Lectures on Modular Forms. Fall 1997/98

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Lectures on Modular Forms. Fall 1997/98 Lectures on Modular Forms. Fall 1997/98 Igor V. Dolgachev October 26, 2017 ii Contents 1 Binary Quadratic Forms1 2 Complex Tori 13 3 Theta Functions 25 4 Theta Constants 43 5 Transformations of Theta Functions 53 6 Modular Forms 63 7 The Algebra of Modular Forms 83 8 The Modular Curve 97 9 Absolute Invariant and Cross-Ratio 115 10 The Modular Equation 121 11 Hecke Operators 133 12 Dirichlet Series 147 13 The Shimura-Tanyama-Weil Conjecture 159 iii iv CONTENTS Lecture 1 Binary Quadratic Forms 1.1 The theory of modular form originates from the work of Carl Friedrich Gauss of 1831 in which he gave a geometrical interpretation of some basic no- tions of number theory. Let us start with choosing two non-proportional vectors v = (v1; v2) and w = 2 (w1; w2) in R The set of vectors 2 Λ = Zv + Zw := fm1v + m2w 2 R j m1; m2 2 Zg forms a lattice in R2, i.e., a free subgroup of rank 2 of the additive group of the vector space R2. We picture it as follows: • • • • • • •Gv • ••• •• • w • • • • • • • • Figure 1.1: Lattice in R2 1 2 LECTURE 1. BINARY QUADRATIC FORMS Let v v B(v; w) = 1 2 w1 w2 and v · v v · w G(v; w) = = B(v; w) · tB(v; w): v · w w · w be the Gram matrix of (v; w). The area A(v; w) of the parallelogram formed by the vectors v and w is given by the formula v · v v · w A(v; w)2 = det G(v; w) = (det B(v; w))2 = det : v · w w · w Let x = mv + nw 2 Λ. The length of x is given by the formula v · v v · w m kxjj2 = jjmv + nwjj2 = (m; n) = am2 + 2bmn + cn2; v · w w · w n where a = v · v; b = v · w; c = w · w: (1.1) Let us consider the (binary) quadratic form (the distance quadratic form of Λ) f = ax2 + 2bxy + cy2: Notice that its discriminant satisfies D = 4(b2 − ac) = −4A(v; w)2 < 0: (1.2) Thus f is positive definite. Given a positive integer N, one may ask about integral solutions of the equation f(x; y) = N: If there is an integral solution (m; n) of this equation, we say that the binary form pf represents the number N. Geometrically, this means that the circle of radius N centered at the origin contains one of the points x = mv + nw of the lattice Λ. Notice that the solution of this problem depends only on the lattice Λ but not on the form f. In other words, if we choose another basis (v0; w0) of the lattice Λ, then the corresponding quadratic form f 0 = a0x2 + 2b0xy + c0y2; 3 where a0 = v0 · v0; b0 = v0 · w0; c0 = w0 · w0 has the same set of integral solutions for the equation f 0(x; y) = N: Let v0 = αv + γw; v0 = βv + δw: for some α; β; γ; δ 2 Z. Since the matrix α β M = γ δ is invertible in the ring of integral matrices, we must have det M = αδ − βγ = ±1: It is easy to see that v0 · v0 v0 · w0 v · v v · w = M t M v0 · w0 w0 · w0 v · w w · w and hence a0 b0 α γ a b α β = : c0 d0 β δ c d γ δ This can be also expressed by saying that the form f 0 is obtained from the form f by using the change of variables x ! αx + βy; y ! γx + δy: We write this in the form f 0 = Mf: Following Lagrange, we say f and f 0 are equivalent. An equivalence class is called a class of quadratic forms. Obviously, for any positive integer N, the set of integral solutions of the equations f(x; y) = N depends only on the class of forms to which f belongs. Also it is clear that two equivalent forms have the same discriminant. 4 LECTURE 1. BINARY QUADRATIC FORMS 1.2 As we saw before any lattice Λ determines a class of forms expressing the distance from a point in Λ to the origin. Conversely, given a positive definite 2 2 binary form f = ax + 2bxy + cy , we can find a latticep Λ corresponding to this form. Top do this we choose any vector v of length a and let w be the vectorp of length c which forms the positive angle with v defined by cos φ = b= ac. Obviously we use here that f is positive definite. Of course, Λ is defined uniquely up to an orthogonal transformation of R2. In this way we obtain the following: Theorem 1.1. There is a natural bijection between the set of lattices in R2 modulo an orthogonal transformation and the set of classes of positive definite quadratic forms. Let us describe the set of classes of forms in a more explicit way. Theorem 1.2. Let f be a positive definite binary form. Then there exists a form g = Ax2 + 2Bxy + Cy2 equivalent to f which satisfies the conditions: f0 ≤ 2B ≤ A ≤ Cg: Proof. Let f = ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 and Λ be a lattice associated to it. Let us change a basis of Λ in such way that the corresponding form g = kv0k2x2 + 2v0 · w0xy + kw0k2y2 0 satisfiesp the assertion of the theorem. We take v to be a vector from Λ of smallest length a. Then we take w0 to be a vector of smallest length in Λ which is not equal to ±v0. I claim that the pair (v0; w0) forms a basis of Λ. Assume it is false. Then there exists a vector x 2 Λ such that x = av0 + bw0, where one of the coefficients a; b is a real number but not an integer. After adding some integral 0 0 1 linear combination of v ; w we can assume that jaj; jbj ≤ 2 . If a; b 6= 0, this gives 1 kxk2 = jaj2kv0k2 + jbj2kw0k2 + 2abv0 · w0 < (jajkv0k + jbjkw0k)2 ≤ kw0k2 2 that contradicts the choice of w0. Here we have used the Cauchy-Schwarz in- equality together with the fact that the vectors v0 and w0 are not proportional. If a 1 0 1 0 or b is zero, we get kxk = 2 kv k or kxk = 2 kw k, again a contradiction. 5 Now let us look at g. The projection of v0 + mw0 to w0 is equal to (m + v0·w0 0 kv0k2 )w . We can choose m so that the length of the projection is less than or 1 equal than 2 . However, the shortest projection corresponds to the shortest vector. 0 1 v0·w0 1 0 By our choice if w , we must have − 2 ≤ b = kv0k ≤ 2 . It remains to change v to −v0, if needed, to assume that b = v · w0 ≥ 0, hence 0 ≤ 2b ≤ a. Definition. A positive definite binary quadratic form ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 is called reduced if 0 ≤ 2b ≤ a ≤ c: The previous theorem says that each positive definite binary quadratic form is equivalent to a reduced form. Let 3 2 Ω = f(a; b; c) 2 R : 0 ≤ 2b ≤ a ≤ c; a > 0; ac > b g: (1.3) By Theorem 1.2, any positive definite binary quadratic form is equivalent to a form ax2 + 2bxy + cy2, where (a; b; c) 2 Ω. 1.3 Let us find when two reduced forms are equivalent. To do this we should look at the domain Ω from a different angle. Each positive definite quadratic form f = ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 can be factored over C into product of linear forms: f = ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 = a(x − zy)(x − zy¯ ); where p −b ac − b2 z = + i : (1.4) a a It is clear that f is completely determined by the coefficient a and the root z. Observe that Im z > 0: We have a bijective correspondence f = ax2 + 2bxy + cy2 ! (a; z) from the set of positive definite binary quadratic forms to the set R+ × H, where H = fz 2 C : Im z > 0g is the upper half-plane. Let us see how the group GL(2; Z) acts on the both sets. We have 6 LECTURE 1. BINARY QUADRATIC FORMS Mf = a((αx + βy) − z(γx + δy))((αx + βy) − z¯(γx + δy)) = a(x(α − γz1) − y(−β + δz))(x(α − γz¯) − y(−β + δz¯)) = −β + δz −β + δz¯ ajα − zγj2(x − y)(x − y): α − γz α − γz¯ Let us consider the action of GL(2; Z) on C n R by fractional-linear transforma- tions (also called Moebius transformations) defined by the formula α β αz + β · z = : (1.5) γ δ γz + δ Notice that αz + β (αz + β)(γz¯ + δ) αδ − βγ Im M · z = Im = Im = Im z: (1.6) γz + δ jγz + δj2 jγz + δj2 This explains why the transformation is well-defined on C n R. Also notice that β −β M −1 = det M : −γ α Thus the root z is transformed to the root z0 = M −1 · z and we obtain, for any M 2 GL(2; Z), M −1 · f = ajγz + δj2(x − M · z)(x − M · z¯): 1.4 Until now we considered binary forms up to the equivalence defined by an invertible integral substitution of the variables. We say that two binary forms are properly equivalent if they differ by a substitution with determinant equal to 1. In other words, we restrict ourselves with the subgroup SL(2; Z) of GL(2; Z). Since 1 0 GL(2; ) = SL(2; ) [ SL(2; ) Z Z 0 −1 Z 1 0 and (ax2 + 2bxy + cy2) = ax2 − 2bxy + cy2 we obtain that each f is 0 −1 properly equivalent to a form ax2 + 2bxy + cy2, where (a; b; c) 2 Ω¯ and 3 2 Ω¯ = f(a; b; c) 2 R : j2bj ≤ c ≤ a; a; ac − b > 0g: 7 Definition.
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    ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER ALGANT UNIVERSITA` DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA UNIVERSITE´ BORDEAUX 1 SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES MASTER THESIS COMPUTING MODULAR POLYNOMIALS WITH THETA FUNCTIONS ILARIA LOVATO ADVISOR: PROF. ANDREAS ENGE CO-ADVISOR: DAMIEN ROBERT ACADEMIC YEAR 2011/2012 2 Contents Introduction 5 1 Basic facts about elliptic curves 9 1.1 From tori to elliptic curves . .9 1.2 From elliptic curves to tori . 13 1.2.1 The modular group . 13 1.2.2 Proving the isomorphism . 18 1.3 Isogenies . 19 2 Modular polynomials 23 2.1 Modular functions for Γ0(m)................... 23 2.2 Properties of the classical modular polynomial . 30 2.3 Relations with isogenies . 34 2.4 Other modular polynomials . 36 3 Theta functions 39 3.1 Definitions and basic properties . 39 3.2 Embeddings by theta functions . 45 3.3 The functional equation of theta . 48 3.4 Theta as a modular form . 51 3.5 Building modular polynomials . 54 4 Algorithms and computations 57 4.1 Modular polynomials for j-invariants . 58 4.1.1 Substitution in q-expansion . 58 4.1.2 Looking for linear relations . 60 4.1.3 Evaluation-interpolation . 63 4.2 Modular polynomials via theta functions . 65 4.2.1 Computation of theta constants . 66 4.2.2 Looking for linear relations . 69 4.2.3 Evaluation-interpolation . 74 4 CONTENTS 4.3 Considerations . 77 5 Perspectives: genus 2 81 5.1 Theta functions . 81 5.1.1 Theta constants with rational characteristic . 81 5.1.2 Theta as a modular form . 83 5.2 Igusa invariants . 86 5.3 Computations .
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