Royal Ideology in Fagrskinna
Háskóli Íslands Íslensku- og Menningardeild Medieval Icelandic Studies Royal Ideology in Fagrskinna A Case Study of Magnús inn blindi. Ritgerð til M.A.-prófs Joshua Wright Kt.: 270194-3629 Leiðbeinandi: Sverrir Jakobsson May 2018 Acknowledgements I owe thanks to too many people to list, but I would be remiss if I did not mention Julian Valle, who encouraged and advised me throughout the process, and Jaka Cuk for his company and council at numerous late night meetings. Dr. Sverrir Jakobsson’s supervision and help from Dr. Torfi H. Tulinius were both indispensable help throughout the process. I owe my wife, Simone, a special thanks for her input, and an apology for keeping her up in our small room as I worked at strange hours. I cannot fully express my debt to my father, David Wright, and my uncle Harold Lambdin, whose urging and encouragement pushed me to try academia in the first place. I dedicate this to my mother, Susanne, who would have loved to see it. ii Abstract: When looking at the political thought of the kings’ sagas, scholarship has overwhelmingly focused on Heimskringla, widely regarded as the most well-written compilation, or on the older Morkinskinna because it is more proximal to the ‘original’ sources. An intermediate source, Fagrskinna, is almost always overlooked, mentioned only in passing by scholars that are more interested in other texts. The limited work that has been done on this source, most prominently by Gustav Indrebø, attracts little attention and Indrebø has remained mostly unchallenged nearly a century after his writing. While there have been systemic analyses of the ideology of these sagas (by Bagge and Ármann Jakobsson, among others) they are only tangentially interested in Fagrskinna, with the result that this work and its unique ideology have been largely unexplored, although its subject matter predisposes it towards contributing to the discussion.
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