Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi 2021, t. 15, z. 1 The Studies into the History of the Book and Book Collections 2021, vol. 15, no. 1 www.bookhistory.uw.edu.pl http://doi.org/10.33077/uw.25448730.zbkh Krzysztof Szelong Książnica Cieszyńska
[email protected] 0000-0002-1954-1777 https://doi.org/10.33077/uw.25448730.zbkh.2021.655 Śląski Lukullus? Baron Jan Jerzy Cygan ze Słupska na Frysztacie i Dobrosławicach w świetle zebranych przez niego książek The Silesian Lucullus? Baron Jan Jerzy Cygan from Słupsk of Frysztat and Dobrosławice in the light of his book collection Abstract: Freiherr Johann Georg Czigan von Slupsk auf Freistadt und Dobroslawitz, who died in 1640, was the patron and friend of the Silesian poets Daniel Czepko and Wenzel Scherffer von Scherfferstein. With their poetic messages, they contributed to the dissemination of the image of the Freiherr von Slupsk as an erudite and book lover. This article attempts to verify the above opinion and identify the sources of the intellectual formation of Johann Georg Czigan and the genesis of his literary and bibliophile interests. It describes the environmental connections of Johann Georg Czigan and the ties that connected him with the world of nobilitas literaria. It presents books that were his property and have survived to this day, adorned with the baron’s supralibros, one of the two currently known aristocratic proprietary marks of this kind from the Duchy of Cieszyn. Key words: Freiherr Johann Georg Czigan von Slupsk auf Freistadt und Dobroslawitz, Upper Silesia, Duchy of Teschen, nobility, Grand Tour, nobilitas literaria, aristocratic libraries, supralibros Słowa kluczowe: baron Jan Jerzy Cygan ze Słupska na Frysztacie i Dobrosławicach (Freiherr Johann Georg Czigan von Slupsk auf Freistadt und Dobroslawitz), Górny Śląsk, księstwo cieszyńskie, szlachta, Grand Tour, nobilitas literaria, biblioteki szlacheckie, superekslibris © Copyright by Uniwersytet Warszawski; CC BY-NC 4.0 Krzysztof Szelong Profesor Barbarze Bieńkowskiej W 1991 r.