
Team Devotions‐ Baseball Characters

Scripture Lesson: Luke 17: 11‐19

In baseball history there have been a lot of characters, guys who were quirky in their behavior. One of the most beloved characters in baseball history was Mark Fidrych, know as the Bird because he looked like Sesame Streets Big Bird. Fidrych pitched for the and in his brief career made an impact on the city of Detroit and upon . Fidrych would stoop down on the mound and smooth cleat marks with his hands. He would talk to the baseball telling it where to go on each . He walked around the mound after every out and would throw out a baseball that was for a base hit, he didn’t like those at all. One of the things that set the Bird apart was how he thanked his teammates. If they made a good play behind him, he would toward them clapping and thanking them. After the games he pitched he would shake his teammates’ hands thanking them for all they did for him. Injury cut short his career but anyone who saw him pitch will never forget Mark “The Bird” Fidrych.

In today’s Scripture lesson Jesus has just healed 10 lepers. Leprosy was the worst disease of all in the ancient world. Lepers could not live with other people, they were set out from society in general. Lepers had no quality of life and were in constant pain. When Jesus had mercy on the 10 lepers and healed them, they had to go themselves to the local priest to get show they were diseased no more. This would enable them to return to a normal life. Only 1 out of 10 came back to thank Jesus for what He had done in healing him. How many times has Jesus done something for us and we didn’t thank Him? When is the last time a teammate did something great in the game, did we thank him? Too many times we go through life without being grateful for our blessings? When is the last time you thanked your for all the time he puts into your team? We should all learn a lesson from Mark “The Bird “Fidrych and be grateful for all our blessings! The challenge today is to live with an attitude of gratitude. Why not thank God for His blessings, your parents for all they have done for you, and your teammates forall they have done for your team. “The Bird “was grateful. How about you?

Visual aid: you tube video is great http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMSDo3BX5Ds Baseball Team Devotion‐ Practice

Scripture Lesson: Luke 8:19‐21

One of the neatest things about going to a Major League game is getting there early enough to watch batting practice or BP. It is poetry in motion. There are taking ground balls, catching flies, hitters taking their turn in the by groups. It is constant motion, all at the same time. BP is just that, it is practice. You see the players working on every aspect of the game, fielding, throwing, running, and hitting. This pregame practice helps prepare them each day for the game that is to be played. It is not enough to know how to hit. One has to practice how to hit to become better. The best Major League players are the ones who work the hardest at BP, for they are prepared to play the game by all their hard work during the practice time called BP.

In our Scripture lesson today, Jesus is once again teaching. By this time in His ministry, Jesus has started drawing very large crowds. Not only is His teaching wonderful, but people have seen and heard about His healing ministry as well. Jesus is told that His mother and brothers are outside and they want to see Him. Jesus says something then that seems a little strange to us. He says,” My mother and my brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice. What He is saying to us is His family is the family of God, fellow believers. But He gives a definition for what it means to be a part of God’s family, to put into practice God’s word. Jesus is telling us to not just read and know what the Bible says, we are to practice it. What would happen if a major League player never practiced hitting? He might know everything there is to know about hitting, but that is not enough is it? Without practice in baseball, players cannot master the skills to become a great player. Without living what the Bible teaches us we cannot become a great Christian. I bet you can tell me when your last baseball practice occurred. Can you tell me when your last Bible practice occurred? It’s time to hit the Christian practice field and take a little BP, Bible Practice.

Visual aid: Borrow a Coach’s practice plan and bring a Bible. Baseball Team Devotion‐ ’s

Scripture Lesson: Hebrews 12:1‐2

Can you name the six ways a runner can reach base safely? There is by a base hit, a walk, an , dropped third strike, hit by a pitch and the last and probably the one we see the least, catcher’s interference. Catcher’s interference occurs when the catcher hinders the batter as he is trying to hit the ball. This usually occurs when the catcher reaches out to the pitch and as the batter swings, he strikes the mitt. This is an automatic awarding of first base and it counts as an error on the catcher. Can you imagine how hard it would be to hit a pitch after even barely hitting the catcher’s mitt? Have you ever had that happen to you? How about it catchers, ever been called for that in a game? Have you ever hindered the batter?

In today’s Scripture lesson the writer of Hebrews talks to us about getting rid of what hinders us in running the race called life. In ancient times runners would often run without clothes which might entangle them as they ran. Remember they wore long flowing robes and outer garments, much like what is worn in the Middle East today. There were no Nikes and running clothes. The race is the life we are to live. The Christian life is not a sprint, it is a life‐long marathon that ends when we get to heaven. We are to get rid of sin or anything else that keeps us from running the race called life for God. The writer gives us the key for running the right and only way. We are to keep our eyes on Christ the author and perfecter of our lives. In other words, if we focus on Jesus and living for Him, we will run the race of life as a winner. I don’t know about you, but I want to be a winner in the Christian life. The only way to do that is to get rid of the Devil’s interference (sin) and keep my eyes on Christ and living for Him.

Visual aid: Ask the catcher and a hitter to demonstrate catcher’s interference. This is NOT to be done at full speed. Baseball Team Devotion‐Errors

Scripture Lesson: Psalm 103:11‐12, 1John 1:9

Have you ever made an error? If you play this great game of baseball long enough you will have made numerous errors: missing a ground ball, overthrowing a base, dropping a fly ball, missing a pitch, not backing up a play, missing your spot and leaving a pitch right over the heart of the plate. There are many errors in baseball. An error is a mistake, a play that should have been made. The error that stands out perhaps more than any in World history occurred in the 1986 between the and the . Let me set the stage. It is game six the Red Sox a 3‐2 lead in games and in the top of the tenth they score 2 runs to take a 5‐3 lead going into the bottom of the tenth. With 2 outs, the Mets rally with 3 straight singles, plating a run to make the score 5‐4. With runners on first and third with still 2 outs, Red Sox Bob Stanley uncorks a . Kevin Mitchell scores the tying run and Ray Knight moves to 2nd base. Mookie Wilson works the to 3‐2 and then hits a routine groundball to Bill Buckner. The ball goes right through Buckner’s legs and Knight scores the winning run. The Mets go on to win game 7, 8‐5 to capture the World Series. Buckner was called a goat and left Boston in disgrace.

Our Scripture lesson teaches us that we all make mistakes, the Bible calls that sin. But if we confess our mistakes/sins God is faithful, because of his immeasurable love for us, to forgive us. He removes the sin as far as the east is from the west. Made any errors in the game of life? Is there some confessing we need to do to God?

Oh by the way there is more to the Bill Buckner story. On Opening Day 2008, Buckner threw out the opening pitch for the Red Sox and received a long loud standing ovation. I’d call that forgiveness.

Visual aid: Get a player ahead of time to miss a ground ball through his legs to illustrate Buckner’s error and if possible use this you tube video of Buckner’s first pitch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W12h9gNxdpo Baseball Team Devotion‐Scouting Report

Scripture: Matt. 16:13‐20

You can look in most Major League Baseball dugouts and see large three ring binders. These hold the scouting reports on each of the opposing players for the team they are playing. These reports show everything from where a batter likes a pitch to where he is most likely to hit the ball. What the is for every opposing hitter against your and visa versa is shown. These reports are thorough and give all the information possible about who the opposing player is and how to deal with him for your team to win. Even in High School, now scouting reports come into play especially against conference foes. You know where to play a certain hitter from your rival school and what pitch their will throw you in certain game situations. Scouting Reports have only one purpose, to help you to win.

Jesus in our Scripture lesson wanted to find out what His scouting report was. He wanted to know what people were saying about who he was. The disciples gave the answers, some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets. Then Jesus asked the question He, was really wanting the answer for, “Who do you say I am?” In other words what is my scouting report in your eyes? Who am I really to you? Peter answered , “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus knew Peter had gotten who he was and that kind of faith was what His church would be built upon. Peter was a winner. He saw first hand the miracles of Jesus. He saw Him heal the sick, cause the blind to see, he saw the storm stilled. He saw first hand the scouting report being lived out before him daily. Peter was a winner because he believed.

What is your scouting report as a player? Where do you like the ball, what pitch is your favorite to throw? What is your scouting report with Jesus? Who do you say He is? Are you living for Him? Are you a winner like Peter was in the game of life? For 2,000 years later Jesus is still asking us today, “Who do you say I am?”

Visual aid‐You can go on to mlb.com and type a player’s name and get stats on everything from what he hits in day games to what he hits in certain counts. You could bring that printout to use.

Baseball Team Devotion‐The

Scripture Lesson: Matthew 20:20‐28

Batboys are often unsung heroes. They do everything from pick up bats to run balls to the Home Plate . A good batboy is a servant, doing anything he can to make the game better for the players and coaches. Batboys love the game and being around the players. They are as much a part of the team as the superstar pitcher or hitter. They often times do their jobs without much fanfare and appreciation. They just love to serve. I will always remember when my son was the bat boy for the University of North Carolina. He loved the game and being with the team. It was a lot of work to do the job right. John was a servant, giving his best always for the players and coaches. His reward was the relationships he has even to this day with the former players and coaches. Batboys are servants who give their best to others. (you can insert here a story about a batboy or team you know)

In today’s Scripture Lesson, the mother of James and John approaches Jesus. She asks for places of prominence for her two sons. When the other 10 disciples heard about this they became angry with James and John. Jesus used this as a teaching point with the 12. What James and John desired and also the other 10 was to be important, to experience true greatness. Jesus tells them that if they wanted to reach true greatness, then they had to become servants. Jesus told them true greatness is how one serves for He came to this world ,not to be served , but to serve. On the night before His own death, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, the job of the lowest servant in the household. He did so to model servant hood and to tell his closest friends what it would take to be considered great in God’s eyes. When is the last time you served your teammates and coaches? True greatness is not found in a batting average or an ERA. True greatness is found in what we do for others. If you have a batboy, thank him today, play catch with him, spend a little time getting to know him. Serving the servant, now that brings a smile to the face of the Master. Let’s be great today in His eyes by being a servant!

Visual aid: bat and ball to illustrate the batboy’s job Baseball Team Devotion‐ The Catcher

Scripture Lesson: Luke 5: 1‐11

Did you know that most Major League and College teams have bullpen catchers. These players have only one job, to catch in the bullpen. They are considered part of the staff. They never get to play in the game. All they do is catch in the bullpen. They warm up pitchers before they enter the game, they catch side sessions. A lot of their time is spent watching games from the bullpen waiting for that call to warm up the next pitcher. There one and only task is to catch in the bullpen.

In today’s Scripture lesson, Jesus is preaching beside the Sea of Galilee. He asked Simon ( later named Peter), a fisherman, to put him out a little in his boat. The area near Capernaum was a natural amphitheater. Jesus used the boat and the water to amplify His voice. When he finished teaching, he told Simon to go out to deep water and put out his nets. They had fished all night with no luck. I don’t think Simon thought they would have much luck, but he did as Jesus asked. The catch was so large it almost broke the nets and filled both boats to where they were almost sinking. When they got the catch to shore Simon and Andrew his brother and their partners James and John were astonished at the size of the catch and also a little afraid. Jesus told them, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” So they left their boats and followed Jesus. Their only job before was to catch fish, that was it. But they gave up one kind of catching for another kind of catching. They began a walk with Jesus that day that enabled them to grow in their faith to the point of catching men, women, boys, and girls for Jesus. We have the same call today. We are all called to be catchers for the Kingdom. The equipment we need to become that kind of catcher is a life lived for Christ. Can the way we are living our lives today draw people to Christ? Can people see Jesus living through us? A bullpen catcher has only one task, to catch. As a believer our task is to catch for the Kingdom by living for Christ. The call has come for us? Are we ready to catch?

Visual aid: catcher’s mitt and mask Baseball Team Devotion‐The Change‐Up

Scripture Lesson: James 1:19‐20

The Change‐Up is a pitch that does just that, it changes speed. Pitchers use the change up to keep the batters off balance. The pitch is usually thrown after a . It is much slower than a fastball and often times batters are out in front of the pitch or they swing way too early. Trevor Hoffman, who is the career saves leader for Major League Baseball, credits his great change‐up for his success. Greg , many years an All‐Star pitcher had a great change‐up he used for many successful seasons. The success of the change‐up can be linked to the fastball and its speed. This SLOWER pitch has helped many a pitcher get to the next level in their baseball careers.

In today’s Scripture lesson, James is trying to throw us a change‐up, not to get us off balance, but to bring some balance to our lives. James implores us to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. How any times do we do the opposite? Most of the time, aren’t we slow to listen and quick to speak and become angry? James is throwing us a change‐up to get us to change‐up our lives. When is the last time we were quick to listen, wanting knowledge instead of thinking we already know everything? When is the last time we were slow to speak? You know we can’t listen and talk at the same time! When is the last time we took a timeout from anger and was slow to get mad? My friends, life will be much better when we take the change‐up James throws us today and make it a part of our daily lives. Let’s give it a try, quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. A life change‐up that is sure to make a difference in living for Him.

Visual aid: Let different pitchers show their grip for a change‐up or google change‐up grip. Baseball Team Devotion‐The Closer

Scripture: Luke 24:44‐48

In 1969 Major league Baseball began keeping a new statistic, the . The save is when a pitcher comes into the game late and holds the lead for his team thus “saving the game.” The all time saves leader in baseball is Trevor Hoffman who has a total of 591 career saves after the 2009 season. These relief pitching specialists are called closers. The greatest closer of all time experts would say is not Hoffman but the man who enters the game to this music (play the beginning of “Enter the Sandman” by Metallica). of the is considered baseball’s best closer. His ability to pitch pressure games in the playoffs has elevated his stature to the best ever. His 0.74 average and his 39 postseason saves rank as best among closers in postseason history.

But I would say that even though Mariano Rivera has pitched his best in the pressure of the postseason, he is not the best closer ever. I would say the best closer ever is Jesus. Jesus Christ with His death and resurrection made the greatest save of all time. His sacrifice on Calvary’s cross enabled all of us to be saved from our sins and to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Jesus Christ closed out the penalty for our sin with His death and resurrection. The only way we can ever win at the game of life is to allow the greatest closer, Jesus Christ, to become the Lord of our lives. As we believe in Him and what God did for us by allowing His only Son to pay the price for our sins, we can only then become a winner at life. Are you a winner at life? Has Jesus made a difference in your life? The greatest closer in the world is only a prayer away.

Visual Aid‐Boom box with Metallica CD of “Enter the Sandman” Baseball Team Devotion‐ The Concession Stand

Scripture Lesson: Mark 10: 46‐52

One of the places I will always go when I go watch a baseball game is the concession stand. Concession stands are the restaurants of the Baseball Diamond. There is something about popcorn at a game, it just tastes better. Concession stands serve all kinds of wonderful things, hot dogs, soft drinks, peanuts, popcorn, Cracker Jack, all kinds of candy, and the American Baseball staples, sunflower seeds and bubble gum. Concession stands are usually manned by people who are ready to serve. They will gladly get you anything on the menu you ask for in a timely manner. What is your favorite thing to get at a concession stand? Be sure to always thank the people working in the concession stand, they are there to get you what you want!

In today’s Scripture lesson, Jesus is in Jericho on the way to Jerusalem for the last time. He knows at this point in His ministry His death on the cross is approaching rapidly. As he is getting into Jericho a blind beggar on the side of the road named Bartimaeus, hears Jesus is coming. He gets excited and begins to cry out, ”Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” Many in the crowd told him to be quiet, but Bartimaeus would not be silent. As a matter of fact he just got louder. Jesus stopped and called for Bartimaeus to come to Him. Jesus asked him, ”What do you want me to do for you?” the blind man said, “ Rabbi, I want to see.” “Go your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. Bartimaeus asked for his sight and Jesus gave him what he wanted because of his faith. Jesus is waiting for us to ask him in faith. He wants to give us the good things in life. Bartimaeus thanked Jesus for giving him his sight by following Him. When is the last time we thanked Jesus for answering our prayers. Just like the concession stand there are a lot of good things available just for the asking. Faith, love, joy, guidance, provision are all there and Jesus is just waiting to answer us when we ask. God’s concession stand is open, are we ready to ask?

Visual aid: small packs of sunflower seeds or pieces of bubble gum for the players Baseball Team Devotion‐The Curve Ball

Scripture Lesson: James 1:22‐25

The Curve ball is a pitch of deception. The key to the pitch is the topspin that is placed on the thrown ball, which caused the ball to drop. The object of the curve ball is for it to break below the swing of the bat. A great curve ball often times results in a lot of swings and misses. One of the best curve balls of all time belonged to Hall of Fame pitcher . Arthritis in his left elbow brought this career to a premature end after the 1966 World Series. Koufax had a blazing fastball to go along with his knee buckling curve ball. Koufax threw four no‐hitters in his career and one of them was a . Barry Zito of the Giants and of the Astros have two of the best curve balls today. Remember it is a pitch of deception.

In our Scripture lesson, James warns us about being deceived. He warns us about a curve ball in life when he says,” Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” It is not enough for us to hear how to live for God. It is not enough for us to know what to do to live a productive Christian life. The deception comes when we just hear and we don’t follow through by putting what we hear into practice. Nike had a commercial that said , “Just do it!” James is saying the same thing to us today. Just do it! Live for God daily by hearing and knowing what to do, and to take the step of being one who puts what we know into practice! James says the man that does what he has heard will be blessed. Satan has been called the great deceiver. He wants us to just be hearers not doers. That is the curve he throws us. When we are doers of the Word, watch my friends the blessings will flow. What are we today, just hearers or are we doers as well?

Visual aid: you tube Sandy Koufax http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDgMXFBHLP0 and/or have a pitcher show his curve ball grip and/ or google how to grip a curve ball and demonstrate Baseball Team Devotion‐ The

Scripture Lesson: Proverbs 3:5‐6

The double or the two base hit usually takes a person who had good speed and power, speed to leg out the doubles and power to hit the gaps. If you had to guess who leads the Major Leagues in doubles since 2004 who would you guess? The Major League leader in doubles has hit 278 doubles, and just this year (2009) set the Major League record for doubles by a with 56. He is one of only 4 players in Major League history to have 3 seasons with at least 50 doubles. The other three, Stan Musial, Paul Waner, and Tris Speaker are all in the Hall of Fame. If you guessed Brian Roberts hitter for the you guessed right. Brian is a doubles hitting machine, averaging 46 doubles over the six year span. Roberts is the master of the two base hit.

In today’s Scripture lesson we read Brian’s two favorite verses, Proverbs 3:5‐6. His charitable foundation also carries the title “Proverbs three five and six”. If we take the time to master these two verses, we will indeed be a winner in the game of life. If we trust in God with all of our hearts, not relying upon ourselves and if we acknowledge Him in everything, then God will guide us through life. What a wonderful truth. Wow, God desires for us to trust Him, to follow Him, to acknowledge Him. If we do all of that He will lead us through life. Talk about being a winner in life. I sure want God showing me the way, how about you? Let me challenge each of us today to memorize these 2 verses from Proverbs and make them a part of each of our lives. We may not lead the league in two base hits, but if we live life by these two verses we will be a leader in God’s eyes! Proverbs 3:5‐6 the two base hit of the Godly life.

Visual aid: Go to Orioles.com and download the video of Robert’s 56th double.

Baseball Team Devotion‐The Four Seam Fastball

Scripture: Luke 11:5‐13

Every pitcher known as a power pitcher has a great four seam fastball. This pitch tends to have a lot of movement and is thrown with great velocity. Hall of Fame pitcher , now President of the , who pitched into his 40’s was known for his four seam fastball that was often clocked in the upper 90’s. Nolan Ryan has the Major League record for career with 5,714. Many of those strikeouts were due to his four seam fastball. Whenever power pitchers get in trouble they reach back for a little extra and throw their power pitch, the four seam fastball. That pitch more often than not provided them a way to get out of trouble and retire the side.

In today’s Scripture Lesson Jesus is teaching us to be persistent in asking God for the Holy Spirit. Any Christian who is serving God is doing so through the power of the Holy Spirit. God is just waiting because of His great love for us to give us the Holy Spirit, the power source. When we struggle with life, it is God’s Spirit that provides the direction and power we need to overcome the tough times. Just like a power pitcher like Nolan Ryan had the power of a 98 mile per hour fastball, we have the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Everyone one of you who is a pitcher would like to have a great four seam fastball in the upper 90’s. As a believer it makes sense then for us to have the real power of God in our lives, the Holy Spirit. And the great thing is for those who believe, God is just waiting for us to ask for His power, His Holy Spirit. Today have you been trying to live the Christian life in your own strength and power? Just think, God is waiting to give us His Holy Spirit and all we have to do is keep on asking. Are you ready to live your life by God’s power? The power is only a prayer away!

Visual aid: Ask a pitcher if older to show his four seam fastball grip. Be sure to have a baseball.

Baseball Team Devotion‐ Fundamentals

Scripture Lesson: Matthew 7:24‐27

Baseball is a great game. To play the game at the highest level one has to practice the fundamentals. It is not enough to just know how to catch, hit and throw. In order to play the game at a high level the fundamentals have to be mastered. The only way to get better is to practice. How much time do you spend practicing the fundamentals of catching, hitting, and throwing? One of the best playing now in the Major Leagues is Yankees . Jeter is one of the hardest workers in baseball. All you have to do is watch him during batting practice. He is either hitting or taking ground balls, constantly working to get better. Through the course of his career he has made a lot of great fielding plays as well as getting key hits. Even though he is an all‐star, Jeter works hard in practice to master the fundamentals. He not only knows the game, but he works hard to get better each day. Wow, if Derek Jeter works that hard, how hard should you work?

In today’s Scripture lesson, Jesus is wrapping up perhaps His greatest teaching time recorded in Scripture known as the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew chapters five through seven contain these teachings. Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount by saying to the people it is not enough to just hear His words, those words need to be put into practice. He uses the word picture of a wise and foolish builder. The wise person who hears Jesus’ words and puts them into practice is like the man who built his house on the rock, or the strong foundation. When the storms came the house stood strong because it was built on a rock. The foolish man who hears the words of Jesus and does not put them into practice is like the man who builds his house on the sand. When the storms came the house collapsed because the foundation was not strong. Just like you build a great baseball player by practicing the fundamentals, a great Christian is developed by practicing the fundamentals of the faith. If we spend time studying God’s Word and putting its truth to work in our lives daily by living for Him, we will become a Christian who can withstand the storms of life. The key to the Christian life is putting into practice the fundamentals we learn from God’s Word. What do you say? Are you ready to get after the Christian Life? Then let’s get to work daily on practicing the fundamentals of faith and building that strong foundation.

Visual aid: you tube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opW9Lmi_tSs Great Jeter play! Baseball Team Devotion‐The

Scripture Lesson: Luke 15:11‐24

There have been some dramatic home runs in baseball history. Some of the greatest moments in baseball history have come about because of the home run. hitting home run number 60, hitting number 61 in 1961 for the Yankees, hitting number 715 breaking the career record of Babe Ruth in April 1974, just to name a few. There have been two walk off Home runs to win the World Series, Bill Mazeroski hitting a game winning home run in the bottom of the ninth against the heavily favored Yankees for the Pirates to win the 1960 World Series and Joe Carter of the hitting a ninth walk‐off home run against the Phillies in the Fall Classic of 1993. These are all great moments in baseball and great home runs that made a difference in baseball history.

But the greatest home run of all was not one of the home runs mentioned above. The greatest home run is found in our Scripture lesson today. I believe the prodigal son made the greatest home run in all of history. Jesus tells a parable about a son who goes to his father and asks for his inheritance. The father gave the son his inheritance and off the son went to a far land. There he wasted the money, all of it on wild living. He had all the friends money could buy as long as he had the money. When the money ran out so did the friends and to compound the problem, a famine hit the land. He had to take a job feeding pigs, about the worse job a Jewish young man could take. He was so hungry, he was willing to eat the food he was feeding to the pigs. Verse 17 says “When he came to his senses”. Wow, the hired servants of my father have it better than this. Maybe just maybe, my father will take me back as a hired servant. All the way home he practices his speech, “Father I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me as one of your hired hands.”When he was still a long way away, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him. He hugged his son and as the boy began his speech the father interrupted him. He commanded the servants to bring the robe and ring (signifying son ship).they threw a celebration because the father said his son was once dead, but now is alive. So the greatest home run ever was the prodigal son who ran home to God. He is waiting for us now, why not run home to Him?

Visual aid: mlb.com search for home runs Baseball Team Devotion‐The

Scripture Lesson: Jeremiah 10:23, 2Thessalonians 3:5

The Knuckleball is probably the hardest pitch to hit and to catch. Not only does the pitcher not know where it is going, it is very difficult for the catcher to catch it after it crosses the plate. Current announcer and former catcher said,” I always thought the knuckleball was the easiest to catch. Wait til it stops rolling, then go to the backstop and pick it up.” Hall of Fame pitchers Phil Niekro and made their living throwing the knuckleball, as well as current Boston Red Sox hurler Tim Wakefield. The knuckleball’s velocity is usually between 60‐80 mph, slow by today’s big league standards. You can’t direct the knuckleball, it seems to have a mind of its own. It moves, darts, dips and drops in every imaginable direction. That is why you often see knuckleball pitchers with high stats and a lot of wild pitches.

In today’s Scripture lesson we learn from the prophet Jeremiah that a man’s life is not his own and it is not for a man to direct his steps. While Paul teaches us in his letter to the Church at Thessalonica that he wants the Lord to direct our hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance. We get into trouble when we try to direct our own lives. For us to do that is as silly as trying to direct a knuckleball. What God desires from us to let Him show us the way, to direct our lives. When we realize that out lives are not our own and God’s plans for us are better than anything we could ever imagine. It is all about surrender. Uecker’s idea of catching the knuckleball was surrender, he knew it was easier to just go and pick it up. We need to surrender our will to God. He will show us the way he wants us to go, a way of love and perseverance. Are we ready today to let go and let God? He will give us all the direction we will ever need and He is only a prayer away today from taking over to direct our lives.

Visual Aid: Have a player show a knuckleball grip with the baseball or google the grip and show them yourself. Baseball Team Devotion‐ The L Screen

Scripture Lesson: Psalm 28: 6‐9

The L screen is the batting practice pitcher’s best friend. The L screen is a protective screen shaped like an L that the batting practice pitcher throws behind. Can you imagine throwing batting practice to your players without the protection of the L screen? The L screen is a valuable piece of equipment. It is the shield for line drives back through the middle when throwing batting practice. As a hitter, do you remember hitting the L screen? I’m sure your coach was glad that he had that L screen shielding and protecting him from those line drives. In the Major Leagues, batting practice pitchers never wear a glove. They always have a handful of so they can keep batting practice moving along. So they have to have that great friend of the batting practice pitcher, the L screen.

In today’s Scripture lesson the Psalmist calls the Lord his strength and shield. He knew that God was going to protect him, watch over him, and help him. Just like the batting practice pitcher trusts the L screen, the Psalmist trusts God to be his shield and protector. The Lord is the strength of his people and the Psalmist calls on God to shepherd His people. What a great word picture. A shepherd’s major responsibility is to look out for the sheep. Much in the same way God looks out for us and when we allow Him, He will lead and guide us. We can approach life with the trust in God to be there for us. God will never let us down, He will always be there for us. So the next time you see the L screen remember its job is to protect the batting practice pitcher and God is here to be our shield and protector against whatever this world throws at us. Why not stop where you are right now and thank God for Him loving us this much to be our shield and protector? May we never forget just how much God loves us and desires from us that we trust Him with all our hearts.

Visual aid: If possible get some players to bring over the L screen or google a picture of an L screen and print it to bring. Baseball Team Devotion‐ The

Scripture Lesson: Mark 2: 1‐12

One of the more exciting plays in baseball is the outfield assist. Outfielders get an assist when they throw out a runner trying to advance a base. This can be a game changing event especially when the outfield assist occurs at home. In 2009 the Major league leader in assists was Hunter Pence of the with 16 followed by Red Sox Jason Bay with 15. The outfield assist helps not only the pitcher but the team to often times stop a rally. The outfield assist can change the direction and outcome of the game.

In our Scripture lesson today, we find that Jesus is preaching to an overflow crowd. There are so many people that they are crammed into the house and pressed around the house. Four friends heard about Jesus and his healing ministry. They had a friend who was paralyzed. There was no way to get him through the crowd to Jesus, so they climbed up on the roof with the paralyzed man on a mat. The friends opened the roof and with ropes began to lower the man to Jesus. Jesus saw their faith and said to the man , “Your sins are forgiven.” He instructs the man to take up his mat and walk. Verse 12 says, “He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone. The four friends got the assist for bringing their friend to Jesus. It could have been easy to give up and go home, but nothing was going to keep them from getting their friend to Jesus. The greatest assist we can ever have is to bring a friend to Jesus. It will be life changing for them. Just like the outfield assist can change a game, bringing a friend to Jesus can change a life. You can bring a friend to Jesus by doing something as simple as inviting them to go to Church with you to living your life like Jesus would want you to live. I can just see Jesus smiling up at the four friends who brought their friend to Him, and smiling at you when you bring a friend to Him.

Visual aid: Go to mlb.com and print out stats on outfield assists. Baseball Team Devotion‐ The

Scripture Lesson‐ Mark 10:10‐17

A passed ball is just that, a ball that should have been caught by the catcher is dropped or missed. The ball gets passed the catcher. On strike three this allows the batter to attempt to beat the throw to first. It also allows runners on base to advance. The most famous past ball in baseball history occurred in the 1941 World Series between heated rivals the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Yankees. Let me set the stage. The Yankees are ahead two games to one. Game three goes to the ninth inning with the Dodgers holding a 4‐3 lead. Their relief ace Hugh Casey is on the mound. Casey retires the first two hitters and up comes , known as Old Reliable. Henrich often came through in the clutch. Casey gets 2 quick strikes to go ahead in the count 0‐2. The Dodgers are one strike away from tying the Series at 2‐2. Henrich swings and misses for strike three, but Dodger catcher Mickey Owen missed the ball. It rolled all the way to the backstop, with Henrich reaching first on the passed ball. The Yankees proceeded to score 4 unearned runs and win the game 7‐4. The next day the Yankees wrapped up the Series with a 3‐1 win. The most famous passed ball in baseball history probably cost the Dodgers a chance at winning the 1941 World Series.

In today’s Scripture lesson we see someone who missed, missed the opportunity for heaven. Jesus was approached by on the road by a man who wanted to know what it would take to inherit eternal life. Jesus said do you know the commandments. Oh, yes all these I have kept since I was a boy. The Bible says Jesus looked on him and He loved him. Only one thing you lack, go and sell everything you have and give it to the poor, then come follow me. The man’s face fell, and he went away because he had great wealth. Jesus saw that the man’s money stood in the way of him giving his all for Jesus. He loved his money more than Jesus. ( There can be nothing in our lives more important than Jesus, not even baseball.) The rich young man missed a chance for eternal life, it cost him something far more important that a World Series victory, it cost him his eternal destiny. Do we have anything in our lives that would cause us to miss the chance at heaven? Is there anything in our lives right now more important than our relationship with Christ? Let’s not miss the chance at a great Christian life!!

Visual aid: Google Mickey Owen Brooklyn Dodgers images Baseball Team Devotion‐ The Pick‐Off

Scripture Lesson: Hebrews 3:12‐13

One of the greatest weapons a can have is a good pick‐off move to first. That keeps runners from usually stealing a lot of bases and it also cuts down the lead at first. When a pitcher has a great pick‐off move you can believe that the base runners will not stray far from the base. When they do it often results in them diving back to the base or being picked off. During the 2009 season the top three in pick‐offs were all left handed, Mark Buehrie of the White Sox led the Majors with eight, followed by Doug Davis of the Diamondbacks and Clayton Kershaw of the Dodgers with seven each. These pitchers are known for keeping runners close. The key to a good pick‐off move is deception. The base runner must struggle to know when the pitcher will go to the plate or throw over to first. A good pick‐off move is deceptive and keeps runners close.

In today’s Scripture lesson the writer of Hebrews warns the church of being hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. The church had fallen into the trap of being comfortable in their faith and relying upon themselves. Runners often times get picked off when they are too comfortable and their lead is too big. Thus it is easy for them to be fooled. The key to not getting picked‐off in sin is to realize the same things hold true. Satan wants to fool us, he wants us to be picked‐off in sin. He will tell us lies like , no one will ever know, hey this sin is fun, go ahead if it feels good do it. All of these are deceptions Satan uses to try to get us to sin. If Satan can pick us off with sin we can’t be all we can for God. Just like base runners study a pitcher’s move, we can study God’s Word and use it against Satan. The more we know about what God wants from us the better we can be in living for Him. Satan can’t pick‐off a follower of God who is prepared and living for Him. So today is Satan hardening our hearts by our sin? Are we spending enough time in God’s Word to prepare us to not be deceived? God is a prayer away and is willing to forgive our sins and mistakes, if we ask. God will also help us not to get picked‐off in sin. Remember Satan is deceptive and will do his best to pick us off. But with God’s help and by studying His Word, Satan can not win. Let’s go out today and stay from sin by giving our lives to God and the study of His Word.

Visual aid: great you tube video featuring now Tampa Ray http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhCGxClOeVc Baseball Team Devotion‐ The RBI

Scripture Lesson: Luke 15:1‐10

The RBI or is a statistic that can bring great joy to your team, especially if it is a game winning RBI. Can you name the ways a player can be credited with an RBI? (base hit, , ground out that scores a run, , bases loaded walk, bases loaded hit batsman). Did you know the Major League record for RBIs in a season is 191 by Chicago Cub Hack Wilson in 1930? That record was set in a 154 game season. The Major League record for RBIs in a career is held by Hank Aaron of the Braves with 2297 RBIs. That is a lot of RBIs! Can you remember the joy that came to your team with a walk off RBI to win the game? It is a feeling of pure joy! Have you ever had a game winning RBI? How did it feel?

In today’s Scripture lesson, Jesus has gathered around Him to hear Him teach a collection of sinners and tax collectors. The Pharisees or religious leaders of the day could not believe that Jesus welcomed those people. Jesus often taught in parables or word pictures that made heavenly points. He tells 2 parables of people who had lost something. In the first parable a shepherd had lost one of his one hundred sheep. The second parable is about a woman who lost one of here ten silver coins. In both parables the lost sheep and coin were searched for until they were found. When the sheep and the coin were found there was great rejoicing. Jesus’ point in the parables is simple. When someone who is away from God returns there is great joy in heaven. The joy of the game winning RBI is wonderful, but it pales to the celebration that occurs in heaven when someone comes to God. That celebration is greater than imaginable! Today where are you with God? Are you living for Him? Maybe as a Christian there is someone you need to tell about Jesus. Want to set off a celebration in heaven? Then make your life right with God today. He is only a prayer away! Why not drive in a heavenly run for the Kingdom by telling the good news about Jesus to someone who needs to hear and by living for Christ each and everyday. That my friends will set off the greatest of all celebrations!

Visual aid: Great you tube video of Tigers clinching AL pennant in 2006 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKQnkFkOaFQ Baseball Team Devotion‐ The Sacrifice

Scripture Lesson: 1John 2:1‐2

The is a play in baseball where the batter literally sacrifices his to move the runner(s) up a base. Did you know that the Major League Leader in sacrifice bunts for this year (2009) was Javier Vazquez, a pitcher for the Braves, with 20. New York Met second base man Luis Castillo had 19 sacrifice bunts followed by Astro second base man Kaz Matsui with 18. To be among the league leaders in sacrifice bunts, one must not only be a good bunter, but also be willing to give up at bats to move the runners along. It is a play that puts your team in a position to score a run or runs. Baseball recognizes the unselfish giving done with a sacrifice bunt by not charging an official at bat to the person credited with the sacrifice bunt. So it really turns out to be a free at bat to help your team when the sacrifice bunt is successful.

Our Scripture lesson today reminds us of the greatest of all sacrifices. Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice for not only our sins but the sins of the entire world. Jesus came to this world for only one purpose. That purpose was to die. He came to this world from the glories of heaven to die for our sins and mistakes. He paid the price we could never pay for the mistakes we have made. God gladly gave the life of His Son, Jesus to be the sacrifice for our sins. His death on the cross gives us the opportunity to accept the free gift of salvation. It is free for us, but it cost Almighty God the life of His Son. Who is Jesus to you today? Is He your Savior? Have you given Him your heart and life? Maybe today we need to clean the sin out of our lives by confessing those sins to Him and asking for forgiveness. Don’t ever forget what Jesus did for you and me. He paid the price for our sins and gives us a way to spend eternity in heaven. The sacrifice bunt can put us in the position to win the game. What Jesus did for us gives us the opportunity to be a winner in the game of life. I am so glad He loves us that much!

Visual aid: Great music video about crucifixion on you tube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNgbBYdDZA8 Also any clip from the Passion of the Christ. Baseball Team Devotion‐ The

Scripture Lesson: Romans 7:15‐25

The Screwball is a pitch that does just the opposite of a usual . (This pitch should only be thrown at an advanced age when the arm has reached maturity.) Instead of a breaking pitch from a right handed pitcher breaking towards a left‐handed batter, the ball will break away from the left‐handed batter. Perhaps the most famous screwball pitcher of all time was a pitcher who pitched for the then New York Giants, Hall of Famer Carl Hubbell. In the 1934 All‐ Star Game, Hubbell accomplished an amazing feat of pitching. The first two batters reached base and up came Babe Ruth. Hubbell proceeded to end the first by striking out Hall of Famers, Babe Ruth, Lou Gerhig, and Jimmy Foxx. Hubbell continued the strike out barrage in the second by striking out Hall of Famers Al Simmons and Joe Cronin. Five Hall of Fame hitters all struck out in a row, Hubbell’s screwball was the key pitch. The screwball does just the opposite and it is difficult to hit.

In our Scripture lesson today, the Apostle Paul is struggling. He doesn’t understand what he is doing, for what he wants to do he doesn’t do and what he does not want to do he does. He seems to be doing just the opposite. Paul realizes a very important fact of life. Sin causes us to do what we should not be doing and to leave undone the things we should be about doing. There is only one cure for opposite living and it is found in verse 25. “Thanks be to God‐through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Paul goes on in Chapter 8 to say there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. When life throws us a screwball, when we seem to be doing the things we should not be doing and fail to do the things we know we should be doing, the only way to get a hit in life is to give our all to Christ. He forgives us our sins and gives us the inner strength through the Holy Spirit to battle against the forces of evil. Satan is all throwing us , trying to get us to do the opposite. But with Christ on our side, no matter how good Satan’s screwball is (even better than Hubbell’s), we will get a hit every time. Saying yes to Christ gives us the power to defeat evil and to live the life we want to live for Him. Been failing in the game of life? Maybe it is time to trust the Savior, and give your life to Him totally and completely.

Visual aid: google how to throw a screwball and show the players the grip and motion with a ball. Baseball Team Devotion‐The Single

Scripture Lesson: John 14:6

Did you know that the Major League record for singles in a season was set in 2004 by of the , when he hit an astounding 225 singles in his rookie season. There are many ways to get a single: a bunt single, how about an hit that the runner beats the throw to first, there is the bloop hit that falls between the infield and the outfield, there is also the ground ball that sneaks between the infielders, and finally the solid line drive that falls in front of the oncoming . There are a number of ways to get a single to get the runner to first. Many rallies in the game of baseball begin with a simple single. Can you think of the last time your team started a game winning rally with some kind of a single? That single got everyone started and helped set the stage for a comeback win.

Even though there are many ways to get a single, to be safe at first, there is only one way to be safe with God. Our Scripture lesson today is as plain as can be. There is only ONE WAY to be safe with God and that is through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus said these words on the last night of His earthly life before his death on the cross. He is talking to His disciples and wants them to know that even though He is going to die, that through His death and resurrection that is the way to God. The only way to experience the life of blessings God has planned for you is to accept His Son as your Lord and Savior, to give your life to Him. Today are you safe with God? Do you know without a doubt that if you died tonight you would spend eternity with God in heaven? There is only one way to be safe, one way to be able to answer that eternal question with a yes, that is by the Lord Jesus Christ who says, “ I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”Are you safe with God? You know you can be and He is only a prayer away.

Visual aid: Take a stop watch and time a few of the players running to first (beating out an infield single). Give a prize to the winner. Baseball Team Devotion‐ The

Scripture Lesson: Joshua 7:1‐5, 11‐12, 8:1‐2

The slider can be a very tough pitch to hit. The slider is the fastest of the breaking balls. Its strength is it APPEARS to be a fastball and at the last moment the pitch has a very sharp break. Hitters think they are going to get a fastball and often times a great slider will throw them off balance. Future Hall of Fame pitchers and John Smoltz are known for devastating sliders. That is where a great many of their strikeouts and victories can be found, in the mastering of the slider. The slider APPEARS to be something it is not and can cause a lot of problems for hitters who think they are about to get a fastball. The slider’s strength is it APPEARS to be a fastball, but in fact it is a breaking ball.

In today’s Scripture lesson the children of Israel have just won a very impressive victory against the city of Jericho. God gave them a great victory and confidence was at an all time high. The next city in their path to conquer the Promised Land was the small insignificant city of Ai. Joshua sent out scouts and they came back saying that the upcoming battle would be easy, so easy in fact we only need to send a small pat of the army to fight. So Joshua sent only 3,000 men to fight what APPEARED to be a very easy battle. The Israelites were routed from the field and lost 36 men killed. Confidence was now at an all time low with the unexpected defeat. When Joshua approached God wondering what could have gone wrong. Everything APPEARED to be great. God told Joshua someone had sinned and took things from Jericho which was forbidden. God would not be with them until the sinner Achan was punished. He was and in Chapter 8 God gave the people a great victory. What APPEARED to be a sure victory was taken away because of sin. I have to wonder, how many times do we think everything is great when in fact sin is keeping us from living the victorious Christian life? Satan wants to make it APPEAR that our sin won’t find us out and that we can just go through the motions. Today our challenge is to look at ourselves just the way we are. Is there anything keeping us from experiencing the victorious Christian life God has in store for us? Things may APPEAR good but just like with the slider, we can be fooled. God is just a prayer away, why not confess that sin to Him now and celebrate the victory He has for us today.

Visual Aid: let a pitcher show you his slider grip or google how to grip a slider and demonstrate Baseball Team Devotion‐ The Squeeze Play

Scripture Lesson: Matthew 8:5‐13

One of the most exciting plays in baseball is the squeeze play. A squeeze play is when there is a runner on third with less than 2 outs and the manager or coach gives the sign for the batter to bunt. The idea is to get the runner in from third base and to catch the defense by surprise. There are two kinds of squeeze plays: the safety squeeze is when the runner on third waits for the batter to bunt the ball before breaking to the plate; the suicide squeeze is when the runner takes off for home as the pitcher is in his windup trusting the batter to get the bunt down. The manager or coach has to have a great deal of trust in the batter’s ability to bunt to call a squeeze play, especially if it is a suicide squeeze. The runner is at the mercy of the batter’s bunting skills on the suicide squeeze, for if the batter fails to get the bunt down then there is an easy out at the plate. But when the manager or coach’s faith is shown to be true, the squeeze play is worth a run. I have seen games won on the execution of the suicide squeeze.

In our Scripture lesson today Jesus has just entered Capernaum which served as His home base around the Sea of Galilee. A Roman centurion (soldier) came to Jesus to ask for His help. The centurion’s servant was very sick and he felt unworthy to have Jesus come to his home. The centurion believed and had so much faith in Jesus, if He just said the word his servant would be healed. When Jesus saw this great faith He was astonished for He had not seen that kind of faith in anyone in Israel. Jesus turned to the centurion and said, “Go! It will be done just as you believed it would.” The Bible says the servant was healed at that very hour. With a squeeze play the manager’s faith in the batter’s ability to lay down the bunt is often rewarded by a run being scored. There is no greater call for a Christian than to have faith in Jesus and in the promises found in God’s Word. How is our faith today? Do we believe enough to trust Him no matter what? God will always be there for us and his love is unfailing. He sent Christ to the world to die for our sins. Since Jesus died for us, do we have the faith to live for Him? What a great reward we will receive one day when Jesus says to us “Well done good and faithful servant.” All we need is to live by faith!

Visual Aid: Have a bat and demonstrate a bunt as you talk about the squeeze play. Baseball Team Devotion‐The Third Base Coach

Scripture Lesson: Mark 12:28‐33

The Third Base Coach in baseball plays a vital role in the game. He directs the game from his coaching box. In college, high school, and youth leagues the Third Base Coach is most often the Head coach. While in professional baseball, the Third Base Coach receives signs from the and passes them on to the players. The Third Base Coach directs the game through a series of signs he gives. He can tell a hitter to swing, take a pitch, , and bunt. He can tell the base runner to steal or not and whether or not to advance to the next base or hold there. The signs or directions he gives become more complicated the older the players become. Sometimes even Major League players either miss a sign or have to call time to confer with the Third Base Coach to make sure he has the right sign. Signs can be as simple as touching the sleeve for the runner to steal or touching the bill of the cap for bunt. The next time you see a professional game, watch the series of signs the Third Base Coach gives and how he directs the game.

We are very fortunate that we have someone who wants to direct the game of life for us. Jesus, many times in the Gospels, gives us directions for how to live our lives. Instead of using a series of signs from a third base coaching box, Jesus uses words from His heart and from His Father’s heart. In our Scripture Lesson today, Jesus is asked which commandment is the most important of all. Or in other words what is the best direction you can give us. Jesus answers by quoting Deuteronomy 6:4‐5, “Listen, Israel! The Lord our God , The Lord is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Then He adds a second, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus has given us the signs for a life committed to God, love God with everything we have, every part of our being, as much as we can and to love our neighbor. So if we are to follow His coaching we will be all about LOVE. Did you get His signs? Are you ready to execute the play Jesus calls for in life? Then let’s love like He commands us to each and everyday!

Visual Aid: Ask a player or coach to give the team sign for stealing or bunting or do the elementary signs described above for them to start the Team Devotion. Baseball Team Devotion‐The

Scripture Lesson: 1Corinthians 9:24‐26a

One of the most exciting plays in all of baseball is the triple. It is also the play that takes the longest. Even though Andrew McCutcheon of the was in the Minor Leagues for the first two and one‐half months of the 2009 season, he still finished fifth in the National League in triples with 9, only 4 behind the leader Shane Victarino of the Phillies. McCutcheon, know for his speed, was able in his first week to hit 2 triples in one game against the . He can fly and added 22 stolen bases to his impressive rookie campaign. He was named a member of the Topps All‐Rookie Team and is one of the cornerstones in the rebuilding project of the Pirates. He has all five tools for a baseball player, he can hit, hit for power, field, throw, and run. Can he ever run!! The closest thing to a race in baseball is the triple, as the runner races to beat the throw to third.

In our Scripture Lesson today the Apostle Paul writes to the church at Corinth these words about running a race (read the Scripture). Paul wants us to run the race called life in such a way to get the prize. Paul is talking about running the race of life, running in such a way to receive the gift of eternal life in heaven. To win the race called life we must be in training to follow God daily with our lives and to live for Him. We must accept the free gift of salvation through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Satan wants nothing more for us to fall short, to give up and not live for God. He wants to throw us out before we can get safely to the end of our lives. It takes speed to get a triple in baseball. In life it takes determination to be the best we can be for God to win the race called life. God’s triple is running in such a way to glorify Him, living for Him each day. Don’t let Satan throw you out going to third, run in such a way to beat Satan and live for God. Do that and you will be safe every time in the race called life.

Visual Aid: Go to Pirates.com and search Topps Rookie All‐Star McCutcheon for video highlights. Baseball Team Devotion‐The Two Seam Fastball

Scripture Lesson: Psalms 46:1‐11

When a pitcher gets in trouble with runners on base and isn’t overpowering, often times they resort to the two seam fastball or the sinker. This fastball tends to sink which makes hitting a ground ball the desired result. For it has been said that a is a pitcher’s best friend. When pitchers can throw a good two seam fastball ground balls are often what happens. With a strong infield defense, a double play usually happens in that situation. The double play tends to either get the pitcher out of trouble or minimize the damage done in the inning. When runners are on base, have you ever said to your pitcher, “Hey, throw us a little ground ball.” What in fact you asking him to do is throw the two seam fastball or sinker to get out of trouble in the inning.

In our Scripture lesson today we learn where we can turn when we get in trouble in the game of life. Psalm 46:1 says, ”God is our refuge and strength, an ever‐present help in trouble.” Wow, what an awesome promise from His Word! God will be there for us to provide strength and refuge. We need not be afraid of what the world can throw at us for the Bible says God is an ever‐present help. God is with us ALWAYS! The Psalmist goes on to say that no matter what happens, earthquakes and storms in life, God is with us and He is our fortress. The next time you get ready to throw that two seam fastball to get that groundball or you ask your pitcher to throw a little ground ball to get out of trouble, remember that God is always there for us in our time of need and trouble. We can always rely on the One who is our refuge and strength, an ever‐present help in trouble. God will be with us and our fortress to defeat times of trouble. Isn’t that a great thing to remember?

Visual aid: Give the baseball to a pitcher and have him show his two seam grip Baseball Team Devotion‐ Web Gems

Scripture Lesson: 1Samuel 17(whole chapter) especially verses 41‐51

ESPN has coined a phrase that means great glove work or defensive plays. These plays are now known around the baseball world as “web gems”. The original term came up in a production meeting for the popular ESPN baseball show, Baseball tonight. Then producer Judson Burch came up with the term used to describe a great defensive play. You can even hear the term watching your local Little League team play when a player makes a great defensive play. One has to flash the leather to get a web gem. It takes confidence in one’s ability and courage to try to make the play. Instincts take over often times and we are able to see the great plays being made. When is the last time you flashed the leather? Have you ever made a web gem?

In our Scripture lesson today, I believe we have the first instance of a web gem in recorded history. For the shepherd boy David flashed some serious leather in defeating the Giant Goliath. But we are ahead of the story. David had brought food to his older brothers fighting against the Philistines. The Philistines had a champion who day after day not only belittled the Israelite army, he belittled God. David heard this giant and went to Saul and said I’ll take him on! David with only a leather slingshot and a few river stones went to meet the giant Goliath in battle. Not only that, he engaged in a little trash talk (vs 45‐47). David’s aim is true and he kills the Goliath by flashing the leather slingshot, thus getting the first recorded web gem. David’s confidence was in the Lord. He believed God would win the battle and he had the courage and the faith to step out when no one else would and defeat Goliath. I think Paul said it best in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.” If we will place our faith and confidence in God, who knows what kind of heavenly web gem we can accomplish for Him. God is just waiting for us to believe in Him and follow Him. He wants to accomplish great things for His Kingdom through us. How about it are we ready to flash the leather of faith and get a heavenly web gem?

Visual aid: Great you tube video on top 10 High School web gems http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2n0SPX9FAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2n0S PX9FAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2n0SPX9FA