Hornsea Hospital Services Will Be Expanded
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Hornseaand district www.murrayhillssolicitors.co.uk COMMUNITY NEWS [email protected] Wills . Probate . Property Law . Power of A orney Issue 52 - March 2019 www.hornseacommunitynews.uk Hornsea hospital services will be expanded Services Provider to review the services provided in the reassured by the answers to my ques ons and I look SERVICES at Hornsea Co age Hospital will be expanded hospital. forward to mid-March when it should all happen, including from March Hornsea Town Council have heard at a recent Carol Waudby confi rmed that services would be expanding extra wound clinic's, extra podiatry clinic's, more physio mee ng. to include wound care clinics every weekday, foot care and new con nence, bowel and bladder clinic. All this is The council welcomed Jane Hawkard, Chief Offi cer at East clinics two days a week, musculoskeletal clinics two days a dependent on ge ng the staff . I am so pleased that we Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) week in the bespoke physiotherapy space at the hospital seem to be moving forward with new op ons and keeping and Carol Waudby, Chief Opera ng Offi cer at City Health and a regular con nence, bowel and bladder clinic. Carol the hospital available for the future of our residents in Care Partnership (CHCP) CIC to talk to them prior to their hoped the new metable would be available from early to Hornsea and North Holderness.” mee ng on Monday, February 4. The representa ves met mid-March. Jane con nued, “The CCG is working with the League of MP Graham Stuart added: “I was pleased to chair the with Hornsea Councillors to discuss current and future construc ve mee ng back in December where it was service provision in the town a er Councillor Barbara Friends through the North Holderness Health and Wellbeing agreed that Hornsea Co age Hospital can provide even Jeff erson suggested a mo on to Hornsea Town Councillors Forum to improve promo on of the services by producing at their mee ng on November 19 to invite them to speak an updated brochure giving details of all the available more clinics and services than it does currently. I welcome with the council, which councillors unanimously backed. services at the hospital. the news that the CCG had a follow-up mee ng in the town Speaking a er the mee ng, Jane Hawkard said; “This was a “The CCG has also introduced a number of East Riding wide earlier this month. posi ve mee ng in which we welcomed the opportunity to ini a ves available to Hornsea residents. To improve access talk through the concerns local people and GPs have raised to GP prac ce appointments we launched ‘Get Help Sooner’ “One of the Hornsea Hospital League of Friends’ concerns directly with us and through their councillors. As health to help point people in the right direc on of another has been over the Hospital space being underused, and partners and community representa ves, we are commi ed healthcare professional or service that doesn’t require an the announcement that services are to be expanded is to ensuring planned care services are provided locally to ini al chat with, or referral from your doctor. In addi on, welcomed. It’s really important to everyone in the town meet the health needs of the people of Hornsea when anyone registered with an East Riding GP can also get an that the hospital is used to capacity and remains, for ‘Improving Access’ appointment outside of normal working we can provide the appropriate level of trained staff and genera ons to come, the local hub for receiving health care. facili es to do so with our allocated budget.” hours, during the evenings and weekends at any one of our par cipa ng prac ces in East Riding. At the mee ng, the CCG shared informa on on the “Another point which was raised in the December mee ng complex rules regarding property ownership in the NHS “All GP prac ces across East Riding now have access to a social prescribing service run by Health Trainers, available was how to make sure the community knows how many and explained that current ownership of Hornsea hospital clinics the Hospital provides, and that they can request resides with Humber Teaching Founda on Trust. The CCG in GP prac ces. This service assists pa ents to improve to be seen in Hornsea. So it is good news that the CCG is recently agreed to fund the cost of the whole building to their health and wellbeing through helping with access to allow NHS Health and Care Providers in East Riding to use community groups, leisure services, Ci zens Advice bureau producing an updated brochure giving details of all the the space more fl exibly. This has allowed the Community and much more.” available clinics at the Hospital. Speaking a er the mee ng Cllr Jeff erson said: “I was Hornsea pupils anti bullying film heads to awards ceremony Pupils from Hornsea Community Primary School are set to walk the red-carpet having been The Into Film Awards are made possible thanks to the support from the fi lm industry nominated for a na onal award at the 2019 Into Film Awards. through sponsorship. This year’s educa on partners are NATE (Na onal Associa on for the The budding fi lmmakers have been nominated for their fi lm An -Bullying in the Best Film: Teaching of English), Teach Secondary and First News. 11 Years and Under category and are invited to a end a star-studded ceremony to be hosted by popular CBBC presenter Radzi Chinyanganya at ODEON Luxe Leicester Square on Monday March 4. The Awards are hosted by fi lm educa on charity, Into Film. The awards pay tribute to outstanding 5-19-year-olds who have shown excep onal achievements in fi lmmaking, fi lm reviewing or in fi lm clubs, and to educators who have demonstrated inspira onal use of fi lm in the classroom at the annual awards. An -Bullying is set in a school where emo ons are clearly visible on the individuals' face. Here, a young man enters the harsh, lonely reality of bullying. As part of the school's an -bullying week, year fi ve children were challenged to make an an -bullying video in two days that would be screened in assembly. They devised the concept a er a lesson on cyber-bullying, printed and cut out over 100 emoji masks and then using an iPad to fi lm and edit, the children created their fi lm. Young fi lmmaker, Finley Arno (10) said: “It felt amazing! I fi lled up inside as I was told, and I think it is a great opportunity for the school.” Designed to recognise, showcase and celebrate young people’s involvement in fi lm and educa on, the Into Film Awards, now in its fi h year, will bring together fi lm industry professionals and young people to shine a spotlight on the achievements of 5-19-year olds from across the UK, as part of a school or youth groups or as individuals. Actor Michael Sheen, Ambassador for Into Film, said; “The Into Film Awards are a great moment for young people across the UK from greatly varying backgrounds to be celebrated for their crea vity and achievements in fi lm and fi lmmaking. They are an important reminder, at an important me, that talent is everywhere, and that fi lm and the arts have a huge role to play in young people’s lives and learning.” 2 MARCH 2019 HARMONY • CO-OPERATION • NETWORKING www.hornseacommunitynews.uk Welcome to Issue 52 Update from your former editor Welcome to issue 52 and my fi rst edi on. It’s been a steep learning curve and I’m thankful to I KNOW many of you will be keen to hear Paul for the opportunity to take over the paper and for his help and assistance. Also a huge what our former editor Paul Hanson has thank you to my sister for her help and brother in law for his far superior than mine design skills been up to since handing over the reins help! and we have had a li le update from The contributors especially Stuart Kemp have been so welcoming, it’s much appreciated. Also him as he enjoys his month of travelling: thank you to the distributors who ensure the paper is delivered through everyone’s door. “Just had a fantas c week of skiing Welcome to new readers in our nearest villages who have also received a copy through their in France and Switzerland. Here’s doors this month. Increasing the circula on to 6500 copies and helping to keep those residents me in ac on having just mowed up to date with local news. One of the things I’ve tried to do this month is make my way around down a poor unsuspec ng Swiss as many of the newspapers adver sers as possible, everyone has been so kind. Readers please girl! Now heading for Spain.” support these businesses who con nue to allow this paper to be produced and don’t forget to I have been in touch with Paul since the men on that you’ve seen their adver sement in here. above update and he was apprecia ng I must admit to being guilty of some mes forge ng to explore what is on my doorstep, but in catching up with friends and enjoying visi ng so many businesses I’ve been reminded Hornsea and the surrounding area really do walks in the sunshine in Spain.