(Iowa City, Iowa), 1933-07-13
, I Billy Petrolle Di/lerence8 Gele Technical Knockout Over or Frallce, Ilttly DellCrlbed b, Dutch Fighter. Story J'rofe880r IlruJrere. See on Page 4. Story on I'age 3. L:.....;=:.._;;;._.;;.;=::;=======~ ......~, JWE CENTS ~======~~====================~IO~W~A~C~IT=Y~~~I~O~W~A~r~rH~U~R~S~D~A~y~,~J~U~L~Y~1~3=,1~9~33~===============================C======~V~O~LU~M~E~XX~X~I~ll~~N~U~M~B~E~R~36 Economics of the Depression A. Seen by Prof, George 'Blanket' Industrial Measure Submitted to Hugh S.- Johnson Released Near LaGrange, Ill.; R, Davies, Bureau ol BuIIoeQ ReHareh Speculator Rumored to Have Almond Bradley Personnel of Summer Chorus, Liner Rams Tanker Emergency Dies Suddenly at in Chesapeake Bay; Paid $200~OOO to Abductors •• Corporations and Debt • Home Yesterday Orchestra Selected as Groups Passengers Saved . Popular notions of economics Plan Governs MiI1ionaire Apparently hark back to Adam S~th who Only a few hour8 atter be had BALTIMORE, July 12 (AP)-The Prepare for Tonight's Concert Ransom Plans "Little the Wone lived when science was just be All Industry been down town, apParently In good liner City of Baltlmol'~, bound (0 (inning its transformation of in health, Almond A, Bradley, 56, died Germany, collldcd with the tanket for Wear" suddenly at 11:45 a,m. yesterday at for O~Connell dustry, and small businesses Beacon In Chesapeake Bay late today his home, 715 Walnut streot, University Musie Units managed by their owners were Would Specify Wages, F. R. Approves and stal'ted to sink, but her passen LA GRANGE, III., July 12 (AP} the rule, Adam Smith thought A paint contractor, Mr, Bradley to Present Program Fall Through John Factor, millionaire marllet Hours for Three had lived In Iowa City nearly all gers were I'emoved safcly by a ferry that if all traders followed the at Union p!unger, held prisoner 12 day.
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