(Iowa City, Iowa), 1956-05-26
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.. : e owall IS the 1908 steel Seroing The State University of Iowa and tIle People of Iowa City re is servinll as e people 1iYIn~ Estllblished in 18G8-F\\'e Cents a Copy Iowa City. Jowa. Saturday. May 26. 1956 6. These resi. Ie WoJ(e Avenue • lwton Road ud • A Good Job Well Done viaduct. which : )]C tracks and ~ Nest side of the .. ced with a steel 41 ropo'ses - -.• Oemfers for· the orld' . Asks Teaming Russian ·~nvitQiion Hancher Says- Of Schools, Means t.ittle: Dulles u.s. 'Should Foundations WASHINGTON tA'I-Seer tary "t State John Fo er Dulles directed his aides Friday to adv friendly governments that the U.S. has not Support Plan WACO. Texas C.4'I - President altered Ils e Umates of the Sovi t threat de plte talk of exchanging Eisenhower proposC'd Friday that high lev I military visits with the RUSllians. Iy GLENN MARTIN Ameriea's big prlvat foundation Dulles I ft WashingtOn shortly after noon (or 10000y vacation on • put some of their billion of dollars DU(!k Island. Ifis t.ab Ontario reo Vlr,U M. Hancher. pr ident of Into educationnl c nlers throughout Ireat near can:\da. Just bt'for Mit M SUI. di18fJ'eed with Eisenhower's the frE'e world 011 0 dynamic new (nail, 1... _" PII.t. " ••• &n •• , lakeoCf he lDld n('wsmt'n tw. do<'s 0 0 0. um on stal menl Friday night thnt Am· weapon aialn.~t CommunJst colon· THE C'TY AND A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ...........r Friday" st.rt ......,.. en • d,mqecl part not consider "too • ('rie.an Unlver ill s and Founda· lallsm. .. Or.net Av.nue west of Riv.r5lde Drlv•• Orl,lnellvl .1Mut Sf bride,..,. k..-cIcM wt when Ryan Phi.... He sUgfcsted a teamed effort by tlons could upply ducnllonal c n· "" ancl H.atln, Co. of Dav.nport r.n some uncltrtround pi".. bent........ 'treet. Ry,n " h,ndline re· ~:i~~ ai~;I~'IiO! Troop Withd rawa I the foundations and this country's ,.," C.usM by tfte c:on.tructlon _"" anet .... c:lty I, repalrln, n,tvn' dam". e."sM by weattt.,. .ncI to some high lev. lers to those frt'C nations JK'edlng at universities In areas "where cemi"ueut II.. , el Air Fore MOSCOW C.4'I - Forel,n Mini ter tJlem . are ce.r lD visit Mo • V. f. Molotov told n wsmen Fri· Hancher stated that he could not the hung r for knowledge and the cow In late Jun . day he kn w nothing oC reports In see how ~Ul couLd help with the ability to use knowledge lire un· He .saId he un· Washlnflon that the Soviet Union satisfic9" could make a mlljor d rloOd lh re are was about to announ withdrawal program whE'n Its resources arc New·Group Opposes State Probes cohtribution to world pellCC and "quite a lot" of of its troops from Hungary and !nade<t,ualc to ml'et its pre enl prosperity. e these invitations· Ro.manla. needs. r - 'Fix' Story in to att nd Sovl t NololDv d~g('d y 5 or no an· "In the abstract, 1 thJnk Lh pro· Mr. EI nhower gov no specific C PI detaJl on his UinesUon that Am· A v 10 t Ion Dny DULLIS swers to several que tions con· po AI i One." Hancher said. c remoni s on June 24 "floatin, ceming po ible vi Its to Rus I crlcari unlv r We establish world· ""IYIC enter. ans Eldora Escape around the world." In London the by high U.S. military lead r5. The "J( It Is fin • I think it should be ---------- wide science and cultural centers. A public meeting in opposition to the proposed Iowa City Civic ~n· British gov rnment confirmed it new m n talked with Molotov at a supported by the govcrnm nL The H sold such centers hould be ter will be held Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Czechoslovakian Socl ty DES MOlNES C.4'I -State o((lclal had received such a bid. reception t the Arg nlln Embas. Russians have be tI preparing to l up without trying to "tran plant in America Hall (CSAI at 524 N. Johnson. The me tlng Is being spon· Friday 'PI ~e InvestigaUn, the tOry But Dull s re(u d to comn1rnl, sy. send .uch educational contingents " Injured Into a new area tho allitudes, S9red by the newly·formed Iowa City Taxpayers League. o( a Des MoIne. man who id a Ask d b t heth the forms lind procedUles o( America." su .... rvl.nr at the "'Idora Training on tbe possibility the U.S. Joint y a repor er w r Into the doubtful areas and now , Fl· A t' Tile meeting is a result of a session called Friday night by Mrs. y" av ... , u.s. Joint Chiefs of Sta(( would be '. and that they should be staffed lind School for Boys helped hi son • Chief of Staff might ev r be In· In,,11M lD tour Ru la and In peel arc ready to do so. The Russlnn n nt u 0 Catherine E. Flannagan, 419 Iowa I conduct d by th people In each cape ilI\l( that the boy remained in vllcd to inspect So\'let armed Soviet armed force, he said: government Is supporting the pro· • Ave ., one oC a group of properly area. oWllers who would 10 e their prop Des Moines four months without forces. He said that was too spfC' "Whal! AU of them?" gram. , II· R·ots Mr. Eisenhower said European erty it the Center Is constructed on beIng picked u". ulative. "J do not think It 1.$ riaht to meet I Discipline 23 unIOn union Be ms ' nearer now than in the proposed location. IstedThe thofather. story Axto Imembers Anderson. of tber' The dOminant , view r port~ in Ex 1 12 S the threat of such a contest with centuries. He called communism Appro~mate)y 25 people met at peel 3tate Bollrd of Conlrol. And r on's the lDp level dlplomhtlc as· private efforts, FLINT. Mich. ~A jurisdiction· "a gigantic railur " but said ,. ven Mrs. Flannagan's home and elect· son was rct\1rned to the ttllin!ng ment oC the lmpact of an exchancc r " When we were asked to take al di pute among croft unions over this mighty nation is not wholly 0( visits WtlS that It might have the right to In tall machinery In ed the folloWing oCficers : Mr~ . H. IS( Students h I I k tmmWle" trom its Ihr at. Be. 00 ast we some danterously adverse e.ce ct I part In tbe ICA, we did not have an auto plant flared Friday Into N.' Weart. 413 Iowa Ave ., chair· T G D' ~5 Speaking to graduating sen· AMES (.fI - Ten Iowa State Col· ~~~!d he on U.S. Int r ts unle steps wete the r sources to do so. and under a wild. head~racldn, bllttle In Mrs. V. A. Gunlletle. 512 N. wl7;S 't:':; 0 e eg rees lars and l1,OOO spectators ot Baylor ~n: lege students were .uspended, 10 old r youths in a takon promptly to keep policy this proltam tbe 80vernment Was suburban Grllnd Blanc. Qllbert St., secretary and treasur· Unlv rally's commencement, the others placed on probation and I ca,r that was driv. lin s clear with allied and friendly plIylng part of the bill." El ven men were Injurc!d and Pr id lit said ev n wh rc com· er: No further resolutions W,ere h~A • j d F...I en IIcro Graad. go\·ernmenl. ApprO~t Iy 1.125 SUI students The. Inft ..... tional Co nt r a '" t s two o( thc.om w re 11 ted 1.1 a crl· passed . t ,oa ... W(lre ltWen '""""' man S J J' d lire expected to receive degrees at ....... , .. ti I ::.... FII ho'l "ft muni.sm 1s domict!lllt. men stlll day as the result of an abortive vi W Golf Cour th Dillies expresse the view thM the annual spring Commencement Abrc)a~ ileA' Is a state deport. ca eonvlUon at I1t plwls. d~am or the day when they may A $78~,OOO bond issue to finance attempt to raid a 'women's dorm!. here. e steps should lie laken. e~erclses to be held June 8 at 9:30 m nt program whereby the teder· Before order was testored. O'el1· walk " fearles Iy in the fullness of th~ proposed Civic Center will be tory on the college campus Thurs. Hollls Miles. the What the diplomatic ~Ilcymak. a.m. in the University Fieldhouse. al gov mm nt woUld bear the cost esee County Sheriff Don H. Car· human freedom." voted on June 4 in a special elec· 8uperlntendent of us f ar d was thal II flow of mill· Arthur S. Adams of Washington, of the Amtlrlcan Unlverslty's ac· michael PUt in on emergency call The Pc sldent said that Western tim) in 1!9njunclion with lhe regu· dllY night. the school, said tary lead r8 between Washington D.C.. prcsldeat o( the American UviUe. In eSlablishlng universities for state troopers. Th y rushed European union would provide "a lar primary elections. The disciplinary action agllinsl Friday a super- and Moscow would be mislnter· ""uncil on Education, will give the abroad or helping existing foreign with riot fUns to th Fi her Body mighty pUlar of strength in the The proposed center would oc· the mlile students was an'nounced bar d I visor was dis· preted by alU<'d and neutral na· Commencement address.