James Madison Was the First American President Regularly to Wear Trousers (Trousers Not Here Depicted)
1 “LITTLE JEMMY” “NARRATIVE HISTORY” AMOUNTS TO FABULATION, THE REAL STUFF BEING MERE CHRONOLOGY 1. At 5'4'', James Madison was the first American president regularly to wear trousers (trousers not here depicted). HDT WHAT? INDEX PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON Political Parties Then and Now ROUND 1 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICANS FEDERALISTS Alexander Hamilton, John Adams, 1792 et al. representing the North and commercial interests Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, et al. representing 1796 the South and landowning interests 1817- James Monroe’s “factionless” era of good feelings, ho ho ho 1824 ROUND 2A DEMOCRATS NATIONAL REPUBLICANS John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, representing the North and the commercial interests, 1828 and in addition the residents of border states ROUND 2B DEMOCRATS WHIGS Andrew Jackson, representing the South John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and landowning interests, plus wannabees such as representing the North and the commercial interests, 1832 our small farmers, backwoods go-getters, the “little and residents of border states, and in addition the anti- guy on the make” in general Jackson Democrats ROUND 3 DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS Abraham Lincoln, William Henry Seward, representing 1856 Northerners, urbanites, business types, factory workers, and (more or less) the abolitionist movement ROUND 4 DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS 1932- F.D.R., representing Northeasterners, urbanites, Representing businesspeople, farmers, white-collar 1960 blue-collar workers, Catholics, liberals, and types, Protestants, the “Establishment,” right-to-lifers, assorted ethnics moral majoritarians, and in general, conservatism of the “I’ve got mine, let’s see you try to get yours” stripe. HDT WHAT? INDEX PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON PRESIDENT JAMES MADISON Table of Altitudes Yoda 2 ' 0 '' Lavinia Warren 2 ' 8 '' Tom Thumb, Jr.
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