®br Coloma Courier VOL. 36 COLOMA. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1931 NO. 46 EIGHT CYLINDER LIVES COURT OUR H HART- POM (ME WED MRS. MARY HARRIS GIVEN U. S. 12 Berrien County Wcdigs Paw Paw Lake Notes FORD ElfCTRIC PROTECT SURPRISE ON BIRTHDAY (MINED BY WILDS AT M. E. CHURCH JUNE I KILLED CHICAGO WOHAN Kane-Eggert Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Helden and daughters of Oak I'ark spent the week Miss Margaret Eggert. Berrien coun- Mrs. Mary Harris was very pleas- end at their home on Forest Beach. Hartford Village Counril Restrained ty's superintendent of schools, and Alex antly surprised on Sunday. May 24th. Misses isabelie and Esther O'Kane Miss Elsie Shine Became Bride of Total of Auto Deaths in County Tins Kane of Midland. Mich., were united in UnuHually InterwlinK Conimenrpnvnt From Selling $18,000 Muniripal when she was out riding with her son and Miss Mary Gunderson of Chicago marriage at Midland, May 20, 11*31. The Vear Increased to 13—Oilier Acei- spent Memorial Day and Sunday at Fred Heidbreder of Pittsburg, Pa.— and family, who had come from Chi- bride is tiie daughter of Mrs. Beryl Eg- Addrm Given 'Before Co lorn a Light Bonds cago to spend the day with her. As the Gunderson home at Edgewater. gert of St. Joseph and succeeded her Itoth Former Graduates of Coloma they drove to tiie home of her nephew, «lent Viftims Taken to Ho>pilals Mr. and Mrs. Harlan E. Page spent Senior*—Burson Sink Awarded Hartford's municipal electric light late father, Benjamin F. Eggert, as Frank Harris, they beheld several the week end at their summer home nd power distribution system is held School The numlier of deaths from auto- commissioner of schools, as she had on Pomona Point, Falrvlew Beach. "Green ami Gold" Award up by an order issued by the Van Bur- automobiles parked In the yard by mobile accidents was Increased to had charge of the work during her Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cavey of Cin- n county circuit court luat Saturday Amid a lovely floral setting of those who had arrived to help extend thirteen in Berrien county for the A last minnte chanRi' wan mode no.- father's illness. Both the young peo- cinnati, Ohio, spent the week end at plants, ferns and lieautiful blossoms. a welcome. Two long tables were ail essnry In the proRnun for the eom- restraining Mayor Robert 1). Itankin year 11K11 when a car skidded on tin- ple are graduates of the L'niversity of their summer home at Beecbwood nd members of the village council Miss Elsie Shine, only daughter of prepared and lie'iutiful with tulips wet pavement near Stevensville last mtnct'iaent exercises last Thursday Michigun. Mrs. Kane will give up her Point. Miss Sally Cavey had as her frm proceeding further with the sale Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shine of North and lilacs. Tiie hostess mid her as- Saturday morning, turned over and eveiling on account of the speaker, work as school commissioner on July guest. Miss Louis Jeau Miller, also of | lie .fls.ooo liond Issue voted by th<- ColonAi. became the bride of Mr. Fred sistants served a bountiful dinner at Gerald F. Bush of IjiusIiir. wh . was struck a tree. 1st, when Miss Jennie Mccham takes of Cincinnati. people of Hartford at the spring vil- Heidbreder of littsburg. Pa., son of noon, consisting of chicken, several Mrs. Anna Backstrom of Chicago to have Riven tlie address, IM'IIIK over the tlice, to which she was elected George (bddfuss has returned from Mrs. Eva Heidbreder. kinds of salad, cottage cheese, pie and was the victim of the accident who In April. stricken by Illness. In his place. I'rof. lage election. Chicago and lias opened his summer Scores of relatives and friends wit- cake. The guest of honor, who was ob- met Instant death; her son, Walter Elmer H. Wilds. Instructor in| sec- The injunction, which is a tempor- home at Edgewater for the season. ary one and one on which a court hear- nessed tlie ceremony, performed at serving her 84th birthday anniver- Backstrom. and another passenger In ondary education at the W^tern Miss Mae Ann Bowser of Lansing, ing will be given. Is issued on petition iiigii noon, Monday. June 1st. at the sary, was presented with two birth- the car. Miss Seima Peterson, both of Blair Radde State Tetchers College at Kalamn/.oo. who represented that city as "Miss if sixteen citizens and taxpayers of Methodist church. Rev. B. 11. Babbitt day cakes; one was made by her Chicago, were both seriously injured. gave a most dellKhtful address on the Miss Vera Radde, daughter of Mrs. Lansing" during tlfe recent Blossom •fficlating, and using the single ring daughfer-in-law and decorated by a The son was taken to Mercy hospital subject, "Eight Cylinder Lives." In a Hartford and the petition cites twenty- Sylvia Radde, and Seth Blair, son of Week activities, and three other young seven reasons wiiy the bonding elee service. granddaughter in Chicago, and the for treatment and Miss Peterson was brief outline of Prof. Wilds address Mr. and Mrs. Dwiglit Blair, lioth of ladies from the Capital City, spent the tlon on March was Illegal and Included in the bridal party were other was made by a granddaughter taken to the St. Joseph sanitarium. the foIlowliiK salient points were and a great granddaughter in Berrien Benton Harbor, were united In mar- week end at Paw Paw Ijike. should he declared void. Henry Kniilman and Miss Helen Kre- The accident occurred about 3:45 a. brought out: Health Is one of the most Springs. riage at the home of Hie bride's mother Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Teschemacher Petition for the injunction was filed mer, who were best man and maid of m. as the party was driving from important things In life; In order to Aunt Mary was the recipient of on May 29, 1931, Rev. R. H. Kelly, of Chicago have opened their summer by Prosecuting Attorney Lewis R. Wil- honor; the Misses Alice Baushke ami Chicago to Sister Lakes to spend the protect one's health It Is often neces- many lieautiful and useful gifts from pastor of the Baptist church, otficiat- home at Beecbwood Point and Mrs. Hams of I'aw Paw. who represents the Lina Mutii. bridesmaids; William Memorial Day holiday. sary to give up some of the things that the 42 guests present. Tills number ing. The couple left Immediately for Teschemacher Is now here for the petitioning taxpayers. Signers ti^ the Shine and Spencer Kenney, ushers, one might like to do. The next Im- was made up of one son. five grand- a honeymoon trip to the Dells of Wis- season. Mr. T(>schemacher will spend petition for the injunction are: Kdgar nd Freda llingst and Barbara Bab- portant cylinder Is to have a Job, for children. one great grandchild, twelve consin. the week ends here. 1{. Smith. Guy H. Gifford. Chas. A. bitt, flower girls. The wedding march without a person has some definite nephews and nieces, fifteen great Spaultling. Kdmund Bonning. Rob from Lohengrin was played by Miss COLOMA RED SOX LOST task In which some service can be ren- nephews and nieces, and six great ert F. Brown, W. E. Bicknell, Anthony Marjorie Furman. for the entrance of dered, life Is void. The use of leisure great nephews and nieces. At a late Former Waterviict Boy Married al Miller, Charles Anderson. Stephen A. the bridal party and for the recession- COMING ATTRACTIONS time must In? studied and converted al she played Mendelssohn's wedding hour all departed for their homes, EIETEEN INNING BATTLE South Bend. into something worth while; one Doyle, Donald F. Cochrane, Edward march. Immedlateiy before the cere- wishing Aunt Mary many more happy should have a hobby and learn to dis- Finiey. Marceila Goodspeed, Isabelie Miss Helen Lucille Ami of Gary. AT THE COLOMA THEATRE mony, A. K. Pinncgar of Benton Har- birthdays. criminate between temporary thrill Mortimer. Dr. John D. Stewart. Ind.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. bor sang "Tiie Sacrament" and "At Will Meet Crystal Palace Blues at and permanent Joy and satisfaction Ralph Hubbard. Arthur (Justin. Surprised Again by Night Hawks And of Carmi. III., Iieeame the bride Village officials on whom the court Dawning." Domestic efficiency and home life are of Walter Raymond Brown of Gary, The Coloma Theatre lias made a real trder lias been served are: Robert 1). The bride, who entered on the arm One birthday celebration was not Paw Paw Uike Next Sunday After- important factors in the contribution Ind.. wm of Mr. and Mrs. Willis hit with Its "bargain nltes" every Tues- Rankin, mayor; Paul F. Richter. of her father, was lovely In a gown of deemed sutficlent. so the Thunder to a full and happy life. Citizenship Brown of S. Carroll Street. South day and Wednesday and will keep up ierk; Bay Met'otter, Manuel (>. Op- white cri-|ie and carried a beautiful Mountain Night Hawks tlap|ied their is one of the cylinders which should Bend. Ind., at 1 o'clock Sunday after- these special bargains throughout the penheim, Stanton T. Gaibreath, Roy shower bouquet of bride's roses and wings and sped to the home of Mrs, The Coloma Red Sox lost a thrilling be carefully guarded; learn to l»e al- noon. May 24th. at the home of the month of June, when some excellent Osborn, Clare Leach. James Walker, illy of the valley. Her full length bri- Mary Harris mi May 27th to give her fifteen Inning baseball game to the ways alert and observing, never l)e- groom's parents.
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