Water Resources
WATER RESOURCES Major Tributaries The French Creek watershed has ten major tributaries whose sub-basins cover at least 50 square miles (Figure 3). In addition, those major sub-basins can be broken down further into the Pennsylvania State Water Plan designated small watersheds (Figure 13). The PA portion of the main stem of French Creek is classified as a warm water fishery (WWF) by the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s Water Quality Standards (PA Title 25, Chapter 93). West Branch of French Creek The West Branch of French Creek originates in Chautauqua County, New York and flows southwest into Erie County, Pennsylvania before turning south. It joins French Creek from the right side (facing downstream), near Wattsburg, at river mile 84.42 and drains 77.7 square miles. It drains portions of Northeast, Greenfield, and Venango townships and Wattsburg Borough in Pennsylvania. The low gradient West Branch and all of its tributaries are classified as WWF. The West Branch sub-basin contains the most extensive wetlands, including rare fens, of any Pennsylvania headwater area. Although this sub-basin still contains blocks of contiguous forest and undeveloped riparian areas, it is beginning to see development pressure from the city of Erie and North East. Work by Dr. J. Stauffer, et al, Penn State University, and other historic records have documented 26 species of fish from the West Branch sub-basin (Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 1992). These include the PA threatened mountain brook lamprey (Ichthyomyzon greeleyi), and Ohio lamprey (Ichthyomyzon bdellium). According to surveys by WPC biologists, this stream also supports 13 freshwater mussel species, including a “viable population of the [former] federal candidate Epioblasma triqueta (snuffbox)” (Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, 1994).
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