Patented Dec. 7, ‘1948 2,455,895 '5 UNITED STATES’ Paired-1T OFF-ICE -' ‘ - I -'2‘,45s,s95, d‘ _ _> “ ~ ' I PREPARATION 0F 'ME'rALfsAL'rs ' p ' DICYANIMIDEK: a. z. t /. ~. Daniel E.~Nagy and Bryan (1RedmonfStamford,vv Conn., assignors to American Cyahamid Com pany, New York, N. Y‘., a corporation of Maine No‘ Drawing. ’ Application September" 22, ‘1945; ' " j Serial No.618,'071' ' " t' ‘ - 7 claims. (01. 23-75) .‘The present invention relates to a method for ‘S ‘ Typical substantially insoluble copper salts are: preparing alkali metal salts of dicyanimide'and Cupric hydroxide ,'_ .Cupric tartrate to these salts which are new compounds. Cupriccarbonate.‘ ,_ . ‘ Cupric sul?de ‘Inparticularthe ‘present invention contem Cupric oxalate , ‘ Cupric arsenate, plates the reaction of a dicyanimide salt of a metal .; ' Cupric phosphate _ Cupric ferrocyanide chosen 'from the [group consisting of calcium, copper," and zinc, with an alkali metal salt, the Typical substantially insoluble zinc salts are: anion portion of which forms a substantially Zinc hydroxide Zinc selenide insoluble inorganic salt of calcium, copper, or Zinc carbonate Zinc telluride zinc; The general reaction is given by Equation 1-. 1.0 Zinc oxalate Zinc arsenate Zinc phosphate Zinc ferrocyanide i/il-N ' + Ax --->_ I A-—N\: + NlX ' In particular, the present invention contem platesthat anvalkali metal dicyanimide may be where A is anON alkali metal, M is ‘0Na vmetal chosen prepared by‘the reaction in water of a metal from the group consisting of calcium, copper, and dicyanimide'and an alkali ‘metal salt, the anion zinc,- and AX is an alkali metal salt whose anion portion of which will combine with and precipi portion, X, forms a substantially’insoluble salt tate the cation» or metal attached to the afore withM.
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