Larungan” at Ngebel Lake Ponorogo Regency

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Larungan” at Ngebel Lake Ponorogo Regency Prosiding PESAT (Psikologi, Ekonomi, Sastra, Arsitektur &Teknik Sipil) Vol. 6, Oktober 2015 Universitas Gunadarma - Depok - 20-21 Oktober 2015 ISSN: 1858-2559 SYMBOLS USED IN “LARUNGAN” AT NGEBEL LAKE PONOROGO REGENCY Rini Widastuti1 Aris Wuryantoro2 1,2English Teaching Department, IKIP PGRI Madiun [email protected] ABSTRACT This research is intended to reveal about symbols used in Larungan at Ngebel lake, Ponorogo Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The objectives of the research are: (1) describing the kinds of symbols used in Larungan at Ngebel lake, and (2) analyzing the meaning of symbols used in Larungan at Ngebel lake. The research uses descriptive qualitative research by using semiotic approach. Data of the research collected by using observation, interview, and content analysis from the informant and documentation. Results of the research reveal that: (1) there are thirteen symbols used in Larungan at Ngebel lake, Ponorogo, as follows Wedus Kendit (Stripped stomach goat), Tumpeng Abang (Red coned rice), Buceng Kuwat (Forcing coned white sticky rice). Buceng Tulak (Warding coned white sticky rice), Jenang (Rice pudding), Rasulan (attribute to Muhammad, the messenger of God), Leluwuran (Prayer for ancestors), Pala Pendem, Kupat lan Kupat Lepet (Buried corps plant, Rice boiled of plaited young coconut leaves, and Sticky rice of twisted young coconut leaves), Sego Golong Limo lan Sego Golong Pitu (Five piled rice and seven piled rice), Beras Sefitrah, Kambil Gundil, Pisang Ayu (One tithe rice, one skinless coconut, and good condition of banana), Kupat Luwar (Kind of rice boiled of plaited young coconut leaves), Gulo Gimbal Karuk Gringsing (Sticky sugar with fried dried rice), Tumpeng Agung (Big coned rice); and (2) every symbol used in the Larungan has each meaning depend on its purposes. It concludes that symbols used in Larungan contain some meaning which reflected in the form of foods. Every symbol has the relationship with macrocosm meaning that is the relationship between the Ngebel villagers and the God, and microcosm meaning has relationship with the process of Larungan itself. Key words : Symbols, Larungan, Lake Ponorogo Regency PENDAHULUAN culture. It is used to maintain and convey Language is a tool of communi- culture and cultural ties. cation. Language is very important for Culture is a complex system of human to communicate each others behavior, values, beliefs, traditions, and because language is part of our life. Each artifacts. Culture has existed since region has a language used in the daily forefather. It is transmitted through next activities. Language shows human’s generations. According to Tylor (1871: 1), region and that is relate with the culture. “Culture is complex whole which includes According to Ivanovic (2008: 46), knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, language is a principal means through custom and any other capabilities acquired which culture is transmitted. It means that by man as a member of society”. It means language is always existing in culture. that culture is a characteristic of human Language and culture cannot be separated including knowledge, belief, art, law, because language and culture as social morals, custom and any other capabilities phenomena that have developed as part of in a certain area as a member of society. social life of human itself. Language can Culture is closely related to the society be viewed as a verbal expression of because everything in the society defined by culture and owned by society itself. Widastuti dan Wuryantoro, Symbols Used in... S-95 Prosiding PESAT (Psikologi, Ekonomi, Sastra, Arsitektur &Teknik Sipil) Vol. 6, Oktober 2015 Universitas Gunadarma - Depok - 20-21 Oktober 2015 ISSN: 1858-2559 Culture can be realized by objects created from the God, nothing disaster and by human beings, for example foods, accident around of Ngebel Lake, and get clothes, custom, house, and musical harmonious condition around of Ngebel instruments. Moreover, culture can be villagers. realized by symbols used human beings to The name of Larungan has changed express their thought and feeling. In this into three times. The first name is research, the researchers analyze symbols Larungan Sesaji but this name has used in Larungan at Ngebel Lake, controversy with the Gontor Islamic Ponorogo regency, East Java, Indonesia. Boarding School, then, the name changed into Larungan Risalah Doa but the METODE PENELITIAN Ngebel villagers did not agree with this In this research, there are seven name because prayer should not be main discussions, they are: a) place of thrown, and the finally the name became research in the Warsimin’s house is Larungan which is used until now. located in Sahang village, Hartono’s In Ngebel village, there are two house is located in Ngrogung village, kinds of Larungan. First, Larungan Kecil District Office of Ngebel is located in (the core of ritual Larungan), this Ngebel village, Cultural and Tourism Larungan held on the first Suro at Office Ponorogo regency is located in midnight and second, Larungan Agung (to Jalan Pramuka number 19 A Ponorogo, b) show the tourism of Ngebel Lake), this the researcher uses descriptive qualitative Larungan is held in the morning with approach and grounded theory as type of Kirab which surround of Ngebel Lake. the research, c) the source of data is taken Before Larungan Kecil held, sesepuh must from informant, d) technique of collecting do Mendem Cokbakal. Cokbakal is syarat data are observation, interview, and in the Larungan consists of head and foots documentation, e) research procedures are of Kambing Kendit. The head of Kambing preparation, analyzing, and reporting f) Kendit planted in front of pier of Ngebel technique of validating data is data Lake and foots of Kambing Kendit is triangulation, and g) technique of planted in the six corner of Ngebel Lake. analyzing data are data reduction, data In the Larungan, there are many display, and concusion and verification. processions that must do from the start to finish. There are Istiqosah (Sima’an Al HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Qur’an), Gemblungan (Shalawatan), Larungan is a tradition from Tirakatan, Wayang Kulit, Mendem Ponorogo that always held every Suro Cokbakal, Larungan Kecil, Slametan, month (first date of Suro). Larungan is Kirab Tumpeng Agung, and Larungan one of culture icons in Ponorogo beside Agung. All of processions have Reog Ponorogo and Kirab Pusaka. meaningful of cultural concepts because According to interview with Fibi Chandra in the procession there are many symbols (2013), Larungan is a procession around which represent the meaning of Larungan of lake along the five kilometers and after itself. There are three groups of symbol. arrive in the middle of lake, a cone (like First is food symbols, for example; red rice mountain) pushed into the lake by Kambing Kendit, Tumpeng Abang, a swimmer. Since 1993 until now, Buceng Kuat, Buceng Tulak, Jenang, Larungan has done in Ponorogo Rasulan, Luwuran, Golong Limo, Golong especially in Ngebel village. Larungan as Pitu, Pala Pendem, Kupat, Kupat Lepet, expression of thank to God from Ngebel Beras Sefitrah Kambil Gundil Pisang Ayu, villagers who get blessing of God, such Kupat Luwar, Gulo Gimbal Karuk the result of agriculture is good harvest Gringsing and Tumpeng Agung. Second is and sea-fish is overflow. Besides, clothes symbols, for example; Warok Larungan is held in order to get safety Sepuh wears Kejawen clothes, Samir and S-96 Widastuti dan Wuryantoro, Symbols Used in... Prosiding PESAT (Psikologi, Ekonomi, Sastra, Arsitektur &Teknik Sipil) Vol. 6, Oktober 2015 Universitas Gunadarma - Depok - 20-21 Oktober 2015 ISSN: 1858-2559 Serempang and Warok Muda wears palm sugar. The meaning of Tulak and Ponoragan clothes such as Blangkon Sengkolo porridge is refuse the disaster in Mondol, Mondolan, Penadhon, and Ngebel village in order to get safety and Celana Gembor Kolor. Third is equipment there are no differences in the Ngebel symbols, for example; big umbrella, small village. Jenang Abang Putih is porridge umbrella, javelin, flag, boat, and Wulung made from rice flour and palm sugar. bamboo. Abang means red. It symbolizes blood. After analyzing data finding, the Putih means purity. It symbolizes marrow. results of the research are: (1) Wedus Abang Putih porridge symbolizes the Kendit. The meaning of Kendit is belt. union of father and mother or Adam and Belt is always circling the Ngebel Eve that strengthen the blood and bone villagers in order to save from accident marrow. Porridge is important part in the and disaster. Wedus Kendit symbolizes the Larungan because it is used in the unity of Ngebel villagers. Wedus Kendit is Slametan; (6) Rasulan. Rasulan is made important part in the Larungan because it from sekul gurih (rice cooked with is used as Cokbakal. Cokbakal is coconut milk). Sekul gurih symbolizes the requirements in the Larungan that must do Ngebel villagers will not lack of food. to achieve the safety. In the Cokbakal Rasulan itself symbolizes the Muhammad there are head and foots of Wedus Kendit. Rasullullah prophet. Muhammad is body, The head of Wedus Kendit symbolizes the Rasul is feeling, and Allah is authority. first date of Suro month and the foots of So, human has body, feel, and authority. It Wedus Kendit symbolizes the pole of means that human life in the world must Ngebel Lake; (2) Tumpeng Abang. Cone know when they use the part of their symbolizes relationship between man and body, feel, and authority. Rasulan is God. The point of cone is the Ngebel important part in the Larungan because it villagers should not forget to serve their is used in the Slametan; (7) Leluwuran. Lord. Tumpeng Abang is important part in Leluwuran means Luwur or forefather. the Larungan because it is used as The meaning of Leluwuran is apologizing Larungan Kecil that it held on the first to God for prophet and forefather in the Suro at midnight. It is core of ritual Java Island. Leluwuran is important part Larungan; (3) Buceng Kuwat.
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