HSSLC & HSLC Tatidang April 6 & 7 Nungi Tenzüker

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HSSLC & HSLC Tatidang April 6 & 7 Nungi Tenzüker www.tiryimyim.in Regd. No. RNI. NAGAAO/ 2004 / 13113. Postal-NE/RN-717. e-mail : tiryimyim@gmail.com TAPAK 3 Yangia anidakangma : Tir Yimyim tiryimyim@aolima tir yimyim TAPAK 8 TTAADC elections nung Congress-i Longkak aitba ken o nung tongtibang shilem agitsü: Pijush Jimmy Lai aitsüogo VOL. XVIII NO. 168 (ADOK 168) DIMAPUR ROGONÜ (FRIDAY) RONGCHII (APRIL) 02, 2021 ` 5.00 Angh Ravi-i Good Friday salem lemsatep Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener-i Rev. Dr. Mar Atsongchanger ket nungi ES mapa agizükogo Dimapur, Rongchii/April 1 nung "nai ochi metettsü aser ochi Impur lima inyaka arudang (TYO): Nagaland Angh R.N. Ravi- jagi na nüchi kümdaktsütsü," aser tangazükba jenti nguogo, aji oda, i sangdong ka ajanga Nagaland ano "yimjung yanglurtemi mao meimchir dang asünung nung aliba nüburtem den Good kechiyong parnok dang Tsüngrem maparen balala inyakdang Friday salem lemsatepogo. chirtem ta ajatsü," ta shi lir. aibelen kar danga inyaksema Good Friday ya temenen madak Azütokshiba nungi pilaa yimjung lira, “tatok agüjangma” ta pai takok anguba temaitsü lir. Ochi, aser ochiba bener arutsüba ya Yisu- mepishia ashi. Pa melena ES azütokshi nungi pilaa aliba, temeim, i meimchirtem nem agütsüba tasen shiba arur, pa lenisüba tai adokba aser taochi ya Yisu Khrista sempet tulutiba lir, ta paisa ashi. jakla lir. Asenoki item tongtibang Iba anogo amungba mapang kübok ABAM taoba mapang yimyatem ya shisadanga angazükti nisung ajaki mapang ajak nung dang nungi tajungba aotsü imlar, aser talisa lanurtemi Pa yimya Covid-19 inyakyim sülen tashi ta paisa moatsü. tajungtem angazüka benshitsüla, ta angaa anidaktsü ni mepeshir, ta Rev. Dr. Mar Atsongchanger Angh-i ashi. paisa shisem. aser par kibongi Indonesia lima Khrista ya tetsür aser tebur ajak Good Friday tanüla asenok Riau Island (SIM) kübok Batam nem yimjung bener arutsütsü tebilemdangba aser inyaksangshi City nung missionary ka ama or Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener-i Rev. Dr. Mar Atsongchanger (tiyong) ket atema iba limai aru. Pa yimjung nung lidakjang. Nenok ajak den tenzüktsü. Pa university ka nung chuba lir. Meimchirtem yimjung Good Friday salem lemsateper. nungi ABAM Executive Secretary mapa agizükba mapang tangokba tesayur mapa inyaktsü aser pa aser tesunep nung lidaktsütsü Tzüngremi Nagaland Moajang, ta noksa nung angur. Tena den ABAM tir - Dr. Lolen Imchen densema temeim kinungtsü (Wt. Amenla atema pa kangkitong nung asü. Angh R.N. Ravi-i kasa sangdong angur. Mokokchung, April 1, 2021 Mar)-a university nungji mentor Yisu-i ochiba meimer aser lai o ajanga lemsatep. Mokokchung, April 1 (TYO): ashidang, pa küm 10 tashi ES ka mapa inyaktsü, ta angazüker. Ao Baptist Arogo Mungdang ama inyakdang pa temeim Rev. Dr. Mar Pongeneria Nagaland nung nisung tasen pongu dak COVID-19 putet (ABAM) Executive Secretary, kinungtsü den chirnurtem, pa mapa agizükba olen tatsüka Kohima, Rongchii/April 01 (TYO): patient nisung 116 lir, ta pai ashi. Rev. Dr. Mar Atsongchanger den den külemi inyaker secretaries lemsatepdang, maongka tulu Brehostibarnü nisung tasen pongu State nung tang tashinung tepila aser Rev. Dr. Mar Pongener aser staff-tem, Mokokchung anguba asoshi pelaba den mapa dak COVID-19 putetba ajanga danga tashidak densema shiranger ABAM Executive Secretary Baptist Arogo, kinunger aser ajak Tsüngrem dak rangloker Nagaland nung iba tashidak agi nisung 10 dena ajak agi nisung 91 mapa agizükba sentong ka April anükabangtem aser arogo balala inyaktsü merangtsü, anungji, meneper ajak senteper 12,345 süogo aser iba tashidak agi nüburtem nungi shisatsü den kumogo. shiranger nisung 158 danga state 1, 2021 nü Centenary Hall, nungi pastor-tem, itemji pa "Tanü COVID-19 positive cases temi ogo, ta pai ashi. Impur nung kaogo. atema tongshi tulutiba liasü, sarasadem agi yaridaktsünür, ta pongu liasü, Kohima nung ka aser Tang active cases alir ya nisung Sentong nung Rev. Dr. Mar anungji, parnok ajak dang pelaba mepishia metetdaktsü. Dimapur nung pezü," ta Director, ka daka iba tashidak agi temang Atsongchangeri salem o tatsüka metetdaktsü. (Maneni tapak 2 nung...) Health & Family Welfare nung timtem agütsüba mali, ta pai Department, Dr. Denis Hangsing ashi. HSSLC & HSLC tatidang April 6 & 7 nungi tenzüker ajanga anogoshi sangdongba Nagaland nung COVID-19 COVID-19 bulletin nung ashi. tashidak alitsü südi ta temolung Dimapur, Rongchii/April 1 atema district aser sub division water bottle bener arutsü atema State nung iba virus nungi melemteti sample 1,36,586 (TYO): HSSLC tatidang 2021 tem nung tatidang agütsüba kaketshirtem nem temelaba taneptsü angur nisung 11,980 lir, tendangogo aser item rongnung RT- April 6, 2021 nü nungi April 29 tesem talila bendenloktsüogo. agütsüogo. Kaketshirtem aser Bodhbarnü taneptsü anguba PCR ajanga sample 75,480 tendang, tashi agitsü aser HSLC tatidang March 17 nü Board-i ochimashi inyakyim nungi pilaa ya shilem 97.07 liasü saka TrueNat ajanga 37,537 aser Rapid April 7 nü nungi 21 nü tashi ayongzüka Centre Superintendent alitsü aser tatidang agütsüba Brehostibarnü tajemba kuma shilem Antigen Test ajanga 23,569 agitsü renemer aliba NBSE-i tem den online senden ka tesem mapang shidak nung tonga 97.04 kumogo, aser tang active tendang, ta pai ashi. sangdongogo. menogo, kong parnok mapa aser arutsü metetdaktsüogo. HSSLC tatidang atema khurettem tatongi sensaksemogo. Board-isa, tatidang Küm 45 tema nem Covid-19 vaccine agütsü tenzükogo kaketshir 6835 (Arts - 13024, Maneni COVID-19 tashidak agütsütsüpur ajak dang tashidak Commerce - 1347 aser Science prokshia aoba nokdangtsü atema nungi jenboa alitsü atema mask - 2464) züngoksema lir, aser tatidang agiba mapang jenjang asemtsü, tetsüngda ita parnok tatidang agütsüba tesem agitsübatem indang parnok nem inyaksangshitsü aser mejangjaba 96 nung tatidang agütsütsü. metetdaktsüogo. nisungtem den majuruteptsü Kaketshir 16835 rongnungi Board-i, tatidang agütsüba metetdaktsüogo. Maneni tetsür 8641 aser tebur 8194 lir. tesemtem nung takdang, tsürapur aser guardian tem dang 2021 Class XI Promotion metsümeshidak aser hall tem guidelines/SOPs dak sendakba tatidang March 31 nü merektettsü atema osettsüt nung pei chirnurtem dang len tembangogo kong kaketshir agütsüogo. sayutsü aser iba sülen anidaktsü 17343-i tatidang agüja liasü. Kasa mapang nung tatidang atema ajungshitsü mepeshia Kasa mapang nung kaketshir agütsütsüpurtem dang metetdaktsüogo. Tatidang agiba 23612-i provisional examination telangzüba magütsü tsüngda mapang COVID-19 tashidak centre 133 aser sub centre 4 nung tasüngdangbatem kanga junga prokshia aoba nokdangtsü atema 2021 HSLC tatidang agütsütsü. azüngtsü metetdaktsüogo. Marks ajaki teka amteper inyaktsü Kaketshir 742, tatidang agütsüba agütsüba temulungdang yur nüngdaker, ta Board-isa ashi. tesem 41 nung 2021 HSLC telangzüba agütsütsü kanga Tatidang tenzüktsü Compartmental tatidang tongtibang. Kaketshirtem pen, renemshiba mapang Nagaland Tanü Chief Secretary J.Alam aser pa kinungtsü na NHAK, Kohima agütsütsü. pencil, scale, eraser, sharpener Board of School Education-i nung Covid-19 vaccine agiba noksa nung angur. (Kohiam, April 1, 2021 DIPR) Temetettsükaji COVID-19 aser geometry instruments amala tatidang agütsütsüpur ajak wara pokteter aliba ajanga tenüngdakba osettem dang bener tatidang junga agütsütsü imlaja Dimapur, Rongchii/April 1 (TYO): agütsüdak tesem ana lir; ka Naga tatidang agütsüba tesem nung arudaktsütsü. Maneni pocket ataba kasa sangdong ajanga Arishi küm 45 aser temapurtem nem Hospital Kohima aser ka Urban tetsüngda ita inyaksangshitsü hand sanitizer, mask, transparent lemsatepogo. Covid-19 vaccine agütsüba sentong Health Center, Seikhazou nung April 1 nü Naga Hospital Authority amenoka lir. Iba tesem ana nung Kohima nung tenzükogo. Hombarnü nungi Brehostibarnü Nagaland BJP MLA temi NEDA Convenor den ajurutep Chief Secretary J.Alam aser pa tashi anepdang 9:30 nungi Dimapur, April 01(TYO): March sendakba tebilemtsü onüktem Himanta Biswa Sarma nati Assam kinungtsü densema sorkar tenzüker nikongtsütsü 3:30 ako tashi vaccine 30, 2021 nü Dy. CM aser BLP leader lemsatep aser Prime Minister kanga renlokdaktsüba atema tejentem vaccine agizüker agütsütsü. Vaccine ya April 15, 2021 Y. Patton-i anir Nagaland BJP MLA Narendra Modi mangdang kübok parnokisa tenüngsang agütsü. mezüngpur rongnung densema nü tashi agütsütsü. Vaccine agiba temi Guwahati nung Assam BJP-i North East India tejakleni Nagaland BJP MLA temisa liasü. Kasa mapang nung Kohima mapang SOPs aser mapang shidak Minister aser NEDA Convenor aotsü aser renloktsü onüktem Assam nung tang tagidak nung alirtem aika vaccine agitsü benoka inyaksangshitsü, ta Himanta Biswa Sarma den ajurutep. jembi. Assembly election nung BJP-i aruogo. ketdangser sangdong ka ajanga Iba teshimtet telok nung Y Assam nunger tesüiba küm 5 takok tulu angutsü imlar, ta Kohima nung vaccine metetdaktsü. Patton den Minister Kashiho BJP nem sorkar ketdangsütsü parnokisa ashi. GOOD FRIDAY SODI Sangtam, Advisor Dr. Longrineken, maongka agütsüba atema NEDA Convenor Sarma-i Advisor Kazheto Kinimi aser Nagaland BJP MLA temi pelaba Nagaland MLA tem dang pelaba Alima meimchirtem temenen nungi kümzüktsü asoshi Yisu Khrista asüba anogo bilemteta amongba 'Good Friday' anogo nung sarasadema amongtsü Advisor H. Haying nungertem dena metetdaktsü. metetdaktsü aser parnoki asoshi Tir Yimyim office tanü April 2, 2021 nü shibanger, anungji April 03, liasü, ta Media Cell Dy. CMO-i Chief Minister Sarbananda semdangba ya Northeast nung 2021 Tir Yimyim adok malitsü. sangdong ka nung metetdaktsü. Sonowal aser pa den yariteper party longjema aser tashi itta aliba - Ketdangser, Tir Yimyim. Parnoki state anaprong dak Minister & NEDA Convenor sayur ta ashi.
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