The Spectrum

VOLUME L. STATE COLLEGE, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, k EBRUARY 8, 1935. NUMBER 18 Ballet Thrills Enthusiastic Crowd Annual Charity BEGINNERS GET DANCE Koch, Singer, With Brilliant Interpretations INSTRUCTION AT IrM Ball Scheduled That the collegian uninitiated To Entertain Repeated Curtain Calls Indi- to the practice of dancing might Debate Teams cate Approval of learn the fundamentals lof the For Next Friday Audience modern step is theipurpose of the At Assembly newly - formed dancing classes Decorations Will Portray Enter Contest created by the YMCA and True to the tradition it has estab- Noted Dramatic Baritone To YWCA. Beginners' instruction Charitable Projects of lished in all other cities in which it Sing Classical and Op- Six two-man debate teams are in ballroom dancing will begin eratic Series Sororities representing NDSC in the Red has appeared, Col. W. de Basil's Tuesday at 8:00 p. m. with Fran- Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo drew River debate tournament at Concor- ces Wright teaching. Raymund Koch, dramatic baritone Featuring posters on the philan- a capacity crowd at Festival hall dia college Friday and Saturday. The lessons will be continued who has appeared with such noted thropic activities of the various sor- last Wednesday night. The audi- They are competing against squads weekly for five weeks with the artists as the Symphony orities on this campus, the Charity ence evinced much interest in the from 16 other colleges of North Da- YMCA gymnasium as the meet- Orchestra, will sing a series of se- ball sponsored by the Panhellenic kota, South Dakota, , and performance and, if applause may ing place. Both boys and girls lections of a classical and operatic council, will be presented Friday Wisconsin. be taken as a criterion, derived are offered this instructional ser- nature Monday, February 11, as a evening, Feb. 15, in the Field house Speaking for the local college are much enjoyment from the ballet as vice by the "Y" groups. regular convocation program. from 9:30 p.m. until 1 a. m. Sigurd Melstad, Isadore Levine, was evidenced by the repeated de- Mr. Koch comes to NDSC enthu- Grant Heimark, Gerald Stevens, mands for curtain calls after each Displays, featuring the charitable siastically recommended by editorial Donald Erickson, Howard Kilbourne, number. works of the sororities, will be post- comments in cities where he has ed along the walls of the dance Floyd Van Horn, Otis Glendenning, From its repertoire of over thirty Commission Court given concerts. "Mr. Koch is un- floor. Simple decorations have been Woodrow Gagnon, Lloyd Flem, and works the Ballet Russe presented doubtedly an indispensable musical arranged with .emphasis on indirect Neil McCabe. Alternatives are Al- three numbers. The first, "Les Syl- Selects Officers treasure," is the opinion of the Chi- and colored lighting effects. vin Nordlund, Henry Swenson, and phides," was set to Chopin's music cago Evening American, while the Leading the grand march, which Ray Cruden. and through its beauty brought New York Telegram praises him will form at 10 p. in., are Betty Colleges sending teams include back many pleasant memories of The first student commission court with "a vivid dramatic sense helps Bickert, who is president of Pan- River Falls Normal, River Falls, old ballets. Such ballerinas as IrMa will be held in the faculty and him to vitalize whatever he essays hellenic, and her guest, Earl Jen- Wis.; Aberdeen Normal, Aberdeen, Baronova, Tamara Toumanova, and alumni rooms in Old Main today at to sing. He has scored successfully nings, Alyce Connelly, secretary, S. Dak.; Mayville State Teachers Titiana Riabouchinska, delighted the 4:00, at which offenders of the traf- in the operas "II Trovatore" by and James Coleman; Hermione Han- college; Jamestown college; Moor- audience with the nocturne and fic rules on the campus will be Verdi, "Faust" by Gounod, "Lohen- son, treasurer, and Merlin Haugen, head State Teachers college, Ham- valse, and were augmented by Ro- brought before the court and fined grin" by Wagner, and in others of followed by the senior and junior line, Macalester, and St. Thomas, St. man Jasinisky, who gave a virile for their offenses. equal prominence. members of the Panhellenic council. Paul, Minn.; Carleton and St. Olaf, solo mazurka besides participating Gerald Stevens has been appoint- Not confining himself solely to The chaperons and honored guests Northfield, Minn.; Gustav Adolph-us, in a valse with Irina Baronova. In ed judge by the commissioner of this type of work he has performed will complete the line. Following St. Peter, Minn. "Scuola Di Ballo," a comedy by the judiciary, and Cathryn Ray has as a soloist with the Sym- the march, formal dancing will con- Forming the discussion point of Goldoni, the comedy vein reached selected Maine Shafer and Orville phony Orchestra, St. Louis Sym- tinue until 1 a. m.. Music will be the tourney will be: Resolved that its most uproarious point with its Goplen to act as clerks. phony Orchestra and the Cleveland furnished by the Crystal Ballroom the export of munitions to foreign finely developed art of pantomime. Members of the commission act- Symphony Orchestra. orchestra and their trio. countries should be prohibited. The final number was "Le Beau ing as policemen have been very At his appearance at Festival hall The committees in charge of the In this year's tournament no win- Danube" set to the music of Johann successful in capturing a large num- Mr. Koch will present a program in ball are: Vernetta Hidde, Eleanor ner will be selected; it will be con- Strauss with a Viennese garden as ber of offenders who will be brought three groups, the first to consist of Isaacs, and Cathryn Ray, decora- ducted entirely as a round robin its setting. before Judge Stevens today. "Hear Me, Ye Winds and Waves" tions; Constance Hsilrnan_and Mary discussion. Dean Paul Rasmussen, Since taking over the' remainder - Court will be held every two by Haendel, "Der Tambour" by Clemens, programs; Audrey B'oe, Concordia college debate coach, is of Diaghileff's ballet company in weeks with fines deducted from Wolf, and "The Legend of the Sage Hermione Hanson, and Jane Nich- managing the event. 1931, Col. de 13'asil's Ballet Russe de registration cards. Bush" by Massanet. The second ols, tickets; Alyce Connolly, Amy Monte Carlo has made 1423 per- Fines are imposed for cutting series of songs includes "Field Be- Glaser, Helen Engle, music. formances altogether. Of these, 118 across the campus and parking cars loved" by Rachmaninoff, "The Goat" Tickets for the ball, from which Musical Phantasy were presented in the Covent Gar- in the wrong places. the proceeds are given to the com- den Opera House in London, 16 in by Moussorgsky, "Far on the Road" munity chest, can be obtained from To Be Presented the Theatre de Monte Carlo at by Ipolitoff-Ivanoff, and "Dubinush- the various representatives of each Monte Carlo, 12 in the Grand The- ka" by arr-Bromberg. With Dob- sorority and also may be secured in By LCT Players atre de Licia in Barcelona, 18 in Students Promote son's "Cargoes", then "Sea Fever' Dean Dinan's office. the Theatre des Champs Ely-sees, by Ireland, "The Green Eyed Drag- "Clock Shop," a one-act musical Paris, and the remainder in U. S. Interior Murals on" by Charles, and "De Glory fantasy by John Goleden, will be A., Canada, Mexico, and European Road" by Wolfe, Mr. Koch will com- FORMER EDITOR TELLS plete his third group, bringing his OF ARIZONA WEATHER given for the first time this season countries with a total of 3,205,367 For Science Hall by a group of LCT players in the spectators in attendance. entertainment to a close Little Country theater Friday after- Bertha Hagen, Fargo pianist, will The California poppies are begin- A new project, that of decorating furnish the accompaniment ning to blossom on the southern noon, Feb. 22. Students and facul- ty members are invited to this open- the interior of Science hall with slopes of the Baboquivari mountains Eide Norena Will murals, is being promoted by a in Arizona and in a few days should ing performance, which has been arranged primarily f o r Fargo's small group of students backed by cover the country with a riot of various faculty men who have al- Gamma Tau Sigma color, writes Gale Monson, last year's school children, said Alice Bender, Appear In Lyceum director of the production, in an- ready discovered that Leo Hencara, editor of the Spectrum, in a letter nationally known artist and deco- nouncing the play. The first rendi-, Eide Norena, world famous sopra- Lays Tennis Plans to Professor Stevens of the Botany rator now living in Fargo, will do Department. Mr. Monson is engaged tion will be given at 3:45 p. m. on no and member of the Metropolitan Feb. 22. the work at very little cost to the in grass range work for the federal Opera Company, will appear at Positive assurance that there will Taking the leading roles in this institution. government and reports that on the Festival Hall, Thursday, Feb. 21, at be ample opportunity for tennis musical comedy are Marm Houg- "I am planning to make my home last reconnoissance party the ther- 8:15. This will be the fifth per- players to pursue their practice of urn and Dorothy Hawkinson, who in Fargo." stated Mr. Hencara," and mometer stood 80 degrees above formance in the lyceum series. the game right here on the campus will personify Hans and Gretchen am willing to cooperate with any zero. Miss Norena was born in Nor- was given. by Robert Parrott, presi- as the Little Dutch clocks. Other college organization that wishes to way and started her career in the sponsor the project. Forget the dent of Gamma Tau Sigma, journa- players are Bill Akeley, alarm Scandinavian countries. Later she listic service fraternity. clock; Darrel Dahl, cuckoo clock; money part of it; I am here to give was engaged to sing at La Scala, and not to take." He was approach- Sponsored by Gamma Tau Sigma Shafer Appointed Paul Sorkness, grandfather clock; in Milan, going from there to the the school courts will be whipped James Baccus, clock-maker; Charles ed by Robert Williams, one of the Paris Opera. Coming over to this into shape with the aid of FERA Pollock, Father Time; Dorthy Thull, interested backers of the improve- Bison Associate country, she appeared with the Chi- and perhaps transient labor. New Dorothy Cone, and Frances Cooper, ment. cago Civic Opera and later with the nets and other equipment necessary Dutch clock chorus. It is estimated that about eight Metropolitan Opera. Music critics will be furnished by the fraternity. Maine Shafer today was named The musical script being arranged interested students or FERA work- in all parts of the and Tournaments, both individual and associate editor of the Bison in a by Audrey Kenevan of the music ers would be needed to work with Europe have praised her interpre- fraternity, with perhaps an inter- major change of personnel on that department, calls for a four-piece Mr. Hencara to transform Science tation of the classics. class meet providing enough interest staff by Cathryn Ray, editor-in- string ensemble. hall from what Dr. P. J. Iverson Students will be admitted upon is shown, are planned with trophies, chief. He succeeds Manny Smith, The scene is laid in a clock-mak- says "resembles an ice house in presentation of registration cards. to be awarded the winners. resigned. Shafer's former position er's shop on New Year's Eve. The June" into a creditable Liberal Arts Tickets will be on sale in the Little Prospects for a conference ten- was sports editor. players will costume as human size college. Country Theater Feb. 11 with re- nis tourney are being investigated In a further revision, Margaret clocks which are being constructed Hencara, who was born in Vien- served seats selling at $1.00 and Hylden was named dramatic editor; by members of the two story-telling na, is a graduate of the and there is possibility that should $1.50. Ralph Smith, assistant administra- classes. These story-telling stu- School of Art from which he re- a loop tennis meet be organized the tion editor; Don Fraser, sports edi- dents are arranging this entire pro- ceived three scholarships and where State college may act as host to the competing teams. tor; and Howard Rolfe, assistant duction. Two Phi Mu alums, Marian Mil- he won national distinction for his sports editor. Last year's story-telling presenta- ler, Lake Park, Minn., and Doris art exhibits. He served as profes- Donald Erickson and Jane Klins- tion, "Jack in the Beanstock," was Brimer, Wheatland, were guests sor at his alma mater and as dean Don Lindemann is sick with the man were added to the reportorial one of Lers most popular produc- over the week-end at the Phi Mu of the School of Art at the Univer- measles at the Delta Tau Epsilon staff. tions during that season. house. sity of Missouri. house. The CRYSTAL Dance Tomorrow Night The AVALON Fargo's Better Ballrooms WDAY BARN DANCE -- 7:00 Crystal Ballroom Orchestra Lem Hawkins and his Hill Billies


necessity why any peram met Student Opinion leave a book lying in the area for THE SPECTRUM Bison Briefs five minutes with a reasonsisle as- Official publication of the students of the North Dakota When the petty larceny that surance that it will still be there State college published every Friday during the school year. seems to spring up wherever groups when he returns. By BILL of people gather together begins to Walter McGrath. MEMBER assume the proportions of a $125 Nsociated collegiate *ins Midterms, basketball games, Ballet Russe, embezzlement, then the time has STATE --1934- grolhifittpiong,1935 e- come to forget about hurting peo- "Eskimo", adventurous dram*, di- madam viscoNsii4 and what not. What a whirl! Makes a guy ■ ple's feelings and apply force and rected by W. S. Van Dyke, will be 1 MEMBER NORTH CENTRAL PRESS ASSOCIATION feel like Max Baer—rather sluggish you know. action to a problem that obviously shown today and tomorrow at the Guess I'll just write some semi-literary stuff Entered as second class matter at the State College Station must be solved. We refer to the State theater. Sunday and Monday, under the act of March 3, 1879 and lay off personalities for the most part. theft of the new typewriter that Bing Crosby will again sing his way TELEPHONE 2221 * * TELEPHONE 2221 was purloined from the Spectrum into feminine hearts, assisted by EDITORIAL STAFF FARGO office last week-end. Carole Lombard, Gracie A114211, and Maxine Rustad Editor-In-.Chief (A parody on Carl Sandburg's Chicago) Before this there has been what George Burns in "We're Not Dress- Orville Goplen, Jack Spalding Associate Editors Walter McGrath Sports Editor Home of the Fargo Express, the fraternity brothers of the guilty ing." One of the biggest movie hits, Maine Shafer Sports Columnist like to define as kleptomaniacs op- "Men in White," co-starring Clark Marjorie Laliberte Desk Editor Farmer, stacker of wheat, Robert Williams. Desk Editor Player with footballs, basketballs, tennis erating around the chapter houses Gable and Myrna Loy, will be run Lennea Frisk Society Editor while in the school itself articles on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs- Columnist balls and stuff, William Stewart. such as books and paper have mys- day. Lucille Spicer, Dorothy Tht11 Copy Readers Snowy, cold, slushy, and also dusty at times, teriously vanished into thin air. REPORTORIAL STAFF City of a thousand Hill Billies: But not so far back as this writer GRAND Bruce Dahrling, Madelyn Powers, Margaret Tierney, Earl 1 refer them to the Snyder, Robert Melzer, Alfred Murfin, Katherine They tell me you are wicked; and can recall has there ever been such The Grand theater brings James Kilbourne, Eloise Pfeffer, Ralph Smith, Jo Connelly, Wick murder case and certain places on Front a bold-faced contempt for rules of Cagney in "The St. Louis Kid," Fri- Roald Peterson, Katherine McEnroe, Marjorie Ar- nold, Gertrude Murphy, Kent Helland, Kathleen Street—and Alice Duffy watching for cheek to the institution flaunted before the day and Saturday. Sunday, Joseph- Litton. cheek dancing at the Crystal. noses of the faculty and student ine Hutchinson shows in the "night body alike as was the recent flag- to Live." "Maybe It's Love" with BUSINESS STAFF And they tell me you are crooked and I answer: Business Manager rant action of the person or persons Gloria Stuart and Ross Alexander James Golseth yes, it is true that students at Fargo high Francis Walters Assistant Business Manager Oh, who so boldly picked the lock and comes on Monday and Tuesday. ADVERTISING STAFF school sell their assembly seats to innocent stalked off with the Spectrum prop- John Boles and Gloria Swansea ap- Phillip Garberg, William Stewart, Manny Ladwig. freshmen. erty. This theft is a personal chal- pear in "Music in the Air" on Wed- And they tell me You are brutal, and I says, says I: lenge to every right-thinking per- nesday and Thursday. Yes, Charlie Anderson is a dam tough flatfoot, son at North Dakota State college Editorial Board Deadlocked and too, they give blame stiff and brutal midterm which should be accepted by the Kappa Sigma Chi pledges enter- tests at the NDSC. group as a whole. Because a per- tained active members at a party On Peace Poll Question son has a kind heart is no reason held in the YWCA Friday. Leon- answered like that I turns once more to That the United States should not join And having why he should be willing to forgive ard Dalstead was in general charge what sneers at this here burg, the League of Nations is the general opinion them wise-acres and forget when he catches a fellow of arrangements. Chaperons includ- of western colleges Who have answered the and squints at 'em sorta "Oh yeah!" like and student making an attempt to steal ed Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Scranton and Association of College Editors peace poll says between my protruding teeth: a text book from some unsuspecting Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hay. Mr. sad Come on, you mawgs, and show me another dump victim. The forgiver is only send- Mrs Rudolph Otterson were guests. while schools as a whole favor the League by ing forth, in most cases, a potential a .7 per cent margin. This ballot is being of 30,000 with lifted head singing Hill Billy songs all day and beer parlor songs all night. Were criminal of not only a petty degree, made by the Association and the Literary but one which has a fine oppor- proud to be alive! Digest in order to determine the attitude of tunity of developing into a first- American and British student bodies toward Cussing a blue streak amid the drouth and grass- class "kleptomaniac." His "milk of war as expressed by college editorial boards. hoppers, singing "June in January" in 30 below human kindness" may be the cause STATE. the The questions asked are these : weather, here is a real place right across of hundreds of dollars being stolen Do you believe that the United bridge from that wild and wooly old saloon town, in following years. States could stay out of another war? Moorhead. We realize that we have present- Fierce as a Bison ready for action, cunning as ex- ed this problem in a most dismal If the borders of the United States and perhaps even a little far- were invaded, would you bear arms in Governor Langer, and as speedy as Fritz Hanson. Baldheaded, fetched angle. But that is because defense of your country? we feel that the student body espe- Drinking, Do you [believe that a national pol- cially must come to realize that Swearin g, icy of an American Navy and Air such things are not to be passed Dancing, Force Second to None is a sound over lightly and that there is no FRI., SAT., FEB. 8-0 Carousing, yelling, yodeling —and farming in method of insuring us against being between times. Untamed — Unashamed drawn into another great war ? Dust from the fields all over his mouth, nose and ff Do you advocate government con- ears. Laughing with teeth stained yellow by "ESKIMO trol of armaments and munitions in- those chemicals they put in the water down at Wife Traders RAN With an all Native Cast dustries? the filtration plant. In alignment with our historic pro- THEATRE Manure on his boots and proud of it. Laughing as a cedure in drafting man-power in time SUN., MON., FEB. 16-111 young ignoramous fresh from the farm laughs. Fri. and Sat. Feb. 8-9 of war, would you advocate the prin- BING CROSBY ciple of universal conscription of all Laughing even as a young Bison Brevities chorus girl laughs who has never lost a battle or any- JAMES CAGNEY —in— resources of capital and labor in order IN "WE'RE NOT DRESSING" to control all profits in time of war? . thing. Laughing the throaty, catarrhical, falsetto, dust- CAROLE LOMBARD Should the United States enter the "St. Louis Kid" BURNS & ALLAN League of Nations? -clogged laugh of the farm hand. Proud to wear "Osh Kosh by Gosh" overalls, by crackidy, The editorial board of the Spectrum is Sunday Only Feb. 10 Tues., Wed. Thurs., Fel), 1246-14 submitting the following decisions as the Laughing! Laughing the cracked, husky, throaty laugh of the CLARK general opinion of NDSC unless proven Hill Billy, half shot, sweating, proud to be hog- GEORGE BRENT wrong. caller, chicken-raiser, home of old time fiddle IN GABLE AND Members of the Spectrum's editorial toons, home of Lem Hawkins, Billy Petrolle, Jack board were unanimous in answering "yes" Hurley, Bill Lemke, Polly Hamilton, and some "The Right To Live" MYRNA LOY to the first two questions. On that con- more I can't think of who get a lot of publicity. From the Novel by —in— cerning the value of a strong air force and * * C W. Somerset Maugham "Men in White" navy, opinion was divided with the two ad- Looks as if these new huzzah leaders are vanced military students believing that an going to do things to NOS spirit. Perhaps we air force and navy second to none would be shall see a return of the old spirit—the spirit effective in preventing war, while the re- prevalent when I used to sneak into games maining two believed that piled up arma- with Acey Olson and others with less basket- 30c 25c 210 ball and football proficiency, but skilled in the ments merely increased the possibility of a to 6100 struggle for supremacy. To the remaining manly art of skimming over barbed-wire Till questions, the students questioned also fences, and then running a hundred yards in 40c agreed on,an affirmative answer. 10 flat. A guy had to be a dashman to evade the sturdy club of "Sarg" Culpepper of yester- 2:30 THEATRE Phone 2028 to closing day. Yes, we may doff our blase masks before What Other Collegians long. I feel myself slipping already; caught SAT., SUN., MON., TUES.—FEB. 9-10-11-12 Are Saying myself yelling again at the Concordia game. WILL ROGERS As much as it is disconcerting and em- We may see a return of gigantic pep rallies preceding games, students hollering "Yea With EVELYN VENABLE in barrassing to hear the rabid multitudes at f, basketball games howl and boo every deci- Bison!" on the campus, and even in the class- "COUNTY CHAIRMAN sion that seems a bit off color, there is a rooms before an Important contest. Remem- ber the good old days when they used to be WED., THURS.,, FRL—FEB. 13-14-15 certain liberty attached to the price of ad- from classes for a couple of 'hours rais- mission that should allow the spectators to AWOL ing whoopee? Maybe there will come a time. GRACE MOORE in voice at least some of their convictions. So if you feel the urge, if you feel some school When a crowd sees something that may spirit coming on—don't restrain it too much. "ONE NIGHT of LOVE" easily be wrong which works against the Go to town! Our instructors claim they are The Most Glorious Musical Romance of All Time! home team, let's allow them a few vigorous broad-minded. Give them a trial! cat-calls just so they can enjoy the game a * * * COMING SOON! bit more. No visiting team will be so af- It's fun to slide through school like a toboggan- - Virgina BRUCE fected by it that they will return home and down--down, but that three o'clock parade say, "My, my, what nasty people up there." down— IN and take it of men, marching men, often brings us back to seri- They hear it everywhere they go, ousness. They are vivid reminders of the future. "The Mighty " as a necessary evil that crops out in every crowd.—Minnesota Daily.


Lynn Carlson, Delta Tau Epsilon, New Sigma Thu pledges' are Bev- Novel Themes Are visited at his home in Halstad, erly Cull, Jack Watson, of Fargo, The Social Climber Evolved By Greeks Minn., over the week-end. and Joey Burg-um. Phi Omega Pi damsels clothed in svelte dresses and ravishing wraps were seen yelling boisterously' at the game Friday, but we all knew they For Weeks Dances were going to their pledge dance following the game . . . . After two For the , weeks we're reminded today of the Cosmopolitan taffy-pull, little Student Variety is the keynote of this Opinion Columnist Williams still has a sticky face .. . A great deal of week's entertainment with themes thought was wasted on the question of whether it makes much differ- ranging all the way from a summer ence that there are three men to every girl on this campus until sports wear party to a flying trip Saturday when Jack Andrews took the punch girls home from the Kappa to Chicago by radio and a Valen- tine party thrown in as due the sea- MAN Sigma Chi party It hasn't been decided yet whether the Pops son. were polishing the apple-or just giv ing the instructors a chance to re- To the tune of Eddie Wirtz all the COSMOPOLITAN CLUB •ATO's will dance Friday evening, lax. At any rate the faculty mem- TO HOLD TERM PARTY ' bens were honored at a tea Sunday. all decked out for the evening in . . .. Forry Stevens, who has been summer sports dress. Rumor has it ABOUT The Cosmopolitan club, student that no dark suits will be allowed suffering from writer's cramp, will independent organization, will hold 'be able to recuperate now since his on the floor. Chaperons for the its term party at the YMCA Satur- party are Mr. and Mrs. Harry - `little Gamma Phi gal has recovered day night in the form of a card from the measles. Two letters a day Bridgeford and Mr. and Mrs. Al party and dance, according to Betty Severson. was the minimum. . After the Jamieson, in charge of the arrange- Committees in charge are headed TOWN Sigma Chi party we have decided ments. Assisting on the committee that there is more than one reason are Eleanor Benson, Merlin Gauske, by: Francis LaMarre, arrangements; for calling Charlie Bert "7 up", that Lloyd Hanson, and Walter Crane. Nestor Sailer, finance; DeLaurence Tom Ryan and Lucille Puller made Chaperons for. the party will be Nelson, decorations; Willard Barrett, a sad attempt at being original in Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman and Mr. and programs; James Cathcart, invite• the little dance number they gave, Mrs. Buck of the engineering de- tions. that Waltz King Raymond really is partment. Pledges of Alpha Gamma Rho quite modest and that big Bill Mur- fraternity will entertain the active phy hasn't a bad voice. A big week- cAmoue STUDENTS chapter Friday evening in the col- end with the Gamma Phi's, AT.O's, WILL DANCE FREDAY lege Y. Don Fredrikson's orchestra Sigma Phi Delta's, and Alpha Gam- will make melody for the Valentine ma Rho's entertaining. Catholic students of the college dance which will be chaperoned by will be entertained at a Newman Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ableiter and NEGRO POETRY DISCUSSED club dancing party in the Knights Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Scranton. In of Columbus hall from 8:30 to 11:30 charge of arrangements are Blair "The development of Negro Poe- Friday evening. The committee in Bergen, Carol Strand, and James try- will be discussed and illustrat- charge is made up of Mary Clem- Purdon. ed at the poetry and music group, ens, Margaret Neuensehwander, and Decorations for the Gamma Phi sponsored by the YWCA on Tues- Lee Gress., Chaperons will be Mr. party at which actives will be the day at 7 p. m. Lois Presler is and Mrs. George F. Yott. Guests guests of the pledges will be in gold chairman of the meeting. All wo- will include Dean Pearl Milan and and white with a 'splashing fountain men students are invited. .... and the Miss Francis Lamb. serving as the dance floor axis, ac- The regular meeting of the New- cording to pledge whisperings. Mr. K. D.'S HONOR PATRONESSES man club will be held the following and Mrs. Leonard Sackett and Mr. Sunday, Feb. 11, with Father Stan- and Mrs. T. W. Johnson will be fac- Mrs. Robert Ennis and Miss Ada ton speaking on "The Problems of alty guests. Lady Blakeslee, newly chosen Kappa Del- Youth." ta patronesses, will be honored at a Nan Powers, Lois Myron, Phyllis Krantz, Vinnie Olson, and Irene supper Monday in the Kappa Delta Pledges of Kappa Kappa Gamma Martin are planning the party. of apartment. Marjorie Ogilvie is in sorority will entertain four pledges charge. Sigma Phi Delta fraternity will of other sororities at a bridge Sat- give a Radio party and supper at urday at 2:00 o'clock in the chapter BLUE MONDAY TEA HELD the Powers hotel on Saturday eve- rooms. Eleanor Miller is in charge ning. The the tunes of Goodman, Discrimination of arrangements with Marjorie Dady Helen Edmonds, Mary Sherwood, Murray, and Cugat from Chicago, being in charge of refreshments, the guests will dance from 9 to aim and Muriel Burnson will serve at and Alice Crahan heading the the next Blue Monday tea. 11:30. The fraternity colors, black clean-up committee. and red, will be used in decorations. Chaperones are Mr. and Mrs. G. F. The "Drugstore on the Corner" Kent Helland, Theta Chi, return- Laverne Bobben, Argusville; Bob Yott and Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson. ed from his home in Crookston, Heemstra, Fergus Falls', Minn., and Harold McCannel is in charge. is a Favorite Spot Minn. Harold Albrecht visited at the Del- ta Tau Epsilon house last week-end. Eugene Guldemann, Tuttle, pledg- ed Delta Tau Epsilon last week. Prompt Courteous Attention to Your Dance Programs VALUES ALWAYS The Phi Omega Pi's entertained BANKING REQUIREMENTS the faculty women at tea Sunday In the Drug Line afternoon. Deloris Cook was in gen- The Fargo National Bank eral 52 Broadway We can give you suggestions for

FARGO. N. D. novel and attractive Programs and Folders. Instrument Repair fINE Popular Music Broadway Pharmacy Small Good Supplies.' Guitars, 261ireilor Knight Printing Co. 74 BROADWAY likes, Etc. 819 N. P. Ave. Phone 602 Stanton-Becker Music Co. Telephone 16611 527 Broadway Farm N. D.

OM AM ■■••/ , 11•1 .W. •■■•• TUXEDOS For The Charity Ball • • • • • The Newest in Tuxedos is being The Well Dressed Co-ed shown at Howards— The exclusive , will wear Men's Store of Fargo Featuring Single and Double Breasted Models with that Dull Finished Lapel i Long White Kid Gloves

Tuxedo . That last note of beauty 5° Including and grace $2 2 Vest $2 2,50 . The most prized possession in every woman's wardrobe HoyvAy Ds A • Ea. Moody Co.

FOUR THE SPECTRUM Captain Hook; John Plath, Starkey; Professional Directory Aldeen Paris, Tiger Lily; Betty Nel- Radio and "Micky The Monk" son, Vivian Luther, Ruth Piper, and Official Calendar FARGO CLINIC Jean Simonson, Mermaids. Friday, Feb. 8- 807 Broadway FARGO, N. D. Entertain Dancers Backstage 8:30-11:30 P. M.—Alpha Gam- Adjoining St. Luke's Hospital ALDEEN PARIS LEADS PHONE 4600 INTER-SORORITY B. B. ma Rho—College Y. 8:30-11:30 P. M.—Newman Club DR. OLAF SAND Friendliness which amounted al- Diseases of Women "I like to dance before London most to good fellowship character- Aldeen Paris continued her lead Party—K. C. Hall. Diseases of Stomach audiences best. They understand ized both men and women who tried in the inter-organization girls' bas- 9:00-11:30 P. M. — Alpha Tau DR. N. TRONNES the body so much better,'" said Titi- Omega—Festival Hall. General Surgery to keep up gay conversations in ketball race. una Riabouchinska, who is spending Saturday, Feb. 9- DR. 0. J. HAGEN spite of their difficulty with the This week's scores of the inter- General and Thyroid Suregry her second season dancing in Amer- 8:30-11:30 P. M. — Sigma Phi English language, accepted stran- sorority basketball tournament are DR. WM. F. BAILLIE ica. This feeling that English audi- Delta--Powers Hotel. gers in their rooms and shared their Aldeen Paris, non-sorority captain, Kidney, Bladder and Skin Diseases ences are not only more enthusias- 9:00-11:30 P. M. — Gamma Phi DR. WM. C. NICHOLS enthusiasm with them while they 16 vs. Gamma Phi Beta, 6; Kappa tic but also more appreciative of the Beta—Festival Hall. Diseases of the Heart and worried about the pleasure the Kappa Gamma, 8 vs. Alpha Gamma Internal Medicine art in dancing was common to many 8:30-11:30 P. M.— Cosmopolitan L) JOEL C. SWANSON guests were getting out of the pro- Delta, 4; Phi Omega Pi, 8 vs. Kappa Bone and Joint Surgery of the artists who expressed opin- Delta, 6; Phi Mu, 2 vs. Mollie Cush- Club Party—College Y. gram. Basketball: NDSC vs. Concor- DR. WILLIAM STAFNE ions informally when visited in their man, non-sorority captain, 2; Phi Diseases of Women and Children dia—there. dressing rooms preceding Wednes- Omega Pi, 16 vs. Kappa Kappa Obsterics Mid-term Reports. DR. GEO. C. FOSTER day night's performance. Gamma, 8; Aldeen Paris, 24 vs. Phi Sunday, Feb. 10- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Tamara Toumanova, however, said Colorful Barrie Mu 2; Gamma Phi Beta, 8 vs. Mollie DR. RUSSELL A. SAND 7:30 P. M.—Newman Club—K. ' .I love America and everything Cushman, 10; Kappa Delta, 6 vs. Dental Surgery and Oral Diagnosis C. Hall. American. Everyone is so nice to Play To Be Given Alpha Gamma Delta, 8. DR. T. P. ROTHNEM us here." This enthusiasm was typ- Monday, Feb. 11- X-Ray Diagnosis and Treatment 9:40 A. M.—Convocation: Ray- D. M. ASHLAND, B. S. ical of all the men and women who By LCT_Players JOHN ROBINSON CLUB Director of Pathological Laboratory mond Koch, baritone. continually seemed to be going into MEETS AT 6 P. M. SUNDAY 0 Russian ecstacies about something, Basketball: NDSC vs. Valley B. J. LONG. Manager People must float through the air City Teachers at Valley. City. whether it was the marshmallows with the greatest of ease. Mermaids, The John Robinson club will meet that Vera Zorina popped into every- Tuiesday, Feb. 12- The man who examines your Eyes pirates and Indians must be made at the Plymouth Congregational 7:00 P. M. — Poetry Group— one's mouth or the jazz music is a Scientist—Let our Regist- up realistically. Tree-houses, caves, Church at 6:00 P. M. Sunday for the Fireside Room, YMCA. evolving from their portable radio. regular luncheon hour. After the ered Optometrist examine ships and water scenes must be Basketball: INDSC vs. James- your eyes. Among the notables gathered back constructed. These are the prob- lunch they will go as a group to the town College at Jamestown. First Methodist Church where Dr. stage was Micky, one of the most lems now confronting the members Thursday, Feb. 14- F. W. Peterson Co. traveled monkeys in the country. of the class in advanced play pro- Robert Hopkins of Jewelers and Optometrists will speak to the two clubs. 8:00 A. M.—Mid-term Grades. He has circled the United States in duction, who will present "Peter 7:30 P. M.—Chemist Club. 120 Broadway Phone 8054 the ten months of his life and been Pan;" famous play in five acts by 7:30 P. M.—Phi Gamma Mu—. cooed to, fed oil with an eye drop- J. M. Barrie, in the Little Country Lawrence B. Hall turned chef last Faculty Alumni Rooms. Theater, Tuesday, February 26. The Sunday afternoon and entertained Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted per, and wrapped in gauze or a rab- Friday, Feb. 15- William Akeley, George Toman, bit's fur robe, depending upon the scenic effects may rightfully be 9:30 A. M.—Convocation: Phil- DR. J. W. TUCKER Emanuel Smith, and Howard Kil- climate, by some of the world's termed stupendous. lip Martindale. OPTOMETRIST bourne. greatest dancers. The Russian dis- A cast of about 35 persons, in Charity Ball—Phys. Ed. Bldg. 20 1/2 Broadway (Over Alex Stern cussions were evidently more intel- eluding grade-school pupils, is now Clothing) ligible to him than to the reporter rehearsing regularly. Jane Nichols William Nick, Dilworth, pledged PHONE 979 for his eyes sparkled as he looked will take the part of Peter Pan, Kappa Psi last week. FARGO, N. D. from one speaker to the next and who was made immortal on the l■■•■•■■■■•..... nodded. Irina Baronova, who in- stage by Maude Adams in 1906. The New York Dertal Eye Comfort Quality Service terpreted the street dancer's role in action centers around this charac- 121-123 Broadway DR. I. E. LITTIG the last section of the program, was ter—a boy who never grew up. It Dakota Photo DENTISTS his owner carrying her pet with her has long been a favorite story with OPTOMETRIST in a wicker basket. Phone 900 1041/2 Broadway, over Globe Clothing "every kid from 6 to 60." Other Engraving Co. A small portable radio was the NDSC students having roles are FARGO, N. D. FARGO, N. D. center of interest in the merfs Virginia Smith as Wendy; Eliza- dressing room with the Metropoli- beth Dewey, Mrs. Darling; Wilfred tan opera program being accompa- Rommel, Mr. Darling; Dayton Jones, nied by the dramatic gestures and yodeling of the dancers waiting for their cues. When they had tuned to a jazz program, they literally clung Krank's Hair Root el to the radio while they struggled - 4,) C to learn tie words. On a huge map of the country they were marking Fargo Theater the stations that they were getting from the various points on their Barber Shop itinerary.

FLOWERS... for the Charity Ball Shotwell Floral Company 47 Years of Leadership

HIM Nothing Like It 1935 FORD V-8

HER It's My Choice • • • Donovan Motor Co. THE SPECTRUM Jimmies, Viking Are Bison Opponents P ECT RU

PORT BOB SAUNDERS PECULATIONS Vengeful Herd Bison, Sioux Win To Keep Records To Battle For Clean For Ancient Title Series By WALT MeGRATH Herd Victorious Over SAS In Sioux Complete Thre - Gainfte Niaen that the slithering Sioux State's Crown Conference Battle for Tour in Southern Fund Sixth Win Of Conference have slid through their southern Coach Lowe Confident Men trio) safely, the question of The Bison mopped up all the loose Win Avenge Former The North Dakota university cag- wbere the NCC basketball ban- ends that stood in the way of a ers kept pace with the Bison five by ner will rest, again reverts back Jimmy Setback championship series with the Sioux successfully r o u n d i n g out the when they trimmed the aggressive to at ancient and much re- southern end of the loop with a The Bison continue their war- South Dakota State Jackrabbits last veled four game tussle between total of three victories to &tow- for fare outside the NCC loop when Saturday night by a score of 39-33. Ciento Letich's proteges and Bob they travel to Jamestown and Val- their three starts. The contest was a typical "muscle" Lowe's nimrods of the hank- ley City next Monday and Tuesday. The outcome of the tour definite- game that saw four of the starting board game. At this time we'd Bolstered by the confidence that has ly labels the four-game Sioux-Bison like to point out to the sports carried them through to the top of lineup thumbed to the showers for the maximum number of series as the conference champion- fats in general and one rabid the league, the Lowemen are out to personal ship struggle. redhead in particular that even slip-ups. While Olson and Reiners even the argument with the Jim- The Sioux made the mighty Sioux with their were first to leave Mr. Holzer's hard work of mies. In their first meeting earlier their first two contests when they Finnegans, Birks and Witaseks spotless game, the grievances were in the season the Jimmies handed were guilty of excessive fouling can Dose their scalping shots and balanced when Barber and Larson the Bison one of the only two de- against both the South Dakota State drop into the category of a very of the Bunnies mounted their total feats the Herd has suffered to date. quint and the Morningside Maroons. mediocre basketball machine. to four personals. Coach Bob Lowe points out that Clem Letich's men gained their The Bison encountered the same his cagers are in no indifferent third victory of the trip at the ex- trouble with the Jackrabbits as they We refer to the Morningside fra- frame of mind after the blotch that experienced the week before in that pense of South Dakota university. cas when the Maroons headed the the Jimmies etched across the Bi- their offense could not effectively In their conquest of the Jackrab- Nodaks at the half-time 23-16, but son's record and expect to come home with a victory. puncture the tight defense of bits the Sioux blocked and charged faltered in the final period to drop a their way to a 46-35 win in which "They're expecting tough ball Arndt and Diehl, the best guards close decision. the high-scoring Witasek was held games with the crack squads of to oppose the Bison here this year * without a field goal but was fouled Jamestown and Valley City, but I with the exception of SDU's Bobby Recause the Fargo boys didn't believe they can come out on top," Buck. often enough to enable him to sink eight from the free throw line. smoother Concordia's Cobbers was the frank opinion of the Bison The Bison exhibited a scoring po- under an avalanche of points The rejuvenated Maroons harass- tutor . Bob Saunders, Mandan product, tentiality that might easily have last Toiesday, the student opin- ed the Nodaks with an aggressive Some indication of the busy time gives promise of duplicating the fine carried the Herd to a safer lead had ion column will probably be attack but the fast-passing Grand that faces the Bison is sifted from record of Viv McKay at his guard they connected with a better per- steed with the maniacal rav- Forks aggregation copped the tilt the record of the Jamestown and post. The sophomore star stepped centage of their "spot" shots. Though ings of the aforementioned 43-36. in- Valley City squads. Each is knotted often finding a scoring position the tian-haired insurgent. He al- into a regular position in veteran in a two-way tie for the leadership usual dead-eye of Marquardt and In a fast game last night the Siou.i lows no slumps, no poor passing style and has set the Bison fans at of the North Dakota league. The Reiners couldn't find the range un- rang up their seventh conference and nbeve all no defeats. And ease with a classy exhibition of ball Valley quint has pointed for the handling. In the coming Sioux- (Continued on page 6) win by defeating the SDU Coyotes. we joest can't drop a game to a Bison game with full confidence of good Jamestown quint that was Bison attraction Saunders will meet proving their strength favorably, his favorite opponent in Bob Finne- primed for us and caught us while the Jimmies are grooming gan. The Finnegan-Saunders rival- veil& the proverbial trousers un- their combination of Schauer, Thu- latched without shouts arising ry began in prep school days where nem, and Hall to set down the Bison to tear the shirt off the mentor's each was an all-state performer. once again. New Tuxedos.. bank After lighter workouts this week, Denenny has assured the Herd of the Herd has regained the shooting six starters that work equally as We have the new popular double Ho hum, yawns the bystanders, touch that has been missed since well in the line-up. breasted models - the coaching game is a cutthroat the earlier conference settos. With The Bison stake their annual $30.00 racket at best and the greatest of the exception of Maynard the squad claim for the North Dakota cham- them should expect to have their Single breasted is in top condition for the two pionship on the outcome of these p ears tweeked once in a while just games, The dependable work of infra-state battles. models - $22.50 on general principles. Tuxedos for rent - - $2.50 rime remember that there are font other schools in the loop and their students want to finish in the upper bracket just as Are You I formed? ,,„, well as the pampered suppor- Ed and Emil "ty firit ters at the Herd stronghold. Our n athletic teams have been right You will be if you up amongst the leaders all the time in these years of the I'm- r4egrei-Lowe regime, yet there's read always those few who just don't feel right unless they're ribbing THE FARGO FORUM someone. STUDENTS PORTABLE Delivery just one of the features of our service. Wonder what these job-snatchers would do if they attended Morning- side, which has consistently finished TYPEWRITER in the lower group? Yet the Ma- roons haven't been shouting the Hand Tailored "Get A New Coach Policy" so flag- rantly and bursting forth with ideas The Royal Typewriter thru their for a panacea that would suit the athletic ills. They can take it down TUXEDOS agents are offering what is known there and when it comes down to as the Students Portable the final analysis it's the test as to Complete with vest .... whether or not you're a good loser that separates the men from the boys. A few short Months ago this same machine sold for $60.00 NOW Fresh Fruit Punch... New Spring Styles CATERING Curlee Clothes Arriving Soon 49.50 PINS, RINGS, MEDALS AND Terms if desired TROPTIFES —AT- WIMMER'S Office Specialties Company FARGO JEWELRY MFG. CO. 115 Broadway Fargo, N. D. 'Walk a Flight and Buy Right"


BISON DEFEAT BUNNIES FARGO Lowe and Co. Whip NOTICE NDSC Boxers Win FOR SIXTH LOOP WIN Almost unanimously chosen as All k LliA students who are four star pictures are "The County Concordia, 31 to 23 boarding themselves are asked to In Glove Tourney (Continued from page 5) Chairman" and "One Night of Love" report to the Dean of Men's office til the last few minutes of the fra- showing this week at the Fargo. Tuesday night the Bison turned at their earliest convenience. Laurence Bapp, freshman amateur cas. Will Rogers stars in the George Ade Prof. Sevrinson. boxer, outpointed Joe Miltenberger comedy as a typical country politi- back the Cobbers in a ragged con- Keeping right on the trail of the running their victory of the University, in the Golden cian and all around protector of the test, 31 to 23, league's leading scorers, Arney string to seven straight. Gloves tournament held there last poor. The Herd seemed content to allow week, after winning the regional Bernard twisted his way to a total "The most romantic entertain- the score to remain quite close State Rifle Team championship at Wahpeton a week of 21 points for the Herd's salvation. ment in the world of the theater" throughout the contest. As the end earlier. However, the championship The Wahpeton forward found the is Clark Gable's characterization of was awarded to Miltenberger after which Grace neared they settled down, played Fires First Stage going a bit rough under the basket, the latter picture in basketball, and ran up a comfortable a judge accused Bapp of appearing Moore sings away with the honors but gave the year's largest crowd to win. The combined effect on a professional card at Grand of presenting one of the most "in- lead a choice exhibition of trick shoot- of the Bison's listless play through Last week the rifle team complet- Forks. Miltenberger, also known telligent musical pictures to come Mg as he tossed in eight from the the early part of the game and the ed the first stage of the Corps Area here as a professional after appear- out of Hollywood.' floor and garnered five out of five stubborn defense thrown up by the Intercollegiate match with a score ing on a card New Year's day, was from the charity line. Cobblers kept the score seesawing of 1959, six points higher than last the defending .Golden Gloves cham- back and forth till half time when year. Doyon Pollock led the team pion. All other mention goes to the by a score of 200 out of a possible it stood twelve up. Walter McKee, sophomore middle- spectacular work of Alfred Arndt 200. The rest of the members shot who lead the attack of the Bunnies When play was resumed the weight, was eliminated at Wahpe- as follows: Anthony Welker, 199; and left his post at guard often Moorhead five pulled slightly in ton after winning the semi-final William Oftebro and Leonard Mof- enogh to pick off four tough field the lead. Seven minutes before the round through the route. Viking Cafe fitt, 197; Karl Kaess, 196; Martel goals to head the SDS crew in the gun the A. C. quint forged ahead to With three straight wins, Damien Haugen. and Roy Peterson, 195; scoring department. win. McCarten won the light heavy- George Macaulay, 194; George weight division at Wahpeton, but Concordia's fast breaking offense Friese and Edward Ballard, 193. brought about a lot of juggling and was eliminated in the other tourna- Each week the team shoots in two ment. fumbling of the ball. In the positions and one of them is always the pellet, "The Early Bird gets the Worm."The same with scramble to recover prone. The positions used last week numerous fouls were called. This were prone and sitting. ROXY resulted in the Bison losing their Corsages from Besides the regular competition in The story of a man who had him- stellar performer, the veteran Acey the Corps Intercollegiate match the self kidnapped to save the woman Olson. He was usually on the bot- team will also compete in the Pos- he loved is told in "Million Dollar RANDALLS tom when the mix-ups were un- 9 tal match against the University of Ransom," showing today and to- 613 2nd Ave. North Phone 2G 4r tangled, but he managed to be out Alabama, Kemper Military School, morrow with Phillips Holmes. and long enough to use up all the infrac- Ohio State U., University of Mary- Mary Carlisle in the starring roles. tions allowed by the code. Before land, Montana State, University of Victor Moore, the star in "Of he left the game, he ran up a total Oregon, University of Nebraska, Thee I Sing," is featured with of ten points on 4 field goals and Colorado School of Mines, Oklahoma Roger Pryor and Heather Angel in two free throws. He was trailed A & M, Drexel Institute, and the "Romance in the Rain," a musical closely for scoring honors by Mar- UniVersity of Cincinnati. comedy, scheduled for Sunday and W it be quardt, the veteran Bison center, Monday. who by his uncanny accuracy from the foul line garnered 5 points to George Janecky, Kappa Psi, vis- entiemen?, which he added 2 field goals for a ited his home in Sherwood last Clyde Yeo, Kappa Psi, is back in school after an attack of flu. total of 9 points. Both men played week-end. good defensive games, Marquardt being especially effective under the baskets. Captain Eddie Dahl and Pederson carried the big load for the Cobbers, Business Training Pays .. . Eighty-five per cent of our population are engaged in the work Ruth Schulz, Fargo, pledged Phi called business. Thousands of trained workers are required to Omega Pi Monday night. plan the work, carry on the correspondence, perform the transac- tions, and keep the records. The business world offers more op- Marvin Miller, Theta Chi, return- portunities to trained workers than all the other lines of work put ed to school after a brief visit here. together. He is a senior at the University of For information, phone 1099 or write for catalog. Southern California. INTERSTATE BUSINESS COLLEGE The Grunow Living Tone FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA Radio $22.50 and up

-,,) .41 , 39th Clearance Sale .11ARDWARE SPORTING;4000S GENTLEMEN! Under Grad Suits 67 Bdwy. Phone 757 She too, Appreciates:— $14.50 - $16.50 - $18.50 .... Popular Beverages Extra Special Just Arrived .... Food of Quality The New Gardner Hotel .... Superb Service Maharajah Ties .... Collegiate Atmosphere DINING ROOM Absolutely "Where Fargoans Entertain • New Their Guests" Visit us after your • Fraternity' Party, the Charity ENJOY Ball. Anytime! Large/Selec tion National AdvertisedShirts Eddie Wirtz and his Gardner Hotel Orchestra 65c Reduced to $1.19 You'll both be Satisfied! vas DAILY Luncheon and Dinner Hour Special Noonday Luncheon 35c LE CHATEA U Chefs Special Evening Dinner 2 BROADWAY 50e Walkover Shoes Hats of Very Best Makes Special - $4.95 $6.50 Value for $3.95 FOR DELICIOUS FOOD MATT SIEGEL American Cafe ! Fountain Service "Where The College Fellows Buy Their Clothes" 505 N. P. Ave. Fargo, N. D. • Ballroom Available for Private Parties 424 Front St. Fargo, N. D.