Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society

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Proceedings and Transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society o z -J z RIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIiniliSNI NVINOSHilWS SBIMVHail .liSNi NviN0SHiiws^S3iavaan libraries Smithsonian institution RIES SMITHSONIAN *9 INSTITUTION NOIiniliSNI NVIN0SHlIWs'^S3 I H Vy 11 t^ ^ </) 2 .- ^ ^ ^ «. ^ * iisni"'nvinoshiiws S3idvaan libraries smithsonian'^institution r- , z r- 2 r- w = (/) t: {/) RIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIiniliSNI NVINOSHIIINS S3iyvaan t^ 2 » t/> 2 t/^ I iJ llSNI_NVIN0SHlltNs'^S3 Va 8 n_LI B R AR I Es'^SMITHSONIAN_INSTITUTION N <^ Z -I Z _j 2 RIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOfiniUSNI NVINOSHIIINS S3favaan rr, XCliS^- i; s!^5iasii>' m f/> — — CO . _ LUSNi NViNOSHims S3iavMan libraries Smithsonian institution (/) Z ^ W Z .... 2 2 <D T3 O < 3 (5 D *; " z y is £ 5 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIIfliliSN! 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Ml NviNOSHims S3iavaan libraries s Z C/7 z ..... 2? ^Qj APRIL 1987 Vol. 20, Part 1 Proceedings and Transactions ojf The British Entomological and Natural History Society Price: £3.50 Officers and Council for 1987 President: Prof. J. A. Owen M.D.. Ph.D., F.R.E.S. Vice-Presidents: J.M. Chalmers-Hunt, F.R.E.S. I.F.G. McLean Ph.D., F.R.E.S. Treasurer: Secretary: Col D.H. Sterling J. Muggleton, M.Sc, Ph.D., M.I. Biol. F.R.E.S. Curator: Librarian: Lantemist: P.J. Chandler, B.Sc. S.R. Miles M. Simmons F.R.E.S. Ordinary Members of Council: P.J. Baker P.J. Johnson E.Bradford Mrs F.M. Murphy G.N. Burton P.A. Sokoloff K. G.W.Evans R.W.J. Uffen C. Hart D. Young Editorial Editor: R.A. Jones, B.Sc., F.R.E.S. 10 Nunhead Grove Nunhead London SE 1 5 3LY with the assistance of: T.R.E. Southwood, K.B., D.Sc, F.R.S. T.G. Howarth, B.E.M., F.R.E.S. M.W.F. Tweedie, M.A., F.Z.S. E.S. Bradford R.W.J. Uffen, M.Sc, F.R.E.S. Proceedings and Transactions of The British Entomological and Natural History Society Index to Volume 20, 1987 Indoor meetings 26 June 1986-27 November 1986, 75-83 Compiled by Richard A. Jones 11 December 1986-9 July 1987, 161-178 London Natural History Society, joint meeting, 77 Microscopy, Ught and electron (lecture), 161 Dates of publication Mollusca, British land snails and slugs (lecture), 163 National Trust, and insect conservation, 83 Part 1 April 1987 New Zealand wildlife (lecture), 177 Part 2 April 1987 Obituary, Hugh Sutherland Robinson, 87 Part 3 July 1987 Officers' reports for 1986, 179 Part 4 October 1987 Orb web spiders feeding on slugs, 90 Orthoptera, European (leaure), 77 GENERAL Pests of stored products (leaure), 75 Photography of inseas (leaure), 167 Additions to the British list of insects, 148 Presidential address, report, 147 Annual Exhibition, 1986 Ptenidium gressneri (Coleoptera: Ptiliidae) in Surrey, 122 British butterflies, 41 Scuttle fhes, three new species, 27 British Macrolepidoptera, 44, SUde evenings, 82, 169, 171, 177 British Microlepidoptera, 49 Song of inseas and taxonomy (leaure) 165 Coleoptera, 61 Suburban wildlife in a cemetary (leaure), 171 Crustacea, 70 Suillia (Diptera: Heleomyzidae), British species, 91 Diptera, 57 Trox scaber, unusual abundance, 34 Foreign Lepidoptera, 55 Winkler extraaor for beetles, 129 Hemiptera, 67 Xylophagus ater, British distribution and biology, 141 Hymenoptera, 69 Yponomeutinae, British, 13-26 Illustrations, 71 Orthoptera, 70 CONTRIBUTORS Annual General Meeting, 166 Anthomyza bifasciata in Suffolk, 135 Adams, M J., 35 in East Sussex and Norfolk, 136 Agassiz, D J.L., 1, 49, 80 Aquatic wildlife, photography (lecture), 163 Alexander, K., 58, 61, 67, 83, 141 Apanteles coniferae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), Appleton, D., 57, 62, 67 swarming males, 133 Ashby, C.B., 71 Argyresthiinae, British, 1-12 Austin, RA., 44, 49 Book reviews Bailey, K.E J., 41 A complete guide to British dragonflies, by A.McGeeney, 120 Baker, B.R., 44, 85 A field guide to the dragonflies of Britain, Europe and Baker, PJ., 118, 128, 140 North AJfrica, by J.d'Aguilar et al., 120 BaU, S.G., 57 A Selbome year. The naturalist's journal for 1784, Gilbert Barnard, P.C, 79 White, ed. by E.DadsweU, 40 Barrington, R.D.G., 42, 71, 123 Collins guide to the insects of Britain and Western Europe, Beaumont, H.E., 49 byM.Chinery, 118 Bebbington, J., 76 Country Life guide to the dragonflies of Britain and Bland, K.P., 50 Northern Europe, by B.Gibbons, 120 Bowen, I., 162 Insects in camera, by C.OToole and K.Preston Mafham, Bradford, E.S., 45, 50, 71, 72, 76, 82, 183 119 Bratton, J., 70 Sphingidae Mundi hawk moths of the world, by Britton.M., 45 B. D'Abrera, 160 Broome, G., 71 The Aurelian or natural history of English insects, by Moses Brown, M., 170 Harris Burton, G.N., 72 The natural history of butterflies, by J.Feltwell, 128 Callow, NA., 72, 82, 119, 165, 169, 172 The RSNC guide to butterflies of the British Isles, by Chahners-Hunt, J.M., 49, 50, 75, 76, 77, 78,79, 80, 81, 82, 147, JAThomas, 140 151, 162, 163, 164,165, 173, 177 Brown-tail moth, habits and biology (lecture), 78 Chandler, PJ., 57, 74, 105, 184 Butterflies in the Andes, 35 Chatfield, J., 40, 163 Butterfly collecting, 123 Church, S.H., 71 Bye-laws, change at special meeting, 164 Classey, E.W., 45 Caddis flies, relation to moths (lecture), 79 Claugher, D., 161 Camouflage (lecture), 76 Clements, O.K., 58, 141 Coleophoridae, notes on, 151 Collins, GA., 58 Coleopterists' Workshop, Maidstone, 104 Corley, M.F.V., 50 Corals of the Red Sea (lecture), 166 Cottle, R., 167 Correction, British species of Diastata, 74 Cronin, A.R., 42, 45, 55, 62 Editorial, 186 Danahar, G.W., 70, 79, 171 Field guide to the smaller British Lepidoptera, Dennis, R.C., 42 announcement, 159 Disney, R.H.L., 27 Field meetings Drane, A.B., 62 Child's Forstal Wood, East Blean, Kent, 86 Elston, H J., Grays Chalk Pit, Essex, 84 Emmet, A.M., 45, 50, 77, 78, 166, 169 Orlestone Forest, Kent, 85 Evans, K.G.W., 80, 82, 83 Seabrook Stream, Kent, 83 Eve, H.C., 77 Tantany and Pigbush, New Forest, 83 Fenn, J.L. 43, 45, 51 The Slade, Upper Bucklebury Common, Berks., 85 Ferguson, I.D., 78 Wisley Common, Surrey, 84 Foster, A.P., 45, 63, 78 Wooton Bridge, New Forest, 86 Gibson, C.W.D., 45 Flight of in.sects (lecture), 80 Goater, B., 175 Fossil arachnids (lecture), 174 Godfrey, A., 58, 172 Fungus gnats, notes on some British species, 105 Goulding, V.R., 170 Game bird conservation, effect on insects (article), 137; Hall, N.M., 55 (lecture), 173 Halsey, J., 45 Heathlands, conservation (leaure), 81 Halsey, M., 45 Hyboteles (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), first host record, 122 Halstead, AJ., 63, 68, 70, 75,77, 78, 81, 82, 84, 162, 164, 166, Sterling, PH., 44, 73, 78 171, 172, 174, 175, 176 Stokes, D., 44 Halstead, D.G.H., 75 Trebilcock, G.D., 44, 56 Halstead, K., 83 Trembath, DA., 48 Harman, A J.E., 76, 167, 169, 170 Tremewan, W.G., 48 Harman, T.W., 46, 55 Tubbs, R., 41, 44, 82 Hanner, AS., 43, 46 Tuck, K.R., 56 Harper, M.W., 51 Tweedie, M.W.F., 48, 71, 175, 176 Hart, C, 46, 51 Uffen, R.W J., 74, 80, 169 Harvey, PR., 84 Valetta, A., 79 Hawkins, R.D., 77, 82 Waite, P., 48 Heckford, R J., 52 Waring, P.M., 48, 173 Henderson, M., 169, 175 West, B.K., 48, 77, 81, 83 Hodge, P., 58, 63 Whitfield, J.B., 133 HoUier, JA., 58, 64, 67, 68, 70 WUd, E., 86 Hudson, I.R., 59, 68, 80 Wilson, D.E.,plates III to VI, 48, 56 HuU, M., 168 Wiltshire, E.P., 56 Jenner, H.E., 71 Winter, P.Q., 48 Jewess, P J., 161, 164 Wistow, RJ., 58, 64,67, 68, 70 Johnson, PJ., 86 Withers, P., 91, 135 Jones, A.M., 43 Wootton, R., 80 Jones, RA., 34, 60, 64, 67, 71, 72, 77, 78, 82, 119, 120, 162, 163, Yendall, D., 167 166, 171, 174, 176, 177, 186 Young, DA., 49 Jordan, M.RJ., 46, 71 Young, L.D., 44 Kirby, P., 59, 65, 68 Knill-Jones, R.P., 52, 56 COLEOPTERA Knill-Jones, SA., 46, 52 Lambert, S., 59, 65 Acalles misellus, 66 Langmaid, J.R., 46, 52 A.roboris, 66 Lonsdale, D., 81, 173 Acanthocinus aedilis, 77 MacNulty, BJ., 80 Actenicerus sjaelandicus, 83 MaUett, N., 76, 125 Aderus populnea, 65 McCormick, R.F., 46 Agapanthia villosoviride.scens, 61 McLean, I.F.G., 60, 136 Agonum sexpunrtatum, 63 MichaeUs, HJM., 46, 53 Agrilus sinuatus, 62, 77 Middleton, H.G.M., 43, 47 Aleochara curtula, 167 Miles, S., 75, 76, 77, 163, 173, 185 Alphitobius diaperinus, 171 Morris, M.G., 65 Amalus scortillum, 66 Muggleton, J., 75, 79, 81, 164, 169, 171, 179 Ampedus balteatus, 82 Murphy, F., 72, 170, 171, 174, 177 A.
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