Cohomology of Line Bundles: Proof Of
arXiv:1003.5217 Cohomology of Line Bundles: A Computational Algorithm Ralph Blumenhagen,1,2, a) Benjamin Jurke,1,2, b) Thorsten Rahn,1, c) and Helmut Roschy1, d) 1)Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur Physik, F¨ohringer Ring 6, 80805 M¨unchen, Germany 2)Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kohn Hall, UCSB, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA (Dated: 29 October 2010) We present an algorithm for computing line bundle valued cohomology classes over toric varieties. This is the basic starting point for computing massless modes in both heterotic and Type IIB/F-theory compactifica- tions, where the manifolds of interest are complete intersections of hypersurfaces in toric varieties supporting additional vector bundles. CONTENTS classes Hi(Y ; V ) of the vector bundle V over a Calabi- Yau three-fold Y . The largest class of such Calabi-Yau I. Introduction 1 threefolds is given by complete intersections over toric ambient varieties X. For the vector bundles various con- II. Algorithm for line bundle cohomology 2 structions have been discussed in the literature. The A. Preliminaries 2 three most prominent ones are, on the one hand, monad B. Cechˇ cohomology for P2 3 and extension constructions, for which the vector bundle C. A preliminary algorithm conjecture 4 is defined via (exact) sequences of direct sums of line bun- D. Further examples 4 dles. On the other hand, for elliptically fibered Calabi- delPezzo-1surface 4 Yau manifolds, the spectral cover construction provides a large class of stable holomorphic vector bundles. How- delPezzo-3surface 5 ever, in all three cases, the computation of the massless E.
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