Duke Ambassadors Booked for Home-Coming
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COURTNEYFOR HOMECOMING! W$t Batriteoman CAROLINA! ALENDA LUX UBI ORTA LIBERTAS Volume XXIX. DAVIDSON COLLEGE, DAVIDSON, N. C, THUURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1941 Number 2 Duke Ambassadors Booked For Home -Coming Inaugural Exercises DUKE AMBASSADORS Pan-HellenicCouncil Set For October 18 Announces Schedule Dr. John R. Cunningham To Vince Courtney And The Am- Be Formally Installed On Sprunt Heads New Buildini;s bassadors ReturnTo Homecoming <41-'42 Board Receive Final Davidson FRIDAY NIGHT ( * '* ' NIGHT DANCES ONLY BANQUET E°-- i■ ----::" ■ II |!|f HJHgffiagBpr Many Schools To Be Repre- Of Elections Adjustments Friday Night Dance To Be sented At Exercises At Hotel Charlotte Student Chooses Fifteen To Library And Science Building- Cunningham will Vince i'■ mi and ! [$ Duke Dr. John R. Supervise Elections This Will Soon Be Occupied '- " tnc> ■' play be formally inaugurated as Year By Students -.L<!.M t will iV>r the president of Davidson College tiling *1 >ai ' ■■ on Hie 17ili and ]-■': oi thi m mth. in special exercises to be held A new election board, destined to l).i\idson's new Iibrary and - f\vi i : " > a special an- in Chambers Auditorium at supervise all Davidson elections dur- Science Building .nr now Hearing M., Saturday, Oc- n-.iinr*'!h""t ii. in Pat Rudolph, 10:00 A. ing the '41-'42 school year, was I'otiii'lr!ii'ii and are parUait} in use", ' president thr ! !ti Memi - tober18. Invitationshave been gChosen by the Student Council at with only finishing timers to be I ■:". schools; :!. who asserts t!:at this dance set extended to about 275 their meeting on September 23. added. including colleges .1.:mii!«! i,r on ■ f the be L T1 in this sec- Members are as follows: Hill Ilir basemi nl and first (looi ol ilir outstanding universi- coming sets r\ <■"-. since the Am- tion and Sprunt, Chairman Taylor, new Building have jn-i re J Arch Science bassadors are considered by tome which Davidson has * '■ < ties with Don Bell, Hob Rankin, Lam Wil- cently been n-1-u;>i 11 liy thr 'hrni- throughout the :iutliin'iiu"3 i" Ire :!.■■ bi : datio'e had contact son, Bill Faison, AUton Thomp- istr} 1><■[..iitiinut Chemical ap delegate to band in the south. country, to send a son, McCail, Hutch Hooker, paratus and m.iiiii.iK art now in " inauguration Julien Ltrrge mnnbri.«, j .iluimii «trr nj the exercises. Hay, McLauchlin, Doug ih- itiith rfi '"i Ihe W iluny l>>" Ed Bill pectcd tn return to the campus Inaugural partnient Dinner Clark, Chester 1'earce, Paul Kis- will not move into Hie new this howcci mini', day foi thr In- begin Friday- sling, George building until ijt tlit- ycji The program will Marsh. jatct lucurjLtipn of President iCunning- registration of Librarj Furniture, except afternoon with the As in the past, the board has as Vince Courtney will wield the All the ham. Bailey's room, Delegates in Dean office. its objective tlie constant advance- baton for the Duke Ambassadors, the chaiti foi tlir Periodic Thr Dufte Ambassadors arc well inaugural Reserve At.6:30 P .M. an dinner ment of fair and democratic elec- who have been signed to play for Unlucky Freshmen Are Book room and thr Refer- known, having been founded by Lei banquet hall room. I'.is t<"!;iv will be served in the tions of al! Davidson leaders. To the Homecoming Dances on the ence been delivered and f!i'tt\vn, who is recognized -is faculty, place of Chambers. Wives of the further this end, the following rec- 17th and 18th of this month. The is now in The shipment ,,j being one of ilir foremost .uranyrri all the Hi. i [lairs Lit rooms ' the administrative staff and ommendations were adopted at the " «-t will include two night dances, the three niuiu and baton wieldei s in his fii ! arc invited to attend meeting, Wednesday, Apprehended By Court b< en piomiied not later official guests board's first one Friday night at the Charlotte — luu than Return Trip college j^ Oct. as guests of the at the in- September 24: and the Saturday night classmen, walking and, K union atul seniors \\ ill remem- other Hotel o^thor By LEGH SCOTT on the wr.iss, .J augural dinner and all of the "(1) That the ballot boxes be set at the Charlotte Armory. 1Ins spacihus Library in its fur- ber i!ns orchestra's having plaj<"<! Sixty-five hapless freshmen, who believe it or not, failure id attend exercises connected with the inau- up in banquet nishings and architi-Oturc is very here for the Homecoming Dances the hall of Cham- enough P<P meetings. The Judge was guration. Several students will of- bers, were unlucky t»> be apprC" similar to (he $600,000 library at in of 1939. At that tim and sufficient members of the | astounded by the prevalence of November ficially represent the Davidson stu- keep hended in their violation of the the University of South Carolina tfic band was Id by Duti h Nlc Hoard be present to voters in Student Body some freshmen who had failed to body the dinner. Itraditional freshmen regulations, ( dent at line. speak to upperdassmen. and the ?2,000,000 library in Nash- Mill tii and Vince "ourtney wa were guilty at the first meet" . Greene To Speak found ville, Ti'tin., kivi tt 1>\ tl.e (ipneral their popular vocalist. Since tha "(2) That upon issuing a ballot New Sentences imposed on the Meyer Greene of Employs ing of tlu- Court of Control on untor- Board of Education for the time fileMillin playing i Dr. Theodore to a voter, the Board member in Eunatci were for days use of has hern the department of philosophy, Wednesday njgljt ii» Phi Hall. ten strict VandcFliifi University, Peabody, some of the natofTtj^leading danc charge shall write that voter's name campus, which means that those Princeton University, is to speak at ballot, Methods For Ordered to appear before that Scarrct College, and the city itself hands And Courtney has taken bve on the fold the baljot, and serving time are not permitted to Dr. Greene is a grad- high judicial body through the mail, C. Ilibbs, who was the iuelii- the the banquet. stanlr thr fob' in sllrh a way as to leave the campus i>xce;>t for fifteen llu^h Ambassadors. >cattings ui uate of Amherst College and ob- conceal the name. At th|s same I the \\ c administered minutes after Uci i'oi these iwu Libraries, was Library Move severe by Judge "Hutch"' meals to visit the tained his Ph.D. from Edinburg Uni- time he shall check off the voter's sentences also the architect for Chambers RulIt-1in: Homecoming Dane* They !'. O. and Hugo's reading room. versity in Scotland in 1924. He has Caldwell and his stern cohorts. Building and for the two new build- , consist of two ni jlit nameon a list. * In a historic occasion yesterday Freshmen on canipus will he requir- Set will delivered lectures in the South on were arraigned one at a time, with ings. Davidson wns thus able to !>uy — ed to wear dances onn Friday niftht from occasions, always "(3) That the ballot boxes shall morning, Davidson students and knees knocking, before the bright red bands on thrir arms taldr., numerous and has specially designed lamps etc.,I (en until inn, a formal danc&~— be located on another table from faculty members assisted in moving justice. in order that they may be easily made an excellent impression where- lights of the chamber of along with-the.se other two libraries. And the nltinr an informal danco the table at which the ballots arc is- tht Davidson College library from recognized. Upperclassmcn art- ever he spoke. There were numerous violations on Saturday night from eight- sued, and that a Board member shall the old building to the new struc- asked to co-operate to the fullest At 10 o'clock Saturday morning, of every rule in the books. The lliirty Friday night'* check off the voter's name a second ture south of Chambers. At the degree in repprting violations of till twelve. the official visiting delegates, mem- chief misdemeanor was failure of Carter Takes danc* in Hotel time on a second list as the ballot stiKRcjiion of the librarian, Mr. campus sentences. will be held the bers of the faculty, and several of freshmen to wear the prescribed red ! Charlotte Ball Room, and for is cast. Chalmers Davidson, the student In spite of third the trustees of the college will par- hats. According to Judse Caldwell, degree ques- Saturday night, tha Charlotte body vqted unanimously last Sat- tioning Editor's Post 1 ticipate in the academic procession. "(4) That these changes shall be general "noxiousness" also caused and cross examination the Armory hat bo«D secured. Set ceremony during urday to participate in the transi- culprits who painted The actual inauguration tried the election of the many to he called up, Others were the water tickets will go on snlo in the near president, con- tion, and the faculty granted a half not as yet appre- Bobby Alexandria, Va., will take place at 10 :30 A. M., when Junior Class and found guilty of failure to wear tank have been Cartel of future and are priced nt $'1.50. spring holiday yesterday for the occasion. important has Df. J. McD. Richards, president of tinued in the elections next name-plates, getting up in chapel, hended. However clues licen chosen as Assistant Editor Ticket* for thn individual dances the board of trustees of Davidson, if found satisfactory." After gathering in front of Cham- not carrying laundry fur upper- have been uncovered by Recorder of the DAVIDSi)NIAN to take the will he $2.50.