Washington Rail News June /July 2006 www.washarp.org
[email protected] Publication of the Washington Association of Rail Passengers A NotNot----forforforfor----profitprofit Consumer Organization “Moving forward...On Rail ."."." King Street Station’s 100 th anniversary Amtrak President David th Hughes speaks to the NARP celebration wraps up July 1 with start of 4 David Hughes, acting president and Seattle-Portland Amtrak Cascades roundtrip CEO of Amtrak, told the NARP board of th directors that Amtrak is on the right track The 100 anniversary celebration of Pullman Railroad Company, Railway after former President Seattle’s historic King Street Station Express Agency, and Sound Transit. David Gunn brought kicked off on May 10. The ongoing One honoree was Amtrak station agent the company back celebration will wrap up on July 1 with a Marlene Koob, who has followed in the from the brink of full day of festivities. Events will include footsteps of her father and grandfather bankruptcy and near- the launch of the fourth daily roundtrip in working at the station. certain liquidation in between Seattle and Portland. More One aspect of the centennial cele- 2002. Key positive in- information on centennial events hap- bration is the collection of oral histories David Hughes dicators include: from people that have special memo- • Revenue per ries of the station. Though it’s too late passenger mile is up 10% so far in to participate in the live interview pro- 2006 over 2005. gram, you can still provide your • Amtrak has had consecutive years thoughts via the station centennial of ridership growth, going from website Click on the Share Your 21.7 mill.