Anatomy of a regional conflict: Tarija and resource grievances in Morales’ Bolivia Denise Humphreys Bebbington School of Environment and Development Room 1.54, Humanities Bridgeford Street University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester, M13 9PL UK
[email protected] Tel 44-1457-869813 Anthony Bebbington School of Environment and Development Room 1.54, Humanities Bridgeford Street University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester, M13 9PL UK
[email protected] Tel: 44-161-2750422 Forthcoming in Latin American Perspectives , 2010 Abstract: In 2008, the Department of Tarija became the epicenter of national political struggles over political autonomy for lowland regions at odds with the Morales administration. In September, following a series of regional referenda on autonomy and a national recall election, citizen committees in Tarija mobilized urban-based sectors and organized a general strike to oppose central government. This paper analyzes this mobilization and argues that it is unhelpful to understand the strike as simply an act of political sabotage orchestrated by racist, regional elites. The factors driving protest and interest in autonomy are varied and deeply related to patterns of hydrocarbon extraction in the department that have allowed for the mobilization of grievance and cultivation of resource regionalism at departmental and intra-departmental scales. Theoretically it suggests that alongside class and ethnicity, identities of place and region can be equally important in processes of mobilization,