CONTACT DETAILS MARCH 2013 Priest-in-charge & Bulletin Editor Rev’d Kathy Lawrie 01482 897693 The Benefice of Hedon, Paull, Sproatley & Preston.
[email protected] 30p Benefice Bulletin. Hedon Church Wardens Phil Danby 01482 896343 Carol Gronous 01482 896680 PCC Secretary Dorothy Winter 01482 899925 WORD FROM THE VICARAGE PCC Treasurer Martin Gash 01964 623452 Bell Ringers Keith Everingham 01482 899020 This Lent, I’d like to share with you some thoughts and insights from one of my fa- Church Room Wendy Bond 01482 899772 vourite spiritual books, ‘A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton’ by Esther de Mothers’ Union Ruth Pate 01964 630145 Waal. Merton was a 20th century monk, a teacher, a writer- and though you might think that life in a monastery is light years away from our busy lives here in the East Paull Riding, Merton does have a great deal of value to share with us about those relation- Church Warden Joyce Wigg 01482 890552 ships with God, others and ourselves which we come to focus on during Lent. PCC Secretary Mandy Annison 01964 626115 PCC Treasurer Paul Cross 07711 797200 We start then at the beginning of our Lenten journey. Journeys Kay Burn -01964 626228 /Mandy Annison –see above Health walks Kay Burn—see above “What I am setting out to do is risky –an encounter with myself and with God. I may Car boot sale Paul Cross –see above meet my real self. I may meet the true God. Perhaps I have been running away from Fundraising Kay Burn/Mandy Annison –see above both.