Televangelist Summaries February,1995

Affirmative Action ...... 22 Christian Coalition...... 26 Foster, Henry ...... 17, 19 Higher Education ...... 16 Liberals ...... 24 Republican Party ...... 25 School Prayer...... 17, 22 Victimization...... 21 700CLUB 2-1-95

Hosts: Ben Kinchlow, Terry Meeuwson, Lee Webb.


1. Prosecutors in the O.J. Simpson trial will get to make a second opening statement. 2. A poll shows President's Clinton's approval ratings are rising, but he isn't faring very well on Capitol Hill, as his bailout plan for Mexico is meeting opposition. 3. As Congressional Republicans tackle welfare reform, the church will need to step up and take an increased role in helping the needy. Kay James, Virginia's Secretary of Health and Human Services, is interviewed. 4. Terrorism is threatening the process in the Middle East. 5. GUEST: Yehuda Levy, publisher of "The Jerusalem Post."


1. A marriage almost falls apart because the husband is not a Christian. 2. GUEST: CBN President Michael Little. 3. GUEST: Stuart McCalpine, pastor of Christ Our Shepherd Church in Washington D.C.

700CLUB 2-2-95

Hosts: Lee Webb and Terry Meuuwsen.


1. President Clinton proposes a bailout plan for Mexico. 2. The House is expected to pass the Unfunded Mandates Reform Bill. 3. The Senate's debate on the Balanced Budget Amendment will be long. 4. The 73 Republican freshman revolutionaries in Congress are facing up to some Washington realities, as evidenced by the battle over the Balanced Budget Amendment. 5. GUEST: Freshman Representative John Shadegg (R-AR). 6. Israel's leaders will meet with PLO leaders to try to save peace process. [newsdesk] 7. The Fed will raise interest rates again. 8. Prosecution is trying to convince the jury that O.J. Simpson is a brutal wife beater. 9. AIDS is out of control among users of crack cocaine. 10. The son of a missionary in Panama dies. [enddesk]

15 11. Two brothers found after a two-day search.


1. A woman keeps her word to serve God by deciding not to have an abortion. 2. GUESTS: The "New Creation Singers" perform "Amazing Grace" and "God is the Light."

700 CLUB 2-3-95

Hosts: Lee Webb and Terry Meuuwsen.

1. The House passes the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. 2. The Senate Armed Services Committee is holding hearings on America's military readiness. 3. Ben Kinchlow interviews Rosey Grier about O.J. Simpson in . 4. The O.J. Simpson trial has turned into a media circus. 5. More of the Grier interview. 6. Some ministries are working to save the youth of Los Angeles. 7. President Clinton has named his choice for Surgeon General. 8. Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) may join race for president. 9. Damage estimates from the Japan earthquake is $130 billion.


1. GUEST: CBS sports announcer James Brown. 2. GUEST: A man who lost 300 pounds.


D. James Kennedy gives the "Spiritual State of the Nation."

Kennedy: "In fact the only place that you'll find any Communists at all I'm sure will be those few remaining hold-outs in the gulag of American public universities." The Family Research Council's Gary Bauer is interviewed after Kennedy's sermon.

700 CLUB 2-6-95

16 Hosts: Ben Kinchlow, Terry Meuuwsen, and Lee Webb.


1. Clinton proposes increase in minimum wage. 2. Clinton names a replacement for fired Surgeon General , but the nominee Henry Foster has already come under fire from conservative groups for his views on abortion and birth control. The Family Research Council's Kristi Hamrick is interviewed.

Kinchlow: "I think we should be very careful when you can consider that this is like saying the official government policy of the is abortion. When you appoint to the Surgeon General's office a man who has performed abortions, a man who has sat on Planned Parenthood's Board of Directors, who is obviously in favor of it, a man who started a program in to get condoms to teenagers. This is almost like saying to all of you who have any kind of traditional moral values that that is not part of what we are representative of in this government." 3. Some Congressional Republicans are calling for hearings on Clinton's bailout plan for Mexico, but Gingrich is opposed to the idea. 4. GUEST: Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) talks about the bailout plan. 5. Is New Orleans' curfew law a good crime-fighting law or a futile, repressive measure? 6. Israeli and Arab leaders meet in Cairo. [newsdesk] 7. The numbers of new AIDS cases has started to drop. 8. In Pontotoc County, Mississippi, a mother of five wants a federal court to stop student-led prayer in the local schools. REPORTER: "Lisa Herdahl claims her students have been teased and harassed by other students because they don't take part in voluntary prayer or Bible classes. But many local residents defend the idea of prayer. [clip of resident] That suit was brought by People For the American Way, which wants to ban all prayers and Bible verses from the school intercom system."

Kinchlow: "Very interesting. We need curfews to get our kids home because they're being killed and killing each other off in record numbers, but God forbid we should have something that might cut it off at the knees by having children turn back to something that really made this country great to begin with."

FEATURES: 1. Kinchlow talks to and works out with Joe Frazier and his son Marvis. 2. GUEST: Derek Prine, author of "The Spirit Filled Believer's Handbook."

17 700CLUB 2-7-95

Hosts: Terry Meeuwsen and Lee Webb.

NEWSWATCH: 1. President Clinton unveils his budget plan today. 2. The House is scheduled to vote on the line item veto today. 3. Clinton has told the federal mediator to come up with a proposal to bring the baseball strike to an end. 4. Senate opponents to a Balanced Budget Amendment will hold up debate for two or three weeks. 5. Is 1995 going to be a year of disaster? [newsdesk] 6. An American Space Shuttle approaches a Russian space station. 7. The nomination of Henry Foster to Surgeon General may be in trouble because he has perfromed abortions, then lied about how many he has performed. 8. Senator Bob Dole says the Senate will take a look at Affirmative Action. 9. The IRS may havce acted improperly when it warned five Black churches in Norfolk about political activity .. 10. Researchers warn that medical problems may causes symptoms that resemble those causes by child abuse. 11. Actor Douglas McClure dies. [enddesk] 12. A couple quest to adopt a child may be nearing a happy ending. 13. The PLO lauches an attack. [enddesk]

FEATURES: 1. A woman is healed by a "word of knowledge" on the "700 Club." 2. GUESTS: Singer Jennifer Holliday.

700 CLUB 2-8-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson and Terry Meeuwsen.

NEWSWATCH: 1. The House passes the Line Item Bill. 2. Congressional Republicans are blasting the President for handing down a timid budget. 3. Some House members are trying to stop Clinton's Mexican bailout plan.

18 4. Meningitis breaks out in Minnesota. 5. Could MSG and other excitotoxins be dangerous? [newsdesk] 6. National Right to Life has transcripts of meeting where Surgeon General Henry Foster says he performed "near 700" abortions. Last week, he said he performed about a dozen. 7. The CIA says millions of people are in danger of dying. [enddesk]

FEATURES: 1. A woman is healed by a "Word of Knowledge" on the "700 Club." 2. GUEST: Jennifer Holliday.

700 CLUB 2-9-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Ben Kinchlow, and Terry Meeuwsen. NEWSWATCH:

1. President Clinton is giving up on his efforts to bring an end to the baseball strike. 2. Henry Foster, Clinton's choice for Surgeon General, is coming under fire for performing abortions and for his involvement with Planned Parenthood.

Robertson: "It must be really embarrassing to the President because this guy apparently lied, saying he'd done less than a dozen, and yet in a hearing under oath, before another committee, and as the Washington Post and others have pointed out, the pro-life groups have long memories, but they also have good research people, so there must have been a Reagan mole in one of those agencies that just flipped through the record. And the President has egg all over his face, because he didn't check this nomination carefully enough, just like Lani Guinier. What she said was outrageous, and Joycelyn Elders, it was double-outrageous, and she had to go." "Elders was such an incredible embarrassment, the stuff that she said, and it looks like the President-he has a group that picks people, and it's time to shake up that group." 3. The first part of the Republican crime bill sails through Congress. 4. The Mississippi House of Representatives passes a law allowing a judge to sentence criminals to paddling. 5. Alleged Muslim terrorists are standing trial in New York. 6. Billy Graham is undertaking his most ambitious effort to fulfill Christ's commission. 7. GUEST: Bob Williams, who runs Billy Graham's global mission.

FEATURES: 1. A woman comes back from the brink of death.

19 2. INSIDE ENTERTAINMENT: Some movie recommendations for the family. 3. Robertson answers viewer mail.

700 CLUB 2-13-95

HOSTS: Ben Kinchlow and Dale Hurd


1. The White House will fight for Clinton's choice for Surgeon General. 2. Dan Quayle decides not to run for President, a decision which will likely help , who stole the show at the Conservative Political Action Conference. 3. The IRS has attempted to trample on privacy rights. 4. The United States is suffering from many of the ills, including hostility toward faith, homosexuality, and abortion, that destoyed other great societies. With Peter Marshall and Jim Gray, author of"When Nations Die." 5. GUEST: Jim Gray.


1. Inside Entertainment, with Peebo Bryson and Grant Goodeve.

700CLUB 2-14-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Terry Meuuwsen, and Lee Webb.


1. A growing number of Congressmen are coming out against Henry Foster, Clinton's choice for Surgeon General. 2. Clinton will battle the House Republicans who want to dismantle the President's crime bill. 3. Israel and the P.L.O pledge to carry on with the peace process. 4. As baby boomers age, the way we view the aging process is changing. 5. GUEST: Financial analyst Gary Shilling.


1. A man was headed for football stardom, but he gets stopped in his tracks. 2. GUEST: A woman discusses her new beginning.

20 700CLUB 2-15-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Ben Kinchlow and Terry Meuuwsen.


1. As the debate over Henry Foster rages, the White House is trying to save his nomination. 2. GUEST: Senator Don Nickles (R-OK) discusses the Foster nomination. 3. As the House votes on the last leg of the GOP crime bill, there is an incredible disconnect between the views of politicians and of police at the local level. 4. Can the Middle East peace process be salvaged, and what should the role of the U.S. be? 5. GUEST: Middle East expert David Dolan.


1. John Tesh talks about true love. 2. GUEST: Writer Doreen Virtue. 3. A few suggestions for Valentine's Day gifts.

700 CLUB 2-16-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Ben Kinchlow, and Terry Meuuwsen.


1. The House is working to undo some parts of Clinton's crime bill. 2. The Republicans have unveiled an ad campaign on the Balanced Budget Amendment to put pressure on undecided Democratic Senators. 3. New York is hit with threats of terrorist attack. 4. The Democratic Party is suffering under an unpopular President, competing factions, and an outdated and muddled message.

Robertson: "Their moral compass is so skewed. I mean they think that beating up on Christians is the way to win elections. That's what they're told by their pollsters, that evangelicals are unpopular in America, and we must run a campaign against them."

[newsdesk] 5. The Council that governs accreditation for medical school programs says all schools that teach women's health must teach how to give abortions. 6. The American Bar Association comes out against a school prayer amendment. 7. The New York University School Law has established a fellowship for gay rights. 8. There's been a burst of activity along the "Ring of Fire."

21 9. Roy Rogers enters a hospital. [enddesk]

Robertson: "Isn't it interesting, ladies and gentlemen. The thrust of America is to force abortions, force homosexuality, and for the ABA to come out against prayer, that somehow letting little children pray in school is a threat to our democracy is the most outrageous bit of balderdash out of that left-leaning body. It's ridiculous."


1. A couple's dream ofhaving a baby comes true. 2. GUESTS: A couple discusses their recoveries from difficult lives.

700 CLUB 2-17-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Ben Kinchlow, and Terry Meuuwsen.


1. The GOP hits roadblock in its effort to pass its National Security Bill. 2. The military's experiment of putting women on battle ships has resulted in a number of pregnancies .. 3. Stock Market soaring. 4. Citizens Against Government Waste releases its annual list of"pork-loving" politicians. 5. A campaign against affirmative action is starting in , a movement that is expected to reverberate across the country.

Robertson: "I told a group in Washington, I'll fight to the death to keep the door of opportunity open for you, but I'm not going to pick you up and carry you across. You've got to get up and walk over yourself."


1. A woman confuses sex for love, but then she finds the real thing. 2. Robertson answers viewer mail about faith. 3. GUEST: Singer Stephanie Mills.

700 CLUB 2-21-95

Hosts: Ben Kinchlow, Terry Meuuwsen, and Lee Webb.


1. The House passes the GOP's National Security Act in a watered-down fashion. 2. GUEST: Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy. 3. As debate on the Balanced Budget Amendment enters its third week, its outcome is still very much in doubt. 4. The Justice Department will investigate the financial dealings of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown. 5. Bill and Hillary Clinton will be questioned under oath by Whitewater investigator Ken Starr. 6. Hearings on Surgeon General nominee Henry Foster won't begin until April, but sources said the nomination will be dead on arrival. 7. Massachusetts is the latest state to consider a law allowing physician-assisted suicide. 8. An analysis of campaign contributions reveals that Hollywood figures are giving most of their money to the liberal Democrats that mainstream Americans rejected in the latest elections. 9. Women who smoke are having a tough time quitting. 10. Government moves to regulate the "Hooked-on-Phonics" home schooling-program.


1. A father and son find love for each other. 2. GUEST: Anthony Evans, of the Urban Alternative, discusses the role of fathers. 3. GUEST: Edwin Cole of the Christian Men's Network.

700 CLUB 2-22-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Terry Meuuwsen, and Lee Webb.


1. The state of Florida will try to sue tobacco companies for the health care costs of smoking. 2. President Clinton and several members of his administration face legal troubles. 3. The Republicans are keeping the promises contained in the Contract with America, but they have yet to take up the most controversial measures. 4. The sense of smell is an extremely powerful and mysterious tool for advertising. 5. The Supreme Court will use a Colorado case to decide whether states can ban all laws that protect homosexuals from preferred status. 6. Over the weekend, western governments committed more than $600 million to help Rwanda, but the money won't make people forget the horrors oflast year. 7. A 14-year-old Christian in Pakistan might be killed for writing anti-Islam statements on a wall.


1. A woman tries to kill herself eleven times in one year because of her abortions.

23 2. A man comes under the spell of hypnosis.

700 CLUB 2-23-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Terry Meuuwsen, and Lee Webb.


1. The new Republican Congress marched through its first 50 days, but tough days lie ahead. 2. GUEST: Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-TX). 3. President Clinton is working out a strategy for battling the GOP majority. 4. Newt Gingrich says the U.S. should cut off aid to Russia if it gives Iran weapons. 5. School officials in Bloomington, Minnesota reluctantly remove a picture of Jesus from the wall of a public school. 6. Christian are being persecuted all over the world. [newsdesk] 7. The nation's capitol is broke. 8. Will Mexico's economy survive? 9. The Southern Baptist Convention opposes Henry Foster, President Clinton's choice for Surgeon General.


1. A policeman almost loses everything, then he finds everything. 2. Local governments and school boards continue to prevent Christians from exercising their rights to free expression. The state ofNew York has been especially oppressive toward Christians. 3. GUEST: Jay Sekulow.

Robertson: "The hatred of God in our society among the so-called liberals is extraordinary. This religious cleansing has just reached fever proportion."

700CLUB 2-24-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Ben Kinchlow, and Terry Meuuwsen.


1. As Congress heads into the second half of its hundred days, political firestorms are breaking out all over the place. 2. Washington D.C. is suffering from a number of deep-seated ills. 3. GUEST: Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) talks about D.C.'s fiscal crisis.

24 4. First the Soviet Union fell. Is Russia next? 5. Another special prosecutor has gone off the reservation, this time regarding the HUD investigation. [newsdesk] 6. U.S. spies are caught in France. 7. Jane Fonda goes to Washington to pledge her support for family planning. [enddesk]


1. A man becomes addicted to death metal music. 2. CBN news is bringing a message of truth to millions. 3. Generation-Xers are searching for meaning in the wrong places. 4. GUEST: James Alexander, a youth specialist who has followed Generation X.


Falwell: "The Republicans are even talking about their 'big tent' now... Some of the Republicans want to bring in, like the Democrats have already done, these radical feminists, and abortionists, and homosexuals, and of course us. But I served notice in my opinion that there will be millions of Bible-believing Christians who won't stay in that tent, they will be looking for another one, and I'm one of them. And if they're looking for the weirdos and they want the radicals in their tent, maybe the time has come for a third party. But I can tell you the time has come for the Christians to stand up and be counted, and I don't care who likes it, and who gets mad. They were quoting the paper today, one homosexual writer got mad at me, bless his little heart. And they quoted someone else in there from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State . That's is an ACLU type group. And they quoted Tony Campollo. Tony used to be great with young people. Today he's pushing what I believe to be gay rights in the church. His wife Peggy-- he's a Baptist minister -- believes that the gay lifestyle, and the homosexual lifestyle is equally acceptable with the heterosexual lifestyle. She's nuts .. .Ifmy wife said that, I'd either straighten her out or I'd quit teaching."

700 CLUB 2-27-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Ben Kinchlow, and Terry Meuuwsen.


1. Wall street sets a record. 2. Budget battles are breaking out between Congressional Democrats and Republicans. 3. GUEST: House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-TX) talks about the GOP strategy.

25 4. What can the United States expect from terrorists in the future? 5. More and more African-Americans, fed up with failed liberal policies, are turning to the Republican party. With Alan Keyes.

Robertson: "In South Carolina, Roberta Combs, who is the head of the Christian Coalition down there, has now mobilized the Conservative Black churches to go into the Democratic caucuses and be elected democratic officers, and conservative white Christians are going into the Republican party. So if you've got both parties, it really doesn't matter."

6. A Fairfax county school was the scene of controversy over a pro-homosexual education.

Robertson: "When a society embraces homosexuality, according to the Bible, it's the last stage. The Bible says, 'Wherefore God gave them up to a reprobate mind.' When we begin to embrace this lifestyle, it's the end of the line for this society."

[newsdesk] 7. Phil Gramm officially announces his bid for the presidential nomination. 8. Secretary of State Warren Christopher goes into the hospital. 9. Two Pakistani Christians avoid the death penalty. 10. The IRS is cited for mismanagement.


1. Television star Joe Gannon recovers from his addiction to alcohol. 2. Robertson answers questions from the audience.

700 CLUB 2-28-95

Hosts: Pat Robertson, Terry Meuuwsen, and Lee Webb.


1. A British investment bank goes under as a result of some high-risk derivative trading. 2. The Balanced Budget Amendment is still very much in question. 3. GUEST: Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) talks about the BBA. 4. GUEST: Financial analyst Gerald Condon.


1. CBN' s new star search.

700 CLUB