Crisis & Catharsis in EU Integration Dr. Mai’a K. Davis Cross Northeastern University
[email protected] Abstract This article seeks to explain how and why the EU’s relatively frequent existential crises – complete with ‘end of Europe’ rhetoric – ultimately result in new areas of consensus regarding the EU’s integration project. During the course of these existential crises, member states are able to release underlying societal tensions that might have stood as stumbling blocks to further consensus, and thus achieve a sense of ‘catharsis,’ as evidenced by convergence in attitudes. To illustrate this process, the article examines the case of the Eurozone crisis, and describes how North-South tensions that pre-dated this crisis period were openly aired during the height of the crisis, and created a window of opportunity for leaders to agree to a number of far-reaching policies in the economic and financial area. Keywords: narratives, crisis, integration, social construction Introduction The evolving European order, which centers on the process of European Union (EU) integration, is characterized by both incremental change and critical junctures of crisis. This article focuses on the latter, and aims to provide an agenda for future research into European crises. Even a casual look at the history of the EU since its inception in 1957 shows that at numerous periods through its development, the EU (or EEC/EC in its previous incarnations) has been portrayed as being in severe crisis, even on the verge of dissolution. I examine why these 1 predictions, particularly those of existential threat (episodes in which it seems the “end of Europe” is at hand), have continually been proven false.