Our contact November 2017 information at the Boston University New England Centenarian Study Updates Medical Campus: We hope this newsletter finds you and your family well. We’ve been The New England quite busy since our last newsletter with conferences, new research Centenarian Study publications, new participants, and new research partnerships as well as Boston University some staff changes to tell you about. We deeply value your help with Medical Campus our studies ,and to our participants, obviously none of what we do 88 East Newton Street would be possible without you! Robinson 2400 Boston, MA 02118 Our Toll-free Number: 888-333-6327 Pennsylvania, who is also the sec- ond oldest person ever in the world! Thomas T. Perls, MD, Of special note, we also enrolled MPH Sarah’s daughter Kitty at the age of 617‐638‐6688 Email:
[email protected] 99 years and Kitty herself went on to become a centenarian. Stacy Andersen, PhD 617‐638‐6679 Sisters Mildred MacIsaac & Agnes Buckley, ages of 100 years and 103 Email:
[email protected] years, were kind enough to pose for a photo shoot for Boston Julia Drury, BS Magazine which highlighted the 617-638-6675 Study’s recent findings Email:
[email protected] Study Participant Recruitment Sara Sidlowski, BS Since beginning our research in 617-638-6683 Sarah Knauss, seated on the left, as 1996, we have enrolled approxi- Email:
[email protected] the second oldest ever person in mately 2,500 centenarians includ- the world at age 119 years. Sarah is ing 150 supercentenarians (people the oldest participant in the New England Centenarian study.