Volume 2, Issue 8 Gary Bedingfield’s April 2008 Contact: Baseball in Wartime
[email protected] www.baseballinwartime.com 100,000 Hits for the Baseball in Wartime Website in 2008 n March 21, Baseball in flew 35 missions earning the Wartime received its Distinguished Flying Cross and Air 100,000th web page hit of Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters. O the year. That means Outfielder Bobby Byrne, shot down between January 1 and March 21, six enemy fighter planes over the 2008, an average of 1,234 pages of skies of North Africa while flying a the Baseball in Wartime website P-40 Warhawk. He was awarded the were looked at each day. That’s Distinguished Flying Cross and Air quite an achievement for a website Medal. that began as a single-page affair Two minor league heroes of World eight years ago when I wanted World War II are included in this month’s War II baseball to have a cyberspace newsletter. Bill Brenner flew 29 presence! missions as a B-17 pilot, while Thanks to all of you who visit the site Mickey McGuire earned a Silver Star on a regular basis and thanks to all as a medical aid man in North Africa, you first-time visitors - I hope you’ll Sicily and Italy. Billy Southworth Jr, son of the Cardinals be coming back regularly. You can read about all the other manager Billy Southworth. Billy Jr flew 25 Minor League Heroes Minor League heroes at missions over Europe without a scratch, www.baseballinwartime.com/player_ but was killed when the B-29 Superfor- Over the last month I’ve been adding tress he was piloting crashed into Flushing a number of biographies to the biographies/player_biographies_min Bay, New York while attempting to land at website for minor league players.