House. of Representatives
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1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 5285 work experience, occupational counseling, Pennsylvania. (He was appointed during the On March 13, 1964: and placement services are the answer. last recess of the Senate.) H.R. 1182. An act for the relief of Wllly 5. Those who are living in a locality or Howard C. Bratton, of New Mexico, to be Sapuschnin; area where the former means of livelihood U.S. district judge for the district of New H.R. 1295. An act for the relief of Edith has ceased to exist or to afford tolerable Mexico. and Joseph Sharon; living standards. For the employable per H.R. 1355. An act for the relief of Stanis sons in such an area new means of liveli •• .... •• lawa Ouelette; hood must be brought in or they must be H.R. 1384. An act for the relief of Areti assisted to move out. The unemployable HOUSE.OF REPRESENTATIVES Siozos Paidas; persons in such depressed areas fall within H.R. 1455. An act for the relief of Ewald the same situation as in (1) above. Johan Consen; 6. Those whose social and personal prob MoNDAY, MARCH 16, 1964 H.R. 1520. An act for the relief of Jozefa lems have brought them to a point of self Trzcinska Biskup and Ivanka Stalcer Vla defeating discouragement. These are the The House met at 12 o'clock noon. hovic; people who have sought escape in delin Rabbi. Arthur Schneier, M.A., of Con H.R. 1521. An act for the relief of Lovorko quency, mental illness,. alcoholism, chronic gregation Zichron Ephraim, offered the Lucie; dependency, and other forms of social isola following prayer: H.R. 1723. An act for the relief of Agnese tion. These people may need individual Almighty God, our Founding Fathers, Brienza; supportive help in addition to the other H.R. 1886. An act for the relief of Valeriano remedies listed if they are to break the bonds touched by Thine infinite wisdom, forged T. Ebreo; of poverty. a union of self -governing states. The H.R. 4085. An act for the relief of Tlbor One common denominator which aggra self-rule of individual communities mold Horcsik; vates all of these other causes of poverty is ed into national unity, strengthened the H.R. 4284. An act for the relief of Chry minority status. Thus equal opportunity American character of initiative and re santhos Kyriakou; for all Americans is basic to the war on sourcefulness. It made us freemen in H .R . 4682. An act for the relief of Mr. and poverty. Mrs. Fred T. Winfield; There is some danger in the current usage stead of slaves of the state. This in of the term "culture of poverty" because it dependent spirit, in 300 years, developed H.R. 5144. An act for the relief of Doyle A. suggests that something other than absence small New Amsterdam into the thriving Ballou; of money distinguishes the poor as a group metropolis of New York. H.R. 5617. An act for the relief of Elizabeth from the rest of us. It is true that poverty 0 Lord, help us resist pressure and Renee Louise Gabrielle Huffer; is discouraging, deb111tating, and cuts people temptation to alter the delicate balance H.R. 6313. An .act for the relief of Stanis off from the mainstream of American life. of Government power. May these sacred law Kuryj; But there is a danger in suggesting that H.R. 6320. An act for the relief of Walter these qualities are intrinsic to the poor them halls not become pressure chambers of L. Mathews. and others; selves rather than the end-product of re selfishness. Help us rather execute what H.R. 6477. An act for the relief of Capt. mediable social ms. The danger lies in the is right in Thy sight. Otis R. Bowles; ease with which this assumption moves to Knowing that our cities and States H.R. 6591. An act for the relief of Con ward the charge that the poor are poor by can become outposts of national honor stantine Theothoropoulos; their own fault. or disgrace, 0 God, help us cast aside H.R. 7347. An act for the relief of Teresa Mr. HART. Mr. President, the Sen provincial pride which keeps our hearts :Jlllliopoulos and Anastasia Elliopoulos; ator from West Virginia requested that from one another. May we unite "in the H.R. 7533. An act for the relief of Deme this material be printed in the RECORD fight against poverty and human misery trios Dousopoulos; so that everyone in our land can grate H .R. 8085. An act for the relief of Roy W. as it relates to a matter of deep and Ficken; continuing concern to him. fully proclaim, "We have eaten, we are satisfied, blessed be Thy name, 0 Lord." H.R. 8322. An act for the relief of John George Kostantoyannis; and _Amen. H.R. 8507. An act for the relief of certain ILLNESS OF SENATOR RANDOLPH, medical and dental offl.cers of the Air Force. OF WEST VIRGINIA THE JOURNAL Mr. HART. As we all know, with re gret, the Senator from West Virginia The Journal of the proceedings of FEDERAL PAY RAISE BILL [Mr. RANDOLPH] is confined to Doctors Thursday, March 12, 1964, was read and Hospital and it will be several days be approved. Mr. ROUSH. Mr. Speaker, I ask fore he can return to the Senate. I am unanimous consent to address the House glad to report that he is resting com for 1 minute and 'to revise and. extend my fortably, and there is every indication MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT remarks. The SPEAKER. Is there objection that the surgical correction of the eye A message in writing from the Presi has been a success. to the request of the gentleman from dent of the United States was communi Indiana? cated to the House by Mr. Ratchford; There was no objection. RECESS UNTIL MONDAY AT 11 A.M. one of his secretaries, who also informed the House that on the following dates Mr. ROUSH. Mr. Speaker, a great Mr. HART. Mr. President, if there the President approved and signed bills number of us found ourselves in a most is no further business to come before of the House of the following titles: difficult position last Thursday when we the Senate at this time, I move, pur considered the pay raise bill. Most of On March 10, 1964: us recognized a need for a general pay suant to the order entered yesterday, H.R. 5982. An act for the relief of Pas March 13, 1964, that the Senate stand quale Fiorica; increase among Federal employees. in recess until 11 a.m. Monday. H.R. 7235. An act to amend sections 671 Exclude from this bill those unreason The motion was agreed to; and <at 4 and 672 of title 28, United States Code, ably high increases in the legislative, o'clock and 31 minutes p.m.) the Senate relating to the Clerk and the Marshal of executive, and judicial salaries and I be took a recess, under the order entered the Supreme Court; and come an e:Q.thusiastic supporter of this on March 13, 1964, until Monday, March H.R. 8171. An act to authorize the Secre legislation. It is needed and desirable. 16, 1964, at 11 o'clock a.m. tary of the Interior to acquire lands, in That which made it most difficult was cluding farm units and improvements there the fact that included were substantial on, in the third division, Riverton reclama increases in the legislative, executive, CONFIRMATIONS tion project, Wyoming, and to continue to and judicial which would have, of course, deliver water for 3 years to lands of said divi Executive nominations confirmed by sion, and for other purposes. included a substantial increase in my the Senate March 14 <legislative day of On March 11, 1964: own salary. My expenses are great and March 9). 1964: H.R. 6092. An act for the relief of Alexan .I feel the pinch of the cost-of-living rise U.S. DISTRICT JUDGES der Haytko; but I could not and would not vote for a $10,000 increase for myself. If I had A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr., of Pennsylvania, H.R. 7821. An act for the relief of Wlady to be U.S. district judge for the eastern dis slawa Pytlak Jarosz; and voted for this substantial increase, how trict of Pennsylvania. (He was appointed H.R. 9640. An act to authorize appropria could I have looked a laboring man back during the last recess of the Senate.) tions for procurement of vessels and aircraft in Indiana in the eye when I know he is John Morgan Davis, of Pennsylvania, to be and construction of shore and offshor~ es making less than $5,000 or $6,000 per U.S. district judge for the eastern district of tablishments for the Coast Guard. year. I could not. 5286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE Marc1~ 16 If the~ incr ea..c:;es in the t~p - pay PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ON . Now we propose to propo!:tfon our na brackets could be red.uced s& as to prq POVERTY tlonal effort-PUblie, private, and; indi vide for a modest incttas~. then'I wo~ vid ~-to create opportunity fcir ~ Mr. BOG . Mt. Speaker. I as~ suppo~d bill. t have this But, as stoo unat.timous eon~ntto address the House full .development of the potential of I had to vote against it. Beca~e ol the for 1 mi.nQte and to revise and extend every American.