•TUESDAY, MAY 4, 192ft THE SIOUX CITY JOURNAL Petrotte Beats Jawson in K. of C. Feature

He didn't do it in the rinc. He would HILLS TEAM WINS not ha,ve been on lire.program It Mark Buen& Vista Team Has Good Chance YANKS'WINNING FROM KINGSLBY BY TTO SUPPORT FARGO FIGHTER JiKlse had not cancplonY too- late to M'GRAWWINS give tho matchmakers R chance to Ret to Win Track Meet Here Saturday A SCORE OF 9<3 another suitable opponent. STREAK STOPPED "The Hills Vinsefoall club, of Sioux BASEBALL LOOPS French Wins on foul. THIRD IN ROW the Storm Lake collegians five points City, opened its season by defeating '• HAS GOOD EDGE An accidental low ptincli in the first in the mile relay and several more ill the stroll.; Klnpsley team by n score gave Rollie French f victory over Beaver Trackslcfs Made nnd Eljprbrook, of which He-Long and Tutfy Griffiths in what WHS to have Great Showing at Capt. Kll'ornrooli seeSm to be the best. Two. Big Rallies in Laic oC 0 to 3. The score: Font Municipal Circuits been an 8-round fiRlit. French was As the Beavers also set a new mark R 11 K Wins Nine of, the Ten Kournier's Fifth Home hi the two.mile relay, It would weiu fl " '' lo Be Oi'gaiiized-itit coming In as the blow started and he Dakota Meet. Innings Win Contest 3 10 ! seemed lo lift Ms body In nn effort to Run of Year. Helps it hut the school boasts several capable Klnsslcy lefcst Is Lively. Rounds—Blue Stops avoid it. Instead lie-placed Ills groin Vialf-nillers. Wiley, Xoi'de.cn, Rdsbn for Allilelics. IJattorles—1-lllls, Conch .1. 13. Kelley's ruipnn Yl"'" nntl Jorrion formed the team that won Cans in Second. right in the way o£ the Mow and it . . college ttick. (pain may not win Initlnl Kingsloy, filnnchiird and Humphrey Four municipal bnselmll leagues will struck him squarely. After waiting honors III thn Tri-^tate invitation meet the event, but Ellrrbrook and .Steven- riilhidrlphla. I'n.. M"V 3.— f/P)— Tho Tlronklyn, Jlny 3.—Iff)--The Hoblnp son nlso run tho. SSO-yard distance l.'inplres. Knstmnii and Ulack. he spbiisoi-ed this summer hy the Y. By Joo Ryan. for several hilmitos, HeTercc Pldler cnrde'lt'for JJnss field Saturdy nftpr-^ YiinUecs' rlcht-Kiimf wlnnlnpr siren k The Hills tram will piny IJg next j M. ('.. A., Physical Birectm- C. A. saw that it was not possible for the ok the second straigiu Kiimp num ^ well. romp to an abrupt end 'today, whrn Billy Potrollo, tho "FV'iruo Express," i noon, bnrjV\dlcatlons »re Hint at lensl the' 440.yard dash. The quartet in- pnnip at Smilhlnnd .Sunday. The' ... ,R hnnounccd Monday night. Sioux Krills boy to so on ajid' he if Boston Braves today, 4 to 1. Bob it will malta tblncs Interest ing for the (lie Athletic? took tho scrips opener, Both dlivniond ball nnd regulation nnd Joo Jawson, Milwaukee's "Iron awarded the fight to French on'.-i foul. cludes Del.oiiK. Stevenson, Marshall Hills team, which Is nn nll-«i1nrtctl cOrnw held the Hub team to fl\\ rremainder ot the ronleslnnls. and Kllerbrook and Stevenson also run S to 3. • > 1 niling teams In till." scrtlnn dtirhiR Iwselwll will be ployed, plans bavin* Horse," Ringed n prcat battle bore It wns just one of those unfortunate Up ni Sioux Kails last week the "l.rfty" nrnvp. HIP wlnnlnp pltchpr. lipen imulc to support ft Commercial' ts ami won his third stralRht vlc- the 880-yard distance well. expects t« Pin? so"1e °c th* Monday night in tho main event of, things that happen In the the Reavers set two new records, won ivns the first man t" to tl'f raute un- tcnm, of nnd a ("lly IcaRtic In caoll phase of ry of tho year. Jack Fournler three firsts nnd placed In five events to Marshall landed second In the broad ilded fiRfilnst. th'r Iliis-mon this your the comliiK seiison. A numlipr the K. C. card and Petrolle won tbc game nnd there WHS noboily lo blame. jump at the Dakota meet and as the Kivme'.i will he plnycd in the new Slock UIR eaine. l>n"t year more than 3* outed bis fifth home run of the spa- (dominate tho college section In cinvlnn- and dime nut on top. Score: fight. He won because of his cleaner 'Griffiths felt, badly about it and competition was much stlffer than It Yurds purk. loams competed hi the four circuits French felt fondly, too. 'IMi^y.-.lxnd made.on. Score: -tnK fashion. Tho team will Imve to NKW TO UK nfid IniHoiUlons nre that oven greater Is-likely to be here this weekend, he Ab II Po A punches, his better defense and his a fast start and tlielr'toout gav.e' p'i'om- I1OSTON BROOKLYN .compete npiiinst at least one outfit Hint Ah II Pn A • :\ u .1 lnlrrr>!st will be shown this season. greater aggressiveness. It was a fine Ah 11 Pn A ABU Pn A competed in the university rather thnn should be able to do as well at least. »n!t " I n I (' a Ise of being a good one- ai]!r»au.;b 3011 Cnx.rt 4 n 2 I! Kerns landed third In the discus In fomlin.cf t 1 r. i « 1 "Y" ntitlioi-lllos (ii-R Imvlns .tholr thllie COllCKcollegec rfl'Llli'sectioUn *aMt .JH.IIfjlouxA Fall,<>».x" whe...... n. ,-.,,, r 1,/iHinr.K R 3 n r exhibition from start to finish between The opening ••S-nniri'il Iiout - was " a I8h,-2h 1101 ppwuter.!!* .122."' (iohris.lh 3 n it n n f. Ri-o.ilc.it difficulty In securing dlft' Wheat. K 4 2 1 C It cou^to Sioux C.tV th,, weekend, ^.^ nie^ar. Utters. p of Ruth.lf llntiiiiH-.Ui FOR YARDS AND Brent fislit. Kmll Mon-ow -won from ancron.js < l'l"' J Slrnnion.«,pf join moiids on which U> PlnJ' the Ramca. two great who didn't >l»h.i-r 3 0 .1 li Fnurnlnr.lb 3 1 10 * but the fuel cannot be denied that 212! Billy De Jalma In as Row! a prelimi- umin.lb < t.8 0 Frllx.ef 4 1 :l 0 Vista also lias Ilensley, however, and GHOSTS TODAY The diamond hall contests, of course, clinch more limn four times through- HutloriJh 4 o 2 J Biienn. Vista has a s""d bin chance to t 1 2 I nary scrap as the writer lias seen In rni.-n.lf < 0 -.I) 0 should be able to count n few markers 2 (I 2 6 Stock Yards and Ghosts hnscbnll can IIP pliiyed on grade school plats, out thclrventlrc 30 rounds.of fast nnd a long time. These two niliUllewelghts PlB.cf 4 1 30 M'nvlll*,iin ^017 win the meet. \ i o ; but the ilo.'irth of regulation baseball .Tavlor.Jh «, 1 11 O'NeH.c 3 2 « 0 Tho mile relay team stepped the four in not only the discus but In the shot, HhH wltpy.p tennis will play a. practice Rnme at the furious fighting. Incidentally, It saved started throwing punches nt iho open- Tnylor.c 2 fl S; I A cOraw.p ; ft t> 1 \Vliere TJossem, Erlckson and l>rnvler illamunils nisikes it hard to nvriwge for pnewlch.p. 2.0 0 ' ft laps In '3:33.7 at tho DnUota carnival, 1100 Stock Yards park this uftcrnonn nt 2 a card thnt otherwise might have ing bell and they were doing it. when : 1 the othei- c-ontestfl. ohnslon ;.1 ' 0 1 -,0 while- the university section mile relay will perform. o'clock. H will lie .the first snme to the fight ended. Morrow, by virtue of Tolfll* ,",1 in 27 1C Hunt Ilnrdwnre totiiu won the City proved tad. V'erU.p '0 0 0 0' wns run In but .0 If a second faster Jordnn arid Kdson will take care of 30 .< 2< 3 bo played in tho new Yards park tills his aggressiveness in tile second, third the Inn-dies, "while Christie and Peter- M- slTorkpr In ninth. basebull league title while tli'c Standard Petrolle is every Inch a proat Tolalu M »:«• 7 ''Volull- 50 8 27 5 and neither the team that won nor the *Kri-nm—Koenlis. i. season. Oil tcnm won thp Commercial title. In and fourth rounds, won the fight by a mm will vie for honors In the jumps. John Donaldson, famous negro fighter. He Is like a mnchlnc In his .lohnptnn Imtlod (or tifnewlch in Huhlli. one thnt finished second will be here Scorn by lT\nlntf«: i o n o o—»j the City illiiinoml ball loop, the Kind- comfortable mnrgln. In the other Jirown, J. Tnylor, Jn all the Heavers will b,e represented n n i> Mri-.n-fl — G u u t rcn u , to contest the Beavers' claim. Con- - ooo o 4 o.n •—» pitcher, who this ceasoii Is plnylnR grcu-J lapf^troni -toant wus a- victor, actions, a fast moving machine with .hree rounds ho wnrt held on even I'lillHilPliilil1n r ''ewfiter. rvative flBWlnfr. consequently, Rives bv J7 men In the affair. Two-bin" hit—Clrnvr. "?","', "V;,,,»V with the I.ismoi-c, Minn., club, will terms by PC Jalma, \vlio was capable Si-oro by Innings: Stolon bum-*—Combs. Orhi-lR. Uylte". while In Ilie Commercial circuit Jor- no waste motion. His blows are 00000001 0 — 1 work out with the Glirmts. H Is likely dan's cloth lsr« omprged first. lashed out with tho speed oC a cat a.nd, at long range boxing. 01001200 • — 4 that he will titUo .1 turn In the Iwx A battle royal, staged before the Twd-'base hlt-'-J.-'ett uli-r. Home run — Entries will closn Mny 7. Play will he hits the mark when he lets go with nurnler. Sacrifice — J rCirnw. Double play IOWA COUNTIES this afternoon. H wlll.be the first be started the week of Way 10 If pos- regular program started, was won by — Fewst^r to I.'ourn r. Left on Imnej— | MAJOR LEAGUE home appearance o[ the Yards team his punches. Billy bnd Jawson in Charley Hancock, catcher and out- o«ton, -6; Brooklyn, r» IJanpB-on balls — Off sible. rnewlcli, 2; ott Me Jraw, Z. Struck out ORGANIZE NEW Sliockcri" 3: oft O rove. . 6 jft'^'^otf "Kfmw - this season. distress several times, but his greatest fielder with the Ghosts. — Hy McOrnw, 4; by Clenewlch, S. llltn — | LEADERS UevWl'"ln 5' 2-.1 Innli'B"; off Hnocicor, » In Tho crowd was not up to expecta- !l flenewlch, « In 7 lltnlngs; off Wert-.. 2 1-a innlKKX. l'a».e.l liall-»Coi'l.riinn. I,o.- opportunity came In the second round In 1 Inning, wild n Icll —Genewlcb . l.o«- BASEBALL LOOP •r>——— ' Inir pltclisr—Hhawlipy. 1,'mplreii—Mc- Ghosts' Will Play at • when Jie staggered Joe with "a vicious tions, but those who attended the pro- nff iiltclicr — Gencw :h. Umpires — Hart (By the Amioelaled Pre»«.) OoWnn anil Plnech. Tlm«—8:16. Donaldson Loses First nd -Klcni. Tlnio — IH Sanborn, la., May 3.-A baseball National. Homer, Neb., Thursday rlghthand T>unch over the heart. It gram certainly saw some great fight- league for two northwestern Iowa Start jor Lismore ng. It isn't often that one gets a Battlnc—Soulliworth, Giants, M4\ SKNATOKS n«)\VN HK1> SOX. came clos'a to the end of the stanza REOS I)KPK AT CARDS. counties hr.s been organzcd for the Kllaworth. la., Way' 3.— Speclnl:- John The Sioux City Ghosts will meet the and Joe was smart enough to weather chance to see two such great light- runs, .Wilson, Cubs, 19; lilts, llornfcby, Boston, May 3.-(fl')-Hloacly -twirl- ,1-Tonicr, Neb., club on th6 Homer St. Louis, May 3 — (#>)— The Cincin- comltiR season. The counties are. Cardlnnlfi, 28; doubles, KHsch, Olants, ing by Ogtlcn, coupled with Ineffective Donaldson, J,lsmoro'n neffro " pltchor, the gale' until the bell sounded. weights as Billy Petrolle and Joe Jaw- O'Brien and Osccola. There «re diamond Thursday afternoon. Homer sou. 'Tltey go.t . in there -and .fought ati Heds bunched hits today and de- It; ti-lplcs, Wilson, Cubs, G; homoi-H, pitching by niiffiiiB I" the early In- lost his' first fiame of the season hero Good Fight All the Way. ls CurdinalH, 8 to seven towns In the new league and n Sunday \vhcn the -KUsworth club look ha* a tcnni composed of homo boys, every minute. ' Alex l''idler,was the rcf- eatcd -the St. Lot J-'ournlcr, Robins, Phillies and Hot- nliifis, was rcHponslbln for the Hcim- nil of whom are fnst iilnycrs. The There -wns.no letup in .the terrific , in the first san e in a loiiB(atand schedule' of. 21 ganles has been ar- the UII'IB cntl of fl'C to fi count. "Doc" erey and 'his work was .above re- lomlcy, Cardinals, 4. tors' fi to 2 victory over the Red Sox team lias Rood pitchers and two fighting from tlio first round to the t home for Ilornsby's men. The Hods ranged. Members of teams will be Stolen Buses—Ouyler, ' Pirates, today. KlnsslPRd starred for Boston Juel Htiirlcd for Ullsworth and pitched proach. Ho acted wisely In not per- teal In the sixth, catchers and will meet all comers this last. The boys, perfectly trained, mitting French to continue fighting vorked a triple s practically all homo players. No Frlach, Giants and Mueller, Cardinals, "in tiie outfield. Goslln lilt a h.oincr five Innings. Then lv vent in for stood In there and punched constantly, Bohne. scoring, PIcl nlch reaching; third teams arc allowed to hire or .import Kllswortli and a tier gcttlns away to li season, K. M. Church Is manager o' and he acted just as wisely in stop- G. for the vlsltoi-H hi the the club lind bo is nnxlotis to scheduls giving the fans a big-thrill on several and Ciirlstensen se cond. Score: any .outside• players. The schedule ' Plt«hlng—Petty, Uobins, won 4. lost "JIOSTON bud start, held Tjlsnioro well In check, ping the Blue-Cans bout, The next ' W AS HIN 01W games wltli strong teams in this s%o- occasions when they elected to. stand CINCINNATI ST.' IjOtllS follows: • . ' none. Abll I'o A All If I'" A Ubnaldson lost the game with a wild card will be held during tile lust week Ab 11 I'o A Ab H I'o A li-lnitntcail.ct r, 2 r, I In the center and trade punches. Pe- Mny 9-i*Arch<-r at Sanborn; Hartley at ; America n. jlciNuoly.cf tion. , of this month or the first week of Cr',t7.,2b 6114 nladf.n.lt 4000 A.l'fun; I'rlmehar ">• Everly; Puulllna at Harris.Sl> Illltnry.iB •. ' ' J * throw lit the eighth Inning, trollo used a left hand to do most of .Mueller.cf 4 1 3 ( 6040 (.•nrlylP.rf v < 2 ° » June! • CinellUb 3 1 3 E h C Batting—Dugan, Yanks,- .443; runH, ' Siirji/.cii Wins Dixie Handicap, ' damage, first jabbing with it, then Huush,e( 4220 Hurnsby,2b 0213 % a ;'°U-S»nborn at Sutherland: A,!,. Ruth, Yanks, 22; hits, Goslln, Sena- S 1 4 » To".ll,ll) " ^ 'Wins rrop Net Title. hooking' it. Jawson's best weapon Walker.i-r 4 1 t u Ilottomley.lb 4 I 13 i Ion ut Kverly; Archer at 1'nulllna; Hart- Pirallco, Race Track, Baltlmor*, 'Ipp.lb 6 1 11 0 Hofey.rf , 414-1 tors, 22; doubles, Burns, Indians, ft; Cherokee, May 3.— Special: In ths 1 was a hard left hook and lie found ircBBlcr.lt 4 1 4 C ri.Bell.3b 3011 '"MU'V -is—'paulli'na at Sanliorn: Sulher- rlples, Gehrlg, YankH, G; homers, 2 o :i < high Bchool tenntH tournament just Md.) Mo^ 3.—(XI )—Mrs. "William. K. • Petrolle with it several times," The- Snvmcr.ss 2013 O'Farrell.e 3132 land a^AKh«r: ITImghar at AsMon; hv- < : o o Vanderbill'H anrazen won tlio $25)060 : Thevenow.ua 4114 luth, Yanks, and Williams, Browns, closed here, Mjtnley nice wpn the Fargo boy, liowcver, was'too canny" Bohne.BS 1001 " Him-1 «—Sa'nborn at Bvisrly.: Archer nt Ogdan.p 6201 gold modal In tho finals by defeating Dixie handicap for 3 year olds afid up $* STANDINGS *, Hlclnich.o S 1 1 0 Keen.p ' 2011 Prlmgiinr: Aahton at Sutherland; llart- to bo caught napping often and a [ lllncy.p . 2100 Halnv.P 0001 Stolen bases—Mctlsel, Yanks, 6. Howard Louse in three atrulglit nets. at a.nillo and three-sixteenths today. right hand that he held ne'xt to his Mayn.p 1 0 0 o Hnllahi.n.p 0000 *. ":. ,3 Frlmffhar 'at' Sflntoorn: "Rvcrly Pltchlne-rrShocker and . Pciinock, ho Cherokee \eani of net Blurs will . cheek .took the sting oC£ most of the m OF THE .fft jucas 0000 Tnrporcer fi 0 0 0 at' Archer; I'aulllna nt Anliton; Suther- Broken Kottlo acreage for sale, easy Chrlstcnaen 0 0 0 0 Flowers 100 0 Yanks, won 3, lost none. tteir. the 'tourniuncnt at Sheldon this punches Jawson started in his direc- 1 terms. Percy Webb. Wai-nock Bide. 'Tuns 20—Hartley «t Sartborn: Archer Tola In 2L1L-L-! -'-?—- eek. tion. Totals 3'4 J 27 1J Totals 34 " 27 14 at AHhlon; T-aullIha at Kverly; rrlmchar It appeared that they might tire f^ CLUBS > othrork hiitli'il for Wllf/.c In nlnlll. lenscn liHtlca Tor Hlxey In ninth. Torp- J Ullfl *• )——Kutiiui" " a•t * • • » i JACK JOHNSON Krrnrs—llnrrla, Oonlln. early, judging from their terrific American league, orcer batted for Kuon In »lxlh. Flowers at Kverly; A oh to" l'rlni|th»ri Archer Si;oro hy lnnlnfin: _ ^ starting pace, but as one stanza suc- T batted for Hainan In. elrhtli, WINS HIS FIGHT w. r... Pet. v. -. PCI - Errors— Emmer.'l'lc nlch, Hornsby. ul'v 'V-^jEvAvi: y at Banborn: "Prlmitha.1 ceeded another they both kept up NeW Torlt' IS 4 •">» faetrolt Sin .<< Scorn by Inninsa: .- ... " ' ;" ' Ai-cher' ^utlKI'lariil -at. Ashtort; Paul Two-bitun hlt»— linrrin, l-'lilKpl^utl. H their constant \strcam of punches.and .- 13 7 .650 PhUudclphU 7 12 .36 Cincinnati 0 030042 00—9 WITH LESTER er.-i. llomn run—OnBlln. IJouble iilayij— CloVolrtnd 11 7 .611 Ho«ton . 6 12 .33 lit? Loula 10400100 0--6 u -a.o . Inrrln to PecHlnuaUKU In .ludKe! lortt.Hrn- tho fans gave tlKpn cheer after cheer. Two-bo«B lilu— noUBb,^P^olnlch, . .Hafey, Hartley; Sjithorlnnd at 1'aulllna; Kyerly .Nognles, Spnora, Muy 3.--{/P)- OBBliitoil)-, Wlllzn to llfrrerft lo t<$,l'ni'!l Near the end of. . the fifth round WaaKlngton 'l'l' 3, .W St.. Louis i H /iSOO on U.r-»—"WMhlriBton. IS-; «o»ton, o 'n«»e» I'lpn, Hornnby. TlireE-banc hits — Boltom- atji'r>inili1-^»n6bfn it I'rlnjclmr; Ar'ch.r Jaclc JohiiHon, .fbrmer heavyweight Petrolle-'opened >i cut over Jawson's , ••' National' H>;iiKiic. *v. Plnalll. Stolen biisen—TJOhne , PIcJ- champion ot tlio world, won a refer on halln—Off Oisden. .3; otr llufflnv, .4 FOR SALE nt Kvcrl^Ashton ut , PnulllnH ; Haptley . . . w. ii.'pct. ' ' W..1-. ret nl'ch, Chrlstenttdn! '.• sac«tlce»— Torporccr, off Klorer, 2: off. Will*>. ». HTU'-lf-™ - left eye-' and 'from then on. ^he con- W»lk?r...RoijmU, .Rouble, |.l»y — ](atey ...,tD la eels decision from Pat tester, of TUC By •Willie, n, llll«-Of( nufflng, 7 ln tinued to make tho optic a target fOi- rirooltlyn 'll'«--.«7 1'JiltaadpWa. 310 .r IJdttdinley. T.eft rfh Ximieii-TC'Inclriiiiil), r,; .lu,y"°^ulh«rlanrt 'at .Ubnrn; vA\ InnliiBB; off Klefer, ,2 In 3 t-» " "" Chlcueo 10 1 .i'*8 St. LnlllB » 11 .<- at.f/Autn?7 7.'.US»»'dn Blillfl^Citr aiijiey. 4 ( -Una lit AWIior; Bverly at Ashtgn; Prim son, Ari/.., in a. IB-round .bout Ucre. off Wlll««, a In a lnnlnK«n.. l.osln. B - his left jnbs. The ninth round was Clnclnnall 10 ^ -.f.H .I'lltubiirrh '« H .<2 oft JI«y«,. l!..ot£ Keen, 1-4 i> off .nallHhBii Bh n Immediately after the fight Johnsoi — nufflnu. Umplrim— Nullln, Clclsol an Poor lipallh ot thq manager of our company induces ' .lawson's best. He did most, of tho Now. York 10 8 '.368 Hoalon 612 .33 1. m'rucK-oMt — By: Keen, 2. Ulln— Ori AuBu»| i-&orn . at A.hlor.1 H".le announced ho would accept ft cba Connolly. Tlme—litO. u» to otter for sale, our nigh-dags lonE-e»to.u»BYwd 3H\ • •& Rlxoy, 4 In t Inn nga? ott . Mayif. 3 In • at ArSlier: HuUiorlana a.t Archci'; Mm hour Jlcstauraht.jwhlch tiafl a Btea4y," ^ependaM^ p»t^,,, ,A^ leading during this stanza and earnedI »• Amcricun Assoclalion. lnnlhs»; ottlieen, . C' In (i •InnlnMI. of lenge deltverbd at the ringside, by . *. , w. r,. I'd. •. W. i/. re Hlilnns. n l In 2 innlnam nftiHall»nnn, 0 i e.B " ot Ij\il8 Angot ITlrpo Ip 3, fcmiiSviii!i.i,'it:,,e.u.«« »ni»»uu«i,v *,,.?- ,< V4nnlni. AWlnln»i pTlelierr^Hliie^-,I'0«lni a bout between the winner of thei bou Ciovelnnd,, O., May 3.—W)—Clov • , lowers!'.but alpo'fi-om the';OTfl^ruV tt-ftVelln^pubUo, ~'f *' ^ in;, h .^MlnneBStills' IS '7*163: liidlanapolln 8 W ..( pllchen— Keen. UmplMB — Mor»n »n Pau.4 !Ihnd'broke ItM'loslnff fltreplt-uyboitwr » The ClffAr Starid, ono of the best .tyi.YMfir, n -tJfO 'eltiri ,7 ~ - St. Paulr --M «H.8»-.-Toloaoli ,,7 0 .':.« q^-pijIIBi-, > ,/JTI tff-^S.(le.n •s.jfit-a j t.fM' '-•-. ! m xl..' SUtlrBrl«nti:,ira- r «hton; and "tiie Wilc]rJI»ull..oC,,tl>oiiI?ttliiPH».''fl will bo Included In the sule of tfib flostanrant; nlflo year ago when he bqjccd.', a serhl"' O£annaa City 10 7; ,581 columliiiB 3 15 .1 Tlio malcli was'fast, allhoufflf Join St. Loul«, 3 -to 1, In a. pitcher's bHttl bnkealiop, 30x60 {(...equipped with Inr^o, modern oven, •vVlnaup' li6re.''v:I-Io iiit^'h ^ ' V ; AVesteni JLeiisriii!. oiANTS TROUNCE; PHILWI^S. ' £ son, who IH 48 years old, oulboxed I^CH between L.OVBOH and , KuQha,r, y todas built by Fred Sulzbacli. This restaurant Is eentrnlly ' ,lhn'IVBvefly.j;Archer at 1'uulilna; Everly hits, llireo a 1 n bettor defensively and"' lacks.none- 'of. \ W. L,, Pet. , • • W. I/. PC • 'Ne'nr'-'ro'ri^.MHy!':'^— (fft'^ack Wis ter In every.Ground,, ho- never i.ai lWo.n allowed , •- - '•"- "" ' located and nlso Is within .2 blocka oC the passeneer ' the -essentials' of', a -finished rinsman ^lier turned "'m' ariolner Svinnlhg: por which were >uno(i6d in' the'flfst ft • iocs Jlolnos M t .68!, Omaha 5 8 ,6 ^Auruit^il'— Palilllnn at Snnbnrn; Suthnr-. prouched a. over his younj : BtiilionB of six ruili'omlH. Terms. OUla. City 10 7 .01! liem'fr » S .60 formance today and the Giants slaugh land at Arch*!-; Prlniehar at Asliton; )5v- opponent, Johnson hit Lester almos ning- for tu« visitors' only run. Will ' t 10 0 Hin-akor.i-r :i o 4 u tation of being- a tough opponent for \\ aBhlngtoni 6; Bostdn, 2. •Sand.BB 41-' rjndttrom,3b 3 'J 3 1 old and welshed 22D. Wllllu'inK.lr •'! 1 2 I .1 Kr-ivpll.Hn 4 1 II I any . He certainly wasn't Philadelphia, 8; , 3. WllllaniB.rf 4110 J''rlsi-h,2b 4 1 3 IttiunrtKon.ab 3 I o ; llurnn.lli 4 I li 1 l^oatb.cf . 3 » 1 C Young, rf 4 2 2 ( BERLENBACH AND .lnrobHon.rf Kumrnn.rr 4 2 r, < over press, agented. He is a wonder- IS'ullnnul Lengut. Meu>el,lr 4031 l>»rl|[nll.:lli .1101 c Nixon, cf 11 1 • ' HoluiliB.o .1011 ful crowd pleaaer and he will not lack Cincinnati, '!»;' St. Louis, fi. Hu-per.lf " .1 1 .1 ' Terry, Ib li 1 3 f STR1BUNCJ LIKELY Gun Club Secretary .1 o :i o I, KfU'rll.r ' 2 0 C C ndjnlrei-s any time .hcv elects to comoi* ' Brooklyn, 4; Boston, -*j . -licnlloy.lti 4 -'11 1 Tyson. of 4220 7.i*ch»ry,p .1004 l.uvnon.n 3104 '•Hubfr,3U 4001 jHcknnn,s« '4 S • 2 : - TO FIGHT JUNE 10 •Cannot Lose His Job fllcB i 1 p i! hacic here. , New York, 11; 1,'hlladelnhia, 2. Frlbcris.-Jli 4 0 : 4 Snydor.i: 4 1 3 C i o d (i Califarnia Joe Cans also had eon . •. American Assorlalion. Honllno.n 201 Wl»nor,|. 410. h 1 (8pc':l«j Dl«p»teli lo T « .Journal.) Hutle, Mont,, May .3.— (/I )— C. AI. !S 'alderable oC a.rcputation, but he didn'*t At Toledo; 0.— : n H t .fonnard.u 2 0 2 ( ' New York, Mify 3,-il'nui Berleiihiich, Smith, of Jiutte, has been trying for 82 « 24JI Tulals _?J.L.".' 'Deun.p , ' 100,. liiViT ii«tr€ii~f"uf "(lei-Fier In ninlil. liar- look (food against Karl Blue., The first AlinneafioliH ..'..' 2 8- l'ler«e,p 2010 ' light liea.vyweight '-chuniplo-n,-probably 41 years to lose a Job — and ho has not ei-nvn Imllnil fur 'Xucfhary In ninth. " time Blue punched him he sat down Toledo 8 15 will meet YoimB'Sti-lblinU: at the Van- yet succeeded. Krrum—Wllllama, IliibprUon, i'utlgnll. and the next punch thatjhlt him upset Ilolllngsworth, Moon nnd _ Byler Totals ' !4 0 24 ! ToUlH M 12 27 1 KOR dtnillum on,June 10 for T<|)t nick- He was cleced secretary of the Hutte Hroro by Innlngn: o Can»van and Hevlng'. JOrroCd— Snnd (2), i'rliiorff, jackeun. fll. 1000000(1 II—I him again. 'After.that'be managed to Score by Inninsa: „ . iird. Jiu:k Delunoy, who H-nM orlffl- Hod and Clun club In 1885, and, lifter I'lcvnlu nil 0 I 1 I 0 II 0 II '—3 fall down a'few times. . Alex'Fidjcr v I'llllarielphla 0 0000002 0~- ! nully stiliodulcd to tritdo wallops with one term, deckled to (|ult. But the LMihMiin, J. Hfiwell, At 'Milwaukee, ivis.— n.H 1 New York :.»;..•; .. 3 0 0 0 S 11 1 •—11 ,.„,„„IluriiH. . flliurenon told him to get in utid fight or'the Milwaukee. ..•...... ,.,,..;.., ,.J8 23 Two-'bunn lill»—Terry , Tyson, Hnyuer I'Bu'l, und his manager, Pete Jtellly, ni'fltnberuhlp said "No" and he oontln- SpnaMr. IXiuUlo pl«>-«— Kobertwin lo »lo- .ued without protest for 19 years more. Illlo Ui BlHlnr. l,«fl on lumen— SI. l.ouli., "bout would bo stopped.- -Cans mani- IndluriapoHs\f. ...'.. .Vi. .-...' S'35 rrlatli. Tnri-e-baHo hll» — lafkson. lloine will string along with Jack Puguzy, of 8; Ulevplnnit, «. mini!" on bull"— UI! /iii-li- e Danfortrr and Youilf?; Slll,..neynold Vun_Nixon. Sucririces— pr\»c\\. l.lnil«H-on) In 1805, however, ho pleaded, ca- aged to weather the first round and lie Left oti hani-Ssew Tprk, 6i I'lillndelpli « ^bbcttH field, Brooklyn, thn promoter »ry, 2; off I.eVHon, 3. Hlrnuk out— lly charged out of his corner'at the be>- Xiles, Weaver and Alnsmlth: C. Bases on balls— Off Wlonor, li.off Beuli vl'th whom they are uniier contract, joled and 'threatened -Hie membership. , 4- "H >'/ nlichei^-Hy •«'l', - 3. Htrucli out— Hy Winner, !i Uy Bean, T. but without avail. He was re-elected. »ry, 1, tli. HnwellJ. linipli-eit Morlurlty, ginning of thp second round with murr - by r'lerce, 1.- Jltt»-K)lf Dean. 8 Jn 4 1-' i'ho champion does wot care whom Owcn» anil Ormaliy, Time — 1:38. ." At J^oi/lsvlllB, Ky.— • "R II 5- 1 Five years later be persuaded one der In his eye. Blue met him and Kansas City ..12 IB lnnlnB»; off Pierce, «'ln 3 2-3 Innln6 ». t.oB hoy (jlvo him to battle wltli, Uun Ing pilclier.-T-Oidtn. Umplrou—iler-cuel'lln •Ilckey, rnnnugcr of Berlenbacli, miido member lo allow him to place bin name TIGKItS SOX. drove him back with a left to the Lou1s'vll|o. . / '• 8 15 Alc.qivmlcic 'and niglcr. Time— 1:»7. ., In nomination fur the office. Hiiilth's h , Dumovlch, Olson ana AVoIIs; Hollej .t plniii today thnt Bei'lonbucli will ' Clilii'iigo, Mr.-y 3. — (/I') — IJctnji t head, following- It with' a hard punch 1 candidate got one vote and Kinith tho lo the solar plexus. Cans -went downi) Baylin, ViMc^ei' and Meyej;, ,,.. waive the tslx month* grace granted bunched- hits in the flriit and HCcomt MILTON STOCK every champion after defending hla ti- loot. Since Unit time finiith has made InnlngH today 'and broke Cliicago'H and the fight was stopped. Blue tried (i.\MEt>'lO\'*A\. (sporadic! attcinptu to get himself winning Htrcnk of five In a row, 3 to 1. to make a fight out/Jt It, but it wasg le, and will sign up to-tight Delaney ousted but without success. IS RELEASED lie day following his.flglit With Hlrlb- MamiHh'ti circuit drive, Cobli'H Hlngle .a terrible job for him, as Gans seome''dd ' ; Amci'tcun lyougije. '. und licllnianii'B:triple put the Tiaei-H to have formed an attachment .jf?)' t e '• 'fit.'Lou'ls at Clcveianfl-, -• \ , BY BROOKLYN Injr, provldins, of courwi, that he In iccHsful aealiiHt the Bouthcrner, Ben's Jewelry Bowlers In the lead und they were never ring floor." ' They caw-led .Giins-fro n Detroit 'at C'jilcaso. ' • , ,, Nc»y -yorjt, ilay a.— (Jf>— Mlltoi headed.' SCore: ___•" the ring' to h!3 dressing room and the • '•'• AVanh'lij'slbh at Boston.' Stock, ilrifleldcr of-.tlie Brooklyn Na g " New York at Philadelphia. . ' Win Cominerical Title CHICAOO reports had It that he threw, boxing tlonalir -who held out for a salary In Filipinos'Boosters'• All II I'n A Ab H To A gloves at tho air for several minutes crease tli|« Hprlng, today received lii« Hen's Jewelry team won the title in 5271 4211 Where the C'liH.-lnnati at St. Louis, for Soccer Football the Commercial league, rolling In 4121 2033 after, his arrival. It's a good thing uncoiidltloiittl release. ;.- ManuHh.K d I 1 ' (140 he threw boxing gloves somewhere. Boston at Brooklyn, StocK refused to1 report to the Hob|n« aianliln, May 3.— (IP) —Growing which was brought to u close at the t.'obb.i-f I, 3 D • 0 Hhoely.lb 2082 West Is Nearest , Philadelphia ut New York.' raining can\p,' demandirig a salary of popularity ot soccer football In the War Kiiglo alloys Monday night. licillliuinli.lf 4 3 li I Fulk.lf • 4 2 2 0 The champions defeated the Inter- WBriif:r,3lj 4 II U '.' liurrisil.i-f. l> 0 U U American Association. Philippines has resulted In the forma- 3010 America's mountain playground J12.500. AVhcn( a fompromlse wa« national Truck team In three games Wlnfn t Emmet^burg Tricksters Uouble pluys—UuhBler lo O^hrlnfftir; MOK- Philip, S. 13., Way. 3.— Special: . The 11 Iu HchulU. Lort on l>u»f»--,JJuliolt. 13; , Join Hole-in'Otic Club (rock meet for tho 13th high school Than Goal on Grid (Milcdio.i II. l)a«e» on build—Off Wlillo- Three nn* daily train* to Denver, ROME ' OAPETEEIA. CherpKec, la., May 3.—'Special: Two First in Quadrangular district will -be held In Philip Batur- Milan, ''-Muy 3..— f>)~ KnochOownH lilll, 6; utt. Thin-nidi 2. atrucjk oui—lly Lc'ir* Om«k* Arrltc OtiiT* ^ AJwws Oocu s Cherokee B01'6'1" l>ave joined the dwy afternoon, i(ay S, Hlxteen high Emnie'Uburg, la,, May 3,—Special; counted towards vic- Tlmrnlun, S; by Whltehlll. C. t,'ni|ilr««-. holc-ln-one cllib here already this Emmetuburg'H hlsh Bchool .track team Instead of Usiwlani), KvunH und lllldebrunO. Time— '12i25». ro. 3:00 p, m. ^schoola will be represented In the tory in a football game held at Hevesco 3:20. tflilOi, ro. 8i30 p, W. spring- . Abouf tfro vycekii ago B/ C. meet to compete for the right to won a. quadrangular, meet from Hpen- San Pletro between the local team Lighter, editor pf the Ayrella Sen- cer, lOntliervllle and ttplrlt hake at /.eft Iluiuleil Golf Tourney, 4:25 p. m. 7llS *, tn. send" their star clnderpath men to arid one Irom ChlasHO, Italian SwIUr Uitpir »pin 9 JO u, in. tin itrvUp tinel and a weriibe'r ot the Cherokee the Btate meet. Sphoola entered are i'ltinietsburg Saturday, The u'lnners crlanrt. Dea M^lnes, la., May 3.—(/P)—Knlry club, shot hole No. 4 in oii«, and 'this J'resho, Reliance, 'l^ennebec, Vivian, scurt'd b'O 1-3 iiolntH un against 29 E>-6 After ten -men had heim carried blankM ure out this week to week Pr. Johnson, of ChcroUee. made tar KHtlierville, ?P for Spencer and lowu golf dubs whose left humlvtl ' Motor Tour to Rocky Mountain 1 Draper, White Him, Murdo, Belvi- s.wuy from the field on stretchers, ^HAIR^OIROOM" No. $ In Jike manner. These holes dere,' Kadoka, \Veta, -'Interior, Mid,- 16 &-B for Spirit Lake. four of them seriously injured, the players ure Invited Iu imrtlclputu in National Park, $10,50 additional. are about 125 yards In length pm] on lund, Philip. Cottonwood, Quinn und Jimison, of ^mmetxburg", wus high pollou loBt their seiiHe of humor. It the "Houthpuw" tuurriey Htartlut; bera point mun with flrwtH In all three /r«* illmlra temporary greens, Wall. was then but a few minute* before June li, Secretary George Uallarno, of and compltH iitformtlien Keeps Hair Combed, Glos$y the final whistle, the knockdowns hav- the J~The Univer- ins cceani whlcl^ of Nebraalia, and Dr. Gene Battery, Wajter Hauen a« captain of an Amer- ican- learn o£ professional golfers whloli sity of Iowa tennis team clcfeftted the • costs only a r»w present holder of, the title, defeated UnlvorultJ' ftt Chicago varaity here to- NOTICE! cent* a Jar «t any Jlobcrt ^JcKee, of • pee * M.o!ne», la,, will Invade ..Oreaf Britajir thin, yeai day, 4 to 'i,. Poublca honoru were di- t drHg»lor«. M11- Iowa,,' chumplon, ond Arthur Bdrtlett, WUB announced- today by the Proles Uona uuo U be- Blonal Golfers association. vided, but the Ituwkeyes won 3 out e Jt - gives ot Olturawa, former Iowa champions, ol 4 alneles events.. t WATER CONSUMERS flfttural gloss Jiverly, All waler fonsiiiurrti who are (Jclliiiiuonl In piumeal of ivuteAJ'enl und well-erppmed • Altipletoii \Vlui>, * .will be clren until 'May lOlli to iwy dump. Af|«r that datjt Wtiitrr Affect to thd hair Cherokee, I*.* Way 8.— Special; tTho Mupleton, )0.,' MUy 5.—ilupleton supply will be tut uff und a pcnulfy of 11:50 milled liulorw turninj; on. Chwokw high nine. eerily fa high school tabeball team defeated the fieated the ^verly team -hei/e |frlday liorr.iek nine in a eunie here today BY ORPER OP WATSR PBI»ABTI9p The sV-ore, w$>a 47 to 2, Cherokee hax by u Bcore of 10 to 2. ', the /a«teat teom perhaps |n t^e hla H In doubt or Imye-'not r«c»tVBi) » bill, « ^ory ot the school and s*ne¥t« to par ATfriNTION 18 OALI.KU TO -til ijclpftte lh Ibp. ..State .ch^tnplp.imhlp f urdue, «; WlBconsin, 1. MOV«P oft »ovoin? mm , again this year, n, 4; inajuna, i,

s £^^: