RICK GRUNDER — BOOKS Box 500, Lafayette, New York 13084-0500 – (315) 677-5218 www.rickgrunder.com (email:
[email protected]) FEBRUARY 2020 Mormon List Eighty-One Like MORMON LISTS 66-80, this catalog is issued as a digital file only, which allows more illustrations than a printed catalog. Browse like usual, or click on the linked ITEM NUMBERS below to go to pages containing these SUBJECTS. Enjoy! [ABOVE: item 4] FREE SHIPPING AND INSURANCE [EXCEPT ITEMS 4 AND 6, BY SPECIAL ARRANGEME NT] NOT IN FLAKE, 8, 10 Maps & Broadsides, 1, 8, Fiction, 7 (Paddock), Polygamy, 3, 5, 7, 8, 15 11 (Grey) 17 ITEMS PRE-1840, 1, 4, 6, 12, 13, 14 Photograph, 18 Galland, Isaac, 1 Salt Lake City, 7, 18, 20 Items $1,000 or higher, Iowa, 15 3, 5, 7, 8, 15, 16, 20 Ancestors/families of Scriptures, 4 Mining (California), 1 Items $35,000 or higher, early Mormons, etc. Sharp, Thomas C., 1 2, 5, 12, 13, 16 Missouri, 4, 16 1, 4, 6, 21 Smith, Joseph - death, Mormon Parallels, 14 Signed or Manuscript Anthon Transcript, 6 1, 19, 21 items, 1, 4, 5, 6, Book of Command- Nauvoo, 1, 3, 5, 21 Winter Quarters, 15 12, 13, 16 ments, 4 Overland, 1, 20 Women, 5, 7, 16 1 ALDRICH, Mark (1802-1873); Hancock County Illinois land developer and state legislator; friend of Isaac GALLAND and TOM SHARP; the senior defendant indicted and TRIED FOR THE MURDERS OF JOSEPH AND HYRUM SMITH. APERS OF MARK AND MARGARET WILKINSON ALDRICH & FAMILY, P 1789-1880, comprising some two hundred original manuscript pieces and a few rare printed items.