Priest-in-charge & Bulletin Editor Rev’d Kathy Lawrie 01482 897693 The Benefice of , Paull, Sproatley & Preston. [email protected] 30p Benefice Bulletin. Hedon Church Wardens Phil Danby 01482 896343 Carol Gronous 01482 896680 PCC Secretary Dorothy Winter 01482 899925 WORD FROM THE VICARAGE PCC Treasurer Martin Gash 01964 623452 Bell Ringers Keith Everingham 01482 899020 This Lent, I’d like to share with you some thoughts and insights from one of my fa- Church Room Wendy Bond 01482 899772 vourite spiritual books, ‘A Seven Day Journey with Thomas Merton’ by Esther de Mothers’ Union Ruth Pate 01964 630145 Waal. Merton was a 20th century monk, a teacher, a writer- and though you might think that life in a monastery is light years away from our busy lives here in the East Paull Riding, Merton does have a great deal of value to share with us about those relation- Church Warden Joyce Wigg 01482 890552 ships with God, others and ourselves which we come to focus on during Lent. PCC Secretary Mandy Annison 01964 626115 PCC Treasurer Paul Cross 07711 797200 We start then at the beginning of our Lenten journey. Journeys Kay Burn -01964 626228 /Mandy Annison –see above Health walks Kay Burn—see above “What I am setting out to do is risky –an encounter with myself and with God. I may Car boot sale Paul Cross –see above meet my real self. I may meet the true God. Perhaps I have been running away from Fundraising Kay Burn/Mandy Annison –see above both.

Sproatley “Who am I at this point in my life? At the start of this time, I present myself before Church Wardens Liz Holt 01482 814188 Herbert Harper 01482 811316 God with empty hands. I recognise my own nothingness and my complete depend- PCC Secretary Lynn Stephenson 01482 812035 ence on Him…and yet at the same time I acknowledge the fullness and the riches I PCC Treasurer Denise Wilson 01482 817887 am bringing…These hands of mine that I hold out before Him, so worn and used, are hands made by God to do His work in the world. The whole of myself made to be Preston part of His world …I am overawed to think of the person that I am, that unique per- Church Wardens John Myers 01482 896631 Christine Busfield 01482 891362 son so lovingly created by God in all the fullness and riches of my own individuality, PCC Secretary Pat Ferguson 01482 890538 a person made to be His daughter, His son. PCC Treasurer Jenny Dimishky 01482 897650 “Now I realise that the start must be simply to stay still, to accept myself where I find Bulletin Distributors myself, to be open to the present. I put aside all demanding techniques and technol- Hedon Margaret Charles 01482 898642 ogy…It is time to stop running, in all the different directions which have seemed so Paull Anne Sleights 01482 896458 attractive, and instead just take time to be- here and now. Preston Jenny Dimishky 01482 897650 Sproatley Liz Holt 01482 814188 “In technology you have this horizontal progress where you must start at one point and move to another and then another. But that is not the way to build a life of prayer. In prayer we discover what we already have. You start where you are and you deepen what you already have, and you realize that you are already there. We already have everything but we don’t know it and we don’t experience it. Everything has been Deadline for items to be submitted for next issue – given to us in Christ. All we need is to experience what we already possess. Friday 22nd March; please submit items to Rev Kathy

“If we really want prayer, we’ll have to give it time. We must slow down to a human tempo and we’ll begin to have time to listen. And as soon as we listen to what’s going FROM THE REGISTERS on, things will begin to take shape by themselves. But for this we have to experience time in a new way…The reason why we don’t take time is a feeling that we have to BAPTISMS keep moving. This is a real sickness. Today time is a commodity and for each one of us time is mortgaged….we must approach the whole idea of time in a new way. We Harriet Kathleen Townsend 24th February St Augustine’s, Hedon live in the fullness of time. Every moment is God’s own good time, His kairos. ‘Shine as a light to the glory of God the Father’ “The whole thing boils down to giving ourselves in prayer a chance to realise that we have what we seek. We don’t have to rush after it. WEDDINGS It is there all the time, and if we give it time it will make itself known to us.” Jason Vernon & Melissa Adamson 5th January St Augustine’s, Hedon Have a good Lent, and when it comes, a joyous and holy Easter. Kathy ‘May their marriage be life-giving and life-long’

FUNERALS ST AUGUSTINE’S, HEDON. Robert Edward (Bob) Avery 5th February All Saints’, Preston Kerry Key 18th February All Saints’, Preston This month, the Coffee Morning is being hosted by Mr. Phil Danby, and Mr. John Margaret Jeanne Stobie (Sproatley) 22nd February Haltemprice Crematorium Groome. The date is Tuesday 12th March, starting at 10.30 a.m. in the Church Room. Included in the ticket price of £1.50 is a Bring and Buy, and a Raffle. ‘May they rest in peace and rise in glory’


The world cannot bury Christ. No, not by the police!! By the Fund Raising Committee of St. Augustine’s. If you The earth is not deep enough for his tomb, read this, you already have a connection with the Church by taking the monthly Bulle- the clouds are not wide enough for his winding-sheet. tin. - Edward Thomson We are looking for ideas, old or new, for raising money to cover the running costs, insurance, etc., of our very expensive, beautiful building. If you would like to help in any way at all, and join our friendly group (you will not be required to attend church services, although you would be very welcome if you did) Useful Websites Please get in touch by ringing Kathryn on 896343 or Wendy on 899772 St Andrew’s: A Church Near You:

Diocese of York: The nice thing about becoming forgetful is that you can hide your own Easter eggs. 31 EASTER – the most joyful day of the year ALL SAINTS’, PRESTON.

Children in Distress An omission from the previous bulletin. The small change Easter is the most joyful day of the year for Christians. Christ has died for our sins. We jar kept in church for Children in Distress raised a total of £74.86. Many thanks are forgiven. Christ has risen! We are redeemed! We can look forward to an eternity in to all who contributed. his joy! Hallelujah! Saturday Café -The Saturday Cafe opens it's doors again on April 6th, 10am- The Good News of Jesus Christ is a message is so simple that you can explain it to 12pm. If anyone can spare a couple of hours to help with serving tea and coffee, someone in a few minutes. It is so profound that for the rest of their lives they will be or perhaps donating some baking it would be most appreciated. It's planned to still be ‘growing’ in their Christian walk with God. open weekly, so if you feel you can help in any way at all please see Christine for details. Why does the date more around so much? Because the date of Passover moves around, and according to the biblical account, Easter is tied to the Passover. Passover celebrates Quilting Exhibition- To take place in church over the weekend 4/5/6/May the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and it lasts for seven days, from the middle of the Hebrew month of Nisan, which equates to late March or early April. Young at Heart meets every Thursday in the Community Hall 9.30-11am Sir Isaac Newton was one of the first to use the Hebrew lunar calendar to come up with firm dates for Good Friday: Friday 7 April 30 AD or Friday 3 April, 33 AD, with Easter Day falling two days later. Modern scholars continue to think these the most ST ANDREW’S, PAULL. likely. Most people will tell you that Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, which is broadly true. But the precise calculations are KNITSPIRATION….....more than just a good yarn complicated and involve something called an ‘ecclesiastical full moon’, which is not the same as the moon in the sky. The earliest possible date for Easter in the West is 22 Upcoming Knitting workshops at Paull Church March, which last fell in 1818 and won’t fall again until 2285. The latest is 25 April, which last happened in 1943 and is next due in 2038. Sunday April 28th 2013 2-4pm . Blanket knitting cost £10 including materials Why the name, ‘Easter’? In almost every European language, the festival’s name comes from ‘Pesach’, the Hebrew word for Passover. The Germanic word ‘Easter’, th however, seems to come from Eostre, a Saxon fertility goddess mentioned by the Ven- Sunday June 30 2013 2-4pm . erable Bede. He thought that the Saxons worshipped her in ‘Eostur month’, but may Blanket knitting cost £10 including materials have confused her with the classical dawn goddesses like Eos and Aurora, whose names mean ‘shining in the east’. So Easter might have meant simply ‘beginning For knitters of all levels, including beginners. month’ – a good time for starting up again after a long winter. If you think knitted squares are boring, think again. During the afternoon we will look at different patterns and designs and try out the ones you like the look Finally, why Easter eggs? On one hand, they are an ancient symbol of birth in most european cultures. On the other hand, hens start laying regularly again each Spring. of. Since eggs were forbidden during Lent, it’s easy to see how decorating and eating them To book a place please contact: became a practical way to celebrate Easter. Liz on 01482 705723 [email protected] SHARING FAITH……. Easter in Three Dimensions - Paul Hardingham I was brought up in the Church of , from Sunday School through to attending church, leading to confirmation. I also served as a churchwarden for a couple of years. Films like Life of Pi or The Hobbit come alive when watched in 3D. As we celebrate When we moved out of London, my attendance lapsed as the hamlet we lived in did not Easter, it’s good to ask, ‘Do we see it in 3D or is our celebration simply one- have a church. Also, I am not very good at joining things on my own. dimensional?’ It’s easy to miss the true significance of the resurrection of Jesus When we moved to Hedon, I did not go to church at first. It wasn’t until I made a friend Christ from the dead. As C. S. Lewis said, ‘Easter is not primarily a comfort, but a dog-walking that I was encouraged to attend St Augustine’s. She asked me to join her challenge. Its message is either the supreme fact in history or else a gigantic hoax.’ one Sunday morning which I did. So how can we see Jesus’ resurrection in three dimensions? I never looked back. The congregation were so welcoming and friendly, they made me feel really at home. I think my life would be very empty without my involvement at church. I have made The first dimension is the proof of the resurrection: The resurrection of Jesus was an many true friends who have supported me through the good and the bad. historical event to which we have eye witness accounts: ‘He appeared to Peter, and I feel that serving as churchwarden, I can hopefully give something back and help oth- then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers ers to fulfil their Christian commitment. at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me Carol Gronous. Churchwarden. St Augustine's, Hedon. also.’ (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). Jesus’ resurrection also had a dramatic effect, as the church grew. ‘It is a perfectly amazing story of peaceful revolution that has no paral- lel in the history of the world.’ (Michael Green). Hedon & District Churches Together Lent Lunches The second dimension is the promise of the resurrection: George Bernard Shaw fa- mously said, ‘Death is the ultimate statistic, one out of one of us dies.’ As Jesus Every Wednesday in Lent from 12.30pm promised, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.’ (John 11:25- 27th February—1 Chapelry Garth, Hedon 26). 6th March—Methodist Chapel, Hedon 13th March –Church Room, Hedon 20th March—Roman Catholic Presbytery The resurrection of Jesus declares that he didn’t die in vain, but has secured eternal life for us. When we believe and trust in Him, we can look forward to an eternity In aid of the charity ‘wateraid’ with God, with a body like Jesus! The resurrection of Jesus guarantees us a secure future.

DEANERY LENT COURSE—5 MARKS OF GROWING The third dimension is the power of the resurrection: The resurrection is also a pre- sent experience, ‘This is eternal life, that they may know you the only true God, and This will be led by the Archdeacon, David Butterfield and is based on the Jesus Christ whom you have sent.’ (John 17:3). Eternal life is not just about life after Diocesan initiative ‘Generous Churches making and Nurturing Disciples’. death, but a quality of life to be experienced now i.e. ‘life in all its fullness’. Thursday evenings at 7.30pm, Feb 21st –March 21st. Thorngumbald Community Institute, Wilson Carlile, the founder of the Church Army was speaking at Hyde Park Corner, with the final session in St Mary’s Church. ‘Jesus Christ is alive today.’ A heckler in the crowd shouted out, ‘How do you know?’ Carlile replied, ‘Because I was speaking to him for half an hour this morn- No need to book in advance –just turn up! ing!’ Supporting your local churches Painter and The Potter’s Cabin

Unique & affordable pottery HEDON MEDIA Decorator gifts. *Computer & laptop Join us for a coffee & cake as sales & repairs M.J.Yard you design your own bespoke *Computers built to spec. (Time served Tradesman) piece of pottery or book an * inks & printers * memory cards original party to celebrate a * USB memory pens special occasion. * DVD/CD media 40 Princes Avenue * Digital cameras * laptop chargers Hedon 14 Market Place, Hedon * handmade cards HU12 8DH HU12 8JA 01482 890399 12 ST AUGUSTINE’S GATE HEDON 07702402858 Telephone (01482) 897515 01482 898419 [email protected] [email protected] www. P. Andersen Roofing HEDON HIRE LTD ROBERT HIGSON 24 Hour Emergency Service W. P Everingham OPTICIANS Tool Hire & Sales Over 18 years’ experience & Sons Ltd Concrete Fixings

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C. Fewster & Son Ltd Andrew Little Ltd HEDON CARPETS FRESH n INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS & BEDS Dedicated to our profession and FRUITY Quality butchers Now holding roll-stock so committed to serving the local grab yourself a bargain! communities of , Hedon, Barbecue specialists Patrington, Roos and surrounding Also rugs in all sizes to suit villages. all budgets Fruit & vegetable retailer & For all your fresh, local beef, supplier to residential homes, 2 Church Lane pork, lamb, poultry & game. pubs, etc Patrington, Hull HU12 0RJ No. 5 Watmough’s Arcade 01964 630228 Freezer orders welcome Hedon

George Ward 4 Market Place 8 Market Place, Hedon 01482 891430 01482 896196 Hedon HU12 8JA

DAY OR NIGHT Buy the best –we do! 01482 897540 A TRADITION OF TRUST

P.A.KNIGHT FRAMES OF The Rolling Pin DELTA GLAZING BUILDERS HEDON Our produce is made & baked on the LTD HEDON premises daily by our team of bakers. Misted double-glazing units replaced Est 1991 in plastic or wood frames Fresh bread, pastries & pies. Large choice of cakes & Internal doors glazed For all your building & Picture framers confectionaries. Quality fresh hot and cold sandwiches. Mirrors supplied and fitted roofing requirements…. & Gallery Lunchtime telephone orders taken. Outside catering for all events. Emergency board-up service Call Paul on 20 Souttergate 11 St Augustine’s Gate, Hedon Fascias and gutters cleaned HU12 8EU 01482 893071 Hedon HU12 8JS Free Quotation 07802854347 01482 891414 Tel: 01482 899522 01482 890214 Mobile: 07910251681 DIARY FOR MARCH DIARY FOR MARCH

Sunday 24th—Palm Sunday Each day this month please pray for those events which take place in

our benefice and for all the people involved. Holy Communion St Swithin’s, Sproatley 9.30 am

Parish Eucharist St Augustine’s, Hedon 11.00 am Friday 1st Holy Communion St Andrew’s., Paull 3.00 pm Women's World Day of Prayer service

Methodist Chapel, Hedon 2.00 pm Monday 25th

Health Walk St Andrew’s, Paull 10.30 am Sunday 3rd –Lent 3

Tuesday 26th ‘Little Saints’ Hedon Church Room 2.00 pm Parish Eucharist St Augustine's, Hedon 9.30 am Morning Prayer St Swithin’s, Sproatley 9.30 am Hedon PCC Hedon Church Room 7.30 pm Family Communion St Andrew’s, Paull 11.00 am

Holy Communion All Saints’, Preston 6.00 pm Wednesday 27th Holy Communion St Augustine’s, Hedon 10.00 am Monday 4th

Thursday 28th– Maundy Thursday Hedon Choir practice Joan Annison’s 6.30 pm

Benefice Eucharist St Augustine’s, Hedon 7.00 pm Journeys Group—studying the York Course ’Glimpses of God’ Kay Burn’s 7.30 pm

Friday 29th –Good Friday Tuesday 5th

Churches Together Walk of Witness RC Presbytery 10.00 am ‘Little Saints’ Hedon Church Room 2.00 pm Service of Meditations St Swithin’s, Sproatley 10.00 am Baptism Preparation Hedon Church Room 7.30 pm Service of Meditations St Andrew’s, Paull 2.00 pm

Sunday 31st –Easter Day Wednesday 6th

Holy Communion St Augustine’s, Hedon 10.00 am Churches Together Sunrise service Market Hill, Hedon 6.30 am Churches Together Lent Lunch –see notices Parish Eucharist St Augustine’s, Hedon 9.30 am

Holy Communion St Swithin’s, Sproatley 9.30 am Thursday 7th Holy Communion All Saints’, Preston 11.00 am

Holy Communion St Andrew’s, Paull 6.30 pm Deanery Lent Course –see notices


Sunday 17th –Passion Sunday Sunday 10th –Mothering Sunday Holy Communion St Swithin’s, Sproatley 9.30 am Parish Eucharist St Augustine’s, Hedon 9.30 am Morning Prayer St Augustine’s, Hedon 9.30 am Family Service & Baptism St Swithin’s, Sproatley 11.00 am Morning Prayer St Andrew’s, Paull 11.00 am Morning Prayer Preston Methodist Chapel 10.30 am Holy Communion All Saints’, Preston 11.00 am Holy Communion St Andrew’s, Paull 3.00 pm Holy Baptism St Augustine’s, Hedon 2.00 pm

Monday 11th Monday 18th

Health Walk(30 mins) St Andrew’s, Paull 10.30 am Assembly at Inmans’ Primary School 9.15 am Paull PCC Mandy Annison’s 1.00 pm Journeys Group Kay Burn’s 7.30 pm Tuesday 12th Preston PCC Preston Community Hall 7.30 pm

Hedon Coffee Morning –see notices Tuesday 19th ‘Little Saints’ Hedon Church Room 2.00 pm Hedon Standing Committee The Vicarage 7.30 pm ‘Little Saints’ Hedon Church Room 2.00 pm Paull School Easter service St Andrew’s, Paull 2.15 pm Wednesday 13th Wednesday 20th Holy Communion St Augustine’s, Hedon 10.00 am ‘Home Communion’ Hawthorn House 11.00 am Holy Communion St Augustine’s, Hedon 10.00 am Churches Together Lent Lunch– see notices ‘Home Communion’ Holyrood House 11.00 am Assembly at Paull Primary School 3.15 pm Churches Together Lent lunch– see notices ‘Home Communion’ Albemarle 3.00 pm Thursday 14th Sproatley PCC Anne Garton’s 7.30 pm

Assembly at Hedon Primary School 9.25 am Thursday 21st Deanery prayer group St Swithin’s, Sproatley 2.00 pm Deanery Lent Course—see notices Sproatley School Easter service St Swithin’s, Sproatley 2.00 pm Deanery Lent course -see notices