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Award Volume VIII, No. 1 • New York City • SEPTEMBER 2002 Winner FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS IN MEMORY OF THE VICTIMS & HEROES 9.11.01 U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE VOORHEES, NJ Permit No.500 PRSRT STD. 2 Award EDUCATION UPDATE ■ FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS ■ SEPTEMBER 2002 Winner GUEST EDITORIAL EDUCATION UPDATE Education Is Fundamental Mailing Address: 276 5th Avenue, Suite 1005 By ERNEST CLAYTON school system to the Mayor. Included in the law will now earn a fair and competitive wage. New York, NY 10001 This year marks the anniversary of one of the was a “maintenance of effort” clause that 9/11 has become a symbol of strength to our email: [email protected] most tragic events in NYC, as well as the coun- should increase, not decrease, public school nation and has attracted a record number of try. The city experienced its darkest moments funding in our city. Parents feel that someone new teachers this year with certifications in Tel: 212-481-5519 as all energies focused on the common good of has to be held accountable if this criminal hand. Fax: 212-481-3919 a united nation. As fundamental as education is, assault against our children is to continue The Federal government has re-authorized it took a back seat to the securing and rebuild- another day. The Mayor selected his chancellor, Title 1, the “No Child Left Behind” legislation PUBLISHER AND EDITOR: ing of lower Manhattan’s community and Joel Klein, who has already reached out to that will bring resources to parents who have Pola Rosen, Ed.D. NYC’s financial district. Leadership played a the United Parents Associations of NYC (UPA) children attending non-achieving schools ASSOCIATE EDITORS: key role in the stabilizing of our city at that before taking office. He has also made a differ- throughout our state. Heather Rosen, Adam Sugerman, heightened time in our history. Our political ence after his first week on the job by revers- While serving on State Assembly Speaker Rob Wertheimer leaders and citizens displayed a strength and ing, with the stroke of his pen, what ex-chan- Sheldon Silver’s Task Force on School courage that gave the city the confidence to cellor Harold Levy had agreed upon with Governance this year, UPA fought hard for ASSISTANT EDITOR: move forward as a unified front. the teacher’s union regarding the 20 minutes parental representation on any reconstituted Marie Holmes While the city was trying to recuperate from per day of additional classroom instruction board of Education. And, parents behold; a GUEST COLUMNISTS: the devastation, the NY Court of Appeals deter- time. The chancellor added two full days of precedent was set appointing five parents to the Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Ernest mined [4 to 5] that an 8th grade education is classroom instruction by taking away two pro- New York City Board on Education Policy. Clayton, Matilda Raffa Cuomo, sufficient for students to become productive fessional development days from teachers. We have already proven, as a city, that we can Dr. Carole G. Hankin, Jill Levy, citizens. One year after that horrific ordeal, UPA immediately posted a gold star on accomplish the rebuilding process–especially Dr. Lorraine McCune, Susan Moesker, children are still suffering from that old, tradi- Chancellor Klein’s annual report card. That this when everyone is committed. Imagine what we Randi T. Sachs, Assemblyman Steven tional form of post-slavery education. happened so swiftly shows the cooperation of could do if we set our sights on educational Sanders, Jan Upton, Ph.D. We must start educating our children for aca- the teacher’s union in a light that parents have achievement! We can no longer wait for anoth- STAFF WRITERS: demic achievement across the board. Steps been pointing towards for sometime. Now that er generation of “victims” to arise. Parents, have been taken during the aftermath of 9/11 the smoke has cleared from 9/11, that light should we accept a merely “adequate educa- Jacob Appel, Joan Baum, Ph.D., that indicate we are moving in a direction that should illuminate brighter than ever before. tion?” Should we expect more from the NYC Kim Brown, Tom Kertes, Katarzyna could make education fundamental. UPA applauds the union and the Mayor for Dept. of Education? I think you know the Kozanecka, Mitchell Levine, On June 10, 2002 legislation was signed into allowing children to come first. Now, we need answers. It is time to take a stand on our chil- Sybil Maimin, Chris Rowan, law giving control of the New York City public to be vigilant and attentive towards the course dren’s education and Leave No Parent Merri Rosenberg, Andrew Schiff of action being laid out for our children’s Behind!# EDITORIAL INTERNS: academic achievement. Parents, our children Ernest Clayton is President of the United Priya Athiappan, Lena Khidritsky, LETTERS must succeed–there is no alternative! Teachers Parents Associations of New York City, Inc. Laura Pretto BOOK REVIEWERS: To the Editor: IN THIS ISSUE Harris Healy, III, Lillian Shapiro, Thank you so much for the content and flu- Selene Vasquez idity of the article. She [Joan Baum] captured OUTSTANDING every point I was trying to make and turned it Editorials & Letters . 2 COMICS: into something everyone else can understand. TEACHERS Spotlight on Schools. 3-16, 24-25 Bruce Wotring Jerrold Ross, Dean, School of Education OF THE OF THE MONTH Cover Story . 6, 44 MEDICAL EDITOR: St. John’s University Herman Rosen, M.D. To the Editor: Book Reviews . 17 The article you did on the Reading Reform Education Update will be naming four MODERN LANGUAGE EDITOR: Foundation is excellent. You portrayed us teachers each month for their outstanding Colleges & Grad Schools. 18-21 Adam Sugerman accurately and concisely. Now I have to read work in the “frontiers” of education. College Directory . 20 MOVIE & THEATER REVIEWS: every other article in the issue to keep up with Students, parents, principals, superin- Jan Aaron the educational scene! tendents and colleagues may nominate MEDICAL UPDATE . 22-23 MUSIC EDITOR: Sandra Priest Rose, Founder & Trustee teachers by describing, in a few para- Homeschooling. 26-32 Irving M. Spitz Reading Reform Foundation, NY graphs, what is “special” about them. To the Editor: Principals will be required to sign the rec- Modern Languages . 33 POLITICAL COMMENTARY: I just saw the article on the Fieldston Foreign ommendations before they are sent on to Special Education. 34-35 Stuart Dunn Language workshop [August 2002]. It’s great! Education Update, where an advisory SPORTS EDITOR: Mary McFerran, panel of experts will make the final deci- Music, Art & Dance . 36-37 M.C. Cohen Academic Technology Administrator sions. In June, we will invite the teachers Children’s Corner . 38, 46 The Fieldston School WEB DESIGN: and their principals to a luncheon to cele- Neil Schuldiner, Rick Sulz brate their achievements. Teachers are the Technology & Software . 39-40 To the Editor: backbones of our educational system. Museums . 41 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: I am the editor of the College Times, a Martin Lieberman, Manager. Rosalyn national publication for students in Ireland. On They richly deserve the recognition that Education Update plans to give them. Metro Beat . 42 Bacani, Steve Bailey (212) 721-9444, your website you have accounts from students Dawn Clayton, Mitchell Levine, Chris about their thoughts after the disaster of Dr. Pola Rosen, Tutors . 42 Publisher Rowan, Andrew Schiff September 11. Would you allow us to publish Sports . 43 GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: some extracts from this in our newspaper? Please email or fax your recomm- Shane McGinley, Dublin, Ireland Movies . 44 Neil Schuldiner, Rick Sulz, endations to: [email protected] or (212) Tamara Wiesen Letters continued on page 46 481-3919. Resource & Reference/Classified . 47 Education Update is published monthly by Education Update, Inc. All material TO is copyrighted and may not be printed Education Update without express consent of the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: FROM Winner Education Update P.O. Box 20005 Silver Hill Hospital of the NY, NY 10001 Best Subscription: Annual $30. Mental Health Excellence in Education Copyright © 2002 Education Update Media Award Journalism, 1999—2000 Business 2000 Columbia University CORRECTIONS: Teachers College, Phi Delta Kappa In the August issue, Richard Lee Colvin of Dr. Pola Rosen Award Teacher’s College was identified as Robert Lee Colvin. We apologize for the error. SEPTEMBER 2002 ■ EDUCATION UPDATE ■ SPOTLIGHT ON SCHOOLS SCHOOL 3 A+ is a phone call away. 1-800-ABC-MATH ■ ■ 4 SCHOOL SPOTLIGHT ON SCHOOLS EDUCATION UPDATE SEPTEMBER 2002 September 11: One Year After The Future of Education By MATILDA RAFFA B.R.A.V.E. Juliana is an expansion of By JILL LEVY because it is not just tweaking around the edges CUOMO AND Mentoring USA’s B.R.A.V.E. (Bias-Related Astonishingly, I am more of reform. It is a system solidly designed to SUSAN MOESKER Anti-Violence Education) Initiative, which was optimistic today about the accomplish its goals. It is almost irresistible in The unthinkable horror has established in 1996 in response to an increase future of NYC public its simplicity. A Mayor responsible for educa- passed, and we are left with the memories: the in violence and hate crimes involving children schools than during my past 43 years as an edu- tional achievement, a Chancellor accountable remorse, the heroism, the frightening ques- in New York City’s schools and streets. cator. I have seen it all: centralized and decen- to the Mayor for results and an educational tions, and the gaping hole in both our city and B.R.A.V.E.