United States Patent Office
3,836,671 Patented Sept. 17, 1974 United States Patent Office 2 A suitable value for R1 is, for example, alkyl or hy 3,836,671 droxyalkyl each of 3, 4 or 5 carbon atoms, which prefer ALKANOLAMINE DERVATIVES FOR PRODUC ING g-ADRENERGIC BLOCKADE ably is branched at the cy-carbon atom, for example iso Arthur Michael Barrett, Leeds, and John Carter, Roy propyl, S-butyl, t-butyl, 2-hydroxy-1,1-dimethylethyl or Hull, David James Le Count, and Christopher John 5 2-hydroxy-1-methylethyl. Particularly preferred values for Squire, Macclesfield, England, assignors to imperial Rare isopropyl and t-butyl. Chemical Industries Limited, London, England A suitable value for R is for example, acetyl, propi No Drawing. Continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. onyl, methoxycarbonyl, ethoxycarbonyl, cyano, carbam 9,451, Feb. 6, 1970, now Patent No. 3,663,607, which Oyl, carbazoyl, methylcarbamoyl, isopropylcarbamoyl, n is a continuation-in-part of abandoned application Ser. butylcarbamoyl or allylcarbamoyl. No. 199,011, Nov. 5, 1971. This application Mar. 10, A suitable value for A is, for example, methylene, 1972, Ser. No. 233,781 ethylene, ethylidene Claims priority, application Great Britain, Nov. 19, 1970, 55,028/70; Nov. 18, 1971, 53,544/71; Sept. 24, 1969, GH, 47,048/69; Feb. 21, 1969, 9,445/69 -C- int. C. A6k 27/00 trimethylene or vinylene. U.S. C. 424-324 5 Claims A suitable value for R3 is, for example, hydrogen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, nitro, hydroxy, cy ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE ano, phenyl, phenoxy, benzyl, o-phenylethyl, benzyloxy, 1-(electronegatively - substituted - alkyl- or alkenyl 20 cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, methyl, n-propyl, s phenoxy)-3-alkylamino-2-propanol derivatives, for exam butyl, allyl, acetyl, propionyl, methoxycarbonyl, ethoxy ple 1-p-carbamoylmethylphenoxy-3-isopropylamino-2-pro carbonyl, methylthio, methoxy, isopropoxy, allyloxy, hy panol and pharmaceutical compositions containing them droxymethyl, methoxymethyl or trifluoromethyl.
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