Ethnic Hungarian Minorities: Past, Present, and Future Patrick Burlingame .................................................................................... At-Large University of Szeged
[email protected] H-6725 Szeged Tisza Lajos krt. 103 Adviser: Dr. György Szo˝nyi .................................................................................... 1. Introduction O¤Today, there are roughly 5 million O¤This presentation seeks to answer ethnic Hungarians living outside the what the future holds for ethnic national borders of Hungary Hungarian minorities in neighbor- ing countries given their past and O¤Most of these Hungarians live in current realities neighboring countries of the Danube Basin. In particular: Roma- nia (Transylvania/Erdély), Slovakia, 2. The Treaty of Trianon and Serbia (Voivodina/Vajdaság) O¤In 1920, the victorious allies of O¤In many cases, portions of these WWI drafted and imposed the countries are predominately Hun- Treaty of Trianon to punish Hun- garian and have substantial histori- gary and Axis powers for their par- cal and cultural importance for all ticipation in the war Hungarians O¤France, Italy, the United States, and O¤Unfortunately in a region known for the United Kingdom were the prin- its nationalism and recent conflicts, ciple allied powers present at the Hungarian minorities have suffered Treaty. Also present were states that from discrimination and ethnic con- stood to gain including Romania, flict and the newly formed Serb-Croat- Slovene and Czechoslovakian states 49 Student Conference 2003 O¤The victors of WWI , in particular the from the Carpathian Basin, Transylvania French were eager to weaken the former became part of the Austrian empire in Austro-Hungarian Empire and wanted 1711 and by the mid 19th century a key to reward various nations that had part of the Austro-Hungarian empire.