Modular Functions and Modular Forms J. S. Milne Abstract. These are the notes for Math 678, University of Michigan, Fall 1990, exactly as they were handed out during the course except for some minor revisions andcorrections. Please sendcomments andcorrections to me at
[email protected]. Contents Introduction 1 Riemann surfaces 1 The general problem 1 Riemann surfaces that are quotients of D.1 Modular functions. 2 Modular forms. 3 Plane affine algebraic curves 3 Plane projective curves. 4 Arithmetic of Modular Curves. 5 Elliptic curves. 5 Elliptic functions. 5 Elliptic curves and modular curves. 6 Books 7 1. Preliminaries 8 Continuous group actions. 8 Riemann surfaces: classical approach 10 Riemann surfaces as ringed spaces 11 Differential forms. 12 Analysis on compact Riemann surfaces. 13 Riemann-Roch Theorem. 15 The genus of X.17 Riemann surfaces as algebraic curves. 18 2. Elliptic Modular Curves as Riemann Surfaces 19 c 1997 J.S. Milne. You may make one copy of these notes for your own personal use. i ii J. S. MILNE The upper-half plane as a quotient of SL2(R)19 Quotients of H 21 Discrete subgroups of SL2(R)22 Classification of linear fractional transformations 24 Fundamental domains 26 Fundamental domains for congruence subgroups 29 Defining complex structures on quotients 30 The complex structure on Γ(1)\H∗ 30 The complex structure on Γ\H∗ 31 The genus of X(Γ) 32 3. Elliptic functions 35 Lattices and bases 35 Quotients of C by lattices 35 Doubly periodic functions 35 Endomorphisms of C/Λ36 The Weierstrass ℘-function 37 The addition formula 39 Eisenstein series 39 The field of doubly periodic functions 40 Elliptic curves 40 The elliptic curve E(Λ) 40 4.