Outstandinq.- . ..Filatures G rossa EX<'l9gerations • • • Quite Contrary Grosse Pointe ews . • ° Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Talley Rant Enterel! as Second Class MOller GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MARCH 25, t 948 at the Post OIllee at Detrolt, Mlcll, J15'fx,P~r C'if.~r Fully Paid Circulation ----------'1 ------- ,"' Four Escaped Death In IIEAI)I"IN I~S , This Wreckage~Both Park and City I Trial Period 01 ,be Extended For \VI~I~K .Call on County for Bus Concern As Campi/I'd b)' Ih" GrO$S6 POJllJe I~ ell'S City Agrees With Pl1fk and ;Brand Netv Surface, Farms on Prolonging Tes t Thursday. March 18 Three More Months On this date in 1837 was J ---- -----~----- born Grover Cleveland, lwen- I Resolutions Adopted By Two Governing Bodies To Be. The City Councit at It'!: ty-second and twenty-fourlh Followed By Pressure if Immediate Action I meeting on' ",larch 2:!, took President of the United Stales; Is Not Forthcoming In 1858, RUdolph Diesel, in ________ _ I fa\'orable Retian on the re- Paris, German invenlor of the i Definite steps ha\'e been statted towards getting a new' quest of the Lake Shore Coach Diesel enginc ..• in 19H U,S, , pavement on East Jefferson ilVe11l1l'. At the meeting of the' Lines, Inc. thal its ttial per- escort shillS bag four U-Boals; 'Park Village Board of Commissioners held !It 5 o'clock on iod for testing out the revised In I!lH a Japanese suicide of- ! Monday afternoon and at a Grosse Pointe Cil\' Council meet- lensive is smashed and in 1945 , ing held three 110UtS laler, resolution were 'pClssed unanim- far'es schecl41e and the servicl! (:oblenz falls and lhe Germans are in rout. ,ousty, which were identical in theit meaning and almost in which was entered into last I their wording calling on the Count,\' Board of Road Com- winter, be extended for an. PRESIDENT T R U!Ii A N ad- I i missioners to proceed with a Ill'\\' pa\'ement on the avenue. other three months. dl'(,sscs a joint session of the' ; The algllments well' ad"anecd:' ------.----, .. ------- The n~w exll'n.<ion runs from Congrrss on our forcign rela- I , al both meeting;; Ihat the pll'S,'nt: a disrtlpll'd roadway on their Fl'bluary I and I, wlthollt prej- lions •. , arouses [he l'olmlry' i p",venJ('ni bas ~o detet'iorated lhat, mam throughfale. , ur.ll'e to the City's jnterest in the ageinst the further ,1(I\'allce of i it was tlnsatisfaclon' and implac-' A ,-er~' hllge proportlOn of all 1ll1atlel, communism, calling for a limited tical to longer mai~tain this irn-; the thlough Ilayel hetw('en. the' Similar action has already been revival of the draft, for compul- I . ,POint£' and downtown D£'IIOlt IS taken lly lhe Pat'k and Farms, sory military training and aid to I pOllan! h,gh\l'ay b,Y ,my 1('mpor-' Ilwr Jdf"l son and the tolal Jin-: Attlll'lle." Albert Meder COin- the weslern democracies .. , on I alY palchwork. ,'" I measulement of 1he street' mended Ih .. Pal k for Ih~ excel. the sallle day the HOllse Foreign I, The avenue is the main stem sought to be repayed is ()nl~' a, lent wa,. 11 had h"ndled the prob. A(fail~ l'ollll11illee gi'es sudden of tlavel belwl'<'n ('<'nlnl D!'lroit short 1'1'0 miles. llellls w,th the Coa<'il Lines c()m. approval to the .$5,.100,000,000 ~ '.1 II and it~ most important and 'I)pau- i pany. which wel" common to all European Ret'onslruelion Plan; When this car crashed into a tree at East Jefferson and Lincoln road earl~' Sunday morning, miraculous y no one " ., ,:. Ilh!' Pointe communities. and Brita in, Franee, Bclgium, was killed. So lueat was the impact that a portion of a fender was left sticking in tile tree, A half fldl unbroken tlful reSidentIal subUrb ,1I1d ,ts' I. f " , . AdJII8tments TIe chiI' gnevance at tho HolI~nd and Luxembourg sign a whiske~' bottle was found in the mangled engine that was torn from its mountings. conlInuatlOn 111 Its plcsellt de-, momellt hetween the Poinles <'lnd fifty-year mulual aid economic -Picture b,~_:red~tnnell., 1 plorable condttlon rs lnto1e)'a~)le R t dB' the coal'll company is that ther. and military alliance ... message .. Theil' are ,reports Ihal the (.It~' eques e y 'ha~ been no implovemenl in thl! from OUI' Amhassador at Moscow, and Park wdl nol be. ['on('nt to ° I frequenc)' (If Ihe service as prom- Walter Bedell Smith, to Secre- ' d C Fl. d C R Th. f Fl Parkears ' our DJUl'e as ar ams le ees 11<'1 the.mall('r n,"-' WJlh a JlH'J[' C t W k 'ised ",h!'n the nl'l:ollalions on tary Marshall the day of lhe • • Ilesolution. ('x~J'essll1g O~: lI'I~I:es I y or ers: fares were underway last wlnler. Communisl seizure of Czecho- IO( lhe tllO .(ommUl1ltl(~ lltgll- , The addrlion (Ji the ten new slO\'akia, supposed to hal'e spalk- Take Berltl.'lg Tree on East JeffeI.son Wztl'l FIlght (I , I (, ments and I,nflu~nc~, are 10 hf; Turn Down- Chance to Make buses, th"n ahollt ready (or de- ~d President's dlamalic appeals . i I E I S bb th C h Of Sf ° blOught to beal \\ hldl It IS hoped, . ,liven', was 1(1\'l'n as assurance ••• had cabled "Can't you get rOll! leves I n ar y a a r~s alrs wd1 result III JlI acilc:r1 aehre"e-: More Money By Work- I that ill{'It' would hI' mOr!~ frequent Congress to take immediate ac- F Th tion on Universal Military Train- '. ' ----- • • • m~n~~ old argument of the Counly I in Longer Hours ! ~;~.c\;~l'~:;,~,~;~~"~~~dt\~~ ~e~;' i~~:~ ing? That's the only language Six Cases of Stripping of Unbroken Whisky Bottle Found in Mangled Engine; Flying Complainant Explains Why: authorities that plan~ are m Ihe. ~ ,'" . _ , wrre I11l'rl'ly u~l'<\ lu supplant len under~tood here." Accessories Reported in I' Piece of Fender Imbeds ,Self in Tree; \ B \ W N t makmg III wlrlen ,lefferson avenue, Latll ence 1 eltee~ .. buslnes~ uld (,nes that were taken out o( Y h' I . T t I W k urg e.ry as 0 as \and then put down a rme moue,n \ a~ent of the 1I'lul11clpal Erp.- \ comnHssion. Th"le has been some One Night in Farms e lC e IS 0 a ree Strange 1.15 It Sounds pa;,e,~ent,'5 bru6he<:i a5iue by \pmyes' Union, was at the City \smau increa5e in "eatin~ capacity THE DRAFT PLAN if adopted. One of the most seri-;;~; automobile accidents in the --- thIS sImullaneou5 aetlOn. Council meeting on Monday but Gro5se Pointers cannot ride will slart 'operation on July I The slripping of accessories I P , t Sundav The theft of a flight of slairs , The argument was advanced in i night, March 22. and at the to or from netro\t any oitener and will tal,.. about J,OOO,OOO om l:: in a long time OC(;UITed at 3:20 a, m on J, , f h r I young men belween 18.21 • from six pa-rkecl atltomobiles M' . h 21 " 1 was reported to the Farms: bolh bodies. thaI lh" 11'J(lelling 0 I' eonclusion uf the generlll bus-' t an ol"lne~ y, .. ", • i alC .' '.. • !. _ ,the a'~enue ,5 too much of an elll-, iness of the meeting asked to) The publJcatlOn 1n the DetrOIt veterans of last \Val' exempt. In one mght in Glosse pOlllte,' FlanCJS X. Selfell, aged 30, of f f tl f d . I th I pollce on Malch 19. The un- bryome project and uughl llt'. d' .. 1'1[01'111'111\' wi"] the Illuming papel on Tuesday thai • • • , 8 Union street lilt Clplllens was 0 one 'l \1' en I:'rs plerce( c . ". I" I dd .1. lSCllSS I , - 1 DSR I d b I r Farms alone indicates. '"gO d. , ' f'( , h'ee to the dl'plh of lhree 01' four: usual burglary wus ea~tl~' ex- years In l11alena lZlng. n a I. !'m c()um:i I \'<lriolls 'malters af-' t Ie la een .llS'lIl ('( .~ SPEAKING AT THE ST. PAT- • f h' .! n\'rngeaslonJe cIsonavelllle,', .,' ." • I. tolhalt1terelsf,IIfromalln/tp,/ .' .' amplc gas to mallltam Its sel\- RICK'S DAY DINNER in New a.larm1l1g spread 0 .t IS pal-, '~Ith three olher passengels in Inches and ~~"., I'd 1l11bedded ,th~l I' p!all1~d by the ~omp amant, I local opinion that thl3 avenlle feetlng the emplo~ es, . rce next year, should give som .. York, Presidenl Truman says he' hcular form of crm'e. The! hiS car. Just before reaching Lin-' after the (lash. The molO! ~'a;;, Morris Gobel olWoodrmg-1 should be widened. f To this MJ~,'or HaJph Neltmg encoumgemenl to the hope for' will not accept the political sup-I thefts took p:ace on the night' coin road he. lost conlroL went ~?~;~i~~~i~,el~I~::1 ~~:.~~ou~~:~~i' ham, Detroit. .. I Jefferson al'enuc as it i~. is fat', objeetpd in thai nn. \\"Iitten slele- beller sel"\'icc .out here. Shorlaga pnrt of Henl'J' A Wallace and: f M ' h ?O' fi' £ tl .) I ac,oss the sll eel <lnd clashed' I .. l<n .. p h 1I1r. Gobel '5 h\\'Jdltlg a Ilum- flOm a natTIl'I' s!,et'!.
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