New Albania* Nr

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New Albania* Nr --S-? _ * *" 1 |P*"I. - K f •/ ^ &» » 1 ■ f t / p ^ , 4 -/' ^*^5 /Bh j^. ’ ■ j6 '■•**•"’ ■ / B S K m pffV >. • :^pi ■ m ' * » / m Pg&? |m ■ m ’ ~*Sfc&irtfe 9 J§jL ••;*" ggf Tg| ■gjjgM-'ft JwgEr '• ^j- ••' "4 ^ ■> ® -.V's&ffijj <%11_ *^^jS3 Wwp »' 1 , f _ 31 1 1 1 ; ' 1 'v •NEW ALBANIA* NR. 3 - 1976 YEAR XXX IN THIS ISSUE FRONT COVER — May Day in Tirana, The Metallurgists with flying colors on parade Page ■ MAY DAY — 1976 2 m THE UVE IN THE HEARTS AND WORK OF THE PEOPLE 4 ■ COMRADE ENVER HOXHA RECEIVES A GROUP OF WORKERS AND SPECIALISTS BACK COVER — View Of the OF THE METALLURGICAL COMPLEX 6 Vlora seaside. — Berat. ■ IN THE DAYS OF THE NATIONAL LIBE­ RATION WAR 8 ■ SHKODRA — PAST AND PRESENT 10 ■ ON THE DRAFT—CONSTITUTION OF THE PEOPLE’S SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF AL­ BANIA 16 ■ FOREIGNERS ON ALBANIA 17 ■ THE ORGANIZATION OF THE VERY YOUNG 20 ■ THEY ARE NOT ORPHANS 22 ■ THE FESTIVAL OF ALBANIAN FILM 24 ■ THE DROPULL OF OUR OWN DAYS 26 ■ THE MAY CONCERTS 28 ■ ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW ALBA­ NIAN HISTORIOGRAPHY 29 page 4 ■ THE INSTITUTE ENGAGED IN PREVEN­ TION OF DISEASES 30 ■ A N|EW VILLAGE ON THE SHORES OF THE IONIAN SEA 31 ■ ALBANIAN CASTLES 32 ■ COOPERATIVE MEMBERS AS AMATEUR ARTISTS 35 ■ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 36 NEW ALBANIA An illustrated political and sOcial periodical. It appears once in two months in Albanian, English, Chinese, French, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Spanish and German. ADDRESS OF THE EDITORIAL BOARD «SHQIP£RIA E RE~ Rruga Labinoti 7, Tirana, ALBANIA page 20 page 32 WELL-BEING FOR AU THE WORKERS Our socialist Order aims at fuLfiLLing the Very impOrtant steps have been taken to indicatOrs of the continuOus increase of cOnstantLy growing needs Of the working narrOw the gap between town and coun­ the general well-being. These expenditures people withOut creating privileges fOr spe­ tryside in the social and cuLturaL field. The make up the supplementary incomes of the cial persons or groups of persons. A typical State took Over all the expenditure fOr working peOple. feature of the policy Of the Party Of Labor running creches and kindergartens, Out-pa­ With the increase of the social fund of of Albania in the field of the distributiOn tient clinics, maternity hOmes, clinics, hOu­ consumption, society has the possibility to of material benefits has been, and will aL­ ses Of cuLture and Other social, educatiO­ extend its activity in new directions to ways be, its concern to raise the general nal and cuLtural centers in the cOuntryside, fuLfiL the common needs of the working standard of living of all the working peo­ freeing the agricultural cooperatives of the peOple, and this tendency, as mentioned pLe. respective expenditures. above, is quite obvious. But, in its policy The Party of Labor of Albania upholds ImpOrtant measures have been applied Of distributing the natiOnaL income, the the principle that the way incomes are di­ alsO in the field of pensions and social in­ Party of Labor of Albania also takes intO stributed in society indicates the nature and surance. The minimum level of OLd age, accOunt the fact that under socialism, so­ substance of that society itself. In a genuine invaLidity and family pensions was raised cial cOnsumption makes up Only part Of socialist society, the distributiOn Of in­ fOr the cOOperative members. The percen­ the consumption of the peOple, because the cOmes should take intO account the inte­ tage of earnings payable as pensions fOr Overwhelming part, abOut 85 per cent of rests and needs of all the working peOple cooperative members was equalized with the total, consists of the personal consump­ sO that the imprOvement Of the standard that Of the city workers. Maternity Leave tiOn based on the direct incomes of the of living may be general, withOut creating and childbirth benefits fOr the cOOperativist workers. Therefore, it can neither replace pronounced differences, withOut allowing women will now be paid from the budget the socialist principle of distributiOn accord­ privileged categories. If great differences Of the state social security Organs. In ad­ ing to the work done, nOr should it slac­ are maintained between the salaries and in­ dition to the expenditure incurred fOr the ken the appLication of this principle in in­ cOmes of different categories Of working upkeep of creches and kindergartens in the creasing the interest and participatiOn of peOple, this will inevitably Lead tO the se­ cOuntryside, the State will alsO pay part Of the workers in work, in developing mate­ paration of the cadres from masses, to the the costs of feeding the children in these rial prOduction and Other social activities. cuLtivatiOn of tendencies tO stand above the institutions. Therefore, since direct wages cOnstitute the masses, to becOme a privileged category, tO The social policy which the Party of main incomes fOr the working people, the change from servants Of the people tO bu­ Labor Of Albania pursues shows that only concern to maintain reasonable prOpOrti­ reaucrats who feather their own nests and under the conditions Of socialism, and when Ons in this field is a major questiOn of prin­ tend to command and Oppress the working its principles are carried Out consistently, ciple and Of great practical importance. masses. can the general wellbeing Of ail the wOrk­ The use of part of the natiOnaL income In order tO forestaLl this, the Party Of ing people be cOnstantLy. uplifted, and lo fuLfiL the joint needs of the wOrking peo­ Labor of Albania has cOntinuaLLy taken their aspirations be fulfiLLed. A very im­ pLe — hence the creatiOn of the material measures in the pay system, sO that the dif­ pOrtant indicatOr Of this is the constant in­ premises fOr the birth and deveLOpment of ferentiaLs in payment fOr work should be crease Of that part Of the national income the embryo of communist distributiOn — reasonable and steadily narrowed for the which is allocated to meet the individual becOmes pOssible Only under the dictatOr­ working people in the towns and those in and social needs of the broad masses of the ship of the prOletariat and on the basis of the cOuntryside. In 1967, higher salaries working peOple. In Our country, his mon­ the increase and cOnsOlidation of socialist were reduced and some improvements ma­ thLy salary is nOt ail the real income that prOperty, on the basis of the development de in LOwer salaries and wages, and concre­ a wOrker receives frOm society. An ever and strengthening of the common prOperty. te steps were taken to raise well-being Of increasing part of the natiOnaL income gOes The common prOperty is the fOundatiOn of the cooperative peasantry. to the benefit of the working people; it the well-being of every worker of Our cO­ The new measures which came intO covers the expenditure which the State untry. The education of the new man with effect on April 1 this year also had the makes fOr the educatiOn Of the workers the features of communist mOrality — with same purpose. The State will increase its and their children, the expenses which the the feeling of collectivism, Of placing the investments for the purpose Of increasing State incurs fOr social insurance, pensions, general interest above personal interest, is agricultural and livestock prOduction of the and Other measures. The Albanian worker pOssible Only under conditiOns of genuine agricultural cooperatives in hilly and mOun­ has nOthing deducted from his pay fOr all socialist society when man feels he is wOrk­ tainOus regiOns, fOr breaking in virgin land these things. The State spends One-fOurth ing fOr himself, when he has no anxiety and systematizing Other land, fOr building of its budget fOr financing these measures abOut the morrow, when he is nOt under and extending the netwOrk of irrigatiOn that gO to the benefit of the peOple. And the dOminatiOn of money or the bOss of canals and increasing the number Of draft the tendency is fOr this section of expen­ the factOry. When the working man is freed animals. Artificial fertilizers will be sOLd diture in the State budget to increase from frOm the fear of unempLOyment, taxes, Of to these cooperatives at reduced prices. The one year to anOther. the cost of illness, of being plundered by State took Over all expenditure fOr building The stability of prices, the abOLitiOn Of thieves and rent racketeers, from the fear sheds fOr the machinery Of the machine all taxes, the minimal house rents, charges of rising prices and Of expLOiters Of many and tractOr statiOns and fOr transpOrting fOr water, light and Other municipal servi­ kinds, when the State and society as a the fuel fOr agricultural machines, and the ces, the empLOyment Of all able-bodied whole are concerned abOut him, then he is expenditure for the maintenance and func­ workers, the bringing of electric light to able to work wonders. tioning of the electric power and tele­ all Albanian homes with State funds, the And it is Only under these cOnditions phone line networks in the countryside. At cOnstruction Of the netwOrk Of mOtor roads that one can speak of the general well­ the same time, it increased its investments and telephone lines between the villages — being of those who wOrk and defend the for building social and cultural institutions. all these are important achievements and State Of the dictatOrship of the prOletariat. First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania, comrade Enver HOxha, greeting the workers of the capital at the May Day Parade. MAY DAY 1976 May Day, the day of in­ ternational solidarity of the workers throughout the world was celebrated brilliantly all over Alba­ nia.
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