M E M O / N O T E D E S E R V I C E Information previously distributed / Information distribuée auparavant TO: Board of Health for the City of Ottawa Health Unit DESTINATAIRE : Conseil de santé de la circonscription sanitaire de la ville d’Ottawa FROM: Dr. Vera Etches, Contact: Medical Officer of Health Esther Moghadam, Director Ottawa Public Health Health Promotion 613-580-2424 ext. 23789
[email protected] EXPÉDITEUR : Dre Vera Etches, Personne ressource : Médecin chef en santé publique Esther Moghadam, Directrice Santé publique Ottawa Promotion de la santé 613-580-2424 poste 23789
[email protected] DATE: January 27, 2020 27 janvier 2020 FILE NUMBER: ACS2020-OPH-HPP-0004-IPD SUBJECT: STRATEGIC ROAD SAFETY ACTION PLAN UPDATE OBJET : MISE À JOUR DU PLAN D’ACTION STRATÉGIQUE DE SÉCURITÉ ROUTIÈRE PURPOSE The purpose of this memorandum is to inform the Ottawa Board of Health about the City of Ottawa’s Strategic Road Safety Action Plan Update report. This memo also provides an outline of Ottawa Public Health’s (OPH) role in the plan. 1 BACKGROUND On December 11, 2019, Ottawa City Council approved the Strategic Road Safety Action Plan (SRSAP) report, as amended by the following : 1. That the City of Ottawa adopts the goal of zero fatalities on our streets by 2035, with a focus on safety for the most vulnerable users of our transportation system—pedestrians, school children, older adults and cyclists. 2. That staff bring back options in conjunction with the financial plan updates expected in 2022, with operational and capital cost implications that will work towards zero traffic fatalities on our roads by 2035.