, Buxworth and Brownside Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 28 January 2021, 7.30pm remotely via www.zoom.us

Present: Councillors G Hewitt (Chairman), M Walton (Vice Chairman), P Wilson, R Drabble, A Knox, Mrs C Howe, Mrs C Rofer and W Smith.

In Attendance: Clerk Mrs G Cooper, County Councillor Ruth George, High Peak Borough Councillor Eve Burton, Councillor C Sizeland (parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith) and one member of the public.

21/01/186 Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received and noted from Councillor M Travis.

Councillor D Fannon was not present. No apologies had been received.

21/01/187 Declaration of Members Interests

The following declarations of interest were made:

Member Agenda Item Interest Councillor Graham 8(a) Accounts for Wife cleans Parish Hewitt payment Room.

21/01/188 Community Police

No Community Police were present. No update had been provided.

21/01/189 Borough Councillors

High Peak Borough Councillor Eve Burton gave a brief report on a number of issues affecting local residents.

21/01/190 County Councillor

Derbyshire County Councillor Ruth George gave an update on a number of DCC matters. In particular, she detailed changes to some local bus services, gave updates on flooding on Whitehough Head Lane, the temporary closure of the tramway, road surfacing improvements due in the summer and news of the repercussions caused by the removal of vegetation and protected trees on land between Chinley and Buxworth.

21/01/191 Open Forum

One member of the public stated they wished to listen to the agenda item relating to Tree Preservation Order 299 at Britannia Mill Buxworth.

Councillor Sizeland from the parish of Chapel-en-le-Frith gave a brief update on a number of matters, including advising that the damaged information panel on the tramway was to be replaced soon.

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1272 21/01/192 Change to the Order of Business

RESOLVED: To bring forward agenda item 6i, Tree Preservation Order 299 Britannia Mill Buxworth, since an interested person was present to observe the discussion, prior to further business being transacted.

21/01/193 Tree Preservation Order 299 Britannia Trading Estate Buxworth

Details of Tree Preservation Order (TPO) 299 at Britannia Trading Estate Buxworth were presented and the amendments compared to TPO 293 were described. The parish council considered their response to the amendments.

RESOLVED: To write to High Peak Borough Council in respect of TPO 299 at Britannia Trading Estate Buxworth maintaining the parish council’s support for the TPO in general but strongly objecting to the amendment to woodland area W4. This is on the grounds that a gap has only been introduced to allow for access to the development site when there is an option to reconfigure and improve the existing access point to the mill site, unless there are valid views from the highway authority to the contrary. If the trees have amenity value they should be retained in the TPO and access to the site should be considered as part of the planning application. To request a change to TPO 299 with immediate effect.

21/01/194 Minutes of the Remote Parish Council Meeting held on 26 November 2020

An error was identified in the draft minutes. Minute number 20/11/163 should read “Overhill Road” rather than “Overdale Road”.

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Remote Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 26 November 2020 be approved for signature by the Chairman as a true and correct record with the above correction made to the signed hardcopy.

21/01/195 Chairman’s Update

The Chairman had no update to make.

21/01/196 Clerk’s Report

The Clerk’s report was received and noted.

21/01/197 Chinley Community Centre Project

Consideration was given to submitting a new application to the National Lottery seeking funding for the development costs necessary to complete the fully funded proposal for the second stage of the main National Lottery application which is for the construction costs for a new community centre building.

As part of the application a discussion was held regarding the parish council’s contribution towards the overall development costs. It was noted that the Community Association have confirmed a contribution of £8,000. High Peak Borough Council have confirmed that £8,000 of s106 monies could be allocated towards these costs.

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1273 RESOLVED: To submit a new application to the National Lottery seeking funding for the development costs necessary to complete the fully funded proposal for the second stage of the original National Lottery application.

RESOLVED: To approve a commitment on the above National Lottery application to contributing £8,000 of s106 monies towards the overall development costs necessary to complete the fully funded proposal should the National Lottery application be successful.

21/01/198 Chinley Community Centre Repairs

It was noted that an inspection was carried out on the exterior of the community centre building in January by the caretaker, Clerk and Vice Chairman. A number of urgent repairs were identified. The fire door in the small room required replacing and had been carried out as matter of urgency. A quote for carrying out the other repairs was presented. Consideration was given to which budget to pay these items from.

RESOLVED: To approve the quote from Darren Rowland Joinery to supply and fit a new fire door for £381.60, to be paid from the Community Association budget.

RESOLVED: To authorise Darren Rowland Joinery to carry out up to a further 3 days of work at a cost of £180 per day plus materials to carry out the remaining repairs identified, to be paid from the Community Association budget.

21/01/199 Play Area Inspection Reports

The weekly Play Area Inspection Reports were received.

In Chinley it was noted that the Skatepark area had become waterlogged in the heavy rain. This was to be monitored. The Skatepark sign had also been vandalised with graffiti. One attempt had been made to clean it and a further attempt would be made to clean it off fully. All other matters had been resolved.

In Buxworth it was noted that debris had been found again in the Playground area which must have been washed down in heavy rain. A waterlogged area just outside the Playground area had been noted as either a natural spring or broken drain and required further investigation. The track from the Car Park to the allotments had also been affected by water run-off despite measures taken to reduce this. All other matters were being resolved.

RESOLVED: To approve the quote from Mark Lomas for £40 to hand-dig the waterlogged area outside Buxworth Playground to investigate the sitting water to consider action required, to be paid from the Grounds budget.

21/01/200 Parish Land Inspection Reports

The monthly Parish Land Inspection Reports were received for Chinley Playing Fields, Chinley Community Centre Building and Chinley Park Stubbins Lane.

At Chinley Playing Fields, on the footpath from Rhuddlan Place, a gap was evident between the path and the wooden upright. A suggestion was made to fill

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1274 with aggregate. Waterlogged areas of the field, banking and footpath to the Skatepark were noted. All other matters were being resolved.

At Chinley Community Centre a number of urgent repairs were identified. The urgent repairs had been considered under an earlier agenda item.

At Chinley Park Stubbins Lane, a tree had fallen and was blocking the path in the pine wood. It did not appear to present any major safety issue. Consideration was given to how to deal with it.

RESOLVED: To make arrangements to fill the gap on the footpath from Rhuddlan Place between the path and the wooden upright with aggregate, to be paid from the Repairs budget.

RESOLVED: Cllr Wilson to inspect the fallen tree and provide recommendations on how and when to remove it.

21/01/201 Christmas 2020

It was noted that three of the small Christmas trees came out of their wall- mounted holders in very high winds throughout the festive period. The electrician was required to come out and an additional £70 call-out charge has been added to his invoice for approval. The trees could be cable-tied to the wall-mounted holders once the lights have been connected next year.

Consideration was given to the 2021/22 budget in respect of Christmas for an additional four strings of white lights for the big Christmas trees as well as additional works to replace a number of the external junction boxes for the 2021 Christmas Lights displays.

RESOLVED: To approve the additional £70 on the invoice from ProSafe Electrical Services for the additional call-out charge, to be paid from the Christmas budget.

RESOLVED: To include in the Risk Assessment for Christmas Lights going forward a requirement to cable-tie the small trees to the wall-mounted holders once the lights have been connected.

RESOLVED: To include the additional costs for Christmas 2021 in the 2021/22 budget.

21/01/202 Lower Lane Access Route to Chinley Park

It was noted that the Clerk and Cllr Drabble met on site with a Network Rail representative to discuss the condition of the “Railway Steps” leading up to Chinley Park from Lower Lane and the drainage issues that appear to be contributing to the deterioration of these steps. The Network Rail representative suggested that we should not be knowingly diverting any drainage onto the railway embankment but rather it should be diverted across parish land before it reaches the top of the steps. This is to be confirmed in writing. We are awaiting a response from Network Rail regarding any assistance they can offer in respect of these matters.

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1275 21/01/203 Grit Bins

It was noted that the Clerk had carried out a further audit of parish council grit bins in January after the recent wintery weather and three bins required topping up. As a matter of urgency, the grit was ordered and collected by Mark Lomas for distributing. On attending to fill the grit bins they were found to have been recently filled which is assumed to be by DCC operatives in error. The grit will be held until required. Approval for costs incurred was considered.

In addition, a request to replace the grit bin on Maybank Close at New Smithy was noted on the grounds it is in poor condition and not safe to use. It is understood this bin was placed by residents some years ago. DCC offer a free, filled grit bin to parish and town councils if the parish council agrees to take on the future maintenance of the new bin to include filling, subject to conditions and availability. It was noted that an email had been sent to DCC to see whether a new bin at this location would qualify for this scheme and a response had not yet been received.

RESOLVED: To approve the quote from Chapel DIY for £90 plus VAT for a one tonne bag of grit.

RESOLVED: To approve the quote from Mark Lomas for £80 to collect and distribute the one tonne bag of grit.

RESOLVED: Should DCC agree to supply a free, filled grit bin then the parish council agree to take on the future maintenance of a new bin on Maybank Close, New Smithy, to include filling.

RESOLVED: Should DCC turn down the parish council’s request for a free grit bin under their current scheme, the matter of replacing the grit bin to be considered at a future meeting.

21/01/204 Supply of Summer and Winter Planters

Quotes from Plantscape to supply 5 x 3-tier summer planters and 3 x 3-tier winter planters were presented. The prices for a one year and a three year contract were considered.

RESOLVED: To approve a three year contract with Plantscape for 5 x 3-tier summer planters in 2021, 2022 and 2023 at a total cost of £895 plus VAT in 2021 and £920 plus VAT in 2022 and 2023, to be paid from the Hanging baskets/planters budget.

RESOLVED: To approve a three year contract with Plantscape for 3 x 3-tier winter planters in 2021, 2022 and 2023 at a total cost of £537 plus VAT in 2021 and £552 plus VAT in 2022 and 2023 to be paid from the Hanging baskets/planters budget.

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1276 21/01/205 Planning Applications

Discussions were held in respect of each application received.

RESOLVED: To ratify the following responses:

(a) NP/HPK/1120/1050 – Listed Building consent - Replacement of the existing windows with double glazed windows. Troutbeck House, Unnamed Road From Beet Lane To Upper Fold, The Wash, Chapel-En-Le-Frith.

Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Parish Council has no objections to this application.

(b) HPK/2020/0498 - Proposed single storey side and rear extension. 64 Belgrade Avenue, Chinley, SK23 6BG.

Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Parish Council has no objections to this application.

(c) NP/HPK/1220/1142 - Remove the existing front porch and replace with a single storey front porch, new timber framed window to the front elevation and alterations to an existing rear window to form a door. Pear Tree Farm, 34 Stubbins Lane, Chinley.

Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Parish Council has no objections to this application.

(d) HPK/2020/0384 - Proposed erection of a balcony to the rear. Filberig, 9 Stubbins Lane, Chinley, SK23 6EB.

Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Parish Council has no objections to this application subject to retention of the high hedge in order to protect neighbour privacy.

RESOLVED: To approve the following response for submission:

(e) HPK/2021/0006 - Retrospective permission for a shed with a non permanent base measuring 12 sqr meters to replace existing greenhouse. Land across the road from 3 Silk Hill, Buxworth, SK23 7TA.

Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Parish Council support this application since it provides a benefit to the local community at Silk Hill and causes no harm to the green belt.

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1277 21/01/206 Accounts for Payment January 2021

It was noted that the Accounts for Payment for January 2021 had been circulated and the invoices had been passed to Cllr Hewitt in advance of the meeting for verification.

RESOLVED: To approve the following Accounts for Payment, as circulated, for payment in January 2021 by the method detailed. Online payments set up by the Clerk to be released by Cllr Walton.

Payee Description Amount ONLINE – DD/SO Fleur Telecom Broadband (January) £ 22.00 Jackson Carpets Ltd Rent 3 Lower Lane (January) £ 277.00 WaterPlus Water 3 Lower Lane (January) £ 30.48 Trusted IT Monthly managed IT services £ 15.48 (Microsoft 365, Backup & Advanced Threat Protection) E-on Electricity Squirrel Green £ 34.10 NEST Corporation (Pension) Pension (January) £ 78.72

ONLINE – BACS Mrs G Cooper Clerk's Account (January) £ 1,033.23 HM Revenue & Customs PAYE & NI (January) £ 99.10 ProSafe Electrical Services Installation & removal of £ 1,641.90 Christmas lighting 2020; Additional call out charge Chinley Community Contributions to path light £ 140.00 Association electricity (Q1 - Q4 2020 inclusive) The Society of Local Council Annual membership SLCC £ 166.00 Clerks Alliance Environmental Emptying parish council litter £ 2,291.64 Services bins 2020/21 Viking Stationery £ 59.89 Andy Thompson Tree Care Placing and removing small £ 260.00 Christmas trees Rosena Bankole Cleaning Parish Room £ 60.00

JANUARY 2021 TOTAL £ 6,209.54

21/01/207 Budget 2020/21

Two proposed amendments to the current 2020/21 budget were presented for the virement of £255 from the Christmas (Admin) budget to the Christmas Lighting (Capital) budget for the big tree Christmas lights and for £1,200 to be added to the Fencing (Capital) budget for the new fencing at Chinley Park.

RESOLVED: To approve the virement of £255 from the Christmas (Admin) budget to the Christmas Lighting (Capital) budget for Christmas lights purchased that will be added to the asset register.

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1278 RESOLVED: To approve the addition of £1,200 to the Fencing (Capital) budget to pay for the necessary fencing in Chinley Park to be paid from General Reserves. The fencing to be added to the asset register.

21/01/208 Q3 2020/21 Accounts

The Q3 2020/21 Budget Monitoring Report and Reserves Adjustment Report had been circulated and were considered.

RESOLVED: To approve the Q3 2020/21 Budget Monitoring Report as presented.

RESOLVED: To approve the following expenditure from Earmarked Reserves during Q3 totalling £495.90:

Reserves Earmarked Reserve Reason Expenditure £495.90 Street Furniture £495.90 from Reserves for plastic bench slats to replace wooden slats on a number of benches with concrete bases

21/01/209 Budget & Precept 2021/22

Further to a meeting to discuss the budget, to which all councillors were invited, a budget of £65,700.00 for 2021/22 was presented. It was noted that a Council Tax Support Grant of £2,578.83 and a Parish Support Grant of £6,098.00 for the 2021/22 financial year had been allocated. A precept request of £55,041.00 was presented, equivalent to a 0.00% increase on the Band D charge. The shortfall of £922.17 to be made up from General Reserves.

RESOLVED: To approve the budget of £65,700.00 for the 2021/22 financial year as presented.

RESOLVED: To approve a request for a precept of £55,041.00 for the 2021/22 financial year from High Peak Borough Council. The form to be signed by the Clerk and Chairman.

21/01/210 Correspondence

The following items of correspondence had been circulated with the meeting papers and were noted:

1.) HPBC – details of a consultation on their Statement of Licensing Policy under the Licensing Act 2003. The consultation period ends on 01 January 2021. 2.) HPBC – copy of the electoral role. 3.) DCC – advising their supplier of grit bins and that they typically replace the whole bin if the lid is damaged. 4.) HPBC – letter and form in respect of parish precept requirements for the financial year 2021/22. The return date for precept requirements is 5 February 2021.

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1279 5.) Census 2021 Engagement Manager – promotional material and Councillor Handbook regarding the census and Census Day which is 21 March 2021. 6.) Member of the public – request to replace the grit bin in New Smithy which has one broken and one corroded hinge. 7.) Friends of Chinley Park – advising that they are planning to postpone their AGM usually held in February for about six months due to current restrictions. All officers have agreed to continue in post for the meantime. Also requesting that the parish council consider carrying over the 2020/21 budget allocation of £300 for FOCP into 2021/22 as it will not be spent under the current restrictions. No additional funding is required. 8.) Chinley Allotment Association – details of contamination of the allotment site by a commercially produced herbicide and action being taken to mitigate. A number of plot holders experienced problems last year – plants dying, deformed and stunted growth, poor yields etc. 9.) DCC – details of their limited free grit bin scheme subject to the Parish Council taking on the future maintenance of the bin, subject to availability. 10.) HPBC – confirming that it would be acceptable for the parish council to use some of the designated s106 monies for Open Space towards the development costs to design a new Community Centre building, in order to progress the National Lottery funding application. 11.) HPBC – notice and copy of Tree Preservation Order No 299 at Britannia Trading Estate, Buxworth which came into force, on a temporary basis, on 19 January 2021 and will remain in force for 6 months when a decision will be taken on whether the order should be made permanent. Any comments or objections should be made in writing by 19 February 2021. 12.) Chinley & Buxworth Transport Group - request to retain their reserve of £250 for the 2021/2022 financial year. No additional funding is required. 13.) HPBC – details of a proposed Public Spaces Protection Order to reduce the occurrence of wildfires by prohibiting the lighting of fires, barbecues, fireworks and Chinese (sky) lanterns in all parts of the borough of High Peak that lie within the boundary of the National Park and/or land owned by High Peak Borough Council, and to which the public are entitled or permitted to have access.

The following items were received after the Correspondence had been issued with the meeting papers and were duly noted:

14.) HPBC Arboricultural Officer – comments in respect of Tree Preservation Order No 299 at Britannia Trading Estate, Buxworth. 15.) DCC – details of emergency closure of Chinley, Buxworth & Brownside Footpath 1 from 28 January to 17 February 2021 to facilitate public safety due to unstable ground. 16.) Member of the public – update on HGVs parking on Lower Lane.

RESOLVED: Further to the Correspondence items the following was noted:

Item 16: To respond to the member of the public advising them to contact the Highways authority at DCC to request parking restrictions on Lower Lane.

Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1280 21/01/211 DALC

The following DALC Newsletters was received and circulated:

DALC December 2020 Newsletter

- Subscription fees 2021/22 - Consultation Round 2: Ethical Standards in Public Life - £1 billion grant deadline approaches - ‘Lobby Day’ date announced - Gigabit voucher scheme topped up - The post-Covid future of play… - HR matters: Covid crisis redundancies & - Matlock agrees to ‘go slow’

DALC January 2021 Newsletter

- Latest lockdown impact - The ‘who, what, where, when, why?’ of being a councillor! - ‘Covid relief’ vouchers and Section 137 - Brexit implications for local councils - Precept referendum principles likely to continue for third year - Survey into traffic issues in Derbyshire - Date for Zoom get together in January - Holding of Annual Parish Meeting - Happy New Year from DALC

21/01/212 Reports from Working Groups

Cllr Rofer gave an update on the excellent work of Buxworth Primary School during the current lockdown situation.

21/01/213 Exclusion of the Press and Public

RESOLVED: To approve the exclusion of the Press and public for the next one agenda item on the grounds it includes commercially sensitive information.

21/01/214 Chinley Community Centre Project

RESOLVED: To accept the recommendation of the Project Group and approve the selection of d3 Associates Ltd as the preferred supplier for Architect Services for the Chinley Community Centre Project, subject to satisfactory references and securing the necessary funding.

There being no further business, the meeting was concluded at 9.40pm.

Signed as a true and correct record of the meeting.

Chairman …………………………………………………………


Remote 28 January 2021 (Unapproved) 1281