Displacement Tracking Matrix DTM DTM Sudan

July - September 2019

OVERVIEW From July to September, DTM conducted 39,506 registrations of a greater return rate. This trend – whereby more across six states in Sudan – 34,507 (87%) of which were returnees were registered than IDPs – has been consistently returnees and 4,999 (13%) internally displaced persons observed throughout the year. Through its flow monitoring (IDPs). Central hosted the largest registration of component, DTM also registered 1,564 South Sudanese IDPs (2,331 individuals), with West Darfur a close second. entering Sudan via over the three-month period. registered a significantly higher proportion of Finally, 27,689 flood-affected individuals were registered in returnees during this period (17,391 individuals), indicative North and South Darfur. REGISTRATION

Umm Badda Shendi

Karari 34,507 El Malha Sharq El Nile Jebrat El Sheikh Um Durman Returnees Um Buru Sodari El Kamleen Kornoi El Tina 4,999 El Hasaheesa Umm Ram�a IDPs Kulbus Kutum El Gutaina Mellit El Manageel El Kuma Jebel Moon El Sireaf Bara El Douiem Sirba Kebkabiya El Fasher West Darfur Tawilla Saraf Omra Kreinik Rokoro Umm Keddada Rabak Legend El 2,130 Wad Banda El Nehoud Kos� 2,331 Dar El Salam Kalimendo Um Rawaba Zalingei Shiekan Returnees Ner�� Tendal� Azum Abu Zabad Beida Habila 31 - 113 MarshangNiteaga Kass Alwehda El Taweisha 114 - 273 Sheiria Wadi Salih Al Qoz El Salam Foro Baranga Sha�ai 274 - 485 Nyala North El Abassiya Ghubaysh Al Sunut Nyala 486 - 3,439 Bielel Dilling Ailliet Rashad Bindisi Mukjar Kubum Yassin Habila 3,440 - 7,978 Ed El Fursan Ed Daein El Salam Abu Karinka El Salam Adila Assalaya Lagawa Reif Ashargi IDPs Umm Dukhun Gereida Kadugli Heiban Tullus Babanusa Abu Jubaiha Rahad El Berdi Katayla 538 538 Dimsu Buram Umm Durein South Darfur SuntaEl Ferdous 539 - 2,130 Al Buram Um Dafug Keilak Abyei - Talodi 2,131 - 2,331 Abu Jabra Bahr El Arab locality Abyei PCA Area State El Radoom Abyei PCA Area International

Abyei PCA area

Kilometers Data Source | IOM registration data since 2010 0 30 60 120 180 240 Map Published |17 -11- 2019 . This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply ocial endorsement or acceptance by IOM.

Map 1 Registration of IDPS and returnees, July to September 2019


Months IDPs Returnees Grand Total Individuals

July 2,547 25,077 27,624 8,610 August 2,271 8,610 10,881 2,547 2,271 September 181 820 1,001 820 181 Grand Total 4,999 34,507 39,506 Individuals July August September

IDPs Returnees Table 1 Total number of IDP and returnee individuals registered, July to September 2019 1

Graph 1 Total number of IDP and returnee individuals registered, July to September 2019

1. Registration activities are conducted upon request 1 DTM Sudan DTM Sudan July - September 2019 INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (IDPs)

SOUTH KORDOFAN Registration of IDPs in Kadugli town (Kadugli locality) was ongoing during the three-month period – 216 individuals (71 households) were registered in July, 141 individuals (55 households) in August, and 181 individuals (80 households) in September. These IDPs were displaced from Alburam, Heiban and Um Dorain (surrounding localities in South 4,999 Kordofan) due to violence between SPLM-N and government Individuals forces, and the lack of subsequent services available Of the total caseload, 55 per cent were male and 45 per cent were female. The predominant ages were five to 17 years (42%) and over the age of 18 (47%). Eleven per cent of IDPs were younger than five. South Kordofan 538 Individuals WEST DARFUR 45% Female In August 2019, 2,130 individual IDPs (426 households) were 11% registered in Krenik and Um-Tojok town in Krenik locality, 55% having been displaced from surrounding localities in West Male Darfur (Ari, Dafor, Astrina, Barakat, Comkoil and Hajir). The registration was conducted by IOM in response to the displacement that arose from conflict between local farmers West Darfur and pastoralist communities. As indicated in the initial inter- agency mission report, the 2019 restriction imposed by the 2,130 Individuals pastoralist population – preventing IDPs, Fur and Massalit 56% host community tribes from cultivating or harvesting their Female 43% farmland – fueled tensions which erupted following the fall 44% of President Al-Bashir in April this year. The Arab pastoralist Male retaliated, resulting in the displacement of many IDPs northwards. Of the total registered caseload, 56 per cent were female and 44 per cent were male. Forty-five per cent Central Darfur were youth between the ages of five and 17, 42 per cent 2,331 Individuals over the age of 18 years, and 14 percent under the age of 52% five. In addition to the verification of reported IDP figures, Female 47% IOM identified a severe lack of educational and other basic 48% services available in Krenik. Male

CENTRAL DARFUR Registration of IDPs in Central Darfur was conducted in IDP Vulnerabilities Golo (Central Jabal Mara/Golo/Rokoro locality) in July 2019, totaling 2,331 individuals (363 households), and resulting from conflict between the SLA group and Sudanese government forces. The registration revealed a relatively even gender distribution – 48 per cent being male and 52 per cent female. The majority of IDPs were youth between 231 45 11 11 5 2 the age of five and 17 years (52%), whilst 32 per cent were Lactating Pregnant Physical Mental Chronically Ill Unaccompanied over the age of 18, and 16 per cent under the age of five. Women disabilities disabilities elder

RETURNEES EAST DARFUR displaced. Since 2010, former IDPs have been returning to the IOM’s mission to Um Dei, Kelikel, Abu, Salama, Gargar, area, reportedly due to an increased calmness, stability and Ahmed and Beida (Asalaya locality) verified and registered security – in part, the result of community and government 7,067 returnees (1,601 households) from North, South and disarmament campaigns. Significantly, however, IOM noted East Darfur. In 2003, Asalaya locality was severely impacted many challenges still facing the returnee communities in by the Darfur crisis and the conflict between government Asalaya locality: limited access to food, public defecation as forces and armed rebels – large numbers of the population a result of no access to latrines, poor shelter conditions and insufficient crop production due the shortage of rainfall.

DTM 2 Sudan DTM Sudan July - September 2019 SOUTH DARFUR In July 2019, 6,799 individuals (1,329 households) were reconstruction of a functioning borehole within the village. registered by IOM in Haraza, Erdiba, Bowta, Dud, Arida, Problematically, however, sanitation remains dire, with no Aldonky, Haraza, Batikha and Ghabibish (Katayla locality), existing household latrines, and only one (albeit unfunctional) having returned from neighbouring villages in Katyala health clinic in the vicinity. and Alsalam locality. Additionally, 3,439 individuals (891 households) were registered in Karikir, Jartubuk, Dabranga, Masco, Teritira, Ammar and Jadeed (Niteaga locality), after returning from Kass camp in Kass locality. That same month, 6,926 further individuals (1,484 households) from Kass camp were registered in Kalo, Kumpa, Martoga, Warow, Musa, 10,581 Begra, Barnga, El Fial, Nyama, Daws, Karndy and Kusolo Individuals (Kass locality). Furthermore, 227 returnees (44 households) were registered in Myagna (Ed Elfursan locality) in July 2019, after returning from their displacement in the surrounding villages of Gezan, Tulus and Khorshamam. Using general focus group discussions, North Darfur individual interviews and a general overview and observation 10,049 Individuals of the surrounding living conditions, it was determined that 50% returns to the area were voluntarily, without individuals being Female subject to any psychological, material or physical pressure or 50% 20% coercion. In both Katayla and Ed Elfursan, the IOM mission Male observed that returnees were engaged in livelihood activities (such as farming and market access) and were able to live with relative normality. Many families had returned with their children, cattle, and personal belongings, thus indicating the South Darfur intention for a sustainable and permanent return. 17,391 Individuals

NORTH DARFUR 53% 50% Female In continuation of the prior months, 619 individuals (119 47% households) were registered in nine localities in North Male Darfur (namely, Elfasher, Kornoi, Darelsalam, Kalimando, Eltina, Kutum, Tawilla, Um Baru and Mellit) during July 2019. In August, a further 632 returnees (133 households) were registered – individuals returning from , as well as surrounding villages in North Darfur. In September, 820 new 7,067 Individuals East Darfur returnees (174 households) were registered. 53% Female In Abu Gau (Alkuma locality), 7,978 individuals (1,216 households) were registered during the first few days of 47% 20% Male September – IDPs returning from the Alabassi camps in Mellit locality. Displacement from Alkuma had begun in 2004 due to the arising conflict between the ZayadIya and Berti tribes. In December 2018, these IDPs started their return, despite IDP Vulnerabilities not all individuals originating from Abu Gau village. As the initial inter-agency report indicated, the provision of essential services proved a severe challenge – with the closest water supply to be found in Alkuma town, nine kilometers away. Tensions also rose over the availability and ownership of land. By the time IOM conducted its mission to Abu Gau, the 1,716 245 79 49 13 2 government of North Darfur declared the situation resolved Lactating Physical Unaccompanied Mental Single parent Unaccompanied with peaceful coexistence between the two tribes, and the women disabilities elder disabilities minor

9,000 8,066 8,067 8,000

7,000 East Darfur North Darfur South Darfur 6,000






2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Graph 2 Total number of DTM registered returnees by date of return

3 DTM Sudan DTM Sudan July - September 2019 FLOW MONITORING SOUTH SUDANESE IN ABYEI 1,564 individuals DTM’s flow monitoring point in Abyei, from where South Sudanese are registered upon arrival into Sudan, registered 69% 31% a total number of 1,564 individuals (415) – 628 were Male Female registered in July, 458 in August, and 478 in September. In Abyei PCA Area comparison to previous months, where a relatively even Upper Nile 515 gender distribution was observed, the number of males Northern Bahr el Ghazal Unity 40 during this period far exceeded the number of females 122 (1,078 males and 486 females in total). The vast majority Warrap Western Bahr el Ghazal 779 Jonglei of registered South Sudanese were between the ages of 96

18 and 59 (75%), with less than one per cent over the Lakes age of 60 and 24 per cent younger than 18. Few additional South Sudanese vulnerabilities were recorded – only one individual was place of origin Western Equatoria 12 Eastern Equatoria chronically ill and 11 were lactating, accounting for less than 40 - 12 Central Equatoria one per cent of incoming South Sudanese individuals in 122 - 41 need of additional assistance and support. 515 - 123 This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply ocial 779 - 516 endorsement or acceptance by IOM. FLOOD-AFFECTED POPULATIONS Map 2 South Sudanese registered in Abyei, July to September2019 Despite floods being an annual occurrence during the rainy Alsalam (El Fasher locality) as well as 9,991 individuals (1,563 season in Sudan, 2019 proved particularly destructive and households) in Zamzam IDP camp (El Fasher locality). saw at least 27,689 individuals badly affected by the floods.2 It was the first year that flooding occurred in Ed Elfursan SOUTH DARFUR locality (South Darfur) consequential to the reconstruction In August 2019, IOM registered 1,047 flood affected of the local railway and the obstruction of the waterway. individuals (195 households) in Om-Zeaifa, 2,368 individuals In North Darfur, comparatively, flooding is an annual (493 households) in Korojuray/Om-Zeaifa, 126 individuals occurrence. Communities are especially impacted each year (15 households) in Helt Yahya Dood/Om-Zeaifa, and 236 due to the low altitude of the surrounding landscape and the individuals 36 households in Gono/Om-Zeaifa. In September proximities of running streams. Affected populations tend a further 4,374 individuals (810 households) affected by to flee their homes to seek safety with their relatives and/ heavy rains were registered in Otash in Nyala North locality. or in high places, until the receding water levels enable their return. In some localities, such as Alkuma for example, the SOUTH KORDOFAN Sudanese government has allocated useable land away from In the last few days of June, IOM registered 229 individuals high-risk areas for flood-affected populations to relocate – a (47 households) in Tellow (Kadugli) - individuals who had move that local communities refuse. been badly affected by the recent rains in the region.

Algolid Northern NORTH DARFUR WEST DARFUR Al Daba During the month of June, IOM registered 3,059 individuals In September, IOM registered 10,367 individuals (2,579 (544 households) in Tawilla IDP camp that were affected households) in ArdamataEl Malha IDP camp (El Geniena) who had by the floods and heavy rains. In July, 5,167 individuals (908 been impacted by the heavy rains. The encoding of their registration is still ongoing. households) were registered in Alkuma town. In September, Sodari Um Buru Jebrat El Sheikh

Kornoi 1,321 individuals (201 households) were registered El Tinain North Darfur North Kordofan Graph 3 Sudanese returnees from KSA by educational level Kulbus Kutum Mellit

5,167 El Kuma Bara affected population Jebel Moon El Sireaf Kuma Sirba 1,321 1,321 - 229 Alsalam Kreinik 3,059 3,777 - 1,322 Saraf Omra Kebkabiya Tawila West Darfur Umm Keddada Tawilla El Geneina Zamzam 9,991 5,167 - 3,778 Rokoro El Nehoud 10,367 Dar El Salam Wad Banda El Geneina Zalingei Ner�� Kalimendo Shiekan 10,367 - 5,168 Beida Azum Sharg Jabel Marra Abu Zabad Habila Niteaga

Marshang Sheiria Central Darfur Kass Otash El Taweisha locality Al Qoz Wadi Salih Alwehda 4,374 Foro Baranga West Kordofan 38,285 State Sha�ai Ghubaysh Dilling Flood affected population Ailliet Al Sunut

Bindisi Mukjar Kubum Nyala Yassin Habila Ed El Fursan Ed Daein El Salam Abu Karinka El Salam South Darfur Adila South Kordofan Graph 4 Sudanese returnees by occupation in KSA Gereida Assalaya Lagawa Reif Ashargi Umm Dukhun Umm Zahefa 3,777 Babanusa Tullus East Darfur 229 Rahad El Berdi Kadugli Katayla Dimsu This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and El Ferdous Kadugli Umm Durein Map 3 Flood affected populations, June to September2019 boundaries on this map do not imply o cial Bahr El Arab Abu Jabra endorsement or acceptance by IOM. Buram Sunta Keilak Al Buram Um Dafug El Radoom 2. This figure is in accordance to IOM registrations during this period, and not reflective of all areas affected by floods.

DTM 4 Sudan DTM Sudan July - September 2019 Methodology Map 2 South Sudanese registered in Abyei, July to September2019 The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is a system to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. It is designed to regularly and systematically capture, process and disseminate information to provide a better understanding of the movements and evolving needs of displaced populations, whether on site or en route. It is comprised of four distinct components; namely, mobility tracking, registration, flow monitoring and surveying. Registration data is used by site managers for beneficiary selection, vulnerability targeting and programming. During the months of July to September 2019, the DTM conducted registration activities within six states in Sudan – recording individual and household level information on IDPs, returnees and flood affected populations in North Darfur, East Darfur, South Darfur, West Darfur, Central Darfur and South Kordofan. As part of a global methodology, flow monitoring is used to track movements of displaced populations at key transit points when locations of origin are not accessible, and displacement is gradual. In Sudan, DTM operated one flow monitoring points during this period in Abyei – tracking the arrival of South Sudanese into the country. The DTM methodology refers to the following definitions: Internally Displaced Persons are considered all Sudanese persons who have been forced or obliged to flee from their habitual residence since 2003 and subsequently sought safety in a different location. Returnees are considered all Sudanese persons who were previously displaced from their habitual residence since 2003 and have now voluntarily returned to the location of their habitual residence – irrespective of whether they have returned to their former residence or to another shelter type.

DTM SERVICES & CONTACTS For further information, please contact IOM Sudan Tel.: +249 157 554 600/1/2 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://sudan.iom.int

IOM DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed in the report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout the report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IOM concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning its frontiers or boundaries.