The Genus Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Some Potato Crops from Romania, 1978-1999
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Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii i comunicri. tiinele Naturii. Tom. 26, No. 2/2010 ISSN 1454-6914 THE GENUS CARABUS (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE) IN SOME POTATO CROPS FROM ROMANIA, 1978-1999 VARVARA Mircea Abstract. The paper synthesizes an extensive material of the Carabus species pitfall-trapped during 18 years (1978-1999) in potato crops in 10 counties and 13 sites Romania in various soil and climate conditions. In each site 5-17 (11 in average) Barber traps were exposed for 20-183 days (108 in average). Altogether 1175 individuals of 11 Carabus species were collected. The most abundant were Carabus (Trachycarabus) scabriusculus OLIVIER 1795 (46.60%), Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus ILLIGER 1798 (25.77%), Carabus (Eucarabus) ullrichii GERMAR 1824 (20.80%), Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus LINNAEUS 1758 (5.10%). The remaining 7 species represented 0.09-0.43% of the entire material. The spring breeders (54.55%), mezophilous (90.91%), forest (63.64%) and zoophagous species (100%) predominated. The species recorded have palaearctical, westpalaearctical, Eurosiberian, European, Central European, and East European distributional areas. Keywords: Romania, Moldova, ara Bârsei country, Târgu Jiu basin, potato crops, Carabus, species, ecological requirements. Rezumat. Genul Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) în unele culturi de cartofi din România, 1978-1999. Lucrarea este o sintez a colectrii materialului original privind speciile genului Carabus din unele culturi de cartofi din 10 judee ale României i 13 localiti în condiiile pedo-climatice ale celor 18 ani (1978-1999). Pentru colectarea materialului epigeic s-au folosit capcane Barber. În fiecare staionar i an au funcionat 11 capcane în medie (limite, 5-17). Capcanele au funcionat permanent 108 zile în medie, (limite între 20 i 183). În total, s-au colectat 1175 indivizi, aparinând la 11 specii ale genului Carabus. Ierarhizarea procentual, conform numrului de indivizi ale fiecrei specii colectate, a fost: Carabus (Trachycarabus) scabriusculus OLIVIER 1795, (46,60%), Carabus (Tachypus) cancellatus ILLIGER 1798, (25,77%), Carabus (Eucarabus) ullrichii GERMAR 1824, (20,80%), Carabus (Megodontus) violaceus LINNAEUS 1758, (5,10%). Restul de apte specii au avut procente între 0,09-0,43%. Au predominat speciile cu reproducere în primvar (54,55%), mezofile (90,91%) i cu preferine pentru biotopul de p;dure (63,64%), zoofage (100%). Predominana distribuirii geografice a fost: palearctic, euro-siberian, vest-palearctic, european, central-european i est- european. Cuvinte cheie: România, Moldova, ara Bârsei, depresiunea Târgu Jiu, cultura de cartofi, Carabus, specii, cerine ecologice. INTRODUCTION In the conception of ecological agriculture, edaphic invertebrates play an important role in production of humus and circulation of organic matter to the plants in form of chemical elements or substances, while epigeic predatory or mixophagous beetles (Carabidae) act as a biological filter, consuming diverse species of invertebrates and their developmental stages. In field ecosystems, climate, soil, crop plant, treatment of the soil, control of diseases and pests influence qualitatively and quantitatively epigeic arthropods in a complex system of interactions between organisms and their environment. The crop plant Solanum tuberosum is a mesophilous, agricultural plant. Annual precipitations of 650-800 mm favor its productivity per hectare owing to a positive correlation between soil humidity and potato production. An optimum production is reached at a soil humidity of 60- 80 % of its capacity (BERINDEI, 1983). Papers on carabids in the potato crops from Romania were published by VARVARA et al. (1990), DONESCU & ENOIU (1995), VARVARA et al. (1999). Various approaches to study of carabids living in different crops in Europe, are well summarized by PORHAJAŠOVÁ et al. (2008). Similarly as the studies by SKUHRAVÝ & NOVÁK 1957; SKUHRAVÝ et al., 1959; ŠTEPANOVIOVÁ & BELÁKOVÁ, 1960; ŠTUSÁK, 1962; PETRUŠKA, 1966, 1971, 1986, 1987, 1988; OBRTEL, 1969; NOVÁK, 1972; ANDERSEN, 1999; BASEDOW et al., 1976; SEKULI et al., 1973; ERICSON, 1978; SHAROVA, 1983; HONK, 1997; PETVALSKÝ & PORHAJAŠOVÁ, 2002 and PORHAJAŠOVÁ, 2002 (cited after PORHAJAŠOVÁ et al., 2008). Our paper focuses on study of population and community structure in different potato crops. Its purpose is to achieve a synthesis of original data on occurrence of the Carabus species in these crops of Moldavia, the ara Bârsei county and the Târgu Jiu basin and the variation of number of individuals and species in dependence on different habitat conditions in regional and local scales. MATERIAL AND METHODS The material was collected in the following regions: Moldavia (counties Bacu, Iai, Neam, Botoani and Suceava), Transylvania (counties Braov and Covasna), Muntenia (Arge county), Oltenia (Dolj county), Dobrudgea (Tulcea county). Moldavia is a zoogeographical district (KISS, 1970) characterized by a continental climate, with annual average temperature between 7 and 9.0ºC, average annual precipitation of 450-650 mm. The climate of Moldavia is temperate continental. Correlatively with the rising of the altitude, two zones are evident here. The cooler western zone of 137 VARVARA Mircea Moldavia with an annual average temperature of 8.5ºC and precipitations of 600-700 mm and the eastern zone with the annual average temperature of 9.5ºC and precipitations of 450-550 mm. Within these zones three climatic districts are differentiated. The northern one with the southern limit southerly of Iasi; the central one with the southern limit southerly of the Hui town and the southern one. They differ each from other by annual average temperature and precipitations. The ara Bârsei country basin has an area of 2406 km2. The altitude varies between 504 m (the Feldioara zone) and 723 m (the Braov zone). Due to its geographical position within of Romania, the climate of the ara Bârsei country basin is temperate continental with average annual temperature of 7.8ºC, the average annual rainfall varies between 548-782 mm, reaching a maximum in the Braov area. In this region, summers are cool because of the mountain influence. The warmest months are July and August, when the temperature rises to 25ºC. The Târgu Jiu basin comprises river meadows and terraces. 80% of the basin’s area has a temperate continental climate. Annual average air temperature is 10.2ºC at Târgu Jiu. Annual average rainfall is 753.0 mm. In the Târgu Jiu basin, the brown alluvial soils dominate on the extensive Jiu river floodplain. The crop plants occupy large surfaces in the center and south of the county: cereals, potatoes and vegetables. The average yields are below the Romanian average. For this paper, the effort, scope, and minuteness made in time to collect the material are given in Table 1 and detailed data for each locality in Table 2 (localities, period of operation of the traps, all days of operation, total number of traps used, total number of collections, total number of samples examined, locality and year). To know the diversity of the Carabus species, the variation of the relative abundance of the material collected, there was collected from the Braov locality for 11 years (1984-1998), from the Târgu Jiu locality for 10 years (1987-1998), and from Moldova for six years (1978-1999). The synthetic data for the material collected are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Synthetic table referring to the collection of the material from the potato crops. Tabel 1.Tabel sintetic privind colectarea materialului din culturile de cartofi. No. Specifications Potato crops 1 Years of sampling 1978-1999 2 Effective years of sampling 18 3 Total number of pitfalls used 420 4 Average of pitfalls per site 11 5 Limits of number of pitfalls used 5-17 6 Total number of effective days of pitfalls exposition 3992 7 Average length of pitfalls exposition per site 108 8 Limits 20-183 9 Total number of one year samples 730 10 Total number of analyzed samples 8179 11 Average per locality 221 12 Limits 24-520 The species were identified and their nomenclature was adopted according to FREUDE et al. (1976). For the characterization of the Carabus species we used the following parameters: relative abundance, ecological requirements (time of reproduction, preference for moisture, biotope, food, and geographical distribution). To characterize the species of the genus Carabus from the potato crop ecosystem, referring to the breeding season, preferences for humidity, biotope, food regime, geographical distribution, we used some personal observation in the field and information from the literature (TURIN et al., 1991; NECULISEANU, 2003; ŠUSTEK, 2000; VARVARA, 2005). Table 2. General data on the collection of material. Tabel 2. Date generale asupra colectrii materialului. Length of traps exposition Traps Catches Samples Locality From To Days number number total 1 Braov 1984 (Braov County) May 29 September12 107 13 20 260 2 Braov 1985 April16 September 4 141 13 31 403 3 Braov 1986 May 29 October 12 137 13 30 390 4 Braov 1987 May 29 September 12 107 13 30 390 5 Braov 1988 May 1 September 12 135 13 29 464 6 Brasov 1989 May 1 September 30 153 10 6 60 7 Braov 1991 June10 August 14 65 17 20 340 8 Braov 1992 June 1 September 15 107 12 20 240 9 Brasov 1993 June 1 September 15 107 12 20 240 10 Braov 1997 May 24 June 13 20 12 2 24 11 Brasov 1998 June 1 September 18 110 12 15 180 12 Mâr2ani, 1987 May 1 August 30 122 13 40 520 13 Mârani 1988 (Dolj County) April 15 August 27 124 13 22 286 14 Mâr2ani 1989 April 15 June 29 75 10 6 60 15 Târgu Jiu 1987 (Gorj