3). Allotment of Common Symbol Under Para 10B of the Election Symbols

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3). Allotment of Common Symbol Under Para 10B of the Election Symbols GENERAL ELECTIONS TO HOP - 2019 MOST URGENT Bv Mail/Post OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER, TELANGANA South 'H' Block, Secretariat, Hyderabad. Memo.No.1 1 1/Elecs.D/A1 /201 9-5 Dated:15.03.2019 Sub:- Elections - General Elections to the House of the Peoole. 2019 - Concession to candidates set up by registered unrecognized political parties - Allotment of common symbol under Para 10B of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968 - Regarding. Ref:- 1. From the Election Commission of lndia, New Delhi, letter No.56/Symbol/ LET/ECUPP/PPS-l l/201 9A/ol.-lX, dated 9th March, 2019. 2. From the Election Commisston of lndia, New Delhi, letter No.56/Symbol/ LET/ECl/PPiPPS-l l/20 1 9tuol.lV, dated 13th March, 2019. 3. From the Election Commission of lndia, New Delhi, letter No.56/Symbol/ LET/ECl/PP/PPS-l l/20 1 9A/ol.-X, dated: 14'h March,2019. Attention of all the Diskict Collectors & District Election Officers and the Commissioner, GHMC & District Election Officer. Hyderabad is invited to the references cited (copies enclosed) wherein the Election Commission of lndia has informed that the applications of certain registered un-recognized political parties for concession in allotment of a common symbol to their candidates being set up at the forthcoming General Elections to the @ under the provisions of Para 108 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, 1968, have been accepted by the Commission. 2. Accordingly, the Election Commisston of lndia has decided to extend the concession sought by the parties under Para 108 to the candidates of these parties for the forthcoming General Elections to the House of the People. 2019 in the constituencies copy of the same is enclosed. Annexure is also prepared and enclosed as annexure. 3. All the District collectors & District Election officers and the commissioner, GHMC & District Election Officer, Hyderabad are therefore, requested to direct all the Returning Officers to allot the common symbol allotted by the ECI to the candidates set up by the aforesaid registered un-recognized political parties, subject to strict fulfillmeni of the provisions of Para 13 of the Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) order, 't 968 relating to setting up of candidates by the parties. All the Returning Officers shall note that said common symbol allotted to the candidates of the above mentioned political parties is not allotted by oversight to any other candidates in the above constituencies. However. the said svmbol shall be available for allotment as free svmbol to other candidates in the constituen ctes where the aforesaid oarties do not actua ilv set uo their candidates P.T.O. -2- 4. All the District Election officers / Returning officers are also informed that the ECI has instructed that in the event of ttre abo've saio parties fairing to me"t tt e requirement of the minimum. number of candidates, as prescribed in para 10B said.symbols order, of the 1968, then the said common .yruor .n"tt not ue candidates. ivairatllo its All 5. the District Erection offrcers are further requested to communicate rnstructions_ these along with the ECr retters cited to a[ G Returning Returning om""i. /n"si.tant Officers / other election related officers imnreOiately. DR.RAJAT KUMAR CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER & E.O.PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To, All the District coflectors & District Erectio,. officers (except coflector. Hyderabad) (w.e.) The Commissioner, GHMC & Drstrict Election -, Oiirc"ilHyO"raUaO.'tw.eJ--,.", All th_e. Returning Officers through the District Ei";ti;; Oificers. The t* d.l District Collector, Hyderabibd a RO HVOeraU"O i* ".1 Copy to: Sudhakar) to keep on CEO,s Website under Loksabha_19 SrHJ.ar' Fotder. (w.e.) // FORWARDED: By ORDER// 4e-SE OFFICER Annexure to Memo.No. t 11/Elec6.D/Al/2019-5, CEO Telarlgana, Dated: 15.03.2019 st. Name ol the Party Name oI Election(s) Common Symbol ECI reference No ln arl i7 Farliameni.riy Const'irenoes o Ambedkar l{ational Congress Gramophclne th. Siale ot To1.n9.... h all 17 Paftamenrarty consrlruencies in Jan Sangh Party Oish Antenna the Slale ol Tal.no.na. h alllT Paniamenlarlv cooslilu.n.res in l Gana8angam Party ot lndia Lady Finger the State .l Tr4.nqrnr- in ell 17 Pgniemenbny Conslituencles in Rashtra VahiniParty Cube lie Stat6 ol ,.1.n9.n.- ln 4 Padiamentarly Conslituenoe! in lhe Slale of Tebng.ns. PurvanchalJanta Party Sr No 0l.Adilabad(ST) 5 lSecular) 08 Seclnderabad 09 Hyderabad 16 Mahaba'rbabad(Srl lr1ell1, Parliame any Consliluencies i. 6 Yuva Krantikari Party Eead Necklace lh€ Slate of T.l.ng.r.. The ECI Letter No. 56/ Symbol In arll7 P3niamenradr corsrrLrencies jn l Prem Janata Oal ning ILET/ECUPPIPPS-1U201 9/ vol..lx lhe Siale of Telanq.n.. dated:09{3-2019 ln 2 Parliamenlarly Constnuencies in Y€kitnrtha Sanlshema the State of Telangana Pilreapple Rashtriya Praja Party Sr No.l3.Nalgonda 12 Nagarkurnool lndian Labour Party (Amb€dkar In alr17 Fada.n.nran/ Cc..t't!6ncies ir 2 Baskcl eontaining Fruita Phule) the Slale o! l.langana. ln 2 Padiamenlarty Constituencies in C{rmlnunbt Pa,ty of lndia lhe Stale ol Tel.ngrn6. 10 Flag with Three Stals {Mauist-Leninist) {Libe.ation) Sr.No.14.Bhongn l5.Warangal(SC) Man blowing Turha ln all l7 Paniamentarly ConsliluoncLes in (Moditied Design 11 Loktantarik Janatd Dal lhe Stale ol Teltngam. atteched sup€rsoding the lofter dt 22.02.20,l9) fhe ECI tett€r t{o. 56/ Symbou |trall'17 Paniamont ny Constillscies in 12 llinrlusthan Nirman Dal Water Tan* LEr I ECt I P P I P P S-lt| 2O,.9 I V ol.-tv the Slale of lal.ng a. dated:13-03-2019 lnatl17 Padia'i,rant .tt Corsliiuencies r 13 National Apna Party Belt ihe Slate of Telanoan. h alrlT Padlamernady Const uen.ies F 14 N.yak Perty Extension Board Bhartiya Jan lho Slate of Tel.nqana. ln all t7 Padramenhny Const uencies n 15 Dyn.mic Party Jacl Fruit Anti Cofiuption lhe Slale .f tel.ng.n., h alrlT Panra4€nlany Consiiiuencies in 16 Sarvran Sewa Party Bicycle Pump The ECI Letter t{o.56, Symbol lhe Stale of T.l.nq.n.. /LET/ECUPP/PPS-lU20rg,Vol.-X ln all t7 Paniamenlarly coFsliuencies in 1i Party T.umpet lndie Praia Bandhu lhe Slale ol T.l.ng.nd. dated:14-03-20{9 in all 17 Padiarentarty Consliluenoes ir t8 Party Door Bell NationalJagaran rhe state ol T.l.nq.nr, peniamenra'1y ln all17 consl uencies in I9 Praja Satta Party Syrlnge the Stals ol T.l.ng.nr. lnalllT Paniamariany aons! llen.ies in 20 Chanakya Party Pillow Rashtriya lhe State or Terang.ne. DR. RAJAT KUIIAR CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER T E-O, PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GO\.T //FORWORDED::BY ORDERl/ srsEss9' SECTIOX OFFICER €- Page 1 By Spec,d l'0s1 ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NirvachanSadan. Ashoka Road. Ncrv Delhi- ll000l No,56rSvmbol//l-ET/EC L4'P/PPS JI/20 I 9lVol.-lX Date,rm M".,t.20t9 To fhe Chicf Electoral Olficers of all Statcs and Union Teritories io Go ub:- neral Elections to the flouse of thc Pcorrle.20l9- (--oncession to candidates set up by gegistered unrecognized political parties- allotment olcommon symbol under Para l0B olthe n10 .Election Symbols (Reservation and Allotment) Order, I 968- Regarding. Sir. I u- directed to state that the applications of the following 39 registered un-recognized ,,,,, ^1. political parties for concession in the allotment of a common symbol to their candidates being set up t the ing General Election to the I Iouse of thc Pco 2019 under the provisions of Para 10B of c n Symbols (l{eservation and Allotment) Order. 1968. have been accepted by the Commission. Accordingli', the Commission has decided to extend the concession sought under Para l0B to candidates of these parties lor the forthcoming General Election to the House of P 201 9, in the constituencics menlioned as under: - SI. Name of the Party' Name of No. of Parliamentary Constituencies in Common No. the respective Statc Symbol Election(s) allotted. Ambedkar National I Iouse of the In atl 543 Parliamentary Constituencies in Gramop hone v Congress tssd", ?019 the All India 2 Maharashtra Ilousc of the ln all 48 Parliamentary' Constitucncies in Sewing Parivartan Sena (T) Pco lc 2019 the State of shtra Machine J Apni Party ( Secular) IIouse of thc In all 80 Parliarnentary Constiluencies in Lunch Box Pco le, 2019 the State of Uttar Pradesh Jan Sangh Party In all 4l AIliamentary Constituencies in Dish Antenna Ilousc of the the All India (Except 3 states Delhi, Bihar Pro le,20I9 & Uttar Pradesh llouse of the . In all 7 Parliamentary Constituencies tn Green Chilli Peo e,2Ol9 the State of Delhi House of the In all 40 Parliamentary Constituencies in Green Chilli Pco le,2019 the State of Bihar 5 Bharativa Lok Sena IIouse of the In all 80 Parliamentary Constituencies in Bead Peo 2019 the State ofU radesh Necklace Ganasangam Party of flouse ofthe ]n all 39 Parliamentary Constituencies in Lady Finger . v India Pco e,2019 the State of mil Nadu Ilousc ofthe ln all 25 Parliamcntary Constituencies in Lady Finger Pco lc 2019 the State of Andhra fradcsh IIouse of the In al I 7 arliamcn tuenc S t1 Lady Finger Peo lc 2019 the Statc of Tela n K K{ I ?( il ) - Hor.* uf ttr" ln all 28 Puliamcnrary' t-: onttirr.n. i". in i Lao-v l'infer , Peonlc.20l9 thc Stalc rrl' Karnalaka Ilouse of the In all 20 Parliamentarv Consliluencies in i l,ady IAr4cr" Pcopl!! 2 019 Statc oi' Kcrala - fic Ilousc ofthc , ln all I Parlianrentar) ('onstituencics in Ladr l'iogtr I'coplc.20l9 .
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