'i ' SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 13thOCTOBER 201 1 Minutes of the meeting of Salsburgh Community Council held in the Community Hall on Thursday 13th October 201 1

PRESENT H. Cox [Chair], M. Hinds, 0. McAvoy, M. McLaughlin, C. Cox, B. McLaughlin, N. McCann, G. Stephen.


Cllr James Robertson & Cllr Charles Cefferty 5 Pc William Bishop & Pc Neill Campbell - Strath



1. Appointment of members; the following persons were nominated & appointed as members of the Salsburgh Community Council; J. Keir, H. Cox, C. Cox, M. Hinds, 0. McAvoy, M. McLaughlin, N. McCann, G. Stephen, J. Wilson.

2. The following were nominated and appointed as Office Bearers for the Salsburgh Community Council; Chair - James Keir. Vice Chair - Helen McColl. Treasurer - George Stephen.

Secretary 5 Owen McAvoy.

3. The following documents were submitted for consideration and adopted; a. North Scheme for Community Councils. b. Model Constitution & Standing Orders for Community Councils. c. North Lanarkshire Code of Conduct for Community Councillors.

4. The following was nominatedko-opted as a full member of the community council; - Brett McLaughlin. 5. A report [dated 8th September 201 I]from the executive director of corporate services [miscellaneous matters] of North Lanarkshire Council was submitted for consideration & noted.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 6. Minutes of the meeting of Thursday 8thSeptember 201 1 were submitted and approved.


FREE BUS SERVICE 7. A number of questions were highlighted by members regarding the five days a week free bus service [grant supported - f35K from SPT] from GBT Project to the Sports Centre [Serving - Cleland, Coltness, Forgewood, , , North Lodge and North ] and why Salsburgh is not

1 ' ' SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 13thOCTOBER 201 1 included in the service as Salsburgh is further away and has no direct public bus service to/from the Ravenscraig Sports Centre. The secretary was asked to pursue matters to clarify the situation.

CORRESPONDENCE Various advertising literature North Lanarkshire Council Airdrie Citizens Advice Bureau VAN L Scottish Water Alex Neill MSP


At this point the chair decided to vary the order of business

Police Officers William Bishop & Neill Campbell was introduced to the meeting. The following among other issues were highlighted and discussed;

The crime statistics for the period from 8'h September 201 1 to the 13thOctober 201 1 were noted as follows; Assault = 1, Vandalism = 2, Disorder Offences = 2, Drug possession = 2, Attempted TheWHousebreaking = 1, Theft [other] = 1, Road traffic offences = 3. Total Crimes = 12. Crimes detected = 9. Detection rate = 75% A total of 49 telephone calls were made to the police from the [general public] local area during the period regarding various incidents of concern within the local community.

Members were brought up to date on new police cover for the area of Salsburgh [ Ward] including the new supervisor Sergeant Amanda Kennedy and the new area police In s pe ct o r Bi I I C ra wfo rd . Members voiced concerns regarding the amount of fireworks being used already in the local community and, as if in support of the allegations, while the meeting was in progress fireworks were heard exploding in the vicinity of the community centre. The police reminded members that it is their intention to get out among members of the local community and if there are any residents experiencing anti-social behaviour to get in touch with the community police team at on tel 01698-202600. Suggestions were made that the police would also try to attend future community council meetings to update members on crime and incidents in the local area.

Pc's Bishop & Campbell were thanked for their attendance and input to the meeting, they then left the meeting.

COUNCILLORS REPORT 8. Deputy Provost James Robertson and Councillor Charles Cefferty highlighted various issues and discussion occurred relative to the following, among other matters; Cost & status of proposed shared services between North Lanarkshire Council and various other local authorities in the west of . Christmas lights are to be erected by NLC within the Salsburgh village this year. The forthcoming Salsburgh pensioners Xmas Dinner. Grant application. The forthcoming by-election at .

2 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 13thOCTOBER 201 1 The proposed reduction of MP’s to the British Parliament. Possible changes to the areas and voting numbers for parliamentary elections. Possible future changes to local authority areas. Local development Programme environmental improvement [E 10.0001 proposed for the Salsburgh community centre that is currently at the design stage.

ADVE RTIS IN G L ITERATU RE 9. Members noted details from various advertising literature.

B7066 FOOTBRIDGE 10. Members received report for information and discussed various issues relative to the public meeting organised by North Lanarkshire Council and held at Salsburgh on the 1Oth October 201 1 regarding the B7066 footbridge. Members noted various issues highlighted at the meeting by Cllr Robertson and members of the local community [inclusive of community council members] in attendance at the public meeting, of particular interest; 0 Attendance at the meeting was around 21 persons. e Those present at the meeting decided [with some attendee abstentions] that they wished the pedestrian footbridge to remain in situ.

Note. Members were reminded of previous meetings of the community council discussing issues [CC Minutes dated - 13thJanuary 201 1, lothFebruary 201 1 & 8th September 201 I]

ALEX NEILL MSP 11. members note [circulated] and discussed correspondence from Alex Neill MSP regarding upgrading of the King George V Playing Field and issues regarding other play areas in Salsburgh.

ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS 12. Various concerns were voiced that the [NLC] Local Development Programme and [NLC] Local Area Action Plan were being decided out-with the input of the local community and it was possible that a number of issues of concern being highlighted at community council meetings were not being addressed fully to resolve issues. Various matters were voiced regarding a number of issues and members suggested that Gordon Douglas, estates manager at North Lanarkshire Council be invited to attend the next community council meeting so that various estate management concerns could be highlighted and addressed, issues among others such as;

Street traders, ground leasing, operator licensing and planning requirements. Road safety issues and dangers to the public. Various matters including wind turbines & waste disposal & incineration in the local estate area resulting in industrialisation of the local countryside. Waste burning in the local area to obtain non ferrous metals. Burnt out vehicles including vans in the local area. Rubbish & waste dumping around the area including dumping of used tyres. Grass cutting & maintenance of footpaths alongside the B7066. Condition of local footpaths. Condition and responsibility [grass cutting etc.] for the frontage of Strathclyde Homes development along the B7066.

3 SALSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - 13thOCTOBER 201 1 e Flooding along the B7066 on the Hirst and along several kilometres to Newhouse including within Salsburgh itself. e Dangers as a result of floods along the B7066 freezing during the winter weather resulting in the carriageway being reduced to single file traffic only. e Flooding on the B7066 within the Salsburgh village near Muirhall Terrace. e The trees planted along the 67066 as part of the neighbourhood environmental improvement scheme being blown down/removed. e Condition of the footpath and state of fencing from Muirhall Terrace leading towards the KO’s Primary School. e Un a ut ho rised development with i n the vi Ilag e. e Fencing along the B7066 through the village. e Condition of various lay bye’s alongside the 67066 including at St Catherine’s Well [Kate’s Well]

CHRISTMAS DINNER 13. Members discussed various matters relating to the community council organising and running the pensioners Christmas dinner including issues such as; The community council application for a community grant to hold the event. Venue for the event especially due to late organising of issues relative to g roup/ /m usic req ui remen ts/l icensing req ui rementds tewa rds hi p of the eventltransport etc.

AlRDRlE CITIZENS ADVICE 14. Members noted details regarding the invitation to the Airdrie Citizens Advice Bureau Annual General Meeting on 2ndNovember 201 1.

VANL 15. Members noted and discussed various issues from VANL correspondence relative to their voscars awards for third sector groups and volunteers.

SCOTTISH WATER 16. Members noted details [circulated] regarding Scottish Waters winter code.

PLAN N IN G 17. Various planning applications/matters were highlighted including increasing numbers of wind turbine [several] applications within North Lanarkshire throughout the countryside taking advantage of public money grants and subsidies but seemingly ignoring the inherent dangers [Datum/wind speeddweather conditions etc] of locating wind turbines so close to public highways. Reference was also made to the community council minutes [item 131 of the 8thSeptember 201 1.

The community council meeting concluded.

The next community council meeting will take place on Thursday lothNovember 201 1.