power tbe giltie gie 1/5 was covered wilh chopped clams, script'\vriters are always ready and willing to knock together To see ollrse/r'es as others see lIS!" chopped parsley, and bits of and sell for a good price. ------fresh tomato. With all this we drank red wine by the glass. Of equal responsibility .are t~e great broadcasting ~~m- B'Ir S 0 a Feat er Then we had mixed green salad panies. It is completely withm their powe~ to apply.a gmdm.g d f h with coarse black bread and influence that will go far towards purgmg the aIr of thIS gorgonzola cheese. and espresso harmful stuff. A short shrift should be allowed every individual or coffee in little glasses with a And finally, if the fathers and mothers and all persons group of individuals who are aJlied, directly or .'."emotely, slice of lemon peel. By that time concerned with the character of men and women of the with a plan to overthrow this government. the place had pretty well cleaned This designation fits the Communists like an old shoe. out. so MARIO joined us. h 1 future our children are growing into will express t emse ves In fact, it is the'onlv group in the century and three quarters' l\'!ARIO boug ht US a' drill. k am I ' no uncertain way we will quickly discover an improvement. J th bo ght 'JARIO ~ drl.nk m historyand of this government to whom it does exactly apply. en high-ho,we U" that's the nway it Not any of our internal disputes, and we have had many hot went. ones, ever involved the open question of the survival or de- I • • • Honeywell's MODUFLOW Heating Control System has set a new high standard The Invitation of Unpreparedness struction of our kind of government. Everyone here is tlllking aboul The southern stales, whose secession brought on the Civil a ncw JEAN-PAUL SARTRE of home comfort. Now the magic scnsitivity of elcclronics has been added to ma~ A canvass that one of the great news agencies has been war, asked only to be permitted to withdI:aw from the Union I play pl.t on down in the VIL- Modullow thc last worel in house hC

I,• I------~ Page Seven Thursday, March 25, J 9.48 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------_._------_ .._-_..- - ._--_ .._. __ .._._--~_.------Harlow C. 8tahls Announce Elizabeth Ann's Betrothal Jacob~oni-L A huge gold wedding ring, trimmed in gardenias and JacOb-10n/-L suspended from a crystal chandelier in .the octagon hall of, tler Merriweather road home Sunday afternoon, J:(aveguests I , the first inkling that Elizabeth Ann Stahl was the bride-elect' , of Carl Brand. The \l'n~' \'011'11 "'nn~ ~o I.ook for Thi~ i Mr. and Mrs Harlow C. Stahl ~ : announced their dau,ghter's en- I Carl is the son at Mr. and Mrs, 1 gageme~t nt a cock.tall party for i D. R. Brand of Lakeview 8\'enUi'. : about 100 ,guests: Ehzabeth greet- I The couple have decided upon I'd her fnends In a 1\001' length, an August wedding, rose linen gown. with which she ,wore contrasting green orchids. YOfl'it 'blJ((J1{ /0 J!ooh , i\Trs. Stahl chose a rose and while Lochmoor Club Women print dress with white orchids. Planning Bridge Parties Elizabeth, who was graduated fOI' :J/';J Gwiy [(uta from Ward-Belmont, is a memo Members of thl' II'omen's enter. oel' of Zeta Tau Alpha at Michi- tainment COlllllll11Ce ,i1scus~ed gan State College where she is plans fOJ five spring and summer a sludent. Her fbnce has re- monthly bridge parties at a sumed his engineering studies at luncheon held last week at the' Wayne University after \ five Lochmoor Club. The party series: years in the Army. will open in May. Chairman of the l'ommiltee, Mrs. Gordon Birbauer, will have Boat Club Holds the assistance of Mrs, John Gales. Mrs. Adam Cook will a!Tange the :Big Hobby Show children's parties. Chairmen for otllPr al'tivitiE's Mrs, Richard G. Dorn acted as are Mrs. LClo) Pa)"no. lviI'S. Wil- chairman of the Detroit Boat": fred Cowan, Mrs, Curtis L, "Crescendoe" Club Hobby Show, given lastl Moody, Mrs. Ellsworth R. Bee- week, and a number of other I man, Mrs. Norton S, Walbridge. Point~rs entered their collections Mrs. Hansel Wilson, Mrs. Ben H. f~I,O\'ES in the show. Orr. Mrs. liarI'.\' E. Winston. Mrs, Austin Humber showed a sex-! Frank L. Wachtel'. Mrs, W. C. By Superb lant, eaptuted from Count Ayred: BecKenh,Hlcr, Jr., and M~'s, F. K. rJoJlatCjicafty It?o.lII(//l ft'c ,Lielychowskl, lieutenant com-II Ness. mander on a German raider in Double woven cotton Wodd War Y,and MIS. Emil Hein- St Cl(l •.e WOlllel' and BeCjuittnf} rich's altracti ve hooked rugs were!" . . .. gloves, with hand- also on ~isplay. I ToConductShow , Attenllon centered around Mrs, finished delailing, , John .Qenler's collection of early --.

American s'ru 'u s the Chi. 'I Announcement IS m~de of a in subtle beige, Flower De..ked n d II )h p \g '!If V FashIOn Show to be gIven Wed- ese 0 s sown y . IS5, era nesdal', April 14, at 2 o'clock, grey or navy and' ~Ptel afnd Howard lIarvey s va- at the Esquire Theatre. 15311 E.' I'll' .V 0 . kevs~. . Jeffel'son avenue, by the ladll~s. chamois. CHAPEAU T he ~nstlument panel. sail aged of the Archconfraternity of, SI. from IllS plune which was wreck. Clare of lvlontefalco parish. I I'd dUl'lng the war, and part of 51vIes bl' Jacobson's of Gro',e ' (: a Link trainer. were exhibited by Poin'te \Viii be fea'tured, model~d , 2.;'0 ~o .1.00 Dr. Arlh:1l W. Bull by Powers I'l'lodels. Arrange-! ]\'1rs. Richard. O. BUIT, Jr. con- men(s have been made to put I : Inbuted a showing of delicate on. a Flower Show, with gift porcelain teacups gathered from bouquets to be given to the au- all parIs of the I~'orld. dience. I This project was a follow-up on Jacobson's have pro m i sed C<'Jptivatingly pretty, the hat with a delicate air, the enchanting the highly successful hobby show something very lavish in the given at (he Boat Club in 1942, way of a hat to be given a\Vav. front tilt, the veil wisped frame for your face ... here's Close 10 J 00 exhibits were on dis- There will also be a large nun;- ' pIny. ranging from l\lexican cos- ber of door prizes. tumes 10 old marine charts. Mrs. 1'11. J. Chalgot. 1010 Bal- , the one hat that means a glorious Easter, the flower-banked Members of the Women's Com- fOUl'. TV. 1-3389, is chairman in mittel' arranged the displays in charge of (he affair. Some mem- gentleness a lady of distinction prefers. the main ballroom. Mrs. Stanley bel'S of the Committee are as 2.i.oo A. Flickinger took charge of dis- follows: Mrs, Leon VerHaege, tributing poslers. 3:167 Buck~ngham, TV. 2-2675, ltcket ch'\lrman; Mrs. R. H. Bllrke, 3460 Haverhill, Nl. 7884, Congregational Women Dom' Prizes; Mrs. A. J. Christie. , Give Easter Program Jr., 4014 Berkshil'e. Nl. 3823, in charge of publicity. assisted by Mrs. J. H. Thimm. 4310 Bishop, In an Easler season program, TU. 2-7739. Tickets may be ob- members of the Grosse Pointe tained from any of the above Congregational Women's Asso- named members. ciation depicted the life of Christ The supply of tickets is Iim- . in art. when they met Tuesday in itcd . Rhythmic ribbon of. golden Ihe Middlesex load home of Mrs. Lyndal R. Jvlaltin. MATINEE MUSICAL Trifanium touched with the Mrs. Ernest f.ay. Mrs. Fred- Matinee Musical will meet at I erick Slocum and Mrs. Harold (he Detroit Golf Club for the: staccato brilliance of caral- ! Benning were co-hostesses for the Aprill meeting. Mrs, R. E. Lamb. SIZe rhineslones. Exquisite I affair. Mrs. Clin(on Berry, Mrs. hostess for the day, will make! Warren Helle, ",-Irs. Eugene H. IUl'Icheon reservations. accompaniment for this Spring's Culp and MIS. Howard R. Poppen Plans for the Guest Day Tea I participated in the program. will be completed. I ladylike iook in fashion tempo, pitch and key. Necklace s22.,iO Denu~iflln" Finislled Bracelet sl.l.OO Earrings s12.50 Tax eXTra. Easter Suede Bags

our stunning

softly hip-accented

Bengaline Faille St"'" I)I'I~SS

Carved cri:p and immeculafe along ncdwc)i;y ,cm:n1ne lines with w~:st wel. d,: r'ren, f,'r cMdu Iy flock!:!

acccn{~d, and snCl1foers soft(l:1cd

e'l con'f,ir'rf] 'to PlOriucO /l lady.ii',e

u!jrt1 ~htd j~. iha 1913 fc1s~ion

Fahnlom ..'r Sheer ,1:'.00 NYLONS nl'''!'i~Shop Bright colored suede for Spring, our Deep-toned in Navy. exciting neVI bog silhoue!ies wiTh The Go!d9n Haze or Rose Bronze, elongaled look io blend with the new with perfectly proportioned long torso line, fit, and stunning leg flattery 7.HJ en HL')O that is so important.

1.6.• ~o 2.2 .•

Soe otner Jllcobson's advertisemenh on page 5 Kercheval at Sf. Clair Grosse Pointe Pnt, when they revealed at son of M\', and Mrs: E. W. Dltt.! lwad of the Grosse POJnte Board The program for the evening marned. They plan to tra\'el In Dr. P. De Siefano a family dinner St, Patrick's Day mon of Pennsylvilma avenue. ,of Health. will be sponsored entirely bv the the we~t. Chiropractor ~.J Je ules r. sc~ubot that thdr daughter, Sally Cath- Tho:: cOl1ple will make their: lie expre:m's his appreciation past presidents of the club: All Mrs. Lee has been spending the 4849 GARLA:\'D at Warren erine, will hecome thp..bride of If, home on Joy Road. The bride., to the following women fOl' their committees and dlainnen will re- winter in Tucson with her son. Phone :"or .i\llpolnlment Walter O'Malley al an early sum. ~room is a Grosse Pointe High, in\'alual>Je aid: Mrs, Russel! H. port on accomplishmenls to date in-law and daughter, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. :f:;~ CUSTOM JEWELS 01.. 2982 ll' ' I. S('hool gradullte. Baude.. Chall'll1an; Mesdames in pl'pparation for the coming big John W Mikesell Jr. t.', 1Il('\' Wf'( ( ~:: ..' 1. • jctl'e/s for El'ery OUIIS/O,", mg. ------Yeatman V('stal, Harold Gospel, event o( the year, the Annual . , Walter, wllO~e porl'nt~ are the Founders of Ari' Museum Emest Clark, Murray Mad)onald, Big Bridge Part~', to be held CHcrq' 3'15'1 807 Metropolitan Dldi. Henry L. O'Malle)'s of Neff road, Att d S . I Sh' Fronk Nulto, James A. Bord('aux, April 6 in the Book.Cadillac fOI'met'!y of Mam'hester, N. H" is en pecla owmg Zf:lda Gamble, Harold W. Ches. Hotel. atlpllfling the University of De. . wwk, Kenneth Helchle, Howard Mrs. E. C. OHo, chaJrman for Among the 500 membels of the. M,]['lm Joseph Hhem Jr tl t '11 I t)'Oit, where he is affiliated with Detroit Musf'um of Art Founders i AI" '1"1' _, J 'c '{'Jll I~ par y, WI report. on the. ast • . . . ,<0 "," ,lme, ,., man, minute details and 1l151rucl10ns t\ Ipha Chi. lit' sel \'['Ii lwu allli Sf)(,le!y wilo at.lended a spl'(,Jail A tl A CI ' '1' I .'1B 'l'h 'd t M St 1 . , . ~ l' nil' larl'lCr I" lC lap elll . e pn"Sl PH . rs ep len one-half Y('

b,\' :"1,.. and Mrs. Flallel'Y at a as refleshment comnllttee chall-I Turner, Vene \\'h\lns and An. slantial saving in time and money II Cuslom Made Originals ,Dee. 27 cocktail party. man. I thony Kernjack. for the village, . and Rcstyling i On Feb. 1 the Flatterys were ------_ HOTEL TVLLER - l':nlrancc, Park amI Adams - CA. 4669 , host~ at ,I family dinner 10 reveal What man do you know who FROM THE HOUSE OF QUALITY the betrothal of their daughter, i~ free from the drive of duty, or : Patricia, to Bob Hurley. I the measure of results? When Selecting. , • V~LAIJIJ/(JA. •: :~.::-. ~ .:'., ~1tbiuibual ~ ~~ .:' ••••• CttlJlCH , .' .... .' 'ieren ~ h!/\"') .~.;", ~)tf The ~Y1/ (;;;-~~.".,.,.,' crJj'.' GAS ~ -\; , of Fine (((( lAITY Furniture ~ Wise mothers of active '~ young daughters always , ~ specify Kali-sten.iks SHORTAGE : ~ children's shoes because the same pair is just right We've assembled II grand gcoup of chairs that will /" ••:.~ for parties. and just right .'. '. '; . for "every day." Bulb- be ~he "conversation pieces" of your living room • .. • ..,. shaped backs; flexible The styles end fabrics are exquisite and your choice What caused it? cork.cushioned insoles; full foot support plus style 'viii poy tribu te to your excellent taste. Think first What ;s being done about it? and stamina. of Randall's when selecting fine furniture.

Open MG~" Thurs" Yrl. till • P. M.

STATEMENT BY HENRY FINK, PRESIDENT, H.1p K_ 6ooc1 FMl H.. "", MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY Juvenile and Sports Footwear 9100 CADIEUX RD. 1691'1 Kerchel'1l1 Ave. tf) ____-' _,,~ _ .. Wm- under 0fIth in the CongretBonal lIn'el!tigat.icm.of \he 1 Block Above Harper in "the Village" "",an.llQ.I..L4 Nlltun1 Gal! Sborlage befon! the HOtWl Committee on InteTBt8te TU. 1.9222 and Foreign Commerce, in WashiniWn, D. C., February 10, 1948. ___ House of Quality

Mr. ChairtM1t and M~~ 0{ the Committee: My namP. is Henry Fink. I am President of Michigan Consolidated GAS Company which is the • dlstnlmting company serving gaB to 625,000 customers in Detroit and other large Michigan citie8. t6 The reaBOll it is impossible to furnish an adequate !lUpply o{ natural gas in ~vere wivter westher to Detroit and other areas served by Michigan Consolidated Gas Company can be explained in a few words. Michigan ConaoIidatOO is entirely dependent for its natural gas supply upon Panhandle FJ88tern Pipe Line Company. We have a OOI1tract for a daily maximum delivery of 125 rm1- No 'nuecl5e lion cubic feE't in Detroit. Since our demand in winter months rons frequently From more than 200 million cubic fed per day, we have sought in vain to obtain an. PanhancHe increased supply of natural gas from Panhandle. We have been unable to get an agreement to supply more gas from Panhandle for three reasons: 1. It has been the announced consistent policy o{ Panhandle to sell a8 much gas Ill! poeeible direct to industries on its lines instead o{ through distributing companies, such as MichigaJ1 Consolidated, becf\use 8UCh direct sales have not been regulated as to rates by any public authority and were more profitable to Plmhandle than erala. Announces its at regulat.ed rates. 2. It has been Panhandle's policy to operate its lines at 116 nearly 100% load factor as poBSible, t.hat is, at uniform full capacity. and therefore to avoid supplying dis- tributing companies with their peak winter requirements. This has forced Michigan ConSolidated and other distributing companies to maintain expensive manufacturing Grand Opening equipment and st.orage capacity so as to be able to manufacture gas in the winter to meet peak loads. This requires distributing companies to sell large quantit.ies of gas at a loss since, for eXllmple, Michigan Consolidated's manufllcturing C06ts are approximately $1.65 per thousand cubic feet, which gas is sold at an average of 70<:. THURSDAY. FRIDAY • ~ATURDAY 3. Panhandle has failed to increase the capacity of it.'l lines, although during the last two years its lack of C

MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATED GAS COMPANY ~-[ STORE HOURS WE DELIVER AND EVENINGS 9 to 9 Daily ------TU, 1-2008 for Your COn\'enience Including Sunday.

I .------a

Thursd~y, March 25, 1949 GROSSE POINTE NEWS , Jean Elizabeth Schultz bet, through thickly pnpulated they finally fnund a woman .....hl'): pictures ot this dangerous form ',SPARE WHEEL STOLEN IStars to Appe(l):_ i'~~~lshionShow I~~;he~u;~n?nV~s~~n~ork center.I and acrllSS uncharted, practIced this ritual. Follr>wlIIg: of worship, in which the woman To Wed Harold Schroeder mountainous wilderness. her up a narrow mounlalIl dr,f1le, I' hypnotized a giant, poisonou~ . Elliot Rabe, ,Tr. of 2627 John New York celebrities will lend "Powers Girl" the ambition of In a small mountain vdlage thE'Y were able to t3ke thnlling cobra, Mr. and 1\Irs. Robed J. S~hultz R, Detroit, reported to the Farms their star.~tudded names to the younp; women the country over, Cornelia Long is entertaining. -,-----.------. -.------.- --.,--.- .------__ of Kl'nwoori I'nurt, ,,"nounce the polke on M!lss GROSSE' POINTE audiences with her dance inter- "newest look." The writing of the Gomez from Wellesley College. ,lI:\ ~ pretations. will take part in the script, producing. staging and di- - '1 ~' JI sholl' and will 3ssist wilh the reclion of the show are under the "/(1 Olf-TS' a),' .'Y~~ fashion comments, 'John Robert direction of Richard W. Satter- Film Depicts \ (. ~_'I'~~ - l\ ~~~ POlI'ers who has made the field, ___ ------Spring fashions will be shown Snake Worshi]J through the cooperation of the B. Siegel Co" profE'ssional models , , showing the 194B slyles as ',\'~lI Hlthe" tlnnln' ...'; ,re,',"' ""\,1 as the period /(owns to be used m I the ntual or snake. worship in the show. Tibet were shown in a motirm pic- Mrs. Stewart S. Raeside, gen- ture tra\'elogll~ "Wheel, Arras; eral chairman of the affaIr, has I d' "t h ' Trudftfonullll superb announced that choice seals are n. la. 0 mem, els of the Grosse , , available and may be purchased Pomte Motion Plctme C(;un~il at I al the Federation Club HOl.ose- George B. Hefferan received velt, leaders of several Asiatic CARON: RICHARD HUDNUT the presidential nomination Sat::- expeditions into IilUe-Rnown FlellrS de R';eail/~, Bellodgia, ,"arciHe Noir, T dbae Bland, We pride ourselves on our fine urd.ay. when the. Y~le Alumni As- lands, madE' the film. Their search ,Violet Sec Toilet Water , 1.00 SOclatlon of MIchIgan met for •. CHANEL: food and courteous service. their annual dinner at the Uni- for the snake-worshIpers led them No.5: Gardenia, RIIJ5jall Leather, j',o. 22. MARIE EARLE versity Club. Nominated for sec- 10 Ceylon. Burma, India and Ti- ' Perfect food plus perfect serv- relaty and treasurer were B. LANVIN: Ballerina Toilet Water, ,2.75. 5.00 Courtney Rankin and William G. Arpegc', Seal/drrl, M l' Sill, Pretexte, Rumeur, ice equals a perfed mMI. Lerchen. Jr., respectively. Charles Seymour, president of i - CIRO: DeVilbiss Atomizers ,! . STEAKS the university. was the principal!- New Horizoll, R~flectioIJJ, Danger, Su,.r~llder. speaker, and Prof. Benjamin Na-I =-- gle traveled from New Haven to ==- CHOPS ROASTS LENTHERIC: address the alumni group. I:: AlllicipaJirm, TI/'ad, Miracle, Shal/ghai, Abilltol. Among Pointe alumni attend-I ~ FOWL FISH ing WE're Alexander L. \Viener,,' . . . a complele line of Les Ledyurd :t'litchell, Jt .., Dr. Frank; Cerise D'or, Princess de Conte, J. SladE'n, Alvan Macauley, Jr., Hiram H, Walker, Henry Led- i MILLOTT: Schrafft's, Gilbert's and Cupid's Famous Ham- yard, William H. Led~'ard, James r ~ Crepe de Chine McMillan, Charles L, Palms, JI',,: ::: Brach's Candies. burgers are made from IJ. BurgE'ss Book, Jr" Frank E.::- HOUBIGANT: Strictly Fresh R 0 u n d Wemeken. Frank E. Werneken. I :: CballJilly Jr" Charles Wright, Jr., Charles i Steak • • . That's why Wright lll, John C. Chapin, Walt-I EVYAN: They're so Good! er B. Ford II, Edwin K. Hoover. ll'/hite Sholilde.'s Yates G. Smith. C. Brooks Begg. i C. Thorne Ivlurphy, Edwin W, ELIZABETH ARDEN: On Dit 1 Baker, Reuben M. Waterman, and : B, Comtney Rankin. : D'ORSAY ~'ou'll fInd your rav- orite Perfume al I' Committee heads nominated: .,. •d~ 1'lloXiCQ/ioll. Kopp'. ~lip. S \Vere: scholarship, Frederick C.' Ford; finance, Wendell W. Ander- RESTAURANT son; student enrollment, Frank :> Deli,'crics Daily )Iark ._ nornrd Gro". Pnint. i L. Klingbeil; activities, Alexander l~h Year on Same Corner '"':'iener; publ\city, William G.

Low orA Prices Still Prevail Curran; and gucsts. !frank E'I \ w e mll\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll@~!111liII111111111111111111111!1111111!111111111111111!11!11111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111_11!lill_IIIIIII_lllllli_lllllm _ _t'I_lCk_._en:._.__ .. . __ 1 __ \

• DOUBLE GRAND OPENING of Two N evv. Woods Shops

Three Days - THURSDA Y, FRIDAY and SATURDA Y, March 25 - 26 - 27 - From 9:00 A. M. to 10:00 p, M, • fn the Same Ne\v Building ~ 20441 MACK AVE., Between Lancaster and Fleetwood , re


Sao •.c rOI' Jlcll

Come in and see this brand new store ... stocked with brand new merchandise ... and can. veniently Ic;ccded in the Pointe's fastest growing shopping center. We feakre complete men's fJrnishings and sporrs wear." brought to you in time for your Easter needs.

'f'/,(',C Frrf}/'JII.' Esquirc Adl'cl'/i.'cd VI1CS llf'!,ellk [icl,o/d' .. r;tlc Qualifl :\ . ,'!cl'cb,mdilc for "'CII: STonE ..-on~IEX r~'i;\ ~~lIi; • J~Y,Q:1 S~;rts, Plli/lm/l; • ~'.'~'~(:.~r;;"':r.,y S0,:,dsw~"r • Interwoven Ho~q HOUR: I() ,,, ~ ",. >, j"-cHlh Fr:d~y, • ~'L:.~n,:~Bt;i;:~, A,:ce;~)Q,';e~.• Be~\J Brt.~~ 204:1:1~L\CK AVE. SllfurdllY by IIppoin!m(;1t m~" ~..J~"I~.~:".'''''M' • Rd;r"':L~ir R,,;ncc~+~ • :~""1\",1"~ S ~:'.C, Sn'::lr! Co,,!s • F/lmou\ Re:1 Phone TU. 2.6S8B 2(U:)}}AlACK AVE. U n':1cr1ne:.ir. . TU. 1.9060 ------~------_._._----;;=====;;=;;=;;;;===;;======- Thursday, March 25, 1f148 Page Ten G R 0 SSE PO I N TEN E W S Society News Gathered from All of the Po intes . Betrothals Disclosed FrOIll Another Pointe ___S hor t an d to the Polnte As S rin Bows In of View In celebration of his birthday, I Sponsors .Fashion Revue I DR. and MRS. A. DUANE' P 9 _ by Mil. and 1IIHS, GEOH(;F; P. EV- i ',., BEAll! of Lincoln road hal'e re- Eileen Sue McCarthy-to Wed Harold Carey Jr.' Joyce ERSO;-'; (lw's DetroIt's DllOi,h: turned home after a month In K h 'd B 'd f' . Jane Schermerhorn consul) enlertained 26 guests in: Nfdsau. oppersc ml t to Be rI e 0 their home in 1I1,'Kinley load on: 'i' •• ' • Wilfred Glenn Upleger One gathered ono's social ilems where one could this last week Mall'h 17.' Cruising to the We,t Indies ,., .,----,. ,- ,-- o f lent. i"'. i, during the spring holiday are With the actual arrival of Spring, a series of engagemen t For society was al /I stand slill till the glorious Easler. • • With their parents, 11m. and DR. and MRS. ARLINGTON announcements has been made in the Pointe. A number of Pointers home Irom Florida, •• pepped up the Pointe ••• with ;\lBS JOliN P. SELLAS, PETEH ILECKLlDER of Berkshire mad, fhe brides-elect have already set their wedding dates and Jale, of fun in Ihe ,un. . . ,JOliN j] and BARBARA LEIGH! with DR..' and MRS. STANLEY named their attendants. S~;Ll,AS alC no\\' In their ne\\" SCHLI:>IGMAN. '111'. and ',II'S. Robel.t O. Me. ,.•..------Reporting that Mrs, Wesson Seyburn WIlS glimpse d 0 ften wit'h n " l'Psi(jence in Hoosevelt place. I. . • • I the DU!9 and Duchess of Windsor. • • , • • Among Harmonie Society mcm- Carthy of Iroquois avenue re'l was revealed at a cocktail party Vlhich mllde one recllll ... the days when the Duke .. ,then Aft, ..!, two ltlonth, lIt the nl'W bel'S who attended tile SpI'ing cenUr announced the betrothal. given in the Klem homl', the Prince of Wales ••• was wined and dined by local society S(',. ,'if'\\' I[otl'l. Bal Hal'bollr, Musicale aod buffet dinnel' Thurs, (,f their daughtel', Eileen Sue. to A Sllnda buffet supper was . d' t Harold Care\, Jr. son of MI'. and ' .Y an d Ioun d M rs. Sey b urn II mosl enc hantlng ancmg par ner Fl,L, the FOHHI-:ST W, STAB. I day wel'e the If. E. GIESEKIl':GS M!'s. Harold' ClI;'CV of Bedford the on.aston of ~Ir. a~ct Mrs, Ralph Their friendship has gone ~n t~ro~gh Ihe yellrl . LINGS returned this week to at Harvard load, wad . A. Bl'evlck of Courvt!le avenue to their home in BtL('kingham road, • •. announce the betrothal of their NEWS OF FORMER POINTER MR. and MRS. CL8VELI\ND Joyce Faye Koppelschmidt and daughter, Mat'jorie, to Herbelt ' h d hi' t' [) '" C' t ,. 1)a"'s spring I 'I'HURB~~R, JR, announce the Wilfled Glenn Uplc"el' have de. Tattbe, ",hos.e parents arc the W e a so many reports on I e a wllYs In eresltng and linn" m l!1" !'o, ' j'" , I' b ve ever l'a(ltlc n \N, N \\ ~ IS( ~ RB~ H March 17 birth of ELIZABETH cided UflOn a 1\1"." w"d"in", Herbert C. Taul.'0s of 0, XfOlct c:hic Mrs. D!le Furey Bredin Scu IIy ••• Dee Bredin Scu IIy she ca IIs ',).: I ," , • ,I MARY KING THURBER. till'S, ,u" d 1'1 '11 b I daughter of Mfl. and MRS. F'I Joyce's parents, the Norman Kop. roa, ley 11'1 !l marne< Oll h erse II ~ow.... . HANKIN W~:ISGEHBER of Lin- Thurber, dal!ghter of DAVID O. h 'dt f Th 1\1']' d' June 19. Ch,cer tharl ever. , • wearing wonderful clothes ... looking coIn road is \'iiling hel gland. HAIVIILTON of Beverly road, will persc Inl sorce 'I e I'Ive, St. John's Episcopal Church in blond, young and dim ••• Dee trllvels with the fashionable Palm parl'nts, ~IR. ;~d MRS. BURR return to Iheir Williamstown, revealed her engagement. Mr. Royal Oak will be the scene or Beach Ilnd Hobe Sound crowd. . • . i EDWARDS. I Mass. home shortly. The family Upleger is the son of Mr. and Sally Miller's marriage to Roberl She recently divorced her British husband •.. kin 10 Anthony • • • will move to Grosse Pointe when. ' Eden ••. and has been fast at her writing Ihis season, • • MISS VIRGINIA Pi'.DDOCK" Mr. ThuI'ber is graduated from lVII'S.Fred Upleger of Aller road, L. Calhoun, son of t~e w~lter 'f f S th a f d ~'h Williams College in June. The engagement of Lois Ann C?alhouns, of HoyaI Oa ,on une An d we understand ••• that she hilS ta~en up yogll • •• ancy a . ou x or rOh,k IS t omeat • • • - Lockwood and Ral'mond Alberl - 6. fare for us occidentals but clearly understood by Mr. Viebster wh 0 Na,fl el'I a, FsevenI wee s s ay Birmingham, Ala. will be one Thon is announced . by 1\11'. and The bride.elect, daughter of says of it ..• "II form of Hindu mysticlli Ilnd IIscelic philisophy which aJl es, a.. • • stop on a motor trip to Florida Mrs. Leo H. Lockwood of Berk- :l>k and Mrs. Ray Miller or Har- enjoins withdrawdl from worldl,lhings and II concenlration of thought MRS. IqEBBERT S, lIE;\lMET- for the THOMAS E'. WILLMOH- shire road, parents of the bride., vard road, was affiliated with upon the Supreme Being" . . . Ef{ of Notre Dame avenue, with I gS, JR, of Lakeland avenue, who elect. Mr. Thon, who attends the Gamma Phi Beta sorority at That's what Mr. Webster says. • • NONA and JOHN, is in Lake left SatltJ'day on the first lap of University of Miehigan, is the Michigan State College. Her fi- We say, leave it of Dee to confound her pals! Worth, Fla. for the gaster vaca. their journey. son of Mrs, R. A. Than, of Kalis- ance, who aHends Michigan State * • • lion. • • • pel, 'Mont. Lois is also a U. of M, College, is a member of Delta INTRODUCING TONY BOOK • • • POLLY LOCKWOOD, daughter student. Chi iraternit)', An entrancing young lady ••• named Miss AnloineHe Pinchot The E. J. HUNTS of Bcrkshire . of MR. and MRS. EZRA LOCK. A fall wedding is planned by Marjorie PuJlar will be Sally's ' I road are enjoymg a fall! weeks' 'I WOOD of Ridge road, who has 1\-1 J I . d d F Boo • • • • . d been enjoying the winter al As. J ill'y ane Kern, aaughler of only atten ant, an Walter • Arrived ift the Poinfe March! 6 .•• and her proud parents are ' vacation in the south, vis,tmg 01 i pell, Colo .• \"as l'ol'ned li\st II'ee'K Ivll'. and Mrs. Roman A. Klem of Calhoun. brother of the bride- f cis I B"loxi ~h and Ne\v I -Picture by Fred Runnells ). Mr. IInd Mrs. Edward Irving Book (Frllnces Pittman thllt wasl • •• nen n I • ,I oS , MRS. ZAIO WOODFORD SCHROEDER of Bishop by BARBARA NOBLE of S"nl- BedfOl'd road, and John O. Rohl- groom-elecl, will be best man. Orleans before gomg to Fort' , f h Id R I The Books hay'! a liltle boy ••• nllmed Terry. . • Lauderdale, Fla. road is president of the Detroit Federation of, Women's inole avenue for a month of ski- man, son 0 t, e Ham oh mans Richard Hursh and Roberl Ray- And Mama Book Mas planned that her new little girl. , • will • • • Club, which will sponsor the glamOl'ous fashion revue, ing. ~,~~ym~ur __~\~~~~3he troth nDlds will seat the guests. be called Tony. • • RICHARD B. MOORE of Loth- "The New You" at Music Hall next Wednesday and • • • 1;------..

Tony and Terry Book ••. cute as a button! !'Op road, Grosse Poinle l'al'l11s. Thursday. There will be afternoon and evening perf or- JOY C EEL A I N E SLACK, 1 G I' 0 sse Poi n t e

" • • has enrolled al Ferris Insli!ule in mancp.s daughter of the LYMAN W. I . . SLACKS, 1112 Devonshire road, ! DEAN ROBINSON FETED Big Hapids for Ihe spring term, ------1 One party, •• we can record. • • • • .. Two seniors at the St. Paul Califcrnia visitors, the THOM- ~[~OS~~sie~.in~~c;t~~~: ~~o~e~~~~.~' It'll be given this Saturday night by Mr. and Mrs. Sherman MR. AND MRS, JOHN DIETZ School, WALDO BRO\VN, and his AS ~'. O'KEEFES, have returned land Academy, Beaver Dam, WiS- Fitzsimons Jr. of Stephens road ••• and Mr. and Mrs. Yales Gorham of Moran road have announced guest, PETER PADDOCK, are 10 their home on Yorkshire road. consin, Ilt home, that their son, JOHN WILLIAM, spending theit. spring vacation at Durinp, their month in the West, • • • 1 Smith of Ed gemont Park. . • bOIJ1 on Febrllarv 19. will be Palm Beach with Waldo's mDth- they visiled.heir twin daughters, To compliment W. Dean Robinson ••• on his birthday. • • christened on Sunday, March 28, er, MRS. CHARI,ES C. MERKEL, MRS. WESLEY 'I'.'\KALA, in An aflelJ100n tea given by The Fitzsimons will be hOlts at cocktails at their home •• ,and in SI. Paul's Church. Mrs. Dieth of Kenwood road. Long Beach, and MRS. LOUIS MHS. WARD DYGERT and MRS. the party will go on from there. • • is the former ANNALISA GAHL • • • HUBIK, in Sierra Madre. EDWARD A. WISHROPP in the " " • of Heidelberg, Germany. latter's home in Kenwood court, • • • Guests of the FRASER SULLI- • • honored their mother, MRS. HAVING A CIRCUS VANS in lheir home on East Jef- For the second time this win- FRANK BREUCKMAN, on her T. D. Buh! will sfop by the Pointe ••• !according to If,e lovely lI'lRS. HARRY G. HARTWELL fersQn al'enue for a fortnight are eightieth birthday. Mrs. B.) just long enougM to say hello. • • Df Lincoln road and her daughter, their daughter. MRS. JOHN F. leI', MRS. WfLLIAM P. BON- • • •

And then ...hiz on to New York to Ilttend the April 7 opening MRS. HERBERT W, HEWITT, BAILLIE, and' her two sons, B~IGHT II of Touraine road, A stopover at Princeton Uni'i 01 THE circus a~ Madison Square Gllrdens . • • JR., of Grand Rapids, flew to ~RASER and DAVID, who ar- WIth her son HOWARD and \ versity to visit her son BILL was Spending, '00, a Ic' ot 'imo in Sarasota with his erstwhile school. Tampa, Fla., Dn Saturday, March lived Saturday from. Monlreal. daughter FRANCES, went to Cal included in MRS. CYRIL J. ED- Happy Easter 20. They will fly back the day be. • • • Cay to visit her molher, MRS. WARDS' return trip from Hobe ma\e Ilt '( ale ••• John Ringling North ~ • • fore 'Easter. Mrs. Hewitt is the MRS. ROY D. CHAPIN of Lake Sound Fla At Sllrasotll 'he gen\lemen WIl\c;hed Winh!T Quarters of \he former Phyllis Jane Hartwell. Shore road will spend Easter in DAVID M. WEIR. I' .••• • ,...,. famous circus broken up IlS the big show prepared to start the ~eason .. • • Bermuda with MARIAN, who at- • • • A month's soiourn on the West on tour. MR and MRS. PHILIP 1. WOR- tends. Miss Porler's school, and With a Holchkiss classmate, Coast is on the agenda for DR. • " • CESTER of Lincoln road will DAN, a student at Yale. SANDY MUiR. son of the WIL- AND MRS. FRANK H. PUR- ))re,,,~ ,"our ~Hb'~•.• JOHNSTONS HOME spend Easter Sunday with their • • • LTAM . K. MU~RS of Cranford CELL, who left their Edgemonl The George O. Johnstons are home agllin on lothrop rOlld • son 'JOHN, " sludent at Williams WILLIA M FOR'D TORREY of lane, IS spe~dlllg parI of hiS Park home Thursday to bl'gin After a delightful so'\('u,rn in Hobe Sound. • • College in Williamstown, Mass_ Kenwood road and his three chil- sprmg vacallon III GreenWIch, I the jaunt. i in seasonal elegllncll for your Easter Th t fi . d ,. h S' d fi 't I • • • dren, ANNETTE, BfLLY and Conn, ,'landy IS the guest of • • • I ~ list nice ay ast wee~ ••• w en prong w/\s e ,n, e Y Th P t \1 d Cl b t P t EMORY d' th E t CHRIS EMERSON and his par- MRS BENJAMINT S "'ARRENT I II' th ." e on e e ra u a on e , are speno mg e as e1 " In e Il;r ••• • ~ . Vedra, Fla. is where the CHAS. vacation with Mr. Torrey's mother ents, MR. AND MRS. CHRIS-' . breakfast • •• luncheon ••• dinner with Mrs. J. return.lOg from one of. Mer pet constotutlonllJs ••• called lB. JOHNSONS of Washinglon MRS. HARRY N. TORREY, al TOPHER EMERSON. The pail' and .MRS .. STANDI~H BACKU.S. I will also pay a \'I.sit 10 Chrl's' are III thclI' respeet,lve homes. In th e C oun t ry CI ub 10 a b urst 0f Sprong f ever. • • • road will \'aca,tion for the next O.,sabaw Island, near Savann,ah, grandparents, MR. AND MRS. I ~ake Shore road after a vacabon (Continued on Page 11) month. Ga. CHRISTY PAYNE in Sarasota 1111 Guatemala. beautiful linens fr:>m Peppet's. • • • Fla. ' '(Continued on Page 14) MRS. FRED M. ZEDER, and. _ her daughter, of East Jefferson I avenue are Los Angeles' guests I of MR. and MRS, FRED ZEDER. JR. The traveling molher and 15renkfarl IlIId 1-tmcberm daughter just landed on the west coast after two months in the Sets from 9.50 Hawaiian Islands. In FASHions • • • FIRST Dillllt'r C{(Jlbcs IIml NIII" MER R ILL McCLINTOCK, daughter of JAM£S I. McCLINT- killS from 13.75 mRDE~TO.ORDER AnD ImmEDIATE WERR OCK of Moran road, arrived in New York Thursday aboard the Queen Mary. Merrill has been an art student in Switzerland Lor the I past year and a half. Mr. and Mrs. McC Ibtock and JIM were al the dock tD meet .her.. . BETTY BLISS arrives today from Briarcliff Junior College to spring Chapeaux spend Easter wilh her parents, MR, and MRS. C. HASCALL i BLISS of Beverly road. I . . . I lulclnidc COI."c .. The birlh of a daughter, AN~ • TOlNETTE PiNCHOT, on March millinery 16, j~ announced by MR. and MRS. I ,E. IRVING BOOK (FRANCES I 13914 E. Jefferson at Piper ! PfT1MAN) of OX~I~ road' 1_, ~~e" Tllur •. Fr~..:~~_~~_ E\en;ng:-~.1n .. ..

SOItl(1'ahiug 'bat IS new Shepherd Boy Bob It's Different It's for You


SHOPS Of WALTon-PIERCE J:ouiJ Your Hnir S/J1iJI 2UO PARK AVENUE KERCHEVAL AT S~ CLAII DErROtT, MICHIGAN GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN 1(,')12 Kerche\'al, Grm~c Pointe TUxcclo 2.21(,0 Thursday, Mareh 25, 1948 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P/lg8 Eleven _ ...... - .."- --_ ...._----- _. - -. ---_._----~------Woman's Page • • • by, of, and for Pointe Women

------_._--~---- +. Shirley Turner Bride Funds front Ball planning Party to Benefit School iMrs, Elizabeth Glancy To Help Orphans Of Dr. ~ al!~~Spaeth !";it'.,,~~"~~th~':~:~iO:~~~~;, Weds Eric Ramstrum Aliee Joanne Perry Also Picks Early Spring for Her Weddin9 Qf Ch"lity of St. Vincenl's 01'- Members of Immediate Families Attend Ceremony In t R' h d H HI' phanage, will be held Monday o Ie ar anes ur ey In evening, March .~9; in the Gland Grosse Pointe Memorial Church; Reception Midd!etown, N. Y. Ballroom of the Book-Cadillac Held in Bride's Home ------Hotel. Shirley Tllrney, daughter of Mr. an~ Mrs. U. Grant The pUlpose of this palty is to ;'.Iembers of (\ Ie il1lm~rlCt~f~m j Iies were presen t Friday Turner of UniversIty place. became the bl'lde of Dr. Walter! raise funds fOI a ne\\' home tOI ill (;I'osse Pointe J\'lemorial Church, when Mrs. EJ:zaoe'h Spaeth in Covenant Presbyterian Church. The bridegroom 'the 200 or ph ails who arc elll'",i I Tant (~!i1l1C\' and ~~rlc P. ~:l~1:.;t1'~::;;\\'ere married a! ,:: ~) is the son of Mrs. W. Spaeth, of St. Petersburg, 1"\11. The for by the Sisters of Charity. lo'clock cer("lI1ol1\'. couple will Jl)llke their home in Durham, N. C. Their present home on ;\lcDougail Till' Rev, F",nl.; Fltt ofT,ciall,n------, , At a ceremony Saturday after-" ------Ia\'enue has been condemned. at tlll' nil'S, ~l,~, D;l\.id ~1. \\'hl\- School Elnployes JH!\", Jr" unci (dinnar R~Hn:;trllnl • noon in Our Lad\' of Mount Car.'1 !vlr. and Mrs. John L. Hurley, Dress will be informal, and IllU- 1 mel Church in lIilddletown. N.Y.,: of Mid,dletown, N. Y .., are Ml'. sic will be supplied by Lowry: \\',:1(' tlH' attpnriant,; 1 0 Ald Veterans Alice Joanne Perry and Richard I Hurley s parents., A dmner and Clark and his nationally famous' ~h:-;. Hanlstl'lllll IS the daughtf'l Hanes Hurley wete married. The I receptlon at Mitchell Inn In orchestra. Admission-$1.50 per of Mrs, \\'nl(('1 F. Tanl of Mt, Vern(JJ) road, and the iHt(' :\11'. \\'tc'~.an.;;; at ~.rd:-inr. Hospital bride is the daughlCl' of MI's. I Middletown followed the wed- pC'1'6on. Tickets ma~' be obtained Tant. I':ll'pnl" of the hrlClq;rooJ1l \l'lIl iJe the ben"t1cian~5 of thl' Paul S, Giffin of Moran rnad, and ~ding. at the Ballroom the mght of the, Hl'(' ~Ir and ~ln;. I'PI' O,kilr l1am annetal be'ntHt card p'nly to be Raymond S. Perry, of Chicago, A ballet-length gown <'Jf pale dance, trutll of Grand ~larals bOllip\'


Punch & Judy Block, Grosse PoInte Farms

To belfer Sl'n'e ollr fajf groU'illg Detroit

f'14,RTHELt\WIUWC[ JUST RE.JURNED'! i, .... IIL. 4','\,~I' 't(!J;J',1., ;\rtt l-"i.~IL' I,S' j ur '~,:l/.-""''u ," '~: ......

. \ . ,--. ... ' '/ . jJ ;.,


.', Furs by Robert Punch and Judy Block, Grosse PoInte Farms ------~------,...------~~------

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Mareh 25,1948

In These Grosse

from Detroit and Grosse Pointe. I dist, Grosse Pointe Unitarian, PEACE EY. LUTHERAN I Marilyn Mathl'~vson, Mrs. Glenn Bishop to Visit The public is cordially invited. I Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyter- East Warren & BalFour 1 E Wilkerson. . 1St.Joan Mothers! Youths to Hold I The c,).operaling cbmchc5 in ian, Hereford avenue EVilngehcal Rev. Elln~ G. Claus, Pa~tor I 6. Give Us This Dav Our Daily Christ C1turch the service ilre: Faith Community I Un i led Brcthren, Immanuel Mr. Ermn A. Melz, Vicar Brcad-nobert A. Choate Sol~. Plan Two Events Sunrise Service Church, Grosse Pointe Congre- E\'angelical United BrethI'm, and Goorl Friday services will be is!. ' gational. Gro;;se Poil'te Metho- Redeemer Methodist. The Right Rel". Angus Dun, On Easler Sunday Morning. ------_._------l'?nducted b~' Peilce Lutheran 7, Forgive Us Our Debts - D,D., Bishop of Washington, will! The first spring event of the the Youth Fellowship of the ~hurl'h r al the Alger Theater, Quart,'!. Mrs. Abram Brown, preach at lhe 8 o'clock evening 51. Joan of Arc l'vlothej's Club" Grosse Pointe Methodist Church East \~ arr~n and East OllieI' Mrs, D, W. Dicken, Eugene H. service, Maundy Thursday, Mar. SI. Clair Shores, wi;: be an Easler 1 is sponsoring a Sunrise Service dnve. on Good Fnday afternoon ,ClIlp, Robert A, Choilte. 25 i Ch' t Ch h Salurday Bake Sale to be given and Breakfasl to be held at the GROSSE POINTE WOODS PRESBYTERIAN al 1:30, the servIce lastmg for one 1 T ,n flS IIrc. in the school auditorium begin. Kerby 51;hool. 'The'Sunrise Ser- GRACE EVANGEUCAL hour, The Rev, Enno G, Clilus .8. Lead Us Not into Templa- The .sermon Will \'e followed ning at 2 p. m. on March 27. vice will begin at 7 a. m. and the CHURCH Lakepointe at Kerchcval speak on the theme: "With tlon-Duet. Mrs, ~ugene Culp, '1'1:1 H. immediately hy the singing of Club members have planned brcakfast will be ser~ed at B~15 (Meeling in the Moson Schoall Walter S. Pr.ess, l\linistcr i Jesus on Calvilry." The choirs of Mrs, Glenn E. WIlkerson, the Lpn ten cantata, "The Cruci- a card party and fashion show a, m. The JunIOr ChOir Will pro- Rev. Andrew F. Routh-Mini5ler There will be two identical 0 the church will sin!:. 9. For Thine is the ~indom - fixion." Sir John Stainer, by th!! for Thursday evening, April 8, vide lhe music for this service services on Easter Sunday at B • • • ChOIr. combined choirs. of the church, also in the auditorium. I\Irs, C. J. under the direction of Mrs, Fred Maundy Thursday, 7:45 p.m., Holy Communion. The Senior and 11 a.m. The Sacrament of The Easter services will be held The Senior and Junior Hi under the direction \,f Chades Sutton will direct the fashion Asmus, 454 Manor road. Choir sing' "Everlasting life" by Petrie. Holy Communion will be cele- at Peace Church at 8:30 and 11 yotmg people will atlend the Allen Rebslock, organist and show committees. Co-chilirmen braled at both services. A Nurs- a, m. The first service will be Easter Dawn Service and break. choirmaster. for the ~a~d party will be Mrs. V'nion Services Good Friday, r :00 to 2:30 p.m., at the Woods Theatre, First ery and Children's Hour for Easter Communion Service. The fast at the Brewster-PiJ"rim ______Peter Blghn and Mrs. Warren I Community Service. Dr. I:lartman A. Lichtwar..ly, Preacher. childn;n between the ages of I 1948 Confirmation Class will at- Church. Young People will I;ave two. and eight will be conduded I lend the Lord's Supper for the from 707 University place at 5:30 Pi Bseta CPhil Aldumnae Ch;~::'eds fro~ lhe combined!1 On Good Frida,y Ellsfer, 9:15 IInd 10:30 ~. m. Two Identjc~1 Services. "Christ dUring the second servIce. first time at this service. The Easter morning. Reservations To ee 0 ore Movies party will be used to purchase .Members ?f the Church School Feslival Service will start at 11 must he made by Thursday with playground equipment for the Good Friday services will r.e the Eternal." Will gather m the churcl.1 at 9:30 o,m. A proper Easter setting of Mrs. Scheid, TU. 2-9344. !\'liss Sue Stevenson of 817 school. Tickets may be secured held in the Woods Theater, Mack Church School only at Ine 10:30 hour. ll.m. for an. Easler s~rvl.ce, Par. appropriate Easler decorations Berkshire road will enlertain from the entertainment commit. avenue near Moross road from I POINTE l\'IETHODJST ents and fl'le~1ds. ar: inVIted, and choir anthems will further Grosse Pointe alumnae of Pi Beta lee or by_c_a_lI_in_g_T_U_._2_-2345. o'clock 10 2:30 Dr. Hartman beautify the service. The sermon Meeting in Kerby School Phi on l\Ionday night, March 29 Rev. Hugh C. White, I'aslor Litchwardt !erved for many On Good Friday there will be topic for Easter morning is: "The at B o'clock. Yet, if he would, man cannot years as a medical missionary a communion service in Grace Purpose of God." Mrs,Paul J. Keller, Jr. and Mrs. live all to, this world. If not re- Easler Sunday and is widely known for his work Church at 8 p.m. From 12 until . . . Carl Meier \'Iili assist Miss Ste- ligious, he will be superstitious. GaJler (jI'N"{iJlf}J among the lepers in Iran. 3 p,m. Grace Church will unite Sefl'ices will also be conducted '1 a,m.-Easter Sunri~e service; venson. Mr. Earl Brink will show If he worship not the true God, with other Protestant churches music provided by the Junior The service is being spansored at the church on Maundy Thurs- colored movies taken during a he will have his idols, In of Soulheast Dciroit in a union by a group of east side 'churches to All the Community day and Good Friday in the even- Choir; Mrs, Fred Asmus, ,director. recent trip. to Switzerland, -Theodore Parkel' service to be held in the Jeffer- ing at B o'clock. 8:15 a.m-Easler Breakfast, and son Avenue Baptist Church, East . . . sponsored by the Youth Fellow- Jefferson at Lakeview. Sunday School for all will be- ship, a Cordiaf Invitation to the Spe::ial Services WOODS PRESBYTERIAN gin on Easter Day at 9:45 a. m. 10:45 a,m,-Morning Worship I and sermon by the Pas lor. Topic: , GOOD FRIDAY Rev Andrew F Rauth. i\Iinistcr A gift will be given each child at Thursday, March 25 attending Sunday SchooL The "Christ and the Road Ahead," r SERVICE, 1.2 P.M. 7:45 p.m.-The Sacrament of nursery for the care of little chil- 10:45 a.m.-12:30 p,m. - Lesson I THE GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH the Lord's Supper will be ob. dren will be open during the 11 and Play Period for Nursery and served. Members of the Minis- o'clock Easter service. Kindergarten Children. l\olrs. 16 Lllke Shore Road Frances H. Brown is Superintend- "L . C " fer's Communicants Class will enten antata Ministers: Rev. Fronk filt, M.A" D.O. and Rev. Paul F. Ket~hu," ST. JAMES LUTHERAN ent of the Nursery pepartment receive their first communion PUllch and Judy Theater and is assisted by l\'!iss Una Dix along with members and friends Presented hy Choir dnd S%isl of George E. Kllrz, Pastor and Miss Lorna Bugbee. Mrs. HOLY THURSDAY, MARCH 25 of the congregation. The Senior Omer Stotts is superintendent of 8:00 P,M.-Choral Service: ~lozart's "Requiem" bv the Churc.h Choir Choir, under the direction of Good Friday service from 1 to Sacrament of the Lord's Supper - 2 p. m. The choir will sing the the Kindergarten department and Kenneth W. Smith, will sing, Mrs. Dan M. Guy is in charge "Everlasting Life" by Petrie. Lenten cantata, "Olivet". Sermon GOOD fRIDAY, MARCH 2:6 this month. . . . by Pastor Kurz. • of Grosse Pointe 12:00 M .• 3:00 p, ~',-Conlinllo\l. Sor..'lc. on "Sevrn Lo.t Words 01 ehr •• t" Easter, March 28 Easter SlInda}': Festival ser- • • mon by Pastor Kurz at 11 a. m. Tuesday PUBLIC EASTER, MARCH 28 9:15 a.m. and 10:30 a,m,-Again EASTER PASTOR Easter anlhems by the choir with B p.m,-The Men'sClub will INVITED PUNCH, & JUDY 8:on A M.-Mon,ing Wo"hlp: First Service we have planned two identical SERVICE .9:30 A .. ~1.-l\lornin!i: \Vorship Second S~r ....1ce solos by Miss Mildred Litke and I meet in the home of Virgil L. THEATRE GEO. E. KURZ s.ervices of worship. Church .Mrs Irving Bopp Walling, 327 Kerby road. Dr. 11 A. M. 9:30 A. ~t.-Church School In Children's DI\"islon .. School personnel and members . • .' • . \Shurley Johnson, associate pastor Kerch.val .t ~ltKlnl.y II :00 A.lIl.-Marning Worship: Third Sen.ite who can should attend the early Sundt onod s..rmoa ~ Sunday 2:30 to 5:00 p, m, 9:300, m, and 11:15 o. m. ~ Trio. Mrs. Eugene H. Culp. Miss I 12:00 t. 12:30 r- Period for Sermon: "IMITA 10RS. PLAYERS, AND COMPOSERS" iE .11 deplrtme-ntJ of the Olurch School Orgon Recilol by Marjie. Thorpe _; 10:45 t. 12:30 1...... ,.. .od PIooy All Girl Choir Pe~ for N'unery Ind K'mderrartifllll THE GROSSE POINTE UNITARIAN tASTER EVENING WORSHIP ~ Childrm CHURCH Rev. Roger Sharpe, Preacher I COMPlETE YOUTH PROGRA .... SERMON:-"RESURRECTION POWER" ~ 17440 East .Jefferson at Rivard Special Musir: by Combined Choirs REV. HUGH C. WHITE, Pastor ! 7:30 P. M. - 2049 v"" "ntworp Ilel. TU. 1-' 129 EASTER SERVICE 1IIIIIIIII!Iillllliilll1lll1ll~1II111111111!111111111111111i11111111\11II1~~~~lIIlmlllllml~lmil1IIIIIIII1IIII11I11III1InJnllll!nmlllilllllll1mll &:.Qldinr Site on Morn" RotId 11:00 A. M. 8r:twee'rt KerC"h~l t:nd Rid~ Easter Sunday may be a new experience to you wnen Merrill Otis Bates spellks on "A Modern Man Thinks of Easter" 6 r Grosse Pointe Boulevard You are cordially invited For MAUNDY THURSDAY, .. True Inspiration 8:00 P.~~t and Healing GRACE EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED The Right Reverend Angus Dun, D.D .. Bishop of Washington, will preach CHURCH The unique Jervice of the immediately preceding the rendition of the Cantata Christian Science Reading THE GROSSE POINTE La~epointe lit Kercheval of the "Crucifixion," by Stainer Room bAAbeen designed to Ilid WALTER S. PRESS, Minister you and nthers in aharing the CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH healing benefits which e"H.in. The Cantata w;:1 be given by the combined choir. of the "This ;; ire d~y wh'ch the Lord hM~ ro"~d~i CHARLES W. SCHEID, Pa,lor CTeR~ing thou~flnd~ ATe receh.4 PMish. Charles Alien ,'\ebsbck (Director), Organist Clnd We w,li 'e:o:(e Md be gl,~d j~ it." Ing through Christian Science. Choirmaster. EASiER SERVICES, 8:00 AJ,( a"d II :00 A.M. Here the Bible. "Science Holy Commllnion. find Health with Key to the GOOD FRIDAY ScriptuTe~" by MAry BAker Friday, I to 2:30 CHU~CH ~CHOOL EASTER SERViCe 9:30 A. M. Eddy - containinl< the com. The Three Hours-12 Noon to 3:00 P.M, Ccorn,.,..,u,,:t'( ServiC!l lit ll1P. Vv'ood~ Tneoire. Dr. plete explanation of Chri~tian HodmM A. Lientwordt will pre~co. Science -And other Chri~tinn The Very Reverend Percy L. Urban, S.T.D., DeM of Berkeley Divinity Scient(' Iiterllture mllYbe read, School, New Haven, Conn., will conduct the Passion Service. PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH borrowed, or purchMed. East Warren and B/llfollr CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Dr. Urban i5 ilmong the outstanding preachers of the Friday, 8 p, M. Good Friday Services READING ROOM American Chl.lrch. Ser-ice of Wcr.hip Thru Mu;ic at the Ricnord Scoooi. 1:30 to 2:30 - Alger Theater , 4730 Kercheval Ave, EASTER DAY East Warren

Park Installs Learning Safety Lessons the Easy Way I,Grand Openings Scheduled i Forgetlin~D~\~~tl~~contnlni'lgl~~a.t~lr~~~eed\fsr~~;ni~o~:~:;~h~~ Traffic Light I$],000, whIch he h~d hIdden 1n a I home and burned hIS cash...... i . , .\I' ")\":'';Y'X! ! By Three lfoods Concerns ------The Park instalh'd the signal I ------.---- ! ''''w. !'.1:"Courl, New ~,Ier. ()f Sr.o~ D~r.t. light at Cadieux and Charlevoix I . ","0 less than three grann open- I markets. will celebrate the open. on March 17, in accordance with ! IORS ha\'e b.'en scheduled by i jng of its new store. Like the an arrangement it entered into L. Grosse Pointe Woor!s business! other two, it is also located in the CHILDREN with the Citv of Grosse Pointe. 1 I establishments for the Ea~ter' fast-growing new ~Iack-Lancas. This leaves the Cadieux.Char. i i \wek-end, Each of them wlll run, tel shOPPll1g center. will like tkese levoix maintenance with the I (or three f\ll1 days, Thursday,! ------Park, the one at Vernor and Frida\" and Saturna\'. EASTER Cadieux' to the City's care and . I S. C. Burr, photo'grapher, and Series of Parties Honors maintenance. The other two '. Liebold's Men Store will open. Guest from Minneapolis SHOES along Cadieux, at Kercheval and their adjo'mng shops 10 the newl\': __ Mack, being on county roads are completed building at 20HI ~Iac~!. . ; avenue. l\hss LOlllse 1\lolyneaux, of II 1:7 'o+'s EII;!er- the problem of the COLlnty Road i For i'e Mr Burr whn h-s b' ..! Minneapoll;;. MlOn., who is visit- tJ ':.':J r~w ,~~~r ~1f smorr Commission, . . . ' . "., ,en a,.,o- inl( hel brother and sister.in law. or~ clater! WIth Ddrolt s leading !\I - ! M.' R F 1\1-1' • f S:'1oe; in s~uray ,e-:"Jtner or photogral)h~r5 foJ' manv \'ea s !~.r. ..:in( ~ L:-. . • 4 t) ~ neoaux 0 pa~ert .. , s'yieo r;gnr up to d . t t' .. 1'••• FIsher road. has bc'en honorer! at Charles H. Fletchers, Jr. the minu;e. Sh~H?S,~,:) an an 10.' rut' or 10 photography. i a series of partie's Sinle her ard- Given "New House" Shower I has IOstall".n the most l1lodPl'n. \'al p:ec~e ~1ommv. f:,:o? and Sl'lell\IIlC eqUI!)l1lellt 111 hiS' b~~,j(]~r~;,d ~r;e ;'c>...r.g;+er. Mrs. Helene W. Hecker gave a' studio. l\lr.s. Palll Sutherland ga\'e a 'b In t '11 ' luncheol' Thur;;day in h,'r ho.me cocktail party and "new house" Th e L l(' o. sore \1,,'1 oe op-. • I . I .J F'd shower Thursday evening in her I crated h~' Charles Lleb"ld and Ol.l ~() CJllIa roall, !l ay, 1111'S, home In St. Clujl' avenue, iloilor, his son, Car i E. Liebolr!, both \,. \'v. Rogers of F ,sher road en. ing Mr. anti MIS, Ch3rles H. .! prominent 10 the c!othlllg field tl'ltamed at luncheon. and i\lrs. I A \ Fletcher, Jr .. who will move into > ,j!, j in the Pointe and Detroit. ani\' Frank J ur!son was hostess at a i '.~ their new home soon. , ; the better kn' k" 'I l!' dln'wr later In the day at ner ~ ' o\\n ma ,r.' (II ( 0 l' home on Moran road. April 7 will be the Fletchers' 109 for men and young men will first wedding annivelsa ry, be carried. I Scheduled for Saturday night Tile . Grosse Poinle Woods I was a dinner party gi\'en by :-'Irs. IlETUOIT'S H~ EST / ' Market. now owned b\' the three Roy Springer, i Roelandl brothers. A;'den. John --_._- and PhIl, each with from 10 to 18 You can lead a man to freedom L".r ~ ''-'" ~ '< I years experience with leading but that doesn't make him free. 5.95 up PUPILS OF THE DEFER SCHOOL are told the importance of obeying safety rules"" _._,.,._" _. , by JERRY MCSAFETY, the dummy used by SERGEANT FERNELlUS of the Detroit I Police Traffic Squfld, ventriloqllist who has carried his safety message to thousands of school children in the metropolitan area. Sergeant Fernelius and Jerry were brought to the Pointe last week by Tom Boyd, Inc., Ford Dealers of East Jefferson avenue, They appeared ( OJnlntthtl ~ at a number of the elementary schools~ -Picture b~~Fred Runnells Custom Tailor iGuUllUr!J for Merl /lod Womerl Finest spring and summer fahrics and I Chally Bllle Boy Feline Chanlpion the latest st~'lin~ ... from $90,00. Also i high g,aue re'.styling, TRY OUR, Champion Chally Blue Boy, a to . the results of cat shows I Seven Michigan cats have been, Kerc!Jera/ at St. Clair fisher Bldg. , blue Persian male cat, owned by throughout the United States and awarded the Midwest title, but! 14518 E. Jefferson VA,2-1526 7 Mrs. Walter C, Meyer, 1417 Bea. Can"c!a. the Meyer feline ranks highest e.t ~Iarlborou~h Est. 1919 Grosse Pointe Detroit H@II,I'J- 11 @lIr confield, Grosse Pointe Park, Last year, Cha]))' was nosed of all the 53 cats given awards Ivlichigan. has been named the out for the title of All.American for this vear. He earned his AII-Midwestem champion il' his by Champion Wimauma Ma,ter- award by' outstanding victories SERVICE color, breed and sex classifica- piece, owned by .Cbarles Victor of in Detroit and Buffalo during the I! !Jon, according to the rankings Norlh Hollywood, Calif. past season. published, in the April number of .: II You I' entire laundry Cats Magazine. beautifully washed and Chally Blue Boy is one of 53 SPECIALS FOR EASTER WEEK ironed and promptly de- such cats in the rankings repre- THURSDAY THROUGH SATURDAY , e. livered. It's the newest, senting the slates of IVlichigan., complete sen'ice at a Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, 1\1in- i MARCH 25-" L1,.\NGA~~ reasonable pound rale nesota and Ohio. It marks the. available and. of course, second successive yeal' that this; it's strictly a Coionial pedigree show cat has carried off , N\Gn 14625 lhis particular honor. i feature - one that is al- _ MACK AVE. By winning the All-Midwesl-' ready popular with our 13201 HARPER AVE. ern blue male litle. Chally qual- t Glosse Pointe customers. , ifies for the !Jtle of All.American : EASTWOOD MARKET 12225 GRATIOT AVE. Try it this week. ! cat later this summer, when he ; will be pitted against the finest " CALL i bluebloods representing the East, MAXWELL HOUSE - REG. OR DRIP 'I South, Far 'Vest, Northwest and. MAdison 4191 Canada. The rankings are made! by a mathematical system applied c FAMILIES SEEK ADVICE COFFEE 2~1N99 During 194.7 there were 2,50G !e:tnlilics who sought advice from

1 the Family Service Society of Metropolitan Detroit, Clarence CRISCO- HEINZ A. Pretzer, director, said at the I annual meeting of the Society. SHORTENING CATSUP c 3 C~N $1.23 ~:t~~;23 I Fancy Sugar-Cured- Hickory Smoked I c S~:~K49 lb. HAMS BUTT C ALl.QUALlTY IS.POUND AVERAGE END 59 lb. I ;De Acacie::s OEL MONTE LIBBY'S Fruit Cocktail Bartlett Pears Verdonckt's No. 2'12 Can 39c No. 2112 Can 39C in heavy ~yrup BAKED GOODS in heavy syrup LOUISIANA - PORTO RICAN c YAMS 3 Ibs. 29

HAPPY VALE I,ibby's Red Alaska SOCKEYE Alaska Pink Solid Pack PEAS SALMON NO. 19c l Salmon Tomatoes 2 c~~~s c 1N SSe

I Lb. Can 2 FANCY-MILK.FED No.2 Can5 c 45c Beer 41c LEG 0' VEAL 41 Ib, and Wine FANCY, CRISP-LARGE REDDY, AT YOUR FINGERTIPS' to Take c Head Lettuce 2for17 I'll work for you the whole day through Out Toast your toast; cook, roast, or stew Ic Sale! Wash your c:Iothes; and press them, too. I'll beat, I'll dean; make Ice for you. Oleo I'll help in factories, stores and schooJs Breeze I?""'flll.fi II@altl, Breatl And help the youngsters learn the rules c for farmers I've got lots of tricks /.5,'('(/5th I~o{~ like milking cows or hatching chicks. 33c ~ Sejalllc And, Boss, I bet you're glad to know Extra Box rc~ SenllJ,'eaJ On S~Ir- :\t Your }'avorite Grocery Store I work long hours for wages low So call me early; keep me late .. Total Oxydol )'IZZ1\ (Tomato Pies) In my REDDYBOX home I'll always wait, On S31~ Frirlays. 3 P. 1\1., ."') Or. 3Sc box at Main Office

.- nOT RRF./\D FOR R}:TATI, SAU; ~ - AT 12:30 P.M. anrlll:OO P.l\!. ,\T Olin ~. l\tAIN OFFICE The DETROIT EDISON Co. 18680 ~II\(:"..n~ft .. KcrJn' ..... • ~. ,...... , .. IO~32 Shoem"hr Telepkone IV. 9595

\ 1-- ---:----po------.~...... _------~' ••

~~~~_~~~r!_e_e_n G_R_O_.~~.~_p ..? r.~_T __ ~_N_E_W S - . T_hur_sd_a_y__, M_ar_c_h_2_5_,'_19_4_8_

have come up with a challenging comCort but ought to be! called: ShAd T Th ents, MR. and MRS. E, J. GAY of' Henry Gage to Address phra~e their own, competing "limpid" comfort since who wants ot o'rt n 0 e POI'nte Pemberton road. p . t B h f AAUW IlIal"Y~ Il~ary~ chic-to.chic wilh The New I.ook. to feel solid in summcr: I(lahbing , • , 0 In e ranc 0 Then men ~alJ theirs THE BOJ,D ofT the g~hal'{lin('s; taking a final BAR BAR A MOLYNEAUX, 1,()OK. ,\nd when The New I.ook ,ling on belng well Bride-groomed THE HA YWA RD S. THOMP Lenox, Mass" and Willy was a daughter of MR. and MRS. Henry Gag(', state represenfa_ and The Bold Look get together, h!,fnre your numb!'r tUnlS up: SON fami Iy have forsaken their IPointe visitor last week. ~llli_e ~ontl.al.Y RICHARD F. MOLYNEAUX of tive from Grosse Poinle, will kiddies-J.OOK OUT! And THAT is the blessing we l.ewiston road home in Caval' of • • , an E~st('r skiing session in Ver- 354 Fisher road, Grosse Pointe spt'ak on "Legislative Problems" Both oC the currcnt Looks are wish you all. mont. SALLY traveled from The dar after the Easter Bun. Farms, was recently pledged to at a meeting of the Grosse Pointe ,111a I'lJ 1'l1aJi6ol1 mpre than m('~ts the eye. They -Ill.m. Smith College and MIMI from nr's visit, MRS. THOMAS T. Iota Chaptl'r of Delta Delta Delta branch of the American Asso- are. thIs zingy, spring)' season a Milton Academy to join their PETZOLD with her children, at the University of Michigan. ciation o{ University Women. on state or mind-not to mentlon a Fashion Show Luncheon parents in Ch~ ilolte, VI. Miss Molyneaux graduated in the 'l'hursd,,~' night, April 1, at !l "Hey feel !JwMtb hI'/' Pe/licofll statc or finClIH'e. h ANNA and BILLY, of Edgemont class of 1947 from Grosse Pointe o'c1o('k, in the home of J\'!rs. Emil Like IiI/Ie mice .'tole ill aud 0111 In ollr bonk, Tbe New Look To Benefit Symp ony Park, will leave t6 spend the High School where she was a Dall~h, '129 Bedford road, A, if /"ev learnl /be fi{:!JI-- stands fo!' <1 so!'t of Last Sland to Dllring spring vacation AL- spring vacation with Mrs. Pet- member of the National Honor Husbands of the members will But o!J, jhe r/flllcr.< slIcb a tl'ill' be Larlies or Leisure; Tea on a Memhers of the Junior Worn. I GER SHELDEN, JR., and hi~ zold's father, WILLIAM F. HAR. RINGTON, of Marichesler, N. H. Society. be II'ckomed, f{oste"ses will in. J"f) JlIIl 111'011 (/'1 DI'ter Day Tight flopI' 0\'('1' a grand canyon en's Association for the Detroit hrother FRANK, sludents at Co- of wodd chaos; Bomwls aDd ad Sl'l1lphr>nv held a luncheon meet- lumbl~,~kll'ts; .th" man, prcsident, announced. Wal' Memorial campaign. come b kOt tOlurapme Itoa ft a\ e Park voted Monday nil:ht to make Holidav Complex. H('~'.ulslst her MRS. LUDWIG HE:-:GE has Philadelphia stay. . I age. a memill It IllS se:,~r11i'" h,liciays, was I' ' graph1l1g lIew book, "h Took Hold Dinner Meeting BETTELEY and ~;on. ROLLINS. ".JI b~ a,slgned permal~en,ly III ih that those affiliated with the all'.'~)', a rhamp~gl1e and clothes, c o.tlles, ea\'ler and champa.gne.]a , Nine Tailors" for ladies who were of Hampton road ale in Fort the Ull1led Slates after Jus 2.0 day organization are kept fully in- hor'f' rdt.e. This might hal'!: gone Chll.d o.f len could tell that Char Ie wishing: he'd autograph his shirt Lauderd~!c, Fla., for a month. furlough. formed of all of the scientific ad- on [or cent 'lries, had not a hlessed \I ~s Just. another over-shilled front inslead for them. Monsieur Dc i.roi I alumnae of Sigma Kap- fate inr(')'vcneri. slur! ... In fael, a child of (en Menjou we must alas nominate pa sorority hcld their 1...1arch din. • • vances in the business and also I Before on., 110Iirlay the long- DID lell liS as we lelt the ellill. as the Pcssimist.~f-the: Year be- ner mee!ing Monday evening in 'In Sew York the CLAYTON MR. AND MRS. DONALD A. with acts or proposed aets of the

distance ]in(, foiled Charlie-or In t~le Raga saga of Champagne 1 cause he claims a man should the Berkshire road home of r..lrs. W, MORSES have as (heir guests MOORE of Albion announce the various legislatures affecting the to be eXile! he ('ouldn't seem to Charh~, there secms to be .thls wear BOTH uspcndrr nd gar- Waller Bauman, : 11m. AND ;llHS. CLAYTON W. birth of d son, DANIEL WIL. business. : mau!1I1O moral: A }<'lv.bY-!\:lght . s s a Mrs. WII].'," III Ad,"mnk. "rs, , ;lIOnSE. JTI. of H.mdy road. LIAM RAYMOND, .,n March 8. It was Mr, Lane's wish that the: catc )1 up with It,;, That telephone .. 0 • D.' . ters. The suspenders to assure the "" c 1>, WI'j II Mrs. Moore was DAGMAR WIK- municipality should hold the World', fir,l palent. ring had become ~nrt of a fire bell ma) he a L usc:li~ - a~. eut'renl hang of the trousers and Mallm Gorman, !Ill s. Sluart , 11 e ley are m the East, Ihe ':c...... : .. <:'...... to 1I:;. • • the garlers to hold up socks Beyer, 1\11'5. Max Luft and ill, s, Junl:n' _Mor,cs ,.~;ll a!.'o vis}t ~lel' ANDEH (If Redford. Mr. Moore 'membership in its name ralher ed nil metal. s~lf. is the son of MR. AND MRS, than that he personaJiy should be :storing comblnat1on '.,'~7. : Undauntpd. the Last of the THIS WEEK, JUST AS WE'D smoothly. Oh well, ma)'he ntenjou' ,Iohn Jakie assisted the hostess. Pdl( nb. MR. ;\ '? ~lRS: F HE.D- ... screen and storm Beau Brummels breezed into DECIDED THAT IF WE SAW is just an Optimist who owns a }'ollowing dinner, Mr~, James Toy F;RICK L. Jf.NCKES, III Little RAYMOND C. MOORE of Moran so listed. snsh- N OT AI N G town amI lracked us to our lair once JIlore in print lhat pcrsistcnt rubber plantation. The olher con- presented a musical program. : Compton, R. I. lo~d. H,~ is finishing his stud. .' ' ies at Albioll Coll~ge in Junc. TO CHANGE !:.~L". Poor Charlie-he who so loved phrilse The New Look. we \\'olllcj tender for The Bold I,ook is Prcsi. _ __ _ • , , • • Boat Club's Bunny Hop NOTHING TO those f,lbuious little Freneh quietly reach for Oul' old Borgia deut '1'rnmall, who on St. PCltrick's 4 On their recent trip E merciless noondav one hit LIS where we live, Literally his lapel and told the Russians to Washington road were guests in WELCH, formerly of Grossee 6un. Charlie was, ho.\el'er, equal hit us when the postman tossed in go to-weill Boston of ;III'S. Earle's brother. Pointe, announce the brith of a Members of the Boat Chlb are JOHN JENNESS r~EWCOMB to the occasion. that magazine that is ten pounds The Bold Look stands for Dust. in-law and sister. AIR. AND MRS. son, RAYMOND RENISON, on looking forward to the Bunnv GrvSS(I PoInte ReprC'sC'ntative Let.s." he began. "just dash of encyclopedic information on ing off the Top Hat, Waistcoat and KlRKE A. NEAL, ' February 22 in North Hollywood, Hop which will be held in t){e , Tu. 2-9807 down to the club for lunch-" masculine fashions for spring, Cutaway on Easter Morn; gath. • • Cal. Mrs. Welch is the former clubhouse 6n Belle Isle Saturdav "Charlie, this hurts me more Known guilelcssl)' as "Men's cring galore those new English- Mail for i\IRS. WILLIAM J. PATRICfA GRADY. night, March 27. ' I Mechanical Heat & Cold, Inc. than it docs you. But how can Wear." it is the Male .vogue of patterned silk ties that are put. YOUNG of Lakeland avenue. her , , , Coektails will be at 7:30 10]-' Window Division we cclehrate ill brmll 11a~'lighf. gentlcnJ('n who take their clothes tipg the hystericill oncs on the daughter, i\!R~. YOUNG LEGRO, Havana wili be the destination lowed by dinner and dancing to' 12320 Hamilton TO. 8-9606 with us in a jumper, anD sipping seriously-in contrast to t:squire ropes: A Bille Suit for a New and grandcr. shter, .JOAN LE- DCBETTY ANN BEAUFAIT when the music of Del Delbridge's or- I A Produr par- enls. DR. AND .MRS. J. STEW- ART HUDSON of Lothrop road, JOANN GAY here from Cen- JULIE HUDSON introduced her ~enary Junior College, is spend- house guest, MARY PRUETT, of I_mg Easter vaeation with her par- . DAWN OSIUS a1.,0 enterlained at Monday ~ luncheon at the DAC in honol' of the visitor. Mary was Julie's - rool1lmate at the Garland School in Boston.

The SEABOURN R. lJIVING. Regula, clenning _ os STONES of Lake Shore road, REMEMBER thi, lad unwillingly has their daughter, HELEN, and I~arncd - i.s cSH~ntial to MOTHER'S oppeoronro and g a 0 d MARY OWEN have returned Coffee? heolth. And '0 it i. far from a holiday at Vera Beach, It had (0 come from the the lUgS in your home. Fla. . , , right store .•. it had to They need ,egula, Sta,- be ground "just so'" c1cQning for beQlIty and RALPH CAULKINS, whose \ That's why it \\'as so rong life. and f~r your job keeps him in Port Colburn, good! family., hCQlth. All ."'$1. Ont., dropped in for a short visit attract dirt and ge.Tms thaI make them dull. and gree>ted his parenls, MR., Grosse Pointe', lifeless and unscnitory. Red cape ",Ith black taftf\A lining. AND MRS. HENRY L. CAUL. i Stol~c1caning removes all KINS, and his hrother, MICKEY, ' COFFEE Ihe deep •• eoted di,t ond By VERA WINSTON when they returned to their i grime ond redorcs the home in Lewiston road after sev- . Headquarters original brightness, beau ... HERE IS A gay red wool cape eral weeks at Ormond Beach. IS ROSLYN MARKET! ty and c1.online ... Call for Spring that can also pineh hit . . Sta, taday and ,tart tho for evening wear. This one is 8 With Easter, April, anu per. It m"kes fod"y's fraditjo~s in good hob;t 01 hoving good relresentative of II most haps even Spring drawing near, i tod"y's good homes! yaur rug. St.r.c1eaned ,egularly. popular Rnd new fashion. 1t has a l\IR. AND i\IRS. FREDERICK S. ' A'lso, "If other good food Ilnd black taffeta shoulder yoke that FORD have eome back to their ties in a strong bow at the neck. A <:hoi<:e muts "rB herB. narrow cuff of the Cabric outlines home in Windmill Pointe drive after vacationing in Fort Lau. Tacked-Dawn Car. the yoke. The-cape is lined in blMk pets Cleaned on derdale. I I taffeta and is .hown over" black , Roslyn Super Market Your Flao:' If De- taff eta afternoon dress. . A luneheon honoring her 21020 Mack Avenue sired. daughter, KIT T,Y MAE MAC- AULEY, and a classmate W1LLY ~ 'leal' Roslyn 'NY. 9542 CARPET CLEANING CO. WOLTER, of New York, was gil'co 1Jy MRS. ALVAN MAC- AULEY, JR., Friday ill their JAMES J. TRUDELL, President Ol/r 561b Year! home in Kenwood road. The girls -li] • • attend Fox Hollow School in

NI. 4664 FRESH DRESSED Gl\nT~En's- POULTRY Custom Made Place Your Order How for fASTER SLIP COVERS

It's easy to change the oil in a car. It's easy and if's impor- DRAPERIES &. CORNICES -...... VERBEKE'S tant. It's very important that all the other points requiring -...... - - "The bakery was all out or white POULTRY MARKET lubrication be covered too. That's why it's important that bread, so I got a chocolate tayer 15215 MACK cake tnstc:.,d," you get a good lubrica ~ion and not just an ordinary one. Give Your Home a Ray Whyte Chevrolet Company specializes in expert lubri- "Shiver while you sow-but watch Brand Ne,w cation .for Chevrolets. We are experts on Chevrolets and Charm! Chevro)ei's alone. That's natural, because every car is dif- that $ditt4. grass growl" ferent. Knowing one car, h'aving the experience and tools, Our exper:enc~d represent". let freezlng and thawIng work fives will c,,11 at your heme fo equipment and proper materials, is necessary to give expert SCOTTS nourl.hlng gronfood and assist you i", selecting the cor- lubrications. vigorous growing era.. seed Into rect fabrics and colors. the soli. Then watch ftIe sturdy gr'," gran .hoot up first Come to Ray Whyte Chevrolet Company for expert tn. worm day •• Never berore •h", our stock of Chevrolet lubrications. Come in day or night-we're open fabrics and p",Herns been so compete ... ~.f':rcs. p:l\ids, 'till 12 midnight on week days. You can't get a better ~ LAWN SEED f'0r,~!; ~ ....;/ pr('J~n co:ors .• , lubrication at any price. Come in today! P,icOt down a ."orp 2~%-.o planf lomo ... And W~ C1:i"r.:"H',~t~ \"/od;mr'ln~ Scoltl. now and ."jov 0 ,Ie''' v,lvety JaW"_ frb.95, f Ibo. ~.65 U l\ot $21.15 ~h:~ to Y~Jr comp:0te vdis .. SCOTTS lor o.n .. Shod, of .a",. p,i,.. IJ( lion.

SCOTTS "~fgr __ MoI<.. law .... mocth .. lO.DAY SERVICE lIoif ""fling 1I,.. n•. I II> • '1,95.

BE'RIGHT - BUY WHYTE TURF BUILDER-Brings bock oolor and heo1th to wl"tftf'- weory lawn5. 25 lb. - $2.50, fe.ds 2500 sq fl. 50 lb•• $3.95, feeds 5000 sq ft. Clean, odorless.

SCOTT SPR(AOU~-Apply ~olfo 111.. llffy, rvbh .. !trod • $9.9S. Grosse Pointe Hardware Open till MIdnIght - 14800 EAST JEFFERSON at ALTER E.6EO,C>Rt",J . 16915 E. JEFFERSON Phone NI.4420 ' When yml wox m"hn~AAY rllrnit(tr~.1>e VA. 2.55:\1 HICKORY 2000 lll'0ring wilh tho wo •. Apply it arN5IIIhe "Oldesf Business Establishmenf in Grosse I'o/nfe" VA. 2.4670 • rrain a.nd polieb by Nbbing wi\b the \ uaia.

" ,. Thursday, March 25, 1948 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P~ge Fifteen

SlllOKED or COOKED )6 fo 18 Ponnds r\~'erDge

8H.\l\'K 16 to 18 PORTION Pounds ,h-g,

BuH End Lb. 63~

,"'hole lIam • Lb ...... o;:9~

Does it pay to pamper porkers? You bet it does! Want proof that it makes them the tastiest hams that ever came, mellow and fragrant. from the smokehose? Then come fo A&P and take your pick of mild sugar-cured barns .•• flavor rich smoked hams ••• and famom.brand Big Treats ai Big Stwings ••• ready-to-eat hams •.. all carefully selected by A&P's expert buyers. A&P's 'GROCERY BUYS Smoked or Cooked SMALL HA~IS 8 to Packers label Grand Flavored 16 Pound! Average Orange Juice SHANK RL7T ~~OLE Fancy Quality Unsweetened c e A6.~P Grapefruit Juice Lb.55 Lb.6g Lb.65~ Packers label Fresh Tasting Apple Juiet: ••• •. ~'19c All uan Center Cut. fancy Quality Smooth e A&:P l\pple Sauce SLICED Hl\~1. Lb, 7.g Fm Your Shopping Basket 2vlth A&P'. Sliced Fancy, Reody.To-Use noz. Comlj~o('k Pie t\pple.Oj Can 15~ Plump, Young Grade "A"

CRlI,. Clfng, Haleed or Sliced PRODUCE VALUES 1011.3 Peaches A&P Das 10 Carloads ol These Beauties T1JRKE~S. T T c PRIZE \l7IN1\ I1\ G CALIF. NAlTEL 29-0zCan "3._ 18 to 24 Ponnds C Averago Lb,49i Sultana Brand Luscious Calif. Fruit COf'k4ail 2 l~'~;4;)c ivlceroled-9 to 13 Pounds In Heavy Syrup ORANGESE~D.Z..43~ e Sultana Prune Plum!ll 2 ~~~'3.'ic Ll\RGE SIZE J 50's and 176'!i Dozen 63c TURKEYS •• Lb._7g A & P Fancv Ouolifv Crushed or Every Orange a Blue-Ribbon Beauty Selected oi the NoUMo' Orange Show at Son Bern. Small, Short Shonk, Smoked e Sli~ed Pineapple . 21;,~z.29c • ardina, Calif, One mouthful and you'll ogree they're Tops in To,te! 113 Ann Page Thrifty Prices Fresh Green Pascal Lb, ~ .e Pure Grape .Jam 2 37e Crisp, Iceberg, Solid 60 Size PICNICS ..• . Ja~' Leon, Rindlen, Sliced Breakfast of Champions c 9V \\'heatie!ll Cereal • l~kC::z.20c Cele. 24;30 Stalk I~c Lettllce 2~ead!i17 ,} • SlZe t..J BACON • • . . Lb,5.~~ ihicl<, Rich-flavored Mild Fla,.ored Fresh Louisiono Grownj Firm. Ripe Campbell's Toma40 ,Juice ~~z 2.')c Drusse) Sprouts •••• QB~~t 33c Fresh S~rawherries .•• , • 3.')~ Grand for Lunches ~g; S@rve Ad:P!Ps Fish Buys DelICious In Cream Sauce Cuban Grown- j 6 and 18 Sizo loua Tomafo .Jnice 4~~~Z, 1ge Thick Meaty Cut .~non~\\Thife Cauliflower . Head 33c Fresh Pineapple • • Each 39c Heinz Sliced Fresh A Treat with Springtime Freshness Juice Fil:ed, Sweet Cncumber Pick""'i 2~~~z. 27(' IIALIBUT STEAKS Lb. 35 e Hot lIouse nhubarb • , • • . Lb 1ge Florida Oranges 8 M~~u'Etai 4ge Long's Crunchy, Crisp 8oc.eless, Wo;te!ess, Ready-ToCco:" Fine For Aiter-School SnacK' E'erybody Enjoy, DeliclOus S1\~t!et ~Iixed Pi~kles • QJ<~;t 2.~c Fred. Calif. Dah's '. • celf~unt~g, 2.lc En~lish ,"'alliub ••••• ceh~un~g 49c HADDOCK FjJ1e~!iLb. '43~ Deerfield Center Cut Porto Rican Sweet ... JUiehigan Jonathan """'{'Xc '/'7dJY''l'!f!~ C e ASPAR}\GUS YalllS •• Lb!i. 3 3d Al)ples 5~!~r2g ".~~ . , Smarl8unn;NI C()7t1~ M .4.&P 10,. Jonc Parker Delightful Early June, Lorge Sile FAl'IOUS A&P COFFEE './ FAR!I. FRESH loua Greeu Peas Nest La,re.. Cake In Sevary Tomato Sauce Tmites Better •••Costs Le88 SIJ:\~"'t-nnOOK . l~i:.z,JOe Coooanut Co,'ered 1 lona Pork & neau.'i • Orange ere m. Each ' 49• I,a rfit! Grode ".4. H Gold L."~.CT Cake ...... Gibbs-For Soups ond Stews Ei~ltt O~Clock itlild ,111d.Uello"" 1'Iixed \'ege1.nlJlu • ~;. JOe .J(lIIC Parker Bccornterl Lh. LJ ')r 3-Lb. 115 Crisp, Lightly Salted B,~ • B,1g Hifz Cracker!ll • • I~as~el'Egg Cake EGGS. Choke or Jonquil, _ Hed Ch.cle ~~i L13(' for Delicious Cokes cnd Pc"try Yellow or Smooth E<,th 8,)~ S'Wan!it~own Cake Flour • . 2~k~~'39c Chorolate Icing. Rokar Coffee nOZl"n Testy, Fresh Candy ~9c Jano Por~er-For The (asler Basket Vigl>rolls ,Ind Wine!! In ern. t.J \\'orfhmo!,c Cream Drop... . ~:i'33e Small Eas~er Egg~ •• 2 For 19(' Lb. 11-)c 3-Lt> 129 Rl~ ...... J"~.;: Golden Whore Kernel Here's. Rabbit Thal'lf Go Fa.tl Chf'd.o.ni. thf'f'lof' Food ••• 2 ~17ge Eadf'r ('oHee Ca"", • r~1oh E,,,ic~.d, Sliced, W~ile Dnnnr :w .. C rt,~n"oY-Scr".'!'!' F,~r LIJ~cr,t;o:::r'I' Uan-e1 OrfORd Lb, t,b. Jane Parker Chocolate .r Van ill" Lo.r CoUal!f' f'hf'f'.~f' ••• • • ..... Ctl'i. 21t! M .... I Exlr •• T~in SIi

em".!>y. (rJl/lrd Cbocofl/l., Hnrmbold Clel/nur Sunll'd Toilel Sf}llP Doem'/ SlrNk, 'lfl hi/elll "Jf/nket" Brlt/ul Mild facial S(J"p S".eeChen ..;, Pure IFhilr Ffll,&e for Di.

Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 25. 1948

Nei!!hborhood Club Nen's .1 Bernard, timers; Bus Miller, an.! were presented with an Eiacto r gain? to the .couple with the most Methodist Men = ,nouncer and recorder and James knife sel by Lon Backman-or. conslstant Wins. scon's SCRAP BOOK JET RACING RESULTS i Friday, March 12, Among lhe of. Drake as starter. . ,. ganizer and sponsor at' the event. ~ress,ed .to preview the, prizes, Me~t March 30 It \\'as a big nl'ght for the Fizz ficials making the race a huge In Class A for Cars under 2 Mr. Drake is presenting a tro. t ~l'Ize ChaIrman Gladys Constan- '. tme, revealed that they are cer- Kids at the Neighb"rhood Club success was Lon Backman of ounces takmg 1st place WIth the phy to the Jet, racer who ac- amie pieces made by members Dr. Shurley Johnson. asociate when they held their second Jel Lakev]"w avenu(, general chair- time at 1.2.; seconds, was Dick cumJates the most number of' of the Basketball tea~. Church will review the book "Peace of Mind" by Joshua Lieb- Car Race' in the Club gym on man; H,lTI'Y Campbell llnr! Tim ('mig. Second place with 1.3, points at the end of the soason, To ice ,the cake, door prizes I man at the regular monthly mecl------.------.--.------.. ------seconds was Bob Backman and Standings of lhe boys in the' will adopl holders of four lucky I ing oI the Men's Club of the tied for 31d with 1.4 seconds Jet racing events will be listed IItickets. The admissioll, which in. Grosse Pointe i\'lelhodist Church L~~f.'St. Shoe S~to~re,,;11the PoinJc were Don Huvaere and Arthur within the next two week's. I CItIC Ies re fres h men ts as we 11 ~s. th e in the home of Virgil L. Walling Vernier.. • • • pl'lzes, wlll he to help OUtfit the 327 Kerby road, Tuesday Mareh In Class B for cars weighing 2 CARD PARTY Girl's Bashtball T.eam which 30 al 8 p. m. &; ounces and over, Bob Backman's Card Enthusiasts will want to repl'esC'nts 9rosse POI~le and the I' The Men's Club, under the Jet racer came in firsl wilh tbe Ne~ghborhood Club Jn the I?e- presidency of Hugh Delis, 419 Roll Into the Par~de Well Shod! time of 1.6 seconds, Alan Gieche "X" April 9 as their oppol'lunity trolt Par k s and R~creatlOn I Touraine road, will also receive was second with 1.7 seconds and to mingle, munch an.d massage Leag~le: Tlck,ets are avall".ble at lhe reports of the visitation teams Richard Tucker nnd Tom Taped the decks at the NeIghborhood the Nelghbol hood Club. which have been visiting in the tied for 3rd wilh 2.1 seCOnds. Chlb, The 8 p. m, parly, nurtured • • • Pointe Arca for the past month. First Prize for originality, by the femme basketeers, prom. GIRLS BASKETBALL Thomas Munso]), 3842 Cour- I I d 1 I l' The femme basketeers termin- ville, is program chairman oil' (that is t le most unllsua mo e ), I ises a (1l'el'sified evening for all ated their court tilts last week went to M iHion GiLche oI 733 St. , fans of the fifty-two, age and sex the group. Clair, and the prize for the most [regardleSS. The party blueprint, by trouncing Mildison Building outstanding workmanship on his etche.d by;the committees, speci- 44.11, Out of ten league encoun. 13 Point~rs -~t-'K;~;on .. i 'I I 1"15. the so::xtn scored lour v ic- Ill'" Ie 1 \\'.:lli tv D Oil JI 1I1'aere oJ i IlleS I lal CHcn can quartet e eet I Given Athletic Awards 1366 Maryland, Each of Ill(' boys I its o.l'n games, the table award torie,. Though the slatisiics seem dismal, obserl'ers point out thaI Among the members of the time ignited the girls prowess, Kenyon College basketball and he team invariably providing swimming leams who receil'ed formidable opposition after the athletic "wards .before an assem- second quater. Members of the bly of lhe college student body team are now looking forward this week were three boys Imll) the wOlld's daily newspoper- to Baseball. Just as soon as the Grosse Poinle. weather permits, weekly work- mE CHRIUIAN SCIENCE MONIJOR. You will lind yOuf~1 Qnf 01 George G. Mantho, son of l'vlr. the Dell.inlolmed persons In your COl'MlUnlly "" world ollol,s when outs will be held on the athletic F\,\~del'ic G. Mantho of 3M Fisher you ,eorly. You will 90ln field of the Neighborhood Club. ".,1>. nints. 0 lull.r, richer und.rslanding of 10<101"0,1101 bombarded the Neighborhood road, a member of the Fref,hmall new5-PL,US help rrom jts eX,clvsi'Ve features on hQmemQk1ng, educ:o.. Any girls interested in keen com- Club last Friday to approve the basketball squad was awarded- fi..on, buSiness, theolet, mus,lc, rodio• .sports. petition on the baseball diamond antics of their celluloid pals at his class numerals. S"b,cribt now to .----~------..------are urged to contact Miss Masak Ihh .pedol "g1-' unI' .' all of the time, we have been able Whllller Road, and Elizaheth Jane IBelween C"urvjJIe an1 TIne. M,le Dr. to simulate the human body's sys. Graham, daughter of Andrew TV. 2-9090 tern of temperature control," said Graham, 815 Lake Shore. Hal Chambet-lain of the Detroit ------.. ------_.------.------office of the Minneapolis-Honey- well ~~gnlator Company, which --..._- developed Electronic Moduflow. "The new system actually is' an adaption of airplane cabin temperature control developed during the war. In that applica-:

l'Ion it was necessary to provide i. ) comfort in a plane which might; experience a temperature of 110' degrees above zero on 'the ground and 40 df'grees below in the air' five minutes later. Naturally, tile

system would have to make corn. I. pensations, for variations every i OU heard a lot about it during the war-the miracle For your Red Cross is stnrting one of it.'! grj>~tt'5t I split second of flight." I of blood. projects-the new National Blood Program. Ultimately 1 Detroit was s,.'lected for one of' Y the firsl domestic applications of Men llIl8t.ched from certain death by battlefield trans- whole blood and its priceles.'1 derivatives will be mnde the ney syslem because of its ex- , fusions. The saving surgery pennitted, the "impossible" available ... wit1&outcost for the products. , . to the treme and sudden weather cures effected by blood in its many Life.givinl1 fonns. nation's entire population, through physician.'1 and bospitala everywhere in America. changes, according to Mr. Cham- Now-in peace-we all know what a boon to hwnan- berlain. The filst instruments It's on its way-for aIH ity blood can be in accidents and operations to were flown here from lhe plant ,Help to spread prevent fatal shock in treatment of severe bums Starting 'at selected places acros.q the nation. : • ex- in Minneapolis in the company: ; •• in .fighting dread diseases .•• as a surgical aid in panding gradually over a period of years •.• includ. plane immediately after test.~' a miracle delicate brain and nerve operations .•. in preventing ing certain lIcattered local and st.11e progrnms ... it were completed so they might be heinorrhages ; : : as a wound dressing ; • • and in will grow until the estimated 3,700,000 pints of blood instlllJed for the current heating needed annually can be procured. I z~oso childbirth. More and more families residing on Detroit's East Side Blood may be needed to save your life. Or your •.• But only through your contribution to its present /lnd adjoining suburbs select Harris' East Side Chapel. child's. Fund Campaign can your RNI C~o.."'laccomplish its Grace MfGraw Elected Tho spacious building, beauliful inlerior - tho courtesy, task. Won't you help this great plan to succc:;s? 'hi Beta Kappa Member WILL IT BE AVAILABLE? When? How? and dignity characterized by every Halris Funeral, most ; •• Remember, you're not giving just dollars. appropriately honon your family's prestige. , Dr. and Mrs. Arthur B, Mc- It will be available to all evemtually-witb your help.; I; ; You're giving mercy .•• and health. ; • and life itself! Graw ot Lakeland avenue hllve received the glad tidings trom #IO() t6 #1450' Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. (!~ '9~ Y., that their daughter, Grace McGraw, has been chosen to the ~ IT'S YOUR RED CROSS ••• KEEP IT GOING Vassar chapler of Phi Befa Kap- pa, EAST SlOE CHAPE:L Grace, who will graduate In HARPER 01 LAKEPOINTE June, won academic honors in ARIi"glOft 3131 h~r first and second years at the (INn"l wtST CHA'!l TII/s Appeal Sponsored O)'f college. A physiology major, she CAU at CANFIELD previou~ly ll~tcnded the Ethel Furs by Robert Kopp's Pha rmacy Walker School. Umplo 1.1144 MACAULEY FOUND DEAD 3 KERCHEVAL-GROSSE POINTE FARM~ 16926 KERCHEYAL-GROSSE POINTE The body of Rich ..rd B. Macau- ley, 51, was found by Farms Po- lice Chief W.lter B. Hoyt, in a Hawthorne. House car at 76 Cloverly rORd on Satur- I Turner fAotor Sales day afternoon, March 20, A vic-' THOMAS L. HARRIS, Gen. Mg .. 17 KERCHEVAL-GROSsr POINTE FARMS Um ot carbon monoxide poison- GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY 'UICK DEALER ing, he had been dead for Bome 2 OF AMERiCA'S FINEST FU/tERAL HOMES time. I

J J, Thursday, March 25, 1948 G R 0 SSE POI N T i: NEW $ Page Seventeen Istill have entitlement time )eft ! I ------, -A--d-'---F--k-J-W-l--i-t,---h--.-h------~- .. -- .. -----.------I ' I . ' r R S MI lhollull (1Br .'1 · ccor mg to ran , e cen-. s rengt 0: t e Guard f'lr ~he an-. nE~TlSTS TO CO~VF.~F. 'un d el' tIH~e d UC;)t lona provisions' ,..,i . \ ork " 0 S • . ,. I, .gl.11.g i bad!, th .. 6-A t('acher, "The work' nual summer pn,'~mpm~nt ;ll: : of the G,I. BilL Will I be per. .I..~"ell1l1•• " - I bl I . C G f The !;lst Annual Convention d 'eA milled to "0 to anothel' school . B d l C 4 'I .lll( PI'O em so ving experiences ,nll1jl ,rn.I'lmi( n,rn :\;,;':'I't 7 "I , Q 11.le.J ~t ... (' I d flll st£lnc flfFIVFlll PI'" 2 ,lrLi\l'lt'nt in the sale pro\'ided a < 21, 1948. One Ih'),h.d1([ ,L\ h,,,, I"f, .\I"I\;r;"n Stal,' D"ntal SOClft.{ ¥ ~ ~~n~~e remainclerof my entitle. /8,ra ~a e ' l' ,. l4J_~I_.l" l" (. ... " !unique opportunity fll!' comhat.'r1red seventyfotlr np\,: nli'n :.::".'1 he h,:ld r,n Arml 13t:l-H, A, If you have entitlement i 1111: ",anh.I' spirituJI and ed\l['a. June 30 is the objecti\'<'. ;'1\::. ;<' thl' !fold S'dtler In Dr,. ily LOUIS SOBOL ,tional objectivl'.,," With the as~isian["e CJIfi,.t Sd, V",L'. B,"wcen 3.500 and 4.000 'an A. time left, you may use the re-, '-_____ ,',\. G. K'.111.,.." ,....ncl S('''O', "l II "'" " t d Th O eteJ ~ !lnainder either for job.training" ------'1 I' .,., ., U ',"U'[',".'" al,' expe.cte. e thr~'l 5t U 'Li',' ,______or for educational training ",iih By I.OUIS SOROL Pll\)il, of T,ombll' School arc: Irom the 42jtil, Ca"lain H,lntfar: i,l (,,~:'n,n '.':ill consist nf manv . . VA prior approval. A DAY AT A STUDIO! : husil.\' l'ngaw'd thL,' wed, m the will present nn inlel(';lIng P"C), lilt.. " ,.'lJ;~ ;'Ilri vf'ry imp()r',ant Veterans arc prolllblted from HOLLYWOOD _ A~Yl\'here I Jllllio[' Hi'd Crw;s Drive 1f1 addi- gram, including sound 11!l,', ,,' 'm:nl :,I1! "iCL":"Flnal e:o('iation for (he Detroit Sym. puss herself, Lana Turner, sil. tion. wru'k may legally receive unem. phony Orchestra, presellted the? ting there and reaching over In [II addition 10 oq;allizIng lilei, ployment allowances. Even tilen, Fashlon,cope style show. press my hand-not in an al>.: indi\'idual cla,'s parlltipatian, pu. Oldsmobile OwnersH veterans arc not eligible for un- 1IIrs. Grover C. Bear entertain. sent.minded way-but alTectio!l' i pils and tt'aeller. discussed and employment pay during any Pl" eel at luncheon at the DAC be. atel)' and warmly-and pleading; sluelipd Ihp many l,rlll',I;ps c,,~. l'iod ior w1lich they receive sub. fore the show. With her well' wllh me 10 please l'OIlW bac!, I ried 01\ hI' (he Hell Cross. Laler SJste:,ce allowanc,:,s.under theed- Mrs, Frank Buhan, Mrs. R. K" Monday and see her. , in the w~ek Filth and Sixth Authorized Safes and Service ucatlOna.1 and tralmng provlslOns 11o\\'e,', Mls. B. G. Rich, .Mrs. F. Of course, she didn't sav sl\(~ ' gnutc pupils joined ellorls in Authorized PHts nnrl (aelor;.lr3incd ml'chanj~s. of the GJ. Bill. C. MUIl:J.\',. Mrs. Alphonse De, wanted me to ('ome and >(:e Ill'r " staglllg a Junior.llt,(] Cross rally. I No job too hi~ or tOt) snull. Bril\£' iu your car Concurrent receipt of bolh Paepe, Mrs. William Gramley, in lime in her home, just the i Pupils outlmcd In talks ann skits for a lhorou~" ChCl'l':IlP , •• !'io obligation. lhe benefits ,is a viobtion of the law Mrs. John McKinnon, Mrs Al- two ~f us dnwdling lazily ovpr, I' fr.iendlY work performed by and subjects a \'eler,Ul to pl'llse. 'bl'lt O'Neil. and Mrs. Walte, our pmk ladleS. No-she melely Ihe Red Cross, Ih,' histo,'v of Ihe COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE eutlOll. i Schmit!. Olhe[s were Mrs. Gor-' wanted me to come back to the r • " '" '. r '.' . , . 10r!l;]l1lzatioll, and biog'raphical i don M.lcEdwurd, Ml's, Earl PI'" I Metro lot to see her ~vor~ out \\ X" Z, tra, elmg shO\\, Band r t( e~ agel ~ a nIght of fun and, sketches ol personalities famous HYDRAMATIC EXPERTS QUES'flONS AND ANSWEHS kins, Mrs. Kryn Nagelkil'k, Mrs. as L~dr de Wmler, which I~, I~cr stand Ca['m'an stal'nng, Ross i frolic plus a gLllll(>](H'S :lIm".<- i'in Red Cross 11'01'1" Class reprc. Q. Docs the agc of Wodd War COVill' Crosh" M,s. Ch I ...'d. I. lole 111 the new lemake of 1he MuJl1Olland, IS (:n route to (,l'Osse phe~'.<'. ..' sl'ntnli\'cs reported Oil the ')1'0". J and World War 1I veterans' n ar es ~l Three Musketeers." Pomle, Organized b~ statIOn \\llh 1\,,;,s ~lulho!l"nll as ('Ill- It'SS of indi\'idual clnss(,dn~. BUMPING & PAINTING man, a II d Mrs. Humphreys . . WXYZ and the Detroit Depart .. e('[', . the LII;"',lll IS adually a Ilai 'ns a.IIect the amount of eOlnpensa- Springstun. I . Also, the dlVIll~ Lana men. menl of Parks and Recl'('ation" "aridy shOll' \\"itl\ln a dnnce. ,~,. , ONE-DAY SERVICE tlOn or pension pnirl to them? Pointers who met fO"luncheon, tlDned. Bob Toppmg three 01' the Bandstand Cara\'an is loaded The music \\'111 1)(' ,upplied by a lile lower gradesat 1rC'1llJll' 14350 E. WARREN A. Compensation is not aITecl, and then continued on for the four !unes loo often, Still and, to the huh cap> With music, sllidio n,c()['d playel and lhe ..lso had a pep meellllg at willch . f .. all-she was there at a table t III cl Id 01 t th ec,I b u l pensIOn or nonselvice- FashIOn-scope mcluded Mrs. Ster. alon with' f . f ' slunts and gilllmicks, all for the p['ogr"m will include aUdJI'Ill'e Ie' lJ ,en b"ve repor s on c connected permanent, to(al dis- ling Sanford, Mrs. Buell Docile, onds~before ~;;;no:~ aw,~w, ~\e(~ (pen.agers. The Caravan h"s: participation s(unL~ and amatpllI' work of the Red Cross. Each ability isin~reased upon I'each- !vi ,'S. ,I ames ,R. .Webber, Jr., Mrs. Richard Whorf and Joe' ~ast~'. been scheduled for weekly ap-: contests. with lI'cord aibullls room reported on one phase ol KOTCHER OLDSMOBilE CO. ing age 65. ?'Ides M, 0 Brlen, Mrs, Thomas nak and Arlene Dahl and Ir\'ing . pearances at recreation e(~nters: awnrded (0 the \\Inner" /I;; an the Red Cross work and Ihe TU. 2.5640 Q. 1 have completed my job. r. Petzold and Mrs. Hct"m

launch a thousand jet planes. carda MontcllJan explained the Egan~ Lloyd Phillips •.David Low- frolll the second grade room at .1' While we sat there. Produ('er book he \\'as carrving. "My lwxt 1'.1', Rlchard Tylen, Mlke Scanlon, Trombly sehool, for at last attt'r I . PROVE IT TO YOURSELF : Arthur Freed came over. too, and part calls fo,' me: to be a polo anll Frank Oliverio. The fina Ie winning several prizes lor the, i had a sudden inspiration. "How:' player"o Ih ..y give me this tJook : was a song by thc ensemble, "We most parents attending PT,/I. in By Bringing Your I he asked Lana, "would you like and tell me the best thing is: Like the Wintertime:' but the last that room, the 28 children have 12 IIto play the part of one of the to learn polo by studying thIS line said, "We like it be'~,t' of all their m u('h longed (or canary. He . most excith1g personalities we book. See whnt it savs in the when win\l'r goes away.' is six months old and has a beau- Lubrications I ever had in show bllsiness-Gaby very first line here," 'We read: '.iful song, He sing,; practicnlly I Delys?" The Turner gal said: "Polo is a most difl'icult game Children in Miss Hairs 2A room all day and sometimes he has to i "My, that sounds wonderful. I to learn:' at Mason School sent out posters be taken to the principals office for i think J would." Freed said: "I .,sal'ing that "The Circus is Com- because he is so full of song. i think that's for you, if we ('an So \\'i(h the sun sinking slo\\'- i in'g to S(.'hool." Bllt th ecircus had Joann Sweet brought her lo\'ely arrange it. What a Gaby YOll'1l ly in the WI's!. we said our ['e. : already becn at school, 01: so it cage to make hi,,, feel more at -::::::.:: LESS than To Us For I make." IUclnnt farewell 10 the lot ol sl'f'll1e(\ 10 tlll.i( teacheL'. Children home. The children take turns \ Bumping I I had my own casting ideas the Roaring Lion-nwnrc, with had been reading about thc cir. learning how to clean the cage i,at this point. Watching Hichard ,a sunken feding-that fol' onee ell, in their readers, "Fr"indly and give him the prop"r amount - Painting ~ Price' Undercoating Wharf as he chattered a\'.'ay, it' in this annual visit 10 the studio, VHlage," and "Good Stories:' and of (ood - I'orcclainizing I occurred to me he would be the we had nol run atTOSS Clark in many library books. They had The children discussed ways to 1\1[ Mechanical Work I perfect chap to play the part Gnble. seen a movie UII the safe use of make friends with him. Some of ; of Eddie Cantor-the resem. (Distributed h)' King Fl'atures tools so that UH'y could cut \\~ilh the things they learned were

OPEN 7:30 A. M. TILL MIDNIGHT I, blance is startling fmm the lip Syndicate) jack knive5 and fashion papcr never to point a finger into lhe I hne up. "Just call me Larry.' 'cartons to resemble cages.. cage or mo\'e suddenly be<:ause

Park.~, Whorf" ' he agrecd ., "And' iJlllillIllllllIIlIIl,111111I1111II111I1II111IiIIIIlIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIII:r:1II1111illlllllll~;:a = I' '[lidlese la \leen pam. ted' gay co I• .I.t fl.l'g!I("ns,. Ilim ,' Jefferson Lincoln-Mercury Co. gIve me 10 pel' cent." \'~ S h I ~ors and put on wagons brought! After mucn disC';ssion \t ",as I • • • - -. I I 'd d t 11I' "eh' ." I \. ~ C 00 ~ from home. The ehildrcn had 'IteCl coca \Im ,rp,e . 3700 E, Jefferson - ME. 0500 \ "W~ wandered ,~ver to the ~ ~ been ma~ing paper mache masks .------I Julia Ml~behaves set-and I '" '" for the !lon and the t1gCl and aNt 1 G 'd I thoughl to myself what a field .~ ~ whip lor the animal trainer. \ (f. IOnU, IUn "Ont~' Satisfied Customers Keep Us in Business" da~ :01' ~hose lIttle ~estlfel'ous : ~ N ~i Many othel' things had been '8k 8f d .t sCI.e\\ balls-the aut0J!:Il's nw.':e SlkJ "'I' In (uldn mg. T' I m Ie ne " b ""C'oln(~on s, ~t "I'as I You're making a v:ise invc'!i:tment ','.hen you Jet us in~tan this 0 100. d Y. 0, 1'- Mary Boland. lI1s(on s ,lrst gra e. . ~ l'Inn Iy ( IC great ay c~me, ne I announcl' ,eo~ge " ap new OJdsmobile t'ngine in your car. It '5 surprisingly low in COMBINATION OFFER As (or th t El" b th T I mates, the kll1delgarten and lirsl, gymnaSl\1Il1 was lhe aren. andjton, Commandll1g Officer of the I cost .. less lhan a major o';erh"ull And it's available no,,', on no",: blossom~ng i~~~ ~oma:~o~r, grade enjoyed (he perform:mce l1\ ",ht'11 the circus parnde. led by,425th.. ., . GENUINE FORD BATTERY -16 years old-Metro ats it.sel~ the morning. After.noon guests Ihe band, marched in. many par- i Captam WJlliam Hamlan, who, our easy Budget Plan! In addition, this factory-guaranteed AND on the l)ack for Poss:Ssing the were parenL~ and fnends' of I/le ('nts anel ehlld L'en \\ete 10 the heads the lecrUltmg group, st~ted engine-precision. tooled with new rnatcr;nls thro\lgho\lt- most valuable property to come group an~ the afternoon kmd,,:'. ,,,,dll'Ill'P. that hIS leerultmg talk IS de,'gn- assures you of increased operating economy and lower mainte- GENUINE FORD RINGS long in "na. A . h' garten chlldren. \ -.------cd to clearly pomt out the young a - r.,. rav IS Ing .,' . hId nance expense. Call today for an C.1r1y installJtionapprintment. YOung bea~ty, self-poised, but Winter songs v..hich 1111' chi I. TROMBLY SCHOOL CitIzens pat"! m t I' uture c. INCI.UOING GASKETS AND OIL modest, oozing talen(-there is dren had learned forme,\ Ihp ",Join Ih .. Junior Rcd Cross' ff:~se ol Am(':'lcn. PAY NO MORE AVAILABLE FOR '37-'47 MODELS AND ALL I.AROR no doubt that she is destined to lll~sl,cal bac~ground of the sh"\I' I':a,s the rally;ng cry for p"pJlS, . We Wilt altem~t to" inform be Moviedom's No. 1 star very With ,4ramallzatJOn of the>" songs at 'frombll School last weck. To hJgh 5ehool sludcn,s, Hi'" years shortly. olrming the theme. Robert Sains .• Illgrnent till" H('d Cros, contribu- of age 01 older~ the. role they may bury, a renlistic snowman with ti',J)s mad,~ 11)' indivLdllal cj;,SSl'S, hn\e to play 10 tuture mlhlary GENUINE FORD We moved on to "The Three a broom~tick gun and a pan [or tik 1;.,\ ,.1"" 'f",n,",ed " WhilP operations; how duty in lhe Na. WHYTE Musketeers" _ which brilliant the hat, sang a solo, "j'm a Won. Eil'pbant S.d. t ional Guard mlghl eITect their SHOCK ABSORBERS George Sidney is directing-nr. derful Man of Snow," David Kal- Till' ieic':, r,f till' sale germinat- lJ?llT status, am] lhe advantages OLDSMOBiLE COMPANY 1937.1946 MODELS riving in time to observe Messrs. ember sang a solo pnrt in a tonl' ,'d ill n ci,",'II"I"" io'cl hy IIii' e1"s, of joining~the Guard !low." CilP' II Gene Kelly, Van Heflin and Kee. matchmg song. "Coasting" P't""It'nl. .k'd1 Cnter. in which tam Hantfan said. n INSTALLED COMPLErE-PAY NO MORE nan Wynn valiantly fighting off Nine little gill~ in a c"qt')]'" 1';1l''''1I'; 11",;,n, "f group parlIci. The current campaii: . knnwn 15218 East Jeffersol1- VA, '-5000 a horde of atlackers even morf; did a snowflake balld to "Snow, l':!tH'1l ;Il ~Llt. ,lUll!'" l:t.d Cro,s il~ "Operation Grayling," is part I bravely than Errol Flynn. This flakes" and "Dancing Sno\Vllake~." Ii,,"" '".c: ,. 11l1'k: \'nll'lderation. of a recruiting drive to swelll _

Our Complete Service and Parts Department is a costume piclure. of ('oursf'- These \1,,'eTe~ Donna Brunn., SLl- All (drjT'n::~ti\"(, dec;s!on by the ------.------_. and an expensive one-the costs san Higley, Una Harms. C;e1:d~'n fL,,, W:J; "",n f(lli(l'..:r.d 1>\ plans 'iiliiiililiilliilliiIllI'iUii!ii:i'IlIiIIliIiUliliillilllilillillliiiilillilUli:11ilIIiiiJill:1iilllllilil,illil:lil:!I:'liIHi"

OPEN 8 A, M. TO MIDNIGHT which makes me wonder what Jean Crookes, Adalaye Smith, "tl:<'r l'''p:l, :!nd ":I';ln,,,,,lion of ::: going high above $3,000,000- ,Jameson, Shrill',\' N('uenll'lc!t, for c'nii::l:ng Iii,' '''''iJt1.di(,n of ~_===~==":~~='~~==='~~__ =_-':':'" became of those virtuous plans anrt Donna VanHoutl'ghC'll. Wl1., lIJlnmil\r'b I" P:i'p,r:',' publici!y to k('ep these product ions nn liam LaFranl'a as Jack Fr"sl di,l pn.,t"'3 "lid :.nn," .n, ..rr!{'nt,:, to low.figure budge1s. . a pantomime which fini"hed wil('n urlCl' th,'",h:(,. "ll'i'"nls," and ALFRED F. STEINER CO. i" • ! he pinched the no~e of Mar~' Lou to prc'p,II' ~"I(', ,Itll'. pl "'i' lags, I Irving ,Berhn l'fOS8"d our path : ~ilk;ns, in the rolc of a liltle and c(lunlL': d"I'!:" "I;n, lor the 16901 MACK at GRAYTON about thiS hme and told us he grrl who ventured tCll) near him S(OI", SPECIALS was off to Arrowhead ,,;'ith Nor.' A Snowsuit Choru, pr('sc'nll'd two Prior I" 't,,' ,,,i,. lilf: )Jupils _ Telephone NIAG,\RA 4000 Open Sat., Till 5 n:an Krama to complete th" mu. verse l'hoir s('lection,. "I\1y Zip. ,,,'1' !"'PillC,d sal .., ~ ~yn Grayson was letting loose, ter songs, "We'll Pick Up SIlOW:' ,('co,d ,lip' I" ""i.'t th(,Ill in ~ BRAIE RELINING In sweet. high notes. Frank Si. '"'Make 3 Snowman:' nnd thc'n p.-opt'l ''''''""nl!(1,~'': ""ripl,, ~ natra Jomed Our group, at this i join('d the Snowllnke Chorus fnr Tht' ,:"denl "r.d ... '.I"S c'nllllls:- ~ FOR 1931 TO 1948 CHEVROLETS Complete and Thorough point-and urged us te, leave; rhythmic interpret'ition of "The .,-,Iil' in 11' "'pp,,,t of Ih(' .,ale- ~ before he started recording. "An I Skaters'" '~nd Iill' pl'0'.r ,(b I.. :he ned Ctr,~s g hour WIth Sinatra's voice today,'" The following children \\ere in (und nfll(.d ~449,l, ~ 26 ._.'._..._._..._._-- .-._~--_...__ ._-- ,== \ S12 f~ 15

I~ GIJI(~K ~ BRAKE ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL Every Car - New or Old- Needs ,~ (TM5 Is What We Do) SEIIVI~E 'j 1. Remove front wheels and 5. Cheek and add brake SPRING SERVICE insped lining. fluid if needed, 'I 2. Inspect, cleo" and pack front 6. Adjust brake shoes for WHICH OF THESE TIMELY SERVICE SUGGESTIONS DO YOU NEED? wheel bearings. contact with drums. :i 7. Carefully test brokes. 1Jring l'Ollr Rllick il/ 10 liS for .~!,Nit71i:cd ll\lPER,\ TI\'F, l':SSF.~TI,' T. DESIIUflU: 3. Inspect brake drums. • StCHing • :'\ew Fan nl'l\ 8. Rec.ommend cny other A,ltlljstl "lid ~Crt';rt b,. hIm IFbo l'.7IM/:"l bcir • ~cw Enginr ~ 4. Inspect hydraulic system for • Brakes • Shock ,\ hsorhers • :\'ew Paint .r"h corree:tions for safety, • Spark I'lul:s ~ leGks. Jobs. Skilled, /(Ulo'y''''all1cd IIIcc!Jtm;cs, • lIorn • Chas~is t'nder,oatinl: • I.ighl... • Chassis and Bolly Rolls • Touch Up • Aecelcralion • Gas Economy • New SeHt ("ovrrs ;1.= nil Common Sense Precaution Costs You Orlly • Windshield Willl'rS • Clutch • f'ender llnd Boel.,' • Battery anll Tir('~ • Muffler anll Tall Pipe Repairs il • I.ubrlcatlon • Protective Wax & rolish il Frequent l11sl,eCliIlJl is Pocket/wok Protection! '~ TURNER MOTOR SALES ~E AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER Jefferson Chevrulet Company "Grrme Poiufe's 0,11.1' Rllick Drale," Ii Open 7 A. M. to '2 Midnight i~ 2200 EAST JEt=FERSON LORAIN 7.5750 EARL HOLZBAUGH Frell Pickup and Delivery I~ VA. 2.3094 ;~ 15103 Kercheval • !SO 10900 Charlevoix at Lemay Detroit 14 VA. 2-3120 :~ IE • • \0 ~', I ~,rIl~IHjWI,I,'HllilJllfjllllmlllllllffllli:llllijil'l~IIIiIWpl;.II,rlll~;IllillllOllli~,1:1 ,'II"H',' I, I':';''I i I.:'i :, ,I'. I, .Iil" " Ii,1'1' ,

.' .~- - ~------~------.'

Thursday, March 25, 1948 Page Eighteen (;ROSSE POINTE NEWS ."'.'-'-'~'- "-.-

the colleges and the university Picture' by Eric Stroh' Wins Fessenden Contest Car Jumps Curb; and several lesser boards and LAFF.A.DAY Bands Rate High commissions. Eric W. Stroh, 13 year old son eight winning photos from over a Rams Into Tree . In Competition of Mr, and Mrs. Gari i\t Stroh, hundred submitted by boys of the "IT IS TRUE THAT IN MICH. The Fifteenth Annual Band' of ,834 Edgemont Park, Grosse school. The boys of the club take, A car driven by Joann Eliza. IGAN thl' governor has not the . ... Pomte Park, has been announced develop and print their own beth Lyons, 17, of 287 Mt. Ver- pOWl'r anrl authority Ite once had and Orchestra. Festival wllIch I a prize winner in a photography photographs. nor has he as much as the gov- was held at Pierce Junior High contest at the Fe.,senden School, Prizes are to be awarded in non, went out 0f conlrol as she ernors 01 some of the other states School last Saturday, fill the' West Newton, Mass. each of the four classes covered turned from Ridge into Lewislon now have. But this by no means auditorium and gymnasium all The contest, sponsored by the by the contest: sports, activities, at 2:55 p. m. on March 20. is acridental. It has come about afternoon and evening. sc h o~_~hotog r!: ph C~~b~ s~'_le_c_t_c_d_P_~I_'t_r_a_it_u_rc_,_a_n_d_I_iln_d_sc_a_p_e_._ The car, a Ford owned by her because of a public demand. "Never\hele~s from my obser- In the Junior High division, father. jumped the cllrb and ,vation OVH the years J have Pierce receil'ed a No. 1 rating, crashed into a tree. Damage to a 'never known of an inslance ONLY TilE CIIOICEST STEAKS, fender and'the frunt end was es- I~'~ Hew.s where any commL~sion, bureau, which is superior. and Brownell, CIIICKE!'>. Sf:AFOODS Complete Dinners at MOlterate Prices timated at $125. hoard or othel' agency has received No. 2 rating. which is I SERVING M!ss Lyo;'ls was given a ticket Iv . h' snapped it., fingers at the gov- excellent. , by the Farms pollce for reckless Should the governor of ! hc I- ernor or ignored his wishes- Grosse Pointe High School won INCLUDING SUNDAY - 11:30 A. M. to 1 A. M. dCl\'mg. I gan h,we new and addltlOnal except when to do so would have a No. 2 rating for the Class A _ .:),e, ".~ .' ,::' ,~~,~:';":'f~"~'<~';"~.I~T1 ______. pc:wer5 over deparlll;ents, 1'001'1 been agamst good public policy. ciivision, and in the same divi- ~ AI,,'on JI,. 8<'$/ '" f"(('Il~;""le"'~~fl mlSSlOns and bureaus, I have known of instances where sio~, Pontiac holds the superior r Is the governor, a$ ha~, bee,n certain hoards have refused to ratmg. Class B honors were "~tl.c.~,,,t PRESENTING ",,~ recently charged, n',ere!y a glon- do the bidding of the go\'erno "? ' _. I' taken by Oxford, and in the Ctass ! ~~ fied,eerI k . . but in every such instance I can J C High School division, there i RI,'I1~" j\'i~Il,1 Al. N.AlLl ~~ \ erno~ J. Brown of Mason, reral!, 1im" plOved 1h"v were were no s~periol's. Ferndall, and I TLlESD'" , end F'rld2y-SaLurday former lIeutenant governor, au- I correct and not the governor l>.I,ir.i,j{)~ hh.l>rc;hi$1rCl: :\tarch 26.21 MI. Clemens orchestras finished: ;~ ditor general and slate legl,la 101"1 . . . . l E\'enlng! Only with superior ratings. I Drrll(HII!ral ''l1l Dana Andrf'wl does not thin~ so. During his 1,0 "THERE]S A DIVISION OF Merle Ob.,on years of publw sen'lce, half of I AUTHORITY in Michigan. None llEnOIT'S UN'lGUT SO~G" whIch was as el~her a legislator: will dimy that. Making up The Y. M. C. A. Sponsoring fAVO~ITE Saturday ,'falln .. Only ENTERTAI~'E~ Preston F051tr In or a state off~cla I,. J'\'lr. .Brown! list of. all the good citizens of Marriage Institute "CF.nONIMO" served alo~g WIth eight dlJTelent I Michigan now serving on some In S und.1) ..~:'lIlonday- TUlsday governors :~U~CeS.SlOn. I eighty.acld such boards appear . A project ~f considerable social I' ~IarJ,c:Zlql..wU [VV SKETCHES r LUCKY-HE'S JUST GOOD.' Steaks-Sea FODd Dinners Luncheon 12.,3 Dinner 6-12 'z GDV. Welch's Orchestra COCKTAIL HO{;R 4 TO 6 I:ntert ...jnmrnt- Sp.rt.1 PrlrtS Continuous Entertainment from ~ p. m. OPEN St::-nAYS FI 6155 7909 E, Jefferson m:. ms i =====~.....-.._I Again Topping The Town!.. T,o'\'

BOB Rt1TH'S ORCHESTRA I JANIE PAL:\IER CnET INC. F:VERHART )f.- , '.', • To comrnemomte Penn's Treaty with the 15401 East Jefferson • TU 1-1600 -Il- B Indians-<>ne of the most significant treaties at Nottingham ip 1 1am enn in American histoTy-:this ~ular, mel. NOBSCOT W, low, fraternal whiskey IS named: Exper' Service on All MoIce$ Cars rE ~ENO&Si;OT aLOG, , T T W "'William Penn, The Treaty Whiskey"- 0' CfJU II'IOT A ""VATI ClUIl HE REATY HIS KEY Gooderham & Worts Ltd~ Peoria. Illinois, eo...... "', ...... U'. ~,.",. "'.' u. S. A, (Gooderham & Worts Ltd" R Jact C.Jhrholl, Soh! 0... , I Mer. Canadian business since 1832). fU' ST. £LEVATORS _ CA lSS8 BlENDED W HISKEY &6 Proof. 35% Str~t WtRRIJ,SS% Gr. KwtnI SpIrtts. ~. WMt& UL, f""" II\.

, J Tliursday, ~areh 25, 1948 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen

Grosse Pointe Baseball Players Forgotten Spol'16 ------I ------~------..Farms Only Municipality Reserve Officers Elect t"!ew Officers ! Pro Teanl Conquers p~int~'s 'Vhi~h Provides Diamond ! All-Stars in Thrilling Galne , Sara of Kerby Field Le~ves Enthusiasts with Hopes Centered Jerry Lynch !lasketball Five Threatened in Closing M;t1ut~ .. on Quick Completion of New Recreation Area Further East I by Fighting Aggregation in Neighborhood Club Tilt 1948 Season Launched with I By FRED RUNNELLS 11\ .I0J: FIlO;\Dt Meeting Addressed by ll With The <1l1llOlIllcement of the sale of Kerb\' Field b\' i ~J(,.\ll '" T~' I ell DC"l\I'I'''' 0'1]'; plof("'~"'UJl}dl '-L..! '.(I.h:t !n::l'r"". Grosse POllll!' [,'a I illS, baseb:-111 lields throughout'the Pomte' Coach Pat Kaulitz f"d~b.\ nul i\ h~-h~ \,ll~(q' 11\ I] tH1 Bll-s.df tC'(J,I' J)'<("r..rl! ~r()'n hil\'C been reduced to three, Mason, Vernier and the High I the' sr\ PIl tearllS 111 tl'l' .\e >-,hbCl~1.01'0 CI'dJ Lr;t.I.l.C F! lnrl'\' Sch(j,~l. ' By JOE FRO:\DI J\IC'ht. .~. ~'id POJl1 Ie bdseball pla\'ers are \\'ondcllng .lust whel e (hey The 194~ baseball S(\,IS~11 \\!l1 he ab]" 10 play then favollte' - - - opened at Cd osse POillte 1111,11 ,

l:ill1\C till< .'Olllll\g SUll1Jll(,' now 11o II . J. da 'S )f th OM on I School Monday wl(h a IJ1eet. l\ 1 I ., I' , I 1C ""ll-" , O[ tl'l(,(, IC'mdll1l11g dlilmonds I wOldd be done to gl\'e UH: ball I ilt~. Adual practIce Oil (Ile ,onl" on... tll... Illgh Seholll, pJayeJs an ...ally slalt J Held began Tuesda\'. "an h ... ('Id,sed a.' p\dvablc and 111 \\' " 1 d' [. t d I ' 'II I C' 01 K na, a lea) s al c on Kauht~ onened the met tlllg by no Wi1\' "iln b e Id b e l'( ... ood' I I k h h b b It . l' t I' I' 111' lac stop, II' Ie must e UI expl"lllln" his s,'slelll of k(l'rHllg )c.',W'e of lis I ""gh, c a" In[1pld I F' k b'" t I . b ' •• ~I I[ l I . )) 't! tns \Vo\ men l'lau,e 1 on I) those boys \\'1'0 p)avcd b,,,e- ,a,Ol1 a 01(' enougl SpilC(' 10 I"nnot be nUlcha,ed 1\1atellals ball dUrlng lil~ 'UlI1l11e; on Ihe Ne\\h' erected ofTJcels of the Gros,p POII11(' (ki)lIPl oj tlie H,'sel\!' Ofh('l'IS :\,SO(,I- pl,i.\' h~ll. but h unplavablc fOI ;]"allable "I~ scan'e hut a nea(. d "J f'" b b II alion. elee!ed Maich 17, :1Ie Left to nght- HOB l'\.U(,(;, (I <:.t Sll I ('I , elLL IW,!;';I", \'ICP d ovs ti\('1 " l'llll bc( ausc II IS so I sqll,1 1,III pla\', r, lillS ('lJamol111 an'd JellllJiri IL !~1I ellel' to spen money on t i dl(la(es and WIll p,,,ct,,,e al. I'ca,s of age. Thcre will be 110 Mellin Schultz l1el\' tenn,s co,,111 I'.' 'l \(','1 "l"" ,t 'I,,, ."n,<'I,bnl- , wh, must It come fJom I",t one , • h ., , .C 'c"" <- 1111' [oliow lJ1g S)llll1l! '[he plans • t hI! 0'11 tll'" telllalely e, er'y oth," mght. Bv <'1\:11gc 101 Ihe cliniC but a fee of of I e GJ o,se POll1te IIlgh Sl hn"l Hppu ';:;t'nllJl~ ,\n)Vl't':;' \\' e r (: " ,ommUnI y w en eams I, < I h d C I I' I - There Will be a 1l'I1lt v[ lOll cn- 1""1<1 ,\11 ~l,lj' ",h,'tb,1l1 garllJ call for I ,"Sill ~ the pIll'hf:1 S P"I k, eJt)', \"oods and Shol es call :,t ll, met 0 o.ac 1 \.aull.IZ lOpe, 25c WIll he cha, ged for tenniS Trll\\' Vl'lrion('l;1 ,Ind " f' 14 I" ' I ------it",kl'b 0' R"d 1Ila"on dn>! - . I 'I f t I f' dn - G a 111 01 dges • I. I I F It Lo,"p, \. (,11,.,111' DOI'IllPI pill the locrll .\ll winter mOil tl15 the Wc ods becau~e It is a ne'l 11',,1 our \'Ie Ol'les am we I '1'1 fill 11 eac ers {a er Thc Boa, d of Ed Iwallon \s also, I Dmmu;lll~' and 'has had mOl e ~lossps , ~~_ ~\\'lng _I~S _' ~~\~~~~'I~ ' St"1 < 111 (I Ollt plannmg a huge b,lsebal! dlamqnd I pr('ssmg business La take Cale of I Those le!Jllnmg v,lll be: pitch- '__ In R oiary Loop It h"s !.r"n "'ll,'" I'd Ihat B" t\ l till end of the lllli"tl Plll' rI :II Ihe n('\\' Parcells Jun:ol' Htgh'l,n Its ea,l" stages. e1' AI BI~',\ll(, mfi,doels George: B b II C cl'd :'10Vldp baseball facdltlcs 1I1 the ,Oll 1(' ('r I nVI e 0 Me e log In GJ(O<'c !'01J\1, ][ II", " li uc . Whele ",Ill Pomte b,,1i pla~e\s I [utlue \\hv can, the other com- JetlY j~lI('n The team Will ha\'e l;anrllUales lor the JUIIIO!" get 0111 of la' '. iI.,' had ,ilop

I f your WIlIer didn't know what \\ eek ago the mos~ ouistandlng th rea pOl'nls f"Olll 'I'ln ,.'s Cafl' d'I'ISlon With St. Charles and St. . h • I' ';l'IH'd i •l '1(ILII :'<1:, 1\, II r nhrt g 'h In of Ihp \( Il \\ 's d '11 eel '" ~ ~rJ'('::j1 pre~p.nt;:) .. Iwuld h P till d C ~l Ta,iJ,', I~>rh l\1dl!c"i 'll 'H\'I:-«'T'C'I ' , ,r," th e t rac' k Sl t Uil t Ion lS, 0 are: t e lerce wms, I an RId d l I "r.lllm AnnunCiatIOn cdpltlled .< 'f' '1 I I' ,lUll \\ ',(1" , " \ ,- (;,,')( "I ~LCI\ lid 1'1, -'Id\' \l,Il:l v.,"",f:'~.d', heheve Banilch was holding hack Bill Bob Borden, Boh Colem"n, cg~ gamc SCCOll P acc J," lit ;'> 1_ o.:('lle(;: dll , • l' !'W Oys II' - I \ 111 elson, a mem er the nl"hL Otl\(", 1011'n!! ,,00 'I" alld \\'011 twc.ve and lo~t SIX (01 1'1-, I' <- H',' 1,lgl.', lh,',p t'\.. pi,,,, J' ~hlp ealtbel and wito can be flg- lasl "eal's football team. IS out.. •. - tl t d TI . J ' "t' J mer tncitl(j".J (',rJst()' f, ?_I.' P('I \' Ie en 11e serJ,on s I e"ol IL' ,110\. III I",'. t' (JI', n 'J,'rtl 01 r., 'I" urcn on 10 pi nvide enough POInts I for the firsl lime and will be lIy- 'U'" tl I 1 rr 1 IJ' IL k II"r'k," 2JQ; Banttn, 202, and De S. In n,k., lt,'e ('agul' osses were su ell" 11,(' goll]( anrl b, C.,'I',' M I:~ h- 10 Wtn Irack nwcls I ing (or th(' sprmt evenl~ AI- ')00 111 lhe Inlt",1 pat t of lh(' 1',1111- ,U (\ S '1">1 hl11im,I,u tI" SI j'J Up tn thl~ year Glosse Poinle i though tall ilnd rang}: hIS speed - . , p,ngn to Sf. Challes, St. Rose and uulfn .. "Ill OJ! t(j \' In, \l.,I' h:ls depenocd mallliv on depth I is iln nnknown quanttly Te.lln Stam1iugs .\1\1\1111(1<'\1011 Thl' Jo(',,1 bll,k<>\- n" hdl)I qilllltel. J()I)-I~I ~f','ond sOllth£'1 n tour WIth tile The three bllYS ha\'e hop" of III POI eaguc I Elghl of 11\(' [well'c pl..\ ;'" \\ I " t('~P1 ISICOIIIII: Rolh boys milde the \'alslly I theIr paths are sch('duled to CIOS, I \\111 rl'lldn 'lpxI \'(',11 i\lb,"'ll~ f I ~. k I' K t 1 (0111 hi!!' [10m the lllle'III"" ,11 U" ,1." K Fqlla d In Ih I'll ! I I'Sh ma~ \ ca I' a - ! Kennedy won hIS !r~shman ,...1a I<,n c ,III' 'lO { . 1(" d,m~l[mg a b'llIlant hIgh nt,melals'm 1947, pomb ftom H..be anri Ch~rh,'s' l!ow,ITd, Dick KOItp, Tl'!ll 101, us~ OUR CLASSIFIEDS s"hool tel1lllS(dleCI whl(h helped' GIll! 111 Ihc Detro,l 1'(1,1 Ofi,c('- ~"vd ...n and Ja,k In,('11 FOR QUICK RESULTS! Ih ... Bluc Dr' t1~ I'lm Ihell IInde-: Kalilma7.oo's schedlllf' Will PIt t:a

lou,ghet. hegmnmg Wllh Ihe ncxt tl'ilm, WIll be moved down mto St ('I,\lr B",,, h ('4;;~ I~,epn. " 1.'11 Sl'ilsnn, Thr Parorhml Ihe se('ond dlv,slon East SL Pall), !l('n l' 1"11., 1,1 (,lamh;.Jn" p" " • A b SM"'" " ;,:~ Wil', LPdgll(' s 1" I' ("III "f'II"IlS 1n,tcad nf the pre-I S t L C'" a f II sl (1\'IS\On,I all d .SI C aUot ;,'). " " ' 11 ~ ,Ill ,n C. \',](1 S1C'11 F' nt i\\'0 Tlwv WIll bc I he East, Anrlrl'w, lhmj d,vlslon. WIll be, R~h,' ~, (' h lIll"" fiO al'PI age' III 41 p"ln~, 3' ""11 , Davison Pierl\tln Winl\ \\'«1 C,'ntr,tI, SI,I1I1I ball Thc\' I s~lftcd to the srrond West SIC- ](;n'< 't,:" l' ';2 (lppolll'nl' sl'",('(1 101, 1'''1111 \ \'dll I) (f'Llr~\(' "" c1lvHkrl lIlir, E"sl ilnd Wc,I.' EII~t ~rl'llon Will JI1')lIdl' ~IX \\lll m,"! 1"""',:1 I"tal of 10 ~nnfi'h(>'manWl\~i,cgorS{\lt ... 'Ann ~1r, Il !.lnnPICloOn,!l.''!;;' n \r~('dltrln. ~l ,\:1('( R)~d II Phjllp, St. Rose ~nd St, B~rnard I (cams llnd two playoifs ....games' gamcs for all $chools, I most daJl~'. \ \'o!(aJre place, L 13'I'L1\t ,

- ~ ------~ ~ ------~------_...... _-----~------~-----~------_.- ~------I'''ge Twenfy GR.OSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 25, '1948


MJnlmum 50c

Can ~. PIJe.d .r 1\'0"'5 Otrlce or .1 ~~ one or l~ cOn\'C'nJentl)' lacatcc2 $ub~ 51allons, r:i'(' i,1 ii.') A 4~J;i i i) ,I' i i :g." 3 Trunk Lines YOUR /\D CAN BE CHARGED DEADLINE 5 P. M. TUESDAY. CALL TUxedo 2-6900 To Serve You Quickly WORD I 4-HELP WANTED Cha rge 3' 4-HELP WANTED 7-WANTED TO RENT 12-AUTOS WANTED 12-AUTOS WANTED 21a-SERYICES-General 21 a-SERVI CES-General MInImum 60< (Houses, Apts., Flats. etc:.!1 ------Can h. FI"eed h~' Telephont or In }M REPRESENTATIVE-and wif~ SEAMSTRESS. f::INISHERS OUR SPECIAL t~r:!l0dna~~,lNev..'s CHice tIll 5 o'dock desire 2 bedroom Jiving quar- TRACY MOTOR SALES PHONE Experie'lced on ters in Pointe at reasonablC) BED HEAD BOARDS AND rent. No clllldren or pets. Care- 19770 Mack Ave., at Cook Rd. on ful tenants. Ref ere n ces. CORNICE BOARDS TUxedo2.6900 Ready.to. Wear Gowns Charles Richter, Jr. TYler Custom m~d~. Duifed or ploin. A Idrg9 selection of beautiful 3 Trunk LInes 7-2572. colors ,n pl/lstic leather and fabrics. Priced from $! 4. legs and , and Suit Alterations. hMdware included. Complete upholstery, drapery MId si;p . FOUR BEDROOM, 2 bath, mini. WANTS YOUR CAR cover service. - APPLY - mum, fOlH adults, residents of CASH RATES We Pay C,sh BUDGET TERt--.1SAVAILABLE I WALTON PIERCE SHOP ~lr:/te, for 24 years. Call Nf. Will Trade for t'l New Car LAWRENCE UPHOLSTERY 17100 KERCHEVAL AVE., -~,------14 Sub Stations AUTOMOBILE Corporation ex- 1433 I KERCHEVAL near CHAUAER$ TIll 5 o'c1ock Tuesday Will Trade for t'l Demonstrator I GrOSSll Poinre Filrms ecutive and wife wish single VAlley 2-6891 I ,_____ • home in Grosse Pointe at rent- Will Trade for d' Better Used Car ------_._------_._---- JEFFERSON AVENUE i 1A,-PERSONALS IS-SITUATIONS WANTED al not exceeding $100.00 month. lJ-REAL ESrA TE FO R SALE 21 t1-SERVICES-,.General 1-----~------~- I (Male and Female) Iy. No pets. References ex- * SeheHler's Drugs 'DRIV]NG INSTRUCTIONS, For: ~------ehanged. Call Miss BreHer, STOP IN TODAY WHILE PRICES ARE STILL HIGH 15324 E Jollerson, al ;o;oltln~. Ilppointment call MU. 3458. I TYPING-stenograplwr work by I GEneva 6200 h.m ~------, ------da~'. week, ete, A\'allabl~ your 1- _ ------._------REAL ESTATE ESQUIRE SHADE CO. 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 9-ARTIClES WANTED HOME BUILJING ofllce Monday through l' rlday. i TWO OR THREE bedl'oom in. KERCHEVAL AVENUE 14537 CHARLEVOIX PLANS 12 years experience,. References I come 01' hOllse by family of ;1. WHlPPL Y SADDLE-Fair con- FURNiTURE WANTED - It you SELLING or BUYING Miller Pho!lrmo!lcy T S't C t Call Gretchen Van Hull, MUr- Excellent character and finan. dition NIagara 6178. have anything in the line of * D 14945 Kerch .. '.I. al Wa)'burn rawn ,0 UI us omer rav 22B8, cial reference. MU 3819. OFFERS SERVICES EUREKAVACUUM- CLEANER household furniture and rug~, C~II * Kopp's Ph"rmacy 'lowe;t Price --.------16926 Kerche\'al .• t Notre Dam. BUSINESS MAN-desires to rent -$2_94375]..Call Friday Tu:.:edo I ~~~~,T~I;9J~a~e~~~~~? J~~~~~ ON c. J. FINN FOSTER MOTHERS 3 bedroom house in Grosse Pte. 2-2115, ,JOHN C. STAUDT, Inc. * Cunnin'Jh"m's Dwgs Kercheval al Notre Uame PRospect 4421 ''''II 'd . d area. Rental approximately LAWSON LOVE SEAT _ good. ~---_ .------, VENETIAN BLINDS ,vi provi e exp~r1ence women 'I SI2500 R f W'( B BUNK BEDS th t (M d VAil 20100 * Notre Dllme Phllrm~cy 17()()QKercheval. at Notre Dame _3-_L_O_S_T_A_N_D__ F_0_U_N_D___ to care for children in your own i No. B-682 ~re::e~~:\Ie~~.e ox ~~~dili~;, J~~~d painted table!1 \1m size safe: c~~~;r~lI~, c~n:~ W h ' ey - Cleaned and Replaced '. Whl'te SPI'tz, vl'cl'nl'ty .home. ------p.... . fort chair. single bed. chest, e ~ve ouyer5 for good homes. * Grosse Ppinte Urug Co. LOST WANTED - furnished home in' L f Also 1;051 Ker~he\'al. at SL Clair • Buckingham and Charlevoix, By Hour, Day or Week Grosse pbinte for immediate oe. WE~ThIN~HO.USE ~eluxe Rang~ I ~roVn.Id'lIstlintg'8~arden furniulre.! et us appr/lis~ your properly or I l Custom Made * 1itus Drug Store l\'1arch 22 Answers to name of cupancy. Two or three bed- ~~I:ee \~~~~I~~ ~~e~:::drOololmII__) x:.~.:~')~_.. I best morket pnces. 1 Kerche"al. at Fisher Road "Lad"." Call TU, 1-0074 or TW. NEW TELEPHONE FI. 780 I I'ooms \"1'11 lea"e one ye or IFarms) 2 to 5 Days Delivery _1_-]_1_.'._6_." longer. Now; living" in this ararea. for1068.larger equipment. TU. 2-1 WA NT ED. 15322 E/lst Jefferson MACK AVENUE WINDOW SHADES 4-HELP WANTED SA-EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Box No. E-692, Grs. Pte. News. ------.-- Id I h et Nottingh/lm * Blue Cross Drugs (Male and Female) ------RECENTLY t f d . , ,NORGE REFRIGERATOR. 5 cu. 0 C at J ---- ~------Replaced on Rollers 17511 Mack A"o.. at Nell Road , FOR DEPENDABLE Help, Days, rans erre dlstr~ct i bic feet, ill perfect condition. 1ng LIST WITH US * Harkness Pharmo!lcy GARDENER-for Grs. Pointe ter-I weeks or part time. Call Miiler manager must move fanllJy! Reasonable. Call NI. 1506. BEST PRICES PAID ALUMINUtv1 STORM 20313 Mack A\'e.. at Loohmoor races, April 1st to 'November Agency, 701 Chene. FItzroy from East. DeSIre to rent 3 bed- ! ------______and Blvd, 1st. Salary $250 per month. I 2656. ~oom house or apl. Trinity ILARGE SfZE Navahoe throw rug, FOR MEN'S SUITS PACK YOUR BAG WINDOWS * Clair's Confectionery Must be competent. Apply Box ~------__:J_-4_3_4_3,_9_a_.m_._to_5_p__._m_.. never used. Reasonable. Call TOPCOATS AND SHOES We Gat Results :10792 Mack A,'e. at AnIta Md , Q "31 G s POI'nt News R R d I h P' l' PERMANEN1' D t. 't R 'd t Thursday or evenings. LO. 7. TYler 4.3625 0 SID L _ oJ , I. e. ev, an a pittman 5 i 1 e 101 eSI en S,[ 6025 ' ur /l es on't og SCREEN COMBINATION FISHER ROAD PART TIi\IE-white, vicinity of . I desire 2 or 3. bedroom house, 1- . i A telephone call will bring us to BONNEll WILLS * ScheHler's Drugs . Grosse Pointe for ironing an:! Employment Serv'lce apartment or 1Ocome. Best ref. 1 TWO BLACK spring coats. one,' you immedi/ltely! 14124 Ma"k 19882 ~raoJ, For Es"timates 337 Fish". Rd.. at Maume. erences. Nla. ]104. fitted and one shorty. Black ------VA, 1.1101 VE. 9.0000 cleaning. Monday. Wednesday, ------~- 11 AUTOS FOR SALE ------CALL DETROIT 5TA T101.JS Thursday and Friday. Call eve. Gardeners, L~undresse$, D/l}' 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE or flat, faill~, two-piece dress and one - T r !lings. NIagara 1614, can olIer 1948 Wil4's station \~oo aqua spring suit. All size CHEVROLET, 1940, special de. 0 e s TUXEDO 2-2850 * Whittier Hotel Dru';u ----- Workers, Janitors, Disnwoshers, wagon. OL. 5962. I~, Very reasonable. Call luxe. 2 door. Heater and radio. Burns Drll'B al the Rh'.r JUNIOR --.~------Thursday or evenings. LO. 7- Good condition. Must be seen to Cd' W.'lshers, t\'1aids YOUNG COUPLE desire unfur- 6025. be appreciated, $850. 1600 "nd SEWING .I\'IACHINES AND The Modern Magazine for nished house, bungalow or flat, ------~- Roslyn Road, TV. 2.8507. VACUUM CLEANERS LO.7.9579 TE. J-1951 or will decorate. References. Call PHILCO RADIO, also smoking _ Repairs and Parts, All Makes CL/\SSIFIED KEY l BOYS and GIRLS 8.4 LO . 7 7709 PL. 2474 after 7. stand.1116 Good condition. Call PI. 1947, 4 DOOR Blue Chrysler Chalmers We Pick Up and Deliver I-PUBLIC NOTICES Need S~les Personnel for the ------. Windsor, 15,000 miles, all GRA YES SEWING MACHINE Monday . Frjd~y After 4 p. m. YOUNG COUPLE urgently need t l'k $2150 C II COMPANY lA-PERSONALS Pointe's Area 2 or 3 bedroom house or flat. HAND KNIT sweater, in Swedish ~"'{ra I e new, . a GROSSE POINTE Aver.:l.;le $100 Weekly, full or Pdrt ------NI 2 pattern, in babies. childrens, Uxed 0 1-5035. (Formerly Dietz Co.) l-LEGAL NOTICES time. Experience desir

14-REAL ESTATE WASTED BASEMENT and yards c1eaned- come or garage aparrmerlt. No, ed house, flat or apartment. CHINA, 64 piece, beautiful hand . I first olock from I Jefferson, 2-48B2. Landscaping of all kinds. Done I children or pets. 'Call RA~ 4614. pained dishes. Must be seen to FORD, 19~8 convertible, pheasant I Owner. TU. 2-9659. ------IS-DIAMONDS by responsible people. Call TU. ! CALL ---- be appreciated. TY, 6-2842. red. white side walls. All acces'l --__ SEWER SERVICE I6-GOLD 2-0492. I'TUxea'o 2-6900 _ TUxea'o 2-0037 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE ---- ..------.--. sories. Call TU. 2-241:J. INDIAN VILLAGE Drains and sewers clean, ALL ------.---.---- rnONRITE, deluxe model 75 ------.-----IFIRST OFFERING 5 bedrooms WAYS. Electric Sewer Cleaning 17-0PPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCED Colored woman Before 5 pm, or Mler 5 p.m. DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut, brand new 1947. Considerabl~ 1!)47 FORD V.8 super del~xe, 4- 3 baths. side door: attached gar~ Co. Nolhin1( extra nights and 1 ISo-EXCHANGES wishes days, cleaning and FUR N ISH E D 01' unfurnished nine-piece, excellent condition, saving, 1\1A. 7312. door, ~reen sedan. RadIO and age • .$22,000. Other Indian ViI- Sundays. No results, no charge. ]aLlI1dry. City references. TR. house, flat or apartment on E. reasonable; also 0111'1'01' and PIC-I .-.------.------. healel'. Exeellf'nt condltJon. Iage Homes. Mrs. Root. VAlIe~' LOrraine 7-5025. I9-PETS 1-5558. tures. Call TUxedo 5-342:1. . EUREKA Vacuum Cleaner. good HOseville 5370-W. 2-~437. -----.- .--.---- .---- 1-PUBLIC NOTICES Side. GE. 6677. __ condition. 51"7.50. NI. 0355. ' -- ROY AL OAK FENCE LAUNDRY done in my home, 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE-flat LINClLEUM REMNANTS --- --.-.------HJ47 BurCK super convertible, 14--REAL ESTATE WANTED Charter Suses tor Ali large 1 a un d ri e s preferred. . G RIFLE, WinehesteJ, model 52, excellent condition, sell or trade CO. or apartment 10 or near rasse OR S 00 SpOrler. with scope, $50. Call for light '46 or '47. or what have WANTED TO BUY-from owner Occasions Pick. up and ldeJiver on Satur- Pointe Park for family of adults tv1UMF D' FL NI. 4947. YOII. Call HIckory 4160. small 2 or 3 bedroom hOllse in "OVER FORTY YEARS day. TU. 2.3196. R DELUXE MOTOR STAGES Mr. William Johnson, Con- COVERING --- .. ------_ ----- Grosse Pointe. Write Box 1'..140 f Chir.~gc ~,3.80 St. Louis $6.37 NURSE, retired nurse. aged 38. as troller Grosse Pointe Park. VA i 9-PIECE solid oak dining suite, 12-AUTOS WANTED Grosse Pointe News. 0 2-6200, Evenings TU 1.4362. '116127 E. Warren NIagara 0446 walnut cofIee lahle. Make an QUALITY FENCING" . los Arlgeies $~4,74 child's nurse or ladies com. ---- " ofTer. Call after 5 p.m. MUrray NICE CLEAN convertible by pri- PURCHAS~-~.;~ii-I~ti~ panion by hour or week. Splen. "','ILL 1505 C.'m "I R~'JI~,! I(~" !Hi BUSINESS !\!AN de~irc5 5 Qr {) ,CLOCI(S' CLOCKS CLOCKS: 2H36. ~,,'atc party. Has the ca:;h. VE. Grosse Poinie Farms Il'om own. Fe{"i(:es Erected fer Rc~identi~'r did references, TR. 3-7197. :1' I room residence b~ May 1 or We Gi~e Free Repair Service ------6-B3911. cr. Write Box K-l00 Grs. Pte, Industrial Irls!itulions 1A-PERSONALS & LIGHT COLORED woman wishes sooner. Grosse Pomte or War. REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator. -- - News. Free Estimlltes i len-Harper section. east of for ~:~gth o~ guarantee on all good condition, £75. 5 cubic ft. WANTED: '36.'39 Ford convert- day work, laundry and clean- I CONVALESCENT HOME Beaconsfield 3 adults. Excel!- clock, ,old by u,. TU. 2-5729. ible. Call ROseville 1933.W. 19":'-PETS WEbster 3.6880 ing. References. LO. 7.4274. Recent opening of a beautiful home for Chrollic Bed Patients. ' :~~n~~::racJ~~i~~~t bt~;ncdr~'~:~ I ~~~;~i~c!~t~;~~ S~~~'~; 26:;-B~Y~-BTCYCLF.:I:~nnish-;d-, ---MAC-CHAR ~ES-== ORA Y ANGORA CAT - ~~ith B634 ~~t~li~~ AVE. Paralytics. C"rdiars, Fraclure. Pomte 21 years. VE. 9.'2030. '13234 Kerchnval VA)Je 2-3(j45 exec 1f:nl condition. $30. Call I white feel, Ie,s than year old. __ . . _ HOURLY AID v Hospital Con\'ale,cents or tho,e. ------I ~ " TU. 2-2403 evenings. Your Friendly Auto Dealer Would like to p1:lce in gOOrl GROSSE POINTE needing a complete rest cure, THREE or Four bedroom house I Open d:ilY ti~_~:.c:~~ed l\~~n_~~'~ ------.-- PAYS MORE CASH home. Call NIa, 31,47. 24 hour Nursing Service, Staff Wm. K. William; or terrace in Grosse Pointe, to' A-~l-R'EFRIGERATOR, recondi. LARGE mangel fOI thlt work. ----.--.---. ----. ------LAWN OV SHOP . lease imml'diately: good ref'i \ioned. Makes nice Ea5ter gifl. Warr!lobl' !nmk, girl's hicyele. FOn YOUR CAR BLACK COCKlm, pedigrcc'c1, 2 Physician Oil rall. Reasona ble Supplie~ M ER Rates. Phone New Baltimore crenccs. Hcnry MC1ll'er, Tu., Several to rhoo,e from, Gen. _~iI~_~~~~._ .~II ~Iakes up 10 1918. Buyer will call __ :.~:!:::.~In,~~~~._.~~~:2-?:)~l.:_ H~nd ond POWN lawnmower, 7-lilJ. 2-8i33. . I eral Refrigerator Service. TU. ------.. -::::..==:::::::==--= COCKEH SPANIEL, pedigreed, Ever'.,1 ~:;nci of Domestfc As~is;once I 9 ARTICLES WANTED 12876 E JEFFERSON ~horr~r.ed dnd ret')~ired ----_ .. - 'B"P:ANCH-iIA,-\TAGEli' ~f-N~ii-~~~ 2-3936. 3033 Marlboroug 1. - • 6 mos. house bmken, honey i ~ .' , " U~~~~~:e;~/!.~)I,~ :i,,:"~:~l~~~~l ,1; \'le!; a. competent wom('n 10 i :>; Corp .. wife. no children or FOR-;;"bclt~~;~;d~-~f -~~ed f;';~G-As--(iRcui.~TIN6-.h;.rt;;:, 2 Blocks E. of Hudson Plant color, $20. 1)4" Nottingham, T'j(~kllp nnd Delivery face, arms, legs, eye brows, ~c I for children. pets. Desire I or 2 bedroom un- nitul'e see Nealway Furniture. large enough for] or 2 rooms, VAlley 1.5150 TU. 2-7090. i C D'EUX hai,!ines, Doctors' reference" furnished apartment. Local rcf- 13930 Kercheval. We always must he in excellent condition. _ REG1STERED--;;,-~I~-~c~tii~~io. 4150 A I Ann Stevemon, 7-1I Book Bldg., Call N IAGAR A 0792 erences. Will lease and redec- have the things YOll are look- Call TUxedo 2-3739. EAST SIDE family wants clean mos. old. TU. 5.0069. i TUXEDO 1-2029 RA. 4842, orate. VE. 7.4266. ing lor. VAlley 2.2115. 'IlJGH GRA-D'E;-;~~~~d;~~~.-h~~ct I fami'j car from p~iv~t_ party. ------..------'- I ------,- .. - --- .-- 1---,----.------c ..------'---'- ... ---- 1 : Will pay cash. VEmce 9-)431. COLLIE, male, ]1 months, bedu- i 21 b-Rug Service 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE s.-:ARTICiES-FOR-SAi-E--; PERMANE~T execu~ive, with DOUBLE Deep Free;:c. TUxedo m':.{ e lceds, pre-war model. NI.. tlfut color, sahle and M'hllc, 1 . __ ------large national organizatIon de. 2-9659. 48/2, ! 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE pedigrl?ed. AKC registereo., PLACE OHDF:RS EARLY. Cind. sire~ 5 room unfurnished hou~e ..---.------.------' Will make ideal ]o;"stcr gilt. VA. II ('I'" flat: r{lad gravel: fill scell~rl';ou> Artic!es wifE', naughter 7. Cilll RAn. -.----- repoir ~1I moles of sewing rr",c~ines, dolph 2646. , ANTIQUES-Seth Thomas Chime FOR INFORMATION CALL Hc!i'€ ;', Ol)on Fran', 2 10 5 A!terr,oon; Eycep! 5:r,dr." 1---. I clock, Hanging plaque model of or by Appointmen,s in the Evening GRS, PTE, FARMS policeman i First Freighter on Great Lakl's, JOHN HERDEGEN SINGER SEWIN~ MACHINE CO. 1051 AUDUBON and wife desire 11at, a partment suitable for recreetion room, VA. 2-39S~ or ~mall hOllse. ~ast Side. Call Hand painted gardinere (Lim- 13131 E. JEFFERSON CIlII Nlogorll 4022 morning' Jim Rohl'l' Is, Niagara 2100 or ogcs). brass umbrella stand. Between Lenox orld Drexel NIagara 8813. Evenings. TUx. 2.2i27.

,.' I

« i Thursday, March 25, 1948 GROSSE POINTE NEWS______....Page~'_."...... Twenty.One.~-~ _ ...-.-4 CLASSIFIED ADS

21b~~:t:n~::~;;:Page 20) I~1~~~~7~~!1L:~::r:ini,,"~dI ~\~~\-i,I~~~~~~~:~~,hi;r~\S!il~G-11~t~:--~::~;;~~~E~l~~~~~E:~VING : ------ELECTRIC BLANKETS, lale la- I -StOi"lll'; tuken down, Sl'!C("'" Moth hole'S. eigarettet burns,: CARPETS and LINOLEUM hie coyers, dt'apes, chenille bed- hllng, a\\'nln~, >IT\"l(('rI. "ie, nps .md tecH'S in all materials. ,spread", bl.mkets and slip('over., competent. eOIIlI,'ous \\' hit (' Alterations all women's and LAID & REPAIRED ALL WORK GUAHi\NTEED men, \-Alley 4-~170, 0:' LIncoln men's clothing, Rl'linings all STAIR CARPET SHIFTED PICKUP AND Df-L1VERY 2-.1704, ._ \\'(H'k gllaranteed. 70 W. Alex- ji P:ngree 4347 WtNDOW CLEA:'il":G, storm a!H1 allder TEmple 2.3220, CALL ------SLT('ell ;'('ll'Jet', BrOOKS Wlll' ------, ARLI NG TON 0642 21 e-Custom Corsets do\'.' ('1(',11('1', HL~7 Gra.\', V i\. ['att~' Briggs fur and dress de. --.------2-:JI~4 signer. alteratiuns of \\'.'men's SPENCE;R COHSETS______apparel, fur repairing, remod. IMMORTALS I It l, bC'\ll'l' to ,,,lIft'l ,,::nng than The Elliotc torr.ln"d.1 I • By Jack Sords INDIVIDUALLY de,igned. Dress' Storm windows emoved, sCI-eens ellng, Excellent \\'orkmansillp, i to do H, and happi','!' tu ht.' ~{Jn1C" Su\"ku

CARPETS and Surgical garments, O\'er and awnmgs hung. Estllnates 395!J Ila\'erhill, Tux,do 2-1822. I 'l i11',.~ d',i']tl,d t!~;ln !\l't \~I t t",I;;\.- T.a'l( ('(JIl1"llh.a1l11O r;pn, .-\ct'tinc

13 yea" experience. Maude freely gIven on wall WaSlll!lg. jjJi-f:SS~AKiNG _ all('rati~~-;;; S"IH;!t'j JI11l11.";CI!L ..._.. _ ..__ .. ,1.-',') r~~r.,U r:"'ao CLEANED and REPAIRED .. _.. Gi',l,:;,~. !,'l~!"(. :ir ,\1:('[iii!'3n Bannert. 3fjH McKinley, Grosse' HAt't:S Wi,'JUOV/ l~LE,A,~iii,G ,m;' sewing screens or<) W/cir,g:, etc. complete service. C. L. Ed.1 and DECORATING 16127 E. WARREN VAlley 2-5159 NIagara 0446 V~~:~,~i~~I\l~~~ 5~~;;~:.C::1:s;,E:,~x:::~:1~:RVICE I '1'RA,/rJoi<. !-lAD A I.\Fe- : A. C. HOUK, decorilting and FREE E',T Ii,,1A TES TUNING. repainng, refinis!ting,! l.Me- MAJOl< 1.~6uiS- painting, interiot' and exterior Scout 21" Cut 2'-P.-d' R-'--- I and 1l10.thD.lDof.ing. PLaza 2025.: I3A-1""l'lI>lE1A\le:RA6€- OF Wall paper removed. We;.F'GA-( 14 4HD A~,o 1,001 _KerclH'\'al_~1 Alcx<,lnder Landscape Co. VA1- It" 1110 St:nnf't: 7248, B to 7 p,m. ~o~o St=l New Lamps ing, pat('h plastering, caulkirg. You'll Save Work personally handled ilnd ~~'~1l.1~~~_£t~1(;1:5/~~.llltUIe 11'-, GARDE~ndSERVICE -E-liz-a~'~t-h-~:~~-~--J~-r-~~eHonoroGuest at Shower VASES and guaranteed. Free est i III ate. STATUeS Loutz, VA 21123 days; VA 4- 21r-Cement______Work f General Clean;ng and Trimming, ,Mrs. Paul Jerome of ------Bedford r C. La\\'\encc J(,lomes, of Roch- on Services Moto-Mower 416B evenings. BRICK and "ement work. Re- Ferii';zing, Top Dres;;ng, road and Mrs. Ralph Netting of i ester who will marry \V;llIen Sizl's 19" to 7I" pair and new. Drive\\'ay~. Ga- Roi:irlg, Grass Cuiling Lincoln road were co.ho,tesses i Charles Slout. also of Ro{'he~I('r, rendered by WIRED FOR YOUR Sprinf: Painling and ral(e, rat wall, basement floors, "NO JOB TOO LARGE OR Satlll'day at a luncheon and kit-l at an April :1 Cl'l'(>mony in Chlist Th~ best In Powt'l" La~,'nT1lowrrs. decorating ('alt TU. 1.4;'21, free porches, steps, ex c a vat i n g. TO Stv\,A,LL' chen shower at the Grosse Pointe: Chulch, Cran1>I'ook, Appliance Re- A Quality .)[achine for Twenly" N estimate. these Depend Nlnfl l"can. BilllS, State licensed Estimates free. VA. 1-9239. NT. 2634 Free estimate. Call TU. 2-4251. Goebel Construction Co. VEnice ------Dick Franzen is chairman of ______• --. 9-0,49. GROSSE POINTE the "Juke Box Jamboree" to be given Saturday evening by the LANDSC PE SERVICE 2;~:';:~;; EL;~T~ICiskop j t!!;). , A lInior cl'O\\'d of the Grosse Pointe Re-upholstering - He-styling REPAIRS 0l Experienced i'l Pruning heir. and Yilcht Club. . Earle Richards Servl.ce I 152A3 M,LIG ELECT ~IC . 't dC knear La.epotnte E.,.c;limate!J Given Free 1I.,fjERiOR and EXTERIOR Ornament!!1 Trees and Shrub,. I The club's newly-decorated f()'- 20)91 :\!ado: J\\'e., In Ihe Woods in you!' Hom~ Erdose front or rear porc~e;, Landscap:ng and Mainfenance i castle will be the scene of the 'dance. The bowling alley is to 10 DAY SERVICE kitchen cabnet5. recreation moons, Niagara 4921 bl' open (or dancers who want to edt i~ rooms, .renlode~i ng. ~ PrQm pr Custom Built Furniture ------sand\\'ich jn a fc\\~ gan)es. and rc. serVice, gooo wod.ma nsh ip. IltmNTE Cl~e~~~~,~Jr!L~~LOnS_~_ Slip Covers • .Drapes En joy ,Tas ty ~~~~~m;~rt_s_w_il_l_b_e_,,_-_(a_ilabteal a! ,'I en's and l.adil's' Suits Tailored To OrdH VA, 2.3040 Allcra tions, Helining. Cleaning alill Pressing orEN EVENINGS S, F. BARBER 20380 Np'hit\ r'Jlagar/l 6784 A \'I'ide selection 01 !.rl.brics f'j, 14931 EAST JEfFERSON, at City Limits (lod pa1lrrllS Ice Creams GAR:\GE-porch('~. spale' and ;;t- : Fred ;\l, Schuman Estahlished 1925 Open Eves. 'till 7:00 UpholsterinJ:' Imp rove Look .\C" tic rOnITI'::; hilill or repaired. Ex~ : Tn } • Compan)' pert wmkmamilip. Phone KI., Pincapple Mint Ice Cream 14322 MACK at Chalmers 2~i;D. : (Automatic Refrigerillor) Of Kitchens VA, 2-4670 Y A. 2.5534 ______1 Dis.'olve one rennet tablet by In Grosse Pointe Woods It's 21t-Dressmaking crushing- in one tilhlespoon ('otd .: -_._------_._-"~--_._-" _ .._--~-_.. _,_ ...__ ._- . . .. \',<1tl'r. 1\1ix two cups light eream. For a very small 1Jlvestment, I EXCLCSIVE Alt('ra1ions hy Ma- ':1 ('up s\Jf:aJ" I~ ('up COrll sirup, I the homemaker car. change the ALL S!~~~~~~lI, ~1~O~)~~T~~~R ~~~ SAKE rie Stephens. AI,o furs 13327 'I teaspoon mint extract and few l appe,Hilnce of one major room- • ~!~~ We Do Welding Mack Ave., Cor. Roslyn Rd. Kercheval. Vl\llcy ,1-0(}~3, drops green food cololing (if de- ! the kitchen. I Ii if~sglass. .. ~ireri). Warm slowl;', stirring I' That iJl\~5ttnent ii; in new shelf Insulate/ con,l;intly. Tl'st a dl()p on in-. paper, \\h\ch IS plentIful thIS I Furniture tops. shelving, mirrors •.• stOCK ~ ~4 ....._ •• : ...... , sick of wrist frl'quenlly. WI1<>n' year. Picking out,hclvmg p;;prr dnd cuslom made. Repairing of ieaded ,: ';l, II lllC 11111 .. "''' ••• cnmfortably \\arlll (llU deg, F,) is like selecting nrw w~1l P,11'('l SAVE FUEL CHAS. POWLESLAND KENNELS glass, mirrored furniture. compacts and not hll\, lemo\'e al once flom fnr thr. li\'ing rnOln, matf'rial for Bt;TWF,E:-O U:-;COI.:"O A;\;D FISHER ROADS small accessories. he;IL Add dissolvf'd rennet tah- I bed\'O"11l drapes or ne"- furniture let and 51ir quickly for r" v/,:-,:r i: r:"j' ~\'I::.,::;ry. AND GUARANTEED ! Phone TY. 5-9210 INSTAllED BY YOUR R£GISTEREO BOOO Linwood A\, cilll it h01\' ground. C£lOTEX /lPPllCATOR J. C. Kinggo & Son T!'lf' s,dl \\h{'l'~ fir5t thl'\' Iron, DEPENDABLE The\' h~\'(~ jell un;;t~l~erl, "Il:;t Landscape Service Co. 'th!'!f' llw\' fOllnd--- STAFFAN Shingle Roofs VA.. 2-7749 Ot. 3541 Frf'cciom to \~'O"hlP God, Grosse Pointe -F"lieiil D. HtnFll\.' Phone Today for free Survey FOR SnORT T111E WE WtLT. Electric NI~gara 4385 INSULATION COR OIL YOUR ROOF "rl~~&'III\S I~l'II~N~I'? C~II Day or Nigh! 14346 Kercheval ,\I ('h.,lrTII'rIii I. \ rill n::;... \V c call solt'c your 1,)"oblclll Free Estimates VA, 2.5654 '11-. "/''\ UNDER REGULAR 100/0 PRICE. ACT NOW! ROTO-ROOTER WE 11\\'1: 4,000 G ..\ T.1,O:-;S WITII rum CREOSOTE Electric Sewer Cleaning Pumps Are Our Business . Now is a good time to have that Cnlldr Drain, Sump, or GENERAL HOME MAINTENANCE "We Succeed Wilen Others Fojj" Bilge Pump made lil:e new, Also flooded basements rump~d. C ALL ~O. 7.5610 Loaners installed while repairs are being m~dc. Pick up and If No Answer Call CH. 6232 deliver if desired. All work fully guaranteed. Quid Service. '.,~ DOETSCH BROS, Inc. t "r~ r ~'n Rl'''lIlt~ (;.I1~T:lI'" r ...l"' GORDON'S PUMP SERVIC.E ~;n CI1:HJ::t. 3675 E. VERNon HWY, On stn;l!" P. P. GRACE lIt1m('~ VA. 2.7396 563 LYCASTE HI. 0164 484 CONNER VA.2.1619


----~---~---_...... _------~------~------l ....

Page Twenty.Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS . T~ursday, March 25, '1948 * * * * Feature Page * * * to catch each of her tears, and 1,------,' * Pointer of Interest she is obliged 10 mourn until ,,'ho, where and fl'hatnoi she has filled the bottle to the brim. Good Tas~e By whooziJ CHINATOWN VISITOR Favorile Recipes Where has he acquirerl lhis 0/ PERSONAL APPEARA~rES collection? Mr. Tobin. who op' People in The Ktlow (Florida f:dition) erates the R. R. Tobin Tobaeco f/J-Gt'nte Comp8ny in Delroit, "head.~ for 1'------1 I MRS. C. HENRY BUHL attended a recent house dance at I Chinatown anytime I'm in a Contributed b)' Hobe Sound in strapless. mist.',' :>'1"110\1' starched organdie I large city." While some of his Mrs. Edgar H. Gal!oll'a)' Counter Points .Ireasurt'd items have been gifts. SALAD DRESSING dotted in large black discs. The skirt was full and ankle JANE SCHERMERHORN length. A wide midriff of black taffeta distinguished the -I'he himself hns collected nlOst of ~/J cup granulaled sugar frock with which she wore her ell'.ga'lt topaz jewelry. lnci. • the several hundred pieces In 2 tsp. catsup Tbose ladies of .It/amour who follow the beauty edicts oj Miss his home. 1 dentally. Mrs. B. is affecting one of the new look hair cuts .•• : Ii! cup vinegar l:lizabeth Ardell will bold 011 10 tbejr carter bOlluets tIIld rIIsh Reading Chinese history il1ter- cap effect, very short and soft! . I ested 1\'11'. Tobin in Oriental juice of 1'2 lemon right Ol'er to SCII ETTLER'S on l'isber roat! tvbm we tell Ihem philosophy. and from there he tsp. salt there's a s.p.e.c-i.a-l all Ardell clellsillg cream. :. . * .. II< branchc'd out into Chinese car\'- 2 tsp. paprika Because tbe bome of glamour Ol'erstocked rm war lillie j,II'S, \\IRS. GEORGE O. JOIlNSTON d3nced at the same smart func-! ings which emuody the ancienl 1 cup Mazola oil Ardell is oDel'illg )'011 ber deasing Cl'eam packed ill tbese jars jar t1on, (given by Mrs. Wilson Wing of Providence) in a while eyelel' teaehings. The sayings of Con- 2 cloves of garlic Embroidered organdie frock worn over turquoise taffela. i\nkle fueius impressed him so deeply Add a little celery seed. S2 illStead of tbe mual $3. Tbe cream is exactly the sallie as packed 1~ngth and designed with the \'eddy 19~8 )lush ed-up sleeves, the that one oC his packaged tobac- Keep in refrigerator. ;'1 110st war COlltaillers and for YOllr two dollars )()fl get eight full I;own was banded at the waist in a huge wide turquoise lalreta sash co, bears a quotation from the oUllcer. This great bargain may be had stllrtillg Mal'ch 29 (Ile:.:t which ended in a large, loose bow at the back. Showell of( her Chinese wise man. 1- MOllday) al SCHETTLER'S 011 Fisher road. smooth sun tan. Two large book.ends on 1\11'. /? f' I Tobin's ofTice desk portray an Lonu'ng. eAten j * * * • Oriental man seated with a pair To the genl1.emen: You are really missing the Easter boat if you of dogs. These, he explains, are haven't called PASELK, the Grosse Pointe florist. and given you!' MRS. HAROLD R. B01'ER. • glimpsed af Ibe E!'erglad~J Fri. Mal'. 26 ... Showing of a commercialized Corm of the order for Her Easter posies. AJJ types of corsagE's from single. Clllb Circus Ball. , • ;11 a betH'ell/y sofl pillk lare {;al gowl1 art, made by Philippine moun- Rose Bowl movies under auspices smashing orchids to quaint Colonial nosegays ... besides an elegant splashed, sparillgly, witb pi11k crystal pail/etes. Of] tbe sboulder. tain tribesmen at the behest of f>f Optimisls Club in Neighbor. tbe goum bad mt-otIJ medallions of tbe lace formillg tillY s/eel'es. American manufacturers. hood Club •.. 6:30 p,m. variely of cuI flowers and Easler Sunday plants, Jot this number down right now .•. for Howers at Easter and every see.son it's The jfill, gored skirt fell to Ibe floor ill graceflll folds. With bel' YALm; SOARS • Sat.. Mar. 27 •.• Bake s'lle by PASELK, Nt 8~24. ,adiallt dark good looks-dramlltic! Because importations from Mothers' Club of Sf. Joan of Arc China were held up during the .... >i< School. in school auditorium, * war, the value of the Tobin col- * • * Mack avenue. Slmls at 2 p.m. r MRS. ROBERT MARTIN ... dining with friends in Palm Beach lection has increased greatly in Tbe Easter Bunn)' has made TITUS DRUGS his headquarters for . . Easter candies and gifts this year! Gilbert.s fam'l.us chocolates, in • , •. '.lnd looking soignee in a Carnegie afternoon frock. Extremely recent years. Today, Mr. Tobin Tuesday, Mar. 30 . • • Men's simple, the gown had a ~oft blue background for navy scroll tracings. is in quest of a book which' will Jlost war lushness. have arrived in one and two pound boxes. For I tell him the complete history Club of Pointe Methodist Church the hard candy fans, there's another delicious assortment. Easter The tracings and the neckline were outlined in iridescent blue to meet in Virgit L. Wa'ling -Pielmc by Fred Rllnnell. behind each of the carvings he baskets will make your dimpted darlings pound lheir paddies in glee sequins. Wispy sleeves. Great chic. RlClIAIlD R. TOBIN OF B,\LFOUR ROAD owns. horne, 327 Kerby road to hear Dr. Shurley Johnson of Central and Titus also lias Easter baskets with gHis for adults. TITUS sug. ... B)' Killy Camey "The Chinese artist puts in the gests you remember your wife, mother or sweelheart at EilStCI' with • An interest in history which naturally led him to study wood carving the character of Methodist Church ... 8 p.m. some of the lovel;.- perfumes and cosmetics from Chancl, Elizabeth PILFERINGS philosophies of various countries is responsible for his unusual the person," Mr. Tobin explains. • • Arden or Rubenstein (many arc Easter gift packaged). A special Bennet CerI on Samuel Goldw)'n: Oriental art collection, believes Richard R. Tobin. "Fol' instance I have figures of Mar. 31 and April 1 ... "The "G ld ts t fl' ht k' f h' d '11 Carvings. mostly of Chinese'------the goddess of love and the god- New. Y_?U" uy Fe?eration of Wo- hint too, to Easter shoppers, be sure to see the snappy combination o wyn wan op Ig men wor mg or 1m an ','11 pay dess of sin. The moment you men s l-Iubs, MUsle Hall. matinee compact and cigarette case, a chic accessory for Madame's new Spring any price to get them. He is responsible for the presence oC some of' teak:'lool~ in, dark b.rown and those which he considers exqui- know what the carving repre- I and evening each day. Vera Zor- handbag, tf ever we've seen one. In gotd or silver tones (no luxury the worJd's greatest authors in HoJJywood. One of his eariiest im. black. all" dIsplayed m a large site pieces arc a tiny dragon a sents you can see that the artist! wa to appear. tax!) the compacts and cases come in many dilJerent sizes ami btylcs. niche ne.ar lhe entrance haJJ of water buffalo, and a fishernla' n. has c'll'aracterl'zed the goddess ex'. • • • portations was Maurice l\laeterlinck. '1 know you don't understand tl T b h A I t All this Easter thoughl at TITUS on Kercheval. l? 0 marne., arge goa - The fine Jines on the back of ' Thurs" April 1 . . . POI'nte picture technique,' Goldwyn assured him, 'You don't have to. Just go skm pan I f 0 Tibet form th actly' . e l' m . ~ I" the water buffalo he asserts are . Branch of American Association ... home and write your greatest book over in the form of a scenario. backdrop fo[' .these pnzed pIeces cOlnpal'able to th'ose on. a 'steel Mr. Tobin slresses, however. f * .. , of the c'olJectlon. ,_ the difference bel ween a carving 0 University Women to meet in 1 don't care how long it takes you, engravmg The Chinese fisher. 'd . d home of Mrs. Emil Dauch. 729 HA WTHORNE HOUSE'S deservedly famous Easter Lamb Cakes "Some weeks later Maeterlinck came back with the finished This is the same picture panel a I . . I' l' d t IJ by an expenence artIst an one B df d d t 8 T "d (N d I' . before which the Buddhist monks m n cans upon us s en 1'1' s ~ ' by a student. "After you've been I' or roa a p.m. alk by I' are once more In our ml st. These cunning A D I' ICIOUS) cakes script. pray, says 1\11'. Tobin. In facl. but the rod ha~ not be~n In. collecting. you can tell at a Representati\'e Henry Gage, Hus- are used by Pointe hoslesses to. center their Easter tables as well <1~ .. 'Now we'll see something.' beamed Goldwyn. and took it into i the N"tional Geographic Maga- ~erted betwe~n hiS handS-It also I glan"e whether an accomplished bands welcome.' for Easter dessert. Usually, the Lamb Cakes have a spice body and his sanctum sanctorum. Two minutes later he rushed out tearing! zine in an issue some months IS earved With th~ rest of the aI'tist has made the figure." he . .••• then are covered with coconut frosting, giving a fluffy, wooly effeel his hair. ago carried an article on Tibet figU~e from the solitary b.lock of Isays. Likewise, "fake" carvings. slaFnrdl.,cApnl 2 .•• WXYZt's pB.and-1 with eyes, nose and ears especially contrived in some contrasting with. pages oC color leproduc- woo. which are made in the United aravan commg 0 Jerce . , _ . _ . "'My God,' he screamed, 'the hero is a bee!'" lions. Hanging in one of the"an- TilE ORIENTAL TOUCH Siates and sold as imports. can School under auspices of Pierce frost mg. ThiS year. I.. addlllOn to th~ spice lambs there will be cient Bud,lhist temples pictured The Oriental touch is not lim. be detected by the collector. PTA. Ross Mulholland. M.C. Fun I chocolate cake lambs. Take your chOIce bul hurry, for these are * * was a replica of the goatskin ited to one niche in the Tobin Besides liking Oriental art, for teen-agel's. I made special and come In either large or small size. Order one today Punch says: hand painting which is on the home. hDlVe\'er. Inside the front Mr. Tobin is an ardent baseball and don't forget that HAWTHORNE HOUSE will serve a bountiful "Members of an Esse." women's Institute had a competition to wall of his loom. . hall stands a carved teakwood fan. Right now he has a hobby April 9 •.• School Secretnries' Easter Dmner this Sunday. complele with the delicacies of the decide who could whistle the shrillest note. The winner disclosed ORIENTAL CARYINGS chest lined with eamphor wood. which is far removed both from annual benefit card party to buy season. from 12:20 to 8 p. m. that she had concentrated her thoughts on the current price of every- Dragons, war dogs, Oriental A. teakwood book raek, hand the Orient and baseball. Around Items needed by veterans in Ma- ... thing." deities and men are among the painted pictures of dragons. man. the yard he has planted 410 rose- rine Hospital. Pierce Junior High • '" * ... * delicately carved figures in the i darins. carvings of Ming horses bushes. including over 60 varie. School. B p.m. A/ld nail' aboul Ibe Easler YOU •• , highly recomll1e/lded are The New York Times tells about an applicanl ior a Federal Job Tohin collection. The striking ,\and tiny jade figures adorn the tics of roses. and he's 'hard at ------I r fact about each of these works house. work each Saturday in prepara- toe W" .ilL' ON PIERCE GROSSE POINTE BR/INCH sllits who wrote this on her Civil Service form: of art is that whether it is a An antique dinner bell and tion for the heautiful rose display APTITUDE TESTS pointed-lip Il'ith O'le of Ihe stll1wil1g alligator, lizard or kid bags "1 was princi.palof a two room school and I taught all the sub- foot high or 'only a couple of gong which graced some man- which graces the Tobin home en.ble YOU 10 learn the kind of whic!J hat'e jllsl arrived (/-rJ-t'-e.d a gray alligator bag. , • a dashing jects in the upper four grades. I also fixed the furnace, swept the inches, it has been carved from darin's home once, upon a time. each summer. work "OU ran besl succeed In. or red lIZard number •.• and a bal1dsotJIe nal"Y kid). rloor, fixed the fences. carried the water and washed the windows. It a single block of wood. and a ~iny tear :,ase are o,ther With his ~if~ and daughter, ~~fIO~~n'!F;; ';~~d~~'d ~:~~e;,hb~'l~' . was a very intelleclual undertaking and the main thing I learned Some 0 f t h I" carvings. may t ak e.. prJzed Items Behind the bCJew. - P a.,t M r. T 0b m live s at 1246 Bal - an d ~i,Is.) Aboul tbe sllits, 1f/,tiT-TON PIERCe is SbOII,il1;"" a fascillating the art.ist as iong as six or nine eled brass tear vase is a unique four road. Pat is known in the YOC,\TJOXAL COUN8ELlXGo and eDectil'e IMI'.!' sheer wool jllmper (witb great medallion ill th~ was never to do it again." months, so intricate is the detail story. In its spoon-shaped top. metropolitan area for her work nalllpi I~S'~~~,T ~~Ireclor r'er)' front center) wom with a long sleu'ed wbite silk blouse arid .------, work, MI'. Tobin states. Among the Chinese widow is supposed in radio and television. 956 ;\Iacc.bces Bld~ TE. 1-1551 II trim bolero. The holero is lined i,l spicy red. Tbe ob.SQ.good

:1a(Jol'iliJmj (J fJ .s bt~ c It p ::"::'; :.:~':':.=-~i;:.'~h.J:.'/~:J;i;;;ig":.::'b~'tr:.:!j,:;-:';:': ,i,idly,in Iwo. I {/"unior eJ...eafjue CJ'i er:1' 0 umn *an:JI~;~~R~~e.;;,~rs * Nelli, long slips strai[;ht from fashion heallt!n hal'e arr;I'cd Of Call TUxedo 2-85U I in time 10 git'e a smooth alld louly hacking for Jour Easter finery. I Candid PhOlo. 0' Wedding. Saw tbem in white It'itb da;,uv hlue binditlg at hem, blue imets TRANCE she went into her trance her They cover the whole sky. The Re.~~~a~;rll~~tes al lop •.• also blue with white trim alld lJeddy. Frellcby pil1k b" very voice changed and her thick world is dark and full of fear i with blue. J alcoholic bass became a very and grief. The STORM is break- I Mary Fiske Bryant clear and pleasing voice. She ing." Then, gradually the dem- The WAtTON Pll3RCE jewel box is etlcballtil1g with a great Book "Tomorrow Is Forever" "I hate to ask you to work at spoke in poetry, prese, or blank onstrations stopped and in a calm Racquets collectioll of new note jewels .•• wbite mist a'ld blue mist mOOlI- , .. . -llight. but this woman is under verse, and it seemed that more sweet voice a poem came forth Restrung stones! Tbere are fobs, oDly smart with SIIIls Ibis SP";l1g. "'001l- Author :: \Val\\ Ick Deepll1g contract with her publisher not than one spirit was trying to get to the effect that everything was 12-Hour I stolle and gold pitH. Earrings alld ,recklaees IISillg the misty stOlle.!. Play "Life \Vith Father" to go into a trance wilhout a into the act. II'Iuch of the mono- wonderfut now. ';AII the agony Service I Trifari treamres (aile a pill fOYl/ted like a grJld j1rJ/L'crpot with Actress :Helen Haves i stenographer there to take Ndown logue. however, was in old Eng- hanaddthbeeesnono'~e.lalnd\,~ohrethdargkoJ1lensgS coral store j10wers dallglillg.) Also IF AT-TON PlT'.RCE haJ Ha/fie T .. every word she says" Mr. eet- lish and Miss Rand had the feel.y y C ., . I d l - k d . l ' J. Actor \\ alter Huston ing had explained to his secre- ing she was taking down a pseu- through to earn and deserve thisarllegle s rNlle co ore. r ~lIlestolle lIee ',ace all earrlllgs W JlC ~ Movie "The Thin Man" series tary that his wife was giving a do Shakespearian play in short- perfect happiness, this beautiful )'011'/1 Wlwt immediately for your OW".. jewel bo.>;. :Mov~e Actress "~ ~lyrna LOIy . ;~~~~r i\~~~~~r at~d b~a~he:~k~~ ~~~d h~~d l~:fa~nt~~esft~n ti~~1~ ~~~. ;~: ~~1~t~g.ha~ndif~~~. ~I~~ Complete * MOVIe Actor \\ Ilham Powe 11 entct.tain her guests. nnly to find strange woman, feeling sure she here" Spring (it's here!) ••• romance ••• wClldings. And may we step Radio Program Hour of Charm Ilhat her regulnr secretary was was a fraud of some kind, al- Miss Rand was glad she had Baseball Equipment : right up and say JACOBSON'S, here at the Pointe, supplies every- of Radio Entertainer ({) Molly McGhee i out\f town.. h' th t 't though quite an actress. nlaoutghgi\a'eSnsn.\\e.a~e~~:\?e;~~~II~~t~~ thing for the wedding ideal, with the possible l'xeeption of the blush- •. . I tel assunng 1m a I was The group became restless FISHING ing bridegroom. RadIO Entertamer (m) JlmmY Durante perfectly all dght. Miss Rand after an hour or so of this spurt- book because a great sob came See Ihe new :\I~nury Minnow Commentator Lowcll Thomas went back to her desk and sat ing kind of talk. jumping from from the girl who had given YOU must supply the bridegroom but Jacobson's Jessica Chariot, tl t' t ememher what d ., the name as she rushed out of Golf t\l1 Meat Columnist .waIter Lippmann s~~rekn~~~~n;ho~t rFaith Windsor. ~~~~~ ~Otr~~~:.'o/~ot. ets~;Jf;~c;:;~ the room weeping uncontrollably. and lIi11's Dog Food secretary of the new and really wonderful hl'idal salon, carries on Cartoon Hazel Her curiosity prompted her to an was sensitive to her audience, Her husband followed her. The from there. A II the details of a charming \yedding are ofT your pretty Cartoonist Peter Arno buy the book by that name on and at the end of a poem became rest of the party.learned that shoulders ••• and onto I\lissie C's. P t I N I hel' way home that evening. The her own unattraetive self again. the name, "James Short." was With a great deal of imagination plus many )'ears of experience oe . 0 ?c en as 1 preface surpri"ed her. It sairl She told the party that if the name of her father, who had MUSIC ,Llght Opera that Faith Windsor had been "n someone would give her the committed suicide five months Mis.s Chariot not only takes over the delails of the bride's s;own amI those or the entire bridal party but is cven prepared (0 semI out )'our Song : "I'll GE't By" English girl who had lived in name of a "loved one" she would banefdorethhaetr .•bllaebYh'~dadnbacmencdbohrenr' wedding invilati

Game u •••• "The Gan1c" ; had been killed by Indians while pic mcnlionf'c1 ncunes, mostly ------will need for that divine locale you've chosen Cor )'our wedding trip. ! lOG KF.RClIEVA(" TU. 1-5262 Sport Tennis 'slill\'l'ry young .. The] prefdace just Arst names, nnd out came HOUSEHOLD INT Grosse Pointe Farms . ('xpl;uned Ihat a simp e line u- a little poem whlcll everyone Cooking over coals or wood To give )'OU an idea of what dreamy things .Ti\COBSON'S can Ammal Dog cated woman from the foothIlls would s?y was very appropriate. mny begrime your frying pan Opposlle (;r();,,;~e Pointe ~eW"s do for your wedding, we'd advise a look'see at lhe wedding window Person L,HclE'n Keller of the Ozark Mountains had Mi,s R:l!ld thought the group with smoke. To prevent this.' -._----.-.------.------(starting Satllr~ay) at the 8mart shoppe. Chanlilly lace, mellow Flower Daffodil ~t.arled on a Ouija Board recei\'- very polite abollt what seemed to when cooking out of doors or over, 'ooooooooooooonoooooo~ satin for the bride .•. mist marquisette touched in f:astcr yellow Jewel Sapphire mg mp,sages fn'm Faith Wmn- her pedeelly uninspired poetry. a coal or wood.burning range, rub' for the maids. Color ' Blue, ~or .'llld later had h~c~h able ~.~: Then a young woman gave lhe outside of the frying pan first . SERVE... ~ City , Scattlr' g~ l]ndto a tk~antcleOla~h he~ s~~le the name "James Short," and with aT,hl'a\d"y' l'oatItng of I«unnr.d\i So for valuable help with all )'our wcdding details. and the D B 11 i \IOU -"pen 11' .l" . ; . instantly the whole room was soap. leI'. i)use I In water. an BUTTER PECAN bridal glamour yon'lI remember your whole life through. be surc to pa~ce ~. r~om : words c~me forth In the F.ngll,h shocked by the unexpected out- the soap and grime come of, TARTS s~t' Miss Charlot at JACOBSON'S. ertume S t.. ClIe tIara spoken In the sevelntee~th cetn- burst of groans, moans. and quickly. I C os ume pOl' 0 lCS tmy and aHhough tIe spilltua ISt .' 'h h came from the ------I Each 20c Food .: Wild Duck h.1rJ never he en : Faith Windsor had been very ; romantic and poetic and the Could .'ehllild stories and poems she had spoken BEE R '"0" "."11' I throu!(h her medium had bl'en , OPEN puhlished. Miss Rand found her Happy Easter AND WINE home today • fo." the curiositv whetted hut felt "cry . skcptic~ I about anything re,em- EVENINGS amount, of ins .... allce bling spiritualism. TO TAKE Mr. Neetmg sent his chauffellr and Holidays to att carried'oll it? to pick IIIl Mi,s Rand the night OUT of the dinner. and also, to pil'k Wrok n.~,,,9 :00 ,\, M. In 9:00 1', ~1. 'liP Failh Winnsor. who tllrned Blind.,},. & 1I0Ild~y.: 9:00 {I.. ~I. 10 ~:OO.1',~I, out to be, not simple and IInedu- c"ted. but tholOughly common Arthur J. BolIde and unattractive, fat, middle. TV, t.3220 and £ompany aged, and untidy. She fieemen POINTE MARKET out., of place in Mr. Neeting's Forlll.rly Gill'~ Mo,lle' Qtnqu~ttr gracious home among his well: INSURANCE groomed guests. and at cocktni1.~ 683 St. Clair [Back of Grosse Pointe Drug) in i i, I, I I\' E n Y drank marl' than her ohare. The 1214 Gnls\\rOI,D ST. n,\. 4417.8.9 16960 HARPER champagne added fllrlher to her DELIVERIES - TUr 1-0462 at 1Tarl'ard i vuljlarily. ~======::.J i After dinner, however, when I •

L _ 1_