V ■■ ' 'V f- V. ■ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1A; I960 Average Dally Net Frees Boa The Weather PAGE EIGHTEEN jianrtif^ater dom ing Ifprallt ' y Fur tiM Weak Hm M" ForeMat of U. 8. Waatkar Bereqe - Jb m Stk, 19S0 Tonight eaMtdtora^ elaailaMlK The Ibxt fall meeting of Mu 13,125 fog lata In avoafag, aat aa aaaL Sigma Chi wUl be held Sunday Square Dancers Low W, SnaBay skaweta la hthll About Town at 6:4fi p.m. at Second Congre­ . MMBbar «l tk* AndK aftom aon. H ig h 70. gational Church. All interested To Open Season Bonu.af ObonletlM Maneheiter^A CUy of ViUage Charm Th« Ootar Shrln*,C!lub will hold h l^ school students are invited. « dtoer meeting tonight «i 7 The Manchester Square Dance o'clock At the S J’e reetaurent in Members of Anderson Shea Post d u b will officially open Ha fall THE FIRST STEP... AND THE LAST W O R D (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTElt, CONNh SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, I960 (CtasMfled AdvartlatBg aa Page 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS Bolton. Dinner will be preceded by and Auxiliary. VFW, will meet a t VOL. LXXIX, NO. 297 ' dMcing season with a potluck at a aodal hour a t 6, and the gueet 7' o'clock tonight at the John F. •peaker will be Bob Steele Jr., who Tierney Funeral Home, 219 ,W. the Waddell School on Saturd^ recently returned from h eummer Center St., to pay respects to BJd- at 9 p.m. Banks Seized, Spies tfusted tour o f the Soviet Union. mund Deecy, a member of the Square dancing to the ^^Is of KALI-STEN-IKS! Red Space State News post. His wife is a member of the Marty Winter will begiff-. at 8 ^ Sjuundhd. S ko^ The CYP Club of Center Con­ auxiliary.^ gregational Church will meet in o'clock. Winter Is an .Experienced I. "pre-|Miiri . . . tho flex­ front of the church Sunday at 6:30 Miss Susan B. lAiettgens; daugh­ caller from CresslHlI, N.J., and ible pre-walking shoes fo Man Shat Castro Slaps Curbs Roundup pjn. for a equare dance. ter Of Mr. and Mrs. William calls regularly fof several clubs In Luettgens, 44 Harvard Rd., has the -New Jersey area. prepare for fhaT first step! entered Elmira College, Elmira, He Is the Official Knothead Rep­ y N.Y., as a freshman. resentative for the State of New I. Seeti Near Driver Killed Jersey and served on the staff for tha all-impi^tflnt slip-on .. On U.S. Ambassador Throw Then several square- dance weekends designa^Jh) retain it's naat Greenwich, Sept. 17 (iP)— DONT Away "The Jolson Story,"- a techni­ Washington, Sept. 17 (/P)— Frank A. Teelin, 58, of 944 color film starring , throughout New England and Up­ appeofdnce, black calf. The unexplained movements Stin plenty of wear left In per New York State with other Havana, Sept. 17 (iP)— FidelfW« residence five miles outside McKinley St., Baldwin, N, Y., ehoea when brought here fOr will be-shown by the Beth Sholom of six Soviet ships ihtoThe At­ Mr. and Mrs. Club In the Temple prominent callers. He and his wife, Castro's government today the city. was killed last night when his expert repairing. Flo, also specialize 'in teaching lantic and Pacific is building In a note to Bonsai, Roa said vestry tomorrow at 9:16 p.m. slapped tight restrictions cin car crashed into a tree^beside Open Mondays All Day rounds, and much of his n)aterial up speculation that Russia the restriction action against the Closed Wednesday has been published In. Various movements of U.S. Ambassa­ U.S. envoy was taken because of the Merritt Parkway. Afternoons The Rev. John R. Neubert, pas­ Boon may shoot a man into “the arbitrary confinement- im­ He was dead on arrival at tor of Community Baptist Church, 'squsre dance magazines. dor Philip Bonsai in Havana space. '• posed by ISterth American authori­ Greenwich Hospital. State Police will be In charge of radio broad­ Forty-four couples took their New details, released by the in retaliation for the U.S. ties on the activities” of Prime said Teelin apparently fell asleep casts over WINF Sunday at 6:30 first lesson in Square 2. AND THE FIRST 2 R e p o rts SAM YULYES U.S. Navy yesterday, show that tSiirb on the Cuban prime min­ Minister Fidel Castro in New at the wheel. He was alone In the “ SHOE REPAIBIMO p.m. and dally next week at 7:15 Dancing at the Keeney St. School two of the ships, a tanker and a ister’s travels during the York. car*' OF THE BETTER KIND” p.m. The broadcasts are sponsored last Tuesday night under the WALKING SHOES! tug, are standing off the. Grand The Vedado section of Havana, SS OAK STREET by the Manchester Ministerial teaching of Earl Johnston, the U.N. General Assembly. Banks ih the Atlantic. The diplomatic quarantine cap­ to which Bonsai was restrictecT Hint Death Same Sid6 as Watkins Assn. caller of Manchester Square That's Just where a Soviet satel­ durfiig Castro’s proposed stay in Hospital Beds Needed Dance Club. spft and skillfully made, ped a series of anti-American isoth shoes are from the sundial lite might pass if it followed the measures taken on the eve of Cas­ New York, is about ^ 10-square- Hartford, Sept. 17 — The Miss Brenda M. Hills, daughter Plans will be completed at the kali-tten-iks a r e t h e collaction of man's shoes with dis­ same path as Soviet rockets in the tro's departure for New York. mile area along the-eea. State Health Department sa.Vii the of Mr. and Mrs. Willard B. Hills, dane'e Saturday for the Knothead Roa told Bimsal he would have to number of beds in 's O r Escape finest children's shoes past. A capsule ejected by such a 1. Armed militiamen last night 152 Manchester Rd., Glastonbury, trip to Square Acres, Mass., and tinctive styling .and unsurpassed satellite probably would fall into take “ the ueuftl route” to and from general hospitals falls 26 per cent we have ever carried! seized three American - owned the embassy residence. He added has returned to Central Connecti­ the busee will leave Waddell comfort. the ocean near the two Soviet banks operating on the island. .short of the state’s needs. cut State College as a senior. School at 3 p.m. on Saturday, sarcastically that the restrictions The estimate is based on 196() LeopoMville, The Congo, ships. 2. The Castro government w'hip- Sept, 24. There will be a chicken . The speculation is that the Rus­ were inspired “ by the plan to offer cen-sus- llgufes for Connecticut, Sept. 17 (/P)— Patrice Lumum­ STORE ped up a new iiitemational furore your excellency every kind of se­ barbecue dinner served upon ar­ specialists in the proper sians may fire a space capsule with said Dr. Franklin M. Foote, slate ba, the ousted premier of The rival there and dancing will be by ordering the expulsion of an at­ curity.'' health commissioner, yesterday. fit of children's shpei. a man in it and then recover it in tractive U.S. embassy secretary, The latest moves came as Castro Congo, has disappeared from YOUR BOAT or held from 8 to 11 p.m. the Atlantic. He .said the stale’s general hos­ Mrs. Marjorie Lennox on spy prepared to leave for the General pitals heed an additional 2,921 view. The disappearance is so Such a spectatacular space try, charges. Three other North A'rtier- Assembly to charge the United FREE If attempted soon, would come on beds. Dut of character for fiery, icans were ordered expelled oiT the States with what he'calls economic flamboyant Lumuriiba that re­ CAMP TRAILER the eve of Soviet Premier Nikita same charges. They w'ei'e identi­ aggressions against his regime. The survey shows that the 7.99 to 10.99 according to size S. Khrushchev’s arrival in New ATLANTIC fied as Mario Nordio. an Italian "The latest seizure represented the particular need is for additional ports he is dead— completely Bates—gl per foot until May FIREWOOD York for the United Nations Gen­ hospital beds in eastern Connecti­ ^ FURNACE OIL bom U.S. citizen, his wife, Mary, takeover of ail American banks on unconfirmed officially—swept 1. Reserve space by calling HELP YOURSELF! eral Asembly.. and Robert L. Neet. another U.S. the Island, The U.S. embassy was cut and In the areas of New Haven, this capital todayr Automatic Delivery I t also would mean that the embassy employe. notified by American banking Middletown and Norfolk. world Would have two significant One report said Lumumba was MERVIN-THOESHER Corn*r of Pino Sf. L T. WOOD CO . Foreign Minister Raul Roa told sources that interventors, appar- Dr. Fooje also said the Increase shot trying to escape after being ar­ space attempt.^ In a brief period of Ml 9w3253 and Hartford Rd. Phone BO 8-1129 Bonsal he was restricted to the | ently from the. Cuban National in population means Connecticut rested by troops Under the emerg­ time. Havana area where the embasky is * , will get an additional $240,000 In The United States Is preparing ing strongman. Col. Joseph MS- situated and to going to and from | (Cojitlnned on Page Three) federal aid for new hospital facili­ .butu.There was some support for ' to try shooting a rocket around the ' ______;______•______1 ties. The total support expected HOUSE HALE moon. The {1^ will be made be­ this story from a source close to under the feder.al Hill-Burton pro­ President Joseph Kasatoi^," but tween Sept. 22 and 26. while gram for 1960-61 is $1,196,792. Khrushchev is in the United States. details were lacking. Thia is $64,000 more than received Another report- had-it that Lu­ Besides the tanker Kokand and last year, he said. the fleet tug Fedotov In the At­ 25,000 Greet Nixon mumba may have taken refuge In lantic, the Russians have four In­ Dr. Foote said in addition to the Soviet embassy in hopes of strument ships strung out in the more general hospital bed.s Con­ slipping out with th* Russians. . Pacific. jThey are several hundred necticut needs additional beds in Some reports s*id lUitaumba bad miles apart on a line 1.500 miles In Des Moines Visit other areas. fled to StanleyviUa l4i'tih»' eastern long. Chronic hospitals are short 3,- Congo. Others said hd left for tho The line follows the path that 929 beds, based on the, census re­ seaport of Matadi at the mouth of port, he said. This means they are Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerln A. Zorin holds his pencil aloft as he casts' Russia's 90th the Congo River. Soviet rockets fired into the Pa­ !»-of his farm program on a 30- By ERNEST B. VACCARO meeting only 22 per cent of the veto early today during U.N. Security Council vote on resolution giving U.N. Secretary General Pag Mobutu's coup d'etat on Wednes­ cific have followed in the past If minule telecast, then turned to .a satellite W'ere fired in the same Des Moines, Iowa, Sept. 17 ijf)— state's needs,, he added. Hammarskjold a go-ahead on his policies in The Congo and urging that no militarj’ aid be sent to day put an end to Soviet penetra­ the peace issue, on which he us­ The Congo except through the U.N. Britain's delegate. Sir Patrick Dean, also is shown at the dele­ ' direction, it eventually w'ould paas Vice President Richard M. Nixon, Dr. Foote said there was short­ tion in the heart of Africa, at least ually gets his greatest response. gates'^ table. (AP Photofax). for the time being. First the looking a bit tired, winds up six His news secretarj', Herbert G. age of 1,178 beds in nursing (Contlnned on Page Three) . Czech flag came down. The Soviet Klein, said he would hit hardest homes, fulfilling 85 per cent of the days of night-and-day campaign­ state's requirement*. banner with the hammer and ing today in Iowa and Minnesota. at that issue again in Sioux City today, while repeating the details Emergency Assembly Session Tonight sickle followed at 11:50 a.m. His schedule included an ad­ Minutes later the silver-haired dress In Sioux City, Iowa, and a of the farm program. Gas Station Deadline Astronauts Air Some arnong^his advisers think Soviet Ambassador. Mikhail Ya­ speech and newa conference in Hartford, Sept, 17 uPi—The kovlev, drove in the sweltering Minneapolis. Afterwards, he plan-' his best course is to outline his State Motor 'Vehicles Department ned to fly back to Waahlngton to basic proposals in prepared state­ heat to board a gleaming white Confidence of says 3,000 of the State’s .4,500 serv­ Red Veto Blocks UN Council Soviet aircraft which took off for size up hi* progress against his ments and gtrjp down his speeches ice stations have not renewed Democratic opponent, 84m. John. F. to his basic campaign appeal. Moscow. Czechoslovak Ambas­ their licenses. The deadline for re­ sador Joseph VIrius and an em­ ’61 Space Hop Kennedy. He always gets a big hand when newals Is l:;i. two weeks. Nixon, the GOP presidential he says that, under President Ei­ bassy staff of 11 had left earlier In SXWWR nominee, came into Des Moines senhower, the nation "got out of Vote for DagJn Congo Crisis two small Soviet planes. OF BOSTON Cape Canaveral, Fla.. Sept. 17 Just before dinner time last night one war” and avoided others, and Senator's Father Dies The Czechs were to stop first ^ OPi—While • rumors abound that to the thunderous cheers of n oM f tS n ' 'he and Lodge are dedicated NOrtv'alk, Sept; 17 (*V-Cfiarles StanleyviiTe i o ' ■plc'k tip several 25,.000 persons who lined 13 blocks to keeping the pelice “ without Sibal, 60, father of State Sen. Ab­ United Nations. N. Y., Sept, lin in g Hammarskjold a go-ahead-on^if the council is stymied by a score Soviet "technicians." Russia may soon attempt a man­ "Bye-bye, see you again In an­ 3. eressroock, 8.99 of downtown streets leading to his surrender” and the extension of ner Sibal, died yesterday at Nor­ (/Pi — The 82-nation General As- his Congo policies and urging that veto. ned space launching, America's hotel. other place.” Soviet newsmen black calf freedom aroimd the world. walk hospital after a long illness. senibly wa.s summoned today for no military aid be sent to The Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Astronauts are looking confidently A touch of seasonal >’hay fever, He had been In the hospital sev­ grrinned weakly at western cor­ toward the first U.S. manned Apart from his basic speech, an emergency session on Tlie Congo except through the United Valerian A. Zotln protested against w'hlch put a alight huskiness in his eral weeks. Congo problem after a Soviet veto Nations. It wa.s the 90th veto cast respondents waiting at Leopold­ 4. hog mo tight, 8i99 flight early next year. voice, did not mar his obviously he is suggesting that Kennedy is calling the assembly virtually on ville airport. The deployment of several So­ “naive” regarding international Sibal lived on Highview Avenue. blocked action in t^iC Security by the .Soviet Union. the eve the regular session. He 3N»iiidlottt, 10.99 red calf high spirits over the big turnouts Funeral arrangements were still The Soviet departure was pre­ viet ships around the globe has that greeted him on a motorcade communism. Nixon never fails to Council. /^' Western diplomats had oon- pointed out tliat many heads of Incomplete. The meeting will be convened fldenlly pqssed the word that they ceded by Yakovlev's vain effort to ^ y a c k calf raised speculation that Ruaaia through several cities in this nor­ say that there are those who, like governments would be on hand see Ka.savubu in an apparent ef­ S. KHibeot, 8.99 may try to place a man in orbit to mally Republican state. Kennedy, have suggested that The death prompted the post­ at 8 p.m. (EDT)’ tonight, just three exprrterl the Russians to abst-alh, next week and that The Congo days before the scheduled opening But they Were ready, just in-case. fort to revoke Mobutu’s order ex­ black suede coincide with Premier . Khrush- He made his big bid for the Eisenhower might have prevented ponement of a television debate in problem could 'oc taken up then. pelling the Communists. But Kasa- o f the regiilar^.session with its all- The vote was 8 to 2 — the Soviet chev’a arrival at the United Na­ Midwest farm vote at the 21st an­ Khrushchev’s blowup of the Paris Hartford between the younger Si- Some of the leaders will prob- vubu himself had counterslgnec'. tions next week. baJ and the other candidates for star ca-st o f 'top-level leaders. Union being joined by Poland — nual plowing contest at Guthrie summit conference if he had eX' jibly get here while the emergency the order and refused to seo the "We hope they don't beat lis to Center in 'west c’efttral Iowa. pressed reg;rets for . allowing • the the Fourth District (Fairfield The t'.4fijted State.s requested the with France abstaining. session is on. Cuban Prime Minister It,” American Astronaut Scott meeting in a dramatic move in the Soviet envOy. There, before a crowd of many U2 spy plane to fly over Russia County) Congressional seat. Sibal, Anibaa.sador James J. Wads­ Fidel Castro Is- due Sunday.' Soviet For 15 minutes Yakovlev paced Carpenter told new’smen yester­ a Republican, was to have de­ early;tnornlng hours as the 11-na­ thousands, he outlined hia pro­ just prior to the meeting. worth. U.S. chief delegate, took Premier Nikita ^ Khrushchev and in front of the gate of Kasa'vubu’s day. “We'd naturally like to be bated Socialist Jasper McLevy, tion council-' wound up three days posals for cutting down the |10 It’s good for applause when he the 6005; several Soviet satellite chiefs will house, tugging nervously at hia first." billion, price-depressing farm aur- adds that he hopes the day may Bridgeport, and the Democratic of'futile debate in which Secretary "•The Soriet Union," he said, arrive Monday. Carpenter sind his fellow space­ General Dag Hammarskjold was p ' pluses.' never come when any president Incumbent, U.S. Rep. tlonald J. "has just sfiiown the lengths to men trainees talked for the first The hour for the meeting was an­ ( Continued on Page. Six) “w'ill ever apologize for defending Irwin, Norwalk. attacked by the Russians and de­ which it will go in opposition to time with reporters at the new He said he had given much fended by the West. nounced over the U.N. loud speak­ 7 thought to hia' program, con­ the security of the United States." A spokesman for WTIC-TV effective. United Nations as­ er system less than an hour after National Aeronautics and Space The move was triggered by a templating hea'vy new shipments And so, he sticks' by this text, (Channel 3) said the station would sistance for the Republic of The the council .vote. Diplomat i c Administration central control Soviet veto of s resolution, spon­ at ewry stop he makes. For it is try to bring the candidates to­ Congo.” sources said the assembly will building here. This will be ‘the o f / surplus commodities to the sored by Ceylon and Tunisia, giv- nerve center when a U.S. space hungry abroad, and creation of on this gro.und. he has made gether later in the campaign. He added: meet four or five hours tonight, all pilot is sent aloft. strategic food reserves across the clear,., that he is counting on elec­ ■"■We are not w.illing to concede day Sunday and perhaps Monday BullerinsI .. l A.. failure simply because of a Soviet The other astronauts are: Le­ country. tion to the White House. Enfield Officials Fired in an effort to complete Its work from the AP Wires roy G. Cooper,'34; John H. Glenn, His com-growdng, shirt-sleeved From the time he started cam­ veto. We believ.e that the United before the Tuesday morning open­ 41; Virgil I. Grissom, 33; Walter audience applauded perfunctorily paigning last Monday at Balti­ Enfield, Sept. 17 (JP)—The board News Tidbits Nations must take action to pro­ ing of the regular session. M. Schirra, 36; Alan B. Shepard, until he got'going on bis favorite more. be has been flying and talk­ of selectmen has fired the chslr- vide funds for The. Congo. It must The assembly Is expected to get 36. and Donald K. Slayton, 35. theme: That he and his ■Wee presi­ ing on at, least an 18-hpur sched­ ■ man of the local sewer commis­ Culled from AP Wires Hake action to protect The Congo PANAMA FLAG IN ZONE a resolution ' similar to the one Washington, Sept. 17 Cffk— NASA had hoped to send one dential running mate. Henry ule. And he doesn't expect, to fie sion and one of its five members. against attempts at subversion.” vetoed by the Russians, A ma­ of these men on a Redstone-bppst- Cabot Lodge, are best qualified by back in Washington until 3:30 a.ih. The board’s unanimous action He then pVoposed formally that President Eisenhower has or­ jority of the council members have dered Panama's flag flown In the ed ballistic flight' 120 miles up and experience to deal with Soviet Sunday. On Monday, he will be off last night 'was against (Chairman . Rfpublican administration must the council act under the 1950 insisted that. In view of the Soviet U.S.-controlled Panama Canal about 200 miles down the Atlantic Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev. again on an equally demanding Andrew Lduccl and Norbart D. accept responsibility for allowing "uniting for peace” resolution to attacks on Hammarskjold and the missile range late this year. But call an emergency assembly meet­ Zone as“ visual evidence of Pan­ In Des Moines, he gave a' resume schedule. Senio.' First Selectman John M. Communism to penetrate western y.N. operations in .The Congo, it 1 ama's titular sovereignty" over this has slipped, and. the flight is Guminiak said the two men had he'mlsphere, Sen., Lyndon B. John­ ing. The vote on this aUso was 8-2 is essential to give him a vote of I now expected In January 'or Feb­ with France abstaining, but this the zone,, the White House an­ not stayed within the commis­ son, (D-Texas), sayis in .Oklahoma confidence. Western diplomats | nounced today. . The flying of .'Si',. ruary. ■■ sion’s budget, had insisted on re­ CTity last night . . . Specialists start time the veto did not apply. Any say that they arc certain of a If all goes right, one of the astro­ the Panainanlan flag In the son* • taining six employes Contrary to their probe of wreckage of 4,250 seven members of the council may -—a 10 mile strip running abont nauts be laimched into orbit- a superior court ruling, and had horsepower Bluebird II racer summon an emergency assembly (Continued on Page Six) \ lats in 1961 and be w’-hirled three Country Not Divided, 50 miles through the ItepnbUe declined to return certain trucks which crashed at 300 miles pet- of Panama---has been the center demanded by the board of select­ hour yesterday ifi Bonneville. Salt (OonUnned on Page Three) of a bitter controversy for yean. men. Flats, Utah, and injured driver There has been a dispute also Kennedy Tells Nikita Donald Oampbeil. ■' ^ - over the question; of Paaama'a Dr. R. Bernard Finch, testifying Clerics Contiiiuy Scrap sovereignty over the Canal Zone. King^ Fabiola in court with terms of Washington, Sept. 17 Sen.'f'Cd coimtry,” he said, “ or that one Ike May Meet medical precision, says he fled af­ NIKITA UKE^MERICANS John F. Kennedy points'his presi side favors appeasement, or that ter his wife Was fatally shdt be­ London,'Sept. 17 (/'/—Soviet Met This Year dentiaU drivesouthw ard today the humlilstion of our President cause. he suffered “ acute anxiety, Over Religion as Issue Premier Nikita Khnuhehav stOl with a heavy schedule of cam­ would be pleasing^to his political Foreign Chiefs folloived by absolute hysteria.” >. . likes Americans despite angry paigning in North Carolina. opponents. Nbthing could )>e fur­ .Tom Crane, who is 102 today, says arguments he might have vrip In Switzerland Kennedy will test his crowd- ther from the truth.” in Portland, Ore., he owes his long New York, Sept. 17'tm TM tf Dr. Poling._in his stalenient. at­ their leadcrs^filoscow Radio pulling power in the state after Kenned.v said he hopes Khrush In New York lime to “ whisky, smoking, and fast Rev. Dr. Daniel A. Poling ■ says tacked theologians t>r. Reinhold , said today. “ In many of his pob- what he regards aa highly success­ chev doesn’t use the UfN. forum women.’.’ neither he nor Dr.. Norman Vin­ Niebuhr and Dr. John C. Bennett—', : lie utterances since the Ainerjk' Madrid, Spain, Sept. 17 (JP)—TTie cent' Peale repudiate a Protestant ful forays into New Jersey and for “similar discourtesies” to those Washington, Sept. ■ 17 • (/P)— Third Polarls-flrlng nuclear sub­ also officers of the Liberal party ran L'3 spy plane was shot down romance of the king of the Bel- group's statement that a Roman which is supporting Kennedy—and Pennsylvania, His motorcade * p , he dealt to President, Elsenhower President Eisenhower, probably marine becomes unit of U.S. Navy over Soviet territory, Mr. 'glans and a- Spanish senorita be­ pearances in those' states drew wh«n the summit' conference col- in Newport News, Va. yesterday in. .Catholic president would be un­ critics of Dr. Peqle and the Wash­ Khrushchev has stressed that gan early this year in Switzerland, will meet in New York rather than what Ioe.al Democrats described lapsed in Ma> . in Washington with a number of ceremonies which youthful paci­ der "extreme pressure from the ington meeting. our attitude ^ to the Amerleon - » i- 4 ridends of the senorita said today. hierarchy of, his church.” Drs. Bennett and Niebuhr, Dr. • »■ « A* as record thronn, and in Mary­ The Democratic nominee' said foreign government leader* at­ fists tried vainly to disrupt . .; ; people remains favoraMe, as al- The Belgian government yester­ Dr. Poling, editor of the Chris­ Poling said, "are prejudiced wit­ land last night L800 turiied put to that if Khrushchev has any dis­ tending the United Nations Gen­ Mexican government leaders offer .' Haj-s,” said the commentator;' day announced in Brussels the en- hear him at a $100-a-plate e in­ police had difficulty in pryi)ig his though he said it violates long Church and ultimate reunion." berserk gunman turned- lease ejrcle. She has been active in i ^ r - allow him time to- see a number of fluenced by what he does, or apotpreade Ihroijgh thefn. At Lan­ established policies of hi* admUi- ment. There was no' immediate com­ With a shotgun from i); second brion in gold, olive, charcoah red or blue. antelope, waist sizes 22 to 42. Ity woTlt, they said, carinff foil I the doesn't say .about either candidate caster a woman,' pushed down by tJ)e foreign visitors. , istratibn.' ' Dr. Poling, who boa been crit­ poor through an office in Madrid; ment from.Dr*. Niebuhr and Ben- floor bedroom wjtedow t « ^ and 8 to 11. 4.99 to 7.99. . ‘ 14 to 20, 5 . ^ to 9l99 cotton badford cords . 4.95 Jh the presidential contest. the surging throng, suffered a knee Among those with whom he CJ.N. -World Health Organiza­ ical of the De.niocratlc jiresldential nett. killed twro mem One o ^ r man . Bom June li, 1928, she was ed- , Addressing .bjs 'remarks to injury. Kennedy delayed his de- might talk, the speculation has tion reports widespread, .though candidate, Ben. John F. Kennedy, boys'iizas 3.95 and. 4.95 />,^ucated by. private tutors and also The: International Council of was crittoany woBadsd. Ihagnd* Khrushchev, who will arrive Moh* piulure to go into a candy store cente.red on President Tito of localized, outbreaks of snaUpox also coinmented that the WaihlM" nian then shot himself, Tha g m ^ ^ stu d ied at St. Maur, France.: She day for A meeting of the Vnitad Churches la * amall fun4amentalist where shS .had-besn taken. :an4 to Yugoslavia and President Gainal In' The Congo , . . Her bluff called, ton fesblutions came from “ patri­ group and has no Connection witji man was Mentifled by PsBaa. a* has three broU{ers and three lis­ Nations, Kennedy said the Soviet check tq V e thaf ahe WyO not seri­ Abdel Nasser of Efypt. About 18 erratic Etthel, once furious gulf otic . and worthy men with whom WITH SPORT SHIRTS.I. ' ‘ AND* WITH TWO COATS IN ONL . ters, all married to Spanish aris- th* National Council of Churches, O a s ^ Zamhoa. 87. Pm Ob aiH ' ■ I . ■ • » «... premier ought not. to be deceived ously hurt. •* :• Diovamment chiefs, including the hurricane, feebly gasps her last I am honored to be associated." he'bad been fMid^> wNh . tocrat*.' ^ to thinking that because the to which moat Protoatant Churches There were a few boos from the Soviet Premier^ Nikita Khrush­ breaths and ahed* nUn on Teo- Dr. Peale has resigned from in this country belong. neighbors in nttsliwslrir crisply tailored of fine cotton With' button down b ravarsibla-of eanodian Wildbrhess. fljn-flon cloth Fablola speaks English; French, Deipocrats criticize ' EisenhDwer crowd When Kennedy was Intro­ chev. plan to attend the United Oermsn, Italian ahd Spanlah and hesiea Alahama- berdeg,. .Eighty- the .coijferencc, laying he had The New York. Herald 'Tribune l i b m sMiytlDB far s e v iii collars in pull-^var or coat modal styles.yies. and al! wool sierra plaid, all wool hdekay collar, adminiatraUon polieie* ' they an duced au-a ohopping'centeri stop NatHma meietini'. . I ‘year-old Brattleboro, , Vt., man, nothing to do with the group’s weeick KlBed ueen A ia a pahits with considerable fibUIty. “ preachiniriUaunity.” said tfiday the Rffv. ,p o w d H. M « n groan. 12 to 20,-25.9j5 outside Baltimore. But his crowdO Elsenhower has no present plane llWl C. Adams, It killed yastsr- Washingtoh btatamant tpiestlonb^ GUI. smeuttv* dhKMtor o f th* Clt- 58. fmd bin''aaBi.Baib'r 4>o!2.2.99.M 8 to 2 0 .iv 9 t “P erils you have been misled wara gmanarally .aatttusialUe and day when au(omlbls In adilch bs a Catholic’*, Independent Judg- I iato beUffirtoa that w e a n a Oivtd- ChaHM Tmrtsv'fTt HfMaidV’. E hn e) WM ridtag awffins tape peqi^M preadsat - SB _ lowoKiiidin floor ■ ! r ^ i v ■■ 4 ! ,s A -f'A- t . I /' i'- ■ ' . ‘■•I *fANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESIER. CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1960 PAGE fm MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMRER 17, IMP PAO® TWO ■ "ft./. Ike May Rfeet Banks Seized^ Spies Ousted ' King, Fabiola ‘S^oteiirs ■ W ell Announce Engagements Red Space Full Summer Camp Program Clerics Continue on Foreign Chiefs Enjoyed by Troop 25 Scouts Met This Year To W reck Planes Man Shot Castro Slaps Curbs Over Religion as Issue h a st y m a y s ( South dtoler In New York In Switzerland COST TRICKS Ndtlwc aWs VBhwmbk By niA N K CABBt Boy Scout Troop 25 «nd 8enlor|to Rlch«rd Arne*, * By Alfred Shslawold NORTH , ■ AP Bdeoee Writer Seen Near recently completed a full ‘ son.— Alan ‘ ®**‘*’-Baxter. Charle* Case (OenttaiMd from Page Oiut far, have coma from “eoneamad / »r/ as ‘ (ContlBaed from Piago Dm ) David Chatel, Daniel ^ r e t t , ; ff\ ' 4 < ^ 3 2 Dalton, Ohio (JP)—In one of th* On U.S. Ambassador ■ummer camping program. (OontlaiMd from Page One) people all ovar the country." WiMin I was a ^ H J 9 « 7 world’s largest room's, a crew of (Continned from Page One) Ninety-eight Scout* participat­ Richard Ge.ss, Robert Halsted. izena for„Religioiia Freadom, told In Loa Angelea yesterday. Dr. to get my knuckles rapped now to meet with KhruBhehe'v who has Garv Harrison. James Higgins, saboteurs is at work—trying to (Conttnoed from Pafo One) nox’s key waa found In Nerdkt’g ed in an active 2-week program at Her favorite aporta are tennis, the newspaper by telephone from Wright, a 70-year-oId Connega- and then for peaching too quick­ ■wwk the Air Force's niftiest idr- carried on a campaign of denunci­ over toe Atlantic where toe tanker the new Lake of lale.* Scout Reser­ Gordon Hurwit*. Thomas, John­ swimming and horsebsek riding, tional mlnistar, said he helped WEST apartment and she was" then ar­ ston. .lames Kirnball. Jonathan Washington that he took the ly, "It’s not pellte to be so grab- planes, including too new B.58 ation against toe-,':Rre8ident sjnea uid'tug are located. Bank, had begun taking over, all vation near Stonington. Tire daily in that order. found the Ctttzena for Raligloua 4 9 7 4 I 10 l \ supersonic Jet jttomber. 'The four ships in the Pacific rested. Nordio was later picked li^edule included two swimming Kimball, and'Cary Kirkham. But helping the poor has been "primary role in drafting the Freedom. . by," my father would say, Soms- V A 4 toe collapto at the. summit con­ branches of the First National City up as he and Neet sought refugs But toe Air Force knows al] could be used as instrument ships Bank of New York, the First Na­ period*, a acoutcraft sc.ssion. an Also, Kenneth Knight, John her main outalde intereat. Ber- atatement” which the group He said his concern over the timsa a brides hand makes me ♦ 1 9 7 2 8 6 5 about them; in fact, it pays them ference In Paris last May 16. The to track toe satellite while the in toe U.S. Embassy, the note said. athletic'e-vent and a special activ­ Lawler. Alan MacDonald. Bruce vanta at h*r home aaid slje had adopted unanimously. poaslbility of a Catholic in the 4 J 10 9 8 White House said yesterday that tional Bank of Boston and the The police claimed to have found • White House prompted him to look around for a, ruler to apply SOUTH well to dream up and apply ■ways tanker and tug could be used to Chase Manhattan Bank. Financial ity. Each patrol contributed a Marlow, .lames Mehl, John Mln- been aiding up to 20 needy peraona Gill said names of some of the and means of wrecking .aircraft Khrushchev had made no ap­ hunt for the capsule, according to tiny microphonea with fine wires reject in pioneering to illustrate nick. Neil Newmafi', Roy Parks, dally until it got to be too big a ministers attending the Wash­ telephone Gill last Auguit about to a set of knuckles. 4 A K sources estimated reserves and un­ leading to two transmitters in a forming the group. 4f K Q 10 6 that cost toe taxpayers mllliona of proaches .to the U.S. government the speculktive theory. divided profits of the American de theme of the first week at P.obert Payne. Richard Peck, Dan­ load for her to handle at her home. ington meeting were being with­ When this hand was played In dollars. The U.S. Navy does not say that bathroom medicine cabinet. 5camp. iel Rhodes. Walter Simmers.. Al- Then ahe opened an office ' in A series of rneetinga. Dr. Wright a ' tournament, practically every­ ♦ A 10 4 for a meeting with the President. banks at' $5 million to $6 million Cuban authorities said Nordio, in- held because "some of the people said, resulted, in the . movement 4 A 6 5 3 These saboteurs are on our aide. One of'the-problems which Ei- a space shot is the only possible with assets liabilities of many Other______activities incUided a . , ton Spencer. , Randall Spencer. Madrid where she could keep effi­ involved might be subject to real body earned a good rap. Their Job la to subject whole air­ purpose for the Soviet ships In the identified u a dancer Instructor, mile hike, training in night ' ‘r*!; siarrett. Daniel Sturte- cient records of those ahe waa aa- being ofriclally founded on Sept. The Jack of clubs waa the open­ SouBi Wed North Ead -senhower and his advisers en­ times that amount. and his wife would be expelled pressure.” He did not elaborate. . planes to a laboratory,duplication Atlantic. atd, and practice on rifle and arch- '[•(,0^1, , Walz and Maurice 7. 1 I f Ptu 2 V Pass countered in on inidting Militiamen also Vere seen enter­ along with Mr*; Lennox and Neet, slstihg, c The idea for the meeting. Gill- ing lead at every Uble. In 3 NT P*s* 4 4f AIM of toe worst possible punishment men-like Nasser and Tito to Wash­ They may be on duty to act as ing the Trust Company of Cuba, a arv ranges. Special events were a Generallsaimo Fra'nclaco Franco, said, started with Dr. J. Elwin Dr. Wright, who holds no pa*' some cases South played the queen bus trip to Mystic a vi.sil to the | members of "Nlkiwigl" Spaniah chief of state, laat night torate, said he la a member of the Opening lead — 41 they might take In flight from a ington "was'how to ask some gov­ a corrimunications center and sup­ Cuban-owned bank. It was not Wright of Rumney, N.H., a re­ of slubs from dummy. foe potentially more dangerous ernment leaders to Washington ply de'pot for the Russian liner jenown if any other Cuban banks U.S. Coast Guard Acadeni>. Robert Alibrio. John Bacon, sent ■ congratulations to Baudouin Park Street Congregational ' This hasty play fot just what canoe trip on iJike George, A. r fj^^v Harrison, tired buaineaaman, who contacted Church In Boston, but olherwiae IS than enemy cannon—toe air without asking all of them—apart Baltika, which is carrying Khrush. wei-e affected. Canadians said their Bus Rides Issue In the natne of "myaelf, my gov­ the Rev. Harold J. Ockenga of It deserved. Mast covered with the he ruff* away a loser. You can through which planes fly. chev to New York. an■n AppalachianAnnalachtan Trail hikp;hike; a trip'liipi Donald Kirkham, , Philip Klemas. ernment and the Spanish people.” retired from church work. Ha said from men like Khrushchev shd banks were untouched. to the Amcriran Tliermos Co., Franco expressed best Wishes Boston, and Others. he holds no official position in the king of dubs, and South had to easily regain the lead to draw The Idea la to spot imknown or Premier Fidel Castro of Cuba. But' photographs, released by It Was not immediately clear on Meeting Subject Richard Ijawrencc, Herbert Maher. Gill said the group waa not loss three club tfickg. Down one. trumps; and then you still make previously undetected structural The tentative plan for talks In The engageifient of Miss Nancy^ The engagement of Miss Lydia the Navy yesterday, show that the whose orders the militiamen acted Nonvich: and a dance with 'Girl Richard Nelson, Paul Saari and for the king's future happiness Citizens for Reiigious Freedom, Scouts. Special guests were the and said Spain was "honored by against Kennedy personally but Among reasons opposing the Less Haato yiour ace and queen of clubs. If weaknesses in a given aircraft—so New York was said to offer a way Louise Slattery, Hartford, to David" May Johnson to Robert George two ships have an unusual amount in taking over the American Pairents who requested bu8 Rev. Clifford O Simpson. i>a.stor Anthony .Salafia. against the ‘‘offlcial poaltlon” of election of k. Catholic to the presi' •Thers’s no need to put up dum­ East fails to ruff, you win with the that amends'can be made before out of ■ this difficulty since the William Gay, Manchester; is an­ Wlnzler is announced by her of radar and radio antennae. banks. • But the action duplicated Service Awarda your choice of a Spanish bride.” a "monolithic church" which is my’s queen; East may have the aircraft of tola type are put in mother, Mrs. M.atthew M. John­ The tug also appears to carry a transportation for students to of Center Congregational Church, ■ 1 - - dency. Dr. Wright aaid: ace of clubs and draw trumps. whole idea would be hiuch less nounced by her parents, Mr. and the pattern of recent months of North Junior High School may re­ and the Rev, A. Kingsley Uoyd. Attendance pins were present­ "opposed to separation of church "No other church or denoptilna- singleton king,” sAme of the dec­ There is no further pfoblera. service. It such an aerodynamic Wanted hy FBI formal than would invitations to Mrs. John O. Slattery, Hartford. son, Worcester, Mass. M.'\i John­ huge balloon, which could be used the government takeover of three ed by Richard Morriaon to JosepIT ceive an answer to the request visiting minister from Ixuidon. Columbia . and state.” tion has an.V political ambitions, larers reasoned. So they,' played Dally Question Achilles Heel Is found In a replica Nathaniel Beans, sought on a various individuals to visit Wash­ Her fiance is the son o| Mr. and son, Is also toe daughter of toe to hoist a high antenna. American-owned ' rubber com­ Monday night when the Board of England. Marcln. Richard Baxter. Larry Gill said the issue la involved but the-Roman Catholic Church it low from dummy at. the fimt trick. of a plane already in service, all Federal warrant' issued in Miami, ington. . . Mrs. Bert D. Gay, 138 Parker St. late Mr. Matthew Johnson. The tanker carries a helicopter, panies in the Castra. regime’s McKay and David Baxter, 6-year*: Partner opens with 2 NT, and planes of this type are immediate­ march toward total cohtrol of Education meets’ at ManchMter The ramp staff incliided Sroul- 'in every political post held by a both a denomination or church or­ East rewarded them by playing the next player passes. You hold: Fla., in March 1960 charging him Rep. Emanuel Celler, D.-N.Y., Miss Slattery is a graduate of Her fiance is toe son of Mr. and wrapped up to protect it against High SchooL * mafter Harry S. .Maidmenl. guid­ Michs’el Morssco, William Stiles, Barbecue Slated Roman Catholic. He added that ganization and a state. . ^that's his king anyway. So practically ly grounded tmtil the potential with unlawfully fleeing the ; State said he had heard toe State De­ College and is employed as the weather. This could be used In American-owned property in Cuba. Spades' — 6 6 3 3; HeatrU — J 9 trouble can be rectifled. Mrs. George Wlnzler 73 Hackma­ Arthur H. Illing, eupTerintendent ance councilor of Manchester High Phillip Klema*; Terry Neill, Don- contribution* to citizen* for reli­ what makes it dangerous In our all of thaoe players won the first of Florida to avoid prosecution for partment might recommend a a legal secretary in Hartford. tack St., Manchester.- a hunt for a space capsule. Banking sources said that all of schools, was directed to look sld Kirkham. Ronald Starrett, By Grange Youth gious, freedom, totaling 15,000 thus view.” ' triek with the acs of clubs, cap­ 8 7; Diamonds — Q: Clubs — Q ProMeou Build Up murder, has been added to the Mr. Gay served in the U.S. Ma­ American bwks in Cuba have School: Assistant Seoul master and 7 4 2. What do you say? meeting betwen toe President and The bride-elect is a graduate of into the matter, check toe dis­ Camp’Laison Officer Ru hard Mor­ Richard Nelson, Herbert Maher, turing Eaef's king happily. The saboteura-^-engineers of FBI's list of “Ten MoYit Wanted Nasser. Cbller said Nasser has de­ rine Corps for three years and at­ Vandenberg Air Force Base, been operating at a loss in recent tances and the hazards,. and make rison. a graduate of Pnnreton Cni- Charles Case and Duffy Brookes, The Youth Committee of East be Mrs. John Foster and Mr*. An­ Thesie players got their come­ Answer; Bid three pjubs, the the "Structures Teat Facility” at Fugitives.” fied U.N. r'esoUitions and certainly tended toe State Technical Insti­ the High School of- Commerce, Calif., Sept. 17 (jP)—The vast Pa­ months. One of their prirnary a recommendation at this .meeting. veraity and a graduate .student at 4-year*. Central Pomona Grange will spon­ Coventry uppance anyway. Weet won the Stayman Convention. If partner toe Air Force’! Wright Air De­ Following toe alleged murder of Should not be invited to be a guest tute. He is employed as a civilian Worcester, Mass. She attended cific has swallowed up an instru­ functions was financing operations -.The matter Is-the only piece of ton M. Lassen. bids a major suit, you will raise Salter Secretarial School in Wor­ of Americ.an-owned sugar mills, Yale University: and A.ssistant ■ Also, Paiil .Saari, James Kim­ sor a chicken barbecue Sept. 26, North Coventry Women’s Club of­ first trump with the acs and im­ velopment Dlirialon—subject the a Florida woman early in March, of the President. technician In the U.S. Property and ment-laden capsule which sur­ new business on the agenda. Scoutmaster and Kxerulive As­ ball, Robert Prokopowlcz, Robert which will be held on Smith's Field, mediately returned toe ten of to game. Otherwise you will go to aircraft to the great mechanical Beans Is thought to have traveled The State Department now may Fiscal office for toe State of Con­ cester, and is employed as. person­ vived the rigors of outer space only which recently were nationalized. Parents of children who live on GOP G^ndiclales ficials have reminded members to nel' assistant at the Government Some of the bafi'ks have been sistant Richard Gess. a graduate of Alibrio, Karl Kehler, Thomas the Columbia Volunteer Firemen’s bring in from the gardens before clubs through duminy”a queen. three notrump. "loads” , they would face from the to Georgia and then on to the lift toe travel ban just enough to necticut. John Haley Photo to disappe^ in a tropical squall. Oakland St.. N. School St., and Worcester PolSdechnie Institute. Johnston. buncan^Bockus, Dennis fair grounds. The mesl will be South loet toe qfueen of clubs to characteristic of his home area, preaaure of air, and also to toe Buffalo, N. Y., area. permit Khmshchev to visit his Ernployes Insurance Co., New The Aii/Foi'ce launched Us Dis- operating in- Cuba almost since Union St., met Sept. 7 with toe B6ck Continuity frost, plant*, cutting* and aeeda terrific heating encountered from the island gained independence Assistant scoutmasters assignerl Keith, Anthony .Salafia, Michael served contlnously from 1 p m. un­ which might be donated to the n r** Y»?mri,^ East”s trump, end waa still down tures Oorp.). Beans Is a n . American Negro country’s large estate on Long York City. coverer^V satellite here Tuesday. board-to request bus service. They to the Senior Scout progrAm -were Cronin, Robert .Simmers, James til 3 p.m. Ticket* may be purchased onq. air friction. Both problems in­ who was born In Georgia on Nov. Island. Mr. Winzler was graduated After/47 trips around the world, more-than 58 years ago. contended the children had to club'e booth at the community bar crease as toe speed capabilitlea of 26, 1920. He stands 5 feet 9, and a atatement issued early to­ Richard Yules. Yale University: Higgins, Richard Harvey, Bruce from any committee meriabtra, Plan of LWy zaar Nov. 12 at the Church Oom- The way t o make the hand is Khrushchev had been restricted Astronauts Air from Manchester High School and the /apsule parachuted Into the walk through dangerous' traffic \D avid Nelson, Boston University: Msrlow, and Thomas Walz. 3- who, in Columbia, are Hardld an4; aircraft go up. weighs 165 pounds. He has a me­ behind Manhattan's neon curtain Ptyci&c Wednesday but it camg day the Cuban government said conditions to reach the school. munit.v House. The club will re­ Rockv ille-Vernon to be really polite. Play a low And, not only are they keen on the Wharton School of Finance Mrs. Lennox and six other North Imd Keith Botkus. Assistant scout- year*. Rita Evan*. Republican candidates for rep­ sume meetings at 8 p.m. Oct. 4. club from toe dummy .at the first dium build, medium-dark com­ ag a security measure. and Commerce at the University wn 1,000 miles south of xyhere it They also contended that solbe of m ^er* assigned to the Boy Scout Also. Jerry Keith, Robert Msg- spotting gross weaknesses that plexion, brown eyes and black, Americtms had set up a monitor­ the children had to walk farther The Youth Conjnfittee Inclide* resentatives to the General As­ Lunch Menus trick, and let East win toe first M A N S n C L D l ^ might doom a plane on its first . But yesterday State Department Confidence of of Pennsylvania. He was a mem^ ■was supposed to have -descended ing apparatus in an 18Ui floor progr^i were Richard Baxter, nano, John illnnlck. Maurice Wil­ Diane and Cheater Small and Wil­ Truck Fire Singes trick with the king of'(ilubs. tiggticmiT?jrnnsaiJ kinky hair cut close to the skull. officials in Washington said they her of Theta Xi fraternity. / north of Hawaii. ,• than a mile and three quarters, the Cornell ttniversity, .lames Cole, sembly, former Rep. Royden F. The .hot lunch menus for the trip aloft. They also teat planea Beans has a scar on his right in­ apartment to listen to what was minimum limK set by the board ley. James Mehl, Daniel Rhodes, liam Lines Ot Manchester: Mar­ ■When West gets In with the ace KND8 SUNDAY for potential "structural fatigue” might permit the Soviet leader Mr. Wlnzler is employed/as It was feared^Jdst but then was said in the o’ffices of a Communist Boston Univerejty. David .Jiilisno. Richard Aniee, Gordon Hurwitz, garet Boardmari of Glastonbury; Smith Sr. and Harry A. Jackson, coming week at the public achools of hearta he leads the' ten of dex finger, a scar^on his left mid­ to visit the big Soviet estate at ’61 Space Hop traced with^domputers and instru­ for bus transportation. University of Connerticut: and will include on Monday — vege- Child’s Playhouse "ALL THE FINE ' VOt'O —the gradual weakening of the dle finger and pimples on his face. sales representative for the State Chinese news agency. The agency Gregory Zollo, Richard Gess, Roy Mar'Jorie Porter and Mary Boying- have endorsed the plan for con­ clubs. You play low from dummy CANNIBAL.*” In Color structure from tiny strains ap­ Glen Cove, Long Island — If he ments Ij)' the \aea near (Christmas offices are in the same building as Michael ■MornBco,''''Norwlch Uni­ Parks, Alan Baxter, Bruce Tupper, ton of Hebron and Arthur Pinney table-'beef soup, peanut butter and Fin* "GIKIA’ TOWN” ' Occasionally, he wears a mustache speciflcally asks to go. Mutual Life Assurance Co. ;, of Islan

Answer to Prevlout Punie Herald Angle -DON'T efrALARVCQ, < "Beehiv* State" tty EARL YOST FR(U^DS.-fW MSREL-r OfH^RINS ABRACEy There’s new employment wait­ nSTOLS-^ X ACK08S • DOWN ing for Eddie Wojcik, local catcher Marks 11th OLP/ A > 1 iUinbow ITeatbered who returned home recently fh>m It on* of aeart his first fling at professional baae- Yanks Draw First Blood with Birds Utah’* molt 3 Vex ball with Pensacola,. Fla'., in the tpectacuUr 3 Ailment! Class D Alabajna-Florida League. Time Lefty ‘ tcenle 4Godi The Notre Dame grad Y * passed ■ttrictloiu 5 Color his physical examination and will RadiOf TV Sports 7The----- 1 6 Worm -. j g i report eoon for six month’s Army Homers, Tight Has Won 20 reached Utah 7 Cleaning service. Pensacola, third place S t July 34,1847 implement 23 Netting 44 ------majesty finishers during the regiilar sea­ Today— AMERICAN LEAGUE Mr ISLubrleeton 8 Bread ipeudt 24 Molding 45 Passage in tlig son, copped the playoffs. The H urling Help Friday’s Besults New York, Sept. 17 (iP)— brain 1:30—Sports on Parade, 14 Oxidizing B Paused 25 Bellow Florida entry defeated pennant Channels 33, SO. New York 4, Baltimore 3 Don’t let those old-timers kid 10 Masculine 28 Peruse 47 Location BY V. T. HAMLIN enzyme winning Panama City, ' three 1:40—^Yanks vs. Baltimore, Detroit 4, Chicago 3 you, pal. If you’ve seen War­ ISConfederatet nickname 29 Shield bearing 48 Biblical Extend Lead Washington 8, Boston 0 ALLY OOP 30 Light touches garden games to two, and then polished Channel 8: WKNB 840. ren Spahn pitch, you’ve seen / OICCriHINK 18 Goet with ■ 11 Norwegian off Selma in four games, winning 3 p.m__ ^Inside Sports, Cleveland 4, Kansas City 2 'S OKAY, SUZ, “T WASNT WE VO OUNNO. ■ -— haK capital 36 Juvenal's forte 49 Soak flax the best lefthander baseball mortar the last three In a row. Wojcik Channels 23, SO.. Pet. G.B. REAUy SO BAD... ( WHW A \AU. RIGHT STORY 12 Born 38 Opposed to SO Conclusion . New York, Sept. 17 (/P>^ 17 Italian city signed a bonus contract with the 3:16— On Deck Circle, New York .... 83 .503 ever has known. And if he AND OOOIA AN*} THRiaiNS ) FOR JUST deny 51 Female saint TwQ:. little lefties and two b ig needed a no-hitt4r to complete his UMPA I UNCnV I EXPCRlSNCy COUNTRY 18 German king 20 Teamster Chicago White Sox oganlzatlon Channels 33, SO. Baltimore ....83 .535 AWtILE 19 Madden ?•«>> regard 42 Weird (ab.) bats" have put the New Yofk credentlsls for what few skeptics WILL BE GLAD — « r r \ FOLKS 52 Before following his graduation last June. 3:26.!-4}taats vs. Cardinals, Chicago ...... 81 .570 23 Greater 22 Sewing tool 43 Memoranda remain, he has it. Wojcik .was signed by Scout Ron Yankees a game ahead of Bal- Channels 33, .30. Washington . .72 .507 quantity 5 " r - r " r " IT TT IT 4 p.m.—^Red Sox vs. Washing­ Cleveland ....7 1 .504 - Warren The Wonder hung up 1~ r ” r “ r” Northey. thpore in their weekend show- his 11th season of 20 victories 28 Peer Gynt’s » » * ton, Channel S; WTIC 1081) Detroit ...... (Hi .4.58 mother dot^ for the American with a flourish last night, pitching \ r Moe Morhardt, first baaeman- Leagui lead—and perhaps the pen­ 4:30—^Race of Week, Boston ...... 61 .430 27 Let fall Channel 18. an almost perfect n m e in a 4-0 oiitflelder «ith Lancaater. Pa., in nant. Whltey Ford, struggling Kansas City . .60 .355 decision over Philadelphia that 31 Self-esteem rs” v r 4:46—^C A A Football. Ala- Today’s Games 'AINTED VJHEIsJ s Angeles (Koufax 8-12) at the fourth. He also walked Cai bueiiMM in Glastonbury. A catcher in New London. It is the first time year career. witli 'Moriarty’s baseball team Dropo and a double by Ron Han­ in 20 years that the Cadets are Open Golf Tournament last Monday, due to Hurricane Donna, ChloagcT(Cardwell 7-14), 3:80 p.m Neeman in the fifth, but finished sen before giving up a walk to Gus Hitting— Roger Maris, Yankees, Sunday’s Games strong, fanning four pinch-hitters this past season, Bernie purchased opening at home in a night game. may help and not hurt either the number of entries or the hit S9th home run with a-man on in the last two Innings. It was the business from Henry Agos- Triandos which loaded the bases. Elsewhere in the' state, scrim­ Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, 3:30 • •««s,au.ki.. T.H.*H.uaeaM R-n caliber o£ the field f o r , Monday's^— iMMe, supplied the edge In a 4-2 Spahn's fifth victory in flvs de­ tinelll, co-Owner of Gus’s In Man­ It was the sixth straight time mages and practices continued p.m. Ford has failed to finish, and the play. The second part of the two- hand. Bill (Jrowley is another pos­ victory over the Orioles for one- Philadelphia at Milwaukee, 3:80 cisions over the Phils. chester. yesterday. game leiMl In AmeWcan League "What can you do to keep me from arguing with the runs in the ninth ended his shut day event was washed out and sibility. p.m. Still, it took a wonderful play BY KEN BALI) and JERRY BRONDFIELD ■ * * In New Haven, Yale’s first and race. JUDD SAXON neighbors? . . . Stop Junior’s music lessons!" out string over the Birds at Yan­ wisely called off for one week by "We had .160 aligned up for last San Franelsoo at S t Louis, 2:80 by shortstop Johnny Logan and fourth stringers outscored Trinity, Pro Alex Hackney. Low handicap SHE CAN HAVE A l l Certified Hunter Safety Instruc­ kee Stadium at 33 2/3 innings. Monday,” Hackney said. "I’m in p.m. first baseman Joe Adcock to save A CONVICrTOLDAAE SHE 38-20, in a controlled scrimmage amateurs, seven strokes and under, WAS IN CLEVELAND/ RiSIlTS TD THE tors in Manchester are Fred Nas- Maris’ 39th home run, with a a dither now regarding starting Les Angeles at Chleago, 3:80 the no-hltter—on the final out. INVENTION, BUT siff, Phil Newcomb and Stan Sro- in the Yale Bowl. The passing of plus professionals, will occupy the Bobby Malkmus slashed a serew- man on in the fifth inning, nailed it quarterback Toraimy Singleton and times. Postponements always Golf ‘Bridesmaids’ Monday’s Games . IT'S A HEARTLESS LI'TTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON ka. Also, Dennis McCarthy and for the Yankees against rookie spotlight Monday. cause trouble but 1 think that SsM Francisco at Chicago, (3), 3 ball off Spahn’s glove, but the THINS you DO/ Romeo Richard of Wapping and the running of fullbacks Bob Hackney hopes to get Bill charging Logan picked it up on GOOD NIGHT,, t»n>. in«. T.M. v.«. e«i. I e-17 Folley Registers UiianimousVerdict An organized football pro­ dates, the Bsirflard group will be organized into a separate c a p t a i n EASY BY LESLIE TURNER gram. for Barnard Scho61 boys, whfch'has been a thirn In the ' team and operate as an Ihdlr (Jentralla. Wash., Sept. 16 (/P) - - f card also (gave it to Folley by fiys THE MI5SIM4 AMERICAN g 1 HEAR ON OOOOt WHILE POLICE . IT h a 6 m o r e THE MOLIRNERS ARE WMTINgi^ sides o f' both/- school officials vldual unit playing its own points, j RADIO THAT KIPNAPER'5 RED TRUCK C0M8 THATARBAi WE P THAN AN HOURG ‘HOLIDAY UNES' schedule. But if the turnout Zora Folley, 201, Chandler, Ariz. BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY and parents as well, will be- Besmanoff abandoned his usual MIL ABEILNATHY ' vHA9 JUST BEEN FOUNP AIAMPONEP BETTER OVfRTAKI ' HEAP GTARTiEA« ^MPRTUARY W ■ - '"»= rune ^ n y ^ ■ come' sm actuality next week. from Barnard does not justify used a sharp jab and short right cautious style in favor of a rush­ n o r th WAGON ANP MAKI ANP THAT MUPPf IN MITOi TEM-WILE --- t J THE VILLAGE I-I5TEN>. ENJOY MiCKPIN SOWUNG Ail ninth grade boys at Bar­ the formation of its own team, uppercut to chop out a unanimous ing attack. The strategy WorKW DUDLEYS < X JUST9AWA BIG BIRD WHY WOULD A BIRO ------y LANE WILL IE OF HIKAW A...^^C^flw XHEARTHe I then these boys will be added 10-round decision last night over well in the earty rounds but Follsy OF MY fiH O M FLY OFF WITH IT, MR. GLOW PRIVIN^'. nard wishing to fake part in WANT ONE OF MY tlte freshmen football program to the present freshmen squad Bill Besmanoff, 198, Seattle. began piling up jpoints with a IS MISSING] ABERNATHY] ' L- AT ITS lESTI at the high school. at Manchester High school will Two Judges ^ach gave Folley a pitching body attack at clsa-' be eligible to do so starting "The purpose of this new mere two-point edge and the re­ range. There were no knock­ bowl Monday. The 'boys 'vlll. re­ program,” declared A. Ray-' feree maile it a flve^polnt-spread downs and few punches landed , AFTER YOU SEE US port to Ted Martin, who acts mbnd Rodgers Jr., new princi­ for the fourth-ranked heavyweight .-lolldly enough to shake eltheif as coach' of both freshmen pal at the high school, "is to contender. The Associated Press fighter. and jayVee teams at the high give participation in organ­ FORA school, and they will be Indoc­ ized athletics to the greatest trinated into the program. . number of boys as possible. Present plans call for the These, younjssterji will h e ' adding of one more paid coach taught the same basic funda­ to the high school coaching mentals SLS are being employed ! I L ^ staff plus the assignment of by, the high school varsity. It. NEW OLDSMOBILE IsVhoped that this will enable David Djooman. a member of Quarter Midget Raws ,'i*1 , .*/* ,1- ‘ ' I’■}' -f* t*.- * » i',, \H .. . T T' > ■ » ‘ OR A the Ban)ard staff, to assist in them to adapt themselves JEFF COBB BY PETE HOFFMAN running I the pew program. more quickly when they are THE STORY (>K .MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS E^pmilnt will be provided by j \old enough to become varsity ' JU 6TA 5 I BETTER TAKE FLOYD, YOU \W0N' HERE?/.„TKEN the high school. team candidates themselves." TH0USHT...0P1MJ| SOME MORE 6HOT5 K hS, ! W.aiFf L06AJ1, iour NEW lAKev's doiMC) TO jury TO NEEDTHAtGAL ■ , < SHOWMISS SAFETY TESTED USED CAR Brendon Shea TONIGHT - 7:30 A CQACit. AMD THIS iS MV SOM lAgTY. AGAIN.'.;. THE IN CASE MY FIRST PHOTOGRAPHER'S HIBBSlNi ^ MAKE THIS Tl AM AS A OUATTEB^ OTHER CA61NOS. d ^S DON'T . AODRESS'-SHE'S Yt MILE 1UACK AT HII.IJARD STREET BACtC, BUT AS fAZ AS I'M PROBAPLV ARE .COME OUT/ HERE' Soccer Game Spnday at Mt, Nebo Neighborhood Tourney AND NEW STATE ROAD, BUOKLAND COMCEKN60, HE'S JUST. A/JOTHER HUM8K / IS THAT CLEAR;: indepenctent competitive BocUr returns to Manchester ’The second annual "Beat Your SIT IN OUR NEWLY Neighbor" Oolf Tournament, for Spnday afternoon at Mt. Nebo when the Scandias ehter- INSTALLED GRAND STANDS! •' tain^the Ludlow Gremio

/ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17* IMO vk g;lS A Ji to 4;30 PJfl. RAY'S ROOFINa 00„ ahlngle and and power Uwn mowera Ml moWerjNesco roaster, reclining ed. Priced rlgbt. xn 0-B229. 0-5. BEAUTIFUL custom 6 room c h o s e your equity. For txpndUm^ 8-7958. Capitol Equipment Co., 88 CONCORD GRAPES. PhlUp .Farr, chair, TV set, hassock Kitchen t h r e e ROOM apartments, Includ­ ranch, entrance hall, 2 fireplaces, 158 COOPER ST.—Very clean 8 available. Immediate possession. 2 fuU Miraplas baths, Indiana lime­ built in roofa, gutter and conduc ing heat, hot. water, gas for cook­ stone fireplace wall, custom kitch­ pleaee dall us. Ml 8-512$. J. D. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. tor vfork; rom. chimney repairs. Main 8L 127 Charter Oak St, MI 9-9048. get, metal cabinet, bedroom set, $10,800 0 ROOM ranch, aluminum 4 picture windows, steel beam con­ . room single. Three -bedrooms, liv­ Realty Co., 470 Main S t, Mum- 30" electric range, miscellaneous ing, electric refrigerator and gas otorms/ ameslte drive, 200' front- struction, partial recreation room, ing room and large kitchen. Full FRED MURPHY en, full basement with fireplace, MONDAY T i n reiD A T U i t t AJL—SATDBOAT t A Jf. Ray Hagenow, MI O-mi; Ray stove. Call XO 9-7787. frona 6-7 p.m. attached garage, aluminum siding. C h e ster. Jackson ^ 8-8826. LOAM-SAND-Stoao - Qravel - PEPPERS, eggplants — pick In Items, x a 8-1832, 290. School St. e, view. Carlton H. Hutchlna, 100x800. trees, $20,600. Carlton W. basement with oil neat. Nice shad­ Realty Fill and Ameolte. For prompt de­ your containers 50c half bushel. [ 6-6U2. Hutchins, x a 9-6182. ed and fenced yard. Priced t ight 100x200 lot In choice area. Occupan­ livery call Ml 8-8608. Walter P. 336 HUlstown Rd. ' COMBINATION five burner gas a MI 3-4054 cy as desired. PLEASE READ YOUR AD A. A. DION. INC. Roofing, siding, POUR ROOM cold water flat, $40, to settle estate. Immediate occu­ Legal Notices painting.. Carsrpentry. Alterations MlUer, Trucking. stove with gas heater and grill. FOUR BEDROOM Colonial, 7 4 CAROL DRWE - RockvUlt. $11,- pancy. x a 9-5917 or Xa'9»:480. ELBERTA PEACHES, 16 qt. Two years old. Moving. XU 9-7676. adults, xn 3-4685. rooms, I down, 4 up, » fine home, VERNON CENTER—Beautiful Oen Five room ranch, nice condition, a t '*Waat Ads” a n ta k n over Um n a coe- and addlUona. Cellinga. Workman- EXCELLENT top eoil, $13 per 6 850. 6 room ranch, large living Cloce to hew High and Junior AT A COURT o r P K O B X n held ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. baskets, $1.69 each and up. Limit-, centrally located, only tl8,900. room, cabinet kitchen. 8 bed­ MANCHESTER—On South Wtaj' ter hall'colonial. A'great deal of at Manchester, within and n r the vcBleaea. Ib a adm tiaca akoiild raad Ua ad the riB S T DAY IT T hem RIGHT AFrnmMCM. yard load, delivered In Manches­ ed supply. Farm er’s MarkeL 819 rO R 8ALB1— 3-plece living' room FOUR ROOM apartment, centrally charm and atmosphere radiate High Schools] '4%% mortgage, AFPEABS and BBPUBT EBBOB8 la tUne far tks next inaer* Ml 8-4860. ^located, heat and hot water. Carlton W. Hutchins, xn 9-6132, rooms, 1%% morWage can be sor town line. Beautifully lo c a te ^ District of Manchester, on the 1st dag ter areav Call TR 5-5062 after 5 - E. Middle T^ke. Tel. XP 9-04'r4. set. Good condition, with two sets easumed. Marion E, Robertoon, ranch on big lot with several fruit through this lovely home -(circa basement garage. Low down pay­ of September. 1940. Hon, Tiw BaraM ia waponalhlA for onljr ONE incam et ar amittod p.m. Adults, x a 8-7690 after 6, Xa 3-8470 BOLTON VICINITY 8 to 5Y acres ment. Call early on this one. Present. Hon. John J, Wallett, JUdae. OOUGHLDJ ROOFING Company, of custom made slip covers. Also, Broker, Mj'^8-59M. trees. Nice assumable 4% % mort­ 1740)^9 rooms, 2 full Maths, new Kstate et‘ Jam es McCuIIourii. late eC liMrrt1~n far any adaerUaaoMat and tta«a only to tlM extant of a Inc. Aluminum aldlug, aapbalt. BUTMOU'BElH'nftSED SALT HAY delivered anywhere In lamps, coffee table, and green beautiful high land, 7 room house, gage. Full cellar haa two-car ga­ chimney and fireplaces, fully In­ Manchester, in said Dtitrlct deceased. •make xood^ Inaartlon. Erroia arkloli do not teaaeo the valne of Connecticut In trailer or truck­ ROCKVILLE — One five room 2 baths, excellent condition, barn. New 8 room ranch. Built by Herb .The administrator having exMolted aabestos roofing. Also aluminum, 'fTcmJu.tlr LOAM AND fiU. Woodrow Qifford, living room rug. Tel. Ml 9-8871 apartment $110. On* 8% robm, XIANCHESTER — New 7 room rage. Priced to sell immediately sulated and rcplaatered, paneling, Hutchinson. Suburban location.' the adverttaemnt wtU w ^ ba earraeted by “make (ood*’ Inaartlon. galvanized or copper guttera and loads. Priced reasonable, Poley after 4:15 p.m. or all day Satur Carlton W, Hutchins, Xn 9-5132, ranch, 2 fireplaces, 2 full baths, wainscoting, built-in colonial china hi.s administration sccoiint with seu A6t/t jc vtraoiVA, MI 3-6712. Bros., Middletown, Diamond 7-1698 $90. Available now In Risley at $16,800. Belflore Agency. MI Birch cabinet kitchen, ceramic estate to this Court for sllowance. It Is leaders. Ml I-TfOT. day. Apartmente. x a 9-4824. TR 5-1166. 2-car garage, targe kitchen wiUi 3-5121. closets, beautifill- pegged random ORDERED: That the 3»th day of 189 GLENWOOD St.—0 room co­ built-in oven and range, formal bath, basement garage, large lot: September. 1960, *t two o'clock, after­ TODB OOOPBKATldN WILL BALDWIN APPLES. Have beeif lonial, breezeway and g&rage, floors, large modern kitchen with Priced at $13,900, Low down pay­ SMAUL bOAL or wood burning a l l k in d s sterilized, recondl TWO-RQPM furnlehed' apartment, dining room. Lot 100x200. $20,600, VERY LARGE, very well de­ breakfast room. Mud room with noon at the Probate Office In the JCO- b e APPBBOIATED Dial Ml 3-2711 Rooflng and Chimncya 16-A sprayed. Pick your c(wn. 6fc80 tioned used furniture for every basement finished off, well land­ signed and built ranch. U-ahaped ment. niclpal Butldins in said Mapehester, be atove, gray enamel. $6, MI 8-8278 buaheK Bring your own container. heated^ bedroom set, kitchen eet, Phiibrlck Agency, Xn 0-8464, laundry; Cement floor In- , baae- and the eame Ts assigned for a hegiriag room, including springs, mat- range, refrigerator, free elec scaped lot with mature trees. floor.,pIan provides for formal din­ • ment, new furnace, wood shingle on the allowance oT aald adminlstra- ROUFCNO — Bpedallxlng repairing Xn 9-4171; ' ^ tressses,-TVs, and sparkling, clean Shown by appointment only. Phil- $12,600-~SD{ room cape, full base­ The above, are exclusixe listings ttnn account with said aetate,' secer- 1956 .Ch e v r o l e t eedan, low mile­ trlcity, gaa. Low rent. Apply ing room, big cabinet kitchen, 3 roof. About 18 acres of valuable and may be shown at your conven- roofs' of all Unda. New roofs, gut­ appliances. New 9x12 viscose rugs, brick Agency, Xa 9-8464. ment, combination windowa and b^roOma, 1% baths, 8 outside en­ lainment of heirs and order of dtatrlbo- Lost and Found Garage—Bcrrlco—Storage 10 ter work, cblmneya cleaned re­ age. Reasonable. Good used chain CONCORD g r a p e s . Pick your Apartment 4, lo Depot Square. land, 20 minutes to Hartford via tejice. tion, and this Court directs notice saw, Kelvinator refrigerator, bronze-brass dinette, and chrome doors, ameslte drive, shade treea, trances, 2-car garage. 133x188 Parkway, exit 97. Please call of the time and place easltned-for said paired.' Aluminum aiding. JO oWn. Bring ybur baskets. $1 a kitchen seta, mattresses. Top 66 ELWOOD ROAD—Colqnlal, large 80 days oe'-- Heating and Plnmbing 17 Cooraesand Claasea 27 Help Wanted—Female 35 Help Wanted-—Male 36 ing couple. Call from 6-8 p.m. x a den, 3 spacious bedrooms, ceramic 14x20 living room, ^twin-size bed­ fember 3. t96o. by certified mall. aeer|^ MI 9-1415. s p e c ia l —Bulk motor oil, 2 gallons bunch. KraUse Florist, 621 Hart­ 3-6441. MANCHESTER—New 6 room Gar extras. Real clean too and in ex­ rooms, beautiful kitebem b*«e. of ihl.s order to th» Consul General FOR SALE—1951 B.M.W. 600 cc. $1. Brlng 'your own container. RUGS—NEVER used. 9x12, $80. bath, • newly remodeled kitchen cellent condition. The price 1* up Sensible Inviting Home Great Britain, e'n Boanlman. Stoddard Excellent condition. Call Coventry, PLUMBING AND heating - re­ ELECTRONICS — “Learn by Do­ WOMAN TO care for child in my CARPENTER’S helper, exper­ ford Road. Phone XU 9-7700. risen Colonial, 1% ceramic baths, ment garage, under $20.niv» Ken 4- McCanhv Attys.. City Truet Oom- LOST — BOY’S white gold .wrlat ing” at Connecticut’s oldest elec­ honre, vicinity Buckley School, ienced, steady work. Call TR 'Triple X Stores; 681 Main St. 9x15, $85. 10x15 rose beige. BU MANCHESTER—Dalux* first floor with breakfast nook. Wall to wall in the 17s and this house Is with It. watch at High’ School ball field, PI 2-7260. modeling Installations, repairs. fireplace, plastered walls, hot carpeting plus many extras. Only Five bedrooms, recreation room. Ostrinsky, Realtor, Xn 3-5t59, panv Building. _ Bridgeport 8. Coim.1 AU work guaranteed 25 years ex- tronics achodl. Day and evening own transportation. MI 9-1473. 5-2714 after 6. DIG YOUR hemlocks, whits pines, 9-8955. 4-room apartment. Newly redeco water heat, amesite drive, shade T. J. Crockett. Realtor, MI 3-1577. G.E. heating system, fireplace, — ------'. : -Tohnlohn r She*. Jr,Tr , Attv 575 Main it, first part of September. Reward. claasea start Sept. 26. Enroll now 1 red pines, $1 up. Few potted dog­ rated. Ceramic tiled bath. Heat $17,990. Paul J. Correntl, xa LIVE IN SUNNY Florida. , f'""" , appointed m at., perrtence. 24-hour service. Call T h r e e t i e r oak bookcase, xn BROWN AND gold sofa $50.1 Ma­ trees. Xn 3-4860. 3-5368. PRINCETON ST.—7 room colonial sunporch, 2-csr garage, 1% baths. MI 9-0467, 26“ ENGLISH bicycle, vei^ good Eaiarl VanCamp. Ml 9-4749. N.E. Technical Institute of - Con­ CAPABLE WOMAN for cleaning, SETUP MAN, experienced. All type wood $1 each. Sunday only. Wil­ and hot wafer included Ample Priced right, $19,800. Shown by ap­ homes, $6990. $69 mo., $495 down ■ Vancouver. British ColutaW vicinity Brookfield and E. Center machines. Including coil winders, 9-1592. liam Schmidt, Forest Lane, East hogany bedroom set $46.'- quality parking. $135 per month. Call Mr. BOLTON—First Lake. 5 room with 4 bedrooms, 1% baths, large NOTICE IS HEREBY given that condition, $2S. MI 0-0991. necticut, Hartford, JA 5-8406. furniture, 2 rockers $10, bed couch BOWERS SCHOOLr-6 rooms, brick living room with fireplace, hot pointment. *■ Free colorful brochure Write San i r*nafla..der»*seii,brother of said ' Sts. Call. MI 3-6514. electro-mechanical background, FLAT BOTTOXIED plywood boat, Glastonbury. Werbner, Jarvis Realty Co. Xa waterfront cottage, partial cellar, ranch, basement recreation room, Carlos Park, Fort Myers, FI*. -whi'fe name and wlie»» Paaa Book No. S87330, Issued by Radio-TV Repair blueprint Interpretation. Growing $6, 14 pairs ruffled curtains. $5, 3-4112, x a 8-7847. eaally winterized, artesian well, water heat, one-car garage. By abmiui •r# ' unknown, Ern«»f. ite e ^ The Savings Bank of Manchester BAKERY salesgirl, mornings, ex­ $50; 9x9 umbrella tent, $25; Vt HARDY Chrysanthemums, beauti­ rugs. l6 ft. recreation tabl* $10, office, 3-car garage, 100x150, BRAE-BURN REALTY Imiih. lit? '- -North Ardmore Ava, Wanted Autos— Services . 18 Private Instructions 28 organization. Excellent opportun­ property In excellerit condition. appointment onW, $23,900. Phil- 29 CiHl(orma has been lost and application has perience preferred, good wages. metal bed, clean mattress and ful as a house plant or for outdoor lamps $2, kitchen table, 2 chairs f u r n is h e d 2-room apartment, trees. Carlton W Hutchins Xn brick Agency, xn 9-8464. 73 Motorcycles 12 ity for right man. References. Ap­ spring, $15. xn 9-0120. Shown by appointment. Marlon E, 9-5132, Lots for Sale JOHN J.' yALLETT. Judga been made to aald bank for pay­ RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any maki DRUM LESSONS for beginners Apply in person, Parkade Bakery ply Iona Manufacturing, ‘Rbgent planting, 60c each. Perennial $8. 3-drawer chest $5. kitchen cabi­ business block, Depot Square. Robertson, Broker, Xa 8-5953. Ml 3-6273 ment of the amount of deposit nets, $10. Rummage bargains. Ml FOUR BEDROOXI ranch. 2 baths, STATE o r CONNECTICnnecticut . DUtrlet WANTED—Clean, lata model sta­ ' cars amplifiers, phonographs and by experienced teacher. Easy St., Manchester. -1960 G.E. s t a in l e s s steel built plants 35c, 3 for $1. Japanese Adults, Free parking. By week or MANCHESTER GREEN—Spacious ANDOVER LAKE—Two adjoining of Cov-ntrv. j*. Probate Ootjrt, Sept method. MI 9-0608, yews $1 each. Always open, Pon- 8-5905. month. Tel. Mr. Keith. MI 9-8191. BOWERS SCHOOL — .4 bedroom superbly finished recreation room, OLDER 8 ROOM bungalow, «n lots for sale. Marlon E. Robertson, 15. A D 1960 tion wagon, low mileage, reason­ changers,gera. Over 47 years total ex Ins, new. Separate movable con- 6 room ranch, 3 large bedrooms, built-ins, fireplace, garage. Ideal closed front and rear porches, full MI able. Tel. MI 9-4997. perlence. 90 days guarantee on oil Help wanted—Male 36 tiy>la for range,' porcelain • oven, ticelll’s Greenhouse, 433 N. Main home in A-l condition, 2 full baths, 21 ft. living room with fireplace, broker, MI 8-5953. r.Mat* of Mao E Slater. laU of Cev- LOST—Light blue parakeet. Salesmen Wanted 36-A St. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. 338 WELL FURNISHED 8 room apart­ basement beautifully finished in in-la,w arrangement or profession­ bath, heat, artesian well, two large enlry in raid Dutrlel. dec*a»*d. 9-7583. . work. Potterton’s, Ml 9-4587. plus 30’’ Nutmie hood, fan, filter Main St. MI 3-7371 for appoint­ dining room, kitchen with dish­ LOTS: CENTRAL B zone, *11 i Upon appllratlon of Eldmeitd F. Bonds—Storks Mortgages 31 CARPENTERS, experienced. Ap­ ment. Tel. TR 5-9594 or call at 24 Redwood; rear porch, patio with al lean's home and oKice. 100x200 barns. 3-car garage, approximate n-iniriMM..-. i W’nortward. Ex-culor of lh« above-e*guTw- SALESMAN full or part-time. Must and. duct work. Xn 8-7639. ment. Grove St., Rockville. washer and formica counter tops, shaded lot. $19,500. Glenn Roberts. ly 4 acres lahd. excellent location. utilities; choice lot In IWCKleflge. I praying for the Business Services Offered 13 CONNIE'S TV and Radio Servlca, ply at D. H. R. Construction Com­ outside fireplace. Priced for quick ceramic tiled bathroom, attached available all hours. Satisfaction MORTGAGES—We are In a posi­ have car. Represent Manchester’s Household Goods 51 sale, $16,500. Phiibrlck Agency, MI Realtor, office MI 4-1521, eve. Xa Price $14,800 with furnishings. Call 1^0 AA zone; one on Beelzebub real estate as per appitcation Annoonoementa pany, 34 Connecticut Boulevard, GRADE A LOAM delivered In Man­ MODERN S-room first floor apart­ garage, aluminum storm win­ *Road In "South Windsor: wooded more fully appears. It It ■ TAMKIR TREE removal — land guaranteed. Call Ml 9-1815. tion to finance second mortgages leading aluminum combination chester. $10 5 yard load. Call 9-8464. 4-0181. A. J. Buckley, Coventry, PI ORDERED: That said appUeatten be East Hartford. window^ and door company. Low­ TORO POWER handle at new low­ FIVE YEAR OLD wringer washer, ment, electric range, refrigerator,, dows and doors, 50- ft. paneled acre-plus lots In Bolton. T. J. PHILOO-BENDIX 16 lb. wash. 25c; cleared, firewood cut. Insured. in any amounts. Terms to suit AC.8-9S2S after 6. good condition. Xn 9-6238. 2-7932. he»rd and determined at the Probabate dry, 10c. Lucky Lady Launder- Call Paul A. Ellison, Ml 3-8742. GONDER’S TV Servlce-MotorOla yoi'our needs. J. D. Realty, 470 MACHINIST—All around man with est prices. Phone for appointment er price, now $84.95. 21" power heat and hot water. Call Xu 3-8624. BOWERS SCHOOL—6 room Gape, basement with walk-out rear LENOX STREE7T—6 room Cape re­ Crockett, Realtor, Xa 3-1577. Offtcp. in Coventry In Mid Dtstriet. M handle rotary mower with ' bag basement door, 38 ft. sundeck with cently redecorated] well land­ MANCHESTER, East Center St the 23rd day of September. 1960. at 16:18 centar, 9 Maple S t, acroM from and Phllco factory aervlc’e. Hl-PI, Malain St., Ml 8-6129. Job* shop experience. CMS-Blue 9-11 a.m. Holmea Specialty Co, Xn FOR SALE—In seta—wood storm MISCELLANEOUS household fur­ wall to wall carpeting, rear porch, NOW. BEFORE the rush starts. Is phonos and auto radlne. 214 Spruce 3-2856. , unit, $89.95. Marlow’s. 867 Main WANTED—Working girl to share two-car garage, shaded lot, large patio beneath, stone terraced rear scaped on large lot. Price $13,500. 7 room Colonial, 4 bedrooms, dish­ THREE B ZONE lots with ^ o’clock In the forenoon, and that aetlca First Nattonal Store. Open 34 Cross and weekly indemnity bene­ windows and screens: 1 — 28%x niture including den set. Cali MI apartment. For Information call water. Union St, Manchester. he given of the pendenev of M id OPPH* the time to have that gun put In iSt. MI 9-1486. A BEAUTIFUL way to ease your fits. Apply Aerokinetics Instru­ 38% 1—29%xS4%; 2—29%x50%; St., Manchester, Ml 9-5221. cafe style recreation room with yard, nicely landscaped and Call x a 3-8028 after 5, No agents. washer and disposal, combination ration and the time and place of Boor' hours. ______' shape for the coming aeaaon. 9-0497 or 14 Hawthorne St. xn 9-1258 after 4 p.m, fenced. Near schools, churches and $2,500 each. Xa 9-6495. tnr thereon, by publishing a copy *t mind! Lump your debts. A second ment Co., 260 Tolland Tpke., Man­ 4—17%xS4%; 5—29%x54%: 2 — 8-PIECE MAPLE living room, set, bar, tile floor, cedar paneled screens and storms. Nettie L. ELECTROLUX (R) Automatic F, Bring It and your mower, shears, ALL MAKES of TI, radio and mortgage costs only a penny a Situations Wanted— walls] Indirect fighting. Price shopping areas. Poasible 4%% 15 BOWERS ST.—Six room Cape, Miller, MI 9-8010. Ihla order once in a nevspapsr havtag chester,, Conn, 36x54%; $3 per set. 1—1% door 3 months old. White sewing mii- FOUR ROOM apartment available in excellent condition, fireplace, a clrciilatinn in said District, and by the world's finest cleaner. Light knives, locks, keys, etc. to Bralth- home electronic equipment ex­ month for each dollar you borrow. Female 38 comb.) 36x30, $5. XH 3-7004. FREEZER, GOOD condition. 90 $16,900. PhUbrick Agency, Xn mortgage, 47 Hilltop Drive. Call posting a copy thereof on the mblw waite, 02 Pearl St. pertly repaired with a 60-day chlne, maple desk model $150; XII. Nov. 1st. Equipped with new owner Xn 9-9593. Price $20,500. oil hot water heat. Built fqr owner 28 STRONG ST., 4 bedroom colonist BUHJ3ING LOT 180x430 ft. Price •sign-post In the Town of Coventry la weight, automatic, new work-sav- Call Frank Burke, CH 6-8897. Con­ BOOKKEEPER TYPIST — Ex­ Wells St. Any time. stove, refrigerator. automatic 9-8464. reasonable. Tolland. TR 5-7812. Ing features. See It today. Ml guarantee. Call Mr. Britney at the necticut Mortgage Exchange, 15 perienced bookkeeper to take WILL CARE for children In my ONE 22“ Lennox steel hot air fur­ 3-2509. ' in 1949. Walking distance to Bow­ with garage. Large 18x25 ft. Ilv'uig sold District. S t least flvs days bafort COMPLETE REPAIRS—By Stu­ Manchester TV. MI 9-1046. home. Route 85, Camp Meeting - washer. Also new living room. In­ MANCHESTER - Colonial, 8 spa- ROCKLEDGE —8% room gape 2 ers School, new Junior High and room with fireplace, dishwasher. said dsv of hearing 8-6306 after 4 p.m. Lewis St., Hartford. over and be responsible for nace. good condition. Has been 36” COMBINA’nON gas and oil GAS STOVE, /:hrome kitchen set quire 218 Spruce St. full baths, built-in oven and ELMORERE 'a'RKlNGTON. Jodga. art R. Wolcott on automatic the bookkeeping and clerical pro­ Rd., Bolton, between Sperry Glen converted to oil but has grates. with six chairs. Very reasonable, clous rooms, large living room High School, Lovely yard with Oil heat, fully insulated through­ stove. Excellent condition. Good range, enclosed porch, one-car ga­ trees. Asking $15,900. Elva Tyler., Rfifiort Prpperty for Sale 74 STATE OF CONNECTICUT. D Iftrk t waahers, dryers and electric cedures In the office of a medium and Rosemount. MI 9-5685. Remove from cellar and it]s yours xn 8-7792. BOLTON—Four room apartment with fireplace, family size tile out, Full combination windows, Personals ranges. Ml 9-6878. Business Opportunities 32 for cottage. Bargain—quick sale. kitchen porch, one-car garage, rage. There are many extras go­ Realtor. MI 9-4489, Xa 9-9901, XH beautiful shaded yard. Near new of covenirj. ss. Probate Court, fiagt. .television, eervlce. M 9-4641. size business. Please phone MI for free. Also, some good used oil M I 3-7639. with garage, second floor. Call Xn ing With this house that makes (XiVENTRY IJVKE - Waterfront 1,1. UMin 9-4578, Friday and Saturday be­ burners $25-$50, new gas furnaces HOTPOINT DISHWASHER, good] 3-236.5. large lot 86x280, $17,900. Phiibrlck 9-5051. schools, church, bUs line and shop­ cottage on Standlah Rd; Lot size Estate of Clinton A. Slatsr. lot* *< VACUUM OJIANERS repaired In CHAIN SAW work — Trees cut. RESTAURANT for sale, priced Dogs—Birds—Pets 41 condition. $39. Can be swapped for -1' Agency, Ml 9-8464. for comfortable living. $23,900.. ping center. Priced to sell, xn Coventry. In said District, doca PHILCO RECOMMENDED Serv­ tween 8 p.m, and 10 p.m. at substantial savings, T. P. .10x240, 8 bedrooms, living room Upon ths appitcation of Ethel Ken my own home shop. Forty years Roasonable rates. Call PI 9-7558 right. Excellent location. Eaally dryer. Xn 3-2621 after 7 p.m. TWO ROOXIS and bath for rent, Philbrick Agency, Xn 9-8484. MANCHESTER—If you are looking 8-8721. facrjry eamrlence. All makes, between 1:80-4 :S0 or any time ice, on radios, televisions. Also, financed. J. D. Realty, 470 Main SEEKING HOMES for excMtional- Aitkin Company, XII 3-6793. MANCHESTER—8 room Colonial, for a 2-famlly-8 rooms for you and with fireplams, bath. Full price of Westerly, R ,' I., praying t( Saturday or Sunday. guaranteed service on all other Injection Molder Wanted ly pretty kittens. Phone XII 9-3313 centrally located, heat and elec­ MANCHESTER - 6 room brick 4 rooms for your folks, this 1* it. $9,600. Belflore-Agency, xa 8-8121. sale of Real Estate as per app low rates, m e eotlmatea, free St., MI 3-5129. tricity included. Call Xa 3-2457. large kitchen, dining room, sun TWO HNE HOMES on file more fullv appears. It is lckup and delivery. Mr. Miller, makes. Shop our special do-lt- after 6, Boats and Accessories 46 parlor off large living room, bath ranch, enclosed breezeway, 2-car Ivocition, central. Price right. For ORDERED Thst said application b# TYPEWRITERS and office .m a­ yourself department featuring dis­ CUTTER GRINDING business and For First Shift. RUTH GRZYB’S Musical Instruments 5.^ garage, one year old, quality con­ heard and determined at the Rrobat# A 8-5409^______FU'E ROOXl and sunporch apart­ and 4 bedrooms on second floor, this and other good buy* call $12,900-Manchester — 8t. Jam es’ Suburban for Sale 75 Office In Coventry. In Mid District M S chines—repairs, sales, service and count prices. Open evenings and equipment for sale. For complete TROJAN EXPRESS Cruiser ^22’, ACCORDION, aix month* old, like one-car garage, nicely landacaped struction, exceptionally derirahle Xfsdeline Smith, Realtor, XO Pariah area. Older 7 room rentals. Ml 9-8477. COLUB MONGREL pups, free. MI ment, centrally located, heat and the 2eonard L. Gigiio, Bolton, XO bicycl^Phone XH 8-5871. Delmont Street—Six room Cape' In CIo.se to everything but still quiet. near school, immediate occupan ' 1961 PONTIAC, 2-door, fully AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- ^ Sewing Machine Co.. 832 Main St. _ ^ LARGE ONE-room airrconditloned A-l condition. for washer and dryer. equipped, be^tlful car, excellent moving. packing, storage. Low 8-7083. office. 100% Main St. location. Call Ed Quatrale Real Estate. MI Lavatory. cy reduced to $18,500. XO 9-6021. condition throughout, $245. MI TV, SERVICE — Potterton's all furnished if required. SANDWICH AND grill man, exper 9-5164 extension 35 or TR 5-6360. makes. Highest quality guaranteed rate on lo ^ distance movee to Rooms Without Board 59 Marlow’s 867 Main 8U 407 Hilliard St.—Gambolati custom Buena mahogany trim and door*. 9-0016. 48 etatei. 8-5187. ienced only. Part-time 11 a.m.-2 built 3 bedroom ranch. 2% years BUCKINGHAM 8T.—Ranch. Ideal work and parts', over 47 years ex p.m. or 12-2, five days. Apply NEWLY DECORATED room in BOLTON I.AKE—4 room ranch, oil Five-section cast i.ron Crane location for children. Near Bowers pcrtence. Farr for sendee since Call JA 2-7151, TR 5-2303 old. Price $18,0 , boiler. ^_ snd new HIsli School Aluminum FORD 1957 Convertible, power Connecticut State Employment private home, shower, parkl Bongfig tor Rtnt 66 heat, wooded lot. lakefront privi­ steering, Fordomatlc. new tires 1931, Phone Ml 9-45TT for best Service. 806 Main'St., Manchester. HELP WANTED xn 9-8354.\ leges. Price only $9,200. Assume Ail copper plumbing. storms and doors. Nicely land­ service. Painting—Papering 21 Lakewood Circle. North—Beautiful Reasonable. 8-6448. BOOKKEEPING machine operator CLEAN LOAM LARGE 6 room split level with 6 room Colonial. 2-car garage, 4%% G.I. mortgage. Payments Ameaite ilrive,. scaped, 8 bedroom* with extra H IU .T0P HOM ES EXTERIOR and Interior painting. MR AUTO WASH needs men 'for V, $73 a month. Goqdchild-Bartlett Lot 100x178 completely graded, large closets. Central hall, tile 1958 MERCURY Monterey, radio, FLAT FINISH Holland window with knowledge of typing for gen- steady employment — Waahers, FIRST CLASS MECHANIC /I garage including playroom and owner wants out. shades made to measure. All Cellinga reflnlahed. Pap^rhanglng. ereal office work. Experience pre­ ■INGLE ROOM. Gentleman- pre- washroom, 6 miles to Hartford or Realty, Realtors, XH 8-7925. Seeded and shrubbed. bath, birch kitchen cabinets, fire­ VEKiMOM heater. Merc-o-matlc, exrellent Wallpaper books. Estimates given. dryers and drivers.- Excellent For Sale FOR CADILLAC, OlDSMOBILE and PONTIAC^AGENcY ferred, MI 9-0722. Green Manor-r.6 room ranch in A-l place, built-in bookcases, and condition. MI 9-0689. metal Venetian blinds at a new ferred but not necessary. Apply working conditions. A’Pply Mr. Manchester, $145 a month. Im­ BOLTON—Large 7 room ranch with A A Zone. Porter Street area. Im/ price. Keys made while you Fully covered by Insurance. Call Manchester Modes, Inc.% Pine St., FOR ALL-AROUND WORK—EXCELLEJ^ maculate condition. Sign one year conditio^, attached garage, .nice Top quality construction. baseboard hot water heat. Owner Edward R. Price. Ml 9-1003. Auto Wash 344 Broad St. WORKING CONDITIONS, TOP W AGE^--^c, ROOM FOR young lady. All the lot. A 'reasonable offer will be two-car garage. Six acres, most being transferred. Call Xa 9-5914. OPEN SUNDAY 1 P.M. T|U DARK 1958 FORD 6-cyllnder 4-door. Very wait. Marlow’s. Manchester. WM. F. STEELE comforts of home. A few feet from lease or better. X(I 4-1462 any of which are wooded. Very central clean, priced low. Terms will YOUTH OVER 17 for general drug time. considered on this one. Priced St Just $3t,ooo, this house WEAVING of Bums, moth holes EIXTERIOR AftD Interior painting JUST THREE hours a day can and SON . .APPLY INtPERSON eveiything. Xn 9-3329. location and a very realistic price. i* a “must see." We shall look for­ THESE HOMCS FEATURE DISTINCTIVE. demonstrate. Phone MI 8-4849,. and paperhanging. Wallpaper store work. Full 'and part-time East Granby—Six room oversized' T. J. Crockett, Realtors, XH and tom clothing hosiery runs, earn you $30 to $40 a week In work. Must be neat and pleasant. Tel. MI 9-7842 ROOMS AND CABlN'^by the week. ward to having you come, or call h dbags repalrea, zipper re­ books. Guaranteed workmanshl] 164 UNION ST. SIX ROOM furnished ranch,- Bolton Cape, full shed dormer, 5 minutes 3-1577. Builder at MI 9-5524, CADIUJIC, 19.'56, 2-door, while Reasonable rates' Fully InsurciS; your spare time selling AVON Experience preferred. Drivers It SCRANTON MOTORS. INC - Free .parking Scranton’s Xfotel, from Kaman Aircraft and Com­ LEGAL NOTICfi CUSTOM tUILT STYUNC ON LARCE coupe. Pewer brakes, steering, placement. umbrellas repaired, Fast and courteous- service. Leo Cosmetics, Fragrances and Christ­ cense essential. Box R, Herald. MI S-02I6 or TR 6-2531 ROCKVILLE 160 Tolland ^ rn p lk e . MI 9-0826 I I,ake] $125. Xn 9-0808. OLDER HOUSE on Russell St. 8 windows. Excellent condition. Rnc- men’s shirt >llars'reversed and mas Gifts to women in your bustion Engineering. Ex-eljent MOVE RIGHT IN—6 room ranch, Town of Andover J, Pelletier. MI 9-6826. after 5 p.m. TO RENT In Coventry—5 room sin­ value, rooms and enclosed porch, ga- newly decorated, 8 large bed- Public Hearing of Planning and WOOOED LbTS . rlflce. Best offer. Call TR 5-9794. replaced: Martow'e Little Mend­ neighborhood. If you need money, I ragi; and tool shed, aluminum ■' ' "' a ' ‘ ' ' ' ...... ing Shop. PAINTING AND paperhanging. think what a tremendous differ- FURNISHED ROOM with garage gle home. Completely furnished, Keeney Street — Two apartment rodms, spacious, living room, fire­ Zoning Commission on Proposed all convenience*. I.,arge yard, storms and screens, Venetian place. attached garage, near Zoning Regulations and Zoning Original model starting at 820,900. >Brand new modd Good clean worKihananlp at rea­ 'ence this can make! No experience available. Teacher preferred. ■ XII house with 22 acre*- of beautiful blinds and carpets irichided.' Lot Auto Accessorlca—^Tires 6 DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ sonable rates. 80 years In Man needed. We give complete train­ 9-1592. i Near lake, school and stores. $70 land. Could be 27 building lots. school, buse* and stores. Call own­ Map. ready for ydurjnspection. pany doors and windows, custom Manchester ^•Santina Drive to the right tenants. PI 2-2649. 80 ft. front X 148. Trees, shrubs, er. xn 9-9351. 'Tliie ToWTi Planning and Zoning C hester, Raymond Flake. Ml ing. Call today. CH 7-4137. Reasonably priced. and flowers galore. Call owner af­ FENTON—Manifold for 218 Chev., worV guaranteed. Coll collect WU>^ 9-9287, • - COXIPLETELY furnished one or Commission of Andover, Connecti­ DntEOTIONS: From Vernon arcle take Rt. 80 to Vamee wlth'2 Rochesters and a ir filters. iimantic HA 8-1196 WANTED— Experienced waitress, two light housekeeping rooms, one Nice 6 room, brick ranch. South ter 3. MI 3-8835. BOLTON—Just' off the lake,, beau­ cut, will hold s public hearing on CkMiter. turn left on to Center R.d; at Congregattonal Ohurck- Adjustable throttle and gas lines tiful ranch witi\ 3 bedrooms and FURNACES cleaned by licensed EXTERIOR PAINTING. Free cstl Apply at Hinkels, South -®L, Cov­ or two adults. Call after 6 p.m. xn Suburban Bor Rent 66 Windsor. Excellent *financing. NEW 6 ROOM ranch featuring Wednesday, September 2$, I960, Seealgns. In plac«. A 218 exhaust manifold mates. Very reasonable rates. Call entry. Conn. 3-5289. , Priced .for quick kaie. Off Ayery attached gaiage. 2 extra building commancing at 9:30 P.Xt. (follow­ with this. First $60 takes outfit. oil bumei^maii. Also'trailer heat­ SIX-ROOM CAPE Youngstown kitchen, baseboard lota. Only $13,200, T. J. Crockett, SALES BY THE ers. RetuiohRblor'Ml 4-000.’i,r . MI 8-0494. . 1 (XiVENTRY LAKE—8 room house, Street. radiation cast Iron boiler, tile ing a prevtoiia hearing on the Com­ ’✓ . , Call MI 9-0596. EARN $20 to $30'per week for two n ic e l y FURNISHED room next year 'round. Stove, refrigerator Realtor. MI 3-1577. prehensive Plan of Developrnent) iii evenings work. No delivery, col­ bath, (ifeplade, full \basement, vt/:)nns c l e a n e d and waxed. Completely finished by builder. Two^jrears oW—better than new. to bath, heated. References. XII ] furnished. Ideal for couple. XII J. D. REALTY the Town Hall on the Zoning Regu­ PAINTING INSIDE or out. Good lections Or Investment. Car neces­ Pull she^.'darmer, ^.fireplace, dry bamment. 180. ft. frontage 'on large lot, $15]!ipo. Philbrick Agen BOWERS AREA I’m a happy Co­ A uto D riving Sclyool 7-A window* and paint. waMicd, stove* 8-1734. 3-l'S05. ' 470 MAIN .ST*. cy„ MI 9-8464. lations and Zoning Map proposed U & R REALTY CO., Ine. cleaned, miSL-ellanebii* Job*. MI work done reasonable. Ml 9-0726 sary. Phone MI 9-3882 between 5-9 dead ^>>4 street. Lots of trees. Owner transferred-^must selL MI 3-S129 ^ lonial! My owners-have taken fov adoption, by the town Plannlnjf EARLY’S DRIVING School-r-aaas- p.m, , attractively furnished rooms, COVENTRY LAKE—5 room fur­ mighty good car* of me and will MI 8-2092—MODEL, HOME TR 6rl489 room and road Instruction. Stand­ 3-2652 - - BXTERIOl^' AND Interior painting $12.600—BEAUTIFUL 8 bedroom and Zoning Commission of. An­ Rt O. MURDOCK, Sales Manager—MI 8-0412 complete light housekeeping fa- nished cottage,' bath, large porch. BIG SIX room cape with ^shed dor­ ranch baseboard heat, fireplace, let you have me for quite a bit dover, Connecticut. 'A copy of'the ard and automatic, dual-control ,dccor'atlng, 'ceilings, floors,' paper WAITRESS wanted. Experienced. oilitles, available. Central. Chit CaU PI 2-8287. mer. Good sized kitchen, forms! under their cost. When you see me cars. Day or evening appoint­ Building-Contracting 14 hanging. Clean workmanship. Free Hour* 10:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Good, CALL OWNER Ml 9-4848 large kitchen, cellan Carlton W. proposed regulations and* man Art firen accepted, limited. 14 Arch dining room. Fireplace, finished Hutchins, MI 9-5132. In my beautiful yard, you’ll want ments. Coll lin 9-8875,. estimates. No Job too small. John pay. Benefit's. Apply In person. St. Mrs. Dorsey. COVENTRY—Four room cottage, and. heated recreation room. Over­ to know me better. Mrs. Carpen on file In the dffles of the TVtwn W. F. DION Construction Conjpany. Verfaille, Ml 8-2.521. Brass IjCey Restaurant. • Clerk. Alterations, additions, gaVages, all, year 'round rent. Prefer mid­ sized garage. Several-nice shade 2-FAMILY duplex 4 and 4. Ver- ter. x a 9-5051 or MI 3-2458. MORnXKJK’S Manchester’s lead­ P l e a s a n t r o o m in quiet home dle-aged couple, Call from 6-8 trees. Circumstances force imme­ Dated St Andover. Connecticut, ing. driving school. Three skilled formica counters, roofing siding, planck School area. 21 Seanlan this l6lh day ,6f September *1960. near center of town, free parking, p.m. xn 3-6441. diate sale. Sacrifice at $15,900. Circle. MI 9-0910. courteotis laxtructors Clas* room -palming. Plans drawn. M 3-0895. $10 weekly. XH 8-8278. Belflore Agency. XII 3-5121. ' The Planning am} Zdnlng Com- ' InstmcttObs for 16, l7 year oidA. SOUTH COVENTRY—Unfurnished, mltsion of Anddver Telephone Mr. Mortlock,: Director BUILDINGS straightene4, floors WEST SIDE ROOM in private NOTICE leveled, underpinnings. ' Porches ! 4 rooms, tiled bath. -Heat and hot- MANCHESTER-Nleii 6 roort home Ra.ymond P. Houl*, Chairmen Open For Inspection of Driver Education. MI 6-7898. hortie, parking. Gentleman. 14 water supplied. On* ort two adults. plus porche* and garage.) FuU Town of The Town Planning Commlselon Guy T. Outlaw, Secretary, a apedalty. Carnsnlry repairs. No ATTENTION MOTHERS— Beech St. xn S-8133. of. Manchester, Connecticijt, at a PREPARF FYlR driver's tM: Job too small. TR 5.6769. , PI 2-6931; , prlc* $11,800,. Four benroom Manchester, Uonn. SUNDAY 1 P.M. TILL DARK Agea 16'to 60. Driving and cleat ranch, garage, large lot. Just re­ meeting held September 14, 1960, ROOM SUITABLE for gentleman, duced, $15,400. Short way oflt—sev­ Announces follow.Ing a public hearing, In ac­ room. Three liutruntors. No wait A li. TYPES of cxrpentnr wori NOW YOU CAN WORK! private entrance, free parking, $8 Summer Hom'es for Rent 67 tag'^ Maacbester Driving' Acade- done. Alterations, donnen, roof­ eral 4, 5, and 6 room homes from C oiiipetitivi cordance with the Charter for the LEGAL NOTICE OPEN FOR INSPECTION Weekly, 288 Charter Oak St. Please $5,900 up. Call The Ellsworth Mit­ Town of Manchester, Connecticut, ntyii I 3-7249. ings' porches, finish upstairs, base- call x a 9-1746 after 6 p.m. GAPE (X)D cottage, ■ South Yar­ - ...... »..i . I 1 I bients and, garages, etc. Call Ml ten Agqhcy, Realtors, MI 3-6930 or having deemed It (or-the, public Town of Andover Space Is Still Availabie At The mouth. Heated. All modern. Week K xaiiiination^ Public Hearing by Planning find LARM>IPB, OqnnecUcut’s tlrat II- 9-5981. ___ This symbol stands for WOODLAND PARK BROOKFIELD ST. — Gentlemen, or weekend; TR 5-8478. r x a 9-5524. good that building-line* should be LONDON PARK Zoning Commission on Proposed censed driving school trained — , SUNDAY 2:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. —ihe summation of unique advantages in mod­ toaster twin bedroom next to Clerk Typist Male or Female established, passed the folIowii>|;' REMODELING bathrooms, addl- MANCHtjSTEB GREEN, 457 East $2,784.60- $3,421.60 Comprehensive Plan of Develop ■- HZIRON Certified and approved i* now Framlng. »^5 p.tn. Wanted to Rent 68 Center, qualltV built, center hall, .Senior Clerk Typist Establish a 30’ tmllding line op ment. wheel bifltru.'ttaa for teenagere. All types 'of carpentry work and priced aS -.tbiv as a surprising $15^90, atlrac- English Colonial, in' excellent con­ $3,239.60—IL058.60 the north side of Tolland Tumplkp The Town Planning ,ond Zon^g ONLY $5P0 DOWN! Ml 9-6076. ^ painting. Call MI 9-4291. 3;2 CONWAY^ RD^ Groan Monor, Manchoitor CHILD CARE tivtly situated among the natural woodlands of WOMAN TO abar* my 8 roon YOUNG COUPLE with two. chil- dition'. 3 maater-size bedrooms, l'.f One Dollar terested persona may appsar and DIRECTIONS: From Slanchester Hourt: 6:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and Information apply to General and Benefits in the apmtuit of : One be heard and written commuhica- St„ from East Oentor St, continae ap Porter Bt to iw. 19, time. Can Mrs. Binge m • INSTALLATION onto Route-30. Take third right onto Ayery PURNISHED r o o m , complete INTERBfiTED HI rentjna ,a 4-bed- rage, ncai’ schools, stone ' wall. Mf. Otnmrjen. * ChiMron will ba tokoii for split sassiem * Street and proceed 1.4 miles to Woodland Park’s > IfFht housekeeping facilities, elder­ room doloniail librn*' in Manchester $9M down. Kchwartz Real ;Estate, Manager’s Office, Municipal Build­ IXollsr wkre incurred In the ettab ttons received. A cohy of the above R t 8S feUow sign* to London P a r k .^ ^ SPECIALIST ing, 41 Center Street. Manchester, Uahing of this building; line. . plan ef development la on file In BALES BY THE } 470 MAIN ST. handsome dual lane entrance. ly women preferred. Between Cen­ with optioni to'bUy. Cill XO 9-7428 XOB Realtor. XU 8-9454, AD . CRESTHELD J. D. REALTY Ml > 5 1 2 f ; h Cal Ml 9-4578, ter and Manchester Memorial Hoa- or x a 8-6023. - 6-1241. Connecticut or to the Connecticut TOWN PLANNING OOXfilU- the offiee of the Town Clerk. PiUl. Call Xg 8-8539. . State Employment Office, SOd SION Dated! at Andov4r, Oonaectleut, U & R REALTY CO., Inc. CONVALESCENT Towm a ii Govitry AppUefiOMi wlO baimalled, or yav eaa pick ooa at Fop., special appointments, phone Suburban YOUNG PERSONABLE «ecu«v6 ROCKVILLE — Four room ranch, Main Street, Manchester, 'Connects Martin E. Alvord. Chairman this 15th .day of SeptaiWber, IfOO, Oeater. desires 6% 'or fi room single house. built 'in 1951] full basdment oil cut. r ' Iwrothy C. Jiicobaon, Seerstary 'me Ptoa^g and Zoning Com­ lODCI^ HOME HOSPITAL AjsocUus, JA 3-7873 or M l 4-0469. o n e FURNISHED room an(l Wo J tD .B Itm ( I Manager—HI S*B41I KIS-«461 Draiiagi Oo. ACT SOON — SPACE IS UMITEI furnished rooms. All Improve- References fiirnlshed. Rent or with heat, aluminum aiding, lot 60x175, ' Applications must ' be • In the Ermoao GaravtoU mission of Andever n tn ts. Light housek6eping. Mr*. ^ io n to buy. JA MMl, Extentlon Aoking $12,900. Alice cum pefIt, Manager’s office by fi;00 P.M., Edward S. PU( JUyttOnd P. Houlo, CttiilflRwi ; M lv M I d S H b BtsMll St. Baaltor. xa 9-4M or XU g -ru r. Wednesday, Septambsr 31, INO. PhllUp Harrison <3uit T. Outlaw, tMNftoiy ‘1 »' A.. ' /

SATUKDAY, SEPTEMBER IT. WM- PACE TWELVE # a n rl|i?0trr lE^tting Dentisfs Wife About Town Heard Along Main Street Bids Invited WESTOWN Mr*. C3wu-les E; Jacobson Jr. And on Some of Mantheater** Side Streett^Too On Test W ells Indicted for ■■ PHARMACY and Mrs. Edward Resnlk, both of 4M Hartford BtL^-MI Manchester, will be among the Need a Shoulder? K^'had erred, he said, in not.send- Bids have been invited for driv­ TaxJEvasion members of' the Woman’s Aux­ jng him a renewal application. He ing test wells at the Porter-How- To maintain onr eontinaity iliary to the Hartford County Medi­ The recent primary and hurri­ felt^hls application should hive cal Assn, who will be models in a cane IXmna have kept Herald re­ been se ilt-ji similar appllcatians ard Reservoir to see if the towm Mrs. Margaret Fancher yester­ of medical serrice we are teshion. show at a semi-annual porters busier than usual. had been aeht'tp neighbors of his can filter water from the reservlop day was indicted by a federal • After several days of ^ hectic meeting Sept 26 at Stone Haven, 'The spectators spectatoia'TM.emed to sym- by drawing it through a system of graiid jury on chargea of income news gathering, political-meetings, tax evasion. ' Open All Day Farmington. pathize with the, 'keejised -^at gravel-packed wells. storm stories, and night meetings, least until Judge O’Connell -apoke. Mrs. Fancher ’la charged with or.p reporter, still obviously tired, "f can understand." the judgt?^ If the idea, characterized by wilful evasion of more than $18,- The first >all meeting of Daugh­ came to work in the morning. 000 In joint taxes with her hus­ SUNDAY ters of Llbertj^, No. 17, L'OLl, will said, "your concern over not re­ General Manager . Richard Martin When questioned what she did ceiving an application, but I feel as^--A‘gamble.’’ -works, the wells band for 1955 and 1956. meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Orange, the night before, she replied wear­ Dr. Fancher later* this month Hall. Reports will be presented by you should have made some at­ w’ould bVan inexpensive substitute ily; tempt to Inquire about .vour appli­ for the filter-^rtant proposal de­ goes on trial for the second time delegates to the national conven­ "I went to sleep early last night on income tax evasion charges. cation of the department. feated by the Wters In January ,r o R tion in Boston in August. Refresh­ so I could get up a few hours later U.S. Atty. Harry W. HuUgren Jr. ments wdll be served. "After all." the Judge finished 1958. with strength enorigh to .c-y be-1 "it's hard to understand the pas­ The bids will be recelvefi-alMar- said he would request court ap­ cause 1 w'as so tired.” sage of three .years since you re­ tin's office until 11 a.m. proval to try the couple together. SCREEN rOROH Miss Hasel B. Johnson. 41 Holl newed it last." The bidders are asked to specify Dr. Fancher, 66, of 122 B. Cen, OR St., and Mrs. Marcella Isirabee. 73 Co-o-o-p-o prices per day based on installing ter St., is being charged with wil­ I»ckwood St., are spending a The 'Vemon Board of Educa­ Initials and test pumping 2-inch test wells ful evasion of more than $23,000 JALOUSIE week’s vacation at the Reeff Beach and 6-inch test wells. In taxes from 1963. A grand jury Club in Bermuda. tion's first meeting o f the new We understand that ’’S.O.B.'’ school .year Tuesday night was a ■ in Manchester Memorial Hospital Martin was authorized to atudy indictment charges him with earn­ ENCLOSURES the plan and take the bids over a ing $89,248 instead of the $22,831 long one - and hot. ^ ! parlance means short of breath. he reported for the period. The ^ The first fall meeting of .the Hot enough to prompt .Board A Non. year ago and at that time he aaid Ytm t-Beat Buy Is Mission Study Oroup of Center spending from $2,500 to $3,000 dentist was tried in federal court I member Charles O’Flinri to try to I ------In the spring, but the trial ended RellabUity and .Experienoo Congregational Church will be raise a window. But. the •» should show whether the idea Wednesday from 10 to 11 a.m. in June 3 with the jury deadlocked. OaU he selected seemed bolted fast. I N lK C JVll.S.SI i G l l l d l might be successful. A defense motion for acquittal' the Robbins room of the church. Trving the other window, he The wells would he driven be­ The year’s study will Include the was denied by Judge J. Josenh ! R. G . Kims found the same situation. He look­ side the reservoir and downstream Smith and HuUgren was given the history of missions in this country ed arpund with an lnquiM{lve ex­ r^eave for Camp from it. Martin’s hope is that the Ml 9-04«8 and thrimghout the world. go-ahead to seek a new trial, this pression. water' w-lll percolate through the time in district court. Local Agent For Assistant Superintendent Aljen Forty officers and men of Bat­ ground, filtering Itself as it gets Manchester W^^TEJS will meet Dresser explained the situation tery C, ,65th Missile Battalion, will to the wells. RUSCO Tuesday at the Itallart'A^cican Long in V$e way: "That window doesn't open' leave Manchester at midnight to­ A similar Installation is suc­ And Club on Eldridge St. withAveigh- cessful in Watertown, where it because that’s where the, pigeons night for Ft. Bliss. Tex., for their Ing in from 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. me In," serves a different purpose. Barn Yard Queen Copper has been knenvn and used Bartlett-Bralnard Prodoeto Co. Parrish, program chairman, will be annual firing of Nike nviasilcs. Pick a drumstick. Any drumstick. She’s got four. Two tor longer than any of the other com­ 589 New Park A to., in charge of a question and answer WiilkivWater Ever.vw here An advance party has been showing and two for going. Called "Four Legs,’’ she is a 9-week- mon! metals. 'The Egyptians made West Hartford—AD 8-4416 period. there this pg.st week preparing the old wonder in the chicken yard of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knox, 140 articles of copper at least 5,000 Tn their nAwcouarters In the Hockville-V ernon yeais before the birth, of Christ. Odd Fellows Building, Water De- two ml.ssllcs that will be fired. Woodside St. The Knoxes discovered her two weeks ago among Three graduates of Manchester parfment em^ployes havc,^ne no- While at the missile range, the their most recent batch of 6,500 White Rock chickens. Both of High School will enter Trinity Col­ soldiers from .Manchester's Nike 7-Year-Old Struck the extra two legs protrude from the same e.xtra hip socket on lege as freshmen Monday. They are Lnnri> f w f u.-B«'*in*'the ' uiilfit Will bc pitted ill Competition her left side. (Herald Photo by Ofiara). Bertram E. Feingold, son of Mr. space than there wa.s in the ,,,,1 ,,„ i,a r units throughout By Car on Rt. 83 and Mrs. Harold T. Feingold. 19 of Records. Am,v Crosby Rd.; Christopher .1. Mc­ There are disadvantages, too.! " . . ,, , For instance, the workers have to; Acf.ormng to Capl. William Seven-year-old Robert Oscar Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blakely walk across the busy Center to Battery commander, who Schuiten of Talcottville Rd., 'Ver- Hospital Notespo Tyler Pupils R. McNeill, 171 S. Main St:, and gel to the Municipal Building or«'''"> head iip the main body, tlic James D. Whltehlll, son of Mr. and prime mission of his men will be non, looked only one way before ^ Dance at Ho,spital Mrs. William J. Whitehill, 32 West­ to the controller’s office. Such Visiting hours: Adults 2 tn 8 trips are necessary frequently, to check out the past year’s grain­ dArting across Rt. 83 in Vemon minster Rd. ing here by successfully firing the last night at 6:10 and was stmek p.m. Maternity .2 to 4 and 6 to 8 Fifty pupils of the Gertrude and traffic slows things up. missiles at the range. p.m. Children’s Ward 2 to 7. Robert Holbrook of Waterford, The real joker, however, Is that by a car coming from the opposite Tyler School of Dance will pro­ in their new quarters the Water La.st year, .Manchester soldiers formerly of 16 Cornell St., Man­ hit on three out of three tries direction. ADMITTED YESTERDAY; vide entertainment at the chester, was graduated this week Department people have no p'acc The youngster suffered a broken Jason Libby, 12 Church St.; Mrs,. Shrincr’.s Crippled Children’s Hos­ tn get a drink of water. and C Battery was designated an from the Ward School of Electron­ honor battery. right arm and leg and is a patient Marlon Ro’we. 91" Princeton St.; pital in Springfield, Mass., tonjor- ics division of University of Hart­ This year, only two missiles will at Manchester Memorial Hospital Mrs. Mary Gaudet. 42 Gerard St.; ford with high honors. He served Time on Ilia Hands be fired. where he was taken by the. Ver­ Mrs. Bertha Harding. Wapplng; The dance pupils Will be accom­ R.» president of the Student Coun­ When a Manchester man ap­ Both the advance party and non ambulance. His condition is re­ Battista Benedetto. 64 Homestead cil. He will be employed as an In­ peared In Rockville City Court to main body will return to Man­ ported as good today. St.(Frederick Malin, 91 Autumn panied by John Carroll and Tony structor In the customer service answer a charge of failure to ob­ chester Sept. 26. \ Police said the child darted from St.; PatrlcTa Gone, 5 Fairview O’Bright. department' of the Perkin Elmer tain a driver^a Itcenae, he told the an embankment on tlie east side Ave., Rockville; Mrs. Margaret O’Bright is entertainment chair­ Co. of Norwalk, manufacturers of judge hts arreat might caally have of Rt. 83, after waiting for a north­ Dayon, 12 Moore St.; Mrs, Ella man for the annual party to be analytical Inatniments for the been' a "bleaalng In dlagulse." K of € Setback bound car to pass, directly into the Sturtevanl, Lake St., Vemon; given at the Springfield Hospital chemical Industry. The Motor 'Vehicle Depa(;tment path of a southbound car driven by Rosell Earle, 7 Minterburn Court, by Omar Shrine Club of the Man­ Shamrocks, 451; Stevenson’s. Joseph J. Grasso, 18, of 172 Green Rockville: Camille Verret, 168 Oak chester area b.v Moslem Shrine 435; North Ends, 402; Ramblers, Manor Dr., East Hartford. St.: Mrs. Corinne Bray, Hazard- Club of Willimantic. 39.6; Dupre’s, 3‘78; Yartke, 375; Vemon constables P-aymond ville: John Mack. 42 Elm St., HELCO, 374; Messier’s, 368; Cun- Berube snd Carl Frederlckson sre Rockville: ^Robert -Sehuiten, Tal­ llffc’s, 364; Packard’s, 363; Fo­ continuing the investigation of the cottville Rd.. Vemon; Mrs. A LUNCHEON IS SERVED garty’s. .362; 8 th District. 3M; accident. • Dorothv Brassard, 75 High St., ATLANTIC SPONSORED BY ’nOC FERRIS REVNOIJIS GROUP Four Kings. 354; Choman’s, 342. Rockville. ADMITTED TODAY: Frederick OFTHE SECOND CON’GREGATIONAI, CHURCH FURNACE OIL Democrats Seek Newman, 22 Williams St.; Mrs. .Automatic Deliverv Clara Hemingwa.v, 85 Summit St.; WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 21— 12;30 P.M. SHARP Mrs. Bertha Hicks, 86 Phelps Rd.; L. T. WOOD C O . IN THE FEUXlWSinP HALL Funds Tomorrow Phone MI S-1129 Notice William McKinney, 130 Pearl St.; THE PUBLIC IS INVITED Robert Hansen, 37 Foster St. WE HAVE DAILY Manchester Democrats will be BIRIH TODAY; A daughter to R«servstlona can be made by ruling any group member or Mrs. asked tomorrow to contribute dol­ Mr. and Mrs. James Woodcock, R o m Converse, MI 0-8266 or Mrs. Marlon RIaley, MI 9-8626. lars to the party treasury. A hun­ 123 Walnut St. DELIVERY TO THE dred or more volunteers will con­ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; 300 YEARS RESERVATION^ UIXISE TUFJ4DAV AT NOON , duct a door to door sollciation. Mrs. Elsie Hanna, 49 School St.; William Collins, a Democratic Jimmy Martin. Southington; Mrs. PRESCRIPTION BOLTON candidate for the Board of Direc­ Dorothy Belcher, Birch Mt. Rd.. EXPERIENCE tors. is heading Dollars for Demo­ Bolton: Mlchnei-,A m a n e k, East crats drive locally. Hartford: Mrs; Carole Saunders ARTHUR DRUG The canvassers, who will carty of­ and daughter, W a p p i n g; Mrs. AREA ficial receipt hooka from the party, Jeanne Pearson an dson, Andover: plan an all-day tour of town, visit­ Mrs. Gladys' Phillips and son, An­ ing registered Democrats only. dover: Mrs. Patricia Pesce and son, Behind the campaign, according Coventry: Mrs. Shirley Duquette o|NE LENOX to a party spokesman, is an ef­ and son, 35 Cooper St,; Mrs. Lvnne fort to spread the base of contribui Gustafson and daughter, 22 Pine PHARMACY tlons among many Democratic Hill St.; Mrs. Rena Zachmann and 299 E. CENTER ST. party members. daughter, Hebron. see it TOMORROW... TEL. Ml 9.089A

‘■N. Read I feral d Ad vs. FOR RENT Modem .A.;,- 1 REFRIGERATpR MOBILE SERVICE MY TELEPHONB NUMBER Service Station Cnnlnr St., oppouito Levt Lont. 2-4 wnnks* poid HAS BEEN CHANGED TO training eouno avoiloblt to qiioiifind, ambitious morrlodmon. Ront roosonoblo. K N Tol. JA 2-8231.9 to S ^ l 9-8692 Aftdr 6 P.M. Lovely large family sized Ranch TR 5-3698 homes. Near brand new (On Toll Calls We WIH Refund '$’oiir Money) Lake Street School. Only 5 REFRIGERATORS - FREEZERS minutes from Manchester ; ROLAND PLANTE AIR-CONDITrONERS Center. Over I 150 sq.ft, PHOENIX living area. J PHILLIPS NRST!! PHILLIPS HRSTIL PHILLIPS HRST!! PHILLIPS FIRST!! 2 styles to,choose from. _ _ RIDOE Large lots. Established 1 Vernon, Conn. neighborhood. - Kitchen with built-in ' •"A --V i G.E. oven and range. B B B

^ oiily PHILLIPS glvt you QUALITY ot LOW.WV9 C6ST! A BEST BUY— ^ OPEN TOMORROW II P.M. till DARK 2-CAR GARAGE only i £ Includns footingu and , | ^ This symbol stanjs for WOODLAND PARK foundation —the sumrneion of unique advantages in mod- 1 1 8 5 in ern suburban Hying. Many distinctive models, priced as low in a surprising attrac­ A BEST BUY— KING SIZE tively" situated among the natural woodlands of " AS LOW AS 20t24 SUMMER C O H A G ES South Windiot,’*^ . f erected anywhere In Connecticut: We’ve sold hundreds—ask for locations where ' 1 jrop can see them for yourself; 1995 Open every day ’from 1 P.M. untd dark, . f within easy reach o f every desirM e service. (SEE BIGGEST GARAGE ai^d (XITTAGE DISPI.AY IN CONNECTICUT ^ 5 0 0 And Up OpEN«TODAY and DAILY 9-.') f ^ ’lthoul obligation please send me In!^ From Hartford leave the Wilbur Cross Park­ formation abqut the new Phillips Ga- way at Rxit 94. Turn left and take first left .f rages, and Cottages. onto Route 30. Take third right onto Avery ; DIRECTIONS * ^ „ Name. Street and proceed J,4 miles to Woodland Park's PHILLIPS GARAGES I Frooi Eaat. Cantor S t) tom on- MdiARTHY ENTERPRISeS Ntreet handsome dual lane, entrance. r‘ -I ... to Vemon S t- (next ta^-Goph’e ROBERT W . AGNEW, Saiea Manager Just South of Puritan .Maid Diiirr I Tow'll Oarage) and . conttnue to the i - fo r special appointments, phone Suhurhun Venibn Town Line. Phoenix BUtohell »-4676 e MItcheU 8-«8TR 2091 Berlin Turnpike, VAlley 8-3561 I Tel. No . •>. ,.i,, Ridge Model Home la about 600 I " ' Associates. JA 3-787S-6r Ml 4-0469.'' . feet farther on the right MANCHESTER, CONN. nU LU M HRSTII PHitUPS RRSTIl PHILUPS HRST!! PHILLIPS fURSTi! -1. T J ■ A'

f Z : ' 1 O V A V I W I All Day NDAY

SEPT. 17 thru SEPT. 23 , r o R EN PORCH OBANNBU I . OR T LOUSIE OiVi^T wi^RIA-~AtJ. RItfHTS RRSRRVRD, H. T. PI0RIN80W • OO.. *»»■ K_ mour Ok the Jaok Parr Sho^ What is she doing these daysT LOSURES Candy K. ^ . ‘Maverick’ to Return Any Questions? A : Mlaa Lamour la eurrei^y L^lMt Buy !• touring the country with a night y uid.,ExperieiiM club'act, and la executive director of her new conmetios company, OaU Without Jim Gamer By HIKE ALBER Dorothy Lamour, Ihc. &. K im s Q — Pleatse tell me if "Ljura Q: 'When will Person to P « » ^ I 9-04«8 By BB8KPHE AOHN8Q9C <»ia why thla. aeafon'a “Maverick” mle,” "Adventures In Paradise, be telecast next season? Joan C. il AK«Bt For Hollywaail. Correopoadeiil; wlU^debut, and ptobably continue, and "” are scheduled for A ; Person to Person will bo Newapepwr B oter^lM A o «k without Bret Maverick. next season? — Ruth W. aired on Thuraday nights at 10 on lUSCO Hollywood The re­ Gamer became one of T V a bigi-. A — AU three Shows wUl be CBS-TV. And turn (2 “ Maverick^* two years ac» geat Btara ^. aa Maverick. But :k and, according to present for the new TV season started now .he’s on studio suspension. in thb some time slots. .tl: How many copies of Emlo kinard Prodoeta Co. with a show UUed, ‘The DayTPhey He’s off salary and o ff the show Ford’s "lO Tons” have been sold to ew Park Are., Hanged Bret Maverick." because of the brothers Warner, Q — ntby are both brothers in date?—Marie T- •tford—AO 8 ^ 7 5 This year’s opening show Sept. who have a long record of boiling T h e Real MjsOoya’’ niamed Luke? A? At the latest count, Ernie’s recording had sold almMt 6,000,000 AA' couUI have been titled: recalcitrant stars in oil via the — Kliko "The Day They Sued J a na e a courtroom. A — It resulted when Walter copies. Gamer. That’s, where Gamer will be Brennan, star of the series, called A s you saay have heard & funny i soon in. a behind-the-scenes tug of the y o u n g e r brother “UtUe Q: How many years has Mol thing . happened to Gam er' when | war. Warner Bros.^are suing him Luke” to distinguished alia from AUen been broadcasting for tha New York Yankees baseball he arrived for work one momingland he’s suing.them. Big Luke.” last March. We’li tw™ O'* clock | Unable to give Gamer his teams?—^Ken F. ; lA L A : Mel has been associated with back in a second, but first here brotherly assistance. Jack /Kelly Q — I’ve heard that Tightro^’’ stors on the opening sho^ and is going off the air. la this true. the New York Yankees since 19M, welcomes a new co-ata^ to the ^ yeara . , above, costars Sal. D. series. He’s Roger Moore of last aa "Beau” htoverick, nephew A — Yes, it’s near the end of year’s "The Alaskafu." of old ‘'Pappy” Maverick, its rope. This year he’^ 'a Maverick — when the new fall season iO O l Beau Maverick, nephew of old shows of the dumble oater Q — Will new episodes be pres­ “Pappy” Maverick. ■ bow in. ented of " ?” Joan C. I rli-'tr\ in I hni < Meanwhile, back at the studio — A “I Love Lucy” is in the re­ ^ h i n e k or, we should say, the lawyer’s of ner claims he was offered "noth­ nin stage. No new episodes are FLOWER flee — attorneys for Garner and ing of value:” He said Warner being filmed. XES ELECTRONICS Warner Bros, are working on their agreed to give him a bigger per­ raCning speeches for 'Th e Day centage o f his • loan-oilta, but that Q — Does Mlml Hines, of the FASHIONS They Sued James Gamer.’ Warner insisted, “I will determine Ford and Hines comedy team, LABORATORIES The legal showdown is expected the loanouts.” ' really apeak Japanese when she sometime in October. So Gamer Said, ‘‘W e’ll ^ you portrays “ Sayonara,” or is she ,\M LIKO’\VSKI The trouble dates back to last in court,” and Jack Warner said 277 BROAD March when Garner showed up for just faking? Jimmy L. that was a dandy idea. A — . Mimi has a slight knowl­ \i \ i\ .<'riM:i*' work. Gamer’s not going broke. He’s edge of Japanese 'ivhich she pick­ \i 1 q Because of the TV* writers’ made several ; personal appear ed up from a childhood friend in For Summer Fun strike, there were no “Maverick” ances worth from 53,000 to $5,000 scripts, the studio said, and Gamer Canada, but most of the oriental S fo rt W M i a day, and this summer he re­ words she uses are made up. was taken off salary until sucl^ ceived $5,000 a week and a per time as the studio could renew STANEK^S filming. centage of Oje gross for a 14 Q — Will ABC-TV have another week tour in ''John I^ves Mary.” “Coke Time” special? Chris M. Royal Well, Garner blew his top, claim­ He just completed another five Portable Radios. TV ed 'his clNSURORS So now it's a showdown. tinue singing for a while with her WORI.D try'knd repudiate the contract. sisters on the Lawrence Welk In i Gallons! GREEN Residential— Industrial Coming up in October is the Show, but won’t go on any tours. court hearing' ov.er who is right. STAMPS Commercial Join Comedy Cast So until there is-a. ruling, plus Harvey Lembeck, Paul McGrath Q: 'Will Nanette Fabray have MI 31212 Oustooi Service For probable appeals aniT reappeals, and Salome Jens have joined Uib her own TV series next season ? _ Over so VeMs enter Cousin Beau Maveri^,-- ^ho cast of ‘The Million Dollar Incl- Irving L. JOHN L lENNEY is being introduced as the White 4ent," 90-minute comedy specisd A: Nanette will ster in "Yes, S8S R. Center St.— BU S-411S sheep of the family. m r r li^ Jackie Gleason on the CBS Yes Nanette”, over NBC-TV on As late as six weeks ago. Gamer C. LEROY NORRIS Television Network. Broadcast date Friday nights starting In January. ASSOCIATE and Jack Warner tried to settle for the special will be announced the dispute out of court but Gar- later. Q: I recently saw Dorothy La- ONE HOUR Insurance of All Kinds ‘■URTiMZimr SATURDAY ^fepfetoii. PBiOGRAM Botids 1 Hour D iy C lean in g 844 NO. BIAIN STREET Snaderanchor man, with followlns • :M Have Oan. WUI Travel PHONE NT 3-6850 A t 20 B. Center St., Manchester U :M Sky Kiiult newsmen; Qinncy Howe. Kdward Starring Rldham Boone. Paladth’s Tree Story P. Morsan. John Rolfaon. Paul gracious San Francisco__;». B— M Ptt". OUvIa da* Mari Mod's Hi^kway Fatrel Jb Popular, muaieal bmir Hwrllland ■ 9.12SZ Naw BarlsaBa 4 Lawrence Weik aad i UKW News S. 4 6$1 Main TiU Nowsrsal a m U:4b Msvie ( ^ ’1). . _ f W e S d l 1;SS F*^ Hasaa _ ' a.-4* Muate Makers ■wags. ^auunrlns towmopd Burr ta SaSclag aad Instrumeatal aolpA 1;W Nsws Memests sC Csmleft { fisvto At NtaM , Featare Fflas O ue M Treaehermia TioupM. 1‘Tbe W a x , A g M Mrs. Hadley"^ BARftE GUILD V Misstns execuUve returns Jdle ^U *9494 Doesn't Anawert • two years for sa Importaat ajort Hararet. t m Hews A. We PETS! hoUters' Bteetiag. He to MONUAAENTS teund ..slain. UtJfm'e cUont to charsed WUh murder.. ^ o r u r r iB R Tl|ln b • Bmi 6oBd MoowMot that Beausp to. Exclusive TRIPLE REFINED A, B IR D S . CoIer-StaiTinS Lo tm , Ore vM MM|ovf MitclMfitbidlhiii||hli Pemell Roberts. Dan BIc^er , • TROPICAL FISH Michael Landon.. “Tha Mtost .. ATLANTIC HEATING OILS lOf OipVliQ WliB ORilL VORliill ai • • D Hoas Cartwrisht helps a fortnte • scout—witoscout—who fselfseui res U T U E R Mc Kin n e y OMfdlOB. tois troop bolng redeem brnipelf. L. T. WOOD CO. 15 W O O H B R ID O B ST. SAPORITI » _ Beaaiap •• M A N O n E S T B R DARK * ■mtORlAL OOMFANT series on political ao- Telephone Mitchell 3-1129 M fs-8 0 8 0 «W Osktsr Ml I-T78S dsvslopments Ito ^ e e k . News Coinmentator


1st ft. MIDDIJB TEKB: SUNDAY Television PROGRAM lOU^sli S-987S TUESDAY Television RAM I FLETCHER -w Chasscl Meet The Press 83 riage on her mind, ha introduces Fepeye Theater I iIon*S-Adole8cent boy faces Tke Bis PicIsM Guest; Republican candidate tor her to his millionaire playboy GLASS COMPAHY TMs Oar FaMk 8DM Shew 82 Sult proUems. (Repeat). Vslverdtr cf Iks Air ■Vice-President Henry Cabot Lodge friend (Premiere) Fuanrv or PABKiNd Prayer ^ *''rhnber Jack". Sterling Bayden, Thriller \ 22. 88 Nswa WIIHam Tell 8 Lawman 8, 3A 53 3:83 Ag%altare ea Parade S3 Vera 'Ralston " Starring BorhrYCarloff as host. The Ohrlatoirficrs Big Mach Shaw 18 "The Town Boys." Starring John AUTO OUA8S--M lRB^RS!!5lSPHBflSSBBW 5!W B*** 1i33 W t o 88. S3 Borly nmw 88 "Child's PIay.'*^StMs Prank ^tarnh ^tanek This Is The Uts Spcctsl 88 Russell and , Deputy BNOU>SUBES---<}i:,AS8-FUBNErURE TOPS—RTTSBUROH PAINT . ^ UalveroHy e< Ik# Air 8 "Torn Brmnt t t CulTsr** Tom Overton, Bethel Leslte''and Tom­ 8 :n Prarer Reader's Digest 58 McKay aaks that Juvenile delin­ 1:83 Prayai S Brown m y Nolan. Nlno-year-dld boy, ELECTRONICS ELECTRONICS • t M The ' Nsclesr Ass 8:88 The TweatiimaHeih Ceatary 8. 48 quents be released In his custody. iiSB Towa Grier 8 The Admiral aBA 8 waWbY-8hew 33 Iniagtnlng that he Is being pursuM ChriatiSB Bcleses "Stalingrad." The ~ spectacular (Season Premiere). Mslaess Renerl 8 8:83 Big Mack Shew 18 by Black Bar^* *• notorious high­ LABORATORIES Isdastry Os Parade battle that has been called the Premiere 88 Weather 88 Beekey aad His FHeiMio 4* wayman, while on a camping trip LABORATORIES Chrlstlaa Seleses grCatest of World War II and per­ 8:83 TV Theater 8 ,1:|3 Understanding Oar WIsrId S 8:85 OlBteb Cargo 8 with hts disbelieving parents, de­ PsreeptleB haps t^ most satskvage encounter Ronald Reagan, program super­ Etreakfast .Ttnoe S B n v e BlaUlea , 83 termines to kill his pursuer, This U The Ufe In modemm:______history. _____’ alter Cron- visor. Steve Allen and Jayne Mea­ ■ :M Hap Richards 8 8:33 Oaick Draw MeOraw -J U.S. Marshal II 277 BROAD • :4£ “ lljr r kite narrates. (HepeatL ' dows star in "The Man Who MANCHESTER 8:15 Oaptala Hnngaraa . 8 Oarteen Flayhease 18 Into The Knowa 43 277 BROAD ie:N Idiipp Dais Mr Pest Peaple Are Fanny Thought for Himself." Bank em­ 8:33 Featare FItat 8 Big Fletore 58 1:83 The CemeAv Spot • 8. 43 This Is The Aaswer With Art LInkletter. A girl meets ploye la dominated by hla em­ "Shut U j Big Eoalh'* Joe B. 8:85 Weather. News aad INerto 8 . With Art Gilmore as host "Tom, Chalice Of fialvatlsa three fellows selected for her by ployer and hla neighbors, but who Brown Mark Saber 43 The (Arlstsphers dares to put his convictions Into MOTOR SALES Topper 8 Vnivae; a secretary tries to re­ Bomner Beaus 28 3:83 News ,8 This Is Ths Ufa member the names of seven peo­ , practice (Season Premiere). -rOU B oioSMOBDJB ■DEALER’' Mevle 15 EASY TO 1»:M l.sak Up Aad U rs *. ple she has Just met; a couple TV ^Mystery Shaw O, St Tex Favel Fun Shew ' 93 "Brave Stallion'* „ dies see-a way of obtaining a free Religious series. "The Bound of play anagrams for. a possible Color—"The Suicide Club.” Cesar Almaaao 33 Wild Bill Hlrheck 83 ------lease on a--restaurant * ■ (Re (Repea ■' PARK HERE Worship." Part HI.' C. Alexander Romero, Everett Sloane and Dan 512 WEST CENTER STREET 8:36 ESeBrnTTuBe# - 43 rixe of 810.000. (Repeat). 3HI5 Oaptain KaSgaraa 33 Gtabhease » OeH .46 i . I Peloquln and the Peloquin Chor­ Sea Rant 8 Tobin star Vincent Price Is M l S-1811 The Uvlag Word . a. H Wayde Preston -Mars In "The There’a never a parlrtnc ale of the Cathedral of Saints Danger Is My Baslaesa 18 host. How Prince Florixel at­ 8:83 I Married Jeoa 1 3:45 News 8. 88. 88 Rival Guns." Chnsjopher Colt, Peter and Paul. Providence. R. I., Whirlyblids' 88 tempts to destroy a wsird organ­ SEeralng Shew 83 News A Weather 8 gun salesman trances .a wagon­ problem at STANEK’S. U 8 :U MarJerre MIHe 43 load of stolen army gups and will be featured. Presented In co­ Playhonse 58 ization in which despondent Lon­ 13:33 December Bride 43 3:66 Sports 43 Mo aaeters eltiier. Opcar- operation wlth-the National Coun­ 8:8 I Lassie _ 8 doners in 1912 drew lots each 1:33 Death VoUey Days > finds that their disappearance U I cil of Catholic. Men. week (or the roles of executioner Safety-Tested Deurb Eto Ml 22 10 connected with a dangerous had- Starring Jon Provost. June Lock­ Sasle 3 Phil Slivers Shew ,8 Itaarsday evenlBca antO The Living Ward I hart and Hugh Reilly. Lassie and vIcUm, man. (Repeat). -- The B ^ e l 8. 88 13:13 Video YHIage 33 Mevle At Bevea _ 18 Science Tietlon 18 Odesser W tracks an escaped wallaby to the Star Perterasaaee 8 "One More Tomorrow" Jane Wy- ItilS TKroagb Ths PsHhsIs . I peak of a rugged cliff in an effort Starring Nick Adams In "Johnny Piny Year Haueh 88. S3 mnn 13:33 Diagnosis Unknown I 11 ;M VnderstaadlBg Oar WsrM 3 to lead It home. Yuma at Appomattox." Johnny U sed Cars" Weather. Local Nows „ M Starring Patrick O'Neal, Chester Faith Per Today • resorts to a white He to prevent Yea Asked Fey M . 8 San Fraaetoco Beat 8 U;33 I I.eve Laoy 8. 33 News A Weather 88, 33 Morris with Phyllis Newman. 1 \ l. \i)\n N M 1 Lab. St n Shirley Temple M ow - 88. 33 a young Southerner from making The Price le BIgM 88 93 Bxp^ltion 88 •"The Red Death" — with Olive Rig Pictsrs M • Color—"The Land of Os." Star­ a mistake which could halt the , (Colo— ilorl 1:15 Donglas Edwards, News Deering. Robert Carroll. Terry Sacred Heart 43 ring Shirley Temple. Adventure progress of the newly-reunited Hillara, and Cynthia O'Neil, guest n ilS .LIvtBC Word 43 United States (Season prkmlere). SamniiiMr Playkease 8 News about Lord Nikidik's scheme to 11:83 The Oienr lir is e a 1:83 What In The World ^ A stars. A masquerade ball that 11:83 Camera Three 8. 48 have Princess Osma transformed New Comedy Showcase 43 ends In the death of one~o( its SUN U V K This Oar Fallh 8 8:83 Osneentratlnu 28 Laramie •**..83 Into a small boy through witch­ Alfred Hllchoork Presents 8 Patrol "(^een of Diamonds'*. Guest star tests. Mad House 88 craft. Guest stars include Jona­ "Insomnia." starring Dennis Bear ef Great Mysteries 22. M McBRIDE'S 0;F Weaver Man's sleepless nights T H E N E W Julie tn>ndon and guest co-star Highway HoHdar S3 than Winters. Ben. Blue, Sterling R i b T A U R A N T Flhn CHaude Akins. Slim Sherman falls "Hie___ Datchet Diamonds,' starr­ CANADA lt:S5 News 8 .4 3 Holloway. GlI Lamb. Arthur Impel him to become a murderer. Fiano 18:33 Love Of Ufe ing Rex Harrison and Tammy ^ In love with a provocative stransF- 18:33 American Legend (Repeat). Treacher. Frances Bergen and Truth er Oeuteoaeaees er. who usee him to save a erl|>- Grimes. Pompous and unsuccess­ SPORT SPOT Maltv's Fanday Fannies special guest star A ^ e s Moore- 8. 43. 81 ROUTE • rad 44—BOLTON ful businessman accidentally •'FYelght- elgl Car ~ 13". Casper ~ makes Stars Roger Moore In "Calico." The Restlesa Gun lied man from vengeful outlaws. 109 CENTER ST. KJFE head. (Premiere). 18:83 Senroh Per lauaerrew Premiere). _ com es Into possession of o-mllllon pal of Zero, a nol-so-tough Movie At 8 18 . Silky Harris wins half of a gold DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT It Gould Be Taa IS 93 dollars worth of stolen diamonds, INStm ANOE wa /chdog who...... hds losthis Job. "The Dark Horse" . Bette Davis. ' mine In a poker game. (Repeat). BagarfoeS 8, 44 TV Fresents 8,-U (RepeaS). 18:83 Lncy In Caanectlesl 8 (Color) Starring Will Hutchliu In "Blue Eviimide SakM oRd Warren Williams, Been Far. a Day ' Bonnet Stray." Margaret Phillips stars In "GaH News Review S3 Von Asked For II 48 Starring Lucille Ball and Deal Finest In Fo€>d he Guiding Ught From Tomorrow.” Former actress Feature 43 Amaz In -"The Ricardos Dedicate 9 covers a murder plot while caring Servieo CONSULT Broken Arrow 88 1:33 My UHle Margie for an abandoned baby he found despondent over the accidental 18:18 Holl,vweod*s Best 8 Co-stars John Lupton a n d a Statue." Participating In 3 death of her child attempts to Amerleaas At Work 33 community effort to establish a About Fneee 8. 38. on a train. (Repeat) _ Michael Ansara In Shadow of Lnncif^n and Oinner Menus At Heme With Kitty TV Mall Order 88 make a comeback on the stpge Crosby H berglm Boots 18:33 We Relieve 3 Cochise." Jeffords Is kidnaped by monument Lucy succeeds In.Shat­ ' at the suggestion of her husband: CHARLES J. VAN DEUSEN Holtywood'o Beot 8 tering anv dreams she rngy have COCKTAIL IXJUNdlt—NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT Mnvie Matinee 93 8:3* Feck's Bad OIri 8 a gang oL outlaws who plan to do "The Lone Wolf la Mexico. (Repsat). John Newland, host-di­ Dtotrl«t Supervisor "PiTvate Detective” . Jane W.vmnn away with him. (Hepeat) had of becoming a community FREE PARKINO— AIR-CONDITIONED Starring Wendell Corey. Marsha rector. C btor troMors Selenee Fiction Theater 88 • leader. (Repeat). ' Gerald Mohr Hunt, Patty McCormack and Ray 8:83 Dennis Tke Menaro 1 WEDDINGS, BANQUETS, PARTIES 1 :9 3 ^ The World Taras 8. 43 Mhvie IS Modern nrlenfe Theater S3 , Starring Jay Nortti. Herbert An­ re»»elts Ynnnr Show 88, 98 Ferrell. "The Pet Rabbit." Steve IM E.' Csiiter St.. Manchester 1:33 Home Ran Derby 3 O p e n S u n d a y s M if -* S 4 * m e De Yea Trastf 8 One More Tom orrow." Jane Wy­ derson Gloria Hsnry and Josenh_ "The I..0ng Night.” The Housewife I f « « . 28 and Jennifer Peck are re-avrak- man. Oardner'o Almanac 88 Kearns, Peering Into his back- sensen emptlneSs In her life when ened to the principle that In order * ^ M l Y-B747 Tel. MI 9-4804 or PI t-6801 Napersonle Flight 83 P w M u t 58 I've Ool A Secret yai-d telescope. Mr. Wilson dis­ a happy family moves next door. 1:25 ArHaUse WHh KHty 22 to encourage resoonsibllltr one 13:83 Waller Winrhell File nig IMrfore 43 covers a nsw "satslllte" as Den­ Open Ki^ l 8 must delegate authority. (Repeat! 1:15 Pro HasketbaH S3 18;I3 Johnny Slaecato 81JH 2:33 Fan Gire|e 8 Highway Patrot nis and his "space” pals are visited Jaa Murray Shew 22, S3 Featare 8 Markham 68 1:83 Raseball 8 hv Captain Blast and his . chlm- Starring .Tohh Cassavetes In "The Day la 0«Mri 8. 43. 68 8:83 The Many Levee Of Doble OUHs Red Sox at Wa.hlngton Mask of Jason." Beauty contest 8 11:33 News, Weather and Sports panxee assistant from a tele­ 8:83 Gale Bterm Shew 8, 62 8. 43 FOR EXPERT Frontlera of Faith S3 vision nrngram. (RepeatL. candidate hires Staccato to pro­ W. P. QUISH Utretta Teang Theater 82 23 Starring Dwayne Hickman. TOURAINE PAINTS Champs a’ Challengers 18 tect her from a man. who she Invited to a swank-Salree by two World's Best Mevles” 3 Callege News Ooatereaee. 88 Maverick ilXM. 58 HeaseFarty 8. 33 Northwest Passage". Spencer •Tack Kellv stars In "The Bundle savs has. been threatening her. 8:33 The People’ s OhelOa 8 young socialites. Dobis and his -A* Front End ARgnmont State C Douglas Dillon, guest. A What's My Line? 8 beatnik - buddy discover that Tracy. prominent personatify Is Inter­ Prom Britain." On his return to Yeaag Dr Maleno 88 93 Big MeNews • BRUSHES America. Beau has arrived In the John Dalv moderator; panelists FUNERAL HOME Beat The Oleeb 8. 59 "soup-and-fish" dress is required VA#1____ I m - 1 ------1----- viewed by a nanel of college stu­ West and succeeds In avoiding Dorothy Kllgallen. Bennett Cerf, and com e up with an Ingenious News aad Weather ★ ww ItW I DQB^nldll^ dents. Ruth Hagy. moderator. Arlene Francis, and guests. All Star Flnyhease . News, Sports A Weather 43 • W ALLPAPERS Pappy. Bart and Beau hatch a. n s MAIN STREET TEL. MI SrB»4fi 8:88 The Terdlet Is Yeurs- \ 8 . plan -to share a. wealthy boy's 1:43 Pro Baseball Game I plan In which Beau will Imperson­ ' Mike Wallace Interview 88 Frem These Reels 88. 83 iuxedo, (Repeat) 11:11 Jack Paar Shew S3 ic Complofo Broke 1:45 Yesterday's Newsreel S ate a wealthy and unprincipled Ten-4 S3 Oennertfent Baadslaad . 8 Pelltfeal Teleeast 82. 83 Featare Film 2 1155 Yankee Haseball I Englishman. (Season Premiere). Alfred flltekreek Presents 43 Sponsored by the Demoeratic Na­ "The Strangers Hand". Trevor • SANDERS. POLISHERS >- Yankees vs. Baltimore 11: Snnday News Sperial 3 . Be Onr Oaeet IS Service 8:33 "'ll Balllvaa Show 8 Who De Yen T rarif 58 tional Committee, Howard. Allda Valli STEAMERS FOR RENT 8:33 News 88. St News 43 Oampolgn Address _ Werid’s Rest Mevles 8 Pro Fholball 43. 59 Guests: An hour version of ths News snd Weather 8 4:88 RlMger Andy 8 90-mlnitte Peabodv award win­ OanMy Playheuse 82, 28 by Sen. John F. Kennedy. Demo­ Fealare- 43 43 8:15 On Deck Circle 88. SI News. Sports A Weather 88 KOHERT J. INCORPORATED cratic Presidential candidate. — SEE ~ 8 :!M Malor Leagae Baseball 88. St ning "Invitation lo Moacow" pro­ Movie 88 AnserlMa. Bandstand 8. 43 58 11:13 Jack Paar Rbew 22 duced In the Soviet Union with Mevle ^ ^ 18 1 ^ ’s Travel ^ PanFs Paint and 8:83 Oral BnbeHs 11 "Chain Lightning". Humphrey __Bead 33 12:33 News (Mevle een’t.) I 4:33 Movie If American and Russian talent Bogart. "The . Tan U i t . Paul HenreM 12:83 Newe A Weather — MemenI ef CLARKE MOTOR SALES when Mr. Sullivan toured the REAL 3:88 Rdge Ol Night ' . 3 Mb' Hartia’ s Benndap ** "Spare Wavs” Howard Duff Featnre Film 1 8:33 Featiwe . 8 MedItaUon S SOI BROAD ST. ^RllfiAiiAr Snimlv 4:15 This Week la Sports 1 country last vear at the request "Obsession". Michael Morgan, Adveatare flme 22. 98 of the U.S ' State Department. ESTATE • SMITH ■‘INSURANBM1THS SINCE m 4" • INSURANCE 8:83 Featnre Film 8 Tke BHIemaa ^ * j M 1:33 Newe—Moments ef Cemferl 8 ■MI 8-2018 4:83 Amerleoa Football t Rod Vallone "Coroner Creek**. Bandoiphjieott Starring ^ u ck Connors la ‘TPhe News S3 64.*5 Ma>RBt.— MI 9-0.300 8:33 Man Withoal A Gaa 9 The program featurea dancers World's Best Movies 8 MS MAIN STREET, GROUND FLOOR— BO S-8S41 MANCHESTER Matty's Fanday Fannies I Marge and Gower Champion; "Beware Mv Trf>vely." Robert (.See 12:00 lioon for details) opera star- Rise Stevens; the Ryan. Ida Lupino Temple Sinai.' 1* Barrv .Slaters. vocallsta; ac­ Lsto Show 88 T. V. Hoar of Stars 88 cordionist Dick Contino: Hawaiian "The Late George Apley” . Ron­ OMr SPEEDY Spe^fry Prs Fipilball 83 singer Clutrles K. L. Davis; sing­ ald Coleman. WEDNESDAY TeWsion PROGRAM er Margaret Tynes; tap dancer 18:83 News A Weather 8 5:83 The l.pne Banger " Conrad Buckner: harmonica vir­ MaHBhaster Stars Clavton Moore la "War 18:55 Moment of Meditation 8 . Amerlead^Baadstdad - 8. 43. 58 Mventares of the Nelsea YsAih Horse." A search for a tfeefly tuoso Eddy Manson; Eric Brenn, 1:15 Newo . 8 ' TRULY DELICIOUS^ plale spinnng act; Hubert Castle, Make A Difference Wkele Yon Save! 3:83 This Onr FaHh Mevle IS hlde-hunler who has sloleh Chief IT DOES 3:65 Prayer slarring Ozzle and Harriet Nelaon Gonvalesemt Hoiim, ■ I.ame Bear's famous horse: and high wire act: and Russian acts -"Queen ef the Amanons". Robert and R^k and David. "The -Cir­ Including the Olwalsov P u p ils . 3:53 Agrienllare On Parade Lowery holding Tonto and the chief's son Q: Will "It Could Be You” ever I 933 Today cu s." David and Ricky become the captive:t: Russian hear act and the Red 'O tteA ei/ ek, ' f t ' f t W :S3 Edge Of Night 8 daring young men on the (lying CHICKEN Army Dancers. (Repent). be an evening TV show again?— UnIversHy el lha Air Adventare Time *4 Inc. Face The Nntlaa 8. 43 1:83 Prayer trapeze. (Repeat). Mary H. Gibiin, Preeldent Bvervman’a Family 8:83 The Tsb Hanters Shaw S3 Prank P. :33 Featnre Film ■'^..8 Qaeat Per Adventure II Hie world’s "finest entln' rhick- "One Blonde Too Many.” When 1:85 Tewa Orley Power and Promise A: No nighttime schedule Is Newe "The Straw M an". Demot Walsh, Featnre 4 3 Katherine M. GibUn, Manaifer Film Paul Morgan meets a ' beautiful vS AVIN G vS 3 i % Clifford Evans The Millionaire 1 ,f « " wUIi Ineompnmble taste. girl and discovers she has mnr- planned for the future. ' Weather 8(83 29 Oottaifc SL, Mancheetw 3:33 FYI 1:83 Naelear Age Fepeye Theater 8 With Marvin Miller In "The Mara First Show 22 Robinson Story." Gypsy fortune M I 9-5879 LOAM Breakfast Time "The Song Parade". John (^rroll. TAKE HOME SERVICE \ s < ) < r A 1 1 () N' Omreiit 8:33 Hap Blehards teller's, knowledge of the occult Annual 8:15 Oaptain Kangaree Marie McDonald falls to provide a prediction of Automatic Sprinkler and 3:83 Fealnre Film Early Shew S3 , her own future when she meets a Llg-htaini; Protection DiTidend "Argentine Nights". Hits Bros. MONDAY Television PROGRAM "Let Us Live”. Maureen wealthy Virginian. (Repeat). Member of AMoelatlon ef Omi- R a to ran Admiral and Swabby Shew 43 DECrS DRIVE-iN ■ ailCM83T8?T^3t383T Flliawetat tW3TIT3TI3lt Big Mack Show 18 neetlcat Ghronie and Oonvelea- 8 Phil Lawrence and Mltxl. dance Topper Ronnie Bums and Yvonne Lime Edge of NIslit My Friend Flicka 52 staV In "Wedding Anniversary." MS CENTER ST.—MI S-ZfifiO This Oar Faith Advealnra Time 88. 83 team also Sal Raimondi, singer. Romper Beam eent Hoapltala. Theatrr Peter Gann Tex ravel Faa fihew ;55 Cinteh Carre 8 Sally Instigates a number • of con­ Prayer Popeyo ______Wild Bill Hiekek 33 fusing situations In her efforts to Agrirultnre On Parade Fealnre Film 8 3:83 The Spike Jqpea Show Ahaaaae Spike Jones 8:35 Loeaey Tones :33 ConnI of Monte Crista 3 remind Chris of their wedding an­ Today 88 "Bond of Fear” . Dumont Walsh, niversary. (Repeat). University ol the Air Jane Barrett TV Theater 88. 8:15 Captain Kangarea Cartoon Ftnyhonso 12 Pitot Show 88 Adventures la Paradise 8. 48. 8:83 I Married Jaaa Get Set Go U 8. 43. 82 FOR ECONOMICAL. 8:83 Prayer Meralag Shew Starring Bob Conrad and Anthony 8:85 Town Orior "Meet The Wildcat". Margaret Movie :26 News; Weather and Sports 2 News Lindsay "Streets of Danger" Don WILLIS, Garage, 13:33 Deeember Bride Sea Hnnt 43 Blsley m "Princess From Man­ n .O O O F F PROMPT, EXPERT Early Shew ^ 13:33 New Comedy Showeaee . 8 Dengh Ito Ml :83 Spertsrope, News A Weather. 8 hattan." Tom Lopaka agrees, te Weather Sasle Rabin Heed 18 help a comely American girl es­ 8:13 Percentloa "The Swordsman" Larry Parka "Waldo",______starring_____„ GlI Btratlon. SP E C IA L IST S IM OM Breakfast Time Admiral Swabby Show 43 Young anthropologist sharss hts WHEEL AUGNMENT Md M:S3 Video Village Clnhhense 88 cape from her wealthy husband, 8:88 Hap BIrhardt • Big Mack Show 18 apartment with B^ldo, an ape. Star Perfermaaea Wild Bill Hlckeck 83 but didn't bargain Gndlng him­ Service Captain Oaiiant 58 The Barbara Staawyek Shew RURKE SERV10B Flay Tear Hoaeh Film 88 self and Kim prisoners on Me 8:18 Captain Ransaree Yea Asked For H 8:88 Featnre Film I Jangle Jim - 43 88. 88 GENERAL AUTO REPAIR :U News S, 88. 61 royal yacht. STEREO tP.^ OiiMiMaliMsf "Time Out For Rhythm. A Cinteh Cargo 8 "The Mink Coat." Starring Bar­ MltPhar S-4U1—IS MAIM BT. MAMCHESTER 11:33 I Leva Lam :85 Albert Bnihe Beperts 83 . Meviq At Nine I f bara Stanwyck. Once-wealthy The Priea fs BlgH Sports 43 "House of Shadows’* Miller I Woody Woodpeeher 3 (Cktlor) TV, Radio and Phonos Tapper Carfoop PlaynoPBo It . widow uses liqr last vestige o( :33 Fm t Jnii Mea 8 3:13 Pve Gel a Secret 8 Romper Roam ------—wealth—a mink coat—oa her pase S b e i ^ SlaAa 8 With Garry Moore, host and em­ iher Nows A Sports port to the social whirl she was Diaaer Is Served . Mevle At Seven 18 cee: panelists Bill Cullen. Henry Tex Pavel Faa Shew 11:83 Clear Herisaa Morgan, Betsy Palmer, Bess THE Phono Ml 9-4S37 Almaaae ThcAtaHleralaas oqpe part of. Steve McNally Is Oeaeeatratlen "Alfbl Ike". Joe E. Brown I 8:88 Laeaey Taaes Sporlseo^ guest co-star. (Premiere) Weather. Local News 88 Myerson and guests. 8:18 Captain Kangarea ^ Aetlea Theater Movie IS SHERWIN-WIUIAHS Highway Falrel News and Weelher 88, 48 VMt 22 88 8:88 I Married Jaaa "Rohln Hood'V "The'M an With Two Faces" Aeodemy Flaybeosa Man 4>rder Market 88 David McLeMi stars In "The Mary Meralag ShoiW • . Clabhansr 18:88 PresIdenUal Cenaldewa 8 Film Hardin Story." Tate helps a MUSIC SHOP Potferfroii^s 18:33 Lave Of Life ;u Deaglaa Edwards, News 43 widow keep, her land In a home­ 18:83 December Bride Wild BUI H lekeck^-.^ "Mr. Kennedy: A Profile.'* A IM T E R IO R PAINTS EXTERIOR Nsws S3 IM Center St.— Cor. Church St. Doaxh Be Ml 88. Ifedera Dlgeet self-delineating autobiogiaphy de­ Tm tb er Oeaeesmeoeee steaders war. (Repeat) PICTURE FRAMES—ARTIST MATERIALS Beetless Oan , :83 The Aqaaaaate 8 Haraess Boeing 18 iOlS Mailt St.— MI 9-2036 Sasle 8 :W News ^ „ 88, signed to reveal the man—his per­ SWP Undenrater - adventure series 18:88 VMeo Village News aad Weather sonal philosophy of life, hls^ work, WALLPAPER, Etc 18:83 %Breb- for Teaaanww The Untencbnbles 43 It CcaM Be Tea 88. S3 starring Keith Larsen and Jeremy 1*:3* TV Hear 8 Star Perfermaaea . < .... Sparta 3A and his family—os Well as the BSl BtAIM ST. TEL. MI S-StM Play Tear Rnaeh f ' tt After Dianer Merle 8 events and people who have «k>lor) Slate. Dangerous 900-foot dive te Jeanne Crain and Cliff Robrrtson Yea Asked Far It "The Green Scarf” . Michael Red­ .helped shape both his personal OMoa For A Day 8. 43, H recover a ship's course recorder co-star in "The Man Who Knew 11:33 I Love Lhe* 8. grave and political philosophy. 18:3( The Ooidlng that would (lx the blame for a Tomorrow." Writer whose stories TboAotHnA. Tke Price Is Right 88 West Pelal 8 Jackpet BowllBg 88, 18 I My Uttle LI Margin 8 fatal marine disaster Is the aft- have an uncanny way of coming (Colon Movie At 1 13 Starring Milton Berle. Profession­ Ahent' Faees 8. 33. 58 tidn peg of the second adventure. trus. Sammer Plavkoasa ‘.'The Man With Tire Faces';.. al bowlers compete for cash - At Bema wlUi BNty Wagon Tmla St. S$ This Is Tear Ufe 22, 13 CHAMBERS oa 11:88 t'nneentralloa 88.' Edward G. Robinson rizes. Harry Smith and Ray POR SUMMER Mevle M ^ee Ward Bond and Robert Horton coe. Ralph - Edwards is host. Selma Weather Laeal News 81 . "Badle Was A Lady." star In "The Marie Dupree Story." Herbert Is tonight's, subject. (Re- M evtax...'.' Clear Herlsaa Sluth. both of St. Louis. (Prem ­ PROTECTION Impoverished Txniislana belle's Highway Patrol News el the Hoar aad Woalher 83 iere). SUNGLASSES 1:81' As The WarM Tom s I 'PAetax..V. Film Newo and Weather 43 Ted Mark A The OrtgtauU Ama­ Who Da Yea Tm st? fUHatlons with men on the wagon' ^M nesday Night Fights I, 82 Academy Playhoate The People's Chelae 58 teur Hour 8, M. 88 WITH GROUND aM POLISHED FIRST QUALPTY LENSES News train leads to near tragedy. (Re- Ace Armstrong vs Ernest Bar-; ' S ta r a g e .. . . The Pasoerby 88 The Ohristaphers ^ t ) . . ford. Id-round middleweight con­ 18:18 Love Ol Lite 8 11:88 News. Weather earil fiperte ronneeiicnl Beperts' 8 Trath or Coasenaeaeea 88 Deaglas Edwards A The News 43 8. 8. 43 TnHB LATEST IN FRAMES—T ip : aiEST IN WORKMANSHIP 1:86 At Heme With KHty test. Chlchgo Stadium. LeoAl er MdEMlRMfir Restleso Oaa 8. News S3 World's Best Movies 3 8:33 Fan arele Masle For A Snmmer Night 33. SI Caaaenball 43 Long EHatuoe M vW lllV I 18 ;M Search For Tomorrow Rlverbeat 88, S3 "I.aughter In Paradise". Alw- Job Murray Shew "The Lodv Called Carmen". 1*:M Jehnny Midnight 22 It Cnnid Re Voa . 8 8 Starring Darren McGayin In "'The staire Sim. Audrey Hepburn ay la Ceort Elaine Halhin. mesno. stars In the Mevle IS neon For A Day 8. 43. End of a Dream." Captain Holden Big News 88 85 E. CENTER ST. Bease Party title—roler Porlralt In song de­ "Alibi Ike". JOe E. Brown 9ho Gnidinx Ught helps a young woman hunt a pro- News aad Weather 88 MANCHESTER Loretta Yc b m n e a te r rived from Bizet's opera. . Also 8MI0 ' . ; 83 TRAILER YAM SERVIOE 17 OAK ST. ECONOMY OPTICAL with baritone Frank Guarrera. Trackdewa 1:33 Mv Little Margie -m o l^ who sold wouId-hvlr Matinee Cheyenae “ Rio." Basil Rathhone. SIgrid Beat The Oleek I:N 1T.S. Marskal 15 ■ ( ' 8. 43 "Cuban Pete". Deal Amas Darkpiu Bowllhg Gurle. Ml Star Playhoasa 1:94 Wanted—Dead Or AUve 9 . .World's Best Mevle» t Ml 8-5187 or HtfA OB 7-1428 1:94 As The World Tnrns 8. Tales of Wells. Forgo Feature 48 .43 8:13 n o Verdict la Wtmn Starring Steve McQueen.. Bounty _"Look For The Silver I.IEng", Who Do Von Trnstr Rnnrhon Alreet Rent II :M Jark Pear Show 82 From" These Beets , hunter Josh Randall brings In a June Haver Nfwo i Celebrity Talehl Rcoats 12:33 News (Movie Con'I.). 8 h " COBURir& MIDDLEBROOK, liie. Ccnnectleat Baadstaad Unihn officer accused of deser­ News A Weather 83 This Is The Answer With Snm i-evenson Oh' ____ 12:63 News A Weather— Memeat si Be Oar Oapot. tion and rinds himself caught hi Big News 88 1:85 At Home With Kitty Guests: Tab Hunter. Jeanne Meditation 8 INVESTMENTS Who De Yea Tfostl the middle of a kangatoh oourt- 11:18 Featare Film 8 8:33 Full Clrrlr Crain And Tom Poston. Guest 1:88 News aud Momenta ef Oeaslerl 8 ,4:33 l ^ g m Andy martlal, (Season Premiere). "Patrick The G rea t'. Donald ~Ho¥f*s This For ALTERATIONS Jnn Murray Show performers. Jan McArt, singer. Newo 83 . MR. OEOBOB F. JOHNSON 8 B.. Mawtger I . Oonedy Flayhenss The Price Is Right (Color) 82. S$ O'Connor . Doy in Court 8. 43. FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL TRANSACTIONS HANDLED Jock Paar Shew 88 . 8:83 llnusr Parly t 8. Fealnre 43 43 l.oretta Vnuur Theater 88. ON ALL BXimANOES LISTED AND UNLISTED—MUTUAL FUNDS 11 :W Jock Pnnr ■ Shew 28 A Bargain? Gnie Alarm Show 8 8 8 8 m a i n s t r e e t M l t > I lM 18:33 News (Movie Cea’t). _ 8 3:33 The Milllnualro U;53 News A Weather—Memeat tt Vonna Hr Molouo 88, FOR EXPERT MOTOR TUNE-UPS YOUR HOFFMAN DEALER MedlUtlea . 8 Beat. The Cloeh 8 1:33 Ifeadllhee—Memeote ef CWmferi 8 MANCHESTER All Slat Playhouoe HETER’S OYN A VISION SYSTEM A OCMRPUBTB LIME OE PORTABLE TV, News 8* *P I W On Any Oonaoie. 8:88 The Verdict Is Voarn 8. RADIOS, PHOMOrSTEREO .From These Rsols 88. 16 THE "x-RAT" Me t h o d r o R Q: What will ber the format' of f'annerllcHl Bandstand *Wlght Servlee Oonr S p eeM ^ Be Oar GnesI A PERSTXnr 90B! W .' H. England Lumber Goi BEBVIOB ALL MAKES .the now ABC-TV comedy aeriee, Who tie Von Trast? ^ • ” OueetwArd H oi-T -^U C e T. DRY CLEANERS 4:38 CornedV Playhonsei 88, -AT nffi egEEtr Ranger Andy Show A,^; **OuestWKrd Ho!” which will Amee'esa w-adataim 8. 38 LITTLE JOE'S TEXACO OEimNO U U a 8Ml SERfICE, IM. AtAT J. Carroll nAtili, la about A MANCHESTER T¥ M Wcilii Si.— Ml 3-72.’>4 M avl. W. MIDDUE TPKE. AT BROAD M i s - m s MAIM ST. ’ agra-eM I S-SM 8 Wan Stroet Journal-reedln* In- "Dcfailh Marthal". Jo« H Open All Day Saturdtiy iU CKNTER n .—IB 8-1M6 Francos Langford MAafRamed HAwkayA yo L.

PAGE FOllR MANCHESTER BVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 19C0 TlfURSDAY Television PROGRAM Papayr neater * Le«ms to brtve." When hi* own car is smashed by a wnnou i Trmfur' Pint Mew ' • , ■ ,. “Black Fury". Paul Muni- WU- driver. Bentley. renegM on hla f!< Ac>tciFcaHOr* «■ promise to teach K el» to drive. t M ’N . l iB V - M R - n U til 't A M liam Oargen _ Oalvcnltr M'lfeo Air Barly Shew • _ ?• The JeaaaU Careen Shew S. W. f t “Coiwer Espionage . Warren Starring Jeannie Carson In rJem t- urn nie, the Proprietor.” Combination T«w b O ila r W illia m . SPECIAL! The Admiral h Bwshhy Shaw M of a ‘fortune oookle’ and an In­ BoaiMW ■eoorl heritance surta Jeannie oa the ELECTRONICS W aathar Big Mack Shaai ^ JJ K bo« ^ PtM PaiMlIiiK Bafky and flla Friends ■> road toward making her fortune. T iM Aatarlvaa I^xaoA CsngreHienal Invedgater B ra a U S M TIm i tya^Oarga J ) t Board Feet LABORATORIES mita Baater ' M Wrestling ^ » I Baekleherry Baaad A f i M MArklURii ? S t U OoHiijiA Grade, Botiad Edfe • t M Cartoea Playhaasa B S S r i S ^ y M in a ^ . S5 277 BROAD ‘Secrets of a Nuraa". BdoMOid Cisoo Kid ■ _ . 9 Id e nU ty." ^ M ark h a m , gwpa . t j Mtia Dried Western Pine Low e I Weather, Mews h Sparta A France to help an iria friend, a famons artist detertnlno whether , Widths—RaadofB l» O P a r M aa h an t ------■-•. Who Is b is m odel haaaaat am I Almaaae . * L e n g t h s TmTrSt'avel raa Shaw Brave StaUian U js\ctu^^j©'iughrer“ who dta. Ctabheaae 5 S WUd BIU Blokack M ^ ____ S h # w . » i» SHOPSTANEK’S __ Kaana aee P U m ** Coloi^-Guest:.ju e st. G .Je 4>rge. Gobel. T he larrleO feaa ; Spartscopa. News aad Weathm f Tow-’Tweniwenty Sinn~>iiglng Group Is fea* t i^ d (Premiere). f » r Maratait .flhaw News »». •» OPEN T:SO AJd. to A PAL Lrjaria lu lls irhc DatoaehaUea | TELEVISION M arjarl ierta Parade ’ *ThS D e e e a * « r v s m .jla Maa Daweea - . A9 Starring Robert stadt to FBIDAT NIGHTS TILL 8:M RADIOS dahaer Midnight rTWULFrank Nlttlniiu fawry, Story. Bllrt Mesa D sBKb B a M l inovAE In to bro^k up extortion op“ PHONOGRAPHS M « yl« - . “I Am A PuglUvo". Paul Mi*unl*^ emtlons Against the motto Indus- SATiTBOAF UNTIL NOON AUTO BADIOS M:M VMaa VUlaca Star Perfarmaaea Waather \ aa JS „ nay Tsar Haaeb Maw s • _ ■ *** M pfaM M«peadable m i t Im Taa AsIraA Par U Passport To Danger n M iM Mews. SftoTta A W eath er t I Lava Laay P U m ** rte Oronohe Shw **. M Tha rrlaa U ■ Ic M To Tell ne Tralh A Stairlng tn® Law el the Plalasmaa IS popular comedy quit .progThm* ^ ELLINGTON BRAN^ I \ I: \ I n •) \ I 1 , A - 1 ! \ I ( I i^ rnayhaasa Michael Ansara stars In "The n l^ Of The Week . . f I Clear llarisaB Dude". Buckharl eetves aa a “ Lullaby'\ Ell Wallack bodyguard for a yomg roan wto SUeat Servicp. , ^ mi IV e e t f t 4tad— Route tt ■lidkwsy Palral later becomes President <(f the nilEetB Please. t, 4i . i s TSay'a Wonsaa United States. (Repeat). "The Story of Serial^ from Aelr ToL TR §-«nS lU a i Ba* Maeteraoa • beginnings...... Inin JA9149AW with WAhi* Pearl ^iw ^D TiN Lava af Ufa ItTKlAtoWhite and *'The.Pjhrils"The J*^ la of-M Pauline 'Tratli er Oaaaasaaaeaa isass 8 through the frenaled- cllff-hangera ^AiSrAWf i Bealleai Oas Steve.. C 4Uiysa o f the aOo.. ' „ Sesreb Per Taasatraw Death Valley Daye » n OasM Ba Tea f^S'^SufeirSlsn in 'ThI U r i* W o rM ’e B e st M e v to . • (Coior)_ . _ Bankmouse." Scotswoman ge(a a "The Wild Heart” . Jennifer Jones aaeaa Par A Day t. M. Job In a small town bank and B ig M e w s_ . . 2 NURMI U : t t fbaOBMiK Urbt makes up her mind to marry the Maws A Weather M 1 ;M My UtUa Mania prealdent’s son. (Reiieht). Mews, Sports. Weather JJ ^ar Values m A U T O B O 0 T hat Masterson M. J* U :U Jack Pasr Shew 2 irSiJI^ aiM y Denna Beed Shew I. <•, M F e 4ttare *• _ . H *S F O R D Ilta* Jack Pnnr Shew 6 Mavla HaUaae . _ . Donna discovers that a i^ lU He CciBvertible. RadUr aad heater, “Sports of Kings . P»“l ends with a dinner Invitation from l*iS News (Mevlee Cea't.) ■ ^ Tba WatM Taraa an unidentifiable friend from the full power. A beau^. Thonder- tit L il” . Irene Herv^y. Kent W ba D a P aa ‘m s t f past. bifd eAjglne. Mews T a v lo r friM dshaay Blags •. :M Mews and Memeate el Comfort A ’ 6 7 P O N T I A C Tbis Is The Ufa^ Starring Don Durant. Sheriff 1 At Bsroe With KiMy IVows Starchief coavertible. Radio aad RIngo. wounded killing 4ui .outlaw. :M News A. Weather—Momeat el Fall Circle Is stalked by the dead mmi'B re­ 1 heater. Oorgepoo. Full power. The /aa Marray Shaw venge-bent gunslinglng brother. Meditation ■ Day In Caarl '6S CHRYSLER . (Repent). New Yorker hardtop.. Radio aad Onfe Storm Shaw Predaeer’e„ Choice t*. 9* "Mel-o-Toona,’’ baaed on popu­ O ff North Sehool St. Bouse Party __ Tbe'iiylng'wrfeT'’ starring Janet beator, power steering, aato- Loretta Toanr Theater lar children’s records, will be a n M l 0 -8 8 M — HMCheotor Gaynor. Energetic housewife de­ n>a^ traasAlsslon. WhltewaOs. The Peaple’e Cbolea termines to upset her family s animated TV aeries . . . New Mtnta Oonrt Toanr Dr. Malana com ptacehcy. _ „ *5i B E L A I R T b rC U a ch CSty la expanding the uae of TV Chevle Hardtop. Radio aad, Ah Otar Playbem The Real McCoys 8,M Starring Walter Brennan, In ‘"nie for in-claaa Inatruction. Etoch city heater. Power Glide, whitewalla, l i M The Verdict le Tears Town Councilman. Grandpa Mc­ school now has at least one TV Prom These Beets ■ Coy volunteers to be campaign red aad white and m atching liB*. CannerUrat Baadstaad manager when his friend runs for set. Ba Oar Onest _ Robert Taylor Is after heavy­ torlor. ■ r PLUMBING iHid Who Oa Von Thastf Dolltical office. (Repieat). ^ I ’64 CHEVROLET lIEATtNO l: M Banger Andy .. weight champion Floyd Patterson 2 -doOr Bedna-Badto and boater, Comedy Playhaasa . DIcC*Powell’s Zone Grey Theater CXINTKAOTOR to guest on ’"Phe Detectives” ... whitewalls. American Bandstand With , boat., “Sha­ M o vie ...... “Celebrity Golf With Sam Snead” Commercial "Maniac On .yfheols . dows" starring Frank Lovejoy. will be a weekly NBC-TV Sunday "Big nian” in town controls poli­ tics—and some of the people. (Re- night feature starting in the fall. PONtiCELLI a n d ^'i^e^'Of Ntabg>» Adventure• re T'— in ’The first show of the series will {i^helor Father ' W. S* Residential Featnre PUm be narrated by Bob Hope . . . “There’s That W om an John Forsythe stars In Kelly and KREBS R o t o - R o to r M l 3-1642 PONncEUi I A K R E B S I Dtpor STOCK A S e r v ic e situpge FRIDAY Te/ewVion PROGRAM M o m n u m u s r ' ' Le EINAR L LORENTZEN comes Involved'' to the ruthless, F ir s t Shew iMlitical underworld of a Far ”1fec6e tilKThie Oar Faith “ Cuban Fireball’ E a le llta Plioiie Ml 9-7412 E a r ly Show M Eastern nation in an effort to save have «:H PPrayer ra y e r _ Jam es a friend. C: S. AgrleallareAgriealtare eo-Parade "Don’t Get Pe! trice 8 D u nn eensvUle _ _ „ 1» 1 -.tt,Te4la y ■ M. t t S[aeqnerade Party tt. m ‘Dante’ Debate Knot! Daivareily el the Air Admiral aad Swabbj Color—Bert Parks Is emcee. powf 1 ;W P ra y e r Big Mack Shew Panelists are Faye Emerson, 1 ;XS Town Oriea Bia Tla Tie - Audrey Meadows, Sam Levenson "Dante," myatery - adventure Th Hews • :U Clatcb Uarge n Sta Laacelet and Lee Bowman. oion Findell W eather \ December Bride __ , I series with tongue-in-cheek treat­ :M BPD No. • :M CaBasaball muRi 1 1 Carteoa Playbsaeo '''Starring Spring Byington. M att ex­ ment of posh nightclubs and syn­ Breaklaet Tlaee modes at Ruth fdr mussing up appr FOR SiN Bap BlehartU - - > F ilm • :M Weather. News and Sports ’ the morning paper and Ruth re- dicate bosses, premieres on tha wide BiU Captato Baagaroe tallates'by going Home to mother • ;W Poatarr Pton . «.__ _ Felice Womaa Decay NBC-TV Network Monday, Sept. Kata “Allas The Deiwxm . Bob BuriM t:M Sportacope, News A Weather —in the apartment over the ga­ 26 (9:30 p.m. N TT), starring Man' VENETIAN Bebia Bead rage where Lily Is working on a T ep p ei book. (Repeat). Howard Duff as Willie Dante, two- a lor Bemper Bi^— d a b b o a sc To* Pavel Paa Shew Wild B ill Blckock ItiM The Twilight Zoae^ • fisted former gambler who owna to tl BLINDS EImmmma* Scape ' , "Execution,” starring..^ Albert Dante’s Inferno, a swank night­ Lu tiW Mews *. >* Salmi. Tim e' machine rescuta. an P:M Leeaey Taaea outlaw of the Old West froiA'an club . in San Francisco. Pres yilft Uapiiilii Kaaga • :H Albert Berks Beperts '18W "necktip party" but puts him. and SUPPLIES t iW I H a rrtc A J e a i in peril of an even worse fate to' out I Moraleg Shew liMratUder. > the complex society of 1960. (Re- defla M :M Deccmtnber Bride the I 485MliMleTpk«.Bai>t Deagh he au r Sfomeat of Fear tt Baile “The Big Sleep". Laurea Bacall. Color— “Fire Bsf Might." Star­ pear H I 3-486S MiM VIdae Village Wea«ber..LMaf^Ncwa M ring Fay Spain, Mark Rtchmon. hand Star Fertermaace Mewe aad Weather M. W Frank (Jverton and Phyllis HilL M< Ptoy Tear BaacA TV Playhsaae U An insurance Investigator sus­ Yea Asked P»» •*.. 1 :U Mows . ■ „ !! pects his wife of being a pyro- ed a U iM The Price . Ic Bight Deoglae Edwards, Mewe • 4* m aniac. l y OI (C olor) Mow P ro g ra m _ *» Bebert Taylor la The Detectives I. Leve Lacy t. M 1 :MI BawhidelaawBiae • % T’ m i u i i im i kin I Saramer Ptoyhanea Starring Elena Verdugo, Eric S. 4*.' n lAtVISfCI U :M CaaoeatratieB n . N Flemming and CUnt Eitotwood. ’ ’L b ngshot." C a p t H olbrook Is M l *'rnf*lftd»nl Ht Snuniah R ock. M ext- puzxled by a Jockey’a death, until era c ^ tU T H Clear Berlceaa "Incident at Snpnieh Rock." Mexl he questions another Jockey. Bighway Patrel can woman is reecued by trail HARTFORD ROAD ting Academy Playhease boss OH Favor after being thrown Iforte _ lA F ilm from her horse, (Repeat). "The Bi^ ^ ep". Laurea Bacall, yest U;M I.eve OI Ule Daa Bavea tt. M Daager fs M y' Basiaeoe the Trath or OaBseqaeaeea lt:M PersoB To Fersaa EKreiffRISES, HML Stars Skip Homeler. Raven and Charles Collingwood Is host, hldh The Beetlees Qaa Burke find a girl murdered In a guests will be Mike Michols Aothorlaad lateniatlonal M U iM Search Per Temsrraw Sunset'Strip motet, with duspiclon T n U Dealer It OenM Be Tee pointing to singer Bobby Daria to- ______ElaineMay, May, her her tefi ten ytye a r tlp iN (Color) daughter, and her motherthi Mrs. Salea, Oervlae asid Parta night’s guest star. (Premiere). Ida Berlin, who will be visited at M M Qaeea Per A Day 1. Wall Diaaey Prpscals, _.•••• 870I BarOoidB a r n o r U: 4B The■e GaMlag Light Ligh “The . Mad Her^t of CtdiMey Mike's New York apartment Also Anr My UtUe■ .‘j HArglsHArg' Butte. ’ Donald Duck , gets a dose Roddy McDowell in his New York AfaMkeater, Oena. M A fe a l of hU own meddlesome m^tcine Apartment. » - Ptwae: MItebelJ S-MM when he heads, for a house to the Black Saddle I. 49. (S cent AtMemewItkHerte MalMee k><*T Co-starririg Peter Breck and Baa- •^Baki ilaia, Inc.” Leon Errol suburbs where he hopes to find sell Johnson in “A Cose of Slow.’’ rivacy. Widow Nora ’Jlravera is Innocent- h d m 1 :M As rhe“ —World Id ------T a tr- Bstel De Paree. ,. . - EXPERT Who De Tea TrartT Starring Earl Holliman to Siui- ly Involved In a, murder scandal, pout H an den d^ Quality Mewe dance and the Barren SoU.” Sun­ (Repeat). to 'i Faith Per Today dance becomes Involved In a- bit­ U le e t B U e y MECHANICS cock Budget Ternrerms—See liM At Borne With KIMy ter dispute ibvef water rights. (Re- 11 :M News. WnUher A Sperte tiM PoU Circle World’s Bert Meries FOR ■ - U “The Most Dangerous Sto . Jeon . jaa Marray Shaw W MIta Towa , , . guai BARLOW'S ; Day la Coiut Starring JoSl and Jody McCre^^ G a b ln _ C0Hn.ETE TRUCK SiM Beaee Party ^ . EE B ig N o w s ____ _ j, g iR C FOB THE BEST IN TV “Brotoers of the Knife.” The LoreMa Taau TheiOer Malta Invades Wichita Towa News and WtuUher lOm TOLLAND TFKE. Gala Staraa Shaw attempts to coHect MO rtonUUy F layh o ase a ii CAR REPAIRS (Bookland) M aM liw ter • :M The MllUaii^e 1 from each Sicilian family., Ole- ll;U Jack Paar. Shew V e e a e p i Featare Pilas _ - PhoM M B-S«M "Fighting O’Pljmn’ . Douglaa B a a lT b e Baa*'Press Bl^khawk ' OPENMQmS11LL9 All Slai ..P ta y lM a M Stoning Robert Rockwell to The Fairbanks, Patricia Medina. tiM Ceaaectltortput llaiw ilai Harpoon Story.’’ Mystery^ sur­ Award Tbei^ ' S n e Verdictilel laTauf .. .. rounds a poUcyhoMsr’s death U:M Jack Panr Shew ' tt Mendteri ledepeadeat Garage M B L E P H O N E h o u r p r e m i e r e rbeee Baola M :M News (Movies Cea^) Owaera’ Aaoociatloa, lac. u posedly resulting from a bar 19 :M News A Weather—Msmeai of Vu CUbum, aoodn^' wound. (Reneat). . MedHstfsa Saiiy Ana HoWea, Howard Xael 4-.W Baanr tody ___ t:M nraifitopsa To Blslery t ItM Newt St . „ , . *Spcclm addition to series wUi be News Memeate el Oasalert and baUet danoers M sllm a HAy<^ Oemedy.glayheee# . 3 devoted to on the spM co ve rs Americaa Bitadstaad 1 :M Friday Late Show tt and Andre Bglevsky wlU hcadllM of Soviet premier M. Kbrushehev Nations with Chas. YOUR ONE STOP tha opealnc "BeU Tetophone Hour" f*Race For LKe Richard Ooel and the U m ie d M i...... Mary Aldon. _ ^ Knrali os anchor man. Jackie Cooper and Jane Powell cotorcoet of the ]L»«0 - « 1 s e a s o n I l M The B d g d Q LW igh t n___ a y, t< _'4 mr Boach - M, tt SERVIGENTER W day, SspL M, on the NBC-TV Play Yaor Boach -tt, tt W ill oowter in a Steel Hour apec- tacular ca^ “The AoMrlcan N e t w o r k (^___ t -10__ p .m .______M 3T n, D o n a ld UmbaUaf-jr: a OoMvMa Broke SiMvlea ______. JBOMS Craig, S Motortat" neEt aeaaoo Voarheee conducts the Bell Tele* de CeoonelU “The nuiaUca.’’ Stuart Bailey be- a Starter aad GeMetaler phone Orchestra.' Pepoye neater 'Dretkaol a OHIolal Sta4a UopwItoB THE COLONIAL OAK Burton D. PEARL StattoB M i l I \ \ ( I \ M ) I I i;n ! 11 i:i ( I \ I i.i PACKAGE STORE 1.1 I M M -Ml! I I I l< I \ I ■ '11 ' MOM ARTY'S i»H *u>>*gor«,rg«g^ FRIGIDAIRE HEADQUARTERS A S E R V I C E iSS TOLLAND TFKE.. MANl T m MOMORIARTV, Prop. DBUVBBT SERVICE—BO S^t8T7 SALES and SERVICE SINCE 1926 610 Hartford IML-AHl

f o r ,por .1 • ' llfrjhi