Flying Dutchman Bulletin January 2004, Nr. 150 New Logo Report European Championship 2003 Report World Championship 2003 Dawes World Cup 2002 Europe Cup 2003 .. 11 .n. A+H.J,," '=c-, Bootswerft Leonhard Mader GmbH * 83329 Y{agi!l9 am See Fischmg Tel. 08681/373 Fax 4246
[email protected] WNW, FLYING DUTCHMAN BULLETIN .. Periodical .. of the International Flying Dutchman Class Editorial Office: Bergsepad 4, 1244 PS Ankeveen, Holland Phone: +31-(0)35-6563195 Fax: +31-(0)35-6564004 Issue 150 Email:
[email protected] January 2004 CLASS NEWS FROM EVERVWHERE PRESIDENT'S LETTER AUSTRALIA in USA). With 14 ruces it was worlh the travel. Nommn Rydge/Richard SClirr und Douglns One crew cume over from Hollund ! Parker with an itaJian crew kcpllhc flug nying ut DENMARK the Open Europcan Championship in Italy. The Bojsen-Mpllers did it again: Europeun Norm/Rkhurd wilh a 6th und a second (oul 01' Champions at Dervio. 40) also did weil ut Kiel Weck. ENGLAND In" McCrossin hus shippcd his AUS-359. the ex F- Julian Bridges has taken over us editor of the "FD 198 (1992 Olympics) 01' Thierry Berger, which hc GBR" newsleuer. kepl in Europe, back Lo Australia. The dass was represented atlhe 'Dinghy Show' in Good news. Doug Rawson-Harris is back in the March wilh "Biggles". Il resulted in a greut num FD, albcit with a pigs valve in his aorta und a pace ber 01' conlncL'l. muker. There was a good contingent 01' 6 GBR teams at In Victoriu they are very busy working on thc the EC.