I-001 Image Du Monde refs. MirrouroftheWorld, ed. Prior, 5^8; Caxton, Prologues, 50^ 8, no. xiii. Livre de clergie nomme¤ l’Image du monde. r r a6 Myrrour of the worlde. a1 [Title-page.] r refs. Mirrour of the World, ed. Prior, 8^185; and see Blake, a2 [Introduction.] Incipit: ‘[C]e present liure dit l’imaige(!) du Caxton, 40 B68^68.3. Gossouin or Gautier de Metz was named monde contient en tout cinquante et cincq chapitres . . .’ v as the author in some of the manuscript sources. a2 ‘Prologue.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]ui bien veult entendre ce liure . . .’ r [Westminster:William Caxton, after 12 Aug. 1481]. Folio. For the a3 Livre de clergie nomme¤ l’Image du monde. Incipit:‘[Q]uant dieu dating see BMC. ¢st le monde . . .’ A prose version of Gossuin (or Gautier) de 8 4 Metz’s Image du monde, in turn a of the work of collation: a^m n . Honorius Augustodunensis. GW 10966; HC 11656; Go¡ M-883; BMC XI; Pr 9638; Campbell, refs. See L’Image du monde de Ma|“ tre Gossouin, ed. O. H. Prior Maps, 67^8; Caxton, Exhibition, BL, 47^8, no. 40; de Ricci, (Lausanne and Paris,1913), which does not mention this edition. Caxton, 94; Du¡ 401; Needham, Pardoner, 86, no. Cx 46; Oates r 4074; Sheppard 7379; STC 24762. Facsimile: English e5 Pierre de Luxembourg: [Die' te de salut] Chemin de pe¤ nitence. Incipit: ‘[Q]uant ie regarde l’estat et la vie que iay mene . . . [S]aint Experience, no. 960 (Amsterdam, 1979). Micro¢che: Unit 3: Pierre dit que nous sommes tous pelerins . . .’ Image of theWorld: Geography and Cosmography. refs. Henri Albi, La Vie du b. Pierre, Cardinal de Luxembourg, COPY

evesque de Mets, & protecteur de la ville d’Avignon. Ensemble, Le Wanting the blank leaf a1. Leaf n4 backed. For this copy see voyage spirituel, compose¤ parle mesme bien-heureux, en faueur de Caxton, Exhibition, Bodley, no. 14. Madamoiselle sa soeur (Avignon, 1651), 133^278. Binding: Seventeenth-century blind-tooled (¢llets only) calf. [Paris: Antoine Caillaut, c.1492]. 4o. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of upper collation: a^d8 e^g6. cover. ‘12’ across head of fore-edge. Size: 280 ¿ 200 ¿ 30 mm. GW 10963; C 3621 (L’Image du monde only); Pr 7976; Brunet, Size of leaf: 274 ¿ 183 mm. r Manuel, III 1118; Hillard 1065; Sheppard 6193^4. ‘16’ in brown ink in the upper margin of a2 . Occasional marginal notes, mainlysupplying the text where needed and completing the COPY Binding: Eighteenth-century French olive green morocco, faded diagrams, and a few scribbles, in an early English hand. from blue. Guyon de Sardiere’s sale catalogue says: ‘mar[oquin] Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. bl[eu]’; gilt-edged leaves, marbled pastedowns, and azure silk Provenance: Despite the shelfmark probably not John Selden bookmark. Size: 195 ¿ 132 ¿ 12 mm. Size of leaf: 186 ¿ 125 mm. (1584^1654); not found in MS. Broxb. 84. 10. Acquired by 1674; Provenance: ‘N. 595’on the upper left-hand corner of theverso of see Hyde, Catalogus (1674), I 151. the front endleaf. Jean Baptiste Denis Guyon de Sardiere (À1759); Former Bodleian shelfmarks: F 1. 12 Art. Seld.; Auct. QQ r v sup. 1.18. name on a1 and g5 ; sale (1759), part of lot 840. Louis Ce¤ sar de la Baume le Blanc, duc de La Vallie' re (1708^1780); sale catalogue, shelfmark: S. Seld. d.5. (1783), II, lot 2723. James Edwards; Catalogue (1790), no. 2196, not priced; in Douce’s copy of the catalogue marked with I-003 In¢rmorum Visitatio ‘Douce’. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. Tractatus brevis et utilis pro in¢rmis visitandis. r shelfmark: Douce 44. 1 ‘Tractatus brevis et vtilis pro in¢rmis visitandis et confes- sionem eorum audiendis.’ Incipit: ‘[C]um pro confessione audi- I-002 Image Du Monde enda aut viatico aut sacra vnctione . . .’ Myrrour of the worlde. Passau: Benedictus Mayr and Johann Alakraw, 14 Nov. 1482. 4o. 6 r collation: . a2 [Table of contents.] refs. Caxton’s Mirrour of the World, ed. Oliver H. Prior, EETS, HC (+ Addenda) R 9182; Go¡ I-76; BMC II 614; Pr 2828; Oates extra ser., 110 (London, 1913), 1^5. 1257^8; Sheppard 2052. r a4 Myrrour of the worlde. Translated by William Caxton. COPY [Prologue.] Binding: Nineteenth-century cloth. Size: 215 ¿ 144 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 210 ¿ 140 mm. Early manuscript pagination: 220^231.

1433 1434 innocentius iii, pont. max. [i-003^i-006

Initials and underlining of chapter headings supplied in red, capi- I-006 Innocentius III, Pont. Max. tal strokes in red. Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. 15681. Bodleian stamp dated 15 Nov. [18]84; purchased from the conditionis, et al. r Fidelis Butsch catalogue 156 (1884), no. 910 for 6 Marks; see [a1 ] [Table of contents, ¢rst book.] v Library Bills (1884), no. 269. [a1 ] Lotharius [de Conti] Cardinalis: Liber de contemptu mundi, shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.71. sive De miseria humanae conditionis. refs. PL CCXVII 701^46; Innocentius III, De miseria humane I-004 Informatio Puerorum [English] conditionis, ed. Michele Maccarone, Thesaurus mundi (Lugano, r [1955]); De miseria condicionis humane, ed. Robert E. Lewis A1 [Title-page.] r (Athens, Ga., 1978; London, 1980); Il disprezzo del mondo: A2 Informatio puerorum. Incipit: ‘[H]ow many partys of reason be Lotario di Segni, ed. Renato d’Antiga (Parma, 1994); see there? viii. Nowne. Pronown . . .’ Bloom¢eld 1753. refs. See Gwosdek, English Grammatical MSS, no. 17.2. v [d6 ] [Table of contents.] o v [London]: Richard Pynson, [c.1503]. 4 . As dated by STC; [d6 ] ‘Tractatus de creatione mundi, de formacione angelorum, de Sheppard dates [c.1500]. situacione et ordinacione mundi et pluribus alliis.’ Incipit: ‘[D]e 6 4 6 4 collation: A B C D . trinitate dei hoc tenendum est quod in vna substantia sunt tres Woodcuts. persone . . .’ v GW IX col. 691; Go¡ I-78; Pr 9808; Du¡ 224; STC 14079 = 14080; [f9 ] Summa poenitentiae. Incipit: ‘[S]ciendum est quod sacerdos Sheppard 7563. debet aliquem breuem sermonem . . .’ v COPY [g4 ] ‘Sermones pro mortuis et primo pro pueris et cetera.’ Incipit:

Wanting D4 containing a woodcut (Cruci¢xion) and Pynson’s ‘‘‘[S]inite paruulos venire ad me. Talium est enim regnum device no. 3, supplied in photostat from the British Museum celorum’’, Mathei [Mt 19,14.]. Nota quod tria sunt genera paruu- copy in 1957. lorum qui merentur regni gloriam possidere . . .’ r Binding: Eighteenth-centurydiced russia, with gilt-edged leaves. [g10 ] ‘Litigatio Satane contra genus humanum.’ Incipit: ‘[H]ostis Size: 191 ¿ 132 ¿ 12 mm. Size of leaf: 184 ¿ 125 mm. fratres carissimi qualiter sathanas subintrans viscera iude . . .’ Provenance: Machell Stace. ‘Purchased’ by Heber for »6. 6. 0, [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, c.1473]. 4o. according to the price in red ink in Heber’s sale catalogue. collation: [a^g10 h8]. Richard Heber (1773^1833); stamp and Heber’s note on front H *10210; Go¡ I-82; BMC I 71; Pr 277; BSB-Ink I-172; CIBN I-37; endleaf: ‘Exchanged with [Machell] Stace [bookseller], May 4, Sack, Freiburg, 2011; Sheppard 189. 1808, for A. Fleming’s Virgil 1589 4o’; see Catalogue, 2 (1834), lot COPY 2458, sold for »5. 0. 0. Purchased for »5. 0. 0 according to Books On the front endleaf a contemporary manuscript list of treatises Purchased (1834), 12, although the shelfmark suggests a date of contained in the book; the last item: ‘Alius, de Cometis’ is not acquisition after1841. v actually present in the book; see also on [h8 ]: ‘Sequitur tractatus shelfmark: Mason H 35. de successionibus’; probably an edition of Cinus de Pistorio, De successionibus ab intestato. I-005 Ingheramius,Thomas Phaedrus Binding: Seventeenth-century German quarter pigskin over Panegyricus in memoriam S.Thomae Aquinatis. wooden boards, with remains of a clasp, leather index tabs, and v yellow-edged leaves. On the spine, a later rectangular parchment a1 Ingheramius,Thomas Phaedrus: [Letter addressed to] Cardinal Bernardinus Carvajal. label with the manuscript number ‘9894’and another rectangular refs. L. Cinelli, ‘I panegirici in onore di S. Tommaso d’Aquino label with ‘S. L. a.’printed in gold. Size: 206 ¿ 148 ¿ 22 mm. Size alla Minerva nel XV secolo’, Memorie Domenicane, NS 30 of leaf: 196 ¿ 140 mm. (1999), 19^146, at 73 no. 6 and 131^2. The front endleaf consists of a fragment of a parchment docu- r ment, dated 1475, concerning the observance of speci¢c feasts a2 Ingheramius, Thomas Phaedrus: Panegyricus in memoriam S. Thomae Aquinatis. Sermon delivered on 7 Mar. 1500. and the concession of indulgence in the church of Passau. refs. Cinelli 132^41. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early hand. Early manuscript foliation: 1^78. [: Eucharius Silber, after 7 Mar. 1500]. 4o. Initials, paragraph marks, running chapter headings are supplied collation: a6 b8. in red, capital strokes in red. Woodcut initial. Provenance: Pru« fening, Bavaria, near Regensburg, HCR 9186; Go¡ I-80; BMC IV 119; Pr 3914; BSB-Ink I-167; Hillard Benedictines, S. Georgius; early inscription on parchment end- 1079; Sheppard 3077. leaf: ‘Rectori Scolarium in pru¡ening.’ Duplicate from the Royal COPY Library, Munich; armorial book-plate: ‘Bibliothecae Electoralis Boxed with A-241; see there for details of binding and proven- Monacensis’; see Warnecke 1380, and Dressler-Schro« der 26, Typ ance. Size of leaf: 207 ¿ 140 mm. D2; Munich shelfmark, ‘Inc. Typ. No. 895’ and ‘Dupl’ on front shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.2(18). endleaf. Purchased from Munich via Thomas Rodd for 14 Florins, i.e. »1. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 23. shelfmark: Auct.1Q 5.54. i-007^i-010] innocentius iii, pont. max. 1435

r I-007 Innocentius III, Pont. Max. [a2 ] Lotharius [de Conti] Cardinalis: Liber de contemptu mundi, Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae sive De miseria humanae conditionis. refs. See I-006. conditionis. r Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, 1477. Folio. [a1 ] Lotharius [de Conti]: Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De mis- collation: [a b8 c d6]. eria humanae conditionis. H *10216; Go¡ I-85; BMC II 449; Pr 2136; BSB-Ink I-174; Sheppard refs. See I-006. r 1571. [f2 ] Vita Udonis episcopi. Incipit: ‘[A]nno domini nongentesimo Ottone imparante(!) apud Partinopolim quod est Meydenburch COPY in Saxonia . . .’ Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) half blue calf, with red-edged o leaves. Size: 280 ¿ 197 ¿ 11mm. Size of leaf: 272 ¿ 190 mm. [Cologne: Printer of Augustinus,‘De ¢de’, c.1473]. 4 . The printer A few initials are supplied in brown ink. hasbeen identi¢ed with Goiswin Gops andwith Johann Schilling; Provenance: Purchased fromThomasThorpe, Catalogue (1831), see Corsten, Anfa« nge, 44^5 and Needham, ‘Cologne Partners’, no. 1736 for »1. 11. 6; see Library Bills (1829^32), no. 297, and 126^8. 8 Books Purchased (1831), 11. collation: [a^f ]. shelfmark: Auct.1Q 2.17. H *10211 + *15909 = HC *10211 (incl. HC *15909); Go¡ I-83; BMC I 233; Pr 1099; BSB-Ink I-173; CIBN I-38; Oates 577; Sheppard I-010 Innocentius III, Pont. Max. 841; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 632. Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae COPY conditionis, et al. Bound with A-574; see there for details of binding and proven- r ance. Size of leaf: 202 ¿ 138 mm. a2 [Table of contents.] r shelfmark: Auct.1Q 5.13(6). a3 Lotharius [de Conti] Levita et Cardinalis: Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae conditionis. refs. See I-006. r I-008 Innocentius III, Pont. Max. d6 [Colophon.] r Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae d6 [Bernardus Claravallensis]: De consideratione (book 4, chapter conditionis. 2).‘De proprietatibus Romanorum.’ refs. PL CLXXXII 774; Bernardus, Opera,8 vols, ed. J.Leclercq r [a1 ] [Table of contents, ¢rst book.] and H. M. Rochais (Rome, 1957^77), III 452. [a v] Lotharius [de Conti] Cardinalis: Liber de contemptu mundi, 1 Paris: [Pasquier Bonhomme], 2 Aug.1480. 4o. Proctor and Claudin sive De miseria humanae conditionis. attribute to [Guillaume Le Fevre]. refs. See I-006. collation: a^c8 d6. [Blaubeuren?: Printer of Lotharius (Conrad Mancz?), probably HC10217;Go¡ I-86; BMC VIII12; Pr 7918; CIBN I-39 (+ Addenda); before 1474]. Folio. Amelung, Fru« hdruck, I, p. XVII identi¢es Claudin I 207; Hillard 1080; Oates 2907; Sheppard 6103. the printer tentatively as Conrad Mancz. For discussion of the COPY date see BMC. Bound with: collation: [a^c10 d6]. 1. Robert Fludd, Tractatus theologo-philosophicus in libros tres H *10209; Go¡ I-84; BMC III 707; Pr 3243; BSB-Ink I-171; CIBN distributus. Oppenheim: Hieronymus Gallerus, [1617]; I-36; Sack, Freiburg, 2012; Sheppard 2282. 2. Robert Wake¢eld, Oratio de utilitate trium linguarum Arabicae COPY Chaldaicae & Hebraicae. London: Wynkyn de Worde, [1528?] Binding: Eighteenth-century calf, with gold-tooled spine, red- (STC 24944); edged leaves, £oral paper pastedowns, one red leather index tab, 3. Henricus Suso, Horologium aeternae sapientiae. [Paris: and green silk bookmark. Size: 276 ¿ 196 ¿ 15 mm. Size of Pasquier Bonhomme, between 1480 and 1489] (S-368(2)); leaf: 267 ¿ 190 mm. 5. Iohannes Cochlaeus, De Petro et Roma. Cologne: Peter Early manuscript foliation: 1^36 in the middle of the upper mar- Quentell, 1525. gin of the rectos, in red ink. Binding: Seventeenth-century blind-tooled calf, with sprinkled Initials, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter headings red-edged leaves. Size: 193 ¿ 156 ¿ 48 mm. Size of leaf: 189 ¿ are supplied in red; capital strokes in red. 135 mm. v Provenance: Prince Franz Joseph Koha¤ ry (1766^1826); inscrip- On Q4 of item 5 a list of ‘Soluta et solvenda’, dated 28 March tion on front endleaf: ‘Franc Jos Koha¤ ry 788.’ Purchased in Nov. 1573, in an English hand. 1958 from Ernst Philip Goldschmidt (1887^1954), Catalogue114, A few initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue; other initi- no. 168; see BLR 6,4 (1960), 572. als and paragraph marks supplied in red or blue. shelfmark: Inc. d. G99.2. Provenance: Elias Ashmole (1617^1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692.Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860. shelfmark: Ashm.1017(4). I-009 Innocentius III, Pont. Max. Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae conditionis. v [a1 ] [Table of contents, ¢rst book.] 1436 innocentius viii, pont. max. [i-011^i-014

I-011 Innocentius III, Pont. Max. collation: [a^e10 f8 g^q10 r8 s10 t8 v6 x^z A10 B8 C^F10 G^I8 K^ 10 12 10 6 10 6 Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae Q R S^Z aa bb cc ]. conditionis, et al. HC *9191 (incl. H *2335); Go¡ I-95; BMC I 69; Pr 267; BSB-Ink I-176; CIBN I-47; Sack, Freiburg, 2016; Sheppard 205. a r [Table of contents.] 1 COPY a r Lotharius [de Conti] Diaconus: Liber de contemptu mundi, sive 3 Leaves [f ] and [f ] have been cut away. Wanting the blank leaf De miseria humanae conditionis. 3 6 [cc ]. refs. See I-006. 6 Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over d v [Colophon.] 11 wooden boards, with metal catches, parchment label with manu- d v [Bernardus Claravallensis]: De consideratione (book 4, chap- 11 script title on the head of the upper cover, and yellow-edged ter II).‘De proprietatibus romanorum.’ leaves. Centre-piece and corner-pieces lost. Triple ¢llets form a refs. See I-010. frame, with small circular £oral stamps in the four corners. On o Paris: Pierre Levet, 20 Apr. 1494. 8 . the upper cover, diagonal triple ¢llets, lined with headed-outline 8 12 collation: a^c d . tools, divide an inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangu- HC 10220; Go¡ I-90; BMC VIII 102; Pr 8065; CIBN I-43; Hillard lar compartments, each containing a circular rosette stamp. On 1083; Oates 2990; Sheppard 6282. the lower cover, diagonal triple ¢llets, lined by headed-outline COPY tools, divide an inner rectangle into four triangular compart- Bound with A-446; see there for details of binding and proven- ments, each containing a circular rosette stamp. On the spine, ance. Size of leaf: 135 ¿ 90 mm. manuscript title and ‘E(?). VII. 18.’ Size: 423 ¿ 300 ¿ 130 mm. shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.48(3). Size of leaf: 400 ¿ 280 mm. The rear pastedown consists of one leaf ([H4]) from Rainerius de I-012 Innocentius III, Pont. Max. Pisis, Pantheologia. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 12 Feb. 1477 (R-004(5)); a strip of parchment from an eleventh- or early Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae twelfth-century German(?) noted liturgical manuscript is visible conditionis. in the binding. r a1 [Xylographic title-page.] ‘Lotarius.’ A few initials are supplied in red with red pen-work decoration; r a2 Lotharius [de Conti] Levita et Cardinalis: Liber de contemptu other initials, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter head- mundi, sive De miseria humanae conditionis. ings are supplied in red, capital strokes in red. refs. See I-006. Provenance: Reichenhall, Bavaria, S. Zeno, Augustinian r o Canons; inscription on [a ]: ‘Monasterij S. Zenonis.’ Barcelona: Pere Posa, 1499. 4 . 2 8 6 Presumably a duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; paper collation: a^d e . HR 10219; Go¡ I-93; BMC X 7; not in Pr; Haebler, Bibliograf|¤ a bookmark with the number ‘14650’. Purchased from Munich via ibe¤ rica, I & II 367; not in Sheppard; Vindel, Arte, I 227: 143. Thomas Rodd for 20 Florins, i.e. »2. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1837),19. COPY shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.13. Binding: Twentieth-century levant maroon morocco, by Rivie' re. Size: 194 ¿ 135 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 191 ¿ 130 mm. Provenance: Albert Ehrman (1890^1969), armorial book-plate; I-014 Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max. accession no. ‘R 910’; purchased for »40 from Maggs Brothers Bulla11Dec.1488 ‘Domini et salvatoris nostri’ Ltd in 1950 and presented to his son John at Christmas 1950, as recorded in the blue Broxbourne gift book-plate on the rear paste- indulgentiarum sancte Cruciate. r down. Purchased at Broxbourne sale (14 Nov. 1977), lot 51, [a1 ] [Title-page.] r through Quaritch for »1200; see ledger (1977^8), no. 434. [a2 ] Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max.: Bulla 11 Dec. 1488 ‘Domini et shelfmark: Inc. e. S3.1499.1. salvatoris nostri’ indulgentiarum sancte Cruciate. Incipit: ‘Innocentius episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad futuram rei mem- oriam. Domini et saluatoris nostri Ihesu Christi qui pro redemp- I-013 Innocentius IV,Pont. Max. tione humani generis a miserabili sathane seruitute et eterne . . .‘ Apparatus super libros Decretalium, et al. v [a4 ] Schiesser, Eberhard: [Note of authentication.] Incipit: r [a2 ] Ubaldis, Baldus de: Margarita (Repertorium super ‘Collationata est copia presens per me Eberhardum Schie¡er cler- Innocentio IV). Incipit:‘[A]bas potest licenciare monachum . . .’ icum Maguntinum . . .’ refs. See Schulte II 275^7 and G. Chevrier, ‘Baldi de Ubaldi’, [Speier: Peter Drach, after 11 Dec. 1488]. Folio. DDC II 39^52; V. Colli, ‘Incunabula operum Baldi de Ubaldis’, collation: [a4]. Ius Commune, 26 (1999), 241^97, at 287 no. 127. Types: 160 G, title; 80 G, text. 4 leaves. 53 lines ([a r]). Type area: r 3 [f8 ] [Table of contents.] 214 ¿ 114 mm ([a r]). Leaf [a r], title:‘Copia bulle pleni||imaruš In r 3 1 [g2 ] Innocentius IV, Pont. Max.: Apparatus super libros r > dulgentiaruš |ancte Cruciate’; [a2 ]: ‘Copia bulle pleni||imak Decretalium. Incipit: ‘[L]egitur in Ezechiele ‘‘venter tuus come- Indulgentiak |ancte Cruciate. INnocentius epš us |eruus |eruok det . . .’’ [Ez 3,3] Per ventrem . . .’ > v dei ad futu ram rei memoriam. Dnš i h |aluatoris nrš i . . .’; [a4 ], l. refs. See Schulte II 91^4 and J. A. Cantini and Charles Lefebvre, > > 24:‘Datuš Rome apud > |anctuš Petruš Anno incarnationis dominice ‘Sinibalde dei Fieschi’, DDC VII1029^62. Mille|imoquadringente|i= mooctuagesimooctauo. Tercoš Idus > , Strasbourg: [Heinrich Eggestein], 1478. Folio. Deceš bris Poš ti¢catus nrš i aš no qnto. > Collationata eš pnš s Copia x i-014^i-018] innocentius viii, pont. max. 1437

me Eberharduš Schie||er > clericuš Maguš tinš . publicuš |acris apl’ica h I-017 InnocentiusVIII, Pont. Max Imxiali aucto > ritatibus Notariuš . Et mcordat de verbo ad verbuš cuš Indulgence for the benefactors and members of the |uo > vero bullato originali.’ Pr 2376; Sheppard 1717^18. fraternity ofthe monastery of Santiago de Compostela [17 Sept. 1491]. COPY Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled paper boards; bound for Printed side InnocentiusVIII, Pont. Max.: Indulgence for the ben- KloÞ. Size: 283 ¿ 199 ¿ 4 mm. Size of leaf: 283 ¿ 196 mm. efactors and members of the fraternity of the monastery of Occasional eighteenth-century(?) pencil annotations. Santiago de Compostela [17 Sept. 1491]. Incipit: ‘[V]niuersis et Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- singulis vtriusque sexus Christi ¢delibus salutem. Notum sit qua- label; sale (1835), lot 1479. John Mozley Stark. Purchased in Oct. liter sanctissimus dominus noster Innocencius diuina prouiden- 1854 for »1. 1. 0. from Stark, Catalogue no. 4: see Library Bills tia papa octauus et modernus con¢rmauit approbauit . . .’ (1851^55), 265 (‘Bullae’), and Books Purchased (1855), 32. [Geneva: Louis Cruse, 1491]. Broadside. As assigned and dated by shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 4.53. GW, in a letter to Lathrop Colgate Harper, 14 May 1954 (stored with the indulgence). I-015 Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max. collation: Single sheet, printed on one side only. Bulla 6 Jan.1484/5 ‘Sacrosanctam matrem ecclesiam’. Types: 98 G, 66 G. 1 leaf. 43 lines. Size of woodcut: 83 ¿ 205 mm; r type area: 143 ¿ 205 mm.Woodcut depicting a cruci¢x with two A1 Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max.: Bulla 6 Jan. 1484/5 saints kneeling, also, on the left, S. James dressed as a pilgrim ‘Sacrosanctam matrem ecclesiam’. with a shell on his hat, and, on the right, two knights in armour, refs. MBR V 299^303. Concerning the canonization of Duke one carrying a banner bearing shell devices.The impression ofthe Leopold III of Austria (À1136). seal at the foot of the leaf shows S. James dressed as a pilgrim with [Vienna: Printer of the 1482 ‘Vocabolista’ (Stephen Koblinger?), sta¡ and shell, with a praying pilgrim on either side of him; the o after 6 Jan. 1485]. 4 . Proctor identi¢es the printer as [Johannes seal is lettered ‘Sancti Jacobi’.Printed side: Woodcut. Cassis]. ‘[V]NIUERSIS Et |ingulis vtrius|n |exus xpš i ¢delibus |alutem. 4 collation: A . j Notuq |it qualiter |ancti||imus dnš s no|ter dnš s Innoceš ci > diuina GW Nachtra« ge, 169; C 3267; Go¡ I-102; BMC III 809; Pr 9471; luidencia papa octauus et modernus . . .’; l. 43: ‘ . . . auctoritate BSB-Ink I-201; Oates 4020; Sack, Freiburg, 2019; Sheppard 2588. apl’ica l vltimo articulo mortis vt |š ea coš tinet‹ . Iuno|š e p’. COPY Not in Pr; not in Sheppard. Binding: Modern red canvas case. Size of leaf: 221 ¿ 158 mm. COPY Provenance: James Patrick Ronaldson Lyell (1871^1949); book- Binding: Kept in a modern brown cloth document wallet. Size of plate with crest and motto. Bequeathed in 1949. leaf: 337 ¿ 286 mm. shelfmark: Inc. d. GA5.1. Provenance: Petrus de Vallegia, Anthonia de Challand, and her children, 1491; names supplied in the blank space in the indul- I-016 Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max. gence, dated 17 Sept. ‘141=91’. Lathrop Colgate Harper; Bulla 6 Jan.1484/5 ‘Sacrosanctam matrem ecclesiam’. Catalogue no. 2, Rare Books and Manuscripts illustrative of European Art and the History of European Civilization . . . (1955), Printed side Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max.: Bulla 6 Jan. 1484/5 lot 27. Albert Ehrman (1890^1969); accession no. ‘R 1313’; pur- ‘Sacrosanctam matrem ecclesiam’. chased from Harper in 1955 for »194. Presented in 1978 by John refs. See I-015. Ehrman. [Memmingen: Albrecht Kunne, after 6 Jan. 1485.] Broadside. shelfmark: Broxb. 95.19. collation: Single sheet, printed on one side only. Types: 71 G (GfT 712/13), with headings unidenti¢ed. E records 2?, I-018 InnocentiusVIII, Pont. Max. 3; the size of 71G (= P.4) does vary: in this case 20 lines only mea- sure 68, which probably suggests a date of some time after 1486. Regulae cancellariae apostolicae. Lecte, 4 Aug.1491 The larger text is not identi¢ed in BMC or GfT. 1 leaf. 105 lines. (comm. Alphonsus de Soto). r Type area: 360 ¿ 219 mm. A1 [Title-page.] v Go¡ I-103; not in Pr; BSB-Ink I-200; E 728; Oates 1233; not in A1 ‘Rubrica’. Incipit: ‘Regule, ordinationes, et constitutiones can- Sheppard. cellarie sanctissimi domini domini Innocentii . . .’ v COPY A1 [Alphonsus de Soto: Commentary on ‘Rubrica’.] Incipit: ‘Hec Formerly a pastedown: remains of paste on the verso. Rubrica in quolibet verbo, reuerendissime domine, debet ponder- Binding: Stored in a modern brown cloth document wallet. Size ari quia rubrica de textu . . .’ On the attribution to Alphonsus de ofsheet: 406 ¿ 267 mm. Soto see Emil Go« ller, ‘Die Kommentatoren der pa« pstlichen Provenance: Albert Ehrman (1890^1969); armorial book-plate; Kanzleiregeln vom Ende des 15. bis zum Beginn des 17. accession no. ‘R 803’; purchased from Martin Breslauer, 12 Jan. Jahrhunderts, Archiv fu« r katholisches Kirchenrecht, 85 (1905), 1950 for »20. Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman. 441^60; most passages quoted by Go« ller match passages in this shelfmark: Broxb. 95.14. edition, although the incipits di¡er from those given in Gu« nter Glauche, Katalog der lateinischen Handscriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek Mu« nchen, 4,8 (Wiesbaden, 1984), Cml 28316. 1438 institoris, henricus [i-018^i-021

r A2 ‘Prohemium’. Incipit:‘Sanctissimus in Christo pater et dominus Provenance: Oxford, Magdalen College; from the binding of a noster dominus Innocentius diuina prouidentia papa viii suorum volume in the Library. Presented by the President and Fellows of predecessorum . . .’ Magdalen in 1899; see Craster177. r A2 [Alphonsus de Soto: Commentary on ‘Prohemium’.] Incipit: shelfmark: Inc. b. E1.1499.1. ‘Hic vnus curiosus, reuerendissime pater, dubitauit vbi ego non dubito . . .’ I-020 Institoris, Henricus r A4 Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max.: Regulae cancellariae apostoli- Epistola contra quendam conciliistam archiepiscopum cae. Incipit: ‘Prima [^sexagesimanona] regula. In primis reserua- videlicet Crainensem. tiones fecit similes illi que in constitutione fe. reuerendissimi r Benedicti pape xii que incipit . . .’ [a1 ] Institoris, Henricus: Epistola contra quendam conciliistam r A4 [Alphonsus de Soto: Commentary on Regulae.] Incipit: ‘Ista archiepiscopum videlicet Crainensem. Incipit: ‘[E]go Heinricus regula dicit quod papa facit similes reseruationes illis quas . . .’ Institoris frater Ordinis Predicatorum inter theologie professores v k2 [Alphonsus de Soto]: ‘Rubrica de potestate vicecancellarii’. minimus computatus . . .’See VL 408^15, at 409. Incipit: ‘Sequitur rubrica de potestate vicecancellarii et quia in [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, after 10 Aug. 1482]. Folio. The eius potestate multa ac in¢nita . . .’ text is dated Schletstat (i.e. Se¤ lestat, Alsace), 10 Aug. 1482. r 6 k3 InnocentiusVIII, Pont. Max.: ‘Regula facta per Innocentium’. collation: [a ]. r r Incipit:‘Sanctissimus in Christo pater et dominus noster dominus Types: 141^129^133, 93. 6 leaves. 42 ([a3 ]) and 43 lines ([a2 ]). Type r Innocentius diuina prouidentia papa viii quia post facta per area: 199 ¿ 124 mm ([a2 ]). Sanctitatem suam in crastinum sue assumptionis . . .’ R 222; Go¡ I-160; Pr 269; Sheppard 207. k v [Alphonsus de Soto: Commentary on ‘Regula’.] Incipit: ‘Ista 3 COPY regula dicit in e¡ectu quod cardinales approbarunt reuocatio- Bound with G-048; see there for details of binding and proven- nem . . .’ ance. Size of leaf: 365 ¿ 180 mm. [Strasbourg: Johann Pru« ss?, not after 1492?]. 4o. BSB-Ink dates to shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.14(3). [c.1492]. collation: A^D6 E4 FG6 H8 I6 k4. I-021 Institoris, Henricus HC *9221; Go¡ I-153; BMC I 126; Pr 570; BSB-Ink I-209; Sack, Tractatus varii. Freiburg, 2025; Sheppard 429. r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Tractatus varii cum sermonibus plurimis contra COPY quattuor errores nouissime exortos adversus diuinissimum Binding: Nineteenth-century half green morocco; marbled euchariiste(!) sacramentum . . .’ paper boards. Size: 211 ¿ 147 ¿ 11 mm. Size of leaf: 193 ¿ a r Institoris, Henricus: ‘Prologus in opus sermonum aduersus 136 mm. 2 quattuor errores contra veritatem Eucharistie sacramenti’. Paragraph marks are supplied in red; capital strokes in red. Incipit: ‘[C]um reprobanda sit illorum arrogantia . . .’ Provenance: Purchased for »0. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1858), a v ‘Tractatus erroneus’. Incipit:‘[A]grorum quidam cultor suis cum 54. 2 duobus ¢liis . . .’See VL 408^15, at 410. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.81. v a7 Institoris, Henricus: ‘Replica in tractatum erroneum’. Incipit: ‘[P]rohemium aduersarii quia solum recitat casum quendam I-019 InnocentiusVIII, Pont. Max. super amissionem . . .’ v Summarium bullae Innocentii VIII et Alexandri VI de d4 Institoris, Henricus: ‘Tabula in opus sermonum contra prefa- successione regni Angliae. tum errorem collectum’. Incipit: ‘[S]ermo primus est introductor- ius declarans quatuor causas . . .’ Recto and Verso Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max.; Alexander VI, v Pont. Max.: Summarium bullae Innocentii VIII et Alexandri d8 Institoris, Henricus: Sermones. Incipit: ‘‘‘[P]anis quem ego VI de successione regni Angliae. Incipit: ‘Innocentius et dabo caro mea est pro mundi vita’’. Joh. vi [Io 6,52]. Pro introduc- Alexander ponti¢ces predicti ad perpetuam et futuram rei mem- tione notanda est causa quare necessarium sit modernis in tem- poribus . . .’ oriam ad omnes discordias . . .’ r o2 Institoris, Henricus: ‘Auisamenta pro clericis’. Incipit: [Westminster: Wynkyn de Worde, 1499, before June?]. Single ‘[P]rimum dictum meum est quod quicunque presbyteri sus- sheet. As dated by BMC; see also A. H. Stevenson,‘Tudor Roses pensi . . .’ from John Tate’, Studies in Bibliography, 20 (1967), 15^34, esp. 19, r o6 Institoris, Henricus: ‘Prologus’ [addressed to] Vitus Fackler. and, on this edition in general, see 19^22. On the two settings see Incipit: ‘[R]euerendo in Christo patri ac domino Vito Fackler BMC. 2 ecclesie canonicorum regularum titulo Sancte Crucis in Augusto collation: [a ]. proposito plurimum colende frater Heinricus Institoris sacre BMC XI; Pr 9706B; Du¡ 229; E 1429a, b; Oates 4129; Rhodes 965; pagine humilis professor . . .’ Sheppard 7467; STC 14098, 14098.5. v o7 Institoris, Henricus: ‘Prohemium’. Incipit: ‘[C]onsideranti COPY mihi, colende pater, vnde tanta quorundam predicatorum imper- Variants: STC 14098, l. 2:‘turam’; STC 14098.5, l. 2:‘turaš ’. itia . . .’ r A single sheet of two leaves, containing the twovariant settings on o8 Institoris, Henricus: ‘De sacramento miraculoso’. Incipit: the recto of one leaf and repeated on the recto of the other. ‘Questiones cum suis declarationibus super triplex . . .’ Binding: Modern brown cloth. Size ofsheet: 423 ¿ 269 mm. i-021^i-024] interpretationes 1439

v q4 Institoris, Henricus: ‘De duratione sacramenti’. Incipit: ¢llets form a rectangle which is divided by further ¢llets into ‘[P]ostulat a me charitas,V R, quidne sentiendum de Eucharistie three compartments, each decorated with the same £oral roll; sacramento . . .’ the spine is decorated with a repeated palmette stamp. On the Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 26 Jan. 1496. 4o. upper cover is a contemporary label bearing the title, shelfmark, collation: a^q8 r6. and a sign; a second label bearing a second shelfmark. Size: 237 ¿ H *9233; Go¡ I-170; BMC II 441; Pr 2104; BSB-Ink I-233; Hillard 173 ¿ 43 mm. Size of leaf: 230 ¿ 167 mm. 1091; Oates 1039; Sack, Freiburg, 2032; Sheppard 1536. Some early marginal annotations,‘nota’ marks, and underlining in the text. COPY Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ Binding: Nineteenth-century sprinkled calf, with gold-tooled in pencil on the front pastedown, also pencil no. ‘2659’ on w r. spine, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. 1 Albert Cohn. Purchased for 16 Marks from Cohn; see Library Scar of an index tab on d . Size: 218 ¿ 164 ¿ 32 mm. Size of 8 Bills, 25 Feb. 1886. leaf: 210 ¿ 151 mm. r shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.62. A contemporary note giving the date of printing on a2 . Other early annotations, ‘nota’ marks, and underlining in the text in black ink. I-023 Institoris, Henricus and Sprenger, Jacobus r On a2 a ¢ve-line initial ‘C’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue; Malleus male¢carum. r other three- and four-line initials and paragraph marks are sup- [*1 ] [Title-page.] v plied in red. [*1 ] [Institoris, Henricus; Sprenger, Jacobus]: ‘Apologia autoris Provenance: Guillaume Coe« ¡eteau (1589^1660); inscription on in Malleum male¢carum’. Incipit:‘[C]um inter ruentis seculi cala- r a1 : ‘Ex libris G. Coe¡eteau 30 ¡’. Purchased from Howell and mitates quas . . .’ v Co. for »0. 18. 0; see Books Purchased (1828), 28 and ‘Catalogus [*1 ] Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max.: Bulla ‘Summis desiderantes Bibliothecae Novae’, fol. 154r. a¡ectibus’, 5 Dec. 1484.‘Tenor bulle apostolice aduersus heresim shelfmark: Auct.1Q inf. 1.8. male¢carum’. refs. See I-022. r [*2 ] [Approbation of the Theology Faculty, Cologne University, 19 I-022 Institoris, Henricus and Sprenger, Jacobus May 1487.] ‘Approbatio et subscriptio doctorum alme vniuersita- Malleus male¢carum. tis Coloniensis iuxta formam publici instrumenti’. r w1 [Title-page.] refs. Hansen 140^4. See also I-022. r v w2 [Institoris, Henricus; Sprenger, Jacobus]: ‘Apologia autoris in [*3 ] ‘Tabula’. r Malleum male¢carum’. Incipit: ‘[C]um inter ruentis seculi cala- a1 Institoris, Henricus; Sprenger, Jacobus: Malleus male¢carum. mitates quas . . .’ Incipit:‘[U]trum asserere male¢cos esse sit adeo catholicum quod v w1 Innocentius VIII, Pont. Max.: Bulla ‘Summis desiderantes eius oppositum pertinaciter . . .’ a¡ectibus’, 5 Dec. 1484.‘Tenor bulle apostolice aduersus heresim refs. See I-022. male¢carum’. Cologne: Johann Koelho¡,theYounger, 24 Nov.1494.Folio and 4o. refs. MBRV 296^8. collation: [*4] a^s6. v w3 [Approbation of the Theology Faculty, Cologne University, 19 HC 9244; Go¡ I-167; BMC I 298; Pr 1462; Hansen 127, no. VII; May 1487.] ‘Approbatio et subscriptio doctorum alme vniuersita- Sheppard 1083; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 637. tis Coloniensis iuxta formam publici instrumenti.’ COPY refs. Joseph Hansen, ‘Der Malleus male¢carum, seine The date in the colophon has been altered in manuscript to Druckausgaben und die gefalschte Kolner Approbation vom J. « « ‘Mcccclxxiiii’. 1487’, Westdeutsche Zeitschrift fu« r Geschichte und Kunst, 17 Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian (1898),119^68, esp.140^4; on the problems relating to this appro- Library. Remains or scars of leather index tabs. Size: 278 ¿ bation see 133^68. 205 ¿ 20 mm. Size of leaf: 268 ¿ 193 mm. v ‘Tabula’. w5 Some early marginal annotations, including corrections and a r [Institoris, Henricus; Sprenger, Jacobus]: Malleus male¢- 1 underlining in the text. carum. Incipit: ‘[U]trum asserere male¢cos esse sit adeo catholi- Occasional three-line initials are supplied in black ink. cum quod eius oppositum pertinaciter . . .’ See VL IV 408^15, at Provenance: Arnoldus Duenen (¢fteenth/sixteenth century); 410^14; also Der Hexenhammer. Entstehung und Umfeld des r inscription on [*1 ]: ‘Iste liber pertinet Arnoldo Duenen in ‘Malleus male¢carum’ von 1487, ed. P. Segl, Bayreuther r Lorenwart’. J.-G. Michiels (£. 1775); stamp on [* ]: ‘Captne. Historische Kolloquien, 2, (Cologne and Vienna, 1988); VL IX 1 Michiels’. Date of acquisition unknown; the shelfmark may indi- 149^57, at 153^5. cate a date in the1840s or 1850s. o Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 17 Mar. 1494. 4 . shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.19. collation: w8 a^q8 r10. HC *9245; Go¡ I-166; BMC II 438; Pr 2090; BSB-Ink I-227; CIBN I-024 Interpretationes I-56; Hansen127, no.VI; Hillard1089; Oates1033; Sack, Freiburg, Interpretationes dictionum indeclinabilium. 2030; Sheppard 1527. r a1 [Title-page.] COPY Binding: Contemporary German quarter blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with remains of clasp. On both covers triple 1440 isaac, rabbi [i-024^i-027

r r a2 Interpretationes dictionum indeclinabilium. Incipit:‘Ista prepo- [b1 ] Isaac [Medicus]: De particularibus diaetis. [Translated by sitio preponi debet dictionibus que incipiuntur a consonanti- Constantinus Africanus.] Incipit: ‘Compleuimus in libro primo bus . . .’ vniuersales signi¢cationem generis cibarii et specierum . . .’ [Ingolstadt: Printer of Celtis, ‘Epitoma’ (Johann Kachelofen), refs. See Thorndike^Kibre 239 and Freimann, ‘Jews and c.1492]. 4o. On the printer see Ferdinand Geldner, ‘Zum Judaism’,170. Ingolsta« dter Buchdruck des 15. Jahrhunderts’, Gb Jb (1968), 97^ Padua: Matthaeus Cerdonis, 23 Mar. 1487. 4o. 9; GfT 96 identi¢es him as [Marx Ayrer]. collation: [a2 b^g8 h10]. collation: a b8 c6. H *9267; Go¡ I-176; BMC VII 923; Pr 6822; BSB-Ink I-623; Sack, GW 11047; H *9250; BMC III 678; Pr 2909; BSB-Ink I-238; Sack, Freiburg, 2164; Sheppard 5604.

Freiburg, 2033; Sheppard 2219; Stalla,‘Ingolstadt’, 80 III no. 6. COPY COPY Wanting gathering [a]. r v On a2 , col. 1 l. 2: ‘. . . que’, as GW, unlike BMC; on c5 , col. 2 l. 21: Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the ‘Laus . . .’, as GWand BMC, unlike H. Bodleian Library; marbled pastedowns. Size: 205 ¿ 138 ¿ Binding: Paper wrappers. Size: 193 ¿ 133 ¿ 6 mm. Size of 13 mm. Size of leaf: 198 ¿ 129 mm. leaf: 193 ¿ 133 mm. Some early headings are supplied in black ink underlined in red. Occasional early annotations and pen-trials. Printed initials coloured with red wash; paragraph marks and r v Provenance: Thomas Robinson Allan; stamp on a2 , and c5 : rubrics are supplied in red; capital strokes and underlining in r ‘Allan Library’.The London Library; stamps dated 25 Nov.1820 red.The rubrication is dated 1490 on [h10 ]. r and 1841, on a1 , label at the tail of the upper cover; cancelled Provenance: Johann Jung (¢fteenth/sixteenth century); inscrip- r stamp over this label; sale, Catalogue of Important Printed Books tion on [h10 ]: ‘Liber doctoris Johannis Jung’. Purchased for »0. of the Fifteenth Century comprising the Property of The London 18. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), 27. Library . . . (London: Sotheby’s, 14 June 1966), lot 57. Purchased shelfmark: Auct.1Q 7.33. in 1966 from L[udwig]. Rosenthal & Co. shelfmark: Inc. e. G35.1. I-027 Isaac, Rabbi Della perfezione della vita contemplativa [Italian]. I-025 Introductorium v a1 [Introductory letter addressed to] Jacomo da Parma, Prior of S. Introductorium linguae Latinae. Salvator,Venice. Incipit:‘Perche, padrevenerando, non solamente r A1 [Title-page.] a noi medemi siamo nati ma (como dice Platone) . . .’ v r A1 [Horman, Guilelmus]: Introductorium linguae Latinae. a2 Abbate Isaac de Syria (Isaac, Rabbi): Della perfezione della Incipit:‘Nominatiuo singularis: primus, prima, primum; genitiuo vita contemplativa. Incipit: ‘[L’]anima laquale ama dio in solo primi, prime, primi, etc., sicut bonus . . .’ dio ha riposo . . .’ r refs. On the authorship see Sharpe, LatinWriters, no. 2085. i5 [Table of contents.] o r [Westminster]: Wynkyn de Worde, [c.1499]. 4 . Sheppard dates i6 [Colophon.] v [before 4 Dec. 1499]. i6 [Editorial note.] Incipit: ‘Venuta e in luce questa angelica collation: A^F6. opera . . .’ Types: 95 G (GfT 1793); title-type not identi¢ed. 36 leaves. 29 lines, Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, 1500. 8o. v 8 6 with headlines and foliation (A1 ). Type area: 135 (144) ¿ 88 mm collation: a^h i . v r r (A1 ).Woodcut on A1 showing a teacher sitting on a high-backed On a1 a woodcut of Rabbi Isaac; woodcut initials. chair and holding a switch of birch twigs in his right hand, with CR 3324; Go¡ I-177; BMC V 452; Pr 5103; CIBN I-63a; Essling three pupils sitting in front of him on a bench, each reading from 1248; Sander 7739; Sheppard 4242^3. a book; see Hodnett no. 919. FIRST COPY H 9261; Pr 9718; Du¡ 232; Sheppard 7463; STC 13810. Wanting b1^5. COPY Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled paper boards. Size: 159 ¿ The state ofthewoodcut and the device is earlier than in Sulpitius, 109 ¿ 9 mm. Size of leaf: 153 ¿ 100 mm. 4 Dec. 1499. Provenance: Purchased for »1. 1. 0; see Books Purchased (1849), Binding: Nineteenth/twentieth-century calf. Size: 197 ¿ 139 ¿ 26. 12 mm. Size of leaf: 190 ¿ 135 mm. shelfmark: Auct.1Q 6.38. r Correction to the text in red ink on B1 ; pointing hands in pencil SECOND COPY v r on B3 ^B4 . Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century parchment; marbled r Provenance: [ ] Smyth (sixteenth century); inscription on A1 : pastedowns. Size: 152 ¿ 102 ¿ 16 mm. Size of leaf: 145 ¿ 95 mm. ‘Smyth. pretii vid’. Acquired before1898: seen by Proctor. Bibliograpical note (post 1720) in Italian on the verso of the front Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. QQ sup. 2.19. endleaf, commentingon the rarityofthis edition:‘Gli Accademici shelfmark: Arch. G e.3. della Crusca citarono questo libretto manuscritto, ignorando forse che vi fusse a stampa, onde sembra che gli esemplari di I-026 Isaac Medicus questa edizione debbano essere di somma rarita' . (Fu ristampato nel 1720)’. De particularibus diaetis. Provenance: Engraved Italian(?) eighteenth-century armorial r [a2 ] ‘Tabula siue registrum capitulorum’. book-plate: azure, in chief a wreath and in base a coronet, i-027^i-030] isidorus hispalensis 1441

between two lions combatant. Thomas Crofts (1722^1781); initi- existens Ysidorus in horis matutinalibus . . .’ Extracts from the als ‘T. C.’ on the book-plate; sale (London: Paterson, 7 Apr. O⁄ce of S. Isidore. 1783), p. 38, lot 780, and inscription on the book-plate: ‘Sold at [Rome: n. pr., c.1485]. 4o. Proctor assigns to [Georgius Herolt]; see s d Crofts for 1 6 ’. Lorenzo da Ponte (1749^1838); sale, Dec. 1804; also Hermann Degering,‘Wer war der Drucker der Erstausgabe inscription on the verso of the front endleaf: ‘Da Ponte’s Sale, des Vitruv?’, in Wiegendrucke und Handschriften. Festgabe Dec. 1804. d6’. Alessandro, Count Mortara (À1855). Purchased Konrad Haebler zum 60. Geburtstage, ed. Erich von Rath from Count Mortara; see Alessandro Mortara, Biblioteca Italica (Leipzig, 1919), 175^202, at 179, no. 8. (1852), 48. collation: [a^d8 e6]. shelfmark: Mortara 137. H *9306; Go¡ I-189; BMC VII1132; Pr 3944; BSB-Ink I-625; CIBN I-73; Sack, Freiburg, 2173; Sheppard 3181. I-028 Isidorus Hispalensis COPY Chronica [Italian] La cronica. Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) marbled paper boards with the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 200 ¿ r a1 Isidorus Hispalensis: Chronica [Italian]. La cronica. Incipit: 141 ¿ 9 mm. Size of leaf: 200 ¿ 140 mm. ‘[N]arrase in questa cronica le sei etade del mondo. . .’ Occasional marginal annotations, also ‘nota’ marks and under- refs. BSB-Ink refers to P. d’Achille, ‘La ‘‘Cronica volgare’’ lining in the text. Isidoriana’, L’Aquila (1982) (Deputazione Abruzzese di storia Provenance: Lozenge-shaped bookseller’s label on the upper patria, Studi e testi, 2). See CPL 1205. cover with the no.‘205’. Purchased in Florence via D. A.Talboys, Cividale: [Gerardus de Lisa, de Flandria], 24 Nov. 1480. 4o. Oxford, for »0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1832), 13, and Library collation: a^e8 f10. Bills (1829^32), no. 446. HC *9308; Go¡ I-179; BMC VII 1094; Pr 7267; BSB-Ink I-624; Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 5.21. CIBN I-65; Oates 2708; Sheppard 6030. Micro¢che: Unit 5: shelfmark: Auct.7Q 4.37. Chronicles and Historiography: Part II.

COPY I-030 Isidorus Hispalensis

Wanting the blank leaf f10. De responsione mundi etde astrorum ordinatione, sive De Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled brown morocco with natura rerum. gilt-edged leaves. Size: 199 ¿ 143 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 193 ¿ [a r] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Sesibutus. 135 mm. 1 refs. PL LXXXIII 963^4, with variations and ending imper- Provenance: William Horatio Crawford (1815^1888); armorial fectly; seeThorndike^Kibre 473. book-plate; sale (1891), lot 1699. Purchased through Quaritch at [a r] ‘Capitula’. the Crawford sale for »1. 0. 0: see Library Bills, 25 Mar. 1891. 1 [a v] Isidorus Hispalensis: De responsione mundi et de astrorum shelfmark: Auct.7Q 7.63. 1 ordinatione, sive De natura rerum. refs. PL LXXXIII 963^94, ending imperfectly; see CPL 1188, I-029 Isidorus Hispalensis and Thorndike^Kibre 428. Augsburg: Gu« nther Zainer, 7 Dec. 1472. Folio. De ¢de catholica contra Judaeos, et al. 8+1 10+1 r collation: [a b ]. [a1 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: De ¢de catholica contra Judaeos. Woodcut diagrams: see Schramm. refs. PL LXXXIII 449^538, with variations and di¡erent end- H *9302; Go¡ I-191; BMC II 317; Pr 1533; BSB-Ink I-626; CIBN ing; see CPL 1198 and Freimann,‘Jews and Judaism’,170. r I-75; Sack, Freiburg, 2174; Schramm II pp. 10 and 24; Schreiber V [e2 ] [Addendum concerning the magic word ‘Xamenaforas’.] 4268; Sheppard 1128. Micro¢che: Unit 3: Image of the World: Incipit:‘Explicit libellus domini Ysidori episcopi de ¢de catholica Geography and Cosmography. et ueteri et nouo testamento editus contra Iudeos ipsios qui ducti sacrilega cecitate in suo talmuth . . .’ COPY v Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf, with marbled paper [e3 ] Pontius Pilatus [pseudo-]: Epistola de virtutibus Christi [addressed to] Emperor Claudius.‘Epistola Pilati de nece domini boards; bound for KloÞ. Size: 290 ¿ 214 ¿ 9 mm. Size of leaf: 280 ¿ 207 mm. nostri Ihesu’. r refs. Resembles chapter 29 of Evangelium Nicodemi, chapter 16 On [a1 ] a seven-line initial ‘D’ supplied in green within a red pen- of Cura sanitatis Tiberii; cf. Evangelia Apocrypha, 413^16, but work frame and decorated in red pen-work within the body of the with considerable variations; cf. CANT, no. 64; see VL VII 669^ letter; other one- to three-line initials, some with extensions into 82, at 670. the margins, supplied in red or green; paragraph marks supplied r in red; capital strokes in red. [e4 ] Lentulus, [Publius pseudo-]: De statura Christi [addressed to the Roman Senate]. Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- label; sale (1835), lot 2182. Purchased for »0. 10. 6; see Books refs. Dobschu« tz, Christusbilder, 319**. r Purchased (1835), 15. [e5 ] Josephus, [Flavius]: Epistola de Christo. Incipit: ‘Fuit isdem temporibus Ihesus vir sapiens si tamen cum nominari virum . . .’ shelfmark: Auct.1Q 3.23. Extracts from book 18, ch. 13 of De Antiquitate Judaica. v [e5 ] O⁄cium Isidori (lectio secunda).‘In o⁄cio suo in lectionibus o⁄cii matutinalis inter alia de eiusdem Ysidori factis in secunda lectione’. Incipit: ‘Mira res quadam nocte dominice natiuitatis 1442 isidorus hispalensis [i-031^i-034

I-031 Isidorus Hispalensis I-032 Isidorus Hispalensis De summo bono. De summo bono. r r [a1 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: De summo bono. [Also known as a1 [Title-page.] r Sententiae.] a2 Isidorus Hispalensis: De summo bono. [Also known as refs. PL LXXXIII 537^738, ending imperfectly; Isidorus, Sententiae.] Sententiae, ed. Pierre Cazier, CCSL 111 (Turnhout, 1998); see refs. See I-031. r CPL 1199. n6 ‘Tabula’. r [g4 ] [Colophon.] [Paris: Pierre Levet] for E., J., and G. de Marnef, [c.1493]. 8o. v [g4 ] ‘Tabula’. Polain assigns to [Philippe Pigouchet]. Nuremberg: [Johann Sensenschmidt, not after Apr. 1470]. Folio. collation: a^n8. collation: [a^g10]. Collation as Sheppard, not as BMC, which HC 9289; Go¡ I-199; BMC VIII 102; Pr 8121; CIBN I-80; Hillard collates [a^f10 g6]. 1101; Oates 3004; Polain 2144; Sheppard 6281.

70 leaves, the last ¢ve blank. COPY HC Addenda *9282; Go¡ I-192; BMC II 404; Pr 1957; BSB-Ink Bound with: I-636; CIBN I-76; Sheppard 1391^3. 1. [Thomas a' Kempis], Imitatio Christi. [Paris: Pierre Levet, for] FIRST COPY E., J., and G. de Marnef, 21 Aug.1492 (T-108). Wanting the last ¢ve blank leaves [g6^10]. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; bound for the Bodleian Binding: Nineteenth-century calf. Size: 276 ¿ 199 ¿ 25 mm. Size Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers. Size: of leaf: 270 ¿ 186 mm. 143 ¿ 97 ¿ 28 mm. Size of leaf: 137 ¿ 87 mm. r One- to six-line initials, some decorated with faces, supplied in Provenance: Thomas Tanner (1674^1735); signature on a1 of red or blue; capital strokes in red. item 1. Bequeathed in 1735. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ shelfmark: Auct.1Q 6.6(2). r in pencil on [a1 ]. Date of acquisition unknown; the shelfmark may indicate a date c.1840. shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.55. I-033 Isidorus Hispalensis SECOND COPY De summo bono. Wanting the blank leaf [g ]. r 10 a1 [Title-page.] Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the r a2 Isidorus Hispalensis: De summo bono. [Also known as Bodleian Library; marbled pastedowns. Size: 315 ¿ 220 ¿ Sententiae.] 22 mm. Size of leaf: 308 ¿ 207 mm. refs. See I-031. Two rubric headings supplied in black ink on [a r]. Some early v 2 m6 ‘Tabula’. marginal annotations, including extraction of key words, also Paris: EŁ tienne Jehannot, for Jean Petit, 27 Aug.‘1495’ [1497]. 8o. ‘nota’ marks, and underlining in the text. BMC VIII p. xxxix n. 2: The year date was almost certainly ‘care- Principal six-line initials supplied in blue with reserved white dec- lessly reprinted from the edition of 11 August [1495] and should oration surrounded by red pen-work and within the body of the really be 1497’. letter, and with extensions into the margins; other one- and collation: a^m8. Polain collates [a] b^m8, although the title-page three-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, sup- is clearly signed a. plied in red or blue, paragraph marks supplied in red; capital HC 9291; Go¡ I-201; Pr 8338; Hillard 1102; Polain 2147; Sheppard strokes in red. 6476. Provenance: Auhausen an derWo« rnitz, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Maria. Georg TruchseÞ, Abbot of Auhausen (1499^1552), 1536; COPY r inscription on [a2 ]: ‘Per reuerendum patrem D. Geor[g]ium Bound with C-510(1); see there for details of binding and proven- Truchssess monasterii Auhausencis Wernitz Abbatem in sui ance. Size of leaf: 140 ¿ 99 mm. memoriam liber iste comparatus 1536’. Eichsta« tt, Bavaria, For the faulty imposition of gathering g see Hillard. Sheppard r Dominicans; book-plate, dated 1742, on [a1 ]: see Warnecke no. notes that, as type 65 G appears here in a later state (more angular 438. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ in pencil form of d) from that of an edition of Jehannot’s of 11 Aug. 1495 r on [a1 ]. Purchased from MunichviaThomas Rodd for 22 Florins, only a fortnight earlier (BMC VIII 195),‘an error in the year-date’ i.e. »2. 4. 0; see Books Purchased (1837),19. of the edition of 27 Aug.‘is highly probable’ (BMC VIII 194, note shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 2.23. on type 65G). For Jean Petit’s device see Polain, Marques, no.144 THIRD COPY (not146). Bound with G-091; see there for details of binding, provenance shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 3.2(2). and decoration. Size of leaf: 318 ¿ 217 mm. Wanting the last ¢ve blank leaves [g6^10]. Occasional ‘nota’marks and some underlining in the text in black I-034 Isidorus Hispalensis ink. De summo bono, et al. r shelfmark: Auct. 7Q inf. 2.1(1). [a1 ] ‘Tabula’. v [a1 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: De summo bono. [Also known as Sententiae.] refs. See I-031. i-034^i-035] isidorus hispalensis 1443

r [q4 ] Cyprianus [pseudo-; Augustinus pseudo-; Hugo de Sancto Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ r Victore pseudo-]: De duodecim abusionum gradibus. [Also and no. ‘4010’ in pencil on [q4 ]. Acquired between 1847 and known as De xii abusivis saeculi.] c.1892, probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. refs. PL IV 947^60, XL 1079^88, with slight variations; see CPL shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.83. 1106. CPL ascribes to pseudo-Cyprianus. THIRD COPY [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, not after 1471]. 4o. Dated by CIBN on the Wanting [a1]. basis of a manuscript note in a BN copy. Polain dates [c.1470], Not in Sheppard. Sheppard [not before1470]. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled calf over wooden collation: [a^r8]. boards, with two clasps and catches, hinged to the lower cover. On HC *9281 (incl. HC *5899); Go¡ I-193; BMC I187; Pr 856; BSB-Ink both covers intersecting double ¢llets form concentric frames. I-637; CIBN I-77; Oates 346^8; Polain 2142; Sheppard 663; Outside the outer frame is a small crown and ‘O’ stamp; within Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 704. the outer frame is a lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamp, a circular lamb-and-£ag stamp, a small lozenge-shaped dove with olive FIRST COPY branch stamp, a small £eur-de-lis stamp, and a small star stamp. Wanting [q ] and gathering [r]. 4^8 Double ¢llets form the inner rectangle which is divided by further Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled calf over wooden double ¢llets into triangular and lozenge-shaped compartments boards; two clasps and catches lost. On both covers a single ¢llet decorated with the lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamp, the dove forms an outer border; in each corner a small lozenge-shaped stamp, a smaller lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamp, and a small £eur-de-lis stamp. Intersecting quadruple ¢llets form an inner circular £ower-petal stamp. Remains of a label on the spine. rectangle which is divided by a saltire cross of double ¢llets and Parchment index tabs dyed red. Size: 216 ¿ 151 ¿ 41 mm. Size of further ¢llets into triangular and lozenge-shaped compartments; leaf: 209 ¿ 145 mm. in the saltire cross are a repeated small £ower-petal stamp, and a On [d r] a four-line initial‘O’, and on both [i r] and [q r] a four-line square pelican stamp in the centre of the cross. Author and title in 8 7 4 initial ‘D’, all three supplied in blue within a red pen-work frame, manuscript in a contemporary hand on the upper edge. with the body of the letter decorated with red pen-work, and with Rebacked. Size: 221 ¿ 157 ¿ 41 mm. Size of leaf: 214 ¿ 140 mm. extensions into the margins; other one- to three-line initials sup- Early marginal ‘nota’ instructions, underlined in red and with plied in red or blue; capital strokes and underlining in red. paragraph marks in red or blue. Underlining in the text and point- Provenance: Joseph Niesert (1766^1841),1815; inscription on the ing hands in black ink. Chapter numbers supplied in manuscript ¢rst leaf of this copy ([a r]); see sale (1843), lot 14365. George on [a v] in a ¢fteenth-century hand. On [q v] a table of the twelve 2 1 3 Dunn (1865^1912); book-plate; see Jenkinson, List of abuses in manuscript in a ¢fteenth-century hand, headed ‘Hugo Incunabula, no. 118; sale, 2 Feb. 1914, lot 1260. Albert Ehrman de Soleto’, and entitled ‘Duodecim sunt abusiones claustri quibus (1890^1969); accession no.‘1191’; ‘AE’ stamp; purchased in 1928 tota religionis massa corrumpitur’. On the recto of the front end- for »5. 10. 0. Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman. leaf a quotation from the Bible: ‘Domine adiuua me. Math. 15’ shelfmark: Broxb. 16.3. [Mt 15,25]; and two proverbs, both in the same humanist hand: ‘In minimis cauti, in maximis negligentes > Liquantes culicem et camelum glutientes’, and ‘Maior exhibetur reuerentia malignis > I-035 Isidorus Hispalensis timoris quam benignis amoris’. Etymologiae. On [a r] a three-line initial ‘Q’ is supplied in blue surrounded by 1 [a r] ‘Capitula’. red pen-work and with red pen-work within the body of the letter; 1 [b r] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio, Bishop of on [a v] a four-line initial ‘S’ is supplied in interlocked red and 1 1 Zaragoza. blue; other two- to three-line initials and paragraph marks are refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. I). supplied in red or blue; line-¢llers are supplied in red and blue; [b r] Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. running book numbers and foliation numbers (1^123) are sup- 1 refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. II). plied in red; underlining in red; capitals touched with yellow [b v] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. wash. 1 refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. III). Provenance: Sylvester [ ] (¢fteenth century); name on [a r]: 1 [b v] Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. ‘Syluestri’. Partly cancelled inscription on [a r]: ‘Bibliothece [ ]’. 1 1 refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. IV). Purchased for »0. 6. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 15. Either this [b v] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. or the second copy was bought from Thomas Thorpe; the shelf- 3 refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.V). mark indicates that this was the copy acquired in 1835. [b v] [Isidorus Hispalensis]: ‘De quibus conditor huius operis dis- shelfmark: Auct.7Q 4.39. 3 putauerit hac tabula subscripta et quidem generali continetur’ SECOND COPY [addressed to the reader]. Wanting gatherings [a-p], [q ], and the blank leaf [r ]. 1^3 8 refs. Isid. Orig. Cyprianus only. [b r] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian 4 refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.VI). Library. Size: 213 ¿ 151 ¿ 8 mm. Size of leaf: 208 ¿ 144 mm. [b v] Isidorus Hispalensis: Etymologiae. [Also known as Origines.] Two- to four-line initials and paragraph marks supplied in red; 4 refs. Isid. Orig. See CPL 1186, and Thorndike^Kibre 435. capital strokes and underlining in red. [Augsburg]: Gu« nther Zainer, 19 Nov. 1472. Folio. collation: [a4 b10+1 c^n10 o8+1 p^z A10 B8 C10 D10+2]. Woodcut map and diagrams: see Schramm. 1444 isidorus hispalensis [i-035^i-036

H *9273; Go¡ I-181; BMC II 317;Pr1532; BSB-Ink I-627; Campbell, refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.VI). r Maps, 77; CIBN I-67; Osler, IM, 13; Rhodes 967; Schramm II pp. [a3 ] ‘Tabula generalis’. v 10 and 24; Schreiber V 4266; Sheppard 1127. Micro¢che: Unit 3: [a3 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: Etymologiae. [Also known as Origines.] Image of theWorld: Geography and Cosmography. refs. Isid. Orig. See CPL 1186, and Thorndike^Kibre 435. FIRST COPY [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, c.1473]. Folio. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; marbled paper boards; collation: [a^n10 o12]. bound for KloÞ. Early manuscript author and title on the upper Woodcut map and diagrams: see Schramm. and lower edges. Size: 317 ¿ 227 ¿ 61 mm. Size of leaf: 302 ¿ HC *9270; Go¡ I-182; BMC I 57; Pr 227; BSB-Ink I-628; Campbell, 204 mm. Maps, 78; CIBN I-68; Hillard 1095; Oates 89; Osler, IM 27; Sack, Early marginal notes. Signatures supplied in black ink in a con- Freiburg, 2169; Schramm XIX p.13 and pls1^7; SchreiberV 4267; temporary hand, a^z A^C, the gathering with the capitula not Sheppard 159^60. Micro¢che: Unit 3: Image of the World: being included. Geography and Cosmography.

Principal six- and seven-line initials are supplied in interlocked FIRST COPY blue and pink, the bodies of some letters being decorated with Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. red and black pen-work, and having pen-work extensions into Binding: Half calf; marbled paper boards. Size: 370 ¿ 263 ¿ the margins in red and black; other one- to three-line initials are 32 mm. Size of leaf: 360 ¿ 250 mm. supplied in red. Greekwords supplied in manuscript; some small diagrams in red Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- ink. Occasional underlining in the text in black ink, also pointing label; sale (1835), lot 2180. Purchased for »2. 1. 0; see Books v hands in red. Inscription on [l2 ] in a seventeenth/eighteenth-cen- Purchased (1835), 15. tury hand in Italian: ‘Quando all’apparir dell’alba rossegiando shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 3.22. spuntano quasi messaggieri del sole la in oriente i raggi di lui se SECOND COPY per caso avviene che quel chiaro lume dello sfavillante in(?) Bound in a modern guard-book of fragments: see A-105. Size of globo’, followed by a name written in the same hand: ‘Signor mio leaf: 289 ¿ 203 mm. oss. il signor Ant.(?) Bartolomei mio amatissimo . . .’ Leaves [y5^9] only. v On [l5 ] an eight-line German initial ‘D’ is supplied in gold, on a Fragment; removed from the binding of MS. Rawlinson Or. 49 green ground with foliate decoration in black, and with foliate (Mohammed bin Algiazari, Poema dictum Introductio de arte extensions into the margin in green, culminating in a red and a bene legendi Alcoranum [Arabic], sixteenth century; for this white rose, and with a small brown monkey sitting on one of the manuscript see Alexander Nicoll, Catalogi Codicum arms of the‘D’and holding onto the other one with its paw; other Manuscriptorum Orientalium Bibliothecae Bodleianae Pars principal ¢ve- to twelve-line German initials are supplied in Secunda, Arabicos complectens, ed. E. B. Pusey (Oxford, 1835), green, blue, gold (some with punch-dotting), maroon, purple, 193, no. ccxxxv, and SC 15976). orange-red, or brown, decorated with acanthus scrolling on a Not in Sheppard. ground consisting of a combination of colours, including mar- Manuscript pagination in black ink: 357^66. oon, gold, some with punch-dotting, red, green, blue, and purple, Two- and three-line initials are supplied in red. and often decorated with pen-work in yellow or white, and with Provenance (of MS. Rawlinson Or. 49): Heavily cancelled note foliate and £oral extensions into the margins in blue, green, red, r (inscription(?), unread) on fol. 1 . Thomas Rawlinson (1681^ pink, yellow, and gold dots. Other one- to three-line initials are 1725); sale, Codicum Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae supplied in red or blue; some diagrams are supplied in red; capital Rawlinsonianae Catalogus, London: Thomas Ballard, 4 Mar. strokes and underlining (in gatherings [a] to [e] only) in red. 1733/4 [1734], no. 934; purchased by Richard Rawlinson (1690^ r Provenance: Vienna, Franciscans; inscription on [a2 ]: ‘Ad 1755). Bequeathed in 1755. Bibliothecam Viennensem PP Franciscanorum II [III] A N [30] Former Bodleian shelfmarks: MS. Bodl. Or. 354; MS. Rawlinson v 50’. Eighteenth-century(?) Italian owner; note on [l2 ]. Francis Or. 49. Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. shelfmark: Inc. b. G97.1(2). shelfmark: Douce 272. SECOND COPY I-036 Isidorus Hispalensis Bound with B-392(3); see there for details of binding and proven- Etymologiae. ance. Size of leaf: 408 ¿ 270 mm. Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. [a r] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio, Bishop of r 2 The words printed in red on [c9 ] in the ¢rst copy are omitted in Zaragoza. this one. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. I). Some early marginal notes, including some extraction of key r [a2 ] Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. words, especially in book 16, with all the annotations being in a refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. II). single humanist hand. r [a2 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. Principal ¢ve- to twelve-line initials are supplied in interlocked refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. III). red and blue, the bodies of the letters decorated with pen-work in r [a2 ] Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. red and blue, and with pen-work extensions into the margins in refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. IV). red, blue and purple/grey; other one- to three-line initials, para- r [a3 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. graph marks, and running book numbers are supplied in red; refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.V). r [a3 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. i-036^i-038] isidorus hispalensis 1445

underlining in red; capitals and some of the woodcut diagrams refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.VI). r touched with yellow wash. a3 Isidorus Hispalensis: Etymologiae. [Also known as Origines.] shelfmark: Univ. Coll. b.2(1). refs. Isid. Orig. See CPL 1186, and Thorndike^Kibre 435. v [À1 ] ‘Rubrice’. r I-037 Isidorus Hispalensis A1 Isidorus Hispalensis: De summo bono. [Also known as Sententiae.] Etymologiae. refs. See I-031. r a1 [Title-page.] r Venice: Peter Lo« slein, 1483. Folio. a2 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio, Bishop of 4 10 12 10 2 10 8 collation: [* ] a^h i k [À ]AB C . a1blank, a2 signed a, etc. Zaragoza. Woodcut map, diagram of consanguinity, and other woodcut refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. I). r diagrams. a2 Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. HC *9279 (incl. H 9272); Go¡ I-184; BMC V 379; Pr 4904; BSB-Ink refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. II). r I-630; Campbell, Maps, 80; CIBN I-70; Essling 303; Rhodes 968; a2 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. Sack, Freiburg, 2171^2; Sander 3526; Sheppard 4007^10. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. III). r Micro¢che: Unit 3: Image of the World: Geography and a2 Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. Cosmography. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. IV). v FIRST COPY a2 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.V). Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the r Bodleian Library; marbled pastedowns, and the gold stamp of a3 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.VI). the Library on both covers. Size: 309 ¿ 216 ¿ 26 mm. Size of r leaf: 297 ¿ 197 mm. a3 Isidorus Hispalensis: Etymologiae. [Also known as Origines.] Occasional early ‘nota’ marks. refs. Isid. Orig. See CPL 1186, and Thorndike^Kibre 435. r r On a2 a seven-line initial ‘D’, and on A1 a six-line initial ‘S’, are Paris: Georg Wolf and Thielman Kerver, for Jean Petit at Paris, both supplied in interlocked blue and gold, decorated with red and Jean Alexandre and Charles Debougne at Angers, 25 May and blue pen-work within the body of the letter, and with pen- 1499. Folio. 8 6 work extensions into the margins; other three- to six-line initials collation: a b^r . are supplied in red, blue, or interlocked red and blue; paragraph Woodcut map and diagrams. marks are supplied in red or blue; capital strokes in red. HC *9275; Go¡ I-187; BMC VIII 216; Pr 8383; BSB-Ink I-633; Provenance: Paris, Celestines, S. Maria (¢fteenth/sixteenth cen- Campbell, Maps, 83; CIBN I-72; Hillard 1098; Oates 3153^4; r r tury); inscriptions on [*1 ]: ‘Celestinorum de Parisius’; on [*4 ]: Sheppard 6537. Micro¢che: Unit 3: Image of the World: ‘Celestinorum beate Marie de Parisius sign[atus] per 872. 872’; Geography and Cosmography. v and on C8 : ‘Celestinorum beate Marie de Parisius sign[ ] 3’. COPY William Lowndes(?). Either purchased from William Lowndes r The device of GeorgWolf is on r6 . for »0. 7. 6; see Library Bills (1815), 77, and Books Purchased Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) half calf; marbled paper boards (1815), 3; or purchased for »1.11.6; see Books Purchased (1819), 4. and marbled pastedowns. Size: 262 ¿ 202 ¿ 20 mm. Size of shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 4.20. leaf: 253 ¿ 187 mm. SECOND COPY v Early note on algorithms on c1 . Wanting the blank leaf a1. Provenance: Michael Lesciver or Lescuer (sixteenth century); Gathering [À] bound at the end. v inscription on r5 : ‘Michaelis Lescuer P. Diocs. M apud S. Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century mottled calf; marbled Hilarium Paris. Emptus(?) [ ] 42’. Purchased for »0. 10. 0; see pastedowns. On both covers a single gilt foliate roll. Upper cover Books Purchased (1843), 27. detached. Size: 317 ¿ 215 ¿ 27 mm. Size of leaf: 310 ¿ 197 mm. shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.22. Sixteenth-century marginal annotations, those in the De summo bono mostly in one hand, perhaps that of Johannes de Ubriachis; I-038 Isidorus Hispalensis also‘nota’ marks. Etymologiae, et al. Provenance: Johannes de Ubriachis (sixteenth century); signa- ture on a r.Valerius Pastorinus (seventeenth century?); cancelled v 2 [*1 ] ‘Registrum in libros Etymologiarum’. signature on [* r]. Michael Wodhull (1740^1816); note by him on r 1 a2 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio, Bishop of the recto of rear endleaf, with the date ofacquisition:‘p: a: c: Nov. Zaragoza. 5th 1795’; sale, 3 Mar. 1801, lot 608. Francis Douce (1757^1834); refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. I). armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. r a2 Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. shelfmark: Douce 263. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. II). THIRD COPY a r Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. 2 Wanting gatherings [*] and [À], and the blank leaf a1. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. III). Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; marbled paste- r a2 Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. downs. Size: 313 ¿ 211 ¿ 36 mm. Size of leaf: 306 ¿ 197 mm. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. IV). On a r a seven-line initial ‘D’ is supplied in blue within a red pen- v 2 a2 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. work frame, and with decoration in red pen-work within the body refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.V). of the letter; other two- to six-line initials, some with extensions r a3 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. 1446 isidorus hispalensis [i-038^i-041

into the margins, and paragraph marks are supplied in red or are supplied in red or blue; capital strokes and underlining in red. blue. Woodcut diagrams and initials coloured in red, blue, green, yel- Provenance: Florence, Benedictines, S. Ambrosius de Petra low, pink, and turquoise wash. r Plana (La Badia); inscription on C8 : ‘Iste liber est abbatie shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.47(1). Florentine’. Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. 1833. Bequeathed in 1914. shelfmark: Byw. D 4.1. I-040 Isidorus Hispalensis FOURTH COPY Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu Soliloquia. Binding: Half parchment with paper boards and leather ties. r [a1 ] [Braulio(?)]: ‘Prologus’. Size: 290 ¿ 200 ¿ 35 mm. Size of leaf: 287 ¿ 197 mm. refs. PL LXXXIII 825^8. BSB-Ink ascribes the authorship to Provenance: Joseph Maria de Ancona (eighteenth century?); Braulio(?). r inscription on slip of paper attached to [*1 ]: ‘Ex libris F. Josephi v [a1 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: ‘Prefacio’ [in other editions addressed to Marie de Ancona’. Ancona, Observant Franciscans, S. the reader]. r Franciscus ad Alto, nineteenth-century(?); inscription on [*1 ]: ‘[ refs. PL LXXXIII 827^8 with variations; see Thorndike^Kibre a o ] lib di S. Franc ad Alto d’Ancona M. O.’Paget JacksonToynbee 1684. (1855^1932); book-plate. Presented in 1913. v [a1 ] Isidorus Hispalensis: Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu shelfmark: Toynbee 770. Soliloquia. Incipit: ‘[A]nima mea in angustiis est . . . Nihil mihi te dulcius.Tu mihi super vitam meam places. Amen.’ I-039 Isidorus Hispalensis refs. PL LXXXIII 827^68, ending di¡erently; see CPL 1203, Etymologiae, et al. Thorndike^Kibre 97, and Bloom¢eld 417. [e v] [Encouragement to readers to read and copy the book.] Incipit: aa r [Title-page.] 7 1 ‘[I]n cuiusque manibus libellus iste venerit rogo et cum grandi aa r Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio, Bishop of 2 humilitate supplico . . .’ Zaragoza. refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. I). [Merseburg: Printer of Isidorus, ‘Soliloquia’ (Marcus Brandis)], r o aa2 Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. 18 Dec. 1479. 4 . For the assignment to Brandis see K. Haebler, refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. II). ‘Die Merseburger Druckerei von 1479 und ihr Meister’, Beitra« ge r aa2 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. zur Inkunabelkunde, 5 (1912). 10 8 6 8 refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. III). collation: [a b c d e ]. r r aa2 Braulio: [Letter addressed to] Isidorus Hispalensis. Types: 117 G (= type 1), 80 G (= type 2). 40 leaves. 24 lines ([a2 ]). r refs. Isid. Orig. (ep. IV). Type area: 142 ¿ 90 mm ([a2 ]). v aa2 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. H *9295; Go¡ I-205; Pr 2603; BSB-Ink I-642; CIBN I-84; GfT 23; refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.V). Sheppard 1884. v aa2 Isidorus Hispalensis: [Letter addressed to] Braulio. COPY refs. Isid. Orig. (ep.VI). Bound with A-566(2); see there for details of binding. Size of v aa2 Isidorus Hispalensis: Etymologiae. [Also known as Origines.] leaf: 190 ¿ 130 mm. r refs. Isid. Orig. See CPL 1186, and Thorndike^Kibre 435. Early correction to the text on [a1 ]. v v nn3 ‘Registrum in libros Etymologiarum’. Partial rubrication on [a1 ] only: two-line initials, paragraph r a1 Isidorus Hispalensis: De summo bono. [Also known as marks, and a star supplied in red; capital strokes and underlining Sententiae.] in red. refs. See I-031. Provenance: Bamberg, Bavaria, Franciscans, S. Anna; in r d3 [Colophon.] Francis Douce’s copy of A Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of v d3 ‘Rubrice’. Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, Consigned from Abroad Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 11 Dec. 1493. Containing Specimens of Most of the Early Printers; in the Finest folio. Preservation and in the Original Monastic Bindings (London, collation: aa8 bb^mm6 nn4 a^c6 d4. Leigh and Sotheby,15 June 1799), lot 22 is marked with a ‘D’, for Woodcut diagram. Douce; in Sotheby’s annotated copy of the catalogue, it is priced H *9280; Go¡ I-186; BMC V 442; Pr 5049; BSB-Ink I-632; at »0.1. 0; the catalogue has the following manuscript annotation Campbell, Maps, 82; CIBN I-71; Hillard 1097; Sander 3527; in Douce’s hand: ‘from a monastery in Bamberg’. Francis Douce Sheppard 4204. Micro¢che: Unit 3: Image of the World: (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. Geography and Cosmography. shelfmark: Douce 56(5).

COPY Bound with A-182(2); see there for details of binding and proven- I-041 Isidorus Hispalensis ance. Size of leaf: 310 ¿ 214 mm. Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu Soliloquia, et al (ed. Between gatherings nn and a is a blank leaf, of a di¡erent paper stock from that of the text and from another blank leaf between Jacobus Lupius). r items 1 and 2. a1 [Title-page.] r r r On aa2 and a1 German foliate decoration in the lower margins in a2 Petrus Blesensis [pseudo-: Tractatus de beatitudine claustrali.] red, blue, green, pink, yellow, and gold. Two- and three-line initi- Incipit: ‘[P]etrus Blesensis dicit iuxta sententiam cordis mei si als, some with extensions into the margins, and paragraph marks paradisus in hac vita . . .’ i-041^i-042] isocrates 1447

refs. See Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 1171. The editor is named in refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 5. v the colophon. N4 UJpovqesi~. r r a4 Isidorus Hispalensis: ‘Epistola’ [addressed to the reader]. N5 Isocrates: Peri; ejirhvnh~. refs. PL LXXXIII 827^8; seeThorndike^Kibre1684. refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 8. r v a4 Isidorus Hispalensis: Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu P6 UJpovqesi~. v Soliloquia. Edited by Jacobus Lupius [Rebello]. Incipit: ‘[A]nima P6 Isocrates: Ajrcivdamo~. mea in angustiis est . . . Donum scientie acceptum retine. Imple refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 6. r opere quod didicisti exhortatione.’ R5 Isocrates: Peri; Ajntidovsew~. refs. PL LXXXIII 827^68, ending di¡erently; see CPL 1203, refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 15. r Thorndike^Kibre 97, and Bloom¢eld 417. V4 Isocrates: Peri; tou’ zeuvgou~. Paris: Guy Marchant, 16 May 1494. 8o. refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 16. v collation: a b8. Y3 Isocrates: Aijginhtikov~. Woodcut on a v: see BMC. refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 19. 1 v HC 9298; Go¡ I-207; BMC VIII 60; Pr 7990; CIBN I-85; Sheppard AA2 Isocrates: Trapezitikov~. 6209^10. refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 17. r BB2 Isocrates: Paragrafhv pro;~ Kallivmacon. FIRST COPY refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 18. Bound with A-445(2); see there for details of binding and proven- CC r Isocrates: Kata; Locivtou. ance. Size of leaf: 135 ¿ 96 mm. 2 refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 20. Wanting a . 1 CC r Isocrates: Pro;~ Eujquvnoun Ajmavrturo~. Edited by Demetrius Occasional pointing hands in black ink. 4 Chalcondylas. shelfmark: Douce 1(2). refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 21. SECOND COPY Bound with A-219; see there for details of binding and proven- Milan: Uldericus Scinzenzeler, and Sebastianus de Ponte ance. Size of leaf: 135 ¿ 93 mm. Tremulo, 24 Jan. 1493. Folio. For notes on the variant settings shelfmark: Douce 14(10). of gathering A and the outer forme of sheet B3 see BMC and CIBN. a b g8 d10 8 6 I-042 Isocrates collation: A^L M^V YAA^CC . HC 9312; Go¡ I-210; BMC VI 767; Pr 6065; BSB-Ink I-646; CIBN Orationes [Greek]. I-88; Oates 2317; Rhodes 969; Sheppard 4997^8. r a2 Plutarchus [pseudo-]: Bio~ jIsokravtou~. FIRST COPY refs. Lives of ten orators; see F. Blass, Die Attische Wanting the blank leaves b8 and d10. Beredsamkeit, II (2nd edn 1887^98), 9. With the ¢rst setting of gathering A. A r, l. 4: ‘. . . coroi’~‘; B r, l. 1: v 1 1 a4 Philostratus: Bio~ jIsokravtou~. ‘... ejpeceivrhsa~ . . .’ [ei is a ligature]. r a5 Dionysius Halicarnaseus: Peri; tw’n ajrcaivwn rJhtovrwn. Binding: Sixteenth/seventeenth-century blind-tooled parch- ‘ jIsokravth~ Ajqhnai’o~.’ ment, with the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on the front refs. Dionysius Halicarnaseus, Opuscula. Isocrates. pastedown. Sprinkled red and black-edged leaves. Size: 305 ¿ r g1 Isocrates: Pro;~ Dhmovnikon. 206 ¿ 33 mm. Size of leaf: 295 ¿ 199 mm. refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 1. Provenance: Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735^1792); r g6 Isocrates: Pro;~ Nikokleva. printed label of the sale (1789), part III, lot 3266; purchased by refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 2. A. Pierson for Fl. 60, the equivalent of »5. 5. 0, according to the r d3 Isocrates: Nikoklh’~ h] Kuvprioi. exchange rate used by Thomas Payne at this sale. Purchased for refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 3. »5. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1790), 5. r A1 Isocrates: Eujagovra~. shelfmark: Auct. K 3.2. refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 9. SECOND COPY r B1 Isocrates: EJlevnh. r co- roi’~ With the later setting of gathering A. A1 , l. 4: ‘. . . > ’. In refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 10. gathering B, sheets1, 2, and the outer forme of sheet 3 are also dif- B r Isocrates: Bouvsiri~. r 7 ferently set up from those in the preceding copy; B1 , l. 1: ‘ . . . refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 11. ejpeceivrhsa~ . . .’ r C4 Isocrates: Kata; tw’n sofistw’n. Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled red morocco; gilt- refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 13. edged leaves and marbled pastedowns; bound by F. Bedford. v C6 Isocrates: Panhgurikov~. Size: 308 ¿ 204 ¿ 35 mm. Size of leaf: 308 ¿ 204 mm. refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 4. r A few marginal notes in Greek.‘2697’ in brown ink on a1 . F v Isocrates: Plataikov~. r 1 On a2 a contemporary Italian (Milan) initial ‘I’ is supplied in refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 14. gold, decorated with blue, green, and silver (previously red?) v F7 Isocrates: Ajreopagitikov~. acanthus leaves, within a pink frame; on the same leaf, the printed refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 7. headline is surrounded by a pink frame decorated with acanthus r G8 Isocrates: Panaqhnaikov~. leaves and hanging from a blue chain with a trompe-l’½il e¡ect. refs. Isocrates, Orationes, 12. Provenance: London, Royal Society; stamp: ‘Soc. Reg. Lond.’ v L3 UJpovqesi~ tou’ pro;~ Filivppon lovgou. William Horatio Crawford (1815^1888); armorial book-plate. r L4 Isocrates: Filivppo~. 1448 isocrates [i-042^i-045

Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); purchased by B. Quaritch for Rosa,‘Le traduzioni latine dell’A Nicocle’’ di Isocrate nel ‘400’, Bywater at the Crawford sale (London: Sotheby, Wilkinson & in Acta Conventus Neolatini Lovaniensis. Proceedings of the First Hodge, 18 March 1891), lot 1701 for »10. 10. 0; see bill pasted to International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Louvain 23^28 rear endleaf. Elenchus, no. 1836. Bequeathed in 1914. August 1971, ed. J. Ijsewijn and E. Kessler, Humanistische shelfmark: Byw. D 4.3. Bibliothek, Reihe I, 20 (Munich, 1973), 275^303, at 299 no. 10; ead., La fede nella‘‘Paideia’’, 69,71, 242. I-043 Isocrates [Venice: Petrus de Plasiis, Cremonensis, Bartholomaeus de Blavis de Alexandria, and AndreasTorresanus de Asula, 1480]. 4o. Oratio de laudibus Helenae, et al. 10 r collation: <*abcd> . A1 [Title-page.] v CR 3328a; Go¡ I-213; BMC V 268; not in Pr; Sheppard 3611. A1 Isocrates: Oratio de laudibus Helenae.Translated by Johannes Petrus Lucensis. Incipit: ‘Nonnulli sunt qui magnopere sese e¡er- COPY unt si de re absurda . . .’A translation of Isocrates’ oratio 10; see Binding: Nineteenth-century half purple morocco over marbled Lucia Gualdo Rosa, La fede nella‘Paideia’: Aspetti della fortuna pasteboards. Gilt-edged leaves on the upper edge only. Size:195 ¿ europea di Isocrate nei secoli XVe XVI, Istituto Storico Italiano 141 ¿ 9 mm. Size of leaf: 187 ¿ 135 mm. A few marginal notes, providing corrections to the text, in an per il Medio Evo. Studi Storici, Fasc. 140^2 (Rome, 1984), 22^3, r 39^42, 243. early hand. Inscription on <*abcd>1 : ‘Celeberrimo iurisconsulto r d. (?) Iuris(?) F. b.’ a1 [Herodotus,Table of contents.] 2 r A few initials are supplied in brown ink. a1 Herodotus: Historiae. Translated by Laurentius Valla. Edited by Antonius Mancinellus. Incipit: ‘[H]erodoti Halicarnasei his- Provenance: Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. 1845. toriae explicatio haec est . . .’ This edition is a reprint of the 1495 Bequeathed in 1914. Venetian edition of Isocrates and Herodotus (HR 8471; Go¡ shelfmark: Byw. O 9.6. I-211), edited by Antonius Moretus; see Monfasani, ‘First Call’, 30: ‘Moreto combined Pietro’s translation of Isocrates’ oration I-045 Isocrates with the edition of Lorenzo Valla’s translation of Herodotus Praecepta ad Demonicum, et al. which Antonio Mancinelli had prepared for theVenetian printers r a Augustinus Tactensis: [Letter addressed to] Laurentius Ioannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis in 1494 (H 8472)’. 2 Venturinus. Incipit: ‘[C]um nonnulla scripta diuersis ab auctori- x r Mancinellus, Antonius: [Letter addressed to] Nicolaus Rubeus. 6 bus . . .’ Incipit: ‘[H]erodoti Halicarnasei (Nicolae Rubee Venetorum refs. L. Gualdo Rosa,‘Niccolo' Loschi e Pietro Perleone e le tra- decus consilio pariter et lingua praestans) . . .’ Moretus doctored duzioni dell’orazione pseudo isocratea ‘‘A Demonico’’’, Atti Mancinellus’s letter. Whereas in the 1494 edition Mancinellus’s dell’Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 131 (1972^3), 825^ preface is dated 30 Mar. 1494 and begins: ‘‘Herodoti 56, at 851^3. Halicarnasei . . . Historiam . . . impressores magna ex parte corru- r a Isocrates [pseudo-]: Praecepta ad Demonicum. ‘Libellus de perant. Qua de re Gregorius de Gregoriis . . . me adiit, me oravit 3 adolescentium institutione Demonico Iponici ¢lio conscriptus.’ opus omne perlegerem accuratius.’’ In Moretus’s edition, Translated by Nicolaus Luschus. Incipit: ‘[P]luribus quidem in Mancinellus’s preface is dated 13 Jan. 1495 and has been changed rebus, o Demonice, valde di¡erentes . . .’ A translation of to read ‘‘. . . impressores Veneti [i.e. the brothers de Gregoriis] et Isocrates’oratio1. Romani magna ex parte corruperant. Qua de re Antonius refs. See Gualdo Rosa,‘Niccolo' Loschi’, 829^40. Moretus Brixianus . . . cupiens illam ¢deliter imprimi, me 2 r a Guarinus Veronensis: [Preface dedicated to] Angelus adiit . . .’ (see Monfasani, ‘First Call’, 30). This reprint edition 1 Corbinellus. does not give the date. refs. GuarinusVeronensis, Epistolario, ed. Remigio Sabbadini,3 [Venice: Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 1498^1500]. vols, Miscellanea di storia Veneta, Serie 3, t. 8^11^14 (Venice, Folio. As dated by Sheppard; Polain dates [after1494]. 1915^19), I 15^16. 4 2 6 8 6 2 v collation: A a a^d dd e^x . a1 Plutarchus [pseudo-]: De liberis educandis. Translated by Woodcut initial. Nicolaus Luschus and Guarinus Veronensis. Edited by Johannes HC 9314; Go¡ I-212; BMC V 475; Pr 5258; BSB-Ink I-645; Polain Calphurnius, as stated in the explicit; see Gualdo Rosa,‘Niccolo' 2150; Rhodes 970; Sheppard 4338. Loschi’, 836. Incipit: ‘[Q]uid nam est quod de ingenuorum educa- COPY tione liberorum dicere quispiam possit . . .’ Bound with C-378(1); see there for details of binding and proven- refs. SeeW.Speyer, DieliterarischeFa« lschungimheidnischenund ance. Size of leaf: 306 ¿ 212 mm. christlichen Altertum. Ein Versuch ihrer Deutung, Handbuch der shelfmark: Auct. O 3.31(2). Altertumswissenschaft, I, 2 (Munich, 1971), 136^42. r b7 Hieronymus [pseudo-]: De o⁄ciis liberorum erga parentes. I-044 Isocrates [Also known as Epistola de honorandis parentibus.] Edited by Johannes Calphurnius. Oratio ad Nicoclem. refs. PL XXX 145^7. r v <*abcd>2 Franciscus Buzacarinus: [Letter addressed to] Federicus b8 [Explicit.] Incipit:‘Plutarchus de liberis educandis a Calphurnio Cornelius. Incipit:‘[C]um anno superiore pro tua benignitate . . .’ Brixi. Peroptime correctus ¢nit feliciter.’ r r <*abcd>3 Isocrates: Oratio ad Nicoclem. Translated by Franciscus c1 Sulpitius Verulanus, Johannes [Antonius]: De moribus puer- Buzacarinus. Incipit: ‘[S]i qui solent, o Nicocles, vobis regibus orum.‘[Q]uos decet in mensa mores seruare docemus > Virtuti vt vestes . . .’ A translation of Isocrates’ oratio 2; see L. Gualdo studeas litterulisque simul’. i-045^i-048] itinerarium 1449

r [d1 ] [Vergilius Maro, Publius pseudo-]: De vino et Venere. I-047 Itinerarium refs. Riese,1/2, 99^100, no. 633, where the authorship is attribu- Itinerarium BeataeVirginis Mariae. ted toVitalis. r r a2 Itinerarium Beatae Virginis Mariae. [Preface.] Incipit: [d1 ] Vergilius [Maro, Publius pseudo-]: De litteraY. refs. Riese,1/2, 98^9, no. 632, where the authorship is attributed ‘[S]ubsequens oratio de beata virgine et dei genitrice Maria . . . in septem partes principales est distributa . . .’ to Maximinus. r v a5 ‘Prima pars commemorans gesta virginis in primo vite sue [d1 ] Vergilius [Maro, Publius pseudo-]: De Musarum inventis. refs. Riese, 1/2, 134^5, no. 664, with variations, and with the statu . . .’Incipit:‘[O] pulcherrima, famatissima, et excellentissima authorship attributed to Cato. semper virgo . . .’ v o [d1 ] Martialis, [MarcusValerius]: Carmen ad seipsum. [Ulm: Johann Reger, not after 1489]. 4 . refs. Mart. 10. 47. collation: a^d8 e4. [Brescia: Boninus de Boninis, de Ragusia, c.1490]. 4o. As assigned Woodcuts. by IGI VI, Veneziani and Accurti. Sheppard disputes this and HC *9322 = 9323?; Go¡ I-220; BMC II 540; Pr 2584 = 2751; assigns to [Siena: Sigismundus Rodt, c.1486^87] as does Amelung, Fru« hdruck, I 149; BSB-Ink I-652; Rhodes 971; Sack, BSB-Ink, adding ‘with the types of Henricus de Colonia’. IGI ori- Freiburg, 2176; Schramm VII p. 14; Schreiber V 4576; Sheppard ginally assigned to [Venice: Nicolaus Jenson]. 1867. 8 2 8 2 collation: a a b c [d] . COPY r Type: 93 G. 28 leaves. 29 lines (a2 ).Type area:134 ¿ 82 mm, as in the Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; yellow-edged Florus printed by Rodt (F-079). The watermark of cross bott- leaves and marbled pastedowns. Size: 212 ¿ 141 ¿ 11 mm. Size of ony(?) in a circle is that of Colle di Valdelsa; for reproduction see leaf: 203 ¿ 134 mm. R. Ridol¢,‘Nuovi contributi alla storia della stampa nel sec. XV’, Marginal notes, extracting key words and correcting the text, and Biblio¢lia, 57 (1955), 94, though here it is within a double circle. ‘nota’ marks in an early hand in red ink. H *9318; not in Pr; Accurti I128 (Plutarchus and Hieronymus only); Initials, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter headings BSB-Ink I-647; IGI 5424; Sheppard 6045;Veneziani, Brescia, 85. are supplied in red, capital strokes in red.

COPY Provenance: Tegernsee, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Quirinus; inscription on a r: ‘Emptus libellus anno etc. 89o. Et est .v. [ ]. Et Plutarchus and Hieronymus only (a1 to b8). 1 Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter red morocco over marbled attinet monasterio sancti Quirini in Tegernsee’, ‘Tegernsee atti- pasteboards. Gilt-edged leaves on the upper edge only. Size: 216 ¿ net’. Date of acquisition unknown; the shelfmark may indicate a 150 ¿ 9 mm. Size of leaf: 208 ¿ 143 mm. date c.1840. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.23. hands in two di¡erent early hands, one of which is humanist Italian. Provenance: Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. 2604. I-048 Itinerarium Bequeathed in 1914. Itinerarium BeataeVirginis Mariae. r shelfmark: Byw. R 5.21. a2 Itinerarium Beatae Virginis Mariae. [Preface.] Incipit: ‘[S]ubsequens oracio de beata virgine et dei genitrice Maria . . . I-046 Isocrates in septem partes principales est distributa . . .’ v Praecepta ad Demonicum. a4 [Table of contents.] b v ‘Prima pars commemorans gesta virginis in primo vite sue a r [Title-page.] 2 1 statu . . .’ Incipit: ‘[O] pulcherrima, famatssima(!), et excellentis- a r Isocrates [pseudo-]: Praecepta ad Demonicum. Translated by 2 sima semper virgo . . .’ Rudolphus Agricola, as stated on the title-page. Incipit:‘[I]n mul- o tis, Demonice, rebus multum inuenimus . . .’ With interlinear [Basel]: Lienhart Ysenhut, [c.1489]. 4 . 8 4 gloss. A translation of Isocrates’ oratio 1; see Gualdo Rosa, La collation: a^n o . fede nella‘‘Paideia’’, 85. Woodcuts. HC 9324; C 3329; Go¡ I-219; Pr 7716; BSB-Ink I-653; CIBN I-90; [Heidelberg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, c.1495]. 4o. Oates 2823; Schreiber V 4577; Sheppard 2507. collation: a^c4. HC *9316; Go¡ I-215; BMC III 673; Pr 3148; BSB-Ink I-648; Oates COPY 1321; Sack, Freiburg, 2175; Sheppard 2207. Bound with: 1. Speculum rosariorum Jesu et Mariae. Lu« neburg: Johann Luce, COPY 13 Sept.1493 (S-275). Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian Wanting a , k , n , o , and the blank leaf o . Library. Size: 209 ¿ 142 ¿ 7 mm. Size of leaf: 200 ¿ 135 mm. 1 1 8 1 4 Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, Initials and paragraph marks supplied in red, capital strokes in with metal clasp. On the upper cover rectangular ‘maria’ scrolls red. and small lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamps. On the lower Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. cover the £eur-de-lis stamps only. Rebacked. Size: 147 ¿ 101 ¿ 2202. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, possibly in 1850; not in 55 mm. Size of leaf: 137 ¿ 94 mm. Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. Four parchment leaves containing ¢fteenth-century lessons from shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.60. the Old Testament have been removed from the binding in Nov. 1914; now MS. Douce c. 4 (fols 5,8,4,9). 1450 ivo, episcopus carnotensis [i-048^i-050

v Provenance: Johannes Kerstede (£. c.1500); inscription on o3 : I-050 Ivo, Episcopus Carnotensis ‘Johannes kerstede est ep[ ] vocatus’. Francis Douce (1757^1834); Liber decretorum, sive Panormia. armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. r [*1 ] [Title-page.] shelfmark: Douce 8(2). r [*2 ] Brant, Sebastian: [Preface dedicated to] Johannes Gotzonis. I-049 Itinerarium Incipit: ‘[C]um ab cuiuscumque scientie institutione exordium capi deceat . . .’ Itinerarium BeataeVirginis Mariae [German] Die r [*4 ] [Table of contents.] r Walfart oder Pilgerung unsrer lieben frawen. A1 Ivo, Episcopus Carnotensis: Liber decretorum, sive Panormia. r a2 Die Walfart oder Pilgerung unsrer lieben frawen. [Preface.] Edited by Sebastian Brant. Incipit: ‘[D]ises nachuolgendt gebett von der seligen iunckfraw refs. PL CLXI 1041^1344, and see Peter Landau, ‘Das Dekret envndmuî tergotÞmarie...istinsiben haupttailgetailtworden...’ des Ivo von Chartres: Die handschriftliche Uº berlieferung im Vergleich zum Text in den Editionen des 16. und 17. v a6 ‘Der ersttail. . .’Incipit:‘[O] aller sco¤ niste, lobreychistevndvber- Jahrhunderts’, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fu« r tre¡enlichiste ymerwerende iunckfraw. . .’See VL IV 427^8. Rechtsgeschichte, kanonistische Abteilung, 70 (1984), 1^44. Ulm: Johann Reger, 16 Feb. 1487. 4o. ‘Episcopus Charnothensis’ in the text. o collation: a^e8 f10. [Basel]: Michael Furter, 6 and 7 Mar. 1499. 4 . r r 4 8 4 6 Type: 91 G. 50 leaves. 32 lines (a3 ). Type area: 147 ¿ 91 mm. (a3 ). collation: [* ] A^X Y Z . Woodcut initials (c.41 ¿ 41 mm.); woodcuts. Woodcut initials. H *9325; Go¡ I-221; Pr 2582; BSB-Ink I-654; CIBN 2177; Schramm HC *9328; Go¡ I-223; BMC III 785; Pr 7739; BSB-Ink I-698; CIBN VII p. 14; Schreiber V 4586; Sheppard 1866. I-91; Hillard 1103; Rhodes 972; Sack, Freiburg, 2194; Schreiber V 4272; Sheppard 2528. COPY Bound with: COPY 2. Arnold Buschman, Ein grosz mirackel. Strasbourg: Matthias Binding: Contemporary English (Oxford) blind-tooled calf over Hupfu¡, 1507; boards, with remains of catch.Yellow-edged leaves, title along the 3. Albrecht von Bonstetten, Ein grundliche und warha¡tige bes- fore-edge and on a label at the head ofthe spine;‘5’ in white on the chrybung vonn Sanct Meynrhats La« ben . . . Freiburg im Breisgau: spine. Triple ¢llets form an intersecting double frame. Diagonal Stephan Graf, 1567; triple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into triangular and 4.Vonsant Brandon ain hu« bsch lesen, was er wunders au¡dem mo« r lozenge-shaped compartments, decorated with ‘lattice’ stamp, erfaren hat. Ulm: Hans Zainer, 1514. see Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. lviii, 991 H. 9(a). Size: Wanting the blank leaf f10. 222 ¿ 159 ¿ 40 mm. Size of leaf: 214 ¿ 151 mm. v Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century half calf. Size: 196 ¿ On Z6 a manuscript addition in a sixteenth-century English 145 ¿ 23 mm. Size of leaf: 188 ¿ 137 mm. hand: ‘Con¢tebor tibi dominus iesu chiste omnia peccata Eighteenth-century single sheet with engraving pasted on rear mea . . . Suscipere dignare(!) domine deus omnipotens has ora- pastedown: ‘Descriptio Terrae Novae’, map of ‘Virginia et Nova tiones quas ego indignus peccator . . .’ Francia’, with the description on the verso. Provenance: Sir Daniel Donne (Dunn) (À1617); inscription on r d Provenance: Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. [*1 ]: ‘Danielis Dunni liber.’ ‘Precium xij .’ John Selden (1584^ Bequeathed in 1834. 1654); see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. 38. Presented in 1659. o shelfmark: Douce 49(1). shelfmark: 4 I 5 Jur. Seld. J

r J-001 Jacobi, Johannes a2 Jacobus Comes Purliliarum: [Letter addressed to] Sebastianus Regimen contra pestilentiam. [Priolus]. Incipit: ‘[M]ultun(!) diuque cogitabundus substiti r Sebastiane uir patricie . . .’ a1 [Title-page.] r refs. See Giovanni Mercati, Ultimi contributi alla storia degli a2 Kamintus, Benedictus [pseudo-; Jacobi, Johannes]: ‘Regimen umanisti, 2 vols, Studi e testi, 90^1 (Vatican, 1939), II 45* n. 2. contra epidemiam sive pestem’. Incipit: ‘[S]igna pestilentie pro- v a2 Jacobus Comes Purliliarum: De administratione reipublicae nostica septem ad presens assignantur . . .’ Venetae. Dedicated to Sebastianus Priolus. Incipit: ‘[S]cripturus refs. Work attributed in incunable editions to Benedictus de opulentissime et excellentissime rei publicae uestrae . . .’ Kamisius, Kamintus, Canutus, or Kanuti (erroneously identi¢ed refs. See Mercati II 44*-53*. with Bengt Knutsson, Bishop of Va« sterafi s (1462); see Gams 341), v b6 Uranius, Johannes Baptista: Carmen.‘Si Veneti proceres docti the author is Johannes Jacobi (i.e. Jean Jasme or Jacme); see praecepta libelli > Seruarint terras oceanumque regent’; 3 elegiac Wickersheimer. For individual incunable editions of the text see distichs. On this edition see A. Serena, La cultura umanistica a Klebs^Sudho¡ 19^25, and A. C. Klebs and E. Droz, Reme' des Treviso nel secolo decimoquinto, Miscellanea di storia veneta, ser. contre la peste (Paris, 1925), 65^8; Wickersheimer 422^4; see also III, 3 (Venice, 1912), 108. A-428. [Treviso: Gerardus de Lisa, de Flandria, c.1492]. 4o. [: Gerard Leeu, between 11 Jan. 1486 and 26 Nov. 1489]. 8 6 o collation: a b . 4 . As dated by HPT; ILC dates [between11Dec.1486 and19 May HC 13604; Go¡ P-1137; BMC VI 886; Pr 6508; BSB-Ink P-718; 1487], Sheppard [c.1487]. CIBN P-711; Rhodes,Treviso, no. 29; Sheppard 5500. collation: a6. C 3436; BMC IX193; Pr 9388; Campbell1065; HPT I 69^73, II 420; COPY ILC 1289; Inventaris, 180; Sheppard 7217. Binding: Nineteenth-century paper boards. Manuscript title on a paper label at head of the spine. Size: 196 ¿ 154 ¿ 5 mm. Size of COPY leaf: 190 ¿ 140 mm. Leaf a2 signed ai. Bound with: Marginal notes, mainly extracting key points, in an early hand. 1. Henricus A¢neus, Questiones tres . . . de reductione medici- Provenance: Purchased from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 178 narum ad actum . . . de correctione calendarii . . . de intelligentiis. (1886), no.197, for 15 Mark; see Library Bills (1886), no. 210. Antwerp: WillemVorsterman, 4 Apr. 1517; shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.74. 3. A manuscripttreatise on the plagueby Johannes de Burgundia, p for which see SC 2783 ; J-001B Jacobus Comes Purliliarum 4. Edward Jorden, Abriefediscourseofa diseasecalled thesu¡oca- tion ofthe mother. London: JohnWindet, 1603 (STC 14790); De generosa educatione liberorum, et al. r 5. Bassiano Landi, Iatrologia. Basel: Johann Oporinus, Aug. [a1 ] [Title-page.] v 1543. [a1 ] Uranius, Johannes Baptista: Carmen [addressed to] the Binding: Seventeenth-century English parchment, with reader. ‘Qui cupit insignes charissima lumina natos > Reddere sprinkled red-edged leaves. Shelfmark in brown ink at the head facundum nobile discat opus’; 7 elegiac distichs. r of the spine. Size:190 ¿ 141 ¿ 23 mm. Sizeof leaf: 184 ¿ 135 mm. [a2 ] Jacobus Comes Purliliarum: [Letter addressed to] ‘clarissimis ‘S.C. 2783p’on the front pastedown. ac ornatissimis conregulis suis’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uum maiorum nos- Provenance: Acquired by 1620; see James, Catalogus (1620),7. trorum non minus magni¢ca quam gloriosa gesta memoria shelfmark: 4oA 14(2) Med. repeto . . .’ v [a2 ] Jacobus Comes Purliliarum: De generosa educatione liber- J-001A Jacobus Comes Purliliarum orum. Incipit: ‘[A]d liberalem generosi pueri educationem licet multa quidem obseruanda sint . . .’ De administratione reipublicaeVenetae. r r [b8 ] [Colophon.] a1 [Title-page.] r v [b9 ] Niger, [Pescennius] Franciscus: [Letter addressed to] Jacobus a1 Uranius, Bartholomaeus: [Letter addressed to] Jacobus comes N. comes Purliliarum. Incipit: ‘[M]ortalium plurimos apud Purliliarum. Incipit: ‘[E]go quidem Iacobe uir clarissime libellum maiores nostros immortalitate donatos fuisse legimus . . .’ quem de sublimis ac £orentissimae rei publicaeVenetae . . .’ Treviso: Gerardus de Lisa, de Flandria, 11 Sept. 1492. 4o. collation: [a8 b10].

1451 1452 jacobus de clusa [j-001b^j-005

H *13608; Go¡ P-1139; BMC VI 885; Pr 6506; BSB-Ink P-717; Provenance: Purchased for »1. 11. 6; see Books Purchased (1841), CIBN P-710; Rhodes,Treviso, no. 27; Sheppard 5496. 10.

COPY shelfmark: Auct.1Q 7.17. Bound with H-001(2); see there for details of binding and proven- SECOND COPY ance. Size of leaf: 183 ¿ 127 mm. Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled paper boards, with shelfmark: Douce 43(2). sprinkled brown-edged leaves. ‘FS’ printed on square blue label at the head of the spine. Size: 292 ¿ 211 ¿ 13 mm. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 203 mm. J-002 Jacobus de Bangio A few initials are supplied in green. Other initials, underlining of Trattato di tutte censure e pene della Chiesa [Italian]. chapter headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. r [*1 ] [List of contents.] Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; dupli- r r v a1 Jacobus de Bangio: ‘Prologo’. Incipit: ‘[P]er che secondo che noi cate stamps on [a1 ] and [c8 ]. Purchased for »1. 14. 0; see Books trouamo scripto nello antico et uechio testamento . . .’ Purchased (1859), 31. r a2 Jacobus de Bangio: Trattato di tutte censure e pene della Chiesa. shelfmark: Auct.1Q 7.17*. Incipit: ‘E me uenuta uoglia con gratiosa > Rima narrare per tenere a mente’; hendecasyllables in terza rima. J-004 Jacobus de Clusa [Aquila: Adam de Rottweil, c.1482^3]. 4o. 2 8 6 8 4 8 4 De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive De apparitionibus collation: [* ] a b c d e f^i k . et receptaculis animarum. CR 825; Go¡ J-18; BMC VII1098; Pr 7279; Sheppard 6036. r [a1 ] Jacobus de Clusa: ‘Tractatus peroptimus de animabus exutis a COPY corporibus’. Incipit: ‘‘‘[R]ogamus vos ne terreamini per spiri- Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century(?) parchment. Size: tum.’’ [II Th 2,2.] Verba sunt apostolica ad plebem 216 ¿ 153 ¿ 20 mm. Size of leaf: 209 ¿ 146 mm. Thessalonicam missa . . . [O]ccurrunt igitur ad propositum aliqua A few pointing hands in an early hand. In the upper right-hand consideranda . . . Quantum ad primum sciendum quod vt patet in corner of the rectos is early manuscript foliation in arabic numer- quorundam reuelationibus . . .’See J-003; however, in this edition als, in brown ink. the main text is indicated as beginning at an earlier point than in Provenance: Purchased from Ludwig Rosenthal (1840^1928), 2 J-003. Apr. 1902, with a donation given by Trinity College; see Library Bills, invoice dated 11May. [Blaubeuren: Conrad Mancz, c.1477]. Folio. 10 shelfmark: Inc. e. I50.1. collation: [a b ]. HC *9346; Go¡ J-22; BMC II 565; Pr 2655; BSB-Ink I-31; Sack, Freiburg, 1955; Sheppard 1915. J-003 Jacobus de Clusa De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive De apparitionibus COPY Binding: Nineteenth-century grey marbled paper boards, with et receptaculis animarum. gilt-edged leaves. In the upper left-hand corner of the upper r [a1 ] Jacobus de Clusa: ‘De apparitionibus animarum post exitum cover is a circular label with an auctioneer’s lot number ‘582’ in earum a corporibus’; ‘De apparitionibus et receptaculis anima- brown ink; ‘FS’ printed on square blue label at the head of the rum exutarum’. Incipit: ‘‘‘[R]ogamus vos ne terreamini per spiri- spine. Size: 277 ¿ 203 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 268 ¿ 196 mm. tum.’’ [II Th 2,2.] Verba sunt apostolica ad plebemThessalonicam A few marginal and interlinear notes, mainly correcting the text, missa . . . [Q]uantum ergo ad primum sciendum quod vt patet ex in an early hand; the point where the main treatise begins in other reuelationibus . . .’ See Meier no. 70; Schulthess^Imbach 475. editions is marked by a manuscript paragraph mark; also other Jacobus de Clusa is also known as Jacobus de Ju« terbog, de paragraph marks added. Early manuscript foliation in the upper Paradiso, or Carthusiensis; see VL IV 478; Dieter Mertens, right-hand corner of the rectos:‘53^70’, in the same hand. Iacobus Carthusiensis. Untersuchungen zur Rezeption der Werke Initials are supplied in red, a few with reserved white decoration. des Karta« users Jakob von Paradies (1381^1465), Provenance: Purchased for »0. 7. 6; see Books Purchased (1855), Vero« ¡entlichungen des Max^Planck^Instituts fu« r Geschichte, 15. 50 / Studien zur Germania Sacra, 13 (Go« ttingen, 1976); and shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.38. Gruys 110^11. Burgdorf: [Printer of Jacobus de Clusa (H *9349)], 1475. Folio. 10 8 8 J-005 Jacobus de Clusa collation: [a b c ]. De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive De apparitionibus H *9349; Go¡ J-20; BMC III 801; Pr 7803; BSB-Ink I-30; CIBN J-27; Hillard 1106; Sack, Freiburg, 1954; Sheppard 2575^6. et receptaculis animarum. Fragment. FIRST COPY r Binding: Nineteenth-century calf, for the Bodleian Library,with [a1 ] Jacobus de Clusa: ‘Tractatus peroptimus de animabus exutis a marbled pastedowns and azure-edged leaves. ‘FS’ printed on corporibus’. Incipit: ‘‘‘[R]ogamus vos ne terreamini per spiri- square blue label at the head of the spine. Size: 253 ¿ 194 ¿ tum.’’ [II Th 2,2.] Verba sunt apostolica ad plebem thessalonicam 13 mm. Size of leaf: 245 ¿ 187 mm. missa . . . [Q]uantum ergo ad primum sciendum quod vt patet ex Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in two di¡erent reuelationibus . . .’See J-003. early hands. [South-west Germany?: Printer of the ‘Fasciculus myrrhae’, r On [a2 ] an initial is supplied in brown ink. c.1478]. Folio. j-005^j-010] jacobus de clusa 1453 collation: [a b10]. J-008 Jacobus de Clusa C 3331; BMC III 708; Pr 3246; Sheppard 2286. De arte bene moriendi. COPY r AAa1 [Title-page.] Fragment of two leaves only, [b1, 2], pasted inside the covers of r AAa1 [List of contents.] Auct. 5Q 4.38 (J-121). Bound with J-121; see there for details of r AAa2 Jacobus de Clusa: De arte bene moriendi. Incipit: ‘[O]mnes binding and acquisition. Size of leaf: 280 ¿ 197 mm. morimuretquasiaquedilabimurinterramquenonreuertentur...’ Initials and capital strokes are supplied in red. shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.38 (cover). refs. See Meier no. 53; Bloom¢eld 3623. Leipzig: Arnoldus de Colonia, 1495. 4o. J-006 Jacobus de Clusa collation: AAa^CCc6 DDd4 EEe6. De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive De apparitionibus HC *9340; Go¡ J-29; BMC III 644; Pr 2998; BSB-Ink I-38; CIBN et receptaculis animarum. J-32; Oates1298,1299; Sheppard 2128. COPY r Jacobus de Clusa: ‘Tractatus peroptimus de animabus 1 Binding: Nineteenth-century green cloth (c.1885), for the exutis a corporibus’. Incipit: ‘‘‘[R]ogamus vos ne terreamini per Bodleian. Size: 197 ¿ 134 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 193 ¿ 130 mm. spiritum.’’ [II Th 2,2.] Verba sunt apostolica ad plebem Early inscription on EEe v: ‘Mutat se bonitas cum irritatur Thessalonicam missa . . . [O]ccurrunt igitur ad propositum 6 iniuria’; 4 lines of verse from Publilius Syrus, Sententiae 334; see aliqua . . .consideranda . . . Quantum ad primum sciendum quod C. H. Talbot, Florilegium Morale Oxoniense: MS. Bodl. 633, vt patet in quorundam reuelationibus . . .’ See J-003; however, in Analecta Mediaevalia Namurcensia, 6 (Louvain, 1956), 118. A this edition the main text is indicated as beginning at an earlier few ‘nota’ marks. point than in J-003. Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. o Passau: [Benedictus Mayr and Conrad Stahel], 11 Sept. 1482. 4 . Provenance: Purchased at the anonymous sale (London: Puttick 8 8 6 collation: . & Simpson, 29 Apr. 1885), lot 244(5); purchased through HC *9350; Go¡ J-23; BMC II 614; Pr 2827; BSB-Ink I-34 Sheppard Quaritch for »0. 15. 0 (the whole lot); see Library Bills, 29 Apr. 2050. 1885. COPY shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.13. Bound with: E-018(1); see there for details of binding and proven- ance. Size of leaf: 198 ¿ 140 mm. J-009 Jacobus de Clusa Marginal and interlinear notes, extracting key words and correct- De arte curandi vitia. ing the text, in a sixteenth/seventeenth-century German hand; r v A [Title-page.] notes on mention Luther. 1 4 A v [List of contents.] Capital strokes, a few initials, and underlining of chapter head- 1 A r Jacobus de Clusa: De arte curandi vitia. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ings are supplied in red. 2 ‘[I]saac sanctus patriarcha olim legitur egressus . . .’ shelfmark: Auct.1Q 5.41(5). refs. See Meier no. 40; Bloom¢eld 2823. [Leipzig]: Martin Landsberg, [c.1495]. 4o. J-007 Jacobus de Clusa collation: A8 B8 C6. De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive De apparitionibus Types: 156, title, headings; 88. Capital spaces. 22 leaves. 33 lines r r et receptaculis animarum. (A3 ).Type area: 146 ¿ 90 mm (A3 ). r H *9337; Go¡ J-30; Pr 2992; BSB-Ink I-39; Sheppard 2111. AA1 [Title-page.] r COPY AA1 [List of contents.] r The misprint in the title in Hain’s copy is corrected here. AA2 Jacobus de Clusa: ‘Tractatus optimus de animabus exutis a corporibus’. Incipit: ‘‘‘[R]ogamus vos ne terreamini per spiri- Binding: Nineteenth-century green cloth (c.1885), for the tum.’’ [II Th 2,2.] Verba sunt apostolica ad plebem thessalonicam Bodleian. Size: 201 ¿ 133 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 197 ¿ 130 mm. missa . . . [Q]uantum ad primum sciendum quod vt patet in quor- A few ‘nota’ marks in an early hand. undam reuelationibus . . .’See J-003. Initials are supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks and capital strokes in red. Leipzig:Wolfgang Sto« ckel, 1496. 4o. 6 6 4 6 Provenance: Purchased at the anonymous sale (London: Puttick collation: AA BB CC DD . & Simpson, 29 Apr. 1885), lot 244(3); see J-008. HC *9352; Go¡ J-24a; BMC III 653; Pr 3052; BSB-Ink I-35; CIBN shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.15. J-30; Sheppard 2155. COPY J-010 Jacobus de Clusa Binding: Nineteenth-century half black morocco. Size: 217 ¿ Quodlibetum statuum humanorum. 151 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 207 ¿ 144 mm. v A few ‘nota’marks and underlining in brown ink.‘39’ in pencil on [a1 ] [List of contents.] r the upper left-hand corner of AA1 . Provenance and date of acquisition unknown; judging from the shelfmark, after c.1892. shelfmark: Inc. e. G22.1496.1. 1454 jacobus de clusa [j-010^j-013

r [a2 ] Jacobus de Clusa: Quodlibetum statuum humanorum. Initials, paragraph marks, chapter headings, and capital strokes Incipit: ‘[E]zechiel sanctus dei propheta etcetera. In sacra visione are supplied in red. legitur vidisse librum coram se expansum . . .’See Meier no. 31. Provenance: Vienna, Dominicans, S. Maria; inscription on v [Esslingen: Conrad Fyner, for?] Johann Hug of Go« ppingen, [B7 ]: ‘Iste liber est conuentus Wiennensis ordinis fratrum predi- [1475?]. Folio. On Hug, see Victor Scholderer, ‘Notes on the catorum in austria.’ Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not in Incunabula of Esslingen’, Gb Jb (1950), 170. Oates describes a Catalogus (1843) with Appendix; possibly acquired with other copy with a rubricator’s date of1476. items from the Vienna Dominicans, but not found in Books collation: [a^g10]. Purchased (1851). HC *9335; Go¡ J-34; BMC II 515; Pr 2473; BSB-Ink I-44; CIBN shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.10. J-35; Oates1144; Sack, Freiburg, 1958; Sheppard 1782. COPY J-012 Jacobus de Clusa Wanting the blank leaf [g10]. Sermones de sanctis. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled leather over [a r] Jacobus de Clusa: Sermones de sanctis. [Preface.] Incipit: wooden boards, with metal bosses and remains of metal clasps 1 ‘[I]acobus dei et domini nostri Ihesu Christi seruus .xii. tribubus and catches. At the head of the upper cover is a manuscript title etcetera. Sic cepit idem amantissimus frater. . .’ label and a label with a shelfmark in red: ‘LXVII’.Yellow-edged [a r] [List of contents.] leaves. Triple ¢llets form an intersecting triple frame. Within the 2 [a v] Jacobus de Clusa: Sermones de sanctis. ‘De sancto Andrea.’ outer frame, tendril stamps; within the following frame are 2 Incipit: ‘‘‘[A]mbulans Ihesus iuxta mare Galilee . . . [Mt repeated stamps of a lozenge-shaped double-headed eagle, 4,18.] . . .’See Meier no. 94. acanthus leaf, rosette, and a di¡erent tendril. Diagonal triple ¢l- lets divide the inner rectangle into four triangular compartments, [Blaubeuren: Conrad Mancz, c.1475^8]. Folio. Recorded by containing lozenge-shaped acorn stamps and a third type of ten- Sheppard as ‘Sermones de praecipuis festivitatibus’. 8 10 8 dril stamp. On the lower cover, the same frame pattern, but only collation: [a^o p q^z A^L ]. the acorn stamps are found in the triangular compartments. HC *9330; Go¡ J-39; BMC II 564; Pr 2657; BSB-Ink I-46; Sack, Strips from a twelfth-century liturgical manuscript Freiburg, 1963; Sheppard 1914. (Evangeliary?) are visible in the binding. Size: 303 ¿ 207 ¿ COPY 30 mm. Size of leaf: 295 ¿ 200 mm. Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled russia, with blue pas- A few marginal notes, correcting the text, in an early hand; some tedowns, gilt-edged leaves, and purple silk book-mark. On the marginal notes, extracting key words, in a seventeenth-century spine: ‘Sermones Jacobi de Gruytrode’. Size: 280 ¿ 194 ¿ hand. 45 mm. Size of leaf: 271 ¿ 186 mm. Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in blue or red. Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and Provenance: Caspar Augsburger, Abbot of St Georgenberg capital strokes are supplied in red. r (1469^91); on [a2 ] two painted shields bearing respectively the Provenance: George Spencer-Churchill (1766^1840), 5th Duke arms of the monastery (St George’s cross) and of the abbot (a of Marlborough; White Knights sale, lot 2363; see note by watering-can). On the same leaf, inscription in a seventeenth-cen- Heber: ‘Wh[ite] Kn[ights]. 2363. [Robert] Triphook July 1819 tury hand: ‘In usum Fratrum Montis Sancti Georgij’. Fiecht, »4. 4. 0’. Richard Heber (1773^1833); stamp on the front endleaf: Tyrol, Benedictines, S. Josephus (formerly St Georgenberg). ‘Bibliotheca Heberiana’; perhaps Catalogue, 1 (1834), lot 3773, Purchased for »0. 18. 0; see Books Purchased (1851), 16. sold for »0. 17. 0. Purchased for »2. 12. 6; see Books Purchased Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.2. (1847), 16. shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 4.35. shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.3.

J-011 Jacobus de Clusa J-013 Jacobus de Clusa Sermones dominicales. De veritate dicenda aut tacenda. r r [a1 ] Jacobus de Clusa: Sermones dominicales. Incipit:‘[I]n nomine [a1 ] Jacobus de Clusa: De veritate dicenda aut tacenda. Incipit: domini nostri Ihesu Cristi Amen. Recogitans et mente reuoluens ‘[S]epe numero pulsatus a meipso et ab aliis incitatus . . .’ See parabolam saluatoris . . . Dicite ¢lie Syon . . .’See Meier no. 94. Meier no. 72. [Speier: Printer of the ‘Gesta Christi’, c.1472]. Folio. [Basel: Martin Flach, not after 1474]. Folio. Collijn describes a collation: [a^z A B8]. copy with a purchase date of1474. HC *9333; Go¡ J-35; BMC II 482; Pr 2324; BSB-Ink I-47; CIBN collation: [a b10]. J-37; Sack, Freiburg, 1959; Sheppard 1679. H *9336; Go¡ J-41; BMC III 740; Pr 7547; BSB-Ink I-43; CIBN

COPY J-41; Isak Collijn, Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Universita« ts- Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century forel, with turquoise- Bibliothek zu Uppsala, Bibliotheca Ekmaniana, 5 (Uppsala, edged leaves. Size: 289 ¿ 206 ¿ 40 mm. Size of leaf: 281 ¿ 1907), 766; Sack, Freiburg, 1967; Sheppard 2389. 198 mm. COPY Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and passages, and Bound with A-082; see there for details of binding and proven- ‘nota’ marks in a contemporary hand. Early manuscript foliation ance. Size of leaf: 272 ¿ 192 mm. in the upper right-hand corner of the rectos in the same hand. A few pointing hands. ‘1236’ in red crayon at the head of the upper cover. shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.9(2). j-014^j-017] jacobus de reno 1455

J-014 Jacobus de Forlivio FIRST COPY Super capitulum Avicennae de generatione embryonis. Bound with C-097; see there for details of binding and proven- r ance. Size of leaf: 200 ¿ 134 mm. a2 Jacobus de Forlivio: Super capitulum Avicennae de generatione shelfmark: Auct.7Q 6.38(1) embryonis. Incipit: ‘‘‘[C]um matrix colligitur.’’Auicenna. In hoc SECOND COPY capitulo tractaturus de modo generationis . . .’ See Pesenti 103^ Bound with E-077(3); see there for details of binding, and proven- 12; Schulthess^Imbach 474. ance. Size of leaf: 173 ¿ 120 mm. Pavia: Antonius de Carcano, 1479. 4o. Wanting gatherings b and c. collation: a8 b4 c d8 e4. shelfmark: Douce BB 107(3). HCR 7234; Go¡ J-42; BMC VII 996; Pr 7052; Osler, IM 183; Sheppard 5823. J-016 Jacobus de Gruytrode COPY Bound with: Colloquium peccatoris et cruci¢xi Jesu Christi. r 2. Mundinus, Anatomia. Pavia: Antonius de Carcano, 19 Dec. a1 [Title-page.] r 1478 (M-329). a2 [Jacobus de Gruytrode]: Colloquium peccatoris et cruci¢xi Jesu Wanting the blank leaf a1. Christi. Incipit:‘Peccator. Ignosce rogobenignissime domine Iesu Binding: Nineteenth-century half calfover marbled pastedowns, Christe indignissimo et infelici. . . Cruci¢xus. Quis enim es tu? . . .’ with sprinkled blue-edged leaves. Size: 298 ¿ 204 ¿ 20 mm. Size See Gruys 110 and DSAM VIII 37. of leaf: 289 ¿ 195 mm. Paris: Guy Marchant for Jean Petit, 29 Mar. 1497. 8o. On b r a note correcting the text, in an early hand, probably the 8 4 r 2 collation: a b . Leaf a1 ,Title:‘[Paragraph] Tractatus collo > quii same hand which added notes in item 2, extracting key passages. peccatoris et cruci¢xi iesu christi.’ > Device of J. Petit, Polain, On the rear pastedown a note related to the textof item 2 in a nine- Marques, no. 144. teenth-century hand. Woodcut. A seven-line initial is supplied in blue with reserved white decora- C 1689; Pr 8004; CIBN J-26; Sheppard 6223. tion and a few paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue on a r 2 COPY only. Bound with C-510(1); see there for details of binding and proven- Provenance: Oxford, Radcli¡e Library; book-plate with the ance. Size of leaf: 140 ¿ 94 mm. shelfmark in pencil:‘79. C.7/1,2’. Former Radcli¡e Library shelf- v Biographical note in an early hand on a . marks: ‘G. 161. I. 5/1^2’; ‘RR. x. 179’. Purchased from Thomas 1 shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 3.2(1). Rodd in 1848. Transferred to the Bodleian before 23 Nov. 1937; v Bodleian stamp on a2 . shelfmark: Inc. d. I23.1479.1(1). J-017 Jacobus de Reno Dialogus de sene et iuvene de amore disputantibus. J-015 Jacobus de Gruytrode r [a1 ] [Title-page with woodcut.] v Colloquium peccatoris et cruci¢xi Jesu Christi. [a1 ] Jacobus de Reno: Dialogus de sene et iuvene de amore dispu- r a1 [Jacobus de Gruytrode]: Colloquium peccatoris et cruci¢xi Jesu tantibus [dedicated to] Hubertus Welleman. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: Christi. Incipit: ‘Peccator. [I]gnosce rogo benignissime domine ‘Cum iam multos sepe numero viderim animum suum . . .’ v Iesu Christe indignissimo et infelici . . . Cruci¢xus. Quis enim es [a3 ] Jacobus de Reno: Dialogus de sene et iuvene de amore dispu- tu? . . .’See Gruys 110 and DSAM VIII 37. tantibus. Incipit: ‘Florentius. [A]dmirans vehementer admiror te r b1 Petrus Blesensis [pseudo-]: [Tractatus de beatitudine claustrali.] amorem vituperare . . .’ r Incipit: ‘[P]etrus Blesensis dicit iuxta sentenciam cordis mei si c6 [Colophon.] r paradisus in hac vita . . . duodecim tribus Israhel.’ See Sharpe, d1 Jacobus de Reno: In laudem musicae artis [addressed to] LatinWriters, no.1171. Bertramus Baw. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[B]ertramus Baw arcium et v b2 Isidorus Hispalensis: ‘Epistola’ [addressed to the reader.] medicinarum doctor expertissimus rector alme vniuersitatis stu- refs. PL LXXXIII 827^8; seeThorndike^Kibre1684. dij Coloniensis . . .’ v o b2 Isodorus Hispalensis: Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu Antwerp: Gerard Leeu, 5 July 1491. 8 . Soliloquia. collation: [a] b8 c6 d e8. refs. PL LXXXIII 827^68, ending imperfectly; see CPL 1203, Woodcuts and woodcut initials. Thorndike^Kibre 97, and Bloom¢eld 417. HC 6144; Go¡ J-61; BMC IX 196; Pr 9398; Campbell III 571, 1475; Antwerp: Claes Leeu, 17 May 1488. 4o. HPT I 69^73, II 418^19; ILC 1300; Inventaris, 210; Sheppard collation: a b6 c4. 7234. HC 9296; Go¡ J-57; BMC IX 198; Pr 9431; Amelung, COPY ‘Niederla« ndische Inkunabeln’, 34; Campbell 466; CIBN J-24; Bound with: GfT 1384; HPT I 74; ILC 1297; Inventaris, 258; Oates 3975; 1. Georg Rhaw, Enchiridion utriusque musicae practicae. Rhodes 976; Sheppard 7245^6. (Enchiridion musicae mensuralis. Isagoge Iohannes Galliculi de cantus compositione.) Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1520. This work is in three parts and has been previously considered as three separate items, hence the shelfmark (item 4) given to Jacobus de Reno. 1456 jacobus de theramo [j-017^j-021

Gatherings d and e only, containing In laudem musicae artis. ‘[U]niuersis cristi¢delibus atque orthodoxe sancte matris ecclesie Binding: Sixteenth-century Flemish(?) calf over wooden boards, ¢dei cultoribus hoc breue compendium inspecturis . . .’See J-018. with remains of clasps and catches. On both covers a triple panel Gouda: Gerard Leeu, 29 Nov. 1481. Folio. of St John the Martyr; of a boar, a lion, an eagle, and a dragon; collation: [ij4] a^m8 n6. and of St John the Baptist. Size: 156 ¿ 108 ¿ 24 mm. Size of C 5792; Go¡ J-68; BMC IX 34; Pr 8925; Campbell 1655; HPT I 36^ leaf: 146 ¿ 100 mm. 8; ILC 1303; Oates 3397; Rhodes 977; Sheppard 6898. Two parchment leaves from a twelfth-century noted manuscript used as pastedowns have now been cut out, but their impression COPY Binding: Wooden boards covered for Douce in quarter red sheep is still visible on the wooden boards. over Buntpapier. Manuscript titles along the upper and lower On the front endleaf ¢ve lines of noted text (four staves) have been edges. Size: 278 ¿ 198 ¿ 30 mm. Size of leaf: 268 ¿ 190 mm. added in an early hand:‘[Antiphon.] Felix namque es . . . Christus The front pastedown consists of a parchment leaf from a thir- deus noster.’A few ‘nota’marks have been added in an early hand. v teenth-century English missal, with green and red initials: incipit: On e8 an inscription in an early English hand: ‘Thorseday afore ye conception Nicholaus day.’ ‘Lapide precioso.V[ersus.] Desiderium anime eius tribuisti ei et Provenance: On the rear endleaf an inscription in a di¡erent uoluntate labiorum eius non fraudasti eum. Alleluia. Versus. Letabitur iustus . . .’ English hand: ‘To my friende Robart Jackson at Baldon 1506(?). v Primo Maii.’Anthony Wood (1632^1695); see Kiessling, Anthony On n5 an inscription in an early English hand: ‘Ad papam Wood, 516, no. 5548. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1695. Urbanum sextum [1378^89] conscriptum’; a few ‘nota’ marks in Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1858^60. the same hand. On the front and rear endleaves bibliographical shelfmark: Wood 24(4) [Wood 24(2)]. notes in Douce’s hand. Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Provenance: Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. J-018 Jacobus deTheramo Bequeathed in 1834. Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. shelfmark: Douce 175. r [a1 ] Jacobus deTheramo: ‘Compendium perbreve Consolatio pec- catorum nuncupatum, et apud nonnullos Belial vocitatum.’ Incipit: ‘[U]niuersis cristi¢delibus atque ortodoxe sancte matris J-020 Jacobus deTheramo ecclesie ¢dei cultoribus. Hoc breue compendium inspecturis . . .’ Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. r See VL IV 441^7. a2 Jacobus deTheramo: ‘Processus Belial’;‘Processus Luciferi con- [Augsburg]: Johann Schu« ssler, 2 July 1472. Folio. tra Ihesum coram Salomone’; ‘Consolatio peccatorum’. Incipit: collation: [a^i10 k8 l m10]. ‘[U]niuersis cristi¢delibus atque ortodoxe sancte matris ecclesie C 5791; Go¡ J-64; BMC II 329; Pr 1597; BSB-Ink I-51; CIBN J-45; ¢dei cultoribus. Hoc breue compendium inspecturis . . .’ See Oates 895^6; Sack, Freiburg, 1968; Sheppard 1186. J-018.

COPY [Strasbourg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer], 1484. Folio. Binding: Eighteenth-century English (c.1790) gold-tooled calf, collation: a b8 c d6 e^k8.6 l^n8. bound for the Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Bodleian on both C 5793; Go¡ J-70; BMC I 89; Pr 373; BSB-Ink I-54; CIBN J-50; covers, yellow-edged leaves, marbled pastedowns, and green silk Oates 157; Sack, Freiburg, 1969^70; Schorbach^Spirgatis 16; book-mark. Size: 317¿ 212 ¿ 25 mm. Sizeofleaf: 307 ¿ 204 mm. Sheppard 315. Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a contem- COPY porary German hand. Fragment; one leaf only, signed b. Bound in a guard-book of frag- r On [a1 ] a four-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in green with red pen- ments. Size of leaf: 264 ¿ 188 mm. work decoration around the edges and in the area de¢ned by the Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing hands letter. Other initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter in a seventeenth-century(?) hand. headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. Three-line initials are supplied in red. Provenance: Wu« rzburg, Bavaria, Dominicans, S. Paulus aposto- Provenance: Richard Rawlinson (1690^1755). Presumably r lus; inscription in the lower margin of [a1 ]:‘Sum ex bibl: ¡. predi- acquired as part of Rawlinson’s bequest. catorum Herbipoli’. Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735^ shelfmark: Rawl. fol. 1(2). v 1792); sale (1789), part III, lot 5043: lot number on [m7 ]; in the annotated catalogue marked down to van den Bergh for Fl. 2, the equivalent of »0. 3. 6, according to the exchange rate used by J-021 Jacobus deTheramo Thomas Payne at this sale. Purchased for »1. 16. 0; see Books Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. Purchased 1790, 3. r a1 [Title-page.] shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 2.1. r a2 Jacobus de Ancharano [pseudo-; Jacobus de Theramo]: Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. Incipit: J-019 Jacobus deTheramo ‘[U]niuersis christi ¢delibus atque orthodoxe sancte matris eccle- Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. sie ¢dei cultoribus hoc breue compendium in conspecturis . . .’See v J-018. [ij1 ] [List of contents.] r o a1 Jacobus de Theramo: Consolatio peccatorum. ‘Lis Cristi et [Lyons: Jacques Maillet, before 1494]. 4 . Belial iudicialiter coram Salomone . . . incipit feliciter.’ Incipit: collation: a^h8 i10. j-021^j-024] jacobus de theramo 1457

C 5788; Go¡ J-71; BMC VIII 304; Pr 8625; Oates 3225; Sheppard Provenance: Casparus van Thiel (À1660); inscription on the 6681. front pastedown: ‘Casparus van Thiel > door eijghen vrijheijt > Leef ich in Blijheyt Ao 1639.’ Augustus Frederick, Duke of COPY > Bound with: Sussex (1773^1843); book-plate with handwritten shelfmark 1. The¤ odore de Be' ze, Theses theologicae in Schola Genevensi ab ‘III.A.k.12’: see Lee, Royal Book-plates, 40^1 no. 23; sale, pt I, aliquot Sacrarum literarum studiosis . . . propositae & disputatae. lot 5534. Purchased for »1. 6. 0; see Books Purchased (1844), 46. Geneva: EustathiusVignon, 1586; shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 1.19. 2. Sebastianus Derrerus, Iurisprudentiae Liber primus. Lyons: Johannes et Franciscus Frelleos(?), [1540]; J-023 Jacobus deTheramo 3. Claudius Cantiuncula, De o⁄cio iudicis libri duo. Basel: Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial [French]. Michael Isengrin, 1543. a r [Title-page.] ‘Cy commence le proces de Belial a lencontre de Leaves i v, i r, i v, and i r left blank in error, with consequent loss 1 3 4 7 8 Ihesus.’ of text. a r Jacobus de Theramo: La consolacion des poures pecheurs. Binding: Seventeenth-century English blind- and gold-tooled 2 Incipit: ‘Ou nom de dieu tout puissant de nostre redempteur calf; one blank, one gold, and two blank ¢llets form a frame; Ihesus . . . Cy en apres sera translate de latin en commun lan- remains of clasps and catches. Formerly chained by the gaige . . . Comment Eue et Adam prindrent du fruit que dieu leur Bodleian: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of upper cover.‘16’ auoit de¡endu. [I]lz furent cause de mort . . .’See J-018. in black across the fore-edge and in white at the head of the spine. [Lyons: Mathias Huss], 21 Jan. 1482/3. Folio. Size: 213 ¿ 157 ¿ 55 mm. Size of leaf: 204 ¿ 151 mm. 8 6 On the verso of the last leaf of item 3, inscription in a sixteenth-/ collation: a^s t . seventeenth-century hand:‘domus magna atti quam dispari dom- Woodcuts. ino dominaris.’ C 5797; BMC VIII 260; Pr 8557; CIBN J-56; Sheppard 6608. Provenance: On a1 a cropped sixteenth-century inscription: COPY ‘Johannes [ ]’. John Selden (1584^1654); see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. Wanting k8. The colophon torn away. Sheet t3^4 bound before t1. 51. Presented in 1659. a1 cut out, backed, and bound in reverse. Former Bodleian shelfmark: B 5. 19 Th. Seld. Binding: Eighteenth-century French gold-tooled blue, now shelfmark: AA 16(4) Th. Seld. faded to olive green, morocco, with marbled pastedowns, gilt- edged leaves, and red silk book-mark. Size: 278 ¿ 195 ¿ 25 mm. Size of leaf: 268 ¿ 187 mm. r J-022 Jacobus deTheramo In the lower margin of h1 is a faded note in an early hand. Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial [Dutch]. Bibliographical notes in Douce’s hand. r Initials, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter headings a [Introduction to the translation.] Incipit: ‘[A]lle de ghene die dit 2 are supplied in red; a few initials are supplied in a faded blue. tegenwoirdige bouck lesen of hoeren lesen, sullen weten dat dese Provenance: Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate selue materie heerlick geset is . . .’ r and inscription: ‘F. Douce. Paris 1791’; not found in the a Jacobus de Theramo: Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus 2 Bibliotheca Parisiana sale (1791). Bequeathed in 1834. Belial. Incipit: ‘[A]llen gelouigen kersten menschen saluyt ende shelfmark: Douce 174. dilectie . . .’ Haarlem: Jakob Bellaert, 15 Feb. 1484. Folio. collation: a^p8 q r6. J-024 Jacobus deTheramo One full-page woodcut (184 ¿ 123 mm),71smaller woodcuts (c.93 ¿ Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial [German]. r 123 mm). [a2 ] Jacobus deTheramo: ‘Hie hebt sich an eyn gutt nu« czlich buch C 5821; Go¡ J-72; BMC IX101; Pr 9169; Boekdrukkunst (1973),171; von der rechtlichen u« berwu« ndung Cristi wider Sathan’; preceded Campbell 1656; CIBN J-60; HPT I 73^4; ILC 1304; Sheppard by a translator’s note. Incipit: ‘[I]n dem namen der almechtigen 7027. vnd vngeteylten driueltikeyt . . . [A]llen cristen vnd glo« ubigen die

COPY da bauwen . . .’ See P. B. Salmon, Belial; An Edition with Commentary of the German Version of Jacobus de Theramo’s Wanting the blank leaf a1. v Consolatio Peccatorum, Master of Arts thesis, University of Leaf r4 , l. 15:‘. . . voleyndet . . .’ Binding: Sixteenth-century blind-tooled calf over wooden London, 1950; Norbert H. Ott, Rechtspraxis und Heiligeschichte: boards, with two metal clasps and blue-edged leaves. Title along zu Uº berlieferung, Ikonographie und Gebrauchssituation des the tail of the fore-edge. Rebacked.Triple ¢llets form four frames. deutschen >Belial<, Mu« nchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur Within the outer frame a foliate roll; no stamps within the follow- deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, 80 (Munich, 1983), 340; VL ing frame.Within the nextone the same foliate roll.The inner rect- IV 441^7. angle contains a lozenge-shaped ornamental centre-piece and [Augsburg]: Gu« nther Zainer, 26 June 1472. Folio. £euron stamps in the corners. At tail ofthe spine‘5534’on a circu- collation: [a^i10]. r r lar label covering a larger one, from which ‘III [ ]’ is visible. Size: Type: 118. 90 leaves. 35 lines ([a3 ]).Type area: 205 ¿ 124 mm ([a3 ]). r 289 ¿ 209 ¿ 30 mm. Size of leaf: 278 ¿ 202 mm. Woodcut knot-work initial ‘I’ serving as border on [a2 ]; 35 cuts r r Coloured woodcuts. On a3 a six-line initial is supplied in red with (85 ¿ 116 mm). Capital spaces.Leaf [a2 ]: ‘Hie hebt |ich an guî tt reserved white decoration. Other initials, capital strokes, and nuÅ czlich buî ch von der > rechtlichen uÅ berwuÅ ndung cri|ti wider paragraph marks are supplied in red. |athan den > fuÅ r|ten der helle / vnd des |unders betroî |tung Als > 1458 jacobus de voragine [j-024^j-027

man erfuÅ ndet .xlj. q. iiij. Porro N dem namen der almechtigen cristgelaubigen die do buwen . . .und empfach vns in der zeit des >> v vnd vngeteylten > driueltikeyt . . .’; [i7 ]: ‘Gedruckt von mir todes Amen.’See J-024. o Ginthero zeiner geboren auÞ > Reutlingen / Am freytag nach Strasbourg: Johann Pru« ss, [c.1508]. 4 . 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 |ant Iohans tag > dem tou¡er /Als man zalt von der geburt Cri|ti collation: a b c^e f g^i k l^n o p q r s t . Tau|ent vierhunndert vnd inn dem czwey vnd |ibenczigi|ten v > > Types: 4, 11, 12. 100 leaves. 30 lines (a3 ). Type area: 140 ¿ 88 mm iar.’ [Woodcut; an elaborate woodcut £ourish in the inner margin v (a3 ). 34 woodcuts (title-page: 87 ¿ 77 mm; c.60 ¿ 83 mm). takes the place of an initial I.] Woodcut initials. C 5805; Go¡ J-74; Pr1530; BSB-Ink I-55; CIBN J-51; Sack, Freiburg, Pr 573; not in Sheppard; Schreiber V 4296. 1971; Schramm II pp. 9 and 24; Schreiber V 4279; Sheppard1125^ 6. COPY Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled half calf(?) over wooden COPY boards, two clasps and catches lost. Triple ¢llets form a frame; Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [i10]. within the frame a tendril roll.‘692’crossed out by ‘108’on paper Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled red morocco. ‘[ ]foem’ book-mark pasted onto rear pastedown. Size:197 ¿ 142 ¿ 28 mm. written across the fore-edge suggests that thebookwas previously Size of leaf: 188 ¿ 138 mm. bound with other works. Size: 296 ¿ 207 ¿ 20 mm. Size of A few marginal notes, correcting the text, in an early German leaf: 287 ¿ 198 mm. hand. Provenance: Purchased for »2.12.6; see Books Purchased (1848), A few woodcuts coloured. 41. Provenance: Purchased for »1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.42. 37. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.9. J-025 Jacobus deTheramo Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial [German]. J-027 Jacobus de Voragine r [a2 ] Jacobus deTheramo: ‘Hie hebt sich an das Buch Belial genant’; Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. preceded by a translator’s note. Incipit: ‘[I]n dem namen der With the life of Arbogastus. almachtigen vnd vngeteylten triualtikeyt . . . [A]llen kristen vnd r gela« ugibe die da bawen . . .’See J-024. [a1 ] ‘Tabula festiuitatum temporum et sanctorum in hoc libro v ordine foliorum et numero contentorum’. [k8 ] [Colophon, in Latin and German.] [a r] ‘Prologus’. Augsburg: Johann Ba« mler, 14 Feb. 1473. Folio. 2 refs. Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea, ed. Th. Graesse, 2nd collation: [a^i10 k8]. edn (Leipzig, 1850), 1^2. 38 woodcuts (c.86 ¿ 117 mm); woodcut initials. [a r] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive C 5807; Go¡ J-75; BMC II 331; Pr 1603; BSB-Ink I-56; CIBN J-52; 2 Lombardica historia. Schramm III pp. 1 and 25; Schreiber V 4280; Sheppard 1192. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xiv (ending imperfectly), xv, xvi^xvii COPY (both ending imperfectly), xviii^xxviii, xxx^lix (sections 1^8 Wanting [a1]. only), lx^lxi, lxiii^xciv (with variant beginning), xcv^clxxxii. r Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled paste- [B10 ] [Additional legends.] boards, with blue-edged leaves. ‘837’ crossed out by ‘106’ on refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii^clxxxix (part only, beginning paper book-mark. Size: 284 ¿ 196 ¿ 20 mm. Size of leaf: 275 ¿ imperfectly), lxii, cxc (with variant beginning), cxci^cxcii. r 187 mm. [C9 ] ‘De sancto Arbogasto’. Incipit: ‘[I]n diebus Tagaberti regis Marginal and interlinear notes in German and Latin, comment- magni sacerdos dei Arbogastus Germanie ciuitatis . . .’ ing on the text, providing alternative German words or word [Basel: Michael Wenssler, not after 1474]. Folio. forms, structuring the text, and providing pointing hands and collation: [a^c10 d8 e^m10 n8 o^r10 s8 t10 v6 x8 y z10 A8 BC10]. ‘nota’ marks in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century German C 6399; Go¡ J-82; BMC III 720; Pr 7460; BSB-Ink I-65; CIBN J-62; hands. On the front pastedown a bibliographical note probably Hillard 1116; M. Pellechet,‘Jacques deVoragine: liste des e¤ ditions in Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ’s hand. des ses ouvrages publie¤ es au xv.sie' cle’, Revuedes bibliothe' ques, 5/ Coloured woodcuts. Some initials are supplied in red. 4 (1895), 89^98, and 8^9 (1895), 225^7, no.78; Robert F.Seyboldt, Provenance: Berlin, Royal Library; stamps: ‘Ex Bibliotheca ‘Fifteenth-century editions of the Legenda aurea’, Speculum, 21 Regia Berolinensi’and ‘Vend. ex Bibl. Reg. Berol.’ Purchased for (1946), 327^38, no. 8; Sheppard 2317. »1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1837), 37. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.34. COPY Leaf [a1^2] damaged and repaired; [C10] badly mutilated, and (J-026) Jacobus deTheramo backed with a parchment slip. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial [German]. wooden boards; two clasps and catches lost. On both covers sex- r a1 [Title-page.] tuple ¢llets form an outer frame, within which is a repeated r a2 [List of contents.] rosette stamp. Quadruple ¢llets form an inner frame which is r a3 Jacobus deTheramo (Jacobus Palladino): ‘Hie hebt sich an ein divided by further quadruple ¢llets into four quadrilateral com- gut nu« tzlich buch von der rechtlichen u« berwindung Cristi wider partments each with ‘Maria’ and ‘Iohes m’ scroll stamps. Sathan’; preceded by a translator’s note. Incipit: ‘[I]n dem namen Quadruple ¢llets form the inner rectangle, containing a repeated der almechtigen vnd vngeteilten drifeltikeit . . .[A]llen ‘Iohes m’ scroll stamp, and with a small rosette stamp at each j-027^j-029] jacobus de voragine 1459

corner. Remains of paper labels on the spine. Size: 412 ¿ 306 ¿ C 6387; Go¡ J-84; Pr 1559; BSB-Ink I-66; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 105 mm. Size of leaf: 396 ¿ 284 mm. 83 bis; Schramm II pp. 16 and 24; Schreiber V 4326; Seyboldt no. Two parchment strips (formerly pastedowns, now lifted), one at 10; Sheppard 1158.

the front, the other at the back, relating to the council of Basel. COPY Some early marginal annotations in black ink, including correc- Wanting [*1^2], [a1], and [t9]. tions to the text, also ‘nota’ marks in both black ink and red, and Leaf [R7] repaired, [R8] backed; otherleaves in gatherings [R] and pointing hands. Irregular early manuscript foliation in arabic [Q] mounted. numerals: 1^244 (246) in black ink, sometimes corrected twice; Binding: Half red morocco, with red paper, over old wooden manuscript signatures in black ink. boards, the spine lettered in gilt, and decorated with gilt ¢llets; r On [a2 ] an eight-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in blue within a faded two clasps and catches lost. Size: 298 ¿ 297 ¿ 94 mm. Size of red pen-work border, with faded red pen-work decoration within leaf: 284 ¿ 198 mm. the bodyof the letter, and with faded red pen-work extensions into Occasional early marginal annotations, ‘nota’ marks, pointing the margins and between the columns; a six^line initial ‘A’is sup- hands, and underlining in the text in black ink. Prologue and plied in red decorated with faded red pen-work as above. Other beginning of the ¢rst legend are supplied in manuscript on the two- and three-line initials, some with extensions into the mar- recto and verso of the front endleaf in a seventeenth-century(?) gins, paragraph marks, and some rubrics are supplied in red; hand, in place of the missing printed text; see Jacobus de foliation in roman numbers supplied in red or in black ink; capital Voragine, Legenda aurea, ps 1^2, and 3^4. strokes and underlining in red. Partial rubrication in gatherings [v^B] only: some three-line initi- Provenance: Heavily erased inscription(?) on the front paste- als are supplied in red; printed initials coloured in red; capital down. Martinus Riedmann (£. 1558); inscription on the front strokes in red. Some woodcuts coloured in various shades of red, pastedown: ‘Martinus RiedmannVlm×nsis est possysor(!) huius and yellow and brown. libri anno 1558 mense vero Augusti. O Homo memento mori’. r Provenance: Cancelled inscription on [a2 ]: ‘Bibliotheca [ ]’. Bonavantura Brem (1755^1818); armorial book-plate, lettered Luigi Celotti (c.1768^ c.1846); sale (1819), perhaps lot 641. ‘BAZW’ (see Warnecke 2409).Weissenau,Wu« rttemberg, diocese Purchased by Richard Heber (1773^1833); stamp and manuscript of Konstanz, Premonstratensians, SS. Petrus et Paulus; inscrip- note on the recto of the front endleaf: ‘Apr. 1819 [Celottis] sale by r tion on [a2 ]: ‘Monasterii Augi× Minoris’. Joseph Baer & Co., Sotheby »1.6. 0’; perhaps the item listed in Catalogue,7 (1835), lot 143. Lager-Catalog (1884), no. 647. Purchased from Joseph Baer 6759, sold for »0. 1. 0. Not found in Books Purchased (1835). in 1884 for 18 Marks; see Library Bills; pencil note by Madan on Acquired between 1835 and 1847; see Catalogus (1843), the front pastedown. Appendix, 970. shelfmark: Auct. 4Q inf. 1.11. shelfmark: Auct.1Q 4.29.

J-028 Jacobus de Voragine J-029 Jacobus de Voragine Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. With life of S. Gilbertus. Conrad Winter’s version. Incomplete copy. r r [a2 ] Jacobus deVoragine: ‘Prefatio’. [a1 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. Lombardica historia. v [a2 ] ‘Incipit tabula legendarum de sanctis per annum’. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xiv (ending imperfectly), xv^xvii (end- v [a3 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive ing imperfectly), xviii^xxviii, xxx^xxxi, xxxiv (beginning imper- Lombardica historia. fectly), xxxv^xxxvi (ending imperfectly), xxxii^xxxiv (beginning refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^iii (ending imperfectly), iv^xiv (ending only, with the end of xxxvi), xxxvii^xlvii, xlix^lx (sections 1^8 imperfectly), xv^xvi (ending imperfectly), xvii^xix (with addi- only), lxi^lxv, lxvii^xciv (without additional section on the tional section on the name), xx^xxxi (ending imperfectly), xxxii^ name), xcv^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^ xxxv (ending imperfectly), xxxvi^xlvii, xlix^li (ending imper- clxxxii. fectly), liii^lviii (ending imperfectly), lix^lxi, lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, [Q r] [Additional legends.] 6 lxxii (with slightly variant ending), lxxiii^lxxxi (ending imper- refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii^clxxxviii. fectly), lxxxii^xcv (with additional section on the name), xcvi [R r] ‘De sancto Gelberto’. Incipit: ‘Tempore illo quo diuine placuit 5 (sections 1^9 only), xcvii^xcviii (ending imperfectly), xcix^c pietati Anglorum gentem de malis suis corrigere et sue seruitu- (ending imperfectly), ci^cii (ending imperfectly), ciii^civ (both tis . . .’ with additional sections on the name), cv^cvi (with additional [R v] [Additional legends.] 5 section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cvii. refs. ed. Graesse, nos lxii, cxc (with variant beginning). v [t8 ] ‘De sancto Luydgero episcopo Monasteriensi’. Incipit: [Augsburg: Gu« nther Zainer, c.1475]. Folio. BSB-Ink dates [not ‘[B]eatus Luydgerus ex patre Tyagrimo matre vero Katburga after1475]. ortus est . . .’ 2 10 8 r collation: [* a^z A^Q R ]. [t10 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Type: 95R. 400 leaves, 1 column. 43 lines, with running folio num- Lombardica historia. r r bers ([a2 ]). Type area: 205 (210) ¿ 115 mm ([a2 ]). 138 woodcuts: refs. ed. Graesse, nos cviii^cxix (part only), cxx (with slightly see Schramm; the individual plates are listed in BSB-Ink. variant ending), cxxi^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxvii (sections 1^6 only), cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clvi (ending imperfectly), clvii^clxi (with additional section on the name), clxii^clxv (ending 1460 jacobus de voragine [j-029

imperfectly), clxvi^clxvii, clxix^clxx (ending imperfectly), clxxi^ refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxviii; explicit: ‘. . .gratia intermissa.’ r clxxii (ending imperfectly), clxxiii (ending imperfectly), clxxiv^ [Q1 ] ‘De sancto Odulpho’. Incipit:‘[T]emporibus Lodowici piissimi clxxxii. augusti erat quidam . . .’ r r [M1 ] [Table of contents of additional legends.] ‘Iste legende que hic [Q3 ] ‘De sancto Bonifacio’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Bonifacius genitale sequuntur non habentur in Hystoria Lomdardica, sed addite sunt solum in insula que . . .’ v ex aliis legendis et libris videlicet . . .’ [Q5 ] ‘De sancto Lebuino’. Incipit:‘[S]anctus Lebuinus ex Britannia r [M1 ] [Additional legends.] occeani insula . . .’ v refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), clxxxix (part), [Q6 ] ‘De translacione sancti Lebuini’. Incipit:‘[P]ost Felicem sancti clxxxiv (with variations). Lebuini ad celestia transitum . . .’ r r [M5 ] ‘De sancto Pontiano’. Incipit: ‘[S]anctus Pontianus passus est [Q7 ] ‘De sancta Columba virgine’. Incipit: ‘[I]ngressus est in ciuitate . . . [B]eati Poncii pater quondam senator vrbis Aurelianus ciuitatem Senonis . . .’ v Rome . . .’ [Q7 ] [Additional legends.] r [M7 ] ‘De sancta Prisca’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Prisca ciuis Romana clar- refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccviii, ccvi, ccvii, ccxi. v issimis parentibus orta . . .’ [Q9 ] ‘De sancto Panthaleone’. Incipit:‘[E]rat in ciuitate Nicomedia v [M7 ] ‘De sancta Brigida’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Brigida sicut legitur in senator quidam nomine Eustorgius . . .’ r Speculo hystoriali . . .’ [Q10 ] ‘Tabula legendarum de sanctis secundum alphabeti ordinem v [M8 ] [Additional legends.] incipit’. refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccx, with variations. [Cologne]: Conrad Winters, de Homborch, 8 Nov. 1476. Folio. v 10 8 10 8 10 6 8 10 8 10 [M9 ] ‘De sancta Apollonia’. Incipit: ‘[D]ecius imperator mittens collation: [a^e f^i k^z A^F G HI K L M NO P satellites suosadAlexandriam...’Endingabrubtly:‘. ..persecutor Q12]. ad penam’. C 6410; Go¡ J-86; Pr 1161; CIBN J-65; Oates 650; Pellechet, r [M10 ] ‘De sancta Gertrude’. Incipit: ‘[S]erenissime virginis ‘Voragine’, no. 4; Polain 2186; Seyboldt no. 13; Sheppard 887^8; Ghertrudis genitor erat Pipinus vir . . .’ Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 617. [N r] ‘De sancto Quirino martire’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uinto loco a beato 2 FIRST COPY Petro apostolo sedit Alexander . . .’ The ¢rst six gatherings are misbound in the order: a, c, d, f, b, e. [N v] [Legenda aurea: additional legends.] ‘De sancto Seruatio epis- 3 Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled (¢llets only) copo’. Incipit: ‘[F]uerunt in Iudea due sorores mulieres . . .’ r calf, bound for the Bodleian. Size: 299 ¿ 226 ¿ 77 mm. Size of [N4 ] ‘De sancto Erasmo episcopo’. Incipit: ‘[C]um in Antiochia leaf: 288 ¿ 206 mm. Dyocleciani decretum contra Christianos . . .’ v Pasted inside the upper and lower covers are two small fragments [N5 ] ‘De decem milibus martirum’. Incipit: ‘[C]um quedam gens from a legal treatise written in a ¢fteenth-century hand, with the Romano se subtraheret imperio . . .’ v headings‘De ¢duciaria tutela’and ‘De heredibus instituendis’. [N6 ] ‘De sancto Kyliano’. Incipit:‘[K]ylianus Scotus nobilis monas- Early marginal annotations, including comments on the text, and terium vbi prelatus extitit . . .’ v r r ‘nota’ marks; on [M2 ^M3 ] a long note on the conception of the [N7 ] ‘De sanctis Felice et Nabore’. Incipit: ‘[B]eati martires Nabor Virgin. et Felix nobiles . . .’ r Two- to six^line initials, many with extensions into the margins, [N7 ] ‘De sancto Materno’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost decessum beati Valerii paragraph marks, running headings, capital strokes, and under- sanctus Maternus . . .’ r lining are supplied in red. [N10 ] ‘De sancto Johanne Crisostomo’. Provenance: Jacobus Beckers, ¢fteenth/sixteenth century; refs. ed. Graesse, no. cxxxviii. r v inscription on [a1 ]: ‘Liber pie memorie domini Jacobi Beckers’. [O3 ] ‘De duobus Ewaldis’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Pippini regis Purchased for »1. 4. 0: see Books Purchased (1852), 93. Francorum erant duo sacerdotes de Anglia . . .’ r shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 5.9. [O4 ] ‘De sancto Gereone cum sociis suis’. Incipit: ‘[D]yoclecianus SECOND COPY cum Maximianum contra Gallias . . .’ r Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. [O5 ] ‘De sanctis Crispino et Crispiniano’. Incipit: ‘[V]eniente Leaves [C4] and [C7] are misbound in reverse order. Christianorum persecutione sub Dyocletiano . . .’ v Binding: Nineteenth-century English calf, with gold-tooled [O5 ] ‘De sancto Seuerino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Seuerinus apud spine. Upper board loose. Size: 304 ¿ 223 ¿ 73 mm. Size of Burdegalim inVasconia existens . . .’ r leaf: 292 ¿ 202 mm. [O7 ] ‘De sanctoVillibrordo’. Incipit: ‘[I]n Britannia quedam mulier Early signatures are supplied in black ink. nomine Oromia peperit . . .’ v Two- to six^line initials, some with extensions into the margins, [P1 ] ‘De sancto Kuniberto’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Kunibertus de lumi- paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied naribus illis maximis . . .’ v in red. [P2 ] ‘De sancto Gregorio Spoletano’. Incipit:‘[I]mpiisimus Flaccus r Provenance: Heavily cancelled inscription on [a2 ]. Francis a Maximino imperatore missus vt . . .’ Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. r [P3 ] ‘De sancto Maximino’. Incipit: ‘[M]aximinus ex Aquitanea shelfmark: Douce 250. Pictauiensis vrbis indigena . . .’ v [P3 ] ‘De sancto Thoma de Aquino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Thomas de Aquino ordinis fratrum predicatorum doctor . . .’ v [P4 ] ‘De sancta Elyzabeth’. Incipit: ‘[E]lyzabeth interpretatur deus meus cognovit . . . [E]lizabeth illustris regis Ungarie ¢lia nobilis genere . . .’ j-030] jacobus de voragine 1461

v J-030 Jacobus de Voragine [N5 ] ‘De decem milibus martirum’. Incipit: ‘[C]um quedam gens Romano se subtraheret imperio . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia; as v [N6 ] ‘De sancto Kyliano’. Incipit:‘[K]ylianus Scotus nobilis monas- J-029 but with the lives of Albanus and Hubertus. terium vbi prelatus extitit . . .’ r r [a2 ] Jacobus deVoragine: ‘Prefatio’. [N7 ] ‘De sanctis Felice et Nabore’. Incipit: ‘[B]eati martires Nabor refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. et Felix nobiles . . .’ v r [a2 ] ‘Incipit tabula legendarum de sanctis per annum’. [N7 ] ‘De sancto Materno’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost decessum beati Valerii v [a3 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive sanctus Maternus . . .’ r Lombardica historia. [N8 ] ‘De sancto Johanne Crisostomo’. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^iii (ending imperfectly), iv^xiv (ending refs. ed. Graesse, no. cxxxviii. v imperfectly), xv^xvi (ending imperfectly), xvii^xix (with addi- [O3 ] ‘De duobus Ewaldis’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Pippini regis tional section on the name), xx^xxxi (ending imperfectly), xxxii^ Francorum erant duo sacerdotes de Anglia . . .’ r xxxv (ending imperfectly), xxxvi^xlvii, xlix^l (beginning slightly [O4 ] ‘De sancto Gereone cum sociis suis’. Incipit: ‘[D]yoclecianus imperfectly), li (ending imperfectly), liii^lviii (ending imper- cum Maximianum contra Gallias . . .’ r fectly), lix^lxi, lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii (with slightly variant end- [O5 ] ‘De sanctis Crispino et Crispiniano’. Incipit: ‘[V]eniente ing), lxxiii^lxxxi (ending imperfectly), lxxxii^xcv (with Christianorum persecutione sub Dyocleciano . . .’ v additional section on name), xcvi (sections 1^9 only), xcvii^xcviii [O5 ] ‘De sancto Seuerino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Seuerinus apud (ending imperfectly), xcix^c (ending imperfectly), ci^cii (begin- Burdegalim inVasconia existens . . .’ r ning and ending imperfectly), ciii^civ (both with additional sec- [O7 ] ‘De sanctoWillibrordo’. Incipit:‘[I]n Britannia quedam mulier tions on the names), cv^cvi (beginning with additional section nomine Oromia peperit . . .’ v on the name, and ending imperfectly), cvii. [P1 ] ‘De sancto Kuniberto’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Kunibertus de lumi- v [t8 ] ‘De sancto Luydgero episcopo Monasteriensi’. Incipit: naribus illis maximis . . .’ v ‘[B]eatus Luydgerus ex patre Tyagrimo matre vero Katburga [P2 ] ‘De sancto Gregorio Spoletano’. Incipit:‘[I]mpiisimus Flaccus ortus est . . .’ a Maximino imperatore missus vt . . .’ r r [t10 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive [P3 ] ‘De sancto Maximino’. Incipit: ‘[M]aximinus ex Aquitanea Lombardica historia. Pictauiensis vrbis indigena . . .’ v refs. ed. Graesse, nos cviii^cxix (part only), cxx (with slightly [P3 ] ‘De sancto Thoma de Aquino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Thomas de variant ending), cxxi^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxvii (sections 1^6 only), Aquino ordinis fratrum predicatorum doctor . . .’ v cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clvi (ending imperfectly), clvii^clxi [P4 ] ‘De sancta Elyzabeth’. Incipit: ‘[E]lyzabeth interpretatur deu (with additional section on the name), clxii^clxv (ending imper- meus cognovit . . . [E]lizabeth illustris regis Ungarie ¢lia nobilis fectly), clxvi^clxvii, clxix^clxx (both ending imperfectly), clxxi^ genere . . .’ clxxii (ending imperfectly), clxxiii (ending imperfectly), clxxiv^ refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxviii; explicit: ‘. . .gratia intermissa.’ r clxxxii. [Q1 ] ‘De sancto Odulpho’. Incipit:‘[T]emporibus Lodowici piissimi r [M1 ] [Table of contents of additional legends.] ‘Item hystorie augusti erat quidam . . .’ r sequentes addite sunt ad Hystoriam Lombardicam . . .’ [Q3 ] ‘De sancto Bonifacio’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Bonifacius genitale r [M1 ] [Additional legends.] solum in insula que . . .’ v refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), clxxxix (part), [Q5 ] ‘De sancto Lebuino’. Incipit:‘[S]anctus Lebuinus ex Britannia clxxxiv (with variations). occeani insula . . .’ r v [M5 ] ‘De sancto Pontiano’. Incipit: ‘[S]anctus Pontianus passus est [Q6 ] ‘De translacione sancti Lebuini’. Incipit:‘[P]ost Felicem sancti in ciuitate . . . [B]eati Poncii pater quondam senator vrbis Lebuini ad celestia transitum . . .’ r Rome . . .’ [Q7 ] ‘De sancta Columba virgine’. Incipit: ‘[I]ngressus est r [M7 ] ‘De sancta Prisca’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Prisca ciuis Romana clar- Aurelianus ciuitatem Senonis . . .’ v issimis parentibus orta . . .’ [Q7 ] [Additional legends.] v [M7 ] ‘De sancta Brigida’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Brigida sicut legitur in refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccviii, ccvi^ccvii, ccxi. v Speculo hystoriali . . .’ [R1 ] ‘De sancto Panthaleone’. Incipit: ‘[E]rat in ciuitate Nicomedia v [M8 ] [Additional legends.] senator quidam nomine Eustorgius . . .’ r refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccx, with variations. [R2 ] ‘De sancto Albano’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Honorii regis v [M9 ] ‘De sancta Apollonia’. Incipit: ‘[D]ecius imperator mittens Persarum atque Medorum . . .’ r satellites suos ad Alexandriam . . .’ [R3 ] ‘De sancto Huperto’. Incipit:‘[H]upertus nobili exortus prosa- r [M10 ] ‘De sancta Ghertrude’. Incipit: ‘[S]erenissime virginis piaTheoderici regis . . .’ r Ghertrudis genitor erat Pippinus vir . . .’ [R6 ] ‘Sequitur tabula legendarum secundum ordinem alphabeti’. r [N2 ] ‘De sancto Quirino’. Incipit:‘[Q]uinto loco a beato Petro apos- Cologne: Conrad Winters, de Homborch, 20 Aug. 1478. Folio. tolo sedit Alexander . . .’ 10 8 10 8 10 6 8 10 8 10 v collation: [a^e f^i k^z A^F G HI K L M NO P Q [N ] [Legenda aurea: additional legends.] ‘De sancto Seruatio’. 8 3 R ]. Collation as Sheppard; Polain records gathering [O] (no. 37) Incipit: ‘[F]uerunt in Iudea due sorores mulieres . . .’ r as having10 leaves, but still records the number of leaves as being [N4 ] ‘De sancto Erasmo’. Incipit: ‘[C]um aš t in Antiochia 376. Dyocleciani decretum contra Christianos . . .’ The letters ‘aš t’ in Pr 1164; CIBN J-69; Pellechet MS. 6472 (6449); Polain 2189; Sack, the incipit are probably a dittography of the ¢rst letter of ‘atio- š Freiburg, 1988; Seyboldt no. 21; Sheppard 894; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, chia’. 618. 1462 jacobus de voragine [j-030^j-031

r COPY [R4 ] ‘De sancto Pontiano’. Incipit: ‘[S]anctus Pontianus passus est r Wanting the blank leaf [a1 ]. in ciuitate . . . [B]eati Poncii pater quondam senator vrbis Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf (¢llets only) over Rome . . .’ r wooden boards, with one clasp and two catches; the lower edges [R6 ] ‘De sancta Prisca’. Incipit:‘[B]eata Prisca ciuis Romana claris- protected at the corners with a metal strip; rebacked, the half- simis parentibus orta . . .’ r leather of the sides ornamented with rolls containing birds and [R6 ] ‘De sancta Brigida’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Brigida sicut legitur in £owers. Formerly chained: remains of a hasp at the head of the Speculo historiali . . .’ r lowercover. Size: 304 ¿ 220 ¿ 90 mm. Sizeofleaf: 295 ¿ 201mm. [R7 ] [Additional legends.] The front pastedown, now raised, is partofa legal document writ- refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccx, with variations. v ten on parchment, attested by a notary of the diocese of Cambrai; [R8 ] ‘Passio sancte Apollonie’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Iuliani impera- the back pastedown is still glued down. toris fuit vir quidam nobilis . . .’ r Manuscript signatures; catchwords atthe end ofeach gathering in [S1 ] ‘De sancta Gertrude’. Incipit: ‘[S]erenissime virginis an early hand. Some early marginal annotations, including ‘nota’ Ghertrudis genitor erat Pipinus vir . . .’ r v marks, also corrections to the text. On [O5 ] the rubricator has [S3 ] ‘De Walpurga virgine’. Incipit: ‘[W]alburga virgo ex Anglia here, as in other instances, added the letter S, reading ‘Seniente’ ducens originem fratres . . .’ r instead of ‘Veniente’. [S4 ] ‘De sancto Quirino’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uinto loco a beato Petro apos- One- to six^line initials, some with extensions into the margins, tolo sedit Alexander . . .’ v paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied [S5 ] [Legenda aurea: additional legends.] ‘De sancto Seruatio’. in red. Incipit: ‘[F]uerunt in Iudea due sorores mulieres . . .’ r r Provenance: Inscription on [a2 ] unread under ultraviolet light. [S6 ] ‘De sancto Erasmo’. Incipit: ‘[C]um in Antiochia Dyocleciani Purchased for »2. 0. 0: see Books Purchased (1842), 44. decretum contra Christianos . . .’ v shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.33. [S7 ] ‘De decem milibus martirum’. Incipit: ‘[C]um quedam gens Romano se . . .’ v J-031 Jacobus de Voragine [S8 ] ‘De sancto Kiliano’. Incipit: ‘[K]ilianus Scotus nobilis monas- terium vbi prelatus extitit . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. As r [T1 ] ‘De sanctis Felice et Nabore’. Incipit:‘[B]eati martires Nabor et J-030, but with the life of S.Walpurga and a di¡erent Felix nobiles . . .’ r version of S. Apollonia. [T1 ] ‘De sancto Materno’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost decessum beati Valerii r sanctus Maternus . . .’ [a2 ] Jacobus deVoragine: ‘Prefatio’. v refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. [T1 ] ‘De sancto Johanne Crisostomo’. v refs. ed. Graesse, no. cxxxviii. [a2 ] ‘Incipit tabula legendarum de sanctis per annum’. r v [T5 ] ‘De duobus Ewaldis’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Pippini regis [a3 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Francorum erant duo sacerdotes de Anglia . . .’ Lombardica historia. r refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^iii (ending imperfectly), iv^xiv (ending [T5 ] ‘De sancto Gereone cum sociis suis’. Incipit: ‘[D]ioclecianus cum Maximianum contra Gallias . . .’ imperfectly), xv^xvi (ending imperfectly), xvii^xix (with addi- v tional section on the name), xx^xlvii, xlix^lii (ending imper- [T6 ] ‘De sanctis Crispino et Crispiniano’. Incipit: ‘[V]eniente Christianorum persecutione sub Dyocletiano . . .’ fectly), liii^lxi, lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii (with slightly variant r ending), lxxiii^xciv (with extended section on the name), xcv [T7 ] ‘De sancto Seuerino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Seuerinus apud Burdegalim inVasconia existens . . .’ (with additional section on the name), xcvi^ciii (with additional v section on the name), civ (with additional section on the name), [T8 ] ‘De sanctoWillibrordo’. Incipit:‘[I]n Britannia quedam mulier nomine Oronia peperit . . .’ cv^cvi (with additional section on the name, and ending imper- r fectly), cvii. [V3 ] ‘De sancto Cuniberto’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Cunibertus de lumi- v naribus illis maximis . . .’ [y1 ] ‘De sancto Luydgero episcopo Monasteriensi’. Incipit: v ‘[B]eatus Luydgerus ex patre Tyagrimo matre vero Katburga [V3 ] ‘De sancto Gregorio Spoletano’. Incipit:‘[I]mpiisimus Flaccus a Maximino imperatore missus vt . . .’ ortus est . . .’ r v [V4 ] ‘De sancto Maximino’. Incipit: ‘[M]aximinus ex Aquitania [y2 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Pictauiensis vrbis indigena . . .’ Lombardica historia. v refs. ed. Graesse, nos cviii^cxi (with additional section), cxii^ [V4 ] ‘De sancto Thoma Aquinate’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Thomas de Aquino ordinis fratrum predicatorum doctor . . .’ cxix (part only), cxx (with slightly variant ending), cxxi^cxxxi, r cxxxiv^cxxxvii (sections 1^6 only), cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^ [V6 ] ‘De sancta Elyzabeth’. Incipit: ‘[E]lizabeth interpretatur deu clxv (ending imperfectly), clxvi^clxvii, clxix^clxxii (ending meus cognovit . . . [E]lizabeth illustris regis Ungarie ¢lia nobilis imperfectly), clxxiii^clxxxii. genere . . .’ v refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxviii; explicit: ‘. . .gratia sunt intermissa.’ [Q7 ] [Table of contents of additional legends.] ‘Item historie r sequentes addite sunt ad Historiam Lombardicam . . .’ [X3 ] ‘De sancto Odulpho’. Incipit: ‘[T]emporibus Lodouuici piis- r simi augusti erat quidam . . .’ [Q8 ] ‘De sancta Barbara’. Incipit: ‘[T]emporibus imperatoris v Maximiani erat quidam vir Dyoscolus . . .’ [X5 ] ‘De sancto Bonifacio’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Bonifacius genitale r solum in insula que . . .’ [M2 ] [Additional legends.] v refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxxxix (part). [X7 ] ‘De sancto Lebuino’. Incipit:‘[S]anctus Lebuinus ex Britannia r occeani insula . . .’ [M4 ] ‘De sancto Judoco’. Incipit: ‘[S]anctus Judocus cuius festum agitur in die Lucie virginis . . .’ j-031^j-032] jacobus de voragine 1463

v r [X8 ] ‘De translatione sancti Lebuini’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost felicem sancti F5 [Additional legends.] Lebuini ad celestia transitum . . .’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), clxxxix (part), r [Y1 ] ‘De sancta Columba virgine’. Incipit: ‘[I]ngressus est clxxxiv (with variations). r Aurelianus ciuitatem Senonis . . .’ F8 ‘De sancto Pontiano’. Incipit: ‘[S]anctus Pontianus passus est in v [Y1 ] [Additional legends.] ciuitate . . . [B]eati Pontii pater quondam senator vrbis Rome . . .’ r refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccviii, ccvi, ccvii, ccxi. G1 ‘De sancta Prisca’. Incipit:‘[S]ancta Prisca ciuis Romana claris- r [Y4 ] ‘De sancto Panthaleone’. Incipit: ‘[E]rat in ciuitate Nicomedia simis parentibus orta . . .’ v senator quidam nomine Eustorgius . . .’ G1 ‘De sancta Brigida’. Incipit: ‘[S]ancta Brigida sicut legitur in v [Y4 ] ‘De sancto Albano’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Honorii regis Speculo hystorie . . .’ v Persarum atque Medorum . . .’ G2 [Additional legends.] r [Y5 ] ‘De sancto Huperto’. Incipit:‘[H]upertus nobili exortus prosa- refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccx, with variations. v piaTheoderici regis . . .’ G3 ‘Passio sancte Apollonie’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Iuliani impera- r [Y8 ] ‘Sequitur tabula legendarum secundum ordinem alphabeti’. toris fuit vir quidam nobilis de vrbe Romana . . .’ r Cologne: Conrad Winters, de Homborch, 1481. Folio and 4o. G4 ‘De sancta Gertrude’. Incipit: ‘[S]erenissime virginis Gertrudis 10 8 6 8 10 genitor erat Pipinus vir . . .’ collation: [a b c^z A^O P Q^X Y ]. v C 6424; Go¡ J-98; BMC I 249; Pr 1170; CIBN J-78; Oates 656; G5 ‘De Walpurga virgine’. Incipit: ‘[W]alpurga virgo ex Anglia ducens origine . . .’ Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 16; Seyboldt no. 33; Sheppard 905; r Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 621. G6 ‘De sancto Quirino martire’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uinto loco a beato Petro apostolo sedit Alexander . . .’ COPY G r [Legenda aurea: additional legends.] ‘De sancto S[e]ruatio epis- r ¤ 7 On [a2 ], l. 2:‘preditatok’, as BMC, not asVoullieme, Ko« ln. copo’. Incipit: ‘[F]uerunt in Iudea due sorores mulieres . . .’ Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf, bound v G7 ‘De sancto Erasmo episcopo’. Incipit: ‘[C]um in Antiochia for the Bodleian Library. Size: 291 ¿ 205 ¿ 73 mm. Size of Diocleciani decretum contra Christianos . . .’ leaf: 278 ¿ 188 mm. v G8 ‘De decem milibus martirum’. Incipit: ‘[C]um quedam gens Early manuscript signatures numbering the gatherings 1^45; the Romano se subtrahere . . .’ gathering are also signed with letters, now mostly shaved o¡; on r v H1 ‘De sancto Kiliano’. Incipit: ‘[K]ilianus scotus noibilis monas- [a1 ] a note in a ¢fteenth-century hand, stating that the table of terium vbi prelatus extitit . . .’ contents is to be found at the end of the book. Some early mar- v v H1 ‘De sanctis Felice et Naboro’. Incipit: ‘[B]eati martires Nabor et ginal annotations, also corrections to the text. On [T6 ] the rubri- Felix nobiles . . .’ cator has here, as in other instances, added the letter S, reading r H1 ‘De sancto Materno’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost decessum beati Valerii ‘Seniente’ instead of ‘Veniente’. sanctus Maternus . . .’ Two- to four-line initials, some with extensions into the margins; r v H2 ‘De sancto Johanne Crisostomo’. on [T8 ] an 18^line initial I is added in the margin in red with refs. ed. Graesse, no. cxxxviii. reserved white decoration in the Cologne style; paragraph v H4 ‘De duobus Ewaldis’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Pipini regis marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied in red. Francorum erant duo sacerdotes de Anglia . . .’ Provenance unknown. Purchased for »2. 2. 0: see Books r H5 ‘De sancto Gereone cum sociis suis’. Incipit: ‘[D]iocletianus Purchased (1843), 51. cum Maximianum contra Gallias . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 3.24. v H5 ‘De sanctis Crispino et Crispiniano’. Incipit: ‘[V]eniente Christianorum persecutione sub Dyocleciano . . .’ r J-032 Jacobus de Voragine H6 ‘De sancto Seuerino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Seuerinus apud Burdegalim inVasconia existens . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. As r H7 ‘De sancto Willibrordo’. Incipit: ‘[I]n Britannia quadam mulier J-031, but with several lives added after S. Hubertus. nomine Oronia peperit . . .’ r I r ‘De sancto Cuniberto’. Incipit:‘[B]eatus Cunibertus de luminari- a2 ‘Prologus’. 1 refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. bus illis maximis . . .’ r I v ‘De sancto Gregorio Spoletano’. Incipit: ‘[I]mpiisimus Flaccus a a2 [Subject index.] ‘Incipit tabula legendarum de sanctis per 1 annum’. ‘Tabula legendarum per circulum anni’. The title is Maximiano imperatore missus vt . . .’ v expressed in the running heading. I1 ‘De sancto Maximino’. Incipit: ‘[M]aximinus ex Aquitania a v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Pictauiensis vrbis indigena . . .’ 3 r Lombardica historia. I2 ‘De sancto Thoma Aquinate’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Thomas de refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^iii (ending imperfectly), iv^xiv (variant Aquino ordinis fratrum predicatorum doctor . . .’ r ending), xv^xvi (ending imperfectly), xvii^xlvii, xlix^lii (ending I3 ‘De sancta Elizabeth’. Incipit: ‘[E]lizabeth interpretatur deu imperfectly), liii^lxi, lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii (with slightly var- meus cognovit . . . [E]lizabeth illustris regis Ungarie ¢lia nobilis iant ending), lxxiii^cvi (ending imperfectly), cvii^cxix (part genere . . .’ only), cxx (withvariant ending), cxxi^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxvii (end- refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxviii; explicit: ‘. . .gratia sunt intermissa.’ r ing imperfectly), cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxv (ending imper- I7 ‘De sancto Odulpho’. Incipit: ‘[T]emporibus Lodowici piissimi fectly), clxvi^clxvii, clxix^clxxii (ending imperfectly), clxxiii^ augusti erat quidam vir . . .’ v clxxxii. I8 ‘De sancto Bonifatio’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Bonifacius genitale r solum in insula que . . .’ F5 [Table of contents of additional legends.] ‘Item historie sequentes addite sunt ad historiam Longobardicam . . .’ 1464 jacobus de voragine [j-032^j-033

r K2 ‘De sancto Lebuino’. Incipit: ‘[S]anctus Lebuinus ex Britannia English, also ‘nota’ marks and pointing hands; occasional scrib- occeani insula . . .’ bles and pen-trials. v K2 ‘De translatione sancti Lebuini’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost Felicem sancti Provenance: [ ] Salford, ¢fteenth/sixteenth century; perhaps Lebuini ad celestia transitum . . .’ either Richard Salford (£. 1488^1489) or William Salford r r K3 ‘De sancta Columbavirgine’. Incipit:‘[I]ngressus est Aurelianus (À1487); cropped inscription on a2 :‘Dominus Salfordus me pos- ciuitatem Senonis viii idus Januarii . . .’ sidet. Teste Templeo’. England, by c.1540; name of S. Thomas v K3 [Additional legends.] Becket cancelled in the ‘Tabula legendarum’; also notes in r refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccviii, ccvi, ccvii, ccxi. English on c6 in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century hand. Peter Le r r K5 ‘De sancto Panthaleone’. Incipit: ‘[E]rat in ciuitate Nicomedia Neve (1661^1729); inscription on a2 : ‘Petri Le Neve Norroy pr. senator quidam nomine Eustorgius . . .’ 15sol.’. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. v K5 ‘De sancto Albano’. Incipit:‘[T]empore Honorii regis Persarum Bequeathed in 1834. atque Medorum . . .’ shelfmark: Douce 185. r K6 ‘De sancto Ruperto’. Incipit: ‘[R]upertus nobili exortus prosa- piaTheoderici regis . . .’ J-033 Jacobus de Voragine r K8 ‘De sancto Frederico.’ Incipit: ‘[S]anctus Fredericus ecclesie Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Traiectensis episcopus dum sua . . .’ v Di¡erent from although not unlike J-032 but, according to K8 ‘De sancta Roytburge’. Incipit:‘[S]eries autem generis nobilita- tisque sancte Roytburgis virginis . . .’ the colophon‘ex diuersis libris in unum collecte’. v v L1 ‘De sancta Birgitta’. Incipit: ‘[S]ancta Birgita in regno Suecie [*1 ] [Subject index.] ‘Tabula alphabetica’. Incipit:‘Incipit registrum oriunda non solum . . .’ siue directorium per quod facillime quisque reperire potest vitam v L4 ‘De sancto Seuero’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Seuerus in Laycali habitu cuiusque sancti in hoc libro contentam . . .’The title is expressed in diu constitutus . . .’ the running heading. r r L5 [Additional legends.] a1 ‘Prefatio’. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxv^clxxxvii, cxcviii, clxxxviii. refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. v r L8 ‘De sancta Otilia’. Incipit:‘[O]tiliavirgo quia ceca nata fuit pater a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive suus eam . . .et carnis maceratione’ Lombardica historia. refs.Variations from ed. Graesse, no. cxc. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^iii (ending imperfectly), iv^xiv (variant r M1 [Additional legends.] ending), xv^xvi (ending imperfectly), xvii^xlvii, xlix^li, lii (end- refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxcvii, cciv^ccv, ccix. ing imperfectly), liii^lxi, lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxviii, lxx, lxxii (with r M5 ‘De sancto Eliphio’. Incipit: ‘[C]um in Galliis vbique Christi slightly variant ending), lxxiii^cvi (ending imperfectly), cvii^ ecclesiam Iuliaus(!) Cesar apostata . . .’ cxix (part only), cxx (with variant ending), cxxi^cxxxi, cxxxiv^ v M5 ‘De sancto Euergisto’. Incipit: ‘[E]uergistus presul beatus ex cxxxvii (ending imperfectly), cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxv nobili parentum prosapia . . .’ (ending imperfectly), clxvi^clxvii, clxix^ clxxii (ending imper- v M6 [Additional legends.] fectly, with a‘Dubitatio’), clxxiii^clxxxii. v refs. ed. Graesse, no. cci. E8 ‘Explicit Legenda aurea compilata per clarissimum ac religio- r M7 ‘Sequitur tabula legendarum secundum ordinem literarum sum virum Jacobum deVoragine episcopum Januensem’. alphabeti continens nomina sanctorum et festorum plenius Cologne: [Ulrich Zell], 1483. Folio. quam precedens’. collation: [*6] a^e8 f10 g^z A^S8 T6 V10 X^Z aa^kk8 ll6. Cologne: [Ulrich Zell], 19 May 1482. Folio. C 6434; Go¡ J-108; BMC I 197; Pr 905; CIBN J-86; Oates 409; collation: a^f8 g8+1 h^z A^M8. Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 24; Rhodes 981; Seyboldt no. 46; C 6428; Go¡ J-102; BMC I 196; Pr 902; CIBN J-81; Oates 407; Sheppard 706; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 623.

Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 23; Sack, Freiburg, 1979; Seyboldt no. COPY 37; Sheppard 701; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 622. Wanting gatherings F^ll, containing the additional legends; cf. COPY H-128. Wanting the leaf inserted between g6 and g7, n7, q7 containing the Sheet f5.6 is misbound after e4; gathering E is misbound in the fol- beginning of ‘De sancto Luydgero’according to the table of con- lowing order: E1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 7, 5, 8. tents, M8, and the blank leaf a1. Binding: English blind-tooled calf, c.1800, bound for Gough. Binding: Seventeenth-century English calf; rebacked. Each Both covers are decorated with an ornamental roll, the same as cover is decorated with a frame of ¢llets only. Size: 285 ¿ 216 ¿ the one used on Gough Missals 131 [J-059]. Size: 291 ¿ 214 ¿ 58 mm. Size of leaf: 275 ¿ 192 mm. 41 mm. Size of leaf: 284 ¿ 205 mm. r On a2 a note to the reader in a sixteenth-century English hand: Some early annotations,‘nota’ marks, also irregular signatures in ‘Docte et prudens lector, quiscunque es, scito quod quando aut black ink up to and including gathering h. Some pen-trials and quam crebro nomen Romani ponti¢cis sub sono pape reperies in scribbles. libro presenti et eius assertione non assumes tandique non potest Two- to six^line initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes are non dest[ ]tere dirempcio in hoc volumine nisi illis laboribus qui- supplied in red. bus vel lucidus(?) oculus potest [ ] raro lippire’. Name of S. Provenance: Cambridge, Jesus College, 1700; mutilated book- v r Thomas Becket cancelled in ‘Tabula legendarum’ on a3 . plate on [*1 ]; see Howe, Book Plates, 33290; former shelfmarks: r Occasional early marginal annotations, including one on c6 in j-033^j-034] jacobus de voragine 1465

v L H 14, M H 22, F E 22, DD 37, the ¢rst three cancelled. Richard gg2 Legenda aurea. ‘Vita sanctorum Prothi et Iacincti, Philippi et Gough (1735^1809). Bequeathed in 1809. Claudie, Eugenie et Basillei’. Incipit: ‘[I]mperator Commodus shelfmark: Gough Missals195. Philippum illustrissimum virum Romanum . . .’ r gg6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. J-034 Jacobus de Voragine refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxxxvii (sections 1^6 only), cxxxii, cxxxix. v Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. hh1 Legenda aurea. ‘Historia beatissimi Lamberti’. Incipit: Deventer version. ‘[G]loriosus vir Lambertus oppido Traiectensi ex nobilissimis a r ‘Prefatio’. parentibus . . .’ 2 v refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. hh3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive v Lombardica historia. a2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxl^cxlv. v refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^iii (ending imperfectly), iv^xiv (ending ii7 Legenda aurea. ‘Vita beati Iheronimi’. Incipit: ‘[G]loriosus imperfectly). Iheronimus patre Eusebio genitus est . . .’ v kk v Legenda aurea.‘Vita sancti Remigii’. Incipit:‘[P]ost vindictam e7 Hieronymus [pseudo-]: Legenda aurea.‘Vita Pauli primi here- 3 mite’. Incipit: ‘[D]e Pauli primi heremite principio et ¢ne ego scelerum quae a domino facta est . . .’ v Iheronimus . . .’ k6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive v f1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxlviii^cxlix. r refs. ed. Graesse, nos xvii^xix (with extra introductory section ll4 Legenda aurea. ‘Vita sancte Pelagie’. Incipit: ‘[C]um quadam on the name), xx. vice venerabilis Anthiochene ciuitatis episcopus . . .’ r v f4 Athanasius [pseudo-]: ‘Vita sancti Anthoni’. Incipit: ll6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive ‘[A]nthonius religiosi(!) nobilibusque parentibus ab Egipto . . .’ Lombardica historia. r f7 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. ed. Graesse, nos clii^clvi (ending imperfectly). v Lombardica historia. mm6 Legenda aurea. ‘De sanctis Crisanto et Daria’. Incipit: refs. ed. Graesse, nos xxii^xxiii. ‘[C]olemius vir illustrissimus Alexandrine vrbis primus r g1 Ambrosius [pseudo-]: ‘Passio sanctissime Agnetis’. Incipit: Romam . . .’ r ‘[S]eruus Cristi Ambrosius virginibus sacris diem festum . . .’ nn1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive r g4 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clviii^clix, clxi (with additional section on refs. ed. Graesse, nos xxv^xxvi (with additional section on the name), clxii^clxiv, clxvi^clxvii, clxix^clxx (ending imperfectly), name), xxvii^xxxvii (ending imperfectly and with variations). clxxi^clxxii (ending imperfectly), clxxiv, clxxxii. v v i8 [Legenda aurea: additional legends: BVM.] Incipit: rr4 [Table of contents of additional legends.] ‘Iste legende que hic ‘[T]emporibus beati Bonifacii pape qui vt in ecclesiasticis histor- sequuntur non habentur in Hystoria Lombardica sed addite sunt iis . . .’ ex aliis legendis et libris videlicet..’ v r k1 [Legenda aurea: additional legends: BVM.] Incipit: ‘Contigit rr5 [Additional legends.] autem post multa tempora circa hoc idem . . .’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), clxxxix (part), r k2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive clxxxiv (with variations). v Lombardica historia. ss1 ‘De sancto Pontiano’. Incipit:‘[S]anctus Poncianus passus est in refs. ed. Graesse, nos xxxviii^xxxix, xli^xlvii, xlix^li (ending ciuitate . . . [B]eati Pontii pater quondam senator vrbis Rome . . .’ v imperfectly), liii^liv, lvi^lviii (ending imperfectly), lix^lxi, lxiii ss3 ‘De sancta Prisca’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Prisca ciuis Romana claris- (beginning imperfectly, sections 1^2, the rest and ending not simis parentibus orta . . .’ v found in ed. Graesse), lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii (with slightly variant ss3 ‘De sancta Brigida’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Brigida sicut legitur in ending), lxxiii^lxxxi (ending imperfectly), lxxxii^lxxxiii (begin- Speculo hystoriali . . .’ r ning and ending imperfectly). ss5 [Additional legends.] r s2 Legenda aurea. ‘Vita sancte Marine’. Incipit: ‘[E]rat quidam refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccx, with variations. r secularis habens ¢liam vnicam qui commendans eam . . .’ ss6 ‘De sancta Gertrude’. Incipit:‘[S]erenissime virginis Ghertrudis v s2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive genitor erat Pipinus vir . . .’ v Lombardica historia. ss8 ‘De sancto Quirino’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uinto loco a beato Petro apos- refs. ed. Graesse, nos lxxxv^xcv (with additional section on the tolo sedit Alexander. . .’ v name), xcvi^c (ending imperfectly), ci^cii (beginning and ending tt1 ‘De sancto Erasmo episcopo’. Incipit: ‘[C]um in Antiochia imperfectly), ciii^civ (both with additional sections on the name), Dyocleciani decretum contra Christianos . . .’ r cv^cvi (with additional section on the name, and ending imper- tt3 ‘De decem milibus martirum’. Incipit: ‘[C]um quedam gentes fectly), cvii. scilicet Gadareni . . .’ r r z2 ‘De sancto Ludgero episcopo Monasteriensi’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus tt4 ‘De sancto Materno’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost decessum beati Valerii Ludgerus ex patreThyagrimo matre vero Katburga ortus est . . .’ sanctus Maternus . . .’ v r z3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive tt5 ‘De sancto Johanne Crisostomo’. Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, no. cxxxviii. r refs. ed. Graesse, nos cviii^cxix (part only), cxx (with slightly tt7 ‘De duobus Ewaldis’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Pippini regis variant ending), cxxi^cxxvi, cxxviii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxv. Francorum erant duo sacerdotes de Anglia . . .’ 1466 jacobus de voragine [j-034^j-035

v r tt7 ‘De sancto Gereone cum sociis suis’. Incipit: ‘[D]yoclecianus puri¢cation of theVirgin; on ii4 four lines of mnemonic verse on cum Maximianum contra Gallias . . .’ precious stones entitled: ‘Sunt novem nomina lapidum videlicet’; v r tt8 ‘De sanctis Crispino et Crispiniano’. Incipit: ‘[V]euiente(!) on ii7 11hexameters entitled ‘De numero celorum versus’, incipit: Christianorum persecucione sub Dyocleciano . . .’ ‘Pleni sunt celi reserandi corde ¢deli’; on nn2 part of the text has r vv1 ‘De sancto Seuerino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Seuerinus apud been erased, leaving the paper damaged; the damage was Burdegalim inVasconia existens . . .’ repaired and text was supplied before the book was rubricated v vv2 ‘De sancto Cuniberto’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Cunibertus de lumi- and ruled. r naribus illis maximis . . .’ On a2 a southern Netherlandish seven-line initial ‘U’ is supplied v vv3 ‘De sancto Maximino’. Incipit: ‘[M]aximinus ex Aquitanea in pink decorated with grey on a gold ground edged in black; foli- Pictauiensis vrbis indigena . . .’ ate decoration within the body ofthe letter in red, blue, and white; r vv4 ‘De sancto Thoma de Aquino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Thomas de the text is edged on three sides in gold and pink; a full foliate and Aquino ordinis fratrum predicatorum doctor . . .’ £oral border containing two birds and a hybrid of a lion and a v vv5 ‘De sancta Elizabeh(!)’. Incipit: ‘[E]lizabeth illustris regis monkey is supplied in gold, red, blue, pink, green, grey, and v Ungarie ¢lia nobilis genere . . .’ black. On a2 a six^line initial ‘A’ is supplied in interlocked red refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxviii; explicit: ‘. . .gloria illustrauit.’ and blue within a border of red and blue pen-work, with the body r xx3 ‘De sancto Odulpho’. Incipit: ‘[T]emporibus Lodouici piissimi of the letter decorated with red pen-work, and red pen-work augusti erat quidam . . .’ extensions into the margin; other two- to six^line initials are sup- v v xx5 [Additional legends.] plied in red, blue, or interlocked red and blue; on tt8 the letter ‘R’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccviii, ccvii, ccxi. has been supplied and misspelt ‘[ ]euiente’, which should read v xx7 ‘Vita sancti Eligii’. Incipit: ‘[E]ligius in territorio Lemonice ‘veniente’; other letters have alsobeen erroneouslysupplied; para- vrbis fuit oriundus . . .’ graph marks are supplied in red or blue; foliation is supplied in r yy1 ‘Hystoria Eufrosine’. Incipit: ‘[F]uit vir quidam in Alexandria red; capitals touched with yellow wash. Throughout the volume Panfucius nomine . . .’ each column of text is enclosed within a single red rule. v yy4 ‘Vita sancte Genouese’. Incipit: ‘[A]nno Marciani sexto Provenance: John, Alice, and Joan Lamkyn (¢fteenth/sixteenth Genouesa virgo Parisiensis multa . . .’ century). John Burnell (¢fteenth/sixteenth century); inscription r yy6 ‘Passio sancti Policarpi’. Incipit: ‘[I]n tempore illo sub Aurelio on the verso of the back endleaf (parchment): ‘Jesus mercy lady vero et Antonino ¢lio . . .’ helpe. Of yowre charyte praye for the sowlles of John Lamkyn r yy8 ‘Vita sancte Helene’. Incipit: ‘[H]elena mater Constantini Alyce and Johan his wy¡s whiche sometyme owght thys booke. imperatoris ¢lia fuit regis Britanie . . .’ And for ther fathers and mothers sowllys’. Added in another r zz1 ‘Passio sancte Appollonie’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Iuliani impera- hand: ‘John Burnells sowlle and all Crysten sowlls. Amen’. Not toris fuit vir quidam nobilis . . .’ found in Selden catalogues; not in Hyde, Catalogus (1674); in v zz1 ‘Passio sanctarum Perpetue et Felicitatis’. Incipit: ‘[F]acta per- Fysher, Catalogus (1738), II 652, with the shelfmark J 1. 19 Th. secutione Cristianorum subValeriano et Galieno. . .’ Seld. r zz3 Ambrosius: De virginibus [excerpt]. ‘De virgine quadam Former Bodleian shelfmark: J 1.19 Th. Seld.; B 6. 19 Th. Seld. Anthiochena’. shelfmark: S. Seld. d.3. refs. ed. Graesse, no. lxii (ending imperfectly); PL XVI 187^232, at 212^16 r J-035 Jacobus de Voragine zz4 ‘De sancta Walburga’. Incipit: ‘[W]alburga virgo ex Anglia ducens originem fratres habuit . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. As r zz5 ‘Passio sanctorum Alexandri, Euencii et Theodoli’. Incipit: J-034, but with numerous additional lives after S. ‘[D]esidente Aureliano cum de ceteris interrogatio ¢eret . . .’ Theodolus. r Deventer: Richard Pafraet, 1479. Folio. a2 ‘Prefatio’. collation: a^z aa^zz8. refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. v CR 6419; BMC IX 41; Pr 8946; Campbell (II) 1752a; HPT II 405; a2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive ILC 1305; Oates 3241; Seyboldt no. 27; Sheppard 6915. Lombardica historia.

COPY refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^iii (ending imperfectly), iv^xiv (ending Wanting the blank leaves a and zz . imperfectly). 1 8 v Pafraet’s ¢rst issue. e7 Hieronymus [pseudo-]: ‘Vita Pauli primi heremite’. Incipit:‘[D]e On nn r parts of the text are damaged, and have been supplied in Pauli primi heremite principio et ¢ne ego Iheronimus . . .’ 2 v manuscript in a ¢fteenth-century hand. f1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf, bound Lombardica historia. for the Bodleian. Upper cover loose. Size: 297 ¿ 207 ¿ 63 mm. refs. ed. Graesse, nos xvii^xix (with extra introductory section Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 191 mm. on the name), xx. r Manuscript table of contents in a ¢fteenth-century hand on the f4 Athanasius [pseudo-]: ‘Vita sancti Anthoni’. Incipit: two front endleaves, numbering the legends and referring to folio ‘[A]nthonius religiosi(!) nobilibusque parentibus ab Egipto . . .’ r numbers; foliation in the same hand. Early marginal annotations f7 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive in several hands, including occasional corrections to the text, Lombardica historia. ‘nota’ marks, pointing hands, and underlining in the text in black refs. ed. Graesse, nos xxii^xxiii. r g r Ambrosius [pseudo-]: ‘Passio sanctissime Agnetis’. Incipit: ink; on i5 a note on forecasting the weather from the day of the 1 ‘[S]eruus Cristi Ambrosius virginibus sacris diem festum . . .’ j-035] jacobus de voragine 1467

r v g4 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive ll6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos xxv^xxvi (with additional section on the refs. ed. Graesse, nos clii^clvi (ending imperfectly). v name), xxvii^xxxvii (ending imperfectly and with variations). mm6 Legenda aurea. ‘De sanctis Crisanto et Daria’. Incipit: v i8 [Legenda aurea: additional legends: BVM.] Incipit: ‘[V]olemius vir illustrissimus Alexandrine vrbis primus ‘[T]emporibus beati Bonifacii pape qui vt in ecclesiasticis histor- Romam . . .’ r iis . . .’ nn1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive v k1 [Legenda aurea: additional legends: BVM.] Incipit: ‘Contigit Lombardica historia. autem post multa tempora circa hoc idem . . .’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos clviii^clix, clxi (with additional section on v k1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive name). v Lombardica historia. rr4 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. ed. Graesse, nos xxxviii^xxxix, xli^xlvii, xlix^li (ending Lombardica historia. imperfectly), liii^liv, lvi^lviii (ending imperfectly), lix^lxi, lxiii refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxii^clxiv, clxvi^clxvii, clxix^clxx (end- (beginning imperfectly, sections 1^2, the rest and ending not ing imperfectly), clxxi^clxxii (ending imperfectly), clxxiv, clxxxii. v found in ed. Graesse), lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii (with slightly variant rr4 [Table of contents of additional legends.] ‘Iste legende que hic ending), lxxiii^lxxxi (ending imperfectly), lxxxii^lxxxiii (begin- sequuntur non habentur in Hystoria Lomdardica, sed addite ning and ending imperfectly). sunt ex aliis legendis et libris videlicet . . .’ r r s2 Legenda aurea. ‘Vita sancte Marine’. Incipit: ‘[E]rat quidam rr5 [Additional legends.] secularis habens ¢liam vnicam qui commendans eam . . .’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), clxxxix (part), v s2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive clxxxiv (with variations). v Lombardica historia. ss1 ‘De sancto Ponciano’. Incipit:‘[S]anctus Poncianus passus est in refs. ed. Graesse, nos lxxxv^xcv (with additional section on the ciuitate Spoletana . . . [B]eati Pontii pater quondam senator vrbis name), xcvi^c (ending imperfectly), ci^cii (beginning and ending Rome . . .’ v imperfectly), ciii^civ (both with additional sections on the name), ss3 ‘De sancta Prisca’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Prisca ciuis Romana claris- cv^cvi (with additional section on the name, and ending imper- simis parentibus orta . . .’ v fectly), cvii. ss3 ‘De sancta Brigida’. Incipit: ‘[B]eata Brigida sicut legitur in v s2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Speculo hystoriali . . .’ r Lombardica historia. ss5 [Additional legends.] refs. ed. Graesse, nos lxxxv^xcv (with additional section on the refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccx (with variations). r name), xcvi^c (ending imperfectly), ci^cii (beginning and ending ss6 ‘De sancta Gertrude’. Incipit:‘[S]erenissime virginis Ghertrudis imperfectly), ciii^civ (both with additional sections on the genitor erat Pippinus vir . . .’ v names), cv^cvi (with additional section on the name, and ending ss8 ‘De sancto Quirino’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uinto loco a beato Petro apos- imperfectly), cvii. tolo sedit Alexander. . .’ r v z2 ‘De sancto Ludgero’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Ludgerus ex patre tt1 ‘De sancto Erasmo episcopo’. Incipit: ‘[C]um in Antiochia Thyagrimo matre vero Katburga ortus est . . .’ Dyocleciani decretum contra Cristianos . . .’ v r z3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive tt3 ‘De decem milibus martirum’. Incipit: ‘[C]um quedam gentes Lombardica historia. scilicet Gadareni . . .’ r refs. ed. Graesse, nos cviii^cxix (part only), cxx (with slightly tt4 ‘De sancto Materno’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost decessum beati Valerii variant ending), cxxi^cxxvi, cxxviii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxv. sanctus Maternus . . .’ v r gg2 Legenda aurea. ‘Vita sanctorum Prothi et Iacincti, Philippi et tt5 ‘De sancto Johanne Crisostomo’. Claudie, Eugenie et Basillei’. Incipit: ‘[I]mperator Commodus refs. ed. Graesse, no. cxxxviii. r Philippum illustrissimum virum Romanum . . .’ tt7 ‘De duobus Ewaldis’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Pippini regis r gg6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Francorum erant duo sacerdotes de Anglia . . .’ v Lombardica historia. tt7 ‘De sancto Gereone cum sociis suis’. Incipit: ‘[D]yoclecianus refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxxxvii (sections 1^6 only), cxxxii, cxxxix. cum Maximianum contra Gallias . . .’ v v hh1 Legenda aurea. ‘Historia beatissimi Lamberti’. Incipit: tt8 ‘De sanctis Crispino et Crispiniano’. Incipit: ‘[V]euiente(!) ‘[G]loriosus vir Lambertus oppido Traiectensi ex nobilissimis Christianorum persecutione sub Dyocleciano . . .’ r parentibus . . .’ vv1 ‘De sancto Seuerino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Seuerinus apud v hh3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Burdegalim inVasconia existens . . .’ v Lombardica historia. vv2 ‘De sancto Cuniberto’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Cunibertus de lumi- refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxl^cxlv. naribus illis maximis . . .’ v v ii7 Legenda aurea. ‘Vita beati Iheronimi’. Incipit: ‘[G]loriosus vv3 ‘De sancto Maximino’. Incipit: ‘[M]aximinus ex Aquitanea Iheronimus patre Eusebio genitus est . . .’ Pictauiensis vrbis indigena . . .’ v r kk3 Legenda aurea.‘Vita sancti Remigii’. Incipit: ‘[P]ost vindictam vv4 ‘De sancto Thoma de Aquino’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Thomas de scelerum quod a domino facta est . . .’ Aquino ordinis fratrum predicatorum doctor . . .’ v v kk3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive vv5 ‘De sancta Elizabeh(!)’. Incipit: ‘[E]lizabeth illustris regis Lombardica historia. Ungarie ¢lia nobilis genere . . .’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxlviii^cxlix. refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxviii; explicit: ‘. . .gloria illustrauit.’ r r ll4 Legenda aurea. ‘Vita sancte Pelagie’. Incipit: ‘[C]um quadam xx3 ‘De sancto Odulpho’. Incipit: ‘[T]emporibus Lodouici piissimi vice venerabilis Anthiochene ciuitatis episcopus . . .’ augusti erat quidam . . .’ 1468 jacobus de voragine [j-035^j-036

v r xx5 [Additional legends.] D6 ‘De sancto Lebuino’. Incipit: ‘[D]um omnium moderatori refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccviii, ccvii, ccxi. rerum cui cura animarum incumbit . . .’ v r xx7 ‘Vita sancti Eligii’. Incipit: ‘[E]ligius in territorio Lemonice E2 ‘Hystoria sancti Liuini’. Incipit:‘[T]emporibus Colomagni regis vrbis fuit oriundus . . .’ Scottorum erat quidam dux . . .’ r r yy1 ‘Hystoria Eufrosine’. Incipit: ‘[F]uit vir quidam in Alexandria E6 ‘Hystoria Abraham heremite’. Incipit: ‘[A]braham vt beatus Panfucius nomine . . .’ E¡rem testatur qui eius historiam . . .’ v v yy4 ‘Vita sancte Genouese’. Incipit: ‘[A]nno Marciani sexto F1 ‘Terribile miraculum deVdone’. Incipit:‘[A]nno domini nongen- Genouesa virgo Parisiensis multa . . .’ tesimo quinquagesimo ottone tercio imperante . . .’ r v yy6 ‘Passio sancti Policarpi’. Incipit: ‘[I]n tempore illo sub Aurelio F4 [Index.] ‘Incipit tabula continens nomina sanctorum et sanc- vero et Antonino ¢lio . . .’ tarum quorum quarumque passiones aut legende in hoc passio- r yy8 ‘Vita sancte Helene’. Incipit: ‘[H]elena mater Constantini nale quod Historia Lombardica nuncupatur continentur . . .’ imperatoris ¢lia fuit regis Britanie . . .’ [Deventer]: Richard Pafraet, 1479. Folio. r zz1 ‘Passio sancte Appollonie’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore Iuliani impera- collation: a^z aa^zz A^E8 F6. toris fuit vir quidam nobilis . . .’ C 6418; Go¡ J-94; BMC IX112; Pr 8945; Campbell1752; CIBN J-71; v zz1 ‘Passio sanctarum Perpetue et Felicitatis’. Incipit: ‘[F]acta per- HPT II 405; ILC 1306; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 11; Seyboldt no. secutione Cristianorum subValeriano et Galieno. . .’ 26; Sheppard 6916. r zz3 Ambrosius: De virginibus [excerpt]. ‘De virgine quadam Anthiochena’. COPY Pafraet’s second issue. refs. ed. Graesse, no. lxii (ending imperfectly); PL XVI 187^232, Wanting the blank leaf a . at 212^16. 1 Binding: Contemporary stamped calf over wooden boards; two zz r ‘De sancta Walburga’. Incipit: ‘[W]alburga virgo ex Anglia 4 clasps and catches lost; rebacked. On both covers intersecting ducens originem fratres habuit . . .’ triple ¢llets form triple concentric frames. Within the second zz r ‘Passio sanctorum Alexandri, Euencii et Theodoli’. Incipit: 5 frame are a large rosette stamp, a shield stamp bearing the arms ‘[R]esidente Aureliano cum de ceteris interrogatio ¢eret . . .’ of Cologne (three crowns), a lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamp, zz v ‘Vita sancti Seruatii Tungerensis episcopi’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus 7 and a lozenge-shaped lion rampant stamp. The inner rectangle is Seruatius nobilissimo sanguine oriundus tanta virtute . . .’ divided by further triple ¢llets into lozenge-shaped and triangular A r ‘De venerabili Beda’. Incipit: ‘[B]eda presbiter et monachus et 3 compartments containing the £eur-de-lis stamp, and the coat of doctor Anglorum . . .’ arms stamp on both covers, with, on the lower cover only, a A r ‘De sancto Bonifacio’. Incipit: ‘[B]eatus Bonifacius ex nobili 4 small £ower-petal stamp, and, on the upper cover only, a small Anglorum gente originem . . .’ rosette stamp. Size: 304 ¿ 205 ¿ 103 mm. Size of leaf: 288 ¿ A v ‘Vita sancte Cunere’. Incipit: ‘[C]um enim beata Ursula dini- 4 196 mm. nis(!) parens nutibus cum . . .’ Early marginal annotations, including corrections to the text, A r ‘Passio Benigni’. Incipit: ‘[E]odem tempore quo Aurelianus ad 6 and ‘nota’ marks, also underlining in the text in black ink; in the castrum cui nomen . . .’ last lives notes in a seventeenth-century hand remarking on the A v ‘De visitatione beate Marie’. Incipit:‘[F]estum visitationis beate 7 peoples visited by the saints in question. Foliation is supplied in Marie virginis . . .’ black ink: 1^417, with foliation numbers added, apparently in B v ‘De translatione corporis beati Martini’. Incipit: ‘[T]ranslatio 1 the same hand, to the table of contents, and as that which has corporis beati Martini facta est anno . . .’ added a note in German in an eighteenth-century(?) hand on F r. B v ‘De diuisione sanctorum apostolorum’. Incipit: ‘[F]estum diui- 5 2 On a r a seven-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in pale blue decorated sionis apostolorum vnde causam vel occasionem . . .’ 2 with acanthus scrolling in white on a black ground decorated B r ‘Vita sancti Frederici Traiectensis episcopi’. Incipit: ‘[S]anctus 5 with gold pen-work, all within a border of light green, dark Fredericus in gente Fresonum nobilis extitit . . .’ green, and yellow, and with a foliate extension into the margins B r ‘Passio sancti Panthaleonis’. Incipit: ‘[T]emporibus iniquissimi 7 in red, green, blue, pink, pale blue, white, and gold; on a v a six^ Maximiani erat in Nycomedia . . .’ 2 line initial ‘A’ is supplied in white edged with pink, and with red C r ‘Passio sanctarum virginum ¢dei spei et caritatis et sophie 1 pen-work decoration within the body of the letter; other two- to matris earum’. Incipit: ‘[T]emporibus Adriani imperatoris cum four-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, para- verbi dei predicatio. . .’ graph marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied in red. C r ‘De sancta Afra’. Incipit: ‘[A]pud prouintiam Retiam in ciuitate 3 Provenance: Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. Augusta . . .’ Bequeathed in 1834. C r ‘Vita sancte Clare’. Incipit: ‘[V]enerabilis Christi sponsa Clara 5 shelfmark: Douce 245. ex vrbe . . .’ v C6 ‘Vita sancti Gregorii Traiectensis episcopi’. Incipit: ‘[C]um sanctus BonifaciusTraiectensis episcopus ad Hessos . . .’ J-036 Jacobus de Voragine v C7 ‘De sancto Iusto’. Incipit: ‘[I]ustus adhuc puerulus temporibus Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Dyocleciani . . .’ Venetian version with the lives of S. Guilelmus and S. v C8 ‘Vita sancti Radbodi Traiectensis episcopi’. Incipit: Bernardinus. ‘[S]anctissimus vir Radbodus ab inclitis Francorum . . .’ a r ‘Prologus’. D v ‘Vita sancti Wyllibrordi’. Incipit: ‘[F]uit in Britannie insula 2 1 refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. prouincia Northanumbria . . .’ j-036^j-037] jacobus de voragine 1469

r a2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive legendas quos hoc nostro tempore varie dioceses venerantur non Lombardica historia. habet, dignum duximus etiam aliquas hic annectere ne quos dom- refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^iii (ending imperfectly), lvii (ending inus Ihesus Christus ob eorum maxima merita miraculis clarere imperfectly, chs 1^6 only), iv^xiv (ending imperfectly), xv^xvii et toti orbe innotescere voluit a nobis silentio pertranseantur.’ (ending imperfectly), xviii^xlvii, xlix^lvi, lviii^lxix (ending refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxviii, clxxxiii^clxxxxix (part, beginning imperfectly, chs 1^8 only), lx^lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii^cvi (ending imperfectly), cxc (with variant incipit), lxxi, cxcvi^ccxii. imperfectly), cvii^cxiii (ending imperfectly), cxiv^cxxxi, cxxxiv^ Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 11 Aug. 1478. Folio. cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxvii, clxix^clxxxii. 2 10 6 8 6 10 6 8 10 6.8 10 6 r collation: [* a^d e f g h^o p q s^z A B^E FG H ]. z4 [Additional legends.] C 6414 = 6413; Go¡ J-90; BMC II 416; Pr1987; BSB-Ink I-70; CIBN refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxviii, clxxxiii^clxxxviii. r J-68; Oates 991; Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 7; Polain 2188; Sack, h6 ‘De sancto Gulielmo’. Incipit: ‘[T]empore illo quo diuine placuit Freiburg, 1973; Seyboldt no. 20; Sheppard 1450^1. pietati anglorum gentem . . .’ v FIRST COPY t6 [Additional legends.] refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxc (with variant incipit), lxxi, cxcvi^ccxii. With the two preliminary leaves containing the table, as Polain, v but not included in the BMC collation. k4 ‘De sancto Bernardino’. Incipit: ‘[I]n ciuitate inclyta senarum que ciuitas est uirginis nuncupata . . .’ Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf, bound v for the Bodleian. Leather index tabs, some dyed red. Remains of k8 [Colophon.] r an early label bearing the author and the title of the work, now [*1 ] ‘Tabula’. attached to the front pastedown. Size: 427 ¿ 298 ¿ 67 mm. Size Venice: Christophorus Arnoldus, [not after 6 May] 1478. Folio. 10 8 10 8 4 10 8 10 8 10 8 2 of leaf: 411 ¿ 276 mm. collation: a^h i K k L l M m n o^t v x y z h m k [*] . Occasional early annotations,‘nota’marks, also alterations to the Leaf a signed a , a a , etc. 2 1 3 2 punctuation, and other corrections within the text. C 6415 = 6470; Go¡ J-89; BMC V 206; Pr 4216; BSB-Ink I-69; CIBN r On [a ] a ¢fteen-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in interlocked red and J-67; Oates 1688; Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 8; Seyboldt no. 19; 1 blue within a green pen-work frame, with £oral decoration within Sheppard 3386. the body of the letter in green, yellow, and red, and with pen-work COPY extensions into the margins in green, touched withyellow and red; Wanting the blank leaf a1, and [*2] containing the register. other three- and four-line initials, some with extensions into the Leaves a2 and [*1] are mounted. Leaf a9 is bound after i8. margins, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining are Binding: Eighteenth-century red morocco, each cover decorated supplied in red. with triple gold ¢llets; gold-tooled spine; yellow-edged leaves; Provenance: Maria Laach, Eifel, Benedictines, BVM and S. marbled pastedowns; green silk bookmark; bound by Weir for r Nikolaus; inscription on [*1 ] in a ¢fteenth-century hand: ‘Liber comte MacCarthy Reagh. Size: 283 ¿ 200 ¿ 47 mm. Size of sancte marie virginies in lacu in quarto mti’; ‘Liber monasterii leaf: 276 ¿ 182 mm. beate Marie virginis in Lacu in quo continetur Legenda aurea Bibliographical notes by Douce on the recto of the front endleaf. siue Speculum sanctorum que alio nomine dicitur Lombartica Two- to eight-line initials are supplied in red, blue, or interlocked historia edita a venerabili patre domino Jacobo cognomento red and blue; paragraph marks supplied in red or blue.The text is Voraginis episcopo Genuensi ordinis predicatorum’. Joseph enclosed within single red rules (by Mrs Weir). Chapter numbers r Niesert (1766^1841), 1820; inscription on [*1 ]: ‘Bibliothecae J. are supplied in black ink at the beginning of many of the legends. Niesert parochi in Velen. 1820’; sale (1843), lot 320. Purchased at Provenance: Justin, comte MacCarthy Reagh (1744^1811); sale Niesert’s sale for »1. 0. 0: see Books Purchased (1843), 51. (18 May 1789), lot 1043. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 1.24. book-plate; purchased at the MacCarthy sale for »0. 15. 0, with SECOND COPY Douce noted as the purchaser in his copy of the catalogue. Wanting the two preliminary leaves containing the table (see Bequeathed in 1834. above). shelfmark: Douce 201. Binding: Eighteenth-century mottled calf, with gold-tooled spine, and marbled pastedowns and edges. Size: 411 ¿ 291 ¿ J-037 Jacobus de Voragine 70 mm. Size of leaf: 401 ¿ 271 mm. On the two front endleaves is a manuscript index written in a ¢f- Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. teenth/sixteenth-century hand, presumably, in place of the Koberger version. printed table; on the back endleaves, 16 leaves of additional v [*1 ] ‘Premittitur legendarum tabula numero foliorum connotata’. legends and other material, followed by 5 leaves containing an r [a1 ] ‘Prologus’. index, both apparently written in the same ¢fteenth/sixteenth- refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. century hand; these have three- and four-line initials, paragraph r [a1 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive marks, and capital strokes are supplied in red. The additional Lombardica historia. legends and other material are: ed. Graesse nos ccxvii^ccxviii, refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^lix (sections1^8 only), lx^lxv, ccxiii^ccxvi, cxcv, [Bulla ‘Superni benignitas conditoris’ [9 Nov. lxvii^lxx, lxxii^cvi (ending imperfectly), cvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^ 1389]; MBR 4, 602^4], [Beda, Sermo; incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxvii, clxix^clxxxii. virgo semper Maria templum domini sacrarum . . .suus ¢lius v [E7 ] [Additional legends.] ‘Historia Lambardica explicit quam esset et dominus’], [Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Sept. Iacobus de Voragine frater ordinis predicatorum episcopus 1464]; incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad Ianuensis compilauit. Ipsa tamen quia multorum sanctorum futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati 1470 jacobus de voragine [j-037^j-039

vt ea que . . .’], [Bulla indulgentiarum’ [21 Jan. 1464]; incipit: dominus Ihesus Christus ob eorum maxima merita miraculis ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad id maxime versatur clarere ettoti orbe innotescere voluit a nobis silentio pertransean- nostra intentio vt . . .’], [Institutio festi [30 Aug. 1468]; incipit: tur.’ ‘Adolphus dei gratia sancte Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxviii, clxxxiii^clxxxxix (part, beginning rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam imperfectly), cxc (with variant incipit), lxxi, cxcvi^ccxii. propugnatricem . . .’],[De eodem festo; incipit:‘Que est ista puella Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 11 Apr. 1481. Folio. mater et virgo semper Maria . . . quoque intercedente participes collation: [a10 b6 c8 d e6 f^l8.8.6 m^o6 p^r8 s^x6 y8 z10 A8 BC6]. nos faciat glorie . . . Amen’], [untitled; incipit: ‘Rursum hec sol- C 6425; Go¡ J-97; BMC II 419; Pr 2000; BSB-Ink I-80; CIBN J-77; lemnitas alio modo alibi declaratur temporibus namque Karoli Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 18; Seyboldt no. 32; Sheppard 1462. regis Francorum . . .regnat deus per in¢nita secula seculorum. Amen’], [Anselmus [S. pseudo-], Extracts from Tractatus de con- COPY Binding: Eighteenth-century calf, each cover decorated with ceptione Mariae virginis; incipit: ‘Principium quo salus mundi triple gold ¢llets; gold-tooled spine, and marbled pastedowns. processit mihi considerare volenti occurrit hodierna . . . et opera- Size: 293 ¿ 211 ¿ 37 mm. Size of leaf: 288 ¿ 199 mm. tione construebatur’; PL CLIX 301^5], [Ex decreto concilii Occasional early marginal annotations, including comments on Basiliensis; incipit: ‘[S]acrosancta generalis sinodus Basiliensis the text, underlining in the text, and pen-trials. in spiritu sancto legittime congregata . . . hec sancta sinodus elar- On [a r] a sixteen-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in gold edged in black, gitur . . . Amen’, ed. Graesse nos clxxxix (part)]. Early marginal 2 on a blue ground edged in black, and within the body of the letter notes, including commentary on the text, corrections to the text, white £oral decoration on a pink ground; other two- to ¢ve-line short titles, extraction of key words, also ‘nota’ marks, pointing initials, some decorated within the body of the letter with pen- hands, numbers, and letters indicating the di¡erent paragraphs work of the other colour, paragraph marks, and line ¢llers in the of each legend. table of contents, are supplied in redorblue; capitals touchedwith On [a r] a ¢fteen-line south German initial ‘U’ is supplied in green 1 yellow wash. with acanthus scrolling, within a border of green and red deco- Provenance: Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735^1792); rated with yellow, on a ground of lozenge-shaped and triangular printed label of the sale (1789), part III lot 5945. In the annotated compartments with £owers in red and yellow, with £oral and foli- catalogue marked down to ‘Tetrode’ for Fl. 3, the equivalent of ate extensions into the inner and upper margins in red, blue, »0. 5. 3, according to the exchange rate used by Thomas Payne at green, grey, maroon, pink, and yellow, and with a £oral extension this sale. Augustin Legillon (£. 1809); printed book-label: ‘Ex into the central margin in red and green; other three- and four- libris Augustini Legillon Brugensis 1809’. J. T. Hand (£. 1834^ line initials, some with extensions into the margins, paragraph 1837); signatures on the recto of the front endleaf, and on [C r]; marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied in red. 6 purchased at his sale (1837), lot 269, for »0. 8. 6: see Books Provenance: Justin, comte MacCarthy Reagh (1744^1811); sale Purchased (1837), 40. (18 May 1789), lot 1046. Francis Douce (1757^1834); purchased shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 2.16. at MacCarthy’s sale, for »1. 0. 0, in Douce’s annotated copy of the sale catalogue; armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. shelfmark: Douce 297. J-039 Jacobus de Voragine THIRD COPY Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Not in Sheppard. Bound with A-168(5); see there for details of binding and provenance. Koberger version. v Leaf [x6] only. Size of fragment: 407 ¿ 278 mm. [a1 ] [Table of contents.] r Six paragraph marks are supplied in red on the verso. [a2 ] ‘Prologus’. shelfmark: Gibson 403(7). refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. r [a2 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive J-038 Jacobus de Voragine Lombardica historia. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^lix (sections1^8 only), lx^lxv, Koberger version. lxvii^lxx, lxxii^cvi (ending imperfectly), cvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^ cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxvii, clxix^clxxxii. v r [a1 ] [Table of contents.] [A2 ] [Additional legends.] ‘Historia Lambardica explicit quam r [a2 ] ‘Prologus’. Iacobus de Voragine frater ordinis predicatorum episcopus refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. Ianuensis compilauit. Ipsa tamen quia multorum sanctorum r [a2 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive legendas quos hoc nostro tempore varie dioceses venerantur non Lombardica historia. habet, dignum duximus etiam aliquas hic annectere ne quos dom- refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^lix (sections1^8 only), lx^lxv, inus Ihesus Christus ob eorum maxima merita miraculis clarere lxvii^lxx, lxxii^cvi (ending imperfectly), cvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^ et toti orbe innotescere voluit a nobis silentio pertranseantur.’ cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxvii, clxix^clxxxii. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxviii, clxxxiii^clxxxix (part, beginning r [A1 ] [Additional legends.] ‘Historia Lambardica explicit quam imperfectly), cxc, lxxi, cxcvi^ccxii. Iacobus de Voragine frater ordinis predicatorum episcopus Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 1 Oct. 1482. Folio. Ianuensis compilauit. Ipsa tamen quia multorum sanctorum collation: [a10 b6 c8 d e6 f g8 h6 i k8 l^o6 p^r8 s^x6 y8 z10 A8 BC6]. legendas quos hoc nostro tempore varie dioceses venerantur non C 6429; Go¡ J-103; BMC II 423; Pr 2025; BSB-Ink I-83; CIBN J-82; habet, dignum duximus etiam aliquas hic annectere ne quos Hillard 1117; Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 22; Seyboldt no. 38; Sheppard 1482. j-039^j-040] jacobus de voragine 1471

FIRST COPY from an early twelfth-century liturgical manuscript with musical Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, rebound for the notation, the slip between [B] and [C] being decorated in red, blue, Bodleian, but with the contemporary German blind-tooled calf and green. Size: 320 ¿ 227 ¿ 61 mm. lower cover laid down over the nineteenth-century one; rebacked. The front pastedown contains a list of expenses of a farm near On the lower cover ¢llets form concentric frames. Within the Vienna (Zieselmauer), written in two columns in German in a ¢f- outer frame is a cresting roll, within the middle frame a foliate teenth-century(?) hand. The rear pastedown contains part of a roll, and within the inner frame a foliate sta¡ roll. Further ¢llets calendar of blood-letting, from Mar. to Dec., written in two col- form the inner rectangle containing merrythoughts, each con- umns and dated 1479: ‘Martius. Feria quarta ante Gregory pra- taining a £euron. Size: 308 ¿ 225 ¿ 41 mm. Size of leaf: 297 ¿ eter nates. Dominico post Gregory optime praeter coxas. Feria 205 mm. quinta post Gregory optime praeter crura . . .’Also four lines of Occasional marginal annotations, including early ones in red ink. verse(?) in a ¢fteenth-century(?) hand in red: Incipit: ‘Quid valet ‘Maria hilpf’ in red in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century hand on [a r], 1 argumentum quid [ ] [damaged] > Cum breui fossa caro sanguis and ‘Et sic est ¢nis huius operis’ in red, perhaps in the hand of claudantur [damaged]’. r Pogner, on [A2 ]. Marginal notes in various ¢fteenth- to sixteenth-century hands, r On [a1 ] a sixteen-line stylized initial ‘U’ is supplied in blue and including comments on the text, corrections to the text, some green foliate decoration, with foliate extensions into the margins extraction of keywords,‘nota’ marks and numbers, and underlin- r in red, yellow, blue, green, and grey; other decoration, consisting ing in the text in black ink.Various notes on [a1 ] are by Alexander of stylized plants and birds, in the margins in the same colours. Bischo¡. Other three- to ¢ve-line initials, some with extensions into the Two- to sixteen-line initials, some with extensions into the mar- margins, paragraph marks, some rubrics, capital strokes, and gins, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining of the underlining are supplied in red. Rubrication by Erasmus Pogner, ¢rst line of each legend are supplied in red. r Landshut(?), c.1500; inscription on [C6 ]:‘Amen. Erasmus Pogner Provenance: Georgius Christophorus (sixteenth century?); de Lannd’’. r name on [a1 ]. Gundacker, Baron zu Polheim, Lichtenegg und r Provenance: Munich, Jesuits; inscription on [a1 ]: ‘Collegii Steinhaus (b. 1575). Alexander Bischo¡ (£. 1609); inscription on Societatis IESV Monachii’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, [a r]: ‘G. S. Ex dono illustris ac generosi domini domini r 1 Munich; shelfmark on [a1 ]: ‘134 Inc. Typ.’ Albert Cohn; Gundallaci baronis a Polhaimb in Kam Lichtenegg et Steinhaus Catalogue 159, either no. 320 or no. 321. Purchased from Cohn, duabus ibidem utriusque Engelhardstetten et Schneberg posses- 26 Apr. 1884, for either 18 or 15 Marks; see Library Bills; note in soris Sac. Ces. Reg. que Hung. Maj. consiliarii domini sancti r pencil (probably by Madan) on [a1 ]. Clementis jure me possidet Alexander Episcopus Lesnicensis shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.3. Libonotius [cancelled] anno reparat× salutis 1609 27 Novemb. SECOND COPY r In arce Kam.’ Abraham Daubel (À1664?); inscription on [a1 ]: Binding: Contemporary Austrian (1484) calf over wooden r ‘Sum Abrahami Daubl Neustadiensis ad Orilam’. Christian boards, bound by Brother Martinus in 1484 (inscription on [a1 ]: r Daubel (£. 1664); inscription on [a2 ]: ‘Iure h×reditaro me possi- ‘Frater Martinus de B legat 1484’); four corner-pieces, ¢ve bosses dere incepit Christianus Daubel,1664’. Charles Cli¡ord (£.1838); on each cover, and two clasps and catches lost. Formerly chained: r signature and date on [a1 ]. Albert Ehrman (1890^1969); pur- staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the lower cover. On both chased 9 June 1944 from Francis Edwards for »32. 0. 0; accession covers double ¢llets form an outer frame within which is repeated no.‘R225’. Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman. a scroll stamp ‘S. Maria ui[rgo?]’ and a larger scroll stamp, not shelfmark: Broxb. 33.1. read. Further double ¢llets form the inner rectangle within which is a kerbed rope-like ¢llet, and an inscription in Bavarian or Upper Austrian, which is continued in the scrolls inside the J-040 Jacobus de Voragine inner rectangle; the rectangle is also decorated with a repeated Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. circular £oral stamp. For the text of the scrolls and its language, and a discussion of the method of production from movable Koberger version. r type, see Go« tz von Selle, ‘Einba« nde mit Schriftba« ndern im ober- a1 [Title-page.] ‘Legenda aurea que alio nomine Lombarticavocita- o« sterreich-bayrischen Dialekt aus der zweiten Ha« lfte des xv. tur historia’. r Jahrhunderts’, Jahrbuch der Einbandskunst, 3/4 (1931), 32^7; for a2 ‘Prologus’. a description of a similar binding see Goldschmidt145, no.16. On refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. r the upper cover von Selle’s text 1^4 (3 now badly damaged/worn, a2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive 2 and 4 damaged/worn in places) forms the frame beginning in Lombardica historia. the upper left-hand corner, text 5 in the upper left-hand scroll, refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^lix (sections1^8 only), lx^lxv, text 6 in the lower left (now very worn), text 7 in the lower right lxvii^lxx, lxxii^cvi (ending imperfectly), cvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^ (worn), text 8 in the upper right scroll (slightly damaged). On the cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxvii, clxix^clxxxii. r lower cover texts 9^12 are in the frame beginning in the lower G3 [Additional legends.] ‘Historia Lambardica explicit quam right-hand corner (9 and 10 partly damaged, 11 very worn), text Iacobus de Voragine frater ordinis predicatorum episcopus 14 in the upper right-hand scroll, text 15 in the upper left-hand Ianuensis compilauit. Ipsa tamen quia multorum sanctorum scroll (slightly damaged), text 13 in the lower right-hand scroll, legendas quos hoc nostro tempore varie dioceses venerantur non and text 16 in the lower left-hand scroll (badly damaged). habet, dignum duximus etiam aliquas hic annectere ne quos dom- Parchment reinforcing slips in several gatherings: those between inus Ihesus Christus ob eorum maxima merita miraculis clarere gatherings [a] and [b], and between [B] and [C], have been taken et toti orbe innotescere voluit a nobis silentio pertranseantur.’ 1472 jacobus de voragine [j-040^j-041

r G3 [Additional legends.] ‘Historia Lambardica explicit quam name), xcvi^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^ Iacobus de Voragine frater ordinis predicatorum episcopus clxxxii. r Ianuensis compilauit. Ipsa tamen quia multorum sanctorum [T3 ] ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de Voragine episcopi legendas quos hoc nostro tempore varie dioceses venerantur non Januensis’. r habet, dignum duximus etiam aliquas hic annectere ne quos dom- [T3 ] [Additional legends.] ‘Sequuntur festiuitates et legende inus Ihesus Christus ob eorum maxima merita miraculis clarere adiuncte post Hystorie Lombardice ¢nem’. [Title from table of et toti orbe innotescere voluit a nobis silentio pertranseantur.’ contents.] refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxviii, clxxxiii^clxxxix (part, beginning refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. The title of the additional imperfectly), cxc (with variant incipit), lxxi, cxcvi^ccxii. legends occurs in the table of contents. r r K5 [Colophon.] [T4 ] Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium v K5 ‘Registrum’. [Table of contents.] papam 9 transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 6 Nov. 1492. Folio. tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- collation: a8 b^z A^K6. tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. C 6457; Go¡ J-130; BMC II 435; Pr 2077; BSB-Ink I-98; Pellechet, refs. MBR 4, 602^4. r ‘Voragine’, no. 52; Rhodes 988; Seyboldt no. 76; Sheppard 1515. [T6 ] Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria templum domini sacrarium . . .’ COPY [T v] [Additional legends.] Binding: Sixteenth-century half pigskin over wooden boards, 7 refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. with two clasps and catches lost. On both covers triple ¢llets [V v] Paulus II, Pont.Max.: Bulla‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 form an outer frame, within which is a cresting roll, and a roll 2 Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad showing the Annunciation, Baptism, Cruci¢xion, and futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt Resurrection, lettered ‘H. P.’ [Hans P¢ster, see Haebler, Rollen- ea que . . .’ und Plattenstempel, I 329, no. 1]. Further triple ¢llets form the [V r] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 inner rectangle which is decorated with the cresting roll. Initials 3 Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad of an owner stamped in gold on the upper cover within the inner id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ rectangle:‘I I S1585’. Size: 321 ¿ 222 ¿ 58 mm. Sizeof leaf: 300 ¿ [V v] Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius 203 mm. 3 festi’ [30 Aug.1468]. Incipit:‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Maguntine Occasional annotations, one dated1531, extracting key words, as sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis marginal headings. Manuscript index of saints with folio num- a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ bers, from Abdon to Franciscus, on the recto of the rear endleaf [V r] ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo in a seventeenth-century(?) hand. 4 semper Maria . . .’ Two- to eight-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, [V v] [Additional legends.] are supplied in red, blue, or interlocked red and blue; paragraph 5 refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxviii. marks supplied in red; underlining in red. [V v] ‘De sancta Barbara’. Incipit: ‘Temporibus Maximiani imper- Provenance: I. I. S.,1585 (binding, see above). Jugler family (per- 10 atoris erat quidam satrapa nomine Dyoscorus . . .’ haps Georg Jugler (1607^89)). Andreas Seidel (£. 1672^1706); [X r] [Additional legends.] inscription on a r: ‘Ex reliquiis bibliothec× Jugleriana compara- 2 1 refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxxxix (part). vit Andreas Seidel Culmbac. pastor Illschwang. in sup. [X v] Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de concep- Palatinatu 1706’. L. M. Koehler; inscription on a r: ‘Ex bib- 4 1 tione Mariae virginis.] liotheca L. M. Koehler. Sulzb. Palat.’ Duplicate from the Royal refs. PL CLIX 301^5. Library, Munich; ‘Duplum’ in black ink on the recto of the front [X r] ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘Sacrosancta generalis endleaf. Albert Cohn; Catalogue 159, either no. 326 or 327. 5 synodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime congregata . . . Purchased in 1884 from Cohn, 26 Apr., for 12 Marks; see Library Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem gloriosam repro- Bills. misit . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.11. r [X6 ] [Additional legends.] refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc. J-041 Jacobus de Voragine Ulm: Johann Zainer, [c.1478]. Folio. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. collation: [a^y10.8 z8 A^S10.8 T^X10]. With texts relating to Marian feasts. Type: 96 GA. 398 leaves, the last presumably blank, 3^397 num- v [a1 ] ‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renouationis’. bered 1^394, with errors; 2 columns in the table. 39 lines and v v [Table of contents.] headline ([a4 ]). Type area: 186 (192) ¿ 110 mm ([a4 ]). Woodcut r v [a3 ] ‘Prologus’. initials. Leaf [a1 ], table: ‘De fe|tiuitatibus que occur runt infra r > refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. txus renouacoš is’; [a3 ]: ‘Incipit prologus |uper legendam |anctok v [a3 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive quaq mpilauit fratš iacobus natione Ianueš sis ordinis fratruš predi- v > Lombardica historia. catok’; [a3 ], l. 11: ‘De fe|tiuitatibus qš occurrš t infra txs renouacoš is. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xiv (ending imperfectly), xv^xvii (end- qd’ repnš tat eccle|ia ab aduentu v|n ad ntš itatem dnš i. Et primo d’ > r ing imperfectly), xviii^xxviii, xxx^xlvii, xlix^lix (sections 1^8 > aduentu dnš i’;[T3 ] (numbered 368):‘Explicit legenda lombardica only), lx^lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii^xcv (with additional section on the iacobi de voragine epi|copi ianuen|is. De decem milibus mar- v > > tirum’; [X9 ], l. 8: ‘. . . quia ip|a otilia duobus modis martir > fuit voluntate et carnis maceratione. >> Finit feliciter.’ j-041^j-042] jacobus de voragine 1473

v C 6389; Go¡ J-87; Pr 2520; BSB-Ink I-73; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. [V8 ] Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius 72; Seyboldt no. 14; Sheppard 1815^16. festi’ [30 Aug.1468]. Incipit:‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Maguntine

COPY sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis Wanting the (presumably) blank leaf [X ], and probably two a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ 10 r gatherings containing the subject index and the preface; these [X1 ] ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo would account for the additional 14 leaves recorded by BSB-Ink. semper Maria . . .’ r Binding: Fifteenth/sixteenth-century leather over wooden [X3 ] [Additional legends.] boards; two catches lost, remains of one clasp.The lower portion refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxviii. v of the spine has been coloured white. Size: 292 ¿ 195 ¿ 122 mm. [X7 ] ‘De sancta Barbara’. Incipit:‘Temporibus Maximiani impera- Size of leaf: 271 ¿ 194 mm. toris erat quidam satrapa nomine Dyoscorus . . .’ r Each gathering is numbered in words at the end and catchwords [Y1 ] [Additional legends.] are supplied in black ink in a ¢fteenth-century hand. Early mar- refs. ed. Graesse, no. clxxxix (part). r ginal annotations and underlining in the text in red and black [Y4 ] Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de concep- ink, also some annotations in a sevententh-century(?) hand. tione Mariae virginis.] Note in German in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century hand on [X v]: refs. PL CLIX 301^5. 9 v ‘O wie fro ich was Das ich das ¢nis las’. [Y4 ] ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘Sacrosancta generalis Partial rubrication as far as gathering [q] only: paragraph marks, synodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legittime congregata . . . capital strokes, and underlining are supplied in red; printed initi- Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem gloriosam repro- als partly coloured in red. misit . . .’ r Provenance: Purchased from Albert Cohn, catalogue 159, no. [Y5 ] [Additional legends.] 314, 26 Apr. 1884, for 24 Marks; see Library Bills; pencil note by refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc. r Madan on the upper cover. [Z1 ] ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.1. alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius J-042 Jacobus de Voragine voluminis’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. v [Z1 ] [Subject index]. Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041, but with a Legenda 82 capitulo B. In principio . . .’ di¡erent collection of the legends. Ulm: Johann Zainer, [not after 1478]. Folio. A copy in the r [a2 ] ‘Prologus’. Newberry Library, Chicago, contains the date‘1478’ in a contem- refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. porary hand (see Go¡). v 10.8 8 10.8 10 12 8 6 8 [a2 ] ‘Incipiunt capitula feliciter. De tempore renouationis’. [Table collation: [a^s t v^z A^Q R S T^Y Z aa ]. of contents.] C 6390; Go¡ J-91; BMC II 529; Pr 2538; BSB-Ink I-71; CIBN J-70; r [a4 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no.67; Sack, Freiburg,1974; Seyboldt no. 23; Lombardica historia. Sheppard 1812.

refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xiv (ending imperfectly), xv^xlvii, xlix^ COPY lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii^lxxxiv, lxxxvi, lxxxv, lxxxvii^xciii, xciv Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. (with additional section on the name), xcvi, xcv, xcvii^cxxxi, r On [a4 ]: ‘Incipiunt . . .’. cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii (ending Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over imperfectly). wooden boards; four corner-pieces and a central boss from each r [T1 ] [Additional legends.] ‘Sequuntur festiuitates et legende cover, and two clasps and catches lost. On both covers quadruple adiuncte post Hystorie Lombardice ¢nem’. ¢llets form an intersecting double frame; within the outer is a refs. ed. Graesse, nos ccxvii^ccxviii, ccxiv, clxxxiii, cxcv. repeated large rosette stamp and a lozenge-shaped lamb-and- v [T7 ] Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium £ag stamp (Weale^Taylor pl. xix, no. 1); within the inner frame is Papam 9 transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- a repeated foliate stamp. Quadruple ¢llets form the inner rect- tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- angle which is divided by further quadruple ¢llets into triangular tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. compartments with a £euron and a small £ower-petal stamp. For refs. MBR 4, 602^4. a binding with similar stamps see Weale^Taylor no. 247. Size: r [V1 ] Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria 301 ¿ 200 ¿ 102 mm. Size of leaf: 288 ¿ 285 mm. templum domini sacrarium . . .’ Early marginal notes, including comments on the text, and point- v [V2 ] [Additional legends.] ing hands. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. Two-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, are sup- v [V7 ] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentacionis Marie ad tem- plied in red, in gatherings [Z] and [aa] only; paragraph marks, plum in Iherusalem’.Bulla‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Sept. some with extensions into the margins, running-numbers of 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad legends, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied in red. futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt Provenance: Seemannshausen, Bavaria, Augustinian Hermits, ea que . . .’ S. Maria Magdalena; two inscriptions on [a r] in seventeenth- r 2 [V8 ] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 century(?) hands: ‘Conuentus Seemanshusani ordinis Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad Erem[itarum] s[ancti] p[atris] Augustini’; ‘Ad conuentum id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ 1474 jacobus de voragine [j-042^j-044

Seemanshusanum’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem gloriosam repro- ‘Dpl’ in pencil on the front pastedown. Acquired between 1847 misit . . .’ v and c.1892; not found in Catalogus (1843), with Appendix. [AA3 ] [Additional legends.] shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.13. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ ccxviii. J-043 Jacobus de Voragine Strasbourg: [Georg Husner], 1479. Folio. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. collation: [ab8 c10 d^g8 h10 i^n8 o10 p q8 r6 s^y8 z6 AB8 C10 D^F8 With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041and J-042, G6 H^M8 N10 O^Q8 R6 S^V8 X10 Y6 Z8 AA6 BB8 CC DD10]. A B but with a di¡erent collection of the legends. Types:100 ,100 . Capital spaces.404 leaves, the ¢rst blank.40 lines ([c r]). Type area: 200 ¿ 124 mm ([c r]). Leaf [a r]: ‘Incipit tabula r 2 2 2 [a2 ] ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem |uper legen > dis |anctorum |ecundum or > dinem alphabeti col- alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit lecta. et primo premittitur prologj qui o|tendit modum reperi= modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius > > > endi materias contentas in > diuer|is locis huius volumi > nis >> voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in j v PROLOGVS >> [Q]Voniam |icut dicš y|idor > . . .’; [a2 ], col. 1: libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ ‘[A]Bcoš dita diuinitus ma= . . .’; [b r], col.1:‘Finit tabula feliciter’; v > 8 [a2 ] [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. r [DD10 ], last line of the colophon: ‘quadringente|imo|eptuage|i- Legenda octuagesimasecunda capitulo B. In principio . . .’ monono’, not as C. v [c1 ] ‘Prologus’. C 6417; Go¡ J-92; Pr 359; BSB-Ink I-74; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 9; refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. Sack, Freiburg, 1975; Seyboldt no. 24; Sheppard 299^300. r [c2 ] ‘Capitula’. ‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renouationis’. COPY Wanting the blank leaf [a ]. [c r] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive 1 4 Leaf [DD ] mutilated and mounted. The text in gathering [X] is Lombardica historia. 10 incorrectly imposed: the text on [X ] should be between [Y ] and refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, 8 6 [Z ]. lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional 1 Binding: Nineteenth-century blind- and gold-tooled calf. Size: section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, 309 ¿ 217 ¿ 67 mm. Size of leaf: 294 ¿ 204 mm. cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. Occasional early marginal annotations and pointing hands. [X v] ‘Quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. 6 Two- to seven-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. paragraph marks, capital strokes are supplied in red. [X v] Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium 7 Provenance: J. T. Hand (£. 1834^1837); signature on the recto of Papam 9 transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- the front endleaf; purchased at his sale (1837), lot 268, for »0.7.0: tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- see Books Purchased (1837), 40. tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 2.5. refs. MBR 4, 602^4. r [X8 ] ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo semper Maria . . .’ v J-044 Jacobus de Voragine [X9 ] Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria templum domini sacrarum . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. r [Y1 ] [Additional legends.] With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. J-043. v [Y5 ] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- r [a2 ] ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in ea que . . .’ r libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ [Y6 ] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 r [a2 ] [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad Legenda lxxxii capitulo B. In principio . . .’ id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ r v [b7 ] ‘Prologus’. [Y6 ] Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. festi’ [30 Aug.1468]. Incipit:‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Maguntine v [b7 ] ‘Capitula’. ‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis renouationis’. a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ r v [c1 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive [Z1 ] [Additional legends.] Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). v refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, [Z8 ] Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de concep- lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional tione Mariae virginis.] section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, refs. PL CLIX 301^5. r cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. [AA1 ] ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosancta gener- r [T4 ] ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de Voragine episcopi alis sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime congregata . . . Januensis’. r [T5 ] ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. j-044^j-045] jacobus de voragine 1475

r r r r refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. Partial rubrication on [a2 ^a3 ], [b7 ], and [c1 ] only: three- to v [T5 ] Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium seven-line initials, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and under- Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- lining are supplied in red. tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- Provenance: Rott am Inn, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Marinus et r tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. Anianus; inscription within the body ofthe initial ‘Q’on [a2 ]:‘FF. refs. MBR 4, 602^4. Benedd. Oeno-Rothensium’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, r [T7 ] Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria Munich; ‘Duplum’ in black ink on front pastedown. Purchased templum domini sacrarum . . .’ from Albert Cohn; catalogue 159, no. 318 for 24 Marks; see v [T8 ] [Additional legends.] Library Bills, 26 Apr. 1884. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf.1.2. r [V5 ] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- SECOND COPY plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Bound in a modern guard-book of fragments. Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad Fragment. futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt Leaf [bb7] only, heavily cropped, and lacking the printed running ea que . . .’ folio number. v [V5 ] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Not in Sheppard. Size of fragment: 207 ¿ 134 mm. Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad Provenance and date of acquisition unknown. id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ shelfmark: Inc. b. G97.1(12). v [V5 ] Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius festi’ [30 Aug.1468]. Incipit:‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Maguntine J-045 Jacobus de Voragine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ r With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as [V6 ] ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo semper Maria . . .’ J-043. v r [V7 ] [Additional legends.] [a2 ] ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit r [X6 ] Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de concep- modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius tione Mariae virginis.] voluminis’. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in refs. PL CLIX 301^5. libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ v r [X6 ] ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit: ‘[S]acrosancta gener- [a2 ] ‘Tabula’. [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus mani- alis sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legittime congregata . . . festantur. Legenda lxxxii capitulo B. In principio . . .’ r Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem gloriosam repro- [b7 ] ‘Prologus’. misit . . .’ refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. r v [x7 ] [Additional legends.] [b7 ] ‘Capitula’. ‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ renouationis’. r ccxviii. [c1 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive [Strasbourg: Printer of the 1481 ‘Legenda aurea’], 1481. Folio. Lombardica historia. collation: [a b8 c10 d^z A^Z aa bb8]. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, C 6423; Go¡ J-99; BMC I 96; Pr 412; BSB-Ink I-79; CIBN J-79; lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 17; Sack, Freiburg, 1977^8; Seyboldt no. section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, 34; Sheppard 338. cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. r [ss3 ] ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de Voragine episcopi FIRST COPY Januensis’. Wanting the blank leaf [bb ]. 8 [ss r] ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled red sheep over 3 refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. wooden boards, with two bosses, four corner-pieces, two catches, [ss r] Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium and two clasps, all lost. On both covers single ¢llets form an inter- 4 Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- secting double frame. Within the outer frame is a repeated tear- tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- drop-shaped dragon stamp and a rectangular dragon(?) stamp. tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. Further single ¢llets form the inner rectangle which is divided refs. MBR 4, 602^4. into triangular compartments by single ¢llets forming a saltire [ss v] Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria cross. These and the cross are decorated with the tear-drop dra- 5 templum domini sacrarum . . .’ gon stamp and a lozenge-shaped £ower-petal stamp. All stamps [ss v] [Additional legends.] badly worn. Size: 310 ¿ 221 ¿ 100 mm. Size of leaf: 298 ¿ 6 refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. 203 mm. [tt v] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- Occasional early marginal annotations, including, on [F r], a dia- 2 7 plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 gram showing the relationship of various ¢gures, such as Anna, Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad Maria, and Jesus; also pointing hands. Early manuscript titles in futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt black ink in a cursive hand on [a r] and in a gothic text-hand 1 ea que . . .’ across the fore-edge. 1476 jacobus de voragine [j-045^j-046

r [tt3 ] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 or15 Marks; see Library Bills; pencil note by Madan on the inside Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad of the upper cover. id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.4. v [tt3 ] Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius festi’ [30 Aug.1468]. Incipit:‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Maguntine J-046 Jacobus de Voragine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. r [tt4 ] ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as semper Maria . . .’ J-043. r [tt5 ] [Additional legends.] v a1 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). v alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit [vv3 ] Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de concep- modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius tione Mariae virginis.] voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in refs. PL CLIX 301^5. r libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ [vv4 ] ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit: ‘[S]acrosancta gener- v a1 [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. alis sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legittime Legenda lxxxii capitulo B. In principio . . .’ congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem r b8 ‘Prologus’. gloriosam repromisit . . .’ v refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. [vv4 ] [Additional legends.] v b8 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ tionis’. ccxviii. r c2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive [Strasbourg: Printer of the 1481 ‘Legenda Aurea’], 1482. Folio. Lombardica historia. collation: [a^y8 z6 aa^cc8 dd6 ee^hh8 ii6 kk ll8 mm6 nn^yy8 refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, zz10]. Collation as Oates; the BMC collation records gatherings lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional [ll] and [mm] as a single gathering of 14 leaves. section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, R 1109; Go¡ J-104; BMC I 97; Pr 415; BSB-Ink I-81; CIBN J-83; cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. v Oates 175; Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 19; Rhodes 980; Sack, P5 ‘Explicit Legenda Lombartica Jacobi de Voragine episcopi Freiburg, 1980; Seyboldt no. 39; Sheppard 340. Januensis’. v COPY P5 ‘Seqquntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled calf over wooden refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. r boards; central boss, corner-pieces, and two catches and clasps P6 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenorbulle per Bonifacium Papam lost; rebacked with pigskin. On both covers double ¢llets form ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visitationis an intersecting double frame; within the outer is a lozenge-shaped beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla‘Superni benignitas con- £eur-de-lis stamp and a small £ower-petal stamp.The inner rect- ditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. angle is divided by further triple ¢llets into lozenge-shaped and refs. MBR 4, 602^4. v triangular compartments containing the £eur-de-lis stamp or a P7 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria small £ower-petal stamp.The upper board is cracked; the stamps templum domini sacrarum . . .’ v are too worn for identi¢cation. Size: 291 ¿ 210 ¿ 93 mm. Size of P8 [Additional legends.] leaf: 271 ¿ 204 mm. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. r-v Q v Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad On [a1 ] is the legend of S. Magnus, Bishop of Trani, written in a 4 ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century hand, entitled ‘De sancto Magno tepleš uš (!) in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 legenda’, and with incipit ‘Igitur ad [ ]a dei beatus Magnus in Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad Apulie partibus vnicus suis parentibus ortus est . . .’; there is a futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt relic of S. Magnus in the parish church of Termes, in the diocese ea que . . .’ v of Mende, which is dedicated to the saint: see BS VIII, 551^8. Q4 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Early marginal annotations in red or black, including ‘nota’ Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad marks and pointing hands. id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ r Five- and six^line initials‘Q’and‘A’, with extensions into the mar- Q5 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius r r festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte gins, are supplied in red on [a2 ] and [c1 ] respectively; paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining supplied in red. Early Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis manuscript chapter numbers: 1^214; early foliation numbers in deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ v black ink. Part of the title (‘Lombardica’) written in an early Q5 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit:‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- hand on the lower edge. per Maria . . .’ v Provenance: Abensberg, Bavaria, Carmelites; inscription on Q6 [Additional legends.] [a r] in a sixteenth-century(?) hand: ‘Carmeli Abenspergani’. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). 2 r Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Duplum’ on the R4 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione recto of the front endleaf. Albert Cohn; catalogue 159, either no. Mariae virginis.] 320 or no. 321. Purchased from Cohn, 26 Apr. 1884, for either 18 refs. PL CLIX 301^5. v R4 ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosancta generalis sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legittime j-046^j-047] jacobus de voragine 1477

congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, gloriosam repromisit . . .’ lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional r R5 [Additional legends.] section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. v ccxviii. [M3 ] ‘Quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. [Reutlingen: Michel Grey¡], 1483. Folio. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. r 6 8 6 8 10 6 8 6 8 [M4 ] Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium collation: a b c^k l^n o^t v x y z A^D E^T [V] . Leaf d3 Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- signed c3, r2 signed q2. CR, Supplement,6432; Go¡ J-109; Pr 2720; BSB-Ink I-84; Pellechet, tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- ‘Voragine’, no. 27; Polain 4480; Sack, Freiburg,1981; Seyboldt no. tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. 47; Sheppard 1957. refs. MBR 4, 602^4. r [M5 ] Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria COPY templum domini sacrarum . . .’ Wanting gatherings y and z. [M r] [Additional legends.] Leaf a backed. Gathering A is bound after gathering B. 6 1 refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. Gathering [V] is unsigned. [N r] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- Leafa v (not a v as R):‘Incipit tabula . . .’; b r, col.1, l. 2:‘. . . vnnš ’. 1 1 2 8 > plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Binding: Contemporary German (Augsburg, KyriÞ workshop Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad no. 83) blind-tooled calf, with covers laid down over nineteenth- futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt century calf; rebacked. On the upper cover ¢llets form concentric ea que . . .’ frames; within the outer frame is a cresting and £oral roll (KyriÞ [N v] Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 pl. 169, no. 1); triple ¢llets form the inner rectangle containing 1 Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad merrythoughts, each with a £euron. On the lower cover ¢llets id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ form concentric frames; within the inner frame is the cresting [N v] Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius and £oral roll; further triple ¢llets form the inner rectangle, 1 festi’ [30 Aug.1468]. Incipit:‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Maguntine which is decorated like that on the upper cover. Size: 287 ¿ 211 ¿ sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis 55 mm. Size of leaf: 274 ¿ 193 mm. a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ Some marginal annotations and underlining in the text in black [N r] ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo ink. Manuscript title on a r. Note in a sixteenth-century hand on 2 1 semper Maria . . .’ [V v]: ‘Dialogi pueriles nomenclaturass(!) rerum domesticarum 8 [N r] [Additional legends.] continentes in usum schole Neotinge Bauarice per Symonem 3 refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). Roth Luduic[ ] in hunc ordinem redacti anno etc. 56’. For Simon [N r] Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de concep- Roth see e.g. Janus Anisius, Sententiae senariis conscriptae versi- 8 tione Mariae virginis.] bus... puerilibusscholiisillustrataeperSimonem Roth (Dillingen, refs. PL CLIX 301^5. 1562). [N r] ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit: ‘[S]acrosancta gener- Provenance: Gars, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, BVM; 8 alis sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime inscription on a r: ‘Monasterii S. Mari× Virginis in Gars’. Albert 1 congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem Cohn; catalogue 159, no. 322. Purchased from Cohn, 26 Apr. gloriosam repromisit . . .’ 1884, for 18 Marks; see Library Bills. [N v] [Additional legends.] shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.5. 8 refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ ccxviii. J-047 Jacobus de Voragine Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 1483. Folio. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. 8 6 8 8.6 8.6 8 With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as collation: [a b c d e^y z A^L M^Q ]. 280 leaves. Polain records 282 leaves. J-043. C 6430; Go¡ J-107; Pr 586; BSB-Ink I-85; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. r [a1 ] [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia’. 28; Polain 2196; Sack, Freiburg, 1982; Seyboldt no. 45; Sheppard r [a2 ] ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem 454. alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit COPY modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in wooden boards, with ¢ve metal bosses on each cover, and two libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ metal clasps and catches. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a r [a2 ] [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. hasp at the head of the lower cover. On both covers triple ¢llets Legenda octuagesimasecunda capitulo B. In principio . . .’ form an outer frame, within which is a repeated lozenge-shaped r [b5 ] ‘Prologus’. £oral stamp.Triple ¢llets form an inner frame, with further triple refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. ¢llets dividing the area enclosed into lozenge-shaped compart- v [b5 ] ‘Capitula’. ‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus ments, containg a large circular rosette stamp, a small circular renouationis’. fylfot stamp, a small £ower-petal stamp, or a £euron.Triple ¢llets r [c1 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive form the inner rectangle with a repeated small £ower-petal stamp Lombardica historia. 1478 jacobus de voragine [j-047^j-048

r and a repeated foliate stamp. Remains of a sixteenth-century(?) K1 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius manuscript label at the head of the spine. Size: 321 ¿ 220 ¿ festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte 71 mm. Size of leaf: 303 ¿ 202 mm. Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis Signatures are supplied in black ink in a ¢fteenth-century hand, deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ r most now shaved o¡. Drawing in black ink of the head of a ¢gure K1 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit:‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- r wearing a hat on [x1 ]. per Maria . . .’ v Two- to ¢ve-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, K2 [Additional legends.] paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). r in red. K7 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione Provenance: Fribourg, Switzerland, Franciscans; inscription on Mariae virginis.] r [a1 ]: ‘Fratrum Minorum Conuentualium S. Francisci Friburgi refs. PL CLIX 301^5. r Heluetiorum’. Purchased for »1.1. 0: see Books Purchased (1852), K7 ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosancta generalis 93. sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime congregata . . . shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.31. Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem gloriosam repro- misit . . .’ v J-048 Jacobus de Voragine [K7 ] [Additional legends.] refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. ccxviii. With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg J-043. Husner)], 4 May 1485. Folio. Title transcription and collation in r 11 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia que a plerisque Aurea legenda CIBN. sanctorum appellatur.’ collation: 1 2 a^z A^G8.6 H10 I^M6.8 N8. r A B 12 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem Types:160G, 91 G, 91 G; 2 columns. 270 leaves, 234 and 270 blank. r r alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit 47 lines, with headlines (a1 ). Type area: 216 (229) ¿ 141 mm (a1 ). r modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius Leaf11 , title:‘Lombardica hi|toria que a pleri|n Aurea legenda r > > voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in |aš ctorum ap- pellatur.’; 12 : ‘Incipit tabula |uper legendas v > r > libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ |ctoš k . . .’; 24 : ‘Finit tabula feliciter. 25 . Incipit prologus |u- per r v r > 12 [Subject index.] ‘Tabula legendarum’. Incipit:‘[A]bscondita diui- legendas |anctok . . .’; 25 : ‘Incipiunt capitula. a1 . Incipit legenda v nitus manifestantur. Legenda octuagesimasecunda capitulo B. In |ctoš k que lombar dica no|š atur hi|toria . . .’; H9 :‘Explicit legenda > r v principio . . .’ The title is expressed in the running heading. lom bardica . . .’; I1 : ‘Sequuš tur quedaq legende . . .’; N7 : r > > 25 ‘Prologus’. ‘Expliciuš t quoruš / > dam |anctok legende adiuš cte post > refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. Lombardicam hi|toriaq. Impre||e Argeš tine Anno dnš i. v > 25 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- M.cccclxxxv > Finite in die |ancti Floriani marty > ris.’ tionis’. C 6443; Go¡ J-110; Pr 600; CIBN J-88; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 37 r a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive bis; Pellechet MS. 6493 (6469); Seyboldt no. 50; Sheppard 459^ Lombardica historia. 60.

refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, COPY lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf, bound section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, for the Bodleian. Size: 316 ¿ 228 ¿ 47 mm. Size of leaf: 300 ¿ cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. 200 mm. v H9 [First colophon.] On1 r a ¢ve-line initial ‘Q’and on a r a four-line initial ‘A’are sup- r 2 1 I1 ‘Quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. plied in blue with reserved white decoration, within a red pen- refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. work border, and, within the body of the letter, red pen-work v I1 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenorbulle per Bonifacium Papam touched with green, and with red pen-work extensions, touched ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visitationis r with green and blue, into the margins; on 25 a six^line initial ‘U’ beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla‘Superni benignitas con- is supplied in blue with reserved white decoration, and decorated ditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. with red pen-work within the body of the letter; other two- to six^ refs. MBR 4, 602^4. line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; capi- v I2 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria tal strokes and underlining in red. templum domini sacrarum . . .’ Provenance: Joseph Niesert (1766^1841), 1805; inscription on I v [Additional legends.] r 3 11 : ‘Bibliothecae Josephi Niesert pastoris in Velen. 1805’; sale refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. (1843), lot 1521; purchased for »0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased v I6 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- (1843), 51. plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 2.31. Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt ea que . . .’ v I6 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ j-049^j-050] jacobus de voragine 1479

J-049 Jacobus de Voragine refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. ccxviii. Reutlingen: [Johann Otmar], 1485. Folio. With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as 8 6 8 6.8 8 6.8 J-043. collation: a b c^e f^n o p^z A^X . Types: 175G, title, headlines, ¢rst line of legends; 95G. Capital r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia.’ spaces. The headlines give the titles and numbers of the legends. a r ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem r 2 312 leaves, the last blank; 2 columns. 45 lines and headlines (c1 ). r r alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit Type area: 210 (222) ¿ 136 mm (c1 ). a1 , title: ‘Lombardica modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius r hi|toria’; a2 : ‘Incipit tabula |ux legeš das |anctok > vm ordineš voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in r alphabeti collecta’; b5 : ‘Incipit prologus |uper legeš das |an > libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ ctorum quas collegit in vnum frater Ja cobus ianuen|is ordinis r r > a2 [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. fratrum predica torum’;c1 :‘Incipit legenda |anctoruš que lombar > v Legenda lxxxii capitulo B. In principio . . .’ dica nominatur hi|toria’; P8 : ‘Explicit legenda lombardica Ja- r > r> b5 ‘Prologus’. cobi de voragine ordinis predicatorum epi|copi ianuen|is’; Q1 : > v refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a qui- bu|dam alijs suxaddite’; X7 , v > b ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- 5 colophon: ‘Expliciunt quo > rundam |anctorum legende ad > tionis’. iuncte po|t Lombardicam hy- |toriaš . Impre||e in Reuttlingeš r > > c1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Anno dnš i. M.cccclxxxv.’ Lombardica historia. C 6440; Go¡ J-113; Pr 2708; BSB-Ink I-87; CIBN J-89; Pellechet, refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, ‘Voragine’, no. 33; Sack, Freiburg, 1983^4; Seyboldt no. 55; lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional Sheppard 1973^4. section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, COPY cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. Binding: Sixteenth-century German plain pigskin over wooden P v ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de Voragine episcopi 8 boards; clasp lost, remains of catch. Label on the spine bearing Januensis’. r the title in a sixteenth-century(?) hand. Size: 308 ¿ 215 ¿ 93 mm. Q1 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. Size of leaf: 289 ¿ 199 mm. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. v Two parchment endleaves, written in the same ¢fteenth/six- Q1 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium teenth-century hand, from the same legal document in German Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- mentioning ‘Wendelin Stattamann zu Rauenspurg’ and ‘Conrat tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- Baldrich’. tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. The title is supplied in manuscript in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-cen- refs. MBR 4, 602^4. r v tury hand on a1 . Q2 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria Partial rubrication: two- to six^line initials, some with extensions templum domini sacrarum . . .’ v into the margins, are supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks Q4 [Additional legends.] and capital strokes are supplied in red. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. r Provenance: Weissenau, Wu« rttemberg, diocese of Konstanz, R1 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie virginis r Premonstratensians, SS. Petrus et Paulus; inscription on a1 , ad templum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ pasted over: ‘Monasterii Augi× Minoris’. Bonaventura Brem [16 Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei (1755^1818); armorial book-plate. Joseph Baer & Co., 143. ad futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati Lager-Catalog (1884), no. 339; no. on the inside of the upper vt ea que . . .’ v cover. Purchased in 1884 from Baer for 10 Marks; see Library R1 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Bills; pencil note on the inside of the upper cover. Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf.1.6. id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ r R2 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte J-050 Jacobus de Voragine Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ v With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as R2 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit:‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- per Maria . . .’ J-043. r r R3 [Additional legends.] [a1 ] [Title-page.] ‘Legenda sanctorum aliis Lombardica historia’. r refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). [a2 ] ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem v R8 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit Mariae virginis.] modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius refs. PL CLIX 301^5. voluminis’. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in r S1 ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit: ‘[S]acrosancta generalis libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ r sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime congregata . . . [a2 ] [Subject index.] ‘Tabula’. Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus mani- Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem gloriosam repro- festantur. Legenda octuagesimasecunda capitulo B. In princi- misit . . .’ pio . . .’ The title is expressed in the running heading. v r S1 [Additional legends.] [b5 ] ‘Prologus’. 1480 jacobus de voragine [j-050^j-051

refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. ‘papa’ has been cancelled or erased, as have the references to S. v v r [b5 ] ‘Capitula’. ‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus Thomas of Canterbury; on e2 ^e3 the whole of his story has renouationis’. been cancelled, line by line, in black ink; corrections in red on r v v c1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive s4 . On O6 two lists, in a sixteenth-century English hand, relating Lombardica historia. to the sale of sheep, giving, in the ¢rst list, the names of vendors refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, and the number of sheep sold: ‘John Roude vend. iii hoggs > John lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional Palmer vendvii hoggs > John Luyscombe vend. iii owes & ii agnell’ section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, > John Palmer ¢t Eli[ ] Tuclervend. iii hoggs > John Roude vend. in cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. ii hoggs Henry Grene vend. in iiii hoggs W.Luscombe vend. in r > > K1 ‘Quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. iiii hoggs > Thomas Michalson vend. in > John Palmer vend in ii’; refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. and, in the second list, a table of payments: ‘Item [ ] ii weders p’c - v K1 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium iiii s iiii d > Item iweddyr ii [ ] - v s vi d > Itemviiweddyrs p’c- xiiii s > Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- Item iiiiweddyrs iii hoggs -xiiii s [ ] > Item de John Roude ii hoggs - tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- xl d > Item de Henry Grene iiii hoggs - viii s > Item deW.Luscombe tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. iii hoggs - v s ii d > Item deThomas Rebe sheperd ii hoggs - iii s v d > refs. MBR 4, 602^4. Item deWoLuscombe i scherhoke -xviii d Item de John Palmer ii v > K2 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beati dei genitrix virgo semper Maria scherhoggs - iii s ii d > 3 li. 2 s 2 d > Item de Eli[ ] Mosto[ ] xx > Item templum domini sacrarum . . .’ de R[ ]re deWolmerthington(?) ix agnell’ - xxxiii s iiii d p’c - [ ]’. v > K2 [Additional legends.] Provenance: In England by 1530s/1540s; cancellation of the refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. story of S. Thomas (see above). English provenance; lists relating r r K6 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- to sheep farming (see above); also note in English on v1 . Robert plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Burton (1577^1640)(?); Kiessling, Robert Burton, no. 1675 notes Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad that this was ‘probably’ the copy owned by Burton; listed in the futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt Benefactors’ Register I 358. Probably bequeathed by Burton in ea que . . .’ 1640. v K6 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Former Bodleian shelfmarks: I 3. 7 Th; I 3. 7 Med.(?) Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad shelfmark: Auct.1Q 3.5. id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ SECOND COPY v K6 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius Wanting [a1], [t5], and the blank leaf [O6]. festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Binding: Seventeenth-century German sheep over wooden Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis boards with two metal catches and remains of two clasps; red- deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ edged leaves. On both covers ¢llets form concentric frames. r K7 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit:‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- Within the outer frame is a foliate and £oral roll, and within the per Maria . . .’ inner frame is a foliate roll.Triple ¢llets form an innner rectangle r K8 [Additional legends.] with an ornamental centre-piece and, at each corner, an orna- refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). mental stamp. At the foot of the spine is a painted label bearing r L4 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione the letter ‘I’. Size: 258 ¿ 189 ¿ 61mm. Sizeof leaf: 250 ¿ 175 mm. Mariae virginis.] Early marginal annotations, including comments on and correc- refs. PL CLIX 301^5. tions to the text, and pointing hands. v L4 ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosancta generalis Two- to ¢ve-line initials are supplied in blue, red, or interlocked sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legittime congregata . . . red and blue; paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem gloriosam repro- are supplied in red. misit . . .’ Provenance: Henricus Embrice (£.1544). Bo« ddeken, Paderborn, r L5 [Additional legends.] Westphalia, Augustinian Canons Regular, S. Meinolphus; ¢f- r refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ teenth/sixteenth-century inscription on [a2 ]: ‘Liber canoni- ccxviii. corum regularium monasterii sancti Meinulphi in Bodeken Basel: Nicolaus Kesler, 25 June 1486. Folio. Paderbronensi diocesi ad vsum fratris Henrici Embrice’. Joseph collation: [a b6] c^f8.6 g8 h^z8.6 A6 B^N8.6 O6. Niesert (1766^1841), 1816; inscription on the verso of the front C 6446; Go¡ J-114; BMC III 763; Pr 7655; BSB-Ink I-89; CIBN J-91; endleaf: ‘Bibliothecae J. Niesert pastoris in Velen 1816’; sale Pellechet,‘Voragine’,no.39; Sack, Freiburg,1985; Seyboldt no.57; (1843), lot 1519, with the imprint given as [Basel: Kessler, 1480?]. Sheppard 2470^1. Purchased in 1843 at Niesert’s sale for »0. 8. 6: see Books Purchased (1843), 51. FIRST COPY shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.19. Binding: Blind-tooled reversed calf, English c.1700. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at head of the upper cover. The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Lower board J-051 Jacobus de Voragine detached. Size: 300 ¿ 218 ¿ 66 mm. Size of leaf: 292 ¿ 201 mm. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Some early marginal annotations, including commentary on the With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as text, and corrections to the text in black ink, also a note in English J-043, but di¡erent additional legends at the end. on v r giving the translation of the Latin word ‘cloaca’. The word 1 r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica hystoria.’ j-051^j-052] jacobus de voragine 1481

v a1 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem decorated with the rosette stamp, and at the head are the remains alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit ofa manuscript label; the number ‘133’ is painted in red at the tail. modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius Size: 290 ¿ 200 ¿ 120 mm. Size of leaf: 273 ¿ 190 mm. voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in Occasional early marginal annotations, including corrections to libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ the text, and underlining in the text in black ink. v a1 [Subject index.] ‘Registrum alphabeticum’. Incipit: Three- to ¢ve-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. Legenda lxxxii capitulo are supplied in red; paragraph marks, capital strokes, and under- B. In principio . . .’ The title is expressed in the running heading. lining supplied in red as far as gathering A. v b6 ‘Prologus’. Provenance: Thierhaupten, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Petrus et r refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. Paulus; inscription on a1 : ‘Thierhaupten’. Albert Cohn; cata- r b7 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- logue 159, no. 323. Purchased from Cohn, 26 Apr. 1884, for 22 r tionis’. Marks; see Library Bills; pencil note by Madan on a1 . r c1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf.1.7. Lombardica historia. SECOND COPY refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, Leaf GG10 mutilated. lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional Binding: Contemporary German (KyriÞ workshop no. 36?) section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, blind-tooled half pigskin over wooden boards, with one metal cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. clasp and two metal catches. On both covers triple ¢llets form a v DD1 ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de Voragine episcopi rectangle which is divided by further triple ¢llets into rectangular Januensis’. compartments, containing a large rosette stamp (perhaps KyriÞ r DD2 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. pl. 81, no. 7) and a lozenge-shaped holy face stamp (perhaps refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. KyriÞ pl. 81, no. 6), both stamps attributed to the Benedictines of r DD3 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium Wiblingen (KyriÞ workshop no. 36). The corners of the upper Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- cover are damaged. Size: 288 ¿ 205 ¿ 100 mm. Size of tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- leaf: 275 ¿ 190 mm. tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. The rear pastedown is a sheet, with one leaf signed H, from an refs. MBR 4, 602^4. illustrated printed (sixteenth-century(?)) edition of Guilelmus v DD4 Beda: Sermo. Incipit:‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria Parisiensis, Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia. templum domini sacrarum . . .’ Early notes on the front pastedown; occasional early marginal r DD6 [Additional legends.] annotations. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. Provenance: Adam Harsch (¢fteenth/sixteenth century); r EE3 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie virginis inscription on front pastedown: ‘Sum Adami Harsch. Deus pro- ad templum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ tector meus’. Revd Sir William Henry Cope (1811^1892), 12th Bt; [16 Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei anonymous engraved armorial book-plate, with motto: ‘Aequo ad futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati adeste animo’: see Howe, Book Plates, 6824; sale, London: vt ea que . . .’ Puttick & Simpson, 27 July 1893, lot 1050. Thomas Baker (£. v EE3 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 1877^1904); ticket on the front pastedown. Paget Jackson Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad Toynbee (1855^1932); name in pencil on the front pastedown. id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ Donated or bequeathed byToynbee. r EE4 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius shelfmark: Toynbee 1109. festi’ [30 Aug.1468]. Incipit:‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis J-052 Jacobus de Voragine a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ [Additional legends.] Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi, clxxxix (part), cxc, lxxi, cxcvi^ With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as cxcvii, cxcix, cc, ccii^ccvii, ccx, ccxi, ccxiv. J-043. r Ulm: Conrad Dinckmut, 1488. Folio. 11 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia que a plerisque Aurea legenda collation: a b8 c^z A^Z AA^FF8 GG10. sanctorum appellatur.’ r C 6449; Go¡ J-121; BMC II 536; Pr 2570; Amelung, Fru« hdruck,I 12 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem 118; BSB-Ink I-91; CIBN J-94; Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 45; alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit Seyboldt no. 65; Sheppard 1849. modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius

FIRST COPY voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ r wooden boards, with a central boss, four corner-pieces, two 12 [Subject index.] ‘Tabula legendarum’. Incipit:‘[A]bscondita diui- catches, and one clasp lost. On both covers triple ¢llets form an nitus manifestantur. Legenda octuagesimasecunda capitulo B. In outer frame within which is a scroll stamp and a small round principio . . .’ The title is expressed in the running heading. r rosette stamp. Triple ¢llets form an inner rectangle which is 25 ‘Prologus’. divided by further triple ¢llets into lozenge-shaped and triangular refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. v compartments each containg the rosette stamp. The spine is 25 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- tionis’. 1482 jacobus de voragine [j-052^j-053

r a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive stamp and a small £oral stamp. Fillets form an inner rectangle, Lombardica historia. within which is an ornamental roll; the rectangle is divided into refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, two square compartments, those on the upper cover being further lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional divided into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, and section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, containing the star stamp and a small circular £eur-de-lis stamp; cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. and those on the lower cover being divided into four triangular r H5 [First colophon.] ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de compartments, each with the small £oral stamp. Remains of a Voragine ordinis predicatorum episcopi Januensis Impressa paper label on the spine. Size: 293 ¿ 201 ¿ 70 mm. Size of Argentine anno domini Mccccxxxix. Finita altera die sancti leaf: 282 ¿ 191 mm. Mathie apostoli. Sequuntur additiones’. Occasional early marginal and interlinear annotations. v r H5 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. Provenance: Georgius Grasweger (£. 1534); inscription on H5 : refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. ‘Anno salutis nostre tricesimo quarta Georgius Grasweger pre- r H6 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium cium pro te numerauit die Iouis nona mensis Julii’. Rott am Inn, Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Marinus et Anianus; inscription in an r tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- eighteenth-century(?) hand on 12 : ‘FF. Roth ad ¼num’. tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Duplum’ on the refs. MBR 4, 602^4. front pastedown. Albert Cohn; catalogue 159, no. 324. r I1 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria Purchased from Cohn, 26 Apr. 1884, for 16 Marks; see Library templum domini sacrarum . . .’ Bills. r I2 [Additional legends.] shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.8. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. v I4 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- J-053 Jacobus de Voragine plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum de(!) ad Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as ea que . . .’ J-043. r I5 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 r 11 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia que a plerisque Aurea legenda Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei. sanctorum appellatur.’ Uniuersis Christi ¢delibus presentes litteras. . . Ad id maxime ver- r 12 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem satur nostra intentio vt . . .’ v alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit I5 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolphus dei gratia sancte voluminis’.‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ r v 12 [Subject index.] ‘Tabula legendarum’. Incipit:‘[A]bscondita diui- I5 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- nitus manifestantur. Legenda octuagesima secunda capitulo B. In per Maria . . .’ v principio . . .’ The title is expressed in the running heading. I6 [Additional legends.] r 25 ‘Prologus’. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). r refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. K3 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione v 25 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- Mariae virginis.] tionis’. refs. PL CLIX 301^5. r v a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive K3 ‘Exdecreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosanctageneralis Lombardica historia. synodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine mysteria mercedem lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional gloriosam repromisit . . .’ r section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, K4 [Additional legends.] cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ r H5 [First colophon.] ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de ccxviii. Voragine ordinis predicatorum episcopi Januensis Impressa Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Argentine anno domini Mccccxc. Sequuntur additiones’. v Husner)], 25, 23 Feb. 1489. Folio. H5 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. collation: 1 2 a^z A^E8.6 F^I6.8 K^M6 N8. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. r CR 6452; Go¡ J-122; BMC I 138; Pr 618; BSB-Ink I-94; Oates 231; H6 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 46; Sack, Freiburg, 1989; Seyboldt no. Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- 66; Sheppard 474. tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni-

COPY tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. Binding: Sixteenth-century German blind-tooled pigskin over refs. MBR 4, 602^4. r wooden boards; two clasps lost, remains of two catches. On both I1 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria covers ¢llets form an outer frame within which is a foliate roll. templum domini sacrarum . . .’ r Further ¢llets form an inner frame within which is a small star I2 [Additional legends.] refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. j-053^j-054] jacobus de voragine 1483

v I4 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- presumably by the same person who wrote the occasional anno- plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 tations (see above). r Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad Provenance: Heavily cancelled inscription on 11 . Ellingen, r futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt Bavaria, Franciscans; inscription on 12 : ‘Ad bibliothecam PP. ea que . . .’ Franciscanorum Elling×’. Albert Cohn; catalogue 159, no. 325. r I5 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Purchased from Cohn, 26 Apr. 1884, for 12 Marks; see Library Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad Bills. id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf.1.9. v I5 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte J-054 Jacobus de Voragine Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. v I5 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as per Maria . . .’ J-043. v I6 [Additional legends.] r <1^4>1 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica hystoria’. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). r r <1^4>2 ‘Incipittabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem K3 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit Mariae virginis.] modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius refs. PL CLIX 301^5. v voluminis’.‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in K3 ‘Exdecreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosancta generalis libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ synodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime r <1^4>2 [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestan- congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine mysteria mercedem tur. Legenda lxxiii capitulo B. In principio . . .’ gloriosam repromisit . . .’ v r <11^44>4 ‘Prologus’. K4 [Additional legends.] refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ r <11^44>5 ‘Capitula’. ‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus ccxviii. renouationis’. r Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg B1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Husner)], 16 Aug. 1490. Folio. Lombardica historia. collation: 1 2 a^z A^E8.6 F6 G^K8.6 LM6 N8. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, Types: 160 G; 99B G. 264 leaves, the last blank. 46 lines, with head- lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional r r lines (a1 ).Type area: 210 (225) ¿ 137 mm (a1 ). section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, CR 6454; Go¡ J-124; Pr 622; BSB-Ink I-96; Pellechet,‘Voragine’,no. cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. r 48; Sack, Freiburg, 1990; Seyboldt no. 68; Sheppard 479. f4 ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi deVoragine ordinis predi- COPY catoum episcopi ianuensis’. f r ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. Wanting t8, also the blank leaf N8. 5 Leaf v repaired. The corner of 1 , which probably bore an early refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. 1 1 v note of ownership, has been torn away. f5 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenorbulle per Bonifacium Papam Binding: The damaged upper and lower covers of contemporary ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visitationis German blind-tooled leather (Augsburg, KyriÞ workshop no. 81) beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla‘Superni benignitas con- have been relaid on nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the ditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. Bodleian Library; rebacked. On both covers ¢llets form an outer refs. MBR 4, 602^4. v frame within which is a cresting and £oral roll (KyriÞ pl. 165, no. f6 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beati dei genitrix virgo semper Maria 4); on the upper cover only further ¢llets form a middle frame templum domini . . .’ v within which is roll of animals, trees, fences (KyriÞ pl. 165, no. 3); f7 [Additional legends.] on both covers further ¢llets form an inner frame; triple ¢llets refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. v form an inner rectangle which is decorated with a lattice-work g2 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- roll (KyriÞ pl. 165, no. 5); for a similar binding see Johannes de plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Turrecremata, Quaestiones Evangeliorum de tempore et de sanc- Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad tis. [Strasbourg: Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt (Georg Husner), c.1485] (T-291). Size: 291 ¿ 210 ¿ 50 mm. Size ea que . . .’ r of leaf: 280 ¿ 194 mm. g3 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Early marginal annotations, including comments on the text, Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad extraction of key words, underlining in the text in black ink, id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ v g r Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius ‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands. A note on a8 dated 1531, one 3 r r v festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte on n6 dated 1532, one on x7 dated 1533, one on L6 dated 1531, r Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis and one on N7 dated 1534. Also some nineteenth-century(?) notes in pencil. deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ v Partial rubrication: some three- to six^line initials are supplied in g3 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo . . .’ v red or in black ink. Some initials are supplied in pencil, g4 [Additional legends.] refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). 1484 jacobus de voragine [j-054^j-055

v r h1 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione 25 ‘Prologus’. Mariae virginis.] refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. v refs. PL CLIX 301^5. 25 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- v h1 ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit: ‘[S]acrosancta generalis tionis’. r sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine mysteria mercedem Lombardica historia. gloriosam repromisit . . .’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, r h2 [Additional legends.] lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, ccxviii. cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. r Basel: [Michael Wenssler], 1490. 4o. H5 [First colophon.] ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de collation: <1^4>8 <11^44>6 B C [gothic C] D^Z a^i8 k10. Voragine ordinis predicatorum episcopi Januensis Impressa C 6455; Go¡ J-125; BMC III 733; Pr 7587; BSB-Ink I-95; CIBN J-97; Argentine anno domini Mccccxcii. Sequuntur additiones’. v Hillard 1119; Rhodes 986; Sack, Freiburg, 1991; Seyboldt no. 69; H5 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. Sheppard 2360. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. r H6 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium COPY Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- Wanting f , and gatherings g^k. 5^8 tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- Binding: Contemporary English blind-tooled calf inlaid on tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. nineteenth-century boards of blind-tooled calf, with marbled refs. MBR 4, 602^4. pastedowns. The inlaid panel on each cover, the work of ‘W. G.’, I r Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria is divided by triple ¢llets into lozenge-shaped and triangular com- 1 templum domini sacrarum . . .’ partments containing a shield-shaped monogram stamp I r [Additional legends.] (Oldham, Blind-stamped bindings, pl. x, no. 20), a lozenge-shaped 2 refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. £euron (Oldham, pl. x, no. 24), a lozenge-shaped double-headed I v Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- eagle stamp (Oldham, pl. x, no. 28), or a £ower-petal stamp 4 plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 (Oldham, pl. x, no. 33). Size: 218 ¿ 152 ¿ 36 mm. Size of Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad leaf: 210 ¿ 133 mm. futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt For each saint’s life the corresponding date is supplied in manu- ea que . . .’ script in a sixteenth-century hand (perhaps the one that wrote the I r Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 donation inscription of Robert Sotheby, see below) in the upper 5 Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad margin. Some early marginal annotations, including the extrac- id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ tion of key words, and occasional pointing hands. I v Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius On B r a six^line initial ‘A’ is supplied in blue, within a red pen- 5 1 festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolphus dei gratia sancte work frame, and with red pen-work within the body of the letter; Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis other two- to seven-line initials, paragraph marks, capital strokes deuotionis a¡ectu quarum ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ supplied in red. I v ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- Provenance: William Pollard, c.1500; various William Pollards 5 per Maria . . .’ listed in Venn pt. 1, III, 376; signature on <1^4> r. Robert Sotheby 1 I v [Additional legends.] (sixteenth century); inscription on <1^4> r: ‘Ex dono Roberti 6 2 refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). Sothebye de Burdsall’. Presented in June 1932 through the K r Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione Friends of the Bodleian by Dr John Henry Burn: see BQR 7,79 3 Mariae virginis.] (1933), 323. refs. PL CLIX 301^5. shelfmark: Don. e.32. v K3 ‘Exdecreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosancta generalis synodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime J-055 Jacobus de Voragine congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine mysteria mercedem gloriosam repromisit . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. r K4 [Additional legends.] With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ J-043. ccxviii. r 11 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia que a plerisque Aurea legenda Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg sanctorum appellatur.’ Husner)], 9 Aug. 1492. Folio. r 8 6 8.6 6.8 6 8 12 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem collation: 1 2 a^z A^E F^I K^M N . Leaf 11 is unsigned, alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit 12 signed 11, etc. modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius CR 6458; Go¡ J-129; Pr 624; BSB-Ink I-97; CIBN J-101; Pellechet, voluminis’. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in ‘Voragine’, no. 51; Polain 2203; Rhodes 987; Seyboldt no. 75; libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ Sheppard 485. r 12 [Subject index.] ‘Tabula legendarum’. Incipit:‘[A]bscondita diui- COPY nitus manifestantur. Legenda octuagesima secunda capitulo B. In Wanting the blank leaf N8. principio . . .’ The title is expressed in the running heading. j-055^j-056] jacobus de voragine 1485

v Binding: The upper coverofcontemporary German blind-tooled E1 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium leather (Augsburg, KyriÞ workshop no. 83) has been relaid on Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- nineteenth-century calf, bound for the Bodleian Library; tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- rebacked. On the upper cover ¢llets form a rectangle at the head tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. of the cover containing the word ‘[lom]bardica’; triple ¢llets form refs. MBR 4, 602^4. v an outer frame within which is a cresting and £oral roll (KyriÞ pl. E2 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beati dei genitrix virgo semper Maria 169, no. 1); further triple ¢llets form an inner frame, containing a templum domini sacrarium . . .’ r small £ower-petal stamp (KyriÞ pl. 169, no. 6); in the inner rect- E3 [Additional legends.] angle are merrythoughts (KyriÞ pl. 169, no. 5), each containing refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. v £eurons (KyriÞ pl. 169, no. 8). Size: 292 ¿ 211 ¿ 45 mm. Size of E5 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- leaf: 281 ¿ 194 mm. plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Marginal annotations, including some in pencil, and pointing Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad v hands. Rhyming couplet on 26 , written in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth- futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt century hand: ‘Venite mares et femine Ploremus cum Maria ea que . . .’ > v virgine’. E5 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Two- to ¢ve-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad are supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks, capital strokes, id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ r and underlining supplied in red. The Raitenhaslach inscription E6 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius is decorated in red and black ink, with underlining and capital festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte strokes in red. Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis Provenance: Raitenhaslach, Bavaria, Cistercians, S. Pancras, deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ r from Georgius Wankhaus(?), ‘capellanus in Saldentall’; inscrip- E6 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit:‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- tion on 1 r: ‘Iste libellus est beate Marie virginis in per Maria . . .’ 1 r Rayttenhaslach comparatus per fratrem Georgium Wankhaus(?) F1 [Additional legends.] c refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). tempore quo fuit capellanus in Saldentall xv iii’ [the personal v names and ‘capellanus’ have been altered from the original F4 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione inscription; the date is an addition]. Albert Cohn; Catalogue Mariae virginis.] refs. PL CLIX 301^5. 159, either no. 326 or 327. Purchased from Cohn, 26 Apr. 1884, r for 12 Marks; see Library Bills. F5 ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosancta generalis shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.10. synodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime congregata . . . Elucidantibus gratie diuine misteria mercedem gloriosam repro- misit . . .’ r J-056 Jacobus de Voragine F5 [Additional legends.] Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ ccxviii. With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as r I5 [Colophon.] v J-043. I5 Celtis, Conradus; Clamosus [i.e. Schreyer], Sebald: [Verse r j1 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia que a plerisque Aurea legenda addressed to] S. Sebaldus.‘Deo optimo maximo et diuo Sebaldo sanctorum appellatur.’ patrono pro felicitate vrbis Norice per Conradum Celten et v j1 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem Sebaldum Clamosum eius sacre sedis curatorem pie deuote et alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit religiose positum’.‘[R]egie stirpis soboles Sebalde > Norica mul- modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius tum veneratus vrbe > Da tuam nobis memorare sanctam > voluminis’. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in Carmine vitam’; 28 strophes each of 3 sapphic and1 adonic lines. libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ Nuremberg: [Anton Koberger], 2 Apr. 1496. Folio. v 10 8 6 8 6 8 6 j1 [Subject index.] ‘Tabula legendarum’. Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diui- collation: j a^e f^h i k l m^z A^I . nitus manifestantur. Legenda octuagesimasecunda capitulo B. In C 6468; Go¡ J-132; BMC II 441; Pr 2105; BSB-Ink I-101; CIBN principio . . .’ The title is expressed in the running heading. J-103; Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 61; Sack, Freiburg, 1992; v j9 ‘Prologus’. Seyboldt no. 86; Sheppard 1537.

refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. COPY v j9 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- Binding: Nineteenth-century green marbled paper wrappers. tionis’. r Size: 286 ¿ 207 ¿ 40 mm. Size of leaf: 286 ¿ 202 mm. a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Two- to six^line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red Lombardica historia. or blue; capital strokes in red. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, Provenance: Purchased from Joseph Kockx, Bulletin 203 (1885), lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional no. 41, 42, or 51, priced at Fr. 30, Fr. 30, and Fr. 20; see Library section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, Bills1885, no. 318; stamp dated 19 Nov. cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 5.27. r E1 [First colophon.] r E1 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. 1486 jacobus de voragine [j-057^j-058

v J-057 Jacobus de Voragine K3 ‘Exdecreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit:‘[S]acrosancta generalis Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. synodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine mysteria mercedem With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as gloriosam repromisit . . .’ J-043. r K4 [Additional legends.] r 11 [Title-page.] Lombardica historia que a plerisque Aurea legenda refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ sanctorum appellatur. ccxviii. r 12 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit Husner)], c.12 May 1496. Folio. The colophon reads ‘circa’ 12 modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius May. voluminis’. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in 8.6 6.8 6 8 collation: 1 2 a^z A^E F^I K^M N . Leaf 11 unsigned, 12 libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ signed 1 , etc. r 1 12 [Subject index.] ‘Tabula legendarum’. Incipit:‘[A]bscondita diui- C 6467; Go¡ J-133; BMC I 146; Pr 630; BSB-Ink I-102; Oates 238; nitus manifestantur. Legenda octuagesima secunda capitulo B. In Rhodes 990; Seyboldt no. 87; Sheppard 499. principio . . .’ The title is expressed in the running heading. COPY 2 r ‘Prologus’. 5 Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. wooden boards; two clasps and catches lost. On both covers inter- 2 v ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- 5 secting double ¢llets form a frame within which are merry- tionis’. thoughts containing a £euron; double ¢llets form an inner a r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive 1 rectangle which is divided by further double ¢llets into triangular Lombardica historia. compartments. At the intersection of each set of ¢llets is a small refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, £ower-petal stamp. At the front is a small binding fragment, per- lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional haps from a printed single-sheet indulgence; other strips are section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, apparently from a manuscript written in a very small hand, the cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. text not legible now. Size: 296 ¿ 212 ¿ 65 mm. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ H r [First colophon.] ‘Explicit Legenda Lombardica Jacobi de 5 193 mm. Voragine ordinis predicatorum episcopi Januensis Impressa Occasional early marginal annotations, including comments on Argentine anno domini Mccccxcvi Finita circa festum ascensio- the text. nis domini. Sequuntur additiones’. On a r a six^line initial ‘A’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue; H v ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. 1 5 other two- to four-line initials, some with extensions into the mar- refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. gins, and paragraph marks supplied in red or blue; capital strokes H r Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium 6 and underlining in red. Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- Provenance: Inscription in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-centuryhand on tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- the front pastedown: ‘Constat 16 th[aler?] [ ] vom pfarrer zu tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. Kunbstorf(?)’, possibly Kuntsdorf, a hamlet near Teublitz, refs. MBR 4, 602^4. Bavaria. Scha« ftlarn, Bavaria, Premonstratensians, SS. I r Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria 1 Dionysius and Iuliana; inscription on1 r:‘Sum bibliothec× mon- templum domini sacrarum . . .’ 1 asterii Sche« ftlariensis’. Albert Cohn; Catalogue 159, no. 328. I r [Additional legends.] 2 Purchased from Cohn, 26 Apr. 1884, for 12 Marks; see Library refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. Bills. I v Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- 4 shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 1.12. plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt J-058 Jacobus de Voragine ea que . . .’ r Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. I5 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ J-043. I v Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius r 5 a1 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica hystoria’. festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolphus dei gratia sancte r a2 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius v I5 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit: ‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- voluminis’. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in per Maria . . .’ libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ I v [Additional legends.] r 6 a2 ‘Tabula alphabetica’. [Subject index.] Incipit:‘[A]bscondita diui- refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). nitus manifestantur. Legenda lxxii capitulo B. In principio . . .’ K r Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione r 3 b6 ‘Prologus’. Mariae virginis.] refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. refs. PL CLIX 301^5. v b6 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- tionis’. j-058^j-059] jacobus de voragine 1487

r c1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive AN 12. Some small repairs to the spine and the corner of the Lombardica historia. upper cover. Size: 219 ¿ 158¿ 64 mm. Sizeofleaf: 206 ¿ 140 mm. refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, Pastedowns are two complete leaves from Johannes de lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional Garlandia, Aequivoca cum commento. [Deventer: Richard section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, Pafraet, between12 Mar.1492 and 6 June 1500] (G-033A), b2 and cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. b8. r P1 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. Marginal annotations, including comments on the text, ‘nota’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. marks, pointing hands, and underlining in the text in black ink. v r P1 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenorbulle per Bonifacium Papam Title in a contemporary hand on the fore-edge. On V8 is a six- ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visitationis teenth-century drawing in black ink of a Tudor rose £anked by beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla‘Superni benignitas con- ‘A’and ‘H’ in ornamental capitals, perhaps a contemporary refer- ditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. ence to HenryVIII and Anne Boleyn, and, if so, presumably to be v v refs. MBR 4, 602^4. dated to 1533^6; other drawings of lattice-work on V7 . On V8 r P3 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria notes in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century English hand on steps to templum domini sacrarum . . .’ attaining a pure life(?). r P4 [Additional legends.] Provenance: John Rogers (¢fteenth/sixteenth century); inscrip- r refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. tion on a1 :‘Ex dono [cancellation] fratris mei Johannis Roger[ ]’. r r P8 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- Abraham Hopton (sixteenth century); name on a1 .Thomas Gray r plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 (sixteenth century); name on a1 , in the same hand as the one that Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad wrote Hopton’s name. William Tyssen Amherst, 1st Lord futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt Amherst of Hackney (1835^1909); two di¡erent armorial book- ea que . . .’ plates, the one on the front pastedownbeing surmounted byabar- v P8 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 on’s coronet, and therefore presumably dating from after Aug. Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad 1892, the date of Amherst’s elevation to the peerage, the other id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ (on a v) without the coronet, presumably dating from before v 1 P8 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius Aug. 1892; see Seymour de Ricci, A Hand-list of a Collection of festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte Books and Manuscripts belonging to . . . Lord Amherst . . . Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis (Cambridge, 1906), no. 28; sale, Catalogue of the Magni¢cent deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ r Library of Choice and Valuable Books and Manuscripts, the Q1 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit:‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- Property of the late Lord Amherst . . ., 2nd portion (London: per Maria . . .’ r Sotheby,Wilkinson and Hodge, 24 Mar. 1909), lot 993. George Q3 [Additional legends.] Dunn (1865^1912); book-plate; Jenkinson, List of Incunabula, 5, refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). r no.96; sale, Sotheby’s,11Feb.1913, lot 679.Albert Ehrman (1890^ Q8 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts from Tractatus de conceptione 1969); armorial book-plate; purchased from Maggs Brothers Ltd Mariae virginis.] in 1962 for »76. 10. 0; accession no.‘R 1920’. Presented in 1978 by refs. PL CLIX 301^5. John Ehrman. Q v ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit: ‘Sacrosancta generalis 8 shelfmark: Broxb. 32.3. sinodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine mysteria mercedem gloriosam repromisit . . .’ r J-059 Jacobus de Voragine R3 [Additional legends.] Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi^ ccxviii. With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041; legends as Strasbourg: [Johann (Reinhard) Gru« ninger], 1496. 4o. J-043. 8 8 r collation: a b c^z A^V . Leaf s3 signed r3. <1^4>1 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia que a plerisque Aurea C 6466; Go¡ J-134; BMC I 111; Pr 476A; Hillard 1120; Oates 194; legenda sanctorum appellatur.’ r Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 60; Rhodes 991; Sack, Freiburg, 1993; <1^4>2 ‘Incipittabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem Seyboldt no. 88; not in Sheppard. alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit

COPY modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius Binding: Early sixteenth-century English blind-tooled calf over voluminis’. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ wooden boards, with metal clasp and catch, the former hinged r from upper to lower cover. On both covers triple intersecting ¢l- <1^4>2 ‘Tabula legendarum’. [Running heading] [Subject index.] lets form a frame, with a small round £ower-petal stamp at the Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. Legenda octuage- points of intersection. Outside the frame are two di¡erent trian- simasecunda capitulo B. In principio . . .’ v gular half-leaf stamps.Within the inner rectangle is a panel con- 4 ‘Prologus’. sisting oftwo rows of three angels each playing a di¡erent musical refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. r instrument and enclosed by foliage; around the panel is the 5 ‘Capitula’. ‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus inscription: ‘Domine ex audi oracione meam et clamor meus renouationis’. > > > r ad te veniat’ [Ps 101,2]; see Oldham, Blind Panels, 17 and pl. vii, a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. 1488 jacobus de voragine [j-059^j-060

refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, into the margins; other three- to six^line initials supplied in red lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional or blue; paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining sup- section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, plied in red. cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. Provenance: Richard Gough (1735^1809); purchased by him in v r I8 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. Oxford, 1 July 1793; inscription in his hand on <1^4>1 :‘Oxon. Jul. refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. 11793’; shelfmark. Bequeathed in 1809. r K1 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium shelfmark: Gough Missals131. Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- J-060 Jacobus de Voragine tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. refs. MBR 4, 602^4. r With texts relating to Marian feasts as J-041, but wanting K2 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria templum domini sacrarum . . .’ all from‘De eodem festo’and with Usuardus and related r K3 [Additional legends.] texts; legends as J-043. refs. ed. Graesse, nos cxciii^cxciv, clxxxiv^clxxxv. r r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Lombardica historia que a plerisque Aurea legenda L2 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- sanctorum appellatur. plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 r a2 ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius ea que . . .’ v voluminis’. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Isidorus in L2 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad r a2 ‘Tabula legendarum’. [running heading] [Subject index.] Incipit: id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ r ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. Legenda octuagesimase- L3 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius cunda capitulo B. In principio . . .’ festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolfus dei gratia sancte r b5 ‘Prologus’. Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclitam propugnatricem . . .’ v r b5 ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renoua- L3 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit:‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- tionis’. per Maria . . .’ v r b6 [Listofthelegends ofthe Martyrology.] Incipit:‘Nota quod addi- L4 [Additional legends.] tiones hic posite non habentur in loco. . .’ refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxvi^clxxxix (part). r r c1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive M1 Anselmus [S. pseudo-: Extracts fromTractatus de conceptione Lombardica historia. Mariae virginis.] refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, refs. PL CLIX 301^5. v lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional M1 ‘Ex decreto concilii Basiliensis’. Incipit: ‘[S]acrosancta gener- section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, alis synodus Basiliensis in spiritu sancto legitime cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. congregata . . .Elucidantibus gratie diuine mysteria mercedem r N2 ‘Sequuntur quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. gloriosam repromisit . . .’ r refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, cxcv. M2 [Additional legends.] v N2 Bonifacius IX, Pont. Max.: ‘Tenor bulle per Bonifacium refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxix (part)^cxc, lii, lxiv, lxxi, cxcvi- Papam ix transmisse ad diuersas mundi partes super festo visita- ccxviii. tionis beate Marie virginis ad Elizabeth’. Bulla ‘Superni benigni- [Hagenau: Heinrich Gran], 1497. 4o. Polain and Pr assign to tas conditoris’ [9 Nov.1389]. [Strasbourg: Johann (Reinhard) Gru« ninger]. refs. MBR 4, 602^4. 8 6 8 4 8 6 8 4 8 v collation: <1^4> a^o p q^z AB C DE F G^I N3 Beda: Sermo. Incipit: ‘Beata dei genitrix virgo semper Maria K4 LM8 N4 OP8. templum domini sacrarium . . .’ r Types: 170 G, 83 G, 63 G. N4 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘De festo presentationis Marie ad tem- R 1423; Go¡ J-135; Pr 484; BSB-Ink I-103; Oates 1326.5; Polain plum in Hierusalem’. Bulla ‘Rationi congruit et conuenit’ [16 2211; Sack, Freiburg, 1995; Seyboldt no. 94; Sheppard 393. Sept. 1464]. Incipit: ‘[P]aulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei ad

COPY futuram rei memoriam. Rationi congruit et conuenit honestati vt Binding: English blind-tooled calf, c.1800, bound for Gough. ea que . . .’ r Both covers are decorated with an ornamental roll (the same as N5 Paulus II, Pont. Max.: ‘Bulla indulgentiarum prefati festi’ [21 thaton J-033 (Gough Missals195)). Parchment indextab attached Jan. 1464]. Incipit: ‘Paulus episcopus seruus seruorum dei . . . Ad to ; scars of other index tabs, now lost. Size: 215 ¿ 148 ¿ id maxime versatur nostra intentio vt . . .’ 4 r 42 mm. Size of leaf: 203 ¿ 136 mm. N5 Adolphus, Archiepiscopus Mogonciacensis: ‘Institutio huius Some marginal annotations, including comments on the text, festi’ [30 Aug. 1468]. Incipit: ‘Adolphus dei gratia sancte ‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands. Maguntine sedis archiepiscopus . . . rei memoriam. Ex specialis Principal three- to six^line initials at thebeginning ofeach legend deuotionis a¡ectu quam ad inclytam propugnatricem . . .’ v are supplied in blue within a red pen-work frame, with red pen- N5 ‘De eodem festo’. Incipit:‘Que est illa puella mater et virgo sem- work decoration within the bodies of the letters, and extensions per Maria . . .’ 2 r a1 [Title-page for ‘Martyrologium’.] j-060^j-061] jacobus de voragine 1489

2 r a2 ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[N]otandum quod licet multi dederint J-061 Jacobus de Voragine operam ad compilandum martyrologium . . .’ 2 r Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. a2 Chromatius [pseudo-]; Heliodorus [pseudo-]: ‘Epistola’ [addressed to] Hieronymus. Short version, with the life of S. Claudius. r refs. PL XXX 435^6; EŁ . Amann, Le Prote¤ vangile de Jacques et [a2 ] [Table of contents according to the annual cycle.] ‘De festiuita- ses remaniements latins (Paris,1910), 272^7; CPL 633, epist. 48^9. tibus que eueniunt infra tempus deuiacionis’. 2 r r a2 Hieronymus: ‘Responsio’ [addressed to] Chromatius and [a3 ] ‘Prologus ostendens modum reperiendi materias contentas in Heliodorus. diuersis locis huius voluminis’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit refs. PL XXX 435^6. Ysidorus in libro De summo bono ad conuersationem et correc- 2 v a2 Beda [pseudo-]; Augustinus [pseudo-]: ‘Prefatio’. tionem . . .’ r refs. Usuard, Le Martyrologe. Texte et commentaire, ed. J. [a2 ] [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. Dubois, Subsidia Hagiographica, 40 (Brussels, 1965), 146; see Legenda octoagesima secunda capitulo B. In principio . . .’ r also E. A. Overgaauw, Martyrologes manuscrits des anciens dio- [b1 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive ce' ces d’Utrecht et de Lie' ge: e¤ tude sur le de¤ veloppement et la di¡u- Lombardica historia. sion du Martyrologe d’Usuard (Hilversum, 1993). refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, 2 v a2 Usuardus: ‘Epistola seu prefatio’ [addressed to] Carolus, king lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional of Francia [Charles the Bald]. section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, refs. Usuard, Le Martyrologe, 144; see also VL X 141^4. cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clv, clxxxiii, clvi^clxxxii. v Recension A. [z3 ] ‘Explicit Legenda aurea siue Lombardica historia Iacobi de 2 r a3 Usuardus: Martyrologium. Voragine episcopi ianuensis’. v refs. Usuard, Le Martyrologe, 152^364, 147^51, with variations [z3 ] ‘De sancto Claudio’. Incipit: ‘[C]laudius ex nobili Salmensium and additions.Yearfrom 1 Jan. to 31 Dec. principium seu palatinorum genealogia ortum duxit . . .’ 2 v h7 Augustinus: ‘Sermo . . . de o¡erendis obligationibus’. Geneva: Adam Steinschaber, 25 Oct. 1480. Folio. refs. Contra Faustum, book 20 ch. 21; PL CXXIII 179^80; PL collation: [a10 b^y8 z6]. XLII 384^5; CSEL, 25, 652^4; CPL 321. Types: 120 G, 76 G. Capital spaces. 184 leaves; 2 columns. 56 lines r r Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the elder, 22 July 1490. Folio. The date ([b1 ]).Type area: 213 ¿ 147 mm ([b1 ]). in the colophon reads ‘in vigilia sanctissimorum trium Regum’, C 6422; not in Pr; Besson CCXII; BSB-Ink I-78; Lo™ kko« s, Gene' ve, interpreted by Albert Labarre, ‘Particularite¤ s d’un incunable de 10; Pellechet MS. 6478 (6455); Seyboldt no. 30; Sheppard 6768^9. Cologne’, Gb Jb (1975), 77^80 as 22 July, but previously as 5 Jan. COPY

(see CIBN). Wanting sheet [a1.10]. 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8.6 6 8.6 collation: a b c^e f g h i i k l m^z A^F G H^N a^ Binding: Eighteenth-century French calf; each cover is deco- 6.8 h . rated with triple ¢llets in blind; gold-tooled spine with £oral C 6453 (Voragine only); HCR 16111 (Usuardus only); Go¡ J-123; stamps in framed compartments; marbled pastedowns. Size: BMC I 229; Pr 1079; CIBN J-96; Oates 553 (Usuardus only); 298 ¿ 218 ¿ 37 mm. Size of leaf: 290 ¿ 204 mm. Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 47 (Voragine only); Rhodes 985; Early marginal annotations, including material to be noted, Seyboldt no. 67; Sheppard 819; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 625. ‘nota’ marks, pointing hands, and underlining in the text in black COPY ink.‘De sancto Andrea’and ‘De sancto Nicolao’ have been added Formerly bound with MS. Tanner17 (South English Legendary); to the table of contents. Sheppard notes a reference to Fysher, but this has not been found. Two- to six-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf with Provenance: Petrus de Fita, Augustinian canon, Bordeaux (¢f- v marbled pastedowns; bound for the Bodleian Library. Size: teenth/sixteenth century); inscription on [z6 ]: ‘Ad vsum fratris 283 ¿ 208 ¿ 62 mm. Size of leaf: 270 ¿ 185 mm. Petri de Fita ordinis sancti Augustini conuentus Burdigale ¢lius Manuscript foliation: 223^849. Notes in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth- castri Andrute diocesis Bazatenis’. Johannes [ ] (¢fteenth/six- 2 v r century hand on h8 : ‘Ars sua quemque iuuat fract[ ]s fabril[ ]’, teenth century); inscription on [z6 ]: ‘Fratri Johannis [ ]’. Gerard r and ‘Ante falas falerata falanx fregere falangas’, and ‘Denique Thomin (¢fteenth/sixteenth century); inscription on [z6 ]: ‘Pertinet fratri G[erar]doThominus sacre theologie bacalar. con- quisquis erat castris iugulatus achiuis > Frigidinis glacie pectus amantis erat Sed bene consuluit casto deus equus amore Versa uentus Aurilhiaci’. Raymundus Fortis (¢fteenth/sixteenth cen- > > r est in cineres sospite Troia viro’. Early marginal annotations and tury); inscription on [z6 ]: ‘Pertinet fratri Raymundo Forti sacre underlining in the text, including annotations and pen-trials on theologie [ ] Emi pro iii ⁄s burdigal[ ]’. Louis Ce¤ sar de la Baume r 2 v a1 and h8 . le Blanc, duc de La Vallie' re (1708^1780); sale, pt. 1, vol. 3 (1783), Provenance: Richard Chambers (sixteenth century); signature lot 4700; note on the verso of the front endleaf; number in the r r on a1 . Richard Lathe (1568^?1614); inscription on a1 : lower left-hand corner of the recto of the back endleaf, added by ‘Richardus Lathe: pretium iii s’.WilliamYonger(1605^1661); sig- Crevenna. Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735^1792); r nature on a1 . (MS. Tanner17): William Herne (£. 1730). Thomas purchased at the Vallie' re sale for for [ ] 8. 19; sale (1789), part III r Tanner (1674^1735); signature on a1 ; MS Tanner 17 given by lot 5944, according to the annotated catalogue marked down to Herne to Tanner on 20 Jan. 1730, according to an inscription in Scholle for Fl. 8. Engelbert-Karl Arenberg, 10th Duke of the manuscript. Bequeathed in 1736. Arenberg (1899^1974); note [by David Rogers] on the verso of Former Bodleian shelfmark: MS.Tanner17. the front endleaf; running number on label on the spine: shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.35. ‘143[4?]’. Purchased in 1961 from August Laube, out of the 1490 jacobus de voragine [j-061^j-063

Gordon Du¡ Fund; see ‘Notable Accessions: Printed Books’, Provenance: Bordeaux, Recollect Franciscans; inscription on r BLR 7,1 (1962), 55, and printed label on the verso of the front a1 : ‘Ad vsum Fratrum Minorum Recollectorum Burdegal×’. v endleaf. Acquired by 29 Sept.1961; Bodleian stamp on a1 . shelfmark: Inc. d. FS1.1480.1. shelfmark: Inc. d. F2.1483.1.

J-062 Jacobus de Voragine Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. J-063 Jacobus de Voragine Version as J-061, perhaps also with the life of S. Claudius. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. With additional lives and the life of S. Claudius [* v] ‘Prologus’. 1 r refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. aa1 [Title-page.] ‘Legenda aurea sanctorum’. r aa r ‘Incipit tabula super legendas sanctorum secundum ordinem [*3 ] ‘Prologus ostendens modum reperiendi materias contentas in 2 diuersis locis huius voluminis’. alphabeti collecta. Et primo premittitur prologus qui ostendit r modum reperiendi materias contentas in diuersis locis huius a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. voluminis’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam sicut dicit Ysidorus in libro De refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, summo bono ad conuersationem et correctionem . . .’ r lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional aa2 [Subject index.] Incipit: ‘[A]bscondita diuinitus manifestantur. section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, Legenda octuagesimasecunda capitulo B. In principio . . .’ v cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clv, clxxxiii, clvi^clxxxii. bb4 ‘Prologus’. refs. ed. Graesse, 1^2. Lyons: Petrus Ungarus, 20 Jan. 1483. Folio. bb r ‘Capitula’.‘De festiuitatibus que eueniunt infra tempus renova- collation: [*10] a^e10 f F8 g^k10.8 l^n8 op8 q^u10 x^z8. 5 tionis’. Types:155 G,79 G. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 218 leaves, the a r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive last blank; 2 columns. 54 lines (a r).Type area: 213 ¿ 133 mm (a r). 1 1 1 Lombardica historia. Leaf [* v]: ‘Incipit llogus |uper legendas |anctoruq quas compi- 1 > refs. ed. Graesse, nos i^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, lauit frater Iacobus ianuen|is na tione de ordine fratk pš dica- > lxxii^lxxxiv,lxxxvi, lxxxv,lxxxvii^xciv,xcvi, xcv (with additional torum vNiuersuq tempus pre|entis vite in qš ttuor >> > section on the name), xcvii^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, distinguit‹ . . .’; [* r]: ‘Prologus o|tendens modum reperiendi 3 > cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii. materias mtentas in diuer|is locis huius vo- luminis’; a r: ‘Incipit > 1 F r ‘Explicit Legenda aurea siue Lombardica hystoria Iacobi de legenda |anctok que lombardica nominat‹ hy|toria. Et primo de 8 > Voragine ordinis predicatorum episcopi Ianuensis. Sequuntur fe|tiuitatibus que occurrunt infra tempus renouationis qd’ > > quedam legende a quibusdam aliis superaddite’. repre|entat eccle|ia ab aduentu v|n ad Nati- uitatem domini. > > refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxxiii, ccxvii^ccxviii, ccxiii^ccxvi, De aduentu domini. Legenda primi. A [A]Duentus dnš i x qš - > > > clxxxix (part only, beginning imperfectly, and with variations), tuor |eptimanas a- git‹ . . .’; z r, colophon: ‘Reuerendi fratris > 7 cxc (with variant beginning). Iacobi de uoragine de le gendis sanctorum opus perutile hic > H r ‘De sancto Claudio’ Incipit: ‘[C]laudius ex nobili Salinentium ¢nem ha- bet Ludd’. per magi|trum Petrum vngaruš |uš ma cum 1 > > principium seu palatinorum genealogia ortum . . .’ diligentia impre||uq. Anno ab incar natioš e domini Mille|imo > H v [Additional legends.] quadringeš te|imo octuage|imo tertio. vige|ima die meš |is 4 > > refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccii. Ianurii’. C 6431; Go¡ J-105; not in Pr; CIBN J-84; Pellechet MS. 6488 (6464) [Lyons: Perrinus Lathomi, Bonifacius Johannis and Johannes de o = 6463 (6440); Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 25; Seyboldt no. 42; VillaVeteri],18 Nov. 1494. 4 . 8 6 8 6 Sheppard 6624^6. collation: aa bb a^z A^G H . Woodcut initials. COPY C 6463; not in Pr; Hillard1120; Oates 3228.5; Polain 2206; Seyboldt Wanting gatherings [*] and z, also c , and n . 8^10 3 no. 82; not in Sheppard. Bound at the end an (incomplete) continuation ofthe missing text G3^6,H1^8, and I1^3 of another, unidenti¢ed edition. COPY Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf with marbled paper Binding: English seventeenth-century calf; rebacked. Size: 250 ¿ boards and pastedowns, and gold- and blind-tooled spine. Size: 172 ¿ 61 mm. Size of leaf: 241 ¿ 162 mm. v 287 ¿ 216 ¿ 35 mm. Size of leaf: 274 ¿ 198 mm. On aa1 a note in a sixteenth-centuryhand mentioning Jerusalem. v Early marginal annotations, including comments on the text, On bb6 a note in English about the author in a sixteenth-century ‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands. hand. Early marginal annotations in several hands, including r On a1 a nine-line initial ‘A’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue extraction of key words,‘nota’ marks, also scribbles, drawings (a surrounded by a red and blue pen-work border, and with red and bishop’s mitre, a cross, faces, geometrical ¢gures), and pen-trials. blue pen-work decoration within the body of the letter; other Provenance: T. Dayly (sixteenth century); probably Thomas three- to nine-line initials supplied in red, blue, or interlocked Dalley. Robert Feyld (sixteenth century); probably Robert Field r red and blue; paragraph marks supplied in red or blue; underlin- (À by June 1521); inscription on aa1 : ‘Liber magistri Roberti ing in red. Feyld ex dono magistri T. Dayly vi[cario] de March[am]’. WilliamWhite (1604^1678); note on the recto ofthe front endleaf, in his hand: ‘A 4to wanting in ye roome of this. Athertons p×nitentiall in place of this’; the book here referred to is Nicholas Bernard, ‘The Penitent Death of a Woeful Sinner: j-063^j-064] jacobus de voragine 1491

v Penitent Death of John Atherton late Bishop of Waterford in (5 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende. . . Ireland, who was executed at Dublin, 5 Dec. 1640’ (Dublin: by van . . . sinte Prisca’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe maghet sinte Prisca the Society of Stationers, 1641) [Wing B2014]. Marlborough, een poerterse van Roemen . . .’ r Wiltshire, Vicar’s Library, St Mary’s; bequeathed by White in (6 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. 1678 to the Mayor and Corporation of Marlborough for the use refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxii^xxv (all without the sec- of successive vicars of St Mary’s; former Marlborough shelf- tions on the name). r marks on fore-edge:‘458’;‘22’. Deposited in the Bodleian in1985. s3 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende shelfmark: Marl. O 19. van sinte Loy’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Loy was gheboren van eerbaren oudaers . . .’ r J-064 Jacobus de Voragine s5 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia van sinte Ioest’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Ioest wes hoechtijt op sinte Lucien dach is was een . . .’ [Dutch] Passionael:Winter- ende Somerstuc. r t1 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende Part1: van sinte Dirc die abt’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Dirc was gheboren int r A2 ‘Die tafel’. lantscap van Riemen gheleghen . . .’ A r ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[L]anghe tijt hebbe ic gheweest versocht v 3 t1 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. ende seer ghebeden . . .’ refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxviii (with variations), xxix^ r A4 [Jacobus de Voragine]: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive xxx (without the section on the name), cxxxviii, [note on festival, Lombardica historia [Dutch]: Winterstuc. ‘Die gulden legende’; ed. Graesse 145^6], xxxi^xxxvii, xxxviii^xli (all without the sec- ‘Passionael’. tions on the name). refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxii^clxiii. u r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende r 8 a5 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Appollonia’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe maghet Appollonia van sinte Willebroert’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Willebroert ghecomen wt was ghepinicht van een tyran . . .’ Brytannien was gheboren . . .’ v r u8 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende b1 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. van sinte Scolastica’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Scolastica was sinte refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxiv^cxlvi (without the section Benedictus suster ende was een nonne van enen . . .’ on the name), clxvii, clxviii^clxx (all without the section on the r x1 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende name), clxxi^clxxii (without the section on the name), clxxiii van sinte Dorothea’. Incipit: ‘[I]nder prouincien van Capadocien (part only), clxxiv^clxxvi (with some variations), clxxvii^clxxx, inder stat Cesarien was een . . .’ clxxxii, clxxxi. v v x3 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende i1 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Vanden aduent van Theophilus’. Incipit: ‘[T]heophilus des rechters aduocaet hi ons heren’. Incipit: ‘[A]l die tijt des leuens wort in vieren ghedeylt bespotte aldus Dorothea . . .’ als in . . .’ v v x5 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. i8 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xlii (without the section on the refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. ii (without the section on the name), xliii^xlv (without the section on the name), clxxiii (with name). r variations), xlvi (without the section on the name). k4 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende r z4 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part. Life of S. van sinte Barbara’. Incipit:‘[M]en vint inden heylighen ewangelio Gertrude.] Incipit: ‘[V]anden leuen ende verdienten ende vander ghescreuen dat . . .’ v bekeringhe des heylighen maghet sinte Gheertruut . . .’ m6 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. v h3 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. iii (without the section on the refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xlvii, xlix (without the section name). v on the name), l^li, liii. n2 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die hystorie r aa5 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende van onser vrouwen ontfanghenisse’. Incipit:‘[D]ie ersame ontfan- van sinte Hubrecht’. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden doe hi boesheyt des ghenisse der moed goods ende maghet . . .’ r wreden Eubronii . . .’ n5 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. Part 2: refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos iv^v (both without the sections A v [Prologue to both the winter part and the summer part.] Incipit: on the name), vi^vii (withoutthe section on the name), viii^xii (all 1 ‘Hier beghint een nutteliic boec dat men hiet dat passionael dal without the sections on the name), xiii^xv, xvi^xviii (all without welc in latijn is gheheten Aurea legenda . . .’ the sections on the name), xix. r v A2 ‘Die tafel’. r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende r 6 A Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive van sinte Ponciaen’. Incipit: ‘[I]nden tiden des keysers Anthonius 3 Lombardica historia [Dutch]: Somerstuc. doe dat swaert van persecucie . . .’ refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos liv, lvi, lvii^lix (all without the r r [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. 9 sections on the name), lxv (without the additional section on the refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. xx (without the section on the name), lxvii (without the section on the name), lxviii^lxx, lxxii^ name). lxxiii, [note on festivals, ed. Graesse 341], lxxvi (without the sec- r r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; winter part.] ‘Die legende 9 tion on the name), lxxv (without the section on the name). van sinte Anthonius abt ende monic’. Incipit: ‘[A]nthonius die e v [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Dat leuen was gheboren wt Egypten van gheesteliken oudaers . . .’ 3 ende die legende des . . . sinte Seruacius’. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden dat die keyser Octauianus regnerende was . . .’ 1492 jacobus de voragine [j-064^j-065

v v f3 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. B2 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxvii (without the section on van sinte Gereon endeVictor’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie keyser Dyoclesianus the name), lxxviii. sendede sinen gheselle Maximianum tegens . . .’ v v f4 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende B3 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende van . . . sinte Erasmus’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe man sinte Erasmus van sinte Birgitta’. Incipit: ‘[D]ese heylichste Birgitta een bruut die was van enen edelen . . .’ Christi vanden ouersten . . .’ v f7 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die hystorie Gouda: Gerard Leeu, 1478. Folio. In two parts, dated: (1) 31 July ende legende vanden . . . bisscop . . . sinte Bonifacius’. Incipit: 1478; (2) ‘10’ May 1478. The second colophon is dated ‘pinxter ‘[N]ae die tijt dat dat deuote volc van Enghelant bi onderwi- auont’, which, according to BMC, was 9 May. singe . . .’ collation: Part I: A10 a^h10.8 i k10 l^r 10.8 (10 s6 t v10 u^z aa8; v i h m g1 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. part II: A b^d10 e8 f^i10 k8 l^r i ( s^v u^z8.10 h m A8 B4. In both refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxx^lxxxi (withoutthe sections parts A3 is signed Ai etc. on the name). C 6508; Go¡ J-139; BMC IX 31; Pr 8913^4; Campbell 1755; CIBN v g4 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende J-119; HPT II 417; ILC 1307; Oates 3384^5; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, des . . . confessoers sinte Odulphus’. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden dat no. 117; Seyboldt no. 101; Sheppard 6888^9. regneren de was die alder goedtierenste . . .’ g v [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. FIRST COPY 8 Summer part only. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxix, lxxxii^lxxxiii (without Binding: Half calf with marbled paper boards. Size: 281 ¿ 222 ¿ the sections on the names), lxxxiv, xciv (without the section on 55 mm. Size of leaf: 279 ¿ 203 mm. the name), lxxxv (without the sections on the names). On A r a seven-line initial‘C’,on d r a seven-line initial‘O’,and on h r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende 3 6 5 CC r a ¢ve-line initial ‘M’are supplied in blue with reserved white vanden tien dusent martelaren’. Incipit: ‘[D]aer was in voerleden 3 decoration, with the body of the letter decorated with red pen- tiden een prince gheheten Achasius die welcke gheordineert . . .’ work de¢ned in green, and all within a border of red pen-work h r [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. 6 extending into the margins; other one- to ¢ve-line initials, para- refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvi (without the section on graph marks, capital strokes, and underlining supplied in red. the name). Provenance: Jacob Reijens (sixteenth century); signature on A r. i r [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende 1 1 James Tregaskis; Catalogue 250, no. 554. Purchased from des . . . confessoers Lebuijn’. Incipit: ‘[E]en edel eylant gheleghen Tregaskis, 17 Oct. 1892, for »2.10. 0; see Library Bills. is an die Zuder Zee . . .’ r shelfmark: Inc. d. N7.1478.1. i4 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii, ci, lxxxviii, lxxxix^xc SECOND COPY Winter part only only. (without the sections on the name), xci^xciii (without the section Binding: Eighteenth-century sprinkled calf. Size: 292 ¿ 225 ¿ on the name), lx, lv (without the section on the name), lxi (without 56 mm. Size of leaf: 281 ¿ 202 mm. the section on the name), lxiii (without the section on the name), On A r a seven-line initial ‘A’, on n v a six^line initial ‘D’, on v r a lxxiv (without the section on the name), xcvi (without the section 4 10 9 ¢ve-line initial ‘O’, and on m v a ¢ve-line initial ‘O’are supplied in on the name), xcv,xcvii^xcix (without the sections on the name), c 2 blue with reserved white decoration, with the body of the letter (without the section on the name, and with variations), cii (with- decorated with red pen-work de¢ned in green showing £owers out the section on the name, and with variations), ciii^cvii (with- (and, in the initial ‘A’, animals) in reserved white, and all within a out the section on the name), cviii (without the section on the border of red pen-work extending into the margins; other one- to name), cix^cxiii (without the section on the name, and withvaria- four-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, para- tions), cxiv^cxv (both without the section on the name), cxvi^ graph marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied in red. cxvii (without the section on the name), cxviii (without the section Provenance: Henrijke Berkers (sixteenth century); inscription on the name), cxix (with variations), cxx^cxxiii (all without the on A r: ‘Dyt letgen boeck hoert toe Hanrijcke Berkers, beghijn sections on the name), cxxix, cxxiv (without the section on the 1 opten groten begijnhoef wonende inden vijghert opten begijn- name), cxxv^cxxviii, cxxx (without the section on the name), hoef’. Christian Ernst, Graf zu Stolberg-Wernigerode (1691^ cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxvii (without the section on the name), cxxxii 1771), in or after 1721; dated armorial book-plate, see Warnecke (without the section on the name), cxxxix (without the section on 2116; armorial stamps on A r and A r. Martin Breslauer. the name, and ending imperfectly), cxxxiii, cxl^cxliii (all without 1 2 Purchased by the Friends of the Bodleian in Jan. 1933 for »28. 0. the sections on the name), cxliv, cxlv^cxlvii (all without the sec- 0: see BQR 7,79 (1933), 323. tion on the name), cxlviii^cxlix (without the section on the shelfmark: Don. d.21. name), cl^cliii (without the section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cliv, clvi (without the section on the name), clvii (ending imperfectly), clviii, clix (without the section on the J-065 Jacobus de Voragine name), clv (without the section on the name), clx. 2 v Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia A8 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende van sinte Seueer’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Seueer die voer onsen [Dutch] Passionael:Winterstuc. here was een glorioes confessoer . . .’ Part1: v r B1 [Legenda aurea: additional legends; summer part.] ‘Die legende A2 ‘Die tafel’. r van sinte Crispiin ende Crispiniaen’. Incipit: ‘[C]rispin ende A3 ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[L]anghe tijt hebbe ic gheweest versocht Crispiniaen waren twee broeders ende quamen . . .’ ende seer ghebeden . . .’ j-065] jacobus de voragine 1493

r A4 [Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xlii (without the section on the Lombardica historia [Dutch]: Winterstuc.] name), xliii^xlv (without the section on the name), clxxiii (with refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxii^clxiii. variations), xlvi (without the section on the name). r r a5 ‘Die legende van sinte Willebroert’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Willebroert z4 [Legenda aurea: additional legends. Life of S. Gertrude.] Incipit: ghecomen wt Brytannien was geboren . . .’ ‘[V]anden leuen ende verdienten ende vander bekeringhe des hey- r b1 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. ligen maghets sinte Gheertruut . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxiv^cxlvi (without the section h3 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. on the name), clxvii, clxviii^clxx (all without the section on the refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xlvii, xlix (without the section name), clxxi^clxxii (without the section on the name), clxxiii on the name), l^li, liii. r (part only), clxxiv^clxxvi (with some variations), clxxvii^clxxx, aa5 ‘Die legende van sinte Hubrecht’. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden doe hi clxxxii, clxxxi. boesheyt des wreden Eubronii . . .’ v v i2 ‘Vandenaduent ons heren’. Incipit:‘[A]l die tijt des leuens wort in aa7 ‘Passie des heyligen aertsbisscops vanryemen sinte Nycasius vyeren ghedeylt als in . . .’ ende der heyligher maget Eutropia sijnre suster’. Incipit: ‘[I]n v i8 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. dyen tyden doe dat bose wandelsche volck veel steden des- refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. ii (without the section on the trueerde . . .’ r name). bb1 ‘Legende vanden groten Karolo’. Incipit:‘[K]arolus des conincs r k4 ‘Die legende van sinte Barbara’. Incipit: ‘[M]en vint inden heyli- Pippinus soen die om grootheyt der salicheyt . . .’ r gen ewangelio ghescreuen dat . . .’ bb5 ‘Legende ende leuen des heyligen confessoers sinte Willem’. v m6 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylige man sinte Willem was gheboren wter prou- refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. iii (without the section on the cien van Pictauien . . .’ r name). bbbiii [Note stating that the last three lives are not included in the v n2 ‘Die hystorie van onser vrouwen ontfanghenisse’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie table of contents.] ersame ontfanghenis der moeder goods ende maghet . . .’ Gouda: Gerard Leeu, 1480. Folio. In two parts, dated: (I) 10 Feb. r n5 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. 1480; (II) 1 Apr. 1480. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos iv^v (both without the sections collation: A10 a^h10.8 i k10 l^r i10.8 (10 s6 t v10 u^z h m aa bb8. Leaf on the name), vi^vii (withoutthe section on the name), viii^xii (all A3 is signed A1 etc. without the sections on the name), xiii^xv, xvi^xviii (all without Types:108 G. 2 columns. 274 leaves, the ¢rstblank; 4^265 numbered r r the sections on the name), xix. I-CCLxiii. 35 lines (A5 ). Type area: 191 ¿ 143 mm (A5 ). Four- v r r6 ‘Die legende van sinte Ponciaen’. Incipit: ‘[I]nden tyden des key- piece woodcut border on A4 . sers Anthonius doe dat swaert van persecucie . . .’ C 6509; Go¡ J-140; Pr 8918; Campbell 1756 (II); CIBN J-120; HPT r r9 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. II 417; ILC 1308; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 118; Seyboldt no. 102; refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. xx (without the section on the Sheppard 6890. name). r COPY r9 ‘Die legende van sinte Anthonius’. Incipit: ‘[A]nthonius die was Winter part only. gheboren wt Egypten van gheesteliicken ouders . . .’ v Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled basil with marbled (5 ‘Die legende . . . van . . . sinte Prisca’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe pastedowns. Size: 293 ¿ 222 ¿ 53 mm. Size of leaf: 288 ¿ maghet sinte Prisca een poerterse van Roemen . . .’ r 202 mm. (6 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. Occasional early annotations, including ‘nota’marks and correc- refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxii^xxv (all without the sec- tions to the text in black ink. tions on the name). r Principal four- to eight-line initials are supplied in blue with s3 ‘Die legende van sinte Loy’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Loy was gheboren reserved white decoration, with the body of the letter decorated van eerbaren oudaers . . .’ r with red pen-work de¢ned in green showing £owers in reserved s5 ‘Die legende van sinte Ioest’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Ioest wes hoechtijt white, and all within a border of red pen-work, sometimes extend- op sinte Lucien dach is was een . . .’ r ing into the margins; other one- to three-line initials supplied in t1 ‘Die legende van sinte Dirc’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Dirc was gheboren red or blue; paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining int lantscap van Riemen gheleghen . . .’ v supplied in red; woodcut border coloured in red, yellow, blue, t1 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. green, and pink wash. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxviii (with variations), xxix^ Provenance: Haarlem, Netherlands, Franciscan Tertiary Nuns, xxx (without the section on the name), cxxxviii, [note on festival, v S. Anna; inscription on A1 : ‘Dit boec hoert tot doen susteren ed. Graesse 145^6], xxxi^xxxvii, xxxviii^xli (all without the sec- van sinte Annen conuent binnen Haerlem’. Jacob La Haye (£. tions on the name). 1842); note by Vergauwen on the verso of the front endleaf: r u8 ‘Die legende van sinte Appollonia’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe ‘Jacob La Haye 1842. $[ ]’. Franc° ois-Joseph Vergauwen (1801^ maghet Appollonia was ghepinicht van een tyran . . .’ 1881)(?). Purchased from Joseph Kockx, Bulletin 203 (1885), nos v u8 ‘Die legende van sinte Scolastica’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Scholastica 41, 42, or 51, priced at Fr. 30, Fr. 30, and Fr. 20; see Library Bills was sinte Benedictus suster ende was een nonne van enen . . .’ (1885), no. 318; see also The Bodleian Library in1882^7. A Report r x1 ‘Die legende van sinte Dorothea’. Incipit:‘[I]nder prouincien van from the Librarian (Oxford, 1888), 20. Capadocien inder stat Cesarien so was een . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 5.29. v x3 ‘Die legende vanTheophilus’. Incipit: ‘[T]heophilus des rechters aduocaet hi bespotte aldus Dorothea . . .’ v x5 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; winter part. 1494 jacobus de voragine [j-066

J-066 Jacobus de Voragine cxlv^cxlvii (all without the section on the name), cxlviii^cxlix Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia (without the section on the name), cl^cliii (without the section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cliv, clvi (without the sec- [Dutch] Passionael: Somerstuc. tion on the name), clvii (ending imperfectly), clviii^clix (without v a1 [Prologue.] Incipit:‘Hier beghint een nutteliic boeckdat men hiet the section on the name), clv (without the section on the name), dat passionael dal welc in latijn is gheheten Aurea legenda . . .’ clx. v v a1 ‘Die tafel’. A8 ‘Die legende van sinte Seueer’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Seueer die uoer r a3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive onsen heere was een glorioes confessoer . . .’ v Lombardica historia [Dutch]: Somerstuc. B1 ‘Die legende van sinte Crispiin ende Crispiniaen’. Incipit: refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos liv, lvi, lvii^lix (all without the ‘[C]rispiin ende Crispiniaen waren ii broeders ende quamen . . .’ r sections on the name), lxv (without the section on the name), B2 ‘Die legende van sinte Iereon ende Victor’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie keiser lxvii (without the section on the name), lxviii^lxx, lxxii^lxxiii, Dyoclesiaen sende sinen gheselle Maximiaen teghen . . .’ r [note on festivals, ed. Graesse 341], lxxvi (without the section on B3 ‘Die legende van sinte Birgitta’. Incipit: ‘[O] dese heilige Birgitta the name), lxxv (without the section on the name). een bruut Christi vandem ouersten . . .’ r r e7 ‘Dat leuen ende die legende des . . . sinte Seruacius’. Incipit: ‘[I]n B4 ‘Die legende van sinte Anna’. Incipit:‘[D]ie heilige man Ioachim dien tiden dat die keyser Octauianus regnerende was . . .’ geboren van Galileen . . .’ r v f6 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. B6 ‘Die legende van die heilige maget sinte Clara’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxvii (without the section on heilige maget sint Clara is gheboren van claren edelen . . .’ v the name), lxxviii. B8 ‘Die passi des heiligen mertelaers sinte Ieroems’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie v f6 ‘Die legende van . . . sinte Erasmus’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe man heilige martelaer sinte Ieroen was geboren van edelen hogen . . .’ v sinte Erasmus die was van enen edelen . . .’ C3 ‘Legende vanden heyligen bisscop . . . sinte Lazarus’. Incipit: v g1 ‘Die historie ende legende vanden . . . bisscop . . . sinte ‘[L]azarus met sinen twee susteren Martha ende Maria Bonifacius’. Incipit: ‘[N]ae die tijt dat dat deuote volc van Magdalena . . .’ v Engelant bi onderwisinghe . . .’ C5 ‘Die legende vanden heyligen abt . . . sinte Gheraert’. Incipit: r g5 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. ‘[D]ie man goods ende heylige abt Gerardus was geboren . . .’ refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxx^lxxxi (withoutthe sections Delft: Jacob Jacobszoen van der Meer, 13 July 1484. Folio. on the name). collation: a^r ( s^v u x^z A^C8. Leaf a is signed a etc. r i h m 4 2 g7 ‘Die legende des . . . confessoers sinte Odulhpus(!)’. Incipit: ‘[I]n Types: 145 G, 104 G*c; 2 columns. Capital spaces. 248 leaves, 4^247 dien tiden dat regnerende was die alder goedtirenste . . .’ r r numbered ii^ccxlv. 38 lines (a4 ). Type area: 200 ¿ 145 mm (a4 ). h r [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. r 2 Woodcut of the Resurrection on a3 . refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxix, lxxxii^lxxxiii (without C 6513; Go¡ J-147; Pr 8872; Campbell 1761; CIBN J-122; HPT II the sections on the names), lxxxiv, xciv (without the section on 400; ILC 1317; Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 123; Seyboldt no. 105; the name), lxxxv (without the sections on the names). Sheppard 6876. v h8 ‘Die legende vanden tien dusent martelaren’. Incipit:‘[D]aer was COPY in voerleden tiden een prince gheheten Achasius welcke gheordi- Binding: Quarter sheep dyed red, with marbled paper boards. neert . . .’ Size: 262 ¿ 203 ¿ 41 mm. Size of leaf: 260 ¿ 182 mm. i v [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. 1 Principal four- to six^line initials are supplied in blue with refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvi (without the section on reserved white decoration, with the body of the letter decorated the name). with red pen-work showing £owers in reserved white, and all i r ‘Die legende des . . . confessoers Lebuyn’. Incipit: ‘[E]en edel 6 within a border of red pen-work, some extending into the mar- eylant gheleghen is an die Suder Zee . . .’ gins; other one- to four-line initials, some with extensions into i v [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Die gulden legende’; summer part. 8 the margins, are supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks and refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii, ci, lxxxviii, lxxxix^xc capital strokes are supplied in red. (without the sections on the name), xci^xciii (without the section Provenance: Rubert Heertgens, ¢fteenth/sixteenth century; on the name), lx, lv (without the section on the name), lxi (without r inscription on C : ‘Item Dit boeck is ghecomen van meester the section on the name), lxiii (without the section on the name), 8 Rubert Heertgens z[alger] onse broeder’, and, in a di¡erent lxxiv (without the section on the name), xcvi (without the section hand, but of a similar date, ‘Tu quidem Corneli macte virtute on the name), xcv,xcvii^xcix (without the sections on the name), c esto’. Note on the front pastedown, ‘V. Amsterdam 1844 $ [ ]. (without the section on the name, and with variations), cii (with- Catalog de [ ] p. 6. N 65’, perhaps in the hand of Vergauwen. out the section on the name, and with variations), ciii^cvi (ending Franc° ois-Joseph Vergauwen (1801^1881)(?). Purchased from imperfectly), cvii^cviii (both without the sections on the name), Joseph Kockx, Bulletin 203 (1885), no. 41, 42, or 51, priced at Fr. cix^cxiii (without the section on the name, and with variations), 30, Fr 30, and Fr 20; see Library Bills 1885, no. 318; see The cxiv^cxv (both without the section on the name), cxvi, cxvii^ Bodleian Library in1882^7.A Report from the Librarian (Oxford, cxviii (both without the section on the name), cxix (part only), 1888), 20. cxx^cxxiii (all without the sections on the name), cxxix, cxxiv shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 5.28. (without the section on the name), cxxv^cxxviii, cxxx (without the section on the name), cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxvii (without the sec- tion on the name), cxxxii (without the section on the name), cxxxix (without the section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cxxxiii, cxl^cxliii (all without the sections on the name), cxliv, j-067] jacobus de voragine 1495

r J-067 Jacobus de Voragine l2 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xlii (without the section on the [Dutch] Passionael:Winter- ende Somerstuc. Usuardus: name), xliii^xlv (without the section on the name), clxxiii (with variations), xlvi (without the section on the name), xlvii, l. Martyrologium [Dutch]. r n8 [Legenda aurea: additional legends. Life of S. Gertrude.] Incipit: r A2 [Calendar.] Incipit: ‘Januarius heeft xxxi daghen maen xxx . . .’ ‘[V]anden leuen ende verdienten ende vander bekeringhe des hey- Following Polain. lighen magets sinte Gheertruyt . . .’ r v a1 [Introduction to Legenda aurea.] Incipit: ‘[G]henomen is dit o7 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. boeck wt een boeck dat men hiet dat passionael . . .’ refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xlix (without the section on the v a1 [Prologue to Martyrologium.] ‘Die voersprake opt martirolo- name), li, liii^liv (withvariations), xcii, lvi, lvii^lix (all withoutthe gium’. Incipit:‘[D]ie hoechtiden der heyligher apostelen of marte- section on the name), lxi (without the section on the name), lxiii laren . . .’ (without the section on the name), lxx, lxxii^lxxiii (both with var- r a2 Usuardus: [Letter addressed to] Carolus king of Francia iations), lxv (without the section on the name), lxvii (without the [Charles the Bald]. Incipit: ‘[D]iesnode ende cleynwaerdighe section on the name), lxviii^lxix, lxxiv (without the section on the priester ende moninc . . .’ name), cxxix, lxxvi (without the section on the name), lxxv (with- r a3 Usuardus: Martyrologium. Incipit: ‘[O]ctaue der gheboerten out the section on the name). r ons heren Ihesu Cristi ende siin besnidenisse . . .’ Each section on x4 ‘Dat leuen ende dye legende des . . . sinte Seruacius’. Incipit:‘[I]n the Martyrologium is followed by an appropriate legend from the dyen tiden dat dye keyser Octauianus regnerende was . . .’ r Legenda aurea. y6 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. r a3 [Jacobus de Voragine]: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxvii (without the section on Lombardica historia [Dutch]: Winterstuc.‘Passionael’. the name). v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xiii^xiv (ending imperfectly), y6 ‘Van die eersaem priester Beda’. Incipit: ‘[I]nt jaer ons heren ses xv,xvii (without the section on the name), xvi (without the section hondert ende seuen ende tachtich soe was Beda . . .’ v on the name, and ending imperfectly). z5 ‘Die legende van sinte Hubrecht’. Incipit: ‘[I]n dien tiden doe die r b8 ‘Die legende van sinte Ponciaen’. Incipit: ‘[I]nden tiden des key- boesheyt des wreden Eubronii . . .’ v sers Anthonius doe dat zwaert van persecucie . . .’ z8 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. v c2 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxviii, lx, lxxix. v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xix, xviii (withoutthe section on h2 ‘Die legende van . . . sinte Erasmus’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe man the name). sinte Erasmus die was van enen edelen . . .’ v r c4 ‘Die legende van sinte Anthonius’. Incipit: ‘[A]nthonius die was h6 ‘Die historie ende legende vanden . . . bisscop . . . sinte gheboren wt Egipten van gheestelijcken ouders . . .’ Bonifacius’. Incipit: ‘[D]ae die tijt dat dat deuote volck van r e3 ‘Die legende . . . van . . . sinte Prisca’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe Enghelant bi onderwisinge . . .’ v maghet sinte Prisca een poerterse van Roemen . . .’ m2 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. r e4 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxx^lxxxi (both without the refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxii^xxv (all without the sec- section on the name). v tions on the name, xxv ending imperfectly), xxviii (with varia- m5 ‘Die legende des . . . confessoers sinte Odulphus’. Incipit: ‘[I]n tions), cxxxviii. dien tiden dat regnerende was die alder goedertierenste . . .’ v r g2 ‘Die legende vanden groten Karolo’. Incipit: ‘[K]arolus des A2 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. cominics Pippinus soen die om gwetheyt . . .’ refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxxii (without the section on r g7 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. the name), lxxxiv^lxxxv (without the section on the name), lxxxiii refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxxi^xxxvi. (without the section on the name). v r iii h5 ‘Die legende van sinte Brigitta’. Incipit: ‘[D]ese heylichste A7 ‘Die legende vanden x maertelaren’. Incipit: ‘[D]aer was in Brigitta een bruyt Christi vanden ouersten . . .’ voerleden tiden een prince gheheyten Achasius die welcke gheor- r h7 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. dineert . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxxvii, xxxviii^xxxix (both A8 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. without the sections on the name). refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvi (without the section on r i8 ‘Die legende van sinte Dorothea’. Incipit:‘[I]nder prouincien van the name). v Capadocien inder stat Cesarien so was een . . .’ B5 ‘Die legende des . . . confessoers Lebuiin’. Incipit: ‘[E]en edel v k2 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. eylant gheleghen is aen die Zuder Zee . . .’ r refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xl^xli (both without the section C1 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. on the name). refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii^lxxxviii, lxxxix^xc r k3 ‘Die legende vanTheophilus’. Incipit: ‘[T]heophilus des rechters (both without the section on the name), lv (without the section aduocaet hi bespotte aldus Dorothea . . .’ on the name), cxxvii (with the names as Saminianus and Samina, v k5 ‘Die legende van sinte Appollonia’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe rather than Savinianus and Savina), cxliv, clii. r maghet Appollonia was ghepinicht van een tyran . . .’ E8 ‘Die legende ende leuenvanden heilighen abt . . . sinte Gheraert’. r k6 ‘Die legende van sinte Scolastica’. Incipit:‘[S]inte Scolastica was Incipit: ‘[D]ie man goods ende heilighe abt Gheraert was ghebo- sinte Benedictus suster ende was een nonne van enen . . .’ ren . . .’ v v k6 ‘Legende ende leuen des heylighen . . . sinte Willem’. Incipit: F2 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. ‘[D]ie heylighe man sinte Willem was gheboren wter prouintien refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxxv^clxxvii, clxxix^clxxxi van . . .’ (sections 1^3 only). 1496 jacobus de voragine [j-067^j-068

v H2 ‘Die legende van sinte Ioest’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Ioest wes hoechtijt COPY op sinte Lucien dach is was een . . .’ Wanting gathering A containing the calendar, also n1. v H4 ‘Die legende van sinte Dirck’. Incipit: ‘[S]inte Dirck was ghebo- Winterstuc only, although Sheppard notes that it does not corre- ren int lantscap van Riemen gheleghen . . .’ spond exactly with the Pars hiemalis. r H5 [Jacobus deVoragine]: ‘Passionael’;Winterstuc. Binding: Sixteenth-century blind-tooled calf over wooden refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxix^xxx (without the section boards, with two metal catches; two clasps lost. On both covers on the name), clxxxii, clxix (without the section on the name), triple ¢llets form concentric frames; within the outer frame is a clxxiii (part only). cresting roll, within the inner frame a foliate(?) roll, both very r K5 ‘Van sinte Seuerinus bisscop ende confessoer’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie worn. Size: 274 ¿ 207 ¿ 69 mm. Size of leaf: 255 ¿ 191 mm. heylighe bisscop Seuerinus gheboren vanden bisdom . . .’ Two- to six-line initials are supplied in red or blue; paragraph v K5 ‘Van sinte Seuerinus biscop ende confessoer’. Incipit: ‘[N]och marks, capital strokes, and underlining supplied in red. soe ist huden sinte Seuerinus den biscops dach . . .’ Provenance: Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia, S. Maria, S. v K6 ‘Vansinte Cunibertus bisscop ende confessoer’. Incipit:‘[I]n des Johannes Baptista and S. Johannes Evangelista, Carthusians; r conincs vanVrancrijcs tiden Dagobertus . . .’ inscription in a sixteenth-century(?) hand on a2 : ‘Liber r r K7 ‘Die historie vanden heyligen bisscoppen Eucharius, Valerius Carthusi× Wesaliensis’; shelfmark ‘G.122’ on a2 . Purchased for ende Maternus’. Incipit: ‘[A]l ist wel dat die heyligen leuen altijt »1. 5. 0: see Books Purchased (1853), 66. bliuet biden . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.27. v L2 ‘Van sinte Valerius bisscop’. Incipit: ‘[I]n des eerbaren doot Eucharius soe volghede . . .’ v J-068 Jacobus de Voragine L3 ‘Van sinte Maternus biscop’. Incipit: ‘[N]a dien dat Valerius ghestoruen was soe ontfenck sinte . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia v L4 ‘Van sinte Brygida’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe ioncfrouwe Brigida [English] The Golden Legend. die god voer . . .’ r v [*]2 Caxton,William: [Prologue.] L6 ‘Van sinte Walburch’. Incipit: ‘[D]aer nae dat Enghelant ouer- refs. Crotch 70. The edition has been reprinted with normalized midts sinte Gregorius paeus . . .’ r spelling: William Caxton, The Golden Legend or Lives of the L8 ‘Van sinte Wyw’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe ionghelinc Wyw was Saints as Englished by William Caxton, ed. F. S. Ellis, 7 vols gheboren wt dat eylant Scotlant ghenoemt . . .’ r (London, 1900, repr. 1931). M1 ‘Van sinte Blandina’. Incipit: ‘[B]iden maertelaers tiden soe was r [*]3 Caxton,William: [Prologue.] een vrouwe dye Blandina . . .’ v refs. Crotch 71. M1 ‘Van sinte Sanctus’. Incipit: ‘[I]n dyen seluen tiden so was een v [*3 ] ‘Tabula’. dyake die Sanctus . . .’ r r a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive M2 ‘Vansinte Fotinus’. Incipit:‘[I]n dyen tydenwas oeckeen heylich Lombardica historia.Translated by William Caxton. bisscop die Fotinus gheheten was . . .’ v refs. Following Jacobus de Voragine, Legenda aurea, ed. M4 ‘Van sinte Basilides’. Incipit: ‘[I]n dyen tiden doe Dyoclesianus Graesse, nos i (with variant ending), vi (with variant beginning ende Maximianus rasende waren op . . .’ r and other variations), xiii (with variations), xiv (with variations), M5 ‘Van sinte Medardus’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe Medardus was xxxi^xxxv, liii^liv, lxx, lxxii^lxxiii. On Caxton’s translation see gheboren wt dat lantscap . . .’ v Sister Mary Jeremy, ‘Caxton’s ‘‘Golden Legend’’ and Voragine’s M5 ‘Van sinte Arnulphus’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe bisscop ‘‘Legenda aurea’’’, Speculum, 21 (1946), 212^21. Arnulphus was van edelen gheslachte . . .’ v v d6 ‘Here foloweth the feste of the Holy Sacrament’. Incipit: ‘[T]he M8 ‘Van sinte Fredericus bisscop’. Incipit: ‘[D]ie heylighe man grete largesse and benefayttes that God hath distributed . . .’ Fredericus was gheboren wt edelen . . .’ v v d8 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive N4 ‘Van sinte Agapitus’. Incipit: ‘[O]nder den heydenschen coninc Lombardica historia. Antyochus soe was een kinc . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. clxxxii. N6 ‘Vansinte A¡ra’. Incipit:‘[I]n dyen dagen doe Dyoclesiaens ras- v e4 ‘The sonday of Septuagesme begynneth the storye of the Byble. erie barnede onder den . . .’ v In whiche is redde the legende and storye of Adam’. Incipit: ‘[I]n O2 ‘Van sinte Gregorius bisscop van Wtrecht’. Incipit: ‘[D]oe die the begynnyng god made and created heuen and erthe . . .’ On the heylighe bisscop vanVtrecht Bonifacius . . .’ v Biblical lives see N. F. Blake,‘The Biblical Additions in Caxton’s O3 ‘Vander vijndinghe des hoefdes sinte Johans Baptisten’. Incipit: Golden Legend’, Traditio, 25 (1969), 231^47, repr. N. F. Blake, ‘[T]wee monicken quamen wt orienten ende si begheerden . . .’ v William Caxton and English Literary Culture (London, 1991), P2 ‘Van sinte Sophie met haren dryen dochteren Fides, Spes et 213^29. Caritas’. Incipit: ‘[S]oe dat woert goods oeuer alle die wevelt ghe- r e7 ‘Hir begynneth the hystorye of Noe’. Incipit: ‘[A]fter that Adam condicht wort . . .’ was deed deyd Eue and was buryed by hym . . .’ v Utrecht: JohannVeldener, 12 Sept. 1480. Folio. In two parts. e8 ‘Here followeth the lyfof Abraham’. Incipit:‘[T]he Sonday called collation: A a^r i ( s^v u^z h m A^N8 OP6. Quinquagesme is redde in the chirche thy storye . . .’ r v Woodcut border on a1 . f4 ‘Here beginneth the lyf of Ysaac with thistorie of Esau and of C 6510; Go¡ J-144 (I); Pr 8859 (I); Campbell 1757; HPT II 433; ILC Jacob’. Incipit: ‘[Y]saac was xl yere olde whan he wedded 1309; Oates 3326 (I); Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 119; Polain 2218; Rebecca . . .’ v Seyboldt no. 103; Sheppard 6869 (I). f8 ‘Here begynneth thystorye of Joseph and his brethern’. Incipit: ‘[J]oseph whan he was xvi yere old began to kepe and fede the £ock with his brethern . . .’ j-068] jacobus de voragine 1497

v r g6 ‘Here next foloweth thystorye of Moyses’. Incipit: ‘[T]hyse ben r6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive the names of the children of Israhel that entryd . . .’ Lombardica historia. r h7 [A brief account of the books of the Bible from Joshua to Judges, refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxxviii^xxxix (with variations), followed by a summary of the liturgical readings beginning with xli, xl (withoutthe section on the name), xlii^xliii (with additional the Book of Kings.] Incipit: ‘[A]fter Moyses Josue was duc and section on the name), xliv (with additional section), xlv (with var- ledar of the chyldren of Israhel . . .’ iations), xlvi^xlvii (both with variations). r r h7 ‘Thystorye of Saul’ [running heading]. ‘The ¢rst sonday after s8 ‘Here begynneth the lif of saynt Maure’. Incipit: ‘[T]he yere that Trynyte sonday unto the ¢rst sonday of the moneth of August is sayut[sic] Benet deied he sente seynt Maure . . .’ v redde the boke of kynges’. Incipit: ‘[T]his hystorye maketh men- s8 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Patryke’. Incipit: ‘[P]atryke is as cyon of a man that was named Helcana . . .’ moche to saye as knowleche and thynterpretacion of hys v i4 ‘Here foloweth how Dauyd regned after Saul and gouerned name’. . .’ v Israhell, shortly taken out of the Bible the most hystoryal maters t1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive and but lytel touched’. Incipit: ‘[A]fter the deth of Saul Dauid Lombardica historia. retorned fro the jorney. . .’ refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. xlix. v r i7 ‘Thy storye of Salomon’ [running heading]. Incipit: ‘[A]fter t4 ‘Here next foloweth The lyf of saynt Cuthberd of Durham’. Dauid regned Salomon his sone whiche was in the begynnyng a Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Cuthberd was born in Englond and whan . . .’ r good man . . .’ t5 ‘Here foloweth the fest ofthe annunciacion or salutacion of than- r k2 ‘Thystorye of Roboas’ [running heading]. Incipit: ‘[A]fter gel Gabriel to our lady’. Incipit:‘The fest of thys daye is called tha- Salomon regned hys sone Roboas . . .’ nunciacion of our lady. . .’ v v k2 ‘Here foloweth thystorye of Job’. Incipit:‘[T]her was a man in the t6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive londe of Hus named Job . . .’ Lombardica historia. v k3 ‘Here foloweth thystorye of Tobye’. Incipit: ‘[T]obye of the tribe refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos li (with variations), lv (without and of ye cyte of Neptalym . . .’ the section on the name), lvi^lvii (sections 1^8 only). r v k8 ‘Here begynneth thystorye of Judith’. Incipit: ‘[A]rphaxat kynge u2 [Cross reference.] ‘The lyf of sayntes Tyburce and Valerian been of the Medes subdued unto his empire . . .’ conteyned in the lyf of Cecyle vyrgyn and marter’. v v l3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive u2 ‘The lyf of saynt Alphey’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Alphey the holy bys- Lombardica historia. shop and marter was borne . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos ii^iii. u3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive v m1 ‘Here foloweth the Concepcion of our blessid Lady’. Incipit: Lombardica historia. ‘‘‘[M]aria inuenisci graciam apud dominum’’. Luce primo capi- refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lviii (with additional note on tulo.Whan the Aungel Gabriel had grete our Lady. . .’ Georgius as patron saint of England and of the Order of the v m3 ‘The lyues of the seyntes Genicien, Fulcien and Victorice’. Garter, etc.), lix^lxi (with variations), lxiii (with variations), lxv, Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Fulcien and saynt Vyctorice of whom ye solemp- lxvii^lxix, lxxiv (without the section on the name), lxxv^lxxviii nyte is . . .’ (with additional section on the name). v v m3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive y2 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Dunston’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Lombardica historia. Dunston was borne in Englond and our Lord . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. iv. y3 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Aldelme’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt r m5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of seynt Nychase’. Incipit: ‘[I]n that tyme Aldelme the confessour was borne in Englond . . .’ r that theWandleswasted and destroyed many cytes and londes . . .’ y4 ‘Of saynt Austyn that bronzt(!) cristendom in to Englond’. v m5 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Austyn was an holy monke and sente in to Lombardica historia. Engloud(!) . . .’ r refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos v, vii (without the section on the y6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive name). Lombardica historia. v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos cvii, lxxix^lxxxi, lxxxii (with m8 ‘Here foloweth of saynt Eugene’. Incipit: ‘[E]ugenia the noble virgyne whyche was doughter to Phelippe . . .’ variations), lxxxiii (with variations and without the section on r the name), lxxxiv^lxxxv. n1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive r Lombardica historia. z5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Edward kyng and marter’. Incipit: refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos viii^xii, xv^xvii. ‘[S]aynt Edward the yonge kynge and marter was the sone of . . .’ v z r ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saint Albone and of saint Amphyabel’. o7 ‘And next followeth thynuencion of saynt Fremyn’. Incipit: ‘[I]n 6 the tyme of thynunencion of saynt Fremyn . . .’ Incipit: ‘[A]fter that Julyus Cesar the ¢rst emperour of Rome . . .’ r r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive o8 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive h2 Lombardica historia. Lombardica historia. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xviii^xxi (with variations), refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. lxxxvi (with variations). r xxii^xxvi (with additional section on the name), xxvii^xxviii h4 ‘The lyfof saint Loey’. Incipit:‘[S]aynt Loye was borne in the con- (with additional section on conversion), xxix (here called tre of Lymoges . . .’ r Pauline, and with variations) xxx, xxxvi. h5 ‘And begynneth the lyf of saynt Wyllyam’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt r r ‘Here foloweth the pury¢cacion of our lady’. Incipit: Wyllyam was drawen out of noble lignage . . .’ 3 v ‘‘‘[P]ostquam impleti sunt dies purgacionis Marie secundum h5 ‘Here begynneth the lyf of saynt Eutrope’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint legem . . .’’ [Lc 2,22]. Luce secundo capitulo. Thauncyent lawe Eutrope was borne and came of the moste . . .’ had hys cours vnto the tyme that god . . .’ 1498 jacobus de voragine [j-068

r h7 ‘Andbegynneth of saynt Marcyal’. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme that our refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clix, clx^clxi (both with addi- lord Jhesu Cryst prechyd in Jurye . . .’ tional sections on the name), clxii^clxii (with additional section). r v m1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive T5 ‘The lyf of saynt Wenefryde’. Incipit: ‘[A]ftir that the holy man Lombardica historia. Beuno had do made many chirches . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. ccxvi (with variations). T6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive v m5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Maturyne’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Lombardica historia. Maturyn was borne of the dyosyse of Sens and his . . .’ refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clv, clxiv^clxv (with additional r m6 ‘Here foloweth of saynt Victor marter’.Thus in setting A. Incipit: section on the name), clxvi (with additional section), clxvii (with ‘[S]aint Victor the gloryous knyght & marter. . .’Thus in setting A. additional section on the name). r v A1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive V5 ‘The lyf . . . of saint Clare’. Incipit: ‘[T]here was a merueyllous Lombardica historia. holy woman in the cyte of Assyse which was . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii (with variations), X5 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive lxxxviii^xcii. Lombardica historia. r B3 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of seint Swithine’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), xciv (with Swithyne the holy confessour was born besydes Wynchester. . .’ variations), clxviii. r v B4 ‘Here foloweth the translacion of seynt Thomas of aa4 ‘The lyf of saynt Edmunde’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Edmunde the con- Caunterbury’. Incipit: ‘[T]he translacion of the gloryous martir fessour and byssop whyche restyth . . .’ r Seynt Thomas . . .’ aa7 ‘The lyf of saynt Hughe’. Incipit:‘[S]aint Hughe of holy remem- r B5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of seynt Kenelme kyng and martir’. braunce was som tyme bysshop of Lyncoln . . .’ r Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Kenelme martir was kynge of a parte of aa8 ‘The lyf of saynt Edmunde kyng and marter’. Incipit: ‘[I]n the Englond . . .’ prouynce of Englond of olde tyme where dyuers kynges for the v B6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive londe . . .’ v Lombardica historia. aa9 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xciii, xcv^xcix (with variations), Lombardica historia. c^ciii (with additional section on the name), civ (with additional refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxix^clxxi (with additional sec- section on the name), cv^cvi (with additional section on the tion on the name), clxxii (with variations), clxxiii (with additional name), cvii (repeated), cviii^cx (with variations), cxi^cxii (with section on the name). Many legends have at least minor varia- variations), cxiii (with variations), cxiv^cxix (with variations). tions, and many also end in small prayers to the saint. r r H4 ‘Yet of thassumpcion of oure lady aftir saynt Austyn’. Incipit: cc6 [Note about the extra feasts added to the corpus.] Incipit: ‘This ‘[S]aynt Austyn sheweth autentyckly in a sermon of the right feste is the laste feste of the yere for to begynne at the feste . . .’ r holy. . .’ cc6 [Additional legends.] r H5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Rocke’. ‘Rocke’ in setting A; refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. clxxiv. v ‘Rock’ in setting B. Translated by William Caxton. Incipit: cc7 ‘The lyf of . . . Bede’. Incipit:‘[T]he holy and venerable Bede was ‘[S]aynt Rock was borne in Mountpeler which is a towne of grete borne in Englond . . .’ r name. . .’Caxton names himselfas translator atthe end ofthis life. cc7 [Additional legends.] v H7 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccx (with variations). v Lombardica historia. dd1 ‘The lyf of saynt Brandon’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Brandon the holy refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos cxx^cxxi (with variations in the man was a monke and borne . . .’ v section on the name), cxxii (without the section on the name), dd5 ‘The lyf of saint Erkenwolde’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Erkenwolde was ccxxiii^cxxiv (with variations), cxxv, cxxvi^cxxix (all with addi- borne of noble lygnage. Hys fader was . . .’ r tional sections on the name), cxxx^cxxxi (with variations), cxxxiv dd7 [Additional legends.] (with additional section on the name), cxxxv^cxxxvi (with addi- refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxv (with additional section on the tional section on the name), cxxxvii^cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, name), clxxvi^clxxxi. cxxxiii (with additional section on the name), cxl^cxliv (with r ¡6 ‘Of saynt Symeon’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Symeon was borne in additional section on the name), cxlv^cxlix, cl^clii (all with addi- Antyoche and was moche vertuous . . .’ tional sections on the name), cliii^cliv (with additional section on v ¡7 ‘The lyf of saynt Polycarpe’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Policarpe was dys- the name). cyple of saynt Johan theuangelyst . . .’ P v ‘The lyf of seint Edward kynge and confessour’. Incipit: ‘[I]n old r 8 ¡8 ‘The passyon of saynt Quyryace’. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme that tyme the royamme of Englond was gretely troublyd wyth the Julyan thappostata went for to fyghte . . .’ Danes . . .’ gg v [Additional legends.] v 2 R2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccxiv (without the section on the name, and Lombardica historia. with variations). refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clvi^clvii (with additional sec- r gg3 ‘The lyf of saynt Gayus’. Incipit:‘[T]hat tyme whan Dyoclesyan tion on the name), clviii. and Maxymyen reygned emperours Gayus . . .’ R v ‘The lyf of saint Cryspyn and Cryspynyan’ [running heading]. v 7 gg3 ‘The lyfofsaynt Arnolde’. Incipit:‘[S]aynt Arnolde was faderof Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme whan the furyous persecucion of Crysten Pepyn and graunt fader of Charles the Grete . . .’ men . . .’ gg r ‘The lyf of saynt Turyen’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Turyen was archebys- v 5 R8 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive shop of Dol in lytel Bretaygne . . .’ Lombardica historia. r gg6 ‘The lyf of saynt Fyacre’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Fiacre the gloryous hermyte made many vertuous dedes . . .’ j-068] jacobus de voragine 1499

v hh1 ‘The lyf of saynt Justyn’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Justyn was born in the Purchased from Parker for »20. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1848), cite of Naples and his fader . . .’ 9 (under Caxton), Macray 494, and Jasmine S. Howse, r hh2 ‘The lyf of saynt Demetryen’. Incipit: ‘[W]hile that themperour Denchworth through the Centuries (Stanford-in-the-Vale, 1967), Maxymyen had the lordshyp of thessalonycense . . .’ 84. v hh2 ‘The lyf of saynt Rigoberte’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Rigoberte was Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Auct. QQ sup. 1.29; Arch. F b.3; archebisshop of Raynes euer ¢lled with holinesse . . .’ Auct. 5Q inf.1.19. r hh3 ‘The lif of saint Laudry’. Incipit:‘[S]aint Laudri of whom heraf- shelfmark: Arch. G b.2. ter we joyefully shal make memorye . . .’ SECOND COPY v hh3 ‘The lyf of saynt Mellonyn’. Incipit:‘[I]n the tyme of the emper- A mixture of the two di¡erent settings. Setting A: r1^2, 4^8, gather- our Valeryen saynt Mellonyn . . .’ ings s and t, A1,C5^8,D2^7,E3^6, 8; setting B: u2^8, x2^8, gatherings v hh3 ‘Of saunt Yues’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Yues was borne in litel Britayn y, z, h, m1^3, 6,F1^6, 8,G1.8,H1^7,I1^2, 4, 6^8,K1, 3^8, gathering L, M1, in the dyocyse of Triguyer . . .’ O2^8, gatherings P^R, S1^5, 7^8,T1, bb4^8, cc1, 4^8, dd1^7, gathering r hh6 ‘The lyf of saint Morante’. Incipit: ‘[T]he kyng Theodorik com- ee, ¡3^4. Leaf t8 mutilated. maunded to saynt Morant of Dolbey. . .’ Wanting gatherings AA and a^q, r3, u1, x1, m4^5,A2^8, gathering B, v hh6 [Additional legends.] C1^4,D1,D8,E1^2, 7,F7,G2^7,H8,I3, 5,K2,M2^8, gathering N, O1, refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccxiii (with variations). S6,T2^8, gatheringsV,X, [Y?], aa, bb1^3, cc2^3, dd8,¡1^2, 5^8, gath- v ii1 ‘The lyf of saint Lowes’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Lowes of Marseylle was erings gg^kk. borne of ryal lygnage and had to hys fader. . .’ Binding: Nineteenth-century half maroon morocco, with black r ii2 ‘The lyf of saint Andegonde’. Incipit:‘[I]n the tyme of Dagoberte cloth boards, bound for the Bodleian. Size: 344 ¿ 216 ¿ 45 mm. kynge of Fraunce which reygned about . . .’ Size of leaf: 330 ¿ 200 mm. r r ii3 ‘The lyf of saint Aulbyne’. Incipit:‘[S]aynt Aulbyne was borne of Cropped ¢gure in black ink in the outer margin of t5 . noble lygnage in the partyrs of Ytalye . . .’ Three- to seven-line initials are supplied in red. r ii4 ‘The storie of the Masse’. Incipit: ‘[F]or herte deuoute to vnder- Provenance: Thomas Hearne (1678^1735)(?); reference in MS. stonde what it is to say masse also to consecrate the body. . .’ Rawl. D.1167, fol. 10, no. 123:‘Lives of saints, printed by Caxton, r kk3 ‘The twelue articles of our feythe’ Incipit: ‘[T]hyse ben the twe- much imperfect’. Richard Rawlinson (1690^1755)(?). Probably lue artycles of the crysten feythe that euery crysten man . . .’ bequeathed in 1755. Gathering kk is wanting in the Bodleian copy; here quoted from Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. QQ sup. 1.24. the British Library copy which is of setting B. shelfmark: Arch. G c.1. Westminster:William Caxton, [after 20 Nov. 1483]. Folio. THIRD COPY collation: Gatherings a^t and A^E exist in one setting only; the A mixture of the two di¡erent settings. remaining gatherings exist in two di¡erent settings. Setting A: [*]6 Wanting gatherings AA aa^dd, ee1^2, 4^5, 7^8, f4^8, gatherings g^ a^z h8 m6 A^V8 X6 Y2 [**]2^1aa^¡8 gg6 hh ii8 kk6. Setting B: [*]4 a^ m, n1.8, o1^2, 8, q6^8, gatherings r^z h m, A^E, F1.8,G4.5, gathering z h8 m6 A^X aa^¡8 gg6 hh ii8 kk6. M, P2^8, [Y3], ¡8, gg6, hh1^3, 7^8, and gatherings ii and kk. Woodcuts: see Hodnett nos 239^305, and BMC. Setting A: e3.6, f1^3, n2^7, o3^7, p1^8, q1^5,F2^3, 6^7,G1^3, 6^8, gather- C 6472; C 6473; Go¡ J-148^9; BMC XI; Pr 9655, 9668; Blades, ings H^L, N, O, P1, gatherings Q^Y; setting B: F4.5, gatherings Caxton, 56; Caxton, Exhibition, BL, 66, no. 70; de Ricci, Caxton, aa^ee, ¡1^7, gg1^5, hh4^6. 98^9; Du¡ 408^9; Hillard 1122; Needham, Pardoner, 88, no. Cx Leaves F4 and T3 slightly mutilated; H8 damaged; G1 and H1 67; Oates 4087^91, 4105; Painter, Caxton, 213; Pellechet, mounted; hh6 repaired. For this copy see Caxton, Exhibition, ‘Voragine’, nos 110^11; Seyboldt no. 112; Sheppard 7394^8, 7407; Bodley, no. 18. STC 24873^4. Binding: Half russia with marbled paper boards, with remains of old spine laid down; bound for Douce (see below). Size: 361 ¿ FIRST COPY 250 ¿ 41 mm. Size of leaf: 350 ¿ 230 mm. Wanting all before c , also d , t , u , x , y , ,B ,D ,H , kk 2 7 5 4 6^7 8 h1.8 1.8 8 1.8 1^ The legend of S. Thomas of Canterbury on o v^o v has been . 2 3 6 crossed through in black ink, as has the word ‘’. Occasional Setting A; ii almost wholly torn away. Many leaves repaired. 6 marginal scribbles and pen-trials. Manuscript index on the recto Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf with of a back endleaf in an eighteenth/nineteenth-century hand. marbled pastedowns; bound for the Bodleian. Size: 403 ¿ 293 ¿ Three- to seven-line initials, some with extensions into the mar- 90 mm. Size of leaf: 387 ¿ 272 mm. gins, paragraph marks, and some capital strokes are supplied in Early marginal annotations, including comments (mostly in red. English) on the text, and ‘nota’ marks.What survives of the‘Teste Provenance: John White (À not after 1788); sale (3, 4 Mar. 1788), of the Holy Sacrament’ in gathering d has been cancelled in black lot 218, purchased by Douce. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armor- ink, also‘The storie of the Masse’ in gathering ii. ial book-plate and initial stamp, also a manuscript note by him, Three- to seven-line initials, some with extensions into the mar- bearing his initials: ‘Mr. Uphill a bookseller brought to me gins, some paragraph marks, and occasional capital strokes are another portion of this identical volume long after I had rebound supplied in red. it, containing from fo: XLIV to fo: LXXXXVII, those leaves Provenance: William Browne (sixteenth century); inscription on being here de¢cient . . . As 5 guineas were asked I did not think it B v: ‘Per me Guyllihelmo Puce(?) alias Browne’. Denchworth, 7 worth while to take it as the volume would have still remained Berkshire, parish library; see note on a slip attached to the recto imperfect. The leaves that have been taken out in the middle of of one of the front endleaves; according to Morgan, Oxford this volume were given by me to Lord Spencer to make his copy Libraries, 158, this item was sold by an ‘erring vicar’ in 1832. 1500 jacobus de voragine [j-068^j-070

r more perfect. I wish his librarian had been a little more careful in Aa2 ‘The sondaye of Septuagesme begynneth the storye of the extracting them . . .’Bequeathed in 1834. Byble. In whiche is redde the legende and storye of Adam which shelfmark: Douce 270. foloweth’. Incipit: ‘[A]s we redde that in the begynnyng God FOURTH COPY made and created heuen and erthe . . .’ v Fragment: leaf o3 only. Aa4 ‘Here foloweth thehystorye of Noe’. Incipit:‘[A]fter that Adam Binding: Mounted in a modern guard-book of half calf with was deed deyd Eue and was buryed by hym . . .’ r cloth, by Zaehnsdorf, 1922. Size of leaf: 341 ¿ 240 mm. Aa6 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of Abraham’. Incipit: ‘[T]he sondaye v Faint pen-trials on o3 . called Quinquagesme is redde in the chirche the hystorye . . .’ r v v On o3 a six^line initial ‘S’and on o3 a six^line initial ‘M’(!) are Bb2 ‘Here begynneth the lyf of Ysaac with thystorye of Esau and of supplied in red. Jacob’. Incipit: ‘[Y]saac was xl yere olde whan he wedded Provenance: John Higginson, sixteenth century(?); signature on Rebecca . . .’ r v o3 . Francis Edward Norris (1885^1966). Presented by Norris by Bb7 ‘Here begynneth the hystorye of Joseph and his brethern’. v June 1952; Bodleian stamp on o3 ; book-plate. Incipit: ‘[I]oseph whan he was xvi yere old began to kepe and fede shelfmark: Inc. c. E1.1. the £ock with his brethern . . .’ r Cc6 ‘Here next foloweth the hystorye and lyf of Moyses’. Incipit: J-069 Jacobus de Voragine ‘[T]hyse ben the names of the childeren of Israhell that entred . . .’ v Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia Dd7 [Additional legends.] [Abrief account of the books of the Bible from Joshua to Judges, followed by a summary of the liturgical [English] The Golden Legend. readings beginning with the Book of Kings.] Incipit: ‘[A]fter Large fragment. Moyses Josue was duke and ledar of the childern of Israhell . . .’ r Westminster: [Wynkyn deWorde], 20 May 1493. Folio. Dd8 ‘The hystorye of Saul’ [running heading]. ‘The fyrst sondaye collation: [*4] a^e8 F2 f^z h m8 eš 4 A^Yaa^ee8 ¡6 gg4. after Trynyte sondaye unto the fyrst sondaye of the moneth of Woodcuts: see BMC. August is redde the boke of kynges’. Incipit: ‘[T]his hystorye C 6474; Go¡ J-150; BMC XI; Pr 9691; Blades, Caxton,101; de Ricci, maketh mencyon of a man that was named Helcana . . .’ v Caxton, 107; Du¡ 410; Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 113; Rhodes 992; Ee5 ‘Here feloweth how Dauyd regned after Saull and gouerned Seyboldt no. 114; Sheppard 7426; STC 24875. Israhell, shortly taken out of the Byble the moost hystoriall COPY maters and but lytel touched’. Incipit: ‘[A]fter the deth of Saull

Wanting gatherings [*], a^g, also h1^5, 7,I3^8, gathering k, l7, n4^8, Dauyd retourned fro the journeye . . .’ r gathering o, p8, q2, 7, 8, r1^2, s5, 8, gathering t, v1.8, x1, 3, 6, y1^2, m2.7, Ff1 ‘The hystorye of Salomon’ [running heading]. Incipit: ‘[A]fter B4,D3,K2.7,L8,M1^3, 6^8, gathering N, O7,P1.8,Q2.7,S3^8, and Dauyd regned Salomon his sone whiche was in the begynnynge a gatheringsT^Y,and aa^gg. Leaves p4 and B3 mutilated. good man . . .’ v Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf; bound Ff3 ‘The hystorye of Roboas’ [running heading].‘Here foloweth of for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both Roboam’. Incipit: ‘[A]fter Salomon regned hys sone Roboas . . .’ r covers. Upper cover detached, lower cover very loose. Size: Ff4 ‘Here foloweth thystorye of Job’. Incipit: ‘[T]here was a man in 285 ¿ 205 ¿ 37 mm. Size of leaf: 271 ¿ 187 mm. the londe of Hus named Job . . .’ v r Some early marginal annotations written in English. On r8 notes Ff5 ‘Here foloweth the hystorye of Thobye’. Incipit:‘[T]hobye ofthe in a sixteenth-century English hand:‘. . . [the] countie of Somerset trybe and of the cyte of Neptalym . . .’ Gg r ‘Here foloweth the hystorye of Judyth’. Incipit: ‘[A]rphaxat humbly doe acknawledg > him selfe to be in depted vnto John 2 kyng of the Medes subdued vnto his empyre . . .’ Aker(?) the sum of xv s of god > and lawful mony of England and [Hh r] [Title-page for the ‘Legenda aurea’]. ‘Here begynneth the France and Ierland defender of the fayth > That for fower poundes 1 of Englesh quoin(?) I would I would not forsake hime and soo I legende named in Latyn Legenda Aurea, that is to saye in end’; heavily cropped notes in English in sixteenth-century Englyshe the golden legende. For lyke as passeth golde in valewe r r hands, on I1 ,M5 (these last two apparently in the same ink), all other metallys, so this legende excelleth all other bookes’. r v and H1 . Occasional scribbles and pen-trials. [Hh1 ] ‘Prologue’. Incipit: ‘[T]he hooly and blessed doctour saynt Provenance: John Bagford (1650^1716). Thomas Hearne (1678^ Jherom sayth this auctoryte do alwaye . . .’ r 1735); inscription on the remains of an old endleaf, now attached [Hh2 ] [Introduction to the Tabula consisting of the last part of to the front pastedown: ‘Suum cuique Thomas Hearne. This old Caxton’s preface.] Incipit: ‘And to thende eche hystorye ly and imperfect book was given me by Mr. John Bagford. It was printed passyon . . .’ r byWilliam Caxton and is a great curiosity’; see MS. Rawl. D.1167, [Hh2 ] ‘Tabula’. r r fol. 5 , no. 59. Richard Rawlinson (1690^1755). Bequeathed in a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive 1755. Lombardica historia. Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. QQ sup. 1.4. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos i (with variant ending), vi (with shelfmark: Arch. G d.4. variant beginning and other variations), xiii (with variations), xiv (with variations), xxxi^xxxv, liii^liv, lxx, lxxii^lxxiii. v J-070 Jacobus de Voragine d8 ‘The feest of Corpus Christi’. Incipit: ‘The grete largesse and benefay that god hath distributed . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia v e2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive [English] The Golden Legend. Lombardica historia. r Aa1 ‘Tabula’. Incipit: ‘Here foloweth a lytel Table conteynynge the refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. clxxxii. Jacobus de Voragine: lyves and hystoryes shortly taken out of the Byble’. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. j-070] jacobus de voragine 1501

refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos ii^iii. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lviii (with additional note on r f5 ‘Here foloweth the Concepcyon of our blessyd Lady’. Incipit: Georgius as patron saint of England and of the Order of the ‘‘‘[M]aria inuenisti graciam apud dominum’’. Luce primo capi- Garter, etc.), lix^lxi (with variations), lxiii (with variations), lxv, tulo.Whan the Angel Gabriell had grete our Lady. . .’ lxvii^lxix, lxxiv (without the section on the name), lxxv^lxxviii r f7 ‘The lyues of the seyntes Gencyen, Fulcyen and Victoryce’. (with additional section on the name). r Incipit:‘[S]aynt Fulcyen and saynt Victoryce ofwhom the solemp- q3 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saint Dunston’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt nyte is . . .’ Dunston was borne in Englond. And our Lorde . . .’ r r f7 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive q4 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Aldelme’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Lombardica historia. Aldelme the confessour was borne in Englonde . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. iv. q4 ‘Of saynt Austyn that brought crystendom in to Englond’. v f8 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Nichase’. Incipit: ‘[I]n that tyme Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Austyn was an holy monke and sente in to that theWandleswasted and destroyed many cytes and londes . . .’ Englond . . .’ r v g1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive q6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Lombardica historia. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos v, vii (without the section on the refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos cvii, lxxix^lxxxi, lxxxii (with name). variations), lxxxiii (with variations and without the section on r g4 ‘Here foloweth of saynt Eugene’. Incipit:‘[E]ugenia the noble vir- the name), lxxxiv^lxxxv. r gyne whyche was doughter to Phylyppe . . .’ r5 ‘The lyf of saynt Edward kynge and martyr’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt v g4 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Edward the yonge kynge and martyr was the sone of . . .’ r Lombardica historia. r6 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Albone and of saynt Amphyabel’. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos viii^ xii, xv^xvii. Incipit: ‘[A]fter that Julius Cesar the fyrst emperour of Rome . . .’ r r i3 ‘And next foloweth thynuencyon of saynt Fremyn’. Incipit: ‘[I]n s2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive the tyme of thynunencyon of saint Fremyn . . .’ Lombardica historia. v i3 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. lxxxvi (with variations). r Lombardica historia. s4 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Loye’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Loye was refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xviii^xxi (with variations), born in the countre of Lymoges . . .’ r xxii^xxvi (with additional section on the name), xxvii^xxviii s5 ‘There begynneth the lyf of saynt Wyllyam’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt (with additional section on conversion), xxix (here called Wyllyam was drawen out of noble lygnage . . .’ v Pauline, and with variations), xxx, xxxvi. s5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Eutrope’. Incipit:‘[S]aynt Eutrope v l4 ‘Here foloweth the puri¢cacyon of our lady’. Incipit: was born and came of the most . . .’ r ‘‘‘[P]ostquam impleti sunt dies puri¢cacionis Marie secundum s7 ‘Here foloweth the lyfof saint Marcial’. Incipit:‘[I]n the tyme that legem . . .’’ [Lc 2,22]. Luce secundo capitulo. Thauncient lawe our lord Jhesu Cryste prechyd in Iurye . . .’ r had hys cours vnto the tyme that god . . .’ t1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive v l6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Lombardica historia. refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. ccxvi (with variations, and with- refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xxxviii^xxxix (with variations), out the section on the name). v xli, xl (withoutthe section on the name), xlii^xliii (with additional t5 ‘Here begynneth the lyf of saynt Maturyne’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt section on the name), xliv (with additional section), xlv (with var- Maturyn was borne of the dyosesse of Sens and hys . . .’ r iations), xlvi^xlvii (both with variations). t6 ‘Here foloweth the lyfofsaynt Vyctor’. Incipit:‘[S]aynt Vyctor the r n1 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Maure’. Incipit: ‘[T]he yere that gloryous knyght and marter. . .’ v saynt Benet deyed he sent saynt Maure . . .’ t6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive v n1 ‘Here begynneth the lyf of saynt Patryke and fyrst thynterpreta- Lombardica historia. cion of hys name’. Incipit: ‘[P]atryke is as moche to saye as know- refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos lxxxvii (with variations), leche . . .’ lxxxviii^xcii. v v n2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive x1 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Swythune’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Lombardica historia. Swithune ye holy confessour was born besydes Wynchester . . .’ refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. xlix. r x2 ‘Here begynneth the translacyon of saynt Thomas of v n5 ‘Here next fooweth the lyfe of saynt Cuthberde of Durham’. Caunterbury’. Incipit: ‘[T]he translacyon of ye glorious martyr Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Cuthberde was borne in Englonde and whan . . .’ saynt Thomas . . .’ n r Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive r 6 x3 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynte Kenelme kyng and marter’. Lombardica historia. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Kenelme marter was king of a parte of refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos li, lv (without the section on the Englonde . . .’ name), lvi^lvii (sections 1^8 only). x v Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive r 4 o4 [Cross-reference.] ‘The lyf of saynt Tyburce and Valeryan been Lombardica historia. conteyned in the lyf of Cecilye virgyn and martyr’. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos xciii, xcv^xcix (withvariations), r o4 ‘The lyf of saynt Alphey’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Alphey the holy bys- c^ciii (with additional section on the name), civ (with additional shop and martyr was born . . .’ section on the name), cv^cvi (with additional section on the r o5 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive name, ending imperfectly), cvii (repeated), cviii^cx (with varia- Lombardica historia. tions), cxi^cxii (with variations), cxiii (with variations), cxiv^ cxix (with variations). 1502 jacobus de voragine [j-070

v D2 [Additional legends.] [Addition to no. cxix ascribed to St. section on the name). Many of the legends contain at least minor Augustine.] Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Austyn sheweth autentyckly in a ser- variations, and many end in small prayers to the saint. v mon of the right holy. . .’ V6 [Note about the extra feasts added to the corpus.] Incipit: ‘Thys v D3 ‘He foloweth the lyf of saynt Rocke’. Translated by William feste is the laste feste of the yere for to begynne at the feste ofsaynt Caxton. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Rocke was born in Mountpeler whiche Andrewe . . .’ v is a towne of grete name . . .’ Caxton names himself as translator V6 [Additional legends.] at the end of this legend:‘whiche lyf is translated out of latyn in to refs. Following ed. Graesse, no. clxxiv. v Englysshe by meWyllyam Caxton’. V7 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Bede’. Incipit: ‘[T]he holy and v D6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive venerable Bede was born in Englond . . .’ v Lombardica historia. V8 [Additional legends.] refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos cxx^cxxi (with variations in the refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccx (with variations). v section on the name), cxxii (without the section on the name), X1 ‘Here foloweth ye lyf of saynt Brandon’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt ccxxiii^cxxiv (with variations), cxxv, cxxvi^cxxix (all with addi- Brandon the holy man was a monke and borne inYrlonde . . .’ r tional sections on the name), cxxx^cxxxi (with variations), cxxxiv X6 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Erkenwolde’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt (with additional section on the name), cxxxv^cxxxvi (with addi- Erkenwold was born of noble lygnage. Hys fader was . . .’ r tional section on the name), cxxxvii^cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, X7 [Additional legends.] cxxxiii (with additional section on the name), cxl^cxliv (with refs. ed. Graesse, nos clxxv (with additional section on the additional section on the name), cxlv^cxlviii (with additional sec- name), clxxvi^clxxxi. v tion on the name), cxlix, cl^clii (all with additional sections on the aa6 ‘Here foloweth ye lyfofsaynt Symeon’. Incipit:‘[S]aynt Symeon name), cliii^cliv (with additional section on the name). was born in Antyoche and was moche vertuous . . .’ r r L8 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Edward kyng of Englonde and aa8 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Polycarpe’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt confessour’. Incipit:‘[I]n old tyme the reame of Englonde was gre- Polycarpe was dyscyple of saynt Johan theuangelyst . . .’ v tely troubled with the Danes . . .’ aa8 ‘Here foloweth the passyon of saynt Quyryace’. Incipit:‘[I]n the v N2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive tyme that Julyan thappostata wente for to fyghte . . .’ r Lombardica historia. bb2 [Additional legends.] refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clvi^clvii (with additional sec- refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccxiv (without the section on the name, and tion on the name), clviii. with variations). r r N8 ‘Here foloweth the lyues of saynt Cryspyn and Cryspynyan’. bb3 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Gayus’. Incipit: ‘[I]n that tyme Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme whan the furyous persecucyon of Crysten whan Dyoclesyan and Maxymyen reygned emperours, Gayus . . .’ r men . . .’ bb4 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Arnolde’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt v N8 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Arnold was fader of Pepyn and graunt fader of Charles ye Lombardica historia. Grete . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clix, clx^clxi (both with addi- bb5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Turyen’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Turyen tional sections on the name), clxii^clxii (with additional section). was archebisshop of Dol in lytyll Brytagne . . .’ v r P5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Wenefryde’. Incipit: ‘[A]fter that bb6 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Fyacre’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Fyacre holy man Beuno hadde do made many chyrches . . .’ the gloryous heremyte made many vertuous dedes . . .’ v v P6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive bb7 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Justyn’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Justyn Lombardica historia. was born in the cyte of Naples and his fader . . .’ r refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clv, clxiv^clxv (with additional bb8 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Demetryen’. Incipit: ‘[W]hyle section on the name), clxvi^clxvii (with additional section on the that themperour Maxymyen had the lordshyp of name). Thessalonicense . . .’ v v Q5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of the holy vyrgine saynt Clare’. Incipit: bb8 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Rygoberte’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt ‘[T]here was a merueyllous holy woman in the cyte of Assyse Rygoberte was archebysshop of Raynes euer fylled with holy- whyche was . . .’ nesse . . .’ r r R6 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive cc1 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Laudry’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Laudri Lombardica historia. of whom herafter we ioyefull shall make memorye . . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos ccii (with variations), xciv (with cc1 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Melonyn’. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tyme variations), clxviii. of the emperour Valerian saynt Melonyn . . .’ r r S5 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Edmond’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt cc2 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of sayt(!) Yues’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt Yues was Edmund the confessour and bysshop whyche . . .’ born in lytll Brytayn in the dyocese of Tryguyer . . .’ v r S7 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saint Hughe’. Incipit:‘[S]aynt Hughe of cc4 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Morante’. Incipit: ‘[T]he kynge holy remembraunce was somtyme bysshop of Lyncolne . . .’ Theodoryk commaunded to saynt Morant of Dowey. . .’ r r S8 ‘Here foloweth ye lyf of saynt Edmond kyng and martyr’. Incipit: cc5 [Additional legends.] ‘[I]n the prouince of Englond of olde tyme were diuers kynges for refs. ed. Graesse, no. ccxiii (with variations, and without the sec- the londe . . .’ tion on the name). r v T1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive dd1 ‘Here foloweth the lyfofsaynt Lowes’. Incipit:‘[S]aynt Lowes of Lombardica historia. Marseyle was born of ryall lygnage and had to hys fader. . .’ v refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos clxix^clxxi (with additional sec- dd2 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Audegonde’. Incipit: ‘[I]n the tion on the name), clxxii (with variations), clxxiii (with additional tyme of Dagoberte kyng of Fraunce whyche reygned about . . .’ j-070^j-071] jacobus de voragine 1503

r dd3 ‘Here foloweth the lyf of saynt Aulbyne’. Incipit: ‘[S]aynt additional section on the name), cxl^cxliv (with additional sec- Aulbyne was borne of noble lygnage in the partyes of Ytalye . . .’ tion on the name), cxlv^cxlvii, cxlviii^cliv (all with additional r dd4 ‘Here foloweth the lyfof theholy bysshop and martyr Erasmus’. sections on the name), clv^clvii (with additional section on the Incipit: ‘The holy man saint Erasmus was come of noble and of name), clviii, clix^clx (both with additional sections on the grete kynrede and he was . . .’ name), clxi^clxv (with additional section on the name), clxvi^ Westminster:Wynkyn deWorde, 8 Jan. 1498. Folio. clxvii (with additional section on the name), clxviii^clxxi (with collation: Aa^Ff8 Gg6 [Hh4] a^h8 i10 k^z A^Yaa bb8 cc dd6. additional section on the name), clxxii^clxxiii (with additional Woodcuts: see BMC. section on the name), clxxiv^clxxv (with additional section on C 6475; Go¡ J-151; BMC XI; Pr 9708; Du¡ 411; Oates 4131^2; the name), clxxvi^clxxxii. On the textual tradition of the Lyons Pellechet,‘Voragine’, no. 114; Polain 4481; Rhodes 993; Seyboldt editions in general see Brenda Dunn-Lardeau, ‘Etude autour no. 115; Sheppard 7457; STC 24876. d’une Le¤ gendedore¤ e (Lyon,1476)’,Travauxdelinguistiqueetdelit- terature, 24/1 (1986), 257^94, at 278^4, with a stemma provided COPY on 293. For Battalier and de Vignay see Brenda Dunn-Lardeau, Wanting Aa , Bb , g , h , k , r , t , y , z ,Q , dd . 1, 3^8 1^3, 6^7 1.8 8 2 1.8 8 8 1.8 1.8 6 ‘La Contribution de J. Battalier a' la traduction franc° aise de Jean Leaves in gathering Bb damaged; many leaves repaired; S 1^5 deVignay de la Legenda aurea’, Legenda aurea. Septsie' cles dedif- mutilated. fusion. Actes du colloque international surla‘Legenda aurea’:texte Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf, bound latin et branches vernaculaires, ed. Brenda Dunn-Lardeau, for the Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers. Cahiers d’e¤ tudes me¤ die¤ vales: cahier spe¤ cial, 2 (Montreal and Size: 309 ¿ 227 ¿ 68 mm. Size of leaf: 293 ¿ 201 mm. Paris, 1986), 183^96. Bibliographical notes byThomas Hearne on the recto of the front r P3 ‘Legende de monseigneur sainct Eloy’. Incipit: ‘[S]ainct Eloy fut endleaf. ne ou territoyre de Limoges . . .’ Some early marginal annotations, including comments in v r P4 ‘Legende de la concepcion de la benoite vierge Marie’. Incipit: English (some anti-Catholic; e.g. s8 : ‘Signe of the + note this ‘[L]a concepcion de la glorieuse vierge Marie fut trouuee fopperie’), pointing hands,‘nota’ marks, pen-trials and scribbles, Hierosme en sa jeunesse dedens ung liure . . .’ also drawings of ¢gures copied from the woodcuts. The word r P6 ‘Legende de sainct Guillaume archeuesque de Bourges’. Incipit: ‘pope’ has sometimes been cancelled heavily in black ink. ‘[S]aint Guillaume fut actrait de noble lignee. En son enfance . . .’ Provenance: Thomas Cothele (sixteenth century); erased v v P6 ‘Legende de saint Thomas d’Acquin’. Incipit: ‘[S]aint Thomas inscription on x5 : ‘Thome Cothele pertinet [iste] liber’. Thomas d’Acquin de lordre des freres precheurs fut tressouuerain doc- Hearne (1678^1735); inscription on the recto of the front endleaf: teur . . .’ ‘Suum cuique Thomas Hearne. April 10 1722’. Richard r P8 ‘Legende de saint Yues’. Incipit: ‘[S]ainct Yues fut ne en Rawlinson (1690^1755). Bequeathed in 1755. Bretaigne la petite ou dyocese . . .’ Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. QQ sup. 2.21. v Q2 [Additional legends.] shelfmark: Arch. G c.2. refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos ccxiii, ccii, both with variations and di¡erent endings. v J-071 Jacobus de Voragine Q6 ‘Legende de sainct Claude’. Incipit:‘[S]ainct Claude fut ne de la noble lignee des princes de Salins . . .’ Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia r Q9 [Table of contents.] ‘La table’. [French] La le¤ gende dore¤ e (ed. Jean Battalier). [Lyons: Jean Du Pre¤ , c.1489]. Folio. As dated by CIBN; Sheppard r [*1 ] [Title-page.] dates [c.1490]. Confused by Pr with the French Vitas Patrum r [*2 ] [Preface.] Incipit: ‘[M]onseigneur saint Jherosme dit ceste auc- printed by Philippi and Du Pre¤ , Jan. 1486/7 (Sheppard); see torite,‘‘Fais tousiours aulcune . . .’ BMC VIII 281, note on type 121B. r 2 8 10 [*2 ] ‘Prologus’. [Translated by Jean deVignay.] collation: [* ] a^z A^P Q . refs. Following ed. Graesse, 1^2. The translator is identi¢ed in Type: 121 B. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 316 leaves, 3^314 r the preface. numbered i^cccxii. 2 columns. 42 lines and headline (a1 ). Type r r a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive area: 252 (262) ¿ 174 mm (a1 ).Woodcuts. The full-page woodcut v Lombardica historia. [Edited by Jean Battalier. Translated by of the Last Judgement ([*2 ]) is reproduced in Fairfax Murray, r Jean deVignay.] French Books, 881. Leaf [*1 ], title: ‘La vie des |ainctn en fran- refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos i^xiv (ending imperfectly), xv^ r coys’; [*2 ]: ‘[M]On|eigneur |a|št ihero|me dit ce|te > auctorite: fais xxvi (with additional section on the name), xxvii^xliii (with addi- tou|iours aulcuš e cho |e debien . . .’; col. 2, l.7, prologue:‘[T]Out le > v tional section on the name), xliv^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lx (with addi- teš ps de ce|te pš |ente vie e|t di= ui|e en quatre temps . . .’; [*2 ] r > tional section on the name), lxi^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^lxx, lxxii^lxxxiv [woodcut, Last Judgement]; a1 : ‘Cy coš mence la legende doree en (with additional section on the name), lxxxvi, lxxxv, lxxxvii^ v fraš coys > Et premierement de ladueš t de nrš e |eigneur’; Q8 , col. 2, l. lxxxviii (with additional section on the name), lxxxix^xcii (with 28:‘. . . Et adonc fut > |olennellemš t celebree et pš mieremeš t |š |tituee > additional section on the name), xciii^xciv, xcvi, xcv, xcvii^civ la fe|te aš nuelle du benoit coš fe||eur |a|št clau= > de partout le dio- (with additional section on the name), cv^cvi (with additional ce|e de Lyoš en lonneur et gloire de dieu tout pui||ant qui vit et > r section on the name, and ending imperfectly), cvii^cxvii (without regne > partous les |ecles des |ecles. Amen’; Q9 : ‘Cy apres com- the section on the name), cxviii^cxxv, cxxvi^cxxxix (all with mence et |en|uit la table du nombre des fueilles et lordre de > r additional sections on the name), cxxx^cxxxi, cxxxiv^cxxxvi (all ce|te legeš > de des |aintz . . .’; Q10 , col. 1: ‘Cy ¢ni|t la table de la with additional sections on the name), cxxxvii^cxxxviii (with legende des |aintz’. additional section on the name), cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii (with 1504 jacobus de voragine [j-071^j-073

C 6477; Pr 8532; CIBN J-110; Brenda Dunn-Lardeau and saluator nostro Iesu Christo’,‘Spinea corona del signore’,‘Sabba Dominique Coq, ‘Fifteenth and Sixteenth-century Editions of abbate’, ‘Basso’, ‘Proculo’, ‘Stephano prete’, ‘Columba’, ‘Simeone the Le¤ gende Dore¤ e’, Bibliothe' que d’Humanisme et Renaissance, propheta’, ‘Fosca’, ‘Ioseph’ (the text di¡ers considerably from 47 (1985), 87^101, at 89, no. 9 (with date given as [not before 17 ccxxv), ‘Nicheto’, ‘Athanasio’, ‘Iob’, ‘Ubaldo’, ‘Liberale’, Dec. 1488]); omitted from Seyboldt: see p. 327; Sheppard 6643^5. ‘Canciano’ inserted between clxxxii and ccxix;‘Iohanne’ between

COPY ccxix and cxcv; ‘Abdon et Senen’, ‘Trans¢guratione del nostro Binding: Mottled eighteenth/nineteenth-century calf, with gold- saluatore’,‘Antonino’,‘Victore et Stephana’,‘Ianuario’,‘Terentio’, tooled spine. Size: 327 ¿ 254 ¿ 58 mm. Size of leaf: 315 ¿ ‘Maximo’,‘Archangelo Raphaele’,‘Prodicimo’,‘Parisi confessore 238 mm. del ordine de Calmaldoli’, ‘historia del volto sancto di Luca Three- to ¢ve-line initials are supplied in red, blue, or interlocked descripta per Lebonio diacono’ inserted between ccxxii and red and blue; paragraph marks supplied in red or blue. ccxxxi; ‘del beato Laurentio Iustiniano primo patriarcha di r Venetia’ and ‘Nicolao da Tolantino’ inserted after ccxxxi. See Provenance: Heavily erased inscription on [*1 ]. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. Racconti esemplari di predicatori del Due e Trecento, ed. G. shelfmark: Douce 286. Varanini and G. Baldassarri, 3 vols, I novellieri italiani, 4 (Rome, 1993), I 27^686, based on this edition of the text, with the exclu- sion of the ‘Venetian’ additions introduced by Malerbi; see at J-072 Jacobus de Voragine 693^4 the criteria for the selection of the lives. On this edition in Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia particular see V. Marucci, ‘Manoscritti e stampe antiche della [Italian] Legendario di Sancti. ‘Legenda Aurea’ di Iacopo da Varagine volgarizzata’, Filologia e v [a1 ] Malerbi, NiccolO' : [Letter addressed to all pious Catholic peo- Critica, 5 (1980), 30^50, at 40^1. ple.] Incipit:‘[L]a summa charita et beniuolentia con laquale tutte Venice: Nicolaus Jenson, [after 1 July 1475]. Folio. le catholice et deuote mente . . .’ Malerbi acknowledges the colla- collation: [a^p10 q8+1 r^v10 x8 y z A10 B8+1 CD10 E^I8 K12]. boration of Hieronymus Squarza¢cus (Hieronymus Fiorentinus); Type: 115 (112) R. Capital spaces, with guide-letters. 318 leaves; 2 r r on the discontinuous and rather super¢cial work of revision on columns. 51 lines ([a5 ]).Type area: 287 ¿ 187 mm ([a5 ]). the language conducted by Squarza¢cus see Marucci’s editorial C 6497; Go¡ J-174; Pr 4094A; Auguste Castan, Catalogue des notes in Racconti esemplari di predicatori del Due e Trecento, ed. incunables de la bibliothe' que publique de Besanc° on (Besanc° on, G. Varanini and G. Baldassarri, 3 vols, I novellieri italiani, 4 1893), no. 971; CIBN J-116; Hillard 1123; Lowry, Jenson, 244, no. (Rome, 1993), 692^3. 40; Oates 1637; Pellechet, ‘Voragine’, no. 131; Seyboldt no. 161; refs. A diplomatic transcription in G. C. Keidel, ‘I santi di Sheppard 3265. Manerbi Printed inVellum’, in Me¤ langes o¡erts a' EŁ mile Picot par COPY ses e¤ le' ves, II (Paris, 1913; repr. Geneva, 1969), 103^13, at 110^12. v r Malerbi’s preface on [a1 ] is dated:‘adi pr|š o de luio’ 1475. [a2 ] [Prologue.] Incipit: ‘[E]l se distingue tuttol tempo in quatro Binding: Gold-tooled green morocco, with marbled paste- parte ouer tempi . . .’ downs, pink silk book-mark, and gilt-edged leaves, by L. refs. Following ed. Graesse, 1^2. r Staggemeier and Welcher, London. Size: 397 ¿ 280 ¿ 65 mm. [a2 ] ‘Tauola de tuttol libro per ordine di mese in mese’. r Size of leaf: 387 ¿ 272 mm. [a4 ] [Jacobus deVoragine]: Legendario di Sancti.‘Legende de tutti v Title-page and ‘contessa aa’ on [n2 ] in a contemporary Italian li sancti et le sancte’.Translated by Niccolo' Malerbi. hand. Manuscript foliation1^314 on the upper right-hand corner refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos i^ii, ccii (ending imperfectly), of the rectos in a seventeenth/eighteenth-century(?) hand. iii, clxxxix, iv^xlv, ccxiv, xlvi^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^ Provenance: Ellis & Elvey; Catalogue 92, no. 604. Purchased lxx, lxxii^cv, cvii^cxix, ccxxxvi, cxx^cxxiii, ccxiii, cxxiv^cxxxi, from Ellis & Elvey, 23 May 1900 for »10. 10. 0; see Library Bills. cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii, ccxix, cxcv, shelfmark: Inc. b. I4.1. ccxxii, ccxxxi. ‘Zenone’ and ‘Syro’ inserted between clxxxix and iv; ‘Come fu trasferito el corpo de sancta Lucia virgine in Venetia’ inserted between iv and v; ‘Mauro abbate’ between xix J-073 Jacobus de Voragine and xx;‘Ioseph’ (the text di¡ers considerably from ccxxv) between Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia ccxiv and xlvi; ‘De la translatione del corpo del beato Marco euangelista’ between lxii and lxiii; ‘Antonio confessore del ordine [Italian] Legendario di Sancti. v minore’ between lxxxii and lxxxiii; ‘Romualdo confessore’ a1 ‘Prologo.’ Incipit: ‘[E]l se distingue tuttol tempo in quatro parte between lxxxvi and lxxxvii; ‘Vigilio’ between lxxxvii and lxxxviii; ouer tempi . . .’ ‘Paterniano’and ‘Hermacora et Fortunato’ between xcii and xciii; refs. Following ed. Graesse, 1^2. r ‘Panthaleone martyre’ between ci and cii; ‘Fantino’and ‘Alberto’ a2 Jacobus de Voragine: Legendario di Sancti. Translated by between cv and cvii; ‘Maria dala neue’ between cxii and cxiii; Niccolo' Malerbi. ‘Helena madre di Constantino imperator’ and ‘Ludouico epis- refs. Following ed. Graesse, nos i^ii, ccii (ending imperfectly), copo et confessor’ between ccxxxvi and cxx; ‘Zacharia padre de iii, clxxxix, iv^xlv, ccxiv, xlvi^xlvii, xlix^li, liii^lxiii, lxv, lxvii^ sancto Ioanne Baptista’ between cxxx and cxxxi; ‘Lucia lxx, lxxii^cv, cvii^cxix, ccxxxvi, cxx^cxxiii, ccxiii, cxxiv^cxxxi, Geminiano et Eufemina’,‘Reparata’, and ‘Miniato et compagni’ cxxxiv^cxxxviii, cxxxii, cxxxix, cxxxiii, cxl^clxxxii, ccxix, cxcv, between cxxxiv and cxxxv; ‘Petronio’, ‘Magno’, and ‘Iustina ccxxii, ccxxxi. ‘Zenone’ and ‘Syro’ inserted between clxxxix and Patauina martyre et virgine’ between cxlix and cl; ‘Gaudentio iv; ‘Come fu trasferito el corpo del(!) sancta lucia virgine in vene- episcopo et martyre’ between clxi and clxii; ‘Santissima Trinita’, tia’ inserted between iv and v;‘Mauro abbate’ between xix and xx; ‘Tractato composto a honor et gloria del corpo et sangue del ‘Ioseph’ (the text di¡ers considerably from ccxxv) between ccxiv j-073^j-075] jacobus de voragine 1505

and xlvi; ‘De la translatione del corpo del beato marco euange- Provenance: James Patrick Ronaldson Lyell (1871^1949); book- lista’ between lxii and lxiii; ‘Antonio confessore del ordine min- plate. Francis Edward Norris (1885^1966). Presented by Norris in ore’ between lxxxii and lxxxiii; ‘Romualdo confessore’ between 1952: see BLR 4, 3 (1952), 174. lxxxvi and lxxxvii; ‘Vigilio’ between lxxxvii and lxxxviii; shelfmark: Inc. d. I4.1481.6. ‘Paterniano’ and ‘Hermacora et Fortunato’ between xcii and xciii; ‘Panthaleone martyre’ between ci and cii; ‘Fantino’ and J-074 Jacobus de Voragine ‘Alberto’ between cv and cvii; ‘Maria dala neue’ between cxii and Sermones Quadragesimales. cxiii; ‘Helena madre di constantino imperator’ and ‘Ludouico r A1 [Title-page.] episcopo et confessor’ between ccxxxvi and cxx; ‘Zacharia padre v A1 [Table of contents, according to the liturgical year.] de sancto Ioanne Baptista’ between cxxx and cxxxi; ‘Lucia r A2 [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] Geminiano et Eufemina’,‘Reparata’, and ‘Miniato et compagni’ r between cxxxiv and cxxxv; ‘Petronio’, ‘Magno’, and ‘Iustina A12 ‘Incipiunt evangelia omnium dierum quadragesime . . .Feria patauina martyre et virgine’ between cxlix and cl; ‘Gaudentio quarta cinerum secundum Matheum vi. capitulo.’ Incipit: ‘‘‘In episcopo et martyre’ between clxi and clxii; ‘Santissima Trinita’, illo tempore . . . Cum ieiunatis nolite ¢eri sicut ypocrite . . . [Mt 6,16.] . . .’ ‘Tractato composto a honor et gloria del corpo et sangue del r saluator nostro iesu christo’, ‘Spinea corona del signore’, ‘Sabba a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones Quadragesimales. See abbate’, ‘Basso’, ‘Proculo’, ‘Stephano prete’, ‘Columba’, ‘Simeone Schneyer, Repertorium, III nos 196^292; Kaeppeli II 364^7 no. 2157. propheta’, ‘Fosca’, ‘Ioseph’ (the text di¡ers considerably from r t8 [Colophon.] ccxxv), ‘Nicheto’, ‘Athanasio’, ‘Iob’, ‘Ubaldo’, ‘Liberale’, r ‘Canciano’ inserted between clxxxii and ccxix;‘Iohanne’ between t8 [Verse.] ‘Diuinos quisquis latices sitit huc properato. > Egregios fontes nostra vorago vomit’; 5 elegiac distichs. ccxix and cxcv; ‘Abdon et Senen’, ‘Trans¢guratione del nostro r saluatore’,‘Antonino’,‘Victore et Stephana’,‘Ianuario’,‘Terentio’, v1 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermo de passione domini nostri Jesu ‘Maximo’,‘Archangelo Raphaele’,‘Prodocimo’,‘Parisio del ordine Christi. See Schneyer, Repertorium, III no. 293. calmadolense’, ‘historia del volto sancto di luca descripta per Brescia: Angelus and Jacobus Britannicus, 20 Aug. [1493]. 8o.The lebonio diacono’ inserted between ccxxii and ccxxxi; ‘del beato colophon reads‘1483’, but BMC assumes thatthe correct dating is laurentio iustiniano primo patriarcha de venetia’ and ‘Nicolao 1493; see BMC VII p. liv n. 4. da tolentino’ inserted after ccxxxi. Racconti esemplari di predica- collation: A12 B10 a^v8 x12. tori del DueeTrecento, ed. G.Varanini and G. Baldassarri, 3 vols, I R 1897; Go¡ J-186; Pr 6975; Sack, Freiburg 1996; Sheppard 5786. novellieri italiani, 4 (Rome, 1993), I 27^686, based on this edition COPY of the text, with the exclusion of the ‘Venetian’ additions intro- Bound with A-595; see there for details of binding and proven- duced by Malerbi; see at 693^4 the criteria for the selection of ance. Size of leaf: 148 ¿ 106 mm. the lives. On this edition in particular see V. Marucci, shelfmark: Auct.1Q 6.18(1). ‘Manoscritti e stampe antiche della ‘Legenda Aurea’ di Iacopo da Varagine volgarizzata’, Filologia e Critica, 5 (1980), 30^50, at J-075 Jacobus de Voragine 41^2. r Sermones de sanctis. dd6 Malerbi, Niccolo' : [Letter addressed to all pious Catholic peo- v ple.] Incipit: ‘[L]a summa charita et beniuolentia con laqual tutte [a1 ] [Table of contents.] r le catholice et deuote mente . . .’ [a2 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones de sanctis. See Schneyer, refs. See J-072. Repertorium, III nos 295^427, 625, 428^527, 533^7, 528^32, 538^ v dd6 ‘Tauola de tuttol libro per ordine di mese in mese’. 600; Kaeppeli II 359^61 no. 2155. [k r] ‘De eodem sermo secundus.’ [Sanctus Petrus.] Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]uda Venice: Octavianus Scotus, 23 June 1481. Folio. 3 te laudabunt fratres tui’’ [Gn 49,8]. Iudas qui con¢tens interpreta- collation: a b10 c^e8 f10 g^o8 p q6 r^z h m k aa8 bb cc6 dd8. tur . . . De eodem alius sermo.‘‘[C]erta bonum certamen ¢dei . . .’’ Types:160 G,75 G. 238 leaves.58 lines (a r).Type area: 215 ¿ 151mm 2 [I Tim 6,12.] Verba ista possunt conuenire . . .’ Inserted between (a r). 2 sermon nos 430 and 431. CR 6499; Go¡ J-176; notin Pr; CIBN J-118; Pellechet,‘Voragine’,no. [k v] ‘In diebus rogationum sermo.’ Incipit:‘‘‘[O]rate pro inuicem vt 133; Seyboldt no. 164; Sheppard 3633. 9 saluemini’’ [Iac 5,16.] Volens ecclesia ¢deles docere . . .’ Inserted COPY between sermon nos 440 and 441. Wanting dd8 containing the register. v [m6 ] ‘Alius sermo de sancto Barnaba.’ Incipit: ‘‘‘[M]iserunt Binding: Modern parchment stamped with the crest of J. P. R. Barnabam vsque Antiochiam . . .’’ [Act 11,22]. In hiis verbis quin- Lyell; marbled pastedowns; bound by J. Hains, London. Size: que preconia . . . [Alius sermo.] ‘‘[S]egregate mihi Barnabam et 286 ¿ 192 ¿ 45 mm. Size of leaf: 278 ¿ 185 mm. Saulum . . .’’ [Act 13,2]. Duo necessaria sunt predicatori . . .’ r o Inscription on a1 : ‘Adi’ 18 di lug 1587’. Manuscript foliation 1^ Inserted between sermon nos 462 and 463. 237 on the upper right-hand corner of the rectos in a seven- r [m8 ] ‘De sanctis martiribus Geruasio et Prothasio sermo primus. . .’ teenth/eighteenth(?)-century hand. Incipit:‘‘‘[M]irabilis deus in sanctis suis . . .’’ [Ps 67,36.] Felices illi r On a2 a19^line initial is supplied in blue, green, and red on a gold sancti . . . [Alius de sanctis . . .] ‘‘[I]ustorum anime . . .’’ [Sap 3,1.] ground (much damaged). A few other initials in brown ink. Magna consolatio est sanctis viris . . .’ Inserted between sermon nos 463 and 464. 1506 jacobus de voragine [j-075^j-077

r v [n4 ] ‘Sermo tertius de sanctis Iohannis et Pauli.’ Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]ico [m3 ] [Sermo tertius de sanctis Iohannis et Pauli.] Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]ico vobis amicis meis . . .’’ [Lc12,4.] Dominus noster in his verbis invi- vobis amicis meis . . .’’ [Lc12,4]. Dominus noster in his verbis invi- tat . . .’Inserted between sermon nos 470 and 471. tat . . .’Inserted between sermon nos 470 and 471. v [y9 ] ‘Eodem die alius sermo.’ [Commemoratio animarum.] Incipit: Augsburg: Hermann Ka« stlin, 10 Apr. 1484. Folio. ‘‘‘[S]ancta et salubris est cogitatio pro defunctis exorare’’ [II Mcc collation: [a8 b10 c^A8.8.6 BC8 D10]. 12,46]. Viuentes circa mortuos tria facere debent . . .’ Inserted C 6550; Go¡ J-188; BMC II 362; Pr 1753; BSB-Ink I-107; CIBN between sermon nos 581 and 582. J-126; GfT 593; Sack, Freiburg 1997; Sheppard 1291.

[Cologne: Conrad Winters, de Homborch, c.1478]. Folio. For var- FIRST COPY iant see CIBN. Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, 10 10 6 10 collation: [a b^x y z A ]. with central metal clasp on the fore-edge; rebacked. Manuscript C 6548 (b); C 6549 (a); Go¡ J-187; Pr1184; CIBN J-125; Oates 663^4; title across the head of the fore-edge: ‘Ser. Ia. de vora. de sanctis’ Rhodes 995; Sheppard 896; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 628. in a sixteenth(?)-century hand. One leather index tab. On both COPY covers, triple ¢llets form a triple frame. No stamps within the Atthebeginning is mounted a duplicate of [a1], the recto bearing a outer frame; within the following frame foliate stamps with straw- manuscript title dated 1603. berries. The inner rectangle contains merrythoughts each with a Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf (c.1825) for the £euron.The binding formerly contained one leaf and a portion of Bodleian; sprinkled red-edged leaves; the gold stamp of the another copy of the same leaf of Vegetius, De re militari. Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 393 ¿ 280 ¿ 40 mm. Size [Augsburg: Gu« nther Zainer, 1477^8?], now Inc. b. G97.1(1) of leaf: 383 ¿ 273 mm. (Bod-inc.V-051). Size: 308 ¿ 210 ¿ 55 mm. Size of leaf: 298 ¿ Inscription in Danish verse on the duplicate of [a1], dated 1603: 203 mm. ‘Huillcken som forgangne ting will actte Och thett neruerrendis Initials are supplied in red. > r er / betractte / Och huad komme skall / besinde kand / Thedt er Provenance: Buxheim, Bavaria, Carthusians, BVM; on [a1 ] > r foruisdtt een wiser Mand. > Werden er forgengellig > Gudtz Rige ‘Cartus× in Buxheim’ ; stamp on [b1 ]. Graf von Ostein, 1803. warer ×uindellig. > Forti Fortior Alter. > Favor fortunam sequitur. Sold in 1883 by Graf Hugo von Waldbott-Bassenheim (1820^ > Anno > 1603.’Afew marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, 1895); Buxheim sale, lot 2928. Purchased by Falconer Madan for in a contemporary German hand. Manuscript signatures in the the Bodleian in 1884 for 10 Marks; see Library Bills, 19 Feb. 1884; lower right-hand corner of the rectos. On the rear pastedown: see also Honemann,‘Buxheim Collection’, Bod21. ‘R.H. 2.5.60.’ shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 3.37. r On [a2 ] an eight-line initial is supplied in blue within a square SECOND COPY green ground, with the area de¢ned by the letter supplied in red Bound in a collection of German printed fragments. with a chequered design. Other initials, paragraph marks, under- Fragment, removed from the binding of Guilelmus Parisiensis, lining of chapter headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. Postilla super epistolas et evangelia. [Ulm]: Conrad Dinckmut, Provenance: Helmstedt, Lower Saxony, Benedictine Priory of 1486, Auct. 4Q 4.15 (G-323), in 1884. Werden, S. Ludgerus; inscription on the recto of the duplicate of Leaf [a1] only. m [a1]: ‘Non videat X qui librum subtrahit istum a conuentu halm- shelfmark: Inc. b. G97.1(15). stadensiorum.’ Inscription on endleaf: ‘Purchased at Hamburgh 1825’. Purchased for »3. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1825), 26. shelfmark: Auct. 1Q inf. 2.1. J-077 Jacobus de Voragine Sermones de sanctis. J-076 Jacobus de Voragine v [a1 ] [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] r Sermones de sanctis. b1 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones de sanctis. See Schneyer, r [a1 ] [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] Repertorium, III nos 295^320, 322^4, 328^31, 336, 338, 344^5, r [b1 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones de sanctis. See Schneyer, 347, 352, 354, 358^60, 364, 366, 370^1, 375, 377^8, 380, 384, 387^ Repertorium, III nos 295^320, 322^4, 328^31, 336, 338, 344^5, 9, 392^3, 395, 426, 625, 430, 432, 434^5, 437, 439, 442^3, 450, 453, 347, 352, 354, 358^60, 364, 366, 370^1, 375, 377^8, 380, 384, 387^ 455^7, 459, 464^7, 469^514, 517^18, 520, 522^3, 527^8, 530, 532, 9, 392^3, 395, 426, 625, 430, 432, 434^5, 437, 439, 442^3, 450, 453, 534^6, 538, 541, 543, 545, 550, 554, 558, 560, 562, 564, 566, 570^1, 455^7, 459, 464^7, 469^514, 517^8, 520, 522^3, 527^8, 530, 532, 574^9, 584^5, 587^8, 590^600; Kaeppeli II 359^61 no. 2155. r 534^6, 538, 541, 543, 545, 550, 554, 558, 560, 562, 564, 566, 570^1, h1 ‘In festo sancti Barnabe apostoli . . .’ Incipit: ‘‘‘[S]egregate mihi 574^9, 584^5, 587^8, 590^600; Kaeppeli II 359^61 no. 2155. Barnabam et Saulum . . .’’ [Act 13,2]. Duo necessaria sunt predi- v [l3 ] ‘In festo sancti Barnabe apostoli . . .’ Incipit: ‘‘‘[S]egregate mihi catori . . . De sanctis martiribus Geruasio et Prothasio sermo pri- Barnabam et Saulum . . .’’ [Act 13,2]. Duo necessaria sunt predi- mus . . .‘‘[M]irabilis deus in sanctis suis . . .’’ [Ps 67,36]. Felices illi catori . . . [De sanctis martiribus Geruasio et prothasio sermo pri- sancti . . . Alius de sanctis . . . ‘‘[I]ustorum anime . . .’’ [Sap 3,1]. mus . . .] ‘‘[M]irabilis deus in sanctis suis . . .’’ [Ps 67,36]. Felices illi Magna consolatio est sanctis viris . . .’ Inserted between sermon sancti . . . [Alius de sanctis . . .] ‘‘[I]ustorum anime . . .’’ [Sap 3,1]. nos 459 and 464. v Magna consolatio est sanctis viris . . .’ Inserted between sermon h6 [Sermo tertius de sanctis Iohannis et Pauli.] Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]ico nos 459 and 464. vobis amicis meis . . .’’ [Lc12,4]. Dominus noster in his verbis invi- tat . . .’Inserted between sermon nos 470 and 471. [Ulm: Conrad Dinckmut], 3 Nov. 1484. Folio. Amelung assigns to Dinckmut. j-077^j-080] jacobus de voragine 1507

4 8 6 8 r collation: [a ] b^p q r . [b1 ] Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones de tempore. See Schneyer, Types: 150, headings and headlines; 77.130 leaves, 5^129 numbered: Repertorium, III nos 1^160; Kaeppeli II 361^4 no. 2156. r ‘Folium Primum^CXXV’.51lines and headlines (b2 ); 2 columns. [Ulm: Conrad Dinckmut], 31 July 1484. Amelung assigns to r Type area: 199 (208) ¿ 125 mm (b2 ). Capital spaces, with guide- Dinckmut. letters. collation: [a^z8 A8]. R, Supplement, 219; Go¡ J-190; Pr 3261; Amelung, Fru« hdruck,I Types: 150, headings, headlines; 77. 192 leaves, 9^192 numbered: 191; BSB-Ink I-108; CIBN J-131 (I); Oates 1352; Sack, Freiburg ‘Folium .i.^clxxxi’, with errors.The erroneus foliation on the rec- 1999; Sheppard 1856. tos of the ¢rst three leaves of gathering [i],‘liiii^lvi’, which repeats COPY that of the previous leaves, is followed by a small arabic 8 to r Bound with: denote the number of the gathering. 51 lines and headlines ([b2 ]); r 2. Jacobus de Voragine, Sermones de tempore. [Ulm: Conrad 2 columns. Type area: 198 (205) ¿ 125 mm ([b2 ]). Capital r Dinckmut], 31 July 1484 (J-079). spaces.Leaf [a1 ]: ‘Iacobi de voragine Regi|truš alpha- betico r > Binding: Contemporary German (Ulm, KyriÞ workshop no. ordine collectuš . in |ermones dnš i- > cales . . .’; [b1 ]: ‘Ordinis predi- 126) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with remains of catoruš fratris Iacobi > devoragine |ermones dominicalesper > anni one catch. Manuscript title at the head of the upper cover. circulum . . .’; l. 6:‘[H]Umane la bil’ vite de cur|us |alu bri eru- >r > > Quadruple ¢llets form an intersecting double frame. Within the diti > one nos admonet . . .’; [A8 ], colophon: ‘Iacobi de voragine outer frame, lozenge-shaped dragon(?) stamps; within the follow- opu|culuš in |er- > mones dnš icales coš po|itum ¢nit feliciter. > Anno ing frame, the inner rectangle, divided into four triangles by a dnš i .1484. pridie kalendas Augu > |ti die vero |aturni.’ scroll and decorated with lozenge-shaped eagle stamps, is sur- C 6534 (I); R, Supplement, 219 (II); Go¡ J-183 (I); Pr 3260; rounded by a roll of a hunting scene, two dragons, and two dogs; Amelung, Fru« hdruck, I 99; BSB-Ink I-110; CIBN J-131; Sack, see KyriÞ pl. 253, no. 2, and Haebler, Rollen- und Plattenstempel, Freiburg, 2002; Sheppard 1853^5.

II 181 no. 1.‘35[ ]’ in brown ink on a square label at the tail of the COPY spine. Size: 281 ¿ 197 ¿ 80 mm. Size of leaf: 270 ¿ 187 mm. Bound with J-077; see there for details ofbinding and provenance. A few marginal notes, extracting key words, in two di¡erent early Size of leaf: 270 ¿ 188 mm. hands. Wanting [g ], in place of which there have been inserted two r 7^8 On b1 a ¢ve-line initial is supplied in red with brown pen-work leaves which formerly served to line the covers of the volume. decoration. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in These leaves, constituting sheet [g2], contain the text di¡erently red. set up; they were cancelled owing to an error of imposition, the Provenance: Weissenau, Wu« rttemberg, diocese of Konstanz, text of g v (misnumbered xliiv) and g r having changed places. r 2 7 Premonstratensians, SS. Petrus et Paulus; inscription on [a1 ] As now bound, the ¢rst leaf contains the text of g v on the recto, r 2 and [a2 ]: ‘Monasterij Weissenawensis.’ Purchased for 6 Marks v r r g7 on the verso; the second, g2 on the recto, g7 on the verso. from Joseph Baer & Co., 143. Lager-Catalog (1884), no. 563; see Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in the same Library Bills, 7 May 1884. early hands found in J-077. Early manuscript signature in the shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.29(1). lower right-hand corner of the rectos. r On [b1 ] a four-line initial is supplied in red with brown pen-work J-078 Jacobus de Voragine decoration. Other initials andunderliningof chapter headings are v Sermones de tempore. supplied in red. On [n4 ] is a male face in brown ink in the area Fragment. de¢ned by the initial ‘U’. shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.29(2). [Cologne: ConradWinters, de Homborch, c.1478]. Folio. As dated by Sheppard and Polain; Sack dates [before 20 Sept.1479?]. collation: [a12 b c10 d e8 f g10 h8 i k10 l8 m n10 o6 p q10 r8 s t10 v6 x y10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 12 J-080 Jacobus de Voragine z aa bb cc dd ee ¡ gg hh ii kk^mm nn ]. Sermones de tempore. C 6540; Go¡ J-193; BMC I 247; Pr 1185; CIBN J-128; Polain 2227; r Sack, Freiburg 2001; Sheppard 897; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 629. [*1 ] [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] r a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones de tempore. See Schneyer, COPY Repertorium, III nos 1^160; Kaeppeli II 361^4 no. 2156. Bound in a collection of fragments owned by Thomas Hearne. y v ‘Modus viuendi per regulas quo ad omnes status.’ ‘Regula quo Size of leaf: 196 ¿ 146 mm. 2 ad nobiles potentes et scabinos’. Incipit:‘Nec pauperes per poten- Fragment. tiam suam opprimant . . . Gal. iv. Quicunque hanc regulam secuti Leaf [nn ] only,196 ¿ 146 mm. 11 fuerint pax super illos et misericordia. Amen.’ Provenance: From the collections of Thomas Hearne (1678^ o 1735) and Richard Rawlinson (1690^1755). Bequeathed in 1755. Brescia: Angelus and Jacobus Britannicus, 23 Mar. 1491. 4 . 14 8 4 shelfmark: 4o Rawl. 598b. collation: [* ] a^x y . CR 6553; Go¡ J-195; BMC VII 976; Pr 6986; Sack, Freiburg 2003; J-079 Jacobus de Voragine Sheppard 5784. Sermones de tempore. COPY Wanting gathering [*] containing the list of contents. Leaf y [a v] [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] 4 1 backed. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf (c.1825), with gold-tooled spine and the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers 1508 jacobus de voragine [j-080^j-083

r and sprinkled red-edged leaves. Size: 211 ¿ 150 ¿ 28 mm. Size of ge|imales Iacobi de voragine.’; aa1 : ‘Incipit quadrage|imale aur- leaf: 203 ¿ 144 mm. eum precla= > ri||imi doctoris magi|tri Iacobi de voragi= > ne epi|- Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing copi Ianueš |is: duos quottidie conti > nens |ermones. >> In die hands, in various humanist hands. Manuscript foliation in the cinerum. Sermo primus. [f]Ilia populi mei in= duere cilicio. . .’; v >> > upper right-hand corner of the rectos. ll7 , colophon:‘Sermones quadrage|imales temporis necnon |ctoš k Provenance: Purchased for »0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1825), per totius anni circulum reue > rendi||imi domini iacobi de vora- 26. gine . . . > . . . ¢niunt feliciter. >> Dulcia melli£uo manantia dog- shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 1.7. mata fonte . . .’; l. 23: ‘Impre||um lugduni Anno a natiuita > te domini Mille|imo quatercente|imo no > nage|imonono. Die vero J-081 Jacobus de Voragine .viij. Augu|ti.’ Sermones de tempore [Dutch] Sermonen op die C 6539 (incl. 6554); Go¡ J-200; Pr 8656 (III); Baudrier XII 11; evangelien van de zondagen door dat gehele jaar. BSB-Ink I-114; CIBN J-136; Claudin IV 323; IGI 5069, 5061, 5055; Sheppard 6712^13. r a1 [Title-page.] COPY a r Jacobus de Voragine: Sermonen op die evangelien van de zon- 2 Sermones Quadragesimales only. dagen door dat gehele jaar. Incipit:‘Hier beghinnen dye sermonen Binding: Sixteenth-century(?) parchment, with manuscript title op de euangelien doer dat ghehele iaer van den sonnendaghe . . . at the head of the spine. A strip from a fourteenth/¢fteenth-cen- ‘‘[C]um appropinquasset ihesus Ierosolimam’’ Mathei xxi [Mt tury parchment manuscript visible in the binding. Size: 204 ¿ 21,1]. Dit eunagelium(!) lesetmen twe werue inden iare . . .’ 150 ¿ 12 mm. Size of leaf: 195 ¿ 143 mm. Zwolle: Peter van Os, 6 Nov. 1489. Folio. A few marginal notes, extracting key words, pointing hands, and 8 6 4 6 collation: a b^h I k^z A^F G HI . underlining in an early hand. Woodcut initial. Provenance: Frater Antoninus Zopius Politianus (sixteenth cen- r C 6556; BMC IX 85; Pr 9134; Campbell 1772; CIBN J-138; HPT I tury?): inscription on [*1 ]: ‘Fratris Antonini Zopij Politiani’. 104^7, II 448^51; ILC1321; Gottfried Langer,‘Vonden niederla« n- Purchased on 27 Dec. 1884 from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 162, dischenWiegendrucken in der Hauptbibliothekder Franckeschen no. 1410 for 10 Marks; see Library Bills. Stiftungen zu Halle/Saale’, Quaerendo, 4 (1974),55^63,VII; Oates shelfmark: Auct.7Q 7.1. 3606; Sheppard 7007. COPY J-083 Jacobus de Voragine Wanting the blank leaf I6. Sermones de tempore et de sanctis et Quadragesimales Binding: Blind-tooled Dutch leather over wooden boards, c.1600, with a central arabesque panel stamp, two metal clasps, (ed. Nicolaus Campanus and Hieronymus de Cherio). r and catches; sprinkled red-edged leaves. Size: 275 ¿ 204 ¿ a1 [Part I: Title-page.] v 45 mm. Size of leaf: 266 ¿ 196 mm. a1 [Address to the reader by the book (‘Jacobus de Voragine . . . Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and sum’).] Incipit: ‘Tu quicunque es qui hec legis seu predicator seu capital strokes are supplied in red. philosophus aut theologus . . .’ r r Provenance: Nicolaus Cannius (1504^1555); inscription on a1 : a2 [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] 2 r ‘Dit boeck hoert toe dat conuent van sinte claren cloester in gryn- a1 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones de tempore. See Schneyer, menes [a district of Amsterdam] enš gecoemen van pater claes ian Repertorium, III nos 1^160; Kaeppeli II 361^4 no. 2156. r zoon [Cannius] ouders onse biecht vader bidt voer die ziel om z3 [First colophon.] r gods willen’. Elias Ashmole (1617^1692). Ashmolean Museum, A1 [Part II: Title-page.] v Oxford, 1692.Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860. A1 Campanus, Nicolaus: [Letter addressed to] the reader. shelfmark: Ashm. 1768. ‘Campanus Minorista lectori felicitatem.’ Incipit: ‘Habes, huma- nissime lector, facundi Voraginis sanctuarium . . .’ r J-082 Jacobus de Voragine A2 [Table of contents, according to the liturgical year.] v A2 [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] Sermones de tempore et de sanctis et Quadragesimales. 2 r A1 Jacobus deVoragine: Sermones de sanctis. Edited by Nicolaus Incomplete copy. Campanus and Hieronymus de Cherio. See Schneyer, r [*1 ] [Part III: Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] Repertorium, III nos 295^600; Kaeppeli II 359^61 no. 2155. r aa Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones Quadragesimales. See r 1 BB4 [Second colophon.] Schneyer, Repertorium, III nos 196^292, and Kaeppeli II 364^7, r BB4 [Verse.] ‘Ad Librum.’ ‘I nunc ne trepida, velut ante, libelle per no. 2157. vrbes, Cesaris et doctas ne vereare manus’; 4 elegiac distichs. v ll [Verse.] ‘Dulcia melli£uo manantia dogmata fonte E¡uudit(!) r > 7 > BB4 [Verse.] ‘Ad Lectorem.’ ‘Hinc varios £ores, hinc morum car- nostri sacra vorago libri’; 5 elegiac distichs. pere fructus, > Hinc potes et croceis lilia mixta rosis’; 5 elegiac dis- Lyons: [Jean Bachelier and Pierre Bartelot], 8 Aug. 1499. 4o. IGI tichs. r assigns to [Jean deVingle], see CIBN, note. aa1 [Part III: Title-page.] 8 6 8 6 8 10 r collation: Part I: <1> <2> a^u ; part II: [* ] A^Z AA ; part III: aa2 [Table of contents, according to the liturgical year.] 8 8 2 6 r [* ] aa^ll ; part IV: a^c . aa3 [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] r 2 r Types: 80 G; 58 G. 96 leaves. 53 lines and headlines (aa1 ); 2 col- aa1 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermones Quadragesimales. See r umns. Type area: 155 (161) ¿ 102 mm (aa1 ). Capital spaces, with Schneyer, Repertorium, III nos 196^292; Kaeppeli II 364^7 no. r guide-letters. Leaf [*1 ]: ‘Regi|trum in |ermones quadra > 2157. j-083^j-085] jacobus philippus de bergamo 1509

v 8 4 8 4 6 8 4 nn3 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermo de passione domini nostri Jesu collation: Part I: <2> <3> a^r s ; part II: A B^X Y ; part III: Christi. See Schneyer, Repertorium, III no. 293. aa^kk8 ll4 mm8 nn6; part IV: a^i8. v oo7 Jacobus de Voragine: Sermo de planctu BVM. See Schneyer, Types: 120 G; 59 G. 72 leaves, 2^72 so numbered. 52 lines and head- r r Repertorium, III no. 294. lines (a3 ); 2 columns.Type area: 153 (159) ¿ 112 mm (a3 ). Capital Pavia: Jacobus de Paucis Drapis, 1499^1500. 8o. In three parts, spaces, with guide-letters.Woodcut. dated: (I) 14 Nov.1499; (II) 8 Jan. 1500; (III) 2 Sept.1499. C 6525; Go¡ J-202; BMC V 574 (II), XII 41 (IV); Pr 5619; BSB-Ink collation: Part I: a^b 2a^y8 z4; part II: A 2A^Z AA^CC8 DD4; I-113; CIBN J-135; Sack, Freiburg 2005; Sheppard 4697 (IV). 10 2 8 6 part III: aa aa^oo pp . COPY Woodcuts and woodcut initials. ‘Mariale’only. C 6526; R 789 (II); Go¡ J-201; BMC VII 1019 (III), XII 73 (II); Pr Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf, bound for the Bodleian. 7118 (II); BSB-Ink I-115; CIBN J-137; Sheppard 5871 (III), 5872 Size: 214 ¿ 150 ¿ 12 mm. Size of leaf: 205 ¿ 143 mm. (I), 5873 (II). Provenance: Wolfgang Luegar (£. 1515^1526). Reichenhall, r FIRST COPY Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, S. Zeno; inscription on a1 : ‘mon- v ‘Sermones de tempore’and ‘Quadragesimales’only. asterij S. Zenonis’and on a1 :‘Hunc librum Reuerendus dominus v prior dominusVuolfgangus Luegar huius Monasterij prepositus [ Part I, a1 , l. 14: ‘. . . legant. Bene vale.’ Binding: Paper boards covered with parchment from a four- ] [ ] per suam acquisiuit industriam et voluit illum esse commu- teenth-century liturgical (Missal?) manuscript, remains of two nem’; see Zimmermann, Kloster-Heraldik, 183. Duplicate from leather ties. Sprinkled red-edged leaves. Size: 154 ¿ 109 ¿ the Royal Library, Munich, no. 3726. Acquired between 1847 42 mm. Size of leaf: 148 ¿ 105 mm. and c.1892; not found in Catalogus (1843), with Appendix. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a contem- shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.90. porary humanist hand; a few other similar notes in two di¡erent later hands, one probably that of Johannes Engelb[ ]. J-085 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo r The woodcut on a1 and a few initials coloured in green. De claris mulieribus (ed. Albertus de Placentia and Provenance: Johannes Engelb[ ] (£. 1650). Weissenau, Augustinus de Casali Maiori). Wu« rttemberg, diocese of Konstanz, Premonstratensians, SS. A r [Title-page.] Petrus et Paulus; inscription on a r of item 1: ‘Joannis Engelb. 1 1 A r Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Prologue, dedicated to] Weiss. 1650.’ Purchased from Menno Hertzberger in 1966, cata- 2 Beatrix de Aragona, Queen of Hungary. Incipit: ‘[S]cripsimus logue 250, no. 65. iam dudum sacratissima Regina latiori(!) volumine de vniuersis shelfmark: Inc. f. I23.1499.1(1); Inc. f. I23.1499.1(2). Regibus . . .’ SECOND COPY A r [Table of contents.] ‘Sermones de sanctis’only. 4 a r Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: De claris mulieribus. [Edited by Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) parchment; marbled paste- 2 Albertus de Placentia and Augustinus de Casali Maiori.] ‘De downs and red-edged leaves. Size: 169 ¿ 115 ¿ 29 mm. Size of Maria virgine perpetua . . . Capitulum primum.’ Incipit: ‘[M]arie leaf: 160 ¿ 107 mm. beatissime et immaculate semper virginis . . .’ See Achim A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in Isidorus Kru« mmel, Das ‘‘Supplementum Chronicarum’’ des Parmensis’ hand and in a di¡erent, later, hand. Augustinermo« nches Jacobus Philippus Foresti von Bergamo, Provenance: Brother Paulinus de Mara (£. 1538). Brother v Bibliothemata, 6 (Herzberg, 1992), 66^71,75. Isidorus Parmensis (£. 1538); inscription on A8 :‘Frater paulinus de mara largitus est mihi fratri Isidoro parmensi hunc librum, die Ferrara: Laurentius de Rubeis, deValentia,29 Apr. 1497. Folio. 4 8 6 8 6.8 6 20 Junij 1538’. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. collation: A a^e f g^p q^x y z . Bequeathed in 1834. Three full-page woodcuts (c.285 ¿ 185 mm.), 172 small cuts (c.65 ¿ shelfmark: Douce 28. 70 mm).Woodcut initials. HC (+ Addenda) *2813; Go¡ J-204; BMC VI 613; Pr 5762; Baer, Die J-084 Jacobus de Voragine Illustrierten Historienbu« cher, p. lxxv, no. 481; BSB-Ink I-120; Sermones de tempore et de sanctis et Quadragesimales et CIBN J-140; Hillard 1109; Oates 2246^7; Sack, Freiburg, 2006; Sander 915; Sheppard 4792. Mariale. COPY r a1 [Title-page.] Leaf A r, l. 3:‘. . . mgestum. Prologus.’ r 2 > a2 Jacobus de Voragine: Mariale. ‘Prologus.’ See Schneyer, Binding: Eighteenth-century English gold-tooled mottled calf Repertorium, III no. 671. (c.1789), for Francis Douce; marbled pastedowns and green silk r a2 [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] book-mark. Size: 324 ¿ 204 ¿ 40 mm. Sizeofleaf: 316 ¿ 195 mm. r a3 Jacobus de Voragine: Mariale. See Schneyer, Repertorium, III Bibliographical notes in Douce’s hand. nos 672^832; Kaeppeli II 367^8 no. 2158. Woodcuts, borders, and initials are painted in gold and several refs. (‘De tempore’) Kaeppeli II 361^4 no. 2156; (‘De sanctis’) II colours. Paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. 359^61 no. 2155; (‘Quadragesimale’) II 364^7 no. 2157. Provenance: Ma¡eo Pinelli (1735^1785); sale (1789) lot 7972. Venice: Simon de Luere, for Lazarus de Suardis, 1497. 4o. In four Bought for »3. 13. 6 by Francis Douce (1757^1834); see the anno- parts, dated: (I) 31Aug.1497; (II) 20 Oct.1497; (III) 12 Sept.1497; tated sale catalogue; armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. (IV) 14 Nov.1497. shelfmark: Douce 287. 1510 jacobus philippus de bergamo [j-086^j-088

J-086 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo appearance ofthe comets). A fewother marginal notes, extracting Confessionale. key words, in an eighteenth-century hand. r A few seven- to ten-line initials are supplied in red with reserved a1 [Title-page.] v white decoration. Other initials and occasional underlining of a1 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Letter addressed to] Johannes chapter headings are supplied in red. Maria Dominici. Incipit: ‘Ut ex libris Chronicorum nostrorum r Provenance: Cancelled and unread inscription on A1 :‘Ex libris [ mi in Christo reuerende et collendissime pater . . .’ v ] [ ] 1593’. Georg Puell. Anton Puell (eighteenth century). a2 [Table of contents.] r r Philippus Nerius Puell (1728^1801); inscription on DD6 :‘Ex bib- b1 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: Confessionale.‘Incipit nouissi- liotheca R[euerendi] d[omini] georgij Puel Canonici Inticensis a¤ mum Herithoma seu interrogatorium a venerando patre fratre d[omino] Antonio Puel in partem h×reditatis acceptus liber iste Jacobophilippo Bergomense . . .’ Incipit: ‘[I]n primis quidem tu et Fr[atri] Philippo datus accessit Bibl[iothecam] Carmeli pater confessor cum omni charitate . . .’See Kru« mmel 65^6, 74. r Leontini 1763’. Lienz, Austria, Carmelites; inscription on A1 : Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, [c.1497]. 4o. Sheppard records the ‘Carmeli Leontini 1763’. Joseph Johann Oberhueber (eighteenth format as 8o. century); circular armorial book-plate, see Warnecke 1484. collation: a4 b^i8 k4. Purchased in 1907; see James Tregaskis, ‘‘Caxton Head’’, Woodcut initial. Catalogue 640 no. 167, sale price »2. 12. 6. HC 2814; BMC V 377 Pr 4900; BSB-Ink I-119; Sheppard 4001. shelfmark: Inc. d. I4.1483.1.

COPY Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian J-088 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo Library. Size: 193 ¿ 131 ¿ 17 mm. Size of leaf: 184 ¿ 125 mm. Supplementum chronicarum. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. a r [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] 4009; ‘Dupl’ on the front endleaf. Acquired between 1847 and 2 aa r ‘Tabula specialis de mulieribus claris hoc in opere conscriptis.’ c.1892; not found in Catalogus (1843), with Appendix. 1 aa v ‘Tabula omnium regionum et prouintiarum hoc in opere con- shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.27. 1 tentorum ac etiam Ciuitatum.’ r aa2 ‘Tabula specialis ciuitatum introscriptarum.’ 2 v J-087 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo a1 Barilus, Dominicus: ‘In oblatione infrascripti operis Carmen.’ ‘O Bergomates o patres iure verendi > Quis deus omnipotens col- Supplementum chronicarum. lectis ordine tanto’; 32 hexameters. v 2 r A1 [Table of contents.] a2 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Prologue dedicated to] the v a1 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Prologus, dedicated to] the magistrates of Bergamo. Incipit: ‘Pro ciceronis vestri sententia, magistrates of Bergamo. Incipit: ‘[P]ro Ciceronis vestri sententia, clarissimi conciues ductus . . .’ 2 v clarissimi conciues ductus . . .’ a3 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: Supplementum chronicarum. r a3 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: Supplementum chronicarum. [Liber primus.] Incipit: ‘[I]n principio creauit deus celum et ter- [Liber primus.] Incipit: ‘[I]n principio creauit deus celum et ter- ram . . . [1485] vir multarum rerum experientia doctus’. ram . . . [1482] Duos enim post se reliquit ¢lios etate minores.’ refs. See J-087, but the second recension including the year1485. v refs. Friedrich Zarncke, Der Priester Johannes, Zweite T7 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Editorial note.] Incipit:‘Ac sic Abhandlung, enthaltend Capitel IV,Vund VI’, Abhandlungen der demum deo fauente Supplementi Chronicarum iam secundo ter- Philologisch-Historischen Classe der Ko« niglich Sa« chsischen minum ponam . . .’ Dated Bergamo 20 Nov. 1485, and giving the Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 8 / Abhandlungen der age of the author as 51. Ko« niglich Sa« chsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 19 Brescia: Boninus de Boninis, de Ragusia, 1 Dec. 1485. Folio. (Leipzig, 1883) (erschienen 1876), 174^9; see Francis M. Rogers, collation: a b10 aa2 2a 2b10 c^t8 v10 x6 y z h m k A^E8 F6 G^O8 P6 The Quest for Eastern Christians.Travels and Rumor in the Age of Q^T8. Discovery (Minneapolis, Minn., 1962), 74¡.; Kru« mmel 71^2, 76. r HC *2806; Go¡ J-209; BMC VII 969; Pr 6965; BSB-Ink I-122; DD6 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Editorial note.] Incipit:‘Hic CIBN J-141; Hillard 1112; Rhodes 999; Sheppard 5764; igitur terminum ponam Supplementum historiarum . . .’ Dated Veneziani, Brescia, 59. Micro¢che: Unit 4: Chronicles and Bergamo 29 June 1483, and giving the age of the author as 49. Historiography: Part I.

Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, 23 Aug. 1483. Folio. COPY collation: A10 a12 b^i8 k l6 m n8 o p6 2A^F8 GH6 I8 K^M6 N8 O6 8 6 Wanting the blank leaf a1. P Q^Z AA^DD . Binding: Nineteenth(?)-century half parchment over paste- HC 2805*; Go¡ J-208; BMC V 370, XII 26; Pr 4866; BSB-Ink I-121; boards, with early manuscript title across the head of the fore- Hillard 1111; Sheppard 3973. Micro¢che: Unit 5: Chronicles and edge: ‘Fasciculus temporum. Supplementum chronicarum’. Historiography: Part II. Size: 325 ¿ 220 ¿ 72 mm. Size of leaf: 317 ¿ 212 mm. r COPY On R6 a marginal note, extracting a key word, in an early hand. Binding: Eighteenth-century half parchment over pasteboards, Pointing hands in di¡erent early hands. with red-edged leaves. ‘K 21’ on a rectangular label at the tail of Four- to eight-line initials are supplied in red and green, red and the spine and on the front endleaf; probably a Lienz shelfmark. blue, and red, green, and blue, some with red and green pen- Size: 302 ¿ 188 ¿ 60 mm. Size of leaf: 293 ¿ 180 mm. £ourishes. Other initials are supplied in red. Double rules on A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in two di¡er- inner margins of text and between columns of tables coloured in ent early hands (one humanist; the other concerned with the yellow or green. Capital strokes in red. j-088^j-091] jacobus philippus de bergamo 1511

Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ collation: <1^6> <7^12>6 a^z h m k A^F8 G6. r v on a2 and duplicate stamp on T7 . Purchased for »2. 12. 0; see Woodcuts and woodcut initials. Books Purchased (1859), 43. HC *2808; Go¡ J-211; BMC V 402; Pr 4954; Baer, Die Illustrierten shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 3.20. Historienbu« cher, p. xxvi, no. 161; BSB-Ink I-124; CIBN J-143; Essling 343; Oates 1938; Rhodes 1000; Sack, Freiburg, 2008; J-089 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo Sander 917; Sheppard 4073. Micro¢che: Unit 5: Chronicles and Supplementum chronicarum. Historiography: Part II. a v [Table of contents.] COPY 1 Binding: Contemporary German (Regensburg, KyriÞ workshop b r Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Prologue, dedicated to] the 4 no. 29) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with two metal magistrates of Bergamo. Incipit: ‘[P]ro Ciceronis vestri sententia, clasps and catches. Centre-piece and corner-pieces lost; formerly clarissimi conciues ductus . . .’ chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of lower cover. c r Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: Supplementum chronicarum. 1 Yellow-edged leaves. Manuscript title with initial in red on a [Liber primus.] Incipit: ‘[I]n principio creauit deus celum et ter- label at the head of upper cover and along the lower edge. Later ram . . . Aurea qui nitidis vellera tingis aquis.’ The chronicle con- manuscripttitle at thehead ofthe spine. On the upper cover, triple tinues until the year1485. ¢llets form a triple frame.Within the outer frame, lozenge-shaped refs. See J-087; the third recension, according to the editorial £eur-de-lis stamps; within the following frame, £euron and note; including the year 1485, as J-088, but wanting the last few square £oral stamps. The inner rectangle contains the square lines of that version. £oral stamps arranged into a frame, surrounded by rectangular V r Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Editorial note.] Incipit:‘Ac sic 8 £euron stamps and by lozenge-shaped double-headed eagle demum deo auxiliante Supplementi Chronicarum iam tertio ter- stamps; see KyriÞ pl. 65, nos 2 and 4. On the lower cover, quadru- minum ponam . . .’ Dated Bergamo 15 Oct. 1486, and giving the ple ¢llets form a frame.Within the frame, quadruple ¢llets divide age of the author as 52. the area into four rectangular sections, each subdivided by quad- Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, 15 Dec. 1486. Folio. ruple ¢llets into four triangular compartments. Circular £oral 8 4 8 6 8 collation: a b c^l m n^p A^V . stamps are set at the conjunction of the ¢llets; in the triangular Woodcuts. compartments are the £euron and double-headed eagle stamps, HC *2807; Go¡ J-210; BMC V 371; Pr 4868; Baer, Die Illustrierten lozenge-shaped dragon stamps, or the square £oral stamps; see Historienbu« cher, p. xxv, no. 154; BSB-Ink I-123; CIBN J-142; KyriÞ pl. 65, nos 1, 2, 4, and 5. The spine is decorated with Essling 342; Hillard 1113; Sack, Freiburg 2007; Sander 916; ‘Maria’ scrolls. Strips of parchment from a twelfth-century Sheppard 3975. Micro¢che: Unit 4: Chronicles and manuscript are visible in the binding. Size: 320 ¿ 218 ¿ 55 mm. Historiography: Part I. Size of leaf: 310 ¿ 210 mm. COPY A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early Binding: Eighteenth-century calf, the spine gold-tooled, with hand. sprinkled red-edged leaves. Size: 307 ¿ 204 ¿ 50 mm. Size of Woodcuts and woodcut initials coloured. Other initials are sup- leaf: 298 ¿ 196 mm. plied in red, some with pen-£ourishing. A few marginal notes, extracting key words, correcting, and com- Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. r menting on the text, in an early humanist hand. Emmeramus; inscription on a2 : ‘Monasterii S. Emmerani Provenance: Bonaventura Brem (1755^1818). Weissenau, Ratisbon×’. Purchased for »0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1843), Wu« rttemberg, diocese of Konstanz, Premonstratensians, SS. 20. r Petrus et Paulus; armorial book-plate and inscription on a1 : shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.38. ‘Monasterij Augi× Minoris’. Purchased for »0. 18. 0, 24 Apr. 1884 from [James E.] Cornish; see Library Bills. J-091 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.26. Supplementum chronicarum. r a1 [Title-page.] J-090 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo r a2 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: Supplementum chronicarum. Supplementum chronicarum. [Liber primus.] Incipit: ‘[I]n principio creauit deus celum et ter- r <1^6>2 [Table of contents.] ram . . . bellicis artibus memoratissimus idemque felicissimus’. r <7^12>6 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Prologus, dedicated to] The chronicle continues until the year1490. the magistrates of Bergamo. Incipit: ‘Pro Ciceronis vestri senten- refs. See J-090. v tia, clarissimi conciues ductus . . .’ F8 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Editorial note.] Incipit:‘Ac sic r a1 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: Supplementum chronicarum. demum deo auxiliante et fauente Supplementi Chronicarum iam [Liber primus.] Incipit: ‘[I]n principio creauit deus celum et ter- tertio terminum ponam . . .’ Dated Bergamo, 15 Oct. 1486, giving ram . . . bellicis artibus memoratissimus idemque felicissimus’. the age of the author as 52. 2 r refs. See J-087; the Chronicle continues until the year1490. A1 Glerolus, Orlandinus: [Verse.] ‘Mendosis fueram numeris que r sordida nuper Prodeo cum tota culta tabella ¢de’; 18 elegiac dis- G5 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Editorial note.] Incipit:‘Ac sic > demum deo auxiliante et fauente Supplementi Chronicarum iam tichs. See Kru« mmel 83^4. 2 r tertio terminum ponam . . .’Dated Bergamo15 Oct.1486, and giv- A1 [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] ing the age of the author as 52. Venice: Bernardinus Rizus, Novariensis, 15 May 1490. Folio. 1512 jamblichus [j-091^j-093

2 v v B5 Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo: [Prologus dedicated to] the p8 Jacopone da Todi [pseudo-: Laude XCVIII.] Incipit: ‘[P]erche magistrates of Bergamo. Incipit: ‘Pro Ciceronis vestri sententia mai tu creata . . .’ r clarissimi conciues ductus . . .’ q1 Jacopone daTodi[pseudo-: Laude XCIX]. Incipit: ‘[L]amor che consumato . . .’See Carboni no. 2038. Venice: Bernardinus Rizus, Novariensis, 15 Feb. 1492/3. Folio. v collation: a10 b^z h m k A^F8 2AB6. q1 Jacopone daTodi[pseudo-: Laude C.] Incipit:‘[F]lorito e christo nella carne pura . . .’See Carboni no. 1210. Woodcuts: see Sander and Essling. r HC *2809; Go¡ J-212; BMC V 404; Pr 4962; Baer, Die Illustrierten q3 Jacopone daTodi [pseudo-: Laude CI.] Incipit: ‘[T]roppo perde el tempo chi non tama . . .’See Carboni no. 3904. Historienbu« cher, p. xxvii, no. 168; BSB-Ink I-125; CIBN J-144; r Essling 345; Hillard 1114; Oates 1939; Sack, Freiburg 2009; q7 Jacopone daTodi[pseudo-: Laude CII.] Incipit:‘[S]e per dilecto Sander 919; Sheppard 4079. Micro¢che: Unit 5: Chronicles and tu cercando uai . . .’ See Carboni no. 3618. These laudi have not Historiography: Part II. been included in the critical edition as they are considered apoc- ryphal by the editor. FIRST COPY r q8 [Colophon.] Binding: Eighteenth-century brown calf, with the arms of r q8 [Verse.] ‘Contempla cor mondan facto deuoto > La passion del George III; see Davenport 183. Sprinkled red-edged leaves. Size: tuo dolce signore’; 4 lines of verse. 319 ¿ 214 ¿ 50 mm. Size of leaf: 311 ¿ 207 mm. r r1 [Glossary.] A few marginal and interlinear notes, extracting key words and Florence: Francesco Bonaccorsi, 28 Sept. 1490. 4o. correcting the text, in an early humanist hand. Between b7 and 8 6 b a leaf has been inserted containing data extracted from the collation: A a^q r . 8 Woodcut (160 ¿ 110 mm). chronicle, mainly ’ names and dates, in a sixteenth-cen- HC (+ Addenda) 9355; Go¡ J-214; BMC VI 673; Pr 6310; CIBN tury(?) hand. J-145; Kristeller 220; Sander 3549; not in Sheppard. Provenance: Purchased for »0. 18. 0; see Books Purchased (1838), 3. COPY shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.48. Leaves A1,A8 (woodcut), and r6 supplied in facsimile; i1 torn and SECOND COPY repaired. Not in Sheppard. Binding: Nineteenth/twentieth-century polished parchment; Corners in gatherings a^c and B damaged and repaired. two sets of olive-green silk ties, one tie wanting, and gilt-edged Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) Italian parchment, the lower leaves. Size: 207 ¿ 140 ¿ 25 mm. Size of leaf: 201 ¿ 131 mm. corner of the upper cover damaged and repaired. Sprinkled red- Provenance: Hugo Albert Rennert (1858^1927); book-plate with edged leaves. Size: 295 ¿ 210 ¿ 60 mm. Size of leaf: 293 ¿ the motto:‘post tenebras spero lucem’. On the front pastedown, a 203 mm. square blue label: ‘E. S. Fowler, Bookseller, 11 Gildredge Road, Bibliographical notes by Lawn on the verso of the front endleaf. Eastbourne. Solomon Pottesman (1904^1978); purchased at his Provenance: Johannes Jacobus Paganus (sixteenth century); sale, lot 233, for »198; see ledger (1979/80), no. 433. r shelfmark: Inc. e. I9.1490.2. cancelled inscription on a1 : ‘Io. Iacobi Pagani’. [ ] de Campo r sancti Petri (sixteenth century); cancelled inscription on a1 , below that of Paganus: ‘[ ]ui [ ]chi de campo sancti Petri lectoris J-093 Jamblichus pan[ ]alis Padu×’. Dr Brian Lawn (1905^2001); book-plate; cata- De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. logue, p. 72. Bequeathed in 2001. r a1 [Table of contents.] shelfmark: Lawn c.6. v a1 Ficinus, Marsilius: [Letter addressed to] Cardinal Julianus de Medici. J-092 Jacopone daTodi refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II (Basel, 1576), 1873; see Kristeller, Supplementum Ficinianum, I, p. lxix, no. n 1; part of Laudi [Italian]. the manuscript used for this edition is now Paris, BnF, MS. r A1 [Title-page.] suppl. gr. 212; see Martin Sicherl, ‘Druckmanuskripte der v A1 ‘Proemio’. Incipit: ‘[ ]l nome et honore della sanctissima trinita Platonikeru« bersetzungen Marsilio Ficino’s’, Italia medioevale e et della gloriosa uergine Maria . . .’ umanistica, 20 (1977), 323^39, at 323^4. v r A2 [Table of contents.] a2 Jamblichus: De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, r a1 Jacopone daTodi: Laude. Assyriorum. Translated, or rather paraphrased, by Marsilius refs. Iacopone da Todi, Laudi, ed. Franca Ageno (Florence, Ficinus. 1953), laudi I^XCIII [XCII]; see DSAM VIII 25. refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1873^1908; see Kristeller, v m7 Jacopone daTodi [pseudo-: Laude LXXXVI.] Incipit: ‘[A]mor Supplementum Ficinianum, I lxix no. n 1; Martin Sicherl, Die dolce senza pare . . .’See Carboni no. 192. Handschriften, Ausgaben und Uº bersetzungen von Iamblichos De r p4 Jacopone da Todi [pseudo-: Laude XCIV.] Incipit: ‘[U]dite una mysteriis: Eine kristisch-historische Studie, Texte und entenzone . . .’See Carboni no. 3983. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, 5,7 v p4 Jacopone da Todi [pseudo-: Laude XCV.] Incipit: ‘[Q]ue farai (Berlin, 1957), 182^8. v morte mia . . .’ f1 Proclus: In Platonicum Alcibiadem. Translated by Marsilius v p5 Jacopone daTodi[pseudo-: Laude XCVI.] Incipit:‘[T]roppo me Ficinus.‘Excerpta Marsilii Ficini ex graecis Procli commentariis grande fatiga . . .’ in Alcibiadem Platonis primum.’ r p7 Jacopone daTodi[pseudo-: Laude XCVII.] Incipit:‘[O] peccator refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1908^28. r dolente . . .’ h7 Proclus: De sacri¢cio et magia.Translatedby Marsilius Ficinus. j-093^j-094] jean d’arras 1513

refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1928^9. collation: a^i8 k4 LM6 N O p q R^Z8 h10. v h8 Porphyrius: De divinis et daemonibus. Translated by Marsilius HC *9358; Go¡ J-216; BMC V 557; Pr 5559; BSB-Ink I-127; CIBN Ficinus.‘Porphyrius de occasionibus, siue causis ad intelligibilia J-147; Hillard 1125; Oates 2177^9; Rhodes 1002; Sack, Freiburg, nos ducentibus.’ 2010; Scapecchi,‘Annali’,17; Sheppard 4639^41.

refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1929^32. FIRST COPY i r Porphyrius: De abstinentia animalium. Translated by Marsilius 4 Wanting the blank leaf h10. Ficinus. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf. ‘3’ across the refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1932^9. fore-edge. ‘24’ on the upper left-hand corner of the front paste- r L1 Ficinus, Marsilius: [Letter addressed to] Laurentius de’Medici. down. Size: 293 ¿ 200 ¿ 30 mm. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 193 mm. refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1968. r r Manuscript foliation, even numbers only, from f2 to h8 . L r Ficinus, Marsilius: [Letter addressed to] Petrus de’ Medici. r 1 On a2 a seven-line initial‘A’is supplied in burgundy and gold on a Dated15 Apr. 1489. square blue ground with white pen-work decoration. refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1968. Provenance: De l’Argilie' re family, seigneurs du Fay, L v Synesius: De somniis.Translated by Marsilius Ficinus. r 1 Champagne; on a2 : coat of arms: or, a fess gules, between three refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1968^78. trefoils slipped of the second; see A-475(1). Acquired by 1835; see r N1 Psellus, Michael: De daemonibus. Translated by Marsilius Catalogus (1843), III 385. Ficinus. shelfmark: Auct.1R 4.7. refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1939^45. SECOND COPY N r Ficinus, Marsilius: Letter addressed to PhilippusValor. 3 Wanting the blank leaf h10. refs. C. B. Schmitt,‘Theophrastus’, CTC III 175^82, at 78^9. Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled diced russia, with v N7 Priscianus Lydus: Metaphrasis in Theophrastum. marbled pastedowns and yellow-edged leaves. Size: 307 ¿ 204 ¿ ‘Interpraetatio Prisciani Lydi inTheophrastum de sensu traducta 30 mm. Size of leaf: 298 ¿ 197 mm. et exposita a Marsilio Ficino . . .’ Provenance: Richard Heber (1773^1833); manuscript note on the refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1801^35; see Kristeller, front endleaf; according to the Bodleian’s annotated copy of the Supplementum Ficinianum, I p. xv; the text alternates with sale catalogue, Heber purchased the book for »2. 12. 6; see Ficino’s commentary; see also Schmitt as above. Catalogue, 1 (1834), lot 3761, for »1. 5. 0 (Bodleian’s annotated r S5 Ficinus, Marsilius: [Preface dedicated to] Giovanni Cavalcanti. sale catalogue). Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. ‘Prohemium in Alcinoi et Speusippi et Pythagorae opuscula . . .’ 1744. Bequeathed in 1914. refs. Marsilio Ficino, Lettere, ed. Sebastiano Gentile, I shelfmark: Byw. C. 6.4. (Florence, 1990), 99^102. THIRD COPY S r Alcinous; [Albinus pseudo-]: De doctrina Platonis. [Also 6 Wanting the blank leaf h10. known as Disciplinarum Platonis epitome.] Translated by Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) gold-tooled diced russia, with Marsilius Ficinus. marbled pastedowns; rebacked. Size: 311 ¿ 208 ¿ 33 mm. Size of refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1946^62; on the work and the leaf: 304 ¿ 201 mm. ascription of authorship see A-151. On X v and X r a few marginal notes, extracting key words, in a r 7 8 V8 Speusippus: De Platonis de¢nitionibus.Translated by Marsilius contemporary Italian hand. Ficinus. Provenance: Marco Domenico Cepollini (¢fteenth century); refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1962^4; on Ficino’s ascription r ci inscription on a1 : ‘ex munere M Dominici Ce° pollini I[uris] to Xenocrates see, J. Hankins, Plato in the Italian Renaissance C[onsulti] Coll. Ian[uensis]’; the assumption that ‘Ian.’ should be (Leiden, 1990), 307. expanded as Ianuensis is supported by Walsh 3222, a copy of the v X2 Pythagoras [pseudo-]: Aurea verba et symbola. Translated by Genoese statutes, which has the inscription: ‘Dominici Cepollini Marsilius Ficinus. J. C.’ Robert Finch (1783^1830). Bequeathed to the University by refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1978^9. R. Finch; see Finch catalogue 147. Taylor Institution, University v X3 Ficinus, Marsilius: [Preface dedicated to] Petrus de’ Medici. of Oxford; book-plate with shelfmark in blue ink: ‘V 193’. refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1965. Transferred to the Bodleian from theTaylor Institution in 1921. r X4 Xenocrates [pseudo-?]: De morte. Translated by Marsilius shelfmark: Inc. c. I4.1497.3. Ficinus. refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, II 1965^8. On the authorship see J-094 Jean d’Arras Jackson P. Hershbell, Pseudo-Plato,‘Axiochus’, Society of Biblical Literature, Texts and , 21, Graeco-Roman Religion Histoire de la belle Melusine. r ser., 6 (Ann Arbor, Mich., 1981), 20^1. On the translation see a1 [Title-page.] a r Jean d’Arras: [Preface.] Incipit:‘[A]n toutes oeuures commencer Jacques Chevalier, >’Etudecritiquedudialoguepseudo-platonicien 2 l’Axiochos (Paris, 1915), 3 no. 3; on Ficino’s ascription to on doit tout premierement appeller le nom du createur . . .’ v Xenocrates see, J. Hankins, Plato in the Italian Renaissance a2 Jean d’Arras: Histoire de la belle Melusine.‘Comment ce liure (Leiden, 1990), 307, note 104. fut fait par le commandement de Jehan ¢lz du roy de France duc v X7 Ficinus, Marsilius: [Preface dedicated to] Antonio Canigiani. de Berry et dauuerigne.’ refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, I 986. refs. Jean d’Arras, Me¤ lusine, ed. Louis Stou¡ (Geneva,1974); see r X8 Ficinus, Marsilius: De voluptate. also L’histoire de la belle Me¤ lusine de Jean d’Arras. Reproduction refs. Marsilius Ficinus, Opera, I 987^1012. Venice: Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Sept. 1497. Folio. 1514 johannes xxi, pont. max. [j-094^j-097

en fac-simile de l’edition de Ge' neve, imprime¤ e par A. Steinschaber Six- to nine-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue. en1478, ed.W.J. Meyer (Berne, 1923^4). Other initials are supplied in red or blue. Capital strokes in red. Lyons: Guillaume Le Roy, [c.1487]. Folio. Provenance: On the verso of front pastedown, erased note of collation: a^z8. ownership and ‘A^39^B’. David Stuart Ker (1816^1878); see Woodcuts. Catalogue of a Portion of the Library of a Gentleman (London: H 11057; Pr 8514; Claudin III 95^6; Pellechet1323; Sheppard 6574. Christie & Manson, 8 Mar. 1847), lot 497. Purchased for »1. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1847), 19. COPY shelfmark: Auct. Q sub. fen.1.18. Wanting a1, b1, n2.7. Replacements for the missing leaves contain text supplied in manuscript, and engravings. J-096 Joachim Binding: Eighteenth-century French gold-tooled olive-green Historia pulcra de SS. Joachim, Joseph et SS. Maria morocco, faded from blue, with marbled pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves, and orange silk book-mark. Size: 274 ¿ 196 ¿ 30 mm. Jacobi et Salome. r Size of leaf: 267 ¿ 181 mm. [a2 ] ‘Sequitur hic hystoria pulcra de sancto Ioachim patre dei matris A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and correct- Marie.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uod festum nona die decembris hoc est prox- ing the text, in three di¡erent early hands, one certainly French. ima die post festum conceptionis eiusdem ¢lie sue marie celebra- Bibliographical notes in Douce’s hand, including the transcrip- tur . . .’See BHL 4282. tion of a poem by Boissieu de Salvaing(?), Sylvae de miraculis [Augsburg: Anton Sorg, c.1480]. Folio. 10 8 6 Delphinatus: ‘Luzinian×os postquam Meluzina Penates, > collation: [a b c ]. Indignataviro, colubri sub imagine, linquit’; 14 hexameters. A let- Woodcut initials. ter from the Bodleian to Henry Ellis (1777^1869), British H *8746; Pr 1678; Sack, Freiburg, 2034; Sheppard 1244. Museum, containing a passage from the text, has been inserted COPY between z and z . 8 9 Wanting [a ], probably blank. Three- to ten-line initials and line ¢llers supplied in interlocked 1 Binding: Paper boards, with red-edged leaves. Size: 270 ¿ 195 ¿ red and blue. Other initials and paragraph marks supplied in red 12 mm. Size of leaf: 264 ¿ 190 mm. or blue. In the outer margin of [a v] is one line of musical notatation, on Provenance: Paul Girardot de Pre¤ fond (+after c.1800); name 9 four staves, for the hymn: ‘Collaudemus toto corde dei.’ stamped on the front pastedown; see Catalogue (Paris, 1757), (Chevalier, Rep. hymn., 3660; AH 23 no. 366). 943. Louis Jean Gaignat (1697^1768); see Guillaume de Bure, On [a r] a woodcut initial is coloured in red and blue on a yellow Bibliographie instructive: Supple¤ ment, 2 vols (Paris, 1769), lot 2 ground. Other initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter 2352. John Hunter (eighteenth/nineteenth century); sale (5 Feb. headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. On [c v] rubrica- 1802), lot106. Purchased by Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial 6 tor’s name:‘Iohannes’. book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich, no. shelfmark: Douce 182. r 160(?); stamp and duplicate stamp on [a2 ]. Purchased for »1. 1. 6; see Books Purchased (1859), 60. J-095 Jerung, Henricus shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 3.27. Elucidarius scripturarum. v [a1 ] [Preface.] Incipit: ‘[L]inguarum variarum causam autentica J-097 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. (Petrus Hispanus) scriptura . . .’ Summulae logicales; with‘Commentum nouum’, et al. [a r] Jerung, Henricus: Elucidarius scripturarum. Incipit: ‘[A] AA 2 a r [Title-page.] ‘Commentum nouum in primum et quartum tracta- est interiectio vagientis . . .’See Stegmu« ller, Repertorium biblicum, 1 tus(!) Petri Hispani cum commento paruorum logicalium III 3182. Marsilii’. Nuremberg: Friedrich Creussner, 6 June 1476. Folio. a r Commentum novum in primum et quartum tractatum Petri 10 8 10 8 6 8 10 8 10 2 collation: [a b c d^f g^l m n o p^y z A ]. Hispani. Incipit: ‘[C]irca initium Paruorum logicalium. Queritur H *9371; Go¡ J-219; BMC II 447; Pr 2131; BSB-Ink I-135; CIBN primo vtrum logica sit scientia. Priusquam magistri Petri Hispani J-153; Rhodes 1003; Sheppard 1565. textum aggrediar de certis notandis mouendisque dubiis videre COPY restat . . .’ r Wanting the blank leaf [A10]. a3 Petrus Hispanus [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: Summulae logi- Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, cales. Incipit: ‘[D]ialectica est ars artium scientia scientiarum ad with metal bosses, metal catches, and remains of clasps; hasp omnium methodorum principia viam habens . . .’ See Joseph P. and chain at tail of lower cover; rebacked. Quadruple ¢llets form Mullally, The Summulae Logicales of Peter of Spain, a double frame.Within the outer frame, £euron stamps; the inner Publications in Mediaeval Studies, University of Notre Dame, 8 rectangle contains large merrythoughts, very worn. Size: 411 ¿ (Notre Dame, Ind., 1945, repr. 1960), no. 53; Severin Corsten, 279 ¿ 69 mm. Size of leaf: 403 ¿ 272 mm. ‘Universities and early printing’, in Bibliography and the Study of Original pastedowns consist of two leaves printed on one side 15th-Century Civilisation, ed. Lotte Hellinga and John only, comprising the second sheet (outer forme) of gathering [f] Gold¢nch, British Library Occasional Papers, 5 (London, 1987), of the Biblia Latina. Nuremberg: Johann Sensenschmidt and 83^123, at 88^94. The anonymous commentary alternates with Andreas Frisner, 9 Dec. 1475 (B-253), but di¡erently set up. lemmata of the text. j-097^j-099] johannes xxi, pont. max. 1515

v o4 ‘Commentum in tractatum de suppositionibus Marsilii ab A few marginal notes, commenting on the text, in an early Inghen’. Incipit: ‘[C]irca tractatum Marsilii de suppositionibus humanist hand. mouetur dubium istud. Utrum tractatus Marsilii de suppositioni- Provenance and date of acquisition unknown. bus sit ab alijs tractatibus logice distinctus . . .’ See Egbert Bos, shelfmark: 4o T 23(5) Th. BS. Marsilius of Inghen: Treatises on the Properties of Terms, Synthese Historical Library, 22 (Dordrecht, 1983); Bos refers to J-099 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. a later edition, Hagenau 1503, following Lohr and ultimately Summulae logicales. Gerhard Ritter, Studien zur Spa« tscholastik. v A r [Title-page.] ‘Petri Hispani Tractauum textus cum quibusdam B7 [Publicity for the book.] Incipit: ‘Quisquis dialectice veritatis 1 persuasionibus contra paralogisantium insultus fultiri desi- brevioribus punctis et complusculis argumentis quibus pueri deras . . .’ sese exercitare valebunt quantum ad primum secundum et quar- tum tratatum quibus cognitis fale est ad altiora conscendere et Basel: Nicolaus Kesler, 20 June 1487. 4o. subtiliora attingere.’ collation: a^z h m t‹ AB8. A v [Preamble.] Incipit: ‘Circa initium logice quedam preambulari- HC *8707; BMC III 765; Pr 7661; BSB-Ink C-479; CIBN J-159; 1 ter queruntur. [Q]ueritur quot sunt habitus intellectuales . . .’ Sack, Freiburg, 2775; Sheppard 2473. r A2 [A comment on the preamble.] Incipit: ‘Arguitur subiectum COPY primi tractatus . . .’Books1and 2 only, each preceded by a pream- Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled half pigskin, much worn, ble and a comment on the preamble. over wooden boards, one catch lost, remains of a clasp. Remains r A2 Petrus Hispanus [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: Summulae of a contemporary square label at the head of upper cover. At the logicales. Incipit: ‘[D]ialectica est ars artium scientia scientiarum head of the spine, two eighteenth-century labels bearing the title ad omnium methodorum principia viam habens . . .’ and shelfmark ‘38’.‘24’ in pencil in the upper left-hand corner of refs. Treatises I^IV. Peter of Spain, Tractatus, ed. L. M. de Rijk, the front pastedown. Strips of parchment from a manuscript Philosophical Texts and Studies 22 (Assen, 1972), 1^54; see (canon law?) written in various twelfth- and thirteenth-century Mullally no. 17. The text of tractatus I-III closely resembles the hands visible in the binding. Size: 223 ¿ 160 ¿ 53 mm. Size of text as published by de Rijk, whereas tractatus IV varies leaf: 213 ¿ 153 mm. signi¢cantly. v Marginal notes, in some sections frequent, mainly extracting key A2 [Commentary.] Incipit:‘Notandum est quod ars accipitur dupli- words and structuring the text, in an early German hand.‘N: 91’ citer, uno modo proprie . . . The text is followed by Quaestiones r on a1 in the same hand. and commentaries. v Paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and capital D2 [Note on accidentia temporis.] ‘Quod sequuntur non sunt de strokes are supplied in red.The printed title is traced in the rubri- textu Petri Hispani.’Incipit:‘[Q]uando est quod in accidentia tem- cator’s red ink. poris in re temporali . . .’ This text is inserted between book II Provenance: Tegernsee, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Quirinus; chapters 28 and 29 (as counted by de Rijk). inscription on the front pastedown: ‘Bibliotheca Tegerseensis Deventer: Richard Pafraet, 25 Jan. 1491. 4o. 1783’; worn shelfmark label on the upper cover: ‘J 6’(?). Royal collation: A8 B4 C6 D4 E6. Library, Munich; duplicate. Munich shelfmark, Inc. 503, and Woodcuts. ‘Dupl’ on slip pasted onto front pastedown; duplicate number r C 2985; not in Pr; Campbell 1398; HPT I 108^11; not in Sheppard. ‘454b’ on a1 . Purchased from Caspar Haugg, 30 Nov. 1885, Catalogue 78 no. 24, for 8 Marks; see Library Bills (1885) no. 381. COPY shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.48. Bound with: 1. Introductorium iuvenum in artem grammaticam puerilia cuncta breviter utiliterque complectens. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda, J-098 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. 1513; Summulae logicales. 2. Aelius Donatus, Ars minor. Deventer: Jacobus de Breda,1512; Fragment. 3. Remigius the grammarian, Dominus que pars. [Deventer]: Jacobus de Breda, [c.1510]; aa r Bricot,Thomas: ‘Questio addita ad primi tractatus interpreta- 1 4. Hermannus Torrentinus, In Alexandrum utilissima commen- tionem per magistrum Thomam Bricot.’ Incipit: ‘Queritur vtrum taria . . . [Deventer]: Theodoricus de Borne, 1513; prepositiones de contingenti specialiter capto faciant opposi- 5. Alexander grammaticus, Secunda pars doctrinalis Alexandri tiones . . . Ad secundam rationem cum sua con¢rmatione patet familiari ac compendiaria expositione enarrata . . . Deventer: quod dicendum ex secundo notabili.’See Lohr, 29 (1973), 173^4. Jacobus de Breda,1511; o Lyons: JohannesTrechsel, [c.1490]. 4 . 6. Kempo Thessaliensis, Secunda commentariorum . . . in secun- 8 6 8 10 collation: a^h i A^M N aa . dam doctrinalis Alexandri . . . Deventer: Theodoricus de Borne, R 922; Pr 8615; Polain1576; Sheppard 6659. 1513; COPY 8. Marcus Tullius Cicero, Oratiuncule elegantiores ex diversis . . . A fragment, consisting of gathering aa, bound with 50 other epistolis . . . [Deventer?: n. pr., 1513?]; items. 9. Publius Ovidius Naso, Orationes familiares et elegantissime ex Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the omnibus. . . librisformate. Quinetiamversusquidam integri notatu Bodleian Library; the items were evidently not together before digni eiusdem poete cum expositione vocabulorum magis di⁄ci- being bound as they are now. Size: 209 ¿ 150 ¿ 58 mm. Size of lium per Hermannum Torrentinum . . . [Deventer]: Theodoricus leaf: 201 ¿ 144 mm. de Borne, [15]13. 1516 johannes xxi, pont. max. [j-099^j-101

Binding: Contemporary parchment. ‘273’ on a circular label at |trum Thomaš bricot |acre theolo= > gie lfe||oreš diligeš ter tail of the spine; ‘L’ printed on a square red label on the spine. exam|š ata: Pa ri|iu|n 4o kalend’ |eptembris. An= no 1491. ad > v > Size: 207 ¿ 155 ¿ 45 mm. Size of leaf: 207 ¿ 145 mm. ¢nem xducta feliciter > Finit.’; H6 : device of Marnef (Polain, A fourteenth-century(?) manuscript leaf, in German, found as a Marques, no. 133a). book-mark, is now the front endleaf. Incipit: ‘Here vorbarme dy Pr 8150; Sheppard 6382^3.

vnser Cryste vorbarme dy vnser here vorbarme dy vnser pater COPY noster . . .’ Three more leaves consist of eighteenth/nineteenth- Bound with B-555; see there for details of binding and proven- century typographical and bibliographical notes relating to the ance. Size of leaf: 197 ¿ 137 mm. book. Leaves c3^6 and e3,4 transposed in binding. Extensively annotated in Latin and Dutch with commentaries, Three- to seven-line initials are supplied in red with reserved references to classical and humanist authors, and with classical white decoration. Other initials and paragraph marks are sup- and humanist poetry, in an early Dutch hand in the margins and plied in red. on half-leaves inserted regularly throughout the book. shelfmark: Auct.7Q 7.58(1). Coloured woodcuts. Capital strokes and line ¢llers in red. Provenance: Johannes Recklinckhusen (¢fteenth/sixteenth cen- tury); inscription on the back of the upper cover: ‘Ad Ioannem J-101 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. Recklinckhusen hic pertinet codex’. Johannes ab Ulenbroeck Copulata tractatuum Petri Hispani (ed. Lambertus de (sixteenth/seventeenth century); inscription on upper cover: Monte). r ‘Joannes Ab Ulenbroeck est poÞeÞor huius libri’, and on A1 of r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Copulata omnium tractatuum Petri Hispani etiam item 1: ‘Ad ioannes ab Ulenbroeck est meus herus’. Peter van Sincathegreumatum et paruorum logicalium cum textu secun- Musschenbroek (1692^1761); purchased at his sale, 9 Oct. 1826, dum doctrinam diui Thome Aquinatis iuxta processum magis- for Fl. 5. 2 stuiver; see Bibliotheca Musschenbroekiana (Leiden, trorum Colonie in bursa Montis regentium’. 1826), 55 lot 828. Probably the book purchased for »4. 4. 0; see r a2 [Introduction.] Incipit: ‘[C]irca initium Summalarum(!) Petri Books Purchased (1827), 19. o Hispani in quibus breuiter et compendiose determinat de his qu× shelfmark: 4 Z 95(7) Art. in libris logice ab Arestotele Boetio Porphirio et ab aliis pertrac- tantur . . .’ v J-100 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. a5 Petrus Hispanus [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: Summulae logi- Summulae logicales (comm. Georgius Bruxellensis, ed. cales. Incipit:‘[D]yalectica est ars artium scientia scientiarum . . .’ r Thomas Bricot). a2 [Commentary of the Cologne Thomists.] Incipit: ‘Premissis qui- busdam communibus in qualibet scientia prerequisitis . . .’ The r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Expositio Georgii super Summulis magistri Petri commentary alternates with lemmata of the text. See Mullally Hyspani’. no. 58. According to Severin Corsten, ‘Universities and early v a1 [Letter addressed to] ‘N.’ Incipit:‘Tuemihi sunt reddite littere mi printing’, in Bibliography and the Study of 15th-Century .N. humanitatis et beniuolentie plene . . .’ Civilisation, ed. Lotte Hellinga and John Gold¢nch, British r a2 ‘Prohemium.’ Incipit: ‘Expositio diui magistri Georgii . . . textus Library Occasional Papers, 5 (London,1987), 83^123, at 93 (quot- magistri Petri Hispani: nuper opera magistri Thome Bricot ing C. Prantl) the author of this and the following anonymous emendata incipit. [C]irca initium Summularum magistri Petri commentaries is Lambertus de Monte, principal of the Bursa Hyspani . . .’ ‘Montana’at the University of Cologne. r a Petrus Hispanus [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: Summulae logi- r 3 z6 [First colophon.] Incipit:‘Copulata sex tractatuum Petri Hyspani cales. Incipit:‘[D]yalectica est ars artium scientia scientiarum . . .’ secundum doctrinam sancti Thome Aquinatis, studio magis- r a3 Georgius Bruxellensis: Commentum. Edited by Thomas trorum Colonie in bursa Montis regentium industrie collecta et Bricot. Incipit: ‘Circa hunc textum notandum est primo quod nuper pro exercitio neophytorum logice solerter impressa . . .’ iste terminus dyalectica capitur dupliciter . . .’ The commentary r A1 [Commentum in tractatum parvorum logicalium Petri Hispani.] alternates with lemmata of the text. See Mullally no. 98. Incipit: ‘[C]irca initium paruorum logicalium (quorum ignoran- r G3 Quaedam sophismata. Incipit: ‘[V]iso de proprietatibus par- tia plerosque magnos in multarum propositionum veritate et fal- uorum logicalium practicanda sunt queadam sophismata ut sitate turpiter errare fecit . . .’ prius dicta appareant lucidiora. Et sit prima sophisma tale: v A2 Petrus Hispanus [Johannes XXI, Pont.Max.]: Parva logicalia. Omnis asinus hominis currit . . .’ Incipit: ‘[E]orum que dicuntur quedam dicuntur cum complex- Paris: Andre Bocard for De Marnef, 29 Aug. 1491. 4o. sione . . .’ 8 6 8 6 8 8 6 v collation: a^d e f^q r s^v A^G H . A2 [Commentum.] Incipit: ‘Iste est primus tractatus parvorum Types: 92 G, 64 G. Capital spaces. 218 leaves. 31 lines of text and logicalium in quo Petrus Hispanus determinat de suppositione v v headline; 2 columns (a7 ). Type area: 143 (151) ¿ 93 mm (a7 ). terminorum . . .’ r r Leaf a1 , title: ‘Expo|itio Georgii |uper |um/ mulis magi|tri G1 Petrus Hispanus [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: v > Petri hy|pani.’; a1 : ‘ð Tue mihi |uš t reddite lrš e mi. N. huš anitatis h Syncategoremata. Incipit: ‘[A]b eo quod res est vel non est oratio r beniuoleš tie plene . . .’; a2 : ‘Expo|itio diui magi|tri > Georgii pre|- vera vel falsa dicitur. Sed a doctoribus sincathegreumatibus . . .’ tanti||imi no > minaliuš opinionuq recita > toris interpretis et expo|i refs.The textbears onlya slight resemblance to that published by toris textus magi|tri petri hi|pani: nuper opera ma/ gi|tri L. M. de Rijk and Joke Spruyt, Syncategoreumata, Studien und > > r > Thome bricot emeš > data Incipit.’; H6 , colophon: ‘ð Expo|itio Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters, 30 (Leiden, 1992), magrš i Georgij |ux > |uš mulas Petri hy|pani vna cuš qui > bu|daš que|- 38^432, although the sophismata are closer to de Rijk and tionibus in ¢ne cuiu|uis > tractatus addit’: noui||ime x magi= > Spruyt. The treatise on Syncategoremata is inserted between the j-101^j-103] johannes xxi, pont. max. 1517

seventh and the eigth treatises; the colophon says ‘necnon textus Woodcuts. eiusdem de sincathegreumatibus quem aliqui octauum appellant H *8703; not in Pr; BSB-Ink L-023; SchrammVIII 484; SchreiberV tractatum’. 4928; not in Sheppard; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 930. r L8 [Second colophon.] The colophon states that Lambertus de COPY Monte, professor at the University of Cologne, has edited the The ‘Parva logicalia’only. works in the volume. Binding: Half calf over marbled pasteboards. Size: 210 ¿ 145 ¿ [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell], 4 Dec. 1489. 4o. 30 mm. Size of leaf: 202 ¿ 143 mm. collation: a8 b^z6 A8 B^E6 F8 G^I6 KL8. ‘102’, ‘N: 3.’ in brown ink, and ‘N. 5’ in pencil, on the rear HC *8702; C 2994; Go¡ J-238; BMC I 274; Pr 1296; BSB-Ink L-021 pastedown. (+ var.); CIBNJ-161; Hillard1129; Sack, Freiburg, 2777; Sheppard Woodcuts coloured in red. Some initials are supplied in red with 974; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 928. reserved white decoration and pen-£ourishing; other initials,

COPY paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and capital strokes supplied in red. Wanting sheet F4. Title as inVoullieme:‘Copulata o|m tractatuu . . .’ Provenance: Johannes Baldassar [ ] (¢fteenth century); cancelled š š r Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, inscription on aa1 : ‘Ex libris Iohannis Baldaxxa[ ] [ ] [ ] Curie with metal catches; rebacked. Green paper index tabs. Double ¢l- Leodiensis pre[ ] [ ]’. Lambertus de Vlierden (1564^ c.1640); r lets form a double frame. Within the outer frame, circular stag inscription on aa1 : ‘Lamberti de Vlierden Curie Leodiensis stamps at the corners and lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis surrounded aduocati 1590. > Foelix cui Deus obtulit parca quod satis est by small £oral stamps. Diagonal double ¢llets divide the inner manu(?)’. W. C. D. Bates ( ); twentieth-century note by L. H.(?) rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, Whitehead on paper inserted in the book:‘This book is the prop- containing the £eur-de-lis stamp, with or without the surround- erty of W. C. D. Bates of 1(?) Washington House Brooklin(?), ing £oral stamps, and circular lamb and £ag stamps. Size: 290 ¿ Wellington. She wishes to sell it to the College Library.’ John de 208 ¿ 50 mm. Size of leaf: 280 ¿ 200 mm. Monins Johnson (1882^1953). Transferred from the Press with A pastedown ofparchment, consistingofa ¢fteenth-century frag- Johnson’s collection to the Bodleian Library in 1968. ment of a legal manuscript, is now MS. Lat. misc. c.17, fol. 91. shelfmark: Johnson d. 1777. v On a1 a coloured drawing of a master and two scholars. Initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes are supplied in red. J-103 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. r Provenance: Erased inscription on a2 :‘Ad usum(?) F.F[ ] cap[ ] [ Copulata Parvorum logicalium Petri Hispani. ]’. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not found in Catalogus r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Copulata omnium tractatuum paruorum logica- (1843), with Appendix. lium Petri Hyspani tribus adiectis modernorum tractatibus in shelfmark: Auct.1Q 2.8. suis commentariis textui pulcherrime annotatis. In argumentis et replicis denuo diligentissime correcta iuxta inuiolatum proces- J-102 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. sum magistrorum Colonie bursam Montis regentium ac inuictis- simam doctrinam sancti Thomam vberrime propagantium.’ Copulata tractatuum Petri Hispani (ed. Lambertus de r a2 Commentum in tractatum parvorum logicalium Petri Hispani. Monte). Incipit:‘[C]irca initium paruorum logicalium, quorum ignorantia ‘Parva logicalia’only. plerosque magnos in multarum propositionum veritate et falsi- r aa1 [Title-page.] ‘Copulata super omnes tractatus parvorum logica- tate turpiter errare fecit . . .’ v lium Petri Hispani cum textu eorundem pulcherrime inserto, a5 Petrus Hispanus [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: Parva logicalia. denuo diligentissime correcta’. Incipit: ‘[E]orum que dicuntur quedam dicuntur cum complex- r aa2 [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[C]irca initium paruorum logicalium sione . . .’ v (quorum ignorantia plerosque magnos in multarum propositio- a5 [Commentary of the CologneThomists.] Incipit:‘Iste est primus num veritate et falsitate turpiter errare fecit . . .’ tractatus paruorum logicalium in quo Petrus Hyspanus determi- v aa5 Petrus Hispanus [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: Parva logica- nat de suppositione terminorum . . .’ See Mullally no. 66; lia. Incipit: ‘[E]orum que dicuntur quedam dicuntur cum com- Schulthess^Imbach 549. According to Corsten 93 (quoting C. plexione . . .’ Prantl) the author of this anonymous commentary is Lambertus v aa5 [Commentary of the Cologne Thomists.] Incipit: ‘Iste est pri- de Monte, principal of the Bursa ‘Montana’ at the University of mus tractatus parvorum logicalium in quo Petrus Hispanus deter- Cologne. minat de suppositione terminorum . . .’ Cologne: Heinrich Quentell, 1498. 4o. refs. See Mullally no. 60. According to Corsten 93 (quoting C. collation: a^s6 t8. Prantl) the author of this anonymous commentary is Lambertus GW Nachtra« ge, 278; H 8697; Pr 1352; BSB-Ink L-039; CIBN J-162 de Monte, principal of the Bursa ‘Montana’ at the University of (II); Sheppard 1040; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 933. Cologne. COPY pp r [Colophon.] Dated 6 Apr. 1490. The colophon states that 8 Wanting the blank leaf t . Lambertus de Monte, professor at the University of Cologne, has 8 Binding: Nineteenth-century half red roan over marbled paste- edited the works in the volume. boards, with red-edged leaves. Size: 186 ¿ 129 ¿ 19 mm. Size of o Cologne: [Heinrich Quentell], 6^7 Apr. 1490. 4 . leaf: 177 ¿ 122 mm. collation: a^e8 f^l6.6.8 m8 n^q6 r s8 t v6 x8 y z6 A^E6 F8 G6 H^O8 P6 Q8 R S aa6 bb^nn8 oo10 pp AA^DD8. 1518 johannes de bromyard [j-103^j-107

A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early HCR 8715; Go¡ J-243; BMC V 501; Pr 5352; Sheppard 4417.

hand. COPY r On f1 a four-line initial is supplied in red with reserved white dec- Binding: Nineteenth-century cloth. Size: 220 ¿ 159 ¿ 12 mm. oration. A few seven- to nine-line initials are supplied in brown Size of leaf: 211 ¿ 152 mm. ink. A few marginal notes, extracting key words, in an early Italian Provenance: Mark Pattison (1813^1884); purchased at his sale hand; some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and cor- (27 July 1885), lot 2797(1). recting the text, in a nineteenth-century hand, probably Count shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.26. Mortara’s. Provenance: Count Alessandro Mortara (À1855). Purchased in J-104 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. 1852. Thesaurus pauperum [Italian] Tesoro de poveri. shelfmark: Mortara 1059. r a1 Piero Spano [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: Tesoro de poveri. Translated by Zucchero Bencivenni. Incipit: ‘Qui incomincia illi- J-106 Johannes de Aragona y Navarra bro chiamatoTesoro depoveri . . . [I]n nomine sancte et indiuidue Bula de indulgencias en favor de la iglesia catedral de trinitatis laquale creo tutte le cose . . . De capelli che caggiono. Huesca [Spanish]. Capitolo primo. Fa lisciua della cenere dello sterco del colombo et lauane il capo . . .’ Printed side Johannes de Aragonia Y Navarra, Episcopus de refs. An Italian translation of Thesaurus pauperum, for which Huesca et Jaca: Bula de indulgencias en favor de la iglesia cate- see Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira, Obras Me¤ dicas de Pedro dral de Huesca. Incipit:‘Agloriayhonor de Jhesus de nazareno (!) Hispano (Coimbra, 1973), 79^323, on the translation 62; also y de la gloriosa Virgen Maria madre suya: so inuocacion de los Wickersheimer 638; Thorndike^Kibre 698.1. quales fue fundada la yglesia catredal de la Seu de Huescha . . .’ The bull is dated 22 Sept.1500. [Florence: Antonio di Bartolommeo Miscomini, c.1492]. 4o. collation: a^k8 l2. [Zaragoza: Georg Coci et Socii, c.1500]. Broadside. r r Three woodcuts: (episcopal arms: 47 ¿ 83mm), (Deposition: 68 ¿ Type: 112 R. 82 leaves. 28 lines (a2 ). Type area: 156 ¿ 96 mm. (a2 ). Among the watermarks found in thisbook is that oftwo hammers 93 mm), (arms of Huesca: 49 ¿ 84 mm). crossed within a circle, in use 1485^9; see R. Ridol¢,‘Nuovi con- Go¡ J-253; not in Pr; Herman Ralph Mead, ‘Unique Spanish tributi alla storia della stampa nel sec. XV’, Biblio¢lia, 57 Incunabula’, Gb Jb (1950), 153^9, at 154 no. 4; Alexander Olivar, (1955), 9. ‘Ein AblaÞbrief von 1500 zugunsten des Domes zu Huesca’, Beitra« ge zur Inkunabelkunde, Dritte Folge, 3 (1967), 168^9; not COPY in Sheppard. Binding: Parchment with sprinkled blue-edged leaves. Size: 202 ¿ 144 ¿ 22 mm. Size of leaf: 193 ¿ 137 mm. COPY On the front pastedown and front endleaf are bibliographical Binding: Kept in a modern brown cloth document wallet, notes in Latin and Italian (with reference to the Vocabolario together with a bibliographical note by John Claud Trewinard della Crusca), in two eighteenth-century Italian hands, one prob- Oates, dated 29 March 1955. Size of leaf: 316 ¿ 214 mm. ably that of A. G. Simbeni. Provenance: Albert Ehrman (1890^1969); purchased from Provenance: Antonio Gaetano Simbeni (eighteenth century); McLeish in 1955 for »30; accession no. ‘R 1322’. Presented in inscription on a r: ‘Di Anton Gaeto Simbeni da Rimini, pagato 1978 by John Ehrman. 1 shelfmark: Broxb. 95.35. 72 [ ] Fabriano 1730.’ Benedetto Maglione (1841^1892); see Catalogue de la Bibliothe' que de . . .Benedetto Maglione de Naples. Paris,22^27 Janvier,21Maiau 2 Juin1894, II (Paris, Rome,1894), J-107 Johannes de Bromyard lot 921. Paget Jackson Toynbee (1855^1932); name on the front Opus trivium. endleaf. Acquired between 1912 and 1932. r [a1 ] [Table of contents.] shelfmark: Toynbee 1047. r [c2 ] Johannes de Bromyard: Opus trivium. Stated in the colophon to have been compiled by Philippus de Bromyard: ‘eleganter con- J-105 Johannes XXI, Pont. Max. textum per venerabilem virum Philippum de Bromnerde ordinis Thesaurus pauperum [Italian] Tesoro de poveri. predicatorum etc’; Kaeppeli says about the whole work ‘quando- r que sub nomine Philippi de Bromyard’. Incipit: ‘[U]t sacre verita- a1 [Title-page.] ‘Thesaurus Pauperum’. r tis splendor euidentius cunctis illucescat . . .’ See Kaeppeli II no. a2 Piero Spano [Johannes XXI, Pont. Max.]: Tesoro de poveri. Incipit: ‘Qui incomincia illibro chiamato Tesoro depoveri . . . [I]n 2235; Sharpe, LatinWriters, no. 622. nomine sancte et indiuidue trinitatis laquale creo tutte le cose . . . [Cologne:Ulrich Zell, notafter1473]. Folio. Acopy in Uppsala has De capelli che caggiono. Capitolo primo. [F]a lisciua della cenere manuscript dates1473 and 1474. dello sterco del colombo et lauane il capo . . .’ collation: [a10 b8 c^k10 l12 m^q10 r^s8 t^z aa^¡10 gg12]. refs. See J-104. Gathering [¡] consisted originallyof 12 leaves, of which the fourth v i5 [Table of contents.] and the tenth have been cancelled; see Oates 392. Venice: Giovanni Ragazzo and Giovanni Maria di Occimiano, 27 HC *3996; Go¡ J-258; BMC I 192; Pr 889; BSB-Ink I-372; CIBN Mar. 1494. 4o. J-165; Oates 392; Sheppard 682^3; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 941. 8 6 collation: a^h i . FIRST COPY Woodcut initial. Wanting sheet [y4] and the blank leaf [gg12]. j-107^j-110] johannes de bromyard 1519

Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; the gold stamp C 1350; Go¡ J-259; Pr 8679; CIBN J-166; Hillard 1131; Oates 3247; of the Bodleian Library on both covers. ‘5’ across the fore-edge. Sheppard 6731.

Size: 309 ¿ 209 ¿ 50 mm. Size of leaf: 300 ¿ 202 mm. COPY A few marginal notes, mainly commenting on and correcting the Binding: Contemporary English blind-tooled calf over wooden r text, in Lavender’s hand. On [c2 ] ‘Broomiard biblioth×ca 87’ in a boards, with metal catches; rebacked. Formerly chained: staple- v sixteenth/seventeenth(?)-century hand. On [c1 ] bibliographical marks of a hasp at tail of upper cover. Triple ¢llets form an inter- notes in Crynes’ hand. secting frame; diagonal triple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into v Provenance: Richard Lavender (À1508); inscription on [c1 ]: lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, containing lattice ‘Liber Ricardi lauynder decretorum doctoris, per eundem emp- stamps; see Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. lviii no. 994 tus. Anno domini Millesimo cccc lxxiij pro xiij s. iiij d.’ Martinus (Cambridge, 1500^20). Manuscript title across the upper edge r Aysworthe (sixteenth/seventeenth century); his name on [a1 ]. adjacent to the spine and along the fore-edge.‘4’ across the fore- r Nathaniel Crynes (1686^1745); inscription on [c2 ]: ‘e libris Nath: edge. Size: 212 ¿ 144 ¿ 39 mm. Size of leaf: 202 ¿ 136 mm. r r Crynes’and name printed on [b7 ] and [gg10 ]. Bequeathed in1745. Pastedowns consist of two parchment leaves from a thirteenth- shelfmark: Auct.1Q 3.16. century manuscript containing Alexander de Villa Dei, SECOND COPY Doctrinale, with marginal and interlinear gloss, see Doctrinale Wanting the blank leaf [gg12]. (ed. Reichling), 60^2 (ll. 893^944), 102^5 (l. 1626^710). Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, Marginal notes, extracting key words and commenting on the with metal clasps and catches; bosses lost; rebacked. Triple ¢llets text, in a sixteenth-century hand. form a frame. Diagonal triple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle Provenance: William Ireland (À1570/1); name and inscription on r into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments. Formerly a1 :‘William Irlande’;‘Soli deo honor et gloria’. Acquired by1605; chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of lower cover. see James Catalogus (1605), 27. Green paper index tabs. Size: 304 ¿ 218 ¿ 75 mm. Size of Former Bodleian shelfmark: B 12. 8 Th. (Catalogus (1605)). leaf: 296 ¿ 210 mm. shelfmark: B 19. 4 Linc. Nota marks and a few marginal and interlinear notes, mainly commenting on and correcting the text, in a contemporary hand. J-109 Johannes de Bromyard On the front pastedown are bibliographical notes in Douce’s hand. Summa praedicantium. r On [c2 ] a six-line initial is supplied in blue with reserved white Fragment. decoration and red pen-work decoration extending into the mar- Basel: Johann Amerbach, not after 1484. Folio. gin. Three- to seven-line initials are supplied in red with reserved H *3993; Go¡ J-260; BMC III 747; Pr 7615; BSB-Ink I-373; Oates white decoration. Other initials, paragraph marks, underlining of 2794; Rhodes 1005.

chapter headings, capital strokes are supplied in red. COPY Provenance: Dorsten, Westphalia, Franciscan Observants; a One leaf only, contained in a guard-book of fragments. contemporary inscription on the front endleaf: ‘Pro Conuentu shelfmark: Inc. b. G97.1(32). fratrum Minorum de obseruantia In dursten’; an eighteenth-cen- r tury inscription on [a1 ]: ‘Liber Conuentus Durstensis Anathema auferenti.’ Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. J-110 Johannes de Bromyard Bequeathed in 1834. Summa praedicantium. shelfmark: Douce 247. r [a2 ] ‘Tabula vocalis’. v [a2 ] ‘Tabula realis’. r [c8 ] ‘Tabula realis eiusdem summe’. J-108 Johannes de Bromyard r [d1 ] Johannes de Bromyard: Summa praedicantium. ‘Prologus’. Opus trivium (ed. Simon Bertherius). Incipit: ‘[P]redicantium vita secundum beatum Gregorium super r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Opus triuium validis auctoritatibus tam ex lege Ezechiel. omelia .iii. Sonat et ardet . . .’ v diuina canonica quam ciuili refertissimum, cunctisque verbi dei [d1 ] Johannes de Bromyard: Summa praedicantium. Incipit: declamatoribus perque necessarium.’ ‘’[A]biecti et depressi sunt quidam in hoc mundo . . .’ See v a1 Bertherius, Simon: [Letter addressed to] Yuo Maheuc. Incipit: Kaeppeli II no. 2236; Sharpe, LatinWriters, no. 622. ‘[S]apientie increate bonitas multiplicibus sue pietatis riuulis . . .’ Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 29 June 1485. Folio. Dated 6 July 1500. collation: [a^m8 n6 o^z A^O8 P10 Q^Z aa^gg8 hh6]. r a3 Johannes de Bromyard: Opus trivium. Edited by Simon H *3994; Go¡ J-261; BMC II 427; Pr 2043; BSB-Ink I-374; CIBN Bertherius, as stated in the colophon. Incipit: ‘[U]t sacre veritatis J-167; Oates 1006; Rhodes 1006; Sheppard 1495.

splendor euidentius cunctis elucescat . . .’See J-107. COPY r x4 [Colophon.] Identifying Johannes de Bromyard as the author: Binding: Contemporary German (Tegernsee, KyriÞ workshop ‘Opus triuium a venerabili viro fratri Johanne de Bromyard ordi- no. 31) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with remains nis predicatorum doctore hteologo(!) nationis anglice editum’. of leather clasp. Centre-piece and corner-pieces lost. Double ¢l- r x5 [Table of contents.] lets form an intersecting double frame. Within the outer frame, [Lyons]: Nicolaus Wolf, for Jean Diamentier, [after 6 July] 1500. £euron and ‘aue Maria’ scroll stamps; the inner frame consists of 4o. a repeated stamp of a four-petal £ower. A saltire formed of the collation: a^x8 y6. four-petal £ower stamp and a lozenge formed of double ¢llets 1520 johannes canonicus [j-110^j-112

r divide the inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular [C4 ] [Second colophon.] ‘Expliciunt questiones profundissimi doc- compartments, containing circular rosette stamps, the £euron toris Iohannis Canonici ordinis minorum super octo libris phisi- stamps, ‘Maria’ scroll stamps, or small £oral stamps. On the corum Aristotelis Padue impresse.i.4.7.5o die.z.5 mensis aprilis.’ upper cover only, £oral stamps at the intersection of the diagonal Padua: [Bonus Gallus], 25 Apr. 1475. Folio. Pr and IGI assign to ¢llets and other ornamental stamps; see KyriÞ pl. 69, nos 1, 3^6. [Albertus de Stendal]. Manuscript title on a rectangular label at the head of upper collation: a^b10 c [d^m8 n6 o^x8 y10 z A B8 C4]. Signatures cover; shelfmark on a small rectangular label at the tail of upper stamped far down in the lower margin. The ¢rst three gatherings cover. Rectangular label at the head of lower cover. On the spine, signed a^c; the14th,16th^19th signed i, l^o. ‘47’ and another label bearing a later manuscript title. Yellow- H *4344; Go¡ J-262; BMC XII 65; Pr 6785; BSB-Ink I-335; Rhodes edged leaves. Strips from a twelfth-century noted liturgical 1007; Sheppard 5592^3. manuscript visible in the binding. Size: 422 ¿ 281 ¿ 115 mm. Size of leaf: 412 ¿ 273 mm. COPY Binding: Nineteenth-century brown russia.Title along the upper A few marginal notes, extracting key words and correcting the edge. Size: 304 ¿ 202 ¿ 48 mm. Size of leaf: 295 ¿ 195 mm. text, ‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands in two di¡erent early Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, by the rubricator in hands. Early manuscript signatures. red ink and in another early hand. A few early manuscript signa- On [d r] a 22^line initial ‘P’ is supplied in red with yellow £oral 1 tures in the lower right-hand corner of the rectos. decoration within an azure ground with blue and red £oral dec- Four- to six-line initials are supplied in red or blue with blue or red oration; a square segmented frame made up of burgundy sections pen-work decoration. Other initials and underlining of chapter fading into pink, and of green sections fading into yellow, sur- headings are supplied in red, paragraph marks in red or blue, up rounds the ground. Other initials, paragraph marks, underlining to [h r], and [B v] to [C r] only. of chapter headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. 5 8 1 Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Augustinian Hermits, S. Provenance: Tegernsee, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Quirinus; Salvator, S. Nicolaus Tolentinus; inscription on a r: ‘Conuentus inscription on [c v]: ‘Monasterij Tegernsee’ and on [a r]: ‘1486. 1 8 1 Ratisponensis Ordinis Eremitani Sancti Augustini’ and ‘Ad Emptus est liber iste Summa predicantium. 54 quaterni’, in the Augustinenses Ratis.’ Anonymous sale (London: Sotheby and same hand. Royal Library, Munich; Munich shelfmark, Inc. Typ. Son, 24 Feb. 1834), lot 251; purchased for »1. 0. 0; see Books No. 3063, ‘Inc. 1562’ in pencil on [a v], and stamp on [a r]. 1 3 Purchased (1834), 6. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; not found in Catalogus shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 2.33. (1843), with Appendix. shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 2.18. J-112 Johannes Canonicus J-111 Johannes Canonicus Quaestiones in Physica Aristotelis. r Quaestiones in Physica Aristotelis. a2 Johannes Canonicus: Quaestiones in Physica Aristotelis. Incipit: ‘[Q]veritur hic primo vtrum substancia ¢nita in suo con- a r [Prologue.] Incipit:‘‘‘[V]enite ad me omnes qui laboratis et a gen- 1 ceptu communi . . .’See J-111. erationibus meis adimplebo uos’’. Ecclesistici. c. 3. [Sir 24,26.] r x5 [Colophon.] Quos et quantos fructus scientiarum noticia et cognitio. . .’ r v y1 [Table of contents.] a1 Johannes Canonicus: Quaestiones in Physica Aristotelis. Incipit: ‘[U]trum substancia ¢nita in suo conceptu communi . . .’ St Albans: [Schoolmaster Printer], 1481. Folio. 8 6 10 Part of book 8 is edited in Quaestiones de universalibus magis- collation: a^t u^x y . Leaf a2 signed a1, etc. trorum Crathorn, anonymi O. F. M., Ioannis Canonici, ed. C 1431; Go¡ J-264; BMC XI; Pr 9825; Du¡ 237; Oates 4212; Johannes Kraus, Opuscula et textus historiam ecclesiae eiusque Sheppard 7572^4; STC 14621. vitam atque doctrinam illustrantia. Series scholastica 18 FIRST COPY (Mu« nster, 1937), 57^63; see Lohr, 26 (1970), 183^4, no. 1. The Bound with: authorship is ascribed to Petrus Casuelis, Franciscan, in the expli- 1. Thomas Aquinas, Commentum in octo libros Physicorum r v cits of the ¢rst ([k7 ]) and second book ([n8 ]) of ‘quaestiones’; at Aristotelis. [Venice: n. pr.],1480 (T-116(2)). the end of book 8. Wanting the blank leaf a1. r [B8 ] [First colophon.] ‘Expliciunt questiones super octo libris Binding: Contemporary Netherlandish(?) blind-tooled calf over Phisicorum Aristotelis doctoris prudentissimi fratris Iohannis wooden boards; rebacked. Remains of three clasps. Formerly Canonici ordinis fratrum minorum’. chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of lower cover. Triple v [B8 ] [Utrum creaturae potuerunt esse ab eterno.] Incipit:‘Quantum ¢llets form a double frame.Within the outer frame are a circular r ad secundum articulum hic erat uidendum . . . At the end ([C3 ]) £oral stamp and another smaller £oral stamp.Triple ¢llets divide Johannes Mabres [= Johannes Canonicus] is described as compi- the inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compart- ler of the whole work:‘et sic ¢nit questio et per consequens totum ments, containing the same stamps. At the head of the spine a rec- opus questionum phi[si]corum compilatum a domino Iohanne tangular label with shelfmark: ‘4. [ ]’ covered by a square blue Marbr[e]s [ma]gistro in artibus Tholose et canonico Dertusensis label: ‘FS’. Also, manuscript title on rectangular label. Strips qui natione fuit Cathalanus’. from fourteenth/¢fteenth-century manuscripts on parchment v [C3 ] [Table of contents.] are visible in the binding. Pastedowns originally covered with similar manuscript material, now removed. Size: 290 ¿ 205 ¿ 73 mm. Size of leaf: 280 ¿ 196 mm. j-112^j-114] johannes de capestrano 1521

Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, structuring ‘[Q]ueritur igitur primo. Utrum substantia ¢nita in suo conceptu the text, and adding ‘nota’ marks, in a contemporary hand, comuni . . .’See J-111. r v brown ink, in both items, but in the ¢rst leaves only. On y10 : ‘» l5 [Colophon.] r 18. 18. 0.’ in brown ink. l6 [Table of contents.] Stating:‘. . . per philosophie lectorem scientie r On a2 an eight-line initial is supplied in red with cadelles decora- Nicholai de Venetiis fratrem Franciscum Montis Feretri summa tion and pen-£ourishing in brown ink. A few initials are supplied cura castigatis . . .’ in red with pen-£ourishing in brown ink. Other initials, para- Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 7 Feb. 1492/3. graph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and capital strokes Folio. are supplied in red. Rubricator’s signature: ‘Praes huius libri est collation: a^k6 l8. frater ArnoldusVitis’. Woodcut initials. r Provenance: Tienen, Brabant, Franciscans; inscription on a2 of CR 1432; Go¡ J-266; BMC V 441; Pr 5032; BSB-Ink I-337; Rhodes item 1 in a late sixteenth-century hand: ‘Bibliothecae Fratrum 1009; Sheppard 4198. Minorum Thenensis’. Purchased as part of a collection of early editions of works relating to the Church of England for »300; see COPY Bound with: Books Purchased (1854), 36 and 71. 1. Andreas Alexander, Mathemalogium . . . [Leipzig], 1504; shelfmark: Auct. 5Q inf. 2.16(2). 2. Avicenna, Opera.Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, 1508; SECOND COPY 4. Johannes Duns Scotus, Commentaria . . . in xii libros metaphy- Binding fragments, consisting of portions of leaves f . 5^7 sice Aristotelis . . .Venice: Bonetus Locatellus, 1501; The three leaves were clearly used in the same binding, given the 5. Antonio Trombetta, Auree Scotistorum formalitatum lucubra- presence in each ofthe leaves of three holes in the margin between tiones. [Venice: n. pr., n. d.]; the two columns of text; see unsigned note [by David Rogers] on 6. Johannes Duns Scotus, Insigneformalitatum opus, ed. Antonio the front pastedown of 8o Rawl. 586. Leaf f is bound as p. 207a^b 5 Trombeta and others,Venice: [n. pr.],1514. in MS. Hearne’s diaries 63 (for which see SC15186); leaves f are 6^7 Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf for the Bodleian, bound with H-185 (see there for details of binding and with red-edged leaves. ‘17’across the fore-edge of items 1^2; ‘16’ provenance). across the fore-edge of items 3^6.‘13’ in white at the head of the Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and ‘nota marks’ in spine. Size: 323 ¿ 222 ¿ 66 mm. Size of leaf: 315 ¿ 214 mm. a contemporary hand. Marginal notes, extracting key words and commenting on the Paragraph marks and capital strokes in red. text, in a number of sixteenth-century humanist hands, also Provenance: Thomas Hearne (1678^1735) (MS. Hearne’s diaries found in items 4^6. James Mallett (À1543) and Richard 63).William Bedford (À1747)(?). Richard Rawlinson (1690^1755). Sparkford (À by June 1560) were the owners of item 1 and 2; Bequeathed by Rawlinson. inscription on A r of item 1: ‘Liber Ricardum Sparcheford’, Shelfmarks: MS. Hearne’s diaries 63, p. 207a^b; 8o Rawl. 586(3). 1 ‘Liber M. Jacobi Maleti’. These two items were not bound with THIRD COPY items 3^6 until the nineteenth century. A fragment, consisting of portions of leaves i and k . 1 5 Provenance: [ ] Sutton(?) (£. 1514); inscription on a r:‘These pre- Mounted. 1 sent boke presented by me John Hollen[d] [ ]al [ ] Syttonus of the Binding: Nineteenth-century half blue morocco. Size: 209 ¿ town of London the year ofour Lord Athousand ¢ve hundred xiv 170 ¿ 10 mm. and the sixth of our Lord Henry viii.’ On the title-page of item 4: Headline on i r in a contemporary hand. 1 ‘In most humble wyse sheweth and complayneth unto your hon- Provenance: This fragment, together with some others bound in orable Lorship yours dayly oratour and true bedeman John four similar volumes, were found among the Bodleian printed Smith’. Acquired by 1605; see James, Catalogus (1605), 302. fragments and identi¢ed by means of the wormholes and perfora- Former Bodleian shelfmarks: C 6.10 Art (Catalogus (1605)); tions madeby thebookbinder as having all at one time formed the C 8.16 Art; Auct. 2Q 2.15. boards of a blind-tooled leather binding by Nicholas Spierinck, shelfmark: L 1.13(3) Jur. Cambridge. See D. M. Rogers, ‘An Indulgence Printed by John Siberch and Other Fragments from a Spierinck Binding’, BLR 4, 3 (1952),137^44, at 139^40. Bound separately in Dec. 1887. J-114 Johannes de Capestrano shelfmark: Auct.7Q 7.44. Tractatus de cupiditate. r J-113 Johannes Canonicus a2 Johannes de Capestrano: Tractatus de cupiditate. Incipit: ‘‘‘[N]olite vobis thezaurisare thesauros in terra’’. Mat. vi [Mt Quaestiones in Physica Aristotelis (ed. Franciscus de 6,19.] Ut discutiamus thezaurizationis materiam quanto breuiori- Montefeltro?). bus poterimus . . .’See VL IV 561^7. r a [Title-page.] ‘Quaestiones Johannis Canonici super octo libros [Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the Elder, c.1482]. Folio. Physicorum.’ collation: a^h8 i^k6 l8. r a2 [Prologue.] Incipit:‘‘‘[V]enite ad me omnes qui laboratis et a gen- HC 4376; Go¡ J-267; BMC I 225; Pr1054; CIBN J-170; Hillard1132; erationibus meis adimplebo vos’’. Ecclesistici. c. 3. [Sir 24,26.] Sheppard 803; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 640. Quot et quantos fructus scientiarum notitia et cognitio . . .’ COPY a r Johannes Canonicus: Quaestiones in Physica Aristotelis. Edited 2 Binding: Nineteenth-century calf for the Bodleian. ‘FS’ printed by Franciscus de Montefeltro, according to the colophon. Incipit: on a square blue label at the head of the spine. Size: 281 ¿ 205 ¿ 23 mm. Size of leaf: 274 ¿ 197 mm. 1522 johannes de capua [j-114^j-116

r On a1 : ‘Item anno domini M ccccc xxiij . . .’ followed by a note in 2605 = »8.15 to Payne’, the price fetched by another copy; armor- Low German; a few marginal notes, extracting key words, in the ial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. same sixteenth-century hand. shelfmark: Douce 193. A few initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, SECOND COPY and capital strokes are supplied in red. Wanting a1,2,5 and the upper halves ofg6 and k3, which are all sup- Provenance: Purchased for »0. 7. 0; see Books Purchased plied in photographic facsimile. r r r-v v r (1838), 6. Avariant: headline, b1 , b3 , n8 :‘Capitulum’. b6 :‘Capituluš ’. e5 : shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.5. ‘ð Explicit Capitulum secuš dum >> ð Sequitur Capitulum tertium’. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 262 ¿ 180 ¿ 15 mm. Size J-115 Johannes de Capua of leaf: 255 ¿ 173 mm. Directorium humanae vitae. Provenance and date of acquisition unknown. The book was a r [Title-page.] ‘Directorium humane vite alias Parbole antiquorum transferred to its present shelfmark after c.1839: not in 1 ‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae’. sapientium’. o r Former Bodleian shelfmark: 4 U 50 Th. a Johannes de Capua: Directorium humanae vitae. ‘Prologus.’ 2 shelfmark: Auct. N 4.15. Incipit: ‘[V]erbum Iohannis de Capua post tenebrarum olim pal- pationem ritus iudaici . . .’ v J-116 Johannes de Capua a4 Johannes de Capua: Directorium humanae vitae. Incipit: ‘[D]icitur quod in temporibus regum Edom, habuit rex Anastres Directorium humanae vitae [German] Buch derWeisheit Tasri Virum nomine Beroziam . . .’ der altenWeisen. refs. Friedmar Geissler, Beispiele der alten Weisen des Johann v [*1 ] ‘Register in das buî ch der weisen’. von Capua, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, r a2 ‘Die vorred’. Incipit: ‘[E] A s ist von den alten weisen der ges- Institut fu« r Orientforschung, Vero« ¡entlichung 52 (Berlin, 1960), chlae cht der welt . . .’ The ‘A’ in the above incipit is not part of the 2^394. text but part of the numbering system of the fables. r [Strasbourg: Johann Pru« ss, c.1489]. Folio. On the four issues of a7 Johannes de Capua: Buch der Weisheit der alten Weisen. this edition (i.e. the two states of H *4411 (A and B), H 4411a (C) Translated by Anton von Pforr. Dedicated to Eberhart Graf zu and its later reissue (D)), see Friedmar Geissler,‘Die Inkunabeln Wirtenberg. The names are given in acrostic initials in the early des Directorium vitae humanae’, Beitra« ge zur Inkunabelkunde, sections; see Incunabula from the Court Library at dritte Folge, 1 (1965), 7^47, at 26 no. 118^19. According to Paul Donaueschingen, Sotheby’s London, 1 July 1994, lot 180. Needham (sale catalogue, New York: Sotheby’s, 17 Dec. 1992, lot refs. Friedmar Geissler, Anton von Pforr, das Buch der Beispiele 13), H 4411a is a separate, later edition while Geissler’s second der alten Weisen, Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu state of H 4411 has ‘only scattered in-press forme corrections. Berlin Institut fu« r Orientforschung, Vero« ¡entlichung 61 (Berlin, They do not distinguish a separate issue.’ 1964), 1^162; seeVL I 402^5. 6 10 collation: a^m n . Leaf a2 signed a1, etc. Ulm: Conrad Dinckmut, 12 Mar. 1485. Folio. One full-page woodcut (191 ¿ 118 mm.), 118 smaller cuts (c.93 ¿ collation: [*4] a^y8 z6. 121 mm). 126 full-page woodcuts (c.193 ¿ 133 mm.) Woodcut initials. GW Nachtra« ge, 1084 (C); H (+ Addenda) C 4411* (A & B); H 4411a HC *4033; Go¡ J-271; BMC II 534; Pr 2565; Amelung, Fru« hdruck,I (C); Go¡ J-268; BMC I 125 (C); Pr 558; BSB-Ink I-375 (B); CIBN 108; BSB-Ink I-380; Friedmar Geissler, ‘Die Drucke des Buches J-171 (B), J-172 (C); Hillard 1133; Oates 213 (C); Sack, Freiburg, der Beispiele der alten Weisen’, Beitra« ge zur Inkunabelkunde, 2041 (B), 2042 (D); Schramm XX pp. 26 and IX, pl. 280^406; Dritte Folge, 3 (1967), 31 no. 7; Schramm VI p. 18; Schreiber V Schreiber V 3489 (A & B), V 3489a (C); Sheppard 423, 424 (B). 3488; Sheppard 1844. Facsimile: Klagenfurt,Verlag Armarium, 1981. COPY FIRST COPY Wanting d6, n4, o2, and z4. Leaves [*1,5] and z6 backed. r r r-v v r Headline, b1 , b3 , n8 : ‘Capituluš ’. b6 : ‘Capitulum II’. e5 : ‘ð Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, Explicit Capitulum Primum >> ð Sequitur Capitulum Secundum’ with metal bosses, corner-pieces, and clasps. Triple ¢llets form a (in error for secundum, tertium, respectively). double frame. Within the outer frame, lozenge-shaped stamps Binding: Eighteenth-century English gold-tooled russia, with with the Holy face, rosette, and £euron stamps. The inner rect- marbled pastedowns; for Francis Douce, after 1789. Size: 287 ¿ angle contains merrythoughts eachwith a £oral stamp (pansies?). 205 ¿ 18 mm. Size of leaf: 279 ¿ 196 mm. Size: 286 ¿ 197 ¿ 60 mm. Size of leaf: 275 ¿ 187 mm. r On the title-page, in an early hand: ‘Vide librum sapientiam anti- On [*1 ]: ‘Das buuî ch gehert in der liberey’. Ruling in ink. quorum intitulatum’. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key Many of the woodcuts and initials are painted in several colours; words, in an early hand. Bibliographical notes in Douce’s hand. other initials are supplied in red. Some nine-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue. Provenance: Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. Other initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, Bequeathed in 1834. and capital strokes are supplied in red. shelfmark: Douce 186. Provenance: Ma¡eo Pinelli (1735^1785); see Morelli (1787),7871; sale (1789) lot 12777. Purchased for »5. 5. 0. by Francis Douce (1757^1834); see the annotated copy of the sale catalogue. On the verso of front endleaf a pencil note says: ‘At Hibbert sale n.(?) j-117^j-120] johannes chrysostomus 1523

J-117 Johannes de Cardona, commissary sancte matris ecclesie . . . [N]e putes obsecro mi lector me ad hoc que in opusculo reperies . . .’ Indulgentia1481. For promoting the waragainst theTurks r A3 Johannes Carthusiensis: Nosce te. ‘Oratio ad infrascriptos’. and the defence of Rhodes. Incipit: ‘Opus Nosce te interpretatum ad suos diuersis degentes Printed side Johannes de Cardona: Indulgentia 1481. For promot- religionibus dilectos ¢lios. [C]um nihil iucundius, nihil felicius. . .’ r ing the war against the Turks and the defence of Rhodes. Incipit: A6 Johannes Carthusiensis: Nosce te.‘Exordium’. Incipit:‘[N]e ea ‘[N]os frater Iohannes de Cardona commissarius a sanctissimo in dilectissimi fratres que de manibus exierunt domini fragmenta. . .’ v Cristo patre et domino nostro domino Sixto diuina prouidentia A6 [Table of contents, ¢rst book.] r papa quarto, et vigore litterarum suarum pro expeditione contra A7 Johannes Carthusiensis: Nosce te. Incipit:‘[P]anes vero ordea- per¢dosThurchos . . . Prouenit ex tue deuotionis a¡ectu . . .’ cei, qui quidam ordei naturali tenacitate nimiam duritiam soli- [Louvain: Conradus Braem, 1481]. Broadside. dantur . . .’ See Dom Stanislas, Scriptores sacri ordinis BMC IX 159; not in Pr; Campbell^Kronenberg I 1028b; HPT I 62; Cartusiensis, V, Analecta Cartusiana, 120, 55^62, at 56 no. 1; ILC 1342; Oates 3795; Rhodes 1619; Sheppard 7146. Gruys 112; DSAM VIII 329^31, at 329. H v Johannes Carthusiensis: Corona senum. Incipit: ‘[C]um mens COPY 4 Cropped.Wanting the ¢rst four lines. humana veluti rota velocissima . . . [D]iuinarum humanarumque rerum profecto . . .’ On parchment. r Binding: Twentieth-century pasteboards. Bound with photo- K2 Johannes Carthusiensis: De immensa charitate Dei. graphs of a complete copy, of another setting, of the single issue [Dedicated to] the Carthusians of St Jerome and St Bernard, from the same binding, and with a printed account of the near Padua. Incipit: ‘[S]icut pridie de interiori humilitate et patientia locutus sum . . .’ Indulgence by Percy Sta¡ord Allen. Size of leaf: 140 ¿ 210 mm. v Provenance: Extracted from the binding of a copy of Johannes K6 Johannes Carthusiensis: De humilitate interiori et patientia Nider, Praeceptorium divinae legis sive Expositio decalogi. vera. [Dedicated to] the Carthusians of St Jerome and St Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg Bernard, near Padua. Incipit: ‘[F]ratres in Christo charissimi (Georg Husner)], 1483, in the library of Merton College, Oxford. secundum deum et ordinem sed secundum intimam cordis mei charitatem . . .’ Presented by the Warden and Fellows of Merton College in 1916; r see BQR 1,12 (1916), 328. L4 Johannes Carthusiensis: Flos vitae. ‘Libellus in preparatione shelfmark: Inc. d. N3.1481.1. in¢rmorum et in dispositione morientium qui £os vite interpreta- tur.’ Incipit: ‘[M]ore bonorum parentum qui tam etsi facultate tenui sint ac pauperes . . .’ v J-118 Johannes de Cardona, commissary O7 [Colophon, with editorial note.] Incipit: ‘Accipe nunc tandem, Indulgentia. For promoting the war against theTurks and studiosissime lector, hoc maxime deuotionis vtilitatisque opuscu- the defence of Rhodes. lum . . .’ o Fragment. [Heidelberg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, after 6 July 1489]. 4 . collation: A^B8 C^D6 E^M8.6 N^O8. [Gouda: Gerard Leeu, between 1483 and 1484]. Broadside. HC *9389; Go¡ J-275; BMC III 670; Pr 3131; BSB-Ink I-339; CIBN Type: 82 G. J-176; Hillard 1134; Sack, Freiburg, 2058; Sheppard 2194. Not in Pr; Campbell <1028d>; HPT I 36^8; ILC1345; Sheppard 6905. COPY COPY Wanting the blank leaf O . Sewn between two rear endleaves of D-106(1); see there for details 8 Binding: Paper boards. Apparently formerly bound with Hugo of binding and provenance. de S. Caro, Expositio missae and other tracts; see inscription on A parchment fragment containing three lines of text; l. 1: ‘reuere r A : ‘Exposicio misse hugonis cardinalis Tractatus de martyrio et huic ancte cruciate et nece arie expedit . . .’; l. 3:‘ati. vt no olu 1 | || š | š sactorum [ ]le opusculum sancti vincencij de ¢ne mundi’. Size: gra et indulgentia anni iubilei co equaVeru ecia alique ydoneu š n š š | š š š š 220 ¿ 156 ¿ 24 mm. Size of leaf: 214 ¿ 150 mm. pb’rm eculare vel cuiu uis ordinis regulare In tuu po . . .’ | | š š Gathering numbers, in red, partly visible. ‘132’ in pencil on the shelfmark: Auct.1Q 5.8(2). front endleaf. Initials are supplied in red; capitals touched with yellow wash. Provenance: Vienna, Augustinian Canons Regular, S. J-119 Johannes Carthusiensis r Nosce te. Dorothea; inscription on A1 : ‘Iste libellus est monasterij sancte dorothee virginis vienne’and O v:‘Iste liber est monasterii sancte r 7 A1 Jodocus Gallus: ‘Tetrastichon . . . in opusculum nosce te’. dorothee in vienna’. Purchased in 1895; see Annual Report of the ‘Vertitur hoc libro sanctorum dogmate sacro > Precipuum graijs Curators of the Bodleian Library, Oxford University Gazette, 12 inter responsa chilonis’; 4 hexameters. May 1896, 466. r A2 Rota, Philippus; Gusmacus, Johannes; Frigerius, Petrus; shelfmark: Inc. e. G37.1489.2. Ma¡eus, Girardus: [Theological approval dated 1 Feb. 1480.] Incipit: ‘Ego Philippus Rota iuris vtriusque doctor . . .’ r J-120 Johannes Chrysostomus A2 Brunus, Gabriel: [Letter addressed to] Johannes Carthusiensis. Incipit: ‘Gabriel BrunusVenetus . . .Tris libros quos de sui notitia Opuscula. v percopiose edidisti . . .’ Dated1480. [a1 ] [Table of contents.] v r A2 Johannes Carthusiensis: ‘Ad intentionem scriptoris intelligen- [a2 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: De poenitentia. Incipit: ‘[V]idistis dam.’ Incipit: ‘[U]niuersis ac singulis ¢delibus catholicis atque fratres superiorem domini contra diabolum bellum . . .’ 1524 johannes chrysostomus [j-120^j-122

r [a8 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: Super psalmum quinqua- H *5029; Go¡ J-277; BMC II 612; Pr 2484; BSB-Ink I-340; CIBN gesimum [II]. Incipit: ‘[R]eliquias hesterne mense hodie uobis J-177; Oates 1244; Sack, Freiburg, 2045; Schramm IX p. 19; reddere uolo . . .’ Schreiber V 4330; Sheppard 2040.

refs. Johannes Chrysostomus, Opera, ed. S. Gelenius (Basel, COPY 1547), I 738^51; Stegmu« ller, Repertorium biblicum, 4337.5; cf. J. Bound with: A. de Aldama, Repertorium pseudochrysosotomicum (Paris, 2. Johannes Chrysostomus, Dialogi de dignitate sacerdotii. 1965), no. 474; on the pseudo-Chrysostom homilies see J. A. [Urach: Conrad Fyner, 1483^85?] (J-125); Wilmart, ‘La Collection des 38 home¤ lies de saint Jean 3. Johannes Chrysostomus, Homiliae super psalmum L: Miserere Chrysostome’, Journal of Theological Studies, 19 (1918), 305^27. mei Deus et Epistolas S. Pauli. [Urach: Conrad Fyner, 1483^85?] v [c5 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: De exhortatione ad mar- (J-131); tyrium. Incipit: ‘[B]ona quidem sunt et utilia regis ad eos qui 4. Johannes Chrysostomus, De compunctione cordis. [Urach: imperio . . .’ Conrad Fyner, 1483^85?] (J-122(1)); refs. ed. Gelenius,V,736^9. 5. Johannes Chrysostomus, Sermones morales XXV. [Urach: r [d1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-; Hieronymus]: De vae Conrad Fyner, 1483^85?] (J-143(1)). mundo a scandalis. Incipit: ‘[Q]ui scandalizauerit unum de pusil- Binding: Contemporary pigskin over wooden boards, with lis istis qui in me credunt . . .’ remains of clasps. Triple ¢llets form an intersecting double refs. ed. G. Morin, CCSL 78 (1958), 503^6. frame. Triple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle of the upper cover v [d3 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: De morte. Incipit: into triangular compartments, that of the lower cover into ‘[M]ulta iam dilectissimi et discenda nobis sunt . . .’ See de lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments. Manuscript title Aldama, Repertorium pseudochrysosotomicum, no. 419; on the at the head of upper cover, head of the spine, and along the upper genuine sources for these excerpts see S. Haidacher, Studien u« ber edge in red ink. ‘63’ on lozenge-shaped label at tail of the spine. Chrysostomus-Eklogen, Sitzungsberichte der Ko« nigl. Akademie Size: 294 ¿ 209 ¿ 80 mm. Size of leaf: 284 ¿ 200 mm. der Wissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. Klasse, 144, 4 (Vienna, 1902), A manuscript Calendar on parchment and, above this, two leaves 64^5. from Jacobus de Clusa, De animabus exutis a corporibus. [South- v [e5 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: De virtute et malitia. west Germany?: printer of the ‘Fasciculus myrrhae’, c.1478] Incipit: ‘[S]unt nonnulli hoc in loco qui virtutis ardore secessus (J-005) are used as pastedowns on both covers; stubs of the same urbis eligentes . . .’ See de Aldama, Repertorium pseudochrysoso- leaves are visible after the ¢rst and before the last gathering. tomicum, no. 99; on the genuine sources for these excerpts see A few marginal notes, extracting key words and correcting the Haidacher, Studien u« ber Chrysostomus-Eklogen, 59^60. text,‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands in an early hand through- [Rome: Ulrich Han, c.1477^8]. 8o. out the ¢ve items. collation: [a^f8]. Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and H *5054; R 875 (tracts II and III); Go¡ J-276; BMC IV 26; Pr 3376; capital strokes are supplied in red. The rubricator’s name in red v BSB-Ink I-351; Sheppard 2689. ink:‘J. R. 1488’on [e8 ] of item 5. COPY Provenance: The whole volume was purchased from John Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled paste- Mozley Stark for »0. 16. 6, see Library Bills (1856^8), no. 439; Books Purchased (1858), 57^8; label with the number from boards.‘171’on octagonal label at the head of upper cover; ‘8410’ on square label at the head of the spine. Size: 190 ¿ 141 ¿ 12 mm. Stark’s catalogue:‘63’. Size of leaf: 182 ¿ 135 mm. shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.38(1). Provenance: Purchased from Albert Cohn, Catalogue 159, no. 164, for 9 Marks; see Library Bills, 26 Apr. 1884. J-122 Johannes Chrysostomus shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.49. De compunctione cordis. v [a1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: De compunctione cordis. Incipit: J-121 Johannes Chrysostomus ‘[C]um te intueor beate Demetri frequenter insistentem . . .’ Commentarius in epistolam ad Hebraeos. refs.Wilhelm Schmitz, Monumenta tachygraphica codicis Paris. v lat. 2718, fasc. 2 (Hannover, 1883), 1^31 (incomplete); see CPG [a1 ] [Table of contents.] [a r] Johannes Chrysostomus: Commentarius in epistolam ad 4308^9. 2 r Hebraeos. Translated by Mutianus Scolasticus. Incipit: [c1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: De reparatione lapsi. ¤ ‘[M]ultifariam et multis modis olim deus locutus est patribus nos- refs. Johannes Chrysostomus, >‘ATheodore, ed. Jean Dumortier, tris in prophetis . . .’ Sources chre¤ tiennes, 117 (Paris, 1966), 257^322; see CPG 4305. refs. ed. Gelenius, IV (1547), 1661^1878; see Stegmu« ller, These two works are included in the list of contents of Fyner’s edi- Repertorium biblicum, 4397; CPG 4440; Ingrid Wilhelmsson, tion of Homiliae XLIIII (J-131). Studien zu Mutianus dem Chrysostomosu« bersetzer (Lund, 1944). [Urach: Conrad Fyner, 1483^5?]. Folio. Ascribed by Pr to [Urach: Conrad Fyner, not after July 1485]. Folio. Ascribed by Pr [Esslingen], by BMC to [Urach]. 8 10 to [Esslingen], by BMC to [Urach]. The Olomouc copy has the collation: [a^c d ]. rubricator’s date, July 1485. H *5045; Go¡ J-278; BMC II 612; Pr 2486; BSB-Ink I-341; Oates collation: [a^m8 n o6]. 1247; Sack, Freiburg, 2046; Sheppard 2041^2. Woodcut initials. j-122^j-124] johannes chrysostomus 1525

FIRST COPY Binding: Paper boards. Size: 210 ¿ 156 ¿ 11 mm. Size of Bound with J-121; see there for details of binding and provenance. leaf: 204 ¿ 150 mm. Size of leaf: 284 ¿ 200 mm. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing hands Wanting the blank leaf [d10]. in two early humanist hands, one certainly Italian, the other shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.38(4). probably that of John Forest. r SECOND COPY Provenance: John Forest (1474?^1538); inscription on A1 : ‘Est Bound with: fratris Iohannis Foresti.’ Purchased from Davis & Orioli, 3 Oct. 1. Johannes Chrysostomus, Homiliae super Johannem. Cologne: 1913, catalogue 7 no. 53. ‘apud sanctum Laurentium’ [Johann Koelho¡, the elder], 1486 shelfmark: Inc. e. I4.4. (J-129); SECOND COPY 3. Johannes Chrysostomus, Sermones morales XXV. [Urach: Binding: Quarter parchment over pasteboards, with marbled Conrad Fyner, 1483^85?] (J-143(2)). pastedowns. Size: 218 ¿ 160 ¿ 15mm. Sizeofleaf: 210 ¿ 145 mm. Item 3 is misbound between gatherings [b] and [c]. Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and ‘nota’ Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the marks in an early Italian hand. ‘8’ corrected into ‘10’ in brown r Bodleian, but the rubrication seems to be done by the same hand ink on A1 .‘650’ in pencil on the front endleaf. Manuscript folia- in all three items which therefore were probably together from tion:‘1^57’on the upper right-hand corner of the rectos. early times. Size: 293 ¿ 197 ¿ 40 mm. Sizeof leaf: 285 ¿ 190 mm. Provenance: Frater Egidius, Milan (sixteenth century); inscrip- r Initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes are supplied in red. tion on A2 : ‘S[ ] Marie [ ] Mediolan. Ad usum fratris Egidii c[ Provenance: Rebdorf, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, abbey, S. ]oci de Sauona . . .’ The inscription has been obliterated and r Johannes Baptista; inscription on a1 of item1:‘Iste liber est mon- altered by another early Italian hand: ‘Studium Marcantonij asterij beatissimi Iohannis baptiste in Rebdor¡ canonicorum reg- Dagno(?). Montemoggio. Addi Venti de Marzo ego dominus ularium ordinis sancti augustini dyocesis eystetensis’. Date of crea[ ] [ ] [ ] fonte [ ] [ ] [ ] mentouone’; in the lower margin, the acquisition unknown. same hand has changed another inscription, which now ends: shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 3.15(2). ‘Mattoni Destripol. die 28 octobris 15749.’ Unidenti¢ed oval r stamp on A1 : a crowned eagle surrounded by the inscription: ‘ . . . oggetti d’arte e scienza . . .’ George Dunn (1865^1912). J-123 Johannes Chrysostomus Presumably purchased after1912. De compunctione cordis. Former Bodleian shelfmark: Inc. e. U3.8. r shelfmark: Inc. e. I4.6. A1 [Title-page.] ‘Joannis Crisostomi de compunctione cordis’. v A1 [Table of contents.] r A2 Johannes Chrysostomus: De compunctione cordis. Incipit: J-124 Johannes Chrysostomus ‘[C]um te intueor beate Demetri frequenter insistentem . . .’ refs. See J-122. Dialogi de dignitate sacerdotii. r r C3 Johannes Chrysostomus: De reparatione lapsi. [a1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Dialogi de dignitate sacerdotii. refs. See J-122. ‘Johannes.’ Incipit: ‘[M]ichi quidem multi fuerunt amici certi et r E7 Johannes Chrysostomus(?): Sermo de poenitentia. Incipit: amicicie . . .’ ‘[P]rouida mente et profundo cogitatu cognosci debent duo refs. ed. Gelenius,V (1547), 485^566; see CPG 4316. rerum distincta negotia . . .’ [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, not after 1472]. 4o. refs. ed. Gelenius, V (1547), 900^4; see Bloom¢eld 4301 who collation: [a^i8 k6]. ascribes it to‘Johannes Chrysostomus(?).’ HC *5048; Go¡ J-282; BMC I 187; Pr 857; BSB-Ink I-344; CIBN r F1 Johannes Chrysostomus: ‘Quod nemo laeditur nisi prius a J-180; Oates 349^51; Sheppard 643^4; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 645. seipso ledatur’. FIRST COPY refs. A. M. Malingrey,‘Une ancienne version latine du texte de Sheet [e ] is misbound after [e ]. Jean Chrysostome ßQuod nemo laeditur . . .ý’, Sacris Erudiri, 16 2 4 Binding: Old parchment, with one parchment index tab. Size: (1965), 320^54; see CPG 4400. 210 ¿ 155 ¿ 20 mm. Size of leaf: 203 ¿ 140 mm. G v Augustinus [pseudo-]: Sermo de lectione divina. 3 Initials, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter headings refs. PL XL 1339^41. are supplied in red. G r Bernardus Claravallensis: Sermo de obsecratione. 5 Provenance: Vienna, Dominicans, S. Maria; inscription on [b r]: refs. PL CLXXXIII 605^9; Bernardus, Opera, ed. J. Leclercq 2 ‘Iste liber est conuentus ordinis fratrum predicatorum in Austria’. and H. M. Rochais, 8 vols (Rome, 1957^77),VI/1187^93. Purchased for »0. 10. 6; see Books Purchased (1847), 19. G v BernardusClaravallensis: Sermo de septem misericordiis Dei. 7 shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.56. refs. PL CLXXXIII 339^41; Bernardus, Opera, VI/1 40^3; SECOND COPY Schneyer, Repertorium, I no. 82. Wanting the blank leaf [k ]. o 6 [Venice: AndreasTorresanus de Asula, c.1495]. 4 . Binding: Nineteenth-century calf. Size: 218 ¿ 148 ¿ 20 mm. Size 10 8 collation: A B^G . Leaf A2 signed A1, etc. of leaf: 209 ¿ 140 mm. HCR 5044; Go¡ J-281; BMC V 314; Pr 4748; CIBN J-178; Oates ‘Nota’ marks in an early hand; inscription, commenting on the 1871^2; Sheppard 3803^4. r text, on [k5 ] in an early German hand: ‘Si quis leger amat, legat FIRST COPY his Chrisostomi quid dicat de dignitate sacerdocij . . .’ Early For this copy see Coates^Jensen 256^7, no. 26. manuscript foliation in the upper margin of the rectos:‘141^225’. 1526 johannes chrysostomus [j-124^j-127

r On [a1 ] a three-line initial is supplied in green on a red pen-£our- ‘Audite fratres’; [5] ‘Quo tandem’; [6] ‘Quid tandem’; [7] ‘Gratie’; ished ground, with red and blue pen-work decoration extending [8] ‘Paulum’; [9] ‘Si quis natura’; [10] ‘Quid stipem’; [11] r into the margin. On [b2 ] a four-line initial is supplied in red with ‘Ingemiscendi’; [12] ‘Excitatus’; [13] ‘Animaduerte’; [14] blue pen-work decoration. Other initials, paragraph marks, and ‘Iungamus’; [15] ‘Quemadmodum cibo’; [16] ‘Si opi¢ces’; [17] capital strokes are supplied in red. ‘Imitemur’; [18] ‘Sectemur’; [19] ‘Haut eque’; [20] ‘Rerum Provenance: Rebdorf, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, abbey, S. tuarum’; [21] ‘Nemo’; [22] ‘Quemadmodum inquit’; [23] ‘Turtur v Johannes Baptista; inscription on [k4 ]: ‘Iste liber est sanctissimi solitudinis’; [24] ‘Caritatem’; [25] ‘Eo ipsi’. See Max Keu¡er, iohanis baptiste in rebdor¡ canonicorum regularium eystetensis BeschreibendesVerzeichnis der Handschriften der Stadtbibliothek dyocesis’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ on zu Trier (Trier, 1891), no. 147 (item 21), homilies 1^17 only; R. r [a1 ]. Purchased from Parker, Oct. 1853 for »1. 16. 0: see Library >‘Etaix, ‘Les sermons de saint Jean Chrysostome traduits par Bills (1851^5), 129r; Books Purchased (1853), 46. Cristoforo Persona’, Revue des e¤ tudes augustiniennes, 30 (1984), Former Bodleian shelfmark: 4to S 79. 42^7; on the translation see also Livia Martinoli Santini,‘Le tra- shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 6.4. duzioni dal greco’, in Un ponti¢cato ed una citta' , 81^101, note 45. r E5 Johannes Chrysostomus: Epistola ad Theodorum. Translated J-125 Johannes Chrysostomus by Christophorus Persona. Incipit:‘[S]i possem litteris lachrymas tibi meas signi¢care . . .’ Dialogi de dignitate sacerdotii. refs. ed. Gelenius,V (1547), 1009^18; see CPG 4405. r [a1 ] [Table of contents.] r [Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the Elder, c.1487]. Folio. [a2 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Dialogi de dignitate sacerdotii. collation: [*] A^E8. ‘Johannes inquit.’ Incipit: ‘[M]ichi quidem multi fuerunt amici HC *5040; Go¡ J-284; BMC I 228; Pr 1078; BSB-Ink I-356; Oates certi et amicicie . . .’ 551, 551.5; Sheppard 818; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 643. refs. See J-124. COPY [Urach: Conrad Fyner, 1483^5?]. Folio. Ascribed by Pr to Bound with: [Esslingen], by BMC to [Urach]. 8 4 1. Johannes Chrysostomus, Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum. collation: [a^d e ]. Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the elder, 1487 (J-135). H *5050; Go¡ J-283; BMC II 613; Pr 2487; BSB-Ink I-345; Oates Binding: Nineteenth-century calf, bound for the Bodleian; red- 1248; Sack, Freiburg, 2048; Sheppard 2043. edged leaves. Although the two items are rubricated in a similar COPY style they were probably not always together, as shown by the Bound with J-121; see there for details of binding and provenance. water damage and worming of the ¢rst gathering of item 2 which Size of leaf: 284 ¿ 200 mm. does not a¡ect item1. Size: 294 ¿ 215 ¿ 35 mm. Sizeof leaf: 285 ¿ shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.38(2). 208 mm. r On A1 a ¢ve-line initial ‘E’ is supplied in blue on a red and yellow J-126 Johannes Chrysostomus pen-£ourished ground. Other initials, paragraph marks, under- Epistola ad Cyriacum. lining of chapter headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. Provenance: Joseph Niesert (1766^1841); inscription on [* r] of r 1 [*1 ] [Title-page.] item 1: ‘Bibliothecae J. Niesert pastoris in Velen. 1820’; sale r [*2 ] Leodrysius Cribellus: [Letter addressed to] Aeneas Sylvius (1843), lot 13907. Purchased for »0. 16. 0; see Books Purchased Piccolomini. Incipit: ‘[A]d patrem reuerentia cultuque dignissi- (1843), 28. mum . . . Existimo dignissime presul ingentem iam esse litterarum shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.46(2). aceruum . . .’ Dated Milan, 17 Aug.1457. r [*2 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: Epistola ad Cyriacum. J-127 Johannes Chrysostomus Translated by Leodrysius Cribellus. Incipit:‘[A]ge rursus exhaur- iam meroris tui cultus . . .’ Homiliae XXI (ed. Petrus Balbus). r refs. ed. Gelenius,V (1547), 974^7; see CPG 4405. [a2 ] Balbus, Petrus: [Preface addressed to] Pius II, Pont. Max. r [*4 ] [Persona, Christophorus: Prologue addressed to Marcus Incipit: ‘[S]ententia mea semper fuit pontifex dignissime a primis Barbus.] Incipit: ‘[R]eputanti mihi reuerendissime pater quanto usque temporibus . . .’ r studio . . .’ The names of Persona and of the dedicatee are given [a4 ] [Table of contents.] r in the rubric to the Sermons. [a7 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Homiliae XXI. Edited by Petrus v [*4 ] [Table of contents.] Balbus. Incipit: ‘[A]udistis fratres carissimi apostoli vocem r A1 Johannes Chrysostomus: Sermones xxv morales.Translated by tubam celestem . . .’ Christophorus Persona. Incipit: ‘Sermones beati Chrysostomi refs. ed. Gelenius,V (1547), 9^195, with variants. r quinque et viginti per Christophorum Personam et priorem u10 [Verse colophon.] ‘Doctor inauratus qui dicitur omeliarum > sancte Balbine nuper e greco in latinum traducti ac reuerendis- Viginti vnius nobile ¢nit opus’; 2 elegiac distichs. somo domino domino Marco Barbo et Veneto cardinali sancti [Brussels: FratresVitae Communis], 1479. 4o. Marci viro omni laude cumulato dedicati et inscripti quorum pri- collation: [a^t12 u10]. mus contra auaritiam siue pecuniarum amore. Sermo primus. HC *5038; Go¡ J-285; BMC IX 171; Pr 9330; BSB-Ink I-347; [E]uertendi sunt nobis malorum fontes . . .’ The printed rubric is Campbell 427; CIBN J-181; HPT II 397; ILC 1346; Oates 3848; identical to the rubric added by hand to the Rome edition c.1470, Sheppard 7178. editio princeps (H 5039; J-140(2)).The sequence of the sermons is also the same: [1] ‘Euertendi’; [2] ‘Age tandem’; [3] ‘Corpus’; [4] j-127^j-130] johannes chrysostomus 1527

r COPY a2 Gri¡olinus, Franciscus: [Preface.] Incipit: ‘[P]aulo apostolo Gathering [l] misbound in the order: . . .4,3,6,5,8,7,10,9. . .; gather- teste prime quam scribit ad Chorintheos . . .’ r ing [s]: . . . 3,4,1,2 . . .11,12,9,10. a2 [Table of contents.] r Binding: Contemporary calf over wooden boards, with red- c1 Gri¡olinus, Franciscus: [Preface addressed to] Cosimus de edged leaves; clasp and catch lost; rebacked. Double ¢llets form Medici. Incipit: ‘[C]ommunis fere omnium opinio est Cosme vir an intersecting double frame. Diagonal double ¢llets divide the clarissime . . .’ r inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compart- c2 Johannes Chrysostomus: Homiliae super Johannem.Translated ments. Size: 214 ¿ 146 ¿ 55 mm. Size of leaf: 204 ¿ 138 mm. by Franciscus Gri¡olinus. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]vi agonum cer- Some marginal notes, mainly correcting the text, in an earlyhand. tamina spectare consueuerunt . . .’ r A line of text omitted at the tail of [t5 ] is supplied in manuscript. refs. See J-128. r r On [a1 ] typographical notes in French in a nineteenth-century c4 Johannes Chrysostomus: Homiliae super Johannem. Incipit: hand. ‘[I]n principio erat verbum. Cum Johannes hoc libro doctrinam Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and suam nobis adnunciaturus sit . . .’ capital strokes are supplied in red. refs. See J-128. Provenance: Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773^1843); Cologne: ‘apud sanctum Laurentium’ [Johann Koelho¡,the elder], book-plate with handwritten shelfmark ‘AA.e.16’: see Lee, Royal 1486. Folio. book-plates, 40^1no. 23; sale, pt I, lot 2273. Purchased for »5. 5. 0; collation: a6 [b4] c^z A^B8. see Books Purchased (1845), 17. H *5037; Go¡ J-287; BMC I 227; Pr 1068; BSB-Ink I-348; CIBN shelfmark: Auct.7Q 5.14. J-183; Oates 549; Sack, Freiburg, 2050; Sheppard 812; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 644. J-128 Johannes Chrysostomus COPY Homiliae super Johannem. Bound with J-122(2); see there for details of binding and proven- ance. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 192 mm. r [a3 ] [Gri¡olinus, Franciscus: Preface on the translation.] Incipit: Sixteenth/seventeenth-century German bibliographical note on r ‘[P]aulo apostolo teste prime quam scribit ad Chorintheos epis- a1 : ‘Hugo super Iohannem c[apitulo] 8 de Adubrea(?), refert tole . . .’ Burgundionem pisanum Iudicem Chrysostomum transtulisse in v v [a3 ] [Table of contents.] Latinum e Greco’.‘Nota’ mark in an early hand on f5 . v [b5 ] [Gri¡olinus], Franciscus: [Preface addressed to] Cosimus de shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 3.15(1). Medici. Incipit: ‘[C]ommunis fere omnium opinio est Cosme uir clarissime . . .’ v J-130 Johannes Chrysostomus [b7 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Homiliae super Johannem. Homiliae super Matthaeum. Translated by Franciscus Gri¡olinus. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]ui r agonum certamina spectare consueuerunt . . .’ [a1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Homiliae super Matthaeum [nos 27^ refs. ed. Gelenius, III (1547), 7^12. 89.] Translated by Georgius Trapezuntius. Incipit: ‘‘‘Intrante v [b10 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Homiliae super Johannem. Incipit: autem Jhesu in Capharnaum aduenit ei centurio . . .’’ [Mt 8,5.] ‘[I]n principio erat uerbum. Cum Iohannes hoc libro doctrinam [L]eprosusquidemutaudistiscumamonteIhesusdescendisset...’ suam nobis adnunciaturus sit . . .’ refs. ed. Gelenius, III (1547), 13^420; see Stegmu« ller, refs. ed. Gelenius, II (1547), 249^706; see Stegmu« ller, Repertorium biblicum, 4355.1; CPG 4425. Repertorium biblicum, 4348.3; CPG 4424. [x r] Georgius Trapezuntius: [Letter addressed to] Franciscus Rome: [Georgius Lauer], 29 Oct. 1470. Folio. 14 Barbarus. Incipit: ‘Reddite michi sunt tue littere quibus scribis vt collation: [a^f10 g h8 i^m10 n8 o^q10 r s8 t^z A^D10 E12 F8]. Crisostimi(!) opus . . .’ Dated Rome, 27 April. See Collectanea H *5036; Go¡ J-286; BMC IV 36; Pr 3402; CIBN J-182; Hillard Trapezuntiana, 730. 1135; Sheppard 2720. r [x14 ] ‘Rubrica pertinens ad principium libri.’ Incipit: ‘Traductio COPY librorum . . . e greco in latinum edita a Georio(!) Trapezoncio Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) marbled parchment; the gold directaque Sanctissimo presuli Nicholao pape v.’ stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 346 ¿ 234 ¿ [Strasbourg: Johann Mentelin, not after 1466]. Folio. 60 mm. Size of leaf: 337 ¿ 227 mm. collation: [a^k12 l10 m^u12 x14]. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early Italian HC *5034; Go¡ J-288; BMC I 51; Pr 197; BSB-Ink I-349; CIBN hand. J-184; Oates 70^2; Sack, Freiburg, 2051; Schorbach, Mentelin, 8; Provenance: George John, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758^1834); sale Sheppard 128^9. (1821), lot 67; purchased for »1.11.6; see annotated sale catalogue and Books Purchased (1821), 4. FIRST COPY Former Bodleian shelfmark: P 3.19. Wanting the blank leaf [l10], cut away. shelfmark: Auct.7Q 1.4. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf. Size: 295 ¿ 213 ¿ 57 mm. Size of leaf: 286 ¿ 206 mm. On the front endleaf, inscription in a German humanist hand:‘fac J-129 Johannes Chrysostomus aliis ¢eri quod cupis ipse tibi’. A few marginal notes, correcting Homiliae super Johannem. the text and extracting key words, in an early hand. Manuscript r a1 [Title-page.] 1528 johannes chrysostomus [j-130^j-132

gathering numbers in arabic numerals and catchwords partly beato Job (I 696^7); de ascensione Helie (I 649^52); de natiuitate visible. vii Machabeorum (I 848^54); de tribus pueris (I 839^41); de r On [a1 ] the title is supplied in manuscript (red) and a seven-line sancta Susanna (I 841^2); de penitencia (V 900^4); de diuite et initial ‘L’ is supplied in red with brown and red pen-work decora- paupere (II 1246^8); de Lazaro resuscitato (III 429^30); de tion. Other initials are supplied in red, capital marks in red. muliere Chananea sub ¢gura persecutionis (II 1170^2, 1180^8); Provenance: Fu« rstenfeld, Bavaria, Cistercians, BVM and S. in euangelio secundum Matheum (II 1188^91); secundum Bernardus; inscriptions on the front endleaf: ‘Imperfectum opus Marcum (II 1249^51); in euangelio Luce de diuite (II 1306^12); Joannis Chrisostomi super Matheum’; ‘liber sancte marie in fur- in euangelio Johannis (III 423^7); de recipiendo Seueriano (V stenfeld comperatus in sel[u?]iualle’,‘liber sancte marie in furste- 965^7); sermo ipsius Seueriani de pace . . . (V 967^8); sermo de r nueld’, and on [a1 ]: ‘Monasterij Fu« rstenueld’. Duplicate from the ieiuniis et geneseos lectio (I 526^32); de erudicione discipline (V Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ on the verso of front endleaf. 743^6); ad Eutropium (V 1325^30); cum de expulsione ipsius Purchased from Munich viaThomas Rodd for Fl. 22, i.e. »2. 4. 0; Johannis ageretur (V 953^5); ad Theodorum monachum (V see Books Purchased (1837), 9. 1009^18); de militia spirituali (V 736^9); de militia christiana (V shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 3.24. 739^43); de patre et duobus ¢liis (II1301^6); ad neophitos (V 723^ SECOND COPY 28); de turture (V 746^50); quando ipse Johannes de Asia . . . (V Wanting the blank leaf [l10], cut away. 957^60); post reditum (V 955^7); de ¢de in Christo (III 421^3); v j Leaf [r8 ]: ‘m|en|i||em e¡u|ioš i |angu|š s lph’ak. verbis |oluš moš quod nemo leditur . . . (V 750^69; see J-123); de proditione Jude philozophaš tes.’ (III 816^24); de cruce et latrone [i^ii] (III 826^36); de cruce Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled leather over wooden dominica (III 836^41); de ascensione domini (III 865^73); de boards, with yellow-edged leaves. Clasps, catches, and centre- penthecoste (III 873^8); de natiuitate domini (II 1294^8); de pieces lost; one red leather index tab; rebacked. Double ¢llets natiuitate Johannis Baptiste . . . (II 1286^94); in decollatione form an intersecting double frame.Within the outer frame, small sancti Johannis Baptiste (II 1172^8). See A.Wilmart,‘Les trente- £oral stamps oftwo kinds. Diagonal double ¢llets divide the inner huit home¤ lies latines de saint Jean Chrysostome’, Journal of rectangle into square compartments, each with a square deer Theological Studies, 19 (1917^18), 305^27. stamp; small £oral stamps at the intersection of the ¢llets. This [Urach: Conrad Fyner, 1483^5?]. Folio. Ascribed by Pr to volume formerly contained a copy of Augustinus, De arte predi- [Esslingen], by BMC to [Urach]. candi. Manuscript title and partial shelfmark on a rectangular 8 2 collation: A^N [O ]. Leaf A2 signed A1, etc. label at the head of upper cover: ‘Ioannes Chrisostomus super Woodcut initials. Matheum. Augustinus de doctrina christiana. F.’ ‘Augustinus H *5028; Go¡ J-290; BMC II 613; Pr 2488; BSB-Ink I-346; Oates Crisostomus’ across the lower edge adjacent to the spine. Size: 1249^50; Sack, Freiburg, 2049; Schramm IX p. 19; Schreiber V 296 ¿ 213 ¿ 85 mm. Size of leaf: 286 ¿ 203 mm. 4331; Sheppard 2044. A gathering of 10 leaves has been inserted before gathering [a], containing a manuscript list of contents and a copy of the preface COPY Bound as with J-121; see there for details of binding and proven- of Trapezuntius, with dedication to Nicolaus V, in a contempor- ance. Size of leaf: 284 ¿ 200 mm. ary German hand. Gathering numbering and occasional folio shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.38(3). numbering, in arabic numerals, in the lower right-hand corner of the rectos, partly visible. r J-132 Johannes Chrysostomus On [a1 ] the title is supplied in manuscript (red) and a seven-line initial‘L’is supplied in blue with red pen-work decoration extend- Liber de eo quod nemo laeditur ab alio nisi a semetipso ing into the margin. Other initials are supplied in red or blue, fuerit laesus. paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and capital r [a1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: ‘Liber de eo quod nemo laeditur ab strokes in red. alio nisi a semetipso fuerit laesus.’ Provenance: Salzburg, Benedictines, S. Petrus; inscription on r refs. See J-123. [a1 ]: ‘Conuentus S. Petri Salisburgi’; also book-plate, with [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1470]. 4o. inscription:‘Ex bibliotheca antiquo-nova monasterii ad sanctum 8 6 Petrum Salisburgi O. S. Benedicti ab anno 1767 in alium ordinem collation: [a b c ]. redacta’. J. T. Hand (£. 1834^1837); signature on the front paste- HC 5052; Go¡ J-291; BMC I 182; Pr 840; BSB-Ink I-350; CIBN v J-186; Oates 325^6; Sheppard 618; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 646. down, front endleaf, and on [x14 ]; sale (1837), lot 184; purchased in 1837 for »0. 8. 0. according to Library Bills (1837), no. 30, and COPY the annotated sale catalogue; this copy seems not to have been Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf for KloÞ. Size: 219 ¿ 151 ¿ included in Books Purchased (1837), 9. 10 mm. Size of leaf: 212 ¿ 145 mm. shelfmark: Auct. 7Q inf. 2.21. Initials, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter headings are supplied in red. Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- J-131 Johannes Chrysostomus label. J.T. Hand (£. 1834^1837), 1835; signature on the front end- Homiliae. leaf; sale (1837), lot 90; purchased for »0. 2. 6; see Books v Purchased (1837), 9. A1 [Table of contents.] r shelfmark: Auct.7Q 4.40 A2 Johannes Chrysostomus: Homiliae. Incipit: ‘[P]ictores imitan- tur arte naturam et colores coloribus . . .’Omelie [i^ii] de psalmo l (I 723^51); de psalmo cxxii (I 789^91); de psalmo cl (I 793^4); de j-133^j-137] johannes chrysostomus 1529

v J-133 Johannes Chrysostomus is supplied in blue on k1 . Other initials, paragraph marks, under- Liber de eo quod nemo laeditur ab alio nisi a semetipso lining of chapter headings, capital strokes are supplied in red. shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.46(1). fuerit laesus. r A1 Johannes Chrysostomus: ‘Neminem ledi nisi a semetipso.’ J-136 Johannes Chrysostomus refs. See J-123. De providentia Dei (ed. Ambrosius Traversarius). [Paris]: Guy Marchant, [c.1494]. 8o. [a r] [Title-page.] ‘Incipit liber primus beati Joannis Crisostomi ad collation: AB8 C4. 1 Stagirium monachum de prouidentia dei utilis admodum ut nullis C 1605; Go¡ J-292; Pr 7994A; Sheppard 6219. iam uite huius casibus aduersis deici quis poterit. Hic liber nouiter COPY translatutus(!) est de greco in latinum. Et totus rutilat Tulliano Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter blue morocco, with eloquio’. marbled pastedowns. One index tab removed. Size: 146 ¿ 103 ¿ r [a2 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: De providentia Dei. [Translated by 8 mm. Size of leaf: 139 ¿ 96 mm. Ambrosius Traversarius and dedicated to Petrus I, Prince of Provenance: Purchased for 20 Francs from Anatole Claudin, 29 Portugal.] Incipit: ‘[O]portuerat quidem o mihi amantissime Dec. 1899, no. 94893. omnium Stagiri . . .’ shelfmark: Inc. f. F1.1. refs. ed. Gelenius,V (1547), 597^668. v g4 Johannes Chrysostomus: De dignitate humanae originis. Incipit: ‘[D]ignitas humane originis facile agnoscitur . . .’ J-134 Johannes Chrysostomus refs. ed. Gelenius, I (1547), 532^4. Edited by Ambrosius Liber de eo quod nemo laeditur nisi a semetipso fuerit Traversarius, as stated in the colophon. v laesus. g5 [Colophon.] ‘Editum a fratre Ambrosio abbate generalis ordinis r Camaldulensis qui transtulit e greco in latinum vitam sancti [a1 ] [Title-page.] v Iohannis Crisostomi quamque dicauit Sigismundo imperatori [a1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: ‘Neminem ledi nisi a semetipso.’ refs. See J-123. [Sigismund of Luxembourg, Roman Emperor 1433^37] . . .’ o [Paris: Michel Le Noir, c.1494]. 8o. Alost: Thierry Martens, 22 Mar. 1487/8. 4 . 6 6 collation: [a] b8 c4. collation: [a ] b^g . BMC VIII 182; not in Pr; not in Sheppard. HC 5053; Go¡ J-293; BMC IX 127; Pr 9195; Campbell 425; CIBN J-188; HPT II 387; ILC 1347; Oates 3674; Rhodes 1011; Sheppard COPY 7051^2. Binding: Twentieth-century calf, with gilt-edged leaves. Size: 129 ¿ 93 ¿ 8 mm. Size of leaf: 124 ¿ 89 mm. FIRST COPY Capitals touched with yellow wash. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf. Size: 194 ¿ 140 ¿ 10 mm. Size Provenance: Albert Ehrman (1890^1969); armorial book-plate; of leaf: 186 ¿ 133 mm. accession no. ‘2098’. Purchased through B. Quaritch at the A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early Broxbourne sale (London: Sotheby’s, 8 May 1978), lot 430, for hand. »360; see ledger (1977/8), no. 954. Provenance: Purchased for »0.15. 0; see Books Purchased (1840), shelfmark: Inc. f. F1.7. 18. shelfmark: Auct.7Q 5.10. SECOND COPY J-135 Johannes Chrysostomus Bound with A-130(2); see there for details of binding. Size of Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum. leaf: 192 ¿ 131 mm. Wanting gatherings b and c; also the blank leaf g . [* r] [Title-page.] ‘Johannes Chrysostomus super Mattheum’. 6 1 Provenance: Probably the copy mentioned in the Benefactors’ [* r] [Table of contents.] 2 Register, I 8, given by George Carey, 2nd Lord Hunsdon (1547^ a r Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: Opus imperfectum in 1 1603); not found in the catalogues from 1602/3 and 1605; James Matthaeum. Incipit: ‘[S]icut referunt, Matheum conscribere Catalogus (1620), 17 (P 8. 8 [Th.]); see Jensen, ‘Benefactors’ euangelium . . . [L]iber generationis Iesu Christi ¢lii Dauid . . .’ Register’, no. 18. refs. ed. Gelenius, II (1547), 709^889, 946^1129; see CPG 4424; shelfmark: Auct.1Q 5.14(2). Stegmu« ller, Repertorium biblicum, 4350. Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the Elder, 1487. Folio. 10 8 6 8 J-137 Johannes Chrysostomus collation: [* ] a^n o^q r . De reparatione lapsi. H *5035; Go¡ J-289; BMC I 228; Pr 1071; BSB-Ink I-357; CIBN r J-185; Oates 550; Rhodes 1010; Sack, Freiburg, 2053; Sheppard [a2 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: De reparatione lapsi. 814; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 647. refs. See J-122. o COPY [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, 1467^72]. 4 . 8 Bound with J-126; see there for details of binding and provenance. collation: [a^e ]. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 208 mm. HC 5051; Go¡ J-294; BMC I 182; Pr 814; BSB-Ink I-343; CIBN r ¤ On a1 a seven-line initial‘S’ is supplied in blue with reserved white J-189; Oates 298; Sheppard 617;Voullieme, Ko« ln, 651. decoration, on a red and yellow pen-£ourished ground; on the same leaf, a ¢ve-line initial is supplied in green. A ¢ve-line initial 1530 johannes chrysostomus [j-137^j-140

r COPY [a2 ] [Table of contents.] r Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. [b1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Sermones xxv morales. Translated Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; bound for the Bodleian. Size: by Christophorus Persona. Incipit: ‘[E]vertendi sunt nobis mal- 226 ¿ 148 ¿ 12 mm. Size of leaf: 218 ¿ 142 mm. orum fontes . . .’See J-126. v Early manuscript signatures partly visible. [l7 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Epistola ad Theodorum. Translated Initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes are supplied in red. by Christophorus Persona. Incipit: ‘[S]i possem litteris lacrimas Provenance: Acquired between 1835 and 1847; see Catalogus tibi meas signi¢care . . .’ (1843), Appendix, 486. refs. See J-126. shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.38. [Rome: Georgius Lauer, c.1470]. Folio and 4o. collation: [a^d10 e^g8 h^k10 l^m8]. J-138 Johannes Chrysostomus HR 5039; Go¡ J-300; BMC IV 36; Pr 3403; BSB-Ink I-352; CIBN De reparatione lapsi. J-198; Rhodes 1013; Sheppard 2722^4. r FIRST COPY [A1 ] [Title-page.] r o [A2 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: De reparatione lapsi. Gatherings [a,b,g,h,m] are in folio, [i,l] in mixed folio and 4 , [c^f, o refs. See J-122. k] in 4 . Binding: Sheep; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both Rouen: Martin Morin, 21 June 1495. 8o. covers; rebacked. Manuscript title along the fore-edge. Size: collation: [A] B^D8 E10. 293 ¿ 200 ¿ 28 mm. Size of leaf: 284 ¿ 194 mm. Types: 111 G, 73 (75) G. 42 leaves. 27 lines ([A r]). Type area: 102 ¿ 3 Former pastedowns now Inc. b. I97.1(1, 3c, 5); see D-202, M-266, 64 mm ([A r]). Capital space on [A r]. Leaf [A r], title: ‘Beatus 3 2 1 and P-451(2). Iohaš nes cri|o|tomus de reparatione lap|i.’ Device (Polain, > > A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words,‘nota’ marks, Marques, no. 189); [A r]: ‘Incipit liber |ancti Iohannis cri|o|tomi 2 and pointing hands in an early hand. Two series of manuscript con|tantinopolitani epš i: de reparatione lap|i et quomodo |it a > > foliation, in arabic numerals, on the upper right-hand corner of pctoš re|urgendum. [Q]Vis dabit capiti meo aquaš . . .’; [E r], > > 10 the rectos. Manuscript signatures partly visible. colophon: ‘Exaratuš et coš pletuš rothomagi per me Ma= gi|truš > On [b r] a seven-line Italian (Roman) initial ‘E’ is supplied in pink martinuš morin / ante prioratum |ancti laudi coš morantem .xxi. 1 > and gold on a square gold ground edged in black; the area de¢ned die Iunii. Anno dnš i Mille|imo cccc.lxxxxv.’ > by the letter is decorated with £oral and foliate design supplied in Go¡ J-295; Pr 8774; CIBN J-190; Sheppard 6816^17. yellow, green, and black. On the same leaf, an Italian foliate bor- COPY der is supplied in pink, blue, green, and gold dots; see Pa« cht and Bound with A-447; see there for details of binding and proven- Alexander II, 107 no. pr. 17. Other initials are supplied in blue or ance. Size of leaf: 140 ¿ 96 mm. red with red or purple pen-work decoration extending into the shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 5.6(1). margin. Chapter numbers are supplied in black ink; paragraph marks supplied in red. r J-139 Johannes Chrysostomus Provenance: S. G.; heavily cancelled inscription on [b1 ]: ‘[ ] [ ] [ ] Sermo super psalmum L: Miserere mei Deus. S. G.’Sir Mark Masterman Sykes (1771^1823); sale (1824), lot 907. Purchased for »10. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1824), 4. This is [a r] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: Sermo super psalmum L: 2 presumably the copy listed in Catalogus (1843), II 413. Miserere mei Deus [i^ii]. Also known as De superscriptione Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 4.3. Psalmi quinquagesimi. shelfmark: Auct.7Q inf. 2.18. refs. ed. Gelenius,1 (1547),723^51; see CPG 4544^5; Stegmu« ller, SECOND COPY Repertorium biblicum, 4337,5; J. A. de Aldama, Repertorium Gatherings [a,b,g,h,m] are in folio, [i,l] in mixed folio and 4o, [c^f, pseudochrysosotomicum (Paris, 1965), no. 294; J. A.Wilmart,‘La k] in 4o. collection des 38 home¤ lies de saint Jean Chrysostome’, Journalof Wanting the blank leaves [a ] and [m ]. Theological Studies, 19 (1918), 305^27, at 309. 1 8 Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf. Size: 280 ¿ o [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1468]. 4 . 200 ¿ 35 mm. Size of leaf: 272 ¿ 193 mm. 8 6 collation: [a^c d ]. Marginal and interlinear notes, extracting key words, correcting, HC *5031; Go¡ J-298; Pr 809; BSB-Ink I-358; CIBN J-192; Oates and commenting on the text, and ‘nota’ marks in two di¡erent 294; Sack, Freiburg, 2052; Sheppard 611;Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 649. early hands, one of which is Italian humanist. Early manuscript COPY foliation in the upper right-hand corner of the rectos. r Bound with A-543; see there for details of binding and proven- On [b1 ] a seven-line Italian (Roman) initial ‘E’ is supplied in gold ance. Size of leaf: 215 ¿ 145 mm. on a square blue ground decorated in red and green, with vine- shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.33(4). stems and three gold dots; see Pa« cht and Alexander II, 107 no. pr.18. Other initials are supplied in blue or red. Chapter headings and rubrics are supplied in red in a humanist hand; the rubric on J-140 Johannes Chrysostomus r Sermones morales XXV. [b1 ] reads: ‘Sermones beati Chrysostomi quinque et viginti per Christophorum Personam et priorem sancte Balbine nuper e r [a1 ] [Persona, Christophorus: Prologue addressed to Marcus greco in latinum traducti ac reuerendissomo domino domino Barbus.] The names of Persona and of the dedicatee are given in Marco Barbo et Veneto cardinali sancti Marci viro omni laude a rubric to the Sermons added by hand in the second copy. cumulato dedicati et inscripti quorum primus contra auaritiam Incipit: ‘[R]eputanti mihi reuerendissime .P. quanto studio . . .’ j-140^j-143] johannes chrysostomus 1531

r siue pecuniarum amore. Sermo primus.’ Paragraph marks are On [b3 ] a rubric is supplied in manuscript (red), following the supplied in red. wording of the rubric in J-140(2), and ending with ‘auaritiam’; a Provenance: J. T. Hand (£. 1834^1837); signature on the front seven-line initial ‘E’ is supplied in purple with white pen-work endleaf; sale (1837), lot 185; bought in at the sale. Purchased for decoration on a square gold ground edged in black; the area »0. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1845), 19. de¢ned by the letter is blue with a yellow £ower and three white shelfmark: Auct.7Q 3.44. dots as decoration. Other initials are supplied in red or blue. THIRD COPY Provenance: ‘M. Torri[s?] liber es[ ]’ very faded inscription on v Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [m8]. [o7 ] in a contemporary Italian hand. Bought from Thomas Variant. In this copy the whole of gathering [g] and the ¢rst and Thorpe, catalogue, 1832, no. 536, for »1. 11. 6; see Library Bills third sheets of gathering [i] are di¡erently set up. Gatherings (1829^32), no. 345, and Books Purchased (1832), 6. [a,b,h,m] are in folio, gathering [l] in mixed folio and 4o, [c^g, Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 5.18. i,k] in 4o. shelfmark: Auct.7Q 4.10. Binding: Seventeenth(?)-century calf; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Formerly chained: staple- marks of a hasp at the head of upper cover.‘44’across the head of J-142 Johannes Chrysostomus the fore-edge.‘16’on lozenge-shaped label atthehead ofthe spine. Sermones morales XXV. r Size: 281 ¿ 174 ¿ 32 mm. Size of leaf: 272 ¿ 167 mm. [a1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Sermones xxv morales. Incipit: ‘AA 44 A S’ in red crayon on the front pastedown. Pen-trials on ‘[E]uertendi sunt nobis malorum fontes . . .’See J-126. v r r [f8 ] and [g1 ]. [f1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Epistola ad Theodorum. Incipit:‘[S]i r On [b1 ] a seven-line Italian (Roman?) initial‘A’is supplied in pink possem litteris lacrimas tibi meas signi¢care . . .’ on a gold ground decorated with blue and green acanthus leaves. refs. See J-126. r On the same leaf, an Italian foliate border is supplied in pink, [f6 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: De compunctione cordis. Incipit: blue, green, and gold dots; see Pa« cht and Alexander II, 107 no. ‘[C]um te intueor beate Demetri frequenter insistentem . . .’ pr. 19; at the foot, a coat of arms partly defaced. Other initials are refs. See J-122. v supplied in blue or red. Manuscript title, sermon numbers, and [h3 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Dicta super evangelium.‘Incipiunt foliation on the upper right-hand corner ofthe rectos are supplied quedam dicta pernotabilia super illud euangelium Loquente in red. Ihesu ad turbas Extollens vocem quedam mulier de et cetera.’ Provenance and date of acquisition unknown. Incipit: ‘[R]em valde presumptuosam humane in¢rmitati sed shelfmark: Auct.1Q 4.13 admodum gratiosam . . .’ [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1475]. Folio. collation: [a^g10 h12]. J-141 Johannes Chrysostomus H *5041; Go¡ J-302; BMC I 194; Pr 896; BSB-Ink I-354; CIBN Sermones morales XXV. J-200; Oates 397; Sheppard 695; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 652. v [a1 ] ‘Registrum.’ COPY r [a2 ] Persona, Christophorus: [Prologue addressed to] Marcus Binding: English crimson morocco (1920s) with gold tooling on Barbus. Incipit: ‘[R]eputanti mihi reuerendissime .P. quanto stu- the turn-ins, by the Hon. Mrs Pember; marbled pastedowns, let- dio . . .’ tered‘P.41’atthefootofrear pastedown. Size: 299 ¿ 217¿ 29 mm. v [a2 ] [Colophon.] Size of leaf: 290 ¿ 210 mm. r [a3 ] [Table of contents.] Marginal notes, mainly key words marked with three dots in a tri- r [b3 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Sermones xxv morales. Translated angle, referring to the appropriate passage; ‘nota’ marks in an by Christophorus Persona. Incipit: ‘[E]uertendi sunt nobis mal- early hand. r orum fontes . . .’See J-126. On [a1 ] a four-line initial ‘E’ is supplied in blue with reserved v [n7 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Epistola ad Theodorum.Translated white decoration, Cologne style, and red pen-work decoration. by Christophorus Persona. Incipit: ‘[S]i possem litteris lacrymas Other initials, paragraph marks, underlining ofchapter headings, tibi meas signi¢care . . .’ and capital strokes are supplied in red. refs. See J-126. Provenance: This is probably the edition listed in Catalogus [Bologna]: Balthasar Azoguidus, 12 May 1475. 4o. (1843), Appendix, 486, mentioning ‘loquente Jesu ad turbas’. collation: [a^l8 m6 n o8]. shelfmark: Auct. Q sub. fen. 2.25. HC, Addenda, *5043; Go¡ J-301; BMC VI 800; Pr 6519; BSB-Ink I-353; CIBN J-199; Quaquarelli, ‘Azzoguidi’, 65^6; Sheppard 5293. J-143 Johannes Chrysostomus Sermones morales XXV. COPY [a v] [Table of contents.] Wanting the blank leaf [o8]. 1 r Binding: Nineteenth-century red crushed morocco; marbled [a2 ] Johannes Chrysostomus: Sermones morales XXV. Incipit: pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves, green silk book-mark; the gold ‘[E]uertendi sunt nobis malorum fontes . . .’ See J-126, sermons stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 189 ¿ 136 ¿ 1^22, 24^25. 20 mm. Size of leaf: 182 ¿ 130 mm. [Urach: Conrad Fyner, 1483^5?]. Folio. Ascribed by Pr to Manuscript foliation in red, partly visible in the upper right-hand [Esslingen], by BMC to [Urach]. margin of the rectos. collation: [a^e8]. 1532 johannes chrysostomus [j-143^j-146

41 leaves as H (not as BMC which omits the ¢rst leaf containing the refs. ed. Gelenius, I (1547), 657^95; see Stegmu« ller, Repertorium list of contents).Woodcut initials. biblicum, 4332; CPG 4564; with variant incipit from J-143. r H *5042; Go¡ J-303; BMC II 613; Pr 2485; BSB-Ink I-355; CIBN; [c5 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: De poenitentia in David. Oates 1245^6; Sack, Freiburg, 2054; Sheppard 2045^6. Incipit: ‘[L]eta nobis hodie festiua celebritas solitoque illustrior

FIRST COPY cetus . . .’ Bound with J-121; see there for details of binding and provenance. refs. ed. Gelenius, V (1547), 837^44; I 1^6; V 845^88; 196^214 Size of leaf: 284 ¿ 200 mm. (sermo de virginitate) with variants; 888^900; cf. J. A. de shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.38(5). Aldama, Repertorium pseudochrysosotomicum (Paris, 1965), no. SECOND COPY 194. Bound with J-122(2); see there for details of binding and proven- Nuremberg: [Johann Sensenschmidt], 14 Nov. 1471. Folio. ance. Size of leaf: 286 ¿ 190 mm. collation: [a10 b^c8 d^g10.12]. Wanting [a1]. HC *5026; Go¡ J-305; BMC II 405; Pr 1945; BSB-Ink I-362; CIBN Bound between gatherings [b] and [c] of item 2. J-195; Sheppard 1395.

A few marginal notes, extracting key words, in an early hand. COPY shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 3.15(3). Bound with A-103(1); see there for details of binding. Size of leaf: 334 ¿ 224 mm. Initials, underlining of chapter headings, numbering of gather- J-144 Johannes Chrysostomus r ings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. On [a2 ] a heading is Sermones de patientia in Job (ed. Lilius Tifernas). r supplied in red. The initial ‘L’ on [c5 ] has been supplied erro- r [a2 ] Lilius Tifernas: [Prologue addressed to] Nicolaus V, Pont. neously by the rubricator as ‘P’and later corrected in black ink in Max. Incipit: ‘[C]onsueuerunt pater beatissime qui sub ceteris the margin. predecessoribus tuis ¢deles militauerunt . . .’ Provenance: Purchased for »0. 8. 0; see Books Purchased (1841), r [a3 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: Sermones de patientia in 22. Job. Edited and translated by Lilius Tifernas. Incipit: ‘[A]nnuus shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf.1.5(2). ad nos hodierna die certator orbis aduenit.Venit ad nos perigri- nus . . .’ refs. ed. Gelenius, I (1547), 657^95; see Stegmu« ller, Repertorium J-146 Johannes Chrysostomus biblicum, 4332 and 4333; CPG 4564. Sermones de patientia in Job (ed. Lilius Tifernas). o r [Cologne: Ulrich Zell, c.1467]. 4 . [a1 ] Lilius Tifernas: [Prologue addressed to] Nicolaus V, Pont. collation: [a^f8]. Max. Incipit: ‘[C]onsueuerunt pater beatissime qui sub ceteris HC 5024; Go¡ J-304; BMC I 181; Pr 808; BSB-Ink I-360; CIBN predecessoribus tuis ¢deles militauerunt . . .’ r J-194; Oates 293; Sheppard 610; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 653. [a1 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: Sermones de patientia in

COPY Job. Edited and translated by Lilius Tifernas. Incipit: ‘[A]nnuus Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled red crushed morocco, ad nos hodierna die certator orbis aduenit.Venit ad nos peregr- mus . . .’ with marbled pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves, and azure silk v [c1 ] [Table of contents.] book-mark. Size: 219 ¿ 148 ¿ 12 mm. Sizeof leaf: 212 ¿ 141mm. r Marginal and interlinear notes, mainly correcting the text, a few [c2 ] Albertus Magnus [pseudo-; Johannes de Castello]: De ‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands in an early hand. adhaerendo Deo. r refs. Albertus Magnus, Opera, ed. Petrus Jammy,21vols (Lyons, On [a2 ] a four-line initial is supplied in red on a red pen-£our- ished ground with extensions into the margin. Other initials, 1651), 21f,1^11; Albertus Magnus, Opera omnia . . . ed. Augustus paragraph marks, chapter headings, underlining of chapter head- and Aemilius Borgnet, 38 vols (Paris, 1890^9), 523^42.The text is ings, line ¢llers, and capital strokes are supplied in red. usuallyattributed to Albertus Magnus, butthe author is Johannes Provenance: Antoine Augustin Renouard (1765^1853); sale de Castello; see Grabmann, Geistesleben, I 489^524. (1830), lot 356; purchased at the Renouard sale for »2. 3. 0; see [Esslingen: Conrad Fyner, not after 1475]. Folio. Library Bills (1829^32), nos 190^1, and Books Purchased collation: [a^c10]. (1830), 2. H *5025 (incl. *427); Go¡ J-306; BMC II 514; Pr 2467; BSB-Ink Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. P 5.12. I-361; CIBN J-196; Sack, Freiburg, 2055; Sheppard 1772. shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 4.11. COPY Bound with: J-145 Johannes Chrysostomus 2. Johannes Nider, De contractibus mercatorum. [Esslingen: Conrad Fyner, 1474^75?] (N-073). Sermones de patientia in Job (ed. Lilius Tifernas). Binding: Nineteenth-century plain calf, with sprinkled red- r [a2 ] Lilius Tifernas: [Prologue addressed to] Nicolaus V, Pont. edged leaves. ‘FS’ on a square blue label at the head of the spine. Max. Incipit: ‘[C]onsueuerunt pater beatissime qui sub ceteris Three green paper index tabs, one in item 1 and two in item 2. predecessoribus tuis ¢deles militauerunt . . .’ Size: 286 ¿ 198 ¿ 18 mm. Size of leaf: 277 ¿ 191 mm. r [a2 ] Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: Sermones de patientia in From the manuscript list of contents on the front endleaf, it Job. Edited and translated by Lilius Tifernas. Incipit: ‘[M]agnus appears that the items at one time were bound with Fyner’s edi- ad nos hodierna die certator orbis aduenit.Venit ad nos peregri- tions of Henricus de Gorichen, De praedestinatione (1474), and nus . . .’ of Gerson, Conclusiones de diversis materiis moralibus [n. d.]. j-146^j-149] johannes climacus 1533

r List of contents with bibliographical and typographical notes, h6 Johannes Climacus: Sermone al pastore. Incipit: ‘[I]n ultimo de and headings in a nineteenth-century hand. questo libro materiale . . .’ Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and Torrebelvicino: Giovanni Leonardo Longo, 19 Sept. 1478. 4o. capital strokes are supplied in red. Catalogued as the work of Longo at Bergamo by Pr. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ collation: a^z c.,8. r r r h h on [a1 ], [c2 ], and [a1 ] of item 2. Purchased from Munich via HR 5466 = HCR 5467; Go¡ J-308; BMC VII 1080; Pr 7240; CIBN Thomas Rodd for Fl. 18, i.e. »1. 16. 0; see Books Purchased J-201; Sheppard 5996. (1837), 9. shelfmark: Auct.7Q 3.25(1). COPY Binding: Ninetenth-century Italian parchment. Size: 195 ¿ 148 ¿ 48 mm. Size of leaf: 187 ¿ 141 mm. J-147 Johannes Chrysostomus A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words,‘nota’ marks, Sermones de patientia in Job (ed. Lilius Tifernas). and pointing hands, in Italian and Latin, in several early Italian hands. ‘L. VII. 9[or 4?]. 5’ on the front pastedown. r [*1 ] [Title-page.] Bibliographical and typographical notes (after 1633) on the front r r [*2 ] [Table of contents.] endleaf and on hc.,8 , probably in the hand of a Franciscan from r a1 LiliusTifernas: [Prologue addressed to] NicolausV,Pont. Max. Trento. r Incipit: ‘[C]onsueuerunt pater beatissime qui sub ceteris prede- On a1 a three-line initial is supplied in blue with reserved white cessoribus tuis ¢deles militauerunt . . .’ decoration and red pen-work decoration. Other three-line initials r a1 Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: Sermones de patientia in and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue with reserved Job. Edited and translated by Lilius Tifernas. Incipit: ‘[A]nnuus white decoration. Capitals touched with yellow wash. ad nos hodierna die certator orbis aduenit.Venit ad nos peregri- Provenance: Trento, Observant Franciscans, S. Bernardino; oval nus . . .’ stamp on the front endleaf: ‘Conven. s. Bernardini Tridenti’. refs. See J-144. Giacomo, Count Manzoni (1816^1889); ex^libris; see v c1 Johannes Chrysostomus [pseudo-]: De poenitentia in David. Catalogue, part II (1893), lot 3498. Purchased in 1893; see Incipit: ‘[L]eta nobis hodie festiuaque celebritas solitoque illu- Annual Report of the Curators of the Bodleian Library, Oxford strior cetus . . .’ University Gazette, 8 May 1894, 448. refs. See J-145. shelfmark: Inc. e. I37.1478.1. Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the Elder, 13 May 1487. Folio. collation: [*] a^e8 f^g6. J-149 Johannes Climacus HC *5027; Go¡ J-307; BMC I 227; Pr 1070; BSB-Ink I-363; CIBN Scala paradisi [Italian] El libro chiamato Climacho, et al. J-197; Sack, Freiburg, 2056; Sheppard 813; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 654. r a1 [Title-page.] COPY r a2 [Prologue.] Incipit:‘In nomine . . . Incomincia el prologo dellibro Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for the Bodleian. chiamato Climacho el quale compose uno de sancti padri . . . Size: 292 ¿ 209 ¿ 14 mm. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 202 mm. [Q]vesto sancto libro ha dua nomi . . .’ A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing v a2 ‘Prologo del translatore di questo libro. . .’Incipit:‘[I]o frate che o hands in an early hand. tolto la impresa a translatare questo libro . . .’ Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue, under- r a3 Johannes Climacus: El libro chiamato Climacho.‘Tauola spiri- lining of chapter headings in red. tuale’.‘La sancta scala’. Incipit: ‘Grado .i . . . Capitulo .i. [M]a al Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; shelf- buono et sopra buono e tutto buono Dio Re nostro facciamo il r mark: ‘Inc. 1892’, duplicate no. ‘5997’, and ‘Dpl’ on [*1 ]. principio del nostro parlare . . .’ Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably in 1850; not in refs. See J-148. Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. r m5 Johannes Climacus: Sermone al pastore. Incipit:‘[I]n ultimo de shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 5.29. questo libro materiale . . .’ Venice: Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 12 Oct. 1492. 4o. 8 10 J-148 Johannes Climacus collation: a^l m . Scala paradisi [Italian] El libro chiamato Climacho, et al. Woodcuts and woodcut initials. HCR 5469; Go¡ J-310; BMC V 468; Pr 5228; CIBN J-202; Essling r a1 [Prologue.] Incipit: ‘In nomine . . . comencia el prologo nel libro 566; Sander 2019; Sheppard 4308. chiamato Climacho, etc. [Q]uesto libro compose uno de li sancti COPY padri . . . [Q]vesto sancto libro ha due nome . . .’ Sheets m and m transposed in binding. a r ‘Prologo del translatore de questo libro . . .’ Incipit: ‘[I]o frate che 3.8 4.7 2 Binding: Parchment, with marbled pastedowns and red-edged o tolto la impresa a translatare questo libro . . .’ leaves. Size: 213 ¿ 154 ¿ 17 mm. Size of leaf: 205 ¿ 147 mm. a v Johannes Climacus: El libro chiamato Climacho.‘Tauole spiri- 2 Bibliographical notes in English on the front pastedown, in a tuale’.‘La sancta scala’. Incipit:‘Grado primo. . . Capitulo primo. nineteenth-century hand. [M]a al buono e soprabuono e tutobuono dio re nostro faciamo el Provenance: Thomas Crane (1808^1859); engraved monogram: principio del nostro parlare. . .’Calogero Riggi,‘Il Climaco latino ‘T.C.’ surrounded by motto: ‘Qui corvos pascit pascere potest nel medioevo e la tradizione manoscritta della versione . . .’, grues’. Purchased at Sotheby’s, through Quaritch at the sale L’edizione di testi mediolatini, Schede Medievali, 20^1 (1991), 9^ 140. 1534 johannes de fabrica [j-149^j-152

(London: Sotheby,Wilkinson & Hodge 17 Nov.1884), lot 333, for 2825; Sheppard 3176^7. Micro¢che: Unit 9: Printing in Italy »0. 9.0; see Library Bills, 18 Nov.1884. before1472: Part III. shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 7.2. FIRST COPY r Leaf [a1 ]: ‘(red) [I]Ncipit liber apocalip|is Scš i Iohaš nis apo|toli & J-150 Johannes Diaconus euaš geli|te cum > . . .’ Gatherings [l] and [m] misbound in the following order: [l ], [m Summarium seu Flos Decreti. 1 2^ 10], [l2^10], [m1].Wanting the blank leaf [s8]. r [a1 ] Johannes Diaconus: Summarium seu Flos Decreti. Incipit: Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the ‘[Q]uoniam inter cetera que utilia sunt . . . [H]umanum genus duo- Bodleian. Marbled-edged leaves. Size: 294 ¿ 195 ¿ 45 mm. Size bus modis regitur et cetera . . .’ See Schulte II 107^8; M. C. Diaz y of leaf: 285 ¿ 187 mm. Diaz, Index Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Aevi Hispanorum A few pen-trials and pointing hands in an early hand. Early (Madrid, 1959), 278^9 no.1321. manuscript signatures partly visible, giving each gathering both Udine: Gerardus de Lisa, de Flandria, [c.1484^5]. 8o. a number and a letter. 8 r collation: [a] b^e . On [a1 ] an initial Italian (Roman) ‘Q’ is supplied in gold, pink, C 3360; BMC VII 1103; Pr 7311; Sheppard 6047. red, blue, and green on a gold ground, exending into the innner margin as a border of pink, blue, green, and gold acanthus leaves COPY Binding: Nineteenth-century half morocco over marbled paste- and gold dots; in the lower margin, in the same colours, abutter£y boards, with red-edged leaves. Size: 155 ¿ 104 ¿ 12 mm. Size of on the tail of a bird walking on a snake with a lion face; see Pa« cht leaf: 135 ¿ 98 mm. and Alexander II,115 no. pr. 153 (Italian?). Other initials are sup- A few early manuscript signatures. plied in red or violet with red pen-work decoration; paragraph r marks supplied in red or violet; chapter headings in red. On [a1 ] a nine-line initial is supplied in red with reserved white decoration. Paragraph marks and capital strokes are supplied in Lemmata and capitals touched with yellow wash. red. Provenance: Purchased for »7. 7. 0; see Books Purchased Provenance: Purchased from Wilfrid Michael Voynich, 20 Nov. (1844), 3. 1902; cutting from catalogue, no. 3704, on the front pastedown, shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.9. with price »15.15. 0. SECOND COPY Wanting [c1] and the blank leaf [s8]. shelfmark: Inc. f. I51.1. r A variant, the ¢rst page being di¡erently set up; leaf [a1 ]: ‘(red) [I]Ncipit liber apocalipsis Scš i Ioh’is apostoli & euangeliste cum J-151 Johannes Evangelista > . . .’ Commentum in Apocalypsim [Italian]. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf (c.1825); bound for the Bodleian; gold-tooled spine; the gold stamp of the Bodleian [a r] Nicolaus de Lyra [pseudo-; Federigo da Venezia or de 1 Library on both covers.‘B’ printed on a rectangular blue label at Rinoldo]: Commentum in Apocalypsim. [Preface.] ‘[I]ncipit the head of the spine. Size: 295 ¿ 198 ¿ 39 mm. Sizeof leaf: 286 ¿ liber apocalipsis Sancti Iohannis apostoli et euangeliste cum glo- 191 mm. sis Nicolai de Lira ordinis fratrum Minorum. In dei nomine Early manuscript signatures partly visible, giving each gathering Amen.’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uisto libro lo quale si e nominato Apocalipsis both a number and a letter; later manuscript foliation on the in fra tucti li altri libri . . .’ v upper right-hand corner of the rectos: ‘1^174’. On the front end- [a ] Johannes Evangelista: Apocalypsis. Incipit: ‘[A]pocalipsis 1 leaf typographical and bibliographical notes in a seventeenth- YesuCristi . . . Quam dedit illi deus palam facere seruis suis . . .’ v century and an eighteenth-century hand. [a1 ] [Federigo da Venezia or de Rinoldo]: Commentum in r Apocalypsim. Incipit: ‘Cio e Apocalipsi de yhesu christo. In nel On [a1 ] a12^line initial (Rome) ‘Q’ is supplied in gold on a purple, comensamento de questo libro . . .’ green, and blue ground decorated with interlaced white vine- refs. See J. Stadtmu« ller, Eine griechische Uº bersetzung des italie- stems. Two butter£ies in the margin; see Pa« cht and Alexander II, nischen Apokalpysenkommentars von Federigo da Venezia O. P., 107 no. pr. 15. Chapter headings are supplied in red. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des altchristlichen Provenance: Purchased for »12. 12. 0 from Payne and Foss, A Literatur, 48,2 (Leipzig, 1936); Anthony Luttrell, ‘Federigo da Supplement to the Catalogue of Books in Foreign Languages (London, 1825), no. 9176; see ‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae’, Venezia’s commentary on the Apocalypse: 1393/4’, Journal ofthe v Walters Art Gallery, 27^8 (1964^5), 57^65; Kaeppeli I 1168; and fol. 110 :‘P & F 1825’; Books Purchased (1825), 14. Stegmu« ller, Repertorium biblicum, II 2337; A. Gargan, Lo studio shelfmark: Auct.7Q inf. 2.17. teologico e la biblioteca dei dominicani a Padova nel tre e quattro- cento (Padua, 1971), 47^8. Italian commentary on the J-152 Johannes de Fabrica Apocalypse, alternating with lemmata in Latin. De indulgentiis pro animabus in purgatorio, sive Super [Rome: Printer of the Apocalypse, c.1469]. 4o. Pr assigns to an [unidenti¢ed printer at Naples], BMC to [Rome]. Sixtus declaratione indulgentiarum. r Riessinger and Ulrich Han have both been suggested as printers. a1 [Title-page.] r The type page has the same dimensions as Han’s 1468 Cicero. a2 Johannes de Fabrica: De indulgentiis pro animabus in purga- collation: [a^o10 p8 q^r10 s8]. torio, sive Super declaratione indulgentiarum. Incipit: HR 9383; H 9384?; C 3715?; Go¡ J-225; BMC IV 143; Pr 6749; ‘[S]upposito quod papa aut sanctus eligitur aut promotione clarus BSB-Ink F-261; Fava^Bresciano 205; IGI VI 5216^A; Polain e⁄citur . . .’ See Histoire de l’Universite¤ de Poitiers passe¤ et pre¤ sent j-152^j-155] johannes de fonte 1535

(1432^1932), ed. M. le Doyen Boissonnade (Poitiers, 1932), 122, [Th.] James, ‘Catalogus’, (1620), 194: ‘Jo. Ferrariensis de coelesti no. 122. vita.1494. D.1.2’. r a5 Richardi, Nicolaus: De indulgentiis pro animabus in purga- shelfmark: D 1. 2(3) Th. torio, sive Super declaratione indulgentiarum. Incipit: ‘[Q]uod autem papa indulgentiam dare . . .’ See Histoire de l’Universite¤ de J-154 Johannes de Fonte Poitiers, 43,122, no. 18. Compendium librorum Sententiarum. b r Antoninus Florentinus: Resolutio Summae Theologiae. 4 r ‘Sequitur resolutio Summe Anthonini Archiepiscopi £orentini.’ [a2 ] Johannes de Fonte: Compendium librorum Sententiarum. Incipit: ‘Anthonius in prima parte summme, ti. 8, c. lii circa pri- Incipit: ‘[A]d preces studentium dum essem lector in monte mum. Possunt autem valere indulgentie . . .’Extracts. Pessulano. . .Veteris ac noue legis. Distinctio prima continet con- clusiones decem. Prima quod tractatus sacre pagine . . .’ See [Passau: Johann Petri, c.1491^3]. 4o. As dated by Sheppard. Stegmu« ller, Repertorium commentariorum, I 217^18 no. 446; VL collation: a6 b4. IV 595^6; Volker Honemann, ‘Petrus Lombardus in Types: 93 G, 185A. 10 leaves. 34 lines (a r). Type area: 158 ¿ 105 mm 3 Mittelhochdeutscher sprache: die sentenzenabbreviation des (a r). 3 Johannes de Fonte’, ZfdA 109 (1980), 1251^75. Also Jacqueline H *6880; Go¡ F-30; Pr 2847; BSB-Ink I-389; Sheppard 2065. Hamesse,‘Johannes de Fonte, compilateur des ‘‘Parvi £ores’’: Le COPY te¤ moignage de plusieurs manuscrits de la Bibliothe' queVaticane’, v Leaf b4 , l. 34, End: ‘Et multo minus qui |unt in inferno.’ Bound Archivum Franciscanum Historicum, 88, (1995), 515^31. with E-018(1); see there for details of binding and acquisition. [Augsburg: Gu« nther Zainer, 1475^6]. Folio. Size of leaf: 198 ¿ 141 mm. collation: [a^e10 f^g8]. An initial is supplied in red at the beginning of both tracts. Woodcut initials. shelfmark: Auct.1Q 5.41(1). HC Addenda, *7225; Go¡ J-314; BMC II 324; Pr 1557; BSB-Ink I-391; CIBN J-209; Sack, Freiburg, 2061; Sheppard 1165. J-153 Johannes Ferrariensis FIRST COPY De coelesti vita (ed. Antonius de Cauchorio). Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; bound for the Bodleian a r [Title-page.] 1 Library. Yellow-edged leaves. Size: 302 ¿ 214 ¿ 14 mm. Size of a r [Johannes Ferrariensis]: De coelesti vita. Dedicated to Borsius 2 leaf: 294 ¿ 207 mm. d’Este, Marquess of Ferrara. Edited by Antonius de Cauchorio, Marginal note, mainly commentingon the text, on [c v], and a few as stated in the colophon. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[N]isi immortales 3 pointing hands in an early hand. Early manuscript foliation: ‘94^ muse diueque camene . . .’ 157’. a r Johannes Ferrariensis: De coelesti vita. Incipit: ‘[F]acturus 4 On [a r] a woodcut initial coloured in red with red pen-work dec- opere pretium arbitror si passim priscorum sententias . . .’ 2 oration. Paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, line refs. See Repertorium Fontium Historiae Medii Aevi, ed. Istituto ¢llers, and capital strokes are supplied in red. Storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, 6 (Rome, 1990), 304. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ m r [Colophon naming the editor and a reference to aVenetian ten- 3 and ‘5878’ on [a r]. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, probably year privilege granted to Hieronymus Blondus.] 2 in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. refs. See Fulin no. 28. shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.18. [Venice]: Matteo Capcasa (di Codeca), for Hieronymus Blondus, SECOND COPY 19 Dec. 1494. Folio. BMC, Sheppard, and CIBN describe Fragments. variants. A‘pull’of [e r] and [e v] only, with type area 240 ¿ 115 mm. 8 6 4 3 8 collation: a b^l m . Printed on one side onlyoftwo conjugate leaves. Formerly used as Woodcut initials. pastedowns in the binding of B-327(1) (Biblia. Augsburg: HC *6982; Go¡ J-313; BMC V 485; Pr 4999; BSB-Ink C-71; CIBN [Gu« nther Zainer, not after 1474]); see there for details of binding J-208; Hillard 1136; Oates 1945; Pellechet 4766, 4766A; Sheppard and acquisition. 4365. Binding: Bound in a modern guard-book. COPY shelfmark: Vet. A1 a.4(14). r r Leaf a1 , l.1:‘. . . editu|.’; l. 8:‘. . . Anime.’; b1 , l.1:‘prietatibus reruš paululuš . . .’ (as Pellechet). Bound with: J-155 Johannes de Fonte 1. Iohannes Draconites, Commentariorum evangelicorum de Iesu Compendium librorum sententiarum. Christo ¢lio Dei libri duo. Basel: Robert Winter, 1545; r 2. Nicolaus de Dinkelsbu« hl, De dilectione dei et proximi. [a2 ] [Prologue.] Incipit: ‘[C]upientes aliquid de penuria ac tenuitate Strasbourg: Johann Schott, 30 Aug. 1516. nostra cum paupercula in gazophilacium domini mittere . . .’ v Binding: Seventeenth-century blind-tooled calf; bound for the [a2 ] [Table of contents.] r Bodleian Library. Remains of two leather strings; rebacked. [c1 ] Johannes de Fonte: Compendium librorum Sententiarum. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of upper Incipit: ‘[A]d preces studentium dum essem lector in monte cover. Triple ¢llets form a frame. ‘2’ across the fore-edge. Size: Pessulano. . .Veteris ac noue legis. Distinctio prima habet conclu- 299 ¿ 195 ¿ 82 mm. Size of leaf: 291 ¿ 188 mm. siones decem. Prima est quod tractatus sacre pagine . . .’ Provenance: Acquired by 1605; see James, Catalogus, (1605), 59: refs. See J-154. ‘Jo. Ferrariensis de coelesti vita. Parm×. 1488.’ referring to D 1. 2 [Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the Elder], 11 Dec. 1479. Folio. 1536 johannes de gaddesden [j-155^j-158 collation: [a^l8 m6]. J-157 Johannes Friburgensis C 2550; Pr 1043; BSB-Ink I-392; CIBN J-210; Oates 531; Sheppard Summa confessorum. 797; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 656. r [a2 ] Johannes Friburgensis: Summa confessorum. ‘Prefatio’. COPY Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam dubiorum noua cottidie di⁄cultas emergit Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. casuum . . .’ Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; bound for the Bodleian. Size: v [a2 ] Johannes Friburgensis: Summa confessorum. ‘Prologus.’ 293 ¿ 197 ¿ 22 mm. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 190 mm. Incipit: ‘[S]aluti animarum et proximorum . . .’ A few marginal and interlinear notes, mainly correcting and com- [a r] Johannes Friburgensis: Summa confessorum. Incipit: menting on the text, in an early hand. 4 r ‘[Q]voniam inter ecclesiastica crimina simoniaca heresis . . . On [c1 ] a four-line initial ‘A’ is supplied in red with reserved white [Q]vero ergo primo quid sit Symonia . . .’ See VL IV 605^11; decoration and purple pen-work decoration extending into the Kaeppeli II 428^9 no. 2344; Schulte II 421^2; Bloom¢eld 5256. margin. Other initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter r [aa1 ] [Table of contents.] ‘In hac tabula ubicumque sit simpliciter headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. libri vel questionis aut remissionis assignatio. . .’ Provenance: Purchased for »0. 4. 6; see Books Purchased (1841), 38 (‘Theologi× fons’). [Augsburg: Gu« nther Zainer], 1476. Folio. A variant state B is shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.44. known with the date printed above the colophon. collation: [a^z A^L10 M8 aa^cc10 dd ee8]. J-156 Johannes de Frankfordia Woodcut initials. H *7365; Go¡ J-316; BMC II 322; Pr 1547; BSB-Ink I-565; CIBN Sermones dominicales. J-212; Detlef Mauss, ‘Johannes Friburgensis: Summa confes- r [a1 ] Johannes de Frankfordia: Sermones dominicales. ‘Sermones sorum (1476)’, Gb Jb 68 (1993), 62^5; Sack, Freiburg, 2062^3; perbreues sed multum notabiles et formales de tempore . . . Et Sheppard 1168.

primo de dominica prima aduentus domini . . .’ Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]icite COPY ¢lie Sion Ecce rex tuus venit tibi mansuetus . . .’’ [Mt 21,5] Verba Gatherings [aa^ee] bound before gathering [a]. ista scripta a Zacharia propheta Zach. ix Dicitur similiter,‘‘exulta Binding: Seventeenth-/eighteenth-century(?) paper boards cov- satis ¢lia syon . . .’’ [Za 9,9.] Et leguntur verba ista seu istud euan- ered with parchment leaves from a liturgical noted manuscript. gelium in duobus diebus dominicis . . .’ See VL IV 599^603; Sprinkled green-edged leaves; probably a Passau binding; see Kaeppeli II 426. also D-166, G-234, and J-235.‘2325’ in pencil on the rear endleaf Ulm: [Conrad Dinckmut, c.1482]. Folio. and on a paper book-mark. Size: 407 ¿ 268 ¿ 100 mm. Size of collation: [a10 b^i8 k6 l^s8]. leaf: 398 ¿ 260 mm. r Printed initial. Early typographical note on [R8 ]. HC *7352; Go¡ J-315; BMC II 533; Pr 2558; Amelung, Fru« hdruck,I A few chapter headings and capital strokes in red. 91; BSB-Ink I-393; CIBN J-211; Sheppard 1842. Provenance: Thomas Kreius (¢fteenth century); inscription on r COPY [aa1 ]: ‘Thome Kreij’. Franz Jans (£. 1765^1795). Passau, Bavaria, Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled calf over wooden Augustinian Canons of the Lateran Congregation, S. Nicolaus, S. boards, one catch and clasp lost. Manuscript title on rectangular Andreas, S. Pantaleon; armorial book-plate; see Zimmermann, r label at the head of upper cover. On the upper cover, triple ¢llets Kloster-Heraldik, 116, 119; Warnecke 1452. Inscription on [a2 ]: form a frame. Within the frame, diagonal triple ¢llets divide the ‘Iste liber est Monastery Sancti Nicolai foris(?) Patauiam’. Royal inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compart- Library,Munich, duplicate; Munich shelfmark:‘Inc. typ. No.950’ ments, each with a rosette stamp. On the lower cover three three- and ‘Duplum’ on the front endleaf; ‘950’ on a small rectangular line saltires join to make a lozenge-shaped compartment contain- label at the head of the spine. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, ing a repeated small lozenge-shaped £oral stamp. The triangular probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. area between the arms of the cross contains a di¡erent £oral shelfmark: Auct. 5Q inf. 1.15. stamp. Size: 284 ¿ 199 ¿ 50 mm. Size of leaf: 273 ¿ 190 mm. Early manuscript chapter headings.‘AmanS Dernus(?)’and ‘I(?). J-158 Johannes de Gaddesden r.’ in an early hand on the front pastedown.‘3301’ in pencil on the Rosa anglica practica medicinae (ed. Nicolaus front pastedown. r Scyllatius). On [a1 ] a printed initial with red pen-work decoration extending r into the margin. Other initials, paragraph marks, capital strokes, [*1 ] [Title-page.] r and underlining of quotations are supplied in red. [*2 ] Scyllatius, Nicolaus: [Letter addressed to] AmbrosiusVarisius Provenance: Ranshofen am Inn, Upper Austria, Augustinian Rosatus (i.e. de Rosate). Incipit: ‘[Q]ui de dijs scripserunt r convent, S. Pancratius; inscription on [a1 ]: ‘Monasterij Ambrosi eruditissime, vnum imprimis eos genus hominum . . .’ Ranshouen’. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892; judging from See F. Malaguzzi Valeri, La corte di Lodovico il Moro, 4 vols the shelfmark possibly a duplicate from the Royal Library, (Nendeln, 1970), I 354 and Santoro 22. r Munich, acquired in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with [*3 ] [Table of contents.] ‘Quoniam auctor iste circa ordinem Appendix. librorum et collocationem capitulorum egritudinum ab aliorum shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 5.50. vestigiis et exemplo deuiauit . . .’ r a1 Johannes de Gaddesden: Rosa anglica practica medicinae. Edited by Nicolaus Scyllatius. Incipit: ‘[S]icut dicit Galenus primo de ingenio sanitatis . . . Capitulum primum. [F]ebris nihil j-158^j-160] johannes gallensis 1537

aliud est nisi calor naturalis . . .’ See H. P. Cholmeley, John of Woodcut initials coloured in red. Paragraph marks, underlining Gaddesen and the Rosa medicinae (Oxford, 1912), extracts; of chapter headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. Sharpe, LatinWriters, no. 707; Thorndike^Kibre 552, 577. Provenance: Treuttell and Wu« rtz; sale (1817), lot 612; note by v y5 [Verse.] ‘Explicit ista rosa pre cunctis res preciosa. > Plurima si Heber on the front endleaf. Purchased by Heber for »0. 12. 6, fatur non vilis ob hoc teneatur’; 4 lines of verse, resembling hex- according to the price annotated in red ink in Heber’s sale cata- ameters. logue. Richard Heber (1773^1833); see Catalogue, 7 (1835), lot Pavia: Franciscus Girardengus and Johannes Antonius Birreta, 24 2552, sold for »0. 5. 6. J.T. Hand (£. 1834^1837); note on the front Jan. 1492. Folio. endleaf; purchased at his sale (1837), lot 200, for »0. 6. 6; see collation: [*4] a^x8 y6. Books Purchased (1837), 16. Woodcut (119 ¿ 178 mm), showing four doctors and a patient. shelfmark: Auct.1Q inf. 1.53. HC *1108; Go¡ J-326; BMC VII 1005; Pr 7106; BSB-Ink I-394; SECOND COPY CIBN J-219; Hillard 1137; Rhodes 1014; Sack, Freiburg, 2069; Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter red morocco over marbled Sheppard 5846. Micro¢che: Unit12: Medical Incunabula: Part II. pasteboards, with gilt-edged leaves; bound for Bywater. Size: 305 ¿ 208 ¿ 41 mm. Size of leaf: 297 ¿ 200 mm. COPY A few marginal notes, correcting the text,‘nota’ marks, and a few The ¢rst sheet and the whole of gathering a belong to the unas- signatures in an early hand. A few other marginal notes, mainly signed reissue,‘Impressa Papie’,12 May 1517. extracting key words, and some underlining, in red ink in a later Binding: Eighteenth-century calf, with red-edged leaves. Size: hand. 290 ¿ 203 ¿ 33 mm. Size of leaf: 282 ¿ 197 mm. Provenance: Dinkelsbu« hl, Bavaria, Carmelites; very faint Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a contemporary inscription on [a r]: ‘Pertinet FF. Carmeli Dinckelspil:’ Ingram humanist hand; also a few notes, extracting key words, pointing 2 Bywater (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. 1810. Bequeathed in 1914. hands, and ‘nota’ marks in another early hand. shelfmark: Byw. D 3.12. Provenance: Oxford, Radcli¡e Library; book-plate. Bodleian date stamp: 29 Jan. 1938. Former Radcli¡eshelfmarks: 23 D.2.8; 21D.2.8; 79.C.17;G.161. J-160 Johannes Gallensis I. 9; RR. x.183. Summa collationum, sive Communiloquium. v shelfmark: Inc. d. I23.1492.1. [*1 ] [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] Incipit: ‘Registrum alphabeticum alphabetico ordine collectum . . . Hic autem liber septem continent partes . . . [A]bbaciam emens monachus . . .’ J-159 Johannes Gallensis r [a2 ] ‘Tabula prima.’Incipit:‘[C]um collectionis huius que potest dici Summa collationum, sive Communiloquium. Summma collectionum siue Communiloquium . . .’ r r [a2 ] ‘Tabulaprima’. Incipit:‘[C]um collectionis huius que potest dici [a6 ] [Johannes] Gallensis: ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[C]um doctor siue summa collectionum siue communiloquium . . .’ predicator euangelicus sapientibus et insipientibus debitor sit . . .’ r r [a6 ] [Johannes] Gallensis: ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[C]um doctor siue [b1 ] [Johannes] Gallensis: Summa collationum, sive predicator euangelicus sapientibus et insipientibus debitor sit . . .’ Communiloquium.‘Incipit distinctio prima . . .’ Incipit:‘[E]t quo- r [a9 ] [Johannes] Gallensis: Summa collationum, sive niam respublica vt dictum est in communi est velud(!) quoddam Communiloquium. ‘Prima distinctio . . .’ Incipit: ‘[E]t quoniam corpus compaginatum ex membris . . .’See J-159. respublica vt dictum est in communi est velut quoddam corpus [Ulm: Johann Zainer], 1[4]81. Folio. compaginatum ex membris . . .’ See Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. collation: [***6 a^y8]. 958; Glorieux, Re¤ pertoire, 322a; Bloom¢eld1086. H *7443; Go¡ J-331; BMC II 527; Pr 2526; BSB-Ink I-576; Sack, r [v9 ] [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Vigore motoris primi immobilis nullam Freiburg, 2082^4; Scholderer, ‘Early Editions of Johannes magnitudinem habentisexplicit Galensissummavenustissima. . .’ Vallensis’,76^9; Sheppard 1830^1.

FIRST COPY [x r] ‘Tabula secunda’. Incipit:‘[I]sta sequens tabula per alphabetum 1 Binding: Contemporary German (Augsburg, KyriÞ workshop est super communiloquium. Quod primo diuiditur in partes no. 77) blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, with remains of tres . . . [A]bacatro ducti sunt . . .’ clasp and catch. Triple ¢llets form a triple frame. Within the Augsburg: Anton Sorg, 1475. Folio. outer frame, a cresting and £oral roll; within the following 10+1 10 8.10 10 10.8 8+1 10 8 collation: [a b^f g^m n o^t v x y ]. frame, a roll ofvine-stems with grapes. In the inner rectangle ten- H *7442; Go¡ J-330; BMC II 342; Pr 1644; BSB-Ink I-575; CIBN dril stamps make up merrythoughts, each containing a £oral J-222; J. V. Scholderer, ‘The Early Editions of Johannes stamp; see KyriÞ pl. 155, no. 3. Gruppe, no. 1, 2, and 3. Size: Vallensis’, National Library of Wales Journal, 3 (1944), 76^9; 286 ¿ 190 ¿ 56 mm. Size of leaf: 277 ¿ 184 mm. Sheppard 1222^3. Title in an early hand inside upper cover. A few marginal notes, FIRST COPY mainly extracting key words, and ‘nota’,‘ibi’, and ‘dir’ marks, in

Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [y8]. an early hand. Binding: Nineteenth-century quarter red morocco over marbled Initials, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter headings pasteboards. Size: 303 ¿ 210 ¿ 43 mm. Size of leaf: 296 ¿ are supplied in red. 203 mm. Provenance: Leonhard Hayder (¢fteenth/sixteenth century); Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, but also comment- inscription on the front pastedown: ‘Magistri Leonardi ing on and correcting the text, and pointing hands in an early hand. 1538 johannes gallensis [j-160^j-161

2 r Hayde[r]’and ‘P VII’. Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. D1 Johannes Valensis [Gallensis]: Breviloquium de sapientia 1809. Bequeathed in 1914. sanctorum. Incipit: ‘‘‘[C]um vani sint omnes homines in quibus shelfmark: Byw. F 2.13. non est sapientia dei’’ [Sap 13,1] licet in priori tractatulo fuerunt SECOND COPY aliqua collecta de vita philosophorum gentilium . . . See Sharpe, Binding: Sixteenth/seventeenth-century German blind-tooled Latin Writers, no. 958; Bloom¢eld 1260; treated by Glorieux as pigskin over wooden boards, with blue-edged leaves. Two clasps one entry, with 322b, see below. 2 v and catches lost. Triple ¢llets form a triple frame. Within the D7 Johannes Valensis [Gallensis]: Breviloquium de iv virtutibus outer frame is a £oral and foliate roll; within the following cardinalibus. ‘Incipit Breviloquium de virtutibus antiquorum frame, a cresting roll. In the inner rectangle is an oval stamp of principum et philosophorum . . .’ Incipit:‘‘‘[Q]uoniam misericor- the cruci¢xion and, at each corner, a £euron stamp. Size: 278 ¿ dia et veritas custodiunt regem’’ Prouer. xx. [Prv 20,28.] Imo quat- 186 ¿ 50 mm. Size of leaf: 270 ¿ 179 mm. tuor virtutes Cardinales scilicet Prudentia . . . [Q]uoniam autem r On [*1 ] the title in Schreier’s hand followed by the number ‘1283’ iustitia est virtutum preclarissima . . .’ See Sharpe, LatinWriters, in red ink. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and no. 958; Glorieux, Re¤ pertoire, 322b; Bloom¢eld 4971. 2 r correcting the text, in Schreier’s hand. G4 Johannes Valensis [Gallensis]: Ordinarium vitae religiosae. Four- to seven-line initials are supplied in red with reserved white Incipit: ‘‘‘[N]unquid nosti ordinem celi et rationem eius pones in and red pen-work decoration. Other initials, paragraph marks, terra’’ Iob .xxxviij. [Iob 38,33.] Sicut angelica hierarchia . . .’ See underlining of chapter headings, and capital strokes are supplied Sharpe, LatinWriters, no. 958; Glorieux, Re¤ pertoire, 322e. in red. Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, 30 July 1496. 8o. r Provenance: J. Schreier (¢fteenth century); name on [*1 ]: ‘J. collation: A^H a^z h m k 2A^L8 M10. Schreier’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’and H *7446; C 3370; Go¡ J-333; BMC V 386; Pr 4930; BSB-Ink I-580; ‘3501’ on the front endleaf. Acquired between 1847 and c.1892, CIBN J-224; Hillard 1140; Oates 1934; Sack, Freiburg, 2087; probably in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. Scholderer, ‘Early Editions of Johannes Vallensis’, 76^9; shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 5.48. Sheppard 4031^2.

FIRST COPY J-161 Johannes Gallensis Binding: Early sixteenth-century English calf over wooden Summa collationum, sive Communiloquium. boards. Panels: Mass of St Gregory on the upper cover, St r A1 [Title-page.] ‘Summa Ioannis Valensis de regimine uite humane Barbara on the lower cover; see Weale 87, 88; Goldschmidt no. seu Margarita doctorum ad omne propositum prout patet in 81, 82, pl. xxxv; Oldham, Blind Panels, pl. xlvii ST. 16, pl. xlii tabula’. ST.1. Remains of two clasps on the upper cover. Manuscript title v A1 [Pincius], Guilelmus Astensis: [Letter addressed to] Petrus across the fore-edge. Strips from a fourteenth-century English Arrivabenus. Incipit: ‘[H]aud iniuria mi pater reuerende ab manuscript visible in the binding. Size: 164 ¿ 113 ¿ 53 mm. Size Atheniensibus nonnumquam irrisos fuisse Lacedemonios arbi- of leaf: 154 ¿ 103 mm. tror . . .’ On the edition see C. Cenci, ‘Fr. Pietro Arrivabene da Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in Robert Jones’s 2 r Canneto e la sua attivita' letteraria’, Archivum Franciscanum hand. On C8 the addition of excommunication procedures, in Historicum, 62 (1969), 115^95, at 126^8. Robert Jones’s hand: ‘Modus fulminandi sentenciam maioris r A3 [Table of contents, in alphabetical order.] Incipit: ‘Tabula per excommunicationis contra omnes malefactores. Imprimis prela- ordinem alphabeti . . . Abstinentia antiquorum principium mir- tus alba indutus, et ceteris sacerdotibus in ecclesia existentibus abilis . . .’ (cruce erecta et candelis accensis) stans in pulpito pronuncient r H2 [Table of contents.] verba quae sequuntur. Ex Authoritate dei patris omnipotentis et r a1 Johannes Valensis [Gallensis]: Summa collationum, sive beate Mariae virginis, et omnium sanctorum, Excommunicamus Communiloquium. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[C]um doctor siue predi- et diabolo commendamus omnes supradictos malefactores, cator euangelicus sapientibus et insipientibus debitor sit . . .’ Excommunicati sint Anathematizati, Et diabolo commendati. r a4 Johannes Valensis [Gallensis]: Summa collationum, sive Maledicti sint in villis, in campis, in viis, in semitis, in domibus, Communiloquium. ‘Prima distinctio . . .’ Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam extra domos, et in omnibus aliis locis stando, sedendo, iacendo, respublicavt dictum est est vniuersale quoddam corpus compagi- surgendo, ambulando, currendo, vigilando, dormiendo, come- natum ex membris . . .’See J-159. dendo, bibendo, et aliud opus faciendo, et illos a luminibus et r x7 Johannes Valensis [Gallensis]: ‘Prologus in Compendiloquium omnibus bonis ecclesiae sequestramus et diabolo damnamus et de vitis illustrium philosophorum.’ Incipit: ‘[C]um enim debea- in penis inferni animas eorum extinguimus sicut extinguitur ista mus apes imitari . . . Prima pars est de philosophia in generali . . .’ candela (nisi recipiscant, et ad satisfactionem veniant.) Finita r y2 Johannes Valensis [Gallensis]: Compendiloquium de vitis illu- sentencia extinguatur lumen, pulsatis campanis ad terrorem strium philosophorum. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[C]um ex vita genti- omnium malefactorum . . .’ On the rear pastedown the same lium . . .’ hand has added Is 28,13^15. Another English hand, late six- v y3 Johannes Valensis [Gallensis]: Compendiloquium de vitis illu- teenth-century, has added a list of names or things on both sides strium philosophorum. ‘Pars prima . . .Capitulum primum . . .’ of the biblical quotation. r Incipit:‘[C]irca primum notandum quod diuersimode describitur Provenance: Robert Jones (sixteenth century); inscription on a1 v philosophia . . .’ See Sharpe, Latin Writers, no. 958; Glorieux, and a3 : ‘Roberti Jones et amicorum eius liber’. John Hawley (£. Re¤ pertoire, 322c. 1593^1626). Donated by Hawley; see Benefactors’ Register I 30: 2 r D1 [Table of contents.] ‘Donum Io. Havvley Princip. Aul× Gloucestr . . . Jo.Vallensis de j-161^j-163] johannes de hese 1539

regimine vit×. 8.Ven. 1496.’; James, Catalogus (1605), 154: 8o V 5 Literatur des Mittelalters, 115 (Tu« bingen, 2000), esp. 150^8, 174^ [Th]; Jensen,‘Benefactors’ Register’, no. 58. 83, with the printed editions also discussed at 321^44. o r Former Bodleian shelfmark: 8 V 5 [Th.]. c5 De adventu patriarchae Indorum. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.20. refs. Zarncke 837^43. v SECOND COPY d1 [Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo]: Supplementum chronicarum Binding: Nineteenth(?)-century half black morocco over (appendix as in edition Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, 15 Dec. marbled pasteboards, with marbled pastedowns and green silk 1486). book-mark. Size: 149 ¿ 100 ¿ 43 mm. Size of leaf: 142 ¿ 94 mm. refs. See J-089. r Provenance: Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. 1811. d5 Alius tractatus de situ et dispositione ac statu Indie. Incipit: Bequeathed in 1914. ‘[I]ndia orientalis est regio alia dicta sic ab indo £umine . . .’ shelfmark: Byw. O 8.8. [Cologne: Cornelis de Zierikzee, before 1499]. 4o. As dated by Wagner; BSB-Ink and Sheppard date [c.1500]. 6 4 6 J-162 Johannes de Hese collation: a b c d . HC *8535; Go¡ H-145; BMC I 308; Pr 1497; BSB-Ink I-437; Itinerarium per diversas mundi partes. Sheppard 1108; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 544; Wagner, Die ‘Epistola pre- r a2 Johannes de Hese: Itinerarium per diversas mundi partes. sbiteri Johannis’, 140^1, no. 6(6). Micro¢che: Unit 6: Image of refs. Zarncke, Der Priester Johannes, Zweite Abhandlung, theWorld,Travellers’ Tales.

enthaltend Capitel IV,V und VI, 162^71. Reprint: Der Priester COPY Johannes (Hildesheim and New York, 1980). Scott Douglas Wanting the blank leaf d6. Westrem, ‘A Critical Edition of Johannes Witte de Hese’s Binding: Ninetenth-century brown morocco for Bywater; his ‘‘Itinerarius’’, the Middle Dutch Text, an English Translation, initials stamped in gold on upper cover; gilt-edged leaves. Size: and Commentary, together with an Introduction to European 208 ¿ 144 ¿ 9 mm. Size of leaf: 199 ¿ 137 mm. Accounts of Travel to the East (1240^1400)’, Diss. Northwestern A few marginal notes, extracting key words, in an early hand. University, Evanston, Ill., 1985. Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and r b1 Divisiones decem nationum totius Christianitatis. Incipit: capital strokes are supplied in red. ‘[N]otandum quod gentes christianorum diuiduntur in decem Provenance: Nicolaus Alcmariensis (£. c.1500); inscription in nationes . . . Prima natio est Latinorum . . .’ r red ink on [a1 ]: ‘Liber nicolao alcmariensi pertinet’. According refs. Extracts in Zarncke, Der Priester Johannes, Zweite to annotated cutting from a bookseller’s catalogue, purchased in Abhandlung, enthaltend Capitel IV,Vund VI, 178. 1913 from ‘Gougy’ by Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); book-plate: v b2 Johannes Soldanus: Epistola Johannis soldani ad Pium II crest of I. Bywater, lettered ‘I. B.’ Elenchus, no. 3893. Bequeathed papam. in 1914. refs. Wilhelm Wattenbach, ‘Fausse correspondance du sultan shelfmark: Byw. U 9.25. avec Cle¤ ment V’, Archives de l’Orient latin, 2 (1888), 297^303, at 299^300.The anonymous letter is adressed to Pope Pius II in this J-163 Johannes de Hese edition, but must have been written at least a century earlier, as it is transmitted in MSS of the late 14th century; see Wattenbach, Itinerarium per diversas mundi partes. r 298. In this edition the allusion to ‘Philippus [IV] rex Francorum’ a1 [Title-page and table of contents.] r has been modernized and now reads ‘Karolus [VII] rex a2 Johannes de Hese: Itinerarium per diversas mundi partes. Francorum’. refs. See J-162. v r b3 Pius II, Pont. Max. [pseudo-]: Epistolaresponsoria eiusdem Pii a7 Divisiones decem nationum totius Christianitatis. Incipit: pape ad soldanum. ‘[N]otandum quod gentes christianorum diuiduntur in decem refs.Wattenbach 301^3.The letter is falsely ascribed to Pope Pius nationes . . . Prima natio est Latinorum . . .’ II (see above), probably because of the similar Epistola ad refs. See J-162. v Mahumetem composed by the pope, which was ¢rst published in a8 Johannes Soldanus: Epistola Johannis soldani ad Pium II print in Cologne: Ulrich Zell 1469/70; see Douce 83(2), Bod-inc. papam. P-311. Later editions add a response by sultan Morbisanus refs. See J-162. v ([Rome: Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck, c.1477], see BL IA 18101), b1 Pius II, Pont. Max. [pseudo-]: Epistola responsoria eiusdem Pii which is not identical with the preceding letter in this edition. pape ad soldanum. r c1 Johannes Presbyter: Epistola presbiteri Johannis. refs. See J-162. v refs. Friedrich Zarncke, Der Priester Johannes, Erste b2 Johannes Presbyter: Epistola presbiteri Johannis. Abhandlung, enthaltend Capitel I, II und III, Abhandlungen der refs. See J-162. v Philologisch-Historischen Classe der Ko« niglich Sa« chsischen c2 De adventu patriarchae Indorum. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 7 / Abhandlungen der refs. Zarncke 837^43. r Ko« niglich Sa« chsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, 17 c4 [Jacobus Philippus de Bergamo]: Supplementum chronicarum (Leipzig, 1879), 909^24; repr. in Der Priester Johannes (appendix as in edition Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, 15 Dec. (Hildesheim and NewYork,1980). Recension C. On the transmis- 1486). ‘De ponti¢catus Joannis presbyteri maximi vita et mori- sion of the text see Bettina Wagner, Die ‘Epistola presbiteri bus.’ Johannis’ lateinisch und deutsch. Uº berlieferung, Textgeschichte refs. See J-089. Rezeption und Uº bertragungen im Mittelalter mitbisher unedierten Texten, Mu« nchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen 1540 johannes de imola [j-163^j-166

r r c7 Alius tractatus de situ et dispositione ac statu Indie. Incipit: A2 [Johannes de Hildesheim]: The most excellent treatise of the ‘[I]ndia orientalis est regio alia dicta sic ab indo £umine . . .’ three kynges of Coleyne. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: ‘[H]eere begynnyth Deventer: Richard Pafraet, 1499. 4o. the lyfe of the thre kynges of Coleyn . . .’ r collation: a8 b4 c8. A3 [Johannes de Hildesheim]: The most excellent treatise of the HC 8537; Go¡ H-143; BMC IX 60; Pr 9024; Campbell1032; Hillard three kynges of Coleyne. Incipit: ‘[W]han the chyldern of 1141; HPT II 409; ILC1181; Sheppard 6953;Wagner, Die‘Epistola Israel . . .’ presbiteri Johannis’,144^5, no.10(6). Micro¢che: Unit 6: Image of Westminster:Wynkyn deWorde, [c.1496]. 4o. theWorld,Travellers’ Tales. collation: A^D8 E^F6.

COPY Woodcut. Bound with A-130(2); see there for details of binding. Size of Pr 9741; Du¡ 397; Sheppard 7449^50; STC 5572. Facsimile: English leaf: 192 ¿ 132 mm. Experience, no. 648 (Amsterdam, 1974). v Early marginal note, extracting key word, on a3 . FIRST COPY Chapter headings, underlining, and capital strokes in red. Bound with B-201; see there for details of binding and proven- Provenance: Probably John Selden (1584^1654); see MS. Broxb. ance. Size of leaf: 160 ¿ 117 mm. 84. 10, p. 108. Probably presented in 1659. Wanting A1. v shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 5.14(3). On A2 :‘Atourer begynnyng > god be myspede > wyth grase am > [] to prosede’ in an early hand. Another marginal note, extracting r J-164 Johannes de Hildesheim key words, in a di¡erent early hand, on B7 . Liber de gestis et translatione trium regum. shelfmark: Tanner178(1). r SECOND COPY a2 Johannes de Hildesheim: Liber de gestis et translatione trium Bound in a modern guard-book of fragments. regum. Dedicated to Florentius von Wevelinghoven, bishop of A fragment consisting of sheet C3. Size of fragment: 192 ¿ Mu« nster. Incipit: ‘Reuerendissimo in Christo patri ac domino 138 mm. domino Florencio de Weuelkouen diuina prouidencia Provenance: Thomas Rawlinson (1681^1725); Thomas Hearne Monasteriensis ecclesie episcopo dignissimo. [C]um venerandis- r (1678^1735); T. Hearne’s note on C3 : ‘This fragment . . . I had of simorum trium magorum ymmo verius trium regum gloriosissi- Mr. Thomas Rawlinson’. Richard Rawlinson (1690^1755). morum . . .’ Bequeathed by R. Rawlinson in 1755. refs. Carl Horstmann, The Three Kings of Cologne, an Early shelfmark: 4o Rawl. 598(5). English Translation of the ‘HTR’ by John of Hildesheim, Early English Text Society, OS 85 (London, 1886), 211^312; see VL IV 638^47. J-165A Johannes de Hildesheim v k6 [Colophon.] Liber de gestis et translatione trium regum [German] Ein v k6 [Table of contents.] bu« ch der heiligen dryer kunig. [Cologne]: Bartholomaeus de Unkel, 1481. 4o. Fragment. 8 10 collation: a^i k . [Strasbourg: Heinrich Knoblochtzer, c.1483]. Folio. HC *9397; Go¡ J-338; BMC I 241; Pr 1140; BSB-Ink I-440; CIBN collation: [A4] a b8 c d6 e8 f6 g8. J-235; Sheppard 865; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 680. Woodcut initials. COPY H *9401; Go¡ J-342; not in Pr; BSB-Ink I-444; CIBN J-238; Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf; bound for KloÞ; One Pollard, Morris, no. 53; Schramm XIX p. 14; Schreiber V 4367; leather index tab; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on not in Sheppard.

both covers. Size: 217¿ 148 ¿ 19 mm. Sizeofleaf: 208 ¿ 140 mm. COPY r Manuscript title on a1 in an early hand. Bound with A-168(5); see there for details of binding and Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and provenance. capital strokes are supplied in red. Leaf g8 only [ex informatione Bettina Wagner]. Size of fragment: Provenance: Mu« nster, Westphalia, Springbrunnen (Fons sal- 291 ¿ 198 mm. iens), Brothers of the Common Life, S. Trinitas; inscription on v shelfmark: Gibson 403(17). k10 : ‘Liber Domus Fratrum Fontis Salientis Monasterij’. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854). ‘Purchd. 1826’ on the front endleaf; purchased for »3. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1826), 9 (s. J-166 Johannes de Imola v. Historia tria regum). In Clementinas opus. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.4. r [a2 ] Johannes de Imola: In Clementinas opus. Incipit: ‘[A]bbates. Glo. summat et diuidit. Clementina diuiditur in duas: quia primo J-165 Johannes de Hildesheim ponitur duplex prohibitio. . .’ Liber de gestis et translatione trium regum [English] The refs. On the manuscripts of the text see Belloni 236^42, at 241; most excellent treatise of the three kynges of Coleyne. Schulte II 296^8 no. 115; Piana, Nuove ricerche, 135 n. 1. r Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 1475. Folio. A1 [Title-page.] collation: [a^d10.8 e10 f14 g^i8 k10 l6 m^n8 o^q10 r^z8 h m k10 j6]. HC *9143; Go¡ J-343; BMC V 215; Pr 4241; BSB-Ink I-452; CIBN J-240; Rhodes 1018; Sheppard 3418. j-166^j-169] johannes de janduno 1541

COPY in yellow, decorated with green, pink, and blue foliate decoration Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled leather over wooden extending into the margins and ending with a gold dot; see Pa« cht boards, with remains of metal fastenings; rebacked. Formerly and Alexander II,112 no. pr.107. Other initials are supplied in red chained: marks of a hasp at the head of lower cover. Author’s or blue with reserved white decoration. name and title along the lower edge. On both covers, triple ¢llets Provenance: Praglia (Padua), Veneto, Benedictines; inscription r form an intersecting double frame. Within the outer frame, on a2 : ‘Est mon[aster]ij de Pratalea [ ] no. xxiiii’. Coats of arms: lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamps and circular rosette stamps (1) gules a lion rampant argent holding a branch(?) in the dexter at the four corners. Diagonal triple ¢llets divide the inner rect- paw overall a fess argent; (2) gules a bar gemel argent in chief two angle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, each lions passant a¡ronted or in base six besants argent placed 3, 2,1. with alternate rows of either the rosette stamps or lozenge-shaped Samuel Butler (1774^1839); sale, pt II, lot1160. Purchased for »0. lion rampant stamps with four small circular £oral stamps at 18. 8; see annotated sale catalogue; listed without the price in their edges and another small circular £oral stamp. Size: 409 ¿ Books Purchased (1840), 34. 285 ¿ 78 mm. Size of leaf: 399 ¿ 275 mm. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.18. Early signatures partly visible. r On [a2 ] an11^line initial‘A’is supplied in blue with reserved white J-168 Johannes de Imola decoration on a ground decorated in red pen-work, with exten- sion into the margin. Other initials, some with reserved white dec- Repetitio capituli, cum contingat de jure jurando. r oration, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter headings [a1 ] Johannes de Imola: Repetitio capitulo, cum contingat de jure are supplied in red. jurando. Incipit:‘[C]um contingat non auditur mulier contra alie- Provenance: Petrus Rynck (À1501). Theodericus Berckel (£. nationem rei dotalis . . .’ r 1501); inscription on [a1 ]: ‘Hunc librum habeo ego Theodericus refs. See J-166. Berckel de dursten ad vtilitatem meam a dominis Executoribus Bologna: Zampol Za¡one [in the employ of Hannibal quondam venerabilis et egregij virj magistri Petri Rynck arcium Malpiglius?], for Sigismundus de Libris, 1476. Folio. L. et vtriusque iuris doctoris ac insignis ciuis dum vixit sancte Sighinol¢, ‘Francesco Puteolano e le origini della stampa in Ciuitatis Coloniensis singularisque benefactor et patronus reli- Bologna e in Parma’, Biblio¢lia, 15 (1913^14), 263^6, 331^44, giosorum ac pauperorum qui obiit anno domini Millesimo 383^92, 451^67, at p. 459^60 published an undated notarial docu- Quingentesimo primo die lune octaua mensis februarij hora sep- ment which links this edition with Hannibal Malpiglius; tima vel q[u]i[nto](?) prius meridiem Cuius anima requiescat in Sighinol¢ suggests, at p. 344, that Zampol Za¡one is a pseudo- sancta pace in cuius seruicio stet[ ] q[ ] ad decennium.’ Dorsten, nym used by Malpiglius; BMC suggests that Zampone was a com- r Westphalia, Franciscan Observants; inscription on [a2 ]: ‘Liber positor or foreman in Malpiglius’s shop. Conuentus Durstensis anathema auferenti’. David Stuart Ker collation: [a8 b^d6 e8 f^h6]. BMC’s collation ‘ . . .e6 f8 . . .’ is (1816^1878). Purchased for »0. 18. 0 from his sale (London: incorrect. Christie & Manson, 8 Mar. 1847), lot 661; see Books Purchased 52 leaves. (1847), 17. HR 9153; Go¡ J-348; BMC VI 812; Pr 6540; BSB-Ink I-459; shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 3.30. Sheppard 5317.

COPY J-167 Johannes de Imola Binding: Nineteenth-century half blue morocco. Size: 408 ¿ In Clementinas opus (ed. Franciscus Brevius). 284 ¿ 25 mm. Size of leaf: 401 ¿ 278 mm. r Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and correcting the a1 [Title-page.] r text, and pointing hands in an early humanist hand.‘H. No. 209’ a2 Johannes de Imola: In Clementinas opus. Edited by Franciscus Brevius. ‘De rescriptis. Rubrica.’ Incipit: ‘[A]bbates. Gl.(?) sum- in ink and ‘2244’ in pencil, on the verso of front endleaf. mat et diuidit. Cle[mentina] diuiditur in duas: quia primo ponitur Provenance: Frederic North (1766^1827), 5th Earl of Guilford; circular stamp with a Gothic ‘G’ surmounted by an earl’s coronet duplex prohibitio. . .’ r refs. See J-166. on [a1 ]; sale (9 Nov. 1835), lot 1203. Purchased in 1882 from [Clement S.] Palmer, according to a pencil note on the front end- Venice: AndreasTorresanusdeAsula, 24 [or 23] Feb.1492/3. Folio. 10 leaf; not found in Library Bills. collation: a^t . shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 3.36. HR 9146; Go¡, Supplement, J-345a; BMC V 310; Pr 4727; BSB-Ink I-455; Oates1868; Sheppard 3797. J-169 Johannes de Janduno COPY Binding: Eighteenth-century basil, with azure-edged leaves. Quaestiones in libros De anima Aristotelis. r Size: 419 ¿ 288 ¿ 45 mm. Size of leaf: 410 ¿ 282 mm. a1 [Title-page.] r Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, ‘nota’ marks, and a2 Johannes de Janduno: ‘Prohemium.’ Incipit: ‘[I]nest enim men- pointing hands in a sixteenth-century Italian hand, the same as tibus hominum veri boni naturalis inserta cupiditas . . .’ r r the one that added the ownership note on a2 . Unidenti¢ed shelf- a3 Johannes de Janduno: ‘Quaestiones perutiles . . . super tres marks on the front pastedown:‘J. J. 3.’, crossed out, and ‘X. 5.’ libros De anima Aristotelis.’ Incipit: ‘Questio prima. [S]ed de illa r In the inner margin of a1 is the o¡set from a strip from a four- que scientia de anima nominatur . . .’ The commentary alternates teenth-century manuscript, part of an earlier binding. with lemmata from the De anima. See Lohr 26 (1970), 208^15, no. r On a2 a nine-line Italian (Venetian) initial ‘A’ is supplied in pink 10; Ludwig Schmugge, JohannesvonJandun1285/9^1328, Pariser on a gold ground, with the area de¢ned by the letter in blue edged Historische Studien 5 (Stuttgart,1966). 1542 johannes nivicellensis [j-169^j-172

v q3 ‘Tabula.’ Provenance: Albert Ehrman,(1890^1969); accession no. ‘R Venice: Otinus de Luna, 4 Mar. 1497. Folio. 1809’; purchased from Martin Breslauer in 1961 for »52. 10. 0. collation: a8 b^p6 q4. Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman. HC *7463; Go¡ J-354; Pr 5601; BSB-Ink I-448; Oates 2202; Rhodes shelfmark: Broxb. 95.12. 1029; Sheppard 4684. J-171 Johannes de Margarit COPY Bound with: Oratio pronuntiata in senatuVenetiarum. r 1. Antonius de Rosellis, Monarchia sive De potestate Imperatoris [a1 ] Johannes de Margarit: Oratio pronuntiata in senatu ac Papae. Venice: Hermannus Liechtenstein, 23 June 1487 Venetiarum. (R-140(2)). refs. Robert B. Tate, Joan Margarit i Pau Cardinal-Bishop of Binding: Contemporary English (London) blind-tooled calf Gerona. A Biographical Study, Publications of the Faculty of over wooden boards. Two clasps and catches lost. Formerly Arts ofthe Universityof Manchester,6 (Manchester,1955),142^5. chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of upper cover. Rome: Georgius Teutonicus (Lauer?), for Johannes Philippus de Triple ¢llets form an intersecting double frame.Within the outer Lignamine, 24 July 1481. 4o. BMC identi¢es Teutonicus tenta- frame a diaper roll with small £owers inserted; triple ¢llets divide tively as Lauer; Pr identi¢es him as Georgius Herolt. the inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped compartments, each with collation: [a2]. a lozenge-shaped £oral stamp; see Oldham, Blind-stamped HCR 9411; Go¡ J-377; BMC IV 128; Pr 3922; CIBN M-130; Bindings, pl. lx no. 1062. Authors’ names and ‘9’ along the fore- Sheppard 3126. edge; ‘9’ in white at the head of the spine. Size: 322 ¿ 221 ¿ 50 mm. Size of leaf: 313 ¿ 209 mm. COPY Pastedowns and endleaves from a printed Missal. Parchment Boxed with C-167(2); see there for details of provenance. from a thirteenth-century English manuscript is visible under- Binding: Paper wrappers. Size: 214 ¿ 146 mm. Sizeof leaf: 214 ¿ 142 mm. neath the printed Missal. r r Formerly no. 22 of a tract volume; ‘XXII’ in brown ink on [a1 ]. On a7 a marginal note, extracting a key word, in the same early humanist hand that annotated item 1 more extensively. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.3(15). r Provenance: William Charke (À1617); inscription on a1 , erased, r and on a2 of item 1: ‘Sum Guil. Charci’. Acquired by 1620; see J-172 Johannes Nivicellensis James, Catalogus (1620), 431. Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum. Former Bodleian shelfmarks: R 6.7 Jur.; R 5.9 Jur. r a1 [Title-page.] shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.3(2). r a2 Johannes Nivicellensis [pseudo-; Johannes Johannis, Abbas Juncellensis]: Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum. J-170 Johannes de Latoszyn ‘Concordantie autoritatum sacre scripture iuxta ordinem Litterae indulgentiarum pro defensione catholicae ¢dei librorum biblie in quibus locis iuris canonici reperiantur’. contraTurcos Concessarum. Incipit: ‘[I]n principio creauit deus celnm(!) et terram, et sequi- tur . . .’ Printed side Johannes de Latoszyn: Litterae indulgentiarum pro m r Johannes Nivicellensis [pseudo-; Johannes Johannis, Abbas defensione catholicae ¢dei contra Turcos Concessarum. Incipit: 1 Juncellensis]: Modus legendi abbreviaturas in utroque iure. ‘Iohannes de Latoszijn decretorum doctor. Cantor ‘Tituli decretalium totiusque iurisciuilis secundum ordinem Oppathauiensis et canonicus Cracouiensis. Per sanctissimum in alphabeti diligenter collecti cum annotatione librorum in quibus Christum patrem et dominum nostrum Innocentium diuina continentur.’ Incipit: ‘[A]utoritate et vsu palii. liber .i. titulo .8 . . .’ prouidtenia(!) papam octauum . . . Merito contributionis pro See Robert Feenstra,‘La gene' se du‘‘Modus legendi abbreviaturas tampio(!) et sancto opere expeditionis . . .’ in utroque iure’’: EŁ ditions incunables et manuscrits’, Studia grati- [Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, c.1485]. Broadside. A copy of this ana, 28 (1998), 221^48, listing all the components of the tradition indulgence in Uppsala UB was taken from the original binding at 222^3; for this edition, which di¡ers from the traditions repre- of Bromyard, Summa praedicantium (1485). The state of the type sented by the separately published texts, see 227^8. points to its being slightly later than that year (BMC); often found Basel: Nicolaus Kesler, 22 June 1487; 12 July 1487. Folio. printed on one sheet together with E 801, according to GW. collation: a8 b^i6 k^l8 m^o6 p8. Leaf a signed a , etc. E 802; C 3273; BMC II 428; Pr 2125; BSB-Ink I-485; Isak Collijn, 2 1 HC *9416; H 15600? (Modus legendi only); Go¡ J-380; BMC III Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Universita« ts-Bibliothek zu 765; Pr 7662 and 7663; BSB-Ink I-604; Sack, Freiburg, 2105; Uppsala, Bibliotheca Ekmaniana, 5 (Uppsala, 1907), 829; not in Sheppard 2474. Sheppard; Facsimile: Isak Collijn, Ettbladstryck frafi n femtonde afi rhundradet (Stockholm, 1905^12), 7(b). COPY Gatherings m^p only, containing Tituli decretalium. Bound with COPY G-165; see there for details of binding and provenance. Size of Removed from a binding. leaf: 291 ¿ 202 mm. Binding: Stored in a modern red cloth document wallet. Size of shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 4.20(2). leaf: 295 ¿ 192 mm. j-173^j-176] johannes de peckham 1543

J-173 Johannes Nivicellensis Binding: Nineteenth-century black paper boards. Size: 288 ¿ Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum. 197 ¿ 22 mm. Size of leaf: 282 ¿ 193 mm. r Marginal notes, commenting on the text and extracting key a1 [Title-page.] r words; pointing hands; all in several early hands. Early manu- a2 Johannes Nivicellensis [pseudo-; Johannes Johannis, Abbas script foliation in the upper right-hand corner of the rectos: ‘1^ Juncellensis]: Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum. ‘Capitulum 54’. Early manuscript signatures partly visible. .i.’ [Genesis]. Incipit: ‘[I]n principio creauit deus celum et ter- r On [b1 ] a woodcut initial coloured in red, edged in blue, on a yel- ram . . .’ low ground. Other woodcut initials coloured in red; some initials, Basel: [Jacobus Wol¡, de Pforzheim], 31 Jan. 1489. Folio. On the paragraph marks, and capital strokes are supplied in red. ascription toWol¡ see BMC III p. xxxvii. Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Franciscans, S. Salvator; 8 6 8 r collation: a b^l m . Leaf a2 signed ai. inscription on [a2 ]: ‘Ad Bibliothecacam fratrum Minorum HC *9417; Go¡ J-382; BMC III 787; Pr 7577; BSB-Ink I-606; CIBN Conuentus S Francisci Ratisbon×.’ Purchased for »0. 15. 0; see J-253; Sack, Freiburg, 2106; Sheppard 2535. Books Purchased (1840), 24.

COPY shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 3.16. SECOND COPY Wanting the blank leaf m8. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf (c.1825), the spine gold-tooled; Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled paste- bound for the Bodleian; with its gold stamp on both covers. Size: boards; bound for KloÞ. Size: 292 ¿ 203 ¿ 18 mm. Size of 290 ¿ 191 ¿ 16 mm. Size of leaf: 282 ¿ 185 mm. leaf: 285 ¿ 197 mm. r Initials, paragraph marks, and underlining of chapter headings In the inner margin of [a1 ] is the o¡set from a strip from a four- are supplied in red. teenth-century manuscript, part of an early binding. r Marginal notes, extracting key words and commenting on the Provenance: ‘Purchased at Hamburg 1825’on a1 ; purchased for r »0. 6. 0; see Books Purchased (1825),14. text; on [a1 ] references to some of the passages on which notes shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf.1.8. have been written; pointing hands; all in an early German hand. r ‘22’ in the lower margin of [a1 ]. J-174 Johannes de Peckham Capital strokes and underlining of chapter headings in red. Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- De oculo morali. label; sale (1835), lot 3135.William Maskell (1814?^1900); biblio- Fragment. graphical notes and signature on the front pastedown. Date of [Augsburg: Anton Sorg, not after Aug. 1476]. Folio. acquisition unknown. collation: [a^d10.8 e10 f6 g8]. shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 5.56. HC 9426*; Go¡ J-390; BMC II 343; and BMC II 339; Pr1660; CIBN J-256; Oates 918^20; Sheppard 1231. J-176 Johannes de Peckham COPY De oculo morali [Italian] Libro de l’occhio morale et A fragment consisting of the last seven leaves, containing the spirituale vulgare. index. Bound with A-231; see there for details of binding and pro- r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Libro de locchio morale et spirituale uulgare.’ venance. Size of leaf: 286 ¿ 200 mm. r shelfmark: Auct.7Q inf. 2.15(2). a2 Teo¢loRomano: [Letter addressed to] Fra Domenico da Ponzo. Incipit: ‘[P]erche (secondo el documento de le phylosophiche schuole . . .’ J-175 Johannes de Peckham v a2 Domenico da Ponzo: [Letter addressed to] his congregation in De oculo morali. the church of S. Paul. Incipit: ‘[D]esiderauo aprire alle uostre r [a2 ] Farinator, Matthias: [Tabula.] Incipit:‘[A]d laudem et gloriam charita quanto in me fussi possibile . . .’ r saluatoris nostri . . . [A]bstinencia studentibus . . .’ a3 Johannes de Peckham [pseudo-; Petrus de Lemovicis]: Libro de r [b1 ] Johannes de Peckham [pseudo-; Petrus de Lemovicis]: De l’occhio morale et spirituale vulgare. Translated by Fra Teo¢lo oculo morali. ‘Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘[S]i diligenter volumus in lege Romano. ‘Prologo’. Incipit: ‘[S]e diligentemente uorremo colo domini meditari . . .’ spirito pensare nella lege del signore . . .’ r v [b1 ] Johannes de Peckham [pseudo-; Petrus de Lemovicis]: De a3 Johannes dePeckham [pseudo-; Petrus de Lemovicis]: Libro de oculo morali. ‘De numero partium oculum componencium. l’occhio morale et spirituale vulgare.‘Del numero de le parti com- Capitulum primum.’ Incipit: ‘[S]ciendum igitur quod sicut potest ponente esso occhio. Capitolo .i.’ Incipit: ‘[E] da sapere adonque elici ex sentencia Constantini . . .’ Bloom¢eld 5532; Glorieux, che (si come piace ad Haliabate . . .’See J-175. Re¤ pertoire, I 364; Sharpe, LatinWriters, no. 839. Venice: [Johannes RubeusVercellensis], 21 May 1496. 4o. [Augsburg: Anton Sorg, c.1477]. Folio. collation: a^h8. collation: [a8 b10 c8 d^f10 g6]. One woodcut and woodcut initials. Woodcut initials. HCR 9805; Go¡ J-393; BMC V 419; Pr 5142; CIBN J-258; Essling HC *9427; Go¡ J-391; BMC II 345; Pr 1659; CIBN J-257; Hillard 892; Sander 3757; Sheppard 4129.

1148; Oates 917; Sack, Freiburg, 2784; Sheppard 1224^5. COPY r FIRST COPY Leaf a2 , l. 2: ‘. . . Moš teor- > thone . . .’ Wanting the blank leaf [a1]. 1544 johannes de sacro bosco [j-176^j-180

Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century parchment, with gold- annotation in Douce’s copy of the catalogue, marked ‘D.’Francis tooled spine. ‘1358’ on a circular label at tail of the upper cover. Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. Size: 215 ¿ 148 ¿ 18 mm. Size of leaf: 207 ¿ 140 mm. shelfmark: Douce 56(2). Provenance: Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone, Conte Libri Carrucci della Sommaia (1803^1869); purchased at his sale (1 J-179 Johannes de Sacro Bosco Aug.1859), lot 1358, for »0. 5. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), 63. Sphaera mundi [the text on its own]. shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 5.26. r a1 [Title-page.] v a1 [Woodcut: Corpus spericum.] r J-177 Johannes de Peckham a2 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi. Prospectiva communis (ed. Facius Cardanus). refs. Lynn Thorndike, The Sphere of Sacrobosco and its Commentators (Chicago, 1949), 76^117; see VL IV 731^6; Sharpe, a v Cardanus, Facius: [Letter addressed to] Ambrosius Gri¡us. 1 LatinWriters, no. 865. Incipit: ‘In tanta librorum cuiuscunque generis copia . . .’ r o a2 Johannes de Peckham: Prospectiva communis. Edited by Leipzig: Conrad Kachelofen, [1489]. 4 . 8 Facius Cardanus. collation: a^d . refs. D. C. Lindberg, John Pecham and the Science of Optics 25 woodcuts. (Madison, Wis., 1970), 60^239 and 56 no. 1; see Glorieux, H *14116; Go¡ J-408; BMC III 629; not in Pr; BSB-Ink I-506; Oates Re¤ pertoire, 316a; Sharpe, LatinWriters, no. 839. 1276; Sack, Freiburg, 2121; Schramm XIII p. 2 (2nd pagination); v Schreiber V 4388; Sheppard 2073. e4 [Verse.] ‘Optima que fertur uisus pars optima(!) lector. > Faustis Corneni clauditur auspitiis’; 7 elegiac distichs. COPY [Milan]: Petrus de Corneno, [1482/3?]. Folio. Bound with A-283(2); see there for details of binding and proven- collation: a8 b^d6 e4. ance. Size of leaf: 212 ¿ 147 mm. Woodcuts. A few initials and a few corrections in brown ink in an early hand. H *9425; Go¡ J-394; BMC VI 759; Pr 5974; BSB-Ink I-499; CIBN shelfmark: Rigaud e. 358(1). J-255; Sack, Freiburg, 2108; Sander 5504; Sheppard 4975.

COPY J-180 Johannes de Sacro Bosco Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards. Size: Sphaera mundi. r 290 ¿ 205 ¿ 12 mm. Size of leaf: 282 ¿ 199 mm. a1 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi. Provenance: Purchased from Leo Samuel Olschki (1861^1940), refs. See J-179. r Catalogue 20, no. 93, for 45 franci [italiani, i.e. Lire]; see Library e1 Gerardus Cremonensis: Theorica planetarum. ‘Capitulum ¢g- Bills, 1 Nov.1889. ure Solis.’ Incipit: ‘[C]irculus eccentricus uel egresse cuspidis . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 5.44. refs. SeeThorndike^Kibre 223.The authorship of this work has been disputed, but is usually attributed to Gerardus J-178 Johannes Presbyter Cremonensis; for references to the discussion of the authorship see Jim Bennett and Domenico Bertolini Meli, Astronomy Books Epistola presbiteri Johannis. intheWhipple Museum1478^1600 (Cambridge, 1994), 12, no. 1. v v [a1 ] Johannes Presbyter: Epistola presbiteri Johannis. ‘De ritu et f10 Niger, Franciscus: [Verseaddressed to] the reader.‘Sidereos celi moribus Indorum’. Incipit: ‘[P]respiter Iohannes potencia dei et motus, nutantiaque astra, > Et phetonteos perlege lector equos’; 3 virtute domini nostri Ihesu Christi rex regum . . .’ elegiac distichs. SeeThorndike^Kibre1500. refs. See J-162. o r Venice: Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn, 1478. 4 . [a6 ] De adventu patriarchae Indorum. collation: a b8 c d6 e f10. refs. See J-162. Woodcuts and woodcut initials. [Speier: Johann and Conrad Hist, not after 1483]. 4o. As dated by HC *14108; Go¡ J-402; BMC V 195; Pr 4175; Bennett and Bertolini Wagner; BSB-Ink dates [c.1483], Sheppard to [c.1480^3?]; BMC Meli, Astronomy Books in the Whipple Museum, 12^13, no. 1; assigns to [Georgius de Spira, c.1480], Engel^Stalla and BSB-Ink I-500; CIBN J-268; Essling 257; Oates 1672; Rhodes Sheppard to the Hist brothers. 1032; Sander 6659; Sheppard 3353. 8 collation: [a ]. COPY Woodcut initial and border. Binding: Forel. Size: 213 ¿ 153 ¿ 11 mm. Size of leaf: 206 ¿ H *9428; Go¡ J-395; BMC II 486; Pr 2404; BSB-Ink I-595; Engel^ 147 mm. Stalla col.1654; Sack, Freiburg, 2110; Sheppard1740;Wagner, Die Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and commenting on ‘Epistola presbiteri Johannis’, 134^5, no. 1(13). the text, in a very faded early hand. ‘1379’ in pencil on the front COPY pastedown; ‘371’ in pencil on the front endleaf; ‘1409’ in pencil Bound with A-566(2); see there for details of binding. Previously on the rear pastedown. bound with S-040, possibly as issued. Sizeof leaf: 190 ¿ 132 mm. Some woodcuts coloured in red and green. Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and Provenance: Purchased for »1.14. 0; see Books Purchased (1859), capital strokes are supplied in red. 96. Provenance: Possibly George John, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758^ shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.32. 1834); his anonymous duplicate sale, 20 Dec. 1798, no. 151. Probably purchased by Francis Douce for »0. 5. 6, according to j-181^j-183] johannes de sacro bosco 1545

J-181 Johannes de Sacro Bosco COPY Sphaera mundi. Bound with A-158(1); see there for details of binding and proven- v ance. Size of leaf: 212 ¿ 152 mm. a1 [Woodcut; armillary sphere.] r Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early human- a2 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi.‘Nouiciis adolescen- ist hand. tibus ad astronomicam rempublicam capessendam aditum A few woodcuts coloured in ochre. impetrantibus . . . utili serie contextum inchoat.’ shelfmark: Auct. N 5.7(1). refs. See J-179. v c2 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia J-183 Johannes de Sacro Bosco deliramenta. [Preface addressed to] all scholars. Incipit: ‘[P]ostquam emisimus indicem operum que librariis nostris . . .’ Sphaera mundi. v v c4 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia A1 [Woodcut: Astronomia, Urania, Ptolomaeus.] r deliramenta. Incipit: ‘Viennensis. V. Cracouiensis. C. [S]i quis A2 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi.‘Nouiciis adolescen- forte rogetquamobrem potissimum ad hanc edem diui Petri apos- tibus ad astronomicam rempublicam capessendam aditum toli . . .’SeeThorndike^Kibre1072;VLVII 1124^31. impetrantibus . . . utili serie contextum fausto sidere inchoat.’ r e1 Purbachius, Georgius: Theoricae novae planetarum.‘De Sole.’ refs. See J-179. r Incipit:‘[S]olhabettres orbes a se inuicem omniquaque diuisos. . .’ C1 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia SeeThorndike^Kibre1513;VLVII 528^34 at 530^1. deliramenta. ‘Praefatio’ [addressed to] all scholars. Incipit: o ‘[P]ostquam emisimus indicem operum quae librariis nostris . . .’ Venice: Erhard Ratdolt, 6 July 1482. 4 . v collation: a^g8 h4. C2 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Woodcuts and woodcut initials. Cremonensia deliramenta. Incipit: ‘Viennensis.V. Cracouiensis. HC *14110 = H14102; Go¡ J-405; BMC V 286; Pr 4384; Bennett and C. [S]i quis forte roget quamobrem potissimum ad hanc aedem diui Petri apostoli . . .’See J-181. Bertolini Meli, Astronomy Books in the Whipple Museum, 14^15, r no. 2; BSB-Ink I-502; CIBN J-270; Essling 258; Oates 1750; D5 Purbachius, Georgius: Theoricae novae planetarum.‘De Sole.’ Redgrave 27; Sack, Freiburg, 2120; Sander 6661; Sheppard 3666. Incipit:‘[S]ol habettres orbes a se inuicem omniquaque diuisos. . .’ See J-181. COPY r G6 ‘Carmina in impressorum huius opusculi laudem.’ ‘Vranie Binding: Paper boards, with title along the upper edge: quantum quantum debere fatentur > Cuncta canopeo, cognitaque ‘Astrologia: [ ]ara’; one red leather index tab. Size: 205 ¿ 154 ¿ astra uiro’; 3 elegiac distichs. 13 mm. Size of leaf: 200 ¿ 148 mm. Venice: Johannes Lucilius Santritter and Hieronymus de Sanctis, A few underlinings in ink. 31 Mar. 1488. 4o. Some woodcuts coloured in yellow, green, and/or red. collation: A10 B8 BB12 C8 D8+1 E^F8 G6. Provenance: Sheppard records that this item was possibly pur- Woodcuts and woodcut initials. Some ofthe woodcuts are printed in chased in 1868 for »1. yellow and red. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.27. HC *14112; Go¡ J-407; BMC V 462; Pr 5183; BSB-Ink I-505; CIBN J-272; Essling 260; Oates 2030; Sander 6663; Sheppard 4281^2. J-182 Johannes de Sacro Bosco FIRST COPY Sphaera mundi. Bound with: 1. Johannes Jovianus Pontanus, Derebusc½lestibus. Basel: [n.pr.], 1 v [Woodcut; armillary sphere.] 1 1530; 1 r Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi.‘Nouiciis adolescen- 2 2. Jacobus Bracellus, [De bello hispaniensi.] Hagenau: Johann tibus ad astronomicam rempublicam capessendam aditum Setzer, 1530; impetrantibus . . . utili serie contextum inchoat.’ 3. Janus Lacinius Calabrus, Praeciosaartischymiaecollectaneade refs. See J-179. philosophorum lapide. Nuremberg: Gabriel Hain,1554; 3 v Purbachius, Georgius: Theoricae novae planetarum.‘De Sole.’ 2 4. Leonhard Fuchs, Libri iiii di⁄cilium aliquotquaestionum expli- Incipit:‘[S]olhabettres orbes a se inuicem omniquaque diuisos. . .’ cationes continentes . . . Basel: Robert Winter,1540; See J-181. r 5. Johannes Regiomontanus, Calendarium. Augsburg: Erhard 65 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia Ratdolt, 21 Mar. 1489 (R-036); deliramenta. [Preface addressed to] all scholars. Incipit: 7.Johannes Hispalensis, Epitomaetotiusastrologiae. Nuremberg: ‘[P]ostquam emisimus iudicem(!) operum que librariis nostris . . .’ r Johann vom Berg and Ulrich Neuber, 1548; 67 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia 8. Plutarchus, De virtute et vitio. [Greek.] Paris: Gilles de deliramenta. Incipit: ‘Viennensis. V. Cracouiensis. C. [S]i quis Gourmont,1519; forte rogetquamobrem potissimum ad hanc edem diui Petri apos- 9. Theodorus Gaza, Liber quartus et ultimus de contructione. toli . . .’See J-181. Leipzig: Valentin Schumann, 1516; [Venice]: Erhard Ratdolt, [before 4 Nov.] 1485. 4o. 10. Richardus Crocus, Introductiones in rudimenta graeca. collation: 1^68 710. Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1520. Woodcuts and woodcut initials. Binding: Seventeenth-century English blind-tooled calf, HC *14111; Go¡ J-406; BMC V 290; Pr 4402; BSB-Ink I-503; CIBN rebacked; triple ¢llets form a frame with a lozenge-shaped £oral J-271; Essling 259; Hillard 1149; Oates 1762.5; Redgrave 57; tool as a centre-piece. The original spine is pasted onto the front Sander 6662; Sheppard 3690. pastedown. Size:190 ¿ 129 ¿ 94 mm. Sizeof leaf: 182 ¿ 122 mm. 1546 johannes de sacro bosco [j-183^j-186

A few marginal notes, extracting key words, in an early humanist J-185 Johannes de Sacro Bosco hand. Manuscript list of contents on the front endleaf in Sphaera mundi. Ashmole’s hand. r a1 [Title-page.] Provenance: William Averrelle (sixteenth century); inscription v r a1 [Woodcut: Astronomia, Urania, Ptolomaeus.] on a1 of item 5: ‘Wylliam Averrelles Booke’ written over a di¡er- r ent name, possibly that of William Bedwell(?) (1563^1632). A2 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi.‘Nouiciis adolescen- r tibus ad astronomicam rempublicam capessendam aditum William Lilly (1602^1681); inscription on a1 of item 1. Elias Ashmole (1617^1692). Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1692. impetrantibus . . . utili serie contextum fausto sidere inchoat.’ refs. See J-179. Transferred to the Bodleian Library in 1860. r shelfmark: Ashm. 134(6). c6 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia SECOND COPY deliramenta. ‘Praefatio’ [addressed to] all scholars. Incipit: Bound with A-492; see there for details of binding and proven- ‘[P]ostquam emisimus indicem operum quae librariis nostris . . .’ r ance. Size of leaf: 207 ¿ 135 mm. c7 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. Incipit: ‘Viennensis. V. Cracouiensis. C. [S]i quis Wanting leaves D4^8 and F5.The text of G6 cut out and mounted. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.3(2). forte roget quamobrem potissimum ad hanc aedem diui Petri apostoli . . .’See J-181. v J-184 Johannes de Sacro Bosco d6 Purbachius, Georgius: Theoricae novae planetarum.‘De Sole.’ Incipit:‘[S]olhabettres orbes a se inuicem omniquaque diuisos. . .’ Sphaera mundi. See J-181. r a1 [Title-page.] o v Venice: Guilelmus Anima Mia,Tridinensis, 14 Jan. 1491. 4 . a1 [Woodcut: Astronomia, Urania, Ptolomaeus.] 8 r collation: a^f . A2 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi.‘Nouiciis adolescen- Woodcuts and woodcuts initials. tibus ad astronomicam rempublicam capessendam aditum HC *14114; Go¡ J-410; BMC V 412; Pr 5113; BSB-Ink I-508; Essling impetrantibus . . . utili serie contextum fausto sidere inchoat.’ 262; Oates 2008; Sack, Freiburg, 2123; Sander 6665; Sheppard refs. See J-179. r 4103^4. c6 Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. ‘Praefatio’ [addressed to] all scholars. Incipit: FIRST COPY ‘[P]ostquam emisimus indicem operum quae librariis nostris . . .’ Bound with A-154(1); see there for details of binding and proven- c r Regiomontanus, Johannes: Disputationes contra Cremonensia ance. Size of leaf: 210 ¿ 148 mm. 7 v deliramenta. Incipit: ‘[S]i quis forte roget quamobrem potissi- Early marginal note, extracting key words, on c6 . mum ad hanc aedem diui Petri apostoli . . .’See J-181. Some woodcuts coloured in ochre and red. v shelfmark: Ashm. 463(2). d6 Purbachius, Georgius: Theoricae novae planetarum.‘De Sole.’ Incipit:‘[S]ol habettres orbes a se inuicem omniquaque diuisos. . .’ SECOND COPY See J-181. Bound with A-360; see there for details of binding and proven- ance. Size of leaf: 206 ¿ 152 mm. Venice: [Bonetus Locatellus] for Octavianus Scotus, 4 Oct. 1490. In place of gathering e is bound a duplicate of gathering c. 4o. A few marginal notes, extracting key words, in an early hand. collation: a^f8. Some paragraph marks and underlining of chapter headings are Woodcuts and woodcuts initials. supplied in red. HC *14113; Go¡ J-409; BMC V 438; Pr 5023; BSB-Ink I-507; CIBN shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.13(6). J-273; Essling 261; Oates 1956^8; Sack, Freiburg, 2122; Sander 6664; Sheppard 4183. FIRST COPY J-186 Johannes de Sacro Bosco Bound with A-003; see there for details of binding and proven- Sphaera mundi [based on an edition also containing ance. Size of leaf: 210 ¿ 152 mm. Regiomontanus]. A few marginal notes, extracting key words, in an early hand. r A few woodcuts coloured in ochre and red, the same palette in A1 [Title-page.] v both copies; the colouring was possibly done using a template, A1 [Woodcut: Zodiac.] r which has not been exactly applied. A2 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi.‘Nouitiis adolescen- shelfmark: Douce 123(3). tibus ad astronomicam rempublicam capescendam aditum SECOND COPY impetrantibus . . . opus vtili serie contextum inchoat.’ r Not in Sheppard. Bound with H-253(2); see there for details of refs. See J-179. The incipit on A2 lists the texts ¢rst printed binding and provenance. Size of leaf: 212 ¿ 155 mm. together by Ratdolt (J-181); however, only the ¢rst of these texts A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early is contained in this edition; in that respect this edition follows humanist hand. that of G. Mittelhus, Dec. 1493, BMC VIII 127. A few woodcuts coloured in ochre and red, as in the other copy. [Paris]: Fe¤ lix Baligault, [1494]. 4o. shelfmark: Broxb. 31.10(1). collation: A^B6. v Types: 96 G,64 G.12 leaves, B6 blank.47 lines (A4 ).Type area:151 ¿ v r 94 mm (A4 ). Woodcuts. Leaf A1 , title: ‘Tractatus de Sphera.’ v > Device (Polain, Marques, no. 89); A1 : [diagram of the planetary r spheres]; A2 : ‘Nouitiis adole|centibus ad a|tronomicam reš pu. > j-186^j-188] johannes de sacro bosco 1547

cape|cendam aditum |š petrantibus: pro breui recton tramite avul- collation: a^k8 l^m6 n8. gari ve= > |tigio |emoto. Iohannis de |acro bu|to |phericum opu|- Woodcuts. culuš Georgijn Cur > bachij in motus planetarum accurati||. HCR14120 = 5363; Go¡ J-418; BMC VIII 64; Pr 8015; CIBN J-277; theorice: necnon coš tra cremonen|ia in eorumdeš planetak theori- Hillard 1151; Rhodes 1033; Sheppard 6224. cas deliramenta ioh|s de monte regio di puta tiones ta accurati . š | > š || COPY u vtili||. dicatum opus vtili |erie contextum inchoat. Wanting sheet k . r> 4.5 [T]Ractatum de |phera quatuor capitulis di|tinguimus . . .’; B5 , Formerlybound as item 2 in Mar.48, after a copyof Guy Mie' ge, A colophon: ‘ð Opu|culum |phericum Iohannis de |acro bu|to Dictionary of Barbarous French (London, 1679). v > explicit feliciter.’; B5 : [Diagram of the solar and lunar eclipses.] Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled paste- Go¡ J-412; Pr 8243; Sheppard 6421. boards, with red-edged leaves.‘[ ]8’on the fore-edge. Size: 250 ¿ COPY 184 ¿ 17 mm. Size of leaf: 241 ¿ 176 mm. r Bound with A-154(1); see there for details of binding and proven- On a1 a partially read note in Standish’s hand:‘Quisquis oberran- ance. Size of leaf: 210 ¿ 151 mm. tem cernis(?) fac demo reddat [ ] habet.’ r shelfmark: Ashm. 463(1). Provenance: Peter Standish (£. 1543/4); inscription on a1 : ‘Petrus Standishius’. Probably bequeathed to the Bodleian J-187 Johannes de Sacro Bosco Library by Thomas Marshall (1621^1685) as indicated by its for- Sphaera mundi (comm. Cirvelus). mer Bodleian shelfmark. Former Bodleian shelfmark: Mar. 48. r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Uberrimum sphere mundi commentum insertis shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.16. etiam questionibus domini Petri de Aliaco’. v a1 [Woodcut; armillary sphere]. r a2 Petrus de Lerma Burgensis: [Verse in praise of the book J-188 Johannes de Sacro Bosco addressed to] the reader. ‘[S]i iuuat astrorum varios distinguere Sphaera mundi (comm. Jacobus Faber Stapulensis). £uxus, Etheris immensi normaque certa placet’; 34 elegiac dis- r > a1 [Title-page.] tichs. a v Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Letter addressed to] Carolus r 1 a2 Petrus de Lerma Burgensis: [Verse addressed to] the author of Borra. the commentary.‘Secula uunc(!) redeunt Alphonsi candida regis. refs. Rice 26^8. Descendunt alto sydera queque polo’; 20 elegiac distichs. a r [Table of contents.] r> 2 a Cirvelus, Petrus: [Letter addressed to] Jacobus Ramirez r 3 a3 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: ‘Nonnulle ad sequentia note’. Gusmanus and Alfonsus Osorius. Incipit: ‘Maiores nostros Incipit: ‘[C]irculus est ¢gura plana . . .’ aurea dum illa secula tenuere viri percelebres . . .’ a v [Woodcut: ‘Urania Astronomia Ptolomeus’.] v 3 a Cirvelus, Petrus: [Preface.] ‘Petri Ciruelli Darocensis in astro- r 3 a4 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi. Incipit:‘[L]ibrum de nomicum Sphere mundi opusculum prefatio.’ Incipit: ‘[H]eroicus sphera quattuor libellis distinguimus. . . [S]phera igitur ab Euclide ille diuine legis predicator deique apostolus eximius . . .’ sic describitur . . .’ v a6 Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi. ‘Iohannis de sacro refs. See J-179. busto sphere mundi opusculum vna cum additionibus per oppor- r a4 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[A]pud tune intersertis ac familiarissima textus expositione Petri C. D. Syracusas Archimedes Syracusanus sphere inuentor proditur . . .’ felici sidere inchoat. Prohemium auctoris.’ Incipit: ‘[D]ixit r d1 Bonetus de Latis: Anulus Astronomicus. [Preface addressed to] Johannes tractatum de Sphera mundi quattuor capitulis distin- Alexander VI, Pont. Max. ‘Anuli astronomici utilitatum liber’. guimus . . .’ Incipit: ‘[N]on est gloria sicut gloria notitiam habentis dei . . .’ v a6 Cirvelus, Petrus: [Commentary.] ‘Glosa.’ Incipit: ‘Iste est trac- refs. SeeThorndike^Kibre 918. tatus De sphera mundi qnem(!) magister Iohannes de Sacro Busto r d1 ‘Capitula presentis opusculi’. ex libris Ptholemei . . .’SeeThorndike, The Sphere, 39 and 41. d r Bonetus de Latis: Anulus Astronomicus. ‘Capitulum primum v 2 b2 Alliaco, Petrus de: [Commentary.] ‘Reuerendissimi domini de declaratione anuli’. Incipit: ‘[N]ota quod anulus debet ¢eri de Petri de Aliaco cardinalis et episcopi Cameracensis doctorisque auro uel argento . . .’ celebratissimi questio prima.’Incipit:‘[Q]ueritur primovtrum dif- refs. SeeThorndike^Kibre 933. ¢nitio sphere sit bona quam dat auctor in textu . . .’ The Questions r d5 Bonetus de Latis: [Explicit.] Incipit: ‘Parce precor rudibus que of d’Ailly alternate with the commentary of Cirvelo. See sunt errata Latina. Lex Hebrea mihi est, lingua Latina minus . . .’ Thorndike,The Sphere, 38^40. d v Euclides [pseudo-]: [Preface to] Geometria II, [addressed to] r 5 n4 [Colophon.] Patricius.Translated by Boethius. v n4 Cirvelus, Petrus: ‘In additiones immutationesque opusculi de refs. Boethius, De institutione arithmetica. De institutione sphera mundi nuper editas dialogus disputatorius.’ Incipit: musica, ed. Johann Gottfried Friedlein (Leipzig, 1867, repr. ‘[M]agna profecto est quorumdam hominum vesania . . .’ Frankfurt,1966), 373. v n7 Gunsalus Egidius, Burgensis: ‘Carmen.’ ‘Qui sacros latices v d5 Euclides [pseudo-]: Geometria II [extract]. Translated by optas haurire Minerue, > Qui cupis ex paruo discere multa libro’; Boethius, as stated in the heading. ‘De mensura’. Incipit: 48 elegiac distichs. ‘Mensura uero est quicquid pondere capacitate longitudine . . .’ r n8 [Errata.] Incipit: ‘Ex ade prothoplausti inobediencia . . .’ refs. ed. Friedlein 373^92; see Boethius, Geometrie II: ein math- Paris: Guy Marchant, for Jean Petit, Feb. 1498. Folio. CIBN ematisches Lehrbuch des Mittelalters, ed. M. Folkerts records variants in the colophon, and Marchant’s device (Polain, (Wiesbaden, 1970); for this edition see ed. Folkerts 41^2. Marques, no. 129) used in place of Petit’s. Boethius’ Geometria is a translation or a paraphrase of Euclid’s 1548 johannes de sacro bosco [j-188^j-189

Elements I^V, possibly even the entire text of Euclid: see M. T. J-189 Johannes de Sacro Bosco Gibson, L. Smith, and J. Ziegler, Codices Boethiani: A Sphaera mundi (comm. Jacobus Faber Stapulensis and Conspectus of Manuscripts of the Works of Boethius, Warburg Institute Surveys and Texts, 25 (London, 1995), no. 212 and refer- Franciscus Capuanus). r ences given there. David Pingree, ‘Boethius’ Geometry and a1 [Title-page.] v Arithmetic’, in Boethius, ed. Margaret T. Gibson (Oxford, 1981), a1 Cicchus Esculanus (Cecco d’Ascoli): [Preface to the commen- 155^61, at 157 notes that ‘the Geometria Euclidis . . . begins with a tary.] Incipit: ‘Supra mundi gloriam est post mortem . . . dedication to Patricius that echoes the title ‘patrician’ given to [O]portet medicum de necessitate scire . . .’ Symmachus in the preface to the De Institutione Arithmetica’. refs.Thorndike,The Sphere, 344^8. v a2 [Woodcut; armillary sphere.] Paris: [Johannes Higman, for] Wolfgang Hopyl, 1 Sept. 1500. r Folio. a3 Cicchus Esculanus (Cecco d’Ascoli): [Commentary.] Incipit: collation: a8 b6 c10 d8. ‘[D]elucidatis causis recurrendum est ad formam tractatus . . .’ Woodcuts. Leaf a r, title (wanting in the copies described): ‘TEX refs.Thorndike,The Sphere, 348^411. 1 > a r Johannes de Sacro Bosco: Sphaera mundi.‘Nouitiis adolescen- tus De Sphe ra Iohannis de Sa= cro bo|co Cum additione 3 > > > tibus ad astronomicam rempublicam capessendam aditum (quantum nece||arium e|t) ad= iecta: Nouo commentario > impetrantibus . . . opus utili serie contextum inchoat.’ nuper edito Ad vtilitateš |tudeš tiuš Philo|ophi= ce Pari|ienš . > > refs. See J-179. Regiomontanus’s tract Contra Cremonensia Academie illu|tratus Cuš Coš po|itione Anuli A|tro= nomici > > deliramenta, which according to the rubric on a r should be Boni Laten|is. Et Geometria Eu clidis Mega ren|is.’ The wood- 3 > > inserted between Sacrobosco and Purbachius, is not found. cut on the title-page enclosing the letterpress is that used in r Aristoteles, Ethica. Paris: Higman and Hopyl, 12 Apr. 1497. e1 Capuanus, Franciscus: [Letter addressed to] Laurentius Donatus. Incipit: ‘[T]ametsi humanae uitae imbecillitas . . .’ CR 5207 = C 2396; Go¡ J-423; not in Pr; CIBN J-279; Sack, r Freiburg, 2127; Sheppard 6352^3. e1 Capuanus, Franciscus: [Preface to the commentary.] Incipit: ‘[S]icut uult philosophus in principio sui libri de anima . . .’ COPY r e2 Capuanus, Franciscus: [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[S]phaera igitur Bound with: ab Euclide sic describitur. Quia subiectum in scientia . . .’ See 1. Aristoteles, Libri logicorum. Paris: Wolfgang Hopyl and Thorndike,The Sphere, 40. Henricus Stephanus, 1503; v l5 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Letter addressed to] Carolus 2. Boethius, Arithmetica. Paris: Wolfgang Hopyl and Henricus Borra. Stephanus, 27 June 1503; refs. Rice 26^8. 3. Jordanus Nemorarius, Arithmetica. Paris: Johannes Higman r l6 ‘Index libri.’ and Wolfgang Hopyl, 22 July 1496 (J-214(2)). r m1 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: ‘Non nullae ad sequentia notae’. Wanting gathering d containing the tracts of Bonetus and Euclid Incipit: ‘[C]irculus est ¢gura plana . . .’ and the colophon. v m1 [Woodcut: armillary sphere.] Binding: Sixteenth(?)-century blind-tooled calf over wooden r m2 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Commentary.] Incipit: ‘[A]pud boards, with remains of two leather clasps; rebacked. On both Syracusas Archimedes Syracusanus sphaerae inuentor prodi- covers, quadruple ¢llets form an intersecting double frame. tur . . .’SeeThorndike, The Sphere, 40. Within the outer frame, merrythoughts form lozenges; diagonal r o6 [Colophon.] quadruple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into four triangular r p1 Capuanus, Franciscus: [Preface to the commentary.] Incipit: compartments, each with a merrythought. Size: 291 ¿ 210 ¿ ‘[Q]uemadmodum ait Aristoteles in prologo physicorum . . .’ 89 mm. Size of leaf: 280 ¿ 202 mm. r p2 Capuanus, Franciscus: [Commentary to Theoricae novae pla- Front pastedown consists of a printed leaf from an edition of netarum.] Incipit: ‘[L]iber iste principali eius diuisione in duas Augustinus Hipponensis, De Genesi ad litteram. secatur partes . . .’ Marginal notes, extracting key words, and pointing hands in a r p2 Purbachius, Georgius: Theoricae novae planetarum.‘De Sole.’ sixteenth-century hand which has annotated the other items as Incipit:‘[S]olhabettres orbes a se inuicem omniquaque diuisos. . .’ well. See J-181. Initials are supplied in red. Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, 23 Oct. 1499. Folio. Provenance: Liesborn, Westphalia, Benedictines, SS. Cosmus, 6 8 6 4 r collation: a^c d e^z & j . Damianus, et Simeon; inscription on a1 of item 1: ‘Liesborn > classe 2 philosophorum’. James Orchard Halliwell, afterwards Woodcuts and woodcuts initials. Halliwell Phillipps (1820^1889); inscriptions at the beginning of H *14125; Go¡ J-419; BMC V 524; Pr 5414; BSB-Ink I-512, I-513; each item: ‘J. O. Halliwell August 1838. Given to the Savilian CIBN J-278; Essling 263; Hillard 1152; Rhodes 1034; Sack, Library, Oxford’. ‘Bibliotheca Saviliana’; book-plate; the library Freiburg, 2125; Sander 6666; Sheppard 4495. belonging to the chair of astronomy at Oxford. The library was COPY j handed over to the Bodleian Library in 1884. Wanting 3, 4. shelfmark: Savile MM d.135(4). Avariant as BMC V 524, second copy: IB.23997. Binding: Seventeenth-century parchment. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of upper cover.‘17’across the fore-edge and at the head of the spine. Size: 277 ¿ 198 ¿ 30 mm. Size of leaf: 269 ¿ 190 mm. j-189^j-190] johannes salesberiensis 1549

Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a number ofearly ‘Bibliotheca Tongerlo’. Purchased for »5. 5. 0; see Books r humanist hands. Purchased (1828), 15; note on [a1 ]. Provenance: John Selden (1584^1654); see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf. 2.12. 25. Presented in 1659. SECOND COPY Former Bodleian shelfmark: N 2. 17 Art. Seld. Wanting the blank leaves [e1] and [C6]. shelfmark: T 1. 17 Jur. Seld. Binding: Eighteenth-century half calf with marbled paper boards and gold-tooled spine, bound for Douce, assuming that it is the copy mentioned in the auction catalogue below, containing J-190 Johannes Salesberiensis books with original monastic bindings. Scar of an index tab on Polycraticus sive De nugis curialium. [e2]. Size: 285 ¿ 216 ¿ 40 mm. Size of leaf: 277 ¿ 196 mm. v Some key words extracted in red ink in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-cen- [a1 ] [Preface about the author and the text.] Incipit: ‘[H]ic liber inti- tulatur De nugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum, cuius tury hand. Running book and chapter numbers in black ink in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century hand in the upper corner of each leaf. Johannes Salesbereiensis Carnotensis episcopus fuit actor(!) . . .‘ r Early manuscript signatures in red ink. [a2 ] ‘Tabula libri Policratici’. [Alphabetical index.] r r On [e4 ] an eight-line initial ‘I’ is supplied in interlocked red and [c11 ] [Table giving the number of chapters in each book.] r green, with extensions into the margins, in the lower margin end- [d ] Johannes Salesberiensis: [Entheticus in Policraticum.] 1 ing in a rose; other principal four- and six-line initials are supplied ‘Eutheticus . . . in Policraticon’. either in red within a green pen-work border, decorated with refs. Johannes Salesberiensis, Policratici sive De nugiscurialium green and red pen-work within the body of the letter, or in green et vestigiis philosophorum libri viii, ed. Clement C. I.Webb, 2 vols decorated with red pen-work within the body of the letter; both (Oxford, 1909), I 1^11; for this edition see I p. xvii; Johannes having extensions into the margins in red and green; other three- Salesberiensis, Policraticus I^IV, ed. K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, to ¢ve-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, sup- CCCM 118 (Turnhout, 1993), 9^19. Keats-Rohan notes, on p. plied in red or green; paragraph marks, capital strokes, and xxxvii, that ‘the general opinion is that it [this edition] was pub- underlining supplied in red. Red ink spilt on several pages. lished c.1496 in Brussels by the Fratres vitae communis’; on p. li it Provenance: Bamberg, Bavaria, Franciscans, S. Anna; inscrip- is dated c.1476. tion on [a r] in an eighteenth-century(?) hand: ‘Pro conventu [e r] Johannes Salesberiensis: ‘Prologus’. 1 2 Bamberg Fratrum Minorum ad S. Annam’; see the sale refs. Johannes Salesberiensis, Policratici . . . libri viii, ed.Webb, I (London: Leigh and Sotheby,15 June 1799), lot 112; annotated in 12^18; Johannes Salesberiensis, Policraticus I^IV, ed. Keats- Douce’s copy of the catalogue ‘0. 7. 6.d’, and in Sotheby’s anno- Rohan, 21^6. tated copy ‘Douce’ and the same price. Francis Douce (1757^ [e v] ‘Capitula libri primi’. 3 1834); armorial book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. [e r] Johannes Salesberiensis: Polycraticus sive De nugis curia- 4 shelfmark: Douce 192. lium. THIRD COPY refs. Johannes Salesberiensis, Policratici . . . libri viii, ed.Webb, I Wanting the blank leaves [e ] and [C ]. 18^368, II 1^425; Johannes Salesberiensis, Policraticus I^IV, ed. 1 6 Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled dark purple/maroon Keats-Rohan, 27^274 (books 1^4 only). crushed morocco, stamped with the arms of J. Gomez de la [C r] [Ovidius pseudo-; Johannes Salesberiensis pseudo-]: De ven- 3 Cortina in gilt, and with the inscription: ‘J. Gomez de la Cortina tri membrorumque altercatione. ‘De membris corporis quom et amicorum’above, and his motto ‘Fallitur hora legendo’ below, aduersus stomachum quasivoracitate omnium labores exhauriret and with marbled pastedowns and gilt-edged leaves; bound for conspirauerant’. Gomez by Gil of Madrid; see Richard Copley Christie, The refs. PL CXCIX1005^8; Johannes Salesberiensis, Opera omnia: Marquis de Morante: His Library and its Catalogue (Manchester, 5: Opuscula, ed. J. A. Giles (Oxford, 1848), 299^304; see Walther, 1883), 9. Size: 282 ¿ 214 ¿ 41 mm. Size of leaf: 273 ¿ 192 mm. Initia, 3087, and Thorndike^Kibre 256; Sharpe, Latin Writers, Early marginal annotations, consisting mainly of extraction of no. 872. key words, and ‘nota’ marks. Manuscript list of contents on the [Brussels: Fratres Vitae Communis, 1479^81]. Folio. As dated by verso of the front endleaf in a seventeenth-century(?) hand. HPT. Three- to eight-line initials, some with extensions into the mar- collation: [a b10 c12 d4 e^z A10 B8 C6]. gins, and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; running HC *9430; Go¡ J-425; BMC IX 174; Pr 9337; BSB-Ink I-596; book numbers, capital strokes, and underlining supplied in red. Campbell 1045; CIBN J-280; Hillard 1154; HPT II 397; ILC Provenance: Joaquin Gomez de la Cortina (1808^68), 1st 1357; Oates 3856^7; Sheppard 7182^4; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, p. 308. Marques de Morante; purchased by Gomez de la Cortina for 155

FIRST COPY pes[etas] [assuming that the purchase was made in Spain]; arms on binding; armorial book-plate; see his Catalogus librorum, Wanting the blank leaves [c12] and [e1]. Gathering [d] bound at the end. with this item probably listed in vol. V no. 7694; a note on the Binding: Eighteenth-century mottled calf, the spine gold-tooled, front pastedown ‘cat., no. 1435’, is probably a reference to the stamped with the arms (gules, three chevrons or), and motto Gomez sale. Ingram Bywater (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. 1817. (‘Veritas vincit’) of Tongerlo Abbey; the gold stamp of the Bequeathed in 1914. Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 276 ¿ 205 ¿ 50 mm. Size shelfmark: Byw. F 2.15. of leaf: 263 ¿ 190 mm. Provenance: Tongerlo, Belgium, Premonstratensians, BVM; r coat of arms on the spine (see above); inscription on [a1 ]: 1550 johannes de sancto geminiano [j-191^j-193

J-191 Johannes de Sancto Geminiano C 2649; Go¡ J-427; BMC IX 45; Pr 8955; BSB-Ink I-515; Campbell Disputatio Christi et latronis de ¢nali poenitentia. 1040; CIBN J-281; HPT II 405; ILC 1359; Oates 3433^4; r Sheppard 6926. a1 [Title-page.] r COPY a2 Johannes de Sancto Geminiano?: ‘Disputatio Christi et latronis 2 2 de ¢nali penitentia et Dei larga misericordia.’ Incipit: ‘Actor. Wanting gatherings A and B, a^z, and aa^dd, containingbooks [M]emento mei mei(!), Domine, dum veneris in regnum 5^10. tuum . . .’ For the author and his works see Antoine Dondaine, Lower margin of a2 cropped; f2 torn and stitched together. Binding: Contemporary Netherlandish/Rhenish blind-tooled ‘La vie et les oeuvres de Jean de San Gimignano’ Archivum > calf over wooden boards, with two metal clasps and catches, one Fratrum Praedicatorum, 9 (1939), 128^83; this work not listed. v clasp lost; four metal bosses on each cover lost; rebacked. b1 [Dionysius Carthusiensis]: ‘Dialogus consolatorius gloriosis- sime virginis Marie et peccatoris.’ Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the refs. Dionysius Cartusianus, Opera omnia, XLII (Tournai, lower cover. On both covers intersecting triple ¢llets form a con- 1913), 635^40, ending imperfectly. centric double frame. In each corner within the outer frame, for- v merly covered by the bosses, is a lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis b3 [Devotional text.] Incipit: ‘[I]ntelligite modo insipientes pecca- tores et stulti . . .’ stamp surrounded by a small £ower-petal stamp repeated four r times. Further triple ¢llets form the inner rectangle, which is b4 [Verse addressed to] BVM.‘Festina miseris misereri virgo beata > Nam te si recolis miseri fecere beatam’; 5 hexameters. divided by double ¢llets into lozenge-shaped and triangular com- o partments containing, on the upper cover, the lozenge-shaped [Antwerp: Mathias van der Goes, 1491]. 4 . As dated by HPT; £eur-de-lis stamp surrounded by the four small £ower-petal Sheppard dates [c.1491/2]. stamps, and, on the lower cover, the small £ower-petal stamp collation: a b4. only. Early manuscript label at the head of the upper cover, con- C 2650; Pr 9430; Amelung, ‘Niederla« ndische Inkunabeln’, 37; taining the title written in black ink in a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-cen- Campbell 1039; HPT II 389; ILC 1358; Inventaris, 93; Polain tury hand. Remains of parchment index tabs. Size: 301 ¿ 215 ¿ 2308; Sheppard 7204. 66 mm. Size of leaf: 288 ¿ 196 mm. COPY Some marginal annotations, including paragraph marks in black Bound with A-356; see there for details of binding and proven- ink, and occasional corrections. r ance. Size of leaf: 184 ¿ 131 mm. On a2 a nine-line initial ‘O’ is supplied in red with reserved white r On a2 , l. 9:‘Introducit . . .’, not as Polain (‘Introduxit . . .’). decoration, within a red pen-work frame, with the body of the let- shelfmark: Auct. 1Q 6.9(9). ter decorated with black pen-work, and with red pen-work exten- sions into the margins; other three- to nine-line initials, some with extensions into the margin, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and J-192 Johannes de Sancto Geminiano underlining supplied in red. Liber de exemplis ac similitudinibus rerum. Provenance: Johannes vam Loe (¢fteenth century); inscription r r A2 ‘Tabula vniuersalis totius libri subsequentis’. on a1 : ‘Jo. vam Loe presbiter’. Dorsten,Westphalia, Franciscan r r a2 Helvicus Teutonicus: ‘Prologus primus’. Incipit: ‘Incipit opus Observants; inscriptions on a1 in ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century perutile et validum predicatoribus de quacunque materia dicturis hands: ‘Pro conuentu fratrum minorum de obseruantia in venerabilis atque doctissimi magistri Helwici Teutonici profes- Dursten’; ‘Pro conventu Durstensi’. Augustus Frederick, Duke soris sacre theologie ordinis predicatorum quod intitulatur ab of Sussex (1773^1843); book-plate with handwritten shelfmark autore liber de exemplis et similitudinibus rerum.‘‘[O]mnia facito ‘IX.C.i.8’: see Lee, Royal Bookplates, 41 no. 24; not identi¢ed in secundum exemplar quod tibi monstratum est’’. Heb. viii [Hbr sale catalogues. Shelfmark written in pencil on Sussex’s label: v 8,5].Inomnibusoperibus artiumvidemusquodeorum opi¢ces...’ ‘B.185. H.4’.Acquired by 21Jan.193[ ]; partlylegible stamp on a2 . shelfmark: Inc. d. N8.1. v a2 Helvicus Teutonicus [pseudo-; Johannes de Sancto Geminiano]: ‘Prologus secundus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uia vero curiosis lectoribus varietas tollit fastidium . . .’ J-193 Johannes de Sancto Geminiano v a3 Helvicus Teutonicus [pseudo-; Johannes de Sancto Liber de exemplis ac similitudinibus rerum. Geminiano]: ‘Prologus tercius’. Incipit: ‘[N]oticia rerum in r 12 ‘Tabulavniuersalis totius libri subsequentis’. Incipit:‘[A]bdicatio homine triplici virtute per¢citur . . .’ temporalium . . .’ a r ‘Capitula primi libri’.Tables precede each book. r 4 a2 Helvicus Teutonicus: ‘Prologus primus’. Incipit: ‘Incipit opus r a6 Helvicus Teutonicus [pseudo-; Johannes de Sancto perutile et validum predicatoribus de quacunque materia dicturis Geminiano]: Liber de exemplis ac similitudinibus rerum. venerabilis atque doctissimi magistri Helwici Teutonici profes- Incipit:‘[A]bstinentia discreta ciborum qnautum(!) sit hominibus soris sacre theologie ordinis predicatorum quod intitulatur ab vtilis . . .’ autore liber de exemplis et similitudinis rerum. ‘‘[O]mnia facito refs.This edition is listed in Dondaine161; on the authorship see secundum exemplar quod tibi monstratum est’’. Heb. viii [Hbr Dondaine 157^64, no. 7; also Kaeppeli II 539^43, at 542^3, no. 8,5].Inomnibusoperibusartiumvidemusquodeorum opi¢ces...’ 2642. v [Deventer: Richard Pafraet, c.1477^9]. Folio. As dated by HPT; a2 Helvicus Teutonicus [pseudo-; Johannes de Sancto Sheppard dates [1477^92], from type 90 GA. Geminiano]: ‘Prologus secundus’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uia vero curiosis collation: AB8 a^y10 z6 aa bb8 2a^z aa bb10 cc dd8. lectoribus varietas tollit fastidium . . .’ j-193^j-194a] johannes de sancto geminiano 1551

v a3 Helvicus Teutonicus [pseudo-; Johannes de Sancto refs. See J-192. Geminiano]: ‘Prologus tertius’. Incipit: ‘[N]oticia rerum in Venice: Johannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 12 July homine triplici virtute per¢citur . . .’ 1499. 4o. r a4 ‘Capitula primi libri’.Tables precede each book. collation: AA10 a^z h m k A^X8 Y10. r a6 Helvicus Teutonicus [pseudo-; Johannes de Sancto Woodcut initials. Geminiano]: Liber de exemplis ac similitudinibus rerum. HC *7547; Go¡ J-431; BMC V 351; Pr 4560; BSB-Ink I-519; Sack, Incipit: ‘[A]bstinentia discreta ciborum quantum sit hominibus Freiburg, 2131; Sheppard 3912. vtilis . . .’ COPY refs. See J-192. Leaf AA1 repaired. [Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the Elder, c.1485]. Folio. Binding: Ninetenth-century parchment. Size: 187 ¿ 132 ¿ 8 6 10 8 10 8 6 8 collation: 1 2 a^k l^z A B C^Z Aa^Mm Nn Oo Pp . 52 mm. Size of leaf: 181 ¿ 127 mm. HC *7542; Go¡ J-428; Pr 1061; BSB-Ink I-516; CIBN J-282; Oates Provenance: Hieronymus Castro (sixteenth century); inscription ¤ r 542; Polain 2309; Sheppard 811;Voullieme, Ko« ln, 686. on a1 : ‘F. Hieronymus Castro Plac[entie]’; perhaps purchased in v COPY Venicebyhim: inscription onY10 in a similar hand to the one that Wanting the blank leaf a1, and sheets g5.6, and v4.5. wrote Castro’s name: ‘Emptus Venetiis d2 Þ16’. [ ] Pearson; cata- v r In this copy d5 and d6 have been left blank in error, and the miss- logue ‘Pym’, 22 Oct. 1948, no. 1244. Purchased from Pearson; see ing text is supplied in manuscript; the text of the other missing BLR 2,28 (1949), 264, and unsigned note (by David Rogers) on leaves (as above) has been supplied in manuscript, all apparently the verso of the front endleaf. in the same ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century hand. shelfmark: Inc. e. I4.1499.2. Binding: Contemporary wooden boards covered by half green roan on the spine and green paper over wooden boards, with red J-194A Johannes de Sancto Geminiano label on the spine; bound for Francis Douce. Size: 291 ¿ 215 ¿ Sermones funebres. 120 mm. Size of leaf: 283 ¿ 207 mm. a r [Title-page.] Parchment rear pastedown containing a grammatical text with 1 a v Badius Ascensius, Jodocus: [Letter addressed to] Johannes marginal and interlinear commentary, both written in a thir- 1 Genas. teenth-century hand; o¡set probably from the same manuscript refs. Renouard, Badius, III 243^4. inside the upper cover. a r ‘Tabula alphabetica.’ Early marginal annotations, including comments on and occa- 2 a r ‘Tabula distinctionum ac sermonum presentis operis.’ sional corrections to the text, and ‘nota’ marks, in ¢fteenth/six- 7 b r Johannes de Sancto Geminiano: Sermones funebres. teenth-century German hands. 1 ‘Sermonarium de mortuis.’ Incipit: ‘‘‘[C]onsidera Israel pro his Provenance: Erased inscription on 2 v; unread under ultraviolet 6 qui mortui sunt’’ ii. Reg. i [II Sm 1,18 (variant reading)]. Quia in light. William Fermor (1771^1828); armorial book-plate; see locis et ciuitatibus plurimis . . .’ Howe, Book Plates, 10409. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial refs. See Schneyer, Repertorium, III nos 455^81, [unidenti¢ed book-plate. Bequeathed in 1834. sermon, with incipit, ‘‘‘[M]ortui nihil nouerunt amplius . . .’’ shelfmark: Douce 220. Eccls. ix [Ecl 9,5]. Nihil videtur esse . . .’], 482^552; Kaeppeli II 541^2, no. 2641. r J-194 Johannes de Sancto Geminiano D6 [Note listing the contents of the work, addressed to the reader.] Incipit: ‘Habes, humanissime lector, in hoc volumine, sermones Liber de exemplis ac similitudinibus rerum. siue orationes . . .’ r r AA1 [Title-page.] D6 [Colophon.] r AA1 [Introduction, praising the printers, addressed to the reader.] Lyons: Johannes Clein, 11 May 1499. 4o. Incipit: ‘Qui inter omnium artium professores quasi in propria collation: a^h8 i6 k^z A B8 CD6. versari o⁄cina desiderant . . .’ HC + Addenda *7548; Go¡ J-432; BMC VIII 338; Pr 8683; BSB-Ink r AA2 ‘Tabula vniuersalis totius summe subsequentis’. Incipit:‘ I-520; CIBN J-284; Claudin IV 280; Polain 2312; not in Sheppard. Abstinentia discreta ciborum quanta sit . . .’ Dated 12 July 1499. a r HelvicusTeutonicus: ‘Prologus primus’. Incipit: ‘Incipit summa COPY 1 Wanting a and sheet a (a blank). insignis et perutilis predicatoribus de quacunque materia dicturis 2 1.8 8 Variant colophon:‘. . . cura et expen|is. M. Iohannis clein artis fratris Johannis de sancto Geminiano ordinis predicatorum sacre > > impre||orie diligenti||imo Anno no|tre |a lutis. M.cccc.xcix. die theologie doctoris clarissimi que intitulatur de exemplis et simili- > vero xi. Maij. . . .’; not as BMC, Polain, and Renouard, Badius. tudinibus rerum. ‘‘[O]mnia facito secundum exemplar quod tibi > Binding: Sixteenth-century blind-tooled calf over pasteboards. monstratum est’’. Heb. viii [Hbr 8,5]. In omnibus operibus artium On both covers triple ¢llets form concentric frames. The stamps videmus quod eorum opi¢ces . . .’ or rolls are very worn and the upper cover (and the spine) are a v Johannes de Sancto Geminiano: ‘Prologus secundus’. Incipit: 1 damaged. Size: 214 ¿ 153 ¿ 43 mm. Size of leaf: 206 ¿ 138 mm. ‘[Q]uia vero curiosis lectoribus varietas tollit fastidium . . .’ On b r a seven-line initial ‘B’ is supplied in green, edged with red; a r Johannes de Sancto Geminiano: ‘Prologus tertius’. Incipit: 2 2 other initials, some with extensions into the margins, are supplied ‘[N]oticia rerum in homine triplici virtute per¢citur . . .’ in red or green; paragraph marks are supplied in red; capital a r Johannes de Sancto Geminiano: Liber de exemplis ac similitu- 3 strokes and underlining in red. dinibus rerum. Incipit: ‘[A]bstinentia discreta ciborum quantum sit hominibus vtilis . . .’ 1552 johannes de tambaco [j-194a^j-197

Provenance: Dr Brian Lawn (1905^2001); book-plate; cata- Incipit: ‘[U]niuersis presens documentum inspecturis decanus et logue, p. 93. Bequeathed in 2001. facultas theologie in almavniversitate Parisiensi salutem etomni- shelfmark: Lawn e.6. bus ¢delibus correctum vt colant deum. Cum theologici doctores secundum professionem suam teneantur veteris . . .’ J-195 Johannes de Sancto Laurentio [Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the elder, c.1472]. Folio. 10 8 6 Postillae evangeliorum dominicalium totius anni et collation: a b c . Leaf a2 signed a1, etc. A r Types: 98 G ; 1 column. 24 leaves. 40 lines (a3 ). Type area: 197 ¿ aliquorum festorum. r r 123 mm (a3 ). [a1 ] Johannes de SanctoLaurentio: ‘Prologus’. Incipit:‘[R]ogatus a C 3369; Go¡ J-434; not in Pr; CIBN J-286; Oates 517; Pellechet MS. quibusdam meis sociis vt euangelia dominicalia . . .’ r 6591 (6556); Sheppard 782; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 639. [a1 ] Johannes de Sancto Laurentio: Postillae evangeliorum dominicalium totius anni et aliquorum festorum. Incipit: COPY ‘Dominica prima aduentus domini. Secundum Matheum. ‘‘[I]n Wanting the blank leaf a1. illo tempore. Cum appropinquasset Ihesus Iherosolimis et venis- Binding: Half green morocco with green cloth; marbled paste- set Bethfage ad montem Oliueti . . .’’ [Mt 21,1^9]. Expositio prime downs. Size: 284 ¿ 211 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 278 ¿ 202 mm. partis. Istud euangelium scribitur Mathei vicesimo primo et diui- Two- and three-line initials, paragraph marks, running folio ditur principaliter in quatuor partes. In prima parte agitur de numbers (xliii^lxv), capital strokes and underlining are supplied in red. aduentu Christi . . .’ Organized according to the liturgical year, v from Advent to the 24th Sunday after Pentecost; postillae de tem- Provenance: Falconer Madan (1851^1935); stamp on a2 : ‘B. N. pore only.The work is a combination of text and commentary for C. F. Madan. Oxford’. Donated in 1915; dated stamp on the verso each Sunday. ofthefront endleaf; see BQR1,8 (1915), 226 and Annual Reportof the Curators of the Bodleian Library, Oxford University Gazette, Brussels: [FratresVitae Communis], 4 Oct. 1480. Folio. 8 6 3 May 1916, 436. collation: [a^z A B ]. shelfmark: Inc. d. G3.1. HC 9410; Go¡ J-433; BMC IX 172; Pr 9332; Campbell 1041; CIBN J-285; Hillard 1156; HPT II 397; ILC 1360; Oates 3850; Sheppard J-197 Johannes deTambaco 7179. Consolatio theologiae. COPY [a r] Johannes de Tambaco: ‘Prefatio’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam secun- Wanting the blank leaf [B6]. 1 Binding: Eighteenth-century mottled calf, with gold-tooled dum apostolorum quecunque scripta sunt ad nostram doctri- spine. Size: 293 ¿ 214 ¿ 40 mm. Size of leaf: 283 ¿ 202 mm. nam . . .’ r refs. For this shorter edition see Albert Auer, Johannes von One earlyannotation in the lower margin of [A5 ]. Abibliographi- cal note pasted to the front pastedown, written in French, in an Dambach und die Trostbu« cher vom 11. bis zum 16. Jh., Beitra« ge eighteenth-century hand. zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters. r Texte und Untersuchungen, 27/1^2 (Aschendor¡, 1928), 227; see On [a1 ] a ¢ve-line initial‘R’ is supplied in blue with reserved white decoration, within a red pen-work border, with thebodyofthe let- Kaeppeli II 400^5, no. 2256;VL IV 571^77, at 573^6. v ter decorated with red pen-work, and with extensions into the [a1 ] Johannes deTambaco: Consolatio theologiae. Incipit:‘[P]rimo inner margin in red; other one- to three-line initials, paragraph ergo ut de hiis que opponuntur mundane felicitati . . .’Shorter ver- marks, capital strokes, and underlining supplied in red. sion, ending ‘. . . Christi animauit per martirii palmam’. Provenance: J. T. Hand (£. 1834^1837); signature on the recto of [Mainz: Peter Schoe¡er, c.1470^5]. 4o. the front endleaf; purchased at his sale (1837), lot 246, for »0. 7.0; collation: [a^l8 m10], with a leaf inserted between gatherings [e] see Books Purchased (1837), 30. and [f]: see BMC. shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 2.7. HC *15235; Go¡ J-435; BMC I 38; Pr 136; BSB-Ink I-523; CIBN J-287; Oates 40; Sheppard 71. Micro¢che: Unit 1: Mainz to 1480.

J-196 Johannes de Segovia COPY Tractatus super materia contractuum de censibus annuis Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf; bound et perpetuis. for the Bodleian; marbled pastedowns, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 217 ¿ 146 ¿ 33 mm. Sizeof a r Johannes Episcopus Caesariensis [de Segovia]: ‘Incipit tracta- 2 leaf: 205 ¿ 140 mm. tus domini Johannis cardinalis sancti Calixti episcopi Occasional annotations, including corrections to the text,‘nota’ Caesariensis editus ab eo in consilio Basiliensi super materia con- marks, and pointing hands. tractuum de censibus annuis et perpetuis’. Incipit: ‘[N]onnullis r On [a ] a six-line initial ‘Q’ is supplied in reserved white within a partibus consuetum est quod volentes habere annuos redditus ad 1 red pen-work border, with red pen-work and reserved white £oral vitam . . .’ decoration within the body of the letter, and with red pen-work refs. See B. Herna¤ ndez Montes, Obras de Juan de Segovia, in extensions into the margins; other two-line initials and paragraph Repertorio de Historia de las ciencias in Espan‹ a. 6: Siglos I-XVI, marks supplied in red or blue; capital strokes and underlining in Instituto de Historia de la Teologia Espan‹ ola. Corpus red. Scriptorum Sacrorum Hispaniae. Estudios, 6 (Salamanca, 1977), Provenance: Amiens, Picardy, Celestines, S. Antonius and S. 267^347, at 272^3 no. 5. r v Martinus; inscription on [a1 ]: ‘Celestinorum Ambianensium’. c4 ‘Propositiones responsiue ad questionem de obseruancia dominicalium dierum et precipuorum solempnium festorum’. j-197^j-200] johannes de tambaco 1553

Purchased for »5.5.0; see BooksPurchased (1825), 25, and note on Occasional early marginal notes, and ‘nota’ marks. the verso of the front endleaf. Partial rubrication in both works: some two- and four-line initials shelfmark: Auct. Q sup. 1.6. and occasional capital strokes are supplied in red. shelfmark: Inc. f. F1.1493.1(1). SECOND COPY J-198 Johannes deTambaco Not in Sheppard. Bound with B-448; see there for details of the Consolatio theologiae. binding and provenance. Size of leaf: 139 ¿ 95 mm. r [*1 ] [Title-page.] ‘Consolatorium theologicum.’ ‘Nota’ marks and underlining in the text, mostly in yellow. r [*2 ] ‘Annotatio notabilium dictorum iuxta alphabeticum ordinem shelfmark: Broxb. 22.15(1). in opusculum sequens’. Incipit: ‘[A]bstinentia mater est sanitatis, mater egritudinis voluptas . . .’ J-200 Johannes deTambaco r a1 Johannes deTambaco: ‘Prefatio’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam secundum Consolatio theologiae. apostolorum quecunque scripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam . . .’ r v [a1 ] ‘Tabule libri partiales et capitula totius libri’. Incipit: ‘[P]rimus a1 [Table of contents.] r premissorum librorum partialium De consolatione theologie . . .’ a3 ‘Capitula’.The ‘Capitula’are listed before each book. r r [b1 ] Johannes de Tambaco: ‘Prologus’ [including a table of con- a3 Johannes deTambaco: Consolatio theologiae. Incipit: ‘[P]rimo ergovt de his que opponuntur mundane felicitati. . . antiqui hostis tents].Incipit:‘[Q]uecunquescriptasuntadnostramdoctrinam...’

insidias accingi. Quod et concedat nobis Jesus Marie ¢lius in v secula seculorum benedictus. Amen.’ [b3 ] Johannes de Tambaco: [Preface.] Incipit: ‘[C]um humanum refs. For this shorter edition see Auer 190, 226; see also J-197. genuspostlapsum primorumparentum de paradisovoluptatis. . .’ o Basel: Johann Amerbach, [14]92. 8 . r 8 [b4 ] Johannes de Tambaco: Consolatio theologiae. Incipit: collation: [*] a^n . ‘[P]rimo itaque principaliter quatuor tristibus predicte domine. . . HC *15237; Go¡ J-437; BMC III 754; Pr 7595; BSB-Ink I-525; quibus conicatur eius imperium cum omnipotentia honorque et Rhodes 1036; Sack, Freiburg, 2134; Sheppard 2441. gloria eius tam sublimis quam nobis prestare dignetur ipse COPY Christus in secula seculorum benedictus. Amen’. Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf with refs. For this longer edition see Auer, 13^15; see also J-197. marbled pastedowns, bound for the Bodleian Library. A parch- [Strasbourg: Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser?), ment index tab on a1. Size: 145 ¿ 104 ¿ 18 mm. Size of not after 1479]. Folio. BMC and Polain assign this edition to leaf: 139 ¿ 90 mm. [Speier: Georgius de Spira]. Sack dates it [c.1477]; a copy was pre- Occasional early annotations, also pointing hands and underlin- sented to the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross at Du« sseldorf in ing in the text in black ink. 1479. Printed in type 4 of the editions ascribed by Ohly to Georg Two- to six-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; r Reyser. a four-line ‘O’ is supplied in error for ‘A’on a1 . collation: [a6 b^o10 p8 p^z A^G10]. Provenance and date of acquisition unknown. HC (+ Addenda) *15236; Go¡ J-436; BMC II 484; Pr 338; BSB-Ink shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.2. I-524; CIBN J-288; Hillard 1157; Polain 2316; Ohly,‘Reyser’, 38; Sack, Freiburg, 2133; Sheppard 263^4. J-199 Johannes deTambaco FIRST COPY Consolatio theologiae. Gathering a, the table, is bound last. Binding: Nineteenth-century English calf, bound for the [A r] [Title-page.] ‘Consolatorium theologicum.’ 1 Bodleian Library. Remains of a manuscript title label attached to [A r] ‘Annotatio notabilium dictorum iuxta alphabeticum ordinem 2 the front pastedown. Size: 303 ¿ 215 ¿ 62 mm. Size of leaf: 295 ¿ in opusculum sequens’. Incipit: ‘[A]bstinentia mater est sanitatis, 190 mm. mater egritudinis voluptas . . .’ Occasional early ‘nota’ marks. B r Johannes deTambaco: ‘Prefatio’. Incipit:‘[Q]uoniam secundum 1 Two- to seven-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, apostolorum quecunque scripta sunt ad nostram doctrinam . . .’ are supplied in red. B v [Table of contents.] 1 Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ B r ‘Capitula’.The ‘Capitula’are listed before each book. 3 in pencil on [a r]. Date of acquisition unknown; no indication B r Johannes deTambaco: Consolatio theologiae. Incipit: ‘[P]rimo 1 3 given by the shelfmark. ergovt de his que opponuntur mundane felicitati. . . antiqui hostis shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 3.17. insidias accingi. Quod et concedat nobis Jesus Marie ¢lius in secula seculorum benedictus. Amen.’ SECOND COPY Binding: Sixteenth/seventeenth-century German (Pru« ll) pigskin refs. For this shorter edition see Auer 227; see also J-197. over wooden boards, with red-edged leaves, and two metal clasps o Paris: Georg Mittelhus, [14]93. 8 . For a variant see CIBN. and catches stamped ‘WS’. On both covers ¢llets form concentric 8 collation: [A] B^O . frames. Within the outer frame is a foliate roll, and within the HC 15238; Go¡ J-438; BMC VIII 126; Pr 8112; CIBN J-289; Hillard inner frame a repeated £euron. The inner rectangle of the upper 1158; Sheppard 6334. cover contains the oval stamp of the Carthusian Monastery of FIRST COPY Pru« ll: to the left a prior (S. Brunus) holding a book and a branch Bound with G-083; see there for details ofthebinding and proven- of a palm; to the right S.Vitus in the cauldron; above the arms of ance. Size of leaf: 134 ¿ 83 mm. Bavaria and Lorraine; the whole surrounded by an inscription: 1554 johannes de werdena [j-200^j-203

‘Patroni Monasterii in Pruell prope Ratisbonam Ordinis deum - a¡ectione . . .’ See Schneyer, Wegweiser, 357, and Henri Carthusiensis 1591’; see Siebmacher, I/1, Tafel 8, p. 9; this stamp Gilles,‘Jean de Jean, abbe¤ de Joncels’, HLF 40 (1974), 53^111, at was in use until 1626; ex informatione Dr Rosa Micus, 101. Regensburg. On the lower cover, the inner rectangle contains an [Strasbourg: Johann Pru« ss, c.1488^92]. 4o. For a copy with ornamental centre-piece. Parchment index tabs. Inside upper buyer’s date1492 see BMC. cover a cutting from a German bookseller’s catalogue; Carl collation: a^z A^D Dd8 E6. Theodor Gemeiner, Nachrichten von den in der HC *9431; Go¡ J-443; BMC I 126; Pr 561; BSB-Ink I-607; CIBN Regensburgischen Stadtbibliothek be¢ndlichen merkwu« rdigen J-295; Hillard 1159; Sheppard 432. und seltenen Bu« chern aus dem funfzehenden Jahrhundert (Regensburg, 1785), 75^6. Size: 277 ¿ 202 ¿ 69 mm. Size of FIRST COPY Binding: Contemporary German (Bamberg, KyriÞ workshop leaf: 260 ¿ 186 mm. no. 4) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with two clasps Some folio numbers added to the table of contents. Occasional and catches; yellow-edged leaves. Formerly chained: staple- marginal annotations and ‘nota’ marks, also underlining in the marks of a hasp at the head of lower cover. ‘624’ on a circular text in black ink. label at the head of the spine. Strips from a thirteenth-century Two- to seven-line initials, some with extensions into the margins, liturgical manuscript and from another thirteenth-century reli- are supplied in black ink, except on [q v-q r], where the initials, 4 5 gious manuscript still visible in thebinding. On both covers, triple paragraph marks, and capital strokes are supplied in red. Early ¢llets form a frame. On the upper cover, outside the frame is a pagination in black ink: 1^587. repeated square rosette stamp surrounded by apex stamp and Provenance: Mathias Schach (À1515); inscription on [* r]: ‘1503. 1 with four lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamps at each corner. In Hic liber pertinet fratri Mathie Schach, episcopo Salonensi et the inner rectangle merrythoughts contain circular lamb and Su¡raganeo Frislingensi [ ]’. Regensburg, Bavaria, Pru« ll, £ag stamps; see KyriÞ pl. 7, nos 3^6. On the lower cover, outside Carthusians, S. Vitus; inscriptions on [* r]: ‘Cartusi× S. Viti in 1 the frame are the rosette and £eur-de-lis stamps; the inner rect- Pruel’, and ‘Pertinet domui S.Viti in Prul ordinis Carthusiensis’; angle contains merrythoughts, each containing £euron stamps; pencil shelfmark on the front pastedown: ‘II.7’, and shelfmark on see KyriÞ pl. 7, nos 2^5. On the spine are sets of three circular the spine: ‘D.II.7’. Purchased for »2. 5. 0; see Books Purchased lamb and £ag stamps. Size: 251 ¿ 186 ¿ 45 mm. Size of (1846), 37. leaf: 240 ¿ 176 mm. shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 4.39. r Early marginal note, extracting key word, on i3 . r On q3 an eight-line initial is supplied in red. Other initials and J-201 Johannes deTongues paragraph marks are supplied in red; a few initials supplied in Meditatio in psalmum‘Miserere mei’. blue; capital strokes in red. r Provenance: Bamberg, Bavaria, Dominicans; sixteenth-century a1 [Title-page.] r r v inscription on a1 and a2 : ‘Conuentus Bambergensis ordinis a1 Johannes deTongues: [Introduction.] Incipit:‘[F]ortissime deus spiritum vniuerse carnis qui vinci non potes . . .’ Fratrum Praedicatorum’. Purchased through Quaritch for »0. 7. v 0; anonymous sale (London: Puttick & Simpson, 3 Mar. 1885), a1 [Biblia latina: Psalm 50.] refs. Ps 50. lot 624; see Library Bills, 5 Mar.1885. v shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.7. a1 Johannes de Tongues: Meditatio in psalmum ‘Miserere mei’. Incipit: ‘Quia non venisti vt iudices mundum . . .’ SECOND COPY o Not in Sheppard. Paris: [JeanTreperel for] Michel Le Noir, [c.1494]. 8 . As dated by Binding: Contemporary (c.1490) German brown goatskin over Hillard; Polain dates it [s.xvi ?] and assigns it to [Le Noir]. 2 8 wooden boards, with yellow-edged leaves, for S. Eucharius- collation: a a . Matthias in Trier; see Goldschmidt no. 32 and pl. CI. Clasp Not in Pr; Hillard 1158a; Polain 3788; not in Sheppard. replaced. Size: 249 ¿ 185 ¿ 45 mm. Size of leaf: 235 ¿ 168 mm. COPY Pastedowns consist of two leaves from a twelfth-century noted Bound with G-082; see there for details of binding and proven- liturgical manuscript.‘T [ ] 3 - 20’on the front pastedown. ance. Size of leaf: 145 ¿ 101 mm. Initials are supplied in red. v On a1 a four-line initial is supplied in red; paragraph marks and Provenance: Trier, North Rhine-Westphalia, Benedictines, S. r capital strokes are supplied in red. Eucharius-Matthias; inscription on a1 :‘Codex monasterij sancti shelfmark: Broxb. 24.6(5). mathie apostoli extra muros Treuen.’ Ernst Philip Goldschmidt (1887^1954); ‘E. P. G. 32’ in green ink on the front pastedown. J-202 Johannes Vercellensis Albert Ehrman (1890^1969); purchased by Ehrman from E. P. Sermones vademecum. Goldschmidt in 1933 for »25; accession no. ‘1502’. Presented in 1978 by John Ehrman. r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Sermones vademecum de tempore et de sanctis per shelfmark: Broxb. 32.2. ¢guras utiles.’ r a2 Johannes Vercellensis; [Johannes Johannis, Abbas J-203 Johannes de Werdena Juncellensis]: Sermones vademecum.‘Incipit Vademecumfratris Johannis decretorum doctoris et abbatis Vercellensis de collatio- Sermones‘Dormi secure’de tempore. r nibus dominicis et festiuis. Dominica prima de aduentu domini.’ [a2 ] ‘Tabula siue directorium sermonum dormi secure secundum Incipit: ‘‘‘[R]espicite et leuate capita vestra.’’ Luce xxi. [Lc 21,28.] alphabeti ordinem.’‘A[A]bstinentes etbene ieiunantes mercedem In verbis premissis tria tanguntur. Scilicet. Intentio cordis - ad - habebunt apud deum . . .’ j-203^j-206] johannes de werdena 1555

r [a1 ] [Johannes deWerdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’de tempore. circular label at tail of the spine. Previously bound before a copy ‘Dominica prima aduentus. Sermo primus.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones of the Manipuluscuratorum; see sixteenth(?)-century manuscript v dominicales cum expositionibus euangeliorum per annum satis note on r6 : ‘Sequitur libellus qui dicitur manipulus curatorum’. notabiles et utiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus et capellanis Size: 292 ¿ 206 ¿ 30 mm. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 200 mm. r qui alio nomine Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura sunt nuncupati On a2 a seven-line initial‘D’ is supplied in redwith reserved white eo quod absque magno studio faciliter possint incorporari et decoration, Cologne style, on a pen-£ourished violet ground. populo predicari incipiunt feliciter. ‘‘[D]icite ¢lie Sion ecce rex Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red; capitals tuus venit tibi mansuetus etcetera.’’ Math. xxi. [Mt 21,5.] Verba touched with yellow wash. ista scripta sunt a Zacharia . . . Quod nobis ille concedat qui sine Provenance and date of acquisition unknown; books with neigh- ¢ne viuit et regnat. Ad laudem et honorem omnipotentis dei et vir- bouring shelfmarks were acquired in 1884. ginis matris . . . ex variis diuersorum doctorum sermonibus col- shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf.1.18. lecti et in vnum compilati’ See VL IV 811^13; Schneyer, ‘Winke’, 239 no. 35; P. Schlager, Beitra« ge zur Geschichte der ko« lnischen J-205 Johannes de Werdena Franziskaner-Ordensprovinz im Mittelalter (Cologne, 1904), 165^7. Sermones‘Dormi secure’de tempore. r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Sermones Dormi secure de tempore.’ [Cologne: Conrad Winters, de Homborch, c.1477]. Folio. r collation: [*4 a^s8]. a2 [Johannes de Werdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’de tempore. r ‘Dominica prima aduentus. Sermo primus.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones Type: 99 G. 148 leaves, the ¢rst blank. 38 lines ([a1 ], col. 2), 2 col- r r dominicales cum expositionibus euangeliorum per annum satis umns. 187 ¿ 136 mm ([a1 ]). Leaf [*2 ]: ‘Tabula |iue directorium r notabiles et vtiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus et capellanis |er monuq dormi |ecure |cd’m alpha beti ordinem . . .’; [* ], > > 4 qui alio nomine Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura sunt nuncupati col. 2, l. 6:‘Explicit tabula |ermonum’. Go¡ J-444; not in Pr; Sheppard 892; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, p. 543 no. eo quod absque magno studio faciliter possint incorporari et 695a. populo predicari incipiunt feliciter. ‘‘[D]icite ¢lie Sion ecce rex tuus venit tibi mansuetus etcetera.’’ Matthei .xxi. [Mt 21,5.] Verba COPY ista scripta sunt a Zacharia . . . Quod nobis ille concedat qui sine Bound with H-064; see there for details of binding and proven- ¢ne viuit et regnat.’ See J-203; without the extended explicit, but ance. Size of leaf: 263 ¿ 202 mm. sharing the words‘alio nomine’ in the incipit with the two preced- Wanting the blank leaf [*1]. ing editions. Some marginal notes, mainlyextracting key words and correcting v t4 ‘Incipit tabula sermonum dormi secure secundum alphabeti the text, in two di¡erent early hands, one probably that of the ordinem.’ ‘[A]bstinentes et bene ieiunantes mercedem habebunt rubricator. apud deum . . .’ On [a r] a six-line initial is supplied in red with reserved white dec- 1 Basel: [Printer of Me¡ret,‘Sermones’ (Berthold Ruppel)], 28 June oration, Cologne style, and brown pen-work decoration. Other o initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes are supplied in red. 1489. 4 . The imprint information is provided in the colophon to shelfmark: Inc. d. G3.1470.1(1). Ruppel’s Sermones de sanctis, not included in the Bodleian copy. collation: a^g H h^r8 s t6 (not as BMC). In the BMC copy gath- ering H, containing shorter leaves of ‘thick, yellower, unmarked J-204 Johannes de Werdena paper’ is misbound as part of the Sermones de sanctis, its correct Sermones‘Dormi secure’de tempore. position being as here in Sermones de tempore; in the Bodleian r copy gathering k is also of this paper stock.156 leaves (as H). a2 [Johannes de Werdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de tempore. HC *15961; Go¡ J-461; BMC III 779; Pr 7714; BSB-Ink I-553; Sack, ‘Dominica prima aduentus. Sermo primus.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones Freiburg, 2146; Sheppard 2306. dominicales cum expositionibus euangeliorum per annum satis notabiles et utiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus et capellanis COPY qui alio nomine Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura sunt nuncupati Bound with B-192; see there for details of binding and proven- eo quod absque magno studio faciliter possint incorporari et ance. Size of leaf: 212 ¿ 148 mm. populo predicari incipiunt feliciter. ‘‘[D]icite ¢lie Syon ecce rex Wanting gathering g. tuus venit tibi mansuetus etcetera.’’ Math. xxi. [Mt 21,5.] Verba shelfmark: Auct.1Q 7.24(1). ista scripta sunt a Zacharia . . .’See J-203. v r4 ‘Tabula siue directorium sermonum dormi secure secundum J-206 Johannes de Werdena alphabeti ordinem.’‘A[A]bstinentes etbene ieiunantes mercedem Sermones‘Dormi secure’de tempore. habebunt apud deum . . .’ r a2 ‘Tabula siue directorium sermonum dormi secure secundum [Cologne: Johann Koelho¡, the Elder, c.1484]. Folio. Polain dates alphabeti ordinem.’ ‘Sequitur de A [A]bstinentes et bene ieiu- [c.1485]. nantes mercedem habebunt apud deum . . .’ collation: a^q8 r6. r a3 [Johannes de Werdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’de tempore. GWNachtra« ge,191; C 5978; Go¡ J-454; BMC I 226; Pr1063; Polain ‘Dominica prima aduentus. Sermo primus.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones 3507; Sheppard 808; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 701. dominicales cum expositionibus euangeliorum per annum satis COPY notabiles et vtiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus et capellanis Wanting the blank leaf a1. qui Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura sunt nuncupati eo quod abs- Binding: Nineteenth-century paper boards. Strips from a ¢f- que magno studio faciliter possint incorporari et populo predicari teenth(?)-century manuscript visible in the binding. ‘1351’ on incipiunt feliciter. ‘‘[D]icite ¢lie Syon ecce rex tuus venit tibi 1556 johannes de werdena [j-206^j-208

mansuetus etcetera.’’ Math. xxi. [Mt 21,5.] Verba ista scripta sunt a2 signed a1. originaliter Zacharie .ix . . . quod nobis ille concedat qui sine ¢ne Binding: Eighteenth-century French mottled calf, with gold- viuit et regnat. In singulare preconium indiuidue eueque trinitatis tooled spine, marbled-edged leaves, marbled pastedowns, and intemerate intacteque dei genitricis . . . presidium orthodoxe ¢dei pink silk book-mark. Size: 290 ¿ 208 ¿ 42 mm. Size of catholicesermonesadmodumpro¢cuietsibreuesdormisecure...’ leaf: 282 ¿ 200 mm. See J-203; but with a di¡erent explicit; ‘alio nomine’absent from In both items, some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, incipit. in an early French hand, in Latin and French. r Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 4 Sept. 1486. Folio. On a3 a ¢ve-line initial ‘D’ is supplied in blue with reserved white collation: a^k6. decoration coloured ochre on a pink pen-£ourished ground. HC *15976; Go¡ J-458; BMC II 430; Pr 2054; BSB-Ink I-548; Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in blue or red; Sheppard 1502. capital strokes in red. Provenance: Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735^1792); COPY printed label of the sale (1789), part I lot 751; lots 749^52 all Wanting the blank leaves a and k . 1 6 marked down to van den Bergh, for a total of Fl. 3, the equivalent Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf, bound for the Bodleian. of »0. 5. 3, according to the exchange rate used by Thomas Payne Size: 316 ¿ 219 ¿ 18 mm. Size of leaf: 308 ¿ 212 mm. at this sale. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. A few marginal notes, commenting on the text, in two di¡erent Bequeathed in 1834. early hands. shelfmark: Douce 202(1). Initials, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, are supplied in red. Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Pru« ll, Carthusians, S.Vitus; J-208 Johannes de Werdena r inscription on a2 : ‘Ex libris Cartusi× S. Viti in Priull prope Sermones‘Dormi secure’de tempore. r Ratisbonaš .’ In another hand: ‘[ ]estituatus(?) Monasterio unacuš a1 [Title-page.] ‘Sermones Dormi secure uel Dormi sine cura de Discipuli sermonibus’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, tempore’ Munich; ‘3732’ on a r. Date of acquisition unknown; no indica- v 2 a1 ‘Tabula siue directorium sermonum dormi secure secundum tion given by the shelfmark. alphabeti ordinem.’ ‘Sequitur de A [A]bstinentes et bene ieiu- shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 4.21. nantes mercedem habebunt apud deum . . .’ r a4 [Johannes de Werdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de tempore. J-207 Johannes de Werdena ‘Dominica prima aduentus. Sermo primus.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones dominicales cum expositionibus euangeliorum per annum satis Sermones‘Dormi secure’de tempore. notabiles et vtiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus et capellanis r a1 ‘Tabula siue directorium sermonum dormi secure secundum qui Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura sunt nuncupati eo quod abs- alphabeti ordinem.’‘A[A]bstinentes etbene ieiunantes mercedem que magno studio faciliter possunt incorporari et populo predi- habebunt apud deum . . .’ cari incipiunt feliciter. ‘‘[D]icite ¢lie Sion ecce rex tuus venit tibi r a3 [Johannes de Werdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de tempore. mansuetus.’’ Matthei .xxi. [Mt 21,5.] Verba ista scripta sunt origi- ‘Dominica prima aduentus. Sermo primus.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones naliter Zacharie .ix . . . Quod nobis ille concedat qui sine ¢ne viuit dominicales cum expositionibus euangeliorum per annum satis et regnat. Ad laudem et honorem omnipotentis dei virginisque notabiles et vtiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus et capellanis matris . . . ¢niunt sermones notabiles quamquam breves Dormi qui Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura sunt nuncupati eo quod abs- secure intitulati.’See J-207. r que magno studio faciliter possunt incorporari et populo predi- x8 [Colophon.] cari incipiunt feliciter. ‘‘[D]icite ¢lie Sion ecce rex tuus venit tibi Hagenau: [Heinrich Gran], 10 Jan. 1493. 4o. Sack and BSB-Ink mansuetus.’’ Matthei .xxi. [Mt 21,5.] Verba ista scripta sunt origi- treat it as part one of a joint edition in two parts, with J-211. naliter Zacharie .ix . . . Quod nobis ille concedat qui sine ¢ne viuit collation: a^b8 c^s8.4 t8 v6 x8. et regnat. Ad laudem et honorem omnipotentis dei virginisque Woodcut. matris . . . ¢niunt sermones dormi notabiles quamquam breves H *15964; BMC III 682; Pr 3177; BSB-Ink I-556; Sack, Freiburg, Dormi secure intitulati.’See J-203; di¡erent explicit from the pre- 2148; Schreiber V 4397; Sheppard 2231. ceding and ‘possunt’ rather than ‘possint’ in the incipit. o r [Colophon.] COPY 7 Bound with: Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg 2. Johannes de Werdena, Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de sanctis. Husner)], c.24 June1487.Folio. Sack and BSB-Inktreat it as part Hagenau: [Heinrich Gran], 27 Dec. 1492 (J-211). one of a joint edition in two parts, with J-210. Binding: Eighteenth-century red morocco, with the spine gold- 8 6 8 collation: a b^n o . tooled, marbled pastedowns, yellow-edged leaves, and green silk HC *15959; Go¡ J-459 (I); Pr 612; BSB-Ink I-552; Sack, Freiburg, book-mark. Size: 205 ¿ 137 ¿ 41mm. Sizeof leaf: 196 ¿ 130 mm. 2144; Sheppard 471. r ‘Jesus’on a1 in an early hand. COPY A few initials are supplied in red ink. Bound with: Provenance: Justin, comte MacCarthy Reagh(1744^1811); sale 2. Johannes de Werdena, Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de sanctis. (1789), lot 1483, in Douce’s copy of the catalogue annotated with Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg ‘Douce [ ] 7 6’. Francis Douce (1757^1834); armorial book-plate. (Georg Husner)],16 Jan. 1488 (J-210). Bequeathed in 1834. Wanting leaf a1 containing the title-page. shelfmark: Douce 87(1). j-209^j-212] johannes de werdena 1557

J-209 Johannes de Werdena two of a joint edition in two parts, with J-207.The colophon reads Sermones‘Dormi secure’de tempore. ‘die Sancti Marcelli papae’. Pr dates [4 Sept. 1488] (the day of S. r Marcellus, bishop) in error. a1 [Title-page.] ‘Sermones Dormi secure uel Dormi sine cura de collation: [*6] a10 b^x6. Gathering [*] numbered but not signed. tempore’ v HC *15959; Go¡ J-459 (II); Pr 617; BSB-Ink I-552; Sack, Freiburg, a1 ‘Tabula siue directorium sermonum dormi secure secundum 2144; Sheppard 472. alphabeti ordinem.’ ‘Sequitur de A [A]bstinentes et bene ieiu- nantes mercedem habebunt apud deum . . .’ COPY r Bound with J-207; see there for details ofbinding and provenance. a4 [Johannes de Werdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de tempore. ‘Dominica prima aduentus. Sermo primus.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones Size of leaf: 282 ¿ 200 mm. dominicales cum expositionibus euangeliorum per annum satis Wanting the blank leaf x6. On a r a six-line initial ‘C’ is supplied in blue with reserved white notabiles et vtiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus et capellanis 1 qui Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura sunt nuncupati eo quod abs- decoration coloured ochre on a pink pen-£ourished ground. que magno studio faciliter possunt incorporari et populo predi- Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in blue or red; cari incipiunt feliciter. ‘‘[D]icite ¢lie Syon ecce rex tuus venit tibi capital strokes in red. mansuetus.’’ Matthei .xxi. [Mt 21,5.] Verba ista scripta sunt origi- shelfmark: Douce 202(2). naliter Zacharie .ix . . . Quod nobis ille concedat qui sine ¢ne viuit et regnat. Ad laudem et honorem omnipotentis dei virginisque J-211 Johannes de Werdena matris ¢niunt sermones notabiles quamquam breves Dormi Sermones‘Dormi secure’de sanctis. secure intitulati.’See J-207. r A1 [Title-page.] ‘Sermones de sanctis Dormi secure.’ x r [Colophon.] v 8 A1 ‘Tabula.’ Incipit:‘[A]aron honoratus est a domino tripliciter. . .’ o r [Strasbourg: Johann (Reinhard) Gru« ninger], 4 Dec. 1500. 4 . B1 [Johannes de Werdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de sanctis. Sheppard notes that E.Voullie¤ me (ZfB 32 (1915), 318) assigns to ‘De sancto Andrea. Sermo .i.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones de sanctis per Husner. Sack and BSB-Ink treat it as part one of a joint edition in annum satis notabiles et vtiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus two parts, with J-212. et capellanis qui alio nomine Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura collation: a^c8 d^t4.8 v6 x8. sunt nuncupati eo quod absque magno studio faciliter possint Woodcut. incorporari et populo predicari incipiunt feliciter.‘‘[C]hristo con- H *15966; Go¡ J-469 (I); BMC I 115; Pr 496; BSB-Ink I-559; Sack, ¢xus sum cruci.’’ Ad Gal. ii. [Gal 2,19] Notate charissimi. Dicit Freiburg, 2149; Sheppard 405. enim beatus Augustinus super verbo predicto . . .’See J-210. o COPY Hagenau: [Heinrich Gran], 27 Dec. 1492. 4 . ISTC, Sack, and Bound with: BSB-Ink treat it as part two of a joint edition in two parts, with 2. Johannes de Werdena, Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de sanctis. J-208. [Strasbourg: Johann (Reinhard) Gru« ninger], 3 Aug. 1500 (J-212). collation: A8 B^X8.4 Y8 Z4 AA^HH8.4 II8. Binding: Seventeenth-century blind-tooled calf, with marbled- Woodcut. edged leaves, marbled pastedowns, and green silk book-mark. H *15964; Go¡, Supplement, J-470a?; Pr 3176; BSB-Ink I-556; Sack, Size: 189 ¿ 138 ¿ 42 mm. Size of leaf: 182 ¿ 130 mm. Freiburg, 2148; Schreiber V 4397; Sheppard 2230. r On a1 insciptions recording deaths in the year 1510. Other early COPY marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing Bound with J-208; see there for details ofbinding and provenance. hands in brown and red ink, on both items. Size of leaf: 196 ¿ 130 mm. Woodcut coloured in red. Initials are supplied in red. Wanting the blank leaf II8. Gatherings y and L bound before the Provenance: William Hamilton (£. 1889). Purchased from title, sheets EE3,4 between E3 and E4. Hamilton for »0.10. 6; see Library Bills, Jan.1889. Reference to Purgatory in the list of contents crossed out, as well shelfmark: Auct.7Q 7.56(1). as the word ‘papa’ in the text. shelfmark: Douce 87(2). J-210 Johannes de Werdena Sermones‘Dormi secure’de sanctis. J-212 Johannes de Werdena r [*1 ] [Title-page.] ‘Sermones de sanctis dormi secure’ Sermones‘Dormi secure’de sanctis. v r [*1 ] ‘Tabula.’Incipit:‘[A]aron honoratus est a domino tripliciter. . .’ A1 [Title-page.] ‘Sermones de sanctis Dormi secure.’ r v a1 [Johannes deWerdena]: Sermones‘Dormi secure’de sanctis.‘De A1 ‘Tabula.’ Incipit:‘[A]aron honoratus est a domino tripliciter. . .’ r sancto Andrea. Sermo Primus.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones de sanctis per B1 [Johannes de Werdena]: Sermones ‘Dormi secure’ de sanctis. annum satis notabiles et vtiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus ‘De sancto andrea. Sermo .i.’ Incipit: ‘Sermones de sanctis per et capellanis qui alio nomine Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura annum satis notabiles et vtiles omnibus sacerdotibus pastoribus sunt nuncupati eo quod absque magno studio faciliter possint et capellanis qui alio nomine Dormi secure vel dormi sine cura incorporari et populo predicari incipiunt feliciter.‘‘[C]hristo con- sunt nuncupati eo quod absque magno studio faciliter possint ¢xus sum cruci.’’ Ad Gal. ii. [Gal 2,19] Notate charissimi. Dicit incorporari et populo predicari incipiunt feliciter. ‘‘[C]hristo enim beatus Augustinus super verbo predicto . . .’ See VL IV 811^ 13; Schneyer,‘Winke’, 239 no. 35. Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner)], 16 Jan. 1488. Folio. Sack and BSB-Ink treat it as part 1558 jordanus nemorarius [j-212^j-214

v con¢xus sum cruci.’’Ad Gal. ii. [Gal 2,19] Notate charissimi. Dicit a1 ‘Argumentum decem librorum Jordani.’ Incipit: ‘Primus pas- enim beatus Augustinus super verbo predicto . . .’See J-210. siones numerorum communes . . .’ r [Strasbourg: Johann (Reinhard) Gru« ninger], 3 Aug. 1500. 4o. a2 Jordanus Nemorarius: Arithmetica. Edited and commented by Sheppard notes that E.Voullie¤ me (ZfB 32 (1915), 318) assigns to Jacobus Faber Stapulensis. ‘Jordani Nemorarii clarissimi viri Husner. Sack and BSB-Ink treat it as part two of a joint edition in Elementa arithmetica, cum demostrationibus Jacobi Fabri two parts, with J-209.After the colophon, six lines of type acci- Stapulensis, ad Johannem de Ganay senatorem Parisiensem.’ dentally inked, as in BMC copy. refs. Jordanus de Nemore, De elementis arithmetice artis: A collation: A8 B^Z AA^HH8.4 II8. Medieval Treatise on Number Theory, ed. Hubert L. L. Busard, Woodcut. Boethius. Texte und Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der H *15966; Go¡ J-469 (II); BMC I 115; Pr 494; BSB-Ink I-559; Sack, Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften 22, 1^2 (Stuttgart, Freiburg, 2149; Sheppard 403. 1991); seeThorndike^Kibre1600. r a2 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Commentary.] Incipit:‘Dignitates COPY atque petitiones paucas vt disciplina se faciliorem . . .’ The com- Bound with J-209; see there fordetails ofbinding and provenance. mentary alternates with the text. Size of leaf: 182 ¿ 130 mm. f r Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Letter addressed to] Nicolaus de Wanting the blank leaf II . 1 8 Hacqueville,‘inquisitorium presidens’. Initials are supplied in red. refs. Rice 29^32. shelfmark: Auct. 7Q 7.56(2). v f1 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Letter addressed to] Jacobus Labinius and JacobusTurbelinus. J-213 Johannes Petrus Lucensis refs. Rice 32^3. v f1 ‘Antiqui qui de musica scripserunt.’ Regulae de declinationibus, generibus et praeteritis. v r f1 ‘Argumentum quattuor librorum musices’. Incipit: ‘Primus liber [a1 ] Johannes Petrus Lucensis: Regulae de declinationibus, gener- interualla musicis modulationibus . . .’ ibus et praeteritis.‘De Prima declinatione.’ Incipit: ‘[P]rima decli- r f2 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: Elementa musicalia. Dedicated to natio habet terminationes in nominatiuo tres. a. as. et es . . .’ See Nicolaus de Hacqueville, ‘presidens Parisiensis’. Incipit: Mariarosa Cortesi,‘Allascuola di Gian Pietro d’Avenza in Lucca’, ‘[I]nteruallum est soni grauis . . .’ Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und v h7 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: Dedicated to Johannes Stephanus Bibliotheken, 61 (1981), 109^67, at 129 n. 60. Ferrerius. [Venice: Printer of Brunus Aretinus (H 1565), c.1472]. 4o. This refs. Rice 33^6. r press, designated the ‘Printer of Terentius’, BMC VII 1142, in h8 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: Epitome in duos libros arithmeti- IGI, is located by BMC at Venice; by GW tentatively at Milan. cos Boethii. Incipit: ‘[I]nter disciplinas mathematicas quibus collation: [a^e10 f 4]. neglectis omnis obscuratur disciplina . . .’ See Thorndike^Kibre 54 leaves, the last blank. 767. v H 12853; Pr 7351; IGI 7632; Sheppard 4738. i6 Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Letter addressed to] Bernardus COPY Vencarius, doctor. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled paste- refs. Rice 36^8. r boards. ‘Regulae’ along the fore-edge. Size: 240 ¿ 159 ¿ 16 mm. i7 Faber [Stapulensis], Jacobus: De ludo arithmomachiae, sive Size of leaf: 231 ¿ 152 mm. Rithmimachiae ludus.‘Bathillus /Alcmeon / Brontinus.’ Incipit: Marginal note, commenting on the text, in an early Italian(?) ‘[O] Alchmeon quam tempestiuus ades . . .’This is notthe work by hand. Manuscript signatures partly visible. John Sherwood; see John F. C. Richards, ‘A New Manuscript of r On [a1 ] an initial ‘P’ (Venice) is supplied in purple-edged in white Arithmomachia’, Scripta mathematica, 4 (1943), nos 2^4. v on a gold ground; the area de¢ned by the letter is blue with purple i8 [Colophon] Incipit: ‘Has duas quadriuii partes et artium liberal- and green foliate decoration. In the margin pen-work decoration ium precipuas . . . Et idem quoque facit David Lauxius Brytannus with gold dots; see Pa« cht and Alexander II, 110 no. pr. 71. Other Edinburgensis ubique ex archetypo diligens operis recognitor’. initials are supplied in red or purple. Proofs were read by David Lauxius of Edinburgh. Provenance: Purchased for »0. 3. 6; see Books Purchased (1832), Paris: Johannes Higman and Wolfgang Hopyl, 22 July 1496. 13; and Financial Statements (1828^32, Library Records b. 4), no. Folio. 16,‘Books Purchased by the Librarian’. collation: a^i8. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 5.44. HC 9436; Go¡ J-472; BMC VIII 137; Pr 8137; BSB-Ink I-613; CIBN J-302; Oates 3032^3; Rhodes 1039; Sack, Freiburg, 2153; J-214 Jordanus Nemorarius Sheppard 6348^9; Smith, Arithmetica, 62^4. Arithmetica (ed. and comm. Jacobus Faber Stapulensis). FIRST COPY Binding: Nineteenth(?)-century half parchment over paste- r a1 [Table of contents.] boards; azure-edged leaves; the gold stamp of the Bodleian r a1 Gonterius, Guilelmus, Cabilonensis: ‘In laudem arithmetices et Library on both covers. Size: 283 ¿ 210 ¿ 18 mm. Size of musices’.‘Tempore iam multo docte latuere sorores, > Quas retinet leaf: 275 ¿ 203 mm. comites £aua minerua suas’; 9 elegiac distichs. See Rice19, note 4. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a humanist a v Faber Stapulensis, Jacobus: [Letter addressed to] Johannes de v 1 hand. On i8 a marginal note in Italian, partly cropped: ‘avuto Ganay.‘Noua commentatio in Jordanum.’ sabato nn. ottobre1806. H(?): [ ] ital:’ refs. Rice 17^20. j-214^j-217] jordanus de quedlinburg 1559

r Provenance: Purchased ‘At Wise’s 1st auction of Thorpe’s a1 Jordanus de Quedlinburg: Meditationes de passione Christi. Books’, lot 1084, for »0. 6. 6; see Books Purchased (1832), 13, and ‘Articuli passionis cum theorematibus et documentis . . . Financial Statements (1828^32, Library Records b. 4), no. 16, Tractatus . . . habens partes septem iuxta horas septem canonicas ‘Books purchased by the Librarian’. cum theorematibus et articulis passionis atque doctrinis pro shelfmark: Auct. 2Q inf.1.26. homine saluberrimis. Prologus.’ Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]nspice et fac secun- SECOND COPY dum exemplar . . .’’ [Ex 25,40.] Etsi Christus vbique in scriptura Bound with J-188; see there for details of binding and provenance. dicatur mons . . .’ r Size of leaf: 280 ¿ 202 mm. a4 Jordanus de Quedlinburg: Meditationes de passione Christi. Wanting sheets a3.4, f3.4, and leaf f2. ‘Articuli passionis cum theorematibus et documentis . . . Prima Extensively annotated in a contemporary hand. pars de hora matutinali et habet articulos .xx.’ Incipit: Initials are supplied in red. ‘Theorema. [D]omine Iesu Christe ¢li dei viui, qui hora matuti- shelfmark: Savile MM d.135(3). nali . . . [P]rimus articulus dominice passionis est pauoris et tristi- cie assumptio. . .’See Stegmu« ller, Repertorium biblicum, 5141;VL J-215 Jordanus Osnabrugensis IV 853^61; Schneyer, Repertorium, no. 60. The work is divided De imperio Romano. into seven parts, the ¢rst subdivided into 20 articles, the second into 8, the third into 12, the fourth into 18, the ¢fth into 5. The r [a1 ] Jordanus Osnabrugensis; [Alexander de Roes]: De imperio sixth and seventh parts contain one article each. Romano [addressed to] Jacobus de Columna, Cardinal deacon [Basel: Jacobus Wol¡, de Pforzheim, 1492]. 4o. Assigned by Pr to of S. Maria in via lata. Incipit: ‘[M]entes hominum diuinis infor- [Johann Amerbach]. mare virtutibus . . .’ collation: A8 B6 a^g8 h4 i8. refs. See H. Grundmann and H. Heimpel in Monumenta H *9443; Go¡ J-476; BMC III 776; Pr 7625; BSB-Ink I-609; Sack, Germaniae Historica. Staatsschriften des spa« teren Mittelalters Freiburg, 2155; Sheppard 2496. I, 1 (1958), 47; VL I 222^6, at 223; VL IV 852^3. The Memoriale de praerogativa Romani imperii of Alexander de Roes incorpo- COPY rates the work of Jordanus; see chapters 4^9 of the edition of Bound with H-075; see there for details of binding, and proven- Grundmann and Heimpel. ance. Size of leaf: 197 ¿ 137 mm. Marginal notes in a number of early hands, mainly extracting key [Rome:Wolf Han, c.1476]. 4o. words, numbering sections, and providing pointing hands. collation: [a12]. shelfmark: Auct.7Q 5.42(1). HC *9437; Go¡ J-473; BMC IV 74; Pr 3370; BSB-Ink A-243; Sack, Freiburg, 2154; Sheppard 2860. Micro¢che: Unit 5: Chronicles and Historiography: Part II. J-217 Jordanus de Quedlinburg COPY Postillae de tempore et sermones, et al. Bound with: [a r] [Title-page.] 1. Petrus de Monte, De potestate Romani Ponti¢cis et Generalis 1 [a r] ‘Tabula’ [pars hiemalis]. Concilii. [Rome: Wolf Han, c.1476] (M-318); the rest of the 2 [c r] Jordanus de Quedlinburg: Postillae de tempore et sermones. volume contains various ¢fteenth-century manuscript items, for 1 ‘Incipit prologus in expositionem euangeliorum dominicalium. which see Coxe, Laudian MSS, pp. 208^11. I.’ Incipit: ‘ [J]ordanis ripas aluei sui tempore messis impleuerat’’. Binding: Limp sheep over Italian pasteboards, with two strings Iosue .iii. [Ios 3,15.] Sicut dicit beatus Augustinus de consensu made of cloth. Impression of number ‘16’ visible at the head of euangelistarum . . .’ See Schneyer, Repertorium, nos 1^59; 60 upper cover. Size: 292 ¿ 212 ¿ 73 mm. Sizeofleaf: 291 ¿ 213 mm. (‘Expositio dominicae passionis cum suis theorematibus et exem- On thefront endleafa listofcontents in Laud’s hand:‘H 45. In hoc plaribus’); 61^134. liber continentur . . .’ [E v] Jordanus de Quedlinburg: Meditationes de passione Christi. Provenance: Giovanni Antonio Delphini (1506^1561); inscrip- 7 r ‘Expositio dominice passionis cum suis theorematibus et exem- tion on [a1 ] of item 1: ‘Jo. Delphini’.William Laud, Archbishop r plaribus documentis’.‘In parasceue de passione domini sermo et of Canterbury (1573^1645); inscription on [a ] of item 1: ‘Liber 1 tractatus habens sexagintasex partes et sexagintaquinque theore- Guilielmi Laud Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis et Cancellarii mata de sexagintaquinque articulis dominice passionis.’ Incipit: Vniuersitatis Oxoniensis 1635.’ Donated by Laud in 1636; see ‘‘‘[I]nspice et fac secundum exemplar . . .’’ [Ex 25,40.] Etsi Coxe, Laudian MSS, p. xxxvi. Christus vbique in scriptura dicatur mons . . .’ Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Fysher, Catalogus, II 196: ‘S I 18 [E v] Jordanus de Quedlinburg: Meditationes de passione Christi. Jur. Seld et fol. H 45 inter codd Laud’;‘Laud 249’. 8 ‘Prima pars de hora matutinali et habet articulos .xx.’ Incipit: shelfmark: MS. Laud Misc. 249(2). ‘Theorema. CXC [D]omine Iesu Christe ¢li dei viui, qui hora matutinali . . . [P]rimus articulus dominice passionis est pauoris J-216 Jordanus de Quedlinburg et tristicie assumptio . . .’See J-216. r Meditationes de passione Christi. [aa2 ] ‘Tabula’ [pars aestivalis.] r r [bb1 ] Jordanus de Quedlinburg: Postillae de tempore et sermones A1 [Title-page and table of contents.] r [pars aestivalis]. ‘[E]xpedita prima parte tertie partis operis que A2 ‘Textus passionis Christi secundum quattuor evangelistas in unam collectus historiam cum sermone dominico’. Incipit: sunt de Christi passione sequitur secunda pars eiusdem . . .’ ‘ [C]ollegerunt ponti¢ces et pharisei concilium et dicebant . . .’’ Strasbourg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg [Io 11,47] . . .’ Husner)], 1483. Folio. 1560 josephus, flavius [j-217^j-219 collation: Pars hiemalis: [a8 b6 c^n8 o6 p^r8 s^z A^B8.6 C6 D^E8 Incipit: ‘Opereprecium sane est post ista noscere quis fuerit hic F6 G8 H10]; pars aestivalis: [aa bb8 cc6 dd ee8 ¡6 gg^kk8 ll6 mm Iosephus . . .’ nn8 oo6 pp qq8 rr6 ss tt8 vv6 xx yy8 zz6 AA8 BB6]. refs. An extract from Sicardus’s Chronicon; PL CCXIII 456A. v HC *9438; Go¡ J-477; BMC I 131; Pr 584; BSB-Ink I-610; CIBN [v8 ] ‘De septem mirabilibus mundi.’ Incipit: ‘[S]eptem sunt mira- J-304; Hillard 1160; Oates 222; Sack, Freiburg, 2156; Sheppard cula in mundo. Quorum primum est Capitolium Rome salua- 453. cio . . .’ v COPY [v8 ] [First colophon.] r [A1 ] Josephus, Flavius: De bello judaico. Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam bel- Wanting the blank leaf [BB6]. The ¢rst sheet of gathering [ss] is misbound as the third. lum quod cum populo romano gessere iudei . . . [C]vm potentes Binding: Contemporary German (Nuremberg, KyriÞ workshop Iudeorum inter se dissiderent . . .’ Latin translation traditionally no. 117) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with yellow- ascribed to Tyrannius Ru¢nus; for a discussion of the translator edged leaves, title at the head of upper cover and along the lower see Blatt 17^24. v edge; the tail of the spine is painted silver and has the shelfmark: [I8 ] ‘Versus in Iosephum Belli iudaici.’ ‘Iudaicam guerram gentes ‘EE.8.52’.Two catches and clasps lost. On both covers, quadruple vrbem sacra terram > Fine simul tristi pro sanguine perdita ¢llets form a double intersecting frame. Within the outer frame, Cristi. > Iosephus iste meus prior edidit autor hebreus’; 3 hexam- foliate sta¡ stamps and rosette stamps at the corners. The inner eters. v rectangle contains merrythoughts made up from headed-outline [I8 ] [Second colophon.] tools, with pineapples or pomegranates, and with a line of [Augsburg]: Johann Schu« ssler, 28 June 1470; 23 Aug. 1470. Folio. lozenge-shaped stamps of hearts pierced with arrows at the collation: [a^c10+1 d^q10 r8 s^t10 v8 A^G10 H^I8]. upper and lower margin; the hearts and pineapples are black, HC *9451; Go¡ J-481; BMC II 327; Pr 1589; BSB-Ink I-615; CIBN probably singed; see KyriÞ pl. 235, nos 1^3, 7 (merrythought J-306; Oates 890; Sack, Freiburg, 2160; Sheppard 1174.

only), pl. 237, no. 1 (pineapple). The spine is decorated with FIRST COPY lozenge-shaped foliate stamps. Size: 359 ¿ 237 ¿ 115 mm. Size of Wanting gathering [B], the place of which is taken by a duplicate leaf: 348 ¿ 227 mm. of gathering [H]. Gathering [r] is misbound after [m]. r Inscription in a contemporary hand on [a2 ]: ‘Emi hunc librum Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled blue morocco; r per(?) 22 crut[ ] anno millesimo 27 die christoferi’. On [aa1 ] in an marbled pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves, azure silk book-mark; early hand the title: ‘Pars estiualis Jordani de tempore’. A few the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and correcting the 409 ¿ 290 ¿ 62 mm. Size of leaf: 400 ¿ 282 mm. text, in three di¡erent early hands. Manuscript signatures partly Manuscripts signatures in an early hand. A few marginal notes, visible in the upper right-hand corner of the rectos. correcting the text, in an early hand. ‘15.15’ in the upper right- r r On [c1 ] and on [bb1 ] a 13^line initial ‘J’and a four-line initial ‘E’ hand corner of front endleaf. are supplied in silver with red and blue pen-£ourishing. A few r On [a2 ] a ten-line initial ‘H’ is supplied in blue with white pen- initials are supplied in red and blue; a few in blue. Other initials work decoration, on a square gold ground within a red and green and paragraph marks are supplied in red. segmented frame. Floral and foliate border is supplied in various Provenance: Augsburg, Bavaria, Jesuits, S. Salvator; inscription colours and gold dots. At the beginning of each chapter, large r on [a2 ]: ‘Societatis Jesu August×’. Franz To« psl (1711^1796). initials are supplied in green or red, or sometimes blue, with red Polling, diocese of Augsburg, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, SS. or green pen-work decoration. Other initials, paragraph marks, Jacobus, Salvator and S. Crux; book-plate with inscription: and underlining of chapter headings are supplied in red. ‘Franciscus Pr×positus Cann: Regg: in Polling. Anno 1744’; see Provenance: Purchased for »15. 15. 0; see Books Purchased Warnecke 1603. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; (1797), 1. ‘Duplum’ on the front pastedown. Acquired between 1847 and shelfmark: Auct. K 1.15. c.1892, possibly in 1850; not in Catalogus (1843) with Appendix. SECOND COPY shelfmark: Auct. 5Q inf. 2.12. Bound withV-139; see there for details of binding and provenance. Leaf [t8] only, with Incipit, ‘imperium sibi defenderet . . .’, and J-218 Josephus, Flavius explicit ‘. . . Sabinus autem unus interfectorum Gaii’. Sizeoffrag- Antiquitates judaicae, et al. ment: 360 ¿ c.225 mm. Paragraph marks are supplied in red. r [a2 ] Josephus, Flavius: Antiquitates judaicae. Latin translation shelfmark: Auct. Q sub. fen.1.4. traditionally ascribed to Tyrannius Ru¢nus; for a discussion of the translator see Franz Blatt, The Latin Josephus. I. Introduction J-219 Josephus, Flavius and Text. The Antiquities: Books I-V, Acta Jutlandica, Humanistisk Serie 44 (Copenhagen, 1958), 17^24. Incipit: Antiquitates judaicae, et al. r ‘[H]istoriam conscribendis ponentibus non vnam nec eandem [a1 ] Josephus, Flavius: Antiquitates judaicae. Incipit:‘[H]ystoriam video eiusdem studij causam sed multas existere . . .’ scribendis ponentibus non vnam nec eandem video eius studii refs. Blatt 122^353 (books I^Vonly). causam sed multas existere . . .’See J-218. r v v [v8 ] [Verse] ‘Versus in Iosephum Antiquitatum.’ ‘Iosephus hic scri- [E10 ] [Note on supplementary text, to be inserted on [E2 ].] Incipit: bit quod nunquam scema peribit. > Processus rerum sex incre- ‘Require in libro .xx.c.iiii colupna.ii. eiusdem.c.in vno spacio vbi menta dierum’; 7 hexameters. est rš et ibi debent intrare sequentia que nouiter fuerunt inuenta in r [v8 ] Eusebius [pseudo-; Sicardus Cremonensis]: ‘Commendaticia vno antiquissimo libro qui in libris aliis omnibus de¢ciunt. r in Josephum in eo libro qui De ecclesiastica inscribitur historia.’ [F1 ] [Tabula totius libri Iudaice antiquitatis.] j-219^j-220] josephus, flavius 1561

r r [aa1 ] Josephus, Flavius: De bello judaico. Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam bel- [hh2 ] ‘Capitula’ Incipit: ‘[N]empe Judeis inter se dissidentibus lum quod cum populo romano gessere iudei . . . [C]vm potentes Antiochus . . .’Each book is preceded by a table of capitula. r Iudeorum inter se dissiderent . . .’See J-218. [hh3 ] Josephus, Flavius: De bello judaico. Incipit: ‘[C]vm gentes [Southern Netherlands: Printer of Flavius Josephus, not after Ivdeorum inter se dissiderent . . .’ 1475]. Folio. A copy is recorded with the rubricator’s date 1475 [Lu« beck: Lucas Brandis, 1475^6]. Folio. (HPT, BMC IX). On the printer see HPT I. collation: [a b10 c8 d10 e8 f10+1 g8 h10 i10+1 k12 l m10 n8 o^q10 r8 s6 t10 collation: [a^z A^D10 E12 F6 aa10 bb12 cc^nn10]. u^y8 z6 aa bb10 cc8 dd ee10 ¡ gg8 hh10 ii8 kk10 ll mm8 nn8+1 oo10 pp8 HC 9449; Go¡ J-482; BMC IX 208; Pr 226 = 8801; Amelung, qq rr10 ss^xx8]. ‘Niederla« ndische Inkunabeln’, 38; Campbell^Kronenberg 746a; Woodcuts. CIBN J-307; Claudin I 202; HPT I 30, II 480; ILC 1371; Rhodes HC (+ Addenda) 9450; Go¡ J-483; BMC II 550; Pr 2609; Baer, Die 1040; Sheppard 7265. Illustrierten Historienbu« cher, p. xxvii, no. 172; BSB-Ink I-616;

COPY CIBN J-308; Oates 1179; Rhodes 1041; Schramm X p. 8; Schreiber V 4402; Sheppard 1886^9. Leaf [a1] mounted.Wanting the leaves [o8] and [p7], also the blank leaves [t1^2], [nn10], and [E9^10]. [aa1] is made up. Gathering [F], FIRST COPY r the table of the Antiquitates, is bound with volume II, the De At the beginning of book 8 of the Antiquitates, [l1 ], where in the bello judaico. BL copies there is no initial, is found a woodcut ‘D’, 84 ¿ 77 mm, Bound in two volumes. containing a cut of David with his harp; see Schramm X pl. 20 no. r r Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, bound for the 40. [bb8 ]: ‘berulim . . .’ [pp8 ]: ‘. . . iero|olimam . . .’ The ¢rst sheet Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers; of gathering [o] is of the original issue, as against the ¢rst copy marbled pastedowns. Size: 381 ¿ 260 ¿ 70 (¢rst vol.) and 44 (sec- (IC.9806) described by BMC. ond vol.) mm. Size of leaf: 375 ¿ 253 mm. Binding: Seventeenth-century(?) plain calf over wooden boards, A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and correct- with two metal catches, remains of clasps, and green-edged ing the text, in a contemporary hand. Early manuscript running leaves. Seventeenth-century(?) printed title: ‘Opera Flauii chapter numbers and foliation on the upper right-hand corner of Iosephi’ on a slip pasted inside the front pastedown. Size: 407 ¿ v the rectos. On [E2 ] a note referring to the supplementary text 288 ¿ 105 mm. Size of leaf: 395 ¿ 280 mm. v printed on [E10 ]. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and correcting the r On [aa1 ] an eight-line initial‘Q’ is supplied in red with foliate dec- text, in an early German hand. ‘Nota’ marks in pencil. oration in lighter and darker shades, on a green ground, also with Signatures numbered in manuscript, partly visible. v foliate decoration in gradations of the same colour.The tail of the At the end of the Antiquitates [gg8 ] is pasted a cutting from a letter extends into the margin creating an interlaced border in red, fourteenth-century German liturgical manuscript with, on the blue, and gold. Some initials are supplied in red, some with verso, parts of lines of text in a gothic hand, with musical nota- reserved white decoration, with violet pen-work decoration tion; on the recto a miniature of an angel and a ¢gure swinging a extending into the margins. Other initials, a few with reserved censer (annunciation to Zachariah?), probably touched up, white decoration, paragraph marks, underlining of chapter head- within a frame imitating the colours and style of the printed initi- r ings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. als. On [hh1 ] the shield in the border emblazoned: bendy-sinister Provenance: Purchased for »2. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1838), of six, or and gules. Initials and borders painted in gold and col- 16. ours; headlines coloured and, where necessary, headlines and shelfmark: Auct. P 1.11,12. initials have been supplied. Paragraph marks, underlining of chapter headings, and capital strokes are supplied in red. Provenance: John Wilks (1765?^1854); sale (12 Mar. 1847), lot J-220 Josephus, Flavius 1414 ; purchased for »5. 7.6; see Books Purchased (1847), 19. Antiquitates judaicae, et al. shelfmark: Auct. Q 1.3. r [a1 ] Hieronymus [pseudo-; Freculphus Lexovensis]: ‘Incipit prolo- SECOND COPY r r gus sancti Ieronimi in Iosephum’. Incipit: ‘[J]osephus Mathie A variant: [bb8 ]: ‘liberum . . .’; [pp8 ]: ‘ . . . iero|olimam . . .’ The ¢lius ex Iherosolimis sacerdos aVespasiano captus . . .’ ¢rst sheet of gathering [o] is of the original issue, as against the refs. Extract from Freculphus’s Chronica; PL CVI 1149. ¢rst copy (IC.9806) described by BMC. r [a1 ] Josephus, Flavius: Antiquitates judaicae. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled sheep over wooden ‘[H]istoriam conscribere disponentibus non vnam nec eandem boards, with clasps and catches, very worn. Five bosses on each uideo eiusdem studij causam sed multas existere . . .’ cover lost. Double ¢llets form an intersecting double frame. r [a2 ] ‘Capitula’. Incipit: [Q]uomodo Deus informem mundi mate- Within the outer frame, lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamps on riam cernens . . .’Each book is preceded by a table of capitula. the upper cover and circular rosette stamps on the lower cover. v [a2 ] Josephus, Flavius: Antiquitates judaicae. Incipit: ‘[I]n princi- Diagonal triple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into lozenge- pio creauit Deus celum etterram. Sed dum terra ad aspectum non shaped and triangular compartments, containing on both covers veniret et profunditate . . .’ smaller circular rosette stamps or apex stamps; a smaller circular r [hh1 ] Josephus, Flavius: De bello judaico. ‘Prologus’. Incipit: rosette stamp also at the intersection of the diagonal ¢llets.‘Hist. ‘[Q]voniam bellum quod cum populo romano gessere iudei . . . E. 10’on square red leather label at tail of the spine and on paper [C]vm potentes Iudeorum inter se dissiderent . . .’ label on the front pastedown. Strips from a thirteenth-century refs. See J-218. This edition does not include the additional text noted liturgical manuscript visible in the binding. Size: 406 ¿ printed at the end of the Antiquitates in no. J-219. 280 ¿ 110 mm. Size of leaf: 395 ¿ 272 mm. 1562 josephus, flavius [j-220^j-222

Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a sixteenth/ FIRST COPY seventeenth-century hand. Manuscript signatures in red ink Binding: Parchment, green leather label at the head of the spine, partly visible. green-edged leaves previously coloured red; the gold stamp of the Initials and borders painted in various colours; where necessary, Bodleian Libraryon both covers. Size: 295 ¿ 190 ¿ 35 mm. Sizeof initials are supplied in red or blue. The space at the beginning of leaf: 286 ¿ 183 mm. book 8 of the Antiquitates is occupied by a manuscript initial ‘D’ Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, a few point- supplied in grey with curling acanthus leaves and with white pen- ing hands, and ‘nota’ marks in a very faded humanist hand. work decoration, containing the ¢gure of a kneeling bishop, Provenance: Magister Franciscus de Savoldis (¢fteenth/six- within a shaded green frame with foliate extensions into the mar- teenth century). Sankt Florian, Upper Austria, Augustinians; r gin painted in several colours. Underlining of chapter headings see D-152; a ¢fteenth/sixteenth-century inscription on a1 : and capital strokes are supplied in red. ‘Conuentus Sancti Floriani ex dono magistri francisi’. Provenance: Olomouc, Moravia, Augustinian Canons of the Purchased for »1. 1. 0 from Harding and Lepard, Catalogue r Congregation of the Lateran, Omnes sancti; inscription on [a1 ]: (1830), no. 2248; see Library Bills (1829^32), bill no. 19; Books ‘Liber Monasterij Omnium sanctorum Canonicorum Purchased (1829),11. Regularium’ and armorial book-plate: ‘Ex Bibliotheca shelfmark: Auct. N inf. 1.4. Canonicorum Regularium S. Augustini Congregationis SECOND COPY Lateranensis Olomucij ad Omnes Sanctos’. Duplicate from the Wanting the blank leaf a1 and sheet y3. Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ on the front endleaf. Purchased Binding: Nineteenth(?)-century half brown morocco over paste- for »2. 13. 0; see Books Purchased (1851), 39. boards; red-edged leaves; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library shelfmark: Auct. Q 1.4. on both covers. Size: 277 ¿ 200 ¿ 40 mm. Size of leaf: 268 ¿ 193 mm. On the front endleaf a manuscript title in an early hand: ‘Ioseph: J-221 Josephus, Flavius De Bello Ivdaico’. De Antiquitate judaica contra Apionem, et al. (ed. Some underlining in red ink. Ludovicus Cendrata). Provenance: Joseph Sams; see ‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae’, 109r; purchased for »2.12. 6; see Books Purchased (1823), 6. r [*1 ] Cendrata,Ludovicus: [Letteraddressed to] Antonius Donatus. Former Bodleian shelfmarks: Auct. O 4.4. Incipit: ‘Neminem excogitando inueni commodiorem . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. P 5.34. v [*2 ] Donatus, Hieronymus: [Verse addressed to] Ludovicus Cendrata. ‘Hesperias non te uenisse pigebit ad oras > Iudaeae J-222 Josephus, Flavius Phlaui conditor historiae’; 3 elegiac distichs. v De Antiquitate judaica contra Apionem, et al. [*2 ] Pantheus, Johannes Antonius: ‘Panthei Veronaei Carmen’. a r Josephus, Flavius: De bello judaico. Incipit:‘[Q]uoniam bellum ‘Exis unde liber nitida sic fronte politus? > Quae domus est? 2 nomen quod tibi? dic quid habes?’; 11elegiac distichs. quod cum Romanis gessere Iudei . . . [C]um potentes iudeorum refs. See C. Perpolli,‘L’Actio Panthea e l’UmanesimoVeronese’, inter se dissiderent . . .’ Atti dell’Accademia di Agricoltura, Scienze e Letteratura di refs. See J-218. r Verona, ser. 4,16 (1915), 40^60. n5 Josephus, Flavius: De Antiquitate Judaica contra Apionem. v refs. See J-221. [*2 ] Ziletus, Innocens: ‘Post haec noscere forsitan requiris > Qua p v [Hieronymus Stridonensis]: [Extract from Epistolae.] Incipit: impensa niteo nouis lituris > Hoc transibo neque Innocens 5 ‘Iosephus antiquitatem approbans Iudaici populi duos libros Ziletus > Exortus puer Vrceis nouellis > Sed Veronae alitus diu per scriptos contra Apionem . . .’ orbem > Dum praestat ueniam legendus auro > Exhausit simul assibus crumenam.’ 7 hendecasyllables. refs. See J-221. r a1 Josephus, Flavius: De bello judaico. Edited by Ludovicus Venice: Reynaldus de Novimagio, 31 Mar. 1481; 10 May ‘1400’ [i. Cendrata. Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam bellum quod cum romanis gessere e. c.1481]. Folio. iudaei . . . [C]vm potentes iudaeorum inter se dissiderent . . .’ collation: a10 b^o8 p6. refs. See J-218. HCR 9453 (incl. H 9456); Go¡ J-485; BMC V 256; Pr 4439; r A1 Josephus, Flavius: De Antiquitate judaica contra Apionem. BSB-Ink I-617; CIBN J-309; Hillard 1162; Rhodes 1042 (I); Edited by Ludovicus Cendrata. Sheppard 3574. refs. Josephus, Opera: ex versione Latina antiqua, ed. Karl COPY Boysen, CSEL 37 (Vienna, 1898), 3^141. v Wanting the blank leaf p6. D5 Hieronymus [Stridonensis]: ‘Hieronymus ad magnum ora- Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, bound for the torem urbis Romae’. [Extract from Epistolae.] Incipit: ‘Iosephus Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers, antiquitatem approbans Iudaici populi duos libros scriptos con- and yellow-edged leaves. Size: 306 ¿ 199 ¿ 31 mm. Size of tra Apionem . . .’ leaf: 298 ¿ 192 mm. refs. PL XXII 665. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a number ofearly Verona: Petrus Maufer, 25 Dec. 1480. Folio. Italian hands, one of which is that of Bartholomaeus Fioritus. 2 10 8 6 8 6 8 6 collation: [* ] a b c d^k kk l^x y A^C D . Leaf a2 signed Seventeenth/eighteenth-century bibliographical note in Italian a1. on the front endleaf. r HC *9452; Go¡ J-484; BMC VII 951; Pr 6918; BSB-Ink I-621; CIBN On a2 an Italian ten-line initial ‘Q’ is supplied in green on a J-313; Oates 2597; Sack, Freiburg, 2161; Sheppard 5697^8. square gold ground; the area de¢ned by the letter supplied in j-222^j-225] josephus, flavius 1563

blue edged in gold, withwhite £oral pen-workdecoration. A £oral Francisci Herbipoli.’ Sotheby’s sale (3 May 1832), lot 511; pur- border is supplied in pink, azure, green, and golden dots; see chased for »0. 11. 0; see Library Bills (1829^32), no. 364; Books Pa« cht and Alexander II, 115 no. pr. 148 (north-west Italy?). Coat Purchased (1832),13. r of arms sustained by two putti: barry of six, or and vert. On a3 an shelfmark: Auct. P 3.6. eight-line initial is supplied in red with reserved white decoration and blue pen-work decoration extending into the margin. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. J-224 Josephus, Flavius Provenance: Bartholomaeus Fioritus (sixteenth century); De bello judaico (ed. Bartholomaeus Platina?). inscription on a r and a r: ‘Bartholomaei Fioriti’. Purchased in r 1 2 [a1 ] Josephus, Flavius: De bello judaico. Incipit: ‘[Q]voniam Florence via D. A. Talboys, Oxford, for »0. 15. 0; see Books bellvm quod cum populo Romano gessere iudei . . . [C]vm Purchased (1832), 13, and Library Bills (1829^32), no. 446. Potentes iudeorum inter se dissiderent . . .’Edited or corrected by shelfmark: Auct. P 3.7. Bartholomaeus Platina, according to the colophon which states ‘Platyna emendavit’. J-223 Josephus, Flavius refs. See J-218. Antiquitates judaicae, et al. Rome: Arnoldus Pannartz, 25 Nov. 1475. Folio. r collation: [a^c10 d8 e f10 g8 h^l10 m n6 o p10 q8 r^t10]. a2 Josephus, Flavius: Antiquitates judaicae. Incipit: ‘[H]istoriam conscribere disponentibus non vnam nec eandem uideo eiusdem H *9457; Go¡ J-488; BMC IV 62; Pr 3532; BSB-Ink I-620; CIBN studii causam sed multas existere . . .’ J-312; Rhodes 1044; Sheppard 2817. v a2 ‘Capitula’. Incipit:‘De creatione caeli et terrae et de operibus . . .’ COPY Each book is preceded by a table of capitula. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf, gold-tooled spine, gilt-edged r a3 Josephus, Flavius: Antiquitates judaicae. Incipit:‘[I]n principio leaves, marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of the Bodleian creauit Deus celum et terram. Sed dum terra ad aspectum non Library on both covers. Size: 320 ¿ 224 ¿ 33 mm. Size of ueniret et profunditate . . .’ leaf: 312 ¿ 216 mm. refs. Blatt 122^353 (books I^V only); a di¡ering version of the Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in an early human- translation from the preceding editions. ist hand. Running chapter numbers in the upper margin of the r y5 Squarza¢cus, Hieronymus: ‘Vita Josephi’. Addressed to rectos. r Reynaldus de Novimagio, the printer. On [a1 ] a seven-line Italian epigraphic initial ‘Q’ is supplied in refs. Allenspach^Frasso 279^81. gold within a full white-vine-stem border in gold, red, and green r A2 Josephus, Flavius: De bello judaico. Incipit:‘[Q]voniam bellum on a blue ground. Similar initials at the beginning of each book. quod cum Romanis gessere Iudei . . . [C]vm potentes iudeorum Coat of arms within a wreath: on a fess azure, coticed or, three inter se dissiderent . . .’ stars; in chief, a porcupine passant, and in base, bendy gules and refs. See J-218. sable(?); see Pa« cht and Alexander II, 110 no. pr. 74 (Venice). r L1 Josephus, Flavius: De Antiquitate judaica contra Apionem. Provenance: Purchased from Payne and Foss (1829) for »4. 4. 0: refs. See J-221. see Library Bills (1829^32), no.93 and BooksPurchased (1829),11. v M5 Hieronymus [Stridonensis]: [Extract from Epistolae.] Incipit: shelfmark: Auct. N inf. 2.23. ‘Iosephus antiquitatem approbans Iudaici populi duos libros scriptos contra Apionem . . .’ refs. See J-221. J-225 Josephus, Flavius Venice: Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis, for Octavianus Scotus, 23 De bello judaico [French] De la bataille judaique. r Oct. 1486. Folio. a1 [Title-page.] 10 8 6 8 6 r collation: a b^x y A^L M . a2 Seysselo?, Claudius de: [Translator’s dedication to] Charles HC *9454; Go¡ J-486; BMC V 415; Pr 5118; BSB-Ink I-618; CIBN VIII, King of France. Incipit: ‘[O]u nom de dieu tout pussant a la J-310; Hillard 1163; Oates 2011; Rhodes 1043; Sack, Freiburg, louenge de sa tresglorieuse mere . . .’ v 2162; Sheppard 4111. a2 ‘Table’. v COPY a8 Josephus, Flavius: De la bataille judaique. Translated by Claudius de Seysselo(?) ‘Prologue’. Incipit: ‘[Q]uoniam bellum Wanting the blank leaves a1 and M6. quod cum populo romano gessere Iudei omnium maximum etce- Heading on a2 as Hain, not as BMC; l. 2: ‘. . . LATI NVM . . . > tera. [P]ource dit Iosephus que la guerre et bataille que porterent PRESBYTERVM . . . AQV > ILEIENSEM . . .’ Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; yellow-edged leaves; the gold les iuifs . . . Comme Anthiocus surnomme Epiphanes subiuga stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Manuscript Hierusalem, et commence ou latin Cum gentes iudeorum inter author’s name across the fore-edge and along the lower edge. se dissiderent etcetera. [O]u temps que en la terre de Syrie le roy Size: 315 ¿ 210 ¿ 42 mm. Size of leaf: 307 ¿ 202 mm. Ptholomeus sixziesme auoit guerre auecques Anthiocus vne Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in a contemporary grande et merueilleuse sedicion sourdit entre les iuifs . . . ¢na mis- humanist hand. A few notes, also extracting key words, in two dif- erablement ses iours . . .’ ferent later hands. Running chapter numbers in the upper margin Paris: AntoineVe¤ rard, [after 7 Dec. 1492]. Folio. of the rectos. collation: a^e8 f6 g^z A^I8 K6 L4. Provenance: Wu« rzburg, Bavaria, Conventual Franciscans, Woodcuts. r Inventio crucis/Sancta crux; inscription on a2 : ‘Ad HC 9459 = H 9458; Go¡ J-489; BMC VIII 78; Pr 8423; Baer, Die Bibliothecam Fratrum Minorum Conuentualium Sancti Illustrierten Historienbu« cher, p. l, no. 250; CIBN J-314; Hillard 1564 julianus episcopus toletanus [j-225^j-228a

1164; Macfarlane 21; Sheppard 6250. Micro¢che: Unit 2: Classics J-227 Judaei inTranslation. De Judaeorum et Christianorum communione et COPY conversatione. Wanting the blank leaf L4. a1 backed. r Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century calf, with marbled [a1 ] De Judaeorum et Christianorum communione et conversa- pastedowns, red-edged leaves, a nd red silk book-mark. Size: tione. Incipit: ‘[I]udei quorum per¢dia frequenter ad vomitum 365 ¿ 270 ¿ 57 mm. Size of leaf: 357 ¿ 263 mm. redit si ad leges catholicas venire . . .’ Initials are supplied in red. [Strasbourg: Printer of Henricus Ariminensis, c.1470^2]. Folio. Provenance: Edward Sheppard (1734^1813)(?); armorial book- As dated by Ohly, revising GW, which dates it [c.1476]; Sack plate: see Howe, Book Plates, 26687.Thomas Rodd (1796^1849). dates it [c.1474]. 8 Richard Heber (1773^1833); note on the front endleaf: ‘Oct. 1819. collation: [a b ]. Rodd Jr. 2.12.6’; stamp:‘Bibliotheca Heberiana’; see Catalogue, 2 GW 7259; HC 9465; Go¡ J-494; Pr 312; CIBN J-318; Oates 129; (1834), lot 3303. Purchased for »2. 8. 0; see Books Purchased Ohly,‘Reyser’,17; Sack, Freiburg, 1070; Sheppard 234. (1834),15. COPY shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 2.29. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf, with brown cloth, bound for the Bodleian Library. Size: 276 ¿ 204 ¿ 11 mm. Size of J-226 Josephus, Flavius leaf: 270 ¿ 192 mm. De bello judaico [Italian] Guerra dei giudei. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ in pencil on [a r]. Purchased for »0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased [* v] [Bartholomaeus Presbyter]: ‘Proemio in laude della his- 1 2 (1858), 59. toria . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. Q sub. fen. 2.22. refs. Luigi Calori,Volgarizzamento della istoria delle guerre giu- daiche di Josefo Ebreo cognominato Flavio, Collezione di opere inedite o rare dei primi tre secoli della lingua, 2 vols (Bologna, J-228 Julianus Dalmaticus 1878^9), pp. xxxiii^iv. Storia di S. Giuliano; Pater nosterdi S. Giuliano [Italian]. r r a1 Josephus, Flavius: Guerra dei Giudei. Translated by [a1 ] [Title-page.] Bartholomaeus Presbyter.‘Proemio’. r [a2 ] Storia di S. Giuliano.‘Al nome sia dellalto dio verace > e della refs. Calori,Volgarizzamento, I 1^9. madre sua vergin pulcel’; 33 eight-line stanzas. r r a3 Josephus, Flavius: Guerra dei Giudei. [a4 ] Pater noster di S. Giuliano.‘El beato messer san Giuliano venia refs. Luigi Calori,Volgarizzamento, 10^340. dal monte chaluaro con la croce del’; 13 lines of verse. >r Florence: Bartolommeo di Libri, 6 July 1493. Folio. [a4 ] [Eight short prayers addressed to S. Giulianus.] ‘O Giesu 2 8 6 collation: [* ] a^z h m k . Christo pietoso signore > cha tua similitudine creasti’; 8 eight-line HCR 9460; Go¡ J-490; BMC VI 649; Pr 6199; CIBN J-315; Hillard stanzas. 1165; Sheppard 5132. [Florence: Johannes Petri, c.1497^8]. 4o. 4 COPY collation: [a ]. r Binding: Parchment, with blue-edged leaves and an indistinct Type: 81G. Lombard A on [a2 ]. 4 leaves, 2 columns. Four eight-line r monogram blind-tooled at the head of the spine: ‘A C(?) F(?)’. stanzas to the column, with spaces ([a2 ]). Type area: 143 ¿ r r ‘3915’ on a circular label at tail of the spine. Size: 319 ¿ 220 ¿ 118 mm ([a2 ]). Woodcuts: on [a1 ] within a strap-work border, 45 mm. Size of leaf: 310 ¿ 213 mm. the saint killing his parents, and on the left a demon (117 ¿ r v On a1 a seven-line Italian (Florentine) epigraphic initial ‘P’ is 91 mm); on [a4 ] within a black and white border, the saint killing r supplied in gold on a square blue ground with white £oral pen- his parents, and on the left a demon (77 ¿ 66 mm). Leaf [a1 ]:‘ð La r work decoration; the area de¢ned by the letter is supplied in red hy|toria h ilpater no|tro h ilpriego di |an Giuliano’;[woodcut]; [a2 ]: r with the same white pen-work decoration. A £oral border is sup- ‘[A]L nome |ia dellalto dio verace . . .’; [a4 ]: ‘ð Finita la|toria di > v plied in red, blue, green, and golden dots; see Pa« cht and |an Giuliano >> ð Il pater no|tro di |an Giuliano’; [a4 ], end:‘cam- Alexander II, 109 no. pr. 54. A coat of arms in the lower margin pera dogni tribulatione’ [woodcut]. hasbeen cut away; it contained a red shield. Other initials are sup- H 7778?; Pr 6382; Sheppard 5050^1. plied in blue. COPY Provenance: Franciscus Thierius (£. 1642); seventeenth-century Bound with D-020; see there for details of binding and proven- r inscription on a1 : ‘Franciscus Thierius no.’ in the same hand on ance. Size of leaf: 195 ¿ 133 mm. the following leaf but visible through the hole left after the coat shelfmark: Mason FF 409(4). of arms: ‘Foligno’. Augustus Henry Fitzroy (1735^1811), 3rd r Duke of Grafton; inscription on [*2 ]: ‘D. of Grafton 1777’. J-228A Julianus EpiscopusToletanus Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773^1843); book-plate Prognosticon de futuro saeculo. with handwritten shelfmark ‘BB.g.12’: see Lee, Royal book-plates, r 40^1 no. 23; sale, pt I, lot 3915. Purchased for »2. 0. 0; see Books a1 [Title-page.] ‘Incipiunt prenosticata Juliani Pomerii urbis Purchased (1844), 27. Toletane episcopi de futuro seculo’. r shelfmark: Auct. 6Q inf. 1.18. a2 Pomerius, Julianus [pseudo-; Julianus Episcopus Toletanus]: Prognosticon de futuro saeculo.‘Prefacio’ [addressed to] Idalius, bishop of Barcelona. Incipit: ‘Diem illum clara redemptor omnium . . .’ j-228a^j-230] justinianus 1565

v a3 [List of contents.] Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf with dark blue cloth, r a4 Pomerius, Julianus [pseudo-; Julianus Episcopus Toletanus]: bound for the Bodleian. A leather index tab on a1 of item 2. Size: Prognosticon de futuro saeculo. ‘Incipit liber primus de origine 187 ¿ 138 ¿ 10 mm. Size of leaf: 180 ¿ 125 mm. mortis humane quando mors primum subintrauerit in mundum. Some cropped early annotations and underlining in the text in Primum capitulum’. black ink. refs. ed. J. N. Hillgarth, CCSL 115 (1976), 11^126; see CPL 1258. Provenance and date of acquistion unknown. [Alost or Antwerp: Thierry Martens, 1487^92]. 4o. As dated by shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.112(1). Sheppard; HPT and ILC date to [1486^97], CIBN to [either 1486^92 or 1493^7]. J-230 Justinianus collation: a8 b^d6 e4. Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. C 4811; Go¡ P-909; BMC IX128; Pr 9201; CIBN P-556; HPT II 496; r [a1 ] Institutiones. ILC 1791; Inventaris, 349; Oates 3683; Sheppard 7053. refs. CIC I xxiii; 1^56. r COPY [a1 ] [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini Bound with: nostri Ihesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias 1. Methodius, De mundi creatione, etc. Basel: Michael Furter, non posset imperare . . .’ 1515. refs. On the relation of this edition to the manuscript tradition Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards, manu- see Pietro Torelli, Per l’edizione della glossa accursiana alle script title written across the head of the fore-edge. Size: 203 ¿ Istituzioni (Bologna, 1935), 118. There is a critical edition of the 145 ¿ 15 mm. Size of leaf: 196 ¿ 140 mm. ¢rst book, Accursius Florentinus, Glossa ad Institutiones Some pointing hands and running book number in the same early Justiniani imperatoris (Liber I) (Bologna, 1939). See also hand which has also annotated item1. Savigny V 279^305. On authorship see Coing, Provenance: John Selden (1584^1654); see MS. Broxb. 84. 10, p. Privatrechtsgeschichte, 173^5. v 31 where item1 is listed as ‘MethodiusTyri Episc. De mundi crea- [n6 ] [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Presens Institutionum preclarum opus tione’. Presented in 1659. alma in urbe Maguntina . . .’ shelfmark: 4o M 11(2) Th. Seld. v [n6 ] [Verse.] ‘Scema tabernaculi Moises Salomon quoque templi > Haut preter ingenuos per¢ciunt Dedalos’; 6 elegiac distichs. refs. Heinrich Heidenheimer, ‘Das Begleitgedicht zum J-229 Jurare Justiniani Insitutiones-Drucke von 1468’, in Gutenbergfestschrift De jurare et blasphemare, etc. zur Feier des 25ja« hrigen Bestehens des Gutenbergmuseums in r a1 [Title-page.] Incipit:‘De iurare et blasphemare, de sabbati sancti- Mainz, ed. A. Ruppel (Mainz, 1925), 108^17, at 109. ¢catione, de parentum et honoratione et inhonoratione, de hon- Mainz: Peter Schoe¡er, 24 May 1468. Folio. With Schoe¡er’s v oris detractione, de magno mendacii vicio ac de peccatorum device in red after the verses on [n6 ]. grauitate libellulus egregius fructiferusque ac salubris’. collation: [a^e8 f10+1 g^l8 m n6]. v a1 [On the parts of the books.] Incipit: ‘[P]resens et egregius fructi- GW 7580; H *9489; Go¡ J-506; BMC I 25; Pr 85; BSB-Ink C-627; ferusque ac salubris codiculus in octo diuisus est capitula . . .’ Sack, Freiburg, 1144; Sheppard 44. v a1 De jurare et blasphemare, etc. Incipit: ‘[D]eus dicit in sacra COPY Biblia,‘‘Anima que iurauerit vt male quid faceret, vel bene et non Binding: Nineteenth-century French gold-tooled blue morocco, fecerit agat penitentiam pro peccato’’. Legitur in canonibus peni- with doublures, by P. Boze¤ rian le jeune (£. 1805^1818); name on tencialibus . . .’ the spine. Gilt-edged leaves, parchment endleaves, and pink silk b v [Colophon.] 3 book-mark. Size: 384 ¿ 275 ¿ 40 mm. Sizeofleaf: 375 ¿ 266 mm. b v [Prayer.] ‘Breuis magnarum indulgentiarum oratio’. Incipit: 3 Printed on parchment. ‘Benedictum sit dulce nomen Domini nostri Ihesu Christi . . .’ Running book numbers are supplied in red ink, with chapter b v [Prayer.] ‘Angelicum magne virtutis canticum ad vincendos 3 numbers in arabic ¢gures supplied in black ink; at the head of the demones’. Incipit:‘Sancte deus, sancte fortis, sancte et immortalis outer margins of the rectos, when needed, chapter headings are miserere nobis. Refert Damascenus vt de letaniis in Lambardica supplied in red ink or in a di¡erent hand in black ink, now partly legitur Historia . . .’ shaved by the binder. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key b r [Prayer.] ‘Benedictio optima ab altissimo edita ad benedicendum 4 words, and pointing hands in two di¡erent early hands, one prob- cum ea populum seu homines singulos’. Incipit: ‘Benedicat tibi ably that of W.Haller, the other a humanist hand. Dominus et custodiat te, ostendat Dominus . . .’ r In the margin of [a1 ] an initial‘I’ is supplied in interlocked red and o Augsburg: Johann Froschauer, 1499. 4 . blue. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or 4 r collation: a b . blue. On [f1 ] a male face in ink within the initial letter ‘Q’. HC *9475 = HC, Addenda, 9474 [with erroneous date 1494]; Go¡ Provenance: Wolfgangus Haller (Àafter 1505); name and coat of v J-499; BMC II 398; Pr 1831; BSB-Ink D-60; CIBN J-325; Sack, arms on [n6 ]. Antoine Augustin Renouard (1765^1853); sale Freiburg, 2179; Sheppard 1368. (1834), lot 852. Purchased at the Renouard sale for »52. 10. 0; see COPY Books Purchased (1834),16. Bound with: shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 2.1. 2. Hieronymus Savonarola, Expositio in Psalmum L (51) ‘Miserere mei Deus’. Augsburg: Johann Froschauer, [15]00 (S-080). 1566 justinianus [j-231^j-233

J-231 Justinianus similar tradition to the one which was the basis of GW 7580. On authorship see J-230. Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. v r [n6 ] [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Presens Institutionum preclarum opus [a1 ] Institutiones. alma in urbe Maguntina . . .’ refs. See J-230. v r [n6 ] [Verse.] ‘Scema tabernaculi Moises Salomon quoque templi’; 6 [a1 ] [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini elegiac distichs. nostri Ihesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias refs. See J-230. non posset imperare . . .’ Mainz: Peter Schoe¡er, 29 Oct. 1472. Folio. refs. See J-230, Torelli 120: ‘e' la copia ad unguem, errori com- 8 10+1 8 6 presi, della prima Maguntiana’ [i.e. J-230 = GW 7580]. On collation: [a^e f g^l m n ]. authorship see J-230. GW 7582; HC *9490; Go¡ J-508; BMC I 29; Pr100; BSB-Ink C-629; Rhodes 618; Sack, Freiburg, 1146; Sheppard 55. [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, not after 15 Sept. 1472]. Folio. Polain dates [before Jan. 1473]. COPY collation: [a^c8 d8+1 e f8 g6 h10 i8 k10 l^n8 o6]. Binding: Nineteenth-century paper boards; blue-edged leaves. GW 7581; HC *9491 (I); Go¡ J-507; BMC I 68; Pr 264 (I); BSB-Ink Size: 398 ¿ 278 ¿ 30 mm. Size of leaf: 390 ¿ 272 mm. C-628; Oates 111; Polain 2339; Sack, Freiburg, 1145; Sheppard Reference letters to the gloss added to the text in an early hand. 181. Early manuscript foliation: 1^103. Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. COPY Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- Bound with: label; sale (1835), lot 2249; purchased for »0. 11. 0; see Books 2. Justinianus, Libri feudorum. Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, Purchased (1835), 16. 15 Sept.1472 (J-282). shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.27. Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled red sheep over wooden boards. Two catches, and on each cover four bosses and a centre- J-233 Justinianus piece, all lost.Tailof the spine painted azure with shelfmark:‘N. [ ] O’.‘7’ on a small circular label at the head of the spine. A single Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. r ¢llet forms an intersecting triple frame. Within the outer frame, [a1 ] Institutiones. circular rosette stamps; within the following frame, the circular refs. See J-230. r stamps and foliate stamps. On the upper cover, diagonal ¢llets [a1 ] [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘ [I]n nomine domini divide the inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular nostri Ihesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias compartments, containing the circular or the foliate stamps. On non posset imperare . . .’ the lower cover, diagonal ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into refs. See J-230,Torelli 120: close to J-232 = GW 7582, but not a four triangular compartments, containing the same stamps. All mere reprint. On authorship see J-230. v stamps too worn for identi¢cation. Size: 411 ¿ 297 ¿ 50 mm. [n6 ] [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Annodomini. M. cccc. lxxvi. x. kalendis.’ Size of leaf: 400 ¿ 288 mm. Mainz: Peter Schoe¡er, 23 May 1476. Folio. On the front pastedown ‘N. 1483’,‘N. 1822’,‘N. 1359’, N. 1358’,‘N. collation: [a^e8 f10+1 g^l8 m n6]. 1373’,‘N.1814’all in red crayon and crossed out exceptthe lastone. GW 7590; HC *9498; Go¡ J-512; BMC I 33; Pr110; BSB-Ink C-633; ‘R. 6. f. 1(?). n. 7.’ in brown ink on the front pastedown. Early Sheppard 73. inscription on the rear pastedown: ‘Iste liber constat iiiior R(?) COPY R(?).’ Chapter headings are supplied in red in a contemporary Leaf [n v], colophon, l.16:‘. . . gern|nheš ’; l.19:‘. . . con|ummauit’. hand. 6 Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered On [a r] a 24^line initial ‘I’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue 1 with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Scars of parch- with red pen-work decoration. An initial is supplied in blue with ment index tabs dyed red. Size: 414 ¿ 282 ¿ 26 mm. Size of red pen-work decoration at the beginning of each book. Other leaf: 405 ¿ 275 mm. initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Early signatures in red ink partly visible in the upper right-hand Provenance: Sotheby’s sale (3 May 1832), lot 517; purchased for corner of the rectos. »3. 0. 0; see Library Bills (1829^32), no. 364; Books Purchased On [a r] a 14^line initial ‘I’ is supplied in blue, red, and brown (1832), 13. 1 cadelles, with red pen-work decoration. A few four-line initials shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.22(1). are supplied in interlocked red and blue. Other initials and para- graph marks are supplied in red or blue. Capital strokes in red. J-232 Justinianus Provenance: Schwa« bisch-Gmu« nd, Bavaria, Dominicans, S. r Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. Maria Magdalena; erased inscription on [a1 ]: r [a1 ] Institutiones. ‘Conv: Gam: S: O: Ftruš Pr×d¤toruš ’. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ refs. See J-230. (1787^1854); note in KloÞ’s hand on the front pastedown; sale r [a1 ] [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘ [I]n nomine domini (1835), lot 2251; purchased for »0. 11. 0; see Books Purchased nostri Ihesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias (1835),16. non posset imperare . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.26. refs. See J-230,Torelli 119^20 states that this is not just a reprint of J-230 = GW 7580, but contains variants from manuscripts of a j-234^j-236] justinianus 1567

J-234 Justinianus J-235 Justinianus Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. v v [a1 ] ‘R[ubrice] primi [^quarti] libri’. Incipit:‘De iusticia et iure . . .’ a1 ‘Rubrice primi [^quarti] libri institutionum’. Incipit:‘De iusticia r [a2 ] Institutiones. et iure . . .’ r refs. See J-230. a2 Institutiones. r [a2 ] [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘ [I]n nomine domini refs. See J-230. r nostri Ihesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias a2 [Accursius]: Glossaordinaria. Incipit:‘ [I]n nomine domini nos- non posset imperare . . .’ tri Ihesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias non refs. See J-230, this edition is not mentioned inTorelli, however, posset imperare . . .’ according to GW this edition is a reprint withthe date unalteredof refs. See J-230,Torelli 128 states that this edition is very close to GW 7591. On authorship see J-230. HC 9501 (Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 4 July 1476, GW 7592), the v [n6 ] [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Justiniani Cesaris preclarissimum place of which in the textual tradition is described by Torelli at Insititucionum opus in celebratissima urbe Basiliensi . . .’ 125^8. On authorship see J-230. v [n6 ] [Verse colophon.] ‘Per catedras opus illud eat per pulpita celsa. Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 20 July 1478. Folio. 10 8 6 10 12 10 6 8 > Institutorum Caesaris eximium’; 4 elegiac distichs. collation: a b c d e f g h i k . Basel: Michael Wenssler,‘31May1476’ [c.1477]. Folio. According GW 7596; HC 9505; BMC V 217; Pr 4253; Sack, Freiburg, 1148; to GW, this edition is a reprint with the date unaltered of GW 7591. Sheppard 3432. 10 8 8.10 8 6 collation: [a b c^f g^l m n ]. COPY GW 7594; H 9500*; Go¡ J-516; BMC III 723; Pr 7479; BSB-Ink Bound with: C-637; Oates 2741; Sack, Freiburg, 1147; Sheppard 2331^2. 1. Justinianus, Novellaeconstitutiones.Venice: Jacobus Rubeus,16 FIRST COPY Jan. 1477 (J-276). r Leaf [g7 ], l. 40 (text, red):‘De |eruili cognacoine.’ Bound between o12 and q1 of item1. r Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered Leaf a2 , l. 2 (text):‘cri|ti . . .’ with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Size: 405 ¿ Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century(?) paper boards cov- 288 ¿ 25 mm. Size of leaf: 397 ¿ 282 mm. ered with parchment leaves from a thirteenth/fourteenth-century Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing hands manuscript Psalter, the front folio ‘72’, the rear folio ‘64’, backed in an early hand. with pigskin. On the upper cover the text begins: ‘[I]n te domine r On [a2 ] two initials ‘I’ are supplied in interlocked red and blue. speraui . . .’(Ps 30,2), ending: ‘ . . . [A]periam in parabolis os Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. meum eloquar’ (Ps 77,2). On the rear cover the text begins:‘adipe Book numbers are supplied in red in the upper margins. Chapter et pinguedine . . .’ (Ps 62,6), ending:‘. . . et dorsum eorum semper headings are supplied in red in the text where needed; in black in incurva e¡unde super’ (Ps 68,25). Sprinkled turquoise-edged the upper margins. leaves; probably a Passau binding, cf. D-166, G-324, J-157. Strips Provenance: Schwa« bisch-Gmu« nd, Bavaria, Conventual from a thirteenth/fourteenth-century Ashkenazi (German) r Franciscans, S. Ludovicus; inscription on[a1 ]: ‘Fratrum manuscript book of prayers in Hebrew on parchment visible in Minorum Conuentualium Gamundi×’. Georg Franz Burkhard thebinding. Size: 429 ¿ 281 ¿ 82 mm. Sizeofleaf: 420 ¿ 274 mm. KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2252; purchased Initials, some with reserved white decoration, paragraph marks, for »0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. and capital strokes are supplied in red. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.25. Provenance: Passau, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons of the SECOND COPY Lateran Congregation, S. Nicolaus, S. Andreas, S. Pantaleon; Bound with: early inscription on the front and rear endleaf: ‘Iste liber est 1. Justinianus, Libri feudorum [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, Monasterij s. Nicolaj extra muros Pataviae > Item c.1475] (J-283). Constituciones Justiniani imperatoris fo. Institucionum libri r Leaf [g7 ], l. 40 (text, red):‘De |erui cognacione.’ quatuor > Codicis vltimi tres libri decimus vndecimus et duodeci- Binding: Sixteenth-century forel over wooden boards, with mus > Item Feudorum libri duo > Item Consuetudines regni’. remains of two clasps. Size: 384 ¿ 278 ¿ 37 mm. Size of Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; Munich shelfmark leaf: 378 ¿ 272 mm. ‘Inc. Typ. No. 449’ and ‘Duplum’ on the front endleaf; ‘449’ on A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in the same small rectangular label at the head of the spine. Date of acquisi- sixteenth(?)-century hand that annotated item 1. Early manu- tion unknown. script foliation in both roman and arabic numerals: 1^cv. shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 1.14(2). Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; chapter headings supplied in red in the text where needed. Some capital J-236 Justinianus strokes in red. Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. Provenance: Johannes (?) (¢fteenth century); erased inscription v r [a ] ‘Rubrice primi [^quarti] libri institutionum’. Incipit: ‘De iusti- in red ink on [a ] of item 1: ‘Liber Iohannis (?)’. Duplicate from 1 1 cia et iure . . .’ the Royal Library, Munich; Munich shelfmark, ‘Inc. typ. no. r r [a ] Institutiones. 1057’, on the front endleaf and on [a ] of item 2; ‘Dupl’ on the 2 1 refs. See J-230. front pastedown. Thomas Ryburn Buchanan (1846^1911). Presented in 1941 by Mrs Buchanan. shelfmark: Buchanan b.3(2). 1568 justinianus [j-236^j-238

r r [a2 ] [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘ [I]n nomine domini a2 [Accursius]: Glossaordinaria. Incipit:‘ [I]n nomine domini nos- nostri Ihesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias tri Ihesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias non non posset imperare . . .’ posset imperare . . .’ refs. See J-230,Torelli 120^1. On authorship see J-230. refs. See J-230, this edition is not mentioned in Torelli. On v [n6 ] [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Justiniani Cesaris preclarissimum authorship see J-230. v Institucionum opus in celebratissima urbe Basiliensi . . .’ [n6 ] [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Justiniani Cesaris preclarissimum v [n6 ] [Verse colophon.] ‘Per catedras opus illud eat per pulpita celsa. Insititucionum opus in celebratissima urbe Basiliensi . . .’ > Institutorum Caesaris eximium’; 4 elegiac distichs. Basel: Michael Wenssler, 30 Nov. 1481. Folio. Basel: Michael Wenssler, 31 July 1478. Folio. collation: a10 b8 c^f8.10 g^l8 m n6. collation: [a10 b8 c^f8.10 g^l8 m n6]. GW 7605; HC *9509; Go¡, Supplement, J-520a; BMC III 728; Pr GW 7597; H 9507,I; Go¡ J-518; BMC III 725; Pr 7487; BSB-Ink 7495; BSB-Ink C-643; Sack, Freiburg, 1150; Sheppard 2341.

C-639; Sack, Freiburg, 1149; Sheppard 2334^5. COPY FIRST COPY Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, bound for the Two catches and clasps lost. Quadruple ¢llets form an intersect- Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers; ing triple frame. No tooling within the outer frame; within the fol- marbled pastedowns. Size: 401 ¿ 285 ¿ 29 mm. Size of lowing frame, square dragon stamps. In the inner rectangle leaf: 392 ¿ 277 mm. headed-outline tools form a merrythought containing a thistle Marginal and interlinear notes, some commenting on the text, stamp. A fragment of a sixteenth-century document in German but mainly extracting key words; pointing hands in an early hand. containing the name of HeinrichWaldeck,‘Scho¡e zu Hagenau’, r On [a2 ] an 11^line initial ‘I’ is supplied in interlocked red and has been removed from the binding; present shelfmark: MS. blue. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or Germ. b. 3 fol. 3. Size: 377 ¿ 259 ¿ 35 mm. Size of leaf: 366 ¿ r blue. Capital marks in red on [a1 ] only. 251mm. Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); note in Endleaves consist of two fragments of leaves from a sixteenth- r KloÞ’s hand on [a1 ]; sale (1835), lot 2255; purchased for »0. 5. 0; century printed antiphonary. see Books Purchased (1835), 16. A few chapter headings are supplied in brown ink where needed, shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.7. and a few marginal notes, extracting key words, in an early hand. SECOND COPY Manuscript foliation: 1^105. Wanting [a1] containing the list of contents. Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Most of the rubrics are di¡erently set up from those in Auct. 3Q Provenance: Schwa« bisch-Gmu« nd, Bavaria, Dominicans, S. r inf. 2.7; many are omitted. Maria Magdalena; inscription on a1 : ‘Conv: Gam: S: O: Ftruš Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, bound for the Pr×d¤toruš ’. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); note in Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers; KloÞ’s hand on the front pastedown; sale (1835), lot 2256; pur- marbled pastedowns. Formerly chained: rusty scar of a hasp in chased for »0. 9.6; see Books Purchased (1835),16. the upper margin of [n4^6]. Scars of index tabs consisting of frag- shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 3.8. ments from a contemporary manuscript which, where removed, have left an impression on the leaf. Size: 418 ¿ 284 ¿ 29 mm. Size of leaf: 410 ¿ 277 mm. J-238 Justinianus Marginal notes, mainly correcting the text, pointing hands, and Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. v chapter headings where needed in an early hand. Running book a2 Institutiones. numbers and chapter headings in the upper margin of the rectos refs. See J-230. in the same hand. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key v a2 [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘ [I]n nomine domini words, in a di¡erent humanist hand. nostri Hiesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias r On [a2 ] an eight-line initial ‘I’ is supplied in interlocked red and non posset imperare . . .’ blue with red pen-work decoration. Other initials, some with refs. See J-230,Torelli 133^4. On authorship see J-230. r reserved white decoration, and paragraph marks are supplied in [k7 ] [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Inuictissimi rutilantis ingenii Justiniani red or blue; capital strokes in red. imperatoris semper augusti . . .’ Provenance: Purchased from Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 27 Dec. 1486. Folio. and Green, Catalogue (1830), no. 2026, for »1. 1. 0; see Books collation: a b10 c8 d6 e f10 g12 h10 i6 k8. Purchased (1830),12. GW 7614; HC *9519; Go¡ J-529; BMC II 430; Pr 2055; BSB-Ink shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.3 C-651; Sack, Freiburg, 1155; Sheppard 1503. J-237 Justinianus COPY Wanting the blank leaves a1 and k8. Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled paste- v a1 ‘Rubrice Institutionum. Rubrice primi [^quarti] libri institutio- boards; bound for KloÞ. Size: 356 ¿ 238 ¿ 18 mm. Size of num’. leaf: 347 ¿ 230 mm. r a2 Institutiones. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in two early hands, refs. See J-230. one humanist. r On a2 a seven-line initial ‘I’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue. Other initials are supplied in red or blue. j-238^j-241] justinianus 1569

Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- tool inside a three-line diaper. The same pomegranate tool is on label; sale (1835), lot 2257; purchased for »0. 9. 0; see Books San Marino, California, HEHL 103161, Cicero, O⁄cia, Venice: Purchased (1835), 16. Bernardus Benalius, c.1488, bought by Protzer ‘in Italia’ in 1490, shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 3.9. and on Auct. 2Q inf. 2.56, Franciscus Niger, Grammatica,Venice, 1480 (Bod-inc. N-104. Four clasps (two nails) hinged on the upper cover, lost. Catches lost. On the fore-edge, but not on the others, J-239 Justinianus these were placed in grooves hollowed out from theboards; on the Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. other edges they were of inverted triangular form with the apex r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Instituciones.’ cut away and secured by three nails. Formerly chained: remains v a1 ‘Rubrice primi [^quarti] libri institutionum’. Incipit:‘De iusticia of hasp towards the foot of the fore-edge of the lower cover. et iure . . .’ Upper cover lettered VOLVMEN, and in another hand r a2 Institutiones. ‘Novellae, usque ad CXXIV/Constitutionum libri posteriores’. refs. See J-230. Previously a paper label on the upper cover, now torn away. r a2 [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘ [I]n nomine domini nos- Institutiones is shorter and is bound ¢rst, with plain edges; tri Iesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias non pos- Novellae is longer and has yellow edges. Headbands: single, set imperare . . .’ plain. Sewn on four double thongs. On the spine is the pomegra- refs. See J-230,Torelli 131^3. On authorship see J-230. nate tool around a three-line saltire inside a three-line frame. One Basel: Michael Wenssler, 1486. Folio. original endleaf survives at each end; watermark, ladder in circle collation: aa^nn8. (close to Briquet 5920: Venice 1491). Same binding as Auct. GW 7612; H *9517; Go¡ J-528; BMC III 730; Pr 7513; BSB-Ink 3Q 1.18 (J-257). Size: 447 ¿ 285 ¿ 68 mm. Size of leaf: 425 ¿ C-649; Sack, Freiburg, 1156; Sheppard 2352. 282 mm. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing COPY hands in an early hand, probably Protzer’s, on both items. Bound with B-475; see there for details of binding and proven- Provenance: Johannes Protzer (À1528); inscription on the front ance. Size of leaf: 330 ¿ 221 mm. endleaf: ‘Iohannes Protzer I.V. Doctor M.ccccxc. Conperatus in Wanting kk4,5. Italia’; see Wagner 85; Protzer bequeathed his books to three A few marginal notes, correcting the text and extracting key libraries in his home town of No« rdlingen, the majority, including words, in two di¡erent early hands. r 101 volumes of Roman law, to the Ratsbibliothek; the hasp mark On aa2 a six-line initial ‘I’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue. indicates that the library was a chained one. Johann Conrad Other initials are supplied in red or blue; paragraph marks are Feuerlein (1725^1788); armorial book-plate; see Warnecke 512. supplied in red. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 3.7(3). (1835), lot 2259; purchased for »0. 14. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. J-240 Justinianus shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.23(1). Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. r J-241 Justinianus a2 Institutiones. refs. See J-230. Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and r a2 [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘ [I]n nomine domini nos- the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius]. tri Iesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias non pos- r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Instituta de tortis’. set imperare . . .’ r a2 Institutiones. refs. See J-230, this edition was not seen by Torelli. On author- refs. See J-230. ship see J-230. a r [Clarius, Hieronymus]: Summaria. Incipit: ‘ [I]n nomine r 2 i6 ‘Rubrice omnes per alphabetum posite et ad loca suaperordinem domini nostri Iesu Christi.’’ Ista rubrica diuiditur in quatuor remisse.’ Incipit:‘Adoptionibus . . .’ partes . . .’ Clarius’s Summaria precede the gloss, section by sec- Venice: Baptista deTortis,1 July 1489. Folio. tion; they are based on those by Angelus de Gambilionibus, but collation: a^g8 h i6. also incorporate material from Baldus de Ubaldis and GW 7621; H *9521; Go¡ J-532; BSB-Ink C-654; Sheppard 3853. Christophorus Porcus; see GW VII, col. 98, and Domenico and

COPY Paola Ma¡ei, Angelo Gambiglioni giureconsulto aretino del quat- Bound with: trocento. La vita, i libri, le opere, Biblioteca della Rivista di Storia 2. Justinianus, Novellae constitutiones; Codex (books x^xii); del Diritto Italiano, 34 (Rome, 1994), 44^7. r Libri feudorum; Extravagantes.Venice: Baptista de Tortis, 7 May a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘ [I]n nomine domini nostri 1489 (J-278). Iesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias non posset Binding: Paduan half binding of c.1490; ‘the Scholastic Binder’; imperare . . .’See J-230. r see Anthony Hobson,‘AGerman Student in Italy: his Books and k6 ‘Rubrice omnes per alphabetum posite et ad loca sua per ordi- Bindings’, in Me¤ langes d’histoire de la reliure o¡erts a' Georges nem remisse.’ Incipit: ‘Adoptionibus . . .’ Colin, ed. Claude Sorgeloos (Brussels, 1998), 87^99, p. 91 no. 1. Venice: Baptista deTortis,1 Mar. 1497. Folio. Dark brown goatskin spine, unbevelled wooden boards. Leather collation: a^h8 i k6. extended c.50 mm over the boards and secured at the edge by a GW 7643; HC *9535; Go¡ J-541; Pr 4659; BSB-Ink C-664; Rhodes strip of leather nailed down. Tooled in blind with a pomegranate 619; Sheppard 3859. 1570 justinianus [j-241^j-243a

COPY remacli in stabul.’ C. I. Davidson (1874^1941). William Douglas Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over Simpson (1896^1968); inscription on the front endleaf: ‘The gift wooden boards, with two metal clasps. Title on a rectangular of C. I. Davidson. W. Douglas Simpson, The Chaplains’ Court, paper label at the head of upper cover. On the upper cover, triple The Chanonry, Old Aberdeen, March 13th 1936.’ Purchased in ¢llets form a triple frame. Outside the outer frame, intersecting 1939 from B.H. Blackwell, Ltd. diagonal double ¢llets form a lozenge-shaped border with circu- shelfmark: Inc. d. F1.1498.1. lar rosette stamps.Within the outer frame, thistle stamps; within the following frame, thistle and rosette stamps. The inner rect- J-243 Justinianus angle, very worn, contains apex and rosette stamps. On the Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and lower cover, triple ¢llets form a frame surrounded by the same the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius]. border found on the upper cover. Diagonal triple ¢llets divide r the inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compart- a1 [Title-page.] ‘Instituta de tortis.’ r ments, each containing a rosette stamp or a circular £oral stamp. a2 Institutiones. Small £oral stamps at the intersection of the ¢llets. Size: 437 ¿ refs. See J-241. r 289 ¿ 35 mm. Size of leaf: 427 ¿ 280 mm. a2 [Clarius, Hieronymus]: Summaria Incipit:‘ [I]n nomine domini Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in two di¡erent nostri Iesu Christi.’’ Ista rubrica diuiditur in quatuor partes . . .’ early hands, one of which is probably that of Iacobus Krux(?). See J-241. r Provenance: Jacobus Krux(?) (¢fteenth century); inscription on a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘ [I]n nomine domini nostri r Iesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias non posset a1 : ‘A[ ]s h[ ] B[ ]p > Iacobus Krux(?)’. Paulus Kherll (£. 1530); inscription on the front endleaf: ‘Egregius Doctor Paulus Kherll imperare . . .’See J-230. r 1530’. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale k6 ‘Rubrice omnes per alphabetum posite et ad loca sua per ordi- (1835), lot 2260; purchased for »0. 8. 0; see Books Purchased nem remisse.’ Incipit: ‘Adoptionibus . . .’ (1835), 16. Venice: Baptista deTortis,4 Apr. 1499. Folio. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.25. collation: a^h8 i k6. GW 7646; H *9539; Go¡ J-545; Pr 4666; BSB-Ink C-668; Sack, Freiburg, 1168; Sheppard 3862.

J-242 Justinianus COPY Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and Wanting the ¢rst gathering, which is supplied from a copy of GW the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius]. 7644. r Binding: Nineteenth-century calf, bound for the Bodleian, with a1 [Title-page.] ‘Instituta cum summariis Parisius nouiter impressa.’ marbled pastedowns and the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library r on both covers. Size: 435 ¿ 290 ¿ 25 mm. Size of leaf: 427 ¿ a2 Institutiones. refs. See J-230. 283 mm. r Marginal notes, extracting key words and correcting the text, and a2 Clarius, Hieronymus: Summaria. Incipit: ‘ [I]n nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi.’’ Ista rubrica diuiditur in quatuor partes . . .’ running chapter headings in a number of early hands. r Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- a2 [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘ [I]n nomine domini nos- tri Iesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias non pos- label; sale (1835), lot 2261; purchased for »0. 6. 6; see Books set imperare . . .’ The Glossa of Accursius surrounds the text, Purchased (1835), 16. whereas the Summaria of Clarius precede each lemma of the shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.24. text. See J-230. r t9 [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Institutionum opus cum summariis et diui- J-243A Justinianus sionibus suis locis in textu positis . . .’ Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and v t9 ‘Rubrice omnes per alphabetum posite et ad loca sua per ordi- the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius]. nem remisse.’ Incipit: ‘Adoptionibus . . .’ Fragment Paris: Andre¤ Bocard, 12 Sept. 1498. Folio. Paris: Ulrich Gering and Berthold Rembolt, 20 June 1499. 4o. 8 10 collation: a^s t . collation: [*]4 a^z A^E8. Woodcut initials. GW 7652; HC 9540; not in Pr; Hillard 677; not in Sheppard. GW 7645; C 3394; Go¡ J-543; not in Pr; Sheppard 6392. COPY COPY Bound with A-146(3); see there for details of binding and Wanting the blank leaf t10. provenance. Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, Leaf r4 only [Sheila Hingley, Durham University Library, kindly with remains of two clasps; rebacked. Triple ¢llets form an inter- con¢rmed the identi¢cation of the edition by comparing the leaf secting double frame.Within the outer frame, rosette, £eur-de-lis, with a copy of this edition in Durham UL]. Size of fragment: and concentric circle stamps. Diagonal triple ¢llets divide the 254 ¿ 180 mm. inner rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compart- shelfmark: Gibson 403*(14). ments, each containing the £eur-de-lis or the circular stamp. Size: 296 ¿ 207 ¿ 38 mm. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 198 mm. Provenance: Stavelot, near Lie' ge, Benedictines, S. Re¤ macle; inscription on the front pastedown: ‘Liber monasterij sancti j-244^j-246] justinianus 1571

r J-244 Justinianus ee9 ‘Rubrice primi libri . . . Incipit secundus liber . . . incipit liber Institutiones [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and xxiiii.’ Incipit: ‘De iustitia et iure . . .’ Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 21 Nov. 1477. Folio. the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius with annotations 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 to the Summaria by a pupil of Jason de Mayno]. collation: a b^f g h i^o p q r^x y z h m k A^D E F^ M8 NO10 P^T8 U10 X8 aa^dd8 ee10. r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Instituta cum summariis.’ GW 7657; H *9546; Go¡ J-547; BMC V 216; Pr 4250; BSB-Ink r a2 Institutiones. C-597; Hillard 677a; Sack, Freiburg, 1123; Sheppard 3430. refs. See J-230. COPY a r [Clarius, Hieronymus]: Summaria Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine 2 Acccording to a paper slip signed by G. D. Amery, dated 30 May domini nostri Iesu Christi.’’ Ista rubrica diuiditur in quatuor 1913, pasted in the front of the volume, the last word of the text on partes . . .’ The Glossa of Accursius surrounds the text; in the X r in a copy of this edition ceded to the British Museum Library beginning the Summaria of Clarius precede each lemma of the 7 (now the British Library) read ‘defeš dentš ’, whereas the present text; from f r it alternates with the Glossa. 1 Bodleian copy reads ‘defeš ditš ’correctly. a r Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini nos- 2 Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over tri Iesu Christi.’’ Ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. Alias non pos- wooden boards, two clasps and catches, bosses, and centre-piece set imperare . . .’See J-230. lost. Manuscript title and typographical details on two paper f r ‘Additiones’. Incipit: ‘ut l. ¢ pater in pri. ¡ . . .’Additiones to both 1 labels respectively at the head and tail of the spine.‘114’, crossed Glossa and Summaria, by a person often quoting Jason de out, and ‘222’ on two small labels at the head of the spine. Triple Mayno. ¢llets form a frame. Diagonal triple ¢llets divide the inner rect- T v [Colophon, with editorial note.] Incipit: ‘Habes perspicacissime 5 angle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, each lector Institutionum castigatissimum codicem . . .’ subdivided respectively into four or three triangular compart- T r ‘Rubrice omnes secundum ordinem alphabeti.’ Incipit: 6 ments by double ¢llets. An apex stamp on the hypotenuse of each ‘Adoptionibus . . .’ triangle; £oral stamps at the intersection of the ¢llets. Strips of T r [A note on the omission of the letter e from the alphabetical 6 manuscript parchment visible in the binding; cf. the binding of sequence of the gatherings.] J-249. Size: 443 ¿ 280 ¿ 110 mm. Size of leaf: 430 ¿ 272 mm. o [Lyons: Jean deVingle], 9 Dec. 1499. 8 . Manuscript list of contents in an early German hand on a paper 8 collation: a^d f^z h m k A^T . leaf pasted onto front pastedown. In the same hand also another GW 7651; R 1773; not in Pr; BSB-Ink C-669; Sheppard 6703. r list of contents, in alphabetical order, on ee10 ; manuscript folia- COPY tion in the upper right-hand corner of the rectos, some marginal Binding: Sixteenth-century English blind-tooled calf, with two notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing hands. Early metal catches on the lower cover and remains of clasps.Triple ¢l- running book numbers and chapter headings in red. lets form a double frame. The inner rectangle consists of a frame Typographical note by G. D. Amery, dated 30 May 1913, on r made of a decorative roll with a foliate stamp at each corner and paper pasted onto a1 . four of them together as a centre-piece; see Oldham, Blind- Five- to eleven-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and stamped Bindings, pl. xlii, roll no. 675 (London). Size: 160 ¿ blue at the beginning of each book. Other initials and paragraph 108 ¿ 43 mm. Size of leaf: 150 ¿ 100 mm. marks are supplied in red or blue. Extensively annotated in a sixteenth-century English hand. On Provenance: Four unidenti¢ed (German?) emblazoned shields: the rear endleaf a manuscript epitaph of Charles VIII, king of argent, a cock sable armed and spurred of the second, combed France (1483^98), in the same hand. and jelopped gules; per fess gules and sable two bars dancetty Provenance: Johannes Malatus (sixteenth century); inscription argent; party per chevron, gules above and sable below, overlaid on the front endleaf: ‘Liber Johanis Malati’, a modern hand has with a saltire argent; per fess argent, in chief bendy-sinister sable added:‘of Axmonth Devon’. Purchased in 1951 from McLeish. and in base a corbie of the second. Franz To« psl (1711^1796). shelfmark: Inc. f. F2.3. Polling, diocese of Augsburg, Bavaria, Augustinian Canons, SS. Jacobus, Salvator and S. Crux; book-plate; see Warnecke 1603. J-245 Justinianus Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; Munich shelfmark r ‘Inc. Typ. No. 222’and ‘Duplum’on a1 ; duplicate number ‘2682’ Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. v v in pencil on ee10 . Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); sale a1 [Preface on the edition.] Incipit: ‘[S]i genus hominum et morta- (1835), lot 2221; purchased for »1. 11. 6; see Books Purchased lium uitam animaduortimus, nihil est profecto . . .’ r (1835), 16. a2 Digestum vetus (books i^xxiv.2). shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 1.15. refs. CIC I 10^2; 29^356. r a2 [Accursius]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’ Amen. Imperator quia imperat subditis sic dicitur. Justinianus a J-246 Justinianus patre Justino. . .’ Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. v r ee8 [Verse.] ‘Hoc opus exactum tenta celeberrime lector. > Si bene, si a2 Digestum vetus (books i^xxiv.2). recte, charta notata manet’; 3 elegiac distichs. refs. See J-245. v r ee8 [Colophon.] a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’ Amen. Imperator quia imperat subditis. Justinianus a patre Justino . . .’ r Y9 [Colophon.] 1572 justinianus [j-246^j-248

v Y9 ‘Rubrice primi libri . . . Incipit secundus liber . . . incipit liber Five- to ten-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue at xxiiii.’ Incipit: ‘De iustitia et iure . . .’ the beginning of each book. Other initials and paragraph marks [Venice]: Nicolaus Jenson, [c.1478^80]. Folio. are supplied in red or blue. collation: a^f10 g8 h^k6 l m8 n^t10 u8 x6 2a^f G^T10 U8 XY10. Provenance: Metten, Bavaria, Benedictines, S. Michael; inscrip- r GW 7658; HC *9544; Go¡ J-548; BMC V 182; Pr 4129; BSB-Ink tion on a2 : ‘Iste liber est Sancti Michaelis Archangeli Patroni In C-598; Sheppard 3297. Metten’. Duplicate from the Royal Library,Munich;‘Duplum’on the front endleaf. Date of acquisition unknown; books with COPY neighbouring shelfmarks were acquired between1834 and1884. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 2.11. wooden boards. Two catches and clasps, corner-pieces, and centre-piece lost. Rectangular paper label, very worn, at the SECOND COPY Wanting the leaf Y . head of upper cover. Triple and double ¢llets form a double 10 Binding: Contemporary German (unidenti¢ed, KyriÞ workshop frame. Floral stamps and small lozenge-shaped pelican stamps no. 143) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards; two leather surround the outer frame; within which are lozenge-shaped eagle stamps. Double ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into four clasps, one lost, part of the other remaining; two metal catches, rectangular compartments, each subdivided by diagonal double one lost. Quadruple ¢llets form an intersecting double frame. ¢llets into four triangular compartments, containing rosette Lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamps surround the outer frame. stamps, the pelican stamps, lozenge-shaped £oral stamps, Within the outer frame, lozenge-shaped eagle, square rosette, lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamps, or triangular lion stamps. £oral stamps, rectangular stamp of two dragons, and the £eur- Another set of double ¢llets with surrounding repeated foliate de-lis stamps. In the inner rectangle merrythoughts are made up stamps form a saltire across the inner rectangle. Size: 437 ¿ from headed-outline tools surrounding the eagle, £oral, and £eur- 296 ¿ 105 mm. Size of leaf: 425 ¿ 287 mm. de-lis stamps; see KyriÞ pl. 287, nos 1^7. Same binding as J-262. r Small square pieces of parchment from a twelfth/thirteenth-cen- Manuscript title on a1 in an early hand. Initials, paragraph marks, capital strokes, and letters referring to tury calendar/computus visible in the binding. Size: 435 ¿ 291 ¿ the gloss in red. 105 mm. Size of leaf: 423 ¿ 282 mm. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; Marginal notes, extracting key words and correcting the text, and r ‘Duplum’ on a1 ; probably duplicate no. 3334: number on a slip pointing hands in a number of early hands. Early chapter head- of paper inserted in the book. Date of acquisition unknown; no ings in red ink in the outer margin of the rectos. r indication given by the shelfmark. On a2 a seven-line German initial ‘O’ is supplied in brown and shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 1.9. grey with white acanthus scroll decoration, on a blue ground with reserved white decoration and smallyellow dots, surrounded J-247 Justinianus by a square gold frame. In the lower margin of the same leaf, a Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. foliate border is supplied in yellow, red, green, grey, gold, and blue. At the beginning of each book is an initial made up of red v a1 Franciscus Moneliensis: [Preface.] ‘Francisci Moneliensis de and blue cadelles. Other initials and paragraph marks are sup- Genua in digestum vetus a se castigatum.’ Incipit: ‘Digestum plied in red or blue. Decoration as in J-262. vetus sacratissimi iuris esse principium omnium vna est senten- Provenance: Wimpfen, Baden-Wu« rttemberg, Hospitallers of the tia . . .’ r r Holy Ghost; inscription on a2 : ‘Ex lib. FF. Ord. S. Spu’s Hospit. a2 Digestum vetus (books i^xxiv.2). Wimpinensis’; part of a set with J-262 (Digestum nouum), refs. See J-245. r although not printed by the same printer. Georg Franz a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’ Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2222; Amen. Imperator dicitur quia imperat subditis. Justinianus a purchased for »1.1. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. patre Justino . . .’ r shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.14. Y9 [Colophon.] v Y9 ‘Rubrice primi libri^Rubrice libri xxiiii.’ Incipit: ‘De iustitia et iure . . .’ J-248 Justinianus Venice: Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, 9 July 1482. Folio. Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. collation: a^f10 g8 h^k6 l m8 n^t10 v8 x6 2a B10 C12 D^T10 U8 X a r Digestum vetus (books i^xxiv.2). Y10. Leaf B is signed ‘b’. 2 1 refs. See J-245. GW 7661; H 9549; BMC V 303; Pr 4687; BSB-Ink C-601; Sack, a r Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’ Freiburg, 1124; Sheppard 3751^2. 2 Amen. Imperator quia imperat subditis. Justinianus a patre FIRST COPY Justino. . .’ Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf over wooden r Y9 [Colophon.] boards, bound for the Bodleian Library; red-edged leaves. Size: v Y9 ‘Rubrice primi libri . . . Incipit secundus liber . . . incipit liber 418 ¿ 279 ¿ 85 mm. Size of leaf: 405 ¿ 269 mm. xxiiii.’ Incipit: ‘De iustitia et iure . . .’ Some marginal and interlinear notes, mainly extracting key Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 22 Nov. 1482. Folio. words, but also correcting and commenting the text, in an early collation: a^f10 g8 h^k6 l m8 n^t10 u8 x6 A^C 2d^f G^T10 U8 X humanist hand. Y10. GW 7662; HC *9550; C 3396; Go¡ J-549; BMC II 423; Pr 2026; BSB-Ink C-602; Sack, Freiburg, 1125^6; Sheppard 1483. j-248^j-251] justinianus 1573

COPY At the beginning of each book, except book I, six- to ten-line initi- Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled calf over wooden boards, als are supplied in interlocked red and blue. Other initials and two clasps and catches lost. Quadruple ¢llets form a double paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. frame. Within the outer frame a £oral and foliate roll. Vertical Provenance: Johannes Maier (¢fteenth century); inscription on v quadruple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into rectangular com- a1 : ‘Ioannes Maier von Wu« rtzburg > von Wort [ ]ill so ist mein partments each containing the £oral and foliate roll. Rectangular Zihl’. Wu« rzburg, Bavaria, Augustinian Hermits, S. Georgius; r label atthehead ofupper cover nowlost. Size: 352 ¿ 234 ¿ 70 mm. inscription on a2 : ‘FF. Eremit. S. August. ex liberaliteš dn× Size of leaf: 340 ¿ 224 mm. Iustin× Vrsul× Maierin.’ Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^ Eight leaves of a Latin Breviary of nine lessons, written in 1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2224. Date of acquisition Flanders or north-east France c.1400, were removed from the unknown; books with neighbouring shelfmarks were acquired in binding in 1918, now MS. Lat. liturg. d. 16, fols1^8. 1835. A few marginal notes, mainly correcting thetext, in an earlyhand. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.13. Initials are supplied at the beginning of each book in interlocked red and blue; other initials are supplied in red or blue; paragraph J-250 Justinianus marks supplied in red. Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. Provenance: Schwa« bisch-Gmu« nd, Bavaria, Dominicans, S. r r a2 Digestum vetus (books i^xxiv.2). Maria Magdalena; inscription on a2 : ‘Conu: Gam: S: O: Ftruš refs. See J-245. With an alphabetical list of incipits before each Pr×d¤toruš ’. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- titulus; cf. J-257. label; sale (1835), lot 2223; purchased for »0. 16. 0; see Books r Purchased (1835), 16. a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’ shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 3.6. Amen. Imperator quia imperat subditis. Justinianus a patre Justino . . .’ The last gloss (incipit: ‘Dicendum quod constante matrimonium . . .’) is here printed as the antepenultimate. v J-249 Justinianus S6 [Colophon.] r Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. S7 ‘Digesti veteris Tabula omnium rubricarum per alphabetum posita ad loca sua per ordinem remissa’ Incipit:‘Adoptionibus . . .’ a r Digestum vetus (books i^xxiv.2). 2 Venice: Baptista deTortis,4 Aug. 1488. Folio. refs. See J-245. 8 r collation: a^z h m k A^S . a Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’ 2 GW 7667; H *9553; Go¡ J-550; BMC V 325; Pr 4636; BSB-Ink Amen. Imperator dicitur quia imperat subditis. Justinianus a C-604; Sack, Freiburg, 1129; Sheppard 3851. patre Justino. . .’ r COPY S9 [Colophon.] v S9 ‘Rubrice primi libri . . . Incipit secundus liber . . . incipit liber Wanting the blank leaves a1 and S8. xxiiii.’ Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Size: 444 ¿ Venice: Johannes et Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio and 284 ¿ 60 mm. Size of leaf: 436 ¿ 277 mm. Jacobus Britannicus, 15 Dec. 1484. Folio. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and commenting on collation: a^c8 d e6 f6+1 g^k8 l m6 n^z h m k A^F8 G10 H^K8 L10 the text, and pointing hands in a few di¡erent early hands. On o r M^R8 S10. 4 a drawing ofa pro¢le ofa man, with inscription:‘uulpianus legum GW 7664; H *9551; BMC V 340; Pr 4505; BSB-Ink C-603; Sack, r r praeceptor’,in an earlyhand; on p8 ‘Paulus iuris consultus’; on k1 Freiburg, 1128; Sheppard 3879. r ‘Accursius legum glosator’; on A1 ‘Iulianus iuris consultus’; on COPY r r A8 ‘Gaius iuris consultus’; on C1 ‘Africanus iuris consultus’; on Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over r D4 ‘Neratius iuris consultus’. wooden boards. Two catches and clasps lost. Rectangular paper Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); pencil r label with manuscript title at the head of the spine; ‘E’ printed on notes in his hand on a2 ; sale (1835), lot 2225; purchased for »0. a rectangular paper label at tail of the spine. Triple ¢llets form a 16. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. frame. Diagonal triple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.15. lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, each subdivided respectively into four or three triangular compartments by double J-251 Justinianus ¢llets. An apex stamp on the hypotenuse of each triangle; £oral stamps at the intersection of the ¢llets. Strips of manuscript Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius parchment visible in the binding; compare the binding of J-245. and the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius]. v Size: 427 ¿ 274 ¿ 90 mm. Size of leaf: 416 ¿ 265 mm. a1 Clarius, Hieronymus: [Letter addressed to] Bernardinus r On a1 an early manuscript list of contents, in alphabetical order. Crassus. Incipit: ‘Constat Bernardine Crasse antiqua illa tem- Early chapter headings in the outer margins of the rectos; book pora . . .’ r numbers; marginal notes, extracting key words, proper names, a2 Digestum vetus (books i^xxiv.2). v and providing comments, in a sixteenth-century hand. On S10 a refs. See J-245. r sixteenth-century list of rubrics, with reference to folio numbers; a2 Clarius, Hieronymus: Summaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine folio numbers have also been supplied in the list of rubrics. domini’’Amen. Rubrica hec simul cum constitutione est quedam Manuscript foliation:‘1^349’ in the same hand. On the front end- epistola . . .’ The Summaria precede the glossa of Accursius, and leaf are two legal notes in the same sixteenth-century hand. contain excerpts from the lecturae of Bartolus de Saxoferrato, 1574 justinianus [j-251^j-253

Paulus de Castro, Baldus de Ubaldis, and Alexander deTartagnis; Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- see GW VII, col. 118. label; sale (1835), lot 2228; purchased for »0. 16. 0; see Books r a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘Imperator quia imperat Purchased (1835), 16. subditis. Justinianus a patre Justino . . .’ The order of the last shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.16. three glosses is as in J-250. r T4 [Colophon.] v T4 ‘Digesti veteris Tabula omnium rubricarum per alphabetum J-253 Justinianus posita ad loca sua per ordinem remissa’. Incipit: Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius ‘Adoptionibus . . .’ and the Summaria of Petrus Fossanus]. Venice: Baptista deTortis,1 Dec. 1490. Folio. r 8 6 aa1 [Title-page.] ‘Digestum vetus.’ collation: a^z h m k A^R ST . r aa2 Digestum vetus (books i^xxiv.2). GW 7669; H *9555; Go¡, Supplement, J550a; BMC V 326; Pr 4641; refs. See J-245. BSB-Ink C-606; Sack, Freiburg, 1130; Sheppard 3855. r aa2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’ COPY Amen. Imperator dicitur quia imperat subditis. Justinianus a Wanting the blank leaf T6. patre Justino. . .’ The order of the last three glosses is as in J-250. v Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered aa3 Petrus Fossanus: Summaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘Hec autem tria.’’ with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Size: 431 ¿ Supradictum est qualiter iura tradi debent . . .’ The Summaria 281 ¿ 65 mm. Size of leaf: 422 ¿ 274 mm. are printed in red before the gloss, and consist mainly of excerpts Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and commenting from Bartolus de Saxoferrato, but in some passages also from the text, and pointing hands in a sixteenth-century humanist Alexander de Tartagnis, Paulus de Castro, Baldus de Ubaldis, hand. and Albericus de Rosate; see GW VII col. 121. r Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- MM10 [Colophon.] r label; sale (1835), lot 2226; purchased for »0. 13. 0; see Books MM10 Fossanus, Petrus: [Letter addressed to] the reader. Incipit: Purchased (1835), 16. ‘[C]odicem .¡. veteris Ceruberans sane ciuilis sapientie . . .’Dated shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.14. Venice, 26 Mar.1491. v MM10 [Table of contents.] J-252 Justinianus Venice: AndreasTorresanus de Asula, 26 Mar. 1491. Folio. Digestum vetus [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius collation: aa8 bb^zz hh mm kk AA^LL10 MM12. and the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius]. GW 7675; H *9556; Go¡ J-554; BMC V 309; Pr 4725; BSB-Ink r C-607; Rhodes 621; Sack, Freiburg, 1131; Sheppard 3793^4. a1 [Title-page.] ‘Digestum vetus de tortis.’ v FIRST COPY a1 Clarius, Hieronymus: [Letter addressed to] Bernardinus Crassus. Incipit: ‘Constat Bernardine Crasse antiqua illa tem- Wanting the blank leaf MM12.The title is mutilated. pora . . .’ Binding: Contemporary German (Tu« bingen, Johannes Zoll, r a2 Digestumvetus (books i^xxiv.2). Editedby Hieronymus Clarius. KyriÞ workshop no. 70) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden refs. See J-245. boards, with two metal clasps. Numbered parchment index tabs r a2 Clarius, Hieronymus: Summaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine dyed red or green.Title and‘25’on a square paper label in the mid- domini’’Amen. Rubrica hec simul cum constitutione est quedam dle of the spine, in a modern hand. Quintuple ¢llets form an inter- epistola . . .’ secting double frame. Within the outer frame, square stags, r a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘Imperator quia imperat circular rosettes, lozenge-shaped eagle and scroll stamps; in the subditis. Justinianus a patre Justino . . .’ The order of the last inner rectangle headed-outline tools make up merrythoughts, three glosses is as in J-250. each containing a £euron stamp. On the lower cover, lozenge- r T4 [Colophon.] shaped £oral stamps instead of the eagle stamps. Small £oral v T4 ‘Digesti veteris Tabula omnium rubricarum per alphabetum stamps at the intersection of the ¢llets; see KyriÞ pl. 141, nos 2^8. posita ad loca sua per ordinem remissa’. Incipit: Size: 438 ¿ 292 ¿ 90 mm. Size of leaf: 425 ¿ 282 mm. ‘Adoptionibus . . .’ Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and commenting on Venice: Baptista deTortis, 31 Oct. 1494. Folio. the text, in ¢fteenth- and sixteenth-century hands. 8 6 Provenance: Samuel Butler (1774^1839); sale, pt II, lot 918. collation: a^z h m k A^R ST . GW 7671; Go¡ J-551; BMC V 328; Pr 4650; BSB-Ink C-608; Oates Purchased for »0. 10. 0; see annotated sale catalogue; listed with- 1845; Sheppard 3858. out the price in Books Purchased (1840), 34. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.14. COPY SECOND COPY Wanting the blank leaf T6. Wanting the blank leaf MM12. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Yellow-edged with green cloth. Probably rebound for Sotheby’s: the spine is leaves and manuscript title across head of fore-edge. Size: 437 ¿ detached, revealing paper underneath with text in English, 280 ¿ 65 mm. Size of leaf: 428 ¿ 273 mm. whichwould suggest an English binding; given that it is not a typi- A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words,‘nota’ marks, cal Bodleian binding, the probability is that it was bound for and pointing hands in a contemporary German(?) hand. Sotheby’s. Numbered parchment index tabs. Size: 435 ¿ 284 ¿ 70 mm. Size of leaf: 427 ¿ 277 mm. j-253^j-255] justinianus 1575

A few pointing hands. red pen-work decoration, occasionally ending in pen drawings r On aa2 a nine-line initial ‘O’ is supplied in interlocked red and of human faces, dogs, a castle, and £oral decoration. Paragraph blue on a square ground made of purple pen-work decoration; marks are supplied in red. red pen-work decoration in the area de¢ned by the letter. Other Provenance: Unidenti¢ed coat of arms, probably German, on r initials are supplied in blue, some with reserved white decoration. [a3 ]: argent, two acorns between three roses, the stems issuing Provenance: Bru« hl, North Rhine-Westphalia, Franciscans; a from a crescent gules; crest, a crescent between a pair of wings, gules. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale heavily erased inscription: ‘Sum Conuentus Brulensis(?) > 13/3’; ‘F 5’; similar inscriptions on J-258 (Infortiatum), J-266 (1835), lot 2230; purchased for »1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (Digestum novum), and J-279(2) (Novellae constitutiones). (1835), 16. J-253(2), J-258, and J-266 are decorated in the same style, and shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.16. have the same numbered index tabs; no Bodleian copy of the Institutiones has this provenance; otherwise this constitutes a J-255 Justinianus complete set of the Corpus Iuris. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ Infortiatum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2227; purchased for »0. r a2 Infortiatum (books xxiv.3^xxxviii). See J-254. 14. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. r shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.15. a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘[S]oluto matrimonio que- madmodum dos petatur. Dixit supra de iure . . . Apprehenderit . . .’ r J-254 Justinianus oo7 [Colophon.] Incipit: ‘Accipe lector queso hoc non parum emo- lumenti . . .’ Infortiatum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius] (ed. v oo7 ‘Sequuntur rubrice huius libri per ordinem.’ Incipit: ‘Soluto Coronatus de Planca). matrimonio quemadmodum dos petatur. Rubrice primi libri . . .’ v [a2 ] [Preface on the printing of the book and on the contribution of Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 31 May 1477. Folio. The date in the colo- Coronatus de Planca.] Incipit:‘Cum plurimorum philosophorum phon reads: primas kalendas Junias, interpreted in BMC as 1 sententia sit in tota uita constituenda . . .’ r June, elsewhere as 31 May. [a ] Infortiatum (books xxiv.3^xxxviii). Edited by Coronatus de 10 8 6 8 6 8 8 10 8 10 3 collation: a b^d e f g h H i^n o p q^s t^x y z h m k aa^ Planca. ee8 ¡ gg6 GG hh^oo8. refs. CIC I 356^634: xxiv.3^xxxvii.7; xxxvii.9; xxxvii.8; GW 7679; H *9564; BMC V 216; Pr 4249; BSB-Ink C-613; Rhodes xxxvii.10^xxxviii. With a brief addition to book 26: incipit: 623; Sack, Freiburg, 1134; Sheppard 3429. ‘Imperator Adrianus Britasio Poliani legato Lugdunensi . . . ger- endam compellatur.’ FIRST COPY r Wanting a1^2, f8,H6, n2, hh6, and oo1^2, 5^6. [a3 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘Rubrica. Soluto matri- monio etcetera. Dixit supra de iure dotis . . . Apprehenderit . . .’ Not in Sheppard. v Binding: Contemporary pigskin over wooden boards, with [T3 ] [Verse colophon.] ‘Idibus exactum est opus hoc aprilibusVrbe > Roma quo princeps tempore Sixtus erat’; 5 elegiac distichs. metal corner-pieces, two catches, and remains of one clasp. r Triple ¢llets form an intersecting triple frame. On the upper [T4 ] ‘Sequuntur rubrice huius libri per ordinem.’ Incipit: ‘Soluto matrimonio quemadmodum dos petatur. Rubrice primi libri . . .’ cover, within the outer frame, drop-shaped pelican stamps and small £oral stamps. Within the following frame, lozenge-shaped Rome: [Apud Sanctum Marcum (Vitus Puecher)], 13 Apr. 1475. thistle stamps, drop-shaped dragon stamps, and circular lamb Folio. and £ag stamps at each corner. The inner rectangle contains collation: [a b10 c8 d10 e6 f^l8.10 m n6 o^r10.8 s t6 u^z A B10.8 C8 D^ 8.10 8 12 8 6 10 8 10 6 merrythoughts, each containing a palmette, a small circular G HI K L MN OP Q RS T ]. bird, or a circular stamp of an angel or Mark the evangelist. On GW 7678; H *9563; Go¡ J-555; BMC IV 63; Pr 3535; BSB-Ink the lower cover, within the outer frame, drop-shaped £oral C-611; Sheppard 2820. stamps and the small £oral stamps. Within the following frame, COPY lozenge-shaped £oral stamps, the pelican stamps, and the evan- Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [T6]. gelist(?) stamps at each corner. In the inner rectangle, the circular Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered lamb and £ag stamp instead of the evangelist(?).‘Infortiatum’ in with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Green-edged red ink at the head of upper cover, and in brown ink across the leaves. Size: 423 ¿ 270 ¿ 66 mm. Size of leaf: 414 ¿ 263 mm. lower edge.‘N’ printed on a rectangular label at tail of the spine. Chapter headings in brown ink in the outer margins in an early Leather index tabs. Strips from a fourteenth-century liturgical r hand. On [a2 ] an inscription in German in an early Bavarian manuscript visible in the binding. Size: 440 ¿ 298 ¿ 94 mm. Size hand. Early manuscript foliation: 1^355. Folio numbers have of leaf: 427 ¿ 290 mm. been added to the table of rubrics. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and correct- r On [a3 ] one eight-line and two four-line Italian initials ‘D’ are ing the text, and pointing hands in an early hand. Early running supplied in gold on a green ground edged in blue; the area de¢ned chapter headings and book numbers in red. Early manuscript by the letter is pink with decoration of reserved white vine-stem foliation in brown ink on the upper right-hand corner of the rec- and three white dots. At the beginning of each books is an eight- tos: 2^335. line epigraphic initial in red on a green and pink ground edged in Eight- to nine-line initials are supplied in blue with red pen-work blue with white vine-stem decoration touched with yellow; prob- and reserved white decoration at the beginning of each book. ably German in imitation of the Italian style. Other initials and Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; running book numbers are supplied in red or blue with blue or capital strokes in red. 1576 justinianus [j-255^j-258

Provenance: Nothgottes, Ru« desheim, North Rhine-Westphalia, J-257 Justinianus r Capuchins; seventeenth-century inscription on a3 :‘Ad vsum fra- Infortiatum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. trum Minorum Capucinorum Agonia Domini’. Georg Franz v Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2231; a1 ‘Infortiati rubrice omnes per alphateum posite et ad loca sua per ordinem remisse.’ purchased for »0. 15. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. r shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.17. a2 Infortiatum (books xxiv.3^xxxviii). SECOND COPY refs. See J-254. With an alphabetical list of incipits before each titulus; cf. J-250. Wanting the blank leaf a1. r Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century half blind-tooled (¢l- a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘[S]oluto matrimonio que- lets) pigskin over brown pasteboards sprinkled in black. madmodum dos petatur. Dixit supra de iure . . . Manuscript title at the head of the spine. Sprinkled red-edged Apprehenderit . . .’ leaves. Size: 390 ¿ 287 ¿ 85 mm. Size of leaf: 382 ¿ 264 mm. Venice: Baptista deTortis,8 Apr. 1488. Folio. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing collation: a^z h m k A^F8. hands in an early hand. GW 7687; H *9568; BMC V 325; Pr 4635; BSB-Ink C-617; Sack, r On a2 an eight-line initial ‘D’ is supplied in interlocked red and Freiburg, 1139; Sheppard 3850. blue, with blue pen-work decoration in the area de¢ned by the let- COPY

terand red pen-workdecoration extending into the margin. Other The ¢rst leaf, a1, is pasted to the inside of the upper cover. initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; running Binding: Contemporary Italian (Paduan, c.1490,‘The Scholastic book numbers in red. Binder’) dark brown half goatskin over unbevelled wooden Provenance: Salzburg, Franciscans Observant; inscription on boards. Leather extended c.50 mm over the boards and secured r a2 in a seventeenth/eighteenth-century hand: ‘Pro Conuentu at the edge by a strip of leather nailed down. Tooled in blind with Sarisb: FF. Min: Strict: Obserucai(?)’. Duplicate from the Royal a pomegranate tool inside a three-line diaper. For other bindings Library, Munich; Munich shelfmark ‘Inc. typ. No. 989’ and with the same tools see J-240. Four clasps (two nails) hinged on ‘Duplum’ on the front endleaf. Duplicate no. ‘2713’ in pencil on the upper cover, lost. Catches lost. On the fore-edge, but not on the spine. Date of acquisition unknown; no indication given by the others, these were placed in grooves hollowed out from the the shelfmark. boards; on the other edges they were of inverted triangular form shelfmark: Auct. 5Q inf. 2.21. with the apex cut away and secured by three nails. Remains of hasp towards the foot of the fore-edge of the lower cover. Upper cover lettered ‘INFORCI > ATVM’, and on a label partly torn J-256 Justinianus away ‘InfoRciat . . .’A title in minuscules is written on the lower Infortiatum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. part of the cover. Yellow lower edge. Same binding as Auct. r a2 Infortiatum (books xxiv.3^xxxviii). 3Q 1.23 (J-240). See Anthony Hobson, ‘A German Student in refs. CIC I 356^634. See J-254. Italy: his Books and Bindings’, in Me¤ langes d’histoire de la reliure r a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘ [S]oluto matrimonio que- o¡erts a' Georges Colin, ed. Claude Sorgeloos (Brussels,1998), 87^ madmodum dos petatur. Dixit supra de iure . . . 99, at 97 no. 5. Size: 448 ¿ 292 ¿ 74 mm. Size of leaf: 432 ¿ Apprehenderit . . .’ 285 mm. [Padua: Petrus Maufer, c.1479]. Folio. Marginal notes, extracting key words and commenting on the collation: a10 b c8 d6 e^h8 i k10 l^n8 o p6 q8 r10 |^x8 y10 z8 h8 A6 B^ text, in Campeggi’s(?) hand. H8 I^L6 M4 N6 O8 P6. Provenance: Giovanni Campeggi (1448^1511); inscriptions GW 7680; HC *9561; C 3397; Go¡ J-556; BMC VII 913; Pr 6798; inside lower cover: ‘Dominus Iohannes Conpeigus (de BSB-Ink C-614; Hillard 679; Sack, Freiburg, 1135^6; Sheppard Campezio; Conpeyus) Legum doctor’; and ‘Mestre(?) Ian 5581. Campejo doctor de lege ordinario a padova in la rason che habendo mille ducati doro per el salario de la synoria(?) dato el COPY anno 1492’, a note recording that Campegius received a salary of Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, bound for the 1000 ducats from the Signoria of Padua in 1492; see Girolamo Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers; Tiraboschi, Storia della letteratura italiana (Milan, 1824), VI marbled pastedowns. Size: 444 ¿ 280 ¿ 65 mm. Size of 852^5, Belloni 232^6, and A. Mazzacane in DBI XVII 449^53. leaf: 437 ¿ 273 mm. Johann Conrad Feuerlein (1725^1788); armorial book-plate: On a r ‘Meingerperij(?)’ in an early hand; also the titles: ‘infor- 1 ‘ICtus et Consil. Norimb.’; see Warnecke 512. Georg Franz ciati’ and ‘¡. infor.’ Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2233; words, and pointing hands in an early hand in red and brown purchased for »0. 13. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. ink. Running book numbers and chapter headings on the recto shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.18. of each leaf in the same hand. Seven- to nine-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue at the beginning of each book, except book I. Other initials and J-258 Justinianus paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Infortiatum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ v the Summaria excerpted from Bartolus de Saxoferrato]. on a1 . Date of acquisition unknown; no indication given by the r shelfmark. a2 Infortiatum (books xxiv.3^xxxviii). shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 1.7. refs. See J-254. j-258^j-260] justinianus 1577

r a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘[S]oluto matrimonio que- inscription probably in the same hand:‘Tandemdeo opt. maximo madmodum dos petatur. Dixit supra de iure . . . propitio natus est mihi ¢lius Georgius 19 Aprilis 1532 quam char- Apprehenderit . . .’ iss[imum] habeo et pluris estimo quam decem milia ducatorum’. r r v v a2 Summaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[S]oluto.’’ Soluto matrimonio debet dos On h6 : ‘Johannes Tuck [ ] juris’. On g6 and G5 references to reddi mulieri et ab initio debet promitti mulieri et non alii si mar- Thomas Lo« ¡elholz, a lawyer(?). Running chapter headings in ito non noceret. h. d. . . .’ The Summaria, based on Bartolus de the upper and lower right-hand corners of the rectos and in the Saxoferrato, precede the gloss section by section. upper and lower left-hand corners of the versos in the predomi- Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, 30 Aug. 1490. Folio. nant sixteenth-century hand. v collation: a^z h m k A^F8 G6. Provenance: Thomas Lo« ¡elholtz; inscription on g6 : ‘Thomam GW 7689; H *9570; Go¡ J-558; BMC V 384; Pr 4919; BSB-Ink Lo« ¡elholtz . . .’ Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- C-619; Sack, Freiburg, 1140^1; Sheppard 4024. label; sale (1835), lot 2235; purchased for »0. 14. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. COPY shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.19. Wanting the blank leaves a1 and G6. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Parchment J-260 Justinianus index tabs. Size: 439 ¿ 288 ¿ 50 mm. Sizeof leaf: 430 ¿ 280 mm. r Digestum novum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Cancelled inscription on a2 . A few early pointing hands. r Accursius] (ed. Ludovicus de Passeris and Andreas de On a2 a seven-line initial ‘D’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue with purple pen-work decoration. Other initials are supplied Murris). r in blue, some with reserved white decoration. Capital strokes in [a2 ] ‘Incipiunt rubrice huius ¡ti noui iuxta ordinem librorum.’ v red. [a3 ] Guarinus, Johannes, de Capranica: [Letter addressed to] Provenance: Bru« hl, North Rhine-Westphalia, Franciscans; a Vitus Puecher. Incipit: ‘Admiraturum te profecto arbitror Vite heavily erased inscription: ‘Sum Conuentus Brulensis > 13/2’; ‘F humanissime . . .’ 8’; cf. J-253(2). Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- v [a3 ] [Verse.] ‘Est si quando ¢des sacris adhibenda poetis > label; sale (1835), lot 2234; purchased for »0. 15. 0; see Books Credendum est diuo pyeridumue choro’; 12 elegiac distichs. r Purchased (1835), 16. [a4 ] Digestum novum (books xxxix^l.) Edited by Ludovicus de shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.18. Passeris, Andreas de Murris, as stated by Johannes Guarinus in his letter. refs. CIC I 635^926. J-259 Justinianus r Infortiatum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and [a4 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘De operis noui nuncia- tione.’’ Sed cum septem sunt partes . . .’ the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius]. v [aa9 ] [Colophon.] r v a1 [Title-page.] ‘Infortiatum deTortis’. [aa9 ] [Verse.] ‘Quamuis uulcani crebro sim missus in igne Quamuis r > a2 Infortiatum (books xxiv.3^xxxviii). et ipse meum mars lacerarit opus’; 5 elegiac distichs. refs. See J-254. Rome: Apud Sanctum Marcum (Vitus Puecher), 30 Mar. 1476. r a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘[S]oluto matrimonio . . . Folio. Dixit s. de iure . . . Apprehenderit . . .’ collation: [a^c10 d8 e6 f g10 h6 i^o8.10 p10 q8 r^v10 x y8 z10 AB6 C10 r a2 Summaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[S]oluto.’’ Dos soluto matrimonio debet D6 E10 FG6 HI10 KL8 MN10 OP8 Q10 RS8 TV10 X^aa8.10]. restitui et ab initio ipsi mulieri promitti debet uel alii si marito GW 7701; H *9580; Go¡ J-565; BMC IV 64; Pr 3538; BSB-Ink non nocet. h. d. usque ad vers. ‘‘quod si in patris’’ Et diuiditur in C-579; Sheppard 2822. duas partes . . .’ The Summaria, based on Hieronymus Clarius, precede the gloss section by section. COPY Wanting the blank leaf [a ]. H v ‘Rubrice omnes per alphabetum posite et ad loca sua per ordi- 1 5 Binding: Sixteenth-century blind-tooled German pigskin over nem remisse.’ wooden boards, with green-edged leaves, bound for Julius Venice: Baptista de Tortis, [probably after] 16 Feb. 1497/8. Folio. Echter. Two catches lost, remains of two leather clasps. Triple ¢l- The colophon reads ‘16 Feb. 1497’. lets form a set of concentric frames. Within the outer frame is a 8 6 collation: a^z h m k A^G H . roll of Christ as a child with three putti, full length.Within the fol- GW 7695; H *9576; Go¡ J-562; BSB-Ink C-625; Oates 1847; lowing one, a roll of interlaced decoration; within the following Sheppard 3860. one, a roll of Fides, Iustitia, Charitas, and Spes, bearing the bin- COPY der’s initials I. P. Within the following frame is a roll of pro¢le The upper portion of a1 cut away. busts of men in medallions, in the space between which is orna- Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered mental foliage; see Haebler, Rollen- und Plattenstempel, I 332 with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. ‘¡. inson. 41’ nos 2, 7, 9. Within the following frame are the arms of Julius across the head of the fore-edge and along the lower edge. Size: Echter von Mespelbrunn. The inner rectangle is decorated with 436 ¿ 283 ¿ 50 mm. Size of leaf: 427 ¿ 275 mm. an interlaced roll. Size: 416 ¿ 268 ¿ 85 mm. Size of leaf: 406 ¿ A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and some 258 mm. r underlining in purple ink in a humanist hand. Other marginal On [g1 ] a marginal note, extracting key words, in a contemporary notes, mainly extracting key words, in a sixteenth-century hand. Italian(?) hand. Other marginal notes, mainly extracting key r r On a5 ‘ . . . Megeldorf’, a reference to a lawyer? On k3 an words, in an early German(?) hand. Early chapter headings in 1578 justinianus [j-260^j-263

r outer margins, and running book numbers in red in the same [a2 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘Incipit liber xxxix diges- hand. Manuscript foliation: ‘1^406’and references to folio num- torum et primus huius. Rubrica: ‘‘De operis noui nunciatione.’’ bers in the list of rubrics added in brown ink in a di¡erent early Sed cum septem sunt partes . . .’ German(?) hand. [Basel: Berthold Ruppel, c.1478^9]. Folio. At the beginning of each book, except book 1, eight- to ten-line collation: [a^f10 g12 h10 i12 k^p10 q r6 s^z A^E10 F8 G6 H^T10]. initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue with red and GW 7703; H *9579; Go¡ J-567; BMC III 715; Pr 7451; BSB-Ink green pen-work decoration, sometimes shaping animals or C-581; Sack, Freiburg, 1116; Sheppard 2301. human pro¢les on a reserved white ground; the last ones incom- plete. On [f r] within the area de¢ned by the initial letter ‘P’ is COPY 1 Binding: Contemporary German (unidenti¢ed, KyriÞ workshop drawn a shield bearing a device resembling capital A, the right no. 143) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with remains limb perpendicular with a round dot attached on either side near of metal catch. Quadruple ¢llets form an intersecting double the foot. Other initials are supplied in red or blue; paragraph frame. Lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis stamps surround the outer mark strokes in red. frame. Within the outer frame, a lozenge-shaped eagle, a square Provenance: Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn (1545^1617); his rosette, and a £oral, rectangular stamp of two dragons, and the arms on the binding. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); £eur-de-lis stamps. In the inner rectangle merrythoughts are book-label; sale (1835), lot 2237; purchased for »1. 11. 0; see made up from headed-outline tools containing the eagle, £oral, Books Purchased (1835), 16. and £eur-de-lis stamps; see KyriÞ pl. 287, nos 1^7; same binding shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.21. as J-247(2). Size: 416 ¿ 298 ¿ 110 mm. Size of leaf: 404 ¿ 288 mm. J-261 Justinianus Marginal notes, extracting key words and correcting the text, and Digestum novum [with the Glossa ordinaria of pointing hands in a number of early hands, one using a humanist Accursius]. script. Early chapter headings and book numbers in brown ink in a r Digestum novum (books xxxix^l.) the upper margins. 2 r refs. See J-260. On [a2 ] a nine-line German initial ‘H’ is supplied in brown and r grey with white acanthus scroll decoration, on a blue ground a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘Incipit liber xxxix diges- torum et primus huius. Rubrica: ‘‘De operis noui nuntiatione.’’ with reserved white decoration with small yellow dots, sur- Sed cum septem sunt partes . . .’ rounded by a square gold frame. In the lower margin of the same leaf, a foliate border is supplied in yellow, red, green, grey, gold, Venice: Nicolaus Jenson, 1477. Folio. and blue, with a gold sta¡ between the two columns of text. At collation: a^f10 g12 h10 i12 k^p10 q r6 s^z h m k AB10 C8 D6 E^Q10. the beginning of each book is an initial made up of red and blue GW 7702; H *9581; Go¡ J-566; Pr 4104; BSB-Ink C-580; Sheppard cadelles. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red 3282. or blue. Decoration as in J-247(2). COPY Provenance: Wimpfen, Baden-Wu« rttemberg, Hospitallers of the r Wanting the blank leaf a1. Holy Ghost; inscription on [a2 ]:‘Ex lib. FF.Ord. S. Sp’us Hospit. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered Wimpinensis’; part of a set with J-247(2) (Digestum uetus), r with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Size: 441 ¿ although not printed by the same printer. On [T10 ] an inscription 284 ¿ 80 mm. Size of leaf: 432 ¿ 276 mm. in an earlyhand:‘A. > P.T.S. L. > Cogita quod futurum sit > H.W.’in A few pointing hands and running chapter headings in a contem- the same hand as the humanist annotator. Georg Franz Burkhard porary hand. KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2236; purchased for Eight- to ten-line initials are supplied in blue or red with reserved »0. 14. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. white decoration at the beginning of each book, except book 1. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.22. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Running book numbers in red. J-263 Justinianus Provenance: Schwa« bisch-Gmu« nd, Bavaria, Conventual r Digestum novum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Franciscans, S. Ludovicus; inscription on a2 : ‘Fratrum Minorum Conventualium Gamundi×’. Georg Franz Burkhard Accursius]. r KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2238; purchased a2 Digestum novum (books xxxix^l.) for »0. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. refs. See J-260. r shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.19. a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘Incipit liber trigesimusno- nus digestorum. Rubrica:‘‘De operis noui nuntiatione.’’ Sed cum J-262 Justinianus septem sunt partes . . .’ Digestum novum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Padua: Petrus Maufer, for Zacharias de Zacharotis, 1479. Folio. Accursius]. collation: a b10 c8 d^g8.10 h i12 k l8 m10 n^p8 q6 r |8 t u10 x8 y z6 h m k A^E8 F6 G8 H10 I8 K^N10 O8 PQ6. [a r] Digestum novum (books xxxix^l.) 2 GW 7704; HC *9582; Go¡ J-568; BMC VII 913; Pr 6797; BSB-Ink refs. See J-260. C-582; Hillard 681; Sheppard 5580.

COPY Gatherings c and e transposed. j-263^j-265] justinianus 1579

Binding: Sixteenth-century (1563) German blind-tooled pigskin contains a crude drawer-handle stamp and a small leaf stamp. over wooden boards, with remains of two leather clasps.Triple ¢l- Size: 417 ¿ 278 ¿ 80 mm. Size of leaf: 405 ¿ 268 mm. lets form a triple frame.Within the outer frame, an interlaced roll, A pencil note inside the upper cover refers to MS. Lat. liturg. f. with ¢ve-petal £oral and foliate sta¡ stamps.Within the following 123 for former pastedowns; this cannot be veri¢ed, and appears frame is a historiated roll with scenes from the life of Christ, not to be an incorrect shelfmark (Sheppard). found in Haebler, Rollen- und Plattenstempel. Two sets of diago- Some early running chapter headings and book numbers in j nal triple ¢llets form a lozenge-shaped compartment within the brown ink. A piece of paper, loosely inserted between h8 and h , inner rectangle; in the centre, four lattice stamps surrounded by contains notes in German in an eighteenth-century hand. a frame made of pro¢les of men in medallions, with the space Provenance: Neustadt an der Saale, Bavaria, Carmelites; r between ¢lled with ornamental foliage. ‘C F’ and ‘1563’ respec- inscription on a2 : ‘Sum fr: Car: Neostad:’ Georg Franz tively above and below the lozenge-shaped compartment. On the Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2240; lower cover the inner rectangle contains two sets of interlaced purchased for »0. 9.0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. rolls running vertically, surrounded by a frame made of a small shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.20. historiated roll, too worn to decribe. Size: 426 ¿ 285 ¿ 90 mm. SECOND COPY Size of leaf: 413 ¿ 275 mm. Wanting G6. A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and correct- Binding: Contemporary German (Nuremberg, KyriÞ workshop ing the text, running chapter headings, and runnning book num- no.116) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with metal cor- bers in an early hand. ner-pieces andyellow-edged leaves.Two clasps and catches, circu- At the beginning of each book seven- to ten-line initials are sup- lar centre-piece and bosses lost. Manuscript title covered with r plied in interlocked red and blue, on a2 with red pen-work dec- horn and set within a metal frame. On the upper cover, triple ¢l- oration. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red lets form an intersecting double frame. Within the outer frame, or blue. lozenge-shaped dragon stamps, rosette and foliate sta¡ stamps, r Provenance: Freising, Franciscans; inscription on a2 : ‘Ad and a crocketed cresting roll at the head of cover only. In the Bibliothecam ¡. Minoruš Frisings’. Georg Parzner (eighteenth inner rectangle are merrythoughts, made up from headed-outline century); book-plate: ‘Georgivs Parzner > SS Canonvm licen- tools, each containing a foliate (thistle?) stamp. On the lower tiatvs’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; Munich shelf- cover, quadruple ¢llets form an intersecting double frame. mark, ‘Inc. typ. No. 274’ (149 crossed out) and ‘Duplum’ on the Within the outer frame, the rosette and foliate sta¡ stamps. front endleaf. Date of acquisition unknown; no indication given Diagonal quadruple ¢llets divide the inner rectangle into four tri- by the shelfmark. angular compartments, each containing the dragon stamps; see shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 2.19. KyriÞ pl. 233, nos 1^4, 6^7, 9. Size: 436 ¿ 289 ¿ 90 mm. Size of leaf: 425 ¿ 280 mm. J-264 Justinianus Chapter headings and book numbers in red in the upper margin Digestum novum [with the Glossa ordinaria of of the rectos. Accursius]. Seven- to eleven-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue with green and pink pen-work decoration at the beginning r a2 Digestum novum (books xxxix^l.) of most books. Other initials and paragraph marks are supplied refs. See J-260. in red or blue. r a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘Incipit liber trigesimusno- Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- nus digestorum et primus huius libri. Rubrica: ‘‘De operis noui label; sale (1835), lot 2232; purchased for »0. 9. 0; see Books nuntiatione.’’ Sed cum septem sunt partes . . .’ Purchased (1835), 16. Venice: [Gabriel de Grassis] for Johannes Antonius Birreta, 1483. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.10. Folio. Printed from the edition of Padua: Petrus Maufer, 1479 (Go¡ J-568), as the wording of the colophon shows (BMC). J-265 Justinianus collation: a10 b^k8 l6 m^o8 p^s6 t^y8 z10 h10 m8 k10 kk8 kkk6 A^F8 Digestum novum [with the Glossa ordinaria of 6 G . Accursius]. GW 7707; HC 9584; BMC V 332; Pr 5684; BSB-Ink C-585; Sheppard r 3865b, 3866. a2 Digestum novum (books xxxix^l.) refs. See J-260. FIRST COPY a r Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘Incipit liber xxxix diges- Wanting the blank leaf a . 2 1 torum et primus huius. Rubrica: ‘‘De noui operis nuntiatione.’’ Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over wooden Sed cum septem sunt partes digestorum . . . boards, with metal clasps, yellow-edged leaves, and leather index tabs dyed red. Early manuscript title along the lower edge. Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 20 Apr. 1483. Folio. 10 12 10 12 10 6 10 8 6 10 Corner-pieces, centre-piece on the lower cover only,and a rectan- collation: a^f g h i k^p q r s^z h m k AB C D E^Q . gular paper label atthehead ofupper cover lost.The spine painted GW 7708; HC *9585; Go¡ J-569; BMC II 425; Pr 2033; BSB-Ink white, with an eighteenth-century title on a paper label atthehead C-586; Hillard 682; Sack, Freiburg, 1117; Sheppard 1488. and ‘L’on a paper label at the tail of the spine.Triple ¢llets form a COPY v double frame. Within the outer frame are ‘Maria’ scrolls and Leaf Q9 , colophon:‘. . . chalendas maias.’ lozenge-shaped pierced heart stamps. The inner rectangle 1580 justinianus [j-265^j-268

r Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled leather over wooden a2 Paulus de Castro and Bartolus de Saxoferrato: [Glossa sum- boards, rebacked. Too worn for identi¢cation. Size: 353 ¿ 236 ¿ maria.] Incipit: ‘Hoc edictum diuiditur in duas partes . . .’ The 65 mm. Size of leaf: 342 ¿ 227 mm. Summaria as contained in this edition are fuller than in J-266. Running book numbers and chapter headings on the recto and Venice: Baptista deTortis,12 Feb. 1498/9. Folio. r verso ofeach leafup to H1 , in an early hand. Manuscript foliation collation: a^z h m k A^M8 N6. in the upper right-hand corner of the rectos: 1^412. GW 7720; H *9595; Go¡ J-572; BMC V 330; Pr 4663; BSB-Ink r On a2 a nine-line initial ‘H’ is supplied in brown ink. C-594; Oates1850; Sheppard 3861. v o Provenance: Petrus Meiensis (£. 1563); inscription on a1 : ‘A 63. COPY Ad Petrum liber hic Meiensem pertinet [ ] M.P.’ Georg Franz Wanting the blank leaf a . Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2239; 1 Binding: Sixteenth-century German (Nuremberg, KyriÞ work- purchased for »0. 9.0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. shop no. 121) blind-tooled quarter pigskin over wooden boards. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 3.13. Early manuscript title and shelfmark no. ‘42’ along the lower edge and across the fore-edge. Triple ¢llets form a frame; within J-266 Justinianus which, on the upper cover, are merrythoughts each containing a £oral stamp; on the lower cover, £oral and foliate roll, circular Digestum novum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius rosette stamps, and foliate sta¡ stamps; see KyriÞ pl. 243, nos 1^ and the Summaria excerpted from Bartolus de 4, 6. Size: 437 ¿ 281 ¿ 73 mm. Size of leaf: 425 ¿ 271 mm. Saxoferrato and Paulus de Castro]. Headings at the head and tail on the rectos of the outer margins. r Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and correcting the a2 Digestum novum (books xxxix^l.) refs. See J-260. With an alphabetical list of incipits before each text, and pointing hands predominantly in Scheurl’s(?) hand, but titulus. also a few notes in di¡erent early German hands, in Latin and v r German. On F4 in another hand: ‘Ott Zemger Ober Hist a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘De operis noui nuncia- tione.’’ Rubrica. Sed cum septem sint partes digestorum . . .’ Straubinngen 12 Sept. 1529’. On the front pastedown, a note in r KloÞ’s hand on the woodcut. a2 Paulus de Castro and Bartolus de Saxoferrato: [Glossa sum- maria.] Incipit: ‘Nunciatio noui operis potest ¢eri . . .’ Provenance: Christoph Scheurl (1481^1542); woodcut armorial book-plate containing the arms of Scheurl and Tucher, 300 ¿ Venice: Andreas Calabrensis, Papiensis, 30 Apr. 1491. Folio. 201 mm; in the margins type-set inscriptions from the Bible and collation: a^f8 g h6 i^z A^M8 N6. h m k the classics; attributed to Wolf Traut by C. Dodgson, Catalogue GW 7713; H *9590; Go¡ J-570; BMC V 397; Pr 4981; BSB-Ink of Early German and Flemish Woodcuts . . .in the British C-590; Sheppard 4057. Museum, I (London, 1903, repr.Vaduz, 1980), 516^17 no. 10; see COPY Wagner 77^8. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); sale Wanting the blank leaves a1 and N6. (1835), lot 2243; purchased for »0. 10. 0; see Books Purchased Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered (1835),16. with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Parchment shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.17. index tabs. Size: 444 ¿ 281 ¿ 60 mm. Sizeof leaf: 435 ¿ 274 mm. r An obliterated inscription on a2 . A few marginal notes, extract- J-268 Justinianus ing key words and correcting the text, in an early hand. Codex [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. On a r a nine-line initial‘H’ is supplied in interlocked red and blue 2 r with red and purple pen-work decoration. Some initials are sup- [a1 ] Codex (books i^ix). plied in blue with reserved white decoration. Other initials and refs. CIC II 1^395, but including material from the so-called paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue. Capital strokes in Authentica, i.e. numerous excerpts from the Novellae and decrees red. of the emperors Fridericus I and II, following the redaction of Accursius; see GW VII 142. Provenance: Bru« hl, North Rhine-Westphalia, Franciscans; a r heavily erased inscription: ‘Sum Conuentus Brulensis 13/3’; ‘F [a1 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’. > Incipit a domino Ihesu Christo ut semper consueuit . . .’ 2’; cf. J-253(2). Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); pur- v chased at his sale (1835), lot 2242 for »0. 9. 6; see Books [l10 ] ‘[N]oua constitutio Iustiniani.’ Incipit:‘[A]learum usus antiqua Purchased (1835), 16. res est et extra opera pugnatorum concessa . . .’ Inserted between books 3 and 4. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.20. v [O8 ] [Colophon.] r [O9 ] [Table of contents.] ‘Sequuntur tituli Codicis secundum J-267 Justinianus librorum ordinem’. Incipit: ‘De nouo codice faciendo. . .’ Digestum novum [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius Mainz: Peter Schoe¡er, 26 Jan. 1475. Folio. collation: [a10 b8 c^e10 f8 g6 h8 i10 k8 l m10 n o8 p^s10.8 t10 u12 x10 y8 and the Summaria excerpted from Bartolus de 10 8 6 10 8 10 8 4 8 6 10 Saxoferrato and Paulus de Castro]. z AB C DE FG HI K L M N O ]. GW 7722; HC *9598; Go¡ J-574; BMC I 31; Pr106; BSB-Ink C-560; r a2 Digestum novum (books xxxix^l). Edited by Hieronymus Sack, Freiburg, 1104; Sheppard 64. Clarius, according to GW VII col. 139. refs. See J-260. r a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘De operis noui nuncia- tione’’. Rubrica. Sed cum septem sint partes digestorum . . .’ j-268^j-271] justinianus 1581

COPY Son, 21 June 1833), lot 695; purchased for »2. 0. 0; see Books Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over pasteboards covered Purchased (1833), 13. with green cloth; probably rebound for Sotheby’s. Size: 479 ¿ Former Bodleian shelfmark: Auct. 2Q extra 2.4. 339 ¿ 80 mm. Size of leaf: 470 ¿ 330 mm. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.4. Some marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, and pointing hands in two di¡erent early hands. Subject headings on the upper J-270 Justinianus right-hand corner of the recto of each leaf, in an early hand, prob- Codex [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. ably that of the rubricator who also supplied chapter headings in r red ink when needed. Two sets of early manuscript signatures a2 Codex (books i^ix). partly visible. refs. See J-268. With some additional material not included in A few initials are supplied in interlocked red and blue. Other initi- the modern edition. r als, paragraph marks, and running book numbers are supplied in a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini.’’ red or blue. Incipit a deo ut infra de o⁄cio prefecti . . .’ r Provenance: Schwa« bisch-Gmu« nd, Bavaria, Conventual p3 ‘Constitutio Greca.’ Incipit: ‘[A]learum usus antiqua res est et r Franciscans, S. Ludovicus; inscription on[a1 ]: ‘Fratrum extra operas pugnatoribus concessa . . .’ Inserted between books Minorum Conuentualium Gamundi×’. Georg Franz Burkhard 3 and 4. v KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2245; purchased T4 [List of rubrics, in alphabetical order.] Incipit: ‘[A]bigeis . . .‘ for »3. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 15. Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 7 May 1478. Folio. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.21. collation: a10 b^h8 i6 k^q8 qq10 qqq8 r^z8 h m6 A^P8 Q^T6.8. GW 7725; HC *9601; Go¡ J-576; BMC V 217; Pr 4252; BSB-Ink C-562; Sheppard 3431. J-269 Justinianus COPY Codex [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius] (ed. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over Andreas Rommel). wooden boards with yellow-edged leaves and leather index tabs. r [a2 ] [List of rubrics, in alphabetical order.] Incipit:‘Abigeis . . .‘ Two catches, clasps, corner-pieces, and centre-piece lost.‘423’on v a small rectangular paper label at the head of the spine.‘MB’, in [a4 ] Rummel, Andreas: [Letter addressed to] Johann Sensenschmidt. Incipit: ‘Rogas me mi Joannes quam instantis- brown ink, also on the spine. Triple ¢llets form a triple frame. sime . . .’ Lozenge-shaped £oral stamps and apex stamps surround the r outer frame.Within the outer frame a ‘Maria hilf’ scroll roll. No [b1 ] Codex (books i^ix). Edited by Andreas Rummel. refs. See J-268. tooling within the following frame. Double diagonal triple ¢llets, r with strapwork running in between them, divide the inner rect- [b1 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini’’. Incipit a deo ut infra de o⁄cio prefecti . . .’ angle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, each v containing a rosette stamp. Size: 445 ¿ 284 ¿ 10 mm. Size of [n5 ] ‘Constitutio Greca.’ Incipit: ‘[A]learum vsus antiqua res est et extra operas pugnatoribus concessa . . .’ Inserted between books leaf: 429 ¿ 273 mm. 3 and 4. Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, correcting the text, and pointing hands in a number of early and later hands.‘1572’ in Nuremberg: Johann Sensenschmidt and Andreas Frisner, 24 June pencil on the rear endleaf. Manuscript foliation on the upper 1475. Folio. right-hand corner of the rectos: 1^357. Running book numbers collation: [a4 b^z A^R10 S12]. in red. Woodcuts. Initials at the beginning of each book are supplied in blue. Other GW 7723; H *9599; Go¡ J-575; BMC II 406; Pr 2198; BSB-Ink initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red. C-561; Schramm XVIII p. 14; Schreiber V 4406; Sheppard 1405. Provenance: Plankstetten, Bavaria, Benedictines, SS. Maria et COPY r Johannes evangelista; inscription on a2 : ‘Monasterij Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled half pigskin over Blankstadiani’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, Munich; wooden boards, renewed, with one metal clasp and remains of Munich shelfmark: ‘Inc. Typ. no. 423’ on a slip pasted onto rear another. On the upper cover, quadruple ¢llets form a double pastedown and ‘Duplum’on a slip pasted onto front pastedown. frame. Within the outer frame, a repeated rectangular stag Acquired between1847 and c.1892; not found in Catalogus (1843), stamp. The inner strip contains a repeated lozenge-shaped lion with Appendix. stamp and £oral stamp. On the lower cover, quadruple ¢llets shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 1.10. form a frame. Diagonal quadruple ¢llets divide the inner rect- angle into four triangular compartments, containing a repeated J-271 Justinianus lozenge-shaped double-headed eagle stamp and the £oral stamp. Size: 418 ¿ 284 ¿ 105 mm. Size of leaf: 403 ¿ 272 mm. Codex [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. r Chapter headings in the margins ofthe rectos and marginal notes, a2 Codex (books i^ix). mainly extracting key words, in an early hand. Manuscript folia- refs. See J-268. r tion: 1^402. a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini.’’ Initials are supplied in red or blue. Paragraph marks are supplied Incipit a deo ut infra de o⁄cio prefecti . . .’ v in blue. p1 ‘Constitutio Greca.’ Incipit: ‘[A]learum vsus antiqua res est et r Provenance: Bamberg, Bavaria, Carmelites; inscription on [a2 ]: extra operas pugnatoribus concessa . . .’ Inserted between books ‘Carmeli Bambergensis’. Anonymous sale (London: Sotheby & 3 and 4. 1582 justinianus [j-271^j-274

v R5 [List of rubrics, in alphabetical order.] Incipit: ‘[A]bigeis . . .‘ J-273 Justinianus [Venice]: Nicolaus Jenson, [c.1479]. Folio. Codex [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius]. 10 8 6 8 6 4 10 12 10 8 10 8 collation: a^c d e f^h i kl m^q r s^y z A^D EF r 10 8 10 8 6 8 [*2 ] [List of rubrics, in alphabetical order.] Incipit:‘[A]bigeis . . .’ G^M N O P Q R . r a1 Codex (books i^ix). GW 7726; HC *9597; Go¡ J-577; BMC; Pr 4130; BSB-Ink C-563; refs. See J-268. Hillard 684; Sack, Freiburg, 1105; Sheppard 3296. r a1 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini.’’ COPY Incipit a deo vt infra de o⁄cio prefecti . . .’ v Wanting gathering e, cut out. Sheet O4.7 bound after Q3. n5 ‘Constitutio Greca.’ Incipit: ‘[A]learum vsus antiqua res est et Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, bound for the extra operas pugnatoribus concessa . . .’ Inserted between books Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers; 3 and 4. marbled pastedowns. ‘Codex’ along the upper edge. Size: 434 ¿ Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 30 Jan. 1488. Folio. 283 ¿ 65 mm. Size of leaf: 425 ¿ 274 mm. 4 10 12 collation: [* ] a^z h aa^pp qq . Early manuscript foliation on the upper right-hand corner of the Woodcuts tentativelyascribed by BSB-Inkto the‘Meister des Ulmer rectos: ‘1^ccc46’. Folio numbers added to the list of contents, in Terenz’. the same hand. GW 7735; H *9609; Go¡ J-581; BMC II 432; Pr 2061; BSB-Ink Eight- to eleven-line initials are supplied in interlocked red and C-568; Sack, Freiburg, 1108^9; Schramm XVII p. 8; Schreiber V blue at the beginning of each book. Other initials, paragraph 4407; Sheppard 1507. marks, and running book numbers are supplied in red or blue. Provenance and date ofacquisition unknown; no indication given COPY by the shelfmark. Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled calf for the shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 1.6. British Museum, c.1860, according to a note by Graham Pollard; see Library Records c.1054; its stamp on both covers and red-edged leaves. Size: 369 ¿ 236 ¿ 55 mm. Size of J-272 Justinianus leaf: 358 ¿ 225 mm. Codex [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius] (ed. A few marginal notes, mainly correcting thetext, in an earlyhand. r Andreas Helmut). On a1 a 12^line Nuremberg initial ‘H’ is supplied in azure on a burnished gold ground, the gilt with punch-dotting, the initial a r Codex (books i^ix). 2 with curling acanthus leaves in blue and in white, within segmen- refs. See J-268. Edited by Andreas Helmut, as stated in the con- ted frames of green and red. On the same leaf, the woodcut is cluding verses. painted. a r Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini.’’ 2 Provenance: Kaisheim, Bavaria, Cistercian abbey; inscription Incipit a deo ut infra de o⁄cio prefecti . . . testem habeant. Id est on a r: ‘FF. de C×sarea’. Duplicate from the Royal Library, dicant se liberatos potestate . . .’ 1 Munich; ‘Duplum’on [* r]. London, British Museum; purchased l v ‘Constitutio Greca.’ Incipit:‘[A]learum vsus antiqua res est extra 1 9 in 1867; shelfmark: ‘IB.7388’. Transferred to the Bodleian in Oct. operas pugnatoribus concessa . . .’ Inserted between books 3 1913; see BM duplicate stamps with the date 11 Oct. 1913; ‘List of and 4. r Duplicate Incunabula’ (Library Records c. 1054), no. 3. N4 [Colophon.] v shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 4.38. N4 [List of rubrics, in alphabetical order.] Incipit: ‘[A]bigeis . . .’ r N6 [Verse.] ‘Forte putas lectos modicos sumpsisse labores > Nos cum codicis has ¢nximus ere notas’; 10 elegiac distichs. J-274 Justinianus Basel: Michael Wenssler, for Andreas Helmut, 7 July 1487. Folio. Codex [with the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and the collation: a^z A^M10 N6. Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius]. GW 7734; HC 9608; BMC III 731; not in Pr; Hillard 686; Sack, r a2 Codex (books i^ix). Freiburg, 1107; Sheppard 2353. refs. See J-268. r COPY a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine domini.’’ Wanting the blank leaf a1. Incipit a deo ut infra de o⁄cio prefecti . . . testem habeant. Id est Binding: Marbled paper over pasteboards. Size: 419 ¿ 290 ¿ dicant se liberatos potestate . . .’ v 65 mm. Size of leaf: 409 ¿ 282 mm. a4 [Clarius, Hieronymus: Summaria.] Incipit:‘‘‘Habeat.’’ Quilibet Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and commenting on in sua vltima voluntate libere potest de bonis suis . . .’ The the text, in an early hand. In the upper right margin of each recto Summaria precede the gloss, but do not begin until I 2.1. GW are chapter headings in red ink, in the same hand.‘24475’ in pen VII, col. 150: these are excerpts from the lectures of Bartolus de on the lower left-hand corner of the front pastedown.‘Z. C. 7.’ in Saxoferrato, Baldus de Ubaldis, Bartholomaeus Salicetus, r brown ink in the upper margin of a2 .‘7011’ in pencil in the lower Alexander de Tartagnis, Odofredus de Denariis, Paulus de r margin of a2 . Castro, Cinus de Pistorio, and others. v Provenance: Leipzig, Bibliothek des Reichsgericht; circular m4 ‘Constitutio Greca.’ Incipit: ‘[A]learum usus antiqua res est et r stamp on a2 : ‘Bibliothek des Reichsgerichts’. Purchased from extra opera pugnatoribus concessa . . .’ Inserted between books 3 Ernst Fischer, 24 Dec. 1904 for 80 Marks; see Annual Report of and 4. r the Curators of the Bodleian Library, Oxford University Gazette, O4 [Verse.] ‘Breues conclusiones nouem librorum codicis.’ ‘Prima 8 May 1906, 564, and Library Bills. sacrat, secunda parat, ius tertia dicit. > Contrahit et quarta, shelfmark: Inc. b. GS2.1487.1. nubere quinta docet’; 2 mnemonic elegaic distichs. j-274^j-276] justinianus 1583

v O4 ‘Rubrice omnes per alphabetum posite et ad loca sua per ordi- refs. CIC II 395^487. r nem remisse.’ Incipit: ‘Apostatis . . .’ [A1 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘De iure ¢sci’’. Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, 12 Aug. 1491. Folio. Occasione criminum de quibus libro superiori dixit . . .’ collation: a^z h m k A^N8 O6. Mainz: Peter Schoe¡er, 21 Aug. 1477. Folio. GW 7740; H *9615; Go¡, Supplement, J582a; Pr 4921; BSB-Ink collation: Novellae: [a10 b8 c^f10 g h6 i10 k8 l10 m^p10.8 q6 r s10 C-571; Rhodes 630; Sack, Freiburg, 1110^12; Sheppard 4027. t8+1]; Libri feudorum: [v^y10 z6]; Codex (books x^xii): [A8 B10 8 10 8 4 10 12 COPY C^E F G H IK L ]. Collation as GW, not as BMC. The Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf, bound for the number of leaves in the gatherings are the same as GW, but the let- Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers; ters have been di¡erently allocated. marbled pastedowns. ‘Codex’ across the lower edge adjacent to GW 7751; H *9623; Go¡ J-589; BMC I 33; Pr 113; BSB-Ink C-544; the spine. Size: 445 ¿ 286 ¿ 62 mm. Size of leaf: 434 ¿ 277 mm. Sheppard 75. Micro¢che: Unit 1: Mainz to 1480. Marginal notes, extracting key words, correcting and comment- COPY r ing on the text (including references to Bartolus), and pointing Leaf [v1 ], l. 8 (text): ‘videamus > primo qui > feuduq dare pnš t. hands in a number of early German(?) hands, in red and brown Feudum ’. v > ink. On h7 a note introduced by the formula‘VC’, in red ink. Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled pigskin over Initials are supplied in blue or red. wooden boards. Clasps, catches, corner-pieces, and centre-piece Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- lost. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of label; sale (1835), lot 2248; purchased for »0. 14. 0; see Books lower cover. Early manuscript title: ‘Autentica’ and ‘4’ on two Purchased (1835), 15. paper labels at the head of upper cover.‘Autentica’ also added to r shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 2.23. the front pastedown and on [a1 ] in a humanist hand. On the upper cover, triple ¢llets form a triple frame. Within the outer J-275 Justinianus frame, lozenge-shaped £eur-de-lis and small £oral stamps. Novellae constitutiones, et al. (all with Glossa ordinaria). Within the following frame, foliate sta¡ stamps. The inner rect- angle contains merrythoughts each made up from three crude r [a1 ] Novellae constitutiones. headed-outline tools, each containing a foliate stamp. On the refs. CIC III1^756: i^x; xii; xiv^xx; xxii^xxiii; cv; xxxiii^xxxiv; lower cover, triple ¢llets form a quintuple frame. Within the xxxix; xliv; xlvi; xlviii; xlvii; li^lvii; xlix; lviii; lx^lxi; lxvi^lxvii; outer frame, the £eur-de-lis and £oral stamps; within the follow- lxxi; lxx; lxix; lxxiv; lxxii^lxxiii; lxxvi^lxxxv; lxxxviii^xc; xcii; ing frame, the foliate sta¡stamps; within thefollowing one rosette xciv; xci; xcv^xcvii; xcix^c; xcviii; xciii; cvii^cix; cxi^cxii; cxvi; stamps; within the following one £eur-de-lis stamps. In the inner cxiv; cxiii; cxv; cxvii^cxx; cxxv; cxxiv; cxxxi; cxxvii; clix; cxxxiv; rectangle simple bracket-shaped tools make up lozenge-shaped lxxxvi; cvi; cxxxii; cxliii; xi; xiii; xxi; lxiii; cxxviii; cxxiii.Tituli xi, compartments, each containing a lozenge-shaped stamp of a xiii, and xxi occur in this edition only. See also Friedrich August heart pierced by an arrow with a ribbon. Size: 420 ¿ 289 ¿ Biener, Geschichteder Novellen Justinians (Berlin,1824), 323 no. 3 80 mm. Size of leaf: 400 ¿ 275 mm. and Authenticum: Novellarum constitutionum Iustiniani versio r On [a1 ] a six-line initial is supplied in interlocked red and blue; vulgata, ed. Gustav Ernst Heimbach, 2 vols (Leipzig, 1851), vol. other initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes supplied in 1, ‘Prolegomena, Caput V, fata Authentici post Accursium’, red. The rubricator has also added small letters above words in dlxxxix^dlxxxxvii. the main text corresponding to the letters appearing in the gloss. r [a1 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine Domini’’. Provenance: Duplicate from the Royal Library,Munich; Munich Justinianus opus suum laudabile Deo attribuit . . .’ shelfmark, ‘Inc. typ. No. 791’,‘791’ on a small rectangular paper r [v1 ] Libri feudorum.‘Incipiunt consuetudines feudorum. Et primo label at the head of the spine, and ‘Duplum’on the front endleaf. de hijs qui feudum dare possunt. Et qualiter acquiratur et retinea- Purchased from Munich viaThomas Rodd for Fl. 20, i.e. »2. 0. 0; tur.’ see Books Purchased (1837), 20. refs. Corpus juris, ed. E. Osenbru« ggen (Leipzig, 1865), III 843^ shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.12. 62; see E. A. Laspeyres, Uº ber die Entstehung und a« lteste Bearbeitungder Libri feudorum (Berlin, 1830), 122^30. r J-276 Justinianus [v1 ] Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘Incipiunt’’. Quidam habent aliter rubricam, scilicet: Novellae constitutiones, et al. (all with Glossa ordinaria). r Quibus modis . . .’ The Glossa ordinaria of Jacobus Columbi is a1 Novellae constitutiones. con¢rmed by, and here attributed to, Accursius; see Ugo refs. CIC III1^756: i^x; xii; xiv^xx; xxii^xxiii; cv; xxxiii^xxxiv; Gualazzini, I ‘Libri feudorum’e il contributo di Accursio alla loro xxxix; xliv; xlvi; xlviii; xlvii; li^lvii; xlix; lviii; lx^lxi; lxvi^lxvii; sistemazioneeallaloro‘glossa’, in Atti del convegnointernazionale lxxi; lxx; lxix; lxxiv; lxxii^lxxiii; lxxvi^lxxxv; lxxxviii^xc; xcii; di studi accursiani, ed. G . Rossi, 3 vols (Milan, 1968), 577^96; E. xciv; xci; xcv^xcvii; xcix^c; xcviii; xciii; cvii^cix; cxi^cxii; cxvi; A. Laspeyres, Uº ber die Entstehung und a« lteste Bearbeitung der cxiv; cxiii; cxv; cxvii^cxx; cxxv; cxxiv; cxxxi; cxxvii; clix; cxxxiv; Libri feudorum (Berlin, 1830), 359^400. lxxxvi; cvi; cxxxii; cxliii; cxxviii; cxxiii.Tituli xi, xiii, xxi, and lxiii r [y1 ] Consuetudines regni. do not occur in this edition; however, lxiii does occur in J-278^ refs. Corpus juris, ed. E. Osenbru« ggen (Leipzig, 1865), III 862^ J-281. See also Biener 322^3 no. 2 and Authenticum: Novellarum 85 ‰ 11. constitutionum Iustiniani versio vulgata, I dlxxxix^dlxxxxvii. r r [y1 ] Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]omino guerram. Imo solutus’’. Numquid a1 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine Domini’’. vasallus interim poterit vendere . . .’ Justinianus opus suum laudabile Deo attribuit . . .’ r r [A1 ] Codex (books x^xii). q1 Codex (books x^xii). 1584 justinianus [j-276^j-278

refs. CIC II 395^487. refs. CIC II 395^487. r r q1 Accursius: Glossaordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘De iure ¢sci’’. Occasione [A1 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘De iure ¢sci.’’ criminum de quibus libro superiori dixit . . .’ Occasione criminum de quibus libro superiori dixit . . .’ r h1 Libri feudorum.‘Incipit liber primus feudorum. Qui feudum dare Basel: Michael Wenssler, 29 Nov. 1478. Folio. possunt et qui non et qualiter acquiratur.’ collation: Novellae: [a10 b8 c^f10 g h6 i10 k8 l10 m^p10.8 q6 r s10 t8]; refs. See J-275. Libri feudorum: [v^y10 z6]; Codex (books x^xii): [A8 B10 C^E8 r h1 Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. F10 G8 H4 IK10 L12]. Incipit:‘‘‘[Q]ui feudum dare possunt et qualiter acquiratur et reti- GW 7752 IIa; H 9625; 9507,2; Go¡ J-590; BMC III 726; Pr 7488; neatur’’. Quidam habent aliter rubricam, scilicet: Quibus BSB-Ink C-546; Sack, Freiburg, 1172^3; Sheppard 2337. modis . . .’ COPY refs. See J-275. Libri feudorum only. aa v Consuetudines regni. 3 Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled paste- refs. See J-275. boards; bound for KloÞ. Size: 393 ¿ 295 ¿ 15 mm. Size of aa v Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]omino guerram. Solutus fuerit.’’ 3 leaf: 386 ¿ 286 mm. Numquid vasallus interim poterat vendere . . .’ A few marginal notes, mainly extracting key words and pointing bb r Honorius III, Pont. Max.: [Approbation]. Incipit: ‘Nos uero 8 hands, in an early German hand. Honorius episcopus seruus seruorum dei has leges . . .’ Initials, some with reserved white decoration, paragraph marks, Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 16 Jan. 1477/8. Folio. underlining of chapter headings, and capital strokes are supplied 10 8 10 8 10 8 12 8 10 8 6 6 collation: a b^d e ee f g h i k l^n o q^u tt x^z h m aa in red. 8 bb . Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- GW 7754; HC *9624; Go¡ J-592; BMC V 216; Pr 4248; BSB-Ink label; sale (1835), lot 2273; purchased for »0. 5. 0; see Books C-545; Sack, Freiburg, 1171; Sheppard 3428. Purchased (1835) 15. COPY shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 3.11. Bound with J-235; see there for details of binding, provenance and decoration. Size of leaf: 420 ¿ 274 mm. J-278 Justinianus shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 1.14(1). Novellae constitutiones, et al. (all with Glossa ordinaria). r a2 Novellae constitutiones. J-277 Justinianus refs. CIC III1^756: i^x; xii; xiv^xx; xxii^xxiii; cv; xxxiii^xxxiv; Novellae constitutiones, et al. (all with the Glossa xxxix; xliv; xlvi; xlviii; xlvii; li^lvii; xlix; lviii; lx^lxi; lxiii; lxvi^ lxvii; lxxi; lxx; lxix; lxxiv; lxxii^lxxiii; lxxvi^lxxxv; lxxxviii^xc; ordinaria). xcii; xciv; xci; xcv^xcvii; xcix^c; xcviii; xciii; cvii^cix; cxi^cxii; r [a1 ] Novellae constitutiones. cxvi; cxiv; cxiii; cxv; cxvii^cxx; cxxv; cxxiv; cxxxi; cxxvii; clix; refs. CIC III1^756: i^x; xii; xiv^xx; xxii^xxiii; cv; xxxiii^xxxiv; cxxxiv; lxxxvi; cvi; cxxxii; cxliii; cxxviii; cxxiii. Tituli xi, xiii, xxi, xxxix; xliv; xlvi; xlviii; xlvii; li^lvii; xlix; lviii; lx^lxi; lxvi^lxvii; and cxxxvi do not occur in this edition. Titulus lxiii occurs lxxi; lxx; lxix; lxxiv; lxxii^lxxiii; lxxvi^lxxxv; lxxxviii^xc; xcii; between lxi and lxvi. Titulus lxxxvi occurs between cxxxiv and xciv; xci; xcv^xcvii; xcix^c; xcviii; xciii; cvii^cix; cxi^cxii; cxvi; cvi. See Biener 326 no. 10 and Authenticum: Novellarum constitu- cxiv; cxiii; cxv; cxvii^cxx; cxxv; cxxiv; cxxxi; cxxvii; clix; cxxxiv; tionum Iustiniani versiovulgata, I dlxxxix-dlxxxxvii. In the rubric lxxxvi; cvi; cxxxii; cxliii; xi; xiii; xxi; lxiii; cxxviii; cxxiii. Tituli xi, preceding book x of the Codex, the Novellae are described as xiii, and xxi occur in this edition only. See also Friedrich August books i^ix. r Biener, Geschichteder Novellen Justinians (Berlin,1824), 323 no. 3 a2 Accursius: Glossaordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘[I]n nomine Domini nos- and Authenticum: Novellarum constitutionum Iustiniani versio tri Iesu Christi’’. Justinianus opus suum laudabile Deo attri- vulgata, ed. Gustav Ernst Heimbach, 2 vols (Leipzig, 1851), vol. buit . . .’ v 1, ‘Prolegomena, Caput V, fata Authentici post Accursium’, n3 Codex (books x^xii). dlxxxix^dlxxxxvii. refs. CIC II 395^487. r v [a1 ] Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine Domini’’. n3 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘De iure ¢sci.’’ Occasione Justinianus opus suum laudabile Deo attribuit . . .’ criminum de quibus libro superiori dixit . . .’ r r [v1 ] Libri feudorum.‘Incipiunt consuetudines feudorum. Et primo u1 Libri feudorum. ‘Incipiunt consuetudines feudorum. Et primo de heredes qui feudum dare possunt et qualiter acquiratur et reti- de his qui feudum dare possunt et qui non et qualiter acquiratur neatur.’ et retineatur. Rubrica.’ refs. See J-275. refs. See J-275. r r [v1 ] Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. u1 Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]ncipiunt.’’ Quidam habent aliter rubricam scilicet Incipit:‘‘‘[Q]ui feudum dare possunt et qualiter acquiratur et reti- ita: Quibus modis . . .’ neatur.’’ Quidam habent aliter rubricam, ita scilicet: Quibus refs. See J-275. modis . . .’See J-275. r r [y1 ] Consuetudines regni. r5 Consuetudines regni. refs. See J-275. refs. See J-275. r r [y1 ] Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]omino guerram. Imo solutus.’’ Numquid r5 Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]omino guerram. Solutus fuerit.’’ Numquid vasallus interim poterit vendere . . .’ vasallus interim poterat vendere . . .’ r r [A1 ] Codex (books x^xii). y6 [Colophon.] j-278^j-279] justinianus 1585

2 r 2 r a1 Henricus VII, Imperator: Extravagantes. ‘Quomodo in lese a1 Bartolus de Saxoferrato: Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘Quomodo in lese maiestatis crimine procedatur. Rubrica. [H]enricus septimus maiestatis crimine procedatur.’’ Ista rubrica est magistraliter diuina fauente gratia romanorum imperator et semper augustus.’ posita . . .’ Dated Pisa 2 Apr. 1312. Venice: Georgius Arrivabenus, [in part] for Baptista de Tortis, 20 refs. Corpus juris, ed. Osenbru« ggen, III 886^7. 2 r Mar. 1491. Folio. a1 Bartolus de Saxoferrato: Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘Quomodo in lese collation: a^y 2a8. maiestatis crimine procedatur.’’ Ista rubrica est magistraliter GW 7763; HC *9632; Go¡ J-597; Pr 4920 = 4643; BSB-Ink C-553; posita . . .’ Sheppard 3857, 4025^6.

Venice: Baptista deTortis,7 May 1489. Folio. FIRST COPY 8 6 2 8 collation: a^x y a . Colophon as GW, not as GW (Anm.) GW 7762; H *9631; Go¡ J-596; BMC V 325; Pr 4638; BSB-Ink Binding: Contemporary German (Jerg Wir¡el, KyriÞ workshop C-552; Sheppard 3852. no. 69) blind-tooled pigskin over wooden boards, with remains of COPY two metal catches. Rectangular parchment label at the head of Bound with J-240; see there for details ofbinding and provenance. upper cover; two further rectangular paper labels on the spine, Size of leaf: 432 ¿ 272 mm. at the head with the title, at the tail with‘O’ in black ink.Triple ¢l- Wanting the blank leaf a1. lets form an intersecting double frame. Within the outer frame, shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.23(2). square stag stamps and small £oral stamps on the upper cover, circular eagle and star stamps on the lower cover. In the inner J-279 Justinianus rectangle curved outline tools make up merrythoughts, each con- Novellae constitutiones, et al. (all with Glossa ordinaria). taining a lozenge-shaped £oral stamp; see KyriÞpl.139, nos1,3,5, r and pl.140. Size: 438 ¿ 292 ¿ 57 mm. Sizeof leaf: 425 ¿ 281mm. a2 Novellae constitutiones. refs. CIC III 1^756: as J-278. See Biener 326^7 no. 12 and Strips from a thirteenth-century(?) German (Strasbourg?) calen- Authenticum: Novellarum constitutionum Iustiniani versio vul- dar, with canonical grades, visible in the binding; the fragments, gata, I dlxxxix-dlxxxxvii. In the rubric preceding book x of the consisting of the months from January to April, include: 8 Jan. Codex, the Novellae are described as books i-ix. ‘Erharldi ep’ [Bishop of Regensburg]; 9 Jan. ‘Wilhelmi’ r [Archbishop of Bourges]; 15 Jan.‘Remigii ep’ [Bishop of Reims]; a2 Accursius: Glossaordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘[I]n nomine Domini nos- triIesuChristi.’’ JustinianusopussuumlaudabileDeoattribuit...’ 29 Jan.‘Valerii ep’ [Bishop of Trier]; 11 Feb.‘Simplicii’ [Bishop of Vienne]; 1 Mar.‘Albinus’ [Bishop of Angers]; 17 Mar.‘Gertrudis r v’ [Abbess of Nivelle, Brabant]; 18 Mar. ‘Anselmi’ [Bishop of a2 Bartolus de Saxoferrato and Ubaldis, Angelus de: Summaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[O]ccupatus.’’ Omnis reipublice cura occupat princi- Lucca]; 29 Mar.‘Arb[oga]sti’. v pem . . .’ The summaria precede the gloss and are marked with a Contemporary inscription on a1 : ‘Ne desperatio ulla sit > Labor rubric printed in red. omnia uincit > Improbus > Luthe[r] in commentario super cap. 6 v Pau. ad Gal. In charitate omnes leges summantur’. Chapter n3 Codex (books x^xii). > refs. CIC II 395^487. headings atthehead ofthe rectos. Marginal notes, mainly extract- v n3 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘De iure ¢sci.’’ Occasione ing key words, in a number of di¡erent early hands. At the end of criminum de quibus libro superiori dixit . . .’ thebook, four leaves have been inserted, containing a manuscript v n3 Bartolus de Saxoferrato and Ubaldis, Angelus de: Summaria. index in an early hand. Incipit: ‘‘‘Si priusquam.’’ In dubio donatarius a ¢sco . . .’ Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; some v u2 Libri feudorum. ‘Incipiunt consuetudines feudorum. Et primo initials made up of cadelles. de his qui feudum dare possunt et qui non et qualiter acquiratur Provenance: Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Wu« rttemberg, r et retineatur. Rubrica. Capuchins; inscription on a2 : ‘Loci Cap. Frib. Brisg.’ Georg refs. See J-275. Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); note in KloÞ’s hand on the v u2 Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. front pastedown; sale (1835), lot 2266; purchased for »0. 9. 6; see Incipit: ‘‘‘Qui feudum dare possunt et qualiter acquiratur et reti- Books Purchased (1835), 15. neatur.’’ Quidam habent aliter rubricam, ita scilicet: Quibus shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 1.22. modis . . .’See J-275. SECOND COPY v x6 Consuetudines regni. With colophon containing the name of Baptista deTortis and his refs. See J-275. device, as GW (Anm.) v x6 Glossa. Incipit:‘‘‘[D]omino guerram. Solutus fuerit.’’ Numquid Binding: Contemporary German (Cologne, KyriÞworkshop no. vasallus interim poterat vendere . . .’ 95) blind-tooled brown leather over wooden boards with remains v y7 [Colophon.] of metal clasps and catches and metal strips to protect the cor- 2 r a1 Henricus VII, Imperator: Extravagantes. ‘Quomodo in lese ners. Corner-pieces on the upper cover, bosses on the lower maiestatis crimine procedatur. Rubrica. [H]enricus septimus cover, and centre-pieces lost. Remains of label at the head of diuina fauente gratia romanorum imperator et semper augustus.’ upper cover. Formerly chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the Dated Pisa 2 Apr. 1312. head of lower cover. Numbered parchment index tabs. Double refs. See J-278. triple ¢llets form a double frame.Triangular dragon stamps adja- cent to the now lost corner-pieces or bosses. Within the outer frame, circular rosette and lion stamps and lozenge-shaped dra- gon and £eur-de-lis stamps. Diagonal triple ¢llets divide the inner 1586 justinianus [j-279^j-281

v rectangle into lozenge-shaped and triangular compartments, h7 Ubaldis, Baldus de: Commentary. Incipit: ‘‘‘[I]n nomine Sancte decorated with lozenge-shaped lion, gri⁄n, eagle, and £eur-de- et indiuidue trinitatis.’’ Imperator Federicus pacem suam laud- lis stamps; see KyriÞ pl. 193, nos 1^7. Size: 437 ¿ 304 ¿ 62 mm. abilem summe attribuit trinitati . . .’ 2 r Size of leaf: 421 ¿ 292 mm. a1 Henricus VII, Emperor: Extravagantes. ‘Quomodo in lese r On a2 a ¢ve-line initial ‘O’ is supplied in blue with red pen-work maiestatis crimine procedatur. Rubrica. [H]enricus septimus decoration. Other initials are supplied in red or blue, some with diuina fauente gratia romanorum imperator et semper augustus.’ reserved white decoration. Dated Pisa 2 Apr. 1312. Provenance: Bru« hl, North Rhine-Westphalia, Franciscans; a refs. See J-278. r 2 r heavily erased inscription on a2 : ‘Sum Conuentus Brulensis(?) > a1 Bartolus de Saxoferrato: Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘Quomodo in lese 13/5’; ‘F [ ]’; cf. J-253(2). Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^ maiestatis crimine procedatur.’’ Ista rubrica est magistraliter 1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2267; purchased for »0. 14. 0; posita . . .’ see Books Purchased (1835), 15. Venice: Baptista deTortis,7 Oct. 1500. Folio. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.6. collation: a^z h8 m6 2a8. GW 7769; H *9637; Pr 4674; BSB-Ink C-559; Sack, Freiburg, 1179; J-280 Justinianus Sheppard 3863.

Novellae constitutiones, et al. (all with Glossa ordinaria). COPY r a1 [Title-page.] ‘Volumen de tortis.’ Gatherings a and n are supplied from DeTortis’s edition of 3 Nov. r a2 Novellae constitutiones. 1497 (GW 7767), gatheringb from thatof 8 Jan.1498/9 (GW 7768). refs. CIC III1^756: i^x; xii; xiv^xx; xxii^xxiii; cv; xxxiii^xxxiv; Binding: Contemporary blind-tooled pigskin over wooden xxxix; xliv; xlvi; xlviii; xlvii; li^lvii; xlix; lviii; lx^lxi; lxiii; lxvi^ boards, with metal clasps and catches and leather index tabs. lxvii; lxxi; lxx; lxix; lxxiv; lxxii^lxxiii; lxxvi^lxxxv; lxxxviii^xc; ‘Volvmen’ in brown ink at the head of upper cover. Manuscript xcii; xciv; xci; xcv^xcvii; xcix^c; xcviii; xciii; cvii^cxii; cxvi; title on a paper label at the head of the spine. Triple ¢llets form a cxiv; cxiii; cxv; cxvii^cxx; cxxv; cxxiv; cxxxi; cxxvii; clix; cxxxiv; quadruple frame. No stamps within the outer frame; within the lxxxvi; cvi; cxxxii; cxliii; cxxviii; cxxiii. Tituli xi, xiii, xxi, and following one, a hunting scene measuring 80 ¿ 17 mm. On the cxxxvi do not occur in this edition. Titulus lxiii occurs between upper cover headed-outline tools make up merrythoughts, each lxi and lxvi. Titulus lxxxvi occurs between cxxxiv and cvi. Titulus containing a thistle stamp. On the lower cover the inner rectangle cx occurs between cix and cxi, only in J-280 and J-281. See Biener contains seven ornamental rolls in vertical strips. Size: 450 ¿ 330 no. 20 and Authenticum: Novellarum constitutionum 296 ¿ 58 mm. Size of leaf: 435 ¿ 285 mm. Iustinianiversiovulgata, Idlxxxix-dlxxxxvii. In the rubric preced- Marginal notes, extracting key words and commenting on the ing book x of the Codex, the Novellae are described as books i-ix. text, in a brown, olive-green, and faded red ink, in a number of r a2 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘[I]n nomine Domini nos- early hands. List of rubrics in an early hand on a separate leaf r triIesuChristi.’’ JustinianusopussuumlaudabileDeoattribuit...’ inserted at the end of the book. Early note on a1 : ‘Hic labor hinc laudem fortes sperate coloni nam labor improbus omnia vincit’; r > r a2 Bartolus de Saxoferrato and Ubaldis, Angelus de: Summaria. and in the same hand an elegiac distich on a2 : ‘Victor magnani- Incipit: ‘‘‘De heredibus.’’ Hec prima rubrica non potest conti- mus complendo volumina iuris > feudaque nobilibus iuraque dis- nuari ad precedentes . . .’ tribuo’. Book-plate of Waterlow & Sons, Limited, wholesale v o1 Codex (books x^xii). stationers and manufacturers, 27 Great Winchester Street, refs. CIC II 395^487. London, dated 1899. v r o1 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘De iure ¢sci.’’ Occasione On a2 a six-line initial ‘O’ is supplied in purple; other initials sup- criminum de quibus libro superiori dixit . . .’ plied in a faded red ink. v o1 Bartolus de Saxoferrato and Ubaldis, Angelus de: Summaria. Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- Incipit: ‘‘‘Si priusquam.’’ In dubio donatarius a ¢sco . . .’ label; sale (1835), lot 2269; purchased for »0. 15. 0; see Books v y1 Libri feudorum. ‘Incipiunt consuetudines feudorum. Et primo Purchased (1835), 15. de his qui feudum dare possunt et qui non et qualiter acquiratur shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.5. et retineatur. Rubrica.’ refs. See J-275. J-281 Justinianus v y1 Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. Novellae constitutiones, et al. (all with Glossa ordinaria). Incipit: ‘‘‘Qui feudum dare possunt et qualiter acquiratur et reti- r neatur.’’ Quidam habent aliter rubricam, ita scilicet: Quibus a1 [Title-page.] ‘Volumen cum casibus Bartoli Angeli suis in locis nouiter additis.’ modis . . .’See J-275. r r a2 Novellae constitutiones. z8 Consuetudines regni. refs. CIC III 1^756: as J-280. refs. See J-275. r r a2 Accursius: Glossaordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘[I]n nomine Domini nos- z8 Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]omino guerram. Solutus fuerit.’’ Numquid vasallus interim poterat vendere . . .’ triIesuChristi.’’ JustinianusopussuumlaudabileDeoattribuit...’ v h7 Acta de pace Constantiae. Incipit: ‘[I]n nomine Sancte et indiui- due trinitatis Federicus . . . [I]mperialis clementie immensa seren- [] Bartolus de Saxoferrato and Ubaldis, Angelus de: Summaria. itas . . .’ Incipit: ‘Communis reipublice cura occupat principem . . .’ The Summaria are inserted in the text before each titulus. refs. Corpus juris, ed. Osenbru« ggen, III 888^93. v o4 Codex (books x^xii). refs. CIC II 395^487. j-281^j-284] justinianus, bernardus 1587

v r o4 Accursius: Glossa ordinaria. Incipit:‘‘‘De iure ¢sci.’’ Occasione [a1 ] Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. criminum de quibus libro superiori dixit . . .’ Incipit: ‘‘‘Incipit.’’ Quidam habent aliter rubricam, ita scilicet: v o4 Bartolus de Saxoferrato and Ubaldis, Angelus de: Summaria. Quibus modis . . .’See J-275. v Incipit: ‘In dubio donatarius a ¢sco . . .’ [c2 ] Consuetudines regni. v y2 Libri feudorum. ‘Incipiunt consuetudines feudorum. Et primo refs. See J-275. v de his qui feudum dare possunt et qui non et qualiter acquiratur [c2 ] Glossa. Incipit:‘‘‘[D]omino guerram.YmoSolutus.’’ Numquid et retineatur.’ vasallus interim pot[er]it vendere . . .’ r refs. See J-275. [d8 ] [Colophon.] v r y2 Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. [d9 ] [List of rubrics, probably a guide for the rubricator.] Incipit: ‘‘‘Qui feudum dare possunt et qualiter acquiratur et reti- Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, 15 Sept. 1472. Folio. neatur.’’ Quidam habent aliter rubricam, ita scilicet: Quibus collation: [a^c10 d8+1]. modis . . .’See J-275. GW 7774; H *9491 (II); Go¡ J-601; BMC I 69; Pr 264 (II); Oates112; v y2 Summaria. Incipit: ‘Casus summarius usque ad ‰ ‘‘Et quia’’ Sack, Freiburg, 1169; Sheppard 182. Feudum dare possunt . . .’ z v Consuetudines regni. COPY 9 Bound with J-231; see there for details of binding and provenance. refs. See J-275. Size of leaf: 400 ¿ 288 mm. z v Glossa. Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]omino guerram. Solutus est.’’ Numquid 9 Marginal notes, mainly extracting key words, in Latin in an early vasallus interim poterat vendere . . .’ hand; early manuscript signatures in red at the foot of the outer or z v Summaria. Incipit: ‘‘‘[D]ominus habet guerram.’’ Queritur 9 inner margin. quando vasallus debeat . . .’ Initials are supplied in red or blue, some with blue or red pen- m r Henricus VII, Emperor: Extravagantes. ‘Quomodo in lese 1 work decoration. Paragraph marks and capital strokes in red. maiestatis crimine procedatur. Rubrica. [H]enricus septimus Rubrics are supplied, according to the rubrication sheet, by the diuina fauente gratia romanorum imperator et semper augustus.’ same hand as the one that rubricated J-231. Incipit: ‘[A]d reprimendum multorum facinora . . .’; Explicit:‘... shelfmark: Auct. 3Q inf. 2.22(2). Finis extrauagantium Henrici imperatoris cum glosis Bartoli nec- non voluminis cum casibus Bartoli et Angeli.’ Dated Pisa 2 Apr. 1312. J-283 Justinianus refs. See J-278. Libri feudorum, et al. (with the Glossa ordinaria). m r Bartolus de Saxoferrato: Glossa. Incipit: ‘Rubrica.‘‘Quomodo 1 [a r] Libri feudorum.‘Incipiunt consuetudines feudorum. Et primo in lese maiestatis crimine procedatur.’’ Ista rubrica est magistrali- 1 de hijs qui feudum dare possunt. Et qualiter acquiratur et retinea- ter posita . . .’ tur.’ m v [List of rubrics.] ‘Sequuntur rubrice seu tituli totius Voluminis 8 refs. See J-275. per ordinem alphabeti in quo folio seu charta continentur et [a r] Accursius [pseudo-; Columbi, Jacobus]: Glossa ordinaria. primo Autenticorum.’ 1 Incipit: ‘‘‘Incipit.’’ Quidam habent aliter rubricam, ita scilicet: [Lyons]: Nicolaus de Benedictis, 8 Aug. 1500. Folio. Quibus modis . . .’See J-275. 8 10 collation: a^y z h m . v [c2 ] Consuetudines regni. GW 7773; C 3402a; not in Pr; Sheppard 6719. refs. See J-275. v COPY [c2 ] Glossa. Incipit:‘‘‘[D]omino guerram.YmoSolutus.’’ Numquid For this copy see Coates^Jensen 253^4, no. 20. vasallus interim pot[er]it vendere . . .’ Wanting the blank leaf m10. [Strasbourg: Heinrich Eggestein, c.1475]. Folio. Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century half calf over marbled collation: [a^c10 d8]. pasteboards, with red-edged leaves. Scars of parchment index GW 7775; C 3388 = C 4447; Go¡ J-602; BMC I 74; Pr 274; Sack, tabs. ‘XXVI: F’ on an octagonal label pasted onto front paste- Freiburg, 1170; Sheppard 200. down. Size: 417 ¿ 285 ¿ 40 mm. Size of leaf: 406 ¿ 275 mm. Initials and capital strokes in red up to a r only. COPY 7 Bound with J-234(2); see there for details of binding and proven- Provenance: Robert Reid (À1558); inscription on a r: ‘Liber 1 ance. Size of leaf: 376 ¿ 278 mm. Magistri Roberti Reid Subdiaconi Moramey’ and printed label Initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or blue; chapter on the same leaf: ‘Ex libris domini Roberti Reid, Abbatis a headings underlined and capital strokes in red. Kynlos.’ Sale (London: Sotheby’s, 15 May 1906), lot 905. shelfmark: Buchanan b.3(1). Purchased through Quaritch for »5 (the complete lot), see Library Bills, 17 May 1906. shelfmark: Inc. b. F2.1500.1. J-284 Justinianus, Bernardus Historia de origine urbisVenetiarum (ed. Benedictus J-282 Justinianus Brognolus). Libri feudorum, et al. (with the Glossa ordinaria). r A2 Brognolus, Benedictus: [Introductory letter, dated ‘pridie r [a1 ] Libri feudorum.‘Incipiunt consuetudines feudorum. Et primo calendas februarii Mcccclxxxxii’, addressed to] Laurentius de hijs qui feudum dare possunt. Et qualiter acquiratur et retinea- Justinianus. tur.’ refs. Thesaurus Antiquitatum et Historiarum Italiae, ed. refs. See J-275. Johannes Georgius Graevius,V/1 (Leiden, 1722), *3^[*4]. 1588 justinianus, bernardus [j-284^j-285

r a1 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Prooemium’. tooling in the compartments ofthe spine.The title has been added refs.Thesaurus Antiquitatum, ed. Graevius,V/1, 2^3. in white paint along the spine from foot to head, ‘HIST VENIT r a2 Justinianus, Bernardus: Historia de origine urbis Venetiarum. BERN IUSTINIAN’; another title in gilt has been added on the [Edited by Benedictus Brognolus, as stated in the‘prooemium’.] lower cover, ‘BERNARD. IUSTIN. DE GESTIS VENET.’ The refs. Thesaurus Antiquitatum, ed. Graevius, V/1, 3^196; on the edges of the boards are decorated with one or more ¢llets in work in general see Patricia H. Labalme, Bernardo Giustiniani: blind. Mottled edges. Triple multi-coloured headbands. A Venetian of the Quattrocento, Uomini e dottrine, 13 (Rome, Pastedowns and one free back endleaf (not wrapped round the 1969), 247^304. ¢rst or last leaf). Watermarks: front, ecclesiastical hat (cf. Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, [not before 31 Jan. 1492/3]. Folio. Briquet 3418: Padua 1536, Brescia 1579); back, anchor in circle For variants see also Hillard. below cross (not in Piccard, Anker). In spite of the convincing collation: A4 a^i K l^n8 o p6. title on the lower cover, there are reasons to suspect that the bind- HC *9638 (I); Go¡ J-605; BMC V 374; Pr 4879; BSB-Ink I-659; ing did not originally belong with this copy of the book: the copy CIBN J-330; Hillard 1168; Oates 1918; Sack, Freiburg, 2180; does not ¢t the binding, being too wide at the fore-edge and too Sheppard 3988^9. Micro¢che: Unit 5: Chronicles and tight in the spine.Wooden boards are unnecessary and extremely Historiography: Part II. unusual on a book printed on paper by the second half of the six- teenth century. The mottled edges, multi-coloured headbands, FIRST COPY Bound with: and endleaves from di¡erent paper stocks, which are not wrapped 2. Bernardus Justinianus, Orationes et epistolae, etc. Venice: round the ¢rst or last gathering in the normal way, are all suspi- Bernardinus Benalius, [1492?] (J-287). cious features, suggesting thatthis copy is a rembo|“ tage. It has cer- tainly been altered, and the pastedowns are laid down over Wanting the blank leaf A1. With a title of considerably later date (sixteenth century?) modern paper. The Crevenna catalogue records only ‘v’ (veau), inserted, bearing the imprint ‘Venetiis, M CCCC. XCII.’ which may or may not describe the binding now present. See De r Marinis, Legatura, II, no. 2093 bis (asVenetian). Size: 325 ¿ 215 ¿ On A4 , l. 1:‘muš laudes . . .’ v 43 mm. Size of leaf: 315 ¿ 200 mm. On p6 is printed part of the text of the introductory letter which r Provenance: Old shelfmark on the front pastedown: ‘K k. 69’. appears on a2 of item 2, set up di¡erently; Incipit:‘[M]aximum et amplissimum munus, illustrissime princeps, hodierno die ad me Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735^1792); printed label delatum uideo . . . funeris huius amplitu’. See J-287. of the sale (1789), part III, lot 6403, although, in the Crevenna Binding: Eighteenth-century calf; on both covers are double sale catalogue, this item is dated1534; according to the annotated gold ¢llets and an acorn stamp at each corner; gold-tooled catalogue bought in by P. den Hengst, along with item 6402, for spine; marbled pastedowns. Size: 290 ¿ 206 ¿ 32 mm. Size of Fl. 1, the equivalent of »0. 1. 9, according to the exchange rate leaf: 282 ¿ 189 mm. used by Thomas Payne at this sale. Purchased in 1931; Bodleian v Provenance: Richard Heber (1773^1833); stamp ‘Bibliotheca stamp dated 11Dec. on A2 . Heberiana’ on the recto of the front endleaf; see Catalogue, 2 shelfmark: Inc. c. I4.3. (1834), lot 3307, sold for »0. 5. 6; purchased for »0. 6. 6; see Books Purchased (1834),16. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.31(1). J-285 Justinianus, Bernardus SECOND COPY Oratio habita apud Sixtum IV. r Wanting A1. [a1 ] Justinianus, Bernardus: Oratiohabita apud Sixtum IV. Incipit: r Variants: A4 : (‘mum laudes . . .’) is set up di¡erently and printed ‘[S]i unquam antea, sanctissime et beatissime pater diuine, proui- in a type measuring 112/113 mm, with separate Q and double dentie lumen . . .’ hyphen. The date found in the other copy at the foot of the page refs. For this oration and its context see Labalme 194^203. r is here omitted. On f5 the lasttwo lines are di¡erentlyset up, mak- [Rome: Johannes Gensberg, c.1474]. 4o. ing room for the last three letters of the last word ‘agressus’. The collation: [a10]. outer sheet of gathering p is set up di¡erently from the other copy HC *9643; Go¡ J-609; BMC IV 50; Pr 3510; BSB-Ink I-662; CIBN and is printed in atype measuring112 mm, with separate Q, single r J-327; Oates 1399; Sheppard 2774^6. Qu, and single hyphen (Haebler 23?). On p6 :‘Impre||umVenetiis per Bernadinum Benalium.’ FIRST COPY Binding: Sixteenth-century (second half) dark brown Italian Bound with B-050(3); see there for details of binding and proven- (Venetian) blind-tooled goatskin over thick wooden boards bev- ance. Size of leaf: 202 ¿ 134 mm. elled inwards. Two clasps hinged on the upper cover lost. On shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.54(4). both covers ¢llets form frames mitred at the corners; within the SECOND COPY inner frame is an ornamental roll. Further ¢llets form an inner Binding: Nineteenth-century English calf, signed W.Pratt; gold- rectangle containing a large £euron at each corner, and, in the tooled spine and turn-ins; triple gold ¢llets on each cover. Size: centre, a lozenge-shaped compartment is formed by intersecting 199 ¿ 145 ¿ 6 mm. Size of leaf: 195 ¿ 138 mm. quadruple ¢llets containing the £euron repeated four times; an Provenance: ‘Gougy [18]99’, an annotation on a cutting from a acorn at each corner; above and below this compartment is a cir- book seller’s catalogue in French numbered 1065 and priced ‘30’; cular £oral ornament contained by four quarter-circles.Thebind- the description of the binding makes it likely that it ‘Gougy’ was ing is sewn on three bands, which alternate on the spine with four the dealer from whom Bywater bought the item. Ingram Bywater false bands, the latter decorated with diagonal lines in gilt. Blind- (1840^1914); Elenchus, no. 1874. Bequeathed in 1914. shelfmark: Byw. P 1.3. j-285^j-287] justinianus, bernardus 1589

r THIRD COPY e2 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio . . . habita pro militia’ Bound with A-201; see there for details of binding, and proven- [addressed to] Ludovicus XI, King of France. Incipit: ‘[S]usceptis ance. Size of leaf: 202 ¿ 134 mm. a te, gloriosissime rex, militaris honoris insignibus sentio . . .’ r On [a1 ] a cropped title: ‘Venetorum legatio ad papam’, in the refs. See Labalme166^7, with the context on 157^66. v same hand as the titles of the other items in this volume. e4 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio responsiua’ [addressed to] the r On [a1 ] a three-line initial ‘S’ is supplied in black ink. University of Paris. Incipit: ‘[A]ccipimus periucundo et perquam shelfmark: Holk. e.1(5). leto . . .’ refs. See Labalme167^73. v f1 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio . . . in concistorium’ [addressed J-286 Justinianus, Bernardus to] Pius II, Pont. Max. Incipit: ‘[Q]uamquam, beatissime pater, Oratio habita apud Sixtum IV. con£uentibus ad te undique uiris illustribus . . .’ r refs. See Labalme180^3. [a1 ] Justinianus, Bernardus: Oratiohabita apud Sixtum IV. Incipit: r ‘[S]i vnquam antea, sanctissime ac beatissime pater diuine, proui- f5 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio’ [addressed to] Paulus II, Pont. dentie lumen . . .’ Max. Incipit: ‘[Q]uamquam nihil mihi esse debet antiquius, bea- tissime ac gloriosissime pater. . .’ [Rome: Stephan Plannck, c.1481^7]. 4o. 8 refs. See Labalme186^9. collation: [a ]. v g1 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio’ [addressed to] Sixtus IV,Pont. H *9644; Go¡ J-610; BMC IV 90; Pr 3738; BSB-Ink I-663; CIBN Max. Incipit: ‘[S]i unquam antea, sanctissime et beatissime pater, J-328; Sheppard 2935. diuine prouidentie lumen . . .’ COPY refs. See Labalme195^200. r Bound with A-241; see there for details of provenance. g6 Sixtus IV, Pont. Max.: [Letter addressed to] Bernardus Binding: Nineteenth-century paper wrappers, with remains of a Justinianus. Incipit: ‘[S]ixtus episcopus seruus seruorum dei parchment index tab on [a1]. Size: 193 ¿ 140 ¿ 2 mm. Size of dilecto ¢lio Bernardo Justiniano . . . bene. Solita erat antiquitas leaf: 193 ¿ 132 mm. prestantium uariis in artibus . . .’See Labalme 195^6. r Early marginal annotations, including corrections to the text, g6 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Sixtus IV, Pont. ‘nota’ marks, and underlining in the text in black ink. Max. Incipit: ‘[H]umanissimum breue beatitudinis uestrae qua shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.2(5). decuit reuerentia et deuotione . . .’ refs. For this letter see Labalme 206^8. r h1 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Sixtus IV, Pont. J-287 Justinianus, Bernardus Max. Incipit: ‘[A]ccepimus breue sanctitatis uestre qua decuit et Orationes et epistolae. semper consueuimus reuerentia . . .’ a r [Title-page with table of contents.] refs. For this letter see Labalme 213^15. 1 r r h2 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] the College of a2 Justinianus, Leonardus: ‘Oratio habita in funere Caroli Zeni’. Incipit: ‘[M]aximum et amplissimum munus, illustrissime prin- Cardinals. Incipit: ‘[R]eddite sunt nobis littere dominationum ceps, hodierno die ad me delatum uideo . . .’ Held in 1418; see uestrarum, reuerendissimi in Christo patres . . .’ v Sabbadini 64. h2 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Sixtus IV, Pont. v Max. Incipit: ‘[A]postolicas litteras nuper ad nos delatas sane a5 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Speech addressed to] Fridericus III, Emperor. Incipit: ‘Quamquam uix ullum genus o⁄cii aut hon- haud alio . . .’ oris, gloriosissime Caesar, satis amplum . . .’ refs. For this letter see Labalme 215^16. r refs. On this oration and its context see Labalme135^40. h3 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] the College of v Cardinals. Incipit: ‘[E]x litteris uestris, reuerendissimi patres, b2 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio funebris habita in obitu Francisci Fuscari ducis’. Incipit: ‘[C]um egregia quedam pietatis obsignatis die xxiiii mensis elapsi . . .’ o⁄cia, humanissime princeps, posterior aetas . . .’ refs. For this letter see Labalme 216^17. v refs. See Labalme 114^25. h3 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] InnocentiusVIII, r Pont. Max. Incipit:‘[P]osteaquam allatus est ex urbe nuncius bea- d2 [Justinianus, Bernardus ?]: ‘Epitaphium Francisci Fuscari ducis in sepulchro incisum’. Incipit: ‘[A]ccipite, ciues, Francisci titudinem uestram optimi . . .’ Fuscari uestri ducis imaginem ingenio memoria eloquentia . . .’ refs. For this letter see Labalme 219^22. v r h6 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Proh oemium’ [addressed to] d2 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio’ [addressed to] Pius II, Pont. > Max. Incipit: ‘[C]um deuotissimi tue sanctitatis ¢lii illustrissimus Ludovicus Gonzaga III, marquis of Mantua. Incipit: ‘[C]um princeps noster atque senatus . . .’ Isocratem nuper, Ludouice adolescens magnanime, legerem atque in eius . . .’ refs. For this oration and its context see Labalme 143^7. v r h6 Isocrates: Sermo de regno [addressed to] Nicocles. [Translated d3 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio . . . in legatione habita’ [addressed to] Ferdinandus I [de Aragona], King of Sicily and by Bernardus Justinianus.] Incipit: ‘[C]onsueuere plerique, o Naples. Incipit: ‘[P]osteaquam dux nosterque senatus, inclyte Nicocles, aurum celatum preciosam supellectilem . . .’ rex, acerbissimi obitus nuncium . . .’ refs. For this translation in general see Labalme 45^52; see also I-044. refs. See the reference above and Labalme 147^8. r v K1 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Palla Strozzi. d5 Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Oratio. . . pro discessione’ [addressed to] Ferdinandus, king of Sicily. Incipit:‘[D]iscedimus a te, serenis- Incipit:‘[N]ihil est quod iocundius hoc tempore uiderim quam lit- sime rex, in patriam redituri functi munere legationis . . .’ teras tuas . . .’ refs. See Labalme 150^3. 1590 justinianus, bernardus [j-287

r r K1 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Franciscus, phy- K6 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Georgius sicus. Incipit: ‘[L]itteras tuas grecis uerbis nuper ad me scriptas Trapezuntius. legi cum uoluptate . . .’ refs. Collectanea Trapezuntiana, 158^9, XXXIII; see Labalme v K1 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Franciscus, phy- 322, no. 21. v sicus. Incipit: ‘[G]audeo equidem haud mediocriter et tibi quan- K6 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Franciscus de tum possum ex corde . . .’ Capitibus Liste. Incipit: ‘[L]ittere mihi tuae reddite sunt quibus v K1 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] his physician. comendas causam galassi tui . . .’ Incipit: ‘[M]isisti nuper ad me optatum diu symposium tuum refs. For this letter see Labalme 81^2, and 322, no. 22. r quod non inepte . . .’ l1 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Hieronymus r K2 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Petrus Guarinus. Incipit: ‘[L]ittere tue dici non potest quantam mihi Thomasius. Incipit: ‘[L]itteras tuas habui dignas profecto uetere iocunditatem attulerint . . .’See Labalme 322, no. 13. v tua in me eximiaque . . .’ l1 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Victor Suavis. v K2 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Laurus Incipit: ‘[A]b humanissimo, Victor, Saluatore nostro litteras Quirinus. Incipit: ‘[H]abui litteras tuas quibus recepisse te scribis accepi tuas et munuscula . . .’See Labalme 322, no. 26. r magnam ex hoc . . .’ l2 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Andreas Grittus. v K2 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Antonius de Incipit: ‘[G]ratulatio tua mihi fuit . . .’ v Rosellis. Incipit: ‘[E]gregius iurisconsultus Gabriel Pergamensis l2 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Victor Suavis. cum tuis litteris ad me . . .’ Incipit: ‘[L]itteris tuis iam dies aliquot scriptis hactenus non r K3 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Marcus Nigrus. respondi . . .’ Incipit: ‘[M]ihi nuntiatum est habuisse te litteras meas nuperime refs. Not listed by Labalme. v ad te scriptas . . .’ l2 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Carotus [Vitalis] r K3 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Victor Suavis. Piranetus. Incipit: ‘[F]ecisti rem mihi pergratissimam facere nos Incipit: ‘[L]ittere tue quas proximis diebus accepi adiumento certiores de tua . . .’See Labalme 322, no. 15. r mihi fuerunt . . .’ l3 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Gregorius v K3 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Barbonus Saracenus. Incipit:‘[G]ratulatio tua de nouo Leonardi patris hon- Maurocenus. Incipit: ‘[E]gregius iurisconsultus dominus ore quo minus fuit necessaria . . .’See Labalme 322, no. 25. r Johannes de Porto mihi . . .’ l3 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Georgius v K3 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to Hermolaus Trapezuntius. Barbarus] patriarch of Aqui[leia]. Incipit: ‘[R]euerendissime in refs. Collectanea Trapezuntiana, 159^60, XXXIV, and Labalme Christo pater et domine humanissime. Etsi hacthenus nulla mihi 322, no. 23. v tecum . . .’ l3 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Sebastianus r K4 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Bernardus [Bursa?]. Incipit: ‘[S]cripseram ad te ea que de negotiis tuis scri- Justinianus. Incipit: ‘[S]cio te de salute nostra sollicitum esse benda uidebantur . . .’See Labalme 322, no. 24. v quare ut crebriores possim . . .’See Labalme 321, no. 7. l3 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Gallassius r K4 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Bernardus Avogarius. Incipit: ‘[H]aud facile profecto dixeris quod mihi Justinianus. Incipit: ‘[A]¡ero tibi iocundissimum et nobis iamdu- graue et molestum . . .’See Labalme 321, no. 11. r dum desideratissimum nuncium . . .’See Labalme 321, no. 8. l4 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Sebastianus v K4 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Bernardus Bursa. Incipit: ‘[P]utas ne accidere potuisse ut littere tue que Justinianus. Incipit: ‘[E]n tibi a¡ero ut redeas . . .’ See Labalme melle . . .’See Labalme 322, no. 12. r 321, no. 10. l4 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Franciscus v K4 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Jacobus Zenus. Barbarus. Incipit:‘[T]eneri te febribus tuis ad senatum litteris cer- Incipit: ‘[Q]uamquam mihi peracerba res ea est de qua scribis ad tior factus magnam . . .’ r me ita . . .’ l5 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Franciscus refs. For this letter see Labalme 75^7, and 322, no. 16. Barbarus. Incipit: ‘[L]achrymaui nuper dum legerem litteras tuas r K5 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Jacobus Zenus. non ut ii solent . . .’ Incipit: ‘[R]espondi nudius tertius litteris tuis causamque meam r l5 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Ambrosius tibi commendaui . . .’ [Traversarius]. Incipit: ‘[B]inis tuis litteris commendati mihi anti- refs. For this letter see Labalme 77^9, where part of it is printed stitis miceni gratia . . .’ in note 125, and 322, no. 17. l v Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Jacobus [Zenus]. v 5 K5 Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Jacobus Zenus. Incipit: ‘[L]ittere tue magno mihi solatio fuerunt in quibus sum- Incipit: ‘[S]tudium de re mea cognoui ex litteris tuis nuper accep- mam erga nos . . .’ tis . . .’ v l5 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Bernardus refs. For this letter see Labalme 79^80, where part of it is printed Justinianus. Incipit: ‘[N]auigationem hanc tibi ut scribis fuisse in note 128, and 322, no. 18. tedio admiror et uehementer . . .’See Labalme 321, no. 6. K r Justinianus, Bernardus: [Letter addressed to] Franciscus de r 6 l6 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Victor Suavis. Capitibus Liste. Incipit: ‘[E]cce insperanti mihi accessus tuus Incipit:‘[M]iratus sepe sum, spectatissime uir, hanc tuam petendi Florentiam renuntiatus est . . .’ panni tarditatem . . .’ refs. For this letter see Labalme 80^1, where part of it is printed r l6 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Franciscus in note 129, and 322, no.19. Barbarus. Incipit: ‘[L]itteras tuas quibus de aduersa ualitudine tua factus sum certior . . .’ j-287^j-290] justinus, marcus junianus 1591

v l6 Justinianus, Leonardus [pseudo-; Brunus Aretinus, Leonardus: J-289 Justinianus, Leonardus Letter addressed to] Cyriacus [de Ancona]. Laude devotissime e santissime [Italian]. refs. Leonardus Brunus Aretinus, Epistolarum libri viii, ed. r Laurentio Mehus, 2 vols (Florence, 1741), II, 57^61. [a2 ] [Table of contents.] ‘Capituli’. v refs. Laudario Giustinianeo, ed. Francesco Luisi, 2 vols (Venice, l7 Justinianus, Leonardus: [Letter addressed to] Alphonsus I [de 1983), I, 82^3. Aragona], King [of Sicily (À1458)]. Incipit:‘[E]tsi non dubito cau- r sam meam, gloriosissime et magnanime rex . . .’ [b1 ] Justinianus, Leonardus: Laude devotissime e santissime. refs. Laudario Giustinianeo, ed. Luisi, I, 255^357, 358^79, with a Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, [1492?]. Folio. 6 4 6 8 discussion of this edition on 81^8. Luisi’s modern edition on 255^ collation: a^h i k l . 357 follows the order of MS.Vgr1: this is listed in table 4, col. 9, on HC *9638 (II) = 9639; Go¡ J-611; BMC V 374; Pr 4880; BSB-Ink 87^90; where there is a dash rather than a number in col. 9, the I-664; CIBN J-329; Hillard 1167; Oates 1919; Rhodes 1045; Sack, relevant prayers are printed in the second sequence on 358^79, Freiburg, 2182; Sheppard 3987. which contains the speci¢c variants of this incunable edition. v COPY [o6 ] [Colophon.] ‘Meum nomen non pono quia me laudare non Bound with J-284(1); see there for details of the binding and uolo. Si uultis tantum scire Bertholomeus deVercellis fuit ille.’ provenance. r Venice: Bartholomaeus Cremonensis [and Bartholomaeus de On a2 , l. 1:‘. . . uiri > . . . oratori|n’, not as BMC. CarloVercellensis, before Dec.] 1474. 4o. Some early marginal corrections to the text. collation: [a4 b^n8 o6]. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 3.31(2). HCR 9479; BMC V 210; Pr 4228; Sheppard 3397. J-288 Justinianus, Bernardus COPY Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [o6]. De vita beati Laurentii Justiniani Patriarchae Colophon as Reichling; see BMC. Venetiarum, ad Monachos Carthusienses. Binding: Nineteenth-century English gold-tooled olive mo- r [a2 ] Justinianus, Bernardus: ‘Prohoemium’ [addressed to] rocco, with silver and red doublures, gilt and gau¡ered edges, Carthusian monks. Incipit: ‘[E]tsi non dubito, venerandi patres, and both covers stamped in gilt with a crest of a double-headed qui patriarcha Laurentius sicuti uiuens solebat . . .’ eagle displayed. Bound by J. Mackenzie; name stamped inside r [a4 ] Justinianus, Bernardus: De vita beati Laurentii Justiniani the upper cover. Size: 207 ¿ 140 ¿ 20 mm. Size of leaf: 199 ¿ Patriarchae Venetiarum. Incipit: ‘[N]atus est igitur Laurentius 130 mm. Veneciis Bernardo Justiniano patre, matre uero Quirina . . .’ Provenance: David Stuart Ker (1816^1878); sale (London: refs. On this work in general see Labalme 240^5. Christie and Manson, 8 Mar. 1847), lot 576. Purchased for »4. 0. Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 10 May 1475. 4o. 0; see Books Purchased (1847), 19. collation: [a^d8 e10]. shelfmark: Auct. 2Q 6.80. HCR 9478; Go¡, Supplement, J-611a; BMC V 215; Pr 4240; CIBN J-331; Sheppard 3417. J-290 Justinus, Marcus Junianus

COPY Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias. r Wanting the blank leaf [e10]. [a1 ] Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii his- Leaf [a1] backed. torias. CIBN describes two states: (A) only title of prologue printed in refs. Just. Epit. r red; (B) all titles printed in red except ch. 4. The Bodleian copy [o10 ] [Verse colophon by the book, naming the printer.] ‘Historias conforms with CIBN’s ¢rst state. ueteres peregrinaque gesta reuoluo > Iustinus lege me sum Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) mottled sheep, with marbled Trogus ipse breuis’; 2 elegiac distichs. pastedowns. Size:198 ¿ 140 ¿ 13 mm. Sizeofleaf: 194 ¿ 134 mm. Venice: Nicolaus Jenson, 1470. 4o. Some early marginal annotations, including corrections to the collation: [a^o10]. v text. Genealogical table ofthe Justiniani on [a1 ] in a ¢fteenth/six- HR 9647; Go¡ J-613; BMC V 167; Pr 4067; CIBN J-335; Hillard teenth-century hand. 1171; Lowry, Jenson, 239, no. 3; Rhodes 1046; Sheppard 3239. Two- to four-line epigraphic initials are supplied in red or blue. COPY Provenance: Leonardo Giustiniani (sixteenth century); see gen- Several leaves in the ¢rst and last gatherings mounted. ealogical table in Labalme 327; inscription on [a v]: ‘Leonardi 1 Binding: English (London c.1790) red morocco with marbled Justiniani Laurentii ¢lii’. Jacobus Braida (sixteenth century(?)); pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves, and the gold stamp of the erased inscription on [a r]: ‘Ex libris Jacobi Braide’. M. R., 1837; 2 Bodleian Library on both covers. Bound by H.Walther; ticket on pencil inscription on the recto of the front endleaf: ‘Beati the verso of the front endleaf. Size: 284 ¿ 201 ¿ 32 mm. Size of Laurentii JustinianVita. A sweet biography of a sweet saint, writ- leaf: 275 ¿ 185 mm. ten by a sweet writer, his nephew, Bernard Justinian.Vide Brunet. Washed early marginal notes in gathering [a], also occasional Jan. 1837. M. R.’ Purchased for »0. 3. 6; see Books Purchased annotations and pointing hands in the rest of the book. (1848), 24. Three- to six-line epigraphic initials are supplied in red or blue. shelfmark: Auct. 6Q 6.5. Provenance: Ma¡eo Pinelli (1735^1785); see Morelli (1787), II no. 2791; sale (1789), lot 7692. Purchased through Peter Elmsley for 1592 justinus, marcus junianus [j-290^j-294

»18. 7. 6; see the annotated sale catalogue and Books Purchased Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled paper boards. Size: 296 ¿ (1789), 5. 205 ¿ 27 mm. Size of leaf: 286 ¿ 195 mm. shelfmark: Auct. L 3.11. Early marginal notes, including extraction of key words, and underlining in the text in black ink; also corrections to the text. Two- to seven-line initials, paragraph marks, and capital strokes J-291 Justinus, Marcus Junianus are supplied in red. Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias. Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); note in r [a2 ] Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii his- his hand on the front pastedown; sale (1835), lot 2450; ticket on torias. the spine; purchased for »2. 2. 0; see Books Purchased (1835),15. refs. Just. Epit. shelfmark: Auct. P 5.32. [Rome]: Ulrich Han, [c.1470^71]. 4o. As dated by CIBN; Sheppard dates [c.1470]. J-293 Justinus, Marcus Junianus collation: [a^e10 f8 g^i10 k8 l m10 n8 o10 p6]. Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias. 140 leaves, the ¢rst and last blank, not as BMC. [a r] Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii his- HC 9646; Go¡ J-614; BMC IV 19; Pr 3343; CIBN J-336; Rhodes 1 torias. 1047; Sheppard 2657. refs. Just. Epit. COPY r [n5 ] [Verse colophon by the book, naming the printer.] ‘Historias Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [p6]. veteres peregrinaque gesta reuoluo > Iustinus lege me sum Trogus The leaves of gathering [c] are mounted. ipse breuis’; 2 elegiac distichs. The ¢rst two lines of the colophon Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled red morocco, with are the same as those in the verse colophon of J-290, but the last gilt-edged leaves, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on two lines are di¡erent. both covers. Size: 284 ¿ 202¿ 30 mm. Sizeofleaf: 276 ¿ 188 mm. [Milan]: Antonius Zarotus, 13 June 1474. 4o. Copious early marginal annotations, including comments on the collation: [a^l10 m8 n6]. text. Manuscript note of ten lines on [p v] signed by Henricus 5 HC 9649; Go¡ J-616; BMC VI 711; Pr 5780; CIBN J-338; Sheppard Umbstat, cantor, and dated 1532, recording the jubilee of 4829. Laurentius Truchis (TruchseÞ), canon of Wu« rzburg, and S. Maria ad gradus, Mainz, 18 June 1532: ‘Jubileum Truchis. 1532. COPY Die Martis que fuit decimoctaua mensis Junii nobilis dominus Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [n6]. Laurencius Truchis Herbipoli et Wormatie ac beate Marie ad Binding: Eighteenth-century English (London; probably gradum . . .’ Heinrich Walther, c.1790) red morocco, bound for the Bodleian, One- to six-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red with marbled pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves, and the gold stamp or blue; capital strokes in red. of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 279 ¿ 197 ¿ Provenance: Conrad de Bensheim (£.1469^1483); inscription on 28 mm. Size of leaf: 270 ¿ 181 mm. r Washed early marginal annotations and ‘nota’ marks, also cor- [a2 ]:‘C. de Bensheim decanus ad gradus Maguntin[ensis ecclesie] ex Roma anno domini Mo cccclxxiiiito’. Lothar Theodor Anton rections to the text, and some punctuation and diminuation r marks. Ludwig von Riedt (À1719); inscription on [a2 ]; ‘Ex libris Lotharii Theod. Ant. Lud. a Riedt [ ] 1709’; ‘Baro de Riedt [ ] F. Some four- and ¢ve-line initials are supplied in washed black ink. M. L.’ Purchased from Payne and Foss, A Catalogue of Books in Provenance: Possibly Ma¡eo Pinelli (1735^1785); see Morelli II Foreign Languages . . . (London, 1824), no. 3871, for »5. 5. 0; note 2792 and sale (1789), lot 7693; according to the Bodleian anno- on the verso of the front endleaf: ‘Bought of Payne and Foss 1824 tated copy of the sale catalogue this lot was sold to Lord Spencer »5. 5. 0’; see Books Purchased (1824), 8. for »4.10.0; this is the price paid by the Bodleian in1789, so it may shelfmark: Auct. L 5.16. be that the annotation, uncharacteristically, is incorrect and that the Bodleian bought the book at the Pinelli sale; this, however, seems less likely than an alternative provenance from Pietro- J-292 Justinus, Marcus Junianus Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna (1735^1792), sale (1789), part II Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias. lot 5829; the Crevenna copy is described as having been bound r ‘[en] cart[on]’, and would therefore probably have been rebound; [a2 ] Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii his- torias. in the annotated sale catalogue the lot is marked down to van den refs. Just. Epit. Bergh for Fl. 10, the equivalent of »0. 17. 6, according to the v exchange rate used by Thomas Payne at this sale; items from this [k7 ] [Verse colophon naming the printers.] ‘Aspicis, illustris lector sale acquired by the Bodleian through or from van den Bergh quicunque, libellos > Si cupis arti¢cum nomina nosse lege’; 3 ele- giac distichs. were regularly priced much higher than the hammer price. Purchased for »4. 10. 0; see Books Purchased (1789), 5. Rome: Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz, 26 Sept. shelfmark: Auct. N 3.7. 1472. Folio. collation: [a^g10 h^k8]. HC 9648; Go¡ J-615; BMC IV 16; Pr 3330; CIBN J-337; Sheppard J-294 Justinus, Marcus Junianus 2643. Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias. r COPY [a1 ] Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii his- Wanting the blank leaves [a1] and [k8]. torias. j-294^j-297] justinus, marcus junianus 1593

r refs. Just. Epit. p9 Squarza¢cus, Hieronymus: [Letter addressed to] Nicolaus de Milan: ChristophorusValdarfer, 1 June 1476. 4o. Capo Basso. collation: [a^m8 n o6]. refs. Allenspach^Frasso 269^71, no. v. HC 9650; Go¡ J-617; BMC VI 726; Pr 5879; BSB-Ink I-668; CIBN Venice: Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, [not before J-339; Hillard 1172; Oates 2270; Rhodes 1048; Sheppard 4887. 12] Sept. 1477. Folio. 10 8 10 COPY collation: a b^o p . Binding: Eighteenth-century French gold-tooled mottled calf, HC (+ Addenda) 9659; Go¡ J-625; BMC V 233; Pr 4319; CIBN with marbled pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves, and the gold stamp J-344; Sheppard 3489. of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Bound by Mouillie¤ (£. COPY 1797^1803); ticket on the verso of the front endleaf. Size: 277 ¿ Wanting the blank leaf a1. 194 ¿ 29 mm. Size of leaf: 267 ¿ 181 mm. Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century Italian half red mo- Early marginal annotations in red ink, consisting mainly of rocco with red paper boards and marbled pastedowns, bound for extraction of key words and ‘nota’ marks. Some pen-trials on the Boutourlin. Size: 300 ¿ 206 ¿ 25 mm. Sizeofleaf: 295 ¿ 198 mm. r recto of one of the front endleaves. On a2 a four-line (Venetian?) initial ‘H’ is supplied in maroon on Provenance: Alexander Moronus (£. c.1500); inscription on a (now damaged) gold ground within a black border, with foliate r [a1 ]: ‘Alexandri Moroni’. Purchased for »0. 16. 0; see Books decoration in blue, maroon, and grey within thebody ofthe letter, Purchased (1790), 7, but not located in the sale catalogues of and with foliate decoration extending into the inner and upper Brandes, Chauncy, Crevenna, Pinelli, or Willett. margins in grey, blue, green, black and maroon, and gold dots. shelfmark: Auct. N 3.8. See Pa« cht and Alexander II, 111 no. pr. 83. In the lower margin, within a green laurel wreath, is a defaced coat of arms. Some other two- and three-line initials are supplied in red ink. J-295 Justinus, Marcus Junianus Provenance: Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763^1829); Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias. armorial book-plate and shelfmark no. 181, see Catalogue (1831); purchased at his sale: Catalogue (1839), lot 2098, for »2. 0. 0; see [a r] Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii his- 2 Books Purchased (1840), 18. torias. shelfmark: Auct. Q 3.9. refs. Just. Epit. Venice: Filippo di Pietro, 12 Dec. 1479. Folio. 10 8 6 8 6 10 J-297 Justinus, Marcus Junianus collation: a b c d e^l m n . Leaf a2 signed a, etc. HC 9651; Go¡ J-618; BMC V 221; Pr 4274; BSB-Ink I-669; CIBN Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias, et al. r J-340; Oates 1702; Sack, Freiburg, 2183; Sheppard 3449. a1 [Title-page.] a r Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii histor- COPY 2 ias. Wanting the blank leaf a1. Binding: Eighteenth-century calf with gold-tooled spine, refs. Just. Epit. g r B[e]roaldus, Philippus: [Introductoryletter addressed to] Count marbled pastedowns, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian 2 Petrus Maria Rubeus. Incipit: ‘[Q]uemadmodum Dinocrates Library on both covers. Size: 280 ¿ 202 ¿ 27 mm. Size of architectus, clarissime uir, procera statura . . .’ The letter is in the leaf: 269 ¿ 190 mm. version mentioning Henricus de Colonia (F-079), unlike the ¢rst Copious early marginal notes in one humanist hand, consisting of edition (F-078). comments on the text and ‘nota’ marks. Three leaves of contents g r Florus, Lucius [Annaeus]: Epitomae rerum Romanarum. in manuscript in the same hand have been added on the rear 2 refs. Flor. Epit. endleaves. i v [Verse addressed to the reader.] ‘Aurea Iustini Lucique epitho- Partial rubrication in gatherings a and b only: paragraph marks 7 mata Flori Aere tibi modico, candide lector, eme’; 4 elegiac dis- and capital strokes are supplied in red. > tichs. Justinianus Romanus is mentioned as editor or corrector in Provenance: Rome, Biblioteca Corsiniana ‘nova’; stamp on a r. 2 the poem: ‘Rite recognouit opus Iustinianus ad unguem Ma¡eo Pinelli (1735^1785); see Morelli (1787), II no. 2793; sale > Romanus.’ (1789), lot 7694; in the annotated catalogue no purchaser is i r Sabellicus, Marcus Antonius: [Valedictory letter addressed to] named, but the lot is priced at »1. 1. 0. Purchased in 1790; see 8 Johannes Matthaeus Contarenus. Incipit: ‘Recognoui his paucis Books Purchased (1790), 7, where the price is given as »1.11. 6. diebus Iustini et Lucii Flori Epitomen fuitque ea mihi lectio . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. N 3.9. [Venice: Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis and Albertinus Vercellensis, for Bernardinus Rasinius Novocomensis, before 4 J-296 Justinus, Marcus Junianus Apr. 1494]. Folio. As assigned by CIBN and IGI, and dated by Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias [Italian] Iustino BSB-Ink, CIBN and BMC. BSB-Ink, IGI and BMC assign to vulgarizato. [Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis] alone. IGI dates [c.1490], IGI [c.1498], and Sheppard [c.1495?]. r 8 6 8 a2 Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: ‘Iustino vulgarizato.’ collation: a b^h i . refs. Justinus, Delle istoriedi Giustino. . ., ed. L. Calori, Scelta di HC *9654; Go¡ J-620; BMC V 421; Pr 5139; BSB-Ink I-671; CIBN curiosita' letterarie inedite o rare dal secolo xxiii al xvii, 173 J-342; IGI 5558; Sheppard 4128. (Bologna, 1880), 1^542, ending slightly imperfectly. r p9 [Colophon.] 1594 juvenalis, decimus junius [j-297^j-300

r COPY a2 Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii histor- Binding: Gold-tooled mottled calf, c.1700; the gold stamp of the ias. Bodleian Libraryon both covers. Size: 304 ¿ 210 ¿ 16 mm. Sizeof refs. Just. Epit. r leaf: 298 ¿ 199 mm. g2 Beroaldus, Philippus: [Introductory letter addressed to] Count Some ‘nota’ marks, underlining, and corrections in the text in Petrus Maria Rubeus. Incipit: ‘[Q]uemadmodum Dinocrates black ink. architectus, clarissime vir, procera statura . . .’ The letter is in the Provenance: Richard Rawlinson (1690^1755)(?); ‘Rawl’ accord- version mentioning Henricus de Colonia (F-079), unlike the ¢rst ing to ‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae’, 79r. Presumably edition (F-078). Several ofthe errors of J-297 havebeen corrected. r bequeathed in 1755. g2 Florus, Lucius [Annaeus]: Epitomae rerum Romanarum. shelfmark: Auct. N 3.10. refs. Flor. Epit. r i6 [Verse addressed to the reader.] ‘Aurea Iustini Lucique epitho- mata Flori > Aere tibi modico, candide lector, eme’; 4 elegiac dis- J-298 Justinus, Marcus Junianus tichs. Justinianus Romanus is said to have edited or corrected the Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias, et al. edition: ‘Rite recognouit opus Iustinianus ad unguem > a r [Title-page.] Romanus’. 1 r r i6 Sabellicus, Marcus Antonius: [Valedictory letter addressed to] a2 Justinus, [Marcus Junianus]: Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii histor- ias. Johannes Matthaeus Contarenus. Incipit: ‘Recognoui his paucis refs. Just. Epit. diebus Iustini et Lucii Flori Epitomen fuitque ea mihi lectio . . .’ r g2 B[e]roaldus, Philippus: [Introductoryletter addressed to] Count Venice: [Philippus Pincius], 8 Nov. 1497. Folio. BMC suggests that Petrus Maria Rubeus. Incipit: ‘[Q]uemadmodum Dinocrates this edition may be by some other printer working with material architectus, clarissime uir, procera statura . . .’ The letter is in the discarded by Pincius or Johannes Rubeus. version mentioning Henricus de Colonia (F-079), unlike the ¢rst collation: a^i6. edition (F-078).The whole edition is copied from J-297, including HC *9657; Go¡ J-622; BMC V 498; Pr 5319; BSB-Ink I-673; Hillard several typographical errors. 1174; Rhodes 1050; Sheppard 4407. r g2 Florus, Lucius [Annaeus]: Epitomae rerum Romanarum. COPY refs. Flor. Epit. Binding: Nineteenth-century marbled paper boards; bound for r i6 [Verse addressed to the reader.] ‘Aurea Iustini Lucique epitho- KloÞ; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. mata Flori > Aere tibi modico, candide lector, eme’; 4 elegiac dis- Size: 302 ¿ 218 ¿ 11mm. Size of leaf: 297 ¿ 204 mm. tichs. On a v an index, written in a sixteenth-century hand, listing the r 1 i6 Sabellicus, Marcus Antonius: [Valedictory letter addressed to] rulers of Assyria, the Medes, Persia, Macedonia, Syria, Asia, Johannes Matthaeus Contarenus. Incipit: ‘Recognoui his paucis and Egypt. Early marginal and interlinear notes (some in the diebus Iustini et Lucii Flori Epitomen fuitque ea mihi lectio . . .’ same hand as the one that wrote the index) including comments [Venice: Johannes Rubeus Vercellensis and Albertinus on the text, and corrections to the text in black ink. Vercellensis, for Antonius Moretus, c.1494]. Folio. As assigned Printed headings for each book of Justinus underlined in red. by CIBN and IGI, and dated by BSB-Ink, CIBN, and IGI; Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- BSB-Ink, IGI, and BMC assign to [Johannes Rubeus label; sale (1835), lot 2454; purchased for »0. 5. 0; see Books Vercellensis] alone. BMC dates [after 1489^90]; IGI dates Purchased (1835), 15. [c.1498]; Sheppard dates [c.1500]. shelfmark: Auct. P 5.11. collation: a^i6. HC *9653; Go¡ J-619; BMC V 421; Pr 5138; BSB-Ink I-672; CIBN J-300 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius J-343; IGI 5560; Oates 2015^16; Rhodes 1049; Sheppard 4134. Satyrae. COPY r [a2 ] [Juvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae.] Binding: Marbled paper boards. Size: 318 ¿ 223 ¿ 10 mm. Sizeof refs. Juv. leaf: 316 ¿ 214 mm. o Early marginal and interlinear annotations, apparently in two [Rome]: Ulrich Han, [c.1471]. 4 . On the date see C. F.Bu« hler,‘The hands, one writing in black ink, the other in red ink, including Earliest Editions of Juvenal’, Studies in the Renaissance, 2 (1955), comments on the text, underlining in the text, and pointing 84^95, repr. in C. F. Bu« hler, Early Books and Manuscripts ([New v York],1973), 223^35, at 234, and BMC. IGI dates [c.1474]. hands. On i6 , a proverb consisting of an elegiac distich by the 10 8 10 hand writing in red ink: ‘Omnia si perdis famam seruare mem- collation: [a^c d^h i ]. HCR 9660; Go¡ J-627; BMC XII 2; Pr 3344; IGI 5573; Sheppard ento > Qua semel amissa postea nullus eris’, see also D-046. Provenance: Purchased by July 1951, from Bernard Quaritch; 2666. Micro¢che: Unit 8: Printing in Italy before1472: Part II. r date stamp on a1 . COPY r r j shelfmark: Inc. c. I4.5. On [a2 ], l.1:‘. . . ego. . . nuns’.On [i9 ], colophon l. 2:‘. . . Gall . . .’ Leaves [f1^7] bound before gathering [e]; [i10], containing the reg- ister, is mounted. J-299 Justinus, Marcus Junianus Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century parchment with edges Epitomae inTrogi Pompeii historias (ed. Marcus coloured in pink and green. Size: 224 ¿ 172 ¿ 23 mm. Size of Antonius Sabellicus), et al. leaf: 219 ¿ 159 mm. r a1 [Title-page.] j-300^j-303] juvenalis, decimus junius 1595

Copious early marginal and interlinear notes, mostly in one J-302 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius humanist hand, with some key words in red, but including com- Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). mentary on the text and pointing hands; some notes in the outer r r a2 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. margin have been cropped. On [a1 ] ‘Oratio beati Antonii’ in a ¢f- refs. Juv. Each‘satyra’ begins with a short summary. teenth/sixteenth-century hand: ‘Si quauis miracula mors [ ] v calamitas . . .’ g7 [Colophon.] Cropped running numbers of books and ‘satyrae’are supplied in Pinerolo: Jacobus Rubeus, 25 Oct. 1479. Folio. 8 red. collation: a^g h[ ]. Leaf a2 signed a1, etc.; leaf f1 signed h1. r v v Provenance: Fifteenth-century inscription in red ink on [a1 ]: Types: 110 R. 36 lines (a2 ).Type area: 199 ¿ 92 mm (a2 ). ‘Pro Jouanne Simonis decellis carlino uno’. Erased sixteenth-cen- HR, Supplement, 9668; Go¡ J-643; Pr 7246; CIBN J-357; Pellechet r tury(?) inscription of a price(?) on [a1 ]. Giuseppe Serra, Duca di MS. 6910 (6863); Sheppard 6004. Cassano (À before 1826); see Catalogo, p. 22. George John, 2nd COPY Earl Spencer (1758^1834); sale (1821), lot 164. Purchased by Bound with: Heber for »24. 13. 6, according to the price annotated in red ink 2. Georgius Merula, Enarrationes Satyrarum Juvenalis. Venice: in Heber’s sale catalogue. Richard Heber (1773^1833); note on Gabriele di Pietro, [between 15 Mar. and 6 May] 1478 (M-200). the recto of the front endleaf: ‘March 1821 Spencer Dupl. sale by Wanting gathering h containing the commentary of Calderinus; Evans »24^13^6. NB Bought by me against the Royal Library, it has not proved possible to provide a detailed description of the Paris’; see Catalogue, 6 (1835), lot 1910, sold for »20. 5. 0; the text contained in this gathering. r Heber sale catalogue states that it was formerly a Pinelli book, Leaf a2 (signed a1), l. 4: ‘. . . tociens . . .’ but no copy of this edition is listed in the Pinelli sale catalogue. Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled calf with gilt-edged Presumably the copy purchased for »18. 18. 0; see Books leaves, marbled pastedowns, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian Purchased (1841), 23, although this is listed as also containing Library on both covers. Size: 291 ¿ 208 ¿ 43 mm. Size of Persius, Satyrae. leaf: 281 ¿ 194 mm. shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.8. Some washed early marginal and interlinear notes. Partial rubrication: some two- to ¢ve-line initials and paragraph marks are supplied in red or faded blue; some capitals touched J-301 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius with yellow wash. Satyrae. Provenance: Items1and 2 cannotbe shown to havebeen together r from the earliest times. Pietro-Antonio Bolongaro-Crevenna [a2 ] [Juvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae.] refs. Juv. (1735^1792); printed label of the sale (1789), part III, lot 4056, for o Fl. 48; purchased though Payne for »4. 4. 0; see Books Purchased [Rome: Wendelinus de Wila], 16 Sept. 1474. 4 . Pr and Sheppard (1790), 8. assign to [Rome], and Fava^Bresciano doubtfully to [Naples: shelfmark: Auct. O 2.9(1). Arnaldus de Bruxella]. collation: [a^c10 d^h8 i10]. v J-303 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius Type: 108 R. 80 leaves, the ¢rst blank. 25 lines ([a2 ]). Type area: v Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). 137 ¿ 83 mm ([a2 ]). v HC 9667; Pr 3457; Fava^Bresciano 238; Sheppard 2765. a1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to]

COPY Julianus [I Petri Cosimi de’] Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salutem etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute Wanting the blank leaf [a1], and [i10] containing the register. Binding: Eighteenth-century calf, the spine gold-tooled; tua . . .’See C-019. v marbled pastedowns. Size: 208 ¿ 152 ¿ 17 mm. Size of a1 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. leaf: 201 ¿ 137 mm. refs. A. Persius Flaccus and D. Junius Juvenalis, Saturae, ed.W. Copious early marginal and interlinear notes, including extensive V. Clausen (Oxford, 1992), 179, with slightly variant ending. Elsewhere attributed to Calderinus; see C-019. comments on the text and pointing hands. v v a1 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the Partial rubrication: on [a5 ] a two-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] red; running titles, being the ¢rst word ofeach‘satyra’,and capital r strokes supplied in red. a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Provenance: Giuseppe Serra, Duca di Cassano (Àbefore 1826); Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atirarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum r antiquius tam a graecis quam . . .’ not identi¢ed in Catalogo; coat ofarms on [i9 ]: or, two bars coun- v ter compony,argent and gules; see Gelli pl.160. George John, 2nd a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Earl Spencer (1758^1834); not in sale (1821). Richard Heber Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de qua molestia et temporis . . .’ (1773^1833); note on a slip of paper attached to the recto of the v front endleaf: ‘The present edition is so scarce that Ld. Sp[encer] a2 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. refs. Juv. had it nottill heboughtthe Duke of Cassano’s collection, in which r were two copies (the present, wanting the last leaf containing the k4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Register). No other copy is known in England’; see Catalogue, 6 Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius (1835), lot 1911, for »6. 6. 0. Purchased for »6. 6. 0; see Books fuit . . .’On Fidentinus see C-019. Purchased (1841), 22. shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.38. 1596 juvenalis, decimus junius [j-303^j-305

r k4 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus Binding: Gold-tooled diced russia with marbled pastedowns. Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio me mihi uti Upper cover detached. Size: 285 ¿ 207 ¿ 32 mm. Size of licuisset . . .’See C-019. leaf: 278 ¿ 184 mm. Venice: Bartholomaeus de Zanis, 3 Oct. 1487. Folio. Copious washed early marginal annotations, including com- collation: a^i6 k8. ments on the text and extraction of key words. Also scribbles and HC *9699; Go¡ J-652; BMC V 430; Pr 5154; BSB-Ink I-686; drawings of human heads in red crayon. Running numbers of Sheppard 4159. ‘satyrae’are supplied in black ink in the upper margin. Early folia- tion: i^lxxxv. COPY Provenance: Petrus Martellus (¢fteenth/sixteenth century); Binding: Eighteenth-century mottled calf with gold-tooled inscription on [l r]: ‘Petri Martelli liber’. Arthur Edwards spine, marbled pastedowns, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian 10 (À1743). London, British Museum; black octagonal stamp on Library on both covers. Size: 301 ¿ 210 ¿ 17 mm. Size of [a v] and [l v] indicating the collection of Major Edwards; shelf- leaf: 295 ¿ 198 mm. 2 10 mark from the Montagu House period: ‘Gal.9Ke’; duplicate Some underlining in the text in black ink. Bibliographical notes stamp dated 1831 on [a v]. Purchased for »1. 1. 0; see Books by Heber on the recto of the front endleaf. 2 Purchased (1835), 16. Provenance: Bru« hl, North Rhine-Westphalia, Franciscans; a r shelfmark: Auct. N inf. 1.23. heavily erased inscription in a sixteenth-century hand on a1 : SECOND COPY ‘Sum conuentus Brulensis(?)’; a shelfmark on a r: ‘R 21’.Treuttell 1 Avariant: sheet [a ] set up di¡erently; leaf [a r], l. 3:‘ATyrak gen- and Wu« rtz; sale (1817), lot 794; Heber’s note on the recto of the 4.7 4 era duo agno|c|š us . . .’ front endleaf: ‘June 1817. Sale by Sotheby of an amateur Wanting the blank leaf [a ]. [Tr(euttel) & W(u« rtz)]’. Richard Heber (1773^1833); Purchased 1 Binding: Blind-tooled diced russia with gold-tooled spine, by Heber for »0. 8. 0, according to the price annotated in red ink marbled pastedowns, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian in Heber’s sale catalogue; see Catalogue, 5 (1835), lot 2571; sold Library on both covers. Size: 283 ¿ 201 ¿ 28 mm. Size of for »0. 4. 0. Purchased for »0. 18. 0 according to Books Purchased leaf: 272 ¿ 184 mm. (1835), 16. Occasional ‘nota’ marks. shelfmark: Auct. P 4.11. r On [a4 ] a seven-line initial ‘S’ is supplied in blue, edged and deco- rated in white, with green vine-stems, on a pink ground decorated J-304 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius with grey dots; other two- to ¢ve-line initials supplied in red or Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). blue; paragraph marks supplied in red. r [a2 ] Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] Provenance: Richard Mead (1673^1754); shelfmark on the sec- Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- ond front endleaf: ‘D,1,,22’; sale (7 Apr. 1755), lot 1708, sold for tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ »0. 14. 0 (ex informatione Jos van Heel). Gerard Meerman (1722^ v v [a3 ] ‘Iuuenalis uita’. 1771); manuscript catalogue (MMW S 145 IV, fol. 131 ). Johan refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen, 179, with slightly variant ending. Meerman (1753^1815); note on the recto of the front endleaf: v [a3 ] [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’ and rejecting ‘Meerman, cat. v.ii 415’, and, in a di¡erent ink,‘50^0’; purchased the tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] at his sale, vol. II, p.120, lot 415, for £. 50; see Books Purchased . . . r [a4 ] Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ at the Sale of M. Meerman, p. 13. Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum shelfmark: Auct. O 4.20. antiquius tam a gr×cis quam . . .’ v [a4 ] Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Incipit: ‘Erone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de J-305 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius qua molestia et temporis . . .’ Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). v r [a4 ] Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] refs. Juv. Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- v [k10 ] Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ v (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ a3 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen,179, with slightly variant ending. v fuit . . .’ a3 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the v [l1 ] Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] r Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio me mihi uti a4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ licuisset . . .’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum Venice: Jacobus Rubeus, 24 Apr. 1475. 4o. antiquus(!) tam a graecis quam . . .’ 10 8 10 v collation: [a b c^i k l ]. a4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] HC *9688; Go¡ J-642; BMC V 214; Pr 4239; BSB-Ink I-678; CIBN Incipit: ‘Erone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de J-352; Oates 1695; Rhodes 1054; Sheppard 3415^16. qua molestia et temporis . . .’ a v Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. FIRST COPY 4 r refs. Juv. Leaf [a4 ], l. 3: ‘ATyrarum genera duo agno|c|š us . . .’ Wanting the v m8 [Colophon.] blank leaf [a1]; [d1] torn; leaf [l9] is bound after [l2]. 2 r l1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ j-305^j-307] juvenalis, decimus junius 1597

Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius HCR 9691; Go¡ J-645; BMC V 321; Pr 4608; CIBN J-359; Oates fuit . . .’ 1838; Sheppard 3821. 2 v l1 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus COPY Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio me mihi uti Wanting a8, and the blank leaf a1. licuisset . . .’ The date in the colophon has been falsi¢ed to read ‘M.cccclxxvi’. Vicenza: Henricus de Sancto Ursio, Zenus, 1480. Folio. Binding: Seventeenth/eighteenth-century parchment with blue- collation: a b10 c^f6 g8 h i6 k8 l6 m8 2l10. edged leaves, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on HC *9690; Go¡ J-644; BMC VII 1044; Pr 7162; BSB-Ink I-680; both covers. Size: 296 ¿ 202 ¿ 19 mm. Sizeofleaf: 290 ¿ 192 mm. CIBN J-358; Oates 2683; Sack, Freiburg, 2185; Sheppard 5929. Bibliographical note by Heber on the recto of the front endleaf.

COPY Early marginal annotations, including extraction of key words, Bound with: ‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands, also underlining in the text in 2. Aulus Persius Flaccus, Satyrae. [Treviso: Paulus de Ferraria], black ink. 1481 (P-136(2)). Some two- to eight-line initials are supplied in black ink. Binding: Nineteenth-century calf, bound for the Bodleian; the Provenance: Possibly Edward, Lord Harley, later 2nd Earl of gold stamp of the Library on both covers. Size: 301 ¿ 200 ¿ Oxford (1689^1741); upper corner of the front endleaf cut o¡; 22 mm. Size of leaf: 296 ¿ 184 mm. not identi¢ed in Catalogus Bibliothecae Harleianae. Rev. Thomas Crofts (1722^81); initials ‘T. C. 40’ on the front paste- On the blank leaf a1 is a copy of the letter addressed to the magis- trates and people of Milan by the Emperor Charles V, 26 Jan. down; sale, 7 Apr. 1783, lot 1819, for »2. 0. 0. Augustus Henry Fitzroy (1735^1811), 3rd Duke of Grafton, 1783; inscription on 1526, announcing his victoryover the French king and the conclu- r sion of a peace treaty. References to the Satyrae on the recto and a2 : ‘Duke of Grafton 1783’; sale (London: Evans, [6] June, 1815), verso of the front endleaf, mainly in one humanist hand. Early lot 554, for »1. 12. 0. Samuel Weller Singer (1783^1858); Heber’s marginal notes, including comments on the text, extraction of note on the recto of the front endleaf: ‘Same copy sold at the D. key words, ‘nota’ marks, using foliage and palm-leaves as refer- of Grafton’s 554, bt. by Singer for »1^12^0. Same copy sold at ence marks, and pointing hands with very long ¢ngers.The open- Crofts 1819 »2^0^0’; not in sale 23 Apr. 1818. Richard Heber ing words of each‘satyra’are used as a running heading. (1773^1833); notes (see above); presumably Catalogue, 5 (1835), v lot 2568, although there with the date 1474 (being taken from the Provenance: Nathaniel Crynes (1686^1745); stamp on a2 : ‘N. v Crynes’;‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae’, fol. 101r: records ‘Rawl’ date of Calderinus’s commentary, printed on m1 ). Probably the for Rawlinson, apparently for both items in the volume. copy purchased for »0. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16, Bequeathed in 1745. with the date given as 1476. shelfmark: Auct. O 2.10(1). shelfmark: Auct. P 4.12. J-307 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius J-306 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). v Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). a1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] r a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ r tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ a2 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. r a3 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen, 179, with slightly variant ending. r refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen,179, with slightly variant ending. a2 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the r a3 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] v tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ r a3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum antiquius tam a graecis quam . . .’ r antiquius tam a gaecis(!) quam . . .’ a3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] r a4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de qua molestia et temporis . . .’ r qua molestia et temporis . . .’ a3 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. r a4 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. refs. Juv. v refs. Juv. n1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus r m1 [Colophon.] (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ r m2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ fuit . . .’ r Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius n2 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus fuit . . .’ Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti v m2 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus licuisset . . .’ Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio me mihi uti Venice: Baptista deTortis, 3 Aug. 1482. Folio. licuisset . . .’ collation: a^n6. Venice: Baptista deTortis, 31 Oct. 1481. Folio. collation: a^k8 l6 m10. 1598 juvenalis, decimus junius [j-307^j-309

Types: 114 R, text; 78 R, commentary, letters, etc. 78 leaves, the last Early marginal notes, including comments on the text (mainly in r blank. 58 lines of commentary surrounding the text (a3 ). Type one humanist hand), corrections to both the text and commen- r area: 224 ¿ 147 mm (a3 ). tary, with poorly inked letters written over by hand, extraction of HR 9692; Go¡ J-646; Pr 4613; BSB-Ink I-681; CIBN J-360; Oates key words,‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands. Pencil foliation: 1^ 1840; Pellechet MS. 6916 (6868); Rhodes 1055; Sack, Freiburg, 92. 2186; Sheppard 3828. Two- and four-line initials are supplied in black ink.

COPY Provenance: Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763^1829); Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf, with marbled paper shelfmark no. 327, see Catalogue (1831); purchased at his sale for boards; bound for KloÞ; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library »1. 0. 0: see Catalogue (1841), probably lot 857, and Books on both covers. Size: 320 ¿ 225 ¿ 22 mm. Size of leaf: 310 ¿ Purchased (1842), 26. 206 mm. shelfmark: Auct. Q 2.16. Some early marginal annotations, consisting mainly of ‘nota’ marks (in both black and red), and extraction of key words, also J-309 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius underlining in the text. Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). Some two-, four-, and ¢ve-line initials, paragraph marks, and a v Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] capital strokes are supplied in red. 1 Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ label; sale (1835), lot 2464; purchased for »1. 0. 0; see Books a r ‘Iuuenalis uita’. Purchased (1835), 16. 2 refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen,179, with slightly variant ending. shelfmark: Auct. P 4.2. r a2 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] v J-308 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). antiquius tam a gr×cis quam . . .’ r r a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] a3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ qua molestia et temporis . . .’ r r a3 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. a3 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen, 179, with slightly variant ending. refs. Juv. r v a3 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the l4 [Calderinus, Domitius: Critical remarks on Fidentinus tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ r a3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum fuit . . .’ r antiquius tam a gaecis(!) quam . . .’ l5 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus r a4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de licuisset . . .’ qua molestia et temporis . . .’ r Venice: Thomas de Blavis de Alexandria, 19 July 1483. Folio. a4 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. collation: a^k6 l8. refs. Juv. r HC 9694; Go¡ J-648; BMC V 317; Pr 4756; CIBN J-361; Rhodes m1 [Colophon.] r 1056; Sheppard 3813. m2 [Calderinus, Domitius: Critical remarks on Fidentinus (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ COPY ‘Iulitnum’on a v, l. 2 is here corrected to‘Iulianum’, unlike BMC. Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius 2 Binding: Early eighteenth-century English blind-tooled calfwith fuit . . .’ r gold-tooled spine, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on m Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus 2 both covers. Scars of index tabs on a and (perhaps) on a . The Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti 3 2 second halfofthe volume (encompassing more than half its thick- licuisset . . .’ ness) is made up of blank leaves. Size: 319 ¿ 224 ¿ 37 mm. Size of Milan: Leonardus Pachel and Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 16 Apr. leaf: 310 ¿ 212 mm. 1483. Folio. On a r the letter P has been supplied in error for [E]. Early mar- 8 6 3 collation: a^k l m . ginal and interlinear notes, including some comments on the Types: 110 R; 76 R. Capital spaces. 92 leaves, the ¢rst blank. 56 lines text, corrections to the text, and ‘nota’ marks; some early pen- r of commentary surrounding the text (a4 ). Type area: 216 ¿ trials on l v. r 8 135 mm (a4 ). Two- to nine-line initials are supplied in red or blue; capital H *9693; Go¡ J-647; Pr 5945; BSB-Ink I-682; Sheppard 4949. strokes in red. COPY Provenance: Thomas Rawlinson (1681^1725); sale, 16 Oct. 1727, Wanting the blank leaf a1. lot 2232, with the number on the recto of the front endleaf. Binding: Eighteenth-century Italian quarter red morocco, with Richard Rawlinson (1690^1755); ‘C & P’on the recto of the front red paper boards and marbled pastedowns; bound for endleaf; purchased at his brother’s sale. Bequeathed in 1755. Boutourlin. Size: 307 ¿ 220 ¿ 24 mm. Sizeofleaf: 300 ¿ 209 mm. shelfmark: Auct. O 2.12. j-310^j-312] juvenalis, decimus junius 1599

v J-310 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atirarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum v antiquius tam a graecis quam . . .’ a1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] r a3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ r qua molestia et temporis . . .’ a2 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. r a3 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen,179, with slightly variant ending. r refs. Juv. a2 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the r k4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] v (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum fuit . . .’ antiquius tam a Graecis quam . . .’ r r k4 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus a3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de licuisset . . .’ qua molestia et temporis . . .’ r Venice: Baptista deTortis, 30 Mar. 1485. Folio. a3 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. 6 8 refs. Juv. collation: a^i k . r HC *9697; Go¡ J-650; BMC V 324; Pr 4630; BSB-Ink I-684; l3 [Calderinus, Domitius: Critical remarks on Fidentinus (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Sheppard 3848. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius fuit . . .’ COPY r l3 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus Bound with: Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti 2. Aulus Persius Flaccus, Satyrae. Venice: Reynaldus de licuisset . . .’ Novimagio, 24 Dec. 1482 (P-139(1)); Venice: Baptista deTortis, 22 July 1483. Folio. 3. Georgius Merula, Enarrationes Satyrarum Juvenalis. Treviso: 6 Bartholomaeus Confalonerius, [not before May] 1478 collation: a^l . HC *9695; Go¡ J-649; BMC VII 1138; Pr 4620; BSB-Ink I-683; (M-201(2)). CIBN J-362; Rhodes 1057; Sack, Freiburg, 2187; Sheppard 3841. Wanting the blank leaf k8. Binding: Eighteenth-century English (c.1790) gold-tooled diced COPY russia, with marbled pastedowns, gilt-edged leaves, and the gold Bound with: stamp of the Library on both covers. Size: 304 ¿ 211 ¿ 36 mm. 2. Aulus Persius Flaccus, Satyrae. Venice: Reynaldus de Size of leaf: 294 ¿ 189 mm. Novimagio, 24 Dec.1482 (P-139(2)). Provenance: Purchased for »4. 4. 0; see Books Purchased (1789), Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-century half mottled calf with 6; not located in Pinelli, Crevenna, or MacCarthysale catalogues. marbled paper boards, gold-tooled spine, and the gold stamp of shelfmark: Auct. O 2.11(1). the Bodleian Library on both covers. The edges are blue; ‘IVVENALIS’ in an early hand across the fore-edge of both J-312 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius items. Size: 315 ¿ 226 ¿ 19 mm. Size of leaf: 303 ¿ 211mm. Early marginal and interlinear annotations, mainly in one Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). v humanist hand, including occasional corrections to the text, a1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] extraction of key words, and ‘nota’ marks. Irregular manuscript Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- foliation in black ink: 1^40. Bibliographical note by Heber on tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ v the recto of the front endleaf. a1 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. Irregular running numbers of Satyrae are supplied in black ink. refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen, 179, with slightly variant ending. v Provenance: Richard Heber (1773^1833); note (see above); pur- a1 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the chased by him for »0. 7.0, according to the price annotated in red tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] r ink in his sale catalogue, Catalogue, 5 (1835), lot 2570, sold for a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ »0. 5. 6. Perhaps the copy purchased for »0. 15. 0; see Books Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atirarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum Purchased (1835), 16. antiquius tam a graecis quam . . .’ v shelfmark: Auct. P 4.10(1). a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de qua molestia et temporis . . .’ J-311 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius v a2 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus). refs. Juv. v r a1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] k4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius r a2 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. fuit . . .’ refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen,179, with slightly variant ending. r a2 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] 1600 juvenalis, decimus junius [j-312^j-314

r 4 6 8 k4 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus collation: a b^t u . Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti HC *9704; Go¡ J-657; BMC V 477; Pr 5265; BSB-Ink I-688; CIBN licuisset . . .’ J-364; Sheppard 4343. Venice: Andreas de Paltasichis, 24 Mar. 1488. Folio. FIRST COPY collation: a^i6 k8. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf with marbled paper HR 9701; Go¡ J-653; Pr 4777; Polain 2398; Rhodes1058; Sheppard boards; bound for KloÞ; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library 3924. on both covers. Size: 315 ¿ 230 ¿ 22 mm. Size of leaf: 305 ¿

COPY 209 mm. Binding: Nineteenth-century blind-tooled calf (c.1825), bound Occasional early marginal annotations in red ink, including com- for the Bodleian; the gold stamp of the Library on both covers. ments on the text, also corrections to the text, and underlining in Size: 320 ¿ 224 ¿ 15 mm. Size of leaf: 311 ¿ 210 mm. the text in red and black ink. Copious early marginal and interlinear notes, all in one humanist Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- hand, including comments on and corrections of the text, extrac- label; sale (1835), lot 2466; purchased for »1; see Books tion of key words, underlining in the commentary,‘nota’ marks, Purchased (1835), 16. and pointing hands. shelfmark: Auct. P 4.4. Some capitals touched with yellow wash. SECOND COPY Provenance: Abbe¤ Luigi Celotti (c.1768^ c.1846); sale, 14 Feb. Not in Sheppard. Bound with A-146(3); see there for details of 1825, lot 772. Purchased for »0. 7. 0; see Books Purchased (1825), binding and provenance. 15, and note ‘purchased 1825’on the recto of the front endleaf. Sheet u4.5 only. r shelfmark: Auct. N inf. 2.13. ‘Nota’ mark and correction in black ink on u4 . v A two-line initial ‘U’ is supplied in black ink on u4 . Size of frag- ment: 301 ¿ 204 mm. J-313 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius shelfmark: Gibson 403*(7). Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus and Georgius Valla). J-314 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius r a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus and Georgius Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- Valla). tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ a r [Title-page.] r 1 a2 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. v a1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen, 179, with slightly variant ending. Julianus [I] de’Medici. Incipit:‘Domitius Iuliano Medici salutem. v a2 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] a v ‘Iuuenalis uita’. v 1 a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen,179, with slightly variant ending. Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum r a2 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’and rejecting the antiquitus(!) tam a graecis quam . . .’ tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] r a3 Valla,Georgius: [Letter addressed to] JohannesTuccius. r a2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ refs. J. L. Heiberg, Beitra« ge zur Geschichte GeorgValla’s und sei- Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum ner Bibliothek, Beihefte zum Zentralblatt fu« r Bibliothekswesen, antiquitus(!) tam a graecis quam . . .’ 16 (Leipzig, 1896), 98^103. See Sandford, ‘Juvenalis, Decimus v a2 Valla,Georgius: [Letter addressed to] JohannesTuccius. Junius’, 223^4, no. 28 (Valla). refs. See J-313. v a Valla, Georgius: [Introduction to commentary]. Incipit: r 4 a4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] ‘[I]uuenalis Satyrae intellectu obscur× a pl×risque non iniuria Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de iudicari . . .’ qua molestia et temporis . . .’ r b Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] r 1 a4 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. Incipit: ‘[E]rone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de refs. Juv., but lacking the last line of15. qua molestia et temporis . . .’ a v Valla, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae]. Incipit: r 4 b1 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. ‘‘‘Semper ego auditor tantum nunquam ne reponam.’’ Ab indig- refs. Juv. natione multi hunc orsum fuisse existimant . . .’ r b1 Valla, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae]. Incipit: r r3 Valla, Georgius: [Introduction to commentary]. Incipit: ‘‘‘Semper ego auditor tantum nunquam ne reponam.’’ Ab indig- ‘[I]uuenalis Satyrae intellectu obscur× a pl×risque non iniuria natione multi hunc orsum fuisse existimant . . .’ iudicari . . .’ r u4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus r r4 [Bugellanus], Bonifacius: ‘Ex uitis poetarum epigramma’.‘Hic (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ satyrus quondam quem Romam misit Aquinum > Iunius et Decius Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius cum Iuuenale fuit’; 6 elegiac distichs printed as prose. fuit . . .’ r r [Bugellanus], Bonifacius: ‘Epostila(!). . . de satyra’ [addressed to v 4 u4 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus Johannes] Scipio Cara, son of Petrus Cara. Incipit: ‘Satyrici Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti Iuuenalis celeberrimi uitam tibi placuisse sumopere . . .’ licuisset . . .’ v r4 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus Venice: Theodorus de Ragazonibus, 16 June 1491. Folio. (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ j-314^j-315] juvenalis, decimus junius 1601

r Medici. Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius A2 ‘Loca quaedam e plurimis uel intacta uel secus ab aliis quam fuit . . .’ Antonio Mancinello exposita’. Incipit: ‘Satyra prima. Antrum v r4 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus Vulcani. Quid agant uenti . . .’ r Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti A2 [List of corrections to Juvenalis.] r licuisset . . .’ A2 [List of corrections to Mancinellus’s commentary.] v Turin: Nicolaus de Benedictis and Jacobinus Suigus, 8 Oct. 1494. A2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] Folio. Julianus [I] de’Medici. Incipit:‘Domitius Iuliano Medici salutem. collation: a^r8. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ r HC 9707; Go¡ J-660; BMC VII 1058; Pr 7223; CIBN J-366; Oates A3 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. 2698; Sander 3728; not in Sheppard. refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen, 179, with slightly variant ending. r A3 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s‘Defensio’and rejecting the COPY tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] Wanting d . 2.7 A r Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Binding: Eighteenth-century English or Scottish sprinkled calf. 3 Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum Size: 283 ¿ 212 ¿ 37 mm. Size of leaf: 279 ¿ 200 mm. antiquitus(!) tam a graecis quam . . .’ Early marginal and interlinear notes, some in the hand of John A v Valla,Georgius: [Letter addressed to] JohannesTuccius. Smythe, including comments on the text and extraction of key 3 refs. See J-313. words, also underlining in the text in black ink, and ‘nota’ marks. A v Valla, Georgius: [Introduction to commentary]. Incipit: Early scribbles, especially on a r and on r v. 4 1 8 ‘[I]uuenalis Satyrae intellectu obscurae a plaerisque non iniuria Provenance: Sixteenth-century Scottish names: [ ] Bedocke (six- iudicari . . .’ teenth century). John Smythe (c.1550^60); inscription on r v: 8 B r [Alphabetical index.] ‘Liber Joannis Smyzthe ex dono m[agistri] Bedocke(?)’. J. Cocke 1 a r Mancinellus, Antonius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] (sixteenth century); inscription in red ink on a r: ‘Liber J. Cocke’, 1 1 Incipit: ‘[I]ndignatus poeta quod diutius auditor esset . . .’ also on r v: ‘Liber Joannis Smyzthe olim nunc Cocke’. Nicholas 8 Mancinellus’s commentary on each Satyra begins with the appro- Spender (sixteenth century); name on r v: ‘Nicolaus Spinderus 8 priate line from the ‘Argumentum’. est meus herus’. George Forrester (sixteenth century); inscription a r Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. on r v: ‘Hec Georgius Forrester mea manu et non aliena’, also 1 8 refs. Juv. ‘Decus est animus nobis vt carmina dicunt Sic tibi praecipue sit > a r Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] pura mente colendus - imi quae agitur fabula’. James 1 > Incipit: ‘Erone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de Cunninghame (sixteenth century); name on a r and on r v, 1 8 qua molestia et temporis . . .’ inscription on c v: ‘J. Cunynghame est meus herus(?)’, with a 7 a r Valla, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae]. Incipit: crude ink drawing of the coat of arms of Cunningham (a pitch- 1 ‘‘‘Semper ego auditor tantum nunquamne reponam’’. Ab indig- fork). James Deadforthe (sixteenth century); name on r v: 8 natione multi hunc orsum fuisse existimant . . .’ ‘Jhames Deadforthe’. Samuel Crausdon (sixteenth century); & r [Calderinus, Domitius: Critical remarks on Fidentinus name on a r and on r r. James Hamilton (sixteenth century); a 4 1 8 (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to Julianus [I] de’ signed note on r v.T. J.W.(£. 1918); bibliographical note dated 10 8 Medici.] Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius Apr. 1918 on a r, and signed ‘T. J.W.’ Solomon Pottesman (1904^ 1 fuit . . .’ 1978); purchased at his sale, lot 246, for »308; see ledger (1979/ & v Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus 80), no. 435. 4 Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti shelfmark: Inc. d. I27.1494.1. licuisset . . .’ J-315 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius Venice: JohannesTacuinus, deTridino, 2 Dec. 1492. Folio. collation: AB4 a^z &8. Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus, Georgius Valla HC *9709; Go¡ J-662; BMC V 527; Pr 5422; BSB-Ink I-690; and Antonius Mancinellus). Sheppard 4511. r A1 [Title-page.] COPY r A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Argumenta Satyrarum Iuuenalis’. Wanting &8, containing the colophon and register. ‘Prima docet Satyrae causas formamque libelli > Qui simulant cur- Binding: Eighteenth-century English mottled calf, with gold- ios satyra patuere secunda’; 16 hexameters, a line for each Satyra. tooled turn-ins and marbled pastedowns, rebacked with gold- v A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Praefatio’ [addressed to] Nicolaus tooled red morocco; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on Rubeus. Incipit: ‘[E]didere hactenus commentationes in both covers. Size: 315¿ 222 ¿ 27 mm. Sizeofleaf: 307 ¿ 200 mm. Iuuenalem, praesul dignissime . . .’ See Sandford, ‘Juvenalis, Early marginal and interlinear annotations, including extraction Decimus Junius’, 229^30, no. 32 (Mancinellus). of key words, and occasional comments on the text, also correc- v A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Iuuenalis commoda’. Incipit: tions to the text, and underlining in the text and commentaries in ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tantum?’’ Haec prima Iuuenalis celeber- either black or red ink. Bibliographical notes by Heber on the rimi utilissimique poetae satyra est . . .’ front endleaves. v v r A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘De satyra’. Incipit: ‘[S]atyra est car- Partial rubrication (on &4 -5 only): an eight-line initial ‘U’, para- men apud romanos maledicum et ad carpenda . . .’ graph marks, and some capital strokes are supplied in red. Provenance: Johannes Oppavinus (sixteenth century); inscrip- r r tion on A1 : ‘Magistri Joannis Oppauini sum’. Inscription on A1 1602 juvenalis, decimus junius [j-315^j-316

r in a sixteenth-century hand recording a purchase in Buda, &4 [Calderinus, Domitius: Critical remarks on Fidentinus Hungary: ‘Bude lx [ferton rather than ducats?] vngarica[ric]is (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to Julianus [I] de’ r emtus’. [ ] Reynolds (seventeenth century(?)); inscription on A1 : Medici.] Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius ‘Mr. Reynolds’. Purchased by Heber for »0.10.6, according to the fuit . . .’ v price annotated in red ink in Heber’s sale catalogue. Richard &4 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus Heber (1773^1833); note (see above); see Catalogue, 5 (1835), lot Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti 2572, sold for »0. 7. 0. Purchased for »0. 18. 0 according to Books licuisset . . .’ v Purchased (1835), 16. &7 [Colophon.] v shelfmark: Auct. P 4.8. &7 [Privilege granted to Tacuinus, signed D. Marcus Barbus, D. Franciscus Fuscherinus, D. Nicolaus Trevisanus, D. Franciscus Bernardus.] Incipit:‘[C]omparens coram serenissimo principe . . . J-316 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius Johannes deTridino aliasTacuinus librorum impressor . . .’ Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus, Georgius Valla Venice: JohannesTacuinus, deTridino, 28 Jan. 1494/5. Folio. and Antonius Mancinellus). collation: AB4 a10 b^z &8. r r A1 [Title-page.] Woodcut on A1 , showing Juvenalis and the three commentators: r A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Argumenta Satyrarum Iuuenalis’. see Essling. HC *9710; Go¡ J-663; BMC V 529; Pr 5427; BSB-Ink I-691; CIBN ‘Prima docet Satyrae causas formamque libelli > Qui simulant cur- ios satyra patuere secunda’; 16 hexameters, a line for each Satyra. J-365; Essling 784; Oates 2105; Rhodes 1060; Sack, Freiburg, v A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Praefatio’ [addressed to] Nicolaus 2188; Sander 3727; Sheppard 4520^1. Rubeus. Incipit: ‘[E]didere hactenus commentationes in FIRST COPY Iuuenalem, praesul dignissime . . .’ Gathering a, of 10 leaves, is printed in types 108R and 82RA (not refs. See J-315. as in the BL copy); gatherings b-l are a reissue of the sheets of the v A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Iuuenalis commoda’. Incipit: edition of 2 Dec. 1492, Go¡ J-662 (Bod-inc. J-315).The commen- ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tantum?’’ Haec prima Iuuenalis celeber- tary on sheet o2 is printed in type 80 R. rimi utilissimique poetae satyra est . . .’ Binding: Seventeenth-century(?) English calf. Formerly v A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘De satyra’. Incipit: ‘[S]atyra est car- chained: staple-marks of a hasp at the head of the upper cover. men apud romanos maledicum et ad carpenda . . .’ The gold stamp of the Bodleian Library is on both covers. Size: r A2 ‘Loca quaedam e plurimis uel intacta uel secus ab aliis quam 311 ¿ 219 ¿ 42 mm. Size of leaf: 305 ¿ 199 mm. Antonio Mancinello exposita’. Incipit: ‘Satyra prima. Antrum Occasional early marginal annotations, also some underlining in Vulcani. Quid agant uenti . . .’ the text and commentaries in red or black ink. Manuscripttitle on r A2 [List of corrections to Juvenalis.] the verso of the front endleaf in a seventeenth-century(?) hand. A r [List of corrections to Mancinellus’s commentary.] r 2 Provenance: Nathaniel Crynes (1686^1745); inscription on A1 : A v Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] r 2 ‘E libris Nath. Crynes’; stamp on A4 . Bequeathed in 1745. Julianus [I] de’Medici. Incipit:‘Domitius Iuliano Medici salutem. Former Bodleian shelfmark: DD 19 Art. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ shelfmark: Auct. O 2.13. r A3 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. SECOND COPY refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen, 179, with slightly variant ending. Bound with: r A3 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s‘Defensio’and rejecting the 2. Aulus Persius Flaccus, Satyrae.Venice: Johannes Tacuinus, de tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] Tridino, 14 Feb. 1494/5 (P-146(2)). r A3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Binding: Early sixteenth-century English (‘Cambridge and Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum London 1505^27’) blind-tooled calf over boards; remains of two antiquitus(!) tam a graecis quam . . .’ clasps and catches; rebacked. On both covers intersecting triple v A3 Valla, Georgius: [Letter addressed to] Johannes Tuccius. ¢llets form concentric frames.Within the outer frame is an orna- refs. See J-313. mental roll, the decorations ofwhich include a £eur-de-lis, a port- v A4 Valla, Georgius: [Introduction to commentary.] Incipit: cullis, and a rose (Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. xlvi, no. ‘[I]uuenalis Satyrae intellectu obscurae a plaerisque non iniuria 754). Triple ¢llets form the inner rectangle which is divided by iudicari . . .’ further triple ¢llets into triangular compartments, each decorated r B1 [Alphabetical index.] with a pineapple stamp (Oldham, Blind-stamped Bindings, pl. r a1 Mancinellus, Antonius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] lvii, no. 960). For the date and place see Oldham, Blind-stamped Incipit: ‘[I]ndignatus poeta quod diutius auditor esset . . .’ Bindings, 58. Size: 326 ¿ 218 ¿ 60 mm. Size of leaf: 313 ¿ Mancinellus’s commentaryon each Satyra begins with the appro- 202 mm. priate line from his hexameter ‘Argumentum’. Copious early marginal and interlinear notes, covering Satyrae, r a1 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. 1^3 and the start of 4, the ¢rst part of 8 with only some annota- refs. Juv. tions in the rest of the item. The notes, including extraction of r a1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] key words and comments on the text, are in either black or red Incipit: ‘Erone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de ink, mainly in one humanist hand (writing in black ink, perhaps qua molestia et temporis . . .’ Thomas More), also underlining in the text and commentaries in v a1 Valla, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae]. Incipit: either red or black ink, and pointing hands. ‘‘‘Semper ego auditor tantum nunquamne reponam’’. Ab indig- natione multi hunc orsum fuisse existimant . . .’ j-316^j-318] juvenalis, decimus junius 1603

r Provenance: Cancelled inscription on A1 . Thomas More (six- Medici.] Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius r teenth century); name on A1 : ‘Thomas Morus’. [ ] Wason (six- fuit . . .’ r r teenth century); name on A1 : ‘Wasonus’. [ ] Bolton (sixteenth &3 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus r century); name on A1 : ‘Boltonus’. Henry St John Digby Raikes Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti (1863^1943), 1892; inscription on the front pastedown: ‘Henry licuisset . . .’ Raikes, Llwynegryn Hall. March 4th 92’. Menno Hertzberger, Nuremberg: Anton Koberger, 6 Dec. 1497. Folio. catalogue 144, no. 27. Purchased in 1949 from Hertzberger; collation: A a^z8 &6. v stamp on A1 dated 6 July. HC *9711; Go¡ J-664; BMC II 443; Pr 2116; BSB-Ink I-693; CIBN shelfmark: Inc. c. I4.1494.1(1). J-368; Oates1048; Sack, Freiburg, 2189; Sheppard 1548.

COPY J-317 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius Binding: Contemporary German blind-tooled half pigskin over Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus, Georgius Valla wooden boards, with one metal clasp and catch, and remains of and Antonius Mancinellus). a second; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. r On both covers triple ¢llets form a rectangular compartment con- A1 [Title-page.] r taining merrythoughts, made up from headed-outline tools, each A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Argumenta Satyrarum Iuuenalis’. containing a £euron. Remains of a paper manuscript label at the ‘Prima docet Satyrae causas formamque libelli > Qui simulant cur- ios satyra patuere secunda’; 16 hexameters, a line for each Satyra. head of the spine; ‘Iuuenalis’ along the upper edge. Size: 314 ¿ v 224 ¿ 53 mm. Size of leaf: 301 ¿ 208 mm. A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Praefatio’ [addressed to] Nicolaus Rubeus. Incipit: ‘[E]didere hactenus commentationes in Early marginal and interlinear notes, and corrections to the text Iuuenalem, presul dignissime . . .’ in Satyra, 6; some corrections and underlining in black ink A v Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Iuuenalis commoda’. Incipit: thereafter. 1 r ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tantum?’’ Haec prima Iuuenalis celeber- On a1 a four-line initial ‘S’ in the form of a dragon drawn in black rimi utilissimique poetae satyra est . . .’ ink and coloured in green wash. A v Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘De satyra’. Incipit: ‘[S]atyra est car- Provenance: Regensburg, Bavaria, Jesuits; inscription in a 1 r men apud romanos maledicum et ad carpenda . . .’ seventeenth-century(?) hand on A1 : ‘Collegii Societatis Jesu r Ratispon×’. Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- A2 ‘Loca quedam e plurimis vel intacta vel secus ab aliis quam Antonio Mancinello exposita’. Incipit: ‘Satyra prima. Antrum label; sale (1835), lot 2468; purchased for »0. 19. 0; see Books Vulcani. Quid agant venti . . .’ Purchased (1835), 16. r shelfmark: Auct. P 4.13. A2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] Julianus [I] de’Medici. Incipit:‘Domitius Iuliano Medici salutem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, virtute tua . . .’ J-318 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius v A2 ‘Iuuenalis vita’. Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus, Georgius Valla refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen,179, with slightly variant ending. and Georgius Merula). A v [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s‘Defensio’and rejecting the 2 AA r [Title-page.] tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] 1 AA v Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] A v Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ 1 2 Julianus [I] de’Medici. Incipit:‘Domitius Iuliano Medici salutem. Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ antiquitus(!) tam a graecis quam . . .’ AA v ‘Iuuenalis vita’. A r Valla,Georgius: [Letter addressed to] JohannesTuccius. 1 3 refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen, 179, with slightly variant ending. refs. See J-313. AA v [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s ‘Defensio’ and rejecting A r Valla, Georgius: [Introduction to commentary.] Incipit: 1 4 the tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] ‘[I]uuenalia(!) Satyrae intellectu obscurae a plerisque non iniuria AA r Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ iudicari . . .’ 2 Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum A r [Alphabetical index.] 5 antiquitus(!) tam a graecis quam . . .’ a r Mancinellus, Antonius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] 1 AA r Merula, Georgius: [Letter addressed to] Federicus de Incipit: ‘[I]ndignatus poeta quod diutius auditor esset . . .’ 2 Montefeltro, duke of Urbino. Incipit: ‘[S]i in enarrandis poetis Mancinellus’s commentary on each Satyra begins with a section quorum eruditio multiplex uaria . . .’ See Sandford, ‘Juvenalis, entitled ‘Argumentum’. Decimus Junius’, 221^3, no. 27 (Merula). a r Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. 1 AA r [Merula, Georgius?]: ‘Nec tamen caetera speuerit(!) lector refs. Juv. 3 poetae vita’. Incipit:‘[I]uuenalis satyrum scriptor illustris aquinas a r Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] 1 fuisse magis ex eo . . .’ Incipit: ‘Erone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de AA r [Merula, Georgius?]: ‘De satyrica fabula duabus satyris’. qua molestia et temporis . . .’ 3 Incipit:‘[S]atyrica primum apud graecos ut ueteres scriptores tra- a v Valla, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae]. Incipit: 1 dunt fabula fuit . . .’ ‘‘‘Semper ego auditor tantum nunquamne reponam.’’Ab indigna- AA v Valla, Georgius: [Letter addressed to] Johannes Tuccius. tione multi hunc orsum fuisse existimant . . .’ 3 r refs. See J-313. &3 [Calderinus, Domitius: Critical remarks on Fidentinus (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to Julianus [I] de’ 1604 juvenalis, decimus junius [j-318^j-319

v v AA4 Valla, Georgius: [Introduction to commentary.] Incipit: A2 [List of corrections to Mancinellus’s commentary.] r ‘[I]uuenalis Satyrae intellectu obscurae a plaerisque non iniuria A3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Introductory letter addressed to] iudicari . . .’ Julianus [I] de’ Medici. Incipit: ‘[D]omitius Iuliano Medici salu- r aa1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] tem. Etsi multa de prudentia, humanitate, uirtute tua . . .’ v Incipit: ‘Erone semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de A3 ‘Iuuenalis uita’. qua molestia et temporis . . .’ refs. Saturae, ed. Clausen,179, with slightly variant ending. r v aa1 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. A3 [Two notes referring to Calderinus’s‘Defensio’and rejecting the refs. Juv. tradition dividing the Satyrae into books; cf. J-323^J-329.] r v aa1 Merula, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] A3 Calderinus, Domitius: [Preface addressed to] Julianus [I] de’ Incipit: ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor.’’ Causas hic primum reddit cur Medici. Incipit: ‘[S]atyrarum genera duo agnoscimus alterum relicta frequenti poetarum . . .’ antiquitus(!) tam a graecis quam . . .’ r r aa1 Valla, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae]. Incipit: A4 Merula, Georgius: [Letter addressed to] Federicus de ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tantum nunquamne reponam.’’Ab indig- Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino. Incipit: ‘[S]i in enarrandis poetis natione multi hunc orsum fuisse existimant . . .’ quorum eruditio multiplex uaria . . .’ v v &&1 [Calderinus, Domitius: Critical remarks on Fidentinus A4 [Merula, Georgius?]: ‘Nec tamen caetera spreuerit lector poe- (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to Julianus [I] de’ tae vita’. Incipit: ‘[I]uuenalis satyrum scriptor illustris aquinas Medici.] Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius fuisse magis ex eo . . .’ v fuit . . .’ A4 [Merula, Georgius?]: ‘De satyra fabula duabus satyris’. Incipit: v &&1 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum ‘[S]atyrica primum apud graecos ut ueteres scriptores tradunt [Nicolaus Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio fabula fuit . . .’ r meo mihi uti licuisset . . .’ A5 Valla,Georgius: [Letter addressed to] JohannesTuccius. refs. See J-313. Venice: Simon Bevilaqua, [c.1496^7]. Folio. r collation: AA4 aa^zz6 &&4. A6 Valla, Georgius: [Introduction to commentary.] Incipit: HC *9712; Go¡ J-665; BMC V 521; Pr 5410; BSB-Ink I-692; Oates ‘[I]uuenalis Satyrae intellectu obscurae a plaerisque non iniuria iudicari . . .’ 2099; Rhodes 1061; Sheppard 4476. v A6 ‘Tabula’. COPY r a1 Mancinellus, Antonius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf with marbled paper Incipit: ‘[I]ndignatus poeta quod diutius auditor esset . . .’ boards; bound for KloÞ; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library Mancinellus’s commentary on each Satyra begins with a section on both covers. Size: 318 ¿ 220 ¿ 23 mm. Size of leaf: 310 ¿ entitled ‘Argumentum’. 198 mm. r a1 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. Early marginal and interlinear annotations, mostly in Scheurl’s refs. Juv. hand (see below), also pointing hands. Early manuscript title r a1 Calderinus, Domitius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] across the fore-edge, with‘181’also along the lower edge. Incipit: ‘[E]go ne semper auditor scilicet alienorum carminum de Provenance: Christoph Scheurl (1481^1542); inscription on r qua molestia et temporis . . .’ AA1 : ‘Iste liber est mei Christoferi Schewrli Nurenb[ergensis] v a1 Merula, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] qui valet Bon[onie] bon[oninorum] 20 et ligaturam bon[oni- Incipit: ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor.’’ Causas hic primum reddit cur norum] 8 anno domini 1499’; see Wagner 75^6. Georg Franz relicta frequenti(!) poetarum . . .’ Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2467; v a1 Valla, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae]. Incipit: purchased for »0. 19.0; see Books Purchased (1835). 16. ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tantum nunquamne reponam.’’Ab indig- shelfmark: Auct. P 4.3. natione multi hunc orsum fuisse existimant . . .’ r k2 Calderinus, Domitius: [Critical remarks on Fidentinus J-319 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius (Angelus Cneus Sabinus). Letter addressed to Julianus [I] de’ Medici.] Incipit: ‘[N]ihil mihi in toto opere per¢ciendo molestius Satyrae (comm. Domitius Calderinus, Georgius Valla, fuit . . .’ v Antonius Mancinellus and Georgius Merula). k2 Calderinus, Domitius: Defensio adversus Brotheum [Nicolaus r Perottus]. Incipit: ‘[U]tinam Heli et Marce consilio meo mihi uti A1 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Argumenta Satyrarum Iuuenalis’. ‘Prima docet Satyrae causas formamque libelli Qui simulant cur- licuisset . . .’ > v ios satyra patuere secunda’; 16 hexameters, a line for each Satyra. k5 [Colophon.] r v [Privilege granted to Tacuinus, signed D. Marcus Barbus, D. A2 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Praefatio’ [addressed to] Nicolaus k5 Rubeus. Incipit: ‘[E]didere hactenus commentationes in Franciscus Fuscherinus, D. Nicolaus Trevisanus, D. Franciscus Iuuenalem, praesul dignissime . . .’ Bernardus.] Incipit:‘[C]omparens coram serenissimo principe . . . r Joannes deTridino aliasTacuinus librorum impressor . . .’ A2 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Iuuenalis commoda’. Incipit: ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tantum?’’ Haec prima Iuuenalis celeber- Venice: JohannesTacuinus deTridino, 24 July 1498. Folio. rimi utilissimique poetae satyra est . . .’ collation: AB6 a^z & m8 k6. r r A2 Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘De satyra’. Incipit: ‘[S]atyra est car- Essling notes that the woodcut on A1 is a reprint of that in men apud romanos maledicum et ad carpenda . . .’ Tacuinus’s edition of 28 Jan. 1494; however, the woodcut in this v A2 ‘Loca quedam e plurimis uel intacta uel secus ab aliis quam copy of the edition of 24 July 1498 contains the names of four Antonio Mancinello exposita’. Incipit: ‘Satyra prima. Antrum commentators, rather than those of three commentators and Vulcani. Quid agant uenti . . .’ Juvenalis. j-319^j-321] juvenalis, decimus junius 1605

r H *9714; Go¡ J-666; BMC V 533; Pr 5453; BSB-Ink I-694; CIBN Woodcut on [*1 ] showing Juvenal and the two commentators: see J-369; Essling 785; Sander 3729; Sheppard 4542. Claudin.

COPY HC 9716; Go¡ J-656; BMC VIII 329; Pr 8674; CIBN J-370; Claudin IV 246; Oates 3241^2; Renouard, Badius, II 535^7; Rhodes 1062; Leaf A1 backed. Binding: Nineteenth-century(?) cream paper boards; the gold Sack, Freiburg, 2190; Sheppard 6725. stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 305 ¿ 222 ¿ COPY 31 mm. Size of leaf: 301 ¿ 202 mm. Bound with: Copious early marginal and interlinear notes, some in red ink, 2. Aulus Persius Flaccus, Satyrae. Lyons: Nicolaus Wolf, 27 Jan.? including comments on and corrections to the text, extraction of 1499 (P-148(1)). key words, also ‘nota’ marks, pointing hands, and underlining in Wanting gatherings [*] and Aa. the text and commentaries in either red or black ink. Binding: Eighteenth-century(?) English blind-tooled calf. Upper r Provenance: Melchior Hacker (£. 1637); inscription on A1 : ‘Ex cover very loose. Size: 252 ¿ 172 ¿ 50 mm. Size of leaf: 242 ¿ donatione domini Melchioris Hakeri senatoris Seehusensis ego 162 mm. [cancellation] possideo anno 1637 mense Januario’. Georg Franz Some early marginal annotations, including ‘nota’ marks, also Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; sale (1835), lot 2469; some underlining in the text and commentaries in black ink, purchased for »1. 0. 0; see Books Purchased (1835). 16. stars and other marks, and scribbles in pencil and black ink; simi- shelfmark: Auct. P 4.9. lar types of annotation in item 2. Bibliographical notes by Heber on the front pastedown and front endleaf. Provenance: Thomas Heath (1705?-1759); armorial book-plate J-320 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius (Howe, Book Plates, 14351). Michael Wodhull (1740^1816); sale, Satyrae (comm. Antonius Mancinellus and Jodocus Heber’s note on Heath’s book-plate: ‘Mr Wodhull’s sale 2.6’; not Badius Ascensius). identi¢ed in Wodhull’s sales of 1801 or 1803. Purchased by Heber r for »0. 1. 3, according to the price annotated in red ink in Heber’s [*1 ] [Title-page.] r sale catalogue. Richard Heber (1773^1833); notes (see above); see [*1 ] Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Argumenta Satyrarum Iuuenalis’. Catalogue,5 (1835), lot 2465, sold for »0.5.0. Purchased for »0.10. ‘Prima docet Satyre causas formamque libelli > Qui simulant cur- 6; see Books Purchased (1841), 23. ios satyra patuere secunda’; 16 hexameters, a line for each Satyra. v shelfmark: Auct. Q 5.4(1). [*1 ] Badius Ascensius, Jodocus: [Letter addressed to] Henricus Valluphinus. J-321 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius refs. Renouard, Badius, II 536^7; see Sandford, ‘Juvenalis, Decimus Junius’, 230^1, no. 33 (Badius). Satyrae (comm. Georgius Valla). r r [*2 ] Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Prefatio’ [addressed to] Nicolaus a2 Valla, Georgius: [Letter addressed to] Johannes Tuccius. Rubeus. Incipit: ‘[E]didere hactenus commentationes in refs. See J-313. v Iuuenalem, presul dignissime . . .’ a3 Valla,Georgius: [Introduction to commentary.] ‘Prohoemium’. r [*2 ] Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘Iuuenals(!) commoda’. Incipit: Incipit: ‘[I]uuenalis Satyrae intellectu obscurae a plaerisque non ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tantum?’’ Hec prima Iuuenalis celeber- iniuria iudicari . . .’ r rimi vtilissimique poete satyra est . . .’ a4 Valla, Georgius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae]. Incipit: v [*2 ] [Badius] Ascensius, [Jodocus]: ‘Iuuenalis vita’. Incipit:‘[D]ecii ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tantum nunquamne reponam.’’Ab indig- Iunii Iuuenalis vita non satis integra ¢de a Probo narratur . . .’ natione multi hunc orsum fuisse existimant . . .’ v r [*2 ] Mancinellus, Antonius: ‘De satyra’. Incipit: ‘[S]atyra est car- a4 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. men apud romanos maledicum et ad carpenda . . .’ refs. Juv. v [*2 ] ‘Loca quedam e plurimis vel intacta vel secus ab aliis quam Venice: Antonius de Strata, de Cremona, 8 Nov. 1486. Folio. Antonio Mancinello exposita’. Incipit: ‘Satyra prima. Antrum collation: a b8 c^k6.8 l m8. Vulcani. Quid agant venti . . .’ HC *9703; Go¡ J-655; BMC V 294; Pr 4591; BSB-Ink I-685; Oates r Aa1 ‘Tabula alphabetica’. 1831; Sheppard 3708. r a1 Mancinellus, Antonius: [Commentary on Juvenalis, Satyrae.] COPY Incipit: ‘[I]ndignatus poeta quod diutius auditor esset . . .’ Binding: Sixteenth-century pasteboards. Size: 338 ¿ 238 ¿ Mancinellus’s commentary on each Satyra begins with a section 22 mm. Size of leaf: 326 ¿ 224 mm. entitled ‘Argumentum’. Occasional marginal pen-trials. a r Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. 1 Provenance: Baptista Feris (À1497); inscription on a v: ‘Ex libris refs. Juv. 1 reuerendi patris nostri magistri Baptiste Fe[ris] sacre theologie a v Badius Ascensius, Jodocus: [Commentary on Juvenalis, 1 professoris qui die 27 Martii 1497 obiit’. Giuseppe [ ], seventeenth Satyrae.] Incipit: ‘‘‘[S]emper ego auditor tanquam.’’ Quattuor in century(?); cancelled inscription on the recto of the front endleaf. hac satyra prosequitur poeta . . .’ Small rectangular paper label at the head of the upper cover on B r Badius Ascensius, Jodocus: ‘Ad litterarie militie tirunculum’ 8 the left-hand side bearing the number ‘531’ in red ink. Purchased [addressed to the reader.] for »3. 3. 0; see Books Purchased (1858), 59. refs. Renouard, Badius, II 537. shelfmark: Auct. 3Q 5.15. [Lyons]: Nicolaus Wolf, for EŁ tienne Gueynard, 18 [i.e., 20?] Nov. 1498. 4o. collation: [*2] Aa4 a^z8 A6 B8. 1606 juvenalis, decimus junius [j-322^j-325

J-322 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius Occasional two-line initials are supplied in faded black ink. Satyrae, et al. Provenance: Ma¡eo Pinelli (1735^1785); see Morelli (1787), II no. r 4637; sale (1789), lot 9539(?); according to the annotated sale [a2 ] [Juvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae.] catalogue, purchased by [Thomas] Pownall (1722^1805) for »11. refs. Juv. r 11. 0. Purchased for »12. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1790), 8. [h1 ] Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. shelfmark: Auct. O 2.7. refs. Pers. See D. M. Robathan and others,‘A. Persius Flaccus’, CTC 5 (1984), 287^403. J-324 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius o [Rome: Ulrich Han, c.1478]. Folio and 4 . As dated by CIBN; Satyrae, et al. BSB-Ink dates [c.1473^5], Sheppard [c.1475]. r collation: [a^e8 f g6 h10]. [a2 ] [Argumentum.] ‘Materiam et causam Satyrarum hic inspice r prima(!)’; each Satyra is preceded by a short hexameter ‘argumen- Type: 103 R, mixed with 125 G. 62 leaves. 38 lines ([a3 ]). Type area: r tum’. 193 ¿ 101 mm ([a3 ]). r H *9675; Pr 3367; BSB-Ink I-677; CIBN J-355; Morgan, Persius,12; [a2 ] Juvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae. refs. Juv.The Satyrae are here divided into four books. Pellechet MS. 6902 (6855); Sheppard 2686. r [i1 ] [Argumentum.] ‘Persius hac uanos conatur carpere uates’; each COPY Satyra is preceded by a short hexameter ‘argumentum’. Bound with: r [i1 ] Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. 1. Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, Vitae XII Caesarum. Bologna: refs. Pers. In this edition the Satyrae follow the Choliambi. Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis, 23 Feb. 1488 (S-343). Milan: Antonius Zarotus, 1474. 4o. Wanting the blank leaf [a1], also [a2], and the last gathering [h] 8 4 10+1 containing the text of Persius. collation: [a^g h i ]. o HC 9680; Go¡ J-636; BMC VI 712; Pr 5785; CIBN J-351; Morgan, The ¢rst gathering is 4 . [g5^6] heavily repaired. Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled half calf, rebacked, Persius, 9; Sheppard 4836. with Buntpapier over paper boards. Size: 292 ¿ 203 ¿ 34 mm. COPY Size of leaf: 282 ¿ 193 mm. Binding: Nineteenth-century English blind-tooled diced russia, Early marginal and interlinear annotations, including correc- bound for the Bodleian Library; the gold stamp of the Library tions to the text, ‘nota’ marks, and pointing hands; headings of on both covers. Upper cover loose. Size: 284 ¿ 203 ¿ 21 mm. ‘satyra’are supplied in black ink. Bibliographical notes by Heber Size of leaf: 277 ¿ 191 mm. on both pastedowns, and on the verso of the rear endleaf. Early marginal annotations, including comments on the text, Provenance: Richard Heber (1773^1833); see Catalogue,6 (1835), extraction of key words, occasional corrections to the text,‘nota’ lot 2176, sold for »1. 14. 0. Purchased for »1. 11. 6; see Books marks, underlining in the text, and pointing hands. r Purchased (1841), 37, and pencil note giving the price on the Partial rubrication: on [a2 ] a ¢ve-line initial‘S’ is supplied in blue, r recto of the front endleaf of item1. with extensions into the inner margin; on [a7 ] a two-line initial shelfmark: Auct. Q 2.28(2). ‘Q’ is supplied in red. Provenance: Purchased for »12. 12. 0; see Books Purchased (1804), 1. J-323 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius shelfmark: Auct. O 2.8. Satyrae, et al. r J-325 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius [a1 ] Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. refs. Juv., with 15 and 16 inverted. Book I is announced, but no Satyrae, et al. r other book is mentioned. The ¢rst ‘satyra’ends with a hexameter a1 [Argumentum.] ‘Materiam et causam Satyrarum hic inspice argumentum for the second ‘satyra’, the only argumentum in this prima(!)’; each Satyra is preceded by a short hexameter ‘argumen- edition. tum’. r r [h1 ] Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. a1 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae. refs. Pers. In this edition the Satyrae follow the Choliambi, refs. Juv.The Satyrae are here divided into four books. r which is recorded as being ‘satyra prima’. h1 [Argumentum.] ‘Persius hac uanos conatur carpere uates’; each Brescia: [Georgius de Augusta] for Petrus Villa, 20 July 1473. Satyra is preceded by a short hexameter ‘argumentum’. r Folio. h1 Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. collation: [a^e8 f g6 h10]. refs. Pers. In this edition the Satyrae follow the Choliambi. H 9678; BMC VII 961; Pr 6941; CIBN J-349; Morgan, Persius, 5; [Milan]: Philippus de Lavagnia, 23 Oct. 1476. Folio. Sheppard 5726; Veneziani, Brescia, 2. collation: a^g8 h10 [i2]. COPY HR 9682 = H 9663; Go¡ J-631 = Supplement, J-636a; BMC XII 50;

Wanting the blank leaf [h10]. Pr 5852; CIBN J-354; Morgan, Persius, 13; Sheppard 4811. Binding: Eighteenth-century gold-tooled russia with gilt-edged COPY leaves, marbled pastedowns, and the gold stamp of the Bodleian A ¢nal unsigned gatheringof two leaves, omitted in Reichling and r Library on both covers; perhaps bound by Roger Payne (À1797). BMC, contains ([i1 ]) the register, headed: ‘PRINCIPIA Size: 312 ¿ 212 ¿ 21 mm. Size of leaf: 304 ¿ 200 mm. CARTARVM PRIMI QVATER- NIONIS.’Leaf [i2] blank. r > Some early interlinear corrections. On [c7 ], Juv.7. 52 ‘chacheios’ (cacoethes) is supplied in a ¢fteenth-century hand. j-325^j-328] juvenalis, decimus junius 1607

Binding: Nineteenth-century gold- and blind-tooled blue mo- 4/8 (Wiesbaden, 1984), CLM 28457, fol. 81v, but not ascribed rocco with marbled pastedowns, perhaps bound for Boutourlin. there to Erhardus. r Size: 257 ¿ 183 ¿ 19 mm. Size of leaf: 250 ¿ 175 mm. [g1 ] [Argumentum.] ‘Persius hac uanos conatur carpere uates’; each Early marginal and interlinear annotations, some in red ink, Satyra is preceded by a short hexameter ‘argumentum’. r including comments on and corrections to the text,‘nota’ marks, [g1 ] Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. and pointing hands, also corrections to the text supplied in ink refs. Pers. In this edition the Satyrae follow the Choliambi, here over erasures. entitled ‘Prologus’. Some two- to seven-line initials are supplied in red ink. [Paris: Michael Friburger, Ulrich Gering and Martin Crantz, not Provenance: Raphael, of San Taddeo, near Faenza; a sixteenth- before June 1472]. Folio and 4o. v ~ century(?) inscription on [i2 ]: ‘Meus Raphaelis s Thaddei’. collation: [a^e10 f g12]. Marradi, Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Vallombrosan monastery, 74 leaves, 62 and 74 blank. r S. Reparata, 1677; inscription on a1 : ‘Ex libris Reparatis 1677’. H 9674; BMC VIII 6 (II); Pr 7833 (II); Claudin, First Paris Press, p. Dimitrij Petrovich, Count Boutourlin (1763^1829); armorial xvii; Morgan, Persius, 4; Rhodes 1051; Sheppard 6073^4. book-plate and shelfmark no. 149; see Catalogue (1831); pur- chased at his sale for »2. 0. 0: see Catalogue (1839), lot 1085, and COPY Wanting the blank leaf [g ]. Wanting the verses of Erhard Books Purchased (1840), 18. 12 Windsberg, which in some copies follow the colophon. shelfmark: Auct. Q 4.3. Sheets [e2^4], and all of gathering [f] are folio, the rest quarto. r v Leaf [a1 ]: ‘Decimi Iunii Iuuenalis Satyraa liber primu|’. [f11 ], J-326 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius penultimate line:‘. . . & auctor!’ (not as Claudin). Satyrae, et al. Binding: Nineteenth-century gold-tooled dark green morocco, r with the crest of Coke, Earls of Leicester. Size: 246 ¿ 179 ¿ a2 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. refs. Juv. Book I is announced, but no other book is mentioned. 18 mm. Size of leaf: 238 ¿ 157 mm. r Some early annotations, including comments and corrections to i5 Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. the text,‘nota’ marks, and underlining in the text. refs. Pers. In this edition the Satyrae follow the Choliambi, here r entitled ‘Prologus’. On [a1 ] a three-line French initial ‘S’ is supplied in gold on a ground of blue and pink decorated in grey and white, with a £oral Milan: Alexander Minutianus, [c.1498]. Folio. Sheppard dates and foliate border in the inner margin in gold, red, blue, green, [c.1500]. pink, and black; and on [g r] a three-line French initial ‘N’ is sup- collation: a^i6 k8. 1 r plied in gold on a ground and with aborder as above; otherone- to Type:111R.Woodcut initial on a2 . Capital spaces.62 leaves.38 lines r r three-line initials and paragraph marks supplied in red or blue. (a3 ).Type area: 218 ¿ 92 mm (a3 ). Provenance: Holkham Hall, Norfolk, Earls of Leicester; shelf- R 578; Go¡ J-641; Pr 6080; not identi¢ed in Morgan, Persius; mark written in pencil on inside of upper cover: shelfmark Sheppard 5043. ‘D.2.B.18’on the recto of the front endleaf. Purchased in 1953. COPY shelfmark: Holk. d.36. Wanting the (presumably) blank leaves a1 and k8. Binding: Nineteenth-century russia, blind-tooled with the arms of Spencer-Churchill, and with marbled pastedowns and gilt- J-328 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius edged leaves. Upper cover detached. Size: 309 ¿ 215 ¿ 15 mm. Satyrae, et al. Size of leaf: 301 ¿ 202 mm. r [a2 ] Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. Provenance: George Spencer-Churchill (1766^1840), 5th Duke refs. Juv. Book I is announced, but no other book is mentioned. of Marlborough; arms on binding; sale of White Knights r [i1 ] Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. Library (7 June 1819), lot 2376. Purchased for »4. 4. 0; see Books refs. Pers. In this edition the Satyrae follow the Choliambi, here Purchased (1841), 23. entitled ‘Satyra prima’. shelfmark: Auct. Q 2.20. [Venice:Vindelinus de Spira, after 1Aug. 1471]. 4o. On the date see C. F. Bu« hler, ‘The Earliest Editions of Juvenal’, Studies in the J-327 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius Renaissance, 2 (1955), 84^95, repr. in C. F. Bu« hler, Early Books Satyrae, et al. and Manuscripts ([NewYork],1973), 223^35, at 234^5. 8 6 r collation: [a^g h^k ]. [a1 ] [Argumentum.] ‘Materiam et causam Satyrarum hic inspice prima(!)’; each Satyra is preceded by a short hexameter ‘argumen- H 9673; Go¡ J-633; BMC V 164; Pr 4059; Morgan, Persius, 3; tum’. Sheppard 3209^10. r [a1 ] Juvenalis, Decimus Junius: Satyrae. FIRST COPY refs. Juv. with 15 and 16 inverted. The Satyrae are here divided Binding: Eighteenth-century English gold-tooled red morocco, into ¢ve books. with marbled pastedowns, bound for Lord Harley by v [f11 ] Erhardus [Windsberg]: [Verse addressed to] Juvenalis.‘Ecce, Christopher Chapman. On both covers triple ¢llets form an parens satyrarum, princeps eliconis et auctor > In prauos mittens outer frame, within which is a £oral roll (cf. Nixon, ‘Harleian tela seuera notae’; 1 elegiac distich.These two lines are also noted Bindings’, pl. 13). Triple ¢llets form an inner frame within which in Gu« nter Glauche, Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der is an ornamental roll (Nixon, ‘Harleian Bindings’, pl. 14, Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, Mu« nchen: Clm 28255^28460, Chapman roll no. 1). On both covers the ornamental centre- Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Bibliothecae Monacensis, piece consists of Nixon, ‘Harleian Bindings’, pl. 15, nos 1a, 1b, 5, 1608 juvenalis, decimus junius [j-328^j-329

14a,14b, and16, with a small star stamp and a small circularorna- refs. Pers. In this edition the Satyrae follow the Choliambi, here mental stamp; many of these stamps are also illustrated in entitled ‘Satyra prima’. Oldham, Shrewsbury School Bindings, pl. xxxiii, I.v.12.The spine [Venice: Vindelinus de Spira, after 1 Aug. 1472]. 4o. As dated by is decorated with Nixon,‘Harleian Bindings’, pl. 15, nos 3 and 8. CIBN; BSB-Ink and Sheppard date [1473]. The turn-ins are decorated with Nixon, ‘Harleian Bindings’, pl. collation: [a^g8 h^k6]. 14, Chapman roll no. 2. Size: 292 ¿ 209 ¿ 31 mm. Size of HR 9672; Go¡ J-632; BMC V 164; Pr 4058; BSB-Ink I-676; CIBN leaf: 279 ¿ 192 mm. J-346; Morgan, Persius, 2; Sheppard 3229^31. Early marginal (and, in the Persius, interlinear) annotations, including comments on and corrections to the text,‘nota’ marks, FIRST COPY Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf with marbled paper and pointing hands. On [h v] in a ¢fteenth-century hand a vita of 6 boards; bound for KloÞ; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library Persius, incipit:‘Aulus Persius FlaccusTuscus fuit genereque clar- on both covers Size: 287 ¿ 217 ¿ 27 mm. Size of leaf: 277 ¿ issimus natus . . .’ 201 mm. On [a r] a German seven-line initial ‘S’ is supplied in green scrol- 2 Copious early marginal and interlinear notes, mainly synonyms, ling acanthus leaf on a grey ground with gold foliate decoration, but including comments on the text, ‘nota’ marks, and pointing and within a frame of pink, red, and gold, with foliate extensions hands. into the margins in blue, green, pink, red, yellow, and grey; sus- One- to seven-line initials are supplied in red or blue. pended from one piece of foliage is a scroll in yellow and grey, Provenance: Georg Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book- edged in red, containing a device in black resembling a chess label; sale (1835), lot 2462; purchased for »6. 0. 0; see Books pawn. Other one- to three-line initials, some with extensions into Purchased (1835), 16. the margins, and paragraph marks (in the Persius only) are sup- shelfmark: Auct. P 4.5. plied in red. Early manuscript title on the lower edge in black ink. Provenance: Johannes Storch (£. c.1500); inscription on [a r]: SECOND COPY 1 Wanting [a ], and the blank leaves [a ] and [k ]. ‘Sum Joannis Storch’. Bamberg, Bavaria, Dominicans(?); partly 8 1 6 Binding: Half sheep over wooden boards; the gold stamp of the erased inscription on [a r]: ‘Ex bibliotheca f[ratrum] p[re]d[ica- 2 Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 282 ¿ 191 ¿ 31mm. Sizeof torum] apud c[iuitatem] B[ambergensem] 1646’. Edward, Lord leaf: 271 ¿ 179 mm. Harley, later 2nd Earl of Oxford (1689^1741); evidence of binding Early marginal annotations in the Juvenal in red ink in one (in ‘Harleian style’); upper corner of the front endleaf cut o¡; humanist hand (perhaps that of Vespucius, see below), including bought by Thomas Osborne; see Catalogus Bibliothecae extraction of key words, occasional corrections to the text in Harleianae, I, no. 4005. Ralph Palmer (eighteenth-century); lar- black ink, and pointing hands. On [k v] a proverb in a ¢fteenth- gely erased inscription on the recto of the front endleaf: 5 century hand: ‘Nullum numen abest si sit prudentia sed nos Te ‘Bibliotheca Palmeriana’. Ralph Verney, 2nd Earl Verney (1712?- > facimus fortuna deam celoque locamus’ (Walther, Proverbia, 1791); damaged armorial book-plate (Howe, Book Plates, 30323). 19039). Purchased for »7.7.0; see Books Purchased (1786), 1. On [a r] a seven-line initial ‘S’ is supplied in blue within a red pen- shelfmark: Auct. L 2.28. 2 work frame, and with red and blue pen-work forming reserved SECOND COPY white decoration within the body of the letter; other one- to Binding: Nineteenth-century calf; the gold stamp of the three-line initials supplied in red or blue; capitals touched with Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 293 ¿ 213 ¿ 25 mm. Size yellow wash. of leaf: 282 ¿ 193 mm. Provenance: Italy (¢fteenth century); ascribed to Georgius Early marginal and interlinear annotations, including correc- Antonius Vespucius (c.1434^1514) in a later inscription on [a v], tions to the text (some over erasures),‘nota’ marks, and pointing 1 suggesting that the notes are in the same hand as one seen in the hands, also occasional pen-trials. On the last endleaf an unread Laurenziana: ‘Le postille sono di mano del Vespucci uomo illus- note in a ¢fteenth-century hand, and another note, on the Greek tre che poi si fece religioso domenicano. Il carattere e' confrontato general Miltiades, ‘Miltiades Cimonis ¢lius Atheniensis cum con quello del medesimo esistente nella Biblioteca Laurenziana antiquitate . . .’ di Firenze’; this attribution is rejected by Albinia de la Mare. On [a r] a woodcut border of white vine-scrolling, and, in the 2 Bernardus de Medicis (¢fteenth/sixteenth century). Bibbiena, lower margin, an empty shield with a putto and a rabbit on each Dominicans; ¢fteenth/sixteenth century inscription on [a r]: side, painted in maroon, blue, green, and gold; a seven-line initial 2 ‘Conuentus sancte Marie de Saxo ex ereditate Bernardi de ‘S’ is supplied in gold on a blue ground, with reserved white dec- Medicis’. Purchased for »6. 6. 0; see Books Purchased (1834),16. oration de¢ned in maroon and green within the body of the letter; shelfmark: Auct. P 4.6. other one- to three-line initials supplied in red or blue. Provenance: Purchased for »10.0. 0; see Books Purchased (1828), THIRD COPY Wanting the blank leaves [a ] and [k ]. 16, and note on [a r]: ‘purchased 1828’. 1 6 2 Binding: Eighteenth-century half calf, the boards covered with shelfmark: Auct. O 5.34. Buntpapier; the gold stamp of the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 282 ¿ 204 ¿ 22 mm. Size of leaf: 271 ¿ 193 mm. J-329 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius Early corrections to the text, some over erasures, in black ink, also Satyrae, et al. pointing hands. Extensive bibliographical notes by Heber on the front pastedown and the recto of the front endleaf. r [a2 ] Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. Provenance: George John, 2nd Earl Spencer (1758^1834); sale refs. Juv. Book I is announced, but no other book is mentioned. (1821), lot 169, for »0. 16. 0; Heber’s note on the recto of the front r [i1 ] Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. j-329^j-332] juvencus, gaius vettius aquilinus 1609

endleaf: ‘March 1821 Spencer dupl. sale by Evans -16^0’. Richard refs. Franciscus Petrarca, Il Bucolicumcarmen di F. Petrarca, ed. Heber (1773^1833); notes (see above); see Catalogue, 6 (1835), lot Domenico de Venuto, Testi e studi di cultura classica, 5 (Pisa, 2171. Purchased for »7.0. 0; see Books Purchased (1835), 16. 1990), 141^2, eclogue10, lines 319^26. r shelfmark: Auct. P 4.7. A2 Juvencus, Gaius Vettius Aquilinus: Historia evangelica heroi- cis versibus conscripta. [Also known as Libri evangeliorum iv.] ‘In J-330 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius quattuor euangelia Christi’. Satyrae (ed. Marcus Antonius Sabellicus), et al. refs. Juvencus, Libri evangeliorum iv, ed. Karl Marold (Leipzig, r 1886), 1^105; Juvencus, Libri evangeliorum iv, ed. J. Huemer, a2 Juvenalis, [Decimus] Junius: Satyrae. Edited by M[arcus] CSEL 24 (Prague,Vienna and Leipzig, 1891), 1^146. A[ntonius] S[abellicus]. r K8 Buschius, Hermannus: ‘In presbyterum Juuencum Hispanum refs. Juv. r epigramma’ [addressed to] the reader.‘Nectite Pierides hederas et h4 [Note naming Marcus Antonius Sabellicus as editor.] Incipit: carpite lauros > Castalius liquidas porrigat altus aquas’; 10 elegiac ‘Explicit Juuenalis Aquinatis feliciter emendatum per M. M. A. distichs. S. M.’ 2 r [Deventer: Richard Pafraet, between 21 June 1491 and 25 Jan. a1 Persius Flaccus, Aulus: Satyrae. 1492]. 4o. As dated by HPT; Sheppard dates [1488^92]. refs. Pers. In this edition the Satyrae follow the Choliambi, here 8.4 6 4.8 8 entitled ‘Satyra prima’. collation: A^D E F^I K . o Types: Sheppard records 88 G [P.4], not P.5 as Pr; HPT gives 106 G [Venice: Printer of Duns Scotus, ‘Quaestiones’, c.1472]. 4 . As A B v (3 ), 81G (4 ),175 G (6). 62 leaves. 30 lines (A3 ).Type area: 153 ¿ assigned by CIBN; Pr assigns to [Padua: Albertus de Stendal]. v 8 4 2 6 75 mm (A3 ). collation: a^g h a b . C 3423; Go¡ J-672; Pr 9035; Campbell^Kronenberg 1058a; CIBN HC 9676; C 3411; Go¡ J-634; BMC V 212; Pr 6788; CIBN J-347; J-375; HPT II 408; ILC 1376; Nijho¡^Kronenberg 1248; Proctor, Morgan, Persius, 11; Oates 2226; Rhodes 1052; Sheppard 3405. Campbell, 1058A; Sheppard 6956. COPY 2 COPY Wanting the blank leaves a1 and b6. Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf with marbled paper Binding: Eighteenth/nineteenth-centurygold-tooled brown mo- boards; bound for KloÞ. Scar of an index tab on A2. Size: 209 ¿ rocco; gilt-edged leaves, marbled pastedowns; the gold stamp of 148 ¿ 13 mm. Size of leaf: 200 ¿ 133 mm. the Bodleian Library on both covers. Size: 290 ¿ 201 ¿ 18 mm. Occasional ‘nota’ marks. Size of leaf: 285 ¿ 190 mm. r Paragraph mark on A1 is supplied in red; some one- to four-line Some early annotations, including corrections to the text in black initials supplied in black ink. ink. Provenance: Bernardus Alten (sixteenth century); faint signa- One- to six-line initials are supplied in red or blue with pen-work r ture on A1 : ‘Bernardus Alten’. Hamm, North Rhine- decoration within the body of the letter and extensions into the Westphalia, Franciscan Recollects, S. Agnes; inscription in a six- margins in the other colour; capital strokes in red. r teenth-century hand on A1 : ‘Conuentus Hammonensis’. Georg Provenance: Payne and Foss. Purchased for »16. 16. 0; see Books r Franz Burkhard KloÞ (1787^1854); book-label; not identi¢ed in Purchased (1825),15, and ‘Catalogus Bibliothecae Novae’, fol 93 : his sale catalogue. Probably (from the evidence of the shelfmark) ‘Payne and Foss ‘25’; note ‘purchased 1825’ on the verso of the purchased in 1884/5. front endleaf. shelfmark: Auct. 4Q 6.5. shelfmark: Auct. N inf. 2.14. J-332 Juvencus, Gaius Vettius Aquilinus J-331 Juvencus, Gaius Vettius Aquilinus Historia evangelica heroicis versibus conscripta. Historia evangelica heroicis versibus conscripta. A r [Title.] A r [Title-page.] 1 1 A r Hieronymus: ‘In libro . . . de illustribus uiris’ [extract]. A v Hieronymus: ‘In libro . . . de illustribus uiris’ [extract]. 1 1 refs. PL XXIII 691. refs. PL XXIII 691. A r Hieronymus: ‘In epistola ad Magnum vrbis oratorem’ [extract]. A v Hieronymus: ‘In epistola ad Magnumvrbis oratorem’ [extract]. 1 1 refs. PL XXII 668. refs. PL XXII 668. A r Hieronymus: ‘Super Mattheum’ [extract]. A v Hieronymus: ‘Super Mattheum’ [extract]. 1 1 refs. PL XXVI 26. refs. PL XXVI 26. A r Trithemius, Johannes: ‘In libro de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis’ A v Trithemius, Johannes: ‘In libro de scriptoribus ecclesiasticis’ 1 1 [extract]. [extract]. refs. Johannes Trithemius, De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis refs. Johannes Trithemius, De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis (Cologne, 1546), 27. (Cologne, 1546), 27. A r Baptista Mantuanus: [Note about Juvencus.] Incipit:‘Volo ante A v Baptista Mantuanus: [Note about Juvencus.] Incipit:‘Volo ante 1 1 istorum oculos Iuuvencum Hispanum statuere quem inter illus- istorum oculos Iuuvencum Hispanum statuere quem inter illus- tres . . .’ tres . . .’ A v Petrarca, Franciscus: [Verse.] ‘In Bucolicorum aegloga decima A r Petrarca, Franciscus: [Verse.] ‘In Bucolicorum aegloga decima 1 2 que laurea occidens inscribitur’. que laurea occidens inscribitur’. refs. Franciscus Petrarca, Il Bucolicumcarmen di F. Petrarca, ed. Domenico de Venuto, Testi e studi di cultura classica, 5 (Pisa, 1990), 141^2, eclogue10, lines 319^26. 1610 juvencus, gaius vettius aquilinus [j-332

v A1 Buschius, Hermannus: ‘In presbyterum Juuencum Hispanum COPY epigramma’ [addressed to] the reader. ‘Nectite Pierides hederas Binding: Nineteenth-century half calf with dark brown cloth et carpite lauros > Castalius liquidas porrigat altus aquas’; 10 ele- boards, bound for the Bodleian. Size: 201 ¿ 145 ¿ 14 mm. Size of giac distichs. leaf: 197 ¿ 134 mm. v A1 Juvencus,GaiusVettius Aquilinus: Historia evangelica heroicis One- to four-line initials, some with extensions into the margin, versibus conscripta. [Also known as Libri evangeliorum iv.] ‘In paragraph marks, capital strokes, and underlining are supplied quattuor euangelia Christi’. in red. refs. See J-331. Provenance: Duplicate from Royal Library, Munich; ‘Dupl’ in [Cologne: Cornelis de Zierikzee, c.1500]. 4o. pencil and number ‘3943’. Date of acquisition unknown; no indi- collation: A^H8.4 IK6 L4. cation given by the shelfmark. H *9725; Go¡ J-675; BMC I 309; Pr 1510; BSB-Ink I-697; CIBN shelfmark: Auct. 5Q 6.51. J-380; Sack, Freiburg, 2192; Sheppard 1109; Voullie¤ me, Ko« ln, 707.