®br Coloma Courier

VOL. 36 COLOMA. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1931 NO. 46 EIGHT CYLINDER LIVES COURT OUR H HART- POM (ME WED MRS. MARY HARRIS GIVEN U. S. 12 Berrien County Wcdigs Paw Paw Lake Notes FORD ElfCTRIC PROTECT SURPRISE ON BIRTHDAY (MINED BY WILDS AT M. E. CHURCH JUNE I KILLED CHICAGO WOHAN Kane-Eggert Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Helden and daughters of Oak I'ark spent the week Miss Margaret Eggert. Berrien coun- Mrs. Mary Harris was very pleas- end at their home on Forest Beach. Hartford Village Counril Restrained ty's superintendent of schools, and Alex antly surprised on Sunday. May 24th. Misses isabelie and Esther O'Kane Miss Elsie Shine Became Bride of Total of Auto Deaths in County Tins Kane of Midland. Mich., were united in UnuHually InterwlinK Conimenrpnvnt From Selling $18,000 Muniripal when she was out riding with her son and Miss Mary Gunderson of Chicago marriage at Midland, May 20, 11*31. The Vear Increased to 13—Oilier Acei- spent Memorial Day and Sunday at Fred Heidbreder of Pittsburg, Pa.— and family, who had come from Chi- bride is tiie daughter of Mrs. Beryl Eg- Addrm Given 'Before Co lorn a Light Bonds cago to spend the day with her. As the Gunderson home at Edgewater. gert of St. Joseph and succeeded her Itoth Former Graduates of Coloma they drove to tiie home of her nephew, «lent Viftims Taken to Ho>pilals Mr. and Mrs. Harlan E. Page spent Senior*—Burson Sink Awarded Hartford's municipal electric light late father, Benjamin F. Eggert, as Frank Harris, they beheld several the week end at their summer home nd power distribution system is held School The numlier of deaths from auto- commissioner of schools, as she had on Pomona Point, Falrvlew Beach. "Green ami Gold" Award up by an order issued by the Van Bur- automobiles parked In the yard by mobile accidents was Increased to had charge of the work during her Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cavey of Cin- n county circuit court luat Saturday Amid a lovely floral setting of those who had arrived to help extend thirteen in Berrien county for the A last minnte chanRi' wan mode no.- father's illness. Both the young peo- cinnati, Ohio, spent the week end at plants, ferns and lieautiful blossoms. a welcome. Two long tables were ail essnry In the proRnun for the eom- restraining Mayor Robert 1). Itankin year 11K11 when a car skidded on tin- ple are graduates of the L'niversity of their summer home at Beecbwood nd members of the village council Miss Elsie Shine, only daughter of prepared and lie'iutiful with tulips wet pavement near Stevensville last mtnct'iaent exercises last Thursday Michigun. Mrs. Kane will give up her Point. Miss Sally Cavey had as her frm proceeding further with the sale Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shine of North and lilacs. Tiie hostess mid her as- Saturday morning, turned over and eveiling on account of the speaker, work as school commissioner on July guest. Miss Louis Jeau Miller, also of | lie .fls.ooo liond Issue voted by th<- ColonAi. became the bride of Mr. Fred sistants served a bountiful dinner at Gerald F. Bush of IjiusIiir. wh . was struck a tree. 1st, when Miss Jennie Mccham takes of Cincinnati. people of Hartford at the spring vil- Heidbreder of littsburg. Pa., son of noon, consisting of chicken, several Mrs. Anna Backstrom of Chicago to have Riven tlie address, IM'IIIK over the tlice, to which she was elected George (bddfuss has returned from Mrs. Eva Heidbreder. kinds of salad, cottage cheese, pie and was the victim of the accident who In April. stricken by Illness. In his place. I'rof. lage election. Chicago and lias opened his summer Scores of relatives and friends wit- cake. The guest of honor, who was ob- met Instant death; her son, Walter Elmer H. Wilds. Instructor in| sec- The injunction, which is a tempor- home at Edgewater for the season. ary one and one on which a court hear- nessed tlie ceremony, performed at serving her 84th birthday anniver- Backstrom. and another passenger In ondary education at the W^tern Miss Mae Ann Bowser of Lansing, ing will be given. Is issued on petition iiigii noon, Monday. June 1st. at the sary, was presented with two birth- the car. Miss Seima Peterson, both of Blair Radde State Tetchers College at Kalamn/.oo. who represented that city as "Miss if sixteen citizens and taxpayers of Methodist church. Rev. B. 11. Babbitt day cakes; one was made by her Chicago, were both seriously injured. gave a most dellKhtful address on the Miss Vera Radde, daughter of Mrs. Lansing" during tlfe recent Blossom •fficlating, and using the single ring daughfer-in-law and decorated by a The son was taken to Mercy hospital subject, "Eight Cylinder Lives." In a Hartford and the petition cites twenty- Sylvia Radde, and Seth Blair, son of Week activities, and three other young seven reasons wiiy the bonding elee service. granddaughter in Chicago, and the for treatment and Miss Peterson was brief outline of Prof. Wilds address Mr. and Mrs. Dwiglit Blair, lioth of ladies from the Capital City, spent the tlon on March was Illegal and Included in the bridal party were other was made by a granddaughter taken to the St. Joseph sanitarium. the foIlowliiK salient points were and a great granddaughter in Berrien Benton Harbor, were united In mar- week end at Paw Paw Ijike. should he declared void. Henry Kniilman and Miss Helen Kre- The accident occurred about 3:45 a. brought out: Health Is one of the most Springs. riage at the home of Hie bride's mother Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Teschemacher Petition for the injunction was filed mer, who were best man and maid of m. as the party was driving from important things In life; In order to Aunt Mary was the recipient of on May 29, 1931, Rev. R. H. Kelly, of Chicago have opened their summer by Prosecuting Attorney Lewis R. Wil- honor; the Misses Alice Baushke ami Chicago to Sister Lakes to spend the protect one's health It Is often neces- many lieautiful and useful gifts from pastor of the Baptist church, otficiat- home at Beecbwood Point and Mrs. Hams of I'aw Paw. who represents the Lina Mutii. bridesmaids; William Memorial Day holiday. sary to give up some of the things that the 42 guests present. Tills number ing. The couple left Immediately for Teschemacher Is now here for the petitioning taxpayers. Signers ti^ the Shine and Spencer Kenney, ushers, one might like to do. The next Im- was made up of one son. five grand- a honeymoon trip to the Dells of Wis- season. Mr. T(>schemacher will spend petition for the injunction are: Kdgar nd Freda llingst and Barbara Bab- portant cylinder Is to have a Job, for children. one great grandchild, twelve consin. the week ends here. 1{. Smith. Guy H. Gifford. Chas. A. bitt, flower girls. The wedding march without a person has some definite nephews and nieces, fifteen great Spaultling. Kdmund Bonning. Rob from Lohengrin was played by Miss COLOMA RED SOX LOST task In which some service can be ren- nephews and nieces, and six great ert F. Brown, W. E. Bicknell, Anthony Marjorie Furman. for the entrance of dered, life Is void. The use of leisure great nephews and nieces. At a late Former Waterviict Boy Married al Miller, Charles Anderson. Stephen A. the bridal party and for the recession- COMING ATTRACTIONS time must In? studied and converted al she played Mendelssohn's wedding hour all departed for their homes, EIETEEN INNING BATTLE South Bend. into something worth while; one Doyle, Donald F. Cochrane, Edward march. Immedlateiy before the cere- wishing Aunt Mary many more happy should have a hobby and learn to dis- Finiey. Marceila Goodspeed, Isabelie Miss Helen Lucille Ami of Gary. AT THE COLOMA THEATRE mony, A. K. Pinncgar of Benton Har- birthdays. criminate between temporary thrill Mortimer. Dr. John D. Stewart. Ind.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. bor sang "Tiie Sacrament" and "At Will Meet Crystal Palace Blues at and permanent Joy and satisfaction Ralph Hubbard. Arthur (Justin. Surprised Again by Night Hawks And of Carmi. III., Iieeame the bride Village officials on whom the court Dawning." Domestic efficiency and home life are of Walter Raymond Brown of Gary, The Coloma Theatre lias made a real trder lias been served are: Robert 1). The bride, who entered on the arm One birthday celebration was not Paw Paw Uike Next Sunday After- important factors in the contribution Ind.. wm of Mr. and Mrs. Willis hit with Its "bargain nltes" every Tues- Rankin, mayor; Paul F. Richter. of her father, was lovely In a gown of deemed sutficlent. so the Thunder to a full and happy life. Citizenship Brown of S. Carroll Street. South day and Wednesday and will keep up ierk; Bay Met'otter, Manuel (>. Op- white cri-|ie and carried a beautiful Mountain Night Hawks tlap|ied their is one of the cylinders which should Bend. Ind., at 1 o'clock Sunday after- these special bargains throughout the penheim, Stanton T. Gaibreath, Roy shower bouquet of bride's roses and wings and sped to the home of Mrs, The Coloma Red Sox lost a thrilling be carefully guarded; learn to l»e al- noon. May 24th. at the home of the month of June, when some excellent Osborn, Clare Leach. James Walker, illy of the valley. Her full length bri- Mary Harris mi May 27th to give her fifteen Inning baseball game to the ways alert and observing, never l)e- groom's parents. The Rev. C. Harold pictures will be shown. Following Is meinbers of the village council. dal veil was held In place by a cap a double surprise, as Mrs. Scheldel, an Mlilburg All-Stars last Sunday after- traying a trust. Sociability is another Cierck of the Gnure Methtnllst Epis- the list of attractions at the Coloma irn'amented with rhineslone, pearls old neighbor, had flown from her nest noon by a score of !» ot 8. The All- attribute of the complete life; l»e a copal church officiated. The home was Theatre for the remainder of this nd orange blossoms. in Benton Harbor to join the flock on Stars scored In tiie second, fourth and good mixer, lie friendly, courteous and decorated with palms, splrea, roses month:—June d and 7—"Strangers A gown of yellow embroidered net this flight. Aunt Mary took keen de- tiflli Innings and the Red Sox scored polite, always respecting the rights of and daisies. May Kiss;" June 9 and 10. "Kiss Me MANY CLASSES REPRESENTED with hat and other accessories .to light in unwrapping the numerous in the second, fourth and sixth, mak- others. Morality also has Its place in The bride was given away by her Again;" June 13 and 14, Joe Brown match was worn by the maid of bon- gifts which the Hawks had dropped ing the score a tie. In the tenth and the walk of life, for doing right and sister. Mrs. Marlln. of Gary. The in "Going Wild;" June 10 and 17. r. She carried yellow roses. The very near her. The favorite game of tiie fourteenth innings each team put remaining on the right side of life Is wedding march was played by Miss "Men Call It Love;" June 18 and 19, AT H. S. ALUMNI BANQUET two bridesmaids were similiarly at- bunco was enjoyed at five tables. Mrs. one man across the home plate to hold very essential. To complete a well Fioreiiee MInser. Tiie bride chose a "Viennese Nights;" June 20 and 21, tired in gowns of embroidered net; Christina Duffield received the bunco the game to a tie. but ia tiie fifteenth rounded life, there Is need for religion, -own of blue flowered georgette and "Stepping Out;" June 23 and 24, 'The Miss Baushke wearing pink and Miss prize, and the other honors were the All-Stars scored one run to win the this is one of the qualities that Is carried a corsage liouquet of yellow Secret Six;" June 25 and 20. "The Fine Banquet ami Program Enjoyed Muth choosing green, each carrying awarded in order as follows—Edith battle. The battery for the Mlilburg necessary to put one in touch with roses and Illy of the valley. She was Hot Heiress," June 27 and 28, "A pink roses. Pretty little gowns of pink Coleman. Elva Hazen, Flossie Wil- All-Stars was Carry and Claude; and permanent things. Life is made up of attended by her friend. Miss Juauita Tailor-made Man;" June 30 and July At Annual Meeting Last Friday nd green were worn by the flower liams, Hanna Storey, Mrs. Scheldel, for the Red Sox. Strejc and Coleman. valleys and hills, smooth roads and Diisenberg of Gary, who was gowned 1, "Man to Man." girls, who carried baskets of sweet Mary Harris. Harjna Tanbe and Lou- Next Sunday .the Coloma Red Sox rougii pathways, and nothing less than Elizabeth Kreitner will serve for in pale lilue georgette crepe and car- peas. ise Taulie; Mrs. Lillian Tomsa received and the Crystal Palace Blues will bat- steady plugging will enable one to live the coming year as president of the ried a corsage bouquet of pink roses A four-course luncheon was served low score. The Hawks and all as- tle at the Crystal Palace diamond at out the full eight cylinder life. Alumni Association of the Coloma and valley lilies. Tiie groomsman was W. H. MERRILL OF RIVERSIDE in the church dining room, after the sured Aunt Mary that they would re- high school. Other officers elected Paw Paw Lake. Jack Shepard of Gary. service, to aiiout fifty of the Immed- DIED AT AGE OF 80 YEARS New Award Established are: First vice president. Frances turn again next year and then took A six-thirty chicken dinner was iate family. Decorations were In tlight for their respective homes, there Nearby Baseball Scores KIbler Thomas; second vice president. served and among the guests were: The "Green and Gold Award" is a pastel shades. The Inncheon was ar- to await a chance to exercise their Mrs. Zelma Bridges; secretary and Crystal Palace Blues, 10; Bangor, C. Mr. and Mrs. R. Maliinger. Mr. and new award established this year and ranged by Mrs. Gertrude Stratton. wings. treasurer. Miss Marjorie Furman. Auto Siieciaities team. 7; Winning- Mrs. Marlln and Mr. and Mrs. Theil W. H. Merrill, aged 80 years, died at will consist of a suitable honor cup on assisted by Mesdames Anna Baushke The annual banquet of the Alumni ton independents of Kalamazoo, U. of (Jury. Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde the home of his daughter, Mrs. Simon which the name of the student re- and Elizalieth Koob, and served by six Association was held at the school Dewblrst's House of David team, 3; Olds and daughter Onalee and Mr. Kreitner at Riverside, May 28, 1931, af- ceiving the award will be engraved if the members of Miss Shine's Sun- luditoium last Friday evening, with Mlshawaka indestructos, 1. and Mrs. Lyle Herron of Benton Har- ter an illness of six months. He had with the year, of graduation. This day school class Thelma Hafer. Al- GARDEN CLUBS ARE ACTIVE; an attendance of 100. Attorney W. R. Berrien Springs. 21; Baroda, 0. bor; Mr. Dell Flanagan and Miss Faye lived in that community for 58 years, year this award was presented to lene Stark. Helen Arent. Audrey Stevens of St. Joseph presided as Stevensville. 23; Mary's House of Brown of Detroit. Mr. And of Carmi. occupying the post of station agent for Burson Sink. The award goes to the Bhang, Jane Allen and Dorothp Stark. David team, 1. 111.: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ciiapin and the old Chicago and West Michigan Ry. boy or girl of the graduating class toastmaster and introduced the spien- TWO MEETINGS ARE HELD lid program. One unusual feature of Mr. and Mrs. Heidbreder left for a Riverside Tigers, (5; Dixie Gas te^ni son Harold. Mr. Kenneth Price. Mr. before the line was sold to the Pere under the following conditions: two-weeks' honeymoon trip* in the the gathering was that all but four 3. Ed Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. Ed liiirper Marquette. Mrs. Kreitner and one 1.—The student receiving the award South, after which they will lie at lasses were represented at the ban- Mlilburg All-Stars, 9; Coloma Red and Miss Harper and George Brown, grandchild are the only surviving rela- shall be a "representative" student Mrs. Anna Blimel is Now President of inet. which covered a period of more home at 1718 Mapiewood avenue. Sox. S (15 innings.) all of South Bend. tives. Rev. Babbitt, pastor of tiie Meth- who has displayed outstanding qnal- than thirty years. Ilcuutifnl baskets Pittsburg, Pa., where tiie groom holds Balnhrldge Leafs, ti; Renton Harbor Tiie couple left for Carmi. ill., for a odist church at Coloma and Watervllet, Ities of industry, and leadership dur- Hie Covert Garden Club of flowers and pretty table decora- responsible position with the West- American Legion, fi. week's honeymoon at the home of the conducted funeral services from Dean's ing his years of high school work. tions. with I'JM small lighted candies Inghouse Electric Company. The next regular meeting of the bride's parents. They will 1*. at home mortuary at Benton Harbor, Saturday 2—The student receiving the award added to the attractiveness of the Covert Garden Club will IK- held at to their friends at 587 Van Buren St.. afternoon: interment In the Curtis cem- ehall possess intangible qualities of Many Out-of-town Guests dining room, where a four-course din- the home of Mrs. E. D. Tallman, IN THE DIVORCE COURTS Gary, Ind., after June 3rd. etery in Hagar township. personality which make him an out- ner was served. The following ont-of-town guests at- Beech Knolls, one-half mile west of standing school citizen. 3.—The stu- tended the wedding ceremony:- Mr. Covert, at 2:00 o'clock Tuesday after- dent receiving the award shall have and Mrs. Fred Funk and son Duane. noon, June Mrs. H. Ostrander of Mrs. Dreyda Backus of Bridgman PROF. FOSTER KRAKE SCORES been Influential In the promotion of Time Limits For Securing Drivers' Dr. D. L. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht- Paw Paw Lake, cbairnian of the West- has tiled suit for divorce from Edward school activities and shall have been BIG SUCCESS AT LEXINGTON. Licenses MATE NEW CITY HALE AT sen and daughter Ruth. Mrs. Elsie ern Miebigan division of the Women's Backus, charging him with cruelty, an active participant In them, always Wakenuin. Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Monk National Farm and (iarden Associa- lion- support and drunkenness. They From letters reaching the depart- bringing credit to himself and the and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Monk, all tion. will lie present, and it Is hoped were married in 1025 and have two ment of state, many persons do not school. 4.—The student receiving the WATERYUET HOME-COMING if Bangor; Mrs. Wm. Preuss. Miss that all those Interested in tills work children. The bill charges that the de- Great Praise Given His Work as know exactly when they must secure award shail embody those principles Kthei Preuss and Mrs. Stanley Woods, will feel free to attend this meeting. fendant has lieen arrested several a new driver's license under the pro- Involved in the term "Good Sports- Soloist. Director and Composer in of Chicago; Mrs. J, Rlxle and Mrs. A meeting of tiie Paw Paw Lake vlslons of the 1931 law. All persons manshlp." 6.—The student receiving times for intoxication and Is now in Elaborate Preparationw Being Made Lena Kunkel of St. Louis. Mo.; Mrs. Garden Club was lu-ld at tiie home of who secured their present driver's the award shall be selected each year the county jail for drunkenness. Presentation of "Dido" E. C. Randall and son Charles. N. R. Mrs. Anna Blimel. Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Marjorie Hatch of St. Joseph license liefore January 1, 1925, must by the high school faculty ami hW or Celebration June 13. Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shine, .lube 2. Mrs. Itlimel is no<« president lias tiled suit for divorce from Conana The Lexington (Kentucky) Herald re register prior to November 1, 1931, name shall lie announced at the com- of the Covert unit, and this gathering of May 23. 1931. contained a two- A great climactic event will mark all of Renton Harbor: Mr. and Mrs. 11. Hatch, charging cruelty. They were while persons securing licenses prior mencement exercises. was a sort of farewell party in her column story of the rendition of tiie great celebration of the Watervllet L J. Pause of Kalamazoo; Mrs. Carl married in 1022 and have one child. to January 1. 1!»28, have until May 1, "Dido, the Carthaginian Queen," which Other Awards Home Coming Day, which Is staged Hudson of Pittsburg. Pa.; Mrs. Wm. honor. She lias been a memlier of the Charging that his wife locked liim 1932. to re-register. The new law In- Paw Paw Lake club for two years or was recently produced by musicians to take place in that city Saturday, Kenney and Spencer Kenney of Cov- out of the house and called the police ereases the fee to $1. of which 15 cents Other honor students of the class of from the University of Kentucky, June 13. After the city's rejoicing ert ; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kemp of more. and told them to keep him away, is returned to the county or municipal- 1931 were Martin Bushouse, Doille Transylvania College and the Clay over the dedication of its new city Hartford: ajid Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank Radler of Benton Harbor has ity. Because of tills featpre of the Hughes. Arlene Martin and Ruth Man- high school. Professor Foster Krake. hall, and program, given at 1:30 p. m. Kuhlmad and family of Cincinnati, tiled suit for divorce from Mrs. Rosa law. the department has taken a def- speaker. The members (if the senior son of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Krake of the guests will enjoy an afternoon of itiiio. Radler. They were married in 1027 inite staml against an additional class presented the school with a check HOME-GROWN STRAWBERRIES Coloma. who Is at the head of the sports, a ball game and other attrac- and hare two children. notary fee of 25 cents being Imposed of $50, the money to be used for the musical department of Transylvania by local olliciais. tions. Throughout the evening the After but four months of married purchase of a memorial for the class College, came in for his share of Watervllet High School Band, of life, Mrs. Georgia Mae Walton of of 1831, to Ik* purchased later. MRS. CEARA M. BALE WILL APPEAR ON LOCAL MARKET praise in the rendition of the produc- which every citizen is Justly proud, Benton Harlior has tiled suit for di- Superintendent W. L. Alwood, who tion. The complete score for the solo will give a concert. Invite all your vorce from Russell R. Walton, charg- Wateniiet School Census 531 completed his first year at the head of voices and orchestra for a part of the friends, and save this dale for a joy- ing non-support and association with the Coloma schools, was presented ATTEND WORLD W. C. T. U. Wm. Montai of Balnhrldge brought opera were arranged by Prof. Krake. ful reunion of old acquaintances at the other women. The complainant Is Tiiere are 531 children of school age with, a beautiful white gold wrist to Watervllet Monday the lirst home showing evidence of his ability as a Home Coming celebration, Saturday, but 18 years old and the couple were in the Watervllet district, according watch as a testimonial of the seniors grown strawberries of the season on married January 28, 1931. eonqioser. In commenting on Mr. June 13. to the school census which has Just for bis untiring work and their high Fourteenth Triennial Convention of the local market. They were two Cruelty Is charged by Simon L. Krake's work in Kentucky, the Herald been completed iiy John Wartnan. sec- regard for his abilities as a leader quarts of Premiers and were pur- Dukes of Nibs In a suit for divorce said: "To Professor Krake go sincere retary of the Board of Kducation. and thei Kindly cooperation he has World Organization Met in Toronto Chas. Bailey of South Watervllet tiled against Mrs. Helen Dukes. They congratulations for the splendid things This Is an increase of 37 over the manifested with the instructors and MRS. HARRY «. HILL OPENS brought into town Tuesday two cases were married in 1027 and have no lie has done In a musical way In Lex- TTiis Week school census of a year ago which the student body. •f home grown strawberries, which children. ington. It Is one thing to be a singer showed 4!H, and is the largest num- DRIP-O-LATOR COFFEE SHOPPE The Coloma W. C. T. IT. was pleas- were purchased by (). P. Price. The •ir director, but when the abilities of ber ever recorded In the district. antly and profitably entertained by berries were Dunlflps and netted the singer, composer and director are com- Children between the ages of 5 and MALT TAX MONEY FOR Mrs. Abram Bachman last Tuesday grower ."M a case. bined in the artistry of one indivldu 20 years are counted In the school chased by 11. L. Balfour. Seek Missing Niles Man al the musical folk of the community Coloma has another nice, clean eat afternoon. After the business meet- census and the apportionment of state CARE OF T. B. PATIENTS ing. many articles and leaflets were To B. F. Priilwitz. a Sodus town- A search has been made In the really know bow truly gifted Prof. primary school money Is made on this ing place. Mrs. Harry W. Hill has ship frail grower, goes' tiie credit for Krake really Is. Many remember with o|M>ned up the "Drip-O-ljitor ColT»i' read and discussed. Mrs. Emma La- south end of Berrien county since last annual count. The larger the census marketing the lirst home grown straw- pleasure the iier forma nee of bis Shoppe" in the liiii building north of Molt gave a beautiful reading and Friday night for Harold Klute, a the more the district receives In school berries of the season of 1031, although Christmas anthem, "Noel," during the Money received under the new malt Jean and Eleanor Friday favored the Michigan Central employe at Niles, money. the railroad track and opened up her a numlier of growers have reported holidays, which Is now in the process tax law is being turned over to the ladles with two vocal duets. Mrs. wlio mysteriously disappeared from place on Memorial Day. when she re- picking a few of the berries for home of being published by a prominent state treasury as fast as it Is collected ports that she had a very nice busi- Clara M. Ball will soon be on her way his home. Ills coat, hat and lunch use. Mr. Priilwitz brought a case of musical publishing company In New and will lie released by the admlnls to attend the 14tii triennial conven- box were found along the banks of the May Was Wet Month ness. The north half of the building Premier berries to the fruit market York. His performance of "The Pion- tratlve lioard for care of the state's tion of tiie World's W. ('. T. C. to lie St. Joseph river and officers have been has Iteen partitioned off mid converted at Benton Harbor last Tuesday ami eer Spirit" was an outstanding musi- tubercular patients. Secretary of State into a very attractive dining room, held In Toronto, Canada, June-3 to 10. dragging the river with tiie idea that Reports come from the U. S. weath- tliey sold for $0.00. The Benton Har- cal event of last season and now tin Fank D. Fitzgerald announced today. Tills is the lirst time in nine years Klute, who had been In poor health, er bureau at Lansing that the month decorated In orange and black. There bor market is now open for the season scene from "Dido" gives further evi- Under rules of the department of that the world's convention has met may have drowned himself. of May was the lirst month since Jan- are accommodations for thirty-two and will soon present a very busy ap- dence of his superb abilities as a com- state, grocery trucks in which the de- on this side of the Atlantic ocean. The remains of Ernest 11. Cornish, a uary, 19*10, when there was an excess guests at the tallies at one time. Mrs. pearance. poser." livery of malt Is an incidental activ- IIIII will specialize in chicken dinners, Three of the world officers are resi- resident of Niles who mysteriously dis- of rainfall throughout the state of ity. will not lie required to secure a short orders, lunches and sandwiches. dents of the rnited States and there appeared last December, were found Michigan. During the past month the will be possibly 1.20O American dele- rainfall was 3.71 Inches, or .29 Inch $25 license. Every retail store hand- Paul Starks of Lansing, Mich., and tloating in the St. Josenii river at Ber- diaries Sjiencer of South Haven gates and visitors at the convention. Mrs. H. Grace Guy entertained fif- above normal. Temperatures for the ling malt or wort will l»e required to Miss Anna Rentala of Sturgls, Mich., trand by a crew of bridge builders. paid a fine of $50 and costs in Jus The World W. C. T. II. is now organ- teen members of the past matrons of month were 1.7 degrees below normal. secure a license. Where a large num were united in marringe iiy Rev. John Identification was made through a bill- tice Butler's court in Benton Harbor ized and active in 4!) countries and the (). E. S. at a one o'clock luncbeou her of stores are owned and operated H. Balfour at the Coinmunlty church fold found or. Mother and school. Commencement exercises will en by Marlon Allen, was left standing soon, why not try Siiari, the new $1.00 BIG SPECIAL PRICE TO ALL-lOc daughter are doing tine and "Daddy' be held in Watervllet on Friday even Tills Is a good time to paint and on the highway without proper park package. A bottle of perfume free Wooley is more than pleased as this lug with 34 graduates and 41 pupils redecorate your living room. (Set your ing lights, causing the wreck of Wil- Friday and Saturday with a purchase "KISS ME AGAIN" ^,t'1 an a"'8tar cas,• 'n technicolor. Don't miss is the first daughter in the Wooley passing from the Junior high school In decorating supplies at Scott's drug son's car. The accld&it occurred nepr of one Ikix of Shari powder at Scott's this wonderful picture. families. • to the high school. store.—Adv. St. Joseph, drug store.—Adv.

I f TTTE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA, MICH. THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA, MICH. plaints, seemingly aimed at the han- THREE MILLION dling of contracts by the government News Review of Current Itself, that specifications for buildings •It**************************************************## QUALITY FOR 78 YEARS were so framed that they unfairly lim- ]/oi ited the sources from which materials ^ Memorial to Cornell Men Who Lost Lives in World War | Homemade Sirup Delicious on Waffles Events the World Over could come. FOR THIS * WORLD' OUR COMIC 5ECTIOM The llmestone-granlte-marble con- ******************By BETSY CALLISTER****************** — troversy falls in the latter category. POWDER hp* ITH waffles or griddle cakes quarter cup of water, stirring con- WAR a The charges are that Indiana's advo- mosi t people like to serve some stantly. Then put over the fire again cates have been too Influential and \rg.mr W Supreme Court Bars Reservations to Oath of Allegiance sort of sirup. Pure maple sirup Is and let cook for two or three minutes have somehow or other put "Indiana YARNS Like votes in a "popularity con" generally liked but this is fairly ex- longer, stirring the while. Now add limestone" info tiie specifications for Events in the Lives of Little Men •—Economy Plans for Post Office Depart- test," each of the three million boxes pensive and so Is strained honey. a half cup more boiling water and by Lieut. Frank E. Hagan too many government buildings. ment Are Announced. of Plough's Favorite Bouquet used Cane sirup and corn sirup, which are set away to cool. ,, n[ (ffl. 1131. McClurn Ncwapapur Symllcate.) considerably less expensive, may bo IRECTORS of the American So- a year, brings in other votes of ap- (WNU Servlco.) used instead or you may make sirup ciety for the Control of Cancer proval. And it Is this tremendoul "The Rock of the Marne" D from granulated sugar. snu> \\0\U MW TIMES By EDWARD W. PICKARD have given out a report asking hospi- popularity that makes Plough's The Civil war gave the American A good white sirup niay be made tals and universities to co-operate in Favorite Bouquet the largest selling army the tradition of the "Rock of IVE Justices of the HIS year's Memorial day address by putting a cup of water and a cup HAVE ITDLP W the organization of special cancer in- face powder in the world for 350! SUPERSTITIOUS Chicknmnuga" in the person of Gen. F PnUnitel d States Su- by President Hoover was deliv- of granulated sugar in a saucepan T stitutes, services and clinics through- George 11. Thomas, but the World war preme court have ered in the memorial pork at Valley You, too, will "cast your vote" for NEVER TCLETTHAT out the United States. This co-ordi- m in and letting It cook for four or five gave to it the tradition of the "Rock ruled, in the case of Forge. Pennsylvania, where George this fine powder once you see how. nated effort, the report states, offers minutes without stirring. A sirup of the Marne" In the personnel of the Prof. Douglas 0. Mac- Washington and his nigged troops long it clings . . . how beautifying tiiat has the flavor of old-fashioned Why It r a hope of making more effective the m m Thirty-eighth United Stntes Infantry. VOb IN THE intosh of the Vale spent a terrible winter l. )3 years ago, molasses may be made by boiling present attempts "to reduce the it it... and how smartly econom- For it was this regiment which Jzr, divinity school, that a and where, more than 3.000 of those equal quantities of brown sugar and WHEN ITS WIN I Mo frightful mortality from this disease." ical I Try it today ... ask for blocked the "gateway to Paris" at the foreigner who seeks patriots are buried.- Tiie exorcises of water for four or five minutes. This Is So Good The report says cancer took more Plough's Favorite Bouquet, in ths second Bnftie <>f the Marne on July H OUTP(%)Rb?PEACMF American citizenship the day were impressive. Two thou- is delicious with either griddle cakes than 100.000 lives in this country In square-shaped red box I nnd ]•". 1018. by heating back two Ger- TN the making ol Monarch must take the oath sand troops acted as esport to Presi- or waffles and if you like It rather 1020, being exceeded only by heart man shock divisions and aifiiongh suf- Tomato Soup only the finest iresh NOW O^T lOOK AT with no reservations dent and Mrs. Hoover and a battery thick add more sugar than water. disease as a principal cause of death. fering enormous losses, immortfilized red-ripe Tomatoes, pu.-c butter, and about taking up arms from Phoenixvllle fired the salute. In Less expensive than strained honey itself by a classic example of cool- pure cream arc used. Positively no THAT fiOOZ for the country in his address Mr. Hoover reviewed his fifougAb is a sirup made by boiling together a Justice Ru- ness. courage and tenacity. other lat. time of war. Macin- past •policies in International matters J£ XILE from Front view of Cornell university's new War memorial, which stands as a tribute to the 204 Cornell men who cup of granulated sugar and a cup of Sutherland mania and expul- PAVORITB MUUQtlT lost their lives In the World war. The German attacks first hit the The seasoning cannot be improved. tosh refused to swear and outlined his plans for the future, water and adding when cool two table- sion from the royal platoons of tlie Thirty-eighth which If you have not tried Monarch, aiieRianre without limiting his oltll- especially concerning tiie reduction of spoons of strained honey. family of that country FACE POWDEB were dug in along the river bank and you have not tasted the perlect gation to hear arms, and therefore armaments. OiKHKKHKJOaOOO<>OCH>OOOO<>CH>CH5OOOOO«HKl To make caramel sirup, delicious Is the fate arranged ns these platoons were wiped out of Tomato Soup. is denied the right of naturalization. The night preceding this, the Presi- If you pr«f»r a h«Tl«r texture pow- for griddle cakes or waffles, put one for Queen Helene, the €«r, choote Plough's "Exqulilte" Vac* evistence the company commander Sold only by Independent merchants. Tiie same decision was made in the dent was the guest of the Union Powder In the round red bo*. 50c. If cup of granulated sugar In a smooth estranged wife of took forward their supporting pla- case of Miss Marie Averlll Bland. Both League club of Philadelphia at a ban- you want a apeclal powder for oily ekln, aluminum pan over a low flame. King Carol. According chooaa Plough's "Incenaa of Jlowera" la toons for counter-attacks. Time nnd she ami Macintosh are Canadians and quet where he was presented with an the red oval box, 75c. Too Much Mother^in-Law-Trouble When It has melted stir and keep over to Patria,- the official time again these counter-blows drove MONARCH both saw wartime service in France. oil portrait of himself. the flame until it has turned a light organ of the Zaranist O^OOOCKKKKW{>0O0CHJCK>CKKH5CH>0 By JEAN NEWTON 0

•HHI WNNWCMRM PAGE FOUR THE COLOMA COURIER. COLOMA. MlCH JUNE 5, 1931. JUNE 5, 1931. THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH PAGE FIVB Personal "1. Q." NO GENTLEMAN'S JOB >iiH niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii London Police Weapon JUNE 1, CHILDREN'S STATISTICS SHOW The Intelligence quotient or "1. Q." * A wooden truncheon, or staff, mads OBSEKYE ANNIVERSARY Of of a person is determined by multiply- COVERT NEWS THOUSAND DISASTERS A farmer passing through tht vil- Billy Was a of cocus wood. 15 inches long, with GEM MOTOR SALES ing the menial ace by 100 and divid- lage of Melgle, shortly after Sir Hen- HUGE TELEPHONE a leather strap to secure It to th* He-Man ing by the actual age. Thus the In- ry Campbell-Bannernmn had been ap- wrist, Ii the traditional weapon of the PATRICK HENRY'S BIRIH DAY AT M. E. CHURCH telligence quotient of a normal person RECEIVED RED CROSS pointed prime minister, stopped hlf Metropolitan police of London. Re- IN AND AROUND THE ELMS TO SELL DE VAUX CARS By GENEVRA COOK NETWORK IN U. S. Is 100. A person with nn "1. Q." be- volvers are kept only at the stations, gig to have a chat with the old stone- low 80 Is rated ns subnormal, while to be Issued In special cases where Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crawford have as BELL PHONE 65. breaker by the roadside. M 11 I I I i i I I M I I III 11 I I I M 1 Immortal Words Wore Spoken by AID IN 50 YEARS Fine Program Prepared for Exercises one with an "I. Q." above 120 Is rated there Is reason to believe that encoun- their Sunday guests Mrs. Crawford's « "U>II, John," said the farmer, (Coprrisht.1 Grand Rapids—Norman DeVuux. Coloma, Berrien Co., Michigan as gifted. About live persons in 100 ters with armed criminals are likely Eloquent Virginian sisters Mrs. Burkhart of St. Joseph, To Start ut II MMI a. in. "what do you think of the laird now Service to Three-foorths of Total the manufacturer; Col. Klltert J. Hull, FT WAS an exciting day for Billy will bo found to be 20 below normal to occur. Mounted police have long- and Mrs. Clapsaddle of Riverside, and American Society to Celebrate they have made him prime mlnisterT" ^ Burton when his father came homo. "Ceasar had his Brutus, Charles the their husbands. the engineer; and Count Alexis tie F. W. COCHRUN riilidren'fl Day will be observed at Telephones Famished by and about five 20 above normal. er truncheons. The Metropolitan po- "I think he Is loo much a gentleman Billy was standing in the middle of First his Cromwell, and George Ihe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonnetti are Its Birth Year With Nation- Sakhnoffsky, the artist-each a recog- the Methodist church on Sunday, June lice orders provide that truncheons for that Job," replied the old man.— 1 25 Bell CompaDies Third—may profit by their example. occupying the Louis Uegls home ami nized leader in his Held of endeavor, 7th, the exercises to be held at 11 :(MI the roadway In front of Ornndmoth- are to be used only In extreme case*, wide Observance Friday, June 5, 1931 Toronto Globe. When Columbus Died If this be treason, make the most of entertained their daughter and chil- are the men who nre responsible for a. m. Everyone Is invited to attend er's, lifting with the sturdy strength and whenever used by a constable Christopher Columbus' will nnd It" dren over the week-end. the iH'Vaux automobile, product of this service which will follow the Sun- of nn eight-year-old the frail body of must be submitted to the station offi- Tornadoes, floods, forest fires and (EnUsfed iw Heconil-clan* mnuer al Uip Profitable Silence At the beginning of 1931 there other evidence indicate that he did What school boy Is not familiar with Mr. and Mrs. August Purpura and DeVuux-Huil Motors Corporation of uoHioiTlcc aV Colomii. MU-IiIkbu, under day school hour. little Lou Ellon, and swinging her cer for subsequent Inspection. other calamities and upheavals of na- Oyer—There goes a man who has a was a total of 20,201,000 telephones not die In poverty, and that he was these Immortal words. Who has not daughter Mary spent the week-end this city. Ihe Act of March H, IH79.) high over his head, while she made road them and visualized the llery and ture have visited the United States Powered by the famous six port, Program fortune of nearly half u million, and In the United States. Ot these, 15.> In possession of a considerable amount visiting relatives and friends in Chi- trills of delighted laughter. A broath- 6S2,000 were Bell telephones, 4,416,- eloquent Patrick Henry making this more than one thousand times In tie six-cylinder Hail motor, a creation of It's mostly IiuhIi money. of wealth at tho time of his death at Politeness Pays cago. rOM)^IA II. s. CJIRUS

Bronson—Nothing much disturbs THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICTT. HEAR RUSSIAN LEADER MAY VISIT POLAND Lyle Bower. Burglars entered his GRAIN EXPERTS SEE MUST TAKE UP ARMS MOB TRAMPLES ON State News home, removed electric and plumbing BIG SURPLUS CROPS fixtures and the cook stove, and de- FOR UNITED STATES PICTURE OF POPE parted, while Bower slept. in Brief Jackson—Fire destroyed a truck Solution of Problem Not Yet No Citizenship Papers for Disturbances in Streets of (Copyright,1931,In sit loaded with automobile accessories Pointed Out. countries bjr the Allegan—Dale Teed, 15-year-old eon and other merchandise on U. S.-127. Alien Pacifists. Rome Portentous. General Pershing's North American Newspaper Alliance. 77/ Call Her of Guy Teed, sheriff of Allegan Coun- seven miles north of Jackson, with a Chicago. — Unless unprecedented Washington.—By a majority of one, London.—The Swiss guard", histor- WorlJ rights re- ty, was drowned while four compan- loss estimated at $5,000. The truck droughts or other disasters smite vast the United States Supreme court de- ical defenders of the Vatican nnd the served. Including the ions swam to safety when a sailboat was en route to Jackson. fields of wheat now sprouting, dealers cided an applicant for citizenship must pope, have been equipped with rifles Scandinavian. Re- on Littlejohn Lake capsized in a squall. Ann Arbor—Dr. Alexander G. Ruth- on the board of trade see a world's Story ol tbe A. E. F. production In whole take an oath to llsjht. If necessary, for and ammunition to protect the Holy ven. president of tho University of carryover at the end of the present orlnpartprohiblted.) Blissfield—Fire which damaged the the United States. This conclusion City against any possible attacks, the Michigan, has accepted a membership "wheat year" June .'?(» of approximate- home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Pearl Glaser was reached In the ca a political trend by Catholic organ- mistic. owes her life to Miss Eleanor Kelly, and of $1,170,172,934 when compared American minister to China, left for we dropped In at the dispensary where prised that the conference failed to university professors protested to the 000 has been paid out under the new izations. After nil, considering the lack of a telephone operator. Miss Pineau with the 1919 total. Nanking, where he will ask the some American women under Miss find an effective remedy for overpro- bonus loan law during the last few In Vatican circles the contention men and material, we were making was overcome by gas escaping from Chinese government to take steps to American Association of University Elsie De Wolfe (who afterward be- River Rouge—Two men were burned duction and that the real solution lies months. Thus far 1,010,022 former was maintained that by their alleged progress on the physical side of the a water heater. She reached a tele- refund two defaulted American loans Professors the dismissal of Prof. Her- came Lady Mendl) maintained a clinic fatally in the United States Gypsum In the development of mixed husband- soldiers have taken advantage of the Interference In Catholic activity the organization that would feed, clothe phone, screamed nnd collapsed. Miss which were made by the defunct man A. Miller. InternaUonally known for badly burned gns cases. We also Co. plant in River Rouge, when they ry In countries now growing too much sociologist, nnd nn opponent of mili- provisions of the law which permits Fascists were violating the spirit of and furnish munitions for the great Kelly called police and a doctor re- Pelplng government about ten years made a brief call at the hospital near- were covered by a red hot powder wheat veterans to borrow up to 50 per cent the Lateran treaty and the concordat. army we hoped to have. vived the girl. nco. The loans total about $12,000,- tary training, from the faculty of the by to see Colonel Bunau-Varlla of composition, which fell from a burst- of the value of their adjusted com- One obstacle, however, wns to be 000. One of them, for $3,500,000. was university. Panama canal fame, who had lost a Ann Arbor-Word hns been received ing pipe. Thomas Henderson was pensation policies. found In the number of Independent S Taxpayers in Illinois made by the Continental nnd Commer- Illinois Convicts Riot leg at the recent French offensive near here that Dr. Josselyn Van Tyne, one dead when he was pulled from the The new loans bring the total bor- bureaus represented at the ponJs and cial National bank of Chicago. Verdun. From his cheerful mood he of three University of Michigan facul- powder, and the second man, Charles Crew of Chicago News rowed on veterans' Insurance certifi- and Destroy Buildings the larger centers of activity, not only Ask Court Injunction These loans originally were default- seemed to be rather proud of his ty members on a scientific expedition William, died In a hospital. The men, cates up above the billion dollar mark, Vandalla, 111.—Six hundred convicts In our own system but especially In Chicago.—A suit for Injunction to ed at the time of the Washington Plane Killed in Fall wound in Guatemala, is ill and Is being trans- employed In the plant, were working as previous loans of more than $300.- on the state penal farm near here that of the French, and the conse- restrain County Treasurer McDonough arms conference, nnd no principal or Chicago.-Four men comprising the In 1927 I took part In the dedica- ported through the jungle to a hos- under the pipe when It broke. 000,000 had been arranged at lower rioted.and destroyed by fire the five quent difficulty of securing teamwork from collection of delinquent 1029 Interest has since been paid. Foreign crew of the Chicago Dally News plane tion of the Ossuary near Verdun, at pital. Doctor Van Tyne suffered a Interest rates. Washington, D. C.. among them. As a remedy I sent to Grand Rapids—Most of the business realty taxes was filed on behalf of Mlnlsti • C. T. Wang has promised Blue Streak were killed when the spe- wooden dormitories, which had been which Colonel Bunau-Varlla was pres- hemorrhage of the throat. He is as- leads the country In Ihe amount of their sleeping quarters. each base section a competent general section of Tustin, an Oceola County 3.000 tnxpnyers. The suit nlleges that to give the matter his consideration, cially designed sesqulplane fell while ent. On the rounds to Inspect this sistant curator of birds iu the univer- money paid out. with a total of $141,- officer with an organized staff to co- village, was destroyed by fire, only the ll)21i levy was "Illegal, fraudulent but the Chinese press claims certain attempting to set a 2.000 kIlometer The prison guards soon had the fine monument we passed the many sity museum. 000,000. New York city came second ordinate and systematize the mnn- three business places remaining. The and confiscatory." elements of the Kuomlntang object to speed record north of Glen Ellyn. 111. situation under control, but there was bays which contain the bones of men Marcellus—Grieving over the death with $72,000,000. agement of affairs, and In a brief time loss is undetermined. A ware house, Realty to the amount of $400,000,000 a refund on the ground that the old The dend are Shirley J. Short, chief considerable shooting by the guards who lost their lives In the great bat- of his wife a few years ago, Frederick As more than 40.000 loans have not considerable Improvement wns notlce- two stores, a barber shop and busi- Is Involved. Pelplng government used the money pilot; Richard K. Peck, co-pllot: Lewis nnd mnny of the rioting prisoners tle. When we came to the bay cor- Myers, 76 years old, ended his life been acted on and applications are nble In methods of bundling troop ar- ness room burned. (Two barns also Approximately $121,000,000 of the to prosecute the war against Canton. S. Rice, radio operator; and Robert wielded clubs, though no one was seri- responding to the sector In which he rivals and cargo and In the Increased on her grave in Marcellus Cemetery. were destroyed. The Cadillac fire de- 1020 county tax levy, totaling $270.- Gormley. mechanic. still arriving. Veterans' bureau offi- ously hurt fought, he Jovially remarked that he Myers was found by his son. Henry, cials expect the total loans under the progress of construction. CAPT. IWV£r/V5AtQrtUrt£SfTJ/f OLD CITY CtriFTfRY. S/ASHmiZTf/fH. partment aided the local volunteer 000.000 has not been paid. The 3,000 Unemployed Workers in Short was a veteran pilot. In 1020 The riot Is the second on the farm thought bis leg must be In there. at whose home he had visited earlier bucket brigade In fighting the flames, property owners protesting their taxes he won the Harmon International new act will amount to close to $1,000,- In six weeks. On April 11 two pris- Dock Construction Delayed. 000.000. In the evening. After he left for a which were of undetermined origin. arc among the delinquents. Germany Stage Riots trophy for his record In flying the oners were wounded by guards when Toward the end of October, accom- CHAPTER XIX walk, the son became alarmed because Breakfasting with me In Paris No- By ELMO SCOTT WATSON thrilling later history than Its early Great Britain toward the United Ionia—Mllburn Stabler, 39-year-old Berlin.—Serious rioting by unem- mail between Cleveland and Chicago. six tried to escape. A mild riot fol- panied by Gens. Richard N. Blatchford American Troops Moving to the Front. of his despondency, followed, and lowed the shooting. vember 4, 1917, the British prime min- HE American flag, whose birth- one. States. Determined to find out for Lansing coal dealer, and his two sons, Grandson of President ployed has taken place in many towns Farmers who saw the accident said Hawks Makes Tour of and Mason M. Patrick, and Cols. found him lying on the grave dying ister, Mr. Lloyd George, referred to day we celebrate on June 14. In 1837 Captain Driver retired from himself whether this talk was fostered Lawrence, 11, and Greenfall, 9, were of central Germany and In the Ruhr the right wing appeared to shake The damage was estimated by Supt, Charles R. Krauthoff aud David S. request, I called on him, and he also Frnnce wonts—Alsace Lorraine, as In- from poison. Europe in Ten Hours C. J. Metzger at $10,000. the Italian defeat at Caporetto as be- Is known by a number of fig- the sea and went to Nashville, Tenn.. by politicians for their own selfish drowned in Morrison Lake, three miles Garfield Kills Himself Industrial district. loose. Short dumped the gasoline, Stanley. I visited Bordeaux, one of told me of the proposal to form a su- demnity and security for the future. Paris.—Capt. Frank Hawks toured ing a most serious disaster, and point- urative names. It Is probable to make his home, but when he sold ends or was a genuine antipathy. Coldwater—Lloyd A. Deal, 40 years northeast of Clarksvllle, when an out- Cleveland.—A bullet wound which Barricndes were built at Essen, po- shut off the motor and tried to glide the ports chosen for the use of Amer- preme war council and wanted me to "Italy has definite territorial claims. Europe In ten hours May 27. He had ed out thnt sending British and French Tthat It was called "The Red, his ship he did not sell "Old Glory." Bates resolved to cross the Atlantic, old, a veteran of the World War, was board motorboat which Stabler was Sheriff James Maloney said was self- lice were stoned and shop windows to a landing, but the wing fell off Fall Appeals for Review ican troops. As facilities were only go to the conference In Italy. I gave Thus the governments of these coun- breakfast in London, luncheon In Ber- divisions to Italy had materially weak- White ond Blune" or "The Safe In Its camphorwood chest It went siart from the northern border of killed by dynamite which went off testing overturned. E. W. Roe, a inflicted caused the death of John were smashed. At Graffenhalnlchen. when the ship was abont 30 feet aufficlent to accommodate a limited him the snme reply thnt I had given tries think a great deal about what lin. and dinner In the evening in Pnrls. of Bribery Conviction ened the lines In France. Mr. Lloyd Stars nnd Stripes" very soon to Tennessee with him. On patriotic England and march to London bear- while he was examining a fuse. Deal brother-in-law of Stabler and his busi- Newell Garfield, thirty-nine, grandson near Halle, Jobless workers forced the from the ground, and the plane nosed amount of additional medium draft Mr. Lloyd George. they want for themselves ond less Into a field. Captain Hawks completed his tour Washington.—A petition for a re- George also spoke at some length on 7 after the flrst flag was made occasions and on his own birthday— ing aloft an unfurled American flag had placed a charge while digging a ness partner was In the boat but was of the late James A. Garfield, twenti- burgomaster to pay a higher relief •hipping, we had stafted the construc- Shortly thereafter the Rapallo meet- about Ideals, unless these Ideals are In 7 hours 40 minutes' actual flying view by the Supreme court of his con- the lack of concerted action among the In accordance with the resolution St. Patrick's day, for he was born just as he had done on the battle- ditch In which to bury a stone on his rescued after clinging to the craft. eth President of the United States. dole. Similar scenes wore enacted nt tion of new docks nt Bassens. 12 miles ing was held, resulting In an agree- Incidental to success. So there 1» no time, averaging ISO miles an hour. In passed by the Continental congress on March 17, 1803—It was taken from fields of 1801-05. His reception by farm near Burr Oak, 12 miles west of Relatives said Mr. Garfield had been viction In the District of Columbia below, where deep water would per- allied armies. ment among the prime ministers of clenr unity nmong the allies In Europe The wives of both men witnessed the Holzweisslg and Schornewltz. Harsher Sentence for June 14, 1777, "That the flag of the eluding the time required for break courts was filed by Albert B. Fall, for- I agreed with him and added that the governments participating. Great the chest and flung to the breeze for the people of England would show here. He lighted the fuse, but believed tragedy. In 111 health, but there was nothing At Wehoffen. in the Ruhr district, mit vessels to come alongside. Al- oud America." fast In London and luncheon In Berlin, United Stotes be 13 stripes, alternote nil to see nnd lo reverence. And Caj)- whether or not there was any founda- It had failed to burn. The 4-pound definite to explain the tragedy. Kirkland to Be Asked mer secretary of the Interior. The though considerable quantities of ma- In my opinion there never had been Britain, France and Italy. Detroit—Two golfers, knocked down the unemployed elected a committee to red and white; that the union be 0 hours 51 minutes elapsed between District Court of Appeals upheld the terial bad been sent over, this new real co-operation on the western front taln Driver Invariably saluted It with tion for this talk of John Bull's hos- charge exploded as he prepared to negotiate with the burgomaster for Valparaiso. Ind.—With Virgil Kirk- Approved by Wilson. by lightning during a recent electrical his takeoff from Le Bourget In the CHAPTER XX 13 stars, white in a blue Held, repre- these words. "My country, my flag— tility toward Uncle Sam. light the fuse again. He was thrown land In the Pendleton reformatory, finding that Fall had accepted a $100,- construction wns delayed principally between the British and French, that The creation of the council did not j storm, are recovering from their un- John Barton Payne Is increase of relief. The request was Soon after the First division en« senting a new constellation." Old Glory r Some of his friends tried to dis- 225 feet. starting a one to ten year prison sen- morning and his return at night. 000 bribe from E. L. Doheny, Califor- because of the lack of piling which the when one wns nttacklng the other was pleasant experience. They are Rich- granted. meet with universal approval, the tered a quiet sector of the Vosges the The route covered Is 1,400 miles nia oil man. In connection with the •engineers had planned to have brought usually standing still, nnd thnt the The name "The Star-Spangled Ban- As the dispute between tbe North suade him from his purpose. "I bet Jasper—Harold Wotring, 15 years Honored by Austrians tence Imposed, the legal machinery of commanders of the British and French ard Schwegler and Claude Little. long, according to the measurements peaceful aspect of the sltuatlou was ner" dates from 1814 when Francis nml South became more Intense and you don't travel 12 miles before you the state was In motion to set aside naval oil land leases. The former sec- from the Pacific coast. Germans were thus left free to concen- armies and high officials In civil old, of Fairfield Township, reached Playing in the rain at the Middle Belt Washington.—John Barton Payne, disturbed by a German raid on an Iso- Scott Key, watching the British bom- Slayer of Milwaukee his sentence as arbitrary to law and of the ordinary commercial air routes. retary Is under sentence to prison for An Incident happened In connection trate their reserves against the threat- the Civil war drew nearer and near- set face homeward and leave your his home after having been kidnaped chairman of the American Red Cross, circles being opposed to It. Military golf course, they ran for shelter under ened point. lated post of the Sixteenth Infantry bardment of Fort McHenry, was In- er, Captain Driver became Increas- bean-pole in the custody of some par- received a medal of distinction from Inflict.. heavier penalty. one year and to pay a fine of $100,000. with the shipments of piling from commanders were afraid It would re- and forced to drive twe men to Syl- a large tree. Lightning struck the Lawyer Commits Suicide November 3. 1017. A group was caught spired to write the poem which was ingly unpopular with his neighbors in ish beadle." said one of them. But the Austrian Red Cross society. Min- A Jury found him guilty of assault Nation's Business Shows home that would have been amuslag We were facing a grove crisis next sult In undue Interference with the vanla and Toledo. Wauseon and Oak tree and spent itself in the ground Milwaukee, Wis.—William Sullivan, In a box barrage and although the men later set to music aud became the of- Nashville because of his outspoken Bates was not to be discouraged. ister Prochnik of Austria conferred and battery with Intent to rape his If It had not been so serious. One year. If not sooner, sold Mr. Lloyd conduct of operations and In derision Shade, O. The men entered his car between the men. They were revived one of the city's leading attorneys, Signs of Improvement made a courageous resistance, three flclal national anthem. But the name devotion to his country and his flag. Late In October, 1872, he sailed for seventeen-year-old sweetheart. Arlene ship that reached Bordeaux was suj)- George, and no one knew how It wns It was often referred to as the soviet as he stopped for a traffic light In the by a pulmotor crew of the Detroit Fire on Payne the senior order of the first was shot to death In his home In WASHINGTON BRIEFS were killed, five wounded and twelve "Old Glory" Is a more recent one. It During the Presidential campaign Scotland with a carefully wrapped Drrfves, at a party which resulted In Washington.—Facts and figures ludl posed to be loaded with especially long to be met The enemy might attack The action of the three govern- outskirts of Adrian. When the auto- Department and taken to the Bedford class of the Austrian Red Cross to Whlteflsh Bay. a suburb. Police said captured. was Just a hundred years ago that a "Old Glory" was displayed on a rope bundle. In It was an American flag the girl's death, which was popularly eating Improvement in the business piling, but upon Inspection the engi- each one separately, with the same ments at Rapallo was approved by mobile broke down at Oak Shade, the branch of Receiving Hospital. commemorate Ihe fiftieth anniversary William Relnke. a visitor, shot him. Yankee skipper had the Inspiration supposed to carry an automatic one to and unemployment situation were re- neers found It much shorter than pre- results as In the case of Itoly. He These were the flrst casualties that stretched from his home to a tree of the regulation size nt that time— kidnapers hired a garage man to tow of the American organization. Automobiles manufactured last year President Wilson November 17 and Lansing—Michigan's only quadrup- Relnke then committed suicide. ported to President' Hoover by mem- had occurred In our army to units which resulted In that affectionate across the street but the bitterness six by six and a half feet. He also ten year penalty. totaled 4,109,231, of which 3.355,080 scribed. Upon inquiry It was learned then asked what I thought of creat- that fact appeared In the press a day it part way to Fairfield, and aban- Sullivan went to the servants' quar- serving In the trenches. The dead name being bestowed upon our nation- of that campaign brought to Captain carried a staff, a stout hickory pole lets celebrated their first birthday on A few hours after sentence had been bers of his cabinet. The more favor- that to get tbe piles In between bulk- ing a supreme war council. or so later. doned It beside the road. ters to Investigate after he heard a were made In the United States. al colors. Here Is the story of how Driver's oars unmistakable bints that nine feet In length. May 19. They are girls, daughters of Report Drought Is Not pronounced Prosecutor Robert C. Eg- able symptoms of better economic con- heads the supercargo had sawed the Having In mind councils called to were Corporal James B. Gresham and shot fired. Police said they were told The President's action strengthened "Old Glory" got that name: his ilag might be stolen or destroyed, Clad In his uniform of blue. Ser- Brltton—The Rev. L. H. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Morlok. The tlll announced he had received official ditions Included a continued slight In- ends off. While speaking of forest decide upon military operations In the Privates Thomas F. Enrlght aud Merla Likely to Be Repeated Relnke fired the shot at a maid In the Investigation of labor conditions in the hands of those who favored the so he bought another flag for display geant Bates on November 5—Guy pastor of a Clinton church, was killed babies, Edna. Wilma, Sarah and Helen, notice from Attorney General James crease In employment throughout the products another example of Ineffi- field, I told him that the advice of war D. Hoy, all of company F. From the beginning of New Eng- Washington.—The weather bureau Sullivan home to whom he had been West Virginia coal mines has been council and probably become tlie Influ- nnd retired "Old Glory" once more to Fawkes day and tbe anniversary of and Will Clack, of Clinton, a parishon- have passed their first year normally M. Ogden that Judge Crumpacker had country, better crop prospects in the ciency that occurred a little later councils was not usually of any great The French took charge of the fu- land maritime history the Driver fam- reports that there Is no indication now paying court. urged by the people's lobby. ence that saved It. Its camphorwood chest. the Battle of Inkerman—left Edin- er. was fatally injured when Clack's and In good health, except for a slight erred, that the penalty called for un- agricultural areas, a pickup in postal «nlght be mentioned. value and that the proposition did not nerals and turned out a formal guard ily of Salem, Mass., had been leaders of a repetition of last year's drought. Resenting Sullivan's Interference. The fact Is that If the French nnd burgh for Gretna Green. At Sark automobile was struck on the M-50 Influenza attack last winter. Helen der the law was five to twenty-one business nnd a general disposition on One of the vessels from hoqlie was appeal to me. I said that authority lu addition to our own. The services In the shipping trade, not only as ship- After the secession of Tennessee Substantial amounts of rain through- The Industrial pay roll of the United British army commanders. In a friend- crossing here by a Wabash freight has not developed quite as rapidly as Relnke killed the lawyer, then him- the pnrt of industry to a little better were conducted by the French general, builders but as owners, captains ond from the Union, the captain began to bridge on tbe border line between Scot- years In Michigan City penitentiary, States In 1020 was $15,220,101,420 for loaded by the auartermaster's denart- should be vested somewhere to co-ordl- ly spirit of co-operation, hod made a train. The men were returning from out most of the country with the ex- self. sailors of their own vessels. In the fenr for safety of his flag at tbe land nnd England he unfurled "Old her three sisters, who have eight teeth 'I expect to go before Judge Crum- than hold Its own. 10,185,200 persons employed by 210,- Bordeaux, who come with his full staff ception of the Northwest encouraged Joint study of the military problem of year 1831 Copt William Driver was hands of the Confederates. So he Glory" and stood beneath It with un- Petersburg where they had attended each. Helen, an Incubator baby, boasts packer," Mr. Estill snld. "with a mo- and delivered a beautiful oration over this forecast. In the face of a recog- 710 firms. the western front ns n whole nnd then took It by night to tbe house of a covered head. Then he started on a church banquet. Clack stopped at only four teeth. She weighed less King Carol Deprives tion to alter the Judgment." the graves. A large number of French carrying on the family tradition. As nized tendency for one dry year to Former Ruler of Spain • had seriously undertaken to pull to- his march. That evening he tramped the crossing to let a passenger train than three pounds at birth. troops also came Informally to pay a boy of twelve he had shipped on a Union sympathizer named Bailey and follow another. Representatives of the California gether, as though under one control, Into Carlisle where a group of com- pass and then drove in front of the Wife of Royal Status their final tribute. This Joint homage soiling vessel for Europe nnd before nsked Mrs. Bailey and her daughters. Lansing—Two Michigan Iron mines Wheat Production to Be Before Supreme Court grape growers applied to the federal the supreme war council would never freight going In the opposite direction. Budapest, Hungary.—Helen, princess to our dead there under the fire of the he wns twenty he was master of the Mary and Patience, to hide It for him mercial travelers at the Bush hotel were winners and two others won hon- Madrid.—Former King Alfonso, ex- farm board for additional loans of have been born. of Greece, and divorced wife of King brig, Charles Baggett, one of that In- so that It could not be found and de- gave him a hearty welcome. More Kalamazoo—For the third time in orable mention In the 1930 safety con- Banker Free of Charge Less, Washington Learns iled In France, was accused In the Su- $14,000,000. guns seemed to symbolize the common The supreme war council made a numerable fleet which sailed the stroyed If the Confederates searched than thnt; they sent word on nhead four years, Leo A. Hartsell saved a Carol of Rumania, has been ruled out Washington.—A reduction In world preme court of criminal responsibility sacrifices we were to make In the same test conducted by the Bureau of favorable start and gave the Impres- of bis strange pilgrimage and when of Embezzling $2,000,000 of the royal family, the Rumanian great cause. Seven Seas and carried the name of his house. At the time Mary and Pa- life when he resuscitated Vernon Cas- Mines at Washington. The winner in wheat' acreage outside Russia and for his official nets. The interest rate on government de- sion that a wl«e and conservative ex- Louisville, Ky.—James B. Brown, newspaper Patria, organ of the Na- Salem to every corner of the earth. tience Bnlley were making a comfort, he came to the mining towns of Pen- tle. 15 years old, at West Lake, south the metal mine class was the Penn China for the 1031-32 season was said He wns charged specifically with posits has been cut from 1 per cent to ercise of Its renjly unlimited powers Ammunition Question Acute. former president of the Bancokentucky tional party, said. In September of that year Captain padding it heavily with cotton, and rith and Shap. grent crowds of min- of this city. Hartsell worked over the Iron Mining Co., Vulcan. Mich., which by the Department of Agriculture to having failed to put down the rebel- 0.5 per cent annually on dally bal- would characterize Its actions. It re- company, was freed of a charge of The military commanders have been The ammunition question again be- Driver was preparing to sail for a thus suggested an ideal hiding place. ers were on hand to cheer him. boy nearly an hour. The boy was worked 318,402 man-hours without a be definitely In prospect, the decrease lion In 1023 and with not having ex- ances, effective June L frained from Interfering directly with embezzlement In connection with In- ordered to treat Helen, who only last came acute at that time, despite our trip around the world. Just before So Captain Driver folded "Old Glory." The warm welcome given Bates there seized with cramps when he struck single accident causing "loss of time." being approximately 2 per cent, and to- ecuted Its Instigator, Gen. Don Miguel military commanders and operations dorsement of a $2,000,000 note Brown year was proclaimed queen by Carol, agreements with the French and their leaving a party of his friends gath- placed It between the layers of cotton was repealed In every place through the cold water while taking his flrst Two of the five honorable mentions tal producing area aggregating 181,- Prlmo de Rivera, Instead of placing Wisconsin products In 1020 were and confined itself largely to questions positive assurances that they would ered to present him with a farewell in the comfort where the Bailey girls which he traveled. A little village dive. Hartsell, an engineer for the executed to his brokers, and which as a private person In future. She Is 805,000 acres, against 185,278,000 acres him at the head of a military dicta- in this class also went to Michigan valued at $2,158,139,172, In a national of policy, such as the co-ordination of moke prompt deliveries, but their ex- tacked It In and sewed up the out- on the road from the university town subsequently was indorsed to the Ban- to receive none of the honors accord- torship. gift, an American flog, because he Consumers Power Co., was cited by mines, the Brule Mining Co., of Stam- last year. Reports indicate, It was summary Issued by the United States allied resources and the conservation planation wos thot we had not fur- cokentucky company, of which Brown ed only members of the royal family, was noted for his love for the nr- side covering. Again at night Captain of Oxford to London yielded a mo- his employers for saving the life of baugh, and the James Mining Co., of said, that In Argentina and Australia, Department of Commerce. and distribution of allied strength. nished the full amount of raw mate- ment of rare pathos. An aged woman was president. the dispatch said. tlonal colors and what they betokened. Driver took tbe comfort to his home Raymond Rouse, 14, in 1927, and Sally Iron River. the outstanding wheat-growing coun- Freak Tornado Wrecks However, as time went on. the su- rial required. Captain Driver wos on deck to re- and placed It In a large Iron wash tottered up to him from a wayside Ix)U Arnold, in 1928. tries not Included In the total, there Sault Ste. Marie—Miss Stella Lee The Veterans' bureau is spending preme war council assumed greater In my early reference to the pros- ceive them and a sailor, carrying the kettle In the attic of his home. house and. leaning on her cane, said: Potters Submit to Wage also Is likely to be a reduction. Great Northern Train $7,092,152 on 21 building projects. In Detroit—Adjustment hns been made Brunt, who went to night high school North Carolina Mills and greater authority over military pects of procuring artillery of 75mm. flag, folded In triangular form, stepped There "Old Glory" stayed until "Let me touch the flag and give my In a marriage license tangle, which Fargo, N. D.—"The Empire Builder," addition, the hospitalization board has questions. blessing to the bearer. My youngest when she was 21 and then worked her Cut, but With Proviso Gravet of Corporal J. B. Gresham and Privates Enrlght and Hay. and 155mm. calibers nnd ammunition forward nnd began a carefully mem- Union troops occupied Nashville In resulted in two couples having the in Big Cotton Merger pride of the Great Northern railroad, approved 82 projects on which work son fought for that flag and died for way to an M. A. degree at the Univer- Cleveland.—A 10 per cent wage re- Impeachment Voted for Conflict With Wilton Ideals. for Its use. It bod been expected that orized speech. February. 1802. Immediately there- same marriage license number. The Gastonia. N. C.—Consolidation of 14 was struck by a freak tornado which may be begun shortly at a cost of your country. He fell with that flag sity of Michigan, Is now tlie adopted duction was agreed upon here between iment with shavings for the cold stor- nate the operations on the western As to the political sltuatlou, the un- nothing should diminish our efforts at "In ancient times, when nn ocean after Captain Driver and a group of mistake was caused by a clerk in cotton mills In their district control- Governor of Tennessee threw Its coaches off the track. $17,757,000. In his hand." daughter of Chase Salmon Osborn, the United States Potters' association age plant Instead of steel billets for front, and suggested the possibility of dercurrent ut the moment, as nearly home In their manufacture, but when voyage was looked upon with super- soldiers ripped open the comfort, took Common Pleas Court who had not re- ling 305,000 spindles and with a capital Nashville, Tenn. — The Tenneffsffe One passenger, A. Anderson, of The London daily papers gave a former Michigan governor and lec- and the National Brotherhood of Oper- the manufacture of guns when tons of having a supreme commander there. as could be learned, showed a con- the probobllity of delay and possibly stitious dread," he said, "It was the out the flag and hoisted It over the ported to the county clerk that he of $17,500,000 was approved by the house of representatives voted, 58 to Montesano, Wash., was killed and All governmental department heads full account of the coming of the turer and writer. The adoption took ative Potters. sawdust and shavings could have been Lloyd George Favors Council. tinued lack of accord among the differ- follure of the French to furnish am- custom on the eve of departure to state capltol to the strains of "The gave a license to Mr. and Mrs. Will- stockholders of the companies. The 35, to appoint a committee to consider more than a score of passengers In- have called for surveys by subordinate munition for these guns was reported Star-Spangled Banner." played by a American and his flag. Up Netting place In a special court session in It was agreed that If conditions obtained from the logging districts In Mr. Lloyd George replied. In effect, ent notions, which were not at all la roll the banner In the form of a tri- iam Carothers, bearing license number consolidated unit is to ho known as articles of Impeachment against Gov. jured. officials and In each Instance orders to regimental band, it remained there hill, along Bayswater road and chambers in Sylvester, Ga., on April changed during operation of the new France. that It was unlikely that the allies agreement with President Wilson's to Washington my coble met the com- angle. When ready the priest stepped 370,635. It was later discovered an- Textiles, Inc. This merger, to take Henry H. Horton as a result of the The tornado ther went Into Minne- retrench have been Issued. Cuts of placent reply, much to my surprise, for hours, but so fearful was Captain through Oxford street passed a car- 30. Miss Brunt, who has been literary scale, either side could reopen nego- Trouble With Russians. would agree upon any one. os the Ideals. Each had Its own aspirations forward nnd tnklng the bnnner In effect at once. Is the most Important financial crash of banks In this state sota, killing Andrew Hatleball, near between 5 and 10 per cent are being other couple obtained a license under secretary to Ogborn for many years Continuing the Inspection, we went French would object to any but a ond each sought to gain some advan- that "the French government must hand, sprinkled It with consecrated Driver that his flag might even then riage hemmed In and followed by a tiations by giving 00 days' notice. effefted In the Industry In years. and the loss of state funds. Moorhead, when a building collapsed. aimed at. this number. The Carothers were as- and whose home is in Hamilton, Ont.. on Sunday to Cornau, about forty Frenchman and the British might not tage over the others. Some of the di- furnish It, for there Is no other way of water and dedicated It to 'God the be Injured by a hostile hand that he huge crowd. In Bond street the signed a new number. is 37. Osborn is 72. miles from Bordeaux, thinking It like thot. He thought the council vergent war alms had to do with ter- getting It At the present time there Father, God the son ond God the Holy stood guard over it day and night. In horses were taken out and the car- Order» 30 Fighting Planet Life for Triple Murder Jap Rail Workers Strike Urges Pact Against Russia riage was dragged by men along St. Casevllle—Although he has voted Detroit—After spending nine months Aguinaldo Breaks a Leg might possibly be available for our would be useful for the purpose pri- ritory distant from France and troops Is not In this country any actual out- host,' turning the point of the triangle tho morning "Old Glory" was taken Washington.-The navy awarded a Medford, Wis.—Joseph Flelschmann, Tokyo.—As a protest against the London.—An economic union of the put of ammunition of the types men- down and replaced with another Amer- James street. Pall Mall, by Charing for 35 years and even held public in the county jail, because he could Manila. — Gen. Emlllo Aguinaldo^ use later on. It wos then occupied marily of bringing the heads of the were sent that might have been more upward at the name of each, thus contract for 30 fighting planes to the cabinet's announced move to cut the British empire In opposition to the ican flag. By this time It was very Cross and through the Strand nnd office, Fred J. LeBlanc, 56 years old. Medford farmer, who killed his wife leader of the Philippine Insurrection by a brigade of disaffected Russians, allied governments together nt Inter- usefully employed on the western tioned. None has been expected." calling on that unity of Creator, Re- not locate his birth certificate, Boeing Aircraft company of Seattle at Fleet street, up Ludgate hill and and two children, was sentenced to wages of G0.000 government employees, competition of the marketing methods against the United States, Is confined who. like most of their fellows, hod vals to determine general policies. front Home Ports Overcrowded. deemer and Sanctlfler to bless the na- old. much worn and tbe captain Just recently became a citizen of the Edward Hargot, 17, is free again. a cost of $404,415. The planes are life Imprisonment in Waupun prison between 2,000 to 3.000 workers left of the Russians was demanded bj to his bed with a broken leg received defied their officers nnd refused to I admitted that such un organiza- In a letter to Secretary of War tional emblem and prosper the voy- feared that a strong wind would whip along Cheapslde to the Guildhall. United States when he took the oath Born in Poland. Hargot was taken scheduled for delivery next year as The difficulty of providing the when he pleaded guilty to three first- their Jobs on the government-oper- Stanley Baldwin, conservative leader when he slipped while bowling on his participate further In the war. After tion might serve to unite the allies In Baker I Inclosed a memorandum which agers and their friends. The flag it to pieces. Tlie London dally press gave much of allegiance In Detroit with 199 replacements. French with raw material was largely space to the American soldier on De- to Canada at the age of 5. His degree murder counts. ated railroads. In a speech. private alley. being withdrawn from the line they common purpose, but thot the conduct wos a report of a conversation held by thus consecrated was then hoisted to After this "Old Glory" was always traceable to the lack of shipping, nnd, others. Informed by his father that father was killed while fighting in the had given the French so much trouble, of operations by the combined armies a man In my confidence with a British the masthead." kept in the captain's house and late cember 2. A dense mass packed the of course, the unscientific use of what Guildhall yard, where a British ser- he was a citizen, Mr. LeBlanc, who Canadian Army in the World War. Ambasiador Sails even to committing depredations on should be under military direction. I official high up In the counsel of Great He then adjusted the flag to the In his life he gave It to his daughter, Irrigation Costs $11,000,000 Mexican Mine Fatality East Indian Mine Disaster Ban on Jazx Repealed we had. The fact is that the ports at geant was carrying the English stand- was born in St. Fllip, Ont., exercised His mother died later. Immigration Lisbon, Portugal.—John Grover the people, that they hod to be sent got the distinct Impression that while Britain. The dote of this conversa- halyards and hoisted It to Its posi- Mrs. M. J. Roland of Nevada, where, San Benito, Texas.—Construction of Mexico City—Fire In a mine at Oorgaum, British India. — Forty- Weimar, Germany.—A ban on Jnza home were overcrowded with all sorts ard. Bates was borne on the shoul- the rights until he appeared in Bad authorities freed Hargot when Calvin South. United States minister to out of the zone of the armies to this he wos seeking to secure greoter unity tion wos October 24, 1917. tion at the masthead. Captain Driv- so far as Is known. It still is. In 1907 new Irrigation districts under way in San Cralos, Pachuca, took several seven miners are known to be dead dances In places of amusement, insti- of material and supplies awaiting ves- ders of men Into the crowded Guild- Axe as a character witness In a natur- Blair, a barber, agreed to take care Portugal, and Mrs. South sailed for rather remote camp, where they were of action, he also sought some moans "Perhaps It should not he token too er, overcome with emotion, was silent the flag had become so worn that the lower Rio Grande valley at the Uvea and was not under cc«trol for and more than a score more are miss- tuted by a former National Socialist sels. The French had over 000,000 tons hall, and then back to the carriage, alization case. He was asked to prove of him. Blair and his wife say they America, aboard the liner Saturnia held practically as prisoners. of controlling the activities of the seriously," I wrote, "but It Is on Indi- for a moment. Then as he looked aloft Mrs. Roland placed It on a piece of present time will cost approximately two days. Seven bodies so far have ing as the result of a fire In the Nan- minister of the Interior, was repealed of supplies nt seaboard, which they from which he made a speech before his citizenship and then found that will adopt him if Immigration authori- for three months' home leave. There was no transportation to car- British army. During previous months cation of the British attitude." and saw the flag which he loved so sheeting and stitched It fast to the $11,000,000. been recovered. dydroog gold mine In the Kolar fields. by the diet of Thurlngln. were unable to move, and were clam- refurllng his flag. his father had only first papers. ry them back to Russlo, and as they that army had been engaged In almost Sees Difference in Aims. well floating In the breeze he ex- cloth to preserve It for future gen- ties rule he must return to Canada. oring for 150,000 tons additional of Bates' reception In London was the had been allowed to keep their arms continuous offensive operations, prac- In this conversation the British erations of the family. Captain Driv- Lansing—A bill which Its sponsors Greenville—Clinton F. Sheldon re- Specie Reaches New York steel rails. claimed: "I'll coll her Old Glory, boys; Tomb for Marshal Foch HI Health Causes Suicide T^ade Commission Loses Soviets Honor American It was difficult to enforce dlsclpllue tically single-handed, with vary heavy official declared: crowning touch lo bis pilgrimage. eay will provide the State with a (TO BE CONTINUED.) Old Glory 1" And thus was the Amer- er died March 2, 1880, and was burled cently celebrated his birthday anni- New York.—Guaranty Trust com- Paris.—A credit of $100,000 has been New York.—William B. Leonard, Washington. — The federal trade Manhattan, Kan.—George McDowell, There wns no longer any doubt of powerful weapon against communists ican flag christened with a new name In Old City cemetery In Nashville. versary at his home here but whether pany of New York announced the re- voted for a tomb for Marshal Foch. head of the woolen firm that bears his commission lost lo the Supreme court John Bull's friendliness toward Uncle Kansas State college alumnus, Is to be for he was the first to use that name Just as it was a Yankee sea captain and other radicals has been adopted ceipt of $5,000,(NX) In gold specie from name, committed suicide by shooting In Its assertion of authority to prevent enough to realize that only failure en lives, less unemployed, ond no wars production. Ideals, money, leisure and Sam. at joast so far as the common It was his 99th or his 100th is unde- It will be In tho Invalides, close to the awarded the Order of Lenin In recog- Co'Operation Basis of which gave to our flag its name of by the Senate. It already had passed the Banco de la Nadon of Buenos and by no other did he ever refer to it. cided. Mr. Sheldon says he is 99 years resting place of Napoleon, will meas- himself In his apartment. He wns alleged misrepresentations In adver- nition of his work as agricultural spe- would have resulted hod they neglect- If co-operation were given a reason- life, await you. Your body will bo people of England were concerned. the House. The bill would bar any The voyage which was thus so ap- "Old Glory," so It was that another Aires, Argentina, on the steamship ure 12 feet In height and take two forty-seven years old aud had been ill tising when no Injury to competitors cialist In Russia, according to word All Success in World ed co-operation. able chance.—London Tlt-Blts. called upon for the first three. It will "Sheridan and his cavalry could not person of foreign birth who entered old, while his children set his age at Southern Cross. propriately Inaugurated carried the Yankee—a soldier. Instead of a sailor, years to complete. a year. was shown. received here. If the: e were more co-operation In And do not think that co-operation take your head for the next two, and have ridden from the Scotch border to the United States illegally from main- 100. Both were wiling to show rec- original "Old Glory" Into many har- however—who took another "Old -the world, there would be less fiction. means only co-operation on the part of Master Your World the heart will find Its fullness In giv- London town tbrough towns and ham- taining a residence in Michigan. The ords to substantiate their calculations. bors throughout the world and Into Glory" on one of the most romantic Vatican Rejects Envoy (No home life, no business, no nation one section of the business, the home, Youth must foce the world as It Is. ing the world a royal life. Here's to lets delivering good-will and hearty can also would apply to any person Through a compromise, all members Irish Poet Honored Wage Scale Maintained Dr. Dewey Re-Elected Honor Moroccan Official Dead even more during the next six years expeditions In our history. Bates was or the nation. The worker ond the Tackle It unafraid, and with courage you! The greatest age, the grandest cheers," says Samuel Abbott In com- Vatican City.—Luis de Zulueta, Youngstown, Ohio.—It was an- New York.—Dr. John Dewey was re- can succeed without co-operation. Con- while Captain Driver sailed the sens. his name and he had served as color «-ho fulfills the United States Govern- referred to the event only as "birth- Oxford, England.—W. B. Yeats, the Tetuan, Spanish Morocco. — Sid! menting upon this historic trip of "Old Spanish ambassador-designate to the fusion and wastage of time and energy owner; the head of the house and and faith master It Enter your world, and reward of true living await ment's definition of an "undesirable Irish poet who won the Nobel prize nounced by the manufacturers that It elected chairman of the national com- I lamed Ben Azur, grand vizier of During one of his voyages Into the sergeant In the Twenty-fourth Massa- day" and did not specify which one. the kltchenmuld; the prime minister field of service In the spirit of a the youth of today.—Exchange Glory" and Its bearer. "This plain Holy See, Is persona non grata, Car- had been decided to maintain the slid- mittee of the League for Independent must naturally result. Look around at Orient he had made a camphorwood chusetts regiment during the Civil alien." Such a person would be pro- Despite his age, Mr. Sheldon Is re- in literature iu 1023, has received tho Spanish Morocco, is dead. The grand man In a dusty blue uniform 'got dinal Pacelli, papal secretary of state all tho successful men today, and then nnd the people—everyone must do his servant and with the enthusiasm of hibited from "sojourning at all" with- honorary degree of letters from Ox- ing wage scale of the sheet aud tin Political Action. Paul H. Douglas of vizier Is second in authority only to sea chest, brass-bound and decorated war. In 1872 Color Sergeant Bates markably keen, but his sight and hear- look at the business concerns they di- bit at co-operating. a freeman. That field of tomorrow Legislative Term home' to the hearts of men and wom- las informed Madrid. ford university. plate Industry. CtVyatfo was elected a vice president. the sultan. with nallheads. In which he placed had an Idea which he proceeded to in Michigan's boundaries. ing are somewhat Impaired. will demand more than tho past; en of England through the sheer nerve rect In every case you will find that There con be no happiness, no con- The word bicameral moans two- the original "Old Glory" when It was put Into effect In a dramatic fashion. stronger bodies, more alert minds, and of his pilgrimage nnd the purity of co-operation Is the corner stone of tent of any kind, if co-operation is chambered, especially consulting ot not floating at the masthead of his At that time there was much talk- their success. They have been shrewd missing. We should have fewer brok- sincere spirituality. Speed, efficiency, , two legislative branches. his motive." «hlp. And this flog had an even more In this country of tlie hostility of by Western Newspaper Union.) PAGE EIGHT THE COLOMA COURIER, COLOMA, MICH. JUNE 5, 1931.

STATE OF MICHIGAN—In the Circuit NOTICE OF MORTGAGE NOTICE OF MEETING TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:— Court for the County of Berrien. In THE DIG Notice Is hereby given that on Mon- Chancery. FORECLOSURE OF BOARD OF REVIEW OF Berrien County Deaths BAINBRIDCE NEWS day. July 20. 1031, at ten o'clock in Harold C Karscn and Edna Karaen, Default having been made In the con- PlalntllTa. vs. Thonma Fitzgerald, Folly ditions of a certain mortgage made by There was an amusing scene at a TOWNSHIP OF COLOMA the forenoon of said day. Central F. Fitzgerald, Ainaaa S. Kneeland, Clara M. Ball, mortgagor, to The State Leonard Gottlelb is the name of a well known theatrical club the other Standard Time, the undersigned will Dennla Davenport. Asalgmre of Heze- Bank of Coloma, a &flchlgan corpora- son born Thursday. May 28. 1031. to day. A bad actor, but a very good present to the Probate Court for the klah Barnes; CoKswell K. Green, C. K. tion, mortgagee, dated December 20, Comrade nmrles F. RriRhhip diod Green, and Henry \V. Gammer, or the 1926. and recorded In the office of the Mr. and Mrs. Gottlelb Badtke of Bain- fellow, accused a certain critic of hav- county of Berrien. State of Michigun, unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and Hegister.of Deeds for Berrien County, nt his homo in St. Joseph on May 29, To all persoas liaide to assesmenl for at the Probate Office in the ("ity of assigns of each of the above named brldge. ing stated that his Hamlet was the Michigan'; In Liber 154 of mortgages, on HKIl. nl the age of !M) years; he had Taxes in the Township of Coloma, persons. Defendants. page 174. and on which said mortgage Mr. and Mrs. George Volt/ and son worst he had ever seen St. Joseph, Berrien County, Michigan, Suit pending In the Circuit Court for there Is claimed to be due and payable lieeu in poor health for some time. Raymond of Chicago were week-end Counly of Berrien, Stale of Michigan, her petition praying that an order be "There's one thing," he commented the County or Berrien. In Chancery, ut at the date of thla notice the jum of Funeral services were, held Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert for the year 1931, entered by said Court changing tbe the City of St. Joseph. Berrien County, Three Thousand Nine Hundred Nine cheerfully, "next time I play It you Michigan, on the 28th day of April, A. and 00/100 (|3,909 60) Dollars, includ- afternoon under the direction of the Schwarz. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Molter Notice Is hereby given. That the as- name of said petitioner from Ada won't be able to say anything worse." D. 1931, ing interest, and an attorney fee of rnited Spanish War veterans, with and baby "f Hartford visited at the sessment roll for Ihe Township of Co- Bnlxbach to Ada Butzbaugb. Present: Tho Honorable Charles K one Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, and no Uov. T. W. BelliiiKhani delivering the "Oh, yes, I will," said the critic, "I White, Circuit Judge. suit or proceedings at law have been Schwarz home on Sunday. loma for Ihe year 1031, has been com- Said proposed change of name is not In thla cause. It appearing by the instituted to recover the money secured discourse. Comrmle nnd Mrs. Hright- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Butzbach en- shall say you're not up to your usual pleted and thnt tbe board of review sought with any evil or fradulent In- •worn bill of complaint and the am- by this mortgage on any part thereof. np have been residents of Berrien standard."—London Opinion. davit of Harold C. karaen, one of the Now therefore by virtue of the power tertained Mr. and Mrs. Reulten Knie- of said township will meet at the otllce tent, but Is desired for the use and above nanu-d plalntlfTa. Hied In support of sale in said mortgage and the statute county since 1877. Besides his widow. lies and family at dinner Sunday. of the supervisor In said township, on convenience of ixiltloner. thereof and now on llle In I his cause, in such ease mode »nd provided on Ha rah, Mr. Bright up is survived by Mrs. Fred Getiing of Henton Harbor No News to Her Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, haled: June 1*1. 1031. that the aflTlant does not know, and Monday, the 24th day of August, HUl. seven children. James Edward, of after diligent search and Inquiry, haa at 10 o'clock A. M. at the front door of spent a few days last week with her "Your husband has been nominated June I), 10 and 11. 10511. from 0:00 4(1(3 ADA BUTZBACH. Liberal, Kan.; Mrs. Joan llendrix, of been unable to ascertain the names of the courthouse, in the City of St. Jo- brother. Henry IVters and family. for otllce," said the neighbor. o'clock to 12:00 o'clock a. in. and from the persons who have been Included In seph. Berrien County, Michigan, the St. Joseph; Mrs. Irene Broekus, of 1:00 o'clock to 5:00 o'clock p. m.. al said bill of comnlaint, as the unknown premises described in said mortgage Mrs. Ida Yerrington fell down stairs "You don't seem much Interested." heirs, devisees, legatees and assigns of Lansing, III.; George r.. of r»03 Church which time and place the aforesaid as- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN— win be sold at public auction to a I her home In Keeler township on "No. It doesn't make a great deal aald Thomas Fitzgerald, 1'olly F. Fltz- satisfy amount then due. with costs nnd street, St. Joseph; Burt, of li'lH Colby Tuesday. May 2i!. striking on her sessment roll will be subject to review Notice is hereby given that on Mon- rerald, Amasa S. Kneeland, Dennis attorney fee, to-wit: the following des- of difference. It won't be any news to avenue, Benton Harbor; Walter, of St. slmulders and head, and while no and correction, and all persons who day, July 20, 1031. at ten o'clock In Davenport. Assignee of Hezeklah cribed premises In the County of Ber- me when the friendly papers print his Barnes, Cogswell K. Green, C. K. Green rien and State of Michigan; Joseph; and Rosooe, of Bockford, III. Imnes were broken, she was very ser- may consider themselves aggrieved by the forenoon of said day. Central and Henry W. Gammer, and It la not picture, nor when the opposition ed- Lot Thirty-two (.12) of the Original In addition Mr. Brigbtup is survived iously bruised and shaken. She was any valuation of property as now set Standard Time, the undersigned will known whether the said Thomas Fitz- Tint of the Village of Coloma, Berrien itors talk about his faults." gerald, Tolly Fitzgerald, Amasa S. County. Michigan. by two sisters, Mrs. Mathilda Ciiaun- taken to Mercy hospital for treat- forth in said assessment roll, or who present to the Probate Court for tbe Kneeland, Dennis Davenport. Assignee Dated May 2iilh. 1931. cey. of Bridgman; and Mrs. Carrie Counly of Berrien. State of Michigan, of Hezekith Karnes. Cogswell K. Green, ment and Is Improving. She expects may have knowledge of any errors con- STATE BANK OF COI»MA, Wilhclm, of Minneapolis, Minn. at the Probate Oliice in the City of C. K. Green and Henry W. Gammer, are Ter Harold Lyon Cashier. to return home this week. NOT SCOTCH HABIT tained In said rolls, or ommlmlons from living or dead, or where they may re- W. M. CUNNINGHAM. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben the same, or who may have reason to St. Joseph, Berrien County, Michigan, side, If living, or whether the title. In- Attorney for Mortgagee. suppose that such errors exist, will then bis petllion praying that an order be terest, claim, lien of possible right of Tuslness Address. Mrs. Ida M. Collins, widow of the Knlebes on Sunday evening were Mr. said persons In the premises described and Mrs. (JerriI Krleger. Mr. and Mrs. and there be heard by said board of entered by said cmrt changing the Benton Harbor, Michigan. late K. I). Collins, an early day St. In said Bill of Complaint has been by (May 20-Aug. 14) Nelson Krleger and family and Mr. review, and all errors found to exist name of iMiltloner from Benjamin them, or any of them, assigned to any Joseph slme dealer, died May .'(0. IH.'H. person or persons, or If the said per- and Mrs. John Knielies and son Lloyd. fl: within said assessment roll will be Franklin But/bach to Benjamin sons be dead, whether they, or any of at the home of her son, Andrew Col- Franklin Bntzbaugh. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE .SALE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Will and two duly corrected and all property sub- them, have personal representatives or lins iu Chicago, where she had re- Sold projiosed change of name Is heirs living, or where they, or some or children. Robert and Dorothy, of ject to taxation within snld township Default having been made in the con- filled for the past few months. Mr. any of them, may reside, or whether Grand Rapids were holiday guests of found to have lieen omitted from said not sought with any evil or fraudu- such title. Interest, claim, lien or pos- ditions of a certain mortgage made by Collins passed away about 20 years Wade H. Stuart nnd Lottie Stuart, hus- Mr. and Mrs. Amos Rosewall. assessment roll will be placed (hereon lent intent, but Is desired for the use sible right has been disposed of by will, ago. The surviving relatives are the and that It is necessary to proceed band and wife, to Charles C. Kent and Mrs. George DannelTel. Sr.. of Ben- by said board of review, and such as- and convenience of petitioner. Anna E. Kent, husband and,wife, with one son; two brothers—George and Dated June Isl, IP3I. against the said persons above named Ion Harbor, a former local resident sessment roll, as corrected and ap- and said other defendants under the sole right to the survivor dated the Floyd Kitzsimmons of Benton Harbol, name of Thomas Fitzgerald, I'olly F. 17th day of February, 1928, and re- and mother of George DannelTel, fell proved by said board of review, and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BITZBACH. corded in the otllce of the ReKister of an uncle and a cousin. The remains 1(5(3 Fitzgerald. Amasa S. Kneeland, Dennis nlT her back porch on Tuesday, May llnally approved by the township board Davenport, Assignee of Hezeklah Deeds for the County of Berrien and were taken to St. Joseph where funer- State of Michigan, on the 24th day of 2(1. fracturing her leg just below the shall be Ihe assessment roll of said Barnes, Cogswell K. Green, C. K. Green, al services were held Tuesday after- and Henry W. Gammer, or the un- February, 1928, in Liber ItiG of mort- hip joint. She was taken to the hos- township for the year 1031. gages, tin page 132; on which mortgage noon from the Congregational church, Need* a Listener known heirs, devisees, legatees and as- pital. where both legs were put in Given under my hand, at my otllce signs of each of said persons, and that there ia claimed to be due at the date of which the deceased was a member aald defendants cannot-be personally of this notice, for principal and interests casts and was later taken home. Mrs. in snld township, this IClh day of May, "Words of good advice," snld HI Ho, the sum of Ten Hundred Forty-two and for many years; the remains were laid served with process. William Donneffel Is caring for her. A. D. 1ML the sage of Chinatown, "are easily Therefore, on motion of Gore & 47/100 (f 1,042.47) dollars, and an At- to rest in the mausoleum In the St. Jo- Harvey, attorneys for said Plaintiffs, it torney's fee of Thirty-live (135) dollars, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hiler received A. W. BAKER. spoken and give great comfort to the as provided for in said mortgage, and seph city cemetery. Customer—This material can't be is ordered that the said Thomas Fitz- their tenth child at their home on Ter- Supervisor of Said Township of Coloma speaker. If he finds a good listener."— gerald, Tolly F. Fitzgerald, Amasa S. no suit or proceedings at law having Scotch (weed as you say. been instituted to recover the moneys ritorial Road on Wednesday, May 27. 44t2 Washington Star. Kneeland, Dennis Davenport, Assignee Tailor—Why do you say that? of Hezeklah Barnes. Cogswell K. Green, secured by said mortgage, or any part Mrs. Nellie R. Dater. wife of Geo. The little girl has been named Mor- C. K. Green and Henry W. Gammer, or thereof. Customer—Why, just look how It Notice Is hereby given, that by virtue U. Dater. well known wholesale groc- ence Marie. Mrs. Hiler's daughter, the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees gives. NOTICE OF MEETING and asalgna of said persons, and each f the power of sale contained in said er of Bent, n Harbor, died at Mercy Mrs. Ivan Hickmont, Is caring for her. of them, enter their appearance In said mortgage, and the statute in such case Gratitude and Generoiity made and provided, on Wednesday, the hospital May IU). I'.'.IU. following a sev- OF BOARD OF REVIEW cause within three months from the Rank Wherever I find a great deal of date of this Order. T.lth day of August. 1931. at 10 o clock eral months' Illness. She had resided It la further ordered that the plalnt- In the forenoon, the undersigned will, in Benton Harbor for over forty years Z10N EVANGELICAL CIH KCII Whatever honors Noah had gratitude In a poor man, 1 take It IIYa cause thla order to be published in at the front or South door of the Court In good old days of yore, House, St. Joseph, Michigan, that being and besides her husband Is survived for granted there would he as much the Coloma Courier, a newspaper print- Rev. S. P. Kirn. PMtor. No yacht club e'er bestowed on him To all persons liable to assessment ed. published and circulated in said the place where the Circuit Court for by one daughter. Mrs. James F. generosity If he were a rich man.— the County of Berrien Is held, aell at Sunday. June 7th. 1031. The title, "commodore!" for taxes in the Village of Coloma, County of Berrien, nnd that said publi- O'Brien of Benton Ilarlmr, and by Pope. cation be commenced within forty 110) public auction, to tho highest bidder, Sunday school at 0:45. the premises described in said mort- County of Berrien. Stale of Michigan, days after the date of tills order, and three brothers and three sisters who Morning worship al 10:45. The Lois of Memory be continued at least once In each week gage, or ao much thereof, as may be for the year of 1031. necessary to pay the amount due on live in Illinois. Funeral services were for six (6) weeks in succession; that sermon subject is "Beyond the Limit." Mallns—I have discovered what It is Notice Is hereby given. That the as- ORDRH OF I'l III.If %TIO\ said plaintiff cause a cony of this order said mortgage, with seven per cent In- conducted from the lute home, Tues- rest. and all legal costs, together with Prayer meeting each Tuesday and thnt destroys a man's memory com- sessment roll for the said Village of to be personally served upon each of day afternoon, by Be\. P. L. Blew- State of Michigan, the Circuit Court for said defendants herein named at least said Attorney's fee of Thirty-live ($35) Thursday evening. pletely. Coloma, for the year 1031 has been com- dollars, the premises being described llehl; Interment In Crystal Springs (!>•• County of lierrien, in Chancery. twenty (20) daya before the time pre- The boys and girls of the children's pleted and that the board of review of Micbignii Shore Lumber & Supply Co., n said mortgage aa followa, to-wit: cemetery. Newton—What Is It? Alcohol or to- scribed ior ^eir^ranee. hite division are planning an unusual pro- Inc., i'iniiitirr. vs. Wm. A. Cross, et al., Lot Sixteen (16). Block Four (4), bacco? said village will lie In session at the Defendant. Circuit Judge. Leeaide'a Second Addition to Benton gram for Children's Day on Sunday council room of said village on Wed- Harbor, in the township of Benton, Mallns—Neither; It's doing him a Suit ponding in the Circuit Court for Countersigned: evening. June 14th. Musical numbers, nesday. Ihe tenth day of June A. 1). (he County of Berrien, in Chanci-ry. at Berrien County, Michigan, according to Daniel B. Tagney. a fruit grower favor. EDWAKD DE HAVEN. the recorded plat thereof. tin- City of St. Joseph, in said County, Deputy Clerk. resiiling on Cleveland avenue, St. Jo- recitations. Instrumental music and a 1031. from 0:00 (o 12:00 o'clock, a. m., on the 25th day of May, A. D. 1931. CHARLES C. KENT. variety of exercises are on the pro- ANNA E. KENT, seph. passed away May 28, 1031. after and from 1 :(MI o'clock to 5:00 o'clock p. In this cause it appearing from a(ll- GORE & HARVEY, Mortgagee. gram. A children's choir of about His Idea of Consideration in., at wliidli time and place the afore- davit on nie, that the Defendants, Mark an illness of two years. He is sur- Mctzler, L. Levinc nnd Howard Keddy Attorneys for rialntlffa. WARREN CARROLL. Ihirty voices will sing several numbers. "Is Bllgglns a considerate man?" said assessment roll will lie subject to Business Address. Benton Harbor. Mich. Attorney for Mortgagees, vived by bis widow, seven children, are not residents of tho State of Michi- TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND- Bualness Address 46 Elm Street, two brothers and two sisters. Funeral "Not exactly. He Is one of those review and correction, and all persons gan but reside at Chicago in the State ANTS * Benton Harbor. Michigan. people who think It Is all right to who may consider themselves aggrieved of Illinois, and it also appears that the You are hereby notified that the (May 29-Aug. 21) services were conducted by Bev. Fr. ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL CIIIIRCH American Engineering At Developing above entitled suit invqlvea the title to Lahey from St. Joseph's Catholic tramp on your feet as often as they by any valuation of property as now- Company is an Illinois Corporation not the land hereinafter described, and Is chootie, provided they say 'Excuse set forth In said assessment roll, or authori/.ed to do business In the State brought to quiet title of the plaintiffs church. Monday morning. Interment Rev. Hans Zumstein. Pastor. nf Michigan, with principal ofUcea at in and to the following premises situat- NOTICE OF MORTGAGE In Calvary cemetery at Benton Har- Sunday. June 7. 1031. mel' every time." who may have knowledge of any errors Chicago in tho Slate of Illinois. ed in the Township of Bainbrldge, contained in said rolls, or omissions On motion of Oeorgo H. Bookwalter FORECLOSURE bor. 0:00 a. m.—Sunday school. County of Berrien, State of Michigan, from the same, or who may have rea- Plain tiff's Attorney, It Is ordered that and described aa followa: 10:00 a. m.—English morning serv- Oh. You Sheik I the said Defendants cause their appear- The North Half of the Southeaat Default having been made In the son to suppose that such errors exist, ance to he entered heroin within three conditions of a certain mortgage made ice. Theme: "Lazarus." "What happened to your new wrist uarter of Section Twenty-one (21), 0. (!. Thompson, father-in-law of will then and there be heard by said months from the date of this order and Qownship Four (4) South, Range Sev- by Charlea H. Harting and Norma M. The Ladles' Aid Society will meet watch, Gladys? It looks like It bad in case of their appearance, that they enteen (17) West, excepting therefrom Harting, husband and wife, mortgagors Herman G. Crow, city manager of the at 2:00 p. m. at the church parlors. board of review and nil errors found cause thelr^nswer to tbe Plalntiff'a Bill a parcel of land out of the Southeast to Elizabeth Forhan, mortgagee, dated City of St. Joseph, died May 28, 1031, been run over by a truck." to exist within said assessment will of Complaint to be filed and a copy July 14th, 1927, and recorded in the of- corner of the above described property, at the borne of Mrs. Crow, at tbe age "Not a bit of it, honey; last night IH* duly corrected and all properly thereof to be served on aald rialntiff's deacrlbcd as commencing at the South- fice of the Regiater of Deeda for Ber- Attorney within fifteen days after ser- eaat corner of the North Half of the rien County, Michigan, In Liber 163 of of 74 years. Besides the daughter, TELEPHONE CALL HELPS Charlie held my wrist while he was object to taxation within said vil- vlco on them of a copy of said bill and Southeaat Quarter of said Section 21; Mortgagea, on page 406, and on which kissing me." notlco of this order and that in default said mortgage there is claimed to be lie is survived by three brothers and lage found to have been omitted running thence West One Hundred TO SAVE CHILD'S LIFE thereof, said bill be taken as confessed (100) roda; thence North Thirty-two due and payable at the date of thla one sisie. Funeral services were held from said assessment ndl will be placed by tho said non-rosident Defendants. (32) rods; thence East One Hundred notice the aum of Two Thouaand Five from the Crow home. Monday after- Oh, They're a Tough Lot thereon by said I ward of review. And It is further ordered that within forty (100) roda; thence Sou'h Thirty-two Hundred and twenty-aeven—35/100 days, this order shall be published in (32) roda to the place of beginning, (12537.35) Dollars, which amount in- noon; interment In tbe Biverview cem- Mrs. Flop—There was a time when such assessment roll, as corrected and the Coloma Courier, a newspaper printed cludes insurance, taxes, principal and containing twenty (20) acres leaving etery. Three modern inventions, the tele- my husband was an Ideal married approved by said board of review, and in said County, and that such publica- sixty (60) acres of land, more or less, and Interest, nnd an attorney fee of finally approved by the village council tion be continued therein at least in the Township of Bainbrldge, Berrien Thirty-five ($35.00) Dollara and no suit phone, mechanical surgery, and an man. once In each week for six weeks In County, Michigan. „ or proceedings at law have been insti- airplane, saved the life recently of shall be the assessment roll of said vil- succession, but said publication shall tuted to recover to the money secured Charles 11. Milehnm. a resident on Mrs. Flip—There was a time? not be necessary If a copy of this GORE & HAR\ EY, little four-year-old Edna Maud of WII- lage for the year 1031. , Attorneys for Plnlntlff. by this mortgage or any part thereof. Hit1 Bidge road near Stevensville for Mrs. Flop—Yes; before he got to order shall ho porsonally served on Now therefore by virtue of the power liston. S. ('., when a large necklace Given under my band, at my office In said non-resident Dofondants at least Business Address, Benton Harbor, Mich. many years, died at the St. Joseph running around with husbands. fMay 8-June 12) of aale in aald mortgage and the bead lodged in her bronchial tube. said village, this 15tb day of May, A. twenty days before tbe time above pre- statute In such case made and provided sanilarlum. May .'10. 1031, at tbe age scribed for their appearance, or If a on Monday. July 13th, 1931, at 10 Two attempts made by the local sur- D. 1031. copy of this Order shall have l-'-en o'clock , A. M. at the front door of the nf 77 years, after a few days' Illness. CHARLES A. SHOHP. MORTGAGE SALE geons failed to remove the object, and TIME CONSUMER sorvod upon such nonresident Defend- courthouae, in the City of St. Joaeph. He is survived by three daughters. Assessor of Said Village of Coloma. ants by registered mall and nn olllclal Berrien County, Michigan, the premises as the child's plight l/ecame serious, Default having been made In the con- The remains were taken to Aurora. return receipt received therefor at least deacrlbcd In said mortgage will be sold quick action was necessary. Accord- twenty days before tho time herein pre- ditions of a certain mortgage made by at public auction to satisfy amount Illinois, for interment. Charles W. Towsloy and Cora Towaley, ingly. tbe local surgeon described the serlhod for tho appearance of said non- then due, with coata and attorney fees, resident Dofondants. duo proof of which husband and wife, mortgagors, to case by telephone to Dr. Chevalier to-wlt: the following described prem- Advertising a State publication, porsonal service or delivery Ferdinand Kolberg and Helen Kolberg. ises In the County of Berrien, State of husband and wife, mortgagees, dated Jackson, the renowned bronchoscopic by registored mail shall be made and Michigan: Funeral services were held Sunday Georgia was one of the first states filed In this cause. the 16th day of April, A. D. 1930, and The North forty-five (46) feet of Lot afternoon for Albert Smith, a GO-year- specialist in I'hiladelphia. and an in- recorded In the otllce of the Register In the Union to proclaim Its attrac- And It is further ordered thnt unless of Deeds for the county of Berrien and Seventeen (17) in Block Two (2) old resilient of Glenlord. who passed strument adapted to just such cases personal service of this Order shall State of Michigan, on the 19th day of Hunter's Addition to the City of Benton tions through advertising. General have been had upon said non-resident Harbor, Michigan, according to the re- away May 2S. lie was Itorn in Boyalfon was placed in an airplane and sped Dofondants as heroin ordered, a copy of April, A. D. 1930. In Liber 173 of mort- to its destination in South Carolina. Oglethorpe having used space In the gages, on page 676, and the Interest on corded plat thereof. township and had spent bis entire this order shall be mailed to the said the money secured by aald mortgage Dated April 14th, 1931. The bead was removed and the litMe London papers as early as 1738 to ex- non-rosident Defendants at last known ELIZABETH FORHAN life in Berrien county. He is survived postollleo address by registered mall not having been paid when the aame Mortgagee girl's life was saved. tol Its climate and other advantages. became due and payable according to by two brothers and eleven children. nnd a return receipt demanded therefor the terms of said mortgage, and Ihe W. M. CUNNINGHAM, and duo proof by atlidavlt shall be made undersigned having declared the full Attorney for Mortgagee. and fiiod in this cause of such mallinK Business Addreaa: with tho oillcial return receipt attached amount of said mortgage due and pay- Miss Helen Kisner, a former well English "Round Church" able forthwith, aa provided In said Benton Harbor, Mich. Work That Will Endure thereto. If one shall have boon received. Apr. 17—July 3-31. Saint Sepulchre, a church in Cam- CHAS. a WHITE. mortgage, on which mortgage there ia known resident of Berrien Springs, Modern sculptors believe In hard claimed to be due at the date of thla daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John W. bridge, England, Is commonly called Circuit Judge. notice, for principal nnd interest, the work. Specimens of their work have GEO ROB H. BOOKWALTER. Kistner, died June 1, 1031. at her the Round church. It Is a Norman Attorney for I'laintiff. sum of Eight Thousand Five Hundred Order For Publication — Determination recently been exhibited exquisitely Twenty dollars, and an attorney's fee home in Klkhart, Ind., at the age of Wifie—I've gotten another mirror Business Address, Benton Harbor, Mich. building dating from 1101. (June G-July 6) of Thirty-live dollars, aa provided for of Heiri. 20 years. fashioned out of stones that are al- for my room, dear. in aald mortgage, and no suit or pro- most as hard as a diamond, and cer- ceedings at law having been Instituted Stgte of Miebigan. The Probate Court for Hubby—Heavens I It'll take you to recover the moneys secured by said the County of Berrien. tainly considerably more resistant twice as long to dress now, I suppose. mortgage, or any part thereof. At it Hesaion of said Court, held lu the Pro Mrs. Ella Foster. (13 years of age. than case-steel. Work of this sort Is Notice is hereby given, that by virtue bate Office In the city of SI. Joseph, in said died June 1. 1031, at her home near all the more remarkable when we re- of tlie power of sale contained in said County, on the IBth day of May. A. I). 1931. Finance mortgage, and the statute in such case Present; lion. William H. Andrews, Judge Three Oaks after a year's illness. She member that, until comparatively re- For IS Days Only made and provided, on Monday, the 10th of Proimte. Is survived by one son, three daugh- Some people by Investments win; • day of August, A. D. 1931, at ten o'clock In the matter of the estate of ileruian cently, the modem fashion In sculp- Of this there Isn't any doul)t. \ in the forenoon, the undersigned will, Habel. deceased. ters. two stepsons and one stepdaugh- ture was to model In clay. The mas- You go and put your money In Mary liabet haTing Hleil In said court her Thor Machine and Electric at the front door of the Court House in ter. Funeral services were held at And wonder who will take It out. the City of St. Joseph, Berrien County, petition praying that said court mljuilicnte ter's model was then copied In mar- Ihe late home. Wednesday afternoon; Ironer for Michigan, thnt being the place where and determine who were at the time of bis ble or atone by masons. The old $112.00 the Circuit Court for the county of death the le^al heirs of .said deceased and intcriueut in the Foster family ceme- Not the Water Berrien Is held, sell at public auction, entitled to inherit tiie personal estate of which tery. methods, which gave us the gargoyles to the highest bidder, the premises des- -aid deceased died seized. of the medieval cathedrals, are now Bobby went swimming with his fa-' cribed in said mortgage, or so much II is onii-red, that the 15th day of June. thereof aa may be necessary to pay the A. U. 1931. ut nine o'clock in the fiirenoou. coming back, however, and sculptors ther one evening. When he returned amount ao as aforesaid due on said standard time, at naid Probate Office, lie and Poppies Termed Nuisance are again working direct on the stone. he enthusiastically told his mother mortgage, with six per cent Interest, Is hereby appointed for hearing Hitid petition. and all legal costs, together with aald It is further ordered, that public notice Red popples, that have played so what a good time he had had. attorney's fee, to-wlt; thereof be given by pnlilieatlon of a copy of "Was the water cold?" she asked. The Northwest Quarter of the South- this order, for three successive \veck< prev- Important a part In wardme and post- east Quarter of Section Four (4). Town- ious to said day of hearing, lu The Coloma war literature, are a bothersome weed Water-Heating Systems "No, the water wasn't cold," replied ship Six (6) South, Range Nineteen (19) Courier, a new spaper printed and circulated The process of water heating re- Bobby, "but I was!" West, Lake Township, Berrien County, in said county. A true copy. In Fplte of their plcturesqueness. How Michigan. WILLIAM B. ANDREWS, much of a weed they are. has been mained In disuse, probably because of Dated May 16, 1931. LII.UA O. SPHAATIR, Judge of Proimte, the expense of Installation, for nearly FERDINAND KOLBERG, Register of Probate. 4lt3 realized as a result of tests conducted Christened 2,000 years after Its Invention. Grata HELEN KOLBERG. at the Rothamstead experimental sta- Mary Ellen had been promised a Mortgagees, perfected what was called a "hypo- GORE & HARVEY. tion In London. Soil from a aome- playmate and one morning recently Order for Publication—Final causte" for heating the rooms of the Attorneys for Mortgagees. what weedy lleld was potted op In pots she appeared at a neighbor's door and Benton Harbor. Michigan. Administration Account ancient Roman dwellings, nnd for heat- (May 15-Aug. 7) having a surface area of about one- said: ing f.'iie water In the famous baths State of Michigan, The Probate Court for fourth of a square foot, and kept wa- "My little sister is down at the hos- the County of Berrien. tered fo/ several years, until all diving through pipes or flues. NOTICE OF MORTGAGE At a aeaalon of said court, held nt the pro pital and her name Is a boy." bate ofllee in the city of St. Joseph, in said weed seeds had sprouted. Popples But the early settlers In this coun- FORECLOSURE county, on the 35th day of May A. D. 1K3I, were taken ns a sample weed, and only try heated their water In" tubs placed Present. Hon. William H. Andrews, Judge Heavily Laden Default having been made In the con- of Probate poppy seedlings counted. An average on their stoves, and warmed their dltiona of a certain mortgage made by Manager, Mailing List Service— In the matter of the estate of John WolIT, pot yielded more than 1,000 of them. houses with fireplaces. Clarence E. Geisler and Harriet Gelaler, deceased. Why haven't you delivered that na- husband and wife, mortgagors to State Walter Reid Bryan having Hied in said Calculated on the basis of this soli Bank of Coloma, a Michigan corpora- court his tin a I administration account, and tional list of bank vice presidents to HY buy • washer alone tion, mortgagee, dated November 10th, sample, an acre of English field soil his petition praying for the allowance thereof Old King Cole the Sandtrap Golf Magazine? 1926, and recorded in the oliice of the and for the assignment and distribution of 'would contain more than 300,000,000 Wwhen Thor effen you • Register of Deeds for Berrien County, Assistant—Sorry, sir, but our truck the residue of said estate. poppy seeds. Little Alice was having her bedtime Michigan, in Liber 158 of mortgages, on It is ordered that the 22d day of June A. I). broke down ^ waiEtr and an IRONER tl • page 516, and on which said mortgage 1931. at nine o'clock iu the forenoon, standard story. Her grandmother told her about there is claimed to be due and payable time, at said probate ofTiee, be and Is hereby "Mary had a little lamb," and an- price usually .asked for • wash* nt the date of this notice the sum o" appointed for exaniiniiiR and allowing said Excusable 1 Five Hundred and thirty (530.00) Dol account and hearing Maid petition; Ambidextrous Indians other about a cousin, "Mary Alice et alonel You owe It to your- lars, including Interest, and an attorney It is further ordered, TJiat public notice and her pet dog." Then grandmother "Isn't that author Inclined to beiego- fee of Twenty-live (25.00) Dollars, and theieof beeiven by publication of a copy of this A scientist who studied the work- self to investigate Uilt tried no suit or proceedings at law have been order, for three successive weeks previous to manship In stone blades made by pre- said: "Are there any more Mary sto- tistical about his work?" instituted to recover the money secured said day of hearing, in The Coloma Courier, a ries that you want to hear?" Alice "Yes; but It Isn't his fault. He|has and proven laundry unit by this mortgage on any part thereof. uewspsper printed and circulated in said historic Indians concluded that the Now, therefore, by virtue of the county. Indians wero left-handed or ambi- replied: been reading the advertisements jput power of sale in said mortgage and the Atrueeopy. WILLIAM H. ANDREWS. "Yes; tell about Old King Cole, he out by his publishing house." ^ statute In such case made and provided LILLI* o. SPRAUUB, Judge of Probate. dextrous to a greater degree than civ- on Monday, the 17th day of August, Register of Probate. 4513 ilized men. waa ft Mary old soul." 1931, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at the front door of the court house. In the City of Possibly a Hint St. Joseph, Berrien County Michigan Order for Publication—Appointment He—There was something I wanted tho premises described In said mortgag. Order for Publication—Final ———"JTcr to say to you, but I forget what It I will be sold at public auction to satisfy Administration Account. of Administrator. Mark Development amount then due, with costs and at was. torney fee, to-wlt: The following des State of Michigan. The Probate Court for State of Michigan The Probate Court for Incunabula are the beginnings or cribed premises in the County of Ber She —Was It "good-night"? —Tbe tbe County of Berrien. the County of Berrien. / earliest monuments of an art, race or rlen and State of Michigan: At a session of naid court, held at the pro- At a session of said Cgurt, held at the Pro- Humorist. ^ Part of Lot forty-eight (48), of the bate office In the city of St. Joseph in said bate Office In the city of St. Joseph, In said other product of historical change or Original Plat of tho Village of Coloma, eoumy on the'JIst day of May, A. D. 1931. County, on tbe 2nd day of Jnne|A U. 1931. development. A more specific use of described as follows, to-wit: Com- Present: Hon. William 11. Andrews, JudKe Present: Hon. Willlain H. Andrews, Judge mencing one hundred tw. nty-two (122 of Probate. of Probate. the word Is "specimens of printing and Phone for FREE feet East of tho Northeast corner o In the matter of the estate |of Edrie In the matter of tbe estate of Sadie Bslle Profundity the Intersection of Taw Taw and Mill Stainbrook, minor. block-engraving that apppeared before Camp, deceased. One distinction nowadays Isito write Demonstration Streets In aald Village of Coloma, and Merchants and Union Trust Company hav- Cornelia A, Padfleld having filed in said or soon after 1500 A. D." running thence East along the Norli ing tiled in said court its tinal account to date Let it prove its worth in 1 court ber petition prayiiiK that the admlnls a book so Incomprehensible that at line of Mill Street thirty-three (So as guardian of miid estate aad its petition tration of said estate be granted lo her or to least a dozen Interpreters, who think your home — without feet, thence North ninety and six hun praying for the allowance thereof. some other suitable person. any obligation to you. dredths (90.06) feet, thence West thirty It is ordered that the l.^th day of June A.D. It is ordered. That the a»th day of June, A First "Red Cross" they know more than the autJior, will three (33) feet, thence South ninety and 1831, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, standard 1). 11131, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, Stand- write explanations of the original text six hundredths (90.06) feet to place of time, al "aid probate office, is hereby appoint- ard Time, at said probate office, be and Is Although not Identified In name, the ed f-ir exauiluiii); aud allowing said account. beginning, being in the Village of hereby appointed for bearing said petition. history of the Red Cross may be —Richmond Times-Dispatch. Coloma, Berrien County. Michigan. It is further ordered that public notice It is further ordered, that public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy DUtt d thereof be given by publication of a copy of traced back to 1813, when some ladles V ' STATE! BANK OF COLOMA. thereof for two sueceMi.ive weeks previous to this order for three successire w eeks previous Per HAROLD LYON •aid day of hearlnu iu The Coloma Courier, a lo said day of hearing, iu The Coloma Cour- of Frankfurt, Germany, formed them- Cashier, newspaper printed aud circulated in said ier, a newspaper printed and circulated In selves Into a society, called the Frau- Saw That Cuts 1 W, M. CUNNINGHAM, county. ^ald county. Seal. Atrueeopy. envereln, to alleviate suffering caused "Wise men make proverbs ^ fools Attorney for Mortgagee, WILUAM H. ANUUSWB, COLOMA. MICH, Business Address: WILLUM H. ANDREWS, Atrueeopy. Judge of Probaie. by the great continental war com- (|uote them," Is often heard. J Who Benlon Harbor. Mlot^ ^ Lti.LIA O. SI-BAOUB. JudKe of Probate. LILLIA O. SvaAOUE, Ruuieter of Probate <1013 Regiater of Probate. 1512 menced In that year. made that one?