.. . : e owall IS the 1908 steel Seroing The State University of Iowa and tIle People of Iowa City re is servinll as e people 1iYIn~ Estllblished in 18G8-F\\'e Cents a Copy Iowa City. Jowa. Saturday. May 26. 1956 6. These resi. Ie WoJ(e Avenue • lwton Road ud • A Good Job Well Done viaduct. which : )]C tracks and ~ Nest side of the .. ced with a steel 41 ropo'ses - -.• Oemfers for· the orld' . Asks Teaming Russian ·~nvitQiion Hancher Says- Of Schools, Means t.ittle: Dulles u.s. 'Should Foundations WASHINGTON tA'I-Seer tary "t State John Fo er Dulles directed his aides Friday to adv friendly governments that the U.S. has not Support Plan WACO. Texas C.4'I - President altered Ils e Umates of the Sovi t threat de plte talk of exchanging Eisenhower proposC'd Friday that high lev I military visits with the RUSllians. Iy GLENN MARTIN Ameriea's big prlvat foundation Dulles I ft WashingtOn shortly after noon (or 10000y vacation on • put some of their billion of dollars DU(!k Island. Ifis t.ab Ontario reo Vlr,U M. Hancher. pr ident of Into educationnl c nlers throughout Ireat near can:\da. Just bt'for Mit M SUI. di18fJ'eed with Eisenhower's the frE'e world 011 0 dynamic new (nail, 1... _" PII.t. " ••• &n •• , lakeoCf he lDld n('wsmt'n tw. do<'s 0 0 0. um on stal menl Friday night thnt Am· weapon aialn.~t CommunJst colon· THE C'TY AND A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ...... r Friday" st.rt ...... ,.. en • d,mqecl part not consider "too • ('rie.an Unlver ill s and Founda· lallsm. .. Or.net Av.nue west of Riv.r5lde Drlv•• Orl,lnellvl .1Mut Sf bride,..,. k..-cIcM wt when Ryan Phi.... He sUgfcsted a teamed effort by tlons could upply ducnllonal c n· "" ancl H.atln, Co. of Dav.nport r.n some uncltrtround pi".. bent...... 'treet. Ry,n " h,ndline re· ~:i~~ ai~;I~'IiO! Troop Withd rawa I the foundations and this country's ,.," C.usM by tfte c:on.tructlon _"" anet .... c:lty I, repalrln, n,tvn' dam". e."sM by weattt.,. .ncI to some high lev. lers to those frt'C nations JK'edlng at universities In areas "where cemi"ueut II.. , el Air Fore MOSCOW C.4'I - Forel,n Mini ter tJlem . are ce.r lD visit Mo • V. f. Molotov told n wsmen Fri· Hancher stated that he could not the hung r for knowledge and the cow In late Jun . day he kn w nothing oC reports In see how ~Ul couLd help with the ability to use knowledge lire un· He .saId he un· Washlnflon that the Soviet Union satisfic9" could make a mlljor d rloOd lh re are was about to announ withdrawal program whE'n Its resources arc New·Group Opposes State Probes cohtribution to world pellCC and "quite a lot" of of its troops from Hungary and !nade: bave noticed that Pennsylvan· also required (0 reg;ster. Agricultural Economics at the By KIRK lOYD people voUng in a Democratic prj. It should not be a major issue. He r'udebaker-PackardJ are sUghtly superior to ours" but h I ked F Id th t hi mary." he said. seldom mentions it in his speeches. Ia hiked the rates 40 per cent on Its . . new 'u.S. models now in produc· IOwa City residents will vote on sc 00, was as r ay a s Herschel Loveless. ' candida.te for "rt should be treated as a rev~ ... TIle t ' ff A" La ff UOIl slio.uld reyerse this. ' f.185 .000 bond issue to finance a case be investigated by the UnIver· ., . "Two, I doubt that they 'Would • ~- turnplAe. ra es won t pay 0 nnounces yo . ""' civic center as well as in the slty's faculty senate committee on the Democrbeatic nothis~ti~ ash gObv• ever support me." nue issue, nOt as a moral issue," the bonds on the roads. They will S reJQ1ar Democratic and Republic academic privilege and tenure. ernor, told re wee .. w y e he said. "l.iquor-by-the-drink would wind up bein, paid by tax money." . primaries June 4. . The' request was sent from Dr. bas IgnorH a questionnaire ot the "And three. what I do in my own not increase liqllor consumption. Ra.. ~"I 've preach· ,SOUTH BEND. Ind. '" - St~ae· SILICT OFFICIALS Mitchell in Rome. Italy. to Dr. Women's ChrisUan Temperance home is the business of myself and Actually. I think It would drop," ed (or re-apportionment since I was bilker·Packard Corp., announ!.'ed 'SIx election officials are still Juli~s Cohen. professor of la~ and 'Union .I WCTUJ. my family." Loveless.said he ~ou~d not ree· mayor of Ottumwa (}949-195S1. I Friday it wIll shut down mosf' o( needed to serve in the June 4 pri. chairman of the faculty committee. . • "A tualJ " h 'd Ith '] ommend liquor legqlation to the favor the (Sen. Edward> McManus its automObile assembly Operations mary. Johnson County Auditor Wi!. Dr. Cohen earlier had cabled Dr. '. Loveless didn t merely refuse lD c y, e sal w a SlDI e. state Jegisialure as ,overnor but (Dem .• Keokuk) plan," here neJt week un.~JUIMI 4. .. . ~ L: Kanak said Friday. Mitchell lD advise that any request answer Questions pertaining 10 "['m probably one of the ili'yest· would sign tiny "workable" liquor The McManus plan would appor· Several tiIou$aIId 9ot'kers tiill be ~illht Iowa City and University Cor lUI investlgation would have to '\Vbethel' he drpk liquor or served wet candidates in history. 1 eould law. tion the bouse by population and made idle, The compant-SJld. some .elghts residents responded to his be initiated by Dr. Mltche~1 him- It in his home. ,et along without liquor the rest "We shourlllave respect for our tIM! sena~ by ana. automobile and. truck operations eaU . for election officials made self. Dr. Mitchell was retamed as Th t • the . hi h of my Ufe " laws," he ~.~ "Our present liquor On /lfs 1.n ....t- .. Eisenhowc!r ,wtcontiDue through nelt w~ICex. 1'butsday, he said. Others wishing a professOr. a ",as JTlIIruter III W c "A ' ~hlghb II d th laws do not _d respect." defeated me. Governor Beardsley pt 'Wednesda Pi morI ! Ii' 10 lerve may contact the auditor's In il statement' this week. Dr. Robert Newton. ~m student and . SOCI " a now an en The vilal issue of 1956, Loveless and tbe Republican organization c.; Y. ~ a ay', pftice'.at tlle court house. The of. Mite-hell said his poUtICO«ODOmic Democra~ic candidate for state IS all 1 have. thinks, is tales. He would like lD didn't" (Eisenhower carried Iowa Com~ . spokesmen saitl· the .lIee is open until noon today. views "have long been under at. representative fro m M~a~ne Loveless. at an Sul Youna De· see the 2~ per cent sales tax cut by 357,393 votes. Beardsley got by sb~wn .iI a contiD~on ooftbe Workers still QeCded Jnclude: tacit in Nebraska." County. laandled the questionnall'e mocrats meeUng Thursday night, bac.k to the 2 per cent figure from Loveless wiU! 0 n I y 50,717 to ~m s policy of gcarmg procluc· fir.t ward. first preclnct-one De- "I ravor a strong price.support recenUy. If. answered the queries commended Newtoil (or his hand· which the le&islature raised it in square). "We had a lack of co-or. tion to circlers. • mocriltie counting. judge; second syst~m. plus expanded 'weUare' ~ to his views on liquor leglsla· linll of the questionnaire. 1955. dinatiOll then. 1 had to recross the Meanwhile. i:l1ndianIJ}loHI AtB- "'~. I8COIld precinct-- programs. to answer our pressing tion. , The WCTU questionnaire was Income tas, Loveless said, is a state several times to ,et to meet· Gen. EdwiD K. Steen .ruled that llean receiving clerk; fifth ward. a&ricultural problems." Dr. Mitcb· Lovelea. who declared himself sent by the temperance orgaDiza· fairer tax. He would like to see in,s. I'd Itke to ha-.e a more spc- payments under supplemeeial-un• firit precinct - one Democratic ell SIIId,. "J have called attention OaUy for liquof-by-the~ legis- tion to aU candidates for state 0(- any future reises in taxel be made Cific schedule this time." employment benefits plaits. e5tab- counting clerk and one Republican. to the many economic fallacies it'! latlon When be ran for governor in flces. in the income tax bracket. Ott hi...... education - "We must Jisbed by indll8tria1 fll'Dl8 'or IIIIIIJ'C countiPg judge; University Heights the Elsenhower-1Jenson ' poUc:y par· 1952, didn't even bother to (ill out Loveless hal ,ained more uotor· on other subjects Lovelesa said: . than 100.000 . workers in: Indiana ...:one Democratic rece.iving clerk'11icuJarlY tbe rUillOllI effect of alti· the wcrtJ lonn. eity for his stand dtt liquor than on Tell RNCI- "I'm very cool on it. LDVELlIS- cannot be made under pt'eIeDt Gen. Earle E. Partridge one Republican receiving judie. adtural price-reductions." "One. [ can·t conceive of these any other issue, a1tboUlh iJlSists U's nol economically fe.,ible. You state law. Pre~nt , , . he (CoDlinued on page 6) Fighters Too Slow ., , P ... 2-THE DAILY IOWAN-lowa _City, la.-Satunl.y~, 1956 doodles' by dean The Daily Iowan " i • a..teral NotlCeI mu.t be left .t '!'he D.h, Iowan olUce. Room 2111 Co~ NUoIlJl Center, by a a.m. Mondsy '.Jr PUbUchUon 1n The DolJly lowan on Tueldal'. Tile Daily Iowan is atl independent expression of SUI administration policy 'follcel for odler ",'uk d.y. mull be In by 5 p .m. two day. prIor 10 publJc:.UOll. nel' mutt be Iyptd Ot tellbl, W1'lllen . r,d .ilned. They wUJ not be .ecep'" tIDily newspaper, written and edited by or opinion. by phDn •. lbey wJII nol be pubUshed more th.n one week prior to the evaIL TIl. D.U, lowan ,.,..,rv.". th. rlcht \0 edit noUces. rtudents, It is governed by a board of The Iowan, in the terms of a policy statement adopted by trustees in 1946, CLASSICS COFFEE HOUR-The BABY·SITTING - Mrs. R. S. five student trustees elected by the stu­ final Classics COefee hour for the Westfall will be in charge of lhe "will try to act as a good citizen of the semester will be held Monday, University Cooperative Baby-silting dent body and four faculty trustees SUI community alld the community 0/ May 28, in Boom 110, Schaeffer ~ague from May 22 to June 5. appointed by the president of a,e uni­ Hall, at 3:45 p.m. A short scene Telephone her at 5936 if a sItter or Iowa City, , , , The Daily Iowan co~ {rom Mostelloria of Plaotus will be information about joining lbe group versity. ceives its owners to be the w110Ie con­ presented. I is desired. TIle Iowan editorial staff writes its stituency of the University, past, present, ART GUILD - The Student Art . editorials without censorship by adminis­ and future. It will endeavor to hold the Guild will have aIt outdoor exhibil SELECTIVE SERVICE - P~lClf tration or faculty, The Iowans editorial good of the Universitlj in trust for these of paintings, drawings, prints to the close of ~he present seSSion, policy, therefore, is not necessarily an owners . . _ ," SCUlpture, jewelry and ceramics on all students dE'sLrl~g deferment for the Union Terrace from 10 a.m. un. the ne.xl acade.mlc years should : til sundown today and Sunday, May 1.) Wrile to their local draft bo~rd 27. The majority aI the work will requesting ~ererment and statmg be (or sale that Selective Service Form 109 . will be mailed from the Office of HAWKEYE . PICTURES _ Pic. the Registrar within 30 day ~ of the Bed-Time Story tures from the 1955 and 1956 Hawk. elose.of the current academiC ye~. eyes and pictures that haven't bcen 2,) ~lberal Arts, C~mmerce, Engl­ "Wbe1l I get the urge for exercise," OIic­ Highgate infirmary totaled more than 100 used are now on sale in the Hawk- neeTlng, Law, Nursmg and Gradu· letters in a year. She died at the age of 90. eye of(Jc~ , Room 210, Communica- ~te students must also. c omple~ a time-Chicago-University-chancellor Robert lions Center, from 5 to 25 cents Reques~" fot Se!ectlve ~rvlce Hutchins is supposed to have sa id, "1 just lie Charles Dal'o,v[n, author of the Origin. of each. Pictures include 1955 seniors. Form 1~ blank ID lhe Office of down quietly until it goes away:' Species, was convinced he had heart disease. fraternity and sorority individuals, the Registrar. Though he showed remarkable endurance and pictures . of organizations. This quotation has always appealed to us. during his five-year voyage to South America sports, feature shots, candids and HILLEL - Various scholarships, awards and summer camp posi. It gives a sort of aura of ac.ldemic respect­ with the Beagle, he suffered the remnind r dances ~ ability to our penchant for sack-time. tions are now available. Those in· of his life from weakness, fatigue, insomnia, LAW WIVES - Law Wives will tcrested may contact Dr. Freder· But, deep witbin, we've been dissatis­ Jlizzincss, nnd otber ailments. meet Tuesday. May 29, at 7:30 p.m. iek Bargebuhr at the SUI School of fied. That's why we were inlrigued to spot He divided most of hi time between the in the Law Lounge. Mr. Roderick Religion. of Cedar Rapids will speak on in· the cover of Harper's the other day. There bed and sofa - seeing few people, reading the blurb was: "They Stayed i1l Bed," by terior decorating. CARD SECTION - Applications some books, meditating much. He said he for Card Section scats for fall Cecil Woodham-Smith. bad an "unbounded patience in long reflect­ FRENCH EiAM-Frcnch Ph.D. semester should be mailed to Dave Now Cecil Woodham-Smith is a meticu­ ing over ,any subject." Out of it came tlle examination will be given from 8 to Adams, Rooln 42, 222 E. Market, "Do you suppose dear old professor Schl/umlwillmiss us this (/fternoon?" 10 a.m. today in Room 321A, lous researcher .• lIer detailed studies of lor­ theory of evolution. ----:-- Iowa City. Housing units and ac· • SchaeHer Hall. The nexl examina· credited University organizations ence Nightingale and of the charge of the Harriet Martineau, first woman to write tion will be given Saturday. June are open for consideration. light brigade in the Crimean Wac have won editorials for a London dailv, followed a dif­ 22. her c01lsiderable fame. Herc was bound to be ferent pattern. She wrote, 'tl':lVeled, became -- FIELDHOUSE L'OCKERS - All a mass of historical evidence in support of famous. Sonnets Honor, War Bead WOMEN'S GYMNASIUM - All Fieldhouse 10 c k e r s must be our frequently-prone position. Then, in her late 30's, shl3 found herself lockers shoul~ be empt,ied ~nd checked in by June 5. Lockers net Engle's Poetry Makes Use of Midwestern Words; locks turned 10 to matron s offIce checked in by this dale will have o • responsible for the care of her blind mother. 'by June 6. locks removed and contents ch . Finances were low. She began to fear heart • Mrs. Woodham-Smith renorts on the lives UNIVERSITYSCHOLARSHIPS- stroyed . . disease, and sQon collapsed. She lay "in soli­ Honors SUI Men Who Died in War of foul' eminent Nineteenth Ccntur), per­ Students interested in University tude and silence," she says, for six years. LIBRARY HOURS - for Memor· sonalities: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, F lor­ By CAROL Mc:CAULEY The oat bin plugged against the more vividly slated. ' scholarships for 1956'57 arc remind· By the tin'le a hypnotist cured her, fam­ , ed that the deadline is June 5. In­ ial Day, Wednesday, May 30, will ence Nightingale, Charles Dat win, and Har­ Oally l.wln Sla" IVrller ravenous rats. be 7:30 a.m. lo 2 a.m.; Circulati on ily finances had improved and relatives were • • • formation and application blanks riet Martineau. All achieved significantly; ~ut then their life changed sim­ for undergraduates are available in Desk Scrvice and ] nformation caring for her mother. !\Jiss Martineau re­ "Morning Sun, Stone City, Boone, and all spent much time in 1x-d. ply, to end lives : ENGLE'S USE of contrast is the Office oC Student Affairs. Service hours will be 8 a.m. 10 entercd life - dined out cvery night but What Cheer . . ."; it is the war , The strange men killed less again evident. He refers to flyers 11 ;5P a.m. and L p.m. to 4:50 p.m.; Elizabeth Barrett, "who wrote some ot Sunday. traveled again, published more dead of these and other Iowa towns quickly than the brown who' wanted to walk, to air·borne HILLEL - Robert Arden , field . Reserve Desk ~ervice hours will be the best poetry any woman lI as yet written whom Paul Engle, SUI creative representative for the state QI ls· 8 a.m. t\) 4·.'W 1l.m.; Dcp8rl.mcntal books, wrote six editorials a wcek for the , Seef steer by the sledge and Ihe . dealh and earth-born men L to the in the English language," lived threc: writing professor, lauds in his col· rael national developmcnt corp\)ra- Libraries will post their hOllIS. Daily NelliS (a plienomenal tC'tal of 1,6(0). neat knives, great destroyers who loathed des· quarters of her Life in her silent, shadO\\ly lection bf sonnets "For the Iowa tion, will speak on "The Danger of • o The child's hand begging but truction. , the Middle Eiilst Situation" today FOREIGN STUDIES CERTlF/· bedroom. She fancied she had a disease of Dead." A fitting close to Engle's series at 8: 15 p.m. CATE - Students expecting their Were these people imagilljng their ill­ without an arm the spine, tJlOugh doctors detected nothing Four of lhe sonnets were read at ' of 100 poems, is Sonnet XXII. , certificate of Foreign Studies wrong. • nesses, taking to their bed~ jl1st to escape the dedication of the Memorial .1; ~~e cattle shelled in tbe de- CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES- should submit a list oC I!()ur~s Heart of the heartland, where . At the age of 40 }he forsook h 'I' bedroom from the responsibiliti es of life? ~1rs. Wood­ HOllor Roll of SUI studenls and aI- . fendhed farm. h f I k' Candidates for de grees in June taken in the Foreign Studies pro· T e crazed cal s ot or uc m - commencement lannouncements gram plus grades and expected and eloped with Robert Browning. She lived hHm-Smitll says no. umni who gave their lives during the deep·plowed fields the taken town. LIe in huge harvest or the win­ have arrived. Pick up your -order grades by June 1 to ProI. El'ich a happy married life, had a healthy uon. They were seeking to avoid the tTiviali­ the three wars. The first eight at the Alumni House. Funke, 106 Schaeffer Hall. Florence Nightingale - administrator, ties of life, she says - the rattling noise, the lines of Sonnel II. which are cast The concreteness of this poem, as ter-wait. humanitarian, wielder of influl::ncc with cabi­ endless exchange of platitudes, the intermin­ ill bronze plaque in the SUI Me· in the rest of his poetry, is out· Where human hope and food LSA - LSA will have a picnic at net ministcrs and viceroys - b Iieved she standing. The reader can see the are the rich yields, the student house Sunday, May 27, able official dinners, the time-consuming morial Union, read ~s follows: at 5 p.m. A .program in honor of "wheat field ripped by the plough's And nothing there to hllta but had heart disease. "She stayed in bed," says chores. "They were looking for ... a climate Some left an office, cornfield, Leiters lhe seniors will follow. c~an knife l" the (at hogs, the lazy mortal hate; Mrs. Woodbam-Smith, "except for brief in­ in which thcv could work," she adds. "Work factory, tervals, for more than 50 years." She saw was their object, work, not self." cats lapping their "saucered milk," Marvelous, hearty. mid d 1 e Writer Defends Hopkins; TWIN CLUB - Twin Club will But these men leCt the study of country. when ' visitors by appOintment only. This is not quite the justification we were the callie and the clover. meet Friday. June I, at 7:30 p.m. mankind, Winds of the world blow dark Criticizes Play in Conference Room 1, Memorial Yet Miss Nightingale turned out proc1i­ looking for when we set out to read Mrs. and ftlll of warning, Union. Glory and gloom of mortal his­ • • TO THE EDITOR: gious amounts of work. Her Indian Sanitary Woodham-Smith. But it shows that going to tory, Recall , in your. great fulnoss, Report runs to 1,000 closely printed pages. bed is not all bunk. You can guess where \Ve BY LJSING the same symllols in these dead men, If this were. another anti-Hopkins PHI ETA SIGMA - Phi Eta Sig· The wonder, madness, logic of Homesick fifr one more live Her correspondence with the matron of were when we wrote this editorial. the last six lines that he used in letter-whether corrective, satiric, ma will meet Thursday, May 31, al the mind, the first eight. and giving them a midwestern morning. scholarly or indignant - I would 4:30 p.m. in the Pentacrest Room, So. in a time o( (ear, have no The live cell , atoms cunningly differ!!nt connotatlon, Eng I ., 1 spare you and your subscribers 'Memorial Union. Members wbo combined. dejection, the reading of it. Pe'(sonally, I am cannot attend should contact lhe achieves excellent contrast. The Remember these men on whoSf. unable to tell from the various faculty advisor in advance. • Air Power or Peace Power? They closed their /looks, death theme of the (irst part of the son· lives you stand. letterS of protest you have pub· '---, closed their eyes, we, nef' is ;lile; the theme of the secood Recall their name, face, human lished whether the wrilers are at- There are points o~ divergence io the the initiative in world diplomacy, it has The lucky Iowa living, s~ill part is death. imperfection, tacking the attitude, syntax and official daily political philosophies of Adlai Stcvenson and could find How their death gave liIe to vocabulary or your revicwer or made 110 attempt to regain it. Hussia's latest "Sonnets have taken a beating," this lucky land, whether they are defending the ESh;s Kefauver. Onc. of them Was sharpened move was a brilliant one. She -an nounced an A future in our human liberty. Engle said, "so I tried to use a lot For memory is mOrtal resur­ current production at the Univer· in Monday night's television debate. Steven­ anns cut of 1.2 million men, saying ' these "I had wanted to w ite these son· of variety in order to avoid monot· rection, sity Theatre. If they are doing the BUL.LETIN son Iepeated his (and otberli') suggestion nets for a long time." Engle said. any." Sonnet XIII, with its stac­ Li ght as sun rising or a. loving first. and if Mr. Hopkins' boners men (and the lnoney saved) will be used in hand. aro preposterous enough, I feel that we stop our H-bomb tests. Kefauver de­ "I was not commissioned by the cato·lI~ impact, exemplifies this agriculture and industry to improve the Hus­ they are silly sending their cor­ murred, saying that he, like Ule ' president, Alumni Council to write them." variety. Here, the living are admonished rections to you when The New felt it somewbat inconSistent to caJl the ad­ sian standard of livillg. "When I was teaching at Harvard . to remember the war dead, "for Yorker Magazine pays very good ministrators of our guided-mil.siles program last summer, Loren Hickerson, SUI Contrary century memory is mortal resurrection." money (or just sueh material. If SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1956 How catil.neutral, underprivileged na­ director of alumni records, who Where men of plain good will The poet seems to be telling his they are doing lhe second, then I "dangerously dilatory", yet plead for a halt UNIVERSITY c:alendar item._ W\lS the chief promoter of the af- Must cry out - Enemy! readers that in time of fear they am with Mr. Hopkins. to thermonuclear bomb-testing. tions, hungry lor just such improvement, but scheduled in the President', ... fair, talked wilh me about writing And teach their hands to kill, should not be dejected because .Is it possible that we two alone view this as proof of tIle intcgnty of the there will always be men, like fic:e, Old Capitol. Stevenson replied ; eight lines for the plaque," Engle Where earth explodes in space out oC all those playgoers Celt that Russian peace campaign? How can a Europe said. Engle started working im· Shamed with its human life, (hose who have died already, to we were pFomised Moliere and Saturday, May 26 mediately and wrote the eight lines Where live tears tear the face, defend them. 1. A guided missile is merely a carrier, tired of war~ _ stiJ1 fearful of German might, Life magazine says of Engle. cheated? Moliere is the Shake· 10 a.m. 'till Sunset - Outdoor aDd so indifferent to its burden. De clop­ in July. Where wound slashes the knife. speare of France ! He is all nesh Art Exhihit, Iowa Memorial Union but vicw this~s proof of the dangerous lack • • • Where men o( peace fought "Although his views on the writing of poetry are by no means neces­ and blood! His farce afterpieces Terrace. mont of a missile is completely independent of necessity }n German rearmament? Thc ack, arc rapid. satiric and decidedly 2.5 p.m . _ 8th Annual Desjgn sary to explain what,he l writes, of the warhead used, hence thcre is no con­ Germans thediselves h:}ve, as a peoVle, no THAT WAS THE beginning o( his War-wanting men, and died of this world. I have seen a gre.lt Exhibition, "Suspension Sheller," Attacking their attack: they make an impol'tant introduc· tradiction. stompch for Cl?!lscriptioI1; .how will they feel? series of 22 sonnets. "I didn't In· tion to it" deal of Moliere performed in Fine Arts Gallery. Nationally wn critics such as Walter tend to write so many." Engle As if on those old sands France and America , but until last 8 p.m. _ University Play, "The 2. There is 'a "built-il~ security" in stop­ The spear leapt from Christ's • night ( had never seen him played Doelor in Spite of ijimself," Un~ Lippm~l , Ti magazine and othcrs, havc continued. "because that'ilt certain­ • • ping the hydrogen bomb tests. It is impossi­ ly a lot of work. But you don't side . wilh such fragility or with such verEity Theatre. pointed this Qijt at length, but still we sit. ENGLE SAID that he has notes painfully conscious stylization. ble to explode such a device and keep it know how deep the' resources are 'fo cut the soldier'S hands. within you until you start writing. (or five more sonnets which he 'LUit night, the play was simply Sunday, May 27 secret fro!TI th,e world. I In fonnin alliances, in giving aid, in I found myself loaded with mater· ]n this. the poet shows that the plans to write. Two of , them are not the thing. If this is lhe. authen- 10 a.m. 'till Sunset - Outdoor "men of plain good will" didn 't already start d. They will proba- tic style of the seventeenth century Art Exhibil, Iowa Memorial Unioll • • o offering adv· . , we have been o{fensively ial. " , defensive. W . ound the table about the im­ want to fight, but due to this "con· bly be publishcd in a collection next French theatre (as one letter- Terrace. It seems clear that calling off our tests Working steadily throughout the trl!:~ century" they ~?d to def~nd year, he said. '. writer suggested), then a ,great 2·5 p.m. - 8th Annual DesieR portance of people and principles, but act rest of the summer and on inlo In It/' would put a tremendous, wor!d-wide moral their , ~ountry (rom war-wanting 'This has been a busy' period of many organizations should be in- Exhibition, "Suspension 'Shelter," autumn. Engle completed 18 of the BETRE mostly with OIlly our unenlightened, selfish men . .. . Iwriting for Engle. On June 5 his formed of the fact-the Comedie Fine Arts Gallery. pressure on Russia to do likewise. It would sonnets. Four of them were wrl~­ interests in m ld. We dismiss a tailor-made Another poem w!llc~ utihzes the collection of 100 poeth4, "American. Francaise among. them, for that Mo~dBY, May 21 ~ be an effective psychological counter to the ten 11 years ago ~ same theme of fight 109 only be· Child." will be released. . company is clearly blunde,ring 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. - 8th Annual M,.. opportut~y dr-amatize the tnt., An~erica and were printed J)noll.lla1 appeal of the Soviet New Look. We could cause they had to, is Sonnet IX . Only 36 of the poems ate new, weekly, in however delightful a Design Exhibipon, "SuspcnsioD "'o"hlp. t by stopping tests, without even tllinking in "M a d e m 0 i- .~ , thus force Russia into a first step toward dis­ Engle said. Sixty-four pf these way. The claims for the authen· Shelter," Fine Arts Gallery. selle.' Some chose to fight above the CBU twice. Fifty per cent of the world's people poems were published in 1945 and ticity of the production made by 3:30 p.m. - Departmental Exec- annament without negotiation, without wait-. L i f e bloo"dy ground, OF are crying out for food, freedom, peace and m"",,,'In" went through many editions, he your reviewer's critics. it seems utive Officers Meeting - Board , ing for assurances of good faith. (May Above ~he keel-carved sea, a "luUl.... • brotherhood, and we answer "Tut, tut, kid­ added. I to me, are far less reliable than Room, Old Capitol. lie I said of high third way. h'.'7-.era ... e .. , But the United States has not only lost dies, air power is peace power!" . sonnet Titer measured murder on a "I have invented many new son- Mr. Hopkins' original claim .that Tuesday, May 29 net forms in there," Engle said. there was just not enough Moliere. 8 a'rn. 'til 10 p.m. - 8th Annual eBUIlC words and map: and found B.rll sights Accurate death dropped fl'om " • $ • • F'or all 01 Mr. HOpkins' syntax Design 'Exhibition, "Suspension Th ae I and vocabulary n of geraniums 'A'itb a I . Bab,Y·silting One of Iowa City's mo t Incon. Christian flag aving \'ictoriou I to June 5. a sitter Or spicuous but most acUve reUeioUB ill the cenler of it. 'A'a the tting the group fl'Oups is the Church of Jesus Christ Cor the announce~nt of the re- or Latter-day Saints - popularly suits of the building fund drin~ by Meet To Elect known as Mormon _ which holds the Fir \ Chri ian Church. Sunday ThP Y tCA L pon oring a book: fil'e meetings each week a\ ils afternoon a\ th Victory Te in the drl\c t coli I used textbook for tudent in foreign unil' rsilies. chapel. 918 E. Fairchild St. tudent cenl t. The drh \\ III lay 28 through Three meetings are held eaeb I The total {$sun in pledg 3 Trustees Jun 9, Sunday _ priesthood m ting lor Iwas made durin: th \\\'0 week Boxe for the books \\ ill be drh' by m mber o( the church. pIa ~ in the Iowa 1emorial Un· I ' A males 12 years and older; Sunday Three 'lI" I I ion. nin'r ity Hall. Schaeffer hool and sacrament meeting. Pledg are till comin Inlo the trust WI II<' ~ed ~ VirginiQ Swihart church from Jumni and (orm r Ule annual mretin or the Fir t Hall. Curci r. Ea I Hall. and the I\hich are lor aU. In addition, two Library. auxiliary organizations of the faculty m mbers connected with 'nitarisn i ty of Iowa City * * * "All tud nt are inviled to aid church hold weekly meetings _ a the church. so the !inal r ult will unday t 7:1'5 p.m .. at Ih church. tud nt in univer itie of other I\omen's "Relief Sociely" sludy nol be known for a few week. land by th giving of lheir old tl'xlbook." aid ~wel1 I the • and service group. and "Primary" I the chUdr n of the church. ge 01 lhe congr ,etlon. id thaI r . A2. Iowa City. (or children under 12. 5-13. earned and gal'e $50.62 by ports or the various acliviU s of 1 mller' of YMC in ehargl' of sur students or doctors in resi. washlnl dishe . mowin, lawns. th church also will be fiven at Th re h I be n fa t('r run thc drhc arc: Don herk. A2. rda d\mcy at University Hospitals, In· and cleaning hou es. o\('r thi track. ccording to of· Douglas C. Duncan rt and corr hour m t· Grove; Donald John on. A2. Es· cluding Iheir families. comprise lI/ormon Leader In lou:a City Pledge made by member of I ~he d ficial of the Colcman Engin r· thernlle; orman lson. A4. about two·thlrds of the 85 local the congregation will be giv DIn,. ing Co" La Angcles. which built Ruth\' n; Keith Trembath. A4. members. ov r a thr year period. in which The n w trustee will replace and oJl('rat the facility "al rloo; George Van Houten. A3. The local Mormon group is con· Smith said he found a et of bras lime Jt is hoiX'd thaI $50.000 in retiring member of Ih bo rd: In a ~r peed run without t t· Dav('nport. and Mathe . necled with the Northern States and gold plates and a devl e for cask can be ral d so that con· ine the dummy or al. the led Mission. a geographical divisIon of translatin. them buried In a hill slruetion can be larted. Prof. Harold Saundcrs of th SUl has traveled I,.. 11m t peed Initiate Five Mem.bers the church which includes eastern near Palmyra. N. Y•• in 1827. lie Clifford Wikel. chairman of the Departm nl ot Sociology and An· of ~und. or 1.140 mil·, on hour. I Iowa. Minnesota. Wisconsin . and claimed he subsequently translated building lund drive. thank d th lhropology. Prof. Lawrence War In anoth r recent t t. the dum· Into Delta Sigma Rho illinois. The mission is divided hieroglyphics on the plates Into 120 member oC the church Cor of the U! Department of Elec. my and _ al "ere ejt ted 0\ r th (mliation of fh new m moors into districts whick in turn are English. their contribulion in th dril'e. at trieal Engin ring. and Ir. Roy. cliff at about SO miles an hour. td· All work. speaking. and main ten· The Book of Mormon is some. mono G. 10unlain Grovf.'. 10 .• and r s must be CHURCH FUND 5. Lockers net ance In the church is done without times erroneously relerr d to Pr f. Rob rt Gr ~g. S I Spe eh date will have pay by a branch presidency. other the "Mormon Bibl ,'. ActuaUy, the NEW YORK I.fI-The Fund for D partmcnt. conlents (h o({/cers and ICDchers which the church uses It onJy as a supple- the Republlc h mad 531.480 \ presldency appoints. and officials ment to the sUinciard King James erant to Ihl' Con r(',alional Chrl I­ of Ihe district and mission who oc· version of the Bible. Uan Church Council for social ac· t3sionaJly visi l the branches. All The church Itself was organized lion to lnerea Its educaLionaJ - for Memor· work aim d at Improvln, racl I May 30, will cnfTY on {\lU·Ume occupations out· at Fayette. N. Y.• In 1830. aft r WHY DRAG ; Circulation side the church. Smith testified thot two splrit.llke relations. Information President of the Iowa City branch personages who identifi d them· YOUR CLOTHES 8 a.m. to is Douglas C. Duncan. 04. Iowa selves as God (thc Father) and Je­ to 4:50 p.m.; City. Two counselors and a clerk sus Christ Uh son) poke to him Home This Summer? hours will be comprise Ihe remainder of the and 9rdered him to oreanlze 3 presidency - David L. Clark. G. church in the same manDfr and What They'r A Iowa City; Dr. H. Bruce O sll~ r . preach in the same way as did th" Have Them Cleaned 130 Westlawn Park; and Dr. Nor· church which Christ e tabllshea in man Rogers. West Branch, res pee· His brief minislry some 1.Il00 years ROGER WILLIAMS of Rellelou Education and tud nlf will lx' gut. of lhe tud nt hTis· .NATIONAL HOME at KELLEY'SI • tlvely. earlier. Ro,er WUJlam Fellowship wJ1l Work {or the College. Most of the 1,250.000 members of meet al the studcnt center Sunday Di ciplr of hrist. will Jl('ak to tount "ernon. I a picnic and out. IS A Ille !\formon ch urch live in the at 5 p.m. for transportation Lo Iowa the 01 eipl Siud 'nt Fcllow hip SUMMER.. nited States, particularly in the Newman Club' Dinner City Park for a picnic lind outdoor Sunday evrnlng al 5 p.m. lit If\(,jr door vesper 5ervlce at the Pall· SOUND est. However, an extensive mis· devotional. annual banquet in honor of erad. sad s P rk unday l'\·enlng. Tran . sionary program in practically alJ uating blgh chool and college slu. »Ortalioo to the park wiU be pro· :-______oiiiiiiiii_iiiiiIiij Honors 9 Students CHRISTIAN SCIENCE INVESTMENT STORAGE foreign countries has given thc dents. Th dinner wlll be at Ihe \'ided by Wcsl(.y memb<'r at til(' DON'T GET for 'lour clothes hurch members all over the world. Nine students were honored at The Christian Sci nc Stud nt Organltation will m I Tu sday at Iud at c nt r. lud ·nt bowe at 5 pm. Phone 1-0845 or 4412 Iso. a missionary program is con· Also being honored ' al lh ban· MARRIED .•• dueted in areas of the United the annual Newman Club Awards 8:45 p.m. Ib th Lilt! Chapel of only qu t wlll bE' Prof nnd frs. Roberl LSA .•• without ..,Ing our compl,.. $49& Slates which have a sparse Mor· Banquet Sunday. at the Jefferson the Con,r ,ational Church. BIRCHWOOD Campbell. Prof ampbell I n r n Stud 'n! A ociQtio~ will i Brld.1 Services - Inyit.tion" W,'1l insure your cJDth.. Olon populalion. such as Iowa. Hotel. WESTMINSTER in lruetor in lilc S I School of R annual pring picnic hon. Announctm,nts, Imprinted N.p· BUILDERS, INC. kin., W,ddinll BNks, "Thank up to $250. MOl' mons arc extremely con· Admilted to the John Henry We tminst r stud nls will hII'.' IIgion. 11(' will lea\' in Jlln to be· 140 1 Franklin n Club will centrated in Utah - about 40 per Newman National Honor Society come pre Id nt of e England' orlOl Dlor al th ·tud! lit hou You" Notes, Wedding PhotOI. an outdoor vesper service and pic· ItC. al 7:30 p.m. cent of the state's residents belong nic SUPPE'r at Hoover Park. West Collegc In /I nniker. N. II. unday at 5 pm. Followln, lht· KELLEY CLEANERS 1. Memorial to the church. In 1847. Brigham were: Don Brown, LI. Ruthven ; Branch. Sunday. Stud nts wi1l High ch001 graduate arE' Diane picnic Ih re will be an outdoor wor- HAll'S 120 S. Gilbert Dial 41.1 Young led the main body of church Bob Newton, A4. Muscatine. and meet at Ih student center at 5 Morl n ·n. B v rly halla. Jame hip ervlcc and (cerration. 121 South Dubuque members to utah. aft er thelr first Catherine Nutting. A4. Pitt burgh. p.m. for transportation to the pic· H dges. Sb ryl Uohnes, Burt Gar· Phi Eta Sig· leader. Jo eph Smith. was killed Pa. nlc. wood. and Ronald Whitta\(er. May 31, at by a mob at Carthage. lIl .• in 1844. Local awards for work don in MilS Boonchuan Ch rmprapai. Re rrvations for the banqu t Int,~crest Room. Utah was the then·isolated ploce Ole club In the past year w nt to N3. Rachburl City. Thailand. will may be mad by calHng 1/1e Fir t who where Mormons c~uJd llve with, William Bums. A3. Burlington; speak to the group on "Tilt> Church Chrtstian Church today. Price of I the Qui being persecuted. They pre· James Melloy. A3, Independence ; in Thailand." th tickets j 50 cenl . vlously had been subjected to mob Therese Nowachek. reScarch dictl. violence when they att~mpted to tian ; Carolyn Roush. A4 . Chariton; HILLEL NEWMAN setLle in various places 10 illinois Barbara Schmitt. N2, Oshkosh. Hlllel Foundation has no plan· Nrwman Foundation will no and Missouri. Wis., and Bob Strawn. A1.. Chica· ned m tine or upper {or Sunday have a planned mUng Sunday evening. but it was announced that evenln • bul the slud nt center will ! The church gained its nickname go. the student cenler will be open. be open. (rom the Book of Mormon. an his· Awards were presented by torieel account of life on the Am· Father A. R. Bordenklreher. O.P .. DSF WESLEY crican continent about 600 B.C.. Newman Club chaplain. George H. Adkins. Siale Director Members of Wesley Foundation

• AG UDA8 ACHIIII* CONGRBGATION* * FlaST paESlIl'T* E *lllAN *e aVaeB IIHOVAU'* *WIT NI* Ell THE C*H Il *H OF *HIlIST . 641': E. Wallll ..._ 81. Ie IE. Hatltel .,. I"NODOM BALL 132. Klr...... A .. e. 'I 26 RabbI E. SlamlD C •• , .. . P. B.wi... P.II•• k. VI ...I., II' .,., I•• Drl .. f.:.ert Pldl..rh, E ••• rcJ". Outdoor I .a.b ...... "bt" 8.tu'.... " ..... T t "Y .... r ..e t..e ...., MI.'... , .. P ••II, T.I • • J " ._ "Ibl. C iao.. • If ...... · . . , 11 ....10 W.le"'.", •• 81 •• ,. ~ , .... M.nh,. ",or a.1" II a.m, L •••• • ...... Unit•• 81 ....1 F.lI..... IoI'. ':M . ... lfu,.III t1e Str.le•• 1 , .• . C... r.,,.,.I. T ••I.: "T". lVl.Ia'er I. 1..... 1. ...at ..... SIo."'.. , .., t.U As ..I ... . . "The · c ...... 1a T ...U ...... J., .. . . . elt.re. • ....1, ' :11 ...... ~ .. Um. BETRANI' BAPTIST eBvacB BI 01 .... 4:~ , ... • TRINt" EPI COPAL CH a c . B SI.... 1'111" An. _., ... , '.. ,...1" .:It • .• • ••• U... . J'!' E. .U.,. I • n. R.. . L.n.. ' D. Gor...... P.II., POUlT BAPTIST CBVaCB .. T ... a ••. H ...I" F MoOee, . u la, Ullillod lIor.la, W ...~I' '.nl.... :" Til, Bn. 0 Thoau ratla ...... 1.I.k, .10aOANIZED CHuaOH or JIS 8 8ely C •• mu .. ' ...... ~ IIn.all'h', . :St ...... N.". CII.'••••• F.IIC~II' III• CHUIT OF LATTa I D .~Y SAINT , lIesll,e: " A NIUo.a' DI.,raee/' CII.,., .. Be •••I •• :It . .... C ••feft..c: ..... I S ar.er ,., ...... ~I ••• nl foU••• blp Sa.re'. G:" •.•. 1II.,.t., W.... I,. l"~' ...... "'. 1I.... 'IlII V.I •• F.... I' • ..,1'0. ':I~ , ••• C.Y.F. '" S, ••••, FOU.",.III,. II:" , .•• Ie,..•• : ·'''''.t.1 Til.' LI.,e'" D •• E. "'.11., P.llor C,If•• a •• " It •. IIL a.. nln, S.rvl ••• 1::141 p ...... ,u., Y•• " ....II."' ... ., 8.rln, "II, G •••ral W.r Itl, ••: .. ... Mlr.'nl "ra~ er, 11 ..... Mea.. ,e : " Thl. J. 'he War, W.'. y,. . " I.' lIIW·B ..ler. A ...I •• II ••••••• • Cl..... , ':4.$ • .• • Ca"ter ••" Plenle, Well •• , • C ... I. IU •• ~:3' p.m. In II!' I ••: ...... • DI ...• r. 0 , .ID• . 8er••• , It!" • .•. IIETHEL AFIIEAN MITHODIIT ,mar CBvaCB 0' CBUIIT, lell TIST IHAION EVA.'I~L'CAL Z.ON L THEIlAN CHURCR CJlVaC8 UNITED _11'•• 11'1 CIIV.CB J.b •••••• BI ••IIII...... Ia. 411 8. Gover... 81. mE. c.II... st­ , Ita.... T~e a e • A. • rr•• I1I,- P. , . ,. M ... C .•. lIeD... I •• PUI., •••••, ....MI. ,:" ••••• M ...... "'..... 1' ...... 1.:3t .... .en'lu. II . .... T •••••.•. C Plall.,,.,,. Pute, D,y.U•• aI, 3 p.DI. ar.ra'a, ••••,. Ie...... :3t • .•• • ••• , ell •••• ':1.\ a..1D .. W.rahl, • .a. p.m. Ser... : A ... I' Blbl. CI..... :3t . .... LuH. I.,..•• : "A.deal lII ...... W..... I. . 1f':3t ..... • I.' ...... SO ..... , "Clol '" , ... Roart." CRVRCH OF lESVIl CBallT X.e...... ", Allu IIH•• r'" .... H y, ••Uaa, De ••••e ••.tt V.I.... II, F.I.. ", .... 8 ••,. •• S , ." OF LATTER·DAY ¥-INTI E ...I., W... IlI, . T:3t , .•• '19 E. F.I•• bll. II. · . . I For transportation 10 aU ~rvtCft. call fmST INOU811 LVTHEa.ur Mulln, •••.•. ....115 or 1-4341.1 ,PrJ...... ••••,. 8 ..... 1 ...... Ollll.eB STEWARDESSES aeraIlU!:.' Medl ..., I:at . .... D...... lIIarke' III. • • • • • • T~. "Y. G ..... T. L Ja~...... Pute, IT. MA.rs CBV.CB CHVROH OF TRI NAZAaaN...... 1., 8.nl.... ' :M II' IJ • .•• ..."...... ••• LI.. 81a. UIITED AIR LINES BYrll.,ton .n. CII.'.. 110. S.,.,rIte. N.nor,.. II .... Ilf. .... C. B. MeI."er,. 'ul., Th a.v. t,. J. R ...... ,,1.11Ia' II ....' Belt .... ':~$ . ... ••••a' ...... , 7:11 a .• , • a .• .• Gra..... C'."'. ]1(101"., ., M.... La~.t Lear... 1 , .•• I':I~ , ....~' 11 :.. : ... BoD'.1' S.b ••I. ':45 .... 'aRND' M ••rorO HAS lI.rnln, W.,.II." It:·Ui . . ... I ..... 1II ....1I1 Ual.. FILTER 'tIP IIr.... F.U ...... I'. 5 , .•• WIU .... c ...... Clerk .T. PAT.ICK·II CHUaeH f ••II. U •• r. O:4G , .... W ...... '.' :11 • . a;, •••••r ~ a. c •• " .1. ..MEDIATE y.. , ... 'Ie 8.r.le., '7:3t p ... 1''' ..... P. J . O·I.IU,. P ..t., ,a.... ITBODIST CBAPaL T ...... II. P. Pae ...... · . . n ••••. WIU ... F. D."' ...... bUII" .VANOELICAL FaE. CMvaca m T ...... A ... C.nl.".._ Tit, aeY. Ja••• r ..._, . P"', • •••, JlaIMI. ':M • ••.• I :'..... , YACANCIES T ... a .... J . ,. pII•••• P"', ....., ....MI. I ••.•• 1:"0 • •• •• II ••• W..... , "_'. 1:41 ••.• 1,41 .... •••••, ae~ ••I , .:.. , •••• ".NIoI.. II .... TO FLY , II.,.,., w... IlI,. II •.•...... lIoII. len I••• 1:M .... JARMON 8ena.n: 'Tile Ofte ...... , 'II. 8 ••ett .. · . . .1'. T.OIIA. BOa. ClLU'aL , II., ... lit. S... UII ... .. OIAca "".IONAay CBtJIlCB 1.1101.«.. II. ".C.!.F. npp •• .a. I.U...... I •• ~:U •.•. I ...... M ..... An. "." ...... III.". J . D.O..",.,. P ..&., COAST TO OOAST 1'.C.Y.F. Blbl. SI ..1' B ••,. 0:41 ,." n ..... H., ••• H ...... PUIo, T ... "Y. P. J. B"~ • • ••• C~.I' ..1to ....I. 8:43 , ••. TIte a ••. A. . ..,..... 1, •••• • _""ala BIIII ••' •• ,. ':41 •••. au.liflc.tI.... : I • ••• ft, 8.rylce, ,:st , .•• II ...... r, I.:." a .• . • ••••, X_.. 5:"'" '. ' ••' •••• U ,It hbJ.eI: "Tb. DI.I .. B.I,.lhl." .'(le...... T •••, •••N .... A,,: 2O-U • y ..... 1'.11 ...1111 •• I:. p ••• Til. I ••••• _ Is • BI,II Jl_ ..., Mel,ht 5' I" ,. 5' ..' PIIlIT CORtlTIAN c.vae. 1l1a,..1ra1... lenl.. ••• 1111,1. THlI· II, ~ ....,",atl •• • U, I .... Aye. _ ._.,. 1:" , ... Dall, 11_ .:It •.•.• ' • .• ~, .. -. SOIM Col .... .,. .",1_. " T_. lOY. A. C. B."lebl.o:" _P ..lor Se".•• , I •••,eliltle, • , .•• I!xperlence Rellulred Ball, A. 8IBIlIa. MI.bler .1 Ma.. II •• · . . IT. WINCULAtJS CBII.CR Cho,.,1a 11 .....1. ':16 ...... ILLIL FOtJNDAnOJ( _ E. P ...... rI Ill. C~."II ".,...1,. tl:M •••• In a ..... ".1 ... , ....ey ••• "'.... W. 101 ••••1. P ...., APPLY TO: Drs ...q .... 8 ...... : Onr,. H. A.· P,.,. ,m.rt.1I P ...., ...... ,. DI,.... ' kl... D.. .f n ..... 0 ••". 1Iae"_• . uaIfta...... 1.... .Iata Dln_, • • • •••••, ....n, .:_ ...., • La., D. ..U,I... E ....U.. ••• " ••••, IOWA CITY _aNHONITa CBVIOII 1t ••••• 11 :.&5 . .. .. J. Maxted Work. Il~ (l",. II .. ,une 4 ...... V ..,II at...... p..ur DaII, ...... 1 ..... l :M .... 107 University Hall lege of Nursing naIT· VNITAalAN . IOCIITT. 1I."AJr 8 .....1. .,41 . ... . I.",. A.e .••• 011 ••,. .l. ••,. ... W.n.I" •• :tG ...... 1'. PAVL" l.UTlilaAN eBne. - West1awa , T ... aey. Allr•• J . N • •••rIII .... lar... , "'II. e ...... ·• M.,., I.· ' ..I_.rt s,... . May 28-29 ...... r ...... " ... rr ...... GU...... h .... 8,"'.J. I.,ta ..... a..... , ....I ... 1:1t •••• 1'''. aoy. Ih•• , B. Y ....,. r ....' rdlnr dat.. .,.. C...... S.rvl ••• 1':tS '.m. 11 •• 1•• I. 0 ...1 .... U: .. C ....'I •• 11 ...1., W.n .. I...... u .... 9 A.M. to 4 P.M • • fto>;t;r\'ll ilons tft ...... 1 e •• , .."or. G," , ... wI'" CulM." • ••••, ...... 1. It .... t·reudtnl. Oki ,. I U , ... " M "rh .. .,tf\l I f ~ Wnf v It A('I ~,,' - Pa.. 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-I_a City, la.-Saturday, May 2', 1954 Big 10 Approves 'Bowl.' 'Pact White ,'So?f EQg~ Inaians,2:1; " · ' Ya'nks, Ca,.(Js, Re€llegs Win Indloana's Bell Leaps 25-1114 IOn Broad Jump- . CHICAGO IA'! -Billy Pi rce hand- C dO 4 I 6 C b 1 list. He had been out o[ actioa Round.Roblln cuffed the Cleveland Indians on a r Ina s ,us since Augusl oC H'iS because of a : three hits Friday night in pitching ST. LOUIS l!'l _ The patched.up sere shoulder. He got ~~y Posllo

Ar-hedule Haw~s Quall·fy 9 Men for 81·g 10 Track.FI·nals Larry!~yCh~~!r~W~t~~':dtooi2;~,:: Doby WS~.Lo~isCardinals,inavirtualtieith Milwaukee for the league lead, gr~-::;dR:~~:;Ses:~I~tl:~~ioningrun in the ninlh a an unearned ed the downed the Chicago Cubs 6-l Fri- tally after Bruton's second error. Ml NEAPOLIS t.fI-Indiana's Greg Bell bounded 10 the best broad run on day night behind the steady eight· Johnny Temple and Gus Bell bad · h I h I er base pitching of little Murry Dickson , singled a.nd. scored when Ted Also Passed jump recorded international Iy this season, 25 feet, Ull'. mc es, n t e It was KI k I u t te f It 0 &cOr. Preliminaries of the Big 10's 56th outdoor track and field meet Friday, if t h was the second. victory . for. the mg' uszews Templc. I slOg Bruton e centhrew r past MINNEAPOLIS t.fI-The Big 10 Bell's fine leap, which stamped him as a lop Olympic prospect, was against one 39-year-old Dlckso~ SIDC? hiS reo Eddi 1\1 thew at third and BtU tightened ils alliance with the har- the outstanding e[fort in the opening session o( the two-day compeli· and his second turn to the Cardmals m one of ~ ~ f ~ rassed Pacific Coast Conference tion, although a 29-year-old athlete repeated as discus champion aIter decision Frank Lane's recent trades, and scor e ilia run. 'd b . RBI If' t d h' fl tit Clnr:lonaU . ... 010 001 KO'!-4I • I F rl ay y approvmg a ose ow a apse 0 SIX yearl. Indians. represen e IS rs comp e e MII..-auk.o ,.1", .13 IIN-l It I contract for an indefinite number Mirmesota's Byrl Thom!lson, who won the discus event in 1950 with has lost all game of the season. He now has a Lawrence, Black 111, Freeman II'. of years. a toss of 171 feet. 5 inches, came back to capillre the same event Fri· games they 2-3 record for the seaso!!. ~~X~:~l g~a:~~U .BtV~~I~h~'.I~ nt The action, although not unani. day with a distance o( 160-3. Thompson had dropped ollt of school after played against the PIERCE The only run off him was Ernie Spahn \3·31. the 1950 season h' h ( h Home run: Clnc\nnaU- KlUlUwikL mous, specifically okayed renewal , . Sex t is season. Banks' mnth orne run 0 t e sl'a· of the Rose 1B0wl contract and H h r Murray Kealinge and Lcs' Stev· Pierce survived a shaky second son. which came in the seventh. GO 6 B 5 gave the go-ahead on a continu- awl orne S· cns turned In two of the best time inning in which Cleveland scored The Cardinals played without lants, ums ous series which would not require marks as ' Jowafi IqlUllified nine men its only run and then blew down Red Schoendienst. Rip Repulski NEW YORK ItI'I - Daryl Spen- eriodic approval by the two for tod ay s na s. lhe Indians the rest of the w"y, and Bohby Del Greco, all on the P • "Of cer's two·run homer in the sixth leagues. SI I WI Kcatingc was clocke~ at 1:55.9 allowing a lone single in the fifth injured list. An x-ray examination inning carried Lhe New York Gi· lt was viewed as a vote of con· Ing e I,ns in winning a heat of the haIC"mile. by Rocco Colavito.. ". , Friday disclosed Repulski, hit by ants lo a 6-5 victory over tht fidence in the Pacific Coast Con- Stevens had a best time of :24.2 The Sox waited until a zany l\ pitcped ball last Wednesday , has Brooklyn Dodgers Friday nigbt and ference, now in the lhroes of a j tli place in the 220·yard low hur· sixth inning to score their two runs. an incomplete Craclure of the small dropped the world champiOns inlo self-discipline wave which has left F I 2 1 dles and also qualified in the 120- Cleveland slarter Mike Garcia had bone of the right wrist. The injur)' fifth place in the National League UCLA ineligible Cor the bowl for 0" owa yard low hurdles. • a two·hittcr whe~ Jim Rivera \tasn'! expected to keep him out of with their third straight de[eal. the next.three years and Washing. . ' ,. Ted Wheeler and Ceasar Smith opened the sixth with his first home action Cor more than a few days. Spencer's shot,· J ton for two. joined company with Keatinge as run of the year to tie ilie score. Schoendicnst ha5 a sore shoulder was the third oC The Big 10's policy.making Ca. M K' (Sp.... 1 10 The IlIlIy lo,nn) qualifiers in the 880. Les Stevens Nellie Fox doubled but was out and Del Greco an injured Coot. the night for the ' ulty representatl'ves also ap. urray eatlnge RI ,f'I()l\1 1NGTO"'. lnd. _ Babe The other Iowa qualifiers were: trying for third. Minnie Minoso <'I.loa'o ...... 1IOO 000 10_1 89 Giants - all , off C ~5 9 11 If - Iowa Hurdle QlUllifier fl ' d d I .. t Db ' gled Si. Ladl ...... ,.~ ~o~ 111'._1] 10 " proved a round.robin football RHilS 1: .') . . (/ Hawthorne's single with one out in Gastonia Finch in the 44O-yard IC eep 0 ct:n el·. 0 y sm Meyer. Va lel1t1neltl (61. 1<,1. er \7 1 loser Don New· schedule under which each confer· t he tenth inning scored Les Zanotti dash, Phil Luhey in the broad to right and then suckered his old ~7~k~n~r.lt: : ~~~~r'rl~2~a rnl. w- combe. cnce team would play the other with the run that . Lc P . th 220 d teammates on the next play. Ifome run : ChlcaiCo-BanKs. Dusty Rhodes ' Jump, roy erry, In e -yar WI· . Dave Philley hit a single to le( nine plus one non·conference ur ue eo ,c gave Iowa a 2·1 daBl1 and Jack Matthews, along 0 verlnes and Doby rounded second to draw Reds 6, Br'aves S· and Ray Katt ·· s;ame. P d L d"'" viclory over Indi· with Stevens in the 220-yard low a throw. When leCtfielder AI Smith clubbed the other ·Meetting thWilhCconlfterence athlCtidC B. lOG If ·' an~ oh~re ~~g~r~o hurdles. I d I L ad B· 10 threw to second , Doby continued to MILWAUKEE IA'! - The Cincin- ~~:~rs for the dIrec ors, c acu y men pas c ,g 0 Tewa's Tom Ecker pace, a ong e Ig . third and scored the winning run nati Redlegs scored an unearncd legislation providin p for a maxi went all the way ! willi Fm' Cll, in a pr'cll'm'naryl heat Ruben ' Gomez "" · . . on the mound Cor '• f th d d I b t E k I L after Bobby Avila's throw, in an run for eacll of four MI'lwaukee was t h e wmner' a rter re 1"levin, mum 10 .g ame sc he d u Ic e rf ec tIV(' In 0 e 440·yar as 1 u c er os attempt Lo nip Philley at Cirst. went errors, two of them by Billy Bru. 1959, instead oC the prcsent nine At M,·dpo,·nt onlyIowa, fivegiving hits. Heup ' out in the semi-rinal of tha~ event. Tenn,·s Meet wl·ld. ton, and defeated the first place Johnnythe Brook Anlons liedelli itin lit the 4·all. fifth when con t es ts . Kcatinge, in his half·mile heal, Garcia walked the ne.l(t two men Braves Friday night, 6·5. la to easc the COil· had a no-hitter go· '",,' d r t d M' h' 'd f d' 880 d D 'I' . t d t'h Antonelli had a 4·2 lead gOin g Uuder a Cormu EVANSTON, Ill. V1'I _ Defending ing for five inn- tF e ea e IC Igan seen IIlg MINNEAPOLIS IA'! _ Defending an on J\ OSSI came In 0 en a The crrors and nine Redleg hits into the fHth, bu t the Brooks tied ference into the round·robin pl an, I ' d b NCAA ings. H 0 0 S 'I e r '~;,A champ, Peter Gray, who just bare· inning by gctting Luis Aparicio on handed U,e loss tl) veteran right- 1'\ up . n e lamplon Purduc, pace y I I'C' d b C· · hi th ' d champion Michigan, steered by un · rl t 1 d I I seven confe r C n ce games would b~ titleholdcr Joe Campbell, held an pit c her Jerry HAWTHORNE y qua I Ie y lOIS ng Ir. a y 0 cen er. han er Warrcn Spa 10, w 10 wa Gomez then came on to end the required in 1959-60, eight in 1961-62, CI k II d . . h't d Gray was the only one of four beaten Barry MacKay, piled up 27 ('I."eland ",. 010 000 Il00-1 II ~ pulled in the ninth. He struck out d f II . th rt 8·stroke lead Friday at the half· ar j.I owe onry mne I S, an Chlca,o . " .. bOO OO'! ~O,-~ 8 0 rally. an a u nllle erea er. way mark in the Big Ten golf shaky support in the top of the detcnding indIvidual champions- points Friday to take the Icad in Oa rola, Moss l 161, Daley 181, N.rles· two and walked two. Brookl yn , ", . I~" ! O'!O 011)-1 II ' No team, however, would be re· championships at the Wilhnelte ninth cost him a victory, Both all (rom Michigan-who was in ac· the Big 10 tennis meet. tJ -': ; e~~ d l i! ?,g·t-~~e::.~ ~;.~, .LoIIBr , Spahn was relieved by Gene Con· ~::c:'~b~ ~ , ;ci ' !I~.,:; n!fI~~... ~~n. quired to play 10 games, only the Golf Club. pitched eight inhihgs of scoreless liort Friday. Northwestern was runn rup aCter Hom e run: Chlcallo- RI\'era. ley, ace Milwaukee righthander re· ell I. Gom.e 15' and K.tt, W-aomu minimum number of conference. ,,- II Tb h i I h Id ' stored to the acth'e roster Thurs· (2-3 1. Lr-Ncwcombe 16-31. The Boilermakcrs had a (jv ~· 'Ja . e ot cr returnjng t teo - the opening day session wilh 24 Y k 10 0 ° I 2 Home rllns: New York- Rh?d•• , Kill, contests provided by the formula. man, 36.hole total of 743, (ollowed With two out in the Iowa ninth, ors, all schcduled to perform Sal· an s , rio es day after a month on the disabled Spencer, To implement UiC plan , faculty by Ohio Stale's 751. I Ken Kutrz singled to center and urday, are shot putter David IlOints , followed by Indiana with BALTIMORE tA'I - The New ~ advisers and athletic directors ap· ,. Kirby Smith followed with a one· Owen, pale vaulter Bob Appleman 23. York Yankccs routed pl·tch.er Don ~ ~l Other team standings after :10 11 j 0 ~ It. ~ ~ proved opening the season on the holes: shot to left. Indian

If , ,

"The amount one drinks and ob­ servations made by laymen is nol a good definition of alcoholism," he said.

6, Bums 5 IA'I - Daryl Speno I~I MOBIL.!: Crul r. 31-11 .• complet•• homer in the slxlb I or 3 male tudent rcommalel wan led Gi. Iy mod m. Excrllent condition Call the New York ror 8Ummer or lonc~r. ~-loom .pa..rt- 1-_ an"r ~:30 p,m. I.' victory over Iht ment. Phone WtDI. 5·1S BALl.ROO!IC dance Ie IOn. I1ml Youd~ I"t PALACE 31·(\, modem '·becIroom, Friday nigbt and Wur u. Dial ...,. 1-2111 u«lJent condJIIo'!. '1200. Phone 1010. champions Inlo Work Wanted Riden Wonted M"" Taylor. box '0 6-. I'IBI,I(Jnal League Auto. for Sole defeat. YOJtK WANTED: Yard mowloc. bt, power outtl~ Phone 6~1.

Aoartment for Ren. Display Ads FOR lUNT, Tlrot·f1oor, Ih. ·room apart",""nl. Privale belh. '10,.. r~ Pwonal Loon. rlion rrt,.ntor. I.. elrctrlcltv fumlohetl ~lan1ed coup I•. Dial "ZIID3. .." FOR SAL.!:: In3 Pontiac. lullv -ulp. PERSONAL JoaI\J on typewrlten, 98f a Column Inch , '. pno"Oll'aphf, aporll equlpmfnl. and Five In rUoD a Month, each Miscellaneous peel. Dlel 1811 1-. 5-. Jewelry. HOCK-EYE LOAN CO., 211 S. 1111 FORD Cu tom V-I. O-erdrl,e, o.pllo" .. In rHon 8k Column (nch DACIlSmIND PUPPI nn a radlG. b ter, white ",.11 . ExceUf'nt Ten In,ertlons 8 Month, each BABY BUGGY lor ule. $U Dlall-r775 b.,"" X:I211 lI-tI Typin~ GOMI!Z insertion 80¢ a Column (nch 5-31 THRT.E.ROOId 3partmenl near ho pltal U! A P rtI T rI td I after relieving OEAOLINE 1'OR • ALE: Itlmm Bell and HO"'rll m~l~m~.JrJd~~ltI .Iud~nl" ,100 '::f J':" o~t:r':k~ c:~. PCot'IV~' s.~~ TYPINO . 01.1 5188. in the [jllh when movie ~.mera . Ea Iman prolKlor and I' Dial alaI ... 5 -=TY==p=m=G:-' -:O=I.-:I-I-On--I,-----..- I1R-:' Deadline ror all cl as llied ad· lOund. Complrte equipment. DUll 13,.. rOR RI!!NT: Two-roo." (um"~1'd epart· ... . __• ~.~. "-- _____ it at 4·all . veril ing i 2 P .• r. ror ill$CrUon ,.9 mc-nl. clo In. prlv.te b.th. $1.'1. Zo4JICEK bu~a junken. 3041. 1-311 TYPING: All 10 • •• S9t7. "lOR. a 4·2 lead going --___...... :_____ Pnon. Hll . 1-1 ------' in followln morning's Is. ue. Th TYPING: a..oc2t. fJ.JR the Brooks tied Dally (owan re rves the rl,ht LAI)Y TO SHARE 4-room (umlshed apartment wllh busln I dy. Hou .... READ THE TYPING Dial t2112------to rej ct any advertl lng copy. k~pl"fI prlvll~. On. bloclo: from on to end !he Disease Not 1~morl I UnIon. Call WI da,., 7237 WANT ADS TYPING, mlmeo,raphln" /IOlary pub­ PHONE 4191 .'~nlnl" lI-tl lic. Mary V. Burn&. 601 Iowa tilaU! D nk Bulldlnc. DIal 2MII. 11-21 TRAILER: ONE WHEEL. Exrell nl lor LAROI! three·room luml.h carnph\,. hauUnr trunk. boo" . IOttnt. Prh.a~ ,.ntrAnr-e n.1 Polio Virus Home for Sale box "0112, 11-%8 L8"ntlrr prl"lIt' '. II" bral. ...al.r COMPLETE f"ml M . Nur el preferred 2 (or 00 REAOY FOR I 'Ml:D,ATE OCCUPAN· 3 for aloo "03 1-1 SHADE TREE SERVICE RENT AND CY: 11111 Porter, • bte'. 3.ROO~1 IInfllmblhed apartmrnt. Clo.... Cabling - Ft'

l'VRN1SIIED Il>rH·room plu. 1I;.th to Bonded and Inlured BENTON STREET ubI ~ (or ."mmer Ion . Thr block. lrom Ealt H Il ptlvala ."noLlnt.-.. Phone 8-2170 1.t:AOUt: r ••• Phone E"nlnlll or L ,.,;aa. RENTAL SERVICE Pel. 01 .. ~k~nd . ~.2IJ .IiGf1 I 528 Reno Str ,t .'100 "WE RENT EVERYTHING" ,nOI) 11 Iowa City, low • 4t2 E. BENTON ",MJ1 I't DIAL Wl31 .;;.1:. 1', RENT·A·CAR 1I-2G I Ali'! 5 .~ll ,I, 16 :!9G t 01 from 5t. Loul., RENT -A- TRUCK LET'S HELP MAKE YOUR Ignition LICENSED CARBURETORS MEMORIAL DAY VACATION GENERATORS ST ARTERS IHERTZ Drlvt~;~ ' rSYSTE. Briggs & Strallon Motors PYRAMID SERVICES I MAHER BROS. ASAFE ONE 621 S. Duhuque Dial 5723 Phone 9696 I-m Sat 8-m Drive Home in One of These Searcb for better diagnostic pro­ cedures (or polio , intensified since Safety-T~sted Used Cars the beginning of the national Salk Vaccination program, has led to the finding of a number of pre· 1954 FORD CRESTLINE CONVERTiBlE Radio, heat r, Ford·(). 1atic, real nicc. viously . undiscovered virus strains " that have not proved to be any of Will Obs,erve Car Hits Bicycle; the three known types of polio vi· Poppy Day Today City Youth Iniured 1951 CHRYSLER WINOSOR 4-DOOR rus. nor have they been identifi.ed Radio. hellt r, automatic tran mi ion. with any known disease. Iowa City and communllies all Jolln Schwob, 15, 1107 "ochester Nice c1 an one owncr car. 5695 These strains were first dubbed over the U.S. are observing Poppy Ave .• suffered :I sprained lefL an· "orphans" because they were "vi· Day today. At 7 a.m. American kl and mjnor bruises about J2 :311 1951 MERCURY 4-DOOR ruses in search of a disease." They Legion auxiliary members and vol. p.m. Friday when hI!' was struck Radio, hl'lllcr. Clean car. later were given the alias of ECHO untcer workers wUJ begin selling by a car and knocked from his bi· $535 the veteran.made poppies. cycle in th 300 block, N. Clinton Fender tEnteric Cytopathogenic Human St .. Orphan) viruses. Poppy Day in Iowa City is being Pollee say th driver of the car and 1950 PLYMOUTH Special Deluxe . , . The rcccnt Marshalltown find· 4-DooR. The nie ' t '5J you'v ever looked aL sponsored by ' Roy L. Chopek Post was Mrs. Jean R. French. J19 Worlh th mOI\"Y. 5495 ings represent the first successful No . 17 of the American Legion . Quonset Park. Schwob was taken Body Work erfort to link an orphan, or ECHO, Mrs. Cleve Evans is chairman of to .Mercy Hospital for examination by 1950 NASH STATESMAN SUDer .... virus with a specific epidemic dis· distributing the 11,000 poppies and relcaSlld, 4-DOOR. Radio, heater, overdrive, "'cry clean. $395 ease. among the workers. Officors said he was one o( four EXPERT WORKMEN A·I owncr car. The typical case of pollo-like ill· Poppy Day originated as a trib· youths who were playing on bicy· ness at Marshalltown was charac· ute to t-hosc who died in battle. Part cJcs at the scene of the accident. Kennedy Auto Mart terized by abrupt onset. fever, se· of the proceeds go to support fam· 708 RiversIde Orive Drive Carefully - Remember. . vere headache, sliff neck, back· iIles of hospitalized disabled vet· .. ;. .; DIAL 7373 I, the Life You Save May be Your Own! ache and muscle pain. A large erans, and the remainder is used 'M'hS 1-11\ number of patieDts also had sore for welfare work for families of throat, nausea, and vomiting, disabled veteraQS and needY fam· • There was no paralysis. i1ies of men killed in World Wars TYPEWRITERS I and II and the Korean conflict. • Rental. Dickerson-flUs Motor (0. At 110 Kilocycles i. AUTO TOOLS STOLEN • Repair. /i:) 19\6. K.nc "<"orn S,nd'Cltt. In< ,. w.,,~ n,hb ,..... <01 3 \ 8 E, Bloom,ington The theft of auto mechanic's CHURCH MEMBERS • Soies TODA'V' ClIIiD LE Authorized • loyal "Well, I'm not going to rush her into marriage just so lools valued between $150 and $200 NEW YORK t.fI-The official Ro· 8:90 MOT:lIn. Chapel you can make a home workshop out of her bedroom! " was reported to police Friday by man Catholic directory for 1956 S:U Newt Dealer ~ : (!O Momlnc Ser .. nadc Portables Standanh Mrs: Violet McNeal, 817 Iowa Ave. shows a total churCh membership . : 15 'Ib~ Book,heU YOUNG Mrs. McNeal said the tools were of 33.574,071 in tbe 48 states. Alas· I : ~ OllJ'cctlve stolen Cram her basement some· k" and Hawaii. This is an in· 10:00 Report on Europe KNOW HE'S UP THERE. 10:15 Kllch.n Concert Wiket JUST OOESNT WANT time within the past 10 days. crease of 998,315 'Over 1955. 11 :00 Purdue s.'Id 11 :15 Iowa Slnle Dept. of Hcalth TO HEAR ME 11 :30 Redlnl Hall Typewriter Co. 11:00 Rhythm Ramble. 12:30 New. Dial 8-1051 23 E. Washington 12:4$ One Man'. OpinIon Tu·S2l ..loll €IT¥ RECORD 1:00 Eat on the Midwest 1:30 MUlie lor LI cnlnll 3:00 Evolutlo.n of Jan 4:00 Tea Time Sperlal CHEAPER THAN RENT BI&THS McCONNELL, Jamel. A2. Des Moinef. $:00 Children's Hour HANRAHAN. Mr. and Mrs, Joaeph, 1220 {Ined 'I~ on R eh•• c. of possesln' 5:30 News E. Court SI ... boy Thursday Itt Mercy an altered drlvu', lieerae. 5:t5 SportsUme Your money i safer invested In liospltal. McCOY. Robert. PI, Davenport, fined 8:DO Dinner Hour this good lillle home than in WALB5CH~UDT. Mr. ancl Mrs. Francis. '7.50 on a charle of IpeedJI\II. 8:M News rent receipts. W~ have this at· $vorsldc. a IIlrl ThurJday al Mercy OilTON; R ennelh. G. l>aUu Center. 1:00 Opera PM> Hospital. lined $10 on a charte of lIPeedlnll. ' :U O ...an M.u~e 01 Ihe Cenrurl., tractive one·bedroom home DEATHS REEL. Dwllhl. C4. Missouri Valley, ' :4$ New. and Sport. with garage, breezeway, and CARR. Vlr~ll. 40. Dubuque. Thursday lJned S1.50 on a char,e 01 speedlnC. 10:00 Word. for Tomorrow large lot available in June on I\t Unlvr rslty Hospl\.a~ . RlLEY. Anna J .• I" ...... Clly. fined '10, SlGN OF.. KLIER, Edward R .. 48. Cedar Rlopld •• suspended, on a ld. Riven Ide, /lned -.:JO and 8:1l'> Ne"" AllEN. J RY. A4. M ••on CII\·. lined <.nleneed to 10 dRY' In Ibe county 8:30 Jowa Government CORAL Vlll~ REALTY 1.50 on a eharlre 01 speeding. jaU on a eha.... of IntoxleaUon. 9:15 The Book hell BYERS. Charles. C3. Spencer, fined SEITZ. Jam.. D., A4. Frnport. nl .• 9:~ Momtn, ",BtU"' COMPANY '15 on a char,e of speedlnlr· fjned .7.50 on a ch~r.e 01 '1 ~edlnl . 10:00 New. IAILEY CAMBlER. Robert }< •• LZ. Oranlle City. SLA YMAKElI., HarTY W.. 1100 'Iblrd 10 :15 Kllehen Con<.rt Dial 8-2312 Fined al:; on a char,e of weedlnjf. Ave.. lined a1'O. aao I\Ispended, on • 11 :00 World of Ideas (Some PO't'ho- SEReEANTl CURRY. Keith. Parnell. fined $10 on a eharle o f r.UlnC to yield half 01 Ihe q ...I~1 ProblemS! DON'T' FORlds. fined 2:30 Musle Appreelatlon ",d Hlno!,), In ... $5 on a char,e 01 lalUII, 10 .-top' ror 3 : ~ Waltz Time HlSZCZYN. Roman, ;'3. Ft. Dodlre. .. Slnp sJ«n. 3:30 New•• 10 lines, 50 Models lined 'IM. $90 suspended. on n .,It ....." Wl:BB. VI ..... \, Cedar lIaplds. f' ned $5 3:4$ Setenade In Blue of no clrlver's llcen, .. : fined ~T.~ on on ~ ehnrJle 01 jmpro~r pal&ln(. . :ot Tu Time To Choose From .. a chorg. at . peedln,. WHETSTINE. Kcradh. t11~ S. Du· 5:1M1 ChUdren', Hour HOULIHAN. Thomas D .. A3. Otlumwa. buquf. fined SlOO • .., so_nded. on !>:. New. fIned $100. S85 sUlJ>e,nded. 0"' ~ • "h ....'e of permllUnC an unauthor· 5:45 SpomUm" WOllESEN'S, INC. charlie or dlaorderly conduct. lted ~rlOn to operate a molor ve· .:00 DtnMr Hour nWE'M'. Dwilrht. A2. Ouge. Uned hlcle. . :6G N_. . Quality Since 1936 SUO on a ellar,. 01 speedln ... YOUDER. Jonu. Kalona. lIDed $ID on ' :00 Ask \he Selentllts KERR. Lawrence. MI, J'orest View a eb...... of orpeedlnf' 1:. 8tudeftt P'onlm Phonc 1210 Trailer Court. fined ..,.!IG on a ehar.... .".... AQ~ le.JlraS ' :00 Mas_rkt P'mm Trance 1)1 speed In,. ZAVOOSKY. Raymonq. It. ~nc\ Mat· .:30 TIIIllI' ShoWed. tbe Way KESLER, Ro\,. SUvis. In .• fined $5 on ... r~1 MARTIN. 30. both of Cedar t:"/)' MlIlI\e.y.,.. W ... ~ · Marion Shopping CeaCft ... ,.h "' ,t'f" or Itll i'llnl"'~ hrl' t! r: ~t>IlI, • - 9: 5 ,... . , nnd ~porl 1\f;lrlnn Iowa • L . IT P'r, IIhrlr.n ... t. \.1 n Y. "1\ '~III " f II. 'l'rll IiJ '~1 f.-~r 1.1 ...-. 1 iO,\' ',.le. ' .li. \,' -21d ,.,,;0 (HI rh,lrr...:: n,t 'fn"e~'1h9 T'mr:Ct~. Ph~1I1 Arlene from Fr~ nl ,. SIGN OFF )·,·.11 J • .J tit dl _.------... .. ~. - ',-,--- .-----~ , .....~"". DAILY IOWAN-IHa ClfY. la, llIflney. Mey II. lIN - ,Lovoless- - "---"-,A II .e N t Two Students Exhibit University ~ (Cmli'illll(;d )rolll page"}) I crglcs 0 (Ioset Yields 89mbing A empt hails; hav~ long-range capital improve_'Entirely Bad Ex-Convict Dies in Bias' Penci/,CrayonDt:owings ments program. We've just had a ' . I Slain Heiress Briefs CARSON lTV, ev. IA'I - A day·to-day getting-by program. CHICAG 0 "" - Police theorized Acting Police Capt. Martin E. "Says Jeter young Philadelphia heiress was I think Governor Hoegh will be Friday nigh! lilat lin ex-convict Joyce said he beli "ed Call1PbtIl DR. LIERLE ELECTED - Dr. saying the same things I wlll on found strangled Thursday night in Dean 111. Llerle, head of the SUI this issue." f The allergies which bring SO the apartrn~nt of a missing Carson carrying a bomb was about to int nded to plant the bomb either Department of Otolarynll'llogy in On limited enrollm.nts at Sl;' - much discomfort to mankind may City barLender. plant the deadly device in a quiet against Olinder's home or his auto. the College of tedicine, has been "We aren't performing our function not be as "bad" as commonly be­ A nationwide alert was broadcast residential section when it exploded mobiles, parked in front of the Friday for the man. accidentally, killing him. residence. elected vice· president of the Am· as . a governr:nent if ~e do this. Iieved. an SUI scientist said Thurs- Sheriff Lester Smitil listed the This school will be a private school . The victim was Clarence Mike OIinder and !\Irs. Voss, wiCe 0( erican Otological society. if enrollments are limited . . . And day dunng 1I postgraduate confer- victim as blonde Mrs. Anne Harris I -- ] by what method can they be limit- ence in allergy. Van Ryne, 22, an expectant moth· Campbell, 59 , alias James Dorris. Bernard. a vice president of the WORKSHOPS SCHEDULED- ed? Dr. W. S. Jeter. professor of bac- er. Smith said he woula not de­ who served a term of eight year Minnesota Mining and ManuIactur_ Teachers, school adininislrators clare a positive identificalion untH in the Iowa State Prison on a ing Co. , said they did not know the On widaned highways - "Strictly teriology, said there is an her dehtal charts are received and others in professions con· a stop·gap. Much of this money standable tendency to think of al· charge of manslaughter, reduced dead man. cerned with educating children will from Philadelphia. from murder. Joyce said Campuell appareDlI, will have been wasted when the Being. sought for questioning is attend a two· week workshop on roads are re-Iocated and widened lergies as "bad" because they pro- His mangled body was found ear- had left his car carrying tbe bomb, further in the next few years . . . duce discomfort, and to think William E. Boswell, 35, in whose Iy friday in [ront of the North believed to have been col1lPOled Education in Human Rclations and Most people don't use the three-foot immunity as " good" because it apartment the woman's body was Side rj!sidence of John G. Olinder, of several sticks of dynamite, whea found tu[Ced into a closet. An 0[­ Mental Health beginning June 18. strip. It gives your car a little means protection against infectious 50, an engineer for the Cook County he tripped O\'er a cord stretched And parent's preparing to becoltle fensive odor brought on the investi­ Chicago Highway Department, fol- around a newly seeded parkway ia Clip when you pull of[ ..· . We agents and other foreign materials. gation leading to the discovery. leaders of parent-cducation discus­ should improve our highways on a lowing an explosion. front of the Olinder home, settin, Sheriff Smith said the body ap­ A slip of paper found in Camp- off the bOmb's deonaUng cap. sion groups in their home commu· pay.as.you-gQ basis. The public This may not be a ' fair" wouldn't favor a large bond issue." tion, because the basis or both al· parently had been .n tile closet bell's pocket bore tile license num- Authorities said Campbell was nities wUl meet for a week's dis- since Sund8#' or Monday night. , On Vote. for lS.ye.r olds _ "I'm lergy and immunity is the produc· bers of two automobil<'s owned by employed by the IJIlnois Sports cussion and study beginning June He said Mrs. Van Ryne had OIinder and of another automobile cws, a racing publication. Pollee definitely for it." tion of antibodies, and unpleasant 17. Both workshops will meet in planned to sell one of her three owned by Mrs. Gwendolyn Voss, records show he was arrested May On Democratic chance, for 1956 allergic reactions may be the re· cars to Bosweil and told friends 50, whose home' is near that or 1, 1930 as a kidnap and n~ the Union. '1' , - "We can't capture the Senate. suits oC the body's efforts to protect Sunday she was goin~ ~o his apart­ OIinder. I suspect in Des Moines, Iowa. Not enough seats are being contest- itself from something more un. lOent to turn over the title. HOSPITAL CONFERENCE - A ed. We have a chance to capture Investigators said \he woman ap­ hospital news relations conference the house (The Republican margin pleasant, Jeter said. parently was str~ed with the will be held at SUI's Continuation . t. there is now 89 to 19.) We have Antibodies are substances which belt of B housecoat. The belt was. .... t Study Center June 1-2. Hospital good business in county seat towns the bOdy produces to protect itself found under the bOdy, which was TOMORROW T~~ ENGLERT administrators and preliS repre­ running as Democrats. Some of from harmful foreign agents. The clothed in a polka-dot dress and ONE OF 20 DRAWINGS en dI"'ay at the SUI Art Iulletln, I~ ttlis sentatives from all parts of the them were formCl:y registered as foreign agents are called antigens. dark sweater. H~r pantih were THESE ARE THE PEOPLE of pencil anet crayon drawl", do". by Allan Ilizzard. G, We.tw., state are expected to attend. Repubicans. It's a good sign when Immunity to an antigen can be found on the floor pf the closet. Mall., left. The dl,play conlilts entirely ., wtrlc done tty 81111ar4 you see men jumpfug party lines built up in a person by giving the Hawkins said Mrs. Van Ryne alld Jack Hobbs, G, Sioux City, right. STUDENT MEETING-The [owa to run." individual repeated injections "had no substantial money in her Ben Hecht's brilliant story Iy WILLIAM VIDEIECK State Medical Society will conduct the antigen. For example, an own name, but her inheritances its second annual senior student tract of ragweed polle/! can be in­ would have been substantial." The mezzanine gaUery oC the conference today for members 01 Iowa City Gets jected at certain intervals to pre· One of her three cars, a 1953 of a city - all of them SUI Art Building is the scene of Estes Says Adlai the senior class at SUI's College vent or reduce the effects of hay station wagon, is missing, Sheriff two graduate art students' exhibit of Medicine. The rneeting Will be fever caused by that pollen. Smith said. oC 20 pencil and cfllyon drawings. held at the University Medical Safefy Recognition This immunity Is created by the singled out by fate to be Jack Hobbs, Sioux City, and AI· Is Smearing Him Center. PbysiC1lans Crom six lowa communities will address the stu· CmCAGO Lfl-The National Safe- antibOdies which the body pro· RIGHT NOW 1M Blizzard, ' Westwood, Mass., ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. IA'I - ty Council declined Thursday to I duces to counteract the an~igen. wHl exhibit their works until May dents. A banquet will be held for . However, allergic reactions also touched and changed Sen. Estes Kefauver charged Fri· 31. the students' tonight with Dr. Fred present any state or city Its grand are the results oC antibodies com. WE/VE GOT Sternagel, president-clect of the day that Adlai Stevenson had uaM'Sf~ award for aU-around traffic safety ing into contact with forcign Hobbs described his 10 drawings society as main speaker. by a chance m.... as primarily directed toward easy­ former Gilv. Millard Caldwell of in 1955. agents, Jeter said. SOMETHING Clowing linlls and masses. Florida in a "smear and smile" But, the council named Iowa OUTDOOR ART 'SHOW - The TIME ON HER HANDS Blizzard felt that he "attempted campaign. He said President Ei· City as one oC the nine Iowa cities i n9 that stort~ first outdoor student art show at MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. IA'I - to vitalize the subjects, giving senhower had used 'Vice President SUI will be exhibited again today to receive special recognition GOOD! them spirit and structure." A I5-year-old girl was held Fri· Nixon in the same Cashion. and SundaY "on the Iowa Memo­ awards Cor traffic saCcty. day on charges of setting fire to a with a klsi Hobbs came to sur in 1948. Hav. Striking hard in his fight against rial Union outdoor terrace from ing received his B.A. in 1952 (rom • Iowa City was cited for the neighbor's home. Poilce Quoted Stevenson for Florida's 28 nominat· 10 a.m. to sunset. A member o{ the th/! girl as saying she sel three SUI, his career was interrupted by Art Guild will be at the show award on the eity record of no ali i nXlt; J:9 in the two year's service In the Army. ing votes in the Democratic presi· traffic deaths in 1955. The last traf­ separate Cires because "1 had throughout today and Sunday to nothing else to do." Now, after his discharge in 1954, dential preference primary Tues­ assist visitors. and ca~ogs are fic death was April SO, 1954. POSITIVEL Y ENDS Hobbs and his wiCe are back at day, Kefauver said: available. In case of rain, the show The cauncil's reason for not pre­ SUI. He is working towards his will be exhibited the weekend of "There's a remarkable parallel senting the award, its top recogni­ ~ CAp·'.',L oLo,.·/) rteI • .MONDAY • M.A. in Art Education, which he in this race in the Ilttltude of Mr. June 2-3, Guild llfficiali said. . W[tKlH() . expects to receive this June. tion for safety, was because of the Stevenson towar~ his delegate, AN ADULT FILM TOLD - ~ - worsening trarric safety situation IIIG- ' Next year he plans to teach art Caldwell, and President Eisenhow· INSURAN(:E SCHOOL-Person· IN AN ADULT MANNERI at a public school in 'Crystal Lake, er in his attitude toward Mr. Nix· nel . from 25 Iowa insurance agen­ throughout the United States. Ill. on. cies are meeting at sur fQr a FIRST-RUNS i./ Some of Hobb's prints are being "Mr. Nixon makes a vicious at­ three-day Introductory Insurance shown in the Ahnual Prints Exhibit tack OD the Democrats which Mr. S.bool which will close at noon at the Library of Congress. The Eisenhower says he didn't read. today. The group heard prof. Cleo Eighth Annual Iowa Artists Show Mr. Caldwell mak.es vicious at­ Casady and Prof. W. J. Masson DANCE in Des Moines recently displayed tacks on me which, although he, of the SUI Business Education de· 'it'ze», some of his prints as did the Am· Stevenson, was sitting right behind partment. Swisher Pavilion PRICtS - TillS ATTRACTION erican Association of University ~(ATlNBES - '00 - NIGIIT an~ him (Caldwell), Mr. Stevenson says ALL DAY S NDAY - "~e Women's print show in Iowa City. he didn't hear. ,. SCOUT LEADER Blizzard attended the Massa· Sat., May 26-Adm. $1 Caldwell, a Stevenson delegate CINCINNATI IA'I - Boy Scouts of , SIIOWS - J:XO-K:SO . :I:~O- chusetts School of Art, Boston, on 1 : ~O - 9:40 - F •• ture 0::\0 candidate, in introducing Stevenson America, in national council, Fri­ a scholarship. to a Tallahassee audience earlier Frankie Buhr . There, he received his B.A. in day elected Kenneth K. Bechtel o[ this week quoted from a Richmond, SaD Francisco, its new president. Memorial Day-Kenny Hofer 1951 and a scholarship for one Va., News·Leader editorial which year's studies at the University of called Kefauver an "integration­ For rei. call 1B 1 on 6 . Arizona, Tucson. ist" and a "sychophant Cor the Blizzard got his M.A. from Ari­ Negro vote." zona in 1952. Like Hobbs, he then went into the Army for two years. Upon his discharge, he and bis wife, Marilyn, came to Iowa City. 16 To Attend Home Sl>m~ of Blillard's paintings are currently being snown in the Iowa Nursing Course 'May Show at Sioux City, as they were last YC