writing developed, literature turned intocul to fields one turned of most literature fertile developed, the writing and of establishment onceleadership; thefrom very ways different in politics Palabras clave momento. del Británica vida la de análisis de instrumento valioso un lector que proporciona al lo común, ciudadano del perspectiva la desde líderes ambos de percepción la de ción discursiva siglo del británica política la de clave sobre figuras dos comentarios yagudos descripciones cómicas de lista larga una lectores asus Mole, presenta Adrian de diarios de serie famosa autora la de yqueridas, populares más inglesas autoras , las de líderes. una sus de tienen que ciudadanos los percepción la tiempo mismo al reflejando país, un de política clase la de pública imagen la de construcción la elemento en clave un como constituye yse discursivo carácter indudable un humor posee El Resumen Keywords time. of their life British the tool to analyse invaluable an with reader the provides which citizen average of the perspective the from premiership of their construction discursive ary and literthe contributed Thatcher to criticism . Margaret mocking Townsend’s century: 20th the in politics of British figures paramount on two comments witty and of series famous worldwide of author the writers, loved English and popular one most of the Sue people’s leaders. their time, of perceptions Townsend, same the at reflecting, image, public of politicians’ formation for the valuable proved very to be has and character cursive dis a holds multifaceted politicians, of mocking (fine?)art the Humour, particularly and Abstract Adrian PERCEPTION: THE CONTRIBUTION OF SUE TOWNSEND OF SUE CONTRIBUTION PERCEPTION: THE IN THE DESCRIPTION OF BRITISH PREMIERSHIP PREMIERSHIP OF BRITISH DESCRIPTION THE IN There has most likely existed a close connection between humour and humour connectionbetween close a existed likely most Therehas Revista CanariadeEstudiosIngleses : Discursive humour, Sue Townsend. public premiership, opinion, perception, : Discursive diaries, supplied her readers with an extended list of hilarious descriptions descriptions of hilarious list extended an with her supplied readers diaries, : humor discursivo, imagen pública, percepción, líderes, Sue Townsend. líderes, percepción, pública, imagen : humor discursivo, THE DISCURSIVE USE OF HUMOUR USE OF HUMOUR DISCURSIVE THE Universidad Nacional de Educación aDistancia Educación de Nacional Universidad xx: Nieves Izquierdo De Mingo y construc laThatcher así a contribuyendo Tony Blair Margaret 1. INTRODUCTION , 70 ; May 2015,pp. 107-121; ISSN: 0211-5913

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REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 107 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 108 premiers by using the tool the mastery. ofpremiers humour by with using of the public the image helping in construct played trend her and part to this possible all Sue formats. in alien not was Townsend, andmanifested flourished satire political and criticism severe of course, and, wereers subjected to praise Blair’sher throughout resignation of term office(cf. 2-12). Jenkins lead Both after well persisted which changes majorunderwent economic cultural and power,in Thatcher Great WithBritain Margaret 1980s this. end put to all an “post-war consensus.” spirit the The in of so-called the Tories alike Whigs and development supported by state, of welfare full the on and extension relied the mainly This reconstruction. internal repositioning and by external characterized Thatcher’s up to Margaret premiership were years following the and era of an World concerned, is Great (2). Britain as far Warcentury” end implied the As II in endedthat of aconflict 1945anotherhalf for lasted had but whose epilogue 1945 business unfinished the a post-war 1979 and age: parenthesis, “interim an as Tonyon post-war late historian the Europe, between Judt period the describes 1979. forever after public volume changed introduction exceptional the to In his novel the and her developed through Blair’s premierships mainly Thatcher’sand of Margaret construction contribution discursive toTony the of value Sue Townsend’s her personal extraordinary when works the analysing acknowledge to fail cannot we type first to the Popaand mainly 7). Referring electorate (Tsakona alleged their with connections namely, to generate successful purposes, own for their by politicians one the and practiced on politicians ticed humor, of political one the modalities prac two between Popaand distinguish Tsakona proves its source to endless. be as plays and books in manifested tinues it and con to Byron Orwell, and Swift and from Chaucer history throughout pot”“social to explode. the cause would point otherwise which of view, it social offsteam, the lets as from quality avaluable provides humour with release of pressure mere function However, of change. instigator the away ofto an not protest operate as and as ( behaviour” “corrective for poor political as value of a the humour rare satire, on Popainsists political on Reflecting of leaders asociety. political the targeting of mockery, especially art the tivate of Adrian Mole, Adrian Mole. The Cappuccino Years 1 The premiership’sBritish of andBritishperception the its part on image satire of samples political produced admirable has literature British

Especially valuable forthistaskare . The Secret ofAdrian Mole Diary 13and ¾ and Adrian Mole andthe Weapons ofMass Destruction Tsakona and Adrian Mole Adrian Popa 19) for it seems , The Growing Pains diaries series diaries . - - - 1

thus wideningthesocialgapbetween humorous critiqueandthereceptors (Tsakona andPopa 4). interlocutors agree onthecontentandtargetsofhumour, and“exclusive function” whentheydonot, her: way ofof favourite to mocking the question and a popular topics it for was her satirists gender morality. categories: and Thatcher’s two around gender one was mainly articulates anticipates. writing the facts the real or theportrayed knowledge situations both, of of degrees on different the depends mockery literary to the response person” the (24).a “speaking” case, this In novel’s as on the depends how just narrator to responds audience the the all success Tony As facts. points out, Jackson “almost E. actual with when contrasted disclosed 14 Roberts Hilda of Margaret ¼ and of case the in benefit the hindsight” “with of by acting active, and to Tsakona of Popa, its according most prominent and two perform functions humour to would allow turn, in which, Townsend of Mole the diaries case the in reader’s the with displayed by passive, or agreement rejection effect of comic the adouble in operates under consideration works response reader the herein way: as particularly concerned, is satire political as far as rolethe paramount is of reader the it not and is pretive my communities intentionthat to say to Suffice delve into that. game. metafictional amanifold in diaries of writers their as characters the 51) (Abbot living” and writing by to experienced “the between close time gap same at the trying while stances and remarks toof reader interpret characters’ the the part workthe the constant to on owes which much effectiveness of its diary fictive Cappuccino Mole, The Years. 14 Roberts Hilda of Margaret ¼, w and Diary Secret through Sue Townsendmainly Thatcher developed her acute of criticism Margaret 2 ously. contemptu said she that’ knows everybody drag, in man is a Thatcher ‘Mrs. existed?’ She ‘Andnever Thatcher? I said, Mrs. Britain’. in Woman Minister Prime was’. Plan ‘I’m ‘Grand She the said her what first the to be Iasked Naturally Mole to Major Minor 357) from (Townsend, Adrian into a woman!’ turning Thatcher of Mrs. is there as much ‘about chance as said, he Catholic, turning of him chance any was there if him I asked a couple of days. people few than for [...] more very that Bert The problemwith is put could up Thatcher on Margaret Sue In Townsend, discourse served. is Satire mocking the inter so-called the about reader-response and the said been Much theory has

The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole Adrian Mole PainsGrowing of The Mole, Adrian of Diary Secret The Tsakona andPopa reflect on the functions of humour referring to“inclusive function” when (Townsend, (Townsend, DISCOURSE ON MARGARET THATCHER ON MARGARET DISCOURSE 2. FORGING THE IRON: THE MOCKING MOCKING IRON: FORGING THE 2. THE Adrian Mole: The Cappuccino Years Cappuccino The Mole: Adrian In all these three she used the productive of the technique she used three these all In as the full meaning of the diary entries is only is entries of diary the meaning full the as ith occasional hints in in hints occasional ith 246)

The Secret Diary Diary Secret The and and Adrian Adrian 2 The The (4 - ) -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 109 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 110 tie speakingwithadeepmalevoice. See, forexample< to ill-suited herslightly and battle for of job,” conflict the man adiscourse using and “best the as time thesame way, at herself most traditional the defining in femininity Thatcher’s of gender. her importance own performance display to her used Shetal at her “gender-switch” targeted mockery, extreme most of times the with cases many way for public aconfounding opinion her in leadership who respondedperforming in leader, male astrong as but of term the sense reacted spoke and widest the in woman She a presented as herself of NUM. the miners the country; men the in toughest the aside sweeping oppositionand vanquishing effort, most cases) in “family” (meaning economy individual the on and market the beliefs her to impose personal trying measures, neoliberal with state of welfare the dismantling the mould. She started Thatcher the broke issues. defense and military and to big business linked generally are candidates male whereas policies health and poverty, children as education and “compassion with able (121) issues” to to better deal be seem candidates female such to portray. Huddy Terkildsen, politicians and According female that stereotypes to her benefit: own this used she certainly and of politics British world male-dominated thestill in Minister becometo Prime woman first the was 2013. bitterly in of revived her time at death the was She circumstances, historical by subsequent obscured although criticism which, prone easily to angry of readings, a with plurality she a created Thus, publicimage assertiveness. force, domination and of images time, same at the conveying, mother while and acommon housewife as soubriquet of“Thatcher, themilk snatcher.” removed free milkinschoolsfor students over seven. The wholethinggainedhertherhyming or < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOFvgiCyChA&list=RD_AzIkjO3G0&index=16 4 3 of publicconstruction the concerned,opinionas is capi is it of far as Thus, (Townsend, to come. years fibre. moral lacking and Thatcher. It won’tto Mrs. grow apathetic up if we fault be our now. aprotest complete crap are [...] dinners making School considering Iam son. son. per agentle but avoice like killer, apsychotic like goteyes She has me rigid. frightens andshe her see television dayon I the next Then of woman. sort kind nice is a Thatcher Mrs. Ithink vote. Sometimes how not I will sure I am gender alleged to seemed positionthe awoman closer Thatcher to Being I? can’t do why it, can andshe if mother.So, a once humble housewife was Thatcher my Not, opinion. Mrs. in it Is inconceivable? so Minister. Prime end up as I could herself presenting masterfully However,game” gender played “the Thatcher

The mostvisibleexamplewouldbeher This wasprecisely by oneoftheargumentsputforward theoppositionwhen Thatcher (Townsend, (Townsend, It is a bit confusing. (Townsend, It abit is confusing. Perhaps Mrs. Thatcher wants us to be too weak to demonstrate in demonstrate to weak be too us to wants Thatcher Perhaps Mrs. True Confessions of Adrian Albert Mole Mole Albert True of Adrian Confessions Adrian Mole from Minor to Major Major to Minor from Mole Adrian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1jY5fYjV-U Adrian Mole from Minor to Major Major to Minor from Mole Adrian puppet which shows her with male suit and puppetwhichshows herwithmalesuitand 24) 113) >. 4 163) 3 > - - :

the clashbetween politicians’ private andpublicspheres, seeCornerandPels 69-75. matters and,conversely, ofthePM.On theextendeduseofmediawith politicalpurposesonthepart public opinion,seeNunn’s fullvolume. benefit: own norms toof their religious bending an opportunistic of consists sense of morality family The water to drinks. it flour adding or with to mix chalk shop by their customers grinding fooling in her father’s as assistant Margaret young by placing morality alleged this contradicts However, measures. political of into justification the turns Townsend belief will free the evil.” Methodist and Thus, good between to choose ability the dowed with en aresponsible being end himself, moral in an is however, individual the that is contribution thinking, to political convictions: “Christian for her political useful very trait, words of the showed in Thatcher which, particular a values to Christian regeneration (cf. 78-94). regeneration Grimley moral owed contentmost of This its impossible without was moral economic recovery that on fact the insisted and values upbringing. Thatcher’sher religious personality: time This age. early from a very personality components of her essential as feature leadership of her future characteristics tant (not Thatcher yet)theimporwhere of Margaret ayoung most butRoberts diary Roberts Hilda of ¼ Margaret and 14 Diary Secret The tinge. feminist aclear with of Townsend’s part with contrast narrative asurprising turn, in is, which categories traditional and of with Thatcher’s closed wayquite fun this ing gender operating rejoices mak displayed in to discourse power humoristic the of awoman access the humour (cf.through Tsakona Popa and 2). celebrating than contrary, On rather the change political at radical not does of current aim criticismrepresents which ageneral genderinof terms Thatcher on Margaret discourse contribution mocking to the rejected (cf. feminists that Nunn behavior a model 17).of female offering and values family shoulder-to-shoulder conservative representing time, same at the men and, with working realm dominated male and aclosed such in succeeded who had a woman a exemplified shecontradiction, as nightmare” “feminist sort a of was Thatcher sense, well. as Prime Minister was mother who, and by wife chance, elegant and of anice to image convey the as so engineered, of herdisplays carefully privacy, always to on public some occasions recurring to control her appearances started and ence old-fashion image. 6 5 out more. to eke Father, one dozen we managed bottles original dozen Out of two burdock. and dandelion the down to water Help father thesource social of as and religion Thatcher’s with morality toyed discourse displayed in Sue is Townsend’sThis anotherfacet. onhas Thatcher satire Townsend’s of character, However, the contradictions the imbued with if as

Opening the way to further Labour’Opening thewaytofurther swideuseofmediacoverage of Tony Blair’ spersonal For anexcellent studyonMargaret Thatcher’s ofgenre performance andthecreation of 5 In this public performance she was well aware of the media pres of media the aware well she was public performance this In

Townsend element a key with plays of , which becomes , which who is a good Methodist

the alleged alleged the 6 In this this In - - - - ,

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 111 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 112 literary character in her diary: in character literary written entries theof of effect comic to notice the fail Townsend’s cannot reader for naught: to all be her seems criticism times, but at all everywhere: enemies gaining work, hard although through inhuman self-discipline: no onethe foundations of indifferent. Foror modern-daybetter sheworse laid (as she leave was) could mockery. and acharacter strong So of praise discourses theandgender of were religion,objectwhich contradictory aspects of different Controversial as it was, Margaret Thatcher’sdisplayed Margaret publicimage it was, as Controversial never Iwould something is That How he? despicable! has action, to industrial capitulated has So, Father for her services] paid unless on strike herself declared had mother a week’. [Her Sixpence wages. Roberts, ‘Mrs. entry: anew Inoticed accounts the through Glancing milk”. school free to drink refuse power, Ishall take ever do to sit[...] down. had and socialists of barley colour filthy the If went Father the to schools. milk free introduce would government socialist afuture that London [...] heard from he had A traveler on arumour passed of Thatcher’s thepremiership, circumstances Well of factual the aware (Townsend, queue. helpings second up the holding Iwas that told me to ‘move claiming along’ but she cook rudely school to the Icomplained dick. spotted the in inch square per sultanas two I counted extravagant. [...] dinner School unnecessarily was present contempt her in Her adolescence already future is for permissiveness (Townsend, girls” other the with unpopular very her for work making is but her mania think, you may laudable, very All ries. lavato the and found her mopping early [...]school to came I morning This for more work requests constant the with out my staff wearing is Margaret [...] subject top She of is every controlled. and but clean neat, she is times all At for concern. cause me agreat giving been has behavior Margaret’s Roberts, Mrs. Mr. and Dear positioned salvation best to the for chosen be eternal as herself places And (Townsend, went downstairs” and rose at5am so of round pleasure, one not, be should endless and However, cannot life Intermediate Chemistry read sleep. for Just fun ahalf’s and hour an after Woke refreshed up at4am, almost an displays Margaret environment, teenage the Methodist astrict In an honourable precedent [myemphasis].(Townsend, was fishes and loaves the Jesus’s with that trick and moral, perfectly were actions our that explained True 149). and committed to memory the more difficult formulae. formulae. more difficult the to memory committed and ever

do. do. (Townsend, True 146) True (Townsend, True 159). 143) True True 137 146) ) - surname as a defining attribute. adefining as surname character’s to his links Townsend that reality, something when masterfully facing at Adrian’s of insight lack laughs and criticism the grasps fully reader the facts, development the well of the perfectly Townsend’s On knowing trick. narrative dots” order the in to understand “joins reader the population and British the opposite the precisely doleader obtain results: thetruthful as a showing in PM Adrian’s efforts Nevertheless, time. ments that in of Blair’s to truth question state the who for dared those showed disdain clearly diary his in Adrian war. Iraqi by written the The on entries discourse official the of samples way as indirect an to referred in Blair’s are satire. and speeches speech tion in mainly Her displayed is criticism (Townsend, hopes citizens’ British “Diary”). to fulfil failure Blair’s his and policy war. Iraqi the to build-up the only questioned during discourse of to asort create convincing managing speeches and public controlled his and appearances citizen class) middle cially publichis sphere (espe order in average to the to of idea project proximity an to interfere private with done life never been his had before, allowed as media theable use to was he Campbell, Alistair secretary, chief press his Through masterfully. card played public the Party, image Blair Conservative the wards discontent the of public channel opinion hopes and to these orderIn to raise of Thatcher’spolicy. constraints from the restrictive free envisaged they future elements helping key in the to (de)construct public his image. into would turn speech and premiership would develop.his them, language, Among which in modes and codes the perfectly demonstrated day prior to this career his in PM John conservative to victory. Major, the successor milestones a landslide The after work slast Mantel’ Hilary and most terms, comic the in her personality presence and who portrayed Sue into of like writersreference for amajor turned figure and Britain Townsend, and in the superb the in and Once again, Adrian fails to see what is most majority of evident to is the what to see fails Adrian Once again, Weapons (Townsend,and sincerity. honesty radiates man to The me. doubt Mr. could Blair’s word a mystery is How anybody were not challenged. sein Hus Sadam like world tyrants to the if danger the about speaking was Mr. Blair not did Sue her impede Townsend’s from condemning leanings socialist the better hope ofa personified of number Britons,For Blair asignificant 1997,On May 2, Tony entered the doors of the Blair 10 as Street Downing 154). AND REALITY UNDER NEW UNDER REALITY AND 3. BLAIR’S PITCH PROJECT: PITCH 3. SPEECH BLAIR’S The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher and Other Stories Other and Thatcher of Assassination Margaret The Number Ten . The comic effect combines, in the first case, first the in combines, effect comic. The Adrian Mole and the Weapons the Mole and of Destruc Mass Adrian

Adrian Mole and the the and Mole Adrian . - - - - -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 113 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 114 closest collaborators. Nobody is spared from Townsend’s Nobody spared collaborators. is closest mockery: children and wife his including Street, depiction comic of Blair’s ahilarious at 10 entourage with Downing novel starts names). last The (note both Clare phonetic between the Edward similitude persona, destruction: of weapons mass infamous the and outbreak of Iraqi war the the with precisely climax reached and into Labour New turned being Labour theParty theof name with started makeover condition. This improvement implied an of change their aname if as components life of everyday government’s most of Blair usual the the results on renaming policy striking the governments (Swift).Labour of awareness social due allegedly to the more is striking case this in which lies, and public British to the cheat devised games speech playing just he lying, is youth some his in in plays took part September 2006thefigure was29%”(436). 8 7 awater-borne from disease’. seconds ten every dies kid alittle Africa ‘In said Edward week’. -five hour athirty and rise pay cent per aten get they on Monday unless striking are workers mortuary the and out, crime’s up [...] reports adozen half are there We’ve of aweek. arse gotan McPherson ‘Anyroadup’, Alexander says Number Ten (Townsend, We’re Labour’ one ‘New from word, ‘New’. with ‘Labour’ left the we drop ‘If drily [...] said Alexander childbirth’ painful and protracted and unionism trade work, hard and sweat it’s with connotations; negative associated totally has Labour The word name. out party’s of the ‘Labour’ ‘We take plans. his outlined David to highlight as so correctness political and wordTownsend games targets also politicians Therefore,connectionbetween the longtime stresses Townsend Weapons the 268).and Mole Adrian public’s British gain. the is Theatre’s loss (Townsend, The National (...) made. have would passion. Mr. with actor Blair an what blaze eyes his and way determined in a sets chin his flare, nostrils His life. of his speeches the making been has Minister Prime Our tyranny. against alone stand Mr. Bush and Mr.So Blair for aptitudes Blair’s theatre known well other occasions, and On this Mr. Blair.” (Townsend, trust people must British the say. whyis Ican That more than Iknow information. to top-secret privy am to say, if as I expression, a knowing such with lens camera at the looks Mr. Blair

The namechosenforAlistairCampbell–the Scottishechoesofbothsurnamesare evident. Ben Page points out: “In October 2000, 46%ofthepopulace rated Blair trustworthy. In Number TenNumber is a witty satire on Tony Blair developed through his literary on Tony satire literary his awitty is developed through Blair 16) –

are highlighted so as to reinforce the fact that that fact the to reinforce as so highlighted are – particularly Morgan, his eldest his Morgan, particularly 8 can we sort out a few things Ed? Ed? things out afew we sort can Adrian Mole andthe WeaponsAdrian 7 : – and his his and 259) – he he people; by thetimeheannouncedhisresignation, 51%thoughtso” (436). disguise: in country his around to travel decides subjects, his from estranged who, of idea feeling aruler same the around plot turns line main the them among others. and crime, mounting Service, Health of National the decay of life, neighbourhood deterioration day: every face must citizen theand average what blood flesh in experience discourse official by portrayed one the and country real the between contrast sheer the and England around journey of the 3.1. narrative The sequential plot: same the within time same at the appear which elements three with criticism, operates anddisplay to hersharp (mainly) effect comic Townsend, public order services. in to the create to utilize try they as Jack, particularly and Edward of misadventures the with identifies unmistakably and dents of story the andinci episodes different the confronted with time, same at the is, drag in Minister awoman. as disguised travelling be will Edward further: tion enough, knife were Townsend the not funny twists door from the of Number Ten,of guards the situa the if as Jack Sprat. And, by only one accompanied trip incognito on an order he embarks to solve this, its citizens. and country the with lost contact he has realize him makes to asimple price question: of which the answer apint the to know of milk, fails he spectacularly and of matters kinds about all asked is Edward which during seeing her for the first time, only moments after she had been born ‘ born been had she after moments only time, first her for the seeing Adele’s nose we don’t if out’. body-washers corpses the sort fuckin’ in knee-deep be but we’ll thought, at the bleeds ‘Yeah, my heart replied, Alex 10 9 (Twain) country. settled of asparsely midst the were in and or miles, ten eight made had by sun-up broad and dawn, poorthe among [...] beforeuniversal an hour away slipped We effect in being costume our chose, if we artisans, shepherds, or [...]village foror yes, bailiffs, or farm farmers, for small pass could and alike, barbered and We were dressed kind, the of narratives to refers previous The both protagonists of journey him make of which events aseries as front in eyes of Edward’s appears Reality reader, amused andby lowclass middle The Townsend’s of a Prime proposal point the of plotis a terriblelive experience on television Thestarting pauvre enfant.

Ben Page states:“In October 1997,just6%thoughtBlair wasoutoftouchwithordinary Adele Floret standsforCherrieBlair A Connecticut Yankee Arthur’s Court in King A Connecticut 9 was extraordinarily large. He father Guy Floret had remarked on remarked Guy Floret had He father large. extraordinarily was Elle est Pinocchio est Elle ’. (Townsend, - note bothFrench firstnames. Number Ten (Townsend, (Townsend, by Mark Twain by Mark

18 ) 18

Number Ten Mon dieu, ma ma Mon dieu,

in which 10 13 ) 13 In In - -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 115 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 116 Prime Minister has shifted dramatically since the hopeful times of his first election. first of his times hopeful the since dramatically shifted has Prime Minister whose perception of unprotected their citizens the sides with she takes narrative, her in usual is as and, by one politicians portrayed fairy-tale the with country real forged he of had them: image previous the and facts the between disparity the with to he unable deal is as overwhelmed he some feels which in situations reality, through vision moment” of other the side own the of of coin with his the presents Edward “historical at 2). the Hark encounter and (Cohan truth with produced” Precisely this moment it which is of during historical the exploration of tensions crises the and nature. personal of issues unsolved to answer object butan of magical of a finding theis the not aim of quest the into Thereforewhich in a quest-narrative, turns it hero the into world launch the (Vogler initially which 5). issue original the towards repositioning personal and of journey inner self-discovery an and reality factual with contact effective and outer of an journey realization both representing stages, several journey, Vladimir Propp’s previous analysisonthefolktales. 11 11 plot, the throughout Townsend road and the Along the confronting is other’s on each heads’. (Townsend, knocking synchronized included which routine dance in-car an perfected even had and on Wood’ of words ‘Knock the memorized men had three the again moving was hours’. ahalf [...] and for three Igotstuck traffic By journey time the done this time I Last atthis Walsall. like Ali. innit’,‘It’s always said ‘Volume of traffic, (Townsend, 2hours’ injuries: /Major 2hours injuries: /Minor 2hours Children: times waiting Department: Casualty the to Welcome notice ascrawled he read atrolley to request waited Jack While not humour: does lack episodes these However, all irony the pervading Number Ten ashamed. but feltvaguely he nothing said Minister The Prime open?’ whywasn’tso library the afternoon, on a Wednesday twelve-fifteen was ‘It Minister, Prime to the savagely he said car the inside he gotback When to work, Jack.’ back [...] going parents single to facilitate place in measures innumerable are irritably, ‘There replied Minister The Prime to work’. go women could the that so corner on every nursery aday was there war the ‘During said, Jack in a as The plot progresses of hero’s the tradition folk stories belong extended both to the fact, In

which starts with a disruption of the ordinary world and proceeds in in world proceeds and of ordinary adisruption the with starts which For acompletestudyofthe trope of thehero’s journey, seeHobby, ofcourseindebtto 150 ) 150 Number Ten 159 ) 159 road movie road for it “provides for space aready Number Ten 214) [...] (Townsend, (Townsend,

quence with herquence irrepressible with humour: World”: into “Special the ance guid and insight (Vogler) necessary narratives, the provideshero the which with “mentor,” of experienced it, the Jack becomes because element akey travel the in leaders: Labour previous of extremes from the supporter and far of a “middle-way” socialism Christian declared humblehis origins: despite cultivated bachelor highly matter-of-fact, and self-made confirmed man, righteous, alower Jack class, is provokes working quitetrast effect: acomic characters main of both dimensions constituent of the 3.2. The alterity ‘this is beyond surreal’. (Townsend, surreal’. beyond is ‘this to himself he thought spatula, alittle with knees Minister’s Prime the behind cream thedepilatory flesh, [...]smearing later, an ofwas hour hairy when Jack alot rather displaying be would Minister Prime the out pointed that had Jack However, grandilo Townsend possible any Quixote-Sancho-like us spares zoo’. atthe lion it house to the sell and shoulders off your head your ‘You tear one say I’ll to more Edinburgh] word and to my sister train the in awoman– like –dressed atEdward apass making been had who man [a to Mick to talk opportunity took the Jack absence, Minister’s Prime the During precisely and protagonists, representedDespite two by antithesis the the it sparkle’.made (Townsend, Windowlene and pink with glass picture the she cleaned aweek once because picture, Jesus Edward’s liked have must But Mummy drag. in Flynn Errol like ‘Eddy, looks Jesus bloody your saying, picture, the about grumbled sometimes [...] bed. had his above hung father that Edward’s of Jesus picture coloured idly viv atthe He glanced answered. been had prayers his that pleased was Edward husband, passionate graduate, university man, class ahigh-middle is Edward sauce. mint and of lamb piece Yvonne sister on spluttered ahalf-chewed His laughter. of [...] thenburst a andhuge a policeman’ to be ‘I want silence, was There [...]. stepfather his Said what?’ as ‘Such job. agood get world the and in ahead able to get be he would exams with that family to his [...] table kitchen the to explain tried had Jack ashop. from recorder [...] avideo atbought seated dinner, atSunday Once, None family. ever of whom had extended of alarge sheep black the He was con the and more be dissimilar, Jack Spratt cannot and Clare Edward (Townsend, (Townsend, Number Ten Number Ten 28) Number Ten 3) (Townsend, (Townsend, 97)

Number Ten 86) - - - -

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 117 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 118 is quite symbolic in this sense. this in quiteis symbolic the endthe at story to Jack’sof belonging budgie fromcage mother, free its flying journey. the The tometaphor start them eventually, impels what of is, the Pete, (cf.cerned Ganser, 13-14). for longing freedom the or Edwina, Either for Edward con confinementis from physical of escape possibility the as far as road narratives floor, the the for takes plotconventionsthe follows Edwina soonof as women’sas men the around: in reactions ‘expected’ the and himself Edward in feelings provokes which surprising fatale” “femme of the conventional characteristics some of most strikingly the features wina, alterEd ego, Edward’s female Thus, on unconsciously albeit some occasions. life, of areas all pervade they rule as out to difficult 5), on systems belief based (cf. gender displayed which is in Suthrell frameworks sumption of conceptual the films. and anumber of in books acommon device is comic Cross-dressing dimension. interesting athird with narrative journey provides the performance and 3.3. assumption Gender the world is resolved: against unison, in conflict, their and natures 194-210 Fuchs narrative lineinthefilm 12 Consequently, narrative journey this mirror. the in expressions womanly afew practiced lipstick. the with mouth his around drew [...] Stik. Pan and carefully stick then for lip bag shoulder his through looked and cover toilet-seat on the He down sat own. his wearing he did than wife’s clothes his wearing he felt more comfortable that fact alarming the about also but repercussions ugly and its tax landfill the not about only think, he where could quiet to somewhere away to get He had a woman like dressed theMidlands tours Clare Edward that fact The (Townsend, for him. same the did and afraid also was Minister Prime the that saw Jack Norma’s shoulders. around protectively put her arms and her mother behind stood ssister] went and [Jack’ [...] herself crack of the Yvonne all of Norma using he accused missing was [...] tin agents were government tobacco they the sion that that he when saw impres the under to mother] be Jack’s seem with living addict [aJames crack of steps movie” a“buddy (cf. plot typical addition, follows the In line this

See forexamplethedisplayofcross-dressing insomeMark Twain’s storiesorthemain ) as, eventually, the paradox represented opposed eventually, paradox protagonists’ the by both as, Number Ten Some Like It Hot 304). . turns into a “female” journey narrative narrative journey into a“female” turns (Townsend, (Townsend, 12 It as the implies Number Ten 85) He He - - - - -

laced with brilliant humour. The mocking discourse on Margaret Thatcher wasThatcher Margaret on discourse humour. The brilliant mocking with laced but criticism er’s her in sharp Blair’s and undoubtedly premierships manifest is, operating. simultaneously discourses counter or discourses different responded public to were the the leaders subjected whose views to scrutiny close both system, of political representatives the voter. highest the Labour the Being for disappointing possible scenario, best were, the in which policies with terms makeattempt public to opinion ina comeclear of office terms to of his discourse official modeled the turn, in which, employed speeches Blair words to construct frameworks. established Tony traditionally elements to seemed fitusual intothe away, in none as of disconcerting these somewhat values, religious personal and with Thatcher genderher played Margaret personalities. to their according means 233 Fisher and (cf.of government’s of the Blair Curtice case the of in action course of Thatcher,visionthe and case the of in action course citizens’ the to fashion searched both personalities, perception strong premierships. ofPossessing their topublic’s model the when them trying or either praise to criticize “material” amount of vast offered a leadership, strong and their through time of their ety its leader. as disappointing as is of Labour New discourse cal politi ego: alter the vision of the his through truth the face him makes but she also into Edwina Edward character Townsend his turns perception and that play with Thatcher.addition,In not of Margaret does only case the in as gender stereotypes in performed der, already she had which for comedy: once opportunity more, is, an into Edwina of Edward to way to give humour.not Townsend’s fail process of transformation the narration ) , which implied setting up a game of persuasion carried out through different out through carried of persuasion up agame implied setting , which However, all these theoretical considerations, deep as they may seem, may do they considerations, as deep theoretical However, these all Sue Townsend’s contribution of shaping to public the opinion of Thatch and Thatcher thesoci British transformed Margaret TonyBoth Blair Therefore,the publicperception thesame of by reinforced also is Toni Blair Minister? Prime Labour into Toni-the him woman first transmogrify eventually will of hormones that course ageisha’s. he as on Is a gracefully move as girly, hands is his expression his softened, has his voice fluffy, turned has hair his Tony fact, afeminization: In undergone has ofTownsend’s Tony amockery becomes also narration Blair’s perceived gen (Townsend, stockings. and belt asuspender on wearing initially not insisted Edward had less taken it had would and into Edwina, Edward form tidy)eyebrowtrans and to shave close a minutes (including It thirty-five took only (Townsend, (Townsend, 4. CONCLUSION 4. The Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole Adrian of Diaries Lost The 1999-2001 The Lost Diaries Lost The 99). Number Ten 68) - - - - - :

REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 119 REVISTA CANARIA DE ESTUDIOS INGLESES, 70; 2015, PP. 107-121 120 Huddy Hobby Grimley Ganser Buddy Politic.” J. “The Cynthia Fuchs, Curtice Cohan Abbot to citizens. its own unrecognizable already acountry around travelling while Clare Edward as he disguised perceives which confront reality to due inability to his mainly mocked is comedy. Blair he was, as Deceptive to introduce by Townsend device used is aliterary questioned; as cross-dressing gender is Clare, (mostly),Edward ofnot Blair’scounterpart, case fictive the In confrontthem.or to it connected either to assumptions fulfill the and femininity Thatcher as herplayed with dimensions different with parameters–although gender through mockery hope object of same of country, an the the becomes by herself. acknowledged as of Thatcher traits Tonywhite great theBlair, once most significant the with playing thus of character, dimension the moral alleged andgenderof in terms defined the generally the butpath adds follows Townsend Corner , H. Porter., H. , Blake, ed. ed. , Blake, , Leonie, and Nayda Nayda and , Leonie, , Steven, and Ina Ina and , Steven, , Alexandra. Alexandra. , , John, and Dick Dick and , John, , John, and Stephen Stephen and , John, , Matthew. “Thatcherism, Morality and Religion.” Religion.” and Morality “Thatcherism, , Matthew. Candidates.” Candidates.” Print. 2009. Criticism, UP, Print. 2012. 78-94. Cambridge Cambridge: Saunders. Robert and Jackson (1970-2000 Narratives Cinema 234-251. 2003. SAGE, Print. London: Bromley. Catherine and Jarvis, Lindsey Thomson, Katarina Curtice, John Park, Report). (the 20th Two over Decades Change and Continuity Attitudes: Social ish cism Hark. Rae Reviews sent to author: 8 February 2015. Revised paper accepted for publication: 15 2015. April publication: for accepted paper 2015. Revised 8February author: to sent Reviews . London: Sage, 2003. Print. 2003. Sage, . London: . Ed. Steven Cohan and Ina Rae Hark. London: Routledge, 1993. 194-210. Routledge, London: Hark. Print. Rae Ina and Cohan Steven . Ed. Diary Fiction: Writing as Action. as Writing Fiction: Diary The Hero’s Journey The

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