Our Lady of Grace Roman February 23, 2020 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

We change lives through the Risen Christ

By Prayer By Presence

Praying daily for the success of our Joining together at Mass every weekend for mission and for our intentions. mutual support and the grace God offers .

666 Albin Avenue, West Babylon, New York 11704 Parish Office (631) 587-5185 Fax (631) 587-1427 Faith Formation Office (631) 661-9353 Parish Social Ministry Office (631) 661-9354 Day Care Office (631) 422-4681 www.ourladyofgrace.net [email protected]

We Celebrate the

Vigil of Sunday: 5:00pm Saturday Evening Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am (Children’s Liturgy of the Word), 12:00 Noon (Choir) Weekdays: Monday - Friday 8:00am and 9:00am - Saturday 8:00am Holy Days: See inside

By Witness By Support Witnessing daily our love for God Sharing our gifts and and neighbor. encouraging one another. Our Parish Communion Our Clergy Baptism Rev. Joseph Davanzo, Pastor Call the Office for more information or to schedule Rev. Gabriel Miah, Associate an appointment for a Baptism interview. Rev. Martin Adu Gyamfi, Associate This should be done as soon as practicable. Deacon Ricardo Garcia +++++++++ Deacon Brian Miller Matrimony Deacon Irwin Saffran Arrangements for marriage should be made as soon Our Pastoral Staff as possible but not less than 18 months prior to the Jeanmarie Florio, Day Care Director intended wedding date. Peggy Harnisch, Faith Formation Director +++++++++ Ann Kristoffersen, Parish Social Ministry Reconciliation James Pisano, Facilities Manager Every Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45pm in the Church Terence Purtell, Director of Music or call for an appointment. Doreen Scalise, Kids of the Kingdom/ +++++++++ Summer Fun Coordinator Anointing of the Sick Tischa Stanley, Angel Care Coordinator Every Saturday during the 8:00am Mass Our Pastoral Council for those facing surgery or with major disorders. Lee Abseck Ralph Fiorillo Call the Office for other arrangements. Mary Ellen McEntee James Nevins +++++++++ Maria Russello-Chetti Lucy Sanchez Initiation as a Catholic Kathleen Scheid Concetta Whelan For adults, teens, or children over seven Our Finance Council who are interested in becoming a Catholic or completing their Sacraments of Initiation Richard Korcz (Trustee) Joseph Salzone (Baptism, Confirmation, Communion) Leonardo LoCricchio Robert Scharf (Trustee) Call the Office. Debra Nicosia Thomas Villella

Regular Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mondays: 2:00pm - 9:00pm except holidays or when noted. Miraculous Medal with Rosary: Mondays following 8:00am & 9:00am Masses. Holy Face of : Parish Office Hours: Hour of Reparation 1st Friday after 9:00am Mass. Monday and Tuesday: Padre Pio Prayer Group: 9:00am - 1:30pm - 2:00pm - 9:00pm 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. Scripture Sharing: Wednesday through Friday: Every Tuesday - 9:30am (except July & August) 9:00am - 1:30pm - 2:00pm - 5:00pm Saturday: 3:00pm - 6:00pm Sunday: 9:00am - 12:00pm From The Pastor

With Ash Wednesday this week, we again begin Lent, one of the best times for spiritual renewal. Lent can be considered an annual 40-day retreat lived within our daily life. Most Catholics understand the importance of Lent from childhood with its practices of being marked with ashes, fasting, abstaining from meat on Fridays, making sacrifices, and being generous to those in need which all help us to bear spiritual fruit. One very im- portant and powerful and personal part of Lent is praying with the Word of God in the Scriptures. It is there that we encounter Jesus Himself as we prayerfully read, reflect and meditate allowing Our Lord to speak to us, help bring us closer to Him, and feel His loving presence. Lent is also a season to focus on the sacrificial love of God and reflect on the Sacrifice of the Cross with all that Jesus suffered to set us free. By focusing more on the Cross we see how far God went to root His love within each of us. God held nothing back, not even sparing His own life, the life of His Son. God calls us to open ourselves fully to this love, and Lent is the ideal time to do it. Though the central focus of Lent may be the sor- row of Cross, the story ends with the glory of the Resurrection, Christ conquering sin and death through His suf- fering and rising in the victory of new life on the 3rd day. The Cross must always be seen in the light of this final victory, and we must always be filled with hope as we walk through our own sufferings in life. During this Lent, let’s commit ourselves more deeply to daily prayer, daily reading of Scripture, denying ourselves of what we truly don’t need, and not being afraid of meaningful sacrificial generosity to help those in need and continue the mis- sion and works of the Church. Prayer for a Fruitful Lent My precious and crucified Lord, I offer You this Lent. I offer it to You with total abandonment and trust. I offer You my prayers, sacrifices and my very life this day. Do with me, Lord, as You will. I pray that this Lent will be fruitful. I know You have much to say to me and much to do in my life. May this Lent be a time through which Your mercy is poured in abundance into my soul and into the souls of all Your faithful. Dearest Lord, help me to especially see my sin this Lent. Humble me so that I may see clearly. Give me courage and strength to confess my sins and to turn from them with all my heart. Enlighten me with Your Holy Word, dear Lord. Help me to come to know You and to deepen the gift of faith in my life. Show me the plan You have for me and place my feet upon the path You have chosen. My suffering Lord, I thank You for the fullness of Your perfect Sacrifice. I thank You for holding nothing back giving Your life to the last drop of blood. May I offer You my very life as a sacrifice trusting in Your mercy with every offering. Keep me faithful to my Lenten promises and bring forth new life through these sacrifices of love. Strengthen my prayer and make me holy. Help me to turn to You each day seeking Your sacred and pierced Heart. Blessed Mother, you stood by your Son in His suffering and death, stand by me, I pray, as I journey through this life. Pray for me and offer me to Your Son that He may take me into His loving embrace. Lord, Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner. Lord, Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner. Lord, Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner. Mother Mary, Mother of our Crucified Lord, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen.

Respect Life: “California Demands No Euthanasia for Animals… But Not Sick People” Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to end euthanasia in animal shelters, saying “We want to be a no-kill state.” Ironically, as he works to keep animals alive, California not only legalized assisted suicide but encourages suicide for the terminally ill and has granted access to doctor-prescribed death to mentally ill dying patients involuntarily committed in psychiatric hospitals. (nationalreview.com; Jan 13, 2020) Happening this Week Worship This Week

Monday, February 24: Mon. Weekday Adoration: 2-9pm (Church) Feb. 24 Jas 3:13-18 / Mk 9:14-29

Tuesday, February 25: 8:00 Rev. Paul A. Wood Bingo: 7:00 - 11:00pm (PES) 9:00 Giacomo & Vincenzo Amato Youth Ministry: 7:30 - 9:00pm (Rm 212) Tues. Weekday Wednesday, February 26: RCIA 7:00– 9:00pm (Room 106 Feb. 25 Jas 4:1-10 / Mk 9:30-37 Bereavement class 7:00 - 9:00pm (Rm 109) 8:00 Sr. Loretta Wundrok (Living) (B’Day)

Saturday, February 29: 9:00 Tina Marie Cicciari RCIA: 5-6pm (Church & Rm 106) Wed. Ash Wednesday Bingo: 7:00 - 11:00pm (PES) Feb. 26 Jl 2:12-18 / 2 Cor 5:20—6:2 / Mt 6:1-6,16-18 8:00 Rev. Matthew J. Diamond 9:00 Giuseppe Mozzone Memorials this Week: February 23, 2020 Thurs. Thursday after Ash Wednesday Feb. 27 Dt 30:15-20 / Lk 9:22-25 8:00 Rev. Joseph A. Cestaro 9:00 Pasqua Assalone Fri. Friday after Ash Wednesday In Memory of Kevin Pacella Feb. 28 Is 58:1-9a / Mt 9:14-15 8:00 Deacon Frank Bice 9:00 Rev. Joseph a. Gancila Bread & Wine In Memory of Sat. Saturday after Ash Wednesday Dominick Santonastaso Feb. 29 Is 58:9b-14 / Lk 5:27-32 8:00 Wilford Furlong

Sunday Worship - March 1, 2020 1st Sunday of Lent Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7 / Rom 5:12-19 / Mt 4:1-11

Presider We Pray Especially For 5:00pm Fr. Joe People of the Parish 8:00am Fr. Joe Margaret Culkin 10:00am Fr. Martin / Dcn. Ricardo Nick Ward 12:00pm Fr. Gabriel / Dcn. Ricardo Theresa Durante Parish Social Ministry CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Bishops Lament the Persistence of Racism in America Archbishop Jose H. Gomez issued the following statement in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. “As our nation prepares to commemorate the life and witness of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., we are… painfully aware that we are still far from his dream for America, the ‘beloved community’ for which he gave his life. Too many hearts and minds are clouded by racist presumptions of privilege and too many injustices in our society are still rooted in racism and discrimination. Too many young African American men are still killed in our streets or spending their best years behind bars. Many minority neighborhoods are still ‘lonely islands of poverty. Racism...denies the truth about God and his creation, and…disfigures the beauty of America’s founding vision. Let us honor the memory of Rev. King by returning to what he called the ‘best in the Ameri- can dream and the sacred values in our Judeo-Christian heritage.’ Let us commit ourselves once more to building his ‘beloved community,’ an America where all men and women are treated as children of God, made in his image and endowed with dignity, equality, and rights that can never be denied.”

NYS Division of Consumer Protection - Stop Telemarketing Calls ♦ Register telephone numbers with the national DO NOT CALL REGISTRY at donotcall.gov or call 888-382-1222 using the phone number you wish to register. Registrations do not expire unless the number is permanently disconnected, reassigned or removed by the requester. ♦ File a complaint about an unwanted call once your number has been registered for more than 1 month at donotcall.gov or call 888-382-1222. ♦ Consumers must be offered the option of joining the seller’s do-not-call list if they receive a live telemarketing call, starting in March. ♦ Telemarketers cannot share or sell a consumer’s information without consent, starting in March.

Food Pantry Needs Town of Babylon Senior Transportation Our Food Pantry needs tuna and jelly. Families who for Seniors residents of the town 60 and over. receive Food Stamps cannot Daily Medical Transportation – Monday - Friday purchase paper goods - toilet morning appointments tissue, paper towels, Kleenex, only 8:30am to 10:30am and cleaning products – laun- and Roundtrip. 11:00am dry detergent, face soap, appointment are one-way toothpaste. These items are service only. Must give at greatly appreciated. least one-week’s notice Please Note: perishable items must be brought to prior to scheduling trans- the Outreach Office during hours Mon. – Thur. from portation . Call 631-422- 10:00am – 2:00pm. Thank you for your continued

7618 or 631-893-1056. support .

Faith Formation Faith Formation Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM. Open on Saturdays while class is in session. Evening and weekend appointments available; call 631-661-9353 This month our First Holy Communion level 2 students will make their 1st Reconciliation. Please pray for them as they receive this beautiful sacrament of God’s forgiveness!

Journey: Youth Ministry Program for Students in Grades 6 - 8 Deepen your relationship with Jesus and your faith while having fun and building friendships. Journey meets 1-2 Mondays per month from Sept. - May from 7:00 - 8:30pm in Rooms 210/212 on : Feb. 24, Mar. 9 and 23, Apr. 6 and 20, May 4 and 28. (Dates are subject to change). Feb. 24: pizza & movie night! Email us at [email protected] if you can come. Bring your friends and check out our Facebook Page @ Journey OLOG

Ash Wednesday - February 26 UPCOMING FAITH FORMATION WORKSHOPS Ashes will be distributed at the 8am and 9am Masses and also at the following word services: For information: WWW.DRVC-FAITH.ORG 12noon, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm and 8pm. Special Needs: Mardi Gras Prayer Service and Brunch St. Frances de Chantal, Wantagh Saturday, February 22 , 12:00 - 2:00pm.

Basic Religious Studies Course Series St. Mary’s Elementary School, Manhasset - 3:15 - 5:15pm.

Old Testament - Mondays, Feb. 24; Mar. 2, 9, 16, & 23 New Testament - Mondays, Mar. 30; Apr. 6, 20, 27, & May 4. - Mondays, May 11, 18; June 1, 8, & 15.

Stations of the Cross Divorce & Beyond Support Group St. Elizabeth , Melville During Lent every Friday after the 9:00 am Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, Mass and again at 7:30pm. Make time to 7:30pm to 9:30pm. deepen your spirituality over these next few Fridays: Feb. 28, Mar. 6, Mar. 13, Mar. 20, Mar. 27, and Apr. 3.

Angel Care Opens at 7:00am. $10 daily. After care: $13/day and closes at 6:00pm. Contact Tischa Stanley at [email protected] or 631-893-6564. Ministries with Children and Families

Family Life Ministry Our next meeting is Monday, March 2, Room 109 @ 7:30 pm. Come join us! Our next Hospitality breakfast: Sunday, March 8 after the 10:00am Mass downstairs in PES Hall. If you’d like to help, contact Maria at [email protected]; [email protected] or call the office at 631-661-9353,

We’re going to See Esther! Tickets are going fast!!! Save the Date: Oct. 23, 2020 We’re going to See the L.I. Ducks! We’re going to Sight and Sound Theater in Penn- Save the Date: June 24 sylvania to see the play Queen Esther. Our Children’s and Youth Choir will be Tickets: $150.00 and includes the bus, lunch at singing. Tickets: $10.00! “Good & Plenty” and ticket to the show plus gra- See flyers in the Faith Formation Office tuities. Only 50 tickets available! Please see fly- or call the Parish Office for details! ers in the office or on the website for details!

Shredding Event OLOG Daycare When: May 2, 2020 from 9am—12pm Call Jeanmarie Florio at 631-422-4681 or email Where: Boyd-Spencer Funeral Home [email protected] Daycare has open enrollment for all 448 West Main Street ages. We are hiring assistant teachers. Babylon, NY 11702 Different hours available: Light refreshments will be 8:00 am - 1:30pm; 12:00—5:30pm & 3:00—6:00pm served. For more infor- mation, call Bob or Kim at 631-669-2400.

YOUTH Good Friday @ 5:30pm, outside weather permitting. There are a few rehearsals. Join us for this beautiful event commemorating Jesus passion, death and res- urrection! TRYOUTS for GRADES 3 – 12 NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED!

TUESDAY - March 3 7:30 - 8:30pm in Room 209 Parish News Please Pray for Those Who Have Died

Carlo Salvatore Todaro Tina Cantone

Mass Intentions Unannounced Masses We offer unannounced Mass intentions which will be offered almost immediately. These inten- tions are not put in the bulletin or announced at any Mass. The cost is $20. Please come to or

call the Parish Office at 631-587-5185. Multiple Mass Intentions We offer one multiple Mass intention for Sundays alternating between the Saturday, 5pm (Vigil) and the Sunday, 8am Masses.

Paschal Candle Our Lady of Grace has a tradition of inviting up to four individuals or families to memorialize the Paschal Candle through a donation of $150. This is a beautiful way to have your loved one remembered throughout the year. If you would like to me- morialize a family member in this way, please leave your name, phone number and the name of the person to be memorialized, along with your donation in the Parish Office.

Remember or Honor Loved Ones through our Memorial Opportunities: Sanctuary Lamp: $10 Rose for Life: $10 Bread & Wine: $25 each Prayer Garden Paver: $75

You can also donate to our Altar Fund; cards available in the Parish Office. For more information, call 631-587-5185.

Be a Winner and Support Our Calendar Raffle $25 ticket lasts 6 months.

2/17/20 2/18/20 2/19/20 2/20/20 2/21/20 2/22/20 2/23/20 192 208 1 291 89 301 47 More Parish News

Bring in Your Old Palms Ash Wednesday is February 26 . We are again collecting old palms to burned for ashes. Place your palm in the marked baskets at the doors of the church. Thank you.

Low Gluten Hosts Bringing Forth the Bread & Wine Low gluten hosts available for those who If you would like to carry the offerings forward cannot receive Holy Communion using the at the Presentation of the Gifts during the Mass, normal hosts. Please speak with one of our please let the ushers know before Mass begins. sacristans, Anthony or Fran. They are happy (You must arrive early.) to accommodate you.

Pantry: Beef, Poultry, Fish and Pork Parish Pantry: For the people served in our parish pantry hav- Toiletries, Hygiene and Cleaners ing meat, be it beef, poultry, fish or pork to For the people served by our Parish Social cook is a blessing. Our Parish Social Ministry Ministry, personal hygiene does have a refrigerator and products, such as toilet tis- freezer, and meat is really sue, shampoo, soap, paper appreciated. However, these products, tissues, toothpaste items need to be brought to and toothbrushes, combs and our Parish Outreach Office brushes, deodorant, talcum during office hours on Mon- and baby powders, shaving products, laundry detergent, day - Thursday, 10:00am- cleaning products are a 2:00pm. Thank you for your blessing. Bring these any time and place in the outreach to those in need. food bin in the parish lobby. Thank you for your generosity!

Can You Donate a Chair or Table? We are moving ahead with plans for a Parish Retreat Center in the convent. To keep costs low, please consider donating chairs needed for the meeting room, chapel and dining room. We hope to purchase 100 - 125 chairs at $30 each. We need 10 to 12 large round tables at $80 each. Please mark your donation “Convent” and bring to it the Faith Formation Office. Please pray for the success of this exciting new use of our convent! Any ques- tions call Peggy: 631-661-9353. Please use the tear off below with your donation:

Name ______Phone ______Email ______Amount ______More Parish News

“Little Red Corvette” or “Pink Cadillac?” Piano Men of Rock - Saturday, March 7th The parish needs to replace the vehicle used Terence performs music by Billy Joel, Elton John, by the summer priests and maintenance Ben Folds, and A Great Big World. This latest in- department. If you are willing to donate a stallment of the concert series takes place March 7th used car, it can be a tax write off. at 6:00pm, directly after Mass. $10 suggested ad- Please call the Parish Office. mission, children are free. Proceeds go toward the parish performance license. Hospitality provided.

A Year of Hope: God Renews our Strength The Altar Society “Hope Does Not Disappoint” Altar Society members take turns caring for the Presented by Fr. Tony Stanganelli altar linens used at Masses. We When: Tuesday, March 10th at 2:30pm are still in need of help. If you are able to lend a hand, please call Where: Chapel at Maria Regina Residence the Parish Office at: 631-587- 1725 Brentwood Road, Bldg 1. Brentwood, NY. 5185 or email : All Welcome! [email protected]

Parish Pantry: Nonperishable Food Items Massapequa Park We need the nonperishable food items for our regu- lar food distribution: canned soups, pasta sauces, Friday night BINGO @ 7:30PM pasta, canned vegetables, canned tuna, canned Our Lady of Lourdes School beans, macaroni and cheese, Pasta-Roni, Rice-A- Roni, Tuna Help and similar products, dried rice, 855 Carmans Road dried beans, canned fruit, $1800 in Prizes dried soup or ramen, break- fast cereals, oatmeal, snacks, Two Share the Wealth peanut butter, fruit juices, $800 Jackpot jelly, powdered milk, sugar, pudding, gelatin, flour, cake Bell Jars and brownie mix. These can Hosted by Our Lady of Lourdes K of C placed in the Food Pantry bin in the lobby any time that the Church is open. Thank you for your outreach to those in need.

Summer Camp is Coming! Registration for summer’s Kids of the Kingdom Program takes place as of 3/31/2020 from 1:00 - 6:00 pm in Fr. Shanahan Hall. This action packed experience is open to children ages 5 - 12 years. Includes snacks, entertainment, or a field trip and lots of fun. Kids of the King- dom runs for 8 weeks from 6/29 - 8/21. Camp starts at 8:30am and concludes at 4:30pm. (We also offer an early drop off from 7:30-8:30am and an aftercare from 4:30-5:30pm at an additional $5 per session used.) For details, contact Doreen Scalise at 631-893-6564 from 1:00 - 6:00pm, Monday - Friday, or by email at [email protected].