Introduction to video games, their publishers, and social responsibility concerning video game addiction A.J. van Rooij, M. Sc. T.M. Schoenmakers, Ph. D. G.J. Meerkerk, Ph. D. Prof. D. van de Mheen, Ph. D. Introduction to video games, their publishers, and social responsibility concerning video game addiction Colofon Introduction to video games, their publishers, and social responsibility concerning video game addiction IVO Heemraadssingel 194 3021 DM Rotterdam t: 010 – 4253366 f: 010 – 2763988 e:
[email protected] w: © IVO, 2009 A.J. van Rooij, M.Sc., T. Schoenmakers, Ph. D., G.J. Meerkerk, Ph.D, Prof. D. van de Mheen, Ph.D. 2 Introduction to video games, their publishers, and social responsibility concerning video game addiction Index INDEX..................................................................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 4 VIDEO GAME ADDICTION AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................ 4 1. WHICH ARE THE MOST POPULAR GAMES AND GAME -TYPES ? ................................................................... 6 2. WHO ARE THE MAJOR STAKEHOLDERS IN THE GAME INDUSTRY , BOTH DUTCH AND INTERNATIONAL ?.......... 15 3. WHAT EVIDENCE EXISTS REGARDING “VIDEO GAME ADDICTION ”? ........................................................... 21 4. WHAT IS THE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY