S K E N È Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies 2:1 2016 Catharsis, Ancient and Modern Edited by Gherardo Ugolini SKENÈ Journal of Theatre and Drama Studies Executive Editor Guido Avezzù. General Editors Guido Avezzù, Silvia Bigliazzi, Alessandro Serpieri. Editorial Board Simona Brunetti, Lisanna Calvi, Nicola Pasqualicchio, Gherardo Ugolini. Managing Editor Lisanna Calvi. Assistant Managing Editor Francesco Lupi. Copyeditors Marco Duranti, Flavia Palma, Carlo Vareschi, Tobia Zanon. Layout Editor Alex Zanutto. Advisory Board Anna Maria Belardinelli, Anton Bierl, Enoch Brater, Jean-Christophe Cavallin, Marco De Marinis, Tobias Döring, Pavel Drábek, Paul Edmondson, Keir Douglas Elam, Ewan Fernie, Patrick Finglass, Enrico Giaccherini, Mark Griffith, Stephen Halliwell, Robert Henke, Pierre Judet de la Combe, Russ McDonald, Guido Paduano, Franco Perrelli, Didier Plassard, Donna Shalev, Susanne Wofford. Copyright © 2016 SKENÈ All rights reserved. ISSN 2421-4353 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission from the publisher. SKENÈ Theatre and Drama Studies http://www.skenejournal.it
[email protected] Daniela M. Schönle* Theatrical Catharsis and Its Therapeutic Effect. Catharsis in Vienna at the Turn of the Century Abstract Around 1900, catharsis became “one of the most frequently discussed topics amongst scholars and an equally popular conversation topic at the Viennese salons” (Ellen- berger 1970: 2.655). The so-called ‘Viennese discourse on catharsis’ emerged as a re- action to Jacob Bernays’s commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics in which he interpreted the effects of tragedy as a medical procedure. Another important premise for the diffusion and popularization of the topic in the Danube metropolis was the activism of Theodor Gomperz, who not only spread the position of Jacob Bernays amongst phi- lologists, but also succeeded in stirring the enthusiasm of people working outside the Classics departments.